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H OT EL M AG AZ I NE • JESE N / ZI M A 2011. / 2012. • AU T U M N / WI N T E R 2011/ 2012
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L O N G C H A M P. C O M
Z A G R E B , G U N D U L I C E VA 3
Redakcijski kolegij za četvrti broj našega, ponovno izdanoga, magazina nije bio ništa manje buran od onoga
što ste mogli vidjeti zadnjih dana zasjedanja Hrvatskog sabora. Ista količina histeričnih ispada, razmjena
uvreda, optužbi na račun drugoga – ali s jednom velikom razlikom (i pritom mislim da ne umišljam previše)
– mi smo stvar ipak priveli kraju.
Produkcija i kreativno vodstvo I Production
and creative management: DANIRA OREŠIĆ
Fotograf I Photograph: HRVOJE SERDAR
Odjeća I Clothes: THE CORE
Nakit I Jewellery: ZAKS
Frizura I Hairstyle: SALON TEUTA
No pustimo politiku, u našemu magazinu slavimo “uspješne hrvatske priče”, ovaj put kroz individualna
postignuća Vjekoslava Majetića, vlasnika Dok-ing grupe, svjetskog šampiona u ronjenju na dah Gorana
Čolaka, ali i globalnog fenomena poznatijeg pod imenom 2CELLOS. Zaključili smo da ima nade i za hrvatsku
vinsku industriju, pa čak i usprkos lošim potezima Vlade RH u pristupnim pregovorima s Europskom Unijom
kada je riječ o razvoju vinogradarstva. Mora da su “dečki” u Bruxellesu jako zadovoljni.
Vratimo se kući. Jednostavno smo se morali pohvaliti člankom o našem restoranu Bistro i njegovu izvrsnom
timu, koji je imao veoma uspješnu godinu. A za kraj, moram se opravdati. Opet su me vješto nagovorili
(zapravo prisilili) da se uhvatim pisanja, ovaj put o noćnom životu Zagreba. Zbog toga sve uobičajene isprike
vrijede, pa čak i ona najjadnija: “Popio sam koju previše”.
Izdavač I Editor
10 000 ZAGREB
E: [email protected]
TEL: 01/3680 015
FAX: 01/3680 016
Glavna urednica I Editor-in-Chief
Uredništvo I Editorial board
Direktorica marketingaa I Marketing manager
Grafička urednica i dizajnerica I Art editor
Lektura I Proofreading
Novinari I Journalists
Prijevod na engleski I Translation to English
Croatian success stories
The editorial meetings of Edition 4 of the re-launched mag witnessed just as many hissy-fits, insult trading
and accusations of misdemeanor as we have seen in the Croatian parliament in recent months but – and I
don’t think I’m being overly arrogant in this – at least we produced something at the end of it all.
Politics notwithstanding, we have ended up with a celebration of Croatian success stories – quite unintentionally – this time around with the individual achievements of Mr. Vjekoslav Majetić, World Champion
free-diver Goran Čolak and global phenomenon 2CELLOS all gracing our pages. There are even glimmers
of hope for the Croatian wine industry, despite the schoolboy error EU trade-off antics of the government.
How the boys in Brussels must be sniggering into their frites.
Closer to home, we have a navel-gazing celebration of our stars in the Bistro – a real success story for us this
year – and I was once again coaxed (forced, actually) into penning a bit this time about Zagreb’s nightlife. All
the usual disclaimers, plus a few more involving lame ‘I’d-had-a-few’ excuses, apply.
Fotografi I Photographs
Tisak I Print
T. +385 0 1 45 66 666 I F. +385 0 1 45 66 020 E.
[email protected]
Philip Mahoney
generalni direktor I General Manager
Love, passion and need...
NONI ŽIVOT ZAGREBA I Zagreb nightlife
The man who launched the
Croatian automotive industry
The island Vis - the place for the perfect vacation
Lord’s walk for truce
Symbols of luxury in Zagreb
The Croatian wine revolution
A Guide to Zagreb’s cultural events
... tako Stjepan i Luka, poznatiji kao 2 CELLOS, govore o odnosu prema čelu, instrumentu
koji sviraju od djetinjstva, a koji im je donio svjetsku slavu. Kako su došli na ideju da svoju
snimku stave na YouTube te kako su počeli suradnju s Eltonom Johnom, Stjepan i Luka
otkrivaju ekskluzivno našoj novinarki.
and need...
... this is how Stjepan and Luka, better known as the
‘2 CELLOS’ describe their relation to the cello, an
instrument they have both been playing since childhood,
and which brought them world fame. Stjepan and Luka
talked to our journalist about the origin of the idea to
upload their music video on YouTube and how they
started working with Elton John.
Tekst I Text: Tihana Kora
“Kada zbrojite njihove godine, dobit ćete broj koji je još uvijek manji od
dobi najmlađeg člana mog benda.” Tako je Elton John na svojoj turneji
najavio jednu od najvećih senzacija klasične glazbe – Stjepana Hausera
i Luku Šulića, poznatih i kao 2CELLOS. Od samoga početka sve se vrti
oko brojki, točnije oko jedne brojke, nevjerojatno fascinantne, čak i za
najbrži i najpovezaniji, internetski medij.
Prvo njihovo predstavljanje na YouTubeu u nekoliko je mjeseci pogledano pet milijuna puta. Pri tom prvom koraku u crossover svijet ne
samo da nisu posrnuli već su, kao što nagovješćuje i naslov odabrane
obrade, vrlo glatko uklizili u uši ljubitelja Michaela Jacksona, klasike
Fotografije I Photo: Stephan Lupino
“If you add up their years, you will get a number which is still much
lower than the age of the youngest member of my band”, said Elton
John on his tour while announcing one of the greatest phenomenon
of classical music – Stjepan Hauser and Luka Šulić, better known as the
“2CELLOS”. From the very beginning everything revolved around the
incredible viral exposure that even took the internet by storm.
The first appearance of the ‘2CELLOS’ on YouTube received 5 million
views in just a few months. In their first step into the crossover world,
not only they did not trip, but, as the title of their cover suggests, they
smoothly reached the ears of fans of Michel Jackson, classical music
i, prije svega, štovatelja glazbe otvorenih srca koji su zahvaljujući
obrađenom Smooth Criminalu prepoznali novu glazbenu senzaciju.
U rodnom Mariboru i Puli, dvadesetčetverogodišnji Luka i godinu
dana stariji Stjepan počeli su glazbeno obrazovanje koje ih je dovelo
do Londona čiju su žilu kucavicu napumpanu uglađenom tradicijom i
frenetičnom punkerskom energijom prenijeli u svoj projekt osvajanja
svijeta. Odande su krenuli na putovanje života na kojem su SAD, Brazil,
Latvija, Litva, Rusija, Ukrajina, Singapur, Indonezija, Malezija, Australija
i Novi Zeland tek neke od stanica njihove prve svjetske turneje.
S talentom priznatim i od najstrožih klasičara, emocijom često izgubljenom u svijetu spektakla te dječačkim šarmom cilj koji su si zadali
ostvaruju svaki put kada zagrle svoje violončelo. Jer uz pomoć gudajućeg čarobnog štapića tako lako uspijevaju učiniti svijet ljepšim mjestom.
Kako ste odabrali 12 hitova za svoj prvi album? Jeste li se vodili
isključivo pjesmama koje najčešće privatno slušate ili ste, prije svega,
vodili brigu o tome da su pjesme prilagodljive violončelu?
Luka: Ima puno velikih hitova i pjesama koje volimo, ali, naravno, nije
svaka prilagodljiva violončelu, tako da je izbor pjesama za prvi album
idealan spoj onoga što volimo i onoga što odgovara izvedbi na dva čela.
Pjesme U2-a imaju poseban ugođaj i atmosferu zbog čega je ta grupa
i tako posebna te na našem instrumentu njihove pjesme istodobno
zvuče i jako emotivno i snažno. Zato smo njima posvetili dvije pjesme,
baš kao i kralju popa, Michaelu Jacksonu. Obrada njegove pjesme nas
je proslavila, tako da smo za album odabrali i Human Nature u kojoj
smo mogli potpuno iskoristiti pizzicato tehniku sviranja.
Stjepan: Album se odlino
prodaje u cijelom svijetu, a
pogotovo u Japanu gdje je
tjednima bio broj jedan na
top listi stranih glazbenika,
i to ispred najkomercijalnijih
izvoaa poput Lady Gage i
Jedan je vaš fan na Facebooku predložio da obradite Bohemian
Rhapsody grupe Queen. Kakvom vam se čini ta ideja i postoje li neke
pjesme koje se ne biste “usudili dirati”?
Luka: To je jedna od pjesama koju ne bi imalo smisla obrađivati na
samo dva violončela, ali ako bi se dodao još koji instrument, taj bi
aranžman mogao zvučati fantastično. Glazba grupe Queen zahtijeva
bogate aranžmane s cijelim bendom te katkad orkestrom i zborom.
and, above everything else, the lovers of passionate music who recognized in their take on “Smooth Criminal” a new music sensation.
24-year old Luka and his elder by a year, Stjepan, started their musical
education in their native towns, Maribor and Pula, and continued in
London, whose strange juxtaposition of genteel tradition and frantic
punk energy the two reflected in their “conquest of the world” project.
That’s when their journey in life started, making USA, Brazil, Latvia,
Lithuania, Russia, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand just some of the stops on their first world tour. Their talents were
recognised by classical experts, while the emotions they show in an
emotionless world and their boyish charm led them to rapid success.
How did you chose the 12 hits for your first album? Are these your favourite songs or did you take into account that songs can be adapted
to the cello?
Luka: There is a huge number of great hits and songs we love, but of
course, not all of them can be played on the cello. Therefore, the selection of songs on the first album is a combination of the songs we love
and the songs which can be adapted and performed on two cellos.
The U2 songs have a special vibe and feeling and this is why this band
so special. Their songs sound powerful and emotional when played
on our instruments. That’s why we decided to dedicate to U2 two of
our songs, just like we did with the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. It is
thanks to the cello-version of his song that we rose to fame and for the
album we chose his “Human Nature” in which we could fully use the
pizzicato playing technique.
Stjepan: The album has had
fantastic sales all around the
world, and especially in Japan
where for weeks it was number
one on the world music charts,
charting higher than famous
performers like Lady Gaga and
One of your fans suggested on Facebook you do a cover of Queen’s
“Bohemian Rhapsody”. What do you think of this idea and are there
any songs you wouldn’t “dare” to play with?
Luka: There would be no point in trying to perform this song on only
two cellos, but if we added a few more instruments, the result would
be fantastic. Queen’s music requires rich arrangements with a whole
ensemble, including sometimes orchestra and choir.
Zašto ste za prvo predstavljanje javnosti izabrali upravo Smooth Criminal Michaela Jacksona?
Stjepan: Morali smo početi s nečim prepoznatljivim, a Michaela Jacksona oduvijek slušamo i to je bio nekakav tribute njemu i njegovoj glazbi.
Why did you choose Michael Jackson’s “Smooth Criminal” to be
Nirvana i Guns N’ Roses, čije ste pjesme obradili, stotinama su godinama ne samo u kronološkom smislu nego i u glazbenom udaljeni
od Debussyja i Vivaldija. Kako uspijevate prilagoditi klasično čelo
modernim produkcijama?
Stjepan: Osim što se cijeli život bavimo klasikom, ujedno smo i stvarno
iskreni rockeri u duši tako da smo to uspjeli obraditi tečno i s guštom.
to him and his music.
Kako biste u jednoj rečenici opisali svoj odnos prema čelu?
Luka: Obojica možemo bez razmišljanja reći – ljubav, strast i potreba.
the same time, we are genuine rockers and therefore we adapted the
Sigurno postoji legenda o nastajanju fenomena 2CELLOS. Jedne smo
večeri šetali Londonom i pala nam je na pamet luda ideja da pokorimo
svijet klasikom. Ima li zaista takvih elemenata u vašoj priči?
Luka: Ha, ha, ha, bilo je upravo tako kao što ste rekli.
How would you summarise in only one sentence your relation to
Da moderna tehnologija i klasika idu rukom pod ruku dokaz je i vaše
iskustvo s YouTubeom koje je preraslo u senzaciju svjetskih okvira.
Jeste li, na neki način, pripremali teren prije nego što ste se predstavili
svijetu ili je to isključivo rezultat dobre umreženosti i brojnosti ljubitelja klasike i/ili Michaela Jacksona?
Luka: Vidjeli smo priliku i znali smo da preko YouTubea možemo ostvariti svoj san, a to je pokoriti svijet violončelom i dobrom glazbom. Jako
smo vjerovali u to i, eto, nakon prvog videa taj smo san počeli intenzivno živjeti. Znali smo da bismo, ako napravimo nešto originalno, nesvakidašnje i uvjerljivo, mogli postati senzacija svjetskih razmjera i drago
nam je da kvaliteta ipak može doprijeti do masa.
evening we were strolling in London and we had this crazy idea to
Pet milijuna pogleda na vaš hit u razdoblju kraćem od godinu dana
nemaju ni neki izvođači u najkomercijalnijim showbizz razredima.
Opterećuje li vas ta brojka na način da mislite da svaki sljedeći korak
nekako mora nadmašiti taj spektakularni skok u vis uspjeha i popularnosti?
Stjepan: Na početku nam je bilo bitno probiti led, a sada brojke na YouTubeu nisu više toliko važne. Budući da smo pod velikom korporacijom
Sony, YouTube nema više takvo značenje jer Sony stavlja videoklipove
na puno različitih kanala koji su blokirani za određene zemlje. Nama bi
bilo draže da je YouTube i dalje prioritet velikim diskografskim kućama.
channel to make our dream come true, to conquer the world with
Očekujete li da će spot koji ste snimili za pjesmu Where the Streets
Have No Name ostvariti čak veći uspjeh od videoprvijenca?
Luka: Taj smo spot napravili za svoju dušu. Snimljen je u jednom kadru
u Humu, najmanjem gradu na svijetu. Ta nam je kompozicija definitivno jedan od dražih aranžmana s albuma, ali budući da je riječ više o
umjetničkom uratku, ne očekujemo golem komercijalni uspjeh.
your first presentation to the public?
Stjepan: We had to start with something that everyone knows, and
we are both great fans of Michael Jackson so it was a kind of tribute
Nirvana and Guns N’ Roses songs are light years away from Debussy
and Vivaldi, not just chronologically but in a musical sense as well.
How do you manage to adapt the classical cello to modern productions so smoothly?
Stjepan: We’ve been dealing with classical music all our lives, but at
songs with great ease and enjoyment.
the cello?
Luka: I think we can both say, it’s love, passion and need.
There must be a story behind the ‘2CELLOS’ phenomenon, like One
conquer the world with classical music. Did something similar happen in your story?
Luka: Ha, ha, ha It was exactly as you described it.
The fact that modern technology and classical music go hand in
hand is proved also by your YouTube experience which became a
world sensation. Were you preparing the ground before you presented your work to the world or is it just the result of good connections and huge number of classical music and/or Michael Jackson
Luka: We saw our opportunity and we knew that YouTube was our
cellos and good music.
We believed strongly in this and, as it happened, after the first video,
the dream became intensively real. We knew that if we managed to
create something original, outstanding and convincing, we could become a world sensation and we are glad that quality can reach the
Five million views in less than a year is something most famous performers can only envy. Were you a little bit overwhelmed by the
numbers involved and the expectation for your next step?
Stjepan: At the beginning it was crucial to break the ice, and the
YouTube figures are not that important. Now that we’ve signed up
with Sony, YouTube is not so relevant anymore since Sony uploads
the video-clips on a number of different channels which are blocked
for certain countries. Personally, we would prefer if the large record
companies considered YouTube as a priority channel.
Imate li možda podatak koliko ste dosad prodali albuma 2CELLOS?
Stjepan: Album se odlično prodaje u cijelom svijetu, a pogotovo u Japanu gdje je tjednima bio broj jedan na top listi stranih glazbenika, i to
ispred najkomercijalnijih izvođača poput Lady Gage i Beyonce.
Za razliku od mnogih modernih europskih zvijezda sa Starog kontinenta, vi nemate problema s osvajanjem SAD-a.
Luka: U samom su početku naši videoklipovi dobili veliku pažnju u
SAD-u, tako da nam je to otvorilo vrata u nekim od najgledanijih showova, poput onoga Ellen DeGeneres. U SAD-u smo otvarali koncerte
Do you expect that your video for the song ‘Where the Streets Have
No Name’ will outperform your first global success?
Luka: This video is from the heart. It was shot in single frame in Hum,
the smallest town in the world. The tune is definitely one of our favourite arrangements on the album, but because it’s more of an artistic
piece, we don’t expect huge commercial success.
How many albums have you sold?
Stjepan: The album has had fantastic sales all around the world, and
especially in Japan where for weeks it was number one on the world
na turneji Eltona Johna gdje nas je na svakom koncertu imalo prilike
čuti na desetke tisuća ljudi. Koncert u Las Vegasu u Ceasars Palaceu na
Million Dollar Piano Showu smatra se vrhom njegove karijere, i biti dio
toga za nas je iznimna čast.
music charts, charting higher than famous performers like Lady Gaga
and Beyoncé.
Kako je uopće došlo do suradnje s Eltonom Johnom i koji vam je bio
najupečatljiviji trenutak na dosadašnjoj turneji?
Luka: Elton je bio jedan od brojnih utjecajnih ljudi koji su pogledali
našu obradu Michaela Jacksona. Zatim je poslušao i naša druga videa,
oduševio se i osobno nas nazvao na mobitel! Najupečatljivije je bilo
Luka: Our videos received a lot of attention in the USA from the very
beginning and this opened the doors for some of our top shows such
as the Ellen DeGeneres one. In the USA we opened concerts during
Elton John’s tour and each concert was attended by tens of thousands.
The Las Vegas concert in “Ceasar’s Palace” on the “Million Dollar Piano
Show” is considered to be the height of his career and for us is an immense honour to be part of that.
Luka: Elton nam je priznao da u 40 godina
njegove karijere nikad nije imao tako uspješan
opening act i takvu reakciju publike
Unlike many other modern European musicians, you didn’t appear to
have any problems conquering the USA.
How did your collaboration with Elton John start and which was the
most memorable moment on the tour?
Luka: Elton was one of numerous influential people who saw our
Michael Jackson cover. Then he listened
to our other videos, he was amazed and
he phoned us personally on our mobile
phone! The most memorable moment was
opening his concerts in the USA where the
audience is just astonishing. Elton said that
in his 40-year career he had never had such
a successful opening act and such great
feedback from the audience. Elton was so
impressed with our U2 cover that he rang
Bono immediately to tell him about our
fantastic arrangement.
Luka: Elton told us that in
his 40 year career he had
never experienced such a
successful opening act and
such great feedback from
the audience
otvaranje njegovih koncerata u SAD-u, gdje je publika nevjerojatna.
Elton nam je priznao da u 40 godina karijere nikad nije imao tako
uspješan opening act i takvu reakciju publike. Eltona se naša obrada
U2-a na nastupima toliko dojmila da je odmah zvao Bona kako bi s njim
podijelio oduševljenje našim aranžmanom.
Koja je razlika između koncertnog osjećaja koji pruža primjerice
romanička Palazza Vecchio u Firenci i atmosfere blještavog koncerta
Eltona Johna u Las Vegasu?
Stjepan: U Pallazzo Vecchiju osjeća se posebna atmosfera, spiritualnost i povijest koja seže stotinama godina unatrag. Freske po zidovima,
skulpture i sjajna akustika u službi su violončela i klavira. A Las Vegas
je odraz današnjeg vremena, potpuno ludilo! Svjetlosni show, glasan
razglas, raskošnost produkcije, blještavilo, sjaj, teatralnost i, ukratko,
glamur u potpunom sjaju.
How would you describe how you felt during a concert in the Roman
palace Palazzo Vecchio in Florence and during the glamorous Elton
John concert?
Stjepan: In Pallazzo Vecchio you feel a special atmosphere, spirituality and history dating back hundreds of years. Frescoes on the walls,
sculptures and excellent acoustics are perfectly in tune with the cello
and piano. Las Vegas, on the other hand, is a reflection of modern
times, complete madness! The light show, big volume, lavish production, brilliance, razzmatazz, theatre and, in one word, glamour.
Od mnogobrojnih priznanja i nagrada dobivenih za svoja klasična
ostvarenja, koja biste izdvojili?
Luka: Izdvojio bih pobjedu na natjecanju Lutoslawski u Varšavi 2009.
godine. Riječ je o jednom od najvećih violončelističkih natjecanja i ta
mi je nagrada posebno draga.
Out of the many awards and recognitions you’ve received for your
classical performances, which ones would you single out?
Luka: I would choose winning the Lutoslawski contest in Warsaw in
2009. It is one of the most important cello contests and I am particularly proud of this.
Stjepane, vaš mentor, slavni Mstislav Rostropovich, opisao vas je
kao jednog od najtalentiranijih mladih violončelista koje je ikada
čuo. Je li vam takav kompliment poticaj da istražujete svoj talent u
najrazličitijim pravcima, ili možda podsjetnik da ste prije svega “ozbiljan” klasični glazbenik?
Stjepan: Mislim da bi Rostropovich potpuno podržao naš projekt,
budući da je i on bio osoba širokih horizonta. On je živio u jednom sasvim drugom vremenu, kada je klasična glazba značila sve. U današnje
bi vrijeme bilo šteta, ako čovjek ima talenta i za ozbiljnu glazbu i za
showbizz, jedno od toga zapostaviti. Siguran sam da bi i Rostropovich
dijelio to mišljenje.
Stjepan, your mentor, the famous Mstislav Rostropovich, described
you as one of the most talented young cellists he had ever heard
playing. Is this compliment a motivation to explore your talent in a
number of directions or it is a reminder that, first and foremost, you
are a “serious” classical musician?
Stjepan: I think that Rostropovich would fully support our project given that he is a broad-minded person. He lived in completely different
times, times when classical music meant everything! Today, if one is
talented in both classical music and the more popular format, it would
be a pity to hold one of the two. I am sure Rostropovich would agree
with me.
Koje uspomene nosite iz Buckinghamske palače i St. James palače
gdje ste svirali za kraljevsku obitelj?
Stjepan: Bilo je vrlo svečano i glamurozno i bez pretjerivanja mogu reći
– kao u bajci. Imao sam prilike ugodno popričati s princem Charlesom i
njegovom suprugom Camillom.
What memories do you have of Buckingham and St. James’ Palace
where you played for the Royal Family?
