IZLOŽBA/EXHIBITION 27.03.2015.-20.04.2015. Udruga Ama Artem/Ama Artem association “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora” “From Danube to Adriatic” galerija zvonimir baška, ulica kralja zvonimira 114 IZLOŽBA UDRUGE AMA ARTEM EXHIBITION OF ASSOCIATION AMA ARTEM Udruga Ama Artem osnovana je 2008. godine i okuplja osobe sa specifičnim životnim odabirom – kontinuiranim bavljenjem likovnom materijom i kreiranjem novih umjetničkih svjetova. Svrha rada ove udruge jest sistematsko prožimanje svakodnevice s kvalitetnim likovnim izričajem te upoznavanje šire publike s radovima udruge i njezinih članova. Udruga koja okuplja velik broj umjetnički nadarenih i opusom vrlo zrelih kreativaca ovom izložbom upotpunjava niz uspješnih izlaganja. Izložba udruge Ama Artem obuhvaća šarolik spektar radova koji variraju od impresionističkih doživljaja prirode, kolorističke vedrine jakih boja te impresionirajuće realistične uvjerljivosti do očaravajuće apstrakcije koja nas nadahnjuje. Svaki dio ovog slikarskog univerzuma ima svoju draž. Impresionistički doživljaji titraja svjetla, komešanja trave i lišća, pomicanje ljudi ispred katedrale kao i zrcaljenje svjetla u jezeru privlače nas svojim ljeskanjem i prividom. Jake bogate boje, nanosi u slojevima i pastama, hrapave teksture i bitka boje koja želi privući našu pozornost, to su odlike kolorističkih i ekspresionističkih slika poput maslina ispod crvenog neba, apstraktnih glagoljičkih znakova te pejzaža, figura i portreta s ove izložbe. Doživljaj realnosti za svakoga od nas je različit, jednako tako i u slikarstvu, divimo se rasponu od minucioznih detalja, realistične slikarske točnosti, impresije, ekspresije pa sve do apstrakcije u kojoj samo naziremo mogućnost teme (no zato uživamo u čistom nepatvorenom likovnom izričaju). Ova izložba obiluje i različitim tematikama, no sve slike imaju zajednički doživljaj svijeta oko sebe – to bogato slikarsko platno kroz čije poteze naziremo raznolik likovni opus. Teme variraju od nadahnutih pejzaža, starih kućica, crkvi i povijesnih građevina do osoba, životinja te starih narodnih običaja. Moglo bi se reći da se život i sastoji od toga: od uživanja u prirodi, druženja s ljudima i životinjama, nostalgije za prošlošću kao i od novih i svježih pogleda na budućnost. Ovaj život bogat je bojom, gustim namazima koji se izmjenjuju, titrajima koji nestaju, točnim preciznim detaljima kao i apstraktnim sintezama zabilježenih doživljaja. Život članova udruge Ama Artem vrlo je bogat i kreativan, a kroz ovu izložbu žele taj doživljaj podijeliti i s vama. Association ‘AmaArtem’, founded in 2008, has been gathering people with a specific life choice – continuous work with esthetic material and creation of new artistic worlds. If one should examine the purpose of this Association, it would be systematic intertwining of everyday life with quality artistic expression and bringing the work of Association and its members closer to the general public. Association gathers a large number of artistically talented and creative people with a multitude of work. This exhibition completes a string of very successful public exposal’s of work. Exhibition of Association ‘AmaArtem’ comprises a colorful spectrum of work which varies from impressionist experiences of nature, colorist vivacity of bold colors, and realistic persuasiveness which impresses us, to enchanting abstraction that inspires us. Each part of this painterly universe has its lure. Impressionist experiences of light vibration, flutter of grass and leaves, movement of people in front of the cathedral, as well as mirroring of light in the pond, attracts us with its flicker and semblance. Bold and rich colors, multiple layers and paste spread, rugged textures and the conflict of colors which demands our attention, those are all the qualities of coloristic and expressionistic paintings. Olive trees under the red sky, abstractGlagolitic signs, landscapes, figures and portraits are just some of the pieces of art the patron can experience in this exhibition. The sense of reality is different for each individual, same case we encounter in the art of painting. Admiration to the meticulous detail, realistic painting accuracy, impression, expression and all the way to abstraction in which we can only guess the theme of the painting (but enjoy pure artistic expression). This exhibition richly comprises of various themes, although all the paintings have the common experience of the world which surrounds us, the opulent canvas through which we perceive the diversity of artistic work. Themes vary from inspired landscapes, old houses, churches, historical architecture, people, animals and ancient folk customs. One could state that life is like a fabric woven from these things; the delight of being outdoors, enjoying nature, people, animals, feeling of nostalgia as well as having a fresh perspective of the future. This life is rich with colors, thick spreads which interlope with each other, vanishing vibrations, precise details and abstract synthesis of registered events. Life of the members of Association ‘AmaArtem’ is very opulent and creative, and through this exhibition it wishes to share that experience with you. Ana Schaub, magistar umjetnosti Ana Schaub, master of art “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Valerija Jelčić “Plešimo zajedno” “Let’s dance together” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/574 86 03 Senka Petek “Vesna-Boginja proljeća” “Vesna-Godess of Spring” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/542 94 86 Ljerka Blanuša “Zavičaj” “Homeland” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: [email protected] “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Marija Tokić “Živa voda” “Living water” ULJE NA PLATNU/OIL ON CANVAS, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: 098/649 443 Vesna Šprljan “Morski motiv” “Marine motif ” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 60x70 CM Kontakt/contact: 095/907 71 98 [email protected] Zdenka Hadari “Prijateljski razgovori” “Frendly conversations” AKRIL/ACRYLIC , 50x60 CM Kontakt/contact: [email protected] “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Maja Pavlović “Tragovi prošlosti” “Traces of the past” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 60x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/382 23 00 [email protected] Zinka Horvat “Crkva Sv.Donata” “St.Donat Church” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 40x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/366 90 91 Gordana Vukorepa “Jesenji blus” “Autumn blues” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x60 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/ 914 86 27 “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Višnjica Štefić Kruhak “Cafe” “Cafe” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/593 25 08 Anita Škugor “Buđenje u zemlji mojih predaka” “Awakening in my ancestor’s homeland” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 40x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/630 82 70 [email protected] Zlata Barili “Rod-prvi slavenski Bog” “Rod-Slavc Prime God” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 60x50 CM Kontakt/contact: [email protected] “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Antonija Cesarec “Pred vratima Raja” “At the gates of Paradise” KOMBINIRANA TEHNIKA/MIXED MEDIA, 40x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/592 27 26 098/998 30 44 [email protected] Nada Radoš “Ribnjak” “The Pond” ULJE NA PLATNU/OIL ON CANVAS, 40x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 098/318 705 Ljerka Milinković “Sloga” “Unity” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x40 CM Kontakt/contact: 095/910 50 45 [email protected] “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Dajana Budovac “Šetnja” “The Walk” ULJE NA PLATNU/OIL ON CANVAS, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: [email protected] Marija Milošević “Ljepota Plitvica” “Beauty of Plitvice” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/246 88 99 Danica Kapusta “Breze” “Birches” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/180 89 45 “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Biserka Konečny “Kapelica” “The Chapel” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 40x30 CM Kontakt/contact: 098/761 421 Milan Bobić “Ivanjska noć” “Midsummer Night” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 40x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 095/902 75 73 Stiv Matić “Četiri vrha” “Four Peaks” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 80x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 095/940 34 59 [email protected] “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Davorka Skorin “Pijetao u pokretu” “Rooster in the move” ULJE NA PLATNU/OIL ON CANVAS, 30x40 CM Kontakt/contact: 01/2322 877 Paula Fištrek “Mirne vode” “Calm Waters” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 30x50 CM Kontakt/contact: 091/578 57 91 [email protected] Irena Josić “Neptunov vrt” “Neptune’s Garden” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 60x40 CM Kontakt/contact: 098/986 88 77 “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. Krešimir Radas “Suhozidi” “Drywalls” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 50x70 CM Kontakt/contact: [email protected] Gordana Meglaj “More nas veže i spaja” “The sea that bind us and connect us” AKRIL/ACRYLIC, 98x80 CM Kontakt/contact: 095/901 05 72 [email protected] “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora”/“From Danube to Adriatic” Baška 2015. IMPRESSUM Postav izložbe: Milan Bobić, Stiv Matić, Biserka Konečny, Gordana Vukorepa Predgovor: Ana Schaub, magistar umjetnosti Izdavač: AMA ARTEM-Udruga likovnih umjetnika amatera Fotografija: Sandra Janković “Ja sam umjetnost” Dizajn i grafička priprema: Meglaj dizajn d.o.o., Zagreb Tisak: Logo Press d.o.o., Zagreb KONTAKT: [email protected] www.amaartem.hr https:hr-hr.facebook.com/likovnaudruga.amaartem EDITION NOTICE Organizers: Artist association ‘AmaArtem’ Tourist board district Baška Exhibition installation / (setting up): Milan Bobić, Stiv Matić, Biserka Konečny, Gordana Vukorepa Prologue: Ana Schaub Publisher: Artist association ‘AmaArtem’ Photography: Sandra Janković ‘Ja sam umjetnost’ (‘I am art’) Design and prepress: Meglaj dizajn d.o.o. Zagreb Print: Logo Press d.o.o. Zagreb CONTACT: [email protected] www.amaartem.hr www.facebook.com/likovnaudruga.amaartem “Od Dunava do Jadranskog mora” “From Danube to Adriatic” Organizatori: AMA ARTEM-Udruga likovnih umjetnika amatera Turistička zajednica općine Baška galerija zvonimir baška, ulica kralja zvonimira 114
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