SADRŽAJ / CONTENT UVODNIK / INTRODUCTION 3 NOVOSTI / NEWS 4 InterAdrii SC dodijeljen ISO 9001:2009 i certifikacija Hrvatskog registra brodova 4 InterAdria SC acquired ISO 9001:2009 and the certification of Croatian Register of Shipping 4 Educirani i stručni djelatnici – naša najveća vrijednost / Educated and skilled employees – our great asset 6 Otvoren novi poslovni prostor u ACI Opatija / New InterAdria’s office in ACI Opatija 7 InterAdria SC ovlašteno prodajno mjesto Sea Help-a / InterAdria SC authorized Sea-Help reseller 9 Osiguranje u pomorstvu / Marine Insurance 11 SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOW REVIEW 12 Uvijek atraktivni / Always attractive 12 ADRENALINSKA AVANTURA IVICE KOSTELIĆA / IVICA KOSTELIĆ ADRENALINE ADVENTURE 14 Ekspedicija osvajanja grčke i grčkih otoka / Expedition of conquering Greece and Greek islands 14 PORTRET LIČNOSTI / PORTRAIT OF A PERSON 18 Maria Rafaella Braga Radice, predsjednica kompanije Sessa Marine / president of Sessa Marine company 18 SESSA MARINE NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 22 Key Largo 24 Inboard 22 Key Largo 36 - Novi dizajn, nove boje / New design, new colors 24 C 68 Vintage 26 YAMAHA NOVITETI / NOVELTIES 28 Linija vodenih skutera 2012 / Waverunner 2012 lineup 28 SAVJETI ZA SIGURNOST / SAFETY TIPS 32 Sportovi na vodi / Summer watersport 32 TESTOVI / TESTS 34 C 44 34 Sessa Fly 40 38 Key Largo 20 42 PONUDA RABLJENIH PLOVILA / PREOWNED CORNER 44 SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE 46 Uplovimo u Europu / Let’s sail in Europe 46 RENT A BOAT 50 Sessa Marine Charter ponuda / Charter offer 50 CRTICE IZ POVIJESTI / NOTES FROM THE PAST 52 Razvoj Sessa Marine modela kroz povijest / How Sessa Marine models developed trough time 52 MODA / FASHION 54 Marina Militare u Hrvatskoj / Marina Militare in Croatia 54 ZANIMLJIVE DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING DESTINATIONS 56 Mošćenička Draga - biser Kvarnera / Pearl of Kvarner 56 OKUSI MEDITERANA / FLAVOURS OF MEDITERRANEAN 60 Smokva - Vladarica Mediterana / Fig - Empress of Mediterranean 60 POPRATILI SMO / WE HAVE SUPPORTED 62 InterAdria SC podržala je ekipu Lions Cluba Lovran / InterAdria SC supported Lions Club Lovran Team 62 DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOO TO KNOW 63 Signali opasnosti / Distress signals 63 NAUTIČKE INFORMACIJE / NAUTICAL INFORMATIONS 64 UVODNIK / INTRODUCTION Dragi čitatelji, Dear readers, Sretni smo što vam predstavljamo novi, već 6. broj InterAdria Magazina i zahvaljujemo na vjernosti koju ste pokazali prateći nas kroz protekle 3 godine naše publikacije i davali nam poticaj da iz broja u broj donosimo uvijek svježe zanimljivosti vezane kako za samu InterAdriu i njeno poslovanje, tako i za čitavu lepezu novosti iz svijeta nautike. We are happy to present you our new, 6th number of InterAdria Magazine. Thank you for your loyalty and for following our editions in last 3 years, which encouraged us to update news about the activities of InterAdria, and many other interesting news from the nautic world. Iznimno smo ponosni na činjenicu da smo u proljeće 2012.g. stekli certifikaciju sustava ISO 9001: 2009 koja predstavlja još jednu potvrdu našem predanom radu. Također, s ponosom u ovom broju najavljujemo otvaranje još jednog prodajnog ureda . Riječ je o novoj/staroj lokaciji u ACI marini Opatija u Ičićima gdje od sada možete dobiti sve informacije o proizvodima i uslugama InterAdrie SC. Kako bi uvijek ostali dosljedni sebi i u ovom broju predstavljamo novitete iz gamme Sessa marine plovila, zanimljive testove, te vas savjetujemo kako na što sigurniji način uživati u morskim radostima. U rubrici Crtice iz povijesti ovoga puta predstavljamo zanimljivu retrospektivu Sessa Marine modela, prikazujemo razvoj dizajna modela od osnutka tvornice do danas, te priču koju nam je ispričala predsjednica kompanije gđa. Rafaella Radice o tom iznimnom putu uspjeha. U ovom broju putujemo sve do Grčke uz vrhunskog skijaša Ivicu Kostelića i donosimo detalje njegova avanturističkog poduhvata. Zaplovili smo i na jedrima humanosti i pridružili se akciji „Jedrima protiv droge“. Za one nešto mirnijeg duha pripremili smo šetnju predivnim biserom Kvarnera – Mošćeničkom Dragom i priču o rapsodiji okusa vladarice mediterana - smokvi. Nadamo se da ćete uživati čitajući naš magazin barem onoliko koliko smo mi uživali stvarajući ga za vas! We are extremely proud of the fact that in Spring 2012 we received the ISO 9001:2009 Certificate, as another confirmation and recognition of our devoted work. Further, we proudly announce the opening of our new sales office, this time on new/old location in ACI marina Opatija in Ičići. There you can get information about products and services InterAdria offers. In order to continue our tradition, in this number we present the novelties from Sessa Marine gamma, interesting tests and advices about how to enjoy in pleasures of the sea as safe as possible. In the section Notes from the Past we present very interesting retrospective view of Sessa Marine models, we describe the evolution of models’ design from the beginning until today, and we bring you the interesting story about success told by the president of Sessa Marine - Mrs. Raffaella Radice. In this number we travel to far Greece with our best skier Ivica Kostelić, and bring you the details of his latest adventure. We also sailed for humanitarian purposes and participated in the project “Jedrima protiv droge”. For those of less advenurous spirit we prepared the walk through one of the most beautiful pearls of Kvarner - Mošćenička Draga, and a story about the excellent taste of the Mediterranean Empress - fig. We hope you will enjoy reading of our magazine, at least as much as we have been enjoying preparing the stories for you! Klara Basan dipl. ing urednica / editor NOVOSTI / NEWS InterAdrii SC dodijeljen ISO 9001:2009 i certifikacija Hrvatskog registra brodova InterAdria SC acquired ISO 9001:2009 and the certification of Croatian Register of Shipping Tvrtka InterAdria SC d.o.o. je tijekom 2012. godine uspostavila Sustav upravljanja kvalitetom u skladu sa zahtjevima međunarodne norme ISO 9001:2009 Quality Management System (HRN EN ISO 9001:2009). During 2012 InterAdria SC d.o.o. introduced a quality management system in accordance with the international requirements ISO 9001:2009 Quality Management System (HRN EN ISO 9001:2009). Uspješnost vođenja organizacije i njenog djelovanja zahtijeva upravljanje na sustavan i jasno definiran način. Upravljanje organizacijom, uz ostale upravljačke discipline, obuhvaća i upravljanje kvalitetom, stoga je standard ISO 9001 prepoznat kao idealan alat za upravljanje i stalno poboljšanje poslovanja tvrtke InterAdria SC. Standard sadržava međunarodno primjenjive zahtjeve za kvalitetu proizvoda, usluga i razvoja. Successful organization and performance of a company requires systematic and clearly defined management. Organization management, among other disciplines, includes the quality management. Therefore, ISO 9001 has been recognized as an ideal tool for management and constant improvement of InterAdria SC. The standard consists of internationally applicable requirements for the quality of products, services and development. Cilj uvođenja ISO Sustava je postizanje najvišeg mogućeg nivoa kvalitete usluga u područjima prodaje i zastupstva novih i rabljenih plovila, nautičkom servisu, održavanju, čuvanju plovila i trgovini nautičke opreme, a na zadovoljstvo pomoraca, brodara i klijenata koji su korisnici tih usluga. Sustav za upravljanje kvalitetom učinkovito djeluje na naše ciljeve, a njihovo postizanje odražava se kroz mjerljive rezultate što uvelike pridonosi konstantnom mjerljivom napretku. Implementation of ISO System has the goal in achieving the highest possible quality level in the following areas: sales and representation of new and preowned boats, nautical service, maintenance, boat storage, and nautic shop; in the interest of navigators, ship owners and all the clients who use these services. Nadzorna ocjena Sustava upravljanja kvalitetom obavljena je 4 . svibnja 2012. godine u InterAdrii SC od strane Hrvatskog registra brodova, te je tim činom certifikacija i potvrđena. Quality Management System has a positive effect to our targets achievement, which reflects through measurable results, and influences our continuous improvement. Uz sam ISO Certifikat InterAdria je u svibnju 2012. podvrgnuta procesu certifikacije Hrvatskog registra brodova, te je zadovoljila svim propisanim normama i stekla certifikaciju, odobrenje, za: On May 4, 2012 Croatian Register of Shipping performed the assessment over Quality Management System in InterAdria SC, and thus confirmed the certification. Servis, popravak, ugradnju i dijagnostiku brodskih motora snage do 1000 kW, te za popravke brodica i jahti izrađenih od vlaknima ojačanim termoaktivnim smolama. Ovi certifikati još su jedna u nizu potvrda predanom radu djelatnika ove tvrtke. Vjerodostojni certifikati opravdavaju povjerenje klijenata i dokazuju da se naša tvrtka brine o kvaliteti svojih usluga, te da ulaže stalne napore u proces poboljšanja kvalitete. In May 2012, InterAdria went through the process of Certification from the part of Croatian Registry of Shipping. InterAdria SC d.o.o. met all the standards prescribed by the Croatian Register of Shipping and gained certification, authorization: to service, repair, installation and diagnosis of ship engines, power up to 1000 kW; and to repair of boats and yachts made of fiber reinforced termo setting resin. The acquired certificates are another confirmation of dedicated work of our employess. These trustworthy certificates justify the confidence of our clients towards Interadria. Further, they are proof of the concern InterAdria has towards the service quality, and of the continuous effort to improve the service quality even further. Educirani i stručni Educated and djelatnici - naša skilled employees najveća vrijednost - our greatest asset Kompetentni, obrazovani i odgovorni stručnjaci dragocjena su vrijednost i bogatstvo, a njihovo znanje najvrednija prednost na sve zahtjevnijem tržištu. Stoga InterAdria SC kontinuirano stručno usavršavanje djelatnika nastavlja i u sezoni 2011 / 2012. Voditelj InterAdria Servisnog Centra, g. Damir Dubrović, krajem 2011. godine prošao je certificiranje za servisera WhisperPower Marine and Mobile Energy Sistem generatora i prateće opreme. Prisustvovao je servisnim treninzima za Yanmar motore BY i 8LV serije pri čemu je posebna pažnja posvećena dijagnostici i elektronici, te sustavima upravljanja. U veljači 2012.g. pohađao je i seminar posvećen održavanju Volvo Penta motora. Naglasak je pritom bio na novitetima u tehnologiji: D 13, EVC–D i IPS. Brižljiv izbor, kontinuirano obrazovanje i usavršavanje zaposlenika su ključ poslovnog napretka. Tvrtke čiji su zaposlenici obučeni i certificirani imaju kompetitivnu prednost pred konkurencijom. InterAdria SC je jedna od njih. Competent, educated and skilled experts are very precious, and their knowledge is the most valuable advantage in the increasingly demanding market. Therefore, InterAdria SC in season 2011/2012 continues the specialization of employees. At the end of 2011, our Custumer Service Manager, Mr. Damir Dubrović, got certificate for WhisperPower Marine and Mobile Energy Sistem generators and equipment. He attended service trainings for Yanmar engines BY and 8LV series, focused to diagnostics and electronics, and drive systems. In February 2012 he attended a seminary dedicated to Volvo Penta maintenance, with focus on the novelties in technology : D 13, EVC-D and IPS. A careful choice, continuous education and specialization of people are the key elements of a company development. The companies with educated and certified people have the most competitive advantage. InterAdria SC is one of them. Otvoren novi poslovni prostor u ACI Opatija New InterAdria’s office in ACI Opatija Uz novi salon u sklopu Servisnog centra u Kastvu, InterAdria SC je otvorila i novi ured na dobro poznatoj, atraktivnoj lokaciji u ACI Marini Opatija - Ičići, Liburnijska b.b. After opening new sales-showroom as the part of Service Centre in Kastav, InterAdria SC opened new office at wellknown attractive location in ACI Marina Opatija - Ičići, Liburnijska b.b. Prodajni savjetnici i ondje Vam stoje na raspolaganju za sve upite vezane uz nova i rabljena plovila Sessa Marine, te sve ostale usluge koje tvrtka InterAdria SC pruža, a to su: uvoz /izvoz plovila, brokerage, registracija, osiguranje, servis i održavanje plovila. Obratite nam se s povjerenjem. Our Sales Advisors are at your disposal for all questions regarding new and preowned Sessa Marine boats, and the whole range of other services InterAdria SC provides: import/ export, brokerage, registration, insurance, boat repair and maintenance. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us. InterAdria SC ACI marina Ičići Liburnijska bb, Ičići Senka Sirotnjak gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 89 e-mail. [email protected] 10 InterAdria SC ovlašteno prodajno mjesto Sea Help-a InterAdria SC authorized Sea-Help reseller Od ove sezone, InterAdria SC u svojoj ponudi ima još jednu uslugu. As from this season, InterAdria SC can offer one service more. Prepoznali smo kvalitetu Sea-Help interventne ekipe, i potrebu naših klijenata za ovakvim oblikom asistencije koji im pruža dodatnu sigurnost na moru. Kao partneri Sea-Helpa na našim prodajnim mjestima sada nudimo i ugovaranje SeaHelp članarine. We recognized the quality of Sea-Help intervention team, and benefit our clients might have from this kind of assistance at sea. We became Sea-Help partners; in our sales offices you can now arrange your Sea-Help membership. Tvrtka Sea-Help je specijalizirana za pružanje pomoći brodicama i jahtama na moru, a na raspolaganju je svojim članovima 24 sata na dan 365 dana u godini. Šest interventnih plovila strateški je raspoređeno po bazama: Rovinj, Punat, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Vodice i Orebić. Sea-Help is a company specialized for service aid at sea, accessible to their members 24 hours per day, 365 days per year. Six intervention boats are situated in Sea-Help bases: Rovinj, Punat, Mali Lošinj, Zadar, Vodice and Orebić. Uslugama pokriva i teritorijalno more Republike Slovenije plovilom stacioniranim u Portorožu, te sjeverni dio jadranskog teritorijalnog mora Italije s tri interventna plovila u Veneciji, Lignanu i San Giorgiu. Sea-Help services are also available in Slovenian territorial waters - one boat is based in Portorose; and in Norhtern Adriatic Italian territorial waters - there are three boats based in Venice, Lignano and San Giorgio. Podsjećamo Vas da u našoj tvrtki InterAdria SC Plus za svoje plovilo možete ugovoriti policu kasko osiguranja i dragovoljnog osiguranja od odgovornosti prema trećima, uz koje SeaHelp članstvo dobivate gratis. Through our company InterAdria SC Plus you can arrange the Hull Insurance policy and Third Party Liability policy for your vessel, and get Sea-Help membership for free. InterAdria SC Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 e-mail. [email protected] InterAdria SC Plus Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 95 e-mail. [email protected] 11 12 Osiguranje u pomorstvu Marine Insurance Da biste