VINSKA KARTA ŠAMPANJCI - Dom Pérignon 0,75l ......................................................................240,00 € Dom Pérignon je pjenušavo extra suvo bijelo vino iz regiona Champagne u Francuskoj. - Moët & Chandon 0,75l ..................................................................110,00 € Najpopularniji šampanjac. Po statistici, svakog minuta se u svijetu otvori po jedna boca ovog vrhunskog vina. - Moët & Chandon 0,2l ......................................................................30,00€ - Moët & Chandon Rose 0,75l ........................................................ 130,00 € ´ karakter. PJENUŠAVA VINA - Val Plantaže, Crna Gora 0,75l .........................................................15,00 € Vrhunsko pjenušavo vino proizvedeno klasičnom metodom. Dobro izbalansirano, harmoničnog ukusa, diskretnog zaokruženog mirisa dobijenog od autohtonih sorti groždja. - Prosecco Santa Margarita, Italija 0,75l/0.10l....................... 28,00 /4,00 € Elegantni ukus i voćni, cvijetni miris čine srž Prosecco u kome se oslikava ljepota utapanja u blagim brdima Venecije. Izuzetno njezan i elegantan Prosecco zahvaljujući velikoj pažnji posvećenoj tokom maceracije, presovanja i dugotrajne fermetacije.. BIJELA VINA CRNA GORA - Krstač Plantaže 0,187l .......................................................................4,00 € - Krstač Plantaže 0,75l .......................................................................18,00 € Nacionalno vino, vrhunsko, suvo, bijelo, uravnoteženo na ukusu i mirisu. Svijetlo zlatno žute boje sa zelenkastim odsjajem. Krstač je autohtona crnogorska sorta koja se od davnih vremena uzgaja u vinogradima podgoričkog vinogorja. Preporučuje se uz pate od hobotnice i sipe, bijela mesa. - Sauvignon Plantaže 0,75l .................................................................18,00 € Slamnato-žute boje sa zelenkastim prelivima. Po bukeu i po ukusu podsjeća na zelenu papriku, - Chardonnay Plantaže 0,187l ............................................................. 4,00 € - Chardonnay Plantaže 0,75l .............................................................18,00 € Slamnato-žute boje, karakterističnog, diskretnog, ali jasnog sortnog mirisa. Aromatičnog i mekog ukusa. Gaji se u Ćemovskom polju, na mikrolokaliteteu “Milješ”, na kamenitom tlu uz rijeku Cijevnu. Slaže se uz bijela mesa, ribu i svježe salate. - Chardonnay Barrique Plantaže 0,75l .............................................. 32,00 € Vrhunsko bijelo suvo vino, svijetlo slamnato žute boje, karakterističnog sortnog mirisa, na zelenu jabuku i ananas, sa tonovima vanile. Odležavalo je u strogo kontrolisanim uslovima podrumima Šipčanik u hrastovom buretu. Slaže se uz karpaćo od dimljene sabljarke, salate od tune, paste sa sušenim paradajzom. SRBIJA - Trijumf Barrique Aleksandrović 0,75l............................................ 40,00 € Ukus je veoma bogat, kremasto-voćni. Sočne kiseline su prožete kroz raskošne voćne tonove, koji se stapaju u izuzetno dugu završnicu. Potpuna ravnoteža kiselina, hrastovine i sortnih karakteristika grožđa. Izvrsno uz plodove mora, riječnu i morsku ribu, živinsko meso, pernatu divljač. - Harizma Aleksandrović 0,75l.........................................................28,00 € Harizma Chardonnay prevashodno se ogleda u bujnim aromama i raskošnom ukusu. Upravo je želja vinara da te osobine naglasi u ovome vinu, proizvedenom od najboljeg grožđa iz probirne berbe. Vino koje se odlikuje intenzivnim mirisom, trajnim aromatskim kompleksom i punoćom prasetinom, desertima od kajsije, dinje ili banane, mekanim sirevima. - Oplenac Aleksandrović 0,75l ........................................................ 25,00 € Suvo, bijelo stono vino slamnato žute boje sa zlatnim odsjajem. Pruža vrhunski izvor slasti uz intenzivne cvijetne i voćne arome tonova bijelog cvijeća, lipe, jabuke i breskve. Voćna slast i kiseline se stapaju u dugotrajnu uživajuću završnicu. Ovo vino treba obavezno probati sa plodovima mora ali i krajnje „nesaveznički” nastrojenim specijalitetima poput škembića. - Chardonnay Kovačević 0,75l ......................................................... 30,00 € Vino je otvoreno žute boje, sa zelenim prelivom kristalne bistrine. Sortni miris je veoma razvijen užitak doživjećete pijući ovo vino uz morsku ribu sa prelivima, losos na žaru i dagnje, razna svijetla mesa, ćuretinu, piletinu, teletinu, specijalitete od svinjskog mesa sa raznim prelivima. Od sireva, tvrdi i polutvrdi kačkavalj, koziji. - Kiš Misterija 0,75l.............................................................................23,00 € Vino ima svjetložutu boju sa zelenkastim odsjajem i vrlo je bistro. Na nosu se osjećaju intenzivne voćnocvjetne arome, prije svega zrelih breskvi i žutog grejpa, a u pozadini i blage naznake bijelog poljskog cvijeća. Na nepcima dominiraju voćni ukusi, uz izraženu svježinu i hrskavost, kao i umjerenu mineralnost. Završnica je cvjetno-voćnog karaktera, vrlo puna i postojana. Služiti ga sa bijelim mesima i ribljim specijalitetima. BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA - Žilavka Vukoje 0,75l ...................................................................... 27,00 € Vino je mirisa vinogradarske breskve, punog ukusa i izrazito mineralnog karaktera. Prepoznatljive je HRVATSKA - Malvazija Kozlović 0,75l................................................................. 28,00 € Vino je slamnato-žute boje sa zelenkastim odsjajem, izrazito bistro. Na nosu su izražene lako tijela, u ustima je vrlo mekano, pitko i suvo, a odlikuju ga i lijepa svježina, mineralnost i dobar gorčinom i kiselošću, što ga čini veoma prijatnim i pitkim. Služiti ga sa specijalitetima od morske ribe i laganim bijelim mesima. - Malvazija Matošević 0,75l ............................................................... 27,00 € jela od bijelog mesa, a odlična preporuka su kamenice. - Pošip Marko Polo 0,75l ................................................................... 30,00 € Na mirisu vrlo sviježe vino, čisto sa dosta zrelog voća, limunove korice i grejpfruta. Lijepe je svijetložute boje s zelenom nijansom, a okretanjem čaše pokazuje dobru konzistenciju i uljnost. Na nepcu ukusno, svježe s blago zavodljivom slašću koju će u završetku postepeno nadomještati ugodna gorčina. Kiselost je dobro izbalansirana s ostalim sastojcima i može se reći da mu ta kiselost prošarana medastim nitima daje na zanimljivosti. Dobro se slaže uz školjke, - Pošip Intrada Krajančić 0,75l .......................................................... 40,00 € Slamnatožute je boje s iskričavim zelenkastim odsjajem. Ostavlja srednje prosušen ukus na nepcu s notom kiselosti netipičnoj za dalmatinska bijela vina u kojemu se javlja svježe voće, posebino svježe jabuke i bazga u kombinaciji sa začinskim nijansama vanilije i cimeta. Najbolje pristaje uz sva jela od ribe, školjaka i bijelog mesa. - Zlatna Vrbnička Žlahtina Vrbnik, Krk 0,75l .................................. 20,00 € Žlahtina je vino od autohtone plemenite sorte grožđa, zelenkasto žute boje i uzorne bistrine, daje elegantno vino visokog kvaliteta i jedinstvene arome. Voćni mirisi i sve harmonične osobine sorte, znalački su sačuvani u ovom vinu ljupkog i živahnog ukusa. Služi se uz sve vrste morske - Krauthaker Graševina Kutjevo 0,75l .............................................. 