Facebook Nagradni natječaj ja dob a n iš d go a sv za d a gr Du b rovnik Kreativni natjecaj Dubrovnik: biser Jadrana OTKRIJTE NAM ŠTO DUBROVNIK ČINI BISEROM JADRANA I OSVOJITE NAGRADNO NOVOGODIŠNJE PUTOVANJE U DUBROVNIK ZA DVIJE OSOBE! like-ajte našu Facebook stranicu facebook.com/ExperienceDubrovnik otkrijte nam što Dubrovnik čini biserom Jadrana na Facebook aplikaciji podijelite s prijateljima osvojite vrijedne nagrade svaka dva tjedna! Svi prijavljeni sudjeluju u tjednim izvlačenjima te u izvlačenju glavne nagrade: novogodišnjeg putovanja za dvoje u Dubrovnik za dvije osobe! facebook.com/ExperienceDubrovnik experience.dubrovnik.hr twitter.com/DubrovnikTB Prijedlog broj 1 Name: Beata Kiss United Kingdom My heart pull back... Dubrovnik is a UNESCO world heritage site, a historical city with dramatic view overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Dubrovnic is The Pearl of the Adriatic with the crystal clear, aquamarine waters that border the amazing old town. Huge medieval walls border the plenitude of baroque edifices and marble roads, which shimmer among the wonderfully warm Adriatic sun. Votes: 181 Prijedlog broj 2 Name: Mailys Guillaume France A living little Jewel on the Adriatic Sea I first went to Dubrovnik on june, but i had absolutely no idea of what I was really going to face. We first wanted to go to croatia without a determined place in advance, we wanted sun, beautiful landscapes, a nice nightlife. Dubrovnik seemed to fill up the conditions according to what we could see in pictures and in what the people who had been already there were saying, so we said “why not, seems cool, let’s go there”. I remembered the first thing I said when I crossed Pile gate was “whao”. When you stroll stradun, taking time to watch there and there, the architecture, this white marble still in perfect shape after all the strides of thousands of visitors, this beautiful and bright orange of the bricks that adorn the roofs of the houses, the sheets that are drying on the balconies, the smels of cooking escaping from the kitchen of the restaurants in the additional streets of stradun... you realize that this stereotype of the peaceful mediterreraen way of life actually does exist here, it’s in every corner of the old town. You immediately feel home in a place like that. It’s even much more a pearl that you have a complete demonstration of perfection in architecture, in gathering of three colors in full harmonization, the white, the orange and the blue of the sea. When I saw pictures of what Dubrovnik had to endured during the war, and see that everything has been completely repaired, I can just say that dubrovnik is a survivor, Adriatic is very lucky to have found it back, and dubrovnik is, to me, a precious source of joy for its locals and for the strangers coming from sometimes a long way to visit this jewel. Dubrovnik is such the Pearl that I came back less than two months after my first stay, and I’ll be back ! Votes: 104 Prijedlog broj 3 Name: Olga Masterova Ukraine My source of inspiration I had been dreaming about going to Dubrovnik for 2 years after first visiting Croatia and this year my dream has been fulfilled. As soon as I stepped from the plane to the land of Croatia I started crying from happiness which was overflowing me. The country I fell in love at first sight, the land of beauty and calmness,my paradise on Earth, my source of inspiration. I will always remember the walls of Dubrovnik and its narrow streets with the spirit of the past which is everywhere. I will always love the town and the people of it. Many things happen in our lives every day but I know that my source of inspiration is only two hours away. I just have to get on the plane... Votes: 47 Prijedlog broj 4 Name: Ester Barkovic Italy Breathless Magic... Like everything that seems simple, contains the beauty of All. Dubrovnik is a hardly bearable great positive emotion: the feeling that the entire world has passed and passes here through centuries. Just jump into the sea out of the walls and then still wet, take a coffee in the bar. Experience the sense of freedom, it is one never experienced elswhere. Children playing football among turists in narrow streets and squares,surrounded by monuments, underwear lying and telling “this is also our ordinary life” in this historical treasure chest. Only magic can capture a heart, and Dubrovnik has captured mine, forever. Pictures about Dubrovnik you see around will never be able to tell you the story. Go and live it! Votes: 35 Prijedlog broj 5 Name: Petra Kurajica Croatia Dubrovnik; The king of the pearls Dubrovnik. For this city you can’t just say it is pearl, Dubrovnik is more like a neckless of pearls because of all beutys. The pearls come from sea and it is a symbol for faith and beauty, and sea is a synonym for freedom and something natural just like Dubrovnik is. Dubrovnik, or should I say Ragusa can offer so much. People come to Dubrovnik and they go to the Walls, and walk trough the Stradun not thinking about Dubrovnik’s past and who walked the same streets as they do in the past. They don’t think about plays which are being performed just a little bit above the night club in summer for 63 years in a row. Well, let me tell you why I think Dubrovnik is the pearl of Adriatic. When I come to Dubrovnik I can almost hear the town breathing. I always look at the Lokrum island and Lovrijenac fort first. I see the waves crashing on the rock on which quietly and calmly lay Lovrijenac, the symbol of freedom. I always remeber a quote ‘’ Non bene pro toto libertas venditur auro ‘’ which means ‘’ Freedom is not sold for all gold in the world’’ and I feel the great past of the city. Dubrovnik has clean beaches and such a nice clean and beautiful blue sea. It has that specific Mediterranean climate that cure and tasty food. It has nice ports like Porporela with beautiful contrast of young and older people and my favourite por ‘’U Šulića ‘’. Walking trough Old town, looking it from Srđ, buying on the market on ‘’Gundulićeva poljana’’, buying fish in Gruž,hearing Dubrovnik’s acent and looking at the people, listening their stories,walking trough Lapad’s walk,looking boats in Gruž, sitting in the park in Danče,watching movie in ‘’Slavica‘’, listening to ‘’Dubrovački trubaduri’’ makes me feel happy and fulfilled. And also beutiful island Lokrum, Konavle and Cavtat, such a beautiful town, especially at night.. I think I said enough to confirm the claim that Dubrovnik is the pearl of Adriatic. Dubrovnik is the town with soul and the town that lives...I love Dubrovnik ! Votes: 32 TZ Dubrovnik – pobjednici nagradne igre Prvi dvotjedni pobjednici: 1. Lidija Matić - “The Bewildering Beauty” (hotel s 4* na Lopudu za dvije osobe) 2. Ruth Ann Knoll-Parker - “Priceless” (izlet na Srđ sa ručkom u poznatom Dubrovačkom restoranu) 3. Ola Malewicz - “300m Diameter Giant Perl” (večera u Dubrovačkom restoranu) 4. Christina Ivanda - “Honemoon in Paradise” (kajak izlet oko Dubrovačkih zidina) Drugi dvotjedni pobjednici: 1. Frans Van Vlem - “An unique experience” (Izlet u okolici Dubrovnika) 2. Nikolina Burđelez - “Beauty” (Riblji restaurant) 3. Ivo Golik - “My Dubrovnik” (Restoran u Neretvi) 4. Michael McLauglin - “A Pearl set in Turquoise” (Početni tečaj ronjenja) Treći dvotjedni pobjednici: 1. Hayati Surjono - “Dubrovnik, we never forget it” (ATV AVANTURISTIČKI safari za dvije osobe) 2. Martina Janjić - “Song for Pearl of the Adriatic” (SEGWAY city tour za dvije osobe) 3. Massimo Macola - “Pearl of Adriatic”. (Restoran gdje možete kušati delicije starih Dubrovčana za dvije osobe) Četvrti dvotjedni pobjednici: 1. Madalena Luiz Gomes Alves - “Dream” (vikend za dvoje u vili u starom gradu) 2. Mirjana Tomić - “ Shine my soul” (večera za dvije osobe