svoj zasluženi odmor i slobodno vrijeme na moru proveli čim opuštenije i bezbrižnije, preporučujemo Vam ugovaranje police osiguranja. To spend your vacation and leisure time as much relaxed and careless as possible, we recommend you to arrange the insurance policy. Ugovaranje obveznog osiguranja od odgovornosti za štete nanesene trećim osobama zakonska je obveza vlasnika odnosno korisnika brodice snage porivnih strojeva veće od 15kW koja po propisima o registraciji mora biti upisana u očevidnik brodica odnosno upisnik jahti. Ova vrsta osiguranja pokriva isključivo nematerijalne štete (tjelesne ozljede, oštećenja zdravlja ili smrt neke osobe). As per Croatian law, the owners of the boats with over 15kw in power, that must be registered according to regulations, are due to arrange the Obligatory Third Party Liability policy. The Obligatory Thrid Party Liability Insurance covers only physical damages. No, s obzirom da našim morem plovi sve više plovila pa je i rizik veći, sve se više vlasnika plovila odlučuje na ugovaranje kasko police osiguranja i dragovoljnog osiguranja od odgovornosti. Kasko osiguranje brodica i jahti pokriva gubitak i/ili oštećenje tj. sve štete do kojih dođe zbog pomorske ili prometne nezgode, nevremena, potonuća, prevrnuća, nasukanja, požara, eksplozije, provalne krađe, krađe cijeloga plovila, sudara ili udara s bilo kojim čvrstim ili plutajućim predmetom, te zlonamjernih postupaka trećih osoba. Plovilo je u pokriću za vrijeme normalnog boravka u marini ili u brodogradilištu radi održavanja, servisiranja ili popravaka uključivo vađenje/spuštanje plovila u svim navedenim slučajevima. Dragovoljno osiguranje od odgovornosti vlasnika odnosno korisnika brodica ili jahti pokriva odgovornost za štetu zbog smrti, ozljede tijela ili zdravlja i oštećenja ili uništenja stvari treće osobe (materijalne i nematerijalne štete). Naša tvrtka InterAdria SC Plus stoji vam na raspolaganju za sva vrste osiguranja ; kontaktirajte nas putem telefona, e-maila ili osobno u našem prodajnom salonu u Kastvu na adresi Ćikovići 73 C, a mi ćemo Vam pomoći ugovoriti policu koja najbolje odgovara vašim potrebama. However, due to the fact that in Croatian Waters there are more and more vessels every year which increases the risk, the owners of the vessels more often decide to arrange the Full Hull Insurance Insurance and Optional Third Party Liability Insurance in addition to Obligatory Third Party Liability. Full Hull Insurance Policy covers the loss and/or damage, i.e. all damages provoked by marine or traffic accident, bad weather, sinking, capsizing, grounding, fire, explosion, burglary, theft, collision with any solid or floating object, and malicious act. Vessel is covered during regular maintenace in marina or shipyard, including lifting and putting back in water. Optional Third Party Liability covers liability for the case of death, injuries, damages to property (physical and material damages). Our company InterAdria SC Plus is at your disposal for all insurance products; contact us by phone or e-mail, visit us in our sales office in Kastav, Ćikovići 73 C, and we will help you to arrange the insurance policy that best suits your needs. InterAdria SC Plus Danijela Brnelić, zastupnica u osiguranju Ćikovići 73 c, Kastav tel. +385 (0)51 705 563 fax. +385 (0)51 705 579 gsm. +385 (0)91 215 44 95 e-mail. [email protected] 13 SAJMOVI / BOAT SHOW REVIEW Genova 2011 Uvijek atraktivni Always attractive InterAdria SC je završila sezonu prezentacija 2011/ 2012 na nautičkim sajmovima u Hrvatskoj i susjednim europskim zemljama. InterAdria SC closed the presentation season 2011/2012 with boat shows in Croatia and nearby European countries. I u ovoj sezoni apsolutno atraktivnih Sessa Marine modela nije nedostajalo, a cijela priča o novitetima sezone započela je u rujnu 2011.g. na Cannes Boat Show-u gdje su na dva atraktivna izložbena prostora posvećena Key Largo i Yacht liniji predstavljeni dugo iščekivani modeli. Atraktivan novitet Key Largo 34 sa vanbrodskim motorima dobio je samo pohvale i to čak i najizbirljivije publike. This season was not short of the absolutely attractive Sessa Marine models. The whole story with novelties began in September 2011 at Cannes Boat Show with long-awaited Key Largo and Yacht Line models presented on two attractive show-room spots. The attractive novelty Key Largo 34 with outboard engines received only praises even from the most demanding visitors. Yacht – fly bridge segment ponudio je na ovom sajmu nešto zaista iznimno; novi Fly 45, plovilo s najprostranijim fly bridgem u svojoj kategoriji. Uz njega predstavljeni su noviteti Yacht linije: C 44 u Mediterranean izvedbi s prostranom platformom i garažnim prostorom i novi vintage dizajn interijera modela C 68. Prekrasan model C 54 osvojio je nagradu „World Yacht Trophy“ prestižnog časopisa Yachts u kategoriji „Najbolji dizajn za jahtu do 24 m“. Po završetku Cannes Boat Show-a, InterAdria SC se okrenula organizaciji sajamskih aktivnosti u Hrvatskoj, te je krajem rujna sudjelovala na Nautici - Riječkom sajmu nautike sa čak 9 atraktivnih plovila Sessa Marine. Key Largo One je na spomenutoj manifestaciji osvojio nagradu „Zlatno jedro“ kao jedan od najkvalitetnijih izložaka u segmentu manjih plovila do 6m izloženih na sajmu. Osim plovila, InterAdria je na zatvorenom izložbenom prostoru predstavila paletu Yamaha marine proizvoda. Na jednom mjestu bilo je moguće uživo pogledati sve modele Yamaha vanbrodskih motora, te bogatu paletu prateće opreme. 14 Rijeka 2011 Yacht - Flybridge segment offered something really special at this boat show: new Fly 45 - the vessel with the most spacious flybridge in the category. Yacht Line novelties were also presented: C 44 with Mediterranean cockpit layout with spacious platform and tender garage, and C 68 with new Vintage interior design. Fascinating C 54 won “World Yacht Trophy” design award of the prestigious magazine Yachts in the category “Best Motor Yacht” under 24 meters in length. After Cannes Boat Show, InterAdria SC tackled with the organization of boat shows in Croatia. At the end of September InterAdria participated in Nautica International Nautic Fair of Rijeka with 9 attractive Sessa Marine boats. Key Largo One was awarded with “Zlatno jedro” as the best boat of the show in the category of smaller boats. Apart from boats, in the closed show-room area InterAdria presented a range of Yamaha marine products. At one place visitors could see all Yamaha outboards models and wide range of accessories. Cannes 2011 Zagreb 2012 Početak listopada tradicionalno je rezerviran za najveći sajam nautike u Europi - Genova Boat Show. Za ovaj sajam Sessa je čuvala predstavljanje svojih dragulja sezone: Key Largo 34 Inboard i Key Largo 27 Inboard. Riječ je o posebnim izvedbama modela Key Largo linije, od sada s unutarnjim motorima, koji su postali apsolutni hit sajma. Ukupno je predstavljeno 14 atraktivnih modela tvornice koja neprestano iznenađuje novitetima, pa je tako u Genovi najavljeno lansiranje još jedanog atraktivnog modela - Fly 40. The beginning of October is traditionally reserved for the largest European boat show - Genoa Boat Show. For this event Sessa preserved the jewels of the season: Key Largo 34 Inboard and Key Largo 27 Inboard. These special varieties of Key Largo models, now with inboard engines, became the main attraction of the Show. In total, 14 attractive models were presented by the shipyard that continuously launches novelties. In Genoa they announced the launching of another attractive model - Fly 40. InterAdria SC se iz Genove uputila na još jednu sajamsku manifestaciju, ovog puta u Dalmaciju, na Biograd Boat Show, i time zatvorila jesenski serijal sajamskih aktivnosti. After Genoa, InterAdria SC took part in another boat show event, this time in Dalmatia. With Biograd Boat Show InterAdria closed the autumn series of boat show activities. Zimska stanka nije dugo trajala, te je u veljači 2012.g. InterAdria SC sudjelovala na Zagrebačkom sajmu nautike i predstavila zanimljive modele hrvatskom tržištu: Key Largo One, Key Largo 22 i Key Largo 24. Početkom ožujka 2012.g., već drugu godinu za redom, izložila je Sessine modele na Austrian Boat Showu 2012 u Tullnu. Ovoga puta tamošnjoj publici predstavljeni su Key Largo 20 i Dorado 22 kao predstavnici plovila, idealnih za ljetni odmor ali i za cjelogodišnje uživanje. Pravi timing i kvalitetna organizacija ključni su elementi uspješnih sajamskih manifestacija koje potencijalni kupci posjećuju , a upravo InterAdria za svoja izlaganja nastoji odabrati one najatraktivnije kako bi proizvode predstavila ciljanoj skupini. Winter break did not last long. In February 2012 InterAdria participated at Zagreb Boat Show presenting very interesting models: Key Largo One, Key Largo 22 and Key Largo 24 to the Croatian buyers. At the beginning of March, second year in a row, InterAdria presented Sessa models at Austrian Boat Show 2012 in Tulln. This time the visitors could see Key Largo 20 and Dorado 20, the representatives of the attractive lines ideal for summer vacation but also for pleasure throughout the year. Right timing and good organization are the key elements of the successful boat show events that attract potential buyers. InterAdria is the one that has been trying to choose the most popular among them to present the products to the target group. 15 ADRENALINSKA AVANTURA IVICE KOSTELIĆA / IVICA KOSTELIĆ ADRENALINE ADVENTURE Ekspedicija osvajanja Grčke i grčkih otoka Expedition of Conquering Greece and Greek Islands Nakon uspješne avanture osvajanja Malte ekspedicijom “Corto Maltese“ 2010. godine, Ivica Kostelić, vrhunski hrvatski skijaš, ovoga ljeta ispunio je svoj dugogodišnji san – oplovio Grčke otoke. After his successful adventure of conquering Malta in “Corto Maltese” expedition 2010, Ivica Kostelić, the greatest Croatian skier, fulfilled his longtime dream - he sailed around Greek islands. 16 InterAdria SC nastavila je suradnju započetu 2010. godine i ponovno odlučila podržati našeg najboljeg skijaša u njegovom poduhvatu otkrivanja čari drevne Grčke. InterAdria SC continued with partnership that began in 2010, and once more support our best skier, this time in his adventure of discovering the magic of the ancient Greece. Nakon dugog vijećanja koje plovilo odabrati za ovu ekspediciju, odluka je ponovno pala na već testirani i provjereni gumenjak Mar-Co twentythree XL renomirane talijanske tvornice gumenjaka MAR-CO. I ovoga puta plovilo je posebno opremljeno upravo za ovu namjenu, kako bi bilo što sigurnije i zadovoljilo sve propisane norme zemalja u kojima plovi. Mar-Co twentythree robustan je i snažan gumenjak dugačak 7.40 metara, širok 2.87 metara, ovoga puta opremljen vanbrodskim motorom Yamaha od 300 ks. Bogata navigacijska oprema renomiranog proizvođača SIMRAD pouzdana je, brza i idealna za putovanja ovakvoga tipa u normalnim i ekstremnim uvjetima. After discussion which vessel to choose for the expedition, the already tested and proven rubber boat Mar-Co twentythree XL of the renown Italian producer MAR-CO was selected. The boat was specially prepared for the purpose, in order to meet safety standards and in order to meet the prescribed standards of the countries on their way. Mar-Co twentythree is a robust and sturdy rubber boat, 7.40 meters long, and 2.87 meters wide. This time it was powered by Yamaha F350 outboard and well-equipped with the aboundant navigation equipment of the renown producer SIMRAD that is reliable, fast and ideal for trips like this, in normal and extreme weather conditions. Važno je naglasiti da Mar-Co twentythree XL ima iznimne plovidbene sposobnosti. Brz i okretan, glisira već pri maloj brzini i visoko se izdiže iz mora, te se stječe dojam da jednostavno klizi morskom površinom. Jedna od karakteristika ovog modela je i iznimna lakoća upravljanja. We should note that Mar-Co twentythree XL has outstanding navigation capacity. Fast and agile, while high above the water line it gives the impression of gliding through the sea. Furthermore, one of the main advantages of Mar-Co twentythree is the exceptional manoeuvrability. Ekspedicija je započela 5. lipnja u jutarnjim satima u ACI marini Ičići. Članove posade činili su kapetan Ivica Kostelić i njegov pratitelj fotograf Matko Stanković. Nakon kraćeg upoznavanja s plovilom, opremom i performansama ekipa je hrabro krenula u otkrivanje novih prostranstava. Ispratila ih je ekipa Interadrie zaželivši im mirno more, siguran i lijep provod! The expedition began in morning, 5 June, in ACI marina Ičići. The crew were Ivica Kostelić and his photographer Marko Stanković. After short introduction with the boat, equipment and performance, the team boldly began their new adventure. InterAdria Team wished them calm sea, and to have a great time! 17 18 Oboružana dobrom voljom ekipa se iz Opatije uputila preko Vodica, Mljeta i Dubrovnika ka Crnoj Gori. Uz naklonost dobrog vremena uspjeli su u samo 24 sata preploviti hrvatsku obalu i izaći iz teritorijalnih voda Republike Hrvatske. In good humour the crew left Opatija and headed towards Vodice, Mljet, Dubrovnik, and Montenegro. Followed by good weather conditions, in only 24 hours they managed to sail past Croatian coast and leave Croatian territorial waters. Ovom uigranom i dobro pripremljenom dvojcu se u Baru, Crnoj Gori, pridružio iskusan jedriličar Šime Stipaničev. Činjenica da je 2 puta jedrilicom preplovio Atlantik govori dovoljno. Kako je glavni cilj bio doći do Grčke, ekipa je odlučila proći Albaniju i albansku obalu što je brže moguće, te je kratko usputno zaustavljanje uz predah u Valloni iskoristila za brzinsko razgledavanje bunkera, a potom pravac otok Krf i prava avantura može započeti! In Bar, Montenegro, this well trained team was accompanied by another member, the most experienced among them famous sailor Šime Stipaničev, who sailed the transatlantic route twice with his sailing yacht. As their main aim was to reach Greece, the crew decided to sail past Albania and the Albanian coast as fast as possible. They took short break in Vallona, visited the military bunker there, and then continued the adventure in direction of Corfu! Uz laganu vožnju ekipa je obišla otok Zakhintos i čuvenu plažu Navago, te iskoristila priliku pobliže istražiti olupinu nasukanog broda. Nakon Zakhintosa put ih je vodio preko otočja Strofadesa , Methonija do krajnje točke njihova putovanja - otoka Kythira na samom Jugu Peloponeza nakon čega je krenuo povratak kući uz grčku, albansku i crnogorsku obalu put Hrvatske. At cruising speed the crew visited the island of Zakhintos and the famous beach Navago, where they took the opportunity to explore the ship wreck. After Zakhintos, they visited the Strofades islands, the Methoni islands and the final destination - the island of Kythira on the South of Pelopponnese. What followed was the return trip along the Greek, Albanian and Montenegrian coast back to Croatia. Nakon ulaska u hrvatske teritorijalne vode, ekipa si je priuštila kraći odmor na Mljetu i razgledavanje otoka Palagruže, a potom se uputili u matičnu luku u Opatiji. After entering Croatian territorial waters, the crew afforded themselves a short visit to the island of Mljet and Palagruža, before they returned to Opatija. Ekspedicija se sretno vratila 28. lipnja 2012.g. u 12h u ACI marinu Ičići. The expedition safely ended on 28 June 2012 at noon, in ACI marina Ičići. Ukupno su u 24 dana pustolovine prešli nešto više od 2 000 nautičkih milja vozeći se putnom brzinom koja je varirala od 18 do 20 čvorova, ovisno o opterećenju plovila. Plovili su poštujući more i njegove zakonitosti, a lijepo vrijeme i povoljni uvjeti pratili su ih cijelim putem, što prilikom plovidbe na Maltu nije bio slučaj. Jedini problem predstavljala je plovidba noću zbog nižih noćnih temperatura i vjetra. I ovoga puta plovilo i motor iskazali su odlične kvalitete i performanse i zadovoljili sva očekivanja. A da sve prođe u najboljem redu svoj doprinos je dao tehnički tim InterAdrie, koji je podržavao i pratio cijelu njihovu plovidbu. Na ovoj velikoj avanturi čestitao im je g. Klaudio Brnečić, direktor InterAdria SC, te poželio Ivici mnogo uspjeha u nadolazećoj skijaškoj sezoni. In 24 days of their adventure, the crew passed more than 2000 nautic miles at cruising speed between 18 and 20 knots, depending of the load. They respected sea and its rules; followed by good weather conditions which was not the case during their adventure to Malta. Nights were chilly and windy, but this was luckily their only problem during the entire journey. The boat and the outboard justified their outstanding quality and performance, and met all the expectations. InterAdria Team gave their contribution with the constant support to the crew. Klaudio Brnečić, director of InterAdria SC, congratulated the whole team on the exciting adventure, and wished to Ivica great success in the following ski season. MAR-CO TWENTY THREE XL - TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 7.40 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.87 m UNUTANJA DUŽINA / INTERNAL LENGTH 6.35 m UNUTARNJA ŠIRINA / INTERNAL WIDTH 1.75 m DIJAMETAR TUBUSA / TUBE DIAMETER 0,48-0,56 m TEŽINA BEZ MOTORA / WEIGHT WITHOUT ENGINE 930 kg MAX. BROJ OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 14 19 PORTRET LIČNOSTI / PORTRAIT OF A PERSON Maria Rafaella Braga Radice predsjednica kompanije Sessa Marine president of Sessa Marine company Između snova o budućnosti i uspomene na tradiciju Between dreams of the future and memories of the past 20 Raffaella Radice, predsjednica kompanije Sessa Marine, žena vedra i optimistična duha, snažnog karaktera i izuzetnih sposobnosti. Raffaella Radice, the president of Sessa Marine company, lady with lively and optimistic spirit, strong character and remarkable competence Rođena u Milanu 1940.g., Raffaella je odrasla u atmosferi kojom je snažno dominirao posao, osjećaj dužnosti, poduzetnička strast oca koji je utemeljio SACI, obiteljsku tvrtku koja je radila u sektoru proizvodnje plastičnih materijala. Godine 1958. otac je osnovao novo društvo - SESSA. Raffaella se toliko zainteresirala za taj novi projekt da je napustila studij kako bi u njemu mogla sudjelovati od samih početaka. Neočekivana smrt oca 1958.g. sasvim je promijenila njezin život. Sa samo 25 godina, Raffaella je bila odgovorna za dvije tvrtke s više od 500 zaposlenika. Born in Milano in 1940, Raffaella grew up in the atmosphere strongly dominated by the business activity , sense of duty, entrepreneurial passion of her father who established SACI, the family business company focused on plastics production. In 1958, her father established new company - SESSA. Raffaella was so much fascinated with the new project, she even abandoned her studies in order to participate from the very beginning. Sudden death of her father in 1958 changed her life completely. Only 25 years old, Raffaella was in charge of two companies with over 500 employees. Raffaellin suprug Roberto, čovjek koji je ostavio podjednak trag u brodogradnji i talijanskoj politici, a preminuo u siječnju 2012. godine, bio je njezina najveća podrška u životu i poslovanju. Roberto, Raffaella’s husband, the man with equal influence in ship building and Italian politics, died in January 2012; he was her biggest support in life and in business activities. Priča o Sessa Marine brodogradilištu započela je tijekom jednog posjeta nautičkom sajmu u Genovi kada su Raffaella i Roberto došli na ideju da otvore vlastito brodogradilište. A story about Sessa Marine shipyard began during a visit to Genoa Nautic Boat Show, when Raffaella and her husband Roberto got the idea to establish their own shipyard. Već 1967.g. predstavili su prva dva modela pod imenom Sessa Marine - glisere ‘open’ od 5 i 7 m duljine, nadahnute tada popularnim brodicama američke kuće Boston Whaler. Sessa Brand je već na početku stekla vjerne klijente i stil kuće ubrzo je postao nadaleko poznat. Raffaella: ”Moj san, san moga oca, san moje djece. To je Sessa Marine, kompanija koja povezuje tri generacije s istim ciljem izvrsnosti, kvalitete i kontinuiteta...” Raffaella: „ My dream, my father’s dream, my children’s dream.This is Sessa Marine, a company tying three generations together with the same aim of excellence, solidity and continuity… „ Svoju prvu motornu jahtu Sessa je predstavila 1972.godine. Osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća nastaju modeli „Cruiser“ segmenta , prvi sa pravom kabinom. Izuzetan uzlet Sessa doživljava 1995.g. kada se u poslovanje uključuju Raffaellina djeca: sinovi – Riccardo i Massimo Radice, i kći Francesca koji daju novi polet i entuzijazam brodogradilištu i na tržište lansiraju ‘fishermane’. Usmjereni na proizvodnju manjih plovila, prvih godina su proizveli tisuće malih barki, ulagali u dizajn i razvijali strukturu. Ono što ih izdvaja od mnogih u sektoru proizvodnje plovila je kvaliteta. Sessa plovila vrlo su cijenjena kod pravih ljubitelja mora. Sessa Marine istražuje, stilizira i dizajnira u neprestanom nastojanju da stvori nešto novo. Njihovi klijenti cijene stil, liniju i od plovila traže nešto više. Pridavanje pažnje i najmanjim detaljima, linearnost i čiste linije elementi su Sessa identiteta. As early as 1967 they presented two new models of Sessa Marine - motor boats ‘Open’ 5 m and 7 m in length, inspired by American brand Boston Whaler very popular at the time. Sessa brand attracted loyal customers and their style soon became worldwide recognized. The first Sessa motor yacht was presented in 1972. In ‘80 models of the ‘Cruiser’ line appeared, first with a cabin. The outstanding success of Sessa followed in 1995, when Raffaella’s sons Riccardo and Massimo Radice and daughter Francesca entered the business. They brought new enthousiasm to the shipyard and launched ‘Fisherman’ line to the market. Focused to the production of smaller boats, in the first years they manufactured thousands of smaller boats, invested to design and developed the structure. They are recognizable for their quality. Sessa boats are very appreciated by the real seamen. Sessa Marine is dedicated to research, style and design in eternal striving to create something new. Their customers appreciate style, line and want something more from their boat. Attention to smallest details, linearity and pure lines are elements of the Sessa identity. 21 22 Sessa danas u Bergamu, Cividate al Piano ima glavne proizvodne pogone na 37.000 m2 i zapošljava više od 300 radnika i stručnjaka raznih profila, a kapacitet pogona je veći od 1.000 primjeraka godišnje. Today, in Bergamo, Cividate al Piano, Sessa has plants at 37,000 m2 with more than 300 employees and experts of various profiles, and with the manufacture capacity of over 1,000 boats per year. Uz obitelj Radice, samo je jedan čovjek toliko važan za razvoj i uspjeh ove kuće - Christian Grande. Ovaj dizajner odgovoran je za modele Yacht i Cruiser linije, te za najuspješnije modele Sessa Marine kao što je model C68, dobitnik World Yacht Trophy 2009. Outside of the Radice family, there is only one man to whom Sessa owes a success - Christian Grande. This designer is responsible for models in Yacht and Cruiser line, as well as for the most successfull Sessa Marine models like C 68 - awared by World Yacht Trophy in 2009. Usprkos krizi, Sessa, Grande i Raffaella zajedničkim snagama stvaraju nove modele koji su dobro prihvaćeni na tržištu, a svaki se model game obnavlja svake tri godine. In spite of crisis, Sessa, Grande and Raffaella launch new models that are very good accepted at the market, and the models of gama are updated every 3 years. Potvrda Rafaellina uspješna dogogodišnjeg rada je i nagrada “Cavaliere del Lavoro” dodijeljena od Talijanskog predsjednika Napolitana i to u godini u kojoj je tvrtka slavila svoju 50.obljetnicu. In year when the company celebrated the 50th anniversary, Raffaella Radice received the award “Cavaliere del Lavoro” from the president Napolitano. Sretna i počašćena, smatra da je to ogromno priznanje za život posvećen kompaniji i priznanje rada cijelog tima. Činjenica da se našla u malom i probranom krugu velikih ljudi koji su puno učinili za Italiju duboko ju je dirnula. Happy and honoured, she received the award as the greatest recognition of the life dedicated to the company, and of the work of the whole team. The fact she found herself among very special and great people who made lot for Italy touched her sincerely. Usprkos krizi nautičkog sektora Raffaella niti danas ne gubi entuzijazam i poletan duh te nastavlja voditi tvornicu u najboljem mogućem smjeru. I nakon punih 50 godina na čelu kompanije i dalje radi svom svojom snagom kao i prvoga dana ne razmišljajući o umirovljenju. In spite of the crisis in the nautic sector, Raffaella does not lose her enthousiasm and lively spirit, and she continues to lead the factory in best possible direction. After almost 50 years spent at the head of the company, she works at the same speed without even considering the idea of retirement. Sessa danas hrabro nastavlja s programom investiranja jer su noviteti ono o čemu se priča, ono što privlači pozornost. Sessa bravely continues with investments, because the novelties are what counts, what attracts attention. 23 SESSA MARINE NOVITETI / NOVELTIES Key Largo 24 Inboard Novi kompaktni Open kojeg karakterizira izuzetna prostranost New compact Open boat characterized by amazing space Godinu dana nakon lansiranja modela Key Largo 34 i Key Largo 27 u Inboard inačicama, Sessa Marine upotpunjava svoju OPEN liniju predstavljajući Key Largo 24 u izvedbi sa unutarnjim motorom. „Još jedna izazovna misija ostvarena je modelom Key Largo 24 Inboard: cilj nam je ostvariti kompaktan proizvod koji pruža obilježja većih plovila, a u isto vrijeme vodeći računa o samoj cijeni plovila“ ističe Riccardo Radice, dopredsjednik Sessa Marine, marketing direktor. Ovaj novi dragulj snažno izražava trud i volju tvornice, da ojača segment open linije, nudeći tržištu malo plovilo obilježeno prostranošću, stvoreno za one koji žele uživati u komforu, bez žrtvovanja dizajna. Key Largo 24 Inboard pomno je dizajniran kako bi ponudio izvanredan,skladan i inovativan prostor na samo 7 m dužine: U samo nekoliko koraka, komforna krmena klupa može se pretvoriti u relaksirajući prostor za sunčanje. Prostrani pramac nudi sunčalište zajedno sa lounge prostorom za sjedenje, držačima čaša i prostorom za odlaganje bokobrana. Sklopivi, veliki bimini jednostavan je za korištenje sa posebno dizajniranim spremištem ispod prednjeg sunčališta. 24 One year after the launch of the Key Largo 34 Inboard and Key largo 27 Inboard , Sessa Marine boostes its OPEN line, introducing the sterndrive version of Key Largo 24 “Another challenging mission has been accomplished with our new Key Largo 24 IB: we aimed to realize a compact product able to offer features and characteristics of bigger boats at the same time paying tremendously attention to its price position.“ says Riccardo Radice, SESSA MARINE Vice-President & Marketing Director. This new jewel, strongly expresses the effort and the will of the factory to strengthen the open range segment, offering the market a small boat characterized by large spaces, created for those who want to enjoy every comfort without sacrificing design. The Key largo 24 IB offers extreme comfort in only 7 meters. It’s deck has been carefully studied to offer a remarkable and tremendous space harmony, definitely innovative for a vessel of this size, as for example: the versatility of the cockpit where the comfortable stern cockpit sofa can turn into a relaxing sunbathing area, The spacious bow area offering a huge sunpad together with chaise longue, glass holder and plenty of U potpalublju Key Largo 24 Inboard nudi kabinu sa barom, mogućnošću smještaja frižidera zapremine 43 l, prostrani bračni krevet i predispoziciju za el. protočni WC. Sam trup plovila dizajniran je kako bi podržao Volvo Penta 5 litreni V8 motor snage 260 ks koji daje iznimne performanse ovom mališanu, a izbor različitih boja trupa, daje vlasniku mogućnost da prilagodi plovilo svojoj osobnosti. storage for fenders and The big and folding bimini top, designed to be practical, and friendly use, easily storage. Lowerdeck, KL 24 IB offers a charming cabin with bar unit ready to accommodate 43l refrigerator, queen size bed and predisposition for flush wc. The hull designed to support Volvo Penta 5-liter V8 engine 260-hp with duo prop stern drive propellers and steel counter, a lowered center of gravity, ensure the highest levels of performance and stability. A selection of different colors of the hull, are available to offer the owner the possibility to customize his boat adding a touch of personality. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 7.70 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.50 m MOTOR / ENGINE VOLVO PENTA 5.0 GXI DP KABINA / CABINE 1 BR. OSOBA / PERSONS CAPACITY 8 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL TANK 270 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER TANK 45 l CRNI TANK / BLACK WATER 47 l BR. LEŽAJEVA / BERTHS 2 DIZAJN / DESIGN Christian Grande KATEGORIJA GRADNJE / PROJECT CATEGORY B 25 Key Largo 36 Novi dizajn, nove boje New design, new colors Zamislite osjećaj izazivanja mora i užitak ljuljanja valova, slobodu jednog opena umotanog u luksuz cruisera, veličanstvenu snagu i apsolutnu udobnost i sve to na samo 11.5 m dužine. Imagine the emotion of challenging the sea and the pleasure of being gently rocked by the waves. Imagine an exhilarating power combined with absolute comfort. Imagine the freedom of an open enveloped in the luxury of a cruiser. All that on a boat of 11.5 m of lenght. Ovaj predvodnik Key Largo linije sa svoja 3 vanbrodska motora i snagom svaki od max. 350 ks, mami uzdahe. Osim iznimno atraktivnih Yamaha motora u bijeloj boji Key Largo 36 sada dolazi sa novim mnogo bogatijim paketima navigacijske opreme koji opcijski uključuju: autopilot, GPS Raymarine, Chartplotter E 120, Fish Finder DSM 300, radar, a jamče još uzbudljiviju plovidbu. U 2012. Sessa predstavlja novu paletu boja i nove materijale koji još više naglašavaju sportsku liniju ovog ljepotana. Novi Key Largo 36 ponosi se iznimnim bojama trupa – snažnom crnom i sofisticiranom srebrnom; završnim detaljima u crnoj koži i kombinaciji boja u tonu vrhnja i vanilije, a sve to kako bi se naglasila elegancija ovog plovila. 