30,00 € skladno, dobrog tijela. Kristalno sjajeće lijepe slamnato-žute boje, srednjeg mirisnog intenziteta, koji upućuje na svježu jabuku, donekle i na vinogradarsku breskvu, nudi i ponešto svijetlog poljskog cvijeća. Ukus je živ, s dobrom kiselosti, a na kraju, s ugodnom blagom gorčinom, što je i karakteristika - Pošip Centurion Smokvica, Korčula 0,75l ..................................... 30,00 € Vrhunsko suvo bijelo vino kontolisanog porijekla, dobijeno od autohtone sorte pošip. Vino je zlatno svijetlo-žute boje, izrazite punoće, lagano gorak na kraju. Buke ima nijanse marelice i meda koje se lagano pomiču u nježnu aromu vanilije sa laganim cvjetnim mirisima. Idealno uz jela kao što su plodovi mora i razna pečenja od ribe i bijelog mesa. - Pošip Grgić 0,75l ............................................................................ 65,00 € Suvo bijelo vino, proizvedeno u vinariji Grgić, izraženo zlatno žute boje. Buke podsjeća na zrelo južno voće sa tragovima citrusa i poljskog cvijeća. Proizvedeno od sorte pošip i slaže se uz školjke, rakove, pikantnije sireve. SLOVENIJA - Sivi Pinot Ščurek Goriška brda 0,75l.............................................. 26,00 € breskve i čistih mirisa cvijeća. U ustima vino je dobrog ukusa i mirisa, skladno, prijatno i blago kremasto sa dugom završnicom. Preporučujemo uz riblje specijalitete, pršut i tjestenine. - Chardonnay Opoka Simčić 0,75l ....................................................65,00 € Stiže iz laporca pa nosi brojne mineralne note. Duboko žute boje sa odsjajima daje na prvi pogled naznake suvog bogatog vina. Dosta vanile, dinje i guave lagano se razvija i transformiše u začinske arome. Uravnoteženo, sa elegantnom teksturom i punoćom naredne dvije decenije uživaće sa vama uz školjke, tartufe, pačetinu i fois gras. ITALIJA - Gavi di Gavi Bersano Piemonte 0,75l .............................................. 29,00 € Kvalitetno suvo vino od sorte 100% Cortese. Miris karakterističan sa naglašenim notama ribu, bijela mesa sa laganim sosom. - Pinot Grigio Jermann Venezia Giulia 0,75l .................................... 45,00 € Vino od sorte grožđa 100% Pinot Grigio. Izrazito zlatne boje, osvježavajućeg mirisa i punog - Chardonnay Jermann Venezia Giulia 0,75l ..................................... 45,00 € Vino bistre slamnato-žute boje sa odsjajem zelene, sa intezivnim aromama banane i zelene jabuke, - Marina Cvetić Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 0,75l ..................................... 60,00 € Vino iz poznate italijanske vinarije Masciarelli, iz oblasti Abruzzo, linija Marina Cvetić, koje začinske arome. Takođe, jasno prepoznatljive arome papaje, zlatne breskve, lavande, meda i vanile. Odlično se slaže sa pastama, ćuretinom, brancinom. - Chardonnay Marina Cvetić 0,75l ....................................................60,00 € Ovaj šardone intenzivne i jasno zlatno-žute boje prvi put proizveden je 1991. godine. Od tad se godišnje proizvede oko 15.000 boca koje ispunjava sok cijeđen iz probranog prinosa, svega gambore na žaru ili bijeloj buzari; hobotnicu na žaru; pastu sa prelivom od sireva. - Gaja Rossj Bass 0,75l ....................................................................... 65,00 € Po sipanju u čašu, fini uplivi citrusa, cvijeća i mednih nota bogato napadaju nosne receptore, dok će na nepcu kružiti glatka tečnost elegantnog tijela, bogate mineralnosti, dobrih kiselina sa izraženim i definisanim karakterom. Uz mirise tropa, puteraste arome koštunjavog voća pamtiće se najduže kao i dugotrajna završnica. Pristaje uz morske plodove, ribu i slasna rižota - Vintage Tunina - Jermann 0,75l ...................................................... 90,00 € Vino je kupaža sorti Chardonnay, Sauvignon, Ribolla, Malvasia i Picolit. Ima briljantna žutu boju, sa zlatnim odsjajima. Na nosu je intenzivno, bogato, sa mirisima meda i poljskog cveća. Na nepcu je suvo i meko. Ide sa predjelima sa pečurkama, ribom i živinom. FRANCUSKA - Baron De Rothschild Legende R Blanc, Bordeaux 0,75l ................ 26,00 € Kupaž Sauvignon, Sémillon, Muscadelle. Svijetlo slamnato-žute boje sa intenzivnim aromama prijatne završnice. - Pierre Andre Pouilly-Fuisse, Burgundy 0,75l .................................45,00 € Suvo bijelo vino 100% Chardonny srednjeg tijela, kristalno žute boje. Intenzivan miris egzotičnog - Chateau de Maligny Chablis 0,75l ................................................. 40,00 € Čiste žute boje. Na nosu se prožimaju mirisi limuna, kruške i jabuke. U ustima je mineralno i ima - Chateau de Maligny Chablis 1er Cru Fourchaume 0,75l ............... 60,00 € Na nosu je elegantan sa mineralanim i dosta zemljanih aroma. Na nepcu se osjeća zrelo voće sa blagom tintom marzipana. Srednjeg tijela sa laganom slatkoćom. Suva ali dugotrajna završnica. - Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folantiers Louis Latour 0,75l .......................................................................... 190,00 € Na prvom mirisu ovog vina dobija se miris akacije, ali već na sljedećem izdvaja se aroma vanile, tijela, puterastog ukusa i duge završnice. NOVI SVIJET - Luis Felipe Edwards Reserva Chardonnay, Chile 0,75l ................. 25,00 € jabuke, vanilijske nijanse drveta. Punog tijela i skladnih kiselina. Ide sa bijelom i dimljenom - Terrazas Reserva Chardonnay, Argentina 0,75l ............................. 30,00 € Zlatno-zelenkaste boje. Arome nektarine, breskve i vanile koja dolazi iz barika. Bogate strukture sa ukusima jabuke, ananasa i ljutkastih začina. Umjerene završnice slaže se uz bijela mesa i gambore u slatkom sosu. - Chardonnay Casillero del Diablo, Čile 0,75l ................................. 26,00 € Svjetložute, limunaste boje, svježe i voćno, sa aromama ananasa, bresaka, citrusa, blagom naznakom vanile. Na ukusu je srednjeg tela, kompleksno, lijepo izbalansirano, sa živahnim i prijatnim kiselinama, sa jako dugom slasnom završnicom u kojoj dominiraju note meda i zelenih šljiva. Odlično je piti ga uz lososa, plodove mora i pastu u gustim sosovima. ROSE VINA CRNA GORA - Rose Plantaže 0,75l ..........................................................................15,00 € Lepršavo, elegantno suvo vino ružičaste boje, sa odsjajem kristalne bistrine, dobijeno od crnog kao aperitiv, ili uz lagane salate i laganija jela od ribe i mesa. - Rose Zenta, Vučinić 0,75l................................................................20,00 € Vino Rose je proizvedeno od autohtonih sorti Vranca i Kratošije iz sopstvenih vinograda. Odlikuje se izuzetno lijepom svijetlo roze bojom čijem intezitetu doprinosi i kristalna bistrina. Vino je sa ostavljaju mekoću i slast. Dobro se slaže sa laganim jelima uz bijelo meso, paste, salate i sl. ŠPANIJA - Faustino VII Rosado 0,75l .............................................................. 25,00 € kiselinama. Služi se kao aperitiv i uz razna lagana rižota. ITALIJA - Banfi Centine Rose IGT 0,75l ....................................................... 27,00 € Sa brda Toskane, ovaj osvježavajući rose predstavlja mješavinu Sangiovesea, Cabernet Sauvignona i Merlota. Intenzivno roze boje, sa suptilnom aromom poljskih bobica, pravi je dragulj u kombinaciji autohtone i internacionalne loze. Bogato, duboko, hrskavo sa neobično dugom završnicom, idealno uz ribu, živinu, svinjetinu, blage sireve i finger food. SRBIJA - Varijanta Oplenac, Aleksandrović 0,75l......................................... 24,00 € strukturi i snazi vino je na samom prelazu između rose i crvenog vina. Upečatljivog je mirisa divlje ruže, sa tonovima ratluka i suvog voća. Ima dugu sočnu završnicu. Idealno uz: suvo meso; kobasice i krmenadle; praseće pečenje; voćne salate. - Rosseto, Kovačević Irig 0,75l ......................................................... 