CROATIAN Treba li vam pomoć nakon smrti u obitelji? Srpanj, 2013. U ovim brošurama naći ćete informacije o novčanoj i drugim oblicima pomoći koje su vam dostupne u slučaju smrti bliske osobe. U njima ćete naći korake koje trebate poduzeti, te informacije o dostupnim oblicima financijske i emocionalne pomoći. Financijska pomoć na koju možda imate pravo Bereavement Payment Bereavement Payment pomaže u prilagodbi na promijenjene okolnosti financijskih potreba nakon smrti partnera, djeteta ili osobe za koju skrbe. Vrsta Bereavement Payment isplate koju možete dobiti, ovisit će o Centrelink-ovim isplatama koje primate i vašem srodstvu s preminulom osobom. Bereavement Allowance Bereavement Allowance je kratkotrajni doplatak koji se plaća udovcima ili udovicama kako bi im se pomoglo prilagoditi se na nove okolnosti nakon smrti partnera. Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment je jednokratna suma koja ne podliježe porezu, koja se plaća živućem partneru preminule osobe koja je bila član Pension Bonus Scheme i koja prije smrti nije uspjela steći pravo na Age Pension i Pension Bonus. Da biste provjerili imate li pravo na ove Centrelink-ove isplate te za dodatne informacije, posjetite nazovite nas na 132 300, ili posjetite uslužni centar. Widow Allowance Widow Allowance pruža financijsku pomoć ženama koje su rođene prije 1. srpnja 1955. i postale udovice, rastale se ili razdvojile od partnera prije no što su navršile 40 godina i koje nisu već dugo bile u radnom odnosu. Za više informacija ili za potraživanje Widow Allowance posjetite nazovite nas na 132 850 ili posjetite uslužni centar. Family assistance (Obiteljska pomoć) Ako ste roditelj ili skrbnik djeteta koje umre, a primali ste ili-ili imali pravo primati Family Tax Benefit 1za to dijete, možda imate pravo na Bereavement Payment. Ovo plaćanje se može nastaviti u dvotjednim isplatama u trajanju do 14 tjedana nakon djetetove smrti ili u vidu jednokratnog iznosa. Još uvijek možete imati pravo primati Baby Bonus ili Parental Leave Pay, Maternity Immunisation Allowance ili Dad and Partner Pay za dijete koje je umrlo. HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 1 OF 9 Child Support plaćanja Ako plaćate ili primate child support za dijete koje je umrlo, nazovite nas na 131 272. Morate nas nazvati također ukoliko rješavate stanje osobe koja je umrla, a plaćala je ili primala child support. Double Orphan Pension Double Orphan Pension osigurava pomoć kod skrbi djece koja su siročad ili za koju se njihovi roditelji u određenim okolnostima ne mogu brinuti. Za više informacija o Double Orphan Pension, posjetite nazovite nas na 136 150 ili posjetite uslužni centar. Visina isplata Za najnovije informacije o visini isplata, posjetite ili uslužni centar. Ostale informacije Dodatne mogućnosti stjecanja prava na doplatak Ovisno o situaciji u kojoj se nalazite, možda možete predati molbu za primanje drugih oblika doplatka, poput Newstart Allowance, Parenting Payment ili Youth Allowance ukoliko se vaše potrebe za dohodovnom potporom nastave. Dodatne informacije o ovim isplatama i uvjetima stjecanja prava na ove doplatke, naći ćete na Socijalni djelatnici Socijalni djelatnici vam mogu pomoći ako vam treba netko za razgovor nakon smrti bliske osobe. Socijalni djelatnici vam mogu pomoći kroz razgovor, podršku i informacije i mogu vas uputiti u druge službe i programe poput stambenih, zdravstvenih, hitnih i pravnih usluga. Nazovite 132 300 kako biste porazgovarali sa socijalnim djelatnikom ili s njim zakazali sastanak u uslužnom centru. Financial Information Service Nakon smrti bliske osobe, možda će vam biti potrebna pomoć kako biste mogli bolje razumjeti financijske poslove, ulaganja i imovinu koju posjedujete. Naši djelatnici u Financial Information Service mogu vam pružiti besplatne i povjerljive informacije kako biste mogli doći do informiranih odluka o svojim investicijama i financijskim pitanjima. Za zakazati razgovor s Financial Information Service officer, posjetite ili nazovite 132 300. HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 2 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Što učiniti nakon nečije smrti Uvijek kada osoba premine, liječnik mora potpisati potvrdu o smrti. Pogreb se ne može organizirati dok liječnik ne potpiše i ne izda ovu potvrdu (koja se obično naziva Doctor’s Certificate of Cause of Death). Pogrebno poduzeće tada može preuzeti brigu o preminuloj osobi. Direktor pogrebnog poduzeća koji je zadužen za organiziranje pogreba, sakupit će sve informacije koje su potrebne da bi se smrt mogla uknjižiti i poslati ih relevantnom državnom ili teritorijskom uredu. Direktor pogrebnog poduzeća također može pomoći