26 Flagship of the Key Largo range with three outboards maximum 350 HP each, Key Largo 36 is an eye catcher. Besides exceptional white Yamaha outboards, the equipment of Key Largo 36 now includes the instrument panel’s electronic accessories (autopilot, GPS Raymarine Chartplotter E120, Fish Finder DSM300, radar) that make cruising even more exhilarating. In 2012, Sessa presents new range of colours and new materials that further emphasize the sport line of this beauty. New Key Largo 36 is proud of the remarkable hull colours - intense black and sofisticated silver, and of finishing in black leather and in combination of cream and vanilla colours that spread the elegance. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 11.50 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.50 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER max. 1050 ks/hp OSOBE / PEOPLE ON BOARD 12 TEŽINA / WEIGHT 6000 kg SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL TANK 1097 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER TANK 230 l CRNI TANK / BLACK WATER 95 l Key Largo 36 karakterizira iznimna funkcionalnost i udobnost. Prekrasna paluba u tikovini, potpuno opremljena kuhinja sa roštiljem i hard-top s električnim binimijem koji stvara pravu sjenicu i zaklon od sunca samo su neki od detalja koji ovaj brod čine jedinstvenom oazom opuštanja. Key Largo 36 is most functional and comfortable. A beautiful teak deck, comfortable kitchen-barbecue area, hard-top option with a spacious electric awning with nebulisation, are only few of numerous details that make this boat unique oasis for relaxation. Za nezaboravna krstarenja Key Largo 36 nudi iznimno prostrani lounge salon elegantnog dizajna koji se pretvara u vlasničku kabinu, udobnu spavaću sobu dekoriranu najfinijim materijalima u kombinaciji kože i tkanine, te funkcionalnu kupaonicu. For enjoyable cruising, the Key Largo 36 offers a vast indoor lounge in elegant materials that can be transformed into owners cabin, a large double cabin furnished in the finest leahter and texture and a spacious bathroom. Nova light verzija ovog ljepotana sa novim bojama trupa i interijera nesumnjivo će oduševiti i najizbirljivije pobornike stila i dizajna. New, light version of this beautiful vessel with new hull and interier colours will most certainly amaze even the those who the highest standards as far as the style and design are concerned. 27 C 68 VINTAGE Jahta jedinstvena poput Vas A yacht as unique as you Zahvaljujući filozofiji prilagodbe, C68 poprima osobnost svojih vlasnika. Thanks to its philosophy of customisation, the C68 takes on the personality our clients wish to give it. Kako bi omogućila vlasnicima da donesu najbolju moguću odluku pri izboru dekoracije i uređenja svih detalja na plovilu, upravo po njihovoj mjeri i ukusu, Sessa Marine i njeni dizajneri osmislili su četiri izvedbe interijera fokusirajući se na harmoniji boja i materijala. To allow boat owners to make the most judicious choices interms of finishings and decoration, SESSA MARINE and its interior designer have created 4 diffrernt environments focusing on harmony of colours, wood varieties and fabrics: INK COCOA,IVORY and finaliy the VINTAGE VERSION as novelty. Sessa predlaže Ink, Cocoa, Ivory i naposljetku VINTAGE izvedbu uređenja interijera kao novitet. 28 TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 21.04 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 5.07 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER 2 x MAN v12 / 2 x Volvo Penta IPS 1200 d13 OSOBE / PEOPLE ON BOARD 14 TEŽINA / WEIGHT 30 t SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL TANK 3200 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER TANK 1000 l CRNI TANK / BLACK WATER 400 l Svojim skladom i obiteljskom atmosferom VINTAGE verzija u uređenju salona spaja posebno obrađene detalje u koži, prozračnost lana i svijetle drvene površine koje stvaranju osjećaj topline. Bilo da je riječ o izvedbi sa tri ili četiri kabine, sa ili bez vinskog bara, kuhinjom u salonu ili potpalublju C 68 otvara mnoštvo mogućnosti za tako jedinstveno plovilo. Izbor je na vama..... With its warm harmonies and family atmosphere the VINTAGE version of the lounge offers weathered leather, linen and blonde woods where one naturally feels at home. Finally, in 3 or 4 cabin versions, with or without bar in the lounge, kitchen on the main or lower deck, wine cellar… a multitude or possibilities for a boat that besomes unique. Decision is yours... 29 YAMAHA NOVITETI / NOVELTIES Linija vodenih skutera 2012 Waverunner 2012 lineup Linija waverunner 2012 nudi nova iskustva u performansama i luksuznoj plovidbi. Nova tehnička dostignuća i novi detalji neće vas ostaviti ravnodušnima. Cilj im je omogućiti što više zabave, druženja i olakšati upravljivost i vožnju. The Yamaha WaveRunner lineup for 2012 offers a range of new ways to hit the water. A host of technical and design improvements have been combined with one goal in mind: to maximise the fun, sociability and ease of every user’s riding experience. Nova FX serija – stvorena za potpuni užitak u vožnji The new FX Series – created for the sheer joy of riding. Modeli: FX Cruiser SHO • FX SHO • FX Cruiser HO • FX HO Models: FX Cruiser SHO • FX SHO • FX Cruiser HO • FX HO Novi FX Cruiser izvanredan je za grupnu vožnju sa stilski izvedenim i veoma udobnim sjedalima za čak 3 osobe. Idealan je za obitelj i prijatelje ,a u vožnji pruža osjećaj potpune slobode. Karakteristike Fx Cruiser modela su visoke performanse, ekonomična potrošnja goriva te pouzdanost. Heading things up is the group-friendly new FX Cruiser. With comfortable, stylish individual seating for an unprecedented 3 riders, it’s the perfect way for families and friends to share the pure freedom of WaveRunner riding. Pouzdane komande i kontrola • Elektronski gas – bez kabela, za jednostavnu kontrolu i odaziv motora • Neutralni položaj – brzodjelujući • Novi prekidač pozicije – QSTS, Start/Stop i Cruise upravljačke kontrole bliže su vozaču • Veliki retrovizori– neophodni za dobru vidljivost • Novi izgled – potpuno integrirana i ergonomski dizajnirana ploča • Stilski izrađeni instrumenti – analogni brzinomjer i tahometar sa informacijskim upozorenjima 30 Confident command and control • Electronic throttle – without wire cable, for easy control and quick engine response • Neutral position – fast-acting neutral holds the FX stationery at idle,when starting up • New switch positions – QSTS, Start/Stop and Cruise controls nearer to driver’s hand • Large mirrors – essential for good visibility on the water especially when towing • New dash layout – fully integrated, ergonomically designed dash and steering pad • Stylish instrumentation – analogue Speed/Tacho meter with info/warning lights Praktičnost i svestranost Convenience and versatility • Više prostora– 125 l za skladištenje čini krstarenje praktičnijim i ugodnijim • Novi prostor za skladištenje na krmi – brzi pristup držačima za skijanje i konopu • Pretinac – sa integriranim držačem za boce • Velika platforma– pruža užitak prilikom ulaska i izlaska iz vode • More storage – 125 l of storage makes cruising more practical and enjoyable • New stern storage – fast access from the water to ski handles • Glove box – with integrated dual bottle holder • Large swimming platform – makes it a pleasure to get in and out of the water Specifikacije Specifications Modeli: FX Cruiser SHO • FX SHO • FX Cruiser HO • FX HO Tip motora: 4-taktni • 4-cilindra • 1812cc Dimenzije (d x š x v): 3.56m x 1.23m x 1.23m Rezervoar goriva: 70 l Skladišni prostor: 125.5 l Models: FX Cruiser SHO • FX SHO • FX Cruiser HO • FX HO Engine type: 4-stroke • 4-cylinder • 1812cc Dimensions (L x W x H): 3.56m x 1.23m x 1.23m Fuel capacity: 70 l Storage capacity: 125.5 l VX serija VX Series • • • • • • New metallic paint colours and dynamic graphics across the line-up • New two-tone textured seat on the VX Deluxe • Powerful 1052cc 4-stroke engine • Best fuel economy of any personal watercraft in the industry • Proven reliability and low maintenance Nova metalik boja i dinamična grafika kroz cijeli trup Nova dvobojna sjedala kod VX Delux modela Snažan 1052 cc – 4-taktni motor Najekonomičniji vodeni skuter u konkurenciji pouzdan i jednostavan za održavanje 31 VX Performance serija VX Performance Series Vodeni skuter VXS I VXR omogućuju pravu sportsku vožnju novoj generaciji entuzijasta. Dizajnirani kao prave sportske jurilice, oni kombiniraju ultra laganu NanoXcel tehnologiju trupa sa snažnim 1812 cc motorima što je rezultiralo ubrzanjima i lakšoj upravljivosti. The WaveRunner VXS and WaveRunner VXR brought genuine sports riding to a new generation of enthusiasts. Designed as accessible sports runabouts, they combine ultra-lightweight NanoXcel® technology hull designs with powerful 1812cc High Output engines, resulting in serious levels of acceleration and handling. • • • • • Vodeći u klasi sa top performansama Nova metalna boja i dinamična grafika Novi sportski dizajn sjedala kod VXS modela High output motori 1812 cc Lagan i vrlo snažan NanoXcel trup FZ Serija - vodeći modeli u high performansu • Novi ‘carbon’ dizajn na krmi FZR® • Novo sportsko sjedalo na FZR 2012 SUPER JET Kreiran za svjetski vodeće vozače, legendarni stajaći jet. SuperJet je pokretan 2-cilindričnim Yamaha agregatom od 701 ccm visokih performansi.Visoko protočna pogonska turbina od 144 mm dizajnirana je za povećani protok vode. Impeler od nehrđajućeg čelika razvijen je u suradnji sa trkaćima i povratnim informacijama iz “prve ruke”. 32 • Class-leading acceleration and performance • New metallic paint colours and dynamic graphics • New bolstered sports seat design on the VXS • Natural aspirated 1812cc High Output engines • Agile, lightweight - but very strong - NanoXcel® hull 2012 FZ Series - Our flagship high performance models • New ‘carbon’ design accents on the deck of the FZR® • New sport bolstered sports seat design on the FZR 2012 SuperJet Created for the world’s leading pro racers, this is the legendary stand-up that has earned itself an indelible place in racing history. Power comes from a high-performance, two-cylinder, 701cc Yamaha 2-stroke marine engine, connected to a 144mm Hyper-Flow jet pump propulsion system, while the design of the SuperJet’s stainless steel impeller has been developed with the help of direct feedback from racers. 33 SAVJETI ZA SIGURNOST / SAFETY TIPS 34 Sportovi na vodi Summer watersport Svatko od nas ima svoju ideju idealnog provoda na moru. Za neke je to izležavanje na plaži uz dobru glazbu i najfinije koktele, za neke plovidba i traženje skrivenih samotnih uvala, a za one najaktivnije to je uživanje u adrenalinskim sportovima na vodi. Everyone has deifferent idea of having summer fun on the sea. For someone it`s lying on the beach listening good music and drinking finest cocktail, for others it is sailing with boat and seaking for hidden coves, but the dream of the one`s most active is injoying in adrenalin sports on the water. U ovom broju InterAdria magazina dat ćemo vam nekoliko korisnih savjeta i upoznati vas sa nekoliko pravila za skijaše, tubaše i daskaše odnosno za upravljanje plovilom koje ih vuče. In this issue of InterAdria Magazine we will give you some usefull advices and introduce you with the rules for waterskiers, wakeboarders and tubers. Najvažnije od svega ostati je iznad vode. Za svakog koga vučete osigurajte dobar sigurnosni prsluk. Prsluk za spašavanje tipa III je najbolji za takvu vrstu vodenih sportova jer ima posebne kopče za namještanje i izrađen je tako da može izdržati teže padove. The most important thing is to stay above the water. Ensure anyone being towed has a properly fitting life jacket that will not ride up over a wearer´s head if they take a spill. A Type III vest is best because it has the extra buckles to provide a snug fit and is built for taking a hard fall. Osnovna komunikacija rukama je nešto što biste trebali znati prije nego se upustite u aktivne avanture: The basic comunication with your arms is somethig you need to know before you engage in the active adventure: • STOP – ručno “presijecanje” vrata • STOP – hand slashing the neck • USPORAVANJE – spušten palac • SLOWING DOWN – thumb down • UBRZANJE – podignuti palac • SPEED UP – thumb up • OK – podignuti kažiprst i palac zajedno • OK - tip of index finger and thumb together • OKRET – kruženje podignutog kažiprsta • TURN - point finger upwards in a circular motion • POVRATAK ZA DOK – tapkanje po glavi • RETURN TO DOCK – pack head Prvo pravilo kada upravljate plovilom dok nekog vučete je da obavezno ugasite motor kada osoba ulazi ili izlazi iz vode. The very first rule when you drive the boat and pull someone is that you shut down the engine whever someone goes in Tako spriječavate rotiranje propelera i prozivodnju ugljičnog monoksida. Kada ste spremni krenuti u vožnju pričekajte da osoba koju vučete bude dovoljno udaljena od plovila i pričekajte signal „OK“ prije nego pokrenete motor. Uvijek morate imati međusobni stalni vizualni kontakt zbog nemogućnosti verbalne komunikacije. Najuzbudljiviji element vožnje svakako su okreti. Kao što smo već napisali ručni signal za okret je kažiprst prema gore u kružnom pokretu. Budite oprezni i nemojte izgubiti osobu na drugom kraju užeta prije sljedećeg zaokreta. Uvijek imajte na umu da sa djecom na kraju vučnog užeta imate puno veću odgovornost. Trebate biti posebno oprezni kada prolazite pokraj drugih nautičara, obale ili kod prelaska preko valova. Nakon što netko padne s tube ili se skijaš ili daskaš otpusti, vozač plovila mora s krajnjim oprezom postupati prilikom priskakanja u pomoć i provjeriti lijevu i desnu stranu prije nego okrene plovilo. Ako ste vi u ulozi skijaša, nakon šta padnete pljesnite rukama iznad glave kako bi oni u plovilu znali da ste dobro i da ste spremni za ponovno skijanje. Dobro je znati da će skijaš koji padne u vodu biti puno uočljiviji ako se okrene na leđa i drži vrhove skija iznad vode. Nemojte zaboraviti da nikada ne precijenite vlastite mogućnosti jer na moru vladaju zakoni prirode, protiv kojih se katkada teško boriti. Nadamo se da će vam ovi savjeti pomoći da iskoristite ljetne mjesece u potpunosti i ne zaboravite: uživajte u prirodi, na moru, suncu i vjetru… or out of the water. Following this rule you are preventing a prop to rotate and engine to make carbon monoxide. When you are ready to go and the skier is in the water, you have to wait the skier is far enough from the boat and to give you signal “OK”. Then you can start the engine. You must always keep the visual contact because the verbal communication is missing. The most ecxiting ride elements are turnings. As we had already mentioned the signal for the turning is point finger upwards in the circular motion. Be carefull and do not lose the person you are pulling before next turning. When you pull the children keep in mind that you have a lot bigger responsibility. You have to be extra careful when you drive by other boaters, coast or when crossing the waves. After someone falls off the tube, or skier or boarder drops, you have to be very precautios and look to both sides before turning around for a pick-up. If you are the skier , after you fall clap your hands above the head to signal people in the boat you are OK and ready to continue. It is good to know that the skiers who had fallen in the water can be seen by others much more easily if they keep the ski tips above the water. Do not forget that the sea is ruled by nature, so do not overestimate yourself. Sometimes the nature is too hard to fight. We hope this tips and advices will help you to use summer vacation completely and do not forget: enjoy the nature, sea, sun and wind.. 35 TESTOVI / TESTS C 44 IPS, HIDRAULIČNA PLATFORMA I PRILAGODLJIV KOKPIT NAJBOLJE U KATEGORIJI OPEN HARD-TOP JAHTI DO 45 STOPA IPS, HYDRAULIC BATHING DECK AND CUSTOMIZABLE COCKPIT THE BEST IN THE YACHT OPEN HARD-TOP CATEGORY UNDER 45 FEET Sigurnost i sportski duh dvije su riječi koje najbolje opisuju C 44. Nova C 44 s dva VOLVO PENTA IPS 500 ili 600, ima modificirani trup V-oblika koji jamči izvrsno ponašanje na moru i udobnu vožnju čak i po nemirnom moru. Safety and sportsmanship are the two keywords describing the C 44. Driven by two VOLVO PENTA IPS 500 or 600 engines, the new C 44 has a variable V-bottom guaranteeing outstanding seaworthiness and a gentle ride even in rough seas. Izrađena je od vinilestera vrlo otpornog na osmozu, i multiaxiala koji pojačava laminat trupa; ovakva vrsta dna garantira sigurnost. Opet SESSA MARINE daje prednost VOLVO PENTA motorima, birajući IPS tehnologiju i oslanjajući se na već prepoznatljive kvalitete: manju potrošnju goriva, manju CO2 emisiju, 50% nižu buku motora, izvrsnu upravljivost i sigurnost. Made using vinylester resins forming a highly effective barrier against osmosis and multiaxial fibreglass with its fibres arranged to reinforce the laminates of the hull, this kind of bottom offers an excellent guarantee of safety. Once again SESSA MARINE prefers a dependable VOLVO PENTA engine, choosing IPS technology and counting on all its recognised qualities: reduction of CO2 emissions, lower consumption, 50% less noise, outstanding manoeuvrability and safety. Potpuno nova hidraulična platforma nosivosti 600 kg i površine 3.15 x 1.05 m, savršena je za smještaj i spuštanje tendera od 2.3 m, kao i za igru ili sunčanje. 