22,00 € Vino dobijeno od crnog grožđa sorte cabernet sauvignon, uzgajanog na južnim padinama Fruške Gore. Svijetlo je ružičaste boje, blagog ukusa jagode i mirisa divlje ruže. Služi se kao aperitiv, a odličan je pratilac tjestenina i hladnih predjela. SLOVENIJA - Rose Batič 0,75l ............................................................................... 30,00 € Intezivan miris jagoda i crvene ribizle. Skladno i elegantno vino, izbalansiranih kiselina sa CRVENA VINA CRNA GORA - Vranac Pro Corde 0,187l ................................................................... 5,00 € - Vranac Pro Corde 0,75l ................................................................... 25,00 € Izraženi su mirisi crnog bobičastog voća, poput kupina i borovnica, dok se u pozadini prepliću tonovi trešanja, suvog začinskog bilja i kafe. Tanini su primjetni, ali utkani u mekano, glatko tkanje ukusa, nalik crnoj čokoladi. U dugoj završnici vino zadržava osnovni voćno-začinski karakter. Preporučuje se uz jela od crvenog mesa, začinjena i masnija, uz divljač, pršut, kao i uz masne sireve jače izraženog mirisa. - Vranac Plantaže 0,75l ...................................................................... 18,00 € Ukus je pun, karakterističan i lagano taninski. Temperamentno vino južnjačkog tipa, sa visokim sadržajem ekstrakta i alkohola. Harmonično. Autohtona crnogorska sorta koja se vijekovima u Crnoj Gori gajila u Crmnici, području koje se prostire od Skadarskog jezera, prema Jadranskom moru, na nadmorskoj visini do 500 metara. - Cabarnet Plantaže 0,75l ................................................................. 17,00 € Bogat i harmoničan. Meki tanini daju mu punoću i zaokružuju prijatan voćni ukus na kupinu i crnu ribizlu, sa vanilskim tonom u pozadini. Kompleksna i prijatna začinska aroma u pozadini cvjetna nijansa mirisa na ljubičicu. Servira se uz tamna mesa, dimljeni pršut i pikantne sireve. - Merlot Plantaže 0,75l......................................................................17,00 € Karaktersitičan pikantni miris na ružu i ljubičicu. Ukus je harmoničan, ekstraktivan, pun, prefinjen. Idealan uz biftek, svinjsko meso, pršut, dimljeno meso, tvrde sireve, kao i uz kolače od maka i oraha. - Vranac Barrique Plantaže 0,75l ....................................................... 32,00 € vanile. Ukus pun, zaokružen, začinski, dugotrajan. Najbolje se slaže uz domaću šunku, pršutu, sva jela od crvenog mesa, ovčiji i koziji sir. - Vranac Reserve Plantaže 0,75l .......................................................... 50,00 € Crnogorsko vrhunsko vino od sorte Vranac, iz posebno dobrih godina, suvo, tamnocrvene boje sa ljubičastim nijansama. Ekstraktivno, na ukusu puno, blago taninsko, na mirisu nijanse šumskog voća. Preporučuje se uz crvena mesa i odlično se slaže sa jakim punomasnim sirevima. - Vranac Premijer Plantaže 0,75l ..................................................... 140,00 € Vrhunsko crveno vino, tamno rubin crvene boje. Odabrana kupaža najboljih rezervi Vranca iz ”Plantaža” podruma. Elegantno, izbalansirano, bogato sočnim kremastim ukusom crne ribizle i suve šljive, zaokruženo finim slatkastim tonom vanile. - Kratošija Zenta, Vučinić 0,75l ........................................................ 27,00 € Jedinstveno crveno vino, proizvedeno od autohtone crnogorske sorte kratošija, u vinariji Vučinić, sa oboda antičkog grada Duklja, u Rogamima, Podgorica. Vino je intenzivno crvene boje, SRBIJA - Regent Aleksandrović 0,75l ............................................................ 30,00 € Cabernet sauvignon 50% , Merlot 50%. Tamno crvena boja sa purpurnim odsjajem. Izražajne Tanini su glatki, a završnica ukusa je veoma energična i podsjeća na zrele višnje. Idealno uz - Aurelius Barrique Kovačević 0,75l ................................................. 32,00 € mješanjem dvije vrhunske sorte grožđa Cabernet Sauvignon i Merlot. Pravi gastronomski užitak - Merlot selection - Do kraja sveta 0,75l .......................................... 28,00 € Vino intenzivne rubin crvene boje. Naći ćete miris kupine, trešnje i maline ali i note čokolade, duvanskog dima, prepečene kafe. Na ukusu puno, ekstraktivno, vibrantnih kiselina i duge završnice. Vino je punog tijela, jako i energično. Služiti ga uz teleće i jagnjeće pečenje, roštilj i začinjena jela. BOSNA I HERCEGOVINA - Vranac Vukoje 0,75l ........................................................................ 27,00 € Vino je prepoznatljivo po svom voćnom karakteru, mirisa koji podsjeća na zrele višnje, punoći i mladalačkoj svježini ukusa i karakterističnoj rubin boji. Vino je ekstraktivno i zaokruženo sa dugom, sočnom završnicom. Preporučuje se uz sva jela od crvenog mesa, jagnjeće i teleće pečenje ispod sača, grilovane gljive, crvene začinjene sosove, uz svu divljač, pršut kao i uz tvrde zrele sireve, gorgonzolu i parmezan. - Tvrdoš 0,75l ..................................................................................... 28,00 € Manastirsko vino od sorte 100% Vranac. Vrenje i odležavanje se odvija u starim manastirskim zrele višnje i smokve. Idealno se slaže sa dimljenim i sušenim mesom, punomasnim sirevima, dimljenom ribom, pečenjem. HRVATSKA - Postup Donja Banda Pelješac 0,75l ................................................. 45,00 € Proizvodi se od autohtone sorte grožđa Plavac mali s jedinstvenog položaja Postup na strminama morskih obronaka. Vino tamne granatno crvene boje, vrlo strukturno s uravnoteženim odnosom između tanina i kiselina. Poslužuje se uz birana jela od tamnog mesa, divljači, pečenja i zrele sireve. - Dingač Matuško 0,75l ..................................................................... 45,00 € Tamno rubin crvene je boje s ljubičastim prelivima, kristalno je bistar, punog i zaokruženog ukusa, harmoničan, trpkast i slatkast. Posebno bi izdvojili cvjetne arome koje dolaze do izražaja baš kod ovog vina. Odlično se slaže uz crni rižoto, plavu ribu, brodet i mesa sa sosom od crnog vina - Zlatan Plavac Grand Cru Zlatan Otok 0,75l .................................. 75,00 € Vino se radi od posebno probranog grožđa koje je sa najboljih i najstarijih pozicija ostrva Hvar. Vino je tamno rubin boje, bogatim i komleksnim aromama koje na nosu ostavljaju miris suve šljive, vanile. Bogate i snažne taninske strukture, pune i duge završnice. Preporuka za ovo vino su pečenja i začinjena jela, brodet, masnija riba, tamna mesa sa jakim sosevima, tvrdi sirevi. - Plavac mali Grgić 0,75l ................................................................... 80,00 € Crvene rubin boje. Vino je ugodnih mirisa kupine, šljive i cvijeća. Srednjeg je tijela sa zaokruženim taninima. Idealno se slaže uz sva crvena mesa i pastama sa jačim sosevima. - Royal Dingač Matuško 0,75l ......................................................... 