PriČa o izgubljenim igraČkama

The Story of
Lost Toys
by Australian and
Croatian children
PriČa o izgubljenim
This book belongs to
June 2010
The Story of
Lost Toys
by Australian and
Croatian children
PriČa o izgubljenim
The Story
This book was created by 4-5year old children with their teachers at
The University of Melbourne’s Early Learning Centre, during a crosscultural exchange project with Pcelica Kindergarten in Zagreb,
Croatia. The project’s goal was to encourage understanding of
other cultures through the exchange of letters, drawings, personal
stories, photographs as well as ecological and cultural features
and symbols of the other country. The eight month cross-cultural
exchange involved 41 children and resulted in an art exhibition in
Croatia and the publication, in dual languages, of two stories.
“Traps of the Square-looking Forest” was written by children at
The Early Learning Centre and illustrated by children at Pcelica
Kindergarten. This story was created in response to “Weaving
Around the Traps”, an art exhibition, by Aboriginal artists from
the Northern Territory. “The Story of Lost Toys” was written by the
children in Croatia and illustrated by the children in Australia. This
story was inspired by some of the characters in “Stribor’s Forest” by
Ivana Brlic Mazuranic.
This book is dedicated to the children and teachers of both
countries who enthusiastically embraced this cross-cultural project.
We wish to acknowledge the Aboriginal artist Lena Yarinkura, from
Ngukurr in South East Arnhem Land, Northern Territory whose symbols
and knowledge served as a framework for “Traps of the Squarelooking Forest” and Ivana Brlic Mazuranic for her original story, which
served as inspiration for this book, “The Story of Lost Toys”.
PriČa o Izgubljen
of Lost Toys
Ova je slikovnica, djelo grupe djece u dobi od 4 – 5 godina u suradnji sa
uČiteljima iz Centra za rani djeČji razvoj pri SveuČilištu Melbourne, nastala
tijekom interkultularne razmjene s djecom iz DjeČjeg vrtića ‘PČelica’ u
Zagrebu. Projekt je imao za cilj potaknuti razumijevanje djece o drugim
kulturama kroz razmjenu pisama, crteža, osobnih priČa, fotografija, kao i
ekoloških i kulturoloških artibuta i simbola druge zemlje.
Tijekom osam mjeseci razmjene koja je ukljuČila dvije grupe predškolske
djece (41), projekt jezavršio izložbom djeČjih radova u Zagrebu, Hrvatska i
publikacijom dvije slikovnice.
Djeca iz DjeČjeg vrtića ‘PČelica’ oslikala su priČu ‘Zamke Četvrtaste
šume’ koju su napisala djeca iz Australije, nadahnuta izložbom grupe
aboridžinskih umjetnika iz Sjevernog Teritorija, pod nazivom ‘Istkane
zamke’. Australska djeca oslikala su bajku ‘PriČa o izgubljenim igraČkama’
koju su napisala djeca iz Hrvatske, nadahnuta likovima Ivane Brlić
Mazuranić i njene dobro znane bajke ‘Šuma Striborova”.
Ova je slikovnica posvećena djeci i uČiteljima iz Hrvatske i Australije, koji
su sa entuzijazmom prigrlili ovaj interkulturalni projekt. Ovim putem želimo
se zahvaliti Leni Yarinkura, umjetnici aboridžinskog porijekla iz Ngukurra,
Sjeverni australski teritorij, Čiji su simboli i znanje poslužili kao okvir za priČu
‘Zamke Četvrtaste šume’, te djelu i uspomeni Ivane Brlić Mažuranić i njenoj
originalnoj bajci koja je nadahnula ‘PriČu o izgubljenim igraČkama’.
nim IgraČkama
In the Maksimir fores
magic oak tree. It is
In the Maksimir forest hides the oldest, magic
Oak tree. It is called Stribor.
st hides the oldest,
called Stribor.
U maksimirskoj šumi krije se Čarobno i najstarije
stablo hrasta. Zove se Stribor.
It hides many secrets, and the biggest one of
them all is the Silkies (Domachi Svilenci); good
forest spirits that hide in its holes.
Ono krije mnoge tajne, a najveća je da u
skrivenim rupicama u drvetu žive Domaći
They are tiny beings. They wear tiny red and
purple hats.
To su mala bića sa crvenim i ljubiČastim
In the forest there is a Zoo and the big lake
where ducks and swans glide. They like
being friends with Silkies, especially with Malik
Tintilinich, who is very kind.
U šumi se nalazi zološki vrt sa životinjama i veliko
jezero gdje plivaju patke i labudovi. Oni se
vole družiti sa Domaćima, a posebno Malikom
Tintilinićem, koji je jako dobar.
He is the smallest of all the Silkies, smaller than
the squirrels. Malik Tintilinich secretly watches
children who play in the forest.
On je najmanji od svih domaćih, pa Čak i od
vjeverica, pa poskriveČki promatra djecu koja
se igraju u šumi.
