Danas Concert, guests, ENDLESS PRAISE group, Meal afterwords... Saturday, April 12th at 7PM New book PRESENTATION, Tuge Tarle, Croatians in diaspora, Meal afterwords. Friday to Sunday, April 2nd to 4th Lecturers, Pr Neven Klačmer from Croatia Meal afterwords (Saturday, Sunday) Wednesdays from August at 7PM Special outhreach programs with guest speakers, we will anounce the topics ASAP... Youth Evangelism from September, our youth will be the speakers. Garage Sale and meal for poor ASAP. Petak 19.19 19.10 Today Friday Kršćanska adventistička crkva St.Albans Croatian Seventh-day Adventist Church St.Albans 3 West Esplanade; St.Albans, Vic. 3021 Tel. 9310 8344 www.adventpress.com/stalbans 2012-2014 8 GUEST FROM CROATIA IN JINDABYNEU 2014 Starješine (Elders): Mladen BORKOVIĆ............. 0412 545 611 Nena ROGULIĆ................... 0407 367 885 Tajnik (Church Secretary): Sandy ROGULIĆ................. 0412 077 846 Rizničarka (Treasurer): Tihomir LEVATIĆ................. 0414 748 981 Prva đakonica (Head Deaconess): Ankica MANCE.................... 0401 242 885 Vođa misionstva (Personal Min. Lea.): Roman PRESEČAN............0425 754 101 Vođa subotnje škole (Sabb. Sch.Lea.): Boba POSAVAC..................0401 919 815 Vođa mladeži (Youth Leader): Marko LEVATIĆ................... 0407 809 580 Tajnik za komunikacije (Communic. Sec): Mladen KUKOLJA................ 0412 355 652 Tajnik za samarićanstvo (ADCARe): Željko Kajfeš........................ 0419 491 355 Pastor: Damir POSAVAC 9331 6155 0432 593 299 [email protected] ST.ALBANS INFO editor: Mladen Kukolja Ako ste u mogućnosti šaljite obavijesti na sljedeću email adresu, do četvrtka navečer: [email protected] Designed by: Mladen Kukolja © Copyright 2014 St.Albans Prvi đakon (Senior Deacon): Last modification: March 28, 2014 4:54 PM Colour print sponsored by MK Digital World Martha KAJFEŠ................... 0411 187 874 Pastor Neven Klacmer, Adriatic Union Secretary will be guest speaker for the Easter in Jindabyne and he will be at our church at beginig of May. PASTORI – GUEST SPEAKERS IN NEXT SEVERAL MONTHS We have confirmed our pastors guest speakers for next several months; Pr Branimir Schubert, Pr Rome Ulia, Pr Neven Klacmer, Pr Greame Christian, Pr Boris Soldat, Pr Nikola Trajkov, Nikola Kapuši. 8 HALL FOR HIRE NEW St Albans Croatian Church has a new community hall (seats up to 120) plus modern kitchen available for hire. Next to St Albans railway station and ample parking available. Suitable for seminars, classes, parties, weddings. For further information please call Martha 0411 187 874 or email [email protected] 8 IT IS WRITTEN OCEANIA COMPETITION NEW Make a short video or write a script for It Is Written Oceania TV. It Is Written Oceania is a deeply spiritual Seventh-day Adventist ministry with a passion for communicating the Gospel to the world. Funded entirely by donations, it is Australia’s No.1 Bible television program on mainstream TV Channel 7 and Channel 10 Sunday mornings (also showing on ACC and HOPE Channel). Film producers and scriptwriters are invited to “make a video, or write a script.” Details at http://www.itiswrittenoceania.co/ competitions 8 WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP TRAINING PROGRAM THIS WEEKEND For all Women in Leadership, the Women’s Ministries Department is running its Level 1 Leadership Training Program. This year we will be running two levels. Level 1 in March and Level 2 in October. If you would like to attend Level 1 in March, on the weekend of 29th & 30th, The cost of this Training Program is $30, materials & two meals (Saturday dinner & Sunday Lunch) Please RSVP to Tanya via phone (03) 9264 7723 or via email [email protected] 17. SABOR HRVATSKIH ADVENTISTA AUSTRALIJE, JINDABYNE 18.-21. TRAVNJA 2014. Hrvatske adventističke crkve iz Melbournea, Sydneya i Brisbanea, okupit će se na još jednom Saboru dolazećeg Uskrsa. Gost govornik iz Jadranske unije bit će pastor Neven Klačmer, a za mladež program priprema pastor Hayden Petersen. Molimo vas da što prije potražite prijavnicu kod Mladena Kukolje. KR[]ANSKA ADVENTISTI^KA CRKVA ST.ALBANS 29.03.2014. 9.30 SUBOTNJA ŠKOLA - Sabbath School Vodi (Coordinator):........... Ana Maria Levