ZİRVE ÜNİVERSİTESİ İKTİSADİ VE İDARİ BİLİMLER FAKÜLTESİ İKTİSAT LİSANS PROGRAMI DERS PLANI / / ZİRVE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES ECONOMICS CURRICULUM 1. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 1 2. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 2 Kod Ders Course T U K A BUS 105 Finansal Muhasebeye Giriş I Introduction to Financial Accounting I 3 0 3 BUS 101 İşletmeye Giriş I Introduction to Business I 3 0 ECON 101 Mikroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Microeconomics 3 0 ENG 101 Akademik İngilizce I Academic English I 3 Calculus I Turkish Language I 4 2 MATH 111 Kalkülüs I TURK 101/103*Türk Dili I TOPLAM Kod Ders Course T U K A Ö 7 BUS 106 Finansal Muhasebeye Giriş II Introduction to Financial Accounting II 3 0 3 7 BUS 105 3 6 TBT 102 Temel Bilgi Teknolojileri II Principles of Information Technology II 3 0 3 3 3 6 ECON 102 Makroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 0 3 8 0 3 3 ENG 102 Akademik İngilizce II Academic English II 3 0 3 3 0 0 4 2 6 2 MATH 112 Kalkülüs II TURK 102/104* Türk Dili II Calculus II Turkish Language II 4 2 0 0 4 2 7 2 18 0 18 30 18 0 18 Ö 30 TOPLAM 3. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 3 Kod Ders ECON 201 ECON 4. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 4 Course T U K A Atatürk’s Pr. and Hist. of Turkish Rev. I Business Law 2 3 0 0 2 3 2 8 Orta Seviye Mikroekonomi Intermediate Microeconomics 3 0 3 8 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 3 ATA 101/103* Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları I BUS 201/203 * Ticaret Hukuku TOPLAM 14 0 14 Ö ECON 101, MATH 111 Kod Ders Course T U K A ATA 102/104* ECON 202 Atatürk İlke ve İnkılapları I Orta Seviye Makroekonomi Atatürk’s Pr. and Hist. of Turkish Rev. I Intermediate Macroeconomics 2 3 0 0 2 3 2 8 ECON 210 ECON İstatistik Statistics 3 0 3 8 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 6 30 TOPLAM 5. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 5 Ders Course T U K A Ö Ekonometri I Econometrics I 3 0 3 6 ECON 210 ECON Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 ECON Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 T U K A Ö Ekonometri II Econometrics II 3 0 3 6 ECON 301 6 ECON Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 3 6 ECON Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 0 3 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 3 6 0 3 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 3 6 15 0 15 30 15 0 15 30 TOPLAM 8. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 8 T U K A Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 3 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 Non Area/ Area Elective Independent Study I / 3 0 ECON 491 / Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Bireysel Araştırma I / ECON 481 Uygulama I Practicum I 0 6 Ders Course T U K A Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 3 6 3 6 Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Non Area/ Area Elective 3 0 3 6 3 6 Non Area/ Area Elective Independent Study II / 3 0 3 6 ECON 492 / Alan Dışı/ Alan İçi Seçmeli Bireysel Araştırma II / ECON 482 Uygulama II Practicum II 0 6 3 6 TOPLAM 12 6 15 30 T U K PROGRAM TOPLAM 118 12 124 3 12 6 15 6 30 Ö ECON Not: Öğrencilerin 4. ya da 6. yarıyıl sonunda kredisiz yaz stajı yapmaları zorunludur. Note: Students are required to complete non-credit summer internship after the 4th or the 6th semester. T: Teori, U: Uygulama, K: Kredi, A: Ağırlıklı Katsayı, Ö: Ön Şart Abbreviations T: Theory, U: Practice, K: Total Credits, A: Workload, O: Prerequisite (*) Uluslararası Öğrenciler İçin (**) For International Students 6 30 Course Course Kısaltmalar 3 14 Ders Ders TOPLAM 0 0 ECON 102 MATH 111 Kod ECON 302 7. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 7 Kod ECON 3 14 Ö 6. YARIYIL / SEMESTER 6 Kod ECON 301 TOPLAM MATH 111 A 240 Ö Ö ZİRVE ÜNİVERSİTESİ İKTİSADİ VE İDARİ BİLİMLER FAKÜLTESİ İKTİSAT ÇİFT ANADAL VE YAN DAL PROGRAMLARI / / ZİRVE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES ECONOMICS DOUBLE MAJOR AND MINOR PROGRAMS ÇİFT ANA DAL ZORUNLU DERSLERI (MUST COURSES FOR ECONOMICS DOUBLE MAJOR) Ders Course T U K A ECON 101 Mikroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Microeconomics 3 0 3 6 ECON 102 ECON 201 Makroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 0 3 8 Orta Seviye Mikroekonomi Intermediate Microeconomics 3 0 3 8 EKONOMI YAN DALI ZORUNLU DERSLERI (MUST COURSES FOR ECONOMICS MINOR) Ders Course T U K A ECON 101 Mikroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Microeconomics 3 1 4 6 ECON 102 ECON 201 Makroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 1 4 6 ECON 101, MATH 111 Orta Seviye Mikroekonomi Intermediate Microeconomics 3 0 3 8 İstatistik Statistics 3 0 3 6 Ekonometri I Econometrics I 3 0 3 6 3 0 3 6 3 0 3 P ECON 202 Orta Seviye Makroekonomi Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 0 3 8 ECON 102 ECON 210 ECON 210 İstatistik Statistics 3 0 3 8 MATH111 ECON 301 ECON 301 Ekonometri I Econometrics I 3 0 3 6 ECON 210 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective ECON 302 Ekonometri II Econometrics II 3 0 3 6 ECON 301 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective Alan İçi Seçmeli 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 TOPLAM 39 0 39 86 TOPLAM 21 2 23 P ECON 101, MATH 111 ECON 210 6 44 OR EKONOMI YAN DALI ZORUNLU DERSLERI (MUST COURSES FOR ECONOMICS MINOR) Ders Course T U K A ECON 101 Mikroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Microeconomics 3 1 4 6 ECON 102 ECON 202 Makroekonomiye Giriş Introduction to Macroeconomics 3 1 4 6 Orta Seviye Makroekonomi Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 0 3 8 ECON 210 İstatistik Statistics 3 0 3 6 ECON 301 Ekonometri I Econometrics I 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 6 Alan İçi Seçmeli Area Elective 3 0 3 TOPLAM 21 2 23 P ECON 102, MATH 111 ECON 210 6 44 Other Requirements for Double Major in Economics Other Requirements for Minor in Economics Minimum CGPA of 3 needs to be maintained Minimum CGPA of 3 needs to be maintained. A student must take at least 36 credits of ECON courses not including those listed in the curriculum of student's main major. A student must take at least 18 credits of ECON courses not including those listed in the curriculum of student's main major. ZİRVE ÜNİVERSİTESİ İKTİSADİ VE İDARİ BİLİMLER FAKÜLTESİ / ZİRVE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES İKTİSAT ALAN İÇİ SEÇMELİ DERSLERİ / ECONOMICS AREA ELECTIVES Course Code Area Electives ECON 211 Applied Economic Analysis I ECON 212 Applied Economic Analysis II ECON 231 Reading Seminar in Economics I ECON 232 Reading Seminar in Economics II ECON236 International Political Economy ECON 237 Economic History ECON 238 Turkish Economy ECON 311 Advanced Microeconomic Theory ECON 312 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory ECON 313 Industrial Organization ECON 314 Economics of Regulation and Antitrust ECON 316 Mathematical