Stjepan: It was very elegant and glamorous and, without exaggeration,
it was like a fairy tale. I had the opportunity to have a pleasant chat
with Prince Charles and his wife Camilla.
Luka, koja je bila nagrada na natjecanju sponzora Kraljevske glazbene
akademije na kojoj ste trijumfirali?
Luka: Riječ je o vrlo uglednom natjecanju koje mi je kao nagradu
donijelo cjelovečernji koncert u jednoj od najprestižnjih dvorana Wig-
Luka, which award did you receive when you won the Royal Music
Academy contest?
Luka: It’s a very prestigious contest which got me a full-evening concert in one of the most impressive concert halls, the Wigmore Hall in
more Hall u Londonu.
Život klasičnoga glazbenika i život pop-zvijezde, kojim živite posljednjih mjeseci, bitno se razlikuje. Prvi je komorniji i zatvoreniji, a
drugi uključuje brz tempo, stalne promotivne aktivnosti i znatiželjne
The lives of a classical musician and a pop star is hardly similar. The
first one is calmer and closed, while the second involves fast living,
continuous promotional activities and curious fans who want to
fanove koje žele znati što više o vama. Kako ih pomirujete?
Luka: Da, život pop-zvijezde je skroz drugačiji, ispunjen je intervjuima,
TV showovima, glasnim razglasom, luksuznim hotelima, vrištanjem
cura, kao i ogromnim prostorima na kojima nastupamo. Sada, dok smo
mladi, to nam je super, iako nam nekada nedostaje intimnost i mir na
koji smo se naučili s klasičnom glazbom.
know everything about you. How do you reconcile the two?
Luka: Yes, the life of a pop star is a totally different world filled with
interviews, TV shows, high tempo, luxury hotels, screaming girls and
huge venues. While we are young it’s great, although we sometimes
miss the intimacy and peace classical music taught us.
Koliko sati na dan vježbate?
Stjepan: Budući da smo sad neprekidno na turneji te stalno mijenjamo
zemlje, gradove i kontinente, i većinu vremena provodimo u zrakoplovu, ne stignemo previše vježbati. Ali cijelo djetinjstvo smo proveli
vježbajući, tako da smo nakupili kapitala.
Njegujete li neki poseban imidž za nastupe? Što znače identične
ogrlice koje nosite na koncertima?
Stjepan: Ogrlice su dar Eltona Johna, tako da ih uvijek nosimo! Zasad nismo obraćali preveliku pozornost na imidž, odjenuli bismo ono što odijevamo i u
privatnom životu. No, poradit ćemo na tome
i odijevati se sukladno situaciji. Na našim
rock-koncertima bit ćemo u kožnim jaknama
i inzistirati na rock-stilu. A na turneji s Eltonom nosimo Dolce&Gabbana odijela koja
izgledaju vrlo svečano.
Postoji li neki krajnji cilj u vašoj 2CELLOS
karijeri i vašim individualnim planovima?
Stjepan i Luka: Cilj je što većem broju ljudi približiti violončelo i dobru glazbu te učiniti svijet boljim mjestom. Htjeli bismo da mladi
ljudi počnu slušati dobru i kvalitetnu glazbu,
budući da je današnja glazba koju većina
mladih sluša, potpuno isprazna i zatupljujuća.
How many hours a day do you spend practising?
Stjepan: As we are constantly on tour and we are moving from country
to country and continent to continent, we spend most of our time on
a plane and there’s really not much time to practise. We spent all our
childhood practicing, so we accumulated a bit of capital.
Do you have a special style for your concerts? Why do you wear identical necklaces on your concerts?
Stjepan: The necklaces are a gift from Elton John so
we are always wearing them. So far we haven’t paid
particular attention to our style; we would wear
what we normally wear in everyday life. But
we will work on that and learn to dress according to the situation. At rock concerts
we wear leather jackets and look the part.
When we tour with Elton John we wear
Dolce&Gabbana suits which are very elegant.
Is there a final goal in the ‘2CELLOS’ career
and in your personal plans?
Stjepan and Luka: Our goal is to bring the
cello and good music to a large number
of people and to make people happy. We
would like to see young people listen to
high-quality music, so much contemporary music is a little empty and dull.
Ako još jednom čujem rečenicu “U Zagrebu nema dobrih
mjesta za noćni izlazak”, počet ću vrištati. Dovoljno se
malo okrenuti oko sebe, jer kao i svemu što ovaj grad
nudi, i mjestima za izlaske nedostaje malo više promocije
kako bi dospjela do uha prosječnog posjetitelja.
Tekst I Text: Philip Mahoney
Fotografije I Photo: Ines Novkovi & arhiv I archive
agreb nightlife
If I hear the ‘there’s-nothing-to do-in-Zagreb-atnight’ line again, I think I’ll bloody scream. You just
have to look around a bit and, as with much of what
this city has to offer, the venues are not always
promoted so well for your average visitor.
Zagreb je još uvijek malo dijete, da ne kažem u pelenama, što se tiče
njegova razvoja u turističku gradsku destinaciju te vlasnici barova i
klubova, logično, svoju zaradu vide ponajviše u domaćoj klijenteli. Dobra strana toga je da stranci u Zagrebu mogu doživjeti pravi pravcati
noćni izlazak za razliku od otrcanih, bijednih samo-za-turiste zabavnjaka
u nekim gradovima istočne Europe.
Odmah priznajem da nisam veliki obožavatelj noćnih izlazaka, ali kad
pogledate na demografiju većine naših gostiju, možda i nisam tako loš
izbor za vodiča. Stoga vam nudim ovaj vodič četrdesetogodišnjaka s
Zagreb is in its infancy as a city-break destination – fetal almost – and
bar and club operators look to the domestic consumer, reasonably
enough, for their bread-and-butter. The glory of this is, of course, that
we Johnny-foreigners have the opportunity to witness an indigenous,
genuine night-time economy (awfentik, innit?) rather than the trite, often seedy made-for-tourism entertainment of some Eastern European
Now I’m the first to admit that I’m not exactly a night-life aficionado
but, when I look at the demographic of a lot of our guests, maybe I’m
not in such a bad position to be your guide. So read this through the
ever-strengthening, cynically-tinted spectacles of a 40-something and
prepare to have a wee look under the carpet for some of the things you
can do as darkness descends on downtown Zagreb.
cinično obojenim naočalama, pod uvjetom
da ste spremni na zavirivanje pod tepih kako
biste otkrili što vam pruža Zagreb kada padne
The rule of thumb is Tkalća for the summer for people-watching, Khala and Jackie Brown’s for the beautiful set and People’s for the afterwork crowd and, generally, you can’t go wrong with that but there’s
not much to these bars that you wouldn’t see
the world over so for something a little different, try Pod Starim Krovovima, allegedly
the oldest bar in Zagreb, tucked away in the
Upper Town with old-school hospitality and
some live acts squeezed in – spatially as well
as temporally – this is real charm.
Tkalča – ljeti za promatranje ljudi; Khala
i Jackie Brown zbog odličnog interijera, a
People’s za partijanje nakon posla. S njima
nećete pogriješiti, ali, iskreno, nećete vidjeti ništa što ne biste vidjeli u bilo kojem drugom gradu. Ako tražite
nešto drugačije, savjetujem vam da posjetite bar Pod starim krovovima,
navodno najstariji bar u Zagrebu. Skriven je na Gornjem gradu, poznat
po “bečkoj školi” konobara te po uguranim, prostorno i vremenski,
živim nastupima – što mjestu daje poseban šarm.
Moram spomenuti i sportske barove – molim, bez okretanja očiju
– jer riječ je o nužnom zlu za sve nas pasionirane ljubitelje sportskog
programa koji smo u stanju odgledati i utakmicu Kabaddija kad nema
drugog sporta na programu. Opcije su zapravo samo dvije: pub Bulldog koji sam donedavno izbjegavao jer su svi govorili o njemu, ali sada
priznajem da su njegove kožne fotelje najudobnije mjesto za gledanje
nogometa. Negativna strana Bulldoga jest loša usluga, ali malo sportskoga gurkanja konobara u prolazu rješava vaš problem. Posljednja
rečenica je, odmah priznajem, nepravedna jer je zapravo riječ o kulturnim razlikama: u Hrvatskoj nije neobično sjediti za praznom, davno
ispijenom šalicom kave, dok satima ćaskate ni o čemu. Ali ako potječete
iz kulture u kojoj se smatra nepristojnim sjediti s praznom čašom, pogotovo ako je riječ o alkoholu, to vam se može činiti malo čudnim.
U Hrvatskoj nije neobino sjediti za praznom,
davno ispijenom šalicom kave, dok satima
askate ni o emu
Old Pharmacy pub
Some mention of sports bars is a must – stop rolling your eyes at the
back – a necessary evil for those of us who will happily take in a game
of Kabaddi on the TV rather than watch no sport at all. Only two options really – The Bulldog Pub which I had avoided until recently because every review talked about it, but it’s by far the most comfortable
place to watch the footie with their giving leather sofas. The downside is the service is diabolical but you can add to the sporting theme
by rugby-tackling a passing waiter. Perhaps the last sentence is a little
unfair because it’s really about cultural differences: in Croatia, it’s not
unusual to sit in front of an empty coffee cup, long-since drained, and
while away the hours chewing the fat; if you come from a culture where
it’s considered impolite to sit with an empty glass, particularly where
alcohol’s involved, this can seem a little strange. The other is the Old
Pharmacy, a quaint recreation of an English pub, complete with replica
violins adorning the walls, warm beer and foul-smelling loos. It does
have a jolly big screen, though, and a convivial host in Marko who puts
Druga opcija je pub Old Pharmacy – blijeda kopija engleskog puba,
s replikama violina koje krase zidove, toplim pivom i smrdljivim toaletima. No, može se podičiti velikim ekranom i ljubaznim domaćinom,
Markom, koji strpljivo podnosi goste koji se svađaju oko toga koju će
utakmicu gledati – izbor kanala je doista beskrajan – i veselo dijeli besplatne kokice za vrijeme važnih utakmica.
Kozmopolitski, iako to nije, Zagreb ima i nekoliko barova za strance kada
se zažele druženja. U spomenutom OP-u četvrtkom se uglavnom skupljaju Britanci – sve dok ljeto ne izmami nošenje kratkih hlačica i pretjerano izlaganje blijedih nogu u naletu masovnog preseljenja u toplo okrilje
Maraschina na Cvjetnom trgu. Međunarodni klub (Internations Club)
redovito mijenja mjesta svojih druženja utorkom, a Meetup Zagreb sastaje se srijedom u Jackie Brownu (savjetujem vam da svakako provjerite njihov website, katkad se kreću i po tajnovitim mjestima). Plan B
na kaptolskom kraju Tkalčićeve uvijek privlači mješavinu nacionalnosti
– riječ je o malom, intimnom bircu, s dobrim izborom piva i impozant-
In Croatia, it’s not unusual to sit in front of an
empty coffee cup, long-since drained, and
while away the hours chewing the fat
up with all amounts of abuse as the clientele argue over which game
they want to watch – the channel choice is seemingly endless – and
cheerfully doles out free popcorn during the Big Match.
Cosmopolitan as it isn’t, Zagreb’s got a few bars catering for the international crowd if the sociable mood takes. The aforementioned OP is
the hang-out for a predominantly Brit-pack on Thursday nights – until
the summer cajoles the donning of shorts, over-exposure of white legs
and an exodus to the balmy bosom of Maraschino in Cvjetni Trg. The
Internations Club flits from place to place for their Tuesday night bash
and Meetup Zagreb is on Wednesdays in Jackie Brown (always a good
idea to check their web-site first, though, they seem to move in mysterious venues as well as ways). Plan B at the Kaptol end of Tkalčićeva
always attracts a mix of nationalities – it’s a small intimate gaff with a
good selection of beers and a larger-than-life mine host, Joe, who is
often to be found propping up our side of the bar – it can get messy.
nim domaćinom, Joeom, koji se često nađe s
druge strane šanka – zna biti nezgodno.
Noćni klubovi
Karte na stol, ovo je zaista daleko od mojih
interesa, ali oni koji vole atmosferu školskog
diska u malom gradu mogu birati između
Hemingwaya na Tuškancu, Saloona i Fly Bara.
Ako ste više za postmodernizam, najbolja opcija je No.1 klub koji vas vraća u barove studentskih udruga osamdesetih, s jeftinim stolcima i čudnim parom u kasnom pubertetu koji se
vrti u kutu, i zaista lošom glazbom – to je zapravo petominutna stanica,
i to samo ako ste došli naoružani ironijom. S druge strane, bolje ne.
Ako vam je imidž važan – Peppermint je trenutačno totalno in, uz Mansion na Jarunu, i zaista ne mislim ništa loše kada kažem da su propustili
brod – ako misle da ih malo zelenih plastičnih ploča boje mente (jeste
Cards on the table, this is far from my thing but for those that like
the small-town school disco feel, there’s the choice of Hemingway
on Tuškanac, Saloon and Fly Bar. If you want to delve into a bit postmodernism, you can do no better than No.1
Club which is reminiscent of an ‘80s students
union bar, complete with room-edge common room chairs, the odd late teen couple
winching in the corner and really bad music – it’s a 5-minute stop-off and only then
if you’ve come dressed up in irony. On the
other hand, best not. If you’ve image in
mind, Peppermint Club is now the place to
li vidjeli što su dizajneri učinili? – u redu, to je
staklo, nisu plastične ploče, ali shvatili ste što
želim reći) i “VIP sekcija” čine avangardnim.
Ako ste ipak za malo inkluzivnije mjesto,
radi-što-hoćeš, nosi-što-hoćeš, pij-što-hoćeš
opciju, pokušajte s klubom Sokol. Za publiku
poput nas, onu s krive strane 25. godine,
ondje nema pretvaranja, samo dobra doza
zabave i posrtanje u tri ujutro do konačnog cilja, mjesta za vraćanje u
život nakon alkoholne večeri – Pingvina (vidi časopis Regent br. 3).
Pravi okus hrvatske noćne scene doživjet ćete ondje gdje to ne biste
nikada očekivali, u People’su. Kasno četvrtkom, taj se stylish bar pretvara u klub folklora. Da budemo pravedni, People’s nije loše mjesto
za mainstream večeri, no četvrtkom ovdje možete čuti tradicionalnu
slavonsku (istočna Hrvatska) glazbu s tamburicom u glavnoj ulozi i
lokalpatriotskim osjećajima nabrijanu ekipu – u pozitivnom smislu –
ekipu koja poziva autsajdere u svoju kulturu partijanja. Neka vas ne zabrinjava što ne znate riječi, dešifrirajte ih nekoliko i derite se uz glazbu.
Jedan bolno-propušten birc je burleskni lounge Posh Fantasy bar.
Donedavno je bio smješten u centru Cascade, preko puta Blinga – koji
izbjegavajte poput kuge, ako ni zbog čega drugoga, onda samo zato
što nema ni mrvice ironije u nazivu. Posh vodi zagrebačka jet-setterica, Snježana Mehun, koja je spojila pretjerano dekadentne burleskne
mini showove s nevjerojatnim skupom međunarodnih DJ-eva, dostojnih Balijeve domovine loungea, Kudeta. Priča se da Snježana traži novi
dom. Obratite pažnju na to mjesto.
Uglavnom zahvaljujući uspješnom partnerstvu lokalne tvrtke Lupa Promotions i europskoga koncertnog moćnika Live Nation, Zagreb udara
iznad svojih mogućnosti na koncertnoj sceni i ulaznice su uglavnom
dostupne bez prolaska kroz traumatično iskustvo imaš-30-sekundi-za-
be – aside from Mansion on Lake Jarun but there’s really no pun intended when I say they have missed the boat – where they laughably
think that a bit mint-green formica (you see what those clever designers
did there? – OK, OK it’s glass, not formica, but you get the point) and a
‘VIP section’ make them avant la lettre in lounge cool.
For a more inclusive, do-what-you-want, wear-what-you-want, drinkwhat-you-want option, try Sokol Klub. With an apparent target audience
of those of us on the wrong side of 25, there’s no pretence here, just a
good dose of fun within a short 3 o’clock stagger from the definitive après-drink fuelling
point, Pingvin (see Regent Magazine no.3).
The real flavour of the Croatian night scene
comes in the unlikely setting of People’s. Late
on Thursdays, this self-styled joint of hip slips
off the designer gear to go all folky. To be fair,
it’s not a bad venue on the more mainstream
evenings but here’s when you can see traditional Slavonian (eastern
Croatia) tam-tam as the tamborica plays centre-stage and the fiercely
parochial – in a good sense – crowd welcome outsiders into their partying culture. Don’t worry about not knowing the words, just indulge in a
few and shout along to the music.
One sorely-missed joint is the burlesque-styled lounge Posh Fantasy Bar.
Until recently located in the Cascades Centre just across the corridor
from Bling which is to be avoided like the plague if only because there’s
not a hint of irony in the name. Run by the frighteningly appealing Zagreb socialite, Snježana Mehun, Posh blended outrageously decadent
burlesque mini-shows with an outstanding line up of internationallysourced DJs, worthy of Bali’s home of lounge, Kudeta. Rumour has it
Snježana’s on the lookout for a new home. Watch this space.
Largely thanks to a successful partnership of local impresario Lupa Promotions and European concert powerhouse Live Nation, Zagreb punch-
kupnju i drugih oblika polulegalnih pronalaska ulaznica svojstvenih za
mnoge zemlje zapadne Europe. Britney Spears, Massive Attack, Arcade
Fire, Anansie Skunk, Tom Jones, Sade, Lenny Kravitz, Hurts, The Human
League, Chris Rea i Jean Michel Jarre samo su neka od imena koja su
posjetila zagrebačku Arenu ili ostala zagrebačka koncertna mjesta u posljednjim mjesecima (da budem malo patriot i nostalgičan, moram spomenuti i škotski fenomen, grupu Red Hot Chilli Peppers, koji su također
gostovali u Zagrebu) i vrijedi provjeriti što se događa kada ste u gradu
kako biste si osigurali neplanirani noćni izlazak.
Ako ste poput mene, znači daleko od primjećivanja nijansi hrvatske
stand up komedije, odnedavno u Zagrebu postoji znatan izbor zbog sve
većeg broja stand up komedija na stranim jezicima. Studio Smijeha je
bio prvi koji je počeo s međunarodnim večerima stand up komedije
na francuskom, engleskom i njemačkom jeziku u nekadašnjem kinu u
es way above its weight on the concert scene and such is the level of
consumer spending in this neck of the woods, tickets are often available
without going through the trauma of 30-second sell-out and second-tier
semi-legitimate touting of many western European countries. Britney
Spears, Massive Attack, Arcade Fire, Anansie Skunk, Tom Jones, Sade,
Lenny Kravitz, Hurts, The Human League, Chris Rea and Jean Michel Jarre
are just a few that have done their thing in the Zagreb Arena and elsewhere in recent months (I would be just a little parochial and sniffingly
homesick by including Scottish phenomenon the Red Hot Chilli Pipers in
this line-up but they were here too!) and it’s worth checking out what’s
on when you’re in town to make for a most unlikely, unplanned night out.
If, like me, you’re a long way off picking up the nuances of Croatian
stand-up comedy, there’s choice-a-plenty with the recent boom in foreign language stand-up. Studio Smijeha were the trailblazers with their
international nights in French, English and German in a converted cinema on Vlaška – this is a comedy club as it should be, as it was before
the Comedy Store scrub-up; spit and sawdust, an eclectic ensemble of
furniture and one of the acts running the bar – remember that? They always produce a great star act and the support is pretty good, aside from
the owner, Marina’s, blend of I’m-funny-because-I’m-a-woman-AND-gay
non-com. Also getting in on the act was Boogaloo’s bi-lingual stand-up
comedy festival, Komedija s nogu at the Movie Pub (also good for Karaoke, but little else, if that’s your bag) and Mirth Control & Nino Bantić
but they seem to have gone to ground in recent months after the closure of their home
the BP Club closed down.
Vlaškoj. To je pravi klub, onakav kakav bi trebao biti, kakav je bio prije restrukturiranja
Comedy Storea; prljav i neuredan, eklektičan
skup namještaja i jedan od glumaca koji je
istodobno zadužen za šank – sjećate li se?
Imaju odlične predstave i podrška je jako
dobra, kao i vlasnica, Marina, mješavina
smiješna-sam-jer-sam-žena-i-gay. Dobro je
krenulo i Boogaloovoj dvojezičnoj stand up
komediji, Movie pubu i njegovoj “Komediji s nogu“ (Movie pub je dobar
i za karaoke, i to je više-manje sve), a Mirth Control & Nino Bantić su
malo nestali sa scene otkako je njihov BP Club zatvoren.
Dakle, dao sam vam nekoliko ideja, ali ne želim zavaravati jer ako tražite
zaista dobar noćni izlazak, skoknite do Beograda – no, kladim se da
nećete izdržati više od nekoliko dana (osim ako vašim žilama ne teče
irska krv).
So there’s what to do but, look, I won’t lie to
you, if you want a really good night out, go to
Belgrade – but I bet you can’t last more than
a few days (well, unless you’re Irish).
Movie pub
Vlasnik Dok-ing grupe
Vjekoslav Majetić sa
svojim tvrtkama pokriva
60% svjetskog tržišta
kada je riječ o proizvodnji
strojeva za razminiravanje,
no nedavno je njegova
tvrtka proizvela i prvi
hrvatski električni auto
koji je predstavljen na
svim značajnim svjetskim
sajmovima. Pročitajte kako
razmišlja jedan od rijetkih
poduzetnika u Hrvatskoj
koji ima jasnu viziju
The man who launched the
Croatian automotive industry
The owner of the Dok-ing
group, Vjekoslav Majetić,
and his companies has
more than 60% of the
demining machinery
global market.
Recently, his company
produced the first
Croatian electric car
which was presented
at major world fairs.
Find out here the
philosophy of one of
Croatia’s entrepreneurs
with a very clear vision of
the future.
Ako je glavna karakteristika poduzetnika
vizionarstvo, onda je Vjekoslav Majetić poduzetnik u pravom smislu te riječi. Nakon
dvadeset godina poduzetičkog staža i nijedne
promašene investicije, danas Dok-ing grupa
broji sedam tvrtki s 250 zaposlenih i po svojim prihodima pripada velikim poduzećima.
Jedna od Dok-ingovih tvrtki koja se bavi razminiravanjem do sada je u Hrvatskoj uklonila oko 250 tisuća ubojitih sredstava. Kao
tvrtka, dobili su razna priznanja, a jedno od
najdražih, koje je pripalo vlasniku, jest Orden
Nikole Tesle.