120,00 € Ako je Dingač najbolja pozicija na svijetu za plavac mali, onda je ovaj Dingač Royal najbolje od najboljeg. Riječ je o probranoj berbi s ograničenih položaja dingačkog vinograda. Crno, puno, plemenito vino idealno uz sva pečena i začinjenija jela (brodet, pašticade, divljač), začinjenija i masnija riba ili jednostavno sam za sebe. SLOVENIJA - Pinot Noir Simčič, Goriška brda 0,75l......................................... 55,00 € Na mirisu se zapažaju varijacije mirisa zrelih trešanja ili čak trešanja u likeru koje prelaze u laganu notu kore narandže. I na ukusu prepoznajemo zrelo voće, prije svega trešnje. Mogu se zapaziti i nježni, zreli tanini. Izuzetno je uravnoteženo i ugodno mekano, s punim tijelom i dugim zalaskom sa dopadljivom primjesom trešnjine koštice. Odličan je s fileima lososa, morskog psa, sabljarke, tune i brancina, s dobro odležanim i srednje zrelim planinskim sirevima. - Modri pinot Movia Kristančić, Goriška Brda 0,75l ....................... 78,00 € potom dolaze začinske arome cimeta i zeleni biber. Slaže se uz divljač. ITALIJA - Castello Banfi Chianti Classico Toscana 0,75l...............................32,00 € trešnje, šljive i ljubičice. Vino za srednje teška jela od mesa i paste sa jakim sosevima. - Castello Banfi Brunello di Montalcino 0,75l ................................ 90,00 € Vino je intezivne rubin crvene sa odsjajem boje cigle. Miris jak i intenzivan, sa notama crvenog i i hrskavim taninima. Preporuka uz ovo vino su crvena mesa i stari sirevi. - Barolo - Fontanafredda 0,75l .......................................................... 80,00 € Jedno od najboljih italijanskih vina. Ovo je jako vino sa mirisom ruža i dobro izbalansiranim zrelim taninima. Ovo vino je idealno uz crveno meso, divljač i zrele sireve. - Villa Antinori Tignanello Toscana 0,75l ......................................200,00 € izraženih svilenastih tanina, lijepog balansa kiselina, što ovom vinu omogućava dug potencijal starenja. - Castello Banfi Rosso di Montalcino DOC 08 0,75l...................... 30,00 € - Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Marina Cvetić 0,75l............................. 48,00 € Vino iz poznate italijanske vinarije Masciarelli, iz oblasti Abruzzo, linija Marina Cvetić, koje - Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri Sassicaia 0,75l..................................... 260,00 € cabernet, vino je vrhunsko, kompleksno i dugotrajno. Sa intezivnom aromom maline i kajsije i mirisom dima i začina, potvrđenim u ustima bogatom koncentracijom ima elegantan završetak. - Barbaresco Gaja 0,75l ................................................................... 255,00 € Barbaresco je stoprocentni nebiolo nazvan po mjestu gdje nastaje. Grožđe za ovo vino bere se iz 14 različitih vinograda u Pijemontu, ima beskrajnu finoću i potencijal da odleži više od 30 godina. Zemljane arome višnje, nara, minerala i kože, uzdignute visokim notama cvijeća i bijelog voća. FRANCUSKA - Chemin des Papes Chateauneuf-du-Pape 0,75l .............................. 55,00 € Intezivne crvene boje. Dominiraju arome kože, suve šljive i crne ribizle. Na ukusu je meko, zaokruženo sa elegantnim taninima. Najčešće se servira uz crvena mesa. - Bordeaux Rouge Legende Barons De Rothschild 0,75l ................. 35,00 € završnice. Dobar par sa ovim vinom je tuna stek, divljač i mesa u vinskom sosu. - Grand Cru Château Laroque 0,75l .................................................. 80,00 € Duboke crvene, skoro crne boje. Kompleksnog mirisa sa intezivnim aromama crnog voća. Snažnog, zaokruženog ukusa: taninska struktura je izražena, ali sami tanini su svježi i ukusni. Dobra harmonija. Završni mineralni dodir pojačava njegovu aromatičnu svježinu. - Chapelle de la Trinite, St. Emilion 0,75l............................................. 35,00 € Zagasito rubin crvene boje, mirisa crne višnje, kupine, crne ribizle, jagode, kafe, s notama badema i šljive. Na nepcu je srednjeg tijela, glatko i izražajano sa zaokruženim, dobro uklopljenim taninima. Najbolje uz sve vrste crvenog mesa, ali i piletinu, ćuretinu, i meke i tvrde sireve. ŠPANIJA - Faustino VII Red 0,75l ................................................................... 35,00 € Prozračne rubin boje gde dominiraju arome vanile. U ustima je lijepo izbalansirano, svilenkasto sa prijatnim završetkom. Odlično se slaže uz paste sa mesnim sosovima, jagnjećim i svinjskim pečenjem, crvena mesa, zrelijim sirevima blaže oporosti. - Campo Viejo Reserva 0,75l .............................................................. 30,00 € Ovo vino je rumeno crvene boje. Aroma slatkih bobica Tempranilo grožđa savršeno se uklapa sa vanilastom notom hrasta čineći blago i pitko vino koje najbolje ide uz hladna jela, jela od mesa, pa čak i grilovano meso. NOVI SVIJET - Cabernet Reserva Luis Felipe Edwards, Chile 0,75l .......................28,00 € Aromatska svojstva crne ribizle, crnog čaja, te slatkih začina. Suvog i uglađenog dodira na nepcu. sa jelima od divljači, tamnog mesa i zrelim i plemenitim sirevima. - Terrazas Reserva Malbec, Argentina 0,75l ..................................... 32,00 € i intezivne završnice. Idealno uz crvena mesa i divljač. DESERTNA VINA CRNA GORA - Medun Plantaže 0,5l ........................................................................ 25,00 € tracija zaostalog šećera u grožđu. Dobijeno vino izuzetne je punoće, zaokruženosti, kompleksnosti SRBIJA - Bermet, Kovačević Irig 0,75l ........................................................... 26,00 € HRVATSKA - Muskat Bijeli Kozlović 0,5l ............................................................. 34,00 € se uz razne deserte ili kao aperitiv za uživanje. ITALIJA - Ruffino Vin Santo del Chianti Serelle 0,75l ......................................... 45,00 € Ovo je izvaredno dezertno vino s prelijepom ćilibarskom i tamno zlatnom nijansom. Bogate arome zašećerenog voća i meda sa dodirom narandžine kore, papra i cimeta. Slatke note suvih kajsija, smokava i suvica su sjedinjene sa prijatnim nagovještajima vanile, meda i aromatičkih začina. FRANCUSKA - Sauternes Dulong Reserve 0,75l ......................................................30,00 € Zlatnožute boje sa lijepom refleksijom, odličnog viskoziteta. Na mirisu su izražene tipične arome za Sotern, sa naglašenim notama meda, citrusa i bijelog cvijeća. Na ukusu je primjetan dobar balans između kiselina i slasti. Lagano, pitko i mekano vino, sa finom završnicom srednjeg intenziteta. Služi se uz guščiju džigericu i neke plemenite sireve. CHAMPAGNES - Dom Pérignon 0,75l ......................................................................240,00 € An extra dry sparkling white wine from the Champagne region of France. - Moët & Chandon 0,75l ..................................................................110,00 € The most popular champagne. According to the statistics, every minute a bottle of this superb wine is opened somewhere in the world. - Moët & Chandon 0,2l ...................................................................... 30,00€ - Moët & Chandon Rose 0,75l ........................................................ 130,00 € A blend of three red grape varieties with an emphasis on Pinot Noir, embodying a fruity and daring character. SPARKLING WINES - Val Plantaže, Crna Gora 0,75l .........................................................15,00 € A superb sparkling wine of harmonious taste and discretely rounded smell, made from autochthonous grape varieties. - Prosecco Santa Margarita, Italija 0,75l/0.10l........................20,00 /4,00 € The elegant flavour and fruity, floral bouquet are the essence of Prosecco, echoing the beauty of being immersed in the mellow Venetian hills. An extremely delicate and elegant Prosecco hanks to the great attention paid during the maceration, pressing and slow fermentation stages. WHITE WINES MONTENEGRO - Krstač Plantaže 0,187l .......................................................................4,00 € - Krstač Plantaže 0,75l .......................................................................18,00 € A national wine, superb in quality, dry and balanced in taste and aroma, produced from autochthonous Montenegrin variety, which has been grown in Podgorica vineyards since ancient times. Served with octopus and cuttlefish pate, white meat. - Sauvignon Plantaže 0,75l .................................................................18,00 € Straw yellow in colour, with greenish reflection. The bouquet and taste resemble green pepper elder flower and black radish. Recommended with fish and seafood. - Chardonnay Plantaže 0,187l ............................................................. 4,00 € - Chardonnay Plantaže 0,75l .............................................................18,00 € Straw yellow in colour, dry and delicate to the palate. The taste is intense and fresh. Suitable with white meat dishes, fish and fresh salads. - Chardonnay Barrique Plantaže 0,75l .............................................. 32,00 € A superb white dry wine with bright straw yellow colour. Fragrant notes of apple, pineapple and vanilla. It ages in oak barrels, under strict atmosphere conditions in Šipčanik cellar. Recommended with smoked swordfish carpaccio, tuna salad, dried tomato pasta. SERBIA - Trijumf Barrique Aleksandrović 0,75l............................................ 40,00 € A blend of Sauvignon Blanc, White Burgundy, and Rhine Riesling, with strong aromatic complexity ranging from grape to acacia flower. Perfect with seafood and fresh water fish, poultry, salmon specialties, mature cheese, mature cheese with a soft texture. - Harizma Aleksandrović 0,75l.........................................................28,00 € Characterised by an intensive fragrance, a lasting aroma complex and fullness of taste. It goes well with sea fish, seafood pasta, salmon, chicken, pork, apricot, cantaloupe and banana deserts, soft cheeses. - Oplenac Aleksandrović 0,75l ........................................................ 25,00 € Dry white table wine with a straw yellow color with golden reflections. Provides superior source of sweetness with intense floral and fruity aromas tones of white flowers, lime, apple and peach. Fruit sweetness and acid blend in fixed enjoying finish. This wine should be sure to try the seafood and extremely "nesaveznički" minded specialties such as tripe. - Chardonnay Kovačević 0,75l ......................................................... 30,00 € The complex bouquet recalls notes of elderflower. The taste is fresh and harmonious, nicely blending freshness of acidity with fullness of the body. Recommended with sea fish with dressings; grilled salmon and mussels; white meat; hard, semi-hard, caciocavallo and goat cheese. - Kiš Misterija 0,75l.............................................................................23,00 € Features floral and fruity aromas, specifically ripe apricots and yellow grapefruit with hints of white wildflowers. The taste left on the palate is predominately fruity, characterised by freshness, crispiness and mild minerality. Full and enduring floral-fruity finish. Serve with white meat and fish specialities. BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Žilavka Vukoje 0,75l ...................................................................... 27,00 € Displays peach aroma, full taste, exquisite mineral character and recognisable yellow-green colour. Perfect match with seafood, sea and freshwater fish, chicken and turkey, prosciutto, cheese from oil, goat and Edamer cheese. CROATIA - Malvazija Kozlović 0,75l................................................................. 28,00 € Characterised by a bouquet of white wildflowers and fresh fruit. Dry and balanced on the palate, with a lingering note of honeysuckle. Served with sea fish specialties and light white meat. - Malvazija Matošević 0,75l ............................................................... 27,00 € Has a rich flavour of acacia flower accompanied by a mild banana aroma and traces of lime and hay. Delightfully fragnant, strong and attractive with a flowery-fruity character. A magnificent, long lasting aftertaste. Ideal with fish and white meat. - Pošip Marko Polo 0,75l ................................................................... 30,00 € Of golden yellow colour, harmonious, warm. Recognisable flavours of almond flower, macchia aromas, bitter orange, lovely bouquet of dry figs, roasted almonds and ling honey, soft and full, delicious with rich umami taste. Suitable with shellfish, crabs, piquant cheeses, and black rice with cuttlefish. - Pošip Intrada Krajančić 0,75l .......................................................... 40,00 € Of straw yellow colour with greenish glints. Moderately dry with accentuated acidity untipical for Dalmatian white wines with fresh fruits, especially apples and elderflower in combination with vanilla and cinnamon. Best paired with fish, clams and white meat. - Zlatna Vrbnička Žlahtina Vrbnik, Krk 0,75l .................................. 20,00 € Of straw green colour with exceptional clarity, produced from autochthonous noble variety. A fruity fragrance and all harmonious qualities of this variety have been ably preserved in this wine of charming and lively taste. Perfect match with all types of sea fish, seafood, white meat dishes and sheep cheese. - Krauthaker Graševina Kutjevo 0,75l .............................................. 30,00 € Of crystal bright straw yellow colour of moderate intensity with strong fresh apple aroma, and a tint of vineyard peaches and white wildflowers. A lively taste, with low acidity. Finishes mildly bitter. Matches with vegetable and seafood pasta, and cooked fish. - Pošip Centurion Smokvica, Korčula 0,75l ..................................... 30,00 € A superb dry white wine of controlled origin, made of autochthonous variety pošip. A full-bodied wine with a slightly bitter finish. It has a floral bouquet of apricot, honey and vanilla. Ideal with meals such as scampi, sea crabs and sea food, and fine white meats. - Pošip Grgić 0,75l ............................................................................ 65,00 € A dry white wine, produced in Grgić winery, has a distinctive golden yellow colour. The flavour reminds us of ripe Southern fuits with traces of citrus and wildflowers. Goes well with shells, shrimps and piquant cheeses. SLOVENIA - Sivi Pinot Ščurek Goriška brda 0,75l.............................................. 26,00 € Of straw yellow colour with subtle aromas of ripe apples, lemons, peaches and floral scent. On the palate is of good taste and smell, harmonious, pleasant with a long, slightly creamy finish. Recommended with fish, dry-cured ham and pasta. - Chardonnay Opoka Simčić 0,75l ....................................................65,00 € A taut, spicy, mineral nose leads to a dense palate with citrus fruit, some herbs, melon and pear. Subtle toasty notes. Rounded, harmonious, smooth and quite serious. Served with truffles, rich sea food and non-fatty meat. ITALY - Gavi di Gavi Bersano Piemonte 0,75l .............................................. 