36 Brand new, the hydraulic bathing deck with a capacity of 600kg and a surface of 3.15 x 1.05 m, it’s perfect for easily accommodating and launching a 2.3 m tender, besides for playing or for tanning moments. DIZAJN ZA ONE KOJI UISTINU VOLE MORE - PRILAGODLJIV KOKPIT DESIGN FOR THOSE WHO REALLY LOVE THE SEA – CUSTOMIZABLE COCKPIT C 44 je zamišljena kao odgovor na želje onih koji žele boraviti na otvorenom prostoru plovila i uživati u društvu čim više prijatelja. The C 44 was conceived to respond to the desire of those who want to live on their boat in an open area and to enjoy the company of as many friends as possible on board. Dvije su mogućnosti kokpita: There are two possible cockpit layout : SPORTSKA VERZIJA: jedna sofa s garažom za tender ispod velikog krmenog sunčališta SPORTY VERSION: offers a single lounge with tender garage under the large rear sunbed. MEDITERANSKA VERZIJA: prostor u vrlo originalnom kokpitu je maksimalno praktično organiziran: umjesto garaže za tender tu je druga velika sofa sa stolićem koja se vrlo jednostavno može pretvoriti u sunčalište, dok tender i ostali rekviziti za more mogu biti smješteni na krmenom mostu. MEDITERRANEAN VERSION : Space is organised for maximum practicality in a highly original cockpit layout: the tender garage is replaced by a generously proportioned second sofa with a table that can easily be transformed into a sundeck, while the tender or seatoys may be conveniently stored on the stern bridge. Mjesto kapetana je istaknuto metalik zlatnim sjajem, nepogrešivim Christian Grande detaljem, linijom inspiriranom najmodernijim sportskim automobilima i high-tech navigacijom: GPS E 120 W, VHF Raymarine, autopilotom, kamerama u kokpitu i strojarnici, TV antenom itd. Veliki otvor na krovu i bočni prozor desno od kormila omogućuju dobru ventilaciju kokpita. The captain’s station is certainly noticeable with its metallic gold sheen, Christian Grande’s unmistakeable touch, with a line inspired by the latest sports cars and its high-tech navigation: GPS E 120W, VHF Raymarine, autopilot, cockpit and engine room camera, antenna TV, etc. Moreover, has a large roof opening and a side window to the right of the wheelhouse, providing good ventilation for the cockpit. 37 TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 14.00 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.99 m MOTORI / ENGINES Max 870hp / 640kw OSOBE / PEOPLE ON BOARD 12 TEŽINA SA MOTORIMA / WEIGHT WITH ENGINES 2 x VP IPS 600 - 9,8 t SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 2 x 450 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 265 l CRNI TANK / BLACK WATER 95 l Na pramcu susrećemo opremu kao i kod najvećih jahti: audio sustav, držače i spremište oko velikog sunčališta dimenzija 2.00 x 1.90 m. At the prow, we can find the same equipment of the biggest yacht: audio system, holders and storage space all around the big sun pad: 2.00 x 1.90 m. OPTIMIZIRAN PROSTOR I ČISTI TALIJANSKI DIZAJN OPTIMISING SPACE AND PURE ITALIAN DESIGN Ergonomija, udobnost i privatnost ključni su pojmovi koji inspiriraju dizajn interijera jahte. Stvorena je da pruži maksimalnu udobnost vlasniku, te da njemu i njegovim gostima zagarantira privatnost. Dvije kabine postavljene su s obje strane salona koji se nalazi u središtu plovila; svaka ima svoju kupaonicu s odvojenim tušem, što omogućuje direktan pristup zajedničkim prostorijama bez narušavanja privatnosti ostalih gostiju. Ergonomics, comfort and privacy are the key concepts inspiring the design of the yacht’s interiors. The layout is designed to offer the owner maximum comfort while guaranteeing plenty for privacy for both owner and guests. The two cabins are in fact arranged on either side of the living area in the centre of the vessel; each has its own bathroom with a separate shower, permitting direct access to common areas on the yacht without disturbing other guests’ privacy. Entering the living area, one immediately has the sensation of being on a much bigger boat. Wood, linen and leather explore worlds of colour which are both light and warm, creating a bright, cosy atmosphere. The spacious modern galley with its bold lines and glossy lacquer is strategically positioned where it will allow convenient cooking without compromising comfort in the living area, and is available in both black and white versions. Kad uđemo u salon imamo osjećaj da smo na puno većoj jahti. Drvo, tkanina i koža istodobno istražuju svijet svijetlih i toplih boja, čime se postiže svjetla, ugodna atmosfera. Prostran moderan salon sa naglašenim linijama i sjajnim lakom strateški je smješten tako da priprema jela ne narušava udobnost, a dostupan je u crnoj i bijeloj verziji. Kabina vlasnika ima velike prozore s obloima koje se mogu otvoriti radi ulaska svjetlosti i svježeg zraka. Tkanine, boje i materijali koji se koriste u kabini stvaraju svjetlu, smirenu atmosferu koja će otjerati bilo kakav osjećaj klaustrofobije. Kabina na pramcu opremljena je duplim krevetom koji se vrlo lako može pretvoriti u dva odvojena ležaja. C 44 zamišljena je za krstarenje i zbog toga se puno pozornosti posvetilo svim funkcionalnim i estetskim potrebama vlasnika. 38 The owner’s suite has plenty of headroom and big windows with portholes that can be opened to provide plenty of light and fresh air; together with the fabrics, colours and materials used in the suite, this produces a bright, serene atmosphere to chase away any sensations of claustrophobia. The prow cabin, finally, is equipped with a double bed that divides very easily into two separate berths. That’s why we can state that the C 44 has been developed for cruising. The shipyard took in consideration all the shipowners needs in terms of functionally and aesthetic. Sessa Fly 40 Testirali smo najnoviji Sessin dragulj Fly bridge segmenta - fly 40… We tested the latest Sessa jewel of the Fly bridge segment - Fly 40… Iznenađujuća organizacija prostora Surprising space organisation Fly 40, dragulj tvornice Sessa Marine, nudi najprostraniji fly u svojoj kategoriji, opremljen novom tehnologijom, dizajnom, komforom i vrhunskom kvalitetom obrade detalja. Fly 40, the jewel of Sessa Marine shipyard, offers the most spacious fly in the category; equipped with new technologies, outstanding design, comfort and the highest quality of finishing. Tehnološki siguran i jednostavan za upravljanje, uz umjerenu potrošnju, dizajniran je za nautičare koji plove cijelu godinu. Technologically safe and easy to manage, moderate in consumption, designed for those who use the boat throughout the year. REKORDNI PROSTOR NA FLY-u FLY 40 je na tragu svog prethodnika FLY 45 kojeg su obilježile nevjerojatne dimenzije, ergonomija i prostranost: veliko sunčalište, duplo sjedalo pilota i kopilota, prostrano sunčalište na pramcu, najudobnije i najzaklonjenije od vjetra, velika sofa u obliku slova L i stol od tikovine za 6 osoba. Vanjska kuhinja na fly-u potpuno je opremljena hladnjakom, ladicom, sudoperom i roštiljem. Nikad do sad Fly ove kategorije nije pružio toliku udobnost boravka. 40 RECORD SPACE ON THE FLY-BRIDGE The FLY45 made its mark with its incredible dimensions, ergonomics and spacious feel; the FLY40 follows in its footsteps to a tee. With some structural pieces carbon made in order to improve the stiffness and decrease the weight, the flyingbridge proudly boasts a large surface area, a double helm seat, a spacious front sundeck – the best place for comfort and shelter from the wind – a large L-shaped lounge and teak Smještena u donjem dijelu palube, osvijetljena velikim rasvjetnim tijelom, kuhinja je dostojna i većeg broda. Smještena na način da kuhanje ne smanjuje komoditet, pruža visoku kvalitetu opreme, materijala i ostalih detalja, na tragu C 68: hladnjak 165 l, el. pećnica, ormariće, sigurnu radnu plohu lakiranu u wenge boji. PROSTOR ZA OBITELJ Brodogradilište Sessa Marine, zahvaljujući dugogodišnjem iskustvu u proizvodnji plovila, postalo je stručnjak u optimizaciji prostora. FLY 40 nije iznimka, ne dopušta osjećaj skučenosti. Posebna pažnja posvećena je dimenzijama vrata i visini kabine, kao i prostranosti ormara. Spremište ispod kreveta u vlasničkoj kabini prostranije je nego kod plovila većih dimenzija i opremljeno hidrauličkim uređajem zbog lakšeg korištenja. Prednost prostora ispod palube leži u činjenici da je svaka od dvije kabine opremljena vlastitom kupaonicom i vlastitim tušem, kao i kod modela FLY 45. table seating 6 guests. The kitchen unit is equipped with refrigerator, drawer, sink and grill. Never, a fly of this category, have had guaranteed so high liveableness level, including, at the same time, so much component. Installed on the lower deck under a large skylight, the galley is befitting of a large size boat. Is strategically positioned where it will allow convenient cooking without compromising comfort and offers high quality equipment, materials and finishings in the same vein as those found on the SESSA C 68: a 165 litre fridge, a combined electric oven, storage units, a protection system for the work surface overed in wenge lacquer… ROOM FOR FAMILY LIFE Over the years SESSA has become an expert in optimising space. The FLY40 is no exception and boat owners will never feel cramped. Particular attention has been paid to the dimensions of the doors and cabin height as well as storage. The storage unit under the master cabin bed is larger than the one on the bigger boots of the range and is equipped 41 Salon je inteligentno dizajniran za smještaj sklopive dvostruke sofe/kreveta: u nekoliko jednostavnih poteza sofa se pretvara u udoban krevet, čime se rješavamo briga oko spremanja dodatnog madraca na plovilu. with a gas piston opening device to make access really easy. The highlight of the lower deck is the separate bathroom with separate shower, as found on the FLY45, for each of the two cabins. Na kraju ne zaboravimo nevjerojatan kokpit koji djeluje kao pravi salon na otvorenom zahvaljujući inovativnoj ideji - krmenom prozoru - sjenici koja se može podizati i spuštati, te stvara dojam rezervirane zone. The lounge has been intelligently designed to accommodate a convertible double sofa bed: in a few swift moves, the sofa is transformed into a comfortable bed without the bother of an extra mattress to store on the boat. Osim toga, komfor povećava i hidraulična platforma za lakši ulazak u more. Finally, let’s not forget the incredible cockpit which acts as a genuine ‘‘veranda’’ thanks to the innovative ‘‘stern window’’: a protective awning that can be raised or lowered, giving the impression of an extra ‘‘private area’’. Od svih prednosti koje možemo navesti, na prvo mjesto treba staviti ergonomski dizajnirano mjesto pilota koje omogućuje jednostavno praćenje instrumenata. Dvostruko sjedalo, električno podesivo po visini i dubini, i desni bočni prozor koji omogućuje provjetravanje kokpita. Oprema uključuje i zvučni sustav SONY, zaslon osjetljiv na dodir kako bi se osigurala potpuna zabava na brodu. 42 Moreover, note well the hydraulic platform – a useful aid for getting into the water, snorkelling and unching sea toys. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 12.30 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.90 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER 2 x IPS 400 / 500 OSOBE / PEOPLE ON BOARD 12 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 900 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 360 l CRNI TANK / BLACK WATER 125 l ODABIR IPS TEHNOLOGIJE CHOOSING IPS Sa 7 modela dizajniranih za korištenje IPS tehnologije, Sessa Marine je uvjerena u sada već prepoznatljivu kvalitetu i ponovo ju koristi za Fly 40: smanjena emisija C02, smanjena potrošnja, razina buke ispod 50%, iznimna lakoća i sigurnost upravljanja. With 7 models already designed using IPS technology, SESSA MARINE is convinced of its now recognised qualities and again uses it for the FLY 40: reduced carbon emissions, reduced consumption, 50% drop in perceived noise level, exceptional manoeuvrability and safety. Projekt FLY 40 je razvijen za IPS 400 motor: opremljen je 3.7 litrenim četverocilindričnim D 4 motorom, EVC-upravljanjem, turbopunjačem, kompresorom, i komorom dogrijavanja. Fly 40 dostići će brzinu do maksimalnih 30 čvorova, a prosječna potrošnja pri krstarećoj brzini (25/26 čvorova) iznosi 80 l/h. The FLY 40 project has been developed around the new IPS 400 engine : powered by the 3.7 litre 4 cylinder common rail D4 engine, EVC-managed, turbo, compressor and 300 HP heat exchanger, the FLY 40 will reach a maximum speed of around 30 knots and fuel consumption of approximately 801/h at cruise speed (25/26 knots). Oblik trupa jamči iznimne performanse i udobnu plovidbu čak i na nemirnom moru. FLY 40 sadrži sva dizajnerska rješenja s kojima se ponose brodogradilište i Cristian Grande, koja životni prostor čini još udobnijim i privlačnijim. Boje pobuđuju sva osjetila, a igra svjetlosti koja prodire kroz velike staklene površine i reflektira se velikim prostorima i ogledalima stvara harmoničnu sliku. Harmoničnom skladu pridonosi na posljetku i izbor materijala dostojan ekskluzivnih modela linije... samo ono najbolje što talijanski dizajn može pružiti. The new FLY 40 has a variable V-bottom guaranteeing outstanding seaworthiness and a gentle ride even in rough seas. Lastly, it has all the design solutions held dear by the shipyard and its designer Christian Grande, making every living space more comfortable and providing that special touch of cosiness: a chromatic study for experiencing space in a sensorial and unconscious manner, play on lighthanks to the large windows and the presence of mirrors, the choice of materials