ECE ERDENER ACAR Cirriculum Vitae (October 2014) E-mail: [email protected] Phone (office): 0 232 411 52 18 EDUCATION 2007-2014 Ph.D. Izmir University of Economics, Business Administration, Major in Accounting, Thesis: Corporate Governance and Provisions under IAS 37 2003-2006 M.A. Izmir University of Economics, European Studies, Thesis; Effects of Recent Amendments in Accounting Standards on Consolidated Financial Statements 1998-2003 Undergraduate degree, Dokuz Eylül University, Public Finance ACADEMIC POSITIONS Since October 2014 Assisstant Professor, Yaşar University, Business Administration 2010-2014 Lecturer, Izmir University of Economics, Business Administration 07/08 2008 Visitor Research Scholar at University of Texas at Dallas, USA. 2004-2010 Research Assistant, Izmir University of Economics, Business Administration ARTICLES THAT ARE PUBLISHED IN THE PERIODICALS WHICH ARE SCANNED BY WEB OF SCIENCE (WOS) INDEXES Accounting Conservatism in the Post-IFRS Period: Do Provisions Matter?, İktisat İşletme ve Finans, Vol. 28, No. 324, 109-130, (February, 2013) (with Özkan S., and Karaibrahimoğlu Zengin Y.) Ethical Behavior in Accounting: Some Evidence from Turkey, African Journal of Business Management, Vol. 3(10), October 2009 (with Karaibrahimoğlu Zengin Y., and Var T.) ARTICLES THAT ARE PUBLISHED IN THE PERIODICALS WHICH ARE SCANNED BY OTHER INTERNATIONAL INDEXES (EXCLUDING WOS) Finansal Tablolarin Sunum Tarihini Etkileyen Faktörler: İMKB Firmalari Üzerine Bir Uygulama (Factors Affecting Financial Reporting Date: An Examination On ISE Listed Companies), Muhasebe Ve Bilim Dünyası Dergisi (World Of Accounting Science) , Vol. 15, No. 3, 167-185, 2013 (with Özkan S., Karaibrahimoglu Y. And Öz I.O.) The Relationship Between Mcss And Strategy; An Evidence From SMEs, International Journal of Strategic Management, Volume 11, Number 1, 2011 (with Karaibrahimoğlu Y., and Günay G.) Brokerage Fims: Tigers And Underdogs, International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Issue 52, October, 2010 (with Kaymaz Ö. & Kaymaz Ö.) Gender Stereotyping in the Accounting Profession in Turkey, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, Volume 6, Number 4, April 2010, Serial Number 59 (with Katrinli A., Günay G., and Karaibrahimoğlu ZenginY) The Impacts of International Accounting/Financial Reporting Standards on the Financial Statement Analysis; An Overview, Mali Çözüm, Volume:97, January-February 2010 (with Özkan S.) CHAPTERS IN SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHERS International Portfolio Diversification Benefits among Developed and Emerging Markets within the context of Recent Global Financial Crisis, in Strategic Business Infrastructure Development and Contemporary Issues in Finance, IGI Global Publication, USA, 2014 (with Vardar, G., Aydogan B) PAPERS PUBLISHED AS A FULL TEXT IN A CONFERENCE BOOK SCANNED BY OTHER INDEXES (EXCLUDING WOS) Relevance of CMB Monetary Penalties on Returns, 7th International Accounting Conference, Relationship between Law and Accounting under the Recent Developments, held by Accounting Academicians’ Collaboration Foundation, October 2010, Turkey (with Varan S. and Karaibrahimoğlu Y.) Basel II: Şirket Derecelendirmesinde Kalitatif Faktörlerin Geliştirilmesi, I.International Symposium on SMEs and BASEL II, Proceedings, pp.343-350, May 2008, Turkey (with Zengin Y.) Does Education Improve Ethical Attitudes, 16th Annual World Business Congress, July 2007, The Netherlands (with Karaibrahimoğlu Zengin Y., and Var T.) PAPERS PUBLISHED AS A SUMMARY TEXT IN A CONFERENCE BOOK SCANNED BY OTHER INDEXES (EXCLUDING WOS) Finansal Tabloların Sunum Tarihini Etkileyen Faktörler: İMKB Firmaları Üzerine Bir Uygulama, 1. Uluslararası Muhasebe ve Finans Sempozyumu, Mayıs 2012, Gaziantep, Türkiye (with Özkan S., Karaibrahimoğlu Y., and Öz O.) Strong versus Weak Culture Does It Matter On Accounting Practices?, Yeditepe International Research Conference on Business Strategies Proceedings, June 2008, Turkey (with Köse S., Zengin Y. And Aktan A.) PAPERS PRESENTED IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS SUCH AS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES, SYMPOSIUMS, PANELS A Sharp Path to Initial Public Offerings (IPOs): A Case Study in an SME, 9. Uluslararası Muhasebe Konferansı, KOBI Muhasebe Ölçüm Teknikleri Ve Finansal Tablo Açıklamaları, Held By Accounting Academicians’ Collaboration Foundation (MÖDAV), 