Economics ECON 331 Game Theory ECON 332 Economics of Information and Contracts ECON 341 Market Design ECON 342 Political Economics ECON 343 Social Choice and Welfare ECON 361 International Trade ECON 362 International Finance ECON 363 Economic Growth ECON 364 Development Economics ECON 365 Money and Banking ECON 366 Public Finance ECON 371 Comparative Economic Systems ECON 372 History of Economic Thought ECON 374 Economics of Law ECON 401 - 409 Teaching Tutorials in Economics ECON 410 - 420 Selected Topics in Economics ECON 421 Economics of Gender ECON 423 Behavioral Economics ECON 424 Experimental Economics ECON 431 Advanced Reading Seminar in Economics I ECON 432 Advanced Reading Seminar in Economics II ECON 441 Applied Microeconomics ECON 442 Applied Macroeconomics ECON 451 Health Economics ECON 452 Labor Economics ECON 453 Public Economics ECON 455 Environmental Economics ECON 456 Natural Resource Economics ECON 461 Agricultural Economics ECON 463 Real Estate Economics and Finance ECON 464 Urban Economics ECON 465 Transportation Economics ECON 466 Regional Economics ECON 468 Sports Economics ECON 469 Transition Economics ECON 471 Advanced Econometrics ECON 472 Applied Econometrics ECON 473 Time Series Analysis ZİRVE ÜNİVERSİTESİ İKTİSADİ VE İDARİ BİLİMLER FAKÜLTESİ İKTİSAT ALAN İÇİ SEÇMELİ DERSLERİNİN KODLARINA DAĞILIMI / / ZİRVE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES DISTRIBUTION OF ECONOMICS AREA ELECTIVES SEMESTER 3 SEMESTER 4 Course Code Area Electives Course Code Area Electives ECON 211 Applied Economic Analysis I ECON 212 Applied Economic Analysis II ECON 231 Reading Seminar in Economics I ECON 232 Reading Seminar in Economics II ECON 236 International Political Economy ECON 238 Turkish Economy ECON 237 Economic History SEMESTER 5 SEMESTER 6 Course Code Area Electives Course Code Area Electives ECON 311 Advanced Microeconomic Theory ECON 312 Advanced Macroeconomic Theory ECON 313 Industrial Organization ECON 314 Economics of Regulation and Antitrust ECON 316 Mathematical Economics ECON 331 Game Theory ECON 332 Economics of Information and Contracts ECON 341 Market Design ECON 342 Political Economics ECON 343 Social Choice and Welfare ECON 360 International Economics ECON 361 International Trade ECON 362 International Finance ECON 363 Economic Growth ECON 364 Development Economics ECON 365 Money and Banking ECON 366 Public Finance ECON 371 Comparative Economic Systems ECON 372 History of Economic Thought ECON 374 Economics of Law SEMESTER 7 SEMESTER 8 Course Code Area Electives Course Code Area Electives ECON 401 - 409 Teaching Tutorials in Economics ECON 401 - 409 Teaching Tutorials in Economics ECON 410 - 420 Selected Topics in Economics ECON 410 - 420 Selected Topics in Economics ECON 421 Economics of Gender ECON 423 Behavioral Economics ECON 424 Experimental Economics ECON 431 Advanced Reading Seminar in Economics I ECON 432 Advanced Reading Seminar in Economics II ECON 441 Applied Microeconomics ECON 442 Applied Macroeconomics ECON 451 Health Economics ECON 452 Labor Economics ECON 453 Public Economics ECON 455 Environmental Economics ECON 456 Natural Resource Economics ECON 457 Energy Economics ECON 461 Agricultural Economics ECON 463 Real Estate Economics and Finance ECON 464 Urban Economics ECON 465 Transportation Economics ECON 466 Regional Economics ECON 468 Sports Economics ECON 472 Applied Econometrics ECON 469 Transition Economics ECON 471 Advanced Econometrics ECON 473 Time Series Analysis ZİRVE ÜNİVERSİTESİ İKTİSADİ VE İDARİ BİLİMLER FAKÜLTESİ İKTİSAT ALANİÇİ SEÇMELİ DERSLERİNİN KODLARINA GÖRE DAĞILIMI Ders Kodu / Course Code Alaniçi Seçmeli Dersler / Area Electives / / ZİRVE UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES DISTRIBUTION OF ECONOMICS AREA ELECTIVES Ders Kodu / Course Code Alaniçi Seçmeli Dersler / Area Electives ECON 211 Uygulamalı Ekonomik Analiz I Applied Economic Analysis I ECON 212 Uygulamalı Ekonomik Analiz II Applied Economic Analysis II ECON 231 İktisat Okumaları I Reading Seminar in Economics I ECON 232 İktisat Okumaları II Reading Seminar in Economics II ECON 236 Uluslararası Ekonomi Politiği International Political Economy ECON 237 Ekonomi Tarihi Economic History ECON 238 Türkiye Ekonomisi Turkish Economy ECON 311 İleri Mikroekonomi Teorisi Advanced Microeconomic Theory ECON 312 İleri Makroekonomi Teorisi Advanced Macroeconomic Theory ECON 313 Endüstriyel Organizasyon I Industrial Organization I ECON 314 Endüstriyel Organizasyon II Industrial Organization II ECON 315 Düzenlemeler ve Antitröst Ekonomisi Economics of Regulation and Antitrust ECON 316 Matematiksel Ekonomi Mathematical Economics ECON 331 Oyun Teorisi Game Theory ECON 332 Bilgi ve Kontrat Ekonomisi Economics of Information and Contracts ECON 341 Piyasa Dizaynı Market Design ECON 342 Politik Ekonomi Political Economics ECON 343 Sosyal Seçim ve Refah Social Choice and Welfare ECON 360 Uluslararası Ekonomi International Economics ECON 361 Uluslararası Ticaret International Trade ECON 362 Uluslararası Finans International Finance ECON 363 Ekonomik Büyüme Economic Growth ECON 364 Gelişme Ekonomisi Development Economics ECON 365 Para ve Banka Money and Banking ECON 366 Kamu Ekonomisi Public Economics ECON 371 Karşılaştırmalı Ekonomik Sistemler Comparative Economic Systems ECON 372 Ekonomik Düşünceler Tarihi History of Economic Thought ECON 374 Hukuk Ekonomisi Economics of Law ECON 401 - 409 Ekonomi Eğitmenliği Teaching Tutorials in Economics ECON 410 - 420 Ekonomiden Seçilmiş Konular Selected Topics in Economics ECON 401 - 409 Ekonomi Eğitmenliği Teaching Tutorials in Economics ECON 421 Cinsiyet Ekonomisi Economics of Gender ECON 410 - 420 Ekonomiden Seçilmiş Konular Selected Topics in Economics ECON 423 Davranışsal Ekonomi Behavioral Economics ECON 424 Deneysel Ekonomi Experimental Economics ECON 431 İleri İktisat Okumaları I Advanced Reading Seminar in Economics I ECON 432 İleri İktisat Okumaları II Advanced Reading Seminar in Economics II ECON 441 Uygulamalı Mikroekonomi Applied Microeconomics ECON 442 Uygulamalı Makroekonomi Applied Macroeconomics ECON 451 Sağlık Ekonomisi Health Economics ECON 452 işgücü Ekonomisi Labor Economics ECON 453 Kamu Maliyesi Public Finance ECON 455 Çevre Ekonomisi Environmental Economics ECON 456 Doğal Kaynaklar Ekonomisi Natural Resource Economics ECON 457 Enerji Ekonomisi Energy Economics ECON 461 Tarım Ekonomisi Agricultural Economics ECON 462 Turizm Ekonomisi Economics of Tourism ECON 463 Emlak Ekonomisi ve Finansı Real Estate Economics and Finance ECON 464 Kent Ekonomisi Urban Economics ECON 465 Ulaştırma Ekonomisi Transportation Economics ECON 466 Bölgesel Ekonomi Regional Economics ECON 468 Spor Ekonomisi Sports Economics ECON 469 Geçiş Ekonomisi Transition Economics ECON 470 Kurumların Ekonomisi The Economics of Institutions ECON 471 İleri Ekonometri Advanced Econometrics ECON 472 Uygulamalı Ekonometri Applied Econometrics ECON 473 Zaman Serileri Ekonometrisi Time Series Econometrics
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