in line with those found on the larger models of the range… Italian design at its best. 43 Key Largo 20 6 M DUGAČKO PLOVILO STVORENO ZA JEDNODNEVNE IZLETE - SAVRŠEN ZA PAROVE I OBITELJI S DJECOM A PRACTICAL AND DIVERTING 6 m BOAT - THE PERFECT MEASURE FOR DAILY COUPLE OR FAMILY CRUISES 44 Ugodno društvo, praktično i vrlo atraktivno plovilo spremno za zabavu i jednodnevne izlete pronaći ćete u Sessinom modelu Key Largo 20. Ovo plovilo nudi dovoljno prostora za sanjarenje na prostranom sunčalištu,a ukoliko imate djecu ni prostora za igru ne manjka. To have a company you need a comfortable and practical boat of attractive appearance, ready for diverting daily cruises. This is what Key Largo 20 definitely has: enough space; deck to enjoy the sunbathing or fancy; if there are kids they have enough place to play. Velika pozornost posvećena je detaljima. Pogled vas vodi do središnjeg dijela plovila u kojem su smještena sjedala za vozača i suvozača, te upravljačka konzola na kojoj je smještena ploča sa instrumentima i kvalitetan i vrlo dobro pozicioniran volan. Odvojena sjedala omogućuju potpunu udobnost i funkcionalnost; upravo njihovim zakretanjem prema krmenoj sofi i montažom stolića od tikovine stvara se udoban salon za ručanje ili aperitiv. Great attention is dedicated to details. The first thing you see are the seats in the center of the boat, and a center console of high aesthetic and functional level. The steering wheel is good positioned, and the centre console is very nice. Separate seats contribute to comfort and functionality; by simply rotating the seats towards the deck sofa and putting a teak table you get a cosy lounge suitable to dine or have an appetizer. Liniju plovila zaokružuju bokovi plovila koji su lagano uzdignuti, a čvrsta ograda prekinuta je samo na krmi radi jednostavnijeg silaska s plovila. Praktičan i inteligentan sustav pospremanja ljestava za u njih predviđenu udubinu na krmi samo je još jedan u nizu detalja koji pridonosi potpunoj estetskoj formi. Posebnost ovog plovila čini i velik broj skrivenih pretinaca koji omogućuju stvaranje savršenog reda i organizacije na tako malo prostora. The line is defined with slightly risen sides, and a stable rail discontinues only at the stern to enable descent. A practical and intelligent system of storing the ladders into a niche at stern is only one of many details that makes the aesthetic form complete.The specific feature of the boat is a number of storage places that help to keep the perfect organization and tidyness of the rather small space. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 6.10 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.30 m TEŽINA / WEIGHT 850 kg MOTOR / ENGINE Yamaha F115 AETL SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL TANK 200 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER TANK 45 l OSOBE / PEOPLE ON BOARD 8 INTERIJER Iako kabina nije visoka, bračni krevet dovoljno je prostran za dvije osobe. Ne smijemo zaboraviti da se radi o plovilu dugačkom svega 6 m.Trud tvornice na ovom plovilu vidljiv je u svakom detalju; igra svijetlim i tamnim detaljima upotpunjena je dvjema bočnim oknima koja se mogu otvoriti za lakši ulazak zraka i svijetlosti, dok stilizirane noćne lampice stvaraju dojam topline prave spavaće sobe. Na samom ulazu u kabinu nalazi se spremište s poklopcem u kojega je moguće spremiti osobne stvari, ili pak ugraditi el.wc. Krstarenje od nekoliko dana na ovom plovilu sasvim je moguće jer ne ostavlja dojam skučenosti za plovilo ove dužine. U PLOVIDBI Key Largo 20 opremljen je sportskim i laganim YAMAHA F115AETL motorom koji je na minimumu gotovo nečujan. Kod 3500 okretaja, pritisak naglo raste, zvuk motora i dalje ostaje tih,a razgovor nesmetan. Pri većim okretajima do izražaja dolazi pravi karakter motora; nevjerojatna snaga i beznačajna potrošnja bez vidljivog znaka opterećenja. I kod brzine od preko 30 čvorova ovo plovilo ostaje stabilno i jednostavno za upravljanje. INTERIER Although the cabin is not high, the double bed is comfortable for two people. We must bear in mind this is a 6m long boat. The hard work of the shipyard is visible in every detail: the alternation of light and dark details is rounded by two side windows that can be opened to let in the air and light, and by the stylized night lamps that create the worm atmosphere of a real bedroom. At the entrance, there is a big storage place with top cover where you can put some personal items or build in a high quality toilet. While we sit on the bed we do not feel uneasyness, therefore few days cruising would be absolutely possible. NAVIGATION The Key Largo 20 is equipped with new YAMAHA F115AETL outboard which is very sporty and light, almost noiseless at minimum. Up to 3500 rpm, the pressure rises, sound stays quiet and conversation undisturbed. At higher rpm the engine shows his real character, incredible power, with no significant increase in consumption, and with no visible sign of effort. At the highest speed the Key Largo 20 becomes very amusing, GPS records the speed over 30 knots, while the boat stays stable and easy to manage. 45 PONUDA RABLJENIH PLOVILA / PREOWNED CORNER Key Largo 36 OPREMA Boja trupa oker, Tvrdi krov s el. biminiem, Pokrivka za konzolu, Pokrivka zadnje klupe i stola, Mikrovalna pećnica, GPS, Pramčani propeler, Pokazivači flapova C 35 OPREMA Plava boja trupa, Tenda komplet, Generator 3.5 Kw, Klima uređaj, TV LCD 12/220 s antenom, Radio CD/DVD u salonu, Frižider u salonu, Frižider u kokpitu, Teak u kokpitu, Teakov stol u kokpitu, El. brisači stakla, Separirana prednja kabina, Mikrovalna, GPS Raymarine C80, Dubinomjer Raymarine DSM 300, Tridata Raymarine, VHF Raymarine, Pramčani propeler, Brojač metara lanca, Hidraulična pasarela Key Largo 30 OPREMA 2 baterije, Bojler tople vode, Boja trupa koraljna, Stražnje sunčalište, Plinsko kuhalo, Mikrovalna pećnica, Tuš sa ispustom vode, Ledenica, Priključnica 220V, Meki krov na izvlačenje, Pokrivka za klupu, GPS Raymarine C 80 sa dubinomjerom, Pramčani propeler 46 TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BRODOGRADILIŠTE / SHIPYARD Sessa Marine Model / Model Key Largo 36 Godina proizvodnje / Year of built 2008 ZASTAVA / FLAG HR DUŽINA / LENGTH 11.50 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.52 m MOTOR / ENGINE 3 x Yamaha F 350 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 1200 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 230 l EQUIPMENT Hull color ochre, Fiberglass hard top with el. bimni, Console cover, Stern sofa and table cover, Microwave oven, GPS, Bow thruster, Flaps indicators TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BRODOGRADILIŠTE / SHIPYARD Sessa Marine Model / Model C 35 Godina proizvodnje / Year of built 2006 ZASTAVA / FLAG DL DUŽINA / LENGTH 10.60 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.53 m MOTOR / ENGINE 2 x Volvo Penta D4 260 ks/hp SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 515 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 240 l EQUIPMENT Blue hull colour, Blue canvas, Generator 3.5 Kw, Air condition, 15” Tv LCD 12/220V, Radio CD & DVD in salon, Fridge in salon, Fridge in cockpit, Teak in cockpit, Teak table in cockpit, Windshield wiper, Separate bow cabin, Microwave oven, GPS Raymarine C80, Depthfinder Raymarine DSM 300, Tridata Raymarine, VHF Raymarine 240, Bow thruster, Anchor chain counter Qick, Hydraulic gangway TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BRODOGRADILIŠTE / SHIPYARD Sessa Marine Model / Model Key Largo 30 Godina proizvodnje / Year of built 2009 ZASTAVA / FLAG HR DUŽINA / LENGTH 9.05 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.99 m MOTOR / ENGINE 2 x Honda BF 225 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 700 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 100 l EQUIPMENT 2 x battery, Warm water tank, Hull color coral, Aftersunpad, Gas cooker, Microwave, Toilet shower with pump discharge system, El. Cooler chest, Shore power 220 V, Soft top extensible, Bench cover, GPS Raymarine C 80 with depthfinder, Bow thruster TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Key Largo 30 OPREMA boja trupa - brončana, Kit baterija 2 x 100 Amp, Plinsko kuhalo, Priključak 220 V, Kokpit u tikovini, GPS sa dubinomjerom Navman, Bimini, Pokrivka za konzolu, Pokrivka za klupe BRODOGRADILIŠTE / SHIPYARD Sessa Marine Model / Model Key Largo 30 Godina proizvodnje / Year of built 2009 ZASTAVA / FLAG DL DUŽINA / LENGTH 9.05 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.99 m MOTOR / ENGINE 2 x Yamaha F 250 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 700 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 100 l EQUIPMENT hull color bronze, Kit battery 2 x 100 Amp, Gas ring, Shore power 220 V, Cockpit teak decking, GPS with echo sounder Navman, Bimini, Console cover, Bench cover TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Key Largo 26 OPREMA Dodatna baterija, Meki krov, Električni sidreni vinč, Radio Sony CD s daljinskim upravljanjem, El. protočni WC, Stol u kokpitu, Hidraulični volan, Boja trupa oker, GPS Raymarine C 70, Dubinomjer DSM 300 Raymarine, Električni hladnjak Key Largo 25 OPREMA 2 x akumulator 100Amp/h, Punjač akumulatora s priključkom na 220V, Radio CD sa dva zvučnika i daljinskim upravljanjem, Bimini, El. sidreni vinč sa sidrom i lancem, El. marine WC, Stol u kokpitu, Hidraulični cilindar volana, GPS Raymarine C 70, Dubinomjer Raymarine DSM 300, VHF Raymarine 240, Boja trupa oker, El. hladnjak, Pokrivka za konzolu, Kokpit u tikovini BRODOGRADILIŠTE / SHIPYARD Sessa Marine Model / Model Key Largo 26 Godina proizvodnje / Year of built 2008 ZASTAVA / FLAG HR DUŽINA / LENGTH 7.50 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.56 m MOTOR / ENGINE 2 x Yamaha F150 AETL SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 500 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 45 l EQUIPMENT Extra battery, Soft top, El. anchor winch, Radio CD Sony with remote control, El. marine WC, Table pic-nic in teak, Hydraulic steering, Hull colour ochra, GPS Raymarine C 70, DSM 300, Depthfounder Raymarine, Fridge TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BRODOGRADILIŠTE / SHIPYARD Sessa Marine Model / Model Key Largo 25 Godina proizvodnje / Year of built 2007 ZASTAVA / FLAG HR DUŽINA / LENGTH 7.41 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.56 m MOTOR / ENGINE 2 x Yamaha F115 AETX SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 500 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 45 l EQUIPMENT 2 x battery 100 Amp/h, Battery charger, Radio CD with two loudspeakers and remote control, Bimini, El. anchor winch with anchor and chain, El. marine WC, Table pic-nic in teak, Hydraulic steering, GPS Raymarine C 70, Echosounder Raymarine DSM 300, VHF Raymarine 240, Hull color ochre, Refrigerator, Console cover, Cockpit and back platform in teak SAVJET PRAVNIKA / LEGAL ADVICE Uplovimo u Europu Let’s sail in Europe Neizvjesnost koja je zavladala kod mnogih nerezidenta koji vole Jadran i u njemu istinski uživaju , vrlo često im je veliki financijski trošak proći carinsku crtu i vratiti u RH radi proteka 18 mjeseci neprekidnog boravka u marini. S tim više, što se marine za međunarodni promet smatraju carinskim skladištima, pa zbunjuje strane moreplovce nepriznavanje skladištenja u carinskom skladištu kao boravak plovila izvan teritorijalnog mora. Postupak promjene zastave pripadnosti na hrvatsku zastavu, danas je povezan velikim trošarinama prema vrijednosti plovila. Na zbroj trošarine i neto cijene obračunava se jedan od najviših PDV u EU. Naročito je to izraženo sada kada RH nije članica EU pa se takvi obračuni primjenjuju i na plovilima u kojemu su korisnici već uplatili svojim matičnim zemljama PDV na plovilo. Kako se približavamo konačnom danu pripajanja Hrvatske sa EU dana 01.07.2013. hrvatski nerezidenti koji koriste plovila pod stranom zastavom u teritorijalnom moru se propitkivaju što će se dogoditi nakon 01.07.2013.g. Odgovor je vrlo jednostavan. Ništa dramatično. Odnos prema takvim korisnicima će biti mnogo jednostavniji a mnogi će vjerojatno promjeniti status državne pripadnosti svojeg plovila. Danas, strana plovila koja se unose u carinsko područje RH nalaze se u postupku privremenog uvoza, sukladno pravilima propisanim za taj postupak. Međunarodna konvencija koja riješava problem nerizedenata i privremenog uvoza vozila, plovila i zrakoplova je Istambulska Konvencija sa svojim od- 48 Uncertainty felt by numerous non-residents that love the Adriatic and truly enjoy it has been accentuated by usually significant costs suffered by crossing the national border and returning to the Republic of Croatia as this has been required after the period of 18 months of uninterrupted stay in marinas. This is so even more as although the marinas intended for international traffic are regarded as customs warehouses foreign seamen are confused because warehousing in such customs premises is not recognized as the stay of a vessel outside the territorial sea. The process of transferring a vessel to the Croatian flag is today associated with high excise taxes fixed according to the value of the vessel. The excise tax and net price are subject than to one of the highest VAT in EU. This is particularly marked now when the Republic of Croatia is still not the member state of EU and such burdens are applied also to the vessels for which their users have already paid VAT in their domicile countries. As we are approaching the final date of 1 July 2013 when Croatia will become member state of EU, the Croatian non-residents using the vessels flying the foreign flags in the territorial sea keep enquiring about what will happen after that date. The answer is very simple. Nothing dramatic will happen. Only the relation towards such users will be much more simpler and a lot of them will probably change the national status of their vessels. Today, foreign vessels entering the customs area of the Republic of Croatia are undergoing the process of temporary admission in accordance with the regulations set for that process. Internation- vojenim dijelom Anex C. Temeljem te Konvencije, zemlje potpisnice konvencije su donijele domaće propise s kojim se treba izbjeći carinjenje i oporezivanje vozila,plovila zrakoplova kada se ono koristi u privatne svrhe na području različitog od mjesta boravka korisnika ili registracije prometnog sredstva. Carinskim propisima privremeni uvoz stranog plovila u Republiku Hrvatsku moguć je u slučaju da je predmetno plovilo registrirano izvan carinskog područja RH na ime osobe izvan tog područja, te pod uvjetom da ga koristi osoba sa sjedištem izvan carinskog područja. Pri tome, s obzirom da upravljanje plovilom zahtijeva određeno znanje, kojima vlasnik plovila ne mora raspolagati, plovilom može upravljati i rezident odnosno domaća fizička osoba – skiper, pod uvjetom da je skiper ima valjani ugovor o radu koji je sklopljen isključivo s vlasnikom prijevoznog sredstva (fizičkom ili pravnom osobom) koji ima sjedište izvan carinskog područja u smislu članka 268. Uredbe za provedbu Carinskog zakona. Zbog takvog statusa plovila se mora zatražiti Dozvola za boravak stranog plovila u RH ( Permit) i mora ispuniti Crew lista. Nerezidenti su osobe koje borave privremeno izvan svojeg boravišta manje od 183 dana. Plovilima koja su privremeno u RH (jer