u poznatome Dubrovačkom restoranu) 3. Beatta Kiss - “My heart pull back...” (dvije Dubrovnik Card kartice) Peti dvotjedni pobjednici: 1. Petra Kurajica - “ Dubrovnik: The king of the pearls” (dvije zrakoplovne karte za Dubrovnik) 2. Elvina Bašić - “Muzej na otvorenom” (cjelodnevni izlet u okolicu Dubrovnika) 3. Marina Grbić - “Better than any places” (večera u jednom od najboljih grill restorana) TZ Dubrovnik – društvene mreže Turistička zajednica grada Dubrovnika proširila je aktivnosti na društvenim mrežama te aktivno djeluje na unaprijeđenju internetske promocije grada Dubrovnika. Društvena mreža Opis načina korištenja mreže Facebook • Dvosmjerna komunikacija s korisnicima (vise dnevnih iteracija) • Integrirana nagradna igra: Dubrovnik – Biser Jadrana (u tijeku) • Oglašavanje Facebook page-a (sponsorirani članci + targeted ads) • Promoviranje turističkih proizvoda grada Dubrovnika • Informiranje korisnika o svim kulturnim i javnim događanjima u Dubrovniku • Ostale turističke informacije Facebook je online društvena mreža lansirana 2004. godine, a trenutno ima preko milijardu korisnika. Opis društvene Korisnici se moraju registrirati, te zatim kreiraju vlastiti osobni mreže profil, dodaju druge korisnike kao prijatelje te razmjenjuju poruke, fotografije, multimediju, linkove i slične sadržaje. 1,4 MILIJUNA Facebook korisnika u Hrvatskoj! • Kratke obavijesti s poveznicama na internetske stranice TZ Dubrovnik • Komunikacija s “followerima” Twitter je internetska društvena mreža za mikro-blogging, tj. Opis društvene namijenjena je za slanje (i čitanje) kratkih poruka koje su prema mreže imenu mreže nazvane tweet-ovima. Tweetovi su zasnovani na tekstu poruka od najviše 140 znakova. Twitter Pinterest • Dijeljenje zanimljivih foto/video sadržaja • Stvaranje foto albuma Dubrovnika (agregacija sadržaja drugih korisnika) Pinterest je online “ploča za pribadanje”, servis za dijeljenje Opis društvene fotografija, web stranica i ostalih multimedijalnih sadržaja. Korisnici mreže kreiraju svoje tematske kolekcije multimedije. Google+ • Komunikacija svih aktivnosti • Promoviranje turističkih proizvoda grada Dubrovnika • Google+ društvena mreža je s preko 500 milijuna korisnika u kojoj Opis društvene Google korisnici mogu dijeliti sadržaje, postavljati osobne profile i mreže komunicirati. Dijeljenje autorskih fotografija događanja u Dubrovniku, lijepih Instagram prizora grada i okoline Instagram je najbrže rastuća mobilna društvena mreža za dijeljenje Opis društvene fotografija, od nedavno u vlasništvu Facebook-a. Korisnici mreže fotografiraju sa svojim mobilnim uređajima, dodaju efekte na fotografije te ih objavljuju i dijele s drugim korisnicima. “Stumblanje” interesantnih i relevantnih sadržaja Dubrovnika StumbleUpon (autorskih i ostalih) sa zajednicom StumbleUpon društvena je mreža gdje korisnici postavljaju Opis društvene poveznice na interesantne internetske stranice i sadržaje te kroz mreže odabrane kategorije slučajnim odabirom otvaraju iste, “Stumblaju”. Youtube Glavni izvor video sadržaja za dijeljenje korisnicima na svim društvenim mrežama Opis društvene Najpoznatiji video servis na svijetu. Razmjena video sadržaja, kanali mreže i sl. • Stvaranje baze interesantnih lokacija u Dubrovniku (agregacija od FourSquare korisnika) • Dodavanje turističkih i transportnih informacija Geolokacijska društvena mreža u kojoj korisnici na temelju Opis društvene geografskih podataka sa mobilnih uređaja prijavljuju svoju lokaciju, mreže o njoj pišu, postavljaju fotografije. Tumblr Djeljenje sadržaja sa Tumblr korisnicima Opis društvene Tumblr je microblogging društvena mreža gdje korisnici razmjenjuju mreže blog članke i multimedijalne sadržaje. Nagradni natječaj na Facebook stranici TZ Dubrovnika Urednik: Siniša Žakula Voditelj odjela za promociju i online strategiju TZ GRADA DUBROVNIKA
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