Godišnji rast tvrtke iznosi oko 35% godišnje.
A osim tvrtki u Zagrebu i jedne u Slunju, u
Dok-ing grupaciju pripadaju još i Dok-ing
Afrika i Dok-ing Amerika. Nedavno su otvorili
i tvrtke u Iraku i u Sudanu.
If the key quality of an entrepreneur is that
he should be a visionary, then Vjekoslav
Majetić is an entrepreneur in the full sense
of the word. After 20 years of entrepreneurial experience and not one failed investment,
Dok-ing group today comprises 7 companies
with 250 employees and is classified as a
large company in terms of revenues. One
of Dok-ing companies involved in demining
has so far removed around 250 thousand of
these killing devices in Croatia. The company
has been awarded a number of recognitions,
and their favourite one, the Nikola Tesla
Medal was awarded to its owner.
Annual growth is currently running at around
35%. Apart from the companies in Zagreb
and one located in Slunj, Dok-ing Group is
also international, including Dok-ing Africa
Kako je počeo vaš poduzetnički put?
Bavio sam se špedicijom i studirao uz rad. Uskoro sam odlučio otvoriti obrt iz kojega se današnja grupacija polako razvijala. Uvijek smo se
služili novim tehnologijama, proizvodili smo antene, antenske sustave,
a nakon nekog vremena počeli smo proizvoditi robote. Danas grupaciji
Dok-ing pripadaju Dok-ing proizvodnja, Dok-ing razminiravanje, Vatrogastvo, Nove tehnologije, Automotiv i VJ-Eko u Slunju.
Koje su osnovne djelatnosti vaših tvrtki?
Dok-ing proizvodnja bavi se serijskom proizvodnjom strojeva koje smo
razvili. Profit koji ostvarujemo ulažemo u razvoj novih sektora. Proizvodnju vodi direktor Davor Krpan. Pokrivamo američko, rusko i cijelo
europsko tržište te još neke kupce.
Dok-ing razminiravanje jedna je od najvećih privatnih tvrtki za razminiravanje u Europi. Imamo velike kapacitete. Tvrtku vodi direktor Josip Tuličić. U razminiravanju upotrebljavamo Dok-ingove strojeve. Mi
smo jedna od rijetkih tvrtki koja radi razminiravanje i proizvodi stro-
and Dok-ing America and not so long ago also opened divisions in Iraq
and Sudan.
How did your entrepreneurial path start?
I was in the shipping business and I was studying while working. Pretty
soon I opened a small business which was the starting point for the
development of today’s company. We always used modern technology,
we produced antennas, antenna systems and, after a while, we started
to produce robots. Today the Dok-ing group encompasses: Dok-ing Production, Dok-ing Demining, Firefighting, New Technology, Automotive
and Slunj based VJ-Eko.
Tell us something about the main activities of your company
Dok-ing Production is involved in serial manufacturing of machines
which we develop. The profit is invested in the development of new
sectors. Production is led by the director, Davor Krpan. We cover the
American, Russian, European markets and some more clients.
Dok-ing Demining is one of the largest private demining companies
in Europe. Our capacities are huge. The company is managed by the
o Josip Tuličić. In demining, we use machinery developed and
by ourselves. We are onee ooff the few companies which
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jeve za razminiravanje. U Dok-ing Firefightingu, odnosno Vatrogastvu,
direktorica je Ana Majetić. Proizveli smo specijalne robotske strojeve
po narudžbi ruske vlade i sada pregovaramo s njima da dio proizvodnje radimo u Rusiji, za njihove potrebe. Ta se tvrtka još razvija i trebat
će dvije do tri godine da se proizvodi plasiraju na tržište. Taj projekt
prezentiramo u Mađarskoj i Austriji sa svrhom zaštite nuklearnih centrala, rafinerija i skladišta opasnih materijala. Na čelu tvrtke Dok-ing
Automotiv direktor je Tomislav Boško. On vodi razvoj novoga električnog automobila. Projekt je još u razvoju, a sljedeće godine kreće
nulta serija. Bili smo na sajmovima u Ženevi, Frankfurtu i Los Angelesu. Taj program razvijamo kao sporedan, što ne znači da nije atraktivan i od velikog značenja za Hrvatsku jer je Hrvatska prvi put u povijesti dobila vlastitu autoindustiju. Dok-ing energo zastupa ekološki
prihvatljive energije – sunčanu energiju, energiju vjetra i energiju vode.
Direktor tvrtke je Gordan Pešić. Tvrtka je vrlo mlada, ali se brzo razvija i već imamo dosta upita vezanih za posebne generatore sporih
voda, a kada budu gotovi, vidjet ćemo kako će se stvar dalje razvijati.
Mi trošimo oko 300 kilovata struje dnevno pa ćemo nastojati dio te
struje pokriti iz obnovljivih izvora energije. Tu je i VJ-eko iz Slunja. Kupili
smo prostor bivše Jugoturbine, koja je bila u stečaju, revitalizirali ga te
radimo dio našega proizvodnog programa razminiranja i rudarstva. Ta
je tvrtka produženi prostor Dok-ing proizvodnje. S Dok-ing rudarstvom
radimo najviše u južnoj Africi, gdje su nam dali povjerenje i financirali
responsible for the development of the new electric car. The project is
still being developed and the following year we will start with the zero
series. We attended fairs in Geneva, Frankfurt and Los Angeles. We are
developing this programme as a secondary programme which does not
mean it isn’t attractive or significant for Croatia because for the first
time in history Croatia has its own automotive industry. Dok-ing Energo represents eco-friendly energy sources – solar, wind and water
energy. The director of the company is Gordan Pešić. The company is
very young, but it is being developed at a fast pace and we have a number of requests for the production of special generators to be used in
slow-moving waters. Once these are completed we will see how the
project develops. We use approximately 300 kW of electricity per day
so we will try to cover part of this electricity with energy obtained from
renewable energy sources. We also own the VJ-eko located in Slunj. We
bought the former Jugoturbina factory which was bankrupt; we revitalized it, and use it to manufacture one part of our demining and mining
production programme. The company in Slunj functions as an extended facility of Dok-ing Production. Dok-ing Mining operates generally in
South Africa where our company proved to be a reliable partner and
received the finances needed to develop the special robotic mining
machinery. We managed to develop a new type of equipment and we
can proudly say that we are entering South Africa’s mines - a proof that
our engineers adopted and realized high quality programmes.
Ljudi koji me znaju kažu da sam kao malo
dijete, da bih se uvijek igrao. I zaista to volim.
ovjek bez vizije i osjeaja za nešto novo ne bi
mogao stvoriti ono što sam ja stvorio.
I would call you a man with a vision. You don’t know the word stagnation…
Exactly. I provide the basic idea, I direct and lead my team, but they
need to bring the construction to reality on their own. I take great satisfaction seeing them arrive at a solution independently.
razvoj posebne rudarske robotske opreme. Sada smo razvili novi tip opreme i s ponosom mogu reći da ulazimo u rudnike u južnoj Africi, što je
dokaz da su naši inženjeri usvojili i realizirali kvalitetne programe.
Rekla bih da ste čovjek koji uvijek ima viziju. Kod vas nema stagnacije.
Upravo tako. Dajem osnovnu ideju, usmjeravam i vodim svoj tim, ali
zahtijevam da samu konstrukciju realiziraju samostalno. Volim kad samostalno idu prema rješenju.
Ljudi koji me znaju kažu da sam kao malo dijete, da bih se uvijek igrao.
I zaista to volim. Čovjek bez vizije i osjećaja za nešto novo ne bi mogao
stvoriti ono što sam ja stvorio. Nije mi žao potrošiti nijedan trenutak
svoga slobodnog vremena za bavljenje novim idejama. Volio bih da mi
i ostatak života bude ovakav. Nadam se da ću još dio projekata koje
sam zamislio uspjeti završiti. Iako, ima ih mnogo. Katkad izluđujem zaposlenike svojim idejama pa se moraju usredotočiti na dva-tri projekta
Those who know me say that I am like a
small child, that I only want to play. And I
really enjoy that. A man with no vision or
feeling for something new would have never
created what I did.
Those who know me say that I am like a small child, that I only want
to play. And I really enjoy that. A man with no vision or feeling for
something new would have never created what I did. I do not regret
one minute of my free time dedicated to new ideas. I would like to use
the rest of my life just like I did so far. I hope I manage to complete a
number of projects that are still in my head. However, there are really plenty of them. Sometimes I drive my employees crazy with my
odjednom, što je golem napor. Međutim, to nam je jedina šansa, dok
smo ovako dobro pozicionirani na svjetskom tržištu. Moramo to iskoristiti i privući potencijalne korisnike. Ako propustimo priliku, nikada više
nećemo postići status kakav sada imamo.
Jeste li nekada imali ideje koje niste uspjeli realizirati?
Jesam, naravno, ali to su, rekao bih, bile nevažne ideje. Ono što smo
prototipno pokrenuli, to smo i napravili. Imam ideju napraviti malo
leteće vozilo, ali sada još nije vrijeme za to. Ako ikada budem imao
vremena, s obzirom na postojeću tehnologiju, posvetit ću se tome. U
ovom nam je trenutku najveći problem skladištenje energije. Mislim
da je električna energija budućnost, što se i pokazuje. Ona je mnogo
kvalitetnija, čišća, a efikasnost je velika. Ekološka svijest ima sve veći
utjecaj na okolinu, uvode se vozila i motori s alternativnim gorivom i za
Sljedee godine poinje nulta serija automobila.
Prvih 10 komada financirat emo iz tekue
proizvodnje, drugaije i ne može biti jer je recesijom najviše pogoena upravo autoindustrija.
neko vrijeme, dobar dio vozila trebat će zamijeniti. Prema tome, trendovi su na našoj strani. Električni auto je projekt koji smo počeli prije
nekoliko godina i, evo, dovršili smo ga. Trebalo je novca, vremena i trebalo je usavršiti tehnologiju. Riječ je dakle o prvom automobilu proizvedenom u Hrvatskoj. Mogli smo uzeti dijelove od nekog postojećeg
automobila i to bi bio posao od nekoliko mjeseci, ali željeli smo sve
napraviti u Hrvatskoj. Moja zamisao je bila da to bude luksuzni, mali
auto koji ne zauzima puno mjesta, a ima sve performanse sigurnoga,
velikog automobila. Pokazali smo da se to može napraviti.
Kako ste prošli na Frankfurtskom sajmu?
Odlično, zadovoljni smo, velik je bio interes i čak smo se pojavili u velikim svjetskim medijima s dobrim ocjenama, kao i kad smo se prvi put
pojavili u Ženevi. Auto je ocijenjen kao jedan od najatraktivnijih automobila u grupi malih, gradskih, električnih vozila.
Kakvi su vam planovi s tim automobilom?
Sljedeće godine počinje nulta serija. Prvih 10 komada financirat ćemo
iz tekuće proizvodnje, drugačije i ne može biti jer je recesijom najviše
pogođena upravo autoindustrija. Ne idemo na velik broj vozila. Vozila
će se proizvoditi prema narudžbi kupaca.
Koja će biti cijena automobila?
Ako uzmete paket sunčeva punjača, cijena goriva je gotovo jednaka
nuli. Dakle, gorivo ne plaćate, ali imate investiciju koju morate platiti, a
to su auto i sustav punjenja. Osnovna investicija je oko 50 tisuća eura,
ideas and they have to stretch over two or three projects simultaneously which is quite demanding. But this is our only chance, while we
still hold a relevant position on the world markets. We have to use that
and attract potential users of our services. If we had missed opportunities in the past, we would have never achieved the status we currently
Next year we will start with the zero series. The
first ten pieces will be financed from current
production; otherwise the production wouldn’t
be possible as the automotive industry was
most badly hit by the recession.
Did you ever have an idea which you didn’t bring to life?
Of course I did, but I would say these were unimportant ideas. The
projects we started were always completed. One of my ideas is to produce a small flying vehicle, but it is not time for that yet. If I will ever
have enough time, given the available technology, I will definitely focus on this project. Our main concern in this moment is the storage
of energy. The future lies in the electric energy and this is obvious to
everyone. It is much cleaner, of a higher quality and its efficiency is
huge too. Environmental awareness is influencing manufacturing more
and more, alternative fuel vehicles and engines are emerging and very
soon a large number of vehicles will have to be replaced. The trend is
on our side, therefore. The electric car is a project which we started
a few years ago, and we completed it successfully. It required money,
time and improved technology. We are talking about the first car produced in Croatia. We could have taken pieces from existing cars and it
would have been a job of just a few months, but we wanted to produce
everything in Croatia. My idea was that the car would be a luxury, small
car which doesn’t take too much space, at the same time having the
performance of a safe, large car. We have shown that this is possible.
How did you go at the Frankfurt fair?
Excellent, we are very happy with the results; the interest was huge and
we appeared in the most influential world media. The impressions were
very good, just like when we presented the car in Geneva. The car was
assessed as one of the most attractive cars in the group of small, city,
electric cars.
What are your plans with the car?
Next year we will start with the zero series. The first ten pieces will be
financed from current production; otherwise the production wouldn’t
be possible as the automotive industry was most badly hit by the reces-
sion. We will not produce a large number of vehicles. The cars will be
produced to order.
How much will the car cost?
If you take the package with the solar charger, the price of the fuel is close
to zero. So, you are not paying the fuel, but you need to pay for the investment, and that’s the car and the charging system. The basic investment
amounts to around 50 thousand Euro each, but if you divide that amount
into a 5 year leasing, the result is that the car would cost you as much as
if you were buying fuel or even less and, effectively, get the car for free.
You only have to pay the energy you use for driving. So the energy pays for
your car. You need to explain that to the people because the price of 50
thousand Euro may seem a bit high. Although if you walk around Zagreb,
you will see that Croatians buy cars worth 80 and 100 thousand Euro.
ali ako to podijelite na leasing od pet godina, koštalo bi kao da kupujete
gorivo za taj auto ili manje od cijene goriva koje biste kupovali, a auto
ste dobili besplatno. Plaćate samo energiju kojom ste se vozili. Dakle,
energija otplaćuje vaš auto. Ljudima to treba objasniti, jer im se cijena
od 50 tisuća eura čini, u prvi tren, velikom. Iako, ako prošećete Zagrebom, vidjet ćete da Hrvati kupuju aute i od 80 i 100 tisuća eura.
Hoćete li ga i vi voziti?
Svakako. Jedva čekam. Nedavno sam rekao dečkima u tvrtki da nemam
puno vremena i živaca da pokrenu proizvodnju jer se želim što prije
početi voziti. Na kraju ću ga morati sâm završiti. (smijeh)
Koliko vas je pogodila recesija, s obzirom na to da je riječ o velikom
Svaka tvrtka ima svoj smjer razvoja, a da bismo kompenzirali mogućnost
da jedan dio industrije u nekom trenutku stane, morali smo ga moći
preusmjeriti u neki drugi u kojem je trenutačno situacija povoljnija. To
Are you going to drive it?
Definitely. I can’t wait. I warned my guys in the company that I don’t have
much time or patience to wait for the start of the production because I
want to start driving that car as soon as possible. I may have to complete
the production myself. (he laughs)
se u recesiji pokazalo odličnim i zbog toga nas nije jako pogodila. Imali
Were you badly hit by the recession, given that your company is a con-
smo rezerve i zato smo uspjeli opstati, održati profit i rast kakav danas
siderable size?
Every company has its own direction of development, and in order to
Koliko ste, tijekom 20 godina koliko imate tvrtku, bili spremni riskirati
u poslu?
Bio bih odličan kockar! No, šalu na stranu, problemi uglavnom nastaju
kada trebate podršku banaka. Dobili smo podršku od HBOR-a, što nam
je znatno olakšalo život i rad. Ali svaki prototip koji smo napravili uvijek
je rizik, zaista morate imati viziju kako će proizvod utjecati na kupca, što
će donijeti, morate paziti što ćete ponuditi i hoćete li to moći proizvesti.
Glupo je nešto napraviti, a da to ostane u dvorištu; ako je inovativno, a
nema svog kupca, onda bolje da niste gubili vrijeme, osim ako radite za
svoje zadovoljstvo.
compensate for the possibility of stagnation in one sector, we had to
find a way to redirect it to another with a more favourable current situation. This proved to be very successful during the recession and this is
how we’ve managed to escape the recession’s blow. We had reserves
which helped us survive, maintain the profit and see the growth we are
witnessing today.
In the 20 years you’ve owned the company, have you been willing to
take chances?
I would be an excellent gambler. Joking apart, the problems generally
arise when you need the support of the banks. We were supported by
Kada i kako ste se probili na svjetska tržišta s proizvodnjom strojeva za
Naši prvi strani kupci bili su iz Južnoafričke Republike, poslije toga je
švedska vojska naručila strojeve, i tada smo dobili odlične reference.
Onda je došla američka vojska, koja nam je dala još bolju referencu. Dobili smo jedan od rijetkih ugovora, tzv. IQ Contract koji nam je osigurao
proizvodnju za američku vladu i do sad smo za njih napravili oko 60 strojeva. Zatim je krenula Šri Lanka s dvadesetak vozila, Libija, Irak, Italija,
HBOR (Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development) which significantly eased our lives and work. However, each prototype we make
is a risk in itself, you really need to have a vision on how the product
will influence the buyer, what will it bring, you have to take good care
of what you are going to produce and if you will be able to produce it. It
is foolish to manufacture something and then keep it in your back yard;
if a product is innovative but it doesn’t have a market, it’s a waste of
time. Unless you are working for your own pleasure.
How and when did you break into the demining world markets?
Our first foreign clients were from South Africa, they were followed by
the Swedish Armed Forces which bought our machinery. This gave us
excellent references. The US Army was our next customer and was an
even better reference. We also won one highly-prized contract, the socalled IQ Contract, which guaranteed the production of machinery for
the American Government and so far we have manufactured around 60
machines for them. Sri Lanka followed with an order of 20 vehicles, and
then Libya, Iraq, Italy, Greece, Ireland, among others. Today we are one
of the most important world producers of demining machinery and we
have around 60% of the global market.
Grčka, Irska... Mi smo danas jedan od najznačajnijih svjetskih proizvođača strojeva za razminiravanje i pokrivamo 60% svjetskog tržišta.
Pretpostavljam da ste često na putu.
Da, nedavno sam stigao iz Rusije, uskoro idem u Mađarsku, pa u Austriju, zatim u Češku itd. Nama uskoro dolazi afrička delegacija, da vide
bušilice koje proizvodimo samo za njih. U skorijoj bismo budućnosti trebali obići nekoliko rudnika u Sibiru jer smo s Rusima potpisali ugovor za
proizvodnju posebnih robota za gašenje požara na plinskim bušotinama
i cijevima u slučaju erupcije.
I am guessing you travel frequently.
Yes, I returned recently from Russia, I will be travelling soon to Hungary,
Austria and the Czech Republic. An African delegation is coming to visit
us to see the drills we are manufacturing specifically for them.
We are planning to visit some mines in Siberia because we’ve signed an
agreement with the Russians for the production of specific fire-fighting
robots for gas extraction wells and pipes.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
Retired. I’m joking; I’ll probably stick around as long as it will be neces-
Gdje se vidite za deset godina?
U mirovini. Ma šalim se, vjerojatno ću biti ovdje dokle god bude trebalo. Bilo bi šteta da ne iskoristim svoje iskustvo, kao i odnose sa svjetskim tržištem te osjećaj koji imam za stvari koje vrijede i koje ne vrijede.
Obožavam život, obožavam kad se nešto događa.
sary. It would be a pity not to use the experience I have behind me and
Spomenuli ste da biste voljeli napraviti letjelicu.
Moj zamjenik Zoran je paraglajder i nedavno sam letio s njim. To mi se
svidjelo, i sada mi je cilj napraviti letjelicu tako da se mogu voziti brže
od njega. (smijeh) Kad završimo aute, letjelice su sljedeći korak, a nakon
toga na red dolaze podmornice.
My deputy Zoran is a paraglider and recently I had the opportunity to fly
Volite doći u Regent Esplanadu.
Često dolazim; volim vaš hotel. Esplanade je jedan od naših najstarijih i
meni najdražih hotela. Nedavno smo imali delegaciju iz Indije, koja je odsjela u hotelu Regent Esplanade. Sjedili smo na terasi i dobro se zabavili.
the good relations I have in the world markets as well as my feeling for
valuable and not-so-valuable product. I enjoy life, I love it when something is happening.
You mentioned you’d like to manufacture a small aircraft.
with him. I loved it and now my dream is to manufacture an aircraft so
that I can fly faster than him (he laughs). When we finish with the cars,
aircraft are our next step, and after that we will move on to submarines.
Do you like to visit the Regent Esplanade?
I come here very frequently; I am very fond of this hotel. Esplanade is
one of our oldest and my favourite hotel. Recently we had a visit by an
Indian delegation, they stayed in the hotel. We sat together on the terrace and had a wonderful time.
Tekst I Text: Ana Gruden
The island is
– the place for the perfect vacation
Kad govorimo o hrvatskim otocima, teško je samo jednome dati titulu
najljepšega jer je, kao što i većina svjetskih medija piše, konkurencija
velika, pogotovo ako se kao kriterij nameću isključivo prirodne ljepote. Dakle, priroda je neupitna gdje god se uputili, no naravno da to ne
može biti jedini kriterij koji zanima potencijalnoga gosta. No, ono što Vis
čini iznimnim, u usporedbi s ostalim jadranskim otocima, nevjerojatan
je spoj ljepote, odlične hrane, savršeno čistog mora, prelijepih plaža i
ugodne atmosfere koju teško možete pronaći usred turističke sezone u
top destinacijama na jadranskoj obali. Stoga nije ni čudo da ga je britanski Guardian proglasio “mjestom za savršen odmor”.
It’s difficult to single out the most beautiful of all Croatia’s islands. Just
as the international journalists are widely commentating, the competition is huge, especially if it’s down to natural beauty. The beauty of raw
nature on the islands is indisputable wherever you choose to go, but it
cannot be the only thing of interest to a potential traveller. What makes
Vis exceptional is the incredible combination of breathtaking beauty,
delicious food, crystal-clear sea, wonderful beaches and a pleasant atmosphere – not as frequent during the high season elsewhere on the
Adriatic coast. It is hardly surprising, therefore that the British daily, The
Guardian, named it the “place for the perfect vacation”.