2012,( with Özkan S., Karaibrahimoğlu Y., and Öz O.) The Impacts of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Disclosure Level of Provisions, Financial Reporting and Business Communication Conference, PhD Stream, July 2012, Bristol, UK. The Impacts of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Disclosure Level of Provisions, 3rd Early Career Academics Research Development Program, held by European Accounting Association (EAA) & School of Business, Istanbul University, May 2012, Istanbul, Turkey. The Impacts of Corporate Governance Mechanisms on Disclosure Level of Financial Forward Looking Information: Case of IAS 37 Disclosure in Turkey, Doctoral Consortium, 8th International Accounting Conference, Corporate Governance and Control, held by Accounting Academicians’ Collaboration Foundation, October 2011, Turkey. Accounting Ethics Teachable or Not: Experience in Turkey, Business and Economics Society International Conference, July 2007, France ( with Karaibrahimoğlu Zengin Y., and Var T.) PAPERS PRESENTED IN SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS SUCH AS NATIONAL CONGRESSES, SYMPOSIUMS, PANELS IFRS Education in Turkish Universities (Türk Üniversitelerinde TFRS Eğitimi) , XIV.Turkish Accounting Standards Symposium (XIV.Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Sempozyumu), Kıbrıs, 2010 (with Susmuş S., Özan H.M.) Accounting Policies, Estimations and Errors – Revenue (Muhasebe Politikaları, Tahminler, Hatalar – Hasılat), XIII.Turkish Accounting Standards Symposium (XIII.Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Sempozyumu), Kıbrıs, 2009 (with Özkan S.) Special Topics in the Analysis of Financial Reports prepared in accordance with International Financial Repoting Standards (Finansal Raporlama Standartlarına Göre Hazırlanmış Finansal Tabloların Analizinde Dikkat Edilmesi Gereken Özellikli Alanlar), XII.Turkish Accounting Standards Symposium (XII. Türkiye Muhasebe Standartları Sempozyumu), Kıbrıs, 2008 (with Özkan S.) TAKING PART AS RESEARCHER/COUNSELLOR IN PROJECTS SUPPORTED BY NATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Development of International Competitiveness Project-Shoe-Making Industry, (2012), Ministry of Economics Development of International Competitiveness Project-Plastic Industry, (2012) Ministry of Economics FOR EACH ATTRIBUTION (WHERE THE CANDIDATE IS NOT THE AUTHOR) TO THE WORK PUBLISHED IN INTERNATIONAL REFEREED PERIODICALS THAT ARE SCANNED BY INDEXES OTHER THAN WOS Citing: Nadia Albu (2012) A Framework for the Analysis of the Stereotypes in Accounting - World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology Cited: Gender Stereotyping in the Accounting Profession in Turkey - Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCE ORGANIZATIONS International Symposium SMEs and BASEL II, İzmir University of Economics, 02-04 May 2008, Izmir, Turkey,, Organization Committee Member) INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL CONFERENCES and WORKSHOPS ATTENDANCE 33th European Accounting Association (EEA) Annual Congress -İstanbul, 19-21 May, 2011. Sunder S., (Yale School of Management). 2008. "Accounting and Contract Theory of the Firm”, “Market and “Fair” Value Accounting”, “Earnings Management”, MARC Seminar Series, Nov. 24-26, METU, Ankara, Turkey 17th World Congress of Accountants, November 2006, İstanbul RESEARCH AREAS OF INTEREST Financial Accounting, Managerial and Cost Accounting, International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRSs), Corporate Governance COURSES GIVEN 2010-2011 Fall Semestre 2010-2011 Spring Semestre 2010-2011 Summer Term 2011-2012 Fall Semestre 2011-2012 Spring Semestre 2011-2012 Summer Term 2012-2013 Fall Semester 2013-2014 Fall Semester 2013-2014 Spring Semester 2014-2015 Fall Semester Managerial and Cost Accounting (2 sections) Financial Accounting II (2 sections) Financial Accounting II (1 section) Financial Accounting I (1 section) & Managerial and Cost Accounting (2 sections) & Financial and Cost Accounting (1 section) Managerial and Cost Accounting (3 sections) & Financial Accounting I (1 section) Financial Accounting I (1 section) Financial Accounting I (4 sections) Financial Accounting I (4 sections) & Term Project Financial Accounting II (2 sections) & Managerial and Cost Accounting (2 sections) & Term Project Financial Statement Analysis & Principles of Accounting
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