organizirati poslove poput objave smrti u novinama, cvijeće i vjerski obred. Ako ne znate koga kontaktirati, organizacija Funeral Directors Association u vašoj državi vam može pomoći. Ukoliko pogrebno poduzeće nije uključeno u organizaciju pogreba, osoba koja organizira pogreb odgovorna je za uknjižbu smrti. Kada osoba premine, o njenoj smrti treba obavijestiti veći broj osoba i organizacija. Pogledajte priloženi popis osoba i organizacija koje ćete možda morati kontaktirati. Prije nego započnete kontaktirati iste, vrijedilo bi provjeriti ako je umrla osoba ostavila nekakve osobne podatke i dokumente. Ti podaci mogu sadržavati službene brojeve uknjižbe koji mogu biti od važnosti drugim osobama ili organizacijama. Police osiguranja Ponekad privatno zdravstveno, bolesničko, životno ili drugo osiguranje može pomoći u pokrivanju troškova pogreba i drugih izdataka. Kako biste saznali da li je preminula osoba imala osiguranje, nazovite relevantnu osiguravajuću tvrtku i raspitajte se mogu li vam u tome pomoći. Planiranje pogreba i pogrebne obveznice Neke osobe unaprijed plate troškove svog pogreba. Planiranje pogreba uključuje plaćanje unaprijed za dogovorenu vrstu pogreba. Pogrebne obveznice predstavljaju novac koji je osoba ostavila za pokrivanje troškova pogreba. Ukoliko vjerujete da je pogreb unaprijed plaćen ili da su uplaćene pogrebne obveznice, ali ne možete pronaći dokumentaciju koja to potvrđuje, možda se ona nalazi kod odvjetnika ili izvršitelja oporuke. Oporuka Oporuka je pravno obvezujući dokument koji zacrtava kako će se imovina preminule osobe raspodijeliti nakon njene smrti. Izvršitelj oporuke zadužen je za raspodjelu imovine osobama imenovanim u oporuci. Ona se provodi nakon podmirivanja svih troškova. Ukoliko osoba nije ostavila oporuku, njena imovina se raspodjeljuje prema zakonski zacrtanoj formuli. Ukoliko preminula osoba nema bliže rodbine, postoji mogućnost da će njena imovina pripasti matičnoj državi ili teritoriji. HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 3 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Pomoć koju možete dobiti nakon smrti bliske osobe Dostupna vam je pomoć kako biste se mogli prilagoditi na život nakon smrti bliske osobe. Vaš Citizens Advice Bureau ili informativna služba mjesne zajednice vas može staviti u kontakt sa grupama za pomoć. Period ožalošćenosti Ožalošćenost je dio prirodnog procesa prilagodbe novim okolnostima nakon gubitka bliske osobe koji može potrajati. Psiholozi i drugi savjetnici mogu pomoći ožalošćenim osobama. Vjerski savjetnici i direktori pogrebnih poduzeća mogu vam također pomoći u vašoj tuzi. Usamljenost Može vam se u početku činiti teškim uključiti se ponovno u društvene grupe i aktivnosti. Možda ćete željeti biti među ljudima, a možda nećete. Vremenom, možda ćete u društvu drugih osoba razviti nove interese. Vaše mjesno općinsko vijeće, društveni zdravstveni centar ili naši socijalni djelatnici mogu vas upoznati s organizacijama poput Rotary ili Apex. Ove organizacije će cijeniti vaše dragovoljno uključivanje u rad i moći ćete se uključiti u njihove aktivnosti. Zdravlje Potrudite se da jedete zdravu hranu i redovito vježbate, što će vam možda pomoći uspostaviti izgubljenu rutinu. Ukoliko je potrebno, možemo za vas organizirati posjete patronažne medicinske sestre. Društvene grupe ili mjesna općinska vijeća mogu za vas organizirati usluge čišćenja kuće ili održavanja vrta. Neke od ovih usluga su besplatne, a neke se pružaju jedino nakon procjene potreba. Financijska pitanja Ako vam je potrebna pomoć da biste proračunali budžet, brinuli se o svojim financijama ili ukoliko ste u težoj financijskoj situaciji, možete porazgovarati sa financijskim savjetnikom ako kontaktirate: • vašu mjesni službu Community Information and Referral Service • ruralne financijske savjetodavne službe • Financial Counselling Australia. Neplaćeni dugovi Rodbina i prijatelji ne moraju platiti dugove preminule osobe osim ukoliko dugovanja nisu na zajedničkom imenu. Dugovi se mogu platiti sredstvima iz imovine preminule osobe. HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 4 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Promjene u vašim financijskim okolnostima Nakon smrti voljene osobe možda ćete se morati bolje upoznati sa svojim financijskim poslovima. Kada jedna osoba unutar bračnog para premine, druga osoba obično nasljeđuje imovinu koja je prethodno bila uknjižena na oba imena. Možda ćete također imati pravo i na isplatu sredstava mirovinskog fonda preminule osobe. Trebate kontaktirati relevantni mirovinski fond i raspitati se imate li pravo na isplatu sredstava mirovinskog fonda. Trebate nas obavijestiti o promjenama u vašem dohotku ili