Na samo dva sata i petnaest minuta vožnje trajektom od Splita nalazi se jedan od
najljepših otoka na Jadranu
Only a two-and-a-bit hour ferry-ride separates Split from one of the most beautiful
islands in the Adriatic Sea
Za razliku od godinama popularnog Hvara, otok Vis je svoju turističku
reputaciju počeo stjecati tek nakon 1990. godine, zbog toga što je tijekom Drugoga svjetskog rata bio sjedište Vrhovnog štaba Josipa Broza Tita te baza savezničkim avionima i mornarici, da bi nakon toga, u
socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji (zajedno s otokom Lastovom) bio zatvoren za
strance i služio kao vojna utvrda. Ta je činjenica (koliko god to kontradiktorno zvučalo) Visu priskrbila današnju posebnost jer su godine izolacije,
bez pravog turizma, “očuvale” otok, koji nikada nije postao mega popularno turističko središte kroz koje ne možete prolaziti od mase turista
koja se slijeva po rivi. Dakle, ako ne žudite za zabavom poput one koja se
Unlike Hvar, which has been popular for years, the island of Vis only
opened to tourists after the 1990s. During the Second World War it
was the seat of Josip Broz Tito’s General Headquarters and the military
base used by the Allies’ planes and ships. In the post-war period, during
the Socialist Yugoslavia, the island was, together with the neighbouring
island of Lastovo, used as a military base, off-limits to foreigners. It is
precisely for this reason (as contradictory as it may sound) that Vis is
considered special today, because the years of isolation, without real
tourism in today’s sense of word, “preserved” the island which has never become a mega-popular tourist mecca, packed with people making it
nudi na Hvaru ili Pagu (gdje se, recimo, nalazi
veoma popularno Zrće), Vis je pravo mjesto
za odmor duše i tijela. Domaći ljudi nerijetko
odaju dojam nezainteresiranosti za turiste,
a kontinentalci koji su odlučili ondje kupiti
nekretnine i provoditi ljetne mjesece na Visu,
također se nerijetko već smatraju domaćim
stanovništvom jer to je, kažu, jedini način da
vas autentično stanovništvo prihvati. Višani
pritom nisu neljubazni, da ne biste stekli krivi
dojam, oni su samo zadubljeni u svoje živote,
što je vjerojatno posljedica dugogodišnje izolacije u kojoj su živjeli. Na Visu kuće za odmor
posjeduje velik broj Zagrepčana, a sve je više i
stranaca koji se odlučuju za to.
Na otoku se nalaze dva “glavna” mjesta. Grad
Vis s jedne strane otoka i ribarsko mjesto Komiža s druge strane otoka. Nevjerojatna je
dilema oko toga koje je mjesto ljepše. Naime,
nećete naići na osobu koja je boravila na otoku
a da nema stajalište o tome je li ljepši Vis ili
Na otoku se nalaze dva
“glavna” mjesta. Grad Vis s
jedne strane otoka i ribarsko
mjesto Komiža s druge strane
There are two “main”
settlements on the island: the
town of Vis on one side of the
island and the fishing village,
Komiža, on the other
impossible to stroll down the riva. So if you’ve
outgrown the parties on the islands of Hvar
or Pag (housing the notorious Zrče), Vis is the
place to rest your body and soul.
The locals seem not to show any interest in
the holidaymakers and second-home mainlanders most of whom consider themselves
as locals, because, as they say, this is the only
way the locals will accept you. People from
Vis are not unkind, we don’t want to give you
the wrong impression, they are just absorbed
in their lives and this probably lies in their
long seclusion from the outside world. Large
numbers of people from Zagreb bought holiday homes on Vis and an increasing number
of people from further afield are choosing to
do the same.
There are two “main” settlements on the island: the town of Vis on one side of the island and the fishing village, Komiža, on the
other. The polarised opinion as to which of
Povijest Visa seže u 4. stoljeće prije nove ere. Prvo urbano naselje na Jadranu, grad državu s demokratskim uređenjem utemeljio je grčki vladar
Dionizije Veliki. Prvi stanovnici dali su mu ime Issa, dok se današnji naziv Vis spominje 950. godine prije Krista. Tadašnja Issa imala je vlastiti novac,
propisane zakone i stroge urbanističke planove razvoja grada. Nakon Grka, Vis dolazi pod zaštitu Rima. Otok uživa povlašten položaj, a stanovništvo živi
u blagostanju. U to vrijeme izgrađen je amfiteatar za otprilike 3 000 gledatelja, a grad su krasila vježbališta, terme, hramovi, vile rustike i druge velike
zgrade. Za umjetnost toga vremena karakterističan je naziv “isejska kultura”.
Slavensko pleme, Hrvati, nastanjuje otok u 7. i 8. stoljeću, integrirajući se sa zatečenim stanovništvom. Kasnije otok dolazi pod vlast Mlečana i ostaje
sve do 18. stoljeća uz kratak prekid kada kormilo preuzima ugarska kruna. U kasnim godinama 18. stoljeća na vlast dolazi Austrija, a na samom početku
19. stoljeća engleska vlast postavlja svoga guvernera, Sir Georgea Duncana Robertsona, kada otok napreduje, broj stanovnika raste, a Vis dobiva ime
Port St. George. Kuće velikaša i uglednih obitelji iz tih prošlih vremena i danas krase grad Vis, a među njima je i ljetnikovac poznatoga hvarskog pjesnika
Petra Hektorovića.
Početak 20. stoljeća u povijesti Visa ne pamti se po dobru. Filoxera uništava velik dio vinograda koji su stanovništvu bili jedan od glavnih izvora zarade
te velik broj ljudi trbuhom za kruhom seli u SAD, Argentinu, Čile, Australiju.
Komiža. Pritom nećete nikada čuti da netko
kaže da mu se i Vis i Komiža sviđaju podjednako. Zaljubljenici u Vis smatraju da je Komiža
obično ribarsko mjesto za razliku od urbanog
Visa, dok oni drugi kažu da se šarm koji posjeduje Komiža ne da usporediti s Visom. I bez
obzira na to za koju se stranu otoka odlučite
moramo vas upozoriti da između Visa i Komiže
postoji nebrojeno mnogo predivnih mjesta koja ne smijete propustiti ako vas put nanese na
taj otok.
Uvala poput Sitnive, koja dvjema stijenama
zatvara plažu, prizor je koji se ne može često
vidjeti, zatim pješčana Stončica ili Zaglav
(također pješčan), do kojega morate doći
pješačenjem koji god put do njega odabrali,
ili pak Srebrna, plaža koja je napravljena od
kamenih oblutaka koji se na suncu presijavaju i daju dojam srebrne boje, samo su
neki od “obaveznih” mjesta na otoku Visu. A o
unutrašnjosti otoka da i ne govorimo.
Izmeu Visa i Komiže postoji
nebrojeno mnogo predivnih
mjesta koja ne smijete
propustiti ako vas put nanese
na taj otok
Between Vis and Komiža
there are plenty of
extraordinary settlements
worth visiting
the two is more beautiful is incredible; it’s
rare to come across someone who doesn’t
have a clear favourite and you will never hear
someone say they like both Vis and Komiža
equally. The fans of Vis dismiss Komiža as a
simple fishing village unlike “cosmopolitan”
Vis, while the others will tell you that Vis cannot even begin to compare with Komiža and
its charm. Regardless of which side of island
you choose for a vacation, bear in mind that
between Vis and Komiža there are plenty of
extraordinary settlements worth visiting.
Stiniva is a cove, with its beach protected by
two huge rocks offering a truly rare scenario;
the sandy beaches Stončica or Zaglav are accessible only by foot no matter which route
you take, or there’s Srebrna (Silver) beach – a
white stone pebble beach which shimmers in
the sun giving it its name. These are just a few
of the “must see” places on Vis. The interior
of the island is a story in itself.
The history of Vis dates back to the 4th century B.C. The first urban settlement on the Adriatic and the first town-state with the democratic form of government was founded by the Greek ruler Dionysius the Great. The first settlers named the town Issa, and its modern name Vis appears for the first time in the
year 950 B.C. The historical Issa printed its own money, had its own legislation and strict urban plans for the development of the town. After the Greeks
left, Vis fell under the protection of the Romans. The island enjoyed a special status and its inhabitants lived a wealthy life. An amphitheatre seating 3000
people was built during that period, and the town had training venues, spas, country villas and other significant buildings. The art of that period is often
referred to as “Issean culture”. The Croats, a Slavic tribe, settled on the island in the 7th and 8th century integrating with the local people. Shortly after, the
island was taken over by the Venetians and stayed under their rule until the 18th century when the Hungarian crown took control. The late 18th century
saw the arrival of Habsburg rule and at the beginning of the 19th century the British took the island for its strategic importance appointing a governor, Sir
George Duncan Robertson, under whose administration the island prospered. The number of inhabitants increased and the island was renamed Port St.
George. The houses of noblemen and prominent persons from that period are still very evident, among the summer house of the famed Hvar born poet,
Petar Hektorović. The beginning of the 20th century was an unfortunate period in Vis’ history: Phylloxera destroyed most vineyards which were one of
the main sources of income for the local population; this resulted in widespread emigration to USA, Argentina, Chile and Australia to seek their fortune.
Kolijevka ribarstva
Na zapadnom dijelu otoka u podnožju brda
Hum smjestila se već spomenuta Komiža,
kolijevka ribarstva na Jadranu. “Ovi ribari žive
u neiskazanoj poeziji na kojoj im svi sretnici
moraju zavidjeti, a ja još i više”, napisao je
1930. Tin Ujević, jedan od najvećih hrvatskih
pjesnika. Komiža je tipično mediteransko
mjesto uskih uličica, kućâ stisnutih oko luke
i brojnih plaža. O ribarskoj povijesti svjedoči
i Ribarski muzej, jedinstven u Hrvatskoj, u
kojemu možete vidjeti kakvim su se alatima
ribari služili tijekom povijesti. Ribarstvo je
imalo ključnu ulogu u osiguravanju prihoda
otočanima, a važno je i danas, iako je registriranih profesionalnih ribara u gradu Visu
samo devet, a u Komiži pedesetak.
Grad Vis nalazi se u velikom i prirodno zaštićenom zaljevu (uvala Svetog Jurja) na
sjeveroistočnoj strani otoka Visa, okrenut
prema Hvaru i dalmatinskom kopnu. Viška
luka smještena je u najviše uvučenom jugozapadnom dijelu zaljeva, kojega otočić
Host i poluotok Prirovo štite od utjecaja
Komiža je tipino
mediteransko mjesto uskih
uliica, kuâ stisnutih oko luke
i brojnih plaža
Komiža is a typical
Mediterranean town with
narrow streets, houses
squeezed around the harbour
and numerous beaches
The cradle of fishery
Komiža, the cradle of fishing on the Adriatic
Sea is located in the west part of the island,
at the foot of the Hum hill. “These fishermen
live in an unuttered poetry and all lucky man
must envy them, I the most” wrote Tin Ujević,
one of the most important Croatian poets,
in 1930. Komiža is a typical Mediterranean
town with narrow streets, houses squeezed
around the harbour and numerous beaches.
The Fishing Museum, unique in Croatia, celebrates the long fishing tradition of Komiža
and the evolution of fishing technique and
equipment. Fishing had a crucial in providing
food and income to the islanders and it is no
less important today, even though the number of professional fishermen registered in
Vis is only 9, and in Komiža around 50.
The town of Vis is located in a large, naturally
protected bay (Saint George’s Bay) on the
northeast of the island, overlooking Hvar and
the Dalmatian mainland. Vis harbour is situated in the most secure, south-eastern part
of the bay, protected from open seas by the
otvorenog mora. Unutar zaljeva nalaze se i
manja sidrišta na predjelima Kut i Stonca.
Grad Vis je danas jedino mjesto na otoku
koje ima redovitu katamaransku i trajektnu
liniju sa Splitom, udaljenim oko 30 nautičkih
Svakako treba kušati i
lokalne specijalitete:
višku pogau, hlib ili
srdele s ražnja
Isle of Host and Prirovo peninsula, with Kut
and Stonca providing many small moorings
for ships. The town of Vis is the only place on
the island today which has regular catamaran
and ferry connections across the 30 nautical
miles to Split.
Gurmanski raj
A gourmet heaven
Spomenuti Vis, a ne istaknuti hranu koja se
nudi na otoku, bio bi velik grijeh jer je ona
okosnica turističke ponude. To je primijetio
i Guardianov novinar Andrew Purvis. “Bio
sam u gurmanskom turističkom raju”, napisao je predstavljajući višku verziju slow food
restorana, počevši s ležernim devetsatnim
ručkom kod Senka Karuze u Maloj Travni,
nastavljajući u Stončici i konobi Roki’s...
Svakako treba kušati i lokalne specijalitete:
višku pogaču, hlib ili srdele s ražnja. Mi bismo gurmansku ponudu nadopunili preporukom restorana Pol murvu koji se nalazi u
unutrašnjosti otoka, u blizine Titove špilje, u
mjestu simpatičnog naziva “Žena glava”. Restoran je to koji drži obitelj Sviličić, veoma
No description of Vis is complete without
mentioning its food. The Guardian journalist Andrew Purvis noted its importance and
wrote “I was in gourmet tourist heaven.” in
his article on slow food restaurants peculiar
to Vis, he cites a leisurely nine-hour lunch
at Senko Karuza’s restaurant in Mala Travna, continuing in Stončica and Roki’s... “It’s
a must to taste the local specialties, viška
pogača, a focaccia-type bread, hlib, a dainty
made from dried figs or grilled sardines”. I’d
definitely add to gourmet restaurant “Pol
murvu” situated in the interior of the island,
close to Tito’s cave in a village with an interesting name, “Woman head”. The restaurant
is run by the Sviličić family, it offers a wonder-
Titova špilja
Tito’s cave
“It’s a must to taste the local
specialties, viška pogaa, a
focaccia-type bread, hlib, a
dainty made from dried figs
or grilled sardines”
ugodne atmosfere i vrhunske hrane pa stoga
ne čudi da ga je časopis Vanity Fair proglasio
najboljim grill restoranom na svijetu. Za one
kojima je ambijent važniji od hrane, u gradu
Visu možete večerati u jednom od najljepših
vrtova na Jadranu, Vili Kaliopa. Restoran
Pojoda, smješten u Kutu, čini vrhunac “gurmanske viške ture”. Pojoda je u doslovnom
smislu gurmanski raj, koji podrazumijeva vrhunsku hranu i identično kvalitetnu uslugu.
Ako odete s Visa a da niste probali paštu
fažol na brudet, ribu u slanutku ili hobotnicu s lećom, kao da i niste bili na Visu. Uz
dobru hranu ide i dobro vino. Viški su vinogradi među najboljima u Dalmaciji pa možete
kušati autohtone sorte poput plavca malog,
kurteloške ili bugave (vugave).
Šteta bi bilo posjetiti otok
Vis a ne otii na Biševo,
otoi udaljen od Komiže 4,8
nautikih milja
It would be a pity to come
to Vis and miss out on a visit
to Biševo, a little island 4.8
nautical miles from Komiža
Modra špilja
Blue cave
ful atmosphere and top-quality food and it’s
no surprise that Vanity Fair awarded it with
the title of best grill restaurant in the world.
Those who appreciate ambience more than
food should have dinner in one of the most
beautiful gardens on the Adriatic in Villa Kaliopa in the town of Vis. Pojoda in Kut represents
the peak of the “Vis gourmet tour”. It is culinary heaven, with majestic food and equally
excellent service. If you leave Vis without
tasting beans and pasta brodet soup, fish in
chickpeas or octopus with lentils, you may as
well not have come to Vis at all. Delicious food
is accompanied by equally exquisite wine. The
vineyards in Vis are among the best in Dalmatia and you can taste the indigenous varietals,
Plavac Mali, Kurteloška or Bugava (Vugava).
Modra i zelena špilja
Blue and Green Cave
Šteta bi bilo posjetiti otok Vis a ne otići
na Biševo, otočić udaljen od Komiže 4,8
nautičkih milja. Kad sunčeve zrake oko podneva prodru kroz podzemni otvor Modre
špilje i reflektiraju se od bijelog dna, cijela
špilja postaje modra, a predmeti u vodi
srebrni. Prizor je to zbog kojega ćete se vjerojatno vratiti na Biševo. Na otočiću Ravniku, koji se nalazi nasuprot jedne od najljepših uvala na otoku – Rukavac – smještena
je nešto manje popularna Zelena špilja, koju
također vrijedi posjetiti u određeno doba
It would be a pity to come to Vis and miss out
on a visit to Biševo, a little island 4.8 nautical miles from Komiža. Around noon the sun’s
rays pierce through the underwater hole of
the Blue Cave and reflect from the white bottom, turning the entire Cave into a magnificent blue colour with the objects in the water silver. It’s a spectacle which will certainly
bring you back to Biševo again. Ravnik island,
situated opposite one of the most beautiful
bays on the island – Rukavac, is home to the
slightly less well-known Green Cave which is
also worth a visit to see the light plays at specific points in the day.
Zeelna špilja
Green cave
Kako se u viškoj himni pjeva: “Na sri’ kulfa
si, mora Jadranskog” (Na sred pučine mora
Jadranskog) smjestio se otok Vis. Malo je
onih koji dođu na Vis i ne vrate se. Dovoljno
daleko od kopna da zaboravite na svoje brige,
a opet dovoljno blizu da se uputite na njega
pa makar i na koji dan.
Vis’ anthem goes “Vis settled in the centre
of the Adriatic sea”. Most of those who visit
Vis, come back again. It is far enough from the
mainland to make you forget all your worries
and again, close enough to travel there, even
if for just a few days.
Čak i ako ste odlučili zanemariti sve što smo
nabrojili u ovome tekstu, čistoća mora i miris
otoka ne mogu vas ostaviti ravnodušnima
onog trenutka kada kročite nogom na ovaj
božanstveni otok.
Even if you choose to ignore everything we
wrote, the crystal clear sea and the perfumes
of the island will disarm your indifference
from the moment you step on to this divine
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Pool detail
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Lord Michael Bates
britanski je političar,
zastupnik Konzervativne
stranke u Britanskom
parlamentu. Dana 22.
travnja 2011. krenuo
je na put. Riječ je o
šetnji od grčke Olimpije
do Londona, čime želi
upozoriti na važnost
prihvaćanja Rezolucije
Ujedinjenih naroda o
olimpijskom primirju prije
održavanja Olimpijskih
i Paraolimpijskih
igara Londonu 2012.
Razgovarali smo s njim na
njegovom proputovanju
kroz Zagreb.
Lord’s walk for truce
Lord Michael Bates is a Conservative Party politician in the United Kingdom Parliament.
On 22nd April 2011 he set out on a long journey, walking from Greek Olympia to London,
to highlight the importance of adopting the United Nations Resolution, the Olympic
Truce, before the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
We spoke to him as he passed through Zagreb.
“Hod za primirje” Lorda Michaela Batesa motiviran je činjenicom da
je spomenutu rezoluciju potpisalo 193 zemalja članica Vijeća UN-a,
međutim nijedna od njih tu rezoluciju nije implementirala.
Na početku nastojanja, koje traje gotovo dvije godine, Lord Bates
je pokušao uvjeriti kolege u Parlamentu, održao je mnogo govora
članovima Doma lordova o važnosti implementiranja Rezolucije, ali
činilo mu se da ga nitko ne sluša. “Razmišljao sam što mogu učiniti
da ljude natjeram da obrate pozornost na olimpijsko primirje i došao
sam na ideju da primirje treba predstavljati olimpijska baklja. Baklja
će doći iz Grčke zrakoplovom u London, i tome se svi veselimo. A ja
svojim ‘Hodom za primirje’ mogu simbolizirati put kojim bi baklja išla.
Imam povlasticu biti glasnikom olimpijskog primirja, i to smatram vrlo
Smisao antičkih igara jest primirje, ističe Lord Bates, jer Igre nisu samo
televizijski prijenosi i sponzorski ugovori. Igre ponajprije simboliziraju
mir. Uostalom, starogrčki pojam “olimpijsko primirje” nastao je, prema
legendama, kad su grčke državice prekidale međusobna neprijateljstva
za vrijeme trajanja Igara.
Lord Michael Bates’ “Walk for Truce” is motivated by the fact that the
Resolution was signed by 193 countries members of the UN Council but
none of the countries ever implemented it.
At the beginning of this adventure, which started two years ago, Lord
Bates tried to convince his colleagues in Parliament of the importance of
implementation: he spoke in the House of Lords on several occasions,
but he felt no one was paying too much attention to what he was saying.
“I was thinking which way could I persuade people to take the Olympic
truce seriously and the idea finally occurred to me: the Olympic torch
should represent the truce. The torch will arrive from Greece to London by plane and everyone is looking forward to that. And my “Walk for
Truce” can symbolize the path the torch would go. I have the privilege of
being the messenger of the Olympic truce and I find this very exciting.”
The idea behind the ancient games was a truce, says Lord Bates, because
the games are not about television transmissions and sponsor contracts
but stood for, first and foremost, peace. The old Greek notion of the
Olympic truce was created according to legend, when the Greek states
stopped and postponed their conflicts until the games finished.
Jeste li zadovoljni reakcijama političara koje upoznajete na putovanju?
Donekle jesam. Pisao sam veleposlanstvima i ministarstvima i prije,
Are you satisfied with the reactions of the politicians you’ve met on
your journey?
Yes, I think so. I wrote to embassies and ministries while I was still in the
dok sam još bio u Parlamentu. Tada su vjerojatno mislili da sam lud.
Parliament. At that time, they probably thought I was crazy. However,
No nakon što bismo se susreli i razgovarali, shvatili bi da nisam lud i
da je olimpijsko primirje dio Olimpijskih igara te prilika koju ne treba
Kad sam bio u Zagrebu, imao sam priliku sudjelovati na proslavi 20.
godišnjice Hrvatskoga olimpijskog odbora i sjedio sam pokraj predsjednika Međunarodnoga olimpijskog odbora Jacquesa Roggea.
Pričao sam mu o svom pothvatu; činio se zainteresiranim. Vjerujem
da sam pridobio njegovu pozornost, što sigurno ne bih uspio da sam
nastavio pričati s govornice u parlamentu. U tom me slučaju vjerojatno ne bi ni primijetio. Stoga mogu reći da sam zadovoljan pozornošću
koju dobivam i od političara i od ljudi koji su važni u svijetu sporta i
Olimpijskih igara.
Planirate proći kroz 17 zemalja. Kamo idete kad napustite Zagreb?