se radi o plovilima za razonodu) dozvoljen je neprekidan boravak od 18 mjeseci bez izlaska iz carinskog područja RH. Na Jadranu plovila pod stranom zastavom mogu se podijeliti na dvije osnovne skupine. U jednoj skupini na plovila je plaćen porez na dodanu vrijednost u skladu sa poreznim pravilima države koju zastavu nosi, a na drugu skupinu plovila gdje nigdje nije plaćen PDV. U prvoj skupini se dijele plovila koja su platila PDV u državi članici EU ili ne. al Convention which solves the problem of non-residents and temporary admission of vehicles, vessels and aircrafts is the Istanbul Convention and its separate Annex C. On the basis of that Convention, the states signatories have passed domestic regulations intended for the avoidance of customs clearance and taxation of vehicles, vessels and aircrafts when they are used for private purposes in the place different from the place of residence of the user or of the registration of such means of transport. Under the customs regulations, temporary admission of foreign vessel to the Republic of Croatia is possible in case if the foreign vessel has been registered outside the customs area of the Republic of Croatia in the name of the person residing outside that area and under the condition that is used by the person domiciled outside that customs area. At the same time, since the operation of a vessel requires certain knowledge and skills not necessarily possessed by the owner of the vessel, the vessel may be operated also by the resident i.e. domestic natural person – skipper, under the condition that such skipper has valid employment contract made exclusively with the vessel’s owner (natural or legal person) having its residence outside the customs area in terms of Article 268 of the Ordinance on the application of the Customs Act. Due to that status of the vessel, permit for the stay of the foreign vessel in the Republic of Croatia must be obtained and crew list completed. Non-residents are persons staying temporarily outside their place of residence for less than 183 days. The vessels temporarily admitted to the Republic of Croatia (these are pleasure vessels) may stay without interruption in Croatia for the period of 18 months during which period it is not required that such vessels depart from the customs area of the Republic of Croatia. 49 Po mojem mišljenju, potpunim spajanjem sa EU, carinski teritorij RH mora prihvatiti stečena prava nerezidenata članica EU odnosno carinsko područje EU se širi i na državni teritorij RH. Što točno znači biti u državi članici EU? Nerezidenti koji imaju plaćani PDV jednoj od država članica EU će se smatrati da nisu ni u RH obveznici plaćanja PDV-a na plovilo i nakon proteka famoznih 18 mjeseci. Oni koji nemaju plaćeni PDV ili je plaćen u zemlji izvan EU, morat će svoj porezni status riješiti ili u RH ili u jednoj od članica EU. S obzirom na intenciju Vlade RH da se trošarine ukinu na plovila ( kao što je u cijeloj Europi) za pretpostaviti je da će se korisnici plovila odlučiti za plaćanje PDV u RH osim ako se ne radi o plovilima pod leasingom.Tada će o svemu odlučiti leasing društvo odnosno propisi matične zemlje leasinga u svezi plovila koji se nalaze na teritoriju izvan njihovog sjedišta. Važno je napomenuti da plaćanje poreza ne uvjetuje i registraciju plovila u toj državi. Postupak registracije plovila je posebni postupak i on nije neophodno povezan sa državom gdje je plaćen porez na plovilo. Potpisani autor ovo razmišljanje temelji na komparativnim propisima drugih članica EU te sadašnje stanje i primjena poreznih propisa na vozila, plovila i zrakoplove. Naravno to se odnosi na zatečeno stanje na Jadranu, dok je kupovina novih plovila i plaćanje PDV-a isključivo u nadležnosti mjesta boravka vlasnika ili sjedišta leasinga društva. U svakom slučaju Međunarodna konvencija o privremenom uvozu će se i dalje primjenjivati na plovilima korisnika nerezidenta RH a koji su rezidenti države izvan RH ili je plovilo registrirano izvan Europske unije. Zaključno, nakon toplog ljeta i ugodnog boravka na Jadranu, predlažem da svaki provjeri svoj pravni status svojeg boravka u RH i registraciju plovila te se odluči za jedan od predloženih postupaka. Mirno more i porezni spokoj Vam želi Damir Tekst napisao / text by Damir Šebetić, dipl. iur Odvjetnik i skiper / Lawyer and skiper Info: Šebetić & Partners , law firm Đorđićeva 6, Zagreb tel. + 385 1 4873 222 / fax. + 385 1 4873 538 e-mail. [email protected] In Croatia, the vessels flying foreign flags may be divided into two principal groups. In one group, the value added tax has been paid for such vessels in accordance with the tax rules of the country whose flag they are flying; another group includes vessels for which no value added tax has been paid. In the first group the distinction has also to be made between the vessels for which VAT has been paid in EU member state and those for which it has been paid in another state. In my opinion, once Croatia will become full member of EU, the customs territory of the Republic of Croatia shall have to accept acquired rights of non-residents of EU members in the light of the fact that the customs area of EU will also include the territory of the Republic of Croatia. What does it exactly mean to be in the EU member state? Non-residents who paid VAT in one of the EU member states would not be required to pay VAT in the Republic of Croatia for their vessels even after the expiration of these famous 18 months. Those who did not pay VAT or if they paid it in the country which was not EU member state would have to regulate their tax status either in the Republic of Croatia or in one of the EU member states. Taking into account the intention of the Croatian Government to abolish the excise tax for vessels (as this is the case in the whole Europe), it might be supposed that the users of vessels would opt to pay VAT in Croatia, excluding the vessels covered by leasing arrangements. In these cases, the decision will be made by leasing companies and on the basis of the regulations in force in the domicile country of such company concerning the vessels located outside their domiciles. It is important to note that the payment of tax does not stipulate that a vessel must be registered also in that country. The process of vessel’s registration is separate one and it is not necessarily associated with the country where tax has been paid for such vessel. The author of this article bases these ideas upon the comparative regulations of other EU member states and current situation and application of tax regulations to vehicles, vessels and aircrafts. Of course, this refers to the present, actual situation in the Adriatic while the purchase of new vessels and payment of VAT is exclusively under the jurisdiction of the owner’s place of residence or registered seat of a leasing company. In any case, the International Convention on Temporary Admission will be still applied to the vessels of the users who are nonresidents in the Republic of Croatia but are residing in another country or if a vessel has been registered outside the European Union. As a conclusion, I suggest that following this hot summer and pleasant holidays in the Adriatic, everybody concerned checks the legal status of its stay in the Republic of Croatia and of the registration of the relevant vessel and consequently makes decision about one of the suggested procedures. I wish you calm sea and tax peacefulness, Damir 50 51 RENT A BOAT Sessa Marine Charter ponuda Sessa Marine Charter offer Nautički turizam sve je važniji u ponudi Hrvatske u posljednjih nekoliko godina. Gosti žele aktivan odmor, žele upoznati zemlju na drugačiji način, približiti se prirodi, istražiti more i otoke, a charter sve to omogućuje. Stoga je Interadria SC pokrenula charter Sessa Marine plovila iz čije flote izdvajamo atraktivne modele: In recent years, the importance of nautical tourism in Croatia has risen significantly. Guests are interested in an active vacation, they want to discover the country in a different way, to get closer touch with nature and to explore the sea and islands. Therefore, InterAdria SC has launched a charter service of the Sessa Marine vessels from which fleet we highlight attractive models: Sessa Marine C38 OPREMA Frižider u kokpitu, GPS Raymarine C120W, Bimini + camping tenda, Kokpit u teaku, Klima 12000 BTU, Generator 6,1 KW, Boja trupa crna, Hidraulična pasarela, podvodna svjetla, Ledomat, El.grill u kokpitu, Radio, CD Sessa Marine C32 52 TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 11.70 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.75 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER 2 x Volvo Penta D4 300 ks/hp KABINE / CABIN 2 MAX BR. OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 12 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 2 x 480 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 2 x 310 l EQUIPMENT Fridge in cockpit, GPS Raymarine C120W, Bimini + camping tenda, Teak in cockpit, Air condition12000 BTU, Generator 6,1 KW, Hull color black, Hydraulic gangway, Underwater lights, Ice maker, El. Grill in cockpit, Radio, CD TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 9.75 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 3.00 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER 2 x Volvo Penta 270 ks/hp KABINE / CABIN 1 MAX BR. OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 8 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 515 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 110 l OPREMA EQUIPMENT VHF radio uređaj, GPS, Pramčani potisni pogon, Punjač baterija, LED rasvjeta, Boja trupa srebrna,Tkovina u kokpitu, El. sidreno vitlo, Hladnjak u kokpitu, Mikrovalna pećnica, TV LCD LED, DVD-CD VHF, GPS, Bowtruster, Battery charger, LED lighting,Cockpit in teak, El. windlass, ladder, Cockpit fridge,Microwave, TV LCD LED, DVDCD TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Key Largo 27 OPREMA Hladnjak 49 l, El. WC, Teakov stol u kokpitu pretvoriv u sunčalište sa udobnim jastucima, El vinč sa sidrom i lancem, Radio sa daljinskim upravljačem, Boja trupa:”bronzo”, Stajaće sjedište sa sudoperom, Teak u kokpitu, GPS Lowrance sa dubinomjerom, Bijela boja motora Key Largo 22 Open OPREMA Komplet jastuka, navigaciona svjetla, automatska pumpa za santine, ljestve za u more, rukohvati u tikovini, el. vinč. Key Largo 20 OPREMA Komplet jastuka, navigaciona svjetla, automatska pumpa za santine, ljestve za u more, rukohvati u tikovini, el. vinč. Key Largo 19 OPREMA Komplet jastuka, navigaciona svjetla, automatska pumpa za santine, ljestve za u more, rukohvati u tikovini, bimini, tuš. DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 7.80 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.64 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER 2 X YAMAHA F150 AETX KABINE / CABIN 1 MAX BR. OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 8 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 500 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 45 l EQUIPMENT Fridge 49 l, El. WC, Teak table in cockpit convertible in sunbathing area with cusion,El winch with anchor and chain, Radio with remote control, Hull color :”bronzo”, Stand up seat with sink, Cockpit in teak, Engine color: white, GPS Lowrance with echosounder TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 6.45 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.48 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER YAMAHA F115 AETL KABINE / CABIN - MAX BR. OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 7 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 200 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 45 l EQUIPMENT Cushions, aluminum switch panel, automatic bilge pump, bathing ladder, teak on sides, el. winch. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 6.10 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.30 m MAX SNAGA MOTORA / MAX ENGINE POWER YAMAHA F150 AETL KABINE / CABIN 1 MAX BR. OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 8 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 200 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 45 l EQUIPMENT Cushions, aluminum switch panel, automatic bilge pump, bathing ladder, teak on sides, el. winch. TEHNIČKI PODACI / TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS DUŽINA PREKO CIJELOG BRODA / LOA 5.43 m ŠIRINA / BEAM 2.15 m MOTOR / ENGINE YAMAHA F115 AETL MAX BR. OSOBA / MAX. PERSONS CAPACITY 6 SPREMNIK GORIVA / FUEL CAPACITY 100 l SPREMNIK VODE / WATER CAPACITY 50 l EQUIPMENT Cushions, aluminum switch panel, automatic bilge pump, bathing ladder, teak on sides, bimini, shower. 53 CRTICE IZ POVIJESTI / NOTES FROM THE PAST 009. ;2 Key Largo 20 Sessa; 1972. Razvoj Sessa Marine modela kroz povijest Sessa Marine je kompanija s preko 50 godina dugom tradicijom u proizvodnji plovila. Kako se tvornica razvijala od svog osnutka do danas, mijenjale su se društvene i gospodarske prilike, javljali su se novi trendovi. Sukladno tome, da bi se zadovoljile potrebe i želje klijenata, mijenjali su se i modeli plovila. Key Largo 20; 1995. Tijekom čitavog svog postojanja tvornica usavršava svoj image, stil, eleganciju, te nastoji što je više moguće učvrstiti vezu između plovila, njihovih vlasnika i branda Sessa Marine. Donosimo kratak retrospektivan pregled Sessa Marine modela od osnutka tvornice do danas. Key Light 21; 1993. 54 Fly 40; 2012. Key Largo 14; 1998. How Sessa Marine models developed trough time Key Largo 21; 1992 . Sessa Marine is a company with over 50 years long tradition in boat production. During past years, the factory has been developing in various social and economic environments, and under the influence of various trends. Therefore, in order to satisfy needs and demands of the customers, models of vessels have also experienced some changes. During that period the shipyard has been continuously improving their image, style and elegance, trying to strenghten bonds among boats, their owners and Sessa Marine brand. Hereby we present a short retrospective of Sessa Marine models from the beginning until today. . 2 0 0 2 ; 5 2 r e t s y O 55 MODA / FASHION 56 57 ZANIMLJIVE DESTINACIJE / INTERESTING DESTINATIONS Mošcenicka Draga Biser Kvarnera / Pearl of Kvarner 58 Prekrasno ribarsko mjesto, raj za odmor na samo 15 kilometara od Opatije sa jednom od najljepših šljunčanih plaža na Jadranu Beautiful fisherman’s village, paradise for vacation only 15 km from Opatija with one of the most beautiful beaches on Adriatic Ovo tipično ribarsko naselje podno padina planine Učke, u srcu Kvarnera, nastalo je krajem 19. stoljeća kada su se stanovnici obližnjeg grada Mošćenica i okolnih sela polako doselili na obalu zbog ulova ribe. Mošćenička Draga razvila se kao ribarska lučica grada Mošćenica, a sačuvani zapisi datiraju još iz davne 1436. godine u kojima se spominje naselje na „portu poli Sv. Marine“. Dražanski stari grad sa zbijenim kućama i klancima spušta se strmo sve do mora i otvara predivan pogled na morska prostranstva i otoke Cres i Krk, neponovljivu vizuru na Kvarner svakom putniku namjerniku. U njegovom se temelju ulegnula mala simpatična lučica u kojoj su smješteni ribarski brodovi, manje barčice lokalnih ribara, koja u ljetnim mjesecima postaje marina za brodice turista. Samo mjesto broji oko 900 stanovnika koji se uglavnom bave turizmom i ribarstvom. This typical fisherman’s village at the hill-side of National park Ucka, in the hart of Kvarner bay, was established at the end of 19th century when inhabitants of nearby town Mošćenice and other villages of the area moved closer to the sea to start fishing. Mošćenička Draga was the fishing port of the town of Mošćenice. The oldest preserved writings date back to the year 1436 , they mention place “…on the harbour next to St. Marina“. The Old Town with squeezed houses and passages descends to the sea and offers unforgettable view to the open sea, islands of Krk and Cres, and unique Kvarner Bay. In the bottom there is a nice small port for smaller local fishing boats, and during summer it becomes marina for tourists. The place has around 900 inhabitants, that mostly live from tourism and fishing. 