29,00 € A high quality dry wine made exclusively from Cortese grape. The bouquet is particularly floral, offering delicate aromas reminiscent of pineapples, peaches apricot. A fresh taste, harmonious and elegant with full and rounded body, good acidity and a long fruity finish. Complements all types of salads, fish, white meat dishes with light sauces. - Pinot Grigio Jermann Venezia Giulia 0,75l .................................... 45,00 € This Pinot Grigio is a world away from the Italian norm, with intense and persistent aromas, and a velvety, full-bodied feel on the palate. Ideal with grilled seafood, wild mushrooms and rich, creamy pasta dishes. - Chardonnay Jermann Venezia Giulia 0,75l ..................................... 45,00 € Charming, inviting nose recalling pear and apple aromas with lovely hints of grapefruit and vanilla. A soft and ample white wine with a refreshing, mineral finish. Best with sea fish, clamps, vegetable potage and fish stew. - Marina Cvetić Trebbiano d’Abruzzo 0,75l ..................................... 60,00 € Produced in famous Italian Masciarelli winery, in the Abruzzo area, aging in French oak barriques for 12 years. Translucent golden yellow, bright and complex. Fruity, flowery and spicy with flavors of papaya, yellow peach, lavender, honey, vanilla. Served with pastas, turkey and sea-bass. - Chardonnay Marina Cvetić 0,75l ....................................................60,00 € The scent is intense, clean, pleasant and refined and reminiscent of apples, plum and toast, followed by scents of bananas, hawthorn, vanilla, pears, hazelnuts, grapefruit and nougat. Works very well with: smoked salmon or trout; grilled or baked chicken with creamy sauces; grilled shrimps or shrimps alla white buzara; grilled octopus; pasta with cheese sauce. - Gaja Rossj Bass 0,75l ....................................................................... 65,00 € A wine with considerable depth, elegant body, definite character and good acidity. Provocative aromas of citrus blossoms and splashes of peach, Bartlett pear and vanilla. A fresh, lingering finish. Served with seafood and succulent risotto. - Vintage Tunina - Jermann 0,75l ...................................................... 90,00 € A combination of is Sauvignon, Chardonnay, Ribolla Gialla, Malvasia Istriana and Picolit. Layers of succulent peaches, pears, apricots, flowers and mint, along with hints of sweetness from a late-harvested fruit. Ideal with mushrooms, fish and poultry. FRANCE - Baron De Rothschild Legende R Blanc, Bordeaux 0,75l ................ 26,00 € A blend of Sauvignon, Sémillon, and Muscadelle. The aroma has intense notes of white flowers, citrus fruit and mineral fragrances. Fresh to mouth leaving an enduring and pleasant aftertaste. - Pierre Andre Pouilly-Fuisse, Burgundy 0,75l .................................45,00 € A dry white wine, made from 100% Chardonnay grapes, of medium body and crystal yellow colour. An intense exotic fruit fragrance, with traces of grapefruit and green apple. Harmoniously balanced acidity provides an enduring and agreeable fruity finish. Ideal with grilled prawns, chicken and soft cheeses. - Chateau de Maligny Chablis 0,75l ................................................. 40,00 € Though rich, this wine possesses of freshness and typical oyster shell and iodine notes. The wine displays ripe peach and melon flavors, which are balanced and lingering. Recommended with fish paté and seafood. - Chateau de Maligny Chablis 1er Cru Fourchaume 0,75l ............... 60,00 € Amazing structure and complexity, bold tropical fruit is cut by bracing minerality and fresh acidity. After a few hours, the wine begins to soften and the intense aromatics start to show. Try this with seafood gumbo, poached halibut or avocado-based vegetarian dishes. - Puligny Montrachet 1er Cru Les Folantiers Louis Latour 0,75l .......................................................................... 190,00 € Rich yet tremendously elegant, full-bodied, well balanced with hints of minerality and great smooth mouth-weight. Caramel and buttery notes on the nose follow through as they are beautifully integrated into this ripe wine. Full of finesse and structure with a lasting honeyed finish. NEW WORLD - Luis Felipe Edwards Reserva Chardonnay, Chile 0,75l ................. 25,00 € A fruity, fresh, complex and harmonious wine with aromas of citrus, tropical fruits, green apple and woody vanilla nuance. Full bodied with balanced acidity. Served with white and smoked fish, seafood and chicken. - Terrazas Reserva Chardonnay, Argentina 0,75l ............................. 30,00 € Of gold-greenish colour, with aromas of nectarine, peach and vanilla. The structure is rich, with flavours of apple, pineapple and a tint of hot spices. Finishing moderately long. Pairs with white meat and shrimps in sweet sauce. - Chardonnay Casillero del Diablo, Čile 0,75l ................................. 26,00 € Of light lemon yellow colour with expressive and attractive aromas of pineapple, citrus and vanilla. Well balanced with bright acidity and a long, memorable finish dominated by notes of honey and green plums. Ideal with salmon, seafood and pasta with robust sauces. ROSE WINES MONTENEGRO - Rose Plantaže 0,75l ..........................................................................15,00 € A breezy, elegant, dry wine of rosy colour with a reflection of crystal clearness. Has a sumptuous grape flower and raspberry fragrance. Excellent as an aperitif, it goes well with light salads and lighter fish and meat dishes. - Rose Zenta, Vučinić 0,75l................................................................20,00 € Made from autochthonous Vranac and Kratosija variety grown in their own vineyards. A fresh and fruity (wild cherries and raspberries) wine with soft and sweet finish. Perfect with light dishes with white meat, pastas, salads, etc. SPAIN - Faustino VII Rosado 0,75l .............................................................. 25,00 € A clear pink coloured wine, with mixture of rose and raspberry aromas. Fresh and fruity, with perceptible acidity. Served as an aperitif and with various light risottos. ITALY - Banfi Centine Rose IGT 0,75l ....................................................... 27,00 € Of intense pink colour. Very aromatic. Fresh, dry, with rich berry flavours; well-structured, with a long crisp, clean finish. Complex and full-bodied, Centine Rose is ideal as an aperitif, it pairs perfectly with fish, poultry and fresh cheeses. SERBIA - Varijanta Oplenac, Aleksandrović 0,75l......................................... 24,00 € With its structure and strength, the wine is a crossover between rose and red wine. Has an impressive wild rose fragrance with notes of lokum and dried fruits. Finishes long. Ideal with dry meat, sausages and pork meat. - Rosseto, Kovačević Irig 0,75l ......................................................... 22,00 € Produced from Cabernet Sauvignon red grape variety, grown on the southern slopes of Fruška Gora. Has a bright rosy colour, mild strawberry taste and wild rose fragrance.Served as an aperitif, and is an excellent companion of pastas and cold appetisers. SLOVENIA - Rose Batič 0,75l ............................................................................... 