imovini, budući da one mogu utjecati na isplatu od Centrelink-a koju primate ili koju ćete možda imati pravo primati. Trebate također pažljivo procijeniti implikacije koje prijenos imovine na djecu ili druge članove obitelji ili prijatelje može imati. Ovakvo zaobilaženje vlastitih interesa može rezultirati promjenom u vašem imovinskom statusu i promjenom iznosa isplata. Prijevremeni pristup sredstvima mirovinskog fonda Sredstva iz mirovinskog fonda se u načelu ne mogu podići prije dostizanja određene starosne dobi. Međutim, u određenim okolnostima se sredstva iz mirovinskog fonda mogu ranije podići, uključujući specificirane razloge sućuti i teše financijske poteškoće. Za dodatne informacije o prijevremenom pristupu sredstvima mirovinskog fonda iz razloga sućuti, posjetite ili nazovite 1300 131 060. Za dodatne informacije o prijevremenom pristupu sredstvima mirovinskog fonda iz razloga teške financijske krize, kontaktirajte svoj mirovinski fond. Osoba koja s nama može kontaktirati u vaše ime Ako biste više voljeli da netko drugi obavlja poslove u vaše ime, možete ovlastiti neku osobu ili organizaciju da to za vas čini. O ovim aranžmanima možete naći više informacija na ili ako nas nazovete. Dodatna pomoć Ako imate određene troškove ili pitanja za koja vam je potrebna dodatna pomoć, možda je možete dobiti na slijedećim mjestima: • pomoć od Department of Veterans’ Affairs • Centrepay • Rent Deduction Scheme • Income Management • prijevremeni pristup sredstvima mirovinskog fonda • Medicare Safety Net. Dodatne informacije o bilo kojoj od ovih isplata naći ćete na ili ako nas nazovete. HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 5 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Organizacije i korisne informacije Molimo vas, u vašem telefonskom imeniku potražite informacije o slijedećim organizacijama na prostoru vaše države ili teritorije: Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement—pruža savjetovanje i usluge podrške te grupe za podršku ožalošćenim osobama, parovima, obiteljima, djeci i adolescentima Centar se nalazi u Melbourneu, a možete zakazati sastanak ako nazovete Freecall™ 1800 642 066 ili posjetite Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA)—kontaktirajte organizaciju u svojoj državi ili teritoriji ili posjetite Beyondblue—pruža informacije o depresiji, anksiozi i sličnim psihičkim stanjima uzrokovanim konzumacijom različitih supstanci. Posjetite depressioNet—pruža kompletne informacije i pomoć Australcima koji pate od depresije i njihovim obiteljima i prijateljima. Posjetite Family Relationship Advice Line—pruža informacije, savjete i rješavanje nesporazuma, kako bi pomogli roditeljima i skrbnicima usredotočiti se na potrebe djece i sastaviti prikladne aranžmane bez potrebe odlaska na sud. Posjetite ili nazovite Freecall™ 1800 050 321. KidsHelp Line—pruža besplatnu, povjerljivu 24-satnu telefonske i savjetodavne usluge za djecu i mlađe osobe starosne dobi od pet do 25 godina. Posjetite ili nazovite Freecall™ 1800 551 800. Lifeline—pruža cijelu lepezu usluga uključujući i besplatnu savjetodavnu službu. Posjetite ili nazovite 131 114. National Association of Loss and Grief—organizacija koja je usmjerena ka rješavanju pitanja koja se tiču gubitka i ožalošćenosti. Za dodatne informacije kontaktirajte ovu udrugu u vašoj državi ili teritoriji. Palliative Care Australia—pruža informacije o tome kako umanjiti bol i patnju kod osoba sa terminalnom bolešću i utvrditi vrstu njege koja im je potrebna. Posjetite Sids and Kids online—pruža informacije o načinima smanjenja rizika od Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) i pomoć ukoliko je netko koga znate iskusio SIDS.. Posjetite Solace Association—pruža podršku osobama koje su izgubile partnera. Posjetite The Compassionate Friends (TCF)—međunarodna organizacija koja nudi prijateljstvo i razumijevanje ožalošćenim roditeljima, braći i sestrama i djedovima i bakama koji su izgubili sina ili kćerku u bilo kojoj dobi i iz bilo kojeg razloga. Posjetite HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 6 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Idući koraci Da biste se upoznali s uvjetima stjecanja prava na ove isplate i kako započeti proces —posjetite nazovite nas na 132 300 ili dođite u uslužni centar. Neke informacije dostupne su vam u audio obliku CD/DVD, na velikom tisku, Brailleovom pismu i e-textu. Ako imate pitanja, nazovite nas na 132 717. Ukoliko ste gluhi ili imate oštećenje sluha ili govora, možete nas kontaktirati na TTY telefon na Freecall™ 1800 810 586. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians mogu nazvati Indigenous Call Centre na Freecall™ 1800 136 380. Ako sa nama želite porazgovarati na vašem jeziku o Centrelink-ovim -ovim uslugama i isplatama, nazovite nas na, 131 202. Za pomoć u svezi Medicare i Child Support services, nayovite Translating and Interpreting Service na 131 450. Možete imati pristup u Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support Online Services putem myGov. myGov što je jednostavan način korištenja vladinih internetskih usluga jednim prijavom, ednom lozinkom i na jednom sigurnom mjestu. Otvorite račun na Napomena: pozivi s vašeg kućnog telefona na 13’ brojeve iz bilo kojeg dijela Australije, naplaćuju se po utvrđenoj cijeni. Ta cijena se može razlikovati od cijene lokalnog poziva i varirati ovisno o telefonskoj tvrtki s kojom imate ugovor. Pozivi na ‘1800’ brojeve s vašeg kućnog telefona su besplatni. Cijena poziva s javnih telefona možda će ovisiti o njihovoj dužini. U ovoj tabeli navode se osobe i organizacije koje ćete možda morati kontaktirati: Osoba ili organizacija koju je potrebno kontaktirati Australian Taxation Office Izvješten o smrti (da/ne) Ime osobe, broj telefona i adresa (ukoliko je potrebno) Podaci o preminuloj osobi (npr. broj bankovnog računa Medicare broj) 132 865 Banke, kreditne udruge Centrelink payments 132 300 Child Support services 131 272 Klubovi (npr. Returned and Services League) HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 7 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Kreditna kartica/plaćanje na rate Department of Veterans’ Affairs 133 254 Australian Electoral Commission 132 326 Poslodavci Izvršitelj oporuke Obitelj i prijatelji Organizacija odgovorna za isplatu inozemne mirovine (ukoliko vam nije poznata, kontaktirajte Centrelink’s International Services) 131 673 Pogrebne obveznice da/ne Pogrebno osiguranje da/ne Fondo zdravstvenih povlastica Zdravstveni stručnjaci (npr. liječnik, fizioterapeut, stomatolog, podijatar, optičar) Centar za zaštitu sluha Bolnica Osiguravajuća društva Stanodavac, stanari Mjesno općinsko vijeće Medicare usluge 132 011 Mjesni poštanski ured Pogrebni direktor po svom izboru Unaprijed plaćeni pogreb HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 8 OF 9 da/ne NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Službena tijela (npr. odvjetnik, računovođa) Društvene usluge (npr. knjižnica) Državni povjerenik Vjerski savjetnik Socijalni djelatnik Mirovinski fond Telekomunikacijske tvrtke (npr. telefon, internet) Komunalne usluge (npr. tvrtke za plin, struju i telefon) Registracija vozila i tijelo za izdavanje dozvola Napomena: Ove informacije pružene su samo kao vodič kroz dostupnu financijsku pomoć i usluge. Informacije u ovoj brošuri točne su u srpnju 2013. Ukoliko ovu brošuru koristite nakon tog datuma, provjerite vrijede li još uvijek informacije koje su u njoj navedene. HD001CRO.1307 PAGE 9 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services ENGLISH Needing help after someone has died? July 2013 This booklet lets you know about the payments and support available to you after someone close to you dies. It offers information on the steps that need to be taken and the emotional and financial support available. Payments you may be eligible for Bereavement Payment Bereavement Payment assists people adjust to changed financial circumstances after the death of their partner, child or person they were caring for. The type of Bereavement Payment you may be able to receive will depend on the Centrelink payment you receive and your relationship with the person who has died. Bereavement Allowance Bereavement Allowance is a short-term income support payment paid to recently widowed people to help them adjust following the death of their partner. Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment The Pension Bonus Bereavement Payment is a tax-free lump sum paid to the surviving partner of a deceased member of the Pension Bonus Scheme who did not make a successful claim for Age Pension and Pension Bonus before they died. To check if you’re eligible, or to find out more information on these Centrelink payments, visit call us on 132 300, or visit a service centre. Widow Allowance Widow Allowance provides financial assistance to women, who were born on, or before 1 July 1955, who have become widowed, divorced or separated after they turned 40, and have no recent workforce experience. To find out more information, or claim Widow Allowance visit call us on 132 850 or visit a service centre. Family assistance If you’re the parent or carer of a child who dies and were receiving, or qualified to receive, Family Tax Benefit for the child, you may be eligible for a Bereavement Payment. This can continue to be paid as fortnightly payments for up to 