59 Ono što je posebno značajno za ovo primorsko mjesto je stoljetna tradicija pomorstva. Ovaj je kraj dao mnoge poznate kapetane i vrijedne mornare, o čemu svjedoče i brojne zavjetne slike koje se nalaze u nekoliko crkvica mošćeničke i brsečke župe. U Mošćeničkoj Dragi nalazi se nekoliko prelijepih šljunčanih plaža od kojih je najveća Sipar, najljepši žal Kvarnera, a možda i cijeloga Jadrana. Duga nekoliko stotina metara stvarala se iz pijeska draškoga potoka koji izvire na obroncima Učke, a njene oblutke isklesali su morski vali. Plaža se nastavlja na jug, prema drugoj iznimno lijepoj plaži Sv. Ivanu do koje možete stići Šetalištem – lungomare koje budi romantiku, a cijelim vas obalnim putem prati šum mora i miris mediteranske vegetacije. Šetajući uz lungomare, možete uživati u mnogim lijepim vilama. Vile u Mošćeničkoj Dragi stare su više od jednog stoljeća i svojom arhitekturom i otmjenim izgledom posebno privlače. Krenite u razgledavanje tih plemenitih palača i osjetite dah slavne prošlosti. 60 The place has a maritime tradition that lasts for hundreds of years. Many known captains and worthy sailors were born here, which is visible from a number of votive paintings that can be found in churches of Mošćenice and Brseč parish. Mošćenička Draga has may pebbly beaches, the largest of them and perhaps the most beautiful in the entire Kvarner Bay is called Sipar. Few hundred meters long, the beach of Mošćenička Draga was gradually formed from the sand coming from the brook of Mošćenička Draga, the spring of which is on the slopes of Učka Mountain, and its pebbles were shaped by sea waves. It spreads towards south and leads to another beautiful beach called St. Ivan. which you can reach by Lungomare walk which evokes romantic feelings. The sound of waves and scent of Mediterranean plants follows you at your way. Walking by the sea you can rest your eyes on lovely villas. Although they are over hundred of years old, their architecture and elegance is eye-catching. Enjoy in sightseeing of these noble palaces and feel the scent of the past. JEKON d.o.o. Kraigherjeva 20 2230 Lenart, Slovenija Tel: 00386 2 729 0130, fax: 00386 2720 6288 e-pošta: [email protected] • zastupanje, proizvodnja i servis ABUS programa, mostnih, konzolnih i portalnih dizalica • proizvodnja i montaža tračnica za kranove Ove godine smo projektovali, proizvodili i montirali dizalice nosivosti 100t, 50t in 25t na objektu u Hočama ukjučno sa kranskom stazom i to je jedan od većih projekata na ovom području DIZALICE ZA SVA RJEŠENJA • visoka kvaliteta i ekonomičnost • savjetovanje kod izbora standardnih i specijlnih izvedbi dizalica • vlastita proizvodnja i projektiranje (suradnja sa njemačkom firmom ABUS) • dugogodišnja iskustva i bogata referentna lista ABUS standardne dizalice • ABUS mostne dizalice nosivosti do 100t • ABUS stropne mostne dizalice • ABUS konzolne dizalice • ABUS inteligentni HB sistemi • ABUS okretne konzolne dizalice • ABUS okretne zidne dizalice • ABUS električne užadne dizalice • ABUS električne lanačne dizalice Konzolna dizalica nosivosti 3,2t sa dužinom ruke od 10m montirano u Ljutomeru Sistem ABUS-ovih mostnih in konzolnih dizalica u Murski Soboti OKUSI MEDITERANA / FLAVOURS OF MEDITERRANEAN Smokva Vladarica Mediterana Fig Empress of Mediterranean Smokva - jedno od najzdravijih voća na svijetu; listopadno drvo koje potječe iz jugoistočne Azije i područja istočnog Mediterana. Spominje se u Babilonskim spisima, a Sumerani su je 2900 koristili u ljekovite svrhe. Već tisućljećima čini dio bogate povijesti, a mnoge legende vezane su uz ovaj sočan plod. Fig - among the healthiest fruit in the world; deciduous tree native to the South-East Asia and East Mediterranean. It was described in Babylonian documents, and Sumerians were using it in their medicine 2900 B.C. For thousands of years it makes part of the history and many legends. U staro doba smokva je bila hrana pustinjaka i sveto drvo mnogih predaja. Prema rimskom vjerovanju pod smokvom su rođeni osnivači Rima Romul i Rem. Budisti smokvu smatraju svetim drvetom, jer je pod krošnjom smokvina drveta Buddha doživio prosvjetljenje. List smokve predstavlja simbol požude, a plod smokve koristi se i u ljubavnim napicima, kao i u seksualnoj magiji. Vjeruje se da smokve donose sreću i štite kockare. Zahvaljujući iznimnoj prilagodbi života na kršu ovo se listopadno stablo vrlo brzo rasprostranilo duž čitavog Sredozemlja , pa tako i duž hrvatske obale. Najpoznatije su tri podvrste smokvi - bijele, crne i crvene. Vanjska boja ploda varira od svijetlozelene, zlatne, smeđe sve do tamnoljubičaste. Cijela je smokva jestiva: od vanjske kožice, do slatkog, crvenog, me- 62 In ancient times, fig was believed to be the hermits’ food and a holy tree. Romans believed that the founders of Rome, Romulus and Remus, were born under a fig tree. In Buddhism we can also find fig under the name of The Bodhi Tree, under which Buddha is said to have achieved enlightenment. The fig leaf is a symbol of lust, while the fig fruit is used for love potions and in sex magic. The common belief is that figs bring luck and protect the gamblers. Thanks to the exceptional adaptability to the limestone, the fig quickly spread over the Mediterranean, Croatian coast included. Most popular sorts are: white, black and red. Colour of the skin can range from light green , gold, brown or purple. The fruit is entirely edible: skin and sweet red flesh core with tiny seeds. Fruit can be eaten fresh or dried. It rips in July or August. Figs are one of the highest plant sources of calcium snatog središnjeg dijela sa sitnim sjemenkama. Plod se jede svjež ili sušen a dozrijeva u srpnju i kolovozu. Svojim se nutritivnim sastavom i ljekovitim svojstvima izdiže iznad mnogih vrsta voća. Bogat je izvor kalcija, željeza, magnezija, vitamina B6 i kalija. Ima nizak sadržaj masnoća ali najviše vlakana među voćem i povrćem. Svježe smokve sadrže do 80% vode sa najvećim sadržajem prirodnih šećera što ih čini izvrsnim izvorom energije i stimulatorom za mozak. Zbog specifičnog okusa, ali i bogate nutritivne vrijednosti smokva je omiljeno voće svih generacija. Dostupna je cijele godine njačešće kao džem, kompot ili fermentirano piće te nesumnjivo predstavlja pravo ljetno osvježenje. Naša preporuka: za potpun užitak opustite se uz pogled na pučinu, lagani povjetarac i zdjelu sočnih svježih smokava. and fiber. Dried figs are richest in fiber, copper, manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium, and vitamin K. Fresh figs contain 80% of water, and the highest percentage of natural sugar, therefore there are believed to be an excellent source of energy and stimulants for the brain. Due to their specific taste, and rich nutritive value, figs are among favorite fruit of all generations. Available throughout the year, mostly as jam or fermented juice, figs can be used as excellent refreshment during summer months. Our recommendation: for the best sense of pleasure, relax watching the open sea, enjoy in light breeze and a bowl of fresh an juicy figs. 63 POPRATILI SMO / WE HAVE SUPPORTED InterAdria SC podržala je ekipu Lions Cluba Lovran na XIV. Lions Cup-u Jedrima protiv droge, Poreč 2012 g. InterAdria SC supported the Lions Club Lovran Team in XIV Lions Cup Jedrima protiv droge Poreč, 2012. U Poreču se 1. i 2. lipnja 2012.g., pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Predsjednika Republike Hrvatske, prof.dr. Ive Josipovića, održao četrnaesti po redu Lions Cup, humanitarna regata pod nazivom „Jedrima protiv droge“. Preko 120 sudionika, članova Lions klubova iz Hrvatske, Slovenije, Italije i Makedonije, iskoristili su ovaj sportski susret za druženje s vjetrom, ali prije svega za prikupljanje novčanih sredstava potrebnih za financiranje aktivnosti namijenjenih suzbijanju ovisnosti o drogama. Na regati je sudjelovao i team Lions Cluba Lovran kojeg je u organizaciji i prikupljanju donacija u ovoj humanitarnoj akciji podržala tvrtka InterAdria SC. 64 Under of the patronage of Ivo Josipović, the President of the Republic of Croatia, XIV Lions Cup humanitarian regattas Jedrima protiv droge took place in Poreč on 1 and 2 June 2012. Over 120 members of Lions clubs from Croatia, Slovenia, Italy and Macedonia, participated in this sport event to enjoy the wind, but in the first place to collect necessary funds for drugs prevention activities. With the support of InterAdria SC, Lions Club Lovran Team also participated in the sail cup, and thereby helped in collection of funds for these humanitarian purposes. „Na svima nama leži velika odgovornost prema mladima i generacijama koje tek ulaze život, stoga sam iznimno ponosan da možemo pomoći ovoj humanoj gesti“ ističe Klaudio Brnečić, direktor tvrtke InterAdria SC i član Lions Cluba. “We should all take the burden of responsibility for young people, for generations that are about to begin their lives, and I am very proud that we are able to help this human gesture” says Klaudio Brnečić, director of InterAdria SC and Lions Club member. Problem ovisnosti o drogama danas je izrazito naglašen, te valja učiniti što je više moguće kako bi se educiralo mlade i pomoglo onima koji su taj pakao nažalost iskusili. The drug addiction issue is dominant now days, and we must do as much as possible to educate young people and help those who have unfortunately already experienced this hell. DOBRO JE ZNATI / GOOD TO KNOW SIGNALI OPASNOSTI DISTRESS SIGNALS Nema sigurne plovidbe bez dobre pripreme kao i poznavanja i poštovanja propisa, ali i svih onih iskustvom stečenih pravila ponašanja na moru. Stoga vam donosimo kratki podsjetnik o slanju signala opasnosti kada ste u plovidbi. There is no safe navigation without good preparation and crucial knowledge of regulations, its respect and also gained experience of all those rules of conduct at sea. We bring you a brief reminder of how to send distress signals while sailing. Signali opasnosti se koriste isključivo kada se plovilo i posada na njemu nalaze u životnoj opasnosti ili kada mu prijeti neka neposredna opasnost. Distress signals must only be used where there is grave and imminent danger to life or to the continued viability of the vessel itself. After a captain proclaims danger other vessels and people on the coast are invited to provide help. Odluku o proglašavanju opasnosti donosi zapovjednik broda/voditelj čamca, nakon čega se traži pomoć drugih plovila ili pak s kopna. Pritom se upotrebljavaju istodobno ili odvojeno sljedeći signali za opasnost: - pucanj iz vatrenog oružja u razmacima od jedne minute; - neprekidan zvuk bilo kojom spravom; - rakete ili baklje crvene boje; - paljenje vatre na brodu; - dimni signali narančaste boje; - polagano dizanje i spuštanje ruku; - signal ‘’SOS’’ (...---...) - tri kratka, tri duga i tri kratka signala, bljeskajućim svijetlom, ogledalom ili zvukom; - odašiljanjem najmanje tri puta za redom riječi ‘’MAY DAY’’, pomoću brodske radio stanice. RADIOTELEFONSKI POSTUPAK U SLUČAJU OPASNOSTI: MAYDAY - znak opasnosti – šalje se samo ako su u opasnosti i brod i ljudi. Takvim situacijama se smatraju: čovjek u moru, požar na brodu, sudar, prodor vode, jako nasukanje ili prestanak rada motora u nevremenu. Ima najveći prioritet u radioprometu. Odluku o slanju signala daje isključivo zapovjednik broda, a daje se svim radio telefonskim stanicama. Signalom ‘’MAY DAY’’ daje se poruka koja mora biti kratka i jasna, a mora sadržati: ime broda ili pozivni znak, poziciju broda, vrstu opasnosti kao i vrstu pomoći koja se traži. Postupak slanja poruke: - MAY DAY 3 x - THIS IS (OVDJE JE) 1 x - MAY DAY ime i pozicija broda u pogibelji - Vrsta pogibelji i kakva se pomoć traži PAN PAN - znak hitnosti - šalje se samo ako su u opasnosti ili brod ili ljudi. Označava da brodska ili obalna radio stanica ima vrlo hitnu poruku u vezi sa sigurnošću plovnog objekta ili osoba na njemu (prestanak rada motora, bolest itd.). Drugi je po prioritetu u radio prometu. SECURITE - znak sigurnosti – emitira obalna radio stanica kada je na bilo koji način ugrožena sigurnost plovidbe (važno navigaciono ili meteorološko upozorenje, npr. pogašeno pomorsko svijetlo, olupina, iznenadna oluja, itd.) Distress can be indicated by any of the following officially sanctioned methods: - Firing a gun or other explosive signal at intervals of about a minute - Making a continuous sound with any fog-signalling apparatus - Burning a red flare (either hand-held or aerial parachute flare) - Showing flames on the vessel (as from a burning tar barrel, oil barrel, etc.) - Emitting orange smoke from a canister - Raising and lowering slowly and repeatedly both arms outstretched to each side - Sending the Morse code group SOS by light flashes or sounds -Transmitting a Mayday message by radio . The call is always given three times in a row. RADIO TRANSMISSION OF DISTRESS SIGNALS MAYDAY call is made by one vessel on behalf of a different vessel which is in distress. If a vessel makes a Mayday call and it is not acknowledged by the coastguard after a single repetition and a two-minute wait, then a vessel receiving the Mayday call should attempt to contact the coastguard on behalf of the Mayday vessel by broadcasting a Mayday relay. Say slowly and clearly: • “Mayday, Mayday, Mayday” • “This is (name of vessel)” [spoken three times] • “Mayday” • Your vessel’s name, call sign and MMSI number [spoken once] • Your position • The nature of distress [for example, “the boat is sinking”] • Immediate assistance required • How many people are on board • Any other information • “Over” PAN-PAN indicates an urgent situation of a lower order than a “grave and imminent threat requiring immediate assistance”, such as a mechanical breakdown or a medical problem. SECURITE indicates a message about safety. The most common use of this is by coast radio stations before the broadcast of navigational warnings and meteorological information 65 NAUTIČKE INFORMACIJE / NAUTICAL INFORMATIONS MEĐUNARODNI SIGNALNI KODEKS / INTERNATIONAL CODE OF SIGNS Slovo / Character 66 Čitanje / Reading Morzeov kod / Morse code A ALPHA B BRAVO C CHARLIE D DELTA E ECHO F FOXTROT G GOLF H HOTEL I INDIA J JULIETT K KILO L LIMA M MIKE N NOVEMBER O OSCAR P PAPA Q QUEBEC R ROMEO S SIERRA T TANGO U UNIFORM V VICTOR W WHISKEY X X RAY Y YANKEE Z ZULU 0 ZERO 1 ONE 2 TWO 3 THREE 4 FOUR 5 FIVE 6 SIX 7 SEVEN 8 EIGHT 9 NINE • -••• -•-• -•• • ••-• --• •••• •• •---••-•• --• --•--• --••-• ••• ••••••--••-•---•• ----•---••--•••-••••••••• -•••• --••• ---•• ----• 68
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