He has got the power to see everything in the
forest, even all the toys lost by the children. He
knows that lost toys make children feel sad.
Ima moć da vidi sve u šumi, a posebno kad
djeca izgube svoje igraČke. Zna da su djeca
onda tužna i plaČu za njima.
Malik Tintilinich gathers them and collects them
and he puts them in a hole under the big Oak
tree. He repairs them with his special tools.
A on ih skuplja i stavlja ih u rupu ispod stabla. I
popravlja ih svojim posebnim alatom.
And then, when the night comes, Malik
Tintilinich takes them back on the wings of a
dove and he puts them under the children’s
A onda ih noću, dok djeca spavaju, nosi
u krevete ili ispod kreveta djece na krilima
He can appear wherever he wishes. Other
Silkies help him because they like seeing happy
On može doći gdje god zaželi. Pomažu mu i
drugi Domaći jer vole sretnu djecu.
That is why Maksimir forest is the happiest forest
for the children from Zagreb...
Zato je maksimirski park najsretniji park za
zagrebaČku djecu...
...where the toys can’t get lost forever;
...where the Silkies always watch and;
...where Malik Tintilinich plays on his flute
in the Pavilion of Echo.
...gdje se igraČke ne mogu zauvijek izgubiti;
...jer Domaći Svilenci uvijek gledaju;
...a Malik Tintilinić noću svira na fruli u Paviljonu
He plays a tune that can be heard in a whisper
of the wind...if one listens carefully.
On svira melodiju koju se može Čuti i u šumu
vjetra...ako se pažljivo sluša.
In our forest the old Oak Stribor sways to that
music and sings....
U našoj šumi Stribor se uz te zvukove njiše i
31 sings a lullaby to all the children and animals
that can’t go to sleep in the Maksimir Forest.
...pjeva uspavanku djeci i svim životinjama koje
u maksimirskoj šumi ne mogu usnuti.
The participating children and teachers from The
University of Melbourne’s Early Learning Centre,
Abbotsford, Australia are;
Finn Agosta
Tarquin Charlwood
Luka Craven
Shaan Danaro-Singh
Henry Davis
Jessica Dehne
Tristan Duffin
Marnie Florence-McNeil
Felix Hughes
Luca Miller
Vu Nguyen
Anika Pandy
Oscar Pardy-Wilson
Benjamin Phan
Edith Pope
Oliver Robertson
Miette Salinas-Byrne
Ting Ting Tan
Alice Ward
Emma Ward
Joshua Ward
Suzana Klarin-Zaper
Isabel Puga
Jan Deans - Director
Autori priČe su djeca iz vrtića ‘PČelica’Zagreb,
Iva Ajduković
Jana Ajduković
Ema Bakota
Marinko Begić
Barbara Bjeliš
Lea Bubalo
Romano ćosić
Lucija Detoni
Ana Grgurević
Korina Holjevac
Josip Ivković
Petra Ivković
Petar Jolić
Marko Pongrac
Karlo štefanek
Patricija Surić
Tvrtko Tomić
Edona Vuciterna
Maja Zelenić
Ivan Gabrijel ZapČić
Dijana Nazor
Blaženka Čukelj
Vesna Mateša - Direktor
This book was created by 4-5year old children with their teachers
at The University of Melbourne’s Early Learning Centre, during
a cross-cultural exchange project with Pcelica Kindergarten
in Zagreb, Croatia. The project encouraged understanding
of other cultures through the exchange of letters, drawings,
personal stories, photographs as well as ecological and
cultural features and symbols of the other country. The eight
month project involved 41 children and resulted in a children’s
art exhibition in Zagreb and the publication of “Traps of the
Square-Looking Forest” in Croatia and “The Story of Lost Toys” in
Australia. Both stories have been published in dual languages
and exchanged with the children of each country.
Ova je slikovnica, djelo grupe djeČe u dobi od 4 – 5 godina u suradnji
sa uČiteljima iz Centra za rani djecji razvoj pri Sveucilistu Melbourne,
nastala tijekom interkultularne razmjene s djecom iz DjeČjeg vrtića
‘Pcelica’ u Zagrebu. Projekt je imao za cilj potaknuti razumijevanje
djece o drugim kulturama kroz razmjenu pisama, crteža, osobnih
priČa, fotografija, kao i ekoloških i kulturoloških artibuta i simbola druge
zemlje. Tijekom osam mjeseci, projekt je ukljuČio ukupno 41 dijete
predškolske dobi, a završio je izložbom djeČjih radova u Zagrebu;
publikacijom slikovnice “Zamke Četvrtaste šume” u Hrvatskoj,
te “PriČe o izgubljenim igraČkama” u Australiji. Obje slikovnice
štampane su na oba jezika i razmijenjene sa djecom iz obje
Early Learning Ce ntre
ISBN: 978-0-9804 6008-7
June 2010