14 weeks after the child’s death, or as a lump sum. You may still be eligible to receive Baby Bonus or Parental Leave Pay, Maternity Immunisation Allowance or Dad and Partner Pay for a child who has died. HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 1 OF 9 Child support payments If you pay or receive child support for a child who has died, call us on 131 272. You should also call us if you’re looking after the affairs of a person who has died and they paid or received child support. Double Orphan Pension Double Orphan Pension provides help with the costs of caring for children who are orphans or unable to be cared for by their parents in certain circumstances. To find out more about Double Orphan Pension, visit call us on 136 150, or visit a service centre. Payment rates For the latest payment rates information visit or a service centre. Other information More income support options Depending on your circumstances, you can apply for another payment such as Newstart Allowance, Parenting Payment or Youth Allowance if you continue to need income support. Further information about these payments and their requirements can be found at Social workers Social workers can help you if you need someone to talk to after the death of someone close to you. Social workers can assist with personal counselling, support and information, and can refer you to other services and programs such as housing, health, emergency relief and legal support. Call 132 300 to speak to a social worker or to make an appointment to see a social worker at a service centre. Financial Information Service Following the death of a loved one, you may need to understand more about investments or other assets you own. Our Financial Information Service officers can provide confidential, free and independent information to assist you in making informed decisions about your investment and financial issues. To arrange an appointment with a Financial Information Service officer, visit or call 132 300. HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 2 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services What to do after someone has died When someone dies, a doctor must sign a certificate that confirms the death. Funeral arrangements cannot be completed until the doctor has signed and issued this certificate (generally called a Doctor’s Certificate of Cause of Death). The funeral company can then take the deceased into their care. The funeral director in charge of the funeral arrangements will collect all the information needed for registering the death and send it to the relevant state or territory government office. The funeral director may also help with things such as newspaper notices, flowers and religious services. If you don’t know who to contact, the Funeral Directors Association in your state or territory can help you. If a funeral director is not involved with the funeral arrangements, the person who manages the final arrangements for the deceased is responsible for registering the death. When someone dies, a number of people and organisations need to be told. Please see the attached checklist for a directory of people and organisations you may need to contact. Before you start making these contacts it is worth checking to see if the person who died left any personal records and documents. These records could contain important reference numbers that people or organisations may require. Insurance policies Sometimes private health, sickness, accident or life insurance policies may help to pay funeral and other expenses. If you find that the person who died had insurance, call the company and ask if assistance is available. Funeral plans and funeral bonds Some people pay for their funerals in advance. Funeral plans involve paying in advance for an agreed funeral service. Funeral bonds represent money the person has put aside to cover their funeral costs. If you think there was a prepaid funeral or a funeral bond, but cannot find the paper work, it may have been left with someone such as a solicitor or the executor of the Will. The Will A Will is a legal document that states how the deceased person’s belongings are to be distributed after their death. The executor of the Will is responsible for distributing the person’s assets to the people named in the Will. This happens after any debts are paid. If the person has not left a Will, the estate is shared under a formula set by law. If there are no close relatives there is a chance the estate could be paid to a state or territory government. HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 3 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Support for you after someone has died There is assistance available to help you adjust to life after you have lost someone close. Your Citizens Advice Bureau or local community information service can put you in touch with support groups. Grieving Grieving is a natural part of losing someone close to you so adjusting to your new circumstances may take time. Counsellors can often assist people who are grieving. Religious advisers and funeral directors can also help you cope with grief. Loneliness It may seem difficult at first to take part in social groups and activities. You may, or may not want people around you. With time, the company of others may help you develop new interests. Your local council, community health centre, or our social workers can put you in touch with organisations such as Rotary or Apex. These organisations would value your assistance as a volunteer and you can join in their activities. Health Taking care with your diet and regular exercise can assist you re-establish a routine. We can arrange for visits by a community nurse if necessary. Community groups or local councils may arrange services to help care for your house or garden. Some of these services are free and some may only be provided after your needs have been assessed. Financial matters If you would like assistance in working out a budget, managing your financial affairs or you’re in financial trouble, you can speak to a financial counsellor by contacting any of the following: • your local Community Information and Referral Service • rural financial counselling services • Financial Counselling Australia. Outstanding debts Relatives and friends do not have to pay the debts of the person who has died unless the debts are in joint names. Debts can be paid from the estate. Changes to your financial circumstances Following the death of a loved one, you may need to understand more about investments you own. When a member of a couple dies the survivor usually inherits assets previously held in joint HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 4 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services names. You may also be entitled to a superannuation payment. You need to contact the relevant superannuation organisation and find out if you could be eligible for any payments. You should advise us of any changes to your income and/or assets as they may have an effect on any Centrelink payment you receive or become eligible for. You should also carefully consider the implications of passing on assets to children, or other family members and friends and bypassing yourself as this can affect your asset position and may result in changed payment rates. Early superannuation release Generally you can’t access your superannuation before you reach your preservation age. However, sometimes you can access your superannuation early in limited circumstances, including specified compassionate grounds and severe financial hardship. For more information about early release of superannuation on compassionate grounds, visit or call 1300 131 060. For more information about early release of superannuation for severe financial hardship, contact your superannuation fund. Getting someone to deal with us on your behalf If you would prefer to have someone else handle your business on your behalf you can authorise a person or organisation to do this for you. You can find out more information about these arrangements at or by calling us. Extra assistance If you have some costs or issues that you need extra help with you may be able to access some of the following: • help from the Department of Veterans’ Affairs • Centrepay • Rent Deduction Scheme • Income Management • early release of superannuation • Medicare Safety Net. You can find out more information about any of these payments and services at or by calling us. Organisations and useful information Please see your phone book for details of these organisations in your state or territory. Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement—provides a bereavement counselling and support service for individuals, couples, families, children and adolescents, as well as support groups. HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 5 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Located in Melbourne, an appointment can be made by calling Freecall™ 1800 642 066 or visiting Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA)—contact the organisation in your state or territory or visit Beyondblue—provides information about depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders. Visit depressioNet—provides a comprehensive resource for Australians with depression and their families and