30,00 € Characterised by an intense strawberry and red currant fragrance. A harmonious and elegant wine of balanced acidity with appealingly bitterish finish. Recommended with lighter dishes, seafood or as an aperitif. RED WINES MONTENEGRO - Vranac Pro Corde 0,187l ................................................................... 5,00 € - Vranac Pro Corde 0,75l ................................................................... 25,00 € The taste is very tannic, but harmonious, typical of the wine, easily grassy with the notes of forest fruit. Black berries and supple cherry tones dominate the aromas, bursting into a pleasurable harmonious experience on the palate. Recommended with very spicy and fatty meat dishes, game meat, prosciutto as well as with all fatty cheese with strongly expressed on nose. - Vranac Plantaže 0,75l ...................................................................... 18,00 € The taste is full, characteristic and light tanninish. Temperamental wine of southern type, with high extract and alcohol content. Harmonious. Autochtonous Montenegrin variety cultivated for centuries in the Montenegrin region of Crmnica, an area stretching from Skadar Lake towards the Adriatic Sea, at the altitude of up to 500 m. - Cabarnet Plantaže 0,75l ................................................................. 17,00 € A premium red wine, made of the famous grape from Podgorica vineyeards. Robust yet easy drinking with spicy dark-fruit aromas and well polished tannins. Perfect with dark meat, prosciutto and piquant cheeses. - Merlot Plantaže 0,75l......................................................................17,00 € Characteristically piquant rose and violet scent. The taste is harmonic, extractive, full, sophisticated. Ideal with steak, pork, prosciutto, hard cheese, and cookies with nut and poppy. - Vranac Barrique Plantaže 0,75l ....................................................... 32,00 € The wine with dark ruby colour. Fruit, cherry, blueberry and discrete vanilla notes are predominant in its fragrance. Has a full and rounded taste, with a lasting spicy aftertaste. Served with a homemade ham, prosciutto, all red meat dishes, sheep and goat cheese. - Vranac Reserve Plantaže 0,75l .......................................................... 50,00 € A superb Montenegrin wine made from particularly good vintage of Vranac variety, dry, dark red with a purple shade. Extractive, full in taste, mildly tannic, with shades of berries in its fragrance. Recommended with red meat and it goes very well with strong whole cheeses. - Vranac Premijer Plantaže 0,75l ..................................................... 140,00 € A superb red wine of dark ruby colour. Selected blend of the best reserves of Vranac from the Plantaže cellar. Elegant, balanced, rich in juicy and creamy taste of black currant and prune, rounded with a fine sweet note of vanilla. - Kratošija Zenta, Vučinić 0,75l ........................................................ 27,00 € A unique red wine made from autochthonous Montenegrin kratošija variety. Of intense red colour, with specific small red forest fruit aroma, pleasant in taste, velvety and fresh. SERBIA - Regent Aleksandrović 0,75l ............................................................ 30,00 € Cabernet Sauvignon - 50%, Merlot - 50%. Of dark red colour with purple reflection. Expressive aromas of blackberry and blueberry, with warm notes of baked prunes and discrete whiff of mint. Tannins are smooth, final taste is very energetic and resembles ripe cherries. Ideal with prosciutto, strong pastas, risotto with Parmesan, medium grilled steaks and strong and mature cheeses. - Aurelius Barrique Kovačević 0,75l ................................................. 32,00 € Possesses richness, harmony of aroma and taste, and a fruity character resulting from the blend of two superb varieties of grapes - Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. Ideal with red meat, lighlty grilled beefsteak and blue cheeses. - Merlot selection - Do kraja sveta 0,75l .......................................... 28,00 € A full-bodied wine, strong and energic with intensive ruby colour. A wide range of rich fruity aroma: dark berries with predominant note of cherries immersed in incredibly intensive tones of black Belgium chocolate. Serve with veal and lamb roast, barbecue and spicy foods. BOSNIA AND HERCEGOVINA - Vranac Vukoje 0,75l ........................................................................ 27,00 € Possesses a distinguishable fruity character and aroma that reminds of ripe cherries with its richness, youthful freshness of taste and characteristic ruby colour. Ideal with red and game meat, smoked lamb and veal under the bell, grilled mushrooms, spicy red sauces, prosciutto, as well as with hard matured cheeses, gorgonzola and Parmesan. - Tvrdoš 0,75l ..................................................................................... 28,00 € A monastery wine produced of 100% vranac variety. Fermentation and aging takes place in the monastery cellars. The wine captures with its vivid purple colour, fruity aroma and fragrance resembling ripe cherries and figs. Recommended with smoked and dried meat, whole cheeses, smoked fish. CROATIA - Postup Donja Banda Pelješac 0,75l ................................................. 45,00 € Made from an autochthonous grape variety plavac mali, on a unique Postup location, on the slopes of the seaside hills. The wine is maroon red, with a good balance of tannins and acids. Served with red meat, game and very aged cheeses. - Dingač Matuško 0,75l ..................................................................... 45,00 € Of dark ruby colour with purple shades, crystal clear, with full and rounded taste, harmonious, both bitter and sweet. The flowery aroma deserves to be mentioned as a special characteristic of this wine. Recommended with black risotto, oily fish, brodetto and meat with red wine sauce. - Zlatan Plavac Grand Cru Zlatan Otok 0,75l .................................. 75,00 € Made from specially selected grapes from the best and oldest locations on the island of Hvar. Has a dark ruby colour, rich and complex fragrances that leave the aroma of prunes and vanilla in the nose. A rich and strong tannin structure, with full and long finish. Matches with roast meat, spicy foods, brodetto, oily fish, spicy red meat sauces, and hard cheeses. - Plavac mali Grgić 0,75l ................................................................... 80,00 € A red ruby coloured wine having pleasant fragrance of blackberry, plum and flower. Medium bodied with rounded tannins. Served with red meat and pasta with spicy sauces. - Royal Dingač Matuško 0,75l ......................................................... 120,00 € If Dingač is really the best place for plavac mali, than this Royal Dingač represents the best of the best. It is produced from selected harvest of a variety with limited localities in Dingač vineyard. A black, full, noble wine ideal with all roasted and spicy food (bodette, pašticada, game meats). SLOVENIA - Pinot Noir Simčič, Goriška brda 0,75l......................................... 55,00 € Distinguishable for its slightly transparent ruby colour with brick shade. The bouquet resembles ripe cherries with a tint of orange peel. Tender, ripe tannins are also noticeable. Well balanced, pleasantly mild, full-bodied with enduring finish and appealing note of cherry pit. Excellent with salmon, shark, tuna and bass fillets, hard and semi-hard mountain cheeses. - Modri pinot Movia Kristančić, Goriška Brda 0,75l ....................... 