Proći ću kroz Trst, Veneciju, Veronu, Milano, Ženevu, koja je važna
zbog sjedišta UN-a, blizine sjedišta Međunarodnoga olimpijskog
odbora, a poslije toga nisam siguran kojim ću putom krenuti jer, zapravo, nije važan hod nego olimpijsko primirje. Želim se potruditi da
London bude prvi koji će implementirati Rezoluciju.
Što se tiče rute, imam dva izbora, mogu ići duljim putom, prema
Koelnu, Baselu i Parizu pa u London, ili mogu ići direktno prema
Strasbourgu, Baselu, Parizu i onda prema Velikoj Britaniji. To ovisi o
tome kako će teći kampanja.
Koliko prohodate na dan?
Ovisno o temperaturi i vremenu kada moram biti na određenome
mjestu. Obećao sam da ću biti u Zagrebu za vrijeme atletskog mitinga tako da sam morao doći iz Splita hodajući 25 milja na dan, što
je prilično zahtjevno. Za jednog 50-godišnjaka, koji nije u formi, to je
vrlo naporno. No moram naglasiti da to nije atletski pothvat, nego
politička kampanja.
Kada planirate završiti putovanje?
Počeo sam u travnju 2011. i planiram završiti u travnju 2012.
Kako vam se svidio Zagreb?
Moja sestra je živjela u Zagrebu pet godina jer je njezin suprug ovdje
radio. U to sam ih vrijeme posjećivao tako da nisam ovdje prvi put.
Volim Zagreb, ugodan je grad.
after meeting them and talking to them, they realize that I am not and
that the Olympic Truce is a part of the Olympic Games and a chance which
shouldn’t be missed.
For example, while I was in Zagreb I participated to the celebration of 20
years of the Croatian Olympic Committee and I was sitting next to the President of the International Olympic Committee, Mr Jacques Rogge. I told him
of my venture and he was quite interested in it. I believe I got his attention
and this surely wouldn’t have happened if I was talking form the parliament
podium. He probably wouldn’t have noticed me. Therefore, I believe I can
say that I am satisfied with the attention I receive from the politicians and
other relevant people in the world of sport and Olympic Games.
You are planning to cross 17 countries in total. What is your next stop,
after Zagreb?
I will pass through Trieste, Venice, Verona, Milano, Geneva which is important for the UN headquarters and for the proximity of the International
Olympic Committee headquarters, and after that, I am not sure yet which
way I will go because this is not about walking, but about the Olympic
Truce. I really want to succeed in making the London Games the first ones
to implement the UN Resolution. As far as my route is concerned, I have
two choices, I can take the long way through Köln, Brussels, Paris and then
London, or I can go directly to Strasbourg, Basel, Paris and then UK. It will
depend much on the course of the campaign.
How many kilometers do you cover each day?
It generally depends on temperature and dates I have to be in certain places. I had promised I’d be in Zagreb during the athletic meeting, so I had to
come from Split and do 25 miles each day which is quite demanding. For a
not-perfectly fit 50-year old chap it’s a bit of an effort. I need to stress that
this is not an athletic endeavour, but a political campaign.
When are you planning to end your journey?
I started in April 2011 and I am planning to end it in April 2012.
Did you like Zagreb?
My sister lived in Zagreb for five years because her husband had a job here.
I visited them quite a lot in that period so this is not my first time here. I like
Zagreb, it is a very pleasant city.
Kako vam se sviđa ostatak Hrvatske?
Obala je divna. No, jedno je gledati planine i prelijepo more dok se
vozite autom, a drugo je kada to sve propješačite, tako da je u tom
What do you think of the rest of Croatia? You have mostly seen the
The coast is wonderful. However it is one thing to watch the mountains and
the beautiful sea while driving in a car, and another when you’re on your
slučaju dojam malo manje “snažan”. U nekoliko navrata sam pomislio
da ste mogli sagraditi i više mostova. Ha, ha, ha!
feet. The impression is a bit less “strong”. On a few occasions I thought, you
really could have built a few more bridges… Ha, ha, ha…
Kad sam bio u
Zagrebu, imao
sam priliku
sudjelovati na
proslavi 20.
odbora i sjedio
sam pokraj
odbora Jacquesa
Roggea. Priao
sam mu o svom
pothvatu; inio se
For example, while
I was in Zagreb I
participated to the
celebration of 20
years of the
Croatian Olympic
Committee and I
was sitting next to
the President of
the International
Committee, Mr
Jacques Rogge.
I told him of my
venture and he was
quite interested in it.
Prvi TAG Heuer
boutique u Hrvatskoj
Kad je Edouard Heuer davne 1860. započeo posao nije bio ni svjestan da će 150 godina kasnije upravo Tag Heuer biti jedna od vodećih marki prestižnih satova u svijetu.
Od samog početka, TAG Heuer satovi u samom su vrhu, kako po kvaliteti, tako po dizajnu.
Uspješan put im je već 1887. zacrtao Edouard Heuer, kad je patentirao oscilacijski zubati
kotačić, koji je još i danas važan sastavni dio sata. Prestiž, izvedba, avangardna tehnologija i
apsolutna pouzdanost, karakteristike su jedne od vodećih marki satova u svijetu - TAG Heuer.
Taj poznati brend od sada je dostupan u ekskluzivnom boutiqueu u zagrebačkom shopping
centru Cvjetni.
Upravo su kvaliteta i inovativnost u svijetu satova uvjerili mnoge heroje zraka, vode i zemlje,
koji su svoju vjernost poklonili TAG Heuer satovima. Ovaj sat bio je na krovu grofa Zeppelina,
kad je sa svojim plovilom prvi puta preletio Atlantik. TAG Heuer sat bio je i na desnoj ruci
Johna Glenna, kad je okružio zemlju, a ovaj sat prati i jedriličare koji se na valovima oceana
bore za prestižni pehar Kupa Amerike.
Satovi su dizajnirani kao kombinacija sporta i glamura, snage i ljepote. U elegantnom butiku,
između ostalog, možete naći ponudu iz kolekcijskih klasika, limitiranu kolekciju Carrere calibre 1887, Grand Carrera, Monaco, Aquaracer, Formula 1, Golf watch i 300 SLR CALIBRE 1887.,
te prestižne mobilne telefone i visoko - kvalitetnu liniju naočala, manžeta i kultne kožne
jakne. U svakoj od tih kolekcija prepoznaje se TAG Heuerova mješavina inovacije, tradicije i
modernoga, te vrhunski dizajn, bezvremenski oblik i neupitna kvaliteta.
The first TAG Heuer
boutique in Croatia
When Edouard Heuer started his business in 1860, he couldn’t have imagined that 150
years later his company would be among the leading world brands of prestigious watches.
From the very beginning TAG Heuer Watches were at the very top in terms of quality and
design. The basis for the company’s success was laid down by Edouard Heuer in 1887
when he patented the oscillating pinion, which still today remains an important component of the watch. Prestige, performance, avant-garde technology and absolute reliability
characterise the TAG Heuer watches, one of the leading watchmaker brands in the world.
This famous brand is now available at the exclusive boutique shop in the shopping center
Cvjetni in Zagreb.
Its quality and innovation attracted many heroes of the air, water and earth who gave
their loyalty to the TAG Heuer watches. This watch was worn by the Count Zeppelin when
his airship first flew over the Atlantic. John Glenn wore the TAG Heuer watch on his right
wrist when he orbited the Earth and watch accompanies the sailors competing for the
prestigious America’s Cup trophy.
TAG Heuer watches are designed as a combination of sport and glamour, power and beauty. The elegant boutique in Cvjetni offers, among other things, the collection’s classics, the
limited edition Carrera Calibre 1887, the Grand Carrera, Monaco, Aquaracer, Formula 1,
Golf watch and 300 SLR CALIBRE 1887. The offer also includes prestigious mobile phones
and high quality sunglasses, a wrist band the famous leather jackets line. Each of these collections carries TAG Heuer’s innovation, tradition and modernity, superb design, timeless
shape and unquestionable quality.
Awards to
luxury hotels
U raskošnom prostoru Smaragdne dvorane hotela Regent
Esplanade, uz nazočnost elite svjetske hotelijerske
industrije te brojnih uzvanika i osoba iz javnog života
Hrvatske, 16. rujna održana je gala ceremonija dodjele
prestižnih nagrada – World Luxury Hotel Awards 2011.
The splendid Emerald Ballroom at the Regent Esplanade played host to the gala
ceremony of the prestigious World Luxury Hotel Awards 2011 in September. The event
was attended by the elite of the world hospitality industry and numerous guests and
public figures from Croatia.
Gala događaj počeo je uz glazbeni kvartet
Camarata, a nastavio se svečanom večerom
uz ukusne delicije nagrađivanog šefa kuhinje,
Jeffreyja J. Velle. Uzvanicima su se obratili organizatorica WLHA 2011., Marinique Truter,
te cijenjeni gosti: dr. sc. Amelia Tomašević,
direktorica Turističke zajednice grada Zagreba, i Don Markušić, predsjednik Američke
gospodarske komore u Hrvatskoj. Istaknuli
su da je taj događaj veliko priznanje ne samo
The music quartet Camarata opened the
event which continued with a gala dinner
prepared by the now-famous and multipleaward-winning chef, Jeffery J. Vella. The
organiser of WLHA 2011 and its director,
Marinique Truter, as well as a number of
distinguished guests, Dr. Amelia Tomašević,
Director of Zagreb Tourist Board and Don
Markušić, President of the American Chamber of Commerce in Croatia addressed the
Amelia Tomaševi & Philip Mahoney
Marinique Truter
za hotel Regent Esplanade već i za Hrvatsku te da je to izvrsna promocija Zagreba, grada koji u sljedećim godinama ima želju postati jedna
od vodećih turističkih destinacija u Europi.
Marinique Truter, izvršna direktorica WLHA, izjavila je: “The World
Luxury Hotel Awards, prestižnu međunarodnu nagradu, luksuzni hoteli diljem svijeta smatraju vrhuncem dostignuća. Ona je priznanje
struke da su kao luksuzni hotel uspjeli staviti osobni pečat u hotelijerstvu te se tako istaknuti i razlikovati od ostalih hotela visoke kategorije.
Ta je nagrada sinonim za Oscar hotelijerske industrije te je iznimno
priznanje i znak istinske kvalitete koju hoteli pružaju svojim gostima.”
Vrhunac večeri, svečana ceremonija
dodjele nagrada WLHA 2011., događala
se pod voditeljskom palicom elegantne
Ive Šulentić te uz prigodan program
glazbenog sastava Orient ExPresto.
Više od tisuću hotela u svijetu bilo je
nominirano za tu prestižnu nagradu,
a zbrajanjem online glasova gostiju i
osoba iz struke, nagrade su dodijeljene
u ukupno 30 kategorija. World Luxury Hotel
Awards 2011 za najbolji luksuzni gradski hotel
uručen je hotelu Regent Esplanade u Zagrebu,
dok je globalni pobjednik Ritz Carlton Hong Kong.
“Velika je čast biti domaćin World Luxury Hotel
Awards 2011. gala ceremonije. Moram priznati da
sam vrlo ponosan što je hotel već drugu godinu za
redom osvojio tu prestižnu nagradu. Ta je nagrada iznimno priznanje
hotelijerskoj industriji i znak istinskoj kvaliteti koju hoteli pružaju svojim gostima. Ovo je bila divna prigoda da pokažemo hotel, ali i grad
Zagreb. Brojni uzvanici koji su došli ovamo iz raznih krajeva svijeta,
Južne Afrike, Indije, Tajlanda i sl., uistinu su impresionirani ljepotama
Zagreba. I to s pravom”, izjavio je generalni direktor hotela Regent
Esplanade Philip Mahoney.
Don Markuši
invitees and stressed that this event was an important recognition not
only for the Regent Esplanade, but also for Croatia and, at the same time,
an excellent promotion of Zagreb, a city whose ambition is to become
one of the leading tourist destinations in Europe in the next few years.
Marinique Truter, the WLHA Executive Director, said: “The World Luxury Hotel Awards, a prestigious international award, is considered a prime
achievement; it is a recognition to the professionals working in the hotel
that they managed, as a luxury hotel, to put their personal touch in the
hospitality industry and distinguish themselves from other high category
hotels. This award is a synonym for an Oscar in the hotel industry and
is an exceptional acknowledgement and a sign of prime
quality which these hotels offer to their guests.“
The pinnacle of the evening was definitely the award
ceremony led by an elegant master of ceremonies, Iva
Šulentić, and accompanied by the band Orient ExPresto.
More than a thousand hotels around the world were
nominated for these prestigious awards in thirty different categories. The final results were determined by online votes by guests and fellow-professionals.
The World Luxury Hotel Awards 2011 for
Best Luxury City Hotel was award to the Regent Esplanade, while the global winner was
the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Hong Kong.
“It’s a huge honour to host the World Luxury
Hotel Awards 2011 gala ceremony” said the
General Manager of the Regent Esplanade
hotel, Philip Mahoney. “I am delighted our hotel won this award for the
second year. It is an exceptional recognition by the hotel industry and a
confirmation of the true quality that the hotel offers its guests. This was
a wonderful occasion to show off the hotel and the city of Zagreb to the
numerous guests who attended the event and who came from as far as
South Africa, India, Thailand and Fiji. Everyone is genuinely impressed by
the beauty of Zagreb. And rightly so“.
nade predstavlja raznovrsnu ponudu
hotela koja uključuje glamurozne pro-
The Regent Esplanade’s new Christmas
slave, gastronomske delicije te usluge
brochure presents glamorous celebrati-
po mjeri. Za male tvrtke, event agencije i
ons, gourmet specialities and tailor-ma-
velike kompanije hotel nudi organizaciju
de services. The hotel organizes Chris-
božićnih proslava i otmjenih domjenaka.
tmas celebrations and refined banquets
Tijekom prosinca goste očekuju advent-
for small companies, event agencies and
Božićna brošura hotela Regent Espla-
ske nedjelje u Zinfandel’su i Le Bistrou,
large organisations. Throughout Decem-
obiteljski poslijepodnevni čaj uz posjet sv. Nikole,
ber, the hotel will be organizing Advent Sunday meals in
Badnjak uz jela od bakalara, Dani rižota i fine tje-
its restaurants Zinfandel’s and Le Bistro, 5-o’clock family
stenine u Le Bistrou, Xmas Thursday Night Chill
tea parties in the company of Saint Nicholas, Christmas
Out uz kuhano vino i koktele te jazz u Esplanade
Eve cod-based dinners, risotto and delicious pasta days in
baru. Božićna bajka u restoranu Zinfandel’s uz bo-
Le Bistro, Xmas Thursday Night Chill Out with mulled wine
žićni obiteljski ručak i posjet Djeda Božićnjaka već
and cocktails & jazz evenings at the Esplanade bar. The
je postala tradicija. Za one koji žele uživati u topli-
Christmas tale in Zinfandel’s restaurant with Christmas
ni svoga doma i ove godine nudimo dostavu kući.
family lunch and Santa Claus’s visit has been traditionally
Doček Nove godine u Smaragdnoj dvorani hotela
organised for a number of years now. For those who want
zadovoljit će i najzahtjevnije goste, dok nešto mir-
to enjoy the warmth of their homes, this year we also
nija proslava očekuje goste u restoranu Zinfandel’s.
offer home delivery Christmas lunch. New Year’s Eve in
the hotel’s Emerald Ballroom will surely meet the expec-
tations of the most discerning guests, while Zinfandel’s is
organizing a somewhat less formal celebration.
U Koncertnoj dvorani Vatroslava Lisinskoga, u suradnji s festivalom Vivat
finih vina, u listopadu 2011. održana je tradicionalna donatorska večer
humanitarne organizacije Dora, jedne od najvećih nevladinih udruga na
području skrbi o djeci i mladima. Prihod od ulaznica, tombole, kotizacije
Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall, in association with Vivat – the Fine Wines
izlagača i individualnih donacija namijenjen je Dorinu Fondu za stipen-
Festival, staged its traditional Donors’ evening organized by the chari-
diranje za ovu školsku godinu. Na koncertu su nastupili Sandra Bagarić,
table association Dora in October. Dora is one of the leading non-go-
Antonela Malis, Goran Karan, Đani Stipaničev, Darko Domitrović te Mia,
vernment organizations supporting children. Money earned from the
Klara i Jasmin, nagrađivani stipendisti Dore, uz Simfonijski vojni orkestar
tickets, raffle, registration fees paid by the exhibitors and individual do-
Republike Hrvatske. Hotel Regent Esplanade na toj humanitarnoj večeri
nations will go to Dora’s Scholarships Fund for the upcoming academic
sudjelovao je kao izlagač na festivalu Vivat finih vina te kao donator. U
year. Sandra Bagarić, Antonela Malis, Goran Karan, Đani Stipaničev, Dar-
posebno dizajniranom Champagne loungeu uzvanici su mogli uživati i
ko Domitrović and Mia, Klara and Jasmin, awarded Dora’s scholarships,
degustirati najfinije šampanjce.
and, along with the Croatian Armed Forces Symphony Orchestra, were
in charge of the music for
the event. The Regent
Esplanade participated as
an exhibitor on Vivat – the
Fine Wines Festival as well
as a donor. Guests enjoyed
the finest champagnes
in the specially designed
Champagne lounge.
Hotel Regent Esplanade predstavio je novi gastronomski
projekt EU Gourmet Experience u Le Bistrou koji je oduševio brojna veleposlanstva u Republici Hrvatskoj, kao i
Ministarstvo vanjskih poslova i europskih integracija pod čijim se pokroviteljstvom projekt i održava. U sljedećih godinu i pol dana, uoči pristupanja Hrvatske Europskoj Uniji, hotel Regent Esplanade planira svojim
gostima, Zagrepčanima i stranim državljanima, predstaviti gastronomske delicije zemalja članica Europske Unije. Zbog njihove sličnosti, bit
će predstavljeno 16 kuhinja, završno s hrvatskom. To je projekt kojim
hotel nastoji unijeti maštovitost na gastronomsku scenu Zagreba te mala
inicijativa kojom prihvaćamo naše nove europske partnere, zajedničke
vrijednosti i nazdravljamo uspjehu.
The Regent Esplanade presented its new culinary project, the EU Gourmet Experience in Le Bistro, which delighted the numerous embassies
in Croatia and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration
which sponsored the project. In the 18 months leading up to Croatia’s
accession to the EU, the hotel will be presenting and offering its guests
the gastronomic delicacies of EU member countries. The project will
present 16 countries finishing with Croatia – the cuisine of some member states was deemed to be too similar to do all 27 – with the aim of
this project to inject a different dimension into Zagreb’s dining scene, to
introduce the culture of new partner countries and to reflect common
values through food.
Oaza zdravlja i mira, Health Club hotela Regent
Esplanade mjesto je gdje gosti hotela i članovi
mogu uživati u luksuznim masažama i opuštajućim
ritualima za lice i tijelo. Raznolika i raskošna ponuda
uključuje standardne masaže, poput parcijalne, Hot
stone, sportsko-medicinske i anticelulitne masaže,
ali i ljekovitu masažu istarskim vinom, Bambus te
mediteransku masažu. Za nadolazeće hladne dane
osoblje Health cluba preporučuje terapiju đumbirom. Novost u ponudi je Golden life ekskluzivni tretman za zrelu kožu s listićima 24-karatnog zlata. Stručan pristup, ekskluzivnost prostora i preparata za njegu lica i tijela čine Health Club hotela
Regent Esplanade mjestom opuštanja i relaksacije u srcu Zagreba.
The Health Club at the Regent Esplanade is an oasis of health and
tranquillity, a venue where the guests of the hotel and members
of the Club can enjoy luxury massages and relaxing face and body
treatments. The diverse range of offerings includes standard massages, hot-stone massage, sports and medical massages and
anti-cellulite treatment, therapeutic Istrian wine massage and
Bamboo or Mediterranean massages. For the winter, the Health
Club team recommends the Ginger Massage, perfect for a cold
day. The signature treatment is the Golden Life, an exclusive 24-carat
Gold Facial Treatment for mature skin. A professional approach, an exclusive space and top quality preparations for skin care make the Health
Club an ideal site for relaxation and enjoyment in the heart of Zagreb.
Dvanaesta međunarodna utrka Terry Fox Run održala se na zagrebač-
The 12th International Terry Fox Run was organised on Zagreb’s Lake
kom Jarunu u organizaciji agencije MPG i Veleposlanstva Kanade, u suradnji s Hrvatskom ligom protiv raka, Zagrebačkim holdingom, hotelom
The Regent Esplanade te agencijom Media Val.
Svrha je utrke Terry Fox Run prikupljanje sredstava za istraživanje raka u Hrvatskoj te pomoć
oboljelima. Dio prikupljenog iznosa donirat će
se Institutu Ruđer Bošković za nabavu kemikalija i opreme potrebnih za istraživanje raka molekularnim mehanizmima, dok je dio namijenjen Klinici za dječje bolesti Zagreb u Klaićevoj.
Jarun by the MPG agency and the Canadian Embassy, in cooperation
with the Croatian League against Cancer, Zagrebački holding, the Regent
Esplanade and the agency Media Val. The aim of
the Terry Fox Run is to raise the funds for cancer
research in Croatia and to help patients. Part of
the funds raised will be donated to Ruđer Bošković Institute for the procurement of chemicals
and equipment needed for cancer and molecular
mechanisms research; the remainder will go to
the Clinic for Children Diseases in Klaićeva Street.
Tjedan restorana Hrvatska održan je od
26. rujna do 9. listopada 2011. godine.
Sudjelovalo je više od 100 renomiranih
The Croatian Restaurant Week was held from 26th September
restorana iz svih regija Hrvatske koji za-
to 9th October 2011. More than 100 well-known restaurants
dovoljavaju stroge kriterije organizatora.
from all Croatian regions participated in this initiative having
U navedenom razdoblju restorani gostima
met the organiser’s strict criteria. During Restaurant Week
nude posebno osmišljene jelovnike, svaki
guests were offered specially designed 3-course menus at a
čini slijed od tri jela (predjelo, glavno jelo i desert) po fiksnoj cijeni od
fixed price of 100 HRK. Le Bistro participated in the week with Jeffrey
100 kuna. U akciju Tjedan restorana uključuju se i hoteli visoke kate-
Vella’s new menu being served to over 1,000 guests. The initiative was
gorije s hotelskim barovima. S malim zalogajima predstavio se Le Bistro
also joined by top-rated hotel bars and cocktails were prepared by the
na čelu sa šefom kuhinje Jeffreyjem J. Vellom, dok je koktele pripre-
Esplanade’s and Croatia’s top mixologist, Srećko Šoh, at just 25 HRK.
mao poznati barmen Srećko Šoh i tako predstavio Esplanade bar koji
je tijekom Tjedna restorana nudio primamljive koktele po prihvatljivim
The Regent Esplanade was awarded
top prize for the third year running in
Hotel The Regent Esplanade primio je posebno pri-
lity for Croatia 2011” for best hotel in
znanje u akciji “15. turistički cvijet – kvaliteta za Hr-
continental Croatia. The Tourist Flower
vatsku 2011.”, u kategoriji najboljih hotela u unutraš-
Awards include recognitions and awar-
njosti Hrvatske. Turistički cvijet, kojim se dodjeljuju
ds for the best Croatian tourist desti-
priznanja i nagrade najboljim hrvatskim turističkim
nations, Tour Operator companies and
odredištima, tvrtkama i pojedincima sa svrhom una-
individuals working towards the enhan-
pređenja konkurentnosti hrvatske turističke ponude
cement of Croatia’s tourism industry.
the “15th Tourist Flower Awards – Qua-
i ove su godine tijekom turističke sezone proveli Hrvatska gospodarska
The event was this year organised by the Croatian Chamber of Commer-
komora i Hrvatska radiotelevizija.
ce and the HRT, Croatia’s national television corporation.
Hoteli i odmarališta Regent dobili su za 2011.
godinu prestižno priznanje čitatelja luksuznog travel magazina Condé Nast Traveler.
Čitatelji su, između mnogo luksuznih hotela
i odmarališta u svijetu, glasovali upravo za
Regentove hotele, od Kine do Kariba. Bilo je
uključeno svih pet hotela, koji pružaju vrhunski smještaj i uslugu svojim gostima. Regent
Berlin treći je najbolji hotel u sjevernoj Euro-
Regent Hotels and Resorts received recognition from the
readers of the luxury travel magazine, Condé Nast Traveller, in 2011. The readers selected Regent Hotels, from
many luxury hotels and resorts throughout the world from
China to the Caribbean. All five Regent Hotels which offer
top accommodation and service to their guests were included in the voting. Berlin’s Regent hotel ranked third among
pi, Regent Peking i Regent Taipei su među 25
the North European hotels, Regent Beijing and the Regent
najboljih azijskih hotela, zagrebački je Regent
Taipei joined the group of 25 top Asian hotels and Zagreb
među 75 najboljih hotela u južnoj Europi, dok
Regent hotel was included in the 75 top hotels in Southern
je Regent Palms Turks and Caicos, prema čita-
Europe. The Regent Palms Turks and Caicos was rated by
teljima Condé Nast Travelera, među 10 naj-
the readers of the Condé Nast Traveler as being among the
boljih odmarališta na Atlantiku.
top ten resorts on the Atlantic Ocean.
MODELI I MODELS: Nikolina Rak & Lina Jurasić (Talia models)
THE CORE: haljina I dress Etro 5.299,00 kn
ZAKS: ogrlica I necklace 4.837,50 kn I prsten I ring 4.653,00 kn I naušnice I earrings 3.694,50 kn
MAX MARA: Gundulieva 19 & Masarykova 17, Zagreb
kaput I coat 5.869,00 kn
haljina I dress 5.919,00 kn
šal I shawl 1.699,00 kn
torba I bag 4.549,00 kn
vesta I sweater 1.919,00 kn
prsluk I waistcoat 1.699,00 kn
hlae I trausers 1.369,00 kn
izme I boots 3.649,00 kn
MARAS: Centar Kaptol, Zagreb
torba I bag Longchamp 6.659,00 kn
vesta I sweater 1.629,00 kn
hlae I trousers 1.449,00 kn
jakna I jacket 7.579,00 kn
izme I boots 3.649,00 kn
rukavice I gloves Piquadro 577,60 kn
torba I bag Longchamp 3.944,00 kn
kofer I suitcase Samsonite 1.274,00 kn
kaput I coat 15.239,00 kn
haljina I dress 6.929,00 kn
cipele I shoes 2.489,00 kn
kaput I coat 7.689,00 kn
suknja I skirt 2.579,00 kn
košulja I shirt 2.409,00 kn
cipele I shoes 2.489,00 kn
torba I bag Longchamp 1.664,01 kn
torba I bag Longchamp 2.020,00 kn
ma xma ra . c om
DUBROVNIK, Gundulićeva poljana 1 - ZAGREB, Masarykova 17/Gundulićeva 19
Masarykova 8, Zagreb,
Dominika bb, Dubrovnik,
Cvijete Zuzori 3, Dubrovnik
haljina I dress Lanvin 24.060,00 kn
cipele I shoes G. Rossi 3.180,00 kn
haljina I dress Vionnet 16.580,00 kn
cipele I shoes YSL 6.440,00 kn
torbica I bag Vionnet 7.810,00 kn
haljina I dress Alaia 17.530,00 kn
gležnjae I shoes G. Zanotti 4.520,00 kn
narukvica I bracelet Vionnet 3.490,00 kn
prsten I ring E. Beamon 2.350,00 kn
haljina I dress Vionnet 16.160,00 kn
gležnjae I shoes Balanciaga 4.940,00 kn
narukvica I bracelet E. Beamon 6.280,00 kn
torbica I bag Lanvin 3.100,00 kn
THE CORE: Masarykova 7, Zagreb
košulja I shirt Diane Von Furstenberg 3.199,00 kn
hlae I trausers Diane Von Furstenberg 2.099,00 kn
ZAKS: Masarykova 9, Zagreb
prsten I ring 1.553,00 kn
naušnice I earrings 2.574,00 kn
Gentlemani bi odabrali
Nedavno se u centru Zagreba, na adresi Masarykova 22, otvorio prvi Boggi Milano dućan,
oaza muške elegancije i stila
Boggi Milano je od davne 1939. godine smjernica u odijevanju muškaraca koji njeguju klasičan i elegantan, a ipak ležeran modni stil.
Sve je započelo kad je 1939. godine Paolo Boggi u Salernu osnovao tvrtku, te 1964. otvorio i prvi mono-brand dućan u kojem su se
prodavala muška poslovna odijela. Danas Boggi Milano ima 58 dućana samo u rodnoj Italiji, te 30-tak izvan domovine.
Svi Boggi Milano dućani, uključujući zagrebački, su besprijekorno uređeni po najvišim retail standardima, a sve u svrhu zadovoljavanja visokih kriterija Boggi kupaca i pružanju ugodne atmosfere prilikom kupovine.
No, podjednaka važnost se pridaje i usluzi u dućanu, jer Boggi prodavač nije samo prodavač nego asistent i stilista koji u svemu
pomaže klijentu koji se u Boggi dućanu mora osjećati dobrodošlo, opušteno i jedinstveno.
.... jer Boggijeva filizofija kaže da je svaki kupac jedinstven, baš kao i njegov stil.
Ova teza će Vam se potvrditi kada posjetite zagrebački dućan i uvjerite se u karakteristike Boggi brenda; neporeciv stil, klasična elegancija, kvalitetni materijali, savršeni krojevi, izvrsna obrada i stručna usluga.
Osjetite komadić pravog milanskog stila u centru Zagreba.
Zagreb, Masarykova 22, tel: +385 1 643 9120
Gentleman’s choice
Boggi Milano has recently opened their first store in Croatia, in the centre of Zagreb,
Masarykova 22. An oasis of elegance and style for men.
Since 1939 Boggi Milano has been a guideline in clothing for men particularly for those looking for classical and elegant, but casual
style. It all started in 1939 when Paolo Boggi founded the company in Salerno and in 1964 opened the first mono-brand store where
men’s business suites were sold. Today, Boggi Milano has 58 stores in native Italy, and about 30 abroad.
All Boggi stores, including the one in Zagreb, are beautifully furnished to the highest retail standards, satisfying the discerning taste
of the Boggi clientele and to providing a comfortable retail atmosphere.
The same quality is reflected in the service of each store because the Boggi salesperson is not a regular salesman but a stylist to help
clients feel welcome, relaxed and individual.
... Boggi’s philosophy is that every customer is as individual as one’s style.
This philosophy will certainly come across when you visit Zagreb’s Boggi store and see the characteristics of the Boggi brand; irrevocable style, classic elegance, quality material, perfect cuts, fantastic finish and professional service.
Feel a piece of true Milan style in the heart of Zagreb.
Zagreb, Masarykova 22, tel: +385 1 643 9120
Svjetski i europski
prvak u ronjenju na
dah otkriva koje su mu
najdraže destinacije
koje je posjetio, koje još
destinacije namjerava
posjetiti te gdje bi
na svijetu najradije
The World and European free
diving champion reveals his
favourite diving sites, the ones
he plans to conquer and where
else in the world he is dying to
Fotografije I Photo: Hrvoje Serdar
Odijelo I Suit: Di Caprio - Varteks
I would like to dive in
the Great Blue Hole
Kamo najčešće putujete i zbog čega?
Moja su putovanja većinom vezana za natjecanja u ronjenju na dah.
Zadnje tri destinacije bile su Egipat, Dubai
UAE te Tenerife, a budući da su sva vezana
za natjecanja, ne stignem odraditi onaj turistički dio, iako bih katkad baš to htio. Nadam se da ću sljedeće godine uhvatiti vremena i za neko turističko putovanje.
Where do you travel mostly and why?
My travels are generally linked to my free
diving competitions. The last three trips involved Egypt, Dubai and Tenerife, and given
that I am always there to participate in a
competition, I do not get to do the tourist
bit, and I miss that. I hope that the next year I
will have more time for a strictly tourist-kind
of trip.
Vaše posljednje putovanje…
Tenerife u Španjolskoj. Već dvije godine zaredom ondje se održava CMAS prvenstvo u
ronjenju na dah, prošle je godine bilo europsko prvenstvo, a ove godine svjetsko. Taj me
se otok nije posebno dojmio, ostat će mi u
sjećanju po tome što sam ondje ponovno
pobijedio. U svakom bih slučaju onima koji
planiraju ondje provesti godišnji odmor i
očekuju ono što su vidjeli na turističkim bro-
Your last trip…
The island of Tenerife in Spain. For two consecutive years the CMAS free diving championship was organised there; last year it
was the Europeans and this year, the World
championship. My only impression of the island was that of my victory, other than that,
it’s nothing special. I would advise to people
who plan to go there on vacation to think
about another destination.
Delicious treats
from Provence
Délice des Fruits
Limited Edition
scover irresistible
scents and textures of
body products inspired by delicious aromas
that escape from the copper pans in which
the most beautiful, sun-drenched citrus
fruits are blended with sugar. The perfect
festive treat for someone special – or even
for yourself. L’OCCITANE, a true story.
šurama preporučio da razmisle i o
drugim destinacijama.
Koja je vaša destinacija iz snova?
Iskreno, nisam još bio na mjestu koje
me toliko ostavilo bez daha da bih
mogao reći kako je to moja destinacija iz snova, najljepše lokacije bila
su mi neka mjesta u Hrvatskoj, a ne
na dalekim putovanjima... Ipak, volio bih vidjeti Bora Boru ili podmorje
Palaua, ali turistički, bez obveza.
Koji vam je najdraži hotel u kojem
ste bili odsjeli?
Ovaj bi vas odgovor mogao razočarati: budući da obično tražimo jeftiniji smještaj, nisam odsjedao u nekim veoma luksuznim hotelima, no u
najljepšem mi je sjećanju ostao hotel u Dahabu (Egipat). Bio sam jako
zadovoljan kvalitetom, kako hotela,
tako i usluge.
S kim biste najradije “ispraznili” mini bar u hotelskoj sobi?
Nisam impresioniran sadržajem mini
barova, obično nema mojih najdražih
pića tako da bih radije posjetio neke
druge barove, a ne mini sobni bar.
U kojem biste hotelu rado odsjeli, a još niste imali prilike?
U penthouseu u nekom luksuznom hotelu, nije bitno u kojem.
Najdraži restorani izvan Zagreba...
Nisam obišao mnogo restorana izvan Zagreba, iako slobodno vrijeme
tijekom putovanja volim provesti aktivno, ali ima jedan koji mi je definitivno ostao u pamćenju – Jamie Oliver’s u Dubaiju.
Najdraži restorani u Zagrebu…
Najviše volim jesti kod kuće, a ne u restoranima, ali budući da volim
meksičku i tajlandsku kuhinju, biram i takve restorane. U Zagrebu ih
nema mnogo, ali su gotovo svi vrlo dobri.
Which is your dream destination?
To be honest, I haven’t yet been to a place
which left me breathless, so I can’t really
tell what my dream destination is. My favourite places were always in Croatia and
not in some exotic parts of the world...
Still, I’d like to see Bora Bora or the Palau
underwater wonders, but as a tourist, free
from any obligations.
Your favourite hotel where you stayed?
This answer could disappoint you; as we
are always looking for a low-cost option, I
haven’t really stayed in luxury hotels, but
the best one was a hotel in Dahabu, Egypt.
I was very satisfied with the quality of the
hotel and service.
Who would be your favourite companion
‘for emptying’ the contents of the hotel
mini bar?
Honestly, I am not all that impressed with
the contents of the mini bars; my favourite
drinks are generally not included in these
bars, so I’d rather visit some other bars...
Which hotel would you like to stay in but
still haven’t?
A penthouse in a luxury hotel, never mind
Your favourite restaurant outside of Zagreb...
I haven’t visited too many restaurants outside Zagreb, although I like to
spend my free time actively. The one I remember in particular is Jamie
Oliver’s in Dubai.
Your favourite restaurant in Zagreb…
Frankly, my favourite place to eat is at home and not in restaurants.
However, since I am a big fan of Mexican and Thai food, I like to go to
these restaurants. Zagreb doesn’t have many of these, but the ones
that are there, are very good.
Najdraža mjesta u Zagrebu…
Neka s mnogo zelenila, Bundek, Sljeme... obično lijepa mjesta vežem za
osobu tako da mi je bitnije s kim sam nego gdje sam.
Your favourite places in Zagreb…
Definitely Zagreb green areas, like Bundek, Sljeme... In general, I always connect the nice places with my company, so it is much more
important for me who am I with than where I am.
Postoji li mjesto na kojem biste željeli zaroniti, a još niste?
Da, Velika plava rupa u Karipskome moru, definitivno.
Is there a place you’d like to dive, where you haven’t?
Yes, that’s an easy one – the Great Blue Hole in the Caribbean.
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iÛi˜ÊvœÀÊޜÕÀÃiv°ÊL’OCCITANE, a true story.
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A pearl in the centre of town
Povijest jednoga od najpoznatijih
restorana u Zagrebu počinje davne 1975.
godine. Tada je naime današnji Le Bistro
otvoren pod imenom Snack bar u sklopu
hotela Esplanade. Bio je to jedini restoran
takvog tipa na području cijele bivše
The history of one of the most famous
restaurants in Zagreb dates back to 1975.
That was the Le Bistro – or Snack bar back
then – opened at the hotel Esplanade.
It was the first restaurant of its kind in
Stakleni strop, vratar koji stoji na ulazu i otvara vrata gostima, gošćama
se dijele ruže, uz kavu se serviraju čokoladice, toči se vino i pjenušac…
Sve su to bile stvari koje je zagrebačka klijentela prvi put doživjela u
svome gradu. U nekim su medijima otvorenje usporedili sa silaskom
Apolla na Mjesec. U tom je restoranu prvi put u našem gradu poslužen
kolač tiramisu. Prvo Valentinovo proslavljeno je baš ondje, još 1989.
godine. “A od tada do danas Valentinova Le Bistrou postala su, i ostala, tradicionalno najbolja zabava u gradu”, govori nam Ivan Trbušić,
voditelj Bistroa, kako tom restoranu danas Zagrepčani najčešće tepaju.
Godine 1986. restoran mijenja naziv u Le Bistro. “U početku smo bili
A glazed ceiling, a concierge opening the doors to the guests, roses
handed to the ladies, chocolates served with coffee, wine served by
the glass as well as champagne… These were all new experiences for
Zagreb’s citizens. Some of the media compared the opening of the restaurant with Apollo landing on the Moon. It was here that tiramisu was
served for the first time in the country. The first Valentine’s Day was
celebrated in this restaurant in 1989. “Since then, Valentine’s celebration has been traditionally the best party in town” says Ivan Trbušić,
the Bistro Manager. In 1986 the restaurant changed its name to Le
Bistro. “At the beginning we were mostly oriented towards French cui-
više orijentirani na francusku kuhinju, ali to
je uglavnom ovisilo o glavnom šefu kuhinje.
Kako su se mijenjali šefovi kuhinje, mijenjala se i ponuda.” Šef kuhinje u hotelu dugo
je bio Kruno Velić, koji je ponudu u Le Bistrou temeljio na francuskoj kuhinji. Kada
je došao Marc Fontenelle, unio je dosta
azijskog utjecaja, dok sadašnji šef Jeffrey
Vella kombinira mediteransku, englesku i
francusku kuhinju. “Čini se da to najviše odgovara našim gostima s obzirom na mediter-
Tim Le Bistroa trenutano je
“muški”. Osim Trbušia, tu su
još i Miroslav Domovi, koji
je supervizor, zatim konobari
Nikola Lubenjak i Marko
Bajeti te “podrška“ iz kuhinje
koju ine: Tomislav Bošnjak,
Marko Krameli i Saša
sine, but this depended largely on the head
chef and his ideas. Changes of chefs meant
changes in the restaurant’s menus.” For a
number of years, the restaurant’s chef was
Kruno Velić who based Le Bistro’s menus on
French cuisine. Marc Fontanelle introduced
Asian flavours while the current chef mixes
the Mediterranean, English and French cuisines. “It seems that this is a perfect match
for our guests who are generally very fond of
Mediterranean cuisine” concludes Trbušić.
anski štih koji kod nas općenito dominira”,
zaključuje Trbušić.
Ivan Trbušić radi u Le Bistrou od 1993. godine. Nakon završene škole počeo je u hotelu raditi kao konobar da bi s godinama
napredovao do današnje pozicije. “U Bistrou
smo uvijek imali vrhunsku uslugu i vrhunsku
ponudu hrane i na neki smo način bili konkurencija glavnom restoranu. No, sada je Zinfandel’s restoran zauzeo definitivno višu razinu, odnosno drugačiji stil kuhanja. Nekada
smo jedni drugima bili konkurencija, a sada
Bistro’s team currently is a
“male” team. A part from
Trbuši, the team includes
Miroslav Domovi as the
supervisor, the waiters Nikola
Lubenjak and Marko Bajeti
and the “support” from the
kitchen: Tomislav Bošnjak,
Marko Krameli and Saša
Ivan Trbušić has been working in Le Bistro since 1993. Following the completion
of his studies, he started work in the hotel
as a waiter and gradually he advanced to
the position he occupies today. “Le Bistro
always offered first-class service as well as
outstanding food and was always a worthy
competitor to the main restaurant of the hotel. However, Zinfandel’s is today a “higher
level” restaurant and offers a different style
of cooking. We used to be competitors, and
today, Zinfandel’s is a true dining room, in
je Zinfandel’s dining room, u pravom smislu
te riječi, a Bistro je bistro, također u pravom
smislu te riječi. Kuhinje su posve drugačije tako
da svatko može pronaći ono što mu odgovara.”
Iako voditelj restorana, Ivan Trbušić u Bistrou odrađuje smjenu, poput ostalih konobara. S tim da je njegova dužnost da brine
o tome da restoran funkcionira kao cjelina:
on piše raspored, brine da Bistro bude čist,
da gosti budu zadovoljni, da imaju potrebne namirnice u kuhinji, da hrana izlazi na
vrijeme te da kuharu prenosi sugestije gostiju. No, toga ne bi bilo bez Bistroova tima koji
je trenutačno “muški”. Osim Trbušića, tu su
još i Miroslav Domović, koji je supervizor, zatim konobari Nikola Lubenjak i Marko Bajetić
te “podrška” iz kuhinje koju čine: Tomislav
Bošnjak, Marko Kramelić i Saša Tremac.
Profil gostiju Bistroa nije strogo određen. Za
vrijeme ručka dolazi veći broj poslovnih ljudi,
ali navečer je situacija “šarena”. Tada u Bistro
dolazi i veći broj gostiju koji odsjedaju u hotelu.
Ono što Le Bistro čini posebnim svakako su
i razne promocije sezonskih namirnica koje
se održavaju tijekom godine “Promocije održavamo na tjednoj bazi, a imamo i dnevni
meni od tri slijeda koji smo produžili za ručak
i večeru”, pojašnjava Trbušić. Uz spomenute promocije, trenutačno je vrlo aktualna i
promocija kuhinja zemalja članica Europske
Unije. Jednom mjesečno svaka zemlja predstavlja svoju kuhinju. Počeli su s Poljskom, nakon toga bila je na redu Španjolska, pa Mađarska, što se pokazalo dosta uspješnim jer je riječ
o kuhinjama koje se ne mogu često kušati u zagrebačkim restoranima. Promocije traju jedan
dan u mjesecu, sluša se glazba karakteristična
za svaku zemlju, puštaju se promotivni filmovi,
a dostupni su i promotivni materijali.
Le Bistro osim ručka i večere nudi i lagani doručak pa je stoga restoran otvoren već od 7.30
Zanimalo nas je, naravno, i tko od uglednih i
poznatih gostiju redovito posjećuje Le Bistro.
Profil gostiju Bistroa nije
strogo odreen. Za vrijeme
ruka dolazi vei broj
poslovnih ljudi, ali naveer
je situacija “šarena”. Tada u
Bistro dolazi i vei broj gostiju
koji odsjedaju u hotelu.
The profile of Le Bistro
guests is fairly broad. During
lunch time there are lots of
business people while for
dinner the situation is much
more “colorful”. The guests
staying in the hotel come to
have dinner in the restaurant
the real sense of the word, while Le Bistro remains a bistro exactly as it says on the door.
The cooking styles are completely different
and everyone can find something to please
their palates.”
Although he is the manager of the restaurant, Ivan Trbušić works his shift just like the
rest of the waiters. He is responsible for the
restaurant functioning as a whole: he makes
the schedule, makes sure that Le Bistro is
perfectly clean, that the guests are satisfied, that the supplies are there, that the
food reaches the tables on time and he also
passes the suggestions of the guests to the
cook. None of this would be possible without the Bistro’s team which is currently a
‘male’ team. A part from Trbušić, the team
includes Miroslav Domović as the supervisor, the waiters Nikola Lubenjak and Marko
Bajetić and the ‘support’ from the kitchen:
Tomislav Bošnjak, Marko Kramelić and Saša
The profile of Le Bistro guests is fairly broad.
During lunch time there are lots of business
people while for dinner the situation is much
more ‘colorful’. The guests staying in the hotel come to have dinner in the restaurant
What makes Le Bistro special is surely a large number of promotions of home-made
and farm products held throughout the year.
“The promotions are organized on a weekly basis, and we offer a daily three-course
menu for lunch and dinner.” explains Trbušić.
Next to that, they are currently promoting EU member countries’ cuisines. Once a
month each country presents its own cuisine. It started with Poland, followed by Spain,
Hungary and this initiative proved to be a
real success as they offer food which cannot be tasted too often in Zagreb’s restaurants. The promotions are on for one day,
the music is from the same country as the
food, short films and videos are played and
promotional material is available.
“U Bistrou je atmosfera opuštenija nego u
našem glavnom restoranu, što dokazuje i
činjenica da smo s nekim gostima, tijekom
godina stvorili prijateljski odnos. To je također jedan od naših aduta. Od poznatih
gostiju koji nam dolaze izdvojio bih Arsena
Dedića, jednoga od naših zaista najvjernijih gostiju, a naša je stalna gošća i poznata
odvjetnica Jadranka Sloković, ali i ljudi s estrade, poput Danijele Martinović, Severine
i Tereze Kesovije.” S obzirom na to da u Esplanadi odsjedaju gotovo svi međunarodno
poznati gosti koje put nanese u Zagreb,
zamolili smo voditelja Trbušića da nam otkrije tko mu je od svjetski poznatih osoba ostao u posebno lijepom sjećanju. “Od slavnih
osoba ovdje je bio Paul McCartney, zatim
njegova sada već bivša žena Heather Mills
te Joe Cocker. No, u najboljem mi je sjećanju
ostao Armand Assante, koji je došao k nama
baš u vrijeme kada je završio sa snimanjem
filma Mambo Kings i bio prilično popularan.
U jednom je trenutku u Le Bistrou, uz pratnju klavira, otpjevao uživo pjesmu Beautiful
Maria of My Soul. To je uspomena koja će mi
ostati u sjećanju do kraja života.” Zaista lijep
završetak priče o Le Bistrou!
Besides lunch and dinner, Le Bistro’s offer includes a light breakfast and so it opens at 7:30
We were curious to know which celebrities are
‘regulars’ of Le Bistro. “There’s a very relaxed
atmosphere here and this is proved by the fact
that over the years we’ve managed to build a
friendly relationship with some of our clients
and that’s the ace up our sleeves. As for our
famous clients, I’d single out Arsen Dedić, one
of our most loyal guests, and a famous lawyer,
Ms Jadranka Sloković – former Prime Minister
Ivo Sanader’s defence counsel – and the singers Danijela Martinović, Severina or Tereza
Kesovija.” Given that almost all international
celebrities who travel to Zagreb stay at the Esplanade hotel, we asked the manager Trbušić
to tell us who he remembers with fondness.
“Paul McCartney was here, with his now exwife Heather Mills and Joe Cocker. However,
one of my best memories is when Armando
Assante visited when he had just finished filming the Mambo Kings and was pretty popular.
One evening he sang Beautiful Maria of My
Soul accompanied by the piano. This is something I will remember for the rest of my life.” A
truly nice end to the Le Bistro tale!
Negdašnja slika “kombinatske” kvalitete razvodnjenih i bezličnih tekućina koje su izlazile
iz podruma najvećih hrvatskih proizvođača danas je prošlost. Kvaliteta vina koja izlaze
na tržište iz negdašnjih kombinata znatno je porasla, a neki od njih, kao što su Agrokor,
Feravino i Badel 1862, i u baznim i premium linijama, ulaze u sam vrh hrvatskog vinarstva.
Memories of “industrial quality”, watered-down and lifeless liquids which came from the
wine cellars of the largest Croatian winemakers are long in the past. The quality of wines
on the market today has increased significantly and some producers, notably wineries
which are part of large enterprises such as Agrokor, Feravino and Badel 1862 can be just
as proud of their standard lines as their premium ranges representing as they do best-inclass of Croatian wine production.
Tekst I Text:
Sanja Muzaferija
U svibnju 2011. u Poreču
Poreč je održana osamnaesta
Vinistra, izložba vina i vinarske
ke opreme.
opr me. Ondje
se i ove godine okupili uglednii hrvatski
tski i svjetski
vinski stručnjaci i vinari i na sajam
jam donijeli
onije 482
uzorka vina, od čega 219 malvazija.
Tako impresivne brojke prije
rije samo desetak
deset godina zvučale bi kao science-fi
nc ction jer je vinska
kultura u Hrvatskoj bila u povojima i nerijetko
se svodila na “delanec” i “direktor”
sa zagorskih
brega i “crnjak” iz Dalmacije, dok se u restorani-
In May, the 18th Vinistra, the wine and winemaking
equipment ffair, was held in Poreč. The event gatheered renowned Croatian and international winemake
makers and wine experts submitting 482 samples
of wine, of which 219 were Malvasia varietals.
Ten years ago these impressive numbers would
have been re
regarded as pie in the sky; at that time
the wine indu
industry in Croatia was in its infancy and
was dominated
at by low quality wines, “delanec” or
“director”” ffrom Zagorje hills and “crnjak (reddish)”
The Croatian wine revolution
Hrvatska još uvijek, nažalost,
uvozi sedam puta više
vina nego što ga izveze, tj.
godišnje se uvozi oko 15
milijuna litara, a izvozi samo
2,5 milijuna litara
ma nerijetko “znalački” nudilo “bijelo” i “crno” vino. No, tko se toga
još sjeća danas, kad smo prvi val vinske revolucije već i zaboravili, a
došao je – pogađate – iz Istre. Negdašnja slika “kombinatske” kvalitete
razvodnjenih i bezličnih tekućina koja su izlazila iz podruma najvećih
hrvatskih proizvođača danas je prošlost. Kvaliteta vina koja izlaze
na tržište iz negdašnjih kombinata znatno je porasla, a neki od njih,
posebno vinarije u sastavu koncerna Agrokor, Feravina i Badela 1862,
i u baznim i premium linijama, ulaze u sam vrh hrvatskog vinarstva
– unatoč tomu što su privatni vinari iznimno podigli kvalitetu svojih
vina. Osim tradicionalnih vinskih podregija i vinogorja Ilok, Kutjevo,
Istra, Pelješac i dalmatinskih otoka, etablirala su se dva nova vinogorja kao nositelji kvalitete: Plješivica i Baranja, a na dobrom su putu
Međimurje, Moslavina i Dalmatinska zagora. No Hrvatska još uvijek,
nažalost, uvozi sedam puta više vina nego što ga izveze, tj. godišnje se
uvozi oko 15 milijuna litara, a izvozi samo 2,5 milijuna litara (najviše u
BiH i Njemačku); malim vinarima nije nimalo lako opstati, kriza postoji,
ali ipak su vinska scena nekoć i danas gotovo neusporedive. S obzirom
na to da je u Hrvatskoj u 2010. godini prodano 68 milijuna litara vina,
možemo zaključiti da Hrvat godišnje popije 17 litara vina, no brojka je
zapravo i puno veća, jer 50 posto vina uopće ne dođe na tržište nego
se popije u kućanstvima, posebno u Dalmaciji, Zagorju, Međimurju,
Prigorju, Moslavini i Podravini. Recesija je otežala plasman hrvatskih
vina, koja su do jučer uvelike završavala samo na hrvatskom tržištu i
Croatia still imports
seven times more wine
than it exports, 15 million litres
coming in and only 2.5 million
litres making its way abroad
every year
from Dalmatia, and the waiters in restaurants “knowingly” offered
“white” or “red”. Those days are behind us fortunately as the quality
revolution, originating in Istria, began to find its feet. Memories of “industrial quality”, watered-down and lifeless liquids which came from
the wine cellars of the largest Croatian winemakers are long in the past.
The quality of wines on the market today has increased significantly and
some producers, notably wineries which are part of large enterprises
such as Agrokor, Feravino and Badel 1862 can be just as proud of their
standard lines as their premium ranges representing as they do best-inclass of Croatian wine production. Private winemakers, too, succeeded
in upgrading the quality of their wines. Apart from the traditional wine
sub-regions and the vineyards of Ilok, Kutjevo, Istria, Pelješac and the
Dalmatian islands, two more regions emerged as areas with high potential: Plješivica and Baranja, while Međimurje, Moslavina and the Dalmatian hinterland are well on the way to join the elite. Nevertheless,
Croatia still imports seven times more wine than it exports, 15 million
litres coming in and only 2.5 million litres making its way abroad every
year (mainly to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany). This makes it extremely hard for small winemakers to survive in the market, particularly
a depressed one, and yet the wine scene of the past and that of today
are incomparable.
With 68 million litres of wine sold in Croatia last year, the implication
is that every Croat drinks 17 litres of wine during the year. However,
natjerala vinare na pojačan izvoz, samoorganiziranje i udruživanje,
kako bi meritorno mogli pregovarati s državom oko strategije izvoznog
Marko Kovač, direktor VinMedije, kaže: “O napretku hrvatske vinske scene ponajviše govore police vinoteka. Dovoljno
je usporediti broj proizvođača danas s onima otprije deset godina, kao
i raznovrsnost ponude, temeljene na domaćim proizvođačima i autohtonim sortama – poput istarske malvazije, plavca malog ili terana. I
proizvođači, i sommelieri, i ugostitelji, i distributeri, i mediji zaslužni su
da danas možemo reći kako smo u enogastro tranziciji prema razinama
enogastro kulture zemalja s duljom gastro tradicijom. Mislim da bismo
uspjeh trebali graditi na autohtonim sortama – kao što su istarska malvazija, plavac mali, teran i graševina.”
Prvi čovjek Vinistre, Ivica Matošević ( smatra da
se još ne vide značajniji rezultati promocija hrvatskih vina u inozemstvu, ali je riječ o korjenitim zahvatima, kojima treba vremena. “Lijepo
je da smo se počeli promovirati ondje gdje je najvažnije, u Londonu,
New Yorku i Moskvi te da je došlo do institucionalnog povezivanja
malih vinara u Savez obiteljskih vinarija koji broji oko 1000 malih vinara, a osnovalo se i udruženje vinarstva pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj
komori koje objedinjava interese i malih i korporativnih vinara, što nije
bilo jednostavno s obzirom na to da imamo različite interese. U prvoj,
prijelaznoj godini, definirali smo program promotivnih aktivnosti,
znamo što su prioriteti i sad nam predstoji stvoriti model dugoročnog
funkcioniranja promotivnih aktivnosti. Vinari nisu dovoljno jaki da izguraju takvu kampanju. Sve zemlje u svijetu to rade zajedno – država plus
mali vinari”, kaže Matošević. Zvuči ohrabrujuće! No, ovdje nije riječ o
malo novca, nego o oko 20 milijuna kuna, a u proceduru će morati ići
i novi Zakon o vinu koji bi se trebao početi primjenjivati od 1. siječnja
2012. godine. Vrijeme kad su neosporni uspjesi hrvatskog vinarstva
počivali na entuzijazmu definitivno je prošlo. Hrvatska sasvim sigurno
nikad neće biti veliki svjetski vinski igrač, ali može igrati na kartu izvrsnosti. “Slatko vino temeljeno na slavonskom zelencu danas se nalazi na vinskoj karti jednog od vodećih svjetskih restorana, Fat Ducka”,
Ivica Matoševi smatra
da se još ne vide
znaajniji rezultati
promocija hrvatskih
vina u inozemstvu,
ali je rije o korjenitim
zahvatima, kojima
treba vremena
this figure is much higher as 50% of wine never makes it to market as
it is drunk in the households of Dalmatia, Zagorje, Međimurje, Prigorje, Moslavina and Podravina. The recession reduced domestic consumer demand and, looking to expand their market and to establish
a stronger negotiating position vis à vis government strategy for wine
export, smaller, previously domestic-centric producers pooled resources into an export consortium. Marko Kovač, the Director of VinMedia
Agency for Gastronomy,, says: “The shelves of wine
shops are a testament to the progress of the Croatian wine business.
It is enough to compare the number of producers today with a decade
ago, as well as the diversity on offer, based mainly on domestic producers and indigenous varieties – Istrian Malvasia, Plavac Mali, Teran
and Graševina – and we should build our success on these. Winemakers, sommeliers, restaurant and bar owners, distributors and the media
have all played a part in Croatia today being a country with a long tradition in the vino-gastro transition. The leading figure of Vinistra, Ivica
Matošević (, notes that there are few significant
steps forward in the promotion of Croatian wines abroad to date but
says that this is something which requires time. “Marketing ourselves
in world centres where everything happens, such as London, New York
and Moscow, is hugely important for us as is the fact that the small
winemakers have finally organised themselves in the association of
family winemakers which counts today around 1000 members. Apart
from that, the Organisation of Croatian Winemakers was established in
the Croatian Chamber of Economy representing the interests of both
small and large wine makers and this was by no means a simple process
given the different interests of both groups. In the first year we defined
a programme of promotional activities, we identified the priorities and
now we have to think how to implement our promotional activities in
the long run. The winemakers are not strong enough to conduct such a
campaign on their own. In all other countries in the world this is done
jointly by the State and the small winemakers” says Mr Matošević. This
sounds encouraging! However, we are not talking small change here
and Matošević is talking about an annual budget of 20 million Kuna and
Ivica Matoševi notes
that there are few
significant steps forward
in the promotion of
Croatian wines abroad
to date but says that
this is something which
requires time
kaže Marko Kovač, i dodaje: “Zanimljivo je da su najsjajnije medalje
utjecajnog magazina Decanter za 2011. godinu osvojila vina iz Zagorja,
regije čije vrijeme za širu popularnost u javnosti, vjerujem, tek dolazi.”
Izniman uspjeh postigla su BOLFAN vina na “Decanter World Wine
Awards 2011” u Londonu, na iznenađenje samih proizvođača: “Slali
smo pet vina, a nadali smo se dobiti nagrade za tri od njih, no sva
su dobila odličja.” Vinarija Matošević prva je hrvatska vinarija koja je
pozvana sudjelovati na večeri u organizaciji vodeće američke kulinarske fondacije The James Beard. The James Beard fondacija je vodeća
gastronomska neprofitna udruga Sjedinjenih Američkih Država koja
nizom aktivnosti promovira načine na koje prehrana obogaćuje živote.
Magazin Time je nagrade fondacije, koje se tradicionalno dodjeljuju
svake godine, nazvao Oskarima gastronomije. 14. listopada, u prostorijama fondacije u New Yorku, Ivica Matošević predstavio je svoja
vina i potencijale istarskih autohtonih sorti, pod nazivom “Mystical
Malvasia” (“Mistična malvazija”). U najavi večere i opisu malvazije
na svojim stranicama, fondacija je vina ove sorte nazvala “spektakularnima”. Značenje večere veće je ako se zna kako je poziv vinariji
the Government still needs to adopt the new Wine Act
which should come into force on 1st January 2012.
The time when enthusiasm was the driving force behind
the successes of the Croatian wine business is long gone.
Croatia will undoubtedly never be a leading world player
but it can always play the card of excellence. “Sweet wine from the Slavonian Zelenac varietal features today on the wine list of one of the
finest world restaurants, the Fat Duck”, says Mario Kovač and adds: “It
is interesting that the shiniest medals for the year 2011 awarded by the
influential magazine Decanter went to Zagorje wines, a region whose
time is yet to come.”
BOLFAN wines achieved astounding success on the “Decanter World
Wine Awards 2011” in London to the great surprise of the producers:
“Out of five wines we put up to compete, we were hoping to pick up
awards for three of them but all five wines were recognised”. Matošević
is the first Croatian winery invited to participate in a dinner organised
by the principal American culinary foundation The James Beard Foundation whose mission is to promote the various ways food enriches our
lives. Time Magazine called the Foundation’s annual awards the “Oscars
of Gastronomy”. Ivica Matošević presented his wines and the potential
of Istrian varietals in a presentation entitled “Mystical Malvasia” at the
dinner on October 14th in New York. In the dinner’s publicity material,
the Foundation describes the wines as “spectacular”. The presence of
wine is the earth’s
answer to the sun ...
Mediterranean and continental climate mix on the Korlat locality so the
vineyards are beaten by bora from north while warmth and the exhilarant sea scent reach from south. Sounds ideal for growing grapes if there
weren’t for the rough Dalmatian stone and karst which we managed
to cultivate by milling thus turning it into fertile soil. The grapes matured in special conditions since the wine grapes grow from white gravel
maintaining the moisture in the depth while reflecting sun rays to the
cluster and warming it up intensively. This guarantees these wines their
special character and makes Korlat a truly unique terroir in Croatia. A
successful combination of superior quality and design acknowledged
by winning prestigious international awards makes Korlat wines even
more special.
Find Korlat wines in selected restaurants and wine shops
Matošević došao na inicijativu američkih partnera. Dosadašnja predstavljanja hrvatskih vina u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama događala
su se isključivo na inicijativu hrvatskih vinara ili institucija i udruga
blisko povezanih s Hrvatskom. Ovoga puta je drukčije. Dakle: o hrvatskim vinarima i restoranima pišu svjetske publikacije, poput Financial
Timesa i New York Timesa, naši vinari kite se odličjima, pozivaju ih na
veličanstvena predstavljanja u svijetu, a osim kvalitete vina i njihov vizualni identitet često ravnopravno stoji rame uz rame s bilo kojim svjetskim. Vinski marketing, ponajprije zahvaljujući Kovaču, u hrvatskom
je vinskom biznisu sve značajniji i postiže sve važnije rezultate. “Već
godinama razgovaram sa slovenskim vinarima koji tvrde kako Hrvatska
ima značajan enogastro potencijal koji samo čeka da ga se potpuno
iskoristi. Ovdašnje tlo, sunce, vjetar i teritorij pružaju uvjete za svjetski
proizvod. Mislim da na temelju viđenog u posljednjih deset godina
možemo vjerovati da ulazimo u desetljeće u kojem će proizvođači znati
iskoristiti sve prednosti koje im se pružaju”, završava Kovač. A mi – jedva čekamo!
Matošević at the dinner was initiated by the American partners; this is
something of a first as presentations of Croatian wines in the USA have
always been the initiative of Croatian winemakers, Croatian institutions
or other associations closely related to Croatia. The message is clear:
quality newspapers, like The Financial Times and The New York Times
write about Croatian wines and restaurants and winemakers receive
prestigious awards and invitations to presentations all around the world
– Croatia’s visual vino-gastro identity has gone global.
Thanks to the Kovač initiative, marketing is rising in importance: “For
years I have been talking to Slovenian winemakers who believe that
Croatia has significant vino-gastro potential which just needs to be realised. The soil, sun, wind and terroir provide the conditions necessary
to produce a world-class product. I think that on the basis of what we
saw in the last ten years we can say we are now entering a decade in
which the producers will know how to use all the advantages that are in
front of them” concludes Kovač. And we can’t wait to see that
Vinski igrači/Wine players
Baranja: Gerštmajer, Josić, Kalazić, Agrokor Belje
Slavonija: Galić, Bartolović, Feravino, Krauthaker, Enjingi, Zdjelarević
Plješivica: Tomac, Korak, Šember
Zagorje: Bodren, Bolfan, Jarec-Kure
Moslavina: Miklaužić, Mikša
Istra: Roxanic, Kapo, Meneghetti, Saint Hills, Agrolaguna, Istravino, Matošević,
Kozlović, Degrassi, Coronica, Pilato, Poletti, Armani, Benvenuti, Radovan, Trapan, Brečević, Kabola, Clai
Otok Krk: Katunar, Juranić, Toljanić, Šipun
Otok Pag: Boškinac
Zadarsko zaleđe: Korlat, Badel 1862.
Silba i Ravni Kotari: Jurjević
Šibensko zaleđe: Bibić, Sladić
Kaštelansko područje: Vuina
Imotsko polje: Grabovac, Jerković
Otok Brač: Baković, Jako vina (Jako Andabak)
Otok Hvar: Duboković, Badel 1862, Plančić, Tomić, Plenković
Otok Vis: Roki, Lipanović, Sviličić
Otok Korčula: Ćara, Smokvica, Krajančić, Milina-Biro, Kunjašić
Pelješac: Saints Hills, Mrgudić, Štimac, Kuna, Skaramuča, Kiriđija, Radović,
Miličić, Matuško, Poljanić, Bura, Miloš
Dubrovačko područje: Karaman, Dubrovački podrumi
a young star in the Croatian wine sky
Rijetko se, i u hrvatskim i u svjetskim relacijama, događa da se neki vinar
takvom astronomskom brzinom vine među šampione, prvake, leadere
– kao što se to dogodilo u životnoj i poslovnoj priči tridesetogodišnjeg
Brune Trapana. Već je pokupio epitete zvijezde, a zovu ga i urbanim vinarom, jer dolazi iz Pule. “Vinar koji iza sebe nema dugogodišnju obiteljsku
tradiciju, a vinarstvom se počeo baviti iz podruma usred Pule, u svakom je
pogledu jedinstvena pojava na hrvatskoj vinskoj sceni”, kaže Lada Radin,
autorica intervjua s Trapanom za, koja je, kao i ja, primijetila
dvije Brunove osobine: 1.) ne skida se s mobitela, Facebooka i interneta
te 2.) uvijek je u pokretu, nabrijane energije, istodobno neuhvatljiv ali
ne i nadmen ili pretenciozan; simpatičan i skroman ali ipak ambiciozan,
pun poleta i energije... Gdje mu je kraj, to nitko ne može znati, a ni naslutiti. No, pustimo kraj, idemo ispočetka. A počelo je slučajno, kad je 2001.
umro njegov djed, vinar iz hobija, i ostavio svojoj, za vinarstvo posve nezainteresiranoj, obitelji mali vinograd u blizini Pule. Dotad tipično “zujalo”,
It’s rare to find a wine producer – either in the Croatian or global context – a wine producer joining the elite set at the meteoric rate set
by 30-something Bruno Trapan. He’s already been tagged as a star in
the making and he’s referred to as the Urban winemaker because he
comes from Pula. There was thus no long family tradition to rely on
when he produced his first wine in a cellar in the centre of Pula. “He
is a unique phenomenon on the Croatian wine scene” according to
Lada Radin, who published an interview with Trapan on the web site
Ms Radin, just as I did, noticed Bruno’s two most obvious characteristics: 1) he is constantly checking his mobile, Facebook and Internet
and 2) he is always in motion, full of energy, elusive but not arrogant
or pretentious; warm, humble and yet ambitious, full of enthusiasm
and energy. Where he will end nobody can know or imagine. However, let’s forget about the end and start from the beginning.
It started by accident in 2001 when his Grandfather, a hobby winemaker, died and left to his totally wine-uninterested family a small
vineyard close to Pula. Bruno, who was up to that moment a typical
“buzzer” realised he had wasted four years of his life whizzing around
Zagreb and decided to take care of the vineyard as no one else was
interested. “For the first two years I was just “playing” and then I enrolled in the specialised study programme of winemaking in Poreč and
Bruno je shvatio da je potratio četiri godine života zvrndajući po Zagrebu i
odlučio preuzeti brigu o vinogradu kojim se nitko nije htio baviti. “Najprije sam se dvije godine ‘igrao’, a onda upisao Stručni studij vinarstva u
Poreču, i sad sam inženjer vinarstva. Vinska priča mi se svidjela, a otkrio
sam da nemam samo interes nego i ‘ruku’ za vinograd i vino. Djedov sam
vinograd prepustio sestri i njezinu suprugu i kupio četiri hektara zemlje
crvenice u Šišanu te 2004., zajedno s ocem, uložio sredstva u opremu i
proizvodnju. 2005. godine bila nam je prva ozbiljna berba, a 2006. stvaramo i vizualni identitet koji potpisuje Robert Radešić”, kaže neumorni
Bruno koji u dva-tri mjeseca autom prijeđe minimalno tisuću kilometara.
Ono što je etiketi Trapan dalo prvi pravi vjetar u leđa pobjeda je na vinskoj
smotri u Vodnjanu 2006., kad je drugo vino napravljeno profesionalnom
opremom proglašeno najboljom malvazijom južne Istre. Došao, vidio, pobijedio! Ipak, svojim prvim pravim uspjehom Bruno smatra gostovanje
na prestižnoj vinskoj smotri u talijanskom Meranu, a smatra i da su pravi
uspjesi tek pred njim. Stvar je naime postala ozbiljna otkad zajedno s
najvećim “tatom istarskih vina”, dr. Ivicem Matoševićem, patrolira Europom. Kad sugeriram da je postao vinarska zvijezda, odmahuje rukom.
“Zvjezdani uspjeh? Joj, molim vas... uspio sam, tj. čulo se za mene najviše
zato što su me ugledni sommelieri poput Emila Perdeca, Sandija Parisa i
osobito Franka Petrovića Frenkija vrlo brzo prepoznali i gurali moja vina
kad su god mogli, svima i svakome... Ključ je druženje s pravim ljudima”,
kaže. “Da nema čovjeka kakav je Ivica Matošević, koji gura cijelu hrvatsku
vinsku priču, a posebno istarsku, tko zna gdje bismo bili...
U početku mu je savjetima puno pomagao karizmatični vinar Moreno
Coronica čije je stajalište bilo okretanje ekološkoj proizvodnji, a kad
je Bruno shvatio da je klima u području oko njegova vinograda nešto
drukčija nego drugdje u Istri, definitivno kreće tim putem i grožđe na
svoja četiri hektara vinograda u Šišanu proizvodi na potpuno ekološki
način, bez korištenja insekticida, pesticida i herbicida te mineralnoga
gnojiva. Sada raspolaže zemljištem od 10 hektara malvazije, chardonnaya, syraha, merlota, terana i cabernet sauvignona koji jedva čekaju da
se njihovi plodovi pretvore u tekući užitak. Uz njega u postupku dobivanja ekomarkice zasad su tek vinar Franko Kozlović, Markežićeva Kabola
te porečko poduzeće Agrolaguna. Trapanovi uspjesi nisu mali: nakon
uspjeha u Srbiji na Royal Wine Challengeu, zlatne medalje za odležanu
Malvaziju Uroboros na prošloj Vinistri, uslijedile su i vrlo visoke ocjene
slavnog vinskog stručnjaka Roberta Parkera (90 bodova za Uroboros i 89
za Potente), što ga je svakako učvrstilo u odluci da su odležana vina nešto
čemu se treba ozbiljno posvetiti. Trapanov je plan rad na kupažama, rad
na barem dva ozbiljna bijela i dva ozbiljna, kompleksnija crvena vina,
prodor na britansko tržište, koji je upravo u tijeku, pa onda Novi svijet
– Amerika. A misija iskoristiti potencijal koji crvena zemlja nudi i uskladiti ono što je novo i neiskorišteno s istarskom tradicijom i kulturom te
sačuvati stanje duha u kojem nema negativne vibre među vinarima.
now I hold a degree in Oenology. I loved the story of wine and I
discovered that not only did I have an interest in it but that I had the
“hand” for vineyards and wine making. I left my Grandfather’s vineyard to my sister and her husband and I bought 4 ha of land in Šišan
and in 2004 my father and I invested in equipment and production.
2005 was our first serious harvest and in 2006 we created our visual
identity, signed by Robert Radešić” recounts Bruno. His victory at
the Vodnjan Wine Fair in 2006 was an excellent push for the Trapan
label. Bruno’s wine, produced with state-of-the-art equipment, was
proclaimed the best Malvasia of Southern Istria. Veni, Vidi Vici! Still,
Bruno thinks his first true success is his participation at the prestigious wine fair in the Italian town of Merano, and he feels the best
is yet to come. Things got serious since he’s been patrolling all over
Europe with the greatest “Father of Istrian wine”, Ivica Matošević.
When I call him the wine star, he just waves his hand. “A star success? Come on... I managed to obtain success or to become famous
only thanks to the renowned sommeliers Emil Perdeco, Sandi Parisi and, particularly, Franko Petrović Frenki and their pushing of my
wine whenever they had a chance, to everyone and everybody... It
is crucial to hang around with the right people” he says “If it wasn’t
for Ivica, who is pushing the whole Croatian story, and especially the
Istrian one, who knows where we would be. The charismatic winemaker, Moreno Coronica, helped him a great deal at the beginning
with his advice. Coronica is a strong advocate of organic production,
and when Bruno realised that the micro-climate of his vineyards is
a bit different from elsewhere in Istria, he decided to follow the organic path. The grapes in his 4 ha large vineyard in Šišan are grown
organically, with no insecticides, pesticides, herbicides or mineral
fertilisers. He now has 10 ha of Malvasia, Chardonnay, Syrah, Melot,
Teran and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes just waiting to become liquid
pleasure. Other winemakers who are also after the organic label are
Franko Kozlović, Markežić and his Kabola and Poreč-based company
Agrolaguna. Trapan’s successes are not unimportant: after the success in Serbia at the Royal Wine Challange, the gold medal for the
aged Malvasia Uroboros at the last Vinistria was followed by high
marks from wine experts such as Robert Parker (90 points for Uroboros and 89 for Potente) which confirmed that his decision to invest
more in aged wines is definitely paying off. Trapan’s plan is to work
on coupage, on at least two white and two more serious and complex red wines, break into the British market – currently underway
– and then conquer the New World – America.
The mission is to use the potential offered by the Istrian red soil and
to harmonise the new and unused with the long Istrian tradition and
culture, while preserving the state of energy free from any negative
vibes among the winemakers.
Pokal sa školjkom
nautilus, oko 1577.
Feud with a nautilus
shell c. 1577
Dok danas simbolima luksuza smatramo skupocjene
automobile ili satove, ne razmišljamo da je nekoliko stoljeća
prije bogatstvo i prestiž bilo nešto posve drugačije
21st-century luxury goods usually means expensive cars and watches. However, a
few centuries ago symbols of wealth and prestige were something totally different.
Skupocjeno posuđe od zlata i srebra, posude od rezanog poludragog
kamena, ahata i gorskog kristala, pokal od školjke nautilus te putni
toaletni pribor iz sredine 18. stoljeća neki su od predmeta koje posjetitelji Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt mogu vidjeti od 12. listopada do
5. veljače u sklopu izložbe Simboli luksuza – srebro i zlato iz riznice
Precious gold and silver dishes, agate, a semi-precious stone, and
white quartz pots, a bowl made from nautilus shell and a travel toilet set dating from the mid-18th century, are just some of the items
displayed in the exhibition Symbols of luxury – gold and silver from
the Thyssen-Bornemisza treasury, hosted by the Museum of Arts and
Craft and open to visitors from 12 October to 5 February.
Izloženi predmeti simbol su luksuza svojih naručitelja – bogatih aristokrata i crkvenih velikodostojnika u razdoblju od 15. do 18. stoljeća,
ali svjedoče i o zahtjevnim tehnikama obrade plemenitih i rijetkih materijala.
Iz današnje perspektive teško nam je pojmljiva vremenska zahtjevnost
obrade pojedinih materijala, kao što nam je teško zamisliti kolika je
bila njihova materijalna vrijednost. Zanimljivo je da je knez Karlo von
Lichtenstein za brušenje jedne vaze platio 3 000 guldena, dok je gotovo
istodobno Rembrant za Noćnu stražu dobio upola manje.
The exhibited items are symbols of the luxury of their owners – rich
aristocrats and high-level church officials from the 15th to 18th centuries
– and bear witness to the demanding processing techniques of precious and rare materials in that era.
Today it is difficult to imagine the amount of time required to process
certain types of materials or to appreciate their material value. It is, for
example, interesting to know that the Duke Karl von Lichtenstein paid
3000 Gulden for grinding a vase, while, at the same time, Rembrandt
earned half that sum for his painting Night Watch.
servis za
kavu i aj,
oko 1750
Posuda u obliku
ribe, gorski kristal,
oko 1600.
Fish shaped feud,
rock crystal
c. 1600
tea and
c. 1750
Izbor iz kolekcije obuhvaa i dvije manje zasebne
cjeline: skupinu predmeta s apliciranim novcem
koja je nastala s namjerom da na sebi nosi
“kolekciju rijetkosti” te skupinu bakrenih pozlaenih
posuda karakteristinih za njemako zlatarstvo
Pedesetak izloženih predmeta uvodi nas u povijest zlatarstva nastalog uglavnom na području njemačkih zemalja, a danas su u posjedu Francesce von Habsburg.
Srebro iz zbirke Thyssen-Bornemisza dolazi iz najboljih nürnberških i augsburških radionica 16. i 17. stoljeća te omogućuje
kvalitetan uvid u njemačko zlatarstvo i proizvodnju njemačkih
zlatara raširenih na području srednje Europe. Posjetitelji Muzeja
mogu vidjeti radove primjerice ovih zlatara: Hansa Pezolta,
Melchiora Gelba, Heinricha Strauba i Martina Rehleina.
Osim srebra i zlata, skupocjeni predmeti izrađivali
su se od rijetkih i teško dostupnih materijala, poput roga nosoroga, nautilus školjke i kokosova
oraha koji su dobavljani iz cijeloga svijeta.
Izbor iz kolekcije obuhvaća i dvije manje zasebne
cjeline: skupinu predmeta s apliciranim novcem
koja je nastala s namjerom da na sebi nosi “kolekciju rijetkosti” te skupinu bakrenih pozlaćenih posuda
karakterističnih za njemačko zlatarstvo.
Arijana Koprčina, viša kustosica Muzeja za umjetnost i
obrt i jedna od autorica izložbe, kaže kako Simboli luksuza
donose “najkvalitetnije umjetničke i srebrnarske radove, majstorske realizacije u plemenitim materijalima”.
Izložba nas podsjeća da se simboli luksuza i tehnologija njihove izrade tijekom vremena mijenjaju, no da težnja luksuzu
i dalje postoji.
Pokal s poklopcem: Imhoff-pokal,
Hans Pezolt, oko 1626.
A selection from the collection includes two
separate smaller units: a group of items
covered with coins designed to be part of a
“rarity collection” and a set of copper gilded
pots characteristic of German crafts
Around fifty items represent the history of goldsmith craft created
mainly in German countries, and owned today by Francesca von
Silver items from the Thyssen-Bornemisza collection come from the
best Nurnberg and Augsburg workshops of the 16th and 17th century
and provide an excellent overview of the work of German goldsmiths
spread across the whole area of Central Europe. Some of the goldsmiths whose works feature on the exhibition are Hans Pezolt,
Melchior Gelb, Heinrich Straub and Martin Rehlein.
Apart from silver and gold, precious objects were produced from rare and inaccessible materials such as
rhinoceros horn, nautilus shell and coconut, raw materials which were obtained from all over the world.
A selection from the collection includes two separate smaller units: a group of items covered with
coins designed to be part of a “rarity collection” and a
set of copper gilded pots characteristic of German crafts.
Arijana Koprčina, Senior Curator at the Museum for Arts
and Crafts and one of the authors of this exhibition says that
Symbols of luxury brings “top quality artists and silverwork and
works of great finery made from precious materials”.
The exhibition reminds us that the symbols of luxury and the
technology change over the course of time, but that love of
luxury never vanishes.
Trophy with lid
Hans Pezolt c. 1626
Muzej za umjetnost i obrt
Simboli luksuza
- zlato i srebro iz riznice
Thyseen- Bornemisza
do 5. veljače 2011.
Pedesetak izloženih predmeta iz riznice
Thyssen-Bornemisza posjetitelji mogu
vidjeti u zagrebačkom Muzeju za umjetnost
i obrt. Predmeti su simbol luksuza svojih
naručitelja- bogataša iz razdoblja od 15.
do 18. stoljeća, ali i svjedoče o zahtjevnim
tehnikama obrade plemenitih i rijetkih
Klovićevi dvori
Tizian, Tintoretto, Belini,
Carpaccio, Veronese, veliki
majstori renesanse
22. studenoga – 22. siječnja 2012.
Tizian, Tintoretto, Bellini, Carpaccio,
Veronese, najveći majstori Venecije slikali
su za hrvatske naručitelje.
Djela koja možemo vidjeti u Klovićevim
dvorima kupovali su biskupi i opati,
ali i svjetovni ljudi koji su plovili
Mediteranom I trgovali. Ona svjedoče
o visokom nivou života i kulture
sredine za koju su slikane i u kojoj još i
danas žive.
Muzej suvremene umjetnosti
Socijalizam i modernost
2. prosinca – 5. veljače 2012.
Istražujući umjetnost, arhitekturu,
dizajn i popularnu vizualnu kulturu te
uspoređujući ih s političkim,
ekonomskim i društvenim okolnostima,
izložba Socijalizam i modernost
usredotočuje se na želje, ideale i
materijalnu stvarnost svakodnevnog života
u Hrvatskoj/Jugoslaviji između
1950. i 1974. godine.
Museum of Arts and Crafts
Symbols of luxury - gold and
silver from the ThyseenBornemisza treasury
until 5 February 2011
Around fifty items from the ThyseenBornemis treasury are displayed in the
exhibition hosted by the Museum of Arts
and Craft. The exhibits are symbols of the
luxury of their owners - rich people from
the 15th to 18th centuries - and are a
testament to the demanding processing
techniques of precious and rare materials.
Klovićevi dvori Gallery
Titian, Tintoretto, Bellini,
Carpaccio, Veronese - great
Renaissance masters
22 November – 22 January 2012
Titian, Tintoretto, Bellini, Carpaccio,
Veronese, the greatest Venetian masters
painted for Croatian commissioners. The
paintings displayed in the Klović Gallery
have been purchased by bishops and
abbots, as well as by secular people
who sailed and traded across the
Mediterranean. The works bear witness to
the high standard of life and culture in the
areas they were painted for, and in which
they still survive.
Museum of Contemporary Art
Socialism and Modernity
2 December – 5 February 2012
By exploring art, architecture,
design and the popular visual
culture in comparison with the
political, economic, and social
circumstances, the Socialism and
Modernity exhibition focuses on desire,
ideals and the material reality of everyday
life in Croatia and Yugoslavia between
1950 and 1974.
Boćarski dom Zrinjevac
Chris Rea
16. veljače 2012. u 20h
Jedan od najuspješnijih britanskih pop glazbenika,
Chris Rea, dolazi ponovno u Zagreb, i to u veljači.
Zagrebački koncert dio je njegove velike proljetne
turneje, gdje će nakon dužeg vremenskog perioda
predstaviti nove glazbene uratke.
Koncertna dvorana Vatroslava Lisinskog
HGM Jazzorkestar Zagreb i
Michael Abene
5. veljače 2012. u 20h
HGM Jazzorkestar Zagreb i Michael Abene
Sunday Night Sezona 2011/12.
Umjetnički direktor: Sigi Feigl
Maksim Mrvica
10. veljače 2012. u 19.30h
Klavir: Maksim Mrvica
Dirigent: Alan Bjelinski
Zbor Ivan Goran Kovačić
Program: Promocija novog albuma Electric Disk
Metropolitan u Lisinskom
Ch. Gounod: Faust
10. prosinca 2011. u 19h
U naslovnoj ulozi: Jonas Kaufmann
Sudjeluju: Angela Gheorghiu, Michèle Losier,
Russell Braun i René Pape
Dirigent: Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Redatelj: Des McAnuff
Strossmayer bar, Buena Vista Social Club, Hotel
Regent Esplanade
Festival argentinskog tanga
15. – 18. prosinca 2011.
Festival argentinskog tanga održat će se prvi puta
u Zagrebu od 15. do 18.12.2011. godine.
Zagreb će imati priliku ugostiti svjetski poznate
parove kao što su: Julio Balmaceda i
Corina de La Rosa te Ezequiel Paludi i Geraldine
Rojas koji će održati 15 radionica te nastupiti u
sklopu gala tango večeri 17.12.2011. u hotelu
Boćarski dom Zrinjevac
Chris Rea
16 February at 20h
One of the most successful British pop artists, Chris
Rea returns to Zagreb in February.
The concert is a part of his major tour in spring
2012, where he is presenting new material after a
notable absence.
Vatroslav Lisinski Concert Hall
The Croatian Musical Youth Jazz
Orchestra and Michael Abene
5 February 2012 at 20h
CMY Zagreb Jazz Orchestra and Michael Abene
Sunday Night Season - 2011./12.
Artistic director: Sigi Feigl
Maksim Mrvica
10 February 2012 at 19.30h
Piano: Maksim Mrvica
Conductor: Alan Bjelinski
Ivan Goran Kovačić Choir
Program: Promotion of the new album Electric Disk
Metropolitan at Lisinski
Ch. Gounod: Faust
10 December 2011 at 19h
Leading role: Jonas Kaufmann
Participating: Angela Gheorghiu, Michèle Losier,
Russell Braun i René Pape
Conductor: Yannick Nézet-Séguin
Director: Des McAnuff
Strossmayer Bar, Buena Vista Social Club, The
Regent Esplanade Hotel
Argentinian Tango Festival
15 – 18 Decemeber 2011
The Argentinian Tango Festival will be held for the
first time in Zagreb from 15th tol 18th December
2011. Zagreb will have opportunity to host some
of the world’s best-known couples such as Julio
Balmaceda & Corina de La Rosa and Ezequiel Paludi
& Geraldine Rojas who will hold 15 workshops and
perform a show on the gala tango night on the 17th
December 2011at the Regent Esplanade.
Hrvatsko narodno kazalište
Amroise Thomas: Hamlet
2. prosinca 2012.
Francuski kompozitor Ambroise Thomas
pripada skupini kompozitora dobitnika nagrade
Grand Prix de Rome, revolucionarnih u vrijeme
nastajanja, a potom proglašenih staromodnima
od brojnih muzikologa i kritičara. Prvom
izvedbom opere Hamlet u Hrvatskoj obilježava
se 200. godišnjica skladateljevog rođenja.
Dirigent: Hervé Niquet
Redatelj: Michiel Dijkema
P. I. Čajkovski: Orašar
Premijera: 9. prosinca 2011.
Orašar je posljednje od tri baletna djela velikana
svjetske glazbe Petra Iljiča Čajkovskoga i jedno
od najljepših djela klasične baletne literature.
U novoj sezoni, uoči božićnih blagdana,
možete ponovno uživati u omiljenoj baletnoj
bajci, ovaj put u novom ruhu scenografkinje i
kostimografkinje Roberte Guidi di Bagno.
Koreograf: Derek Deane
Dirigent: Dian Tchobanov
Ljubavni napitak
Premijera: 17. veljače 2012.
Komičnu operu Ljubavni napitak napisao je
Gaetano Donizetti, a premijerno je izvedena u
Milanu 1832. godine. Zahvaljujući zanimljivom
i duhovitom zapletu koji opisuje peripetije
mladog ljubavnog para, kao i melodioznoj i
ležernoj glazbi, vrlo brzo je postala jednom od
najizvođenijih talijanskih opera 19. stoljeća.
Dirigent: Pietro Rizzo
Redatelj: Cesare Lievi
Tvornica kulture
Harlem Gospel Choir
14. prosinca 2011.
Nakon prošlogodišnjeg gostovanja, jedan od
najpoznatijih američkih gospel zborova dolazi
ponovno u Zagreb! Nastupali su za papu Ivana
Pavla II i Paula McCartneyja, a pjevali su i s
Dianom Ross, Whoopi Goldberg, Bonom Voxom
i U2-om, Andreom Rieuom i Johann Strauss
Orkestrom, Jessicom Simpson itd.
Croatian National Thetare
Ambroise Thomas: Hamlet
2 December 2012
The French composer Ambroise Thomas belongs
to a group of composers who were laureates of
the Grand Prix de Rome. They were revolutionary
at the time and then declared as old-fashioned
by numerous musicologists and critics. This first
production of Hamlet in Croatia marks the 200th
anniversary of the composer’s birth.
Conductor: Hervé Niquet
Director: Michiel Dijkema
P.I. Tchaikovsky: The Nutcracker
Premiere 9 Decemeber 2011
The Nutcracker is the last of the three ballet works
of the great composer of world music Pyotr Ilych
Tchaikovsky and one of the most beautiful pieces
of classical ballet literature. In the new season over
Christmas, you will once again be able to enjoy this
favourite fairytale, this time in a new production of
the set and costume designer Roberta Guidi di Bagno.
Choreographer: Derek Deane
Conductor: Dian Tchobanov
L’elisir d’amore
Premiere: 17 February 2012
Comic opera L’elisir d’amore was composed by
Gaetano Donizetti. It had its opening night in Milan,
Italy, in 1832 and very soon it became one of the
most performed Italian operas of the 19th century
owing to its interesting and witty plot that describes
the mishaps of a young couple in love and to the
easy listening score.
Conductor: Pietro Rizzo
Director: Cesare Lievi
Culture Factory
Harlem Gospel Choir
14 December 2011
After last year’s visit, one of the United States’s
most prominent gospel choirs is coming to Zagreb again! They have performed for Pope John
Paul II and Paul McCartney and have sung with
Diana Ross, Whoopi Goldberg, U2, André Rieu
and his Johann Strauss Orchestra, Jessica Simpson
among many others.