friends. Visit Family Relationship Advice Line—provides information, advice and dispute resolution to help parents and carers focus on the needs of the children and develop workable arrangements without going to court. Visit or call Freecall™ 1800 050 321. KidsHelp Line—provides free, confidential 24 hour telephone and online counselling for children and young people aged between five and 25 years. Visit or call Freecall™ 1800 551 800. Lifeline—provides a range of services including a free counselling service. Visit or call 131 114. National Association of Loss and Grief—an organisation that focuses on issues related to loss and grief. For more information contact the association in your state or territory. Palliative Care Australia—provides information on relieving the pain and suffering of people with a terminal illness and the type of care they need. Visit Sids and Kids online—provides information about ways to reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and assistance if you or someone you know is affected by SIDS. Visit Solace Association—provides support for people who have lost their partner. Visit The Compassionate Friends—an international organisation offering friendship and understanding to bereaved parents, siblings and grandparents where a son or daughter has died at any age, from any cause. Visit Next steps To find out about eligibility for these payments and services—and how to start the claiming process—visit call us on 132 300 or visit a service centre. Some information is available in audio CD/DVD, large print, Braille and e-text. Call us on 132 717 with your request. If you are deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment you can contact us through a TTY phone on Freecall™ 1800 810 586. HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 6 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Australians can call the Indigenous Call Centre on Freecall™ 1800 136 380. To speak to us in your own language about Centrelink services and payments, call us on 131 202. For help with Medicare and Child Support services, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. You can access your Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support Online Services through myGov. myGov is a fast simple way to use government online services with one sign in, one password and in one secure location. Create an account at Note: calls from your home phone to ‘13’ numbers from anywhere in Australia are charged at a fixed rate. That rate may vary from the price of a local call and may also vary between telephone service providers. Calls to ‘1800’ numbers from your home phone are free. Calls from public and mobile phones may be timed and charged at a higher rate. The following table lists the people and organisations you may need to contact: Person or organisation to be contacted Australian Taxation Office Notified of death (Yes/No) Contact person, phone number and address (if needed) Details of person who died (for example, account number, Medicare number) 132 865 Banks, credit unions Centrelink payments 132 300 Child Support services 131 272 Clubs (e.g. the Returned and Services League) Credit card/hire purchase Department of Veterans’ Affairs 133 254 Australian Electoral Commission 132 326 Employers Executor of the Will HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 7 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Family and friends Foreign pension authority (if authority’s details are unknown contact Centrelink’s International Services) 131 673 Funeral bond Yes/No Funeral insurance Yes/No Health benefits fund Health professionals (e.g. doctor, physiotherapist, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist) Hearing centre Hospital Insurance companies Landlord, tenants Local council Medicare services 132 011 Local post office Preferred funeral director Prepaid funeral Yes/No Professional bodies (e.g. solicitor, accountant) Public Services (e.g. library) Public Trustee Religious advisor Social Worker HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 8 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services Superannuation fund Telecommunication providers (e.g. phones, internet) Utilities (e.g. gas, electricity and phone companies) Vehicle registration and licensing authorities Disclaimer: This information is intended only as a guide to payments and services. The information is correct as at July 2013. If you use this publication after that date, please check with us that the details are current. HD001ENG.1307 PAGE 9 OF 9 NEEDING HELP AFTER SOMEONE HAS DIED? Department of Human Services
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