78,00 € Refined and warm in the nose and mouth, this wine opens up in the nuances of dark berries, followed by spicy aromas of cinnamon and green pepper. Goes well with game meat. ITALIA - Castello Banfi Chianti Classico Toscana 0,75l...............................32,00 € Made with 85% Sangiovese. A strong bouquet with a changing note of cherry, plum and violet. Served with moderately rich meat dishes and pastas with strong sauces. - Castello Banfi Brunello di Montalcino 0,75l ................................ 90,00 € Of intense ruby colour with brick red reflection; reveals strong and intense aroma, with notes of red and black berries and traces of vanilla and violet. A lot of spices in the taste, with well rounded and crisp tannins. Goes well with red meat and ripe cheese. - Barolo - Fontanafredda 0,75l .......................................................... 80,00 € One of the best Italian wines. This is a strong wine with the scent of roses and well-balanced ripe tannins. This wine is ideal with red meats, game and mature cheeses. - Villa Antinori Tignanello Toscana 0,75l ......................................200,00 € Has intensive ruby colour, boasting pure red fruit and spice flavours. Full and rounded body, quite complex and elegant. Lasting finish, with hints of chocolate and citrus and gloriously silky tannins. Well balanced acidity, which gives the wine quite an aging potential. - Castello Banfi Rosso di Montalcino DOC 08 0,75l...................... 30,00 € 100% Sangioveze variety. Intensively red coloured with purple reflection. The bouquet is strong, fresh and flowery. The taste is tender, sophisticated, with long finish. Goes exceptionally well with old and medium old cheeses. - Montepulciano d’Abruzzo Marina Cvetić 0,75l............................. 48,00 € Intensely fruity showing dark berry and tree fruit with notes of tobacco shop as the wine evolves. A powerful, fully fruited taste with loads of spice and a long finish that calls for another sip. Served with havier pastas, truffles and blue fish. - Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri Sassicaia 0,75l..................................... 260,00 € Generous notes of chocolate raisins, some herbs and a little smoke. Mid-bodied and well balanced, lovely mouthfeel with silky tannins. Good mid palate marked by notes of blackberry. Long warm finish. Paired with red meats, hearty chicken. - Barbaresco Gaja 0,75l ................................................................... 255,00 € The blend of grapes from 14 different vineyards creates a complete and balanced wine, which is particularly fruity, with an excellent tannic and acid structure. Perfect for rich pastas, red meat, game and cheese. FRANCE - Chemin des Papes Chateauneuf-du-Pape 0,75l .............................. 55,00 € Of intensive red colour, dominated by the aromas of leather, prune and black currant. It is mellow and rounded in elegant tannins. Served with read meat. . - Bordeaux Rouge Legende Barons De Rothschild 0,75l ................. 35,00 € Bright red, with discrete and elegant fragrance, aromas of vanilla, spices (cinnamon) and blossoming fruit (cherry). The taste is complex, peppery, fruity, with good tannins and well rounded finish. Ideal with tuna steak, game and meat in wine sauce. - Grand Cru Château Laroque 0,75l .................................................. 80,00 € An intense bouquet of black fruits. Powerful, generous, smooth attack: the tannic structure has great presence, but the tannins themselves are fleshy and tasty. Nice harmony. The mineral touch on the finish reinforces its aromatic freshness. - Chapelle de la Trinite, St. Emilion 0,75l............................................. 35,00 € A dense dark ruby red colour, in the nose black cherry, blackberry, blackcurrant, strawberry, coffee, notes of almonds, plum. On the palate it is medium bodied, smooth and expressive with round, well integrated tannins. Accompanies best all sorts of red meat, also chicken and turkey and soft and hard cheeses. SPAIN - Faustino VII Red 0,75l ................................................................... 35,00 € Of transparent ruby colour with dominant vanilla aromas. Nicely balanced in the mouth, silky with pleasant finish. Goes well with grilled meat. - Campo Viejo Reserva 0,75l .............................................................. 30,00 € Sweet berry aromas of the Tempranillo grape blend harmoniously with vanilla notes of the oak to a mild and velvety red wine. Paired with cold and grilled meats. NEW WORLD - Cabernet Reserva Luis Felipe Edwards, Chile 0,75l .......................28,00 € Aromatic features of black currant, black tea, and sweet spices. Dry and refined on the palate. A round, full body with condensed, yet fine tannins and harmonious acids. Complements game and dark meat, mature and noble cheeses. - Terrazas Reserva Malbec, Argentina 0,75l ..................................... 32,00 € Opens with an intense nose of black cherries, figs and sour cherry jam, followed by a delicate violet perfume. Rounded, well structured and fleshy, it will enhance both roasted or oven cooked meats and slightly spicy dishes. Matches perfectly with beef and game, or lightly spicy tomato based Latin and fusion food. DESERT WINES MONTENEGRO - Medun Plantaže 0,5l ........................................................................ 25,00 € A natural sweet wine. Late harvest of the selected pieces of grape has naturally increased the concentration of sugar residues in the grape. Exceptional fullness, roundness, complexity, leaving a rich fruity and creamy aftertaste, with a chocolate finish. Ideal with chocolate cakes and berries. SRBIJA - Bermet, Kovačević Irig 0,75l............................................................26,00 € Made exclusively from grapes coming from hillside vineyards in Fruška Gora. Enriched with more than twenty species of aromatic and medicinal plants. HRVATSKA - White Muscat Kozlović 0,5l............................................................. 34,00 € Of straw yellow colour, with fine fruity and flowery fragrances developing in the glass. Recommended with a range of desserts, or enjoyed as an appetiser. ITALIA - Ruffino Vin Santo del Chianti Serelle 0,75l ......................................... 45,00 € Intense aromas of candied fruit and honey with just a touch of orange peal, pepper and cinnamon. Sweet notes of dried apricots and raisins are well intertwined with pleasant hints of vanilla and aromatic spices. Complements mascarpone based desserts, crème brûlée, biscotti, or simply enjoyed on it's own. FRANCE - Sauternes Dulong Reserve 0,75l ......................................................30,00 € Of gold yellow colour, specific Sauternes with the aromas of apricot, honey and peach. Finishing quite long. Served with goose liver and some noble types of cheese. Served with goose liver and noble cheeses. RESTAURANT LOUNGE BAR PROVA Tivat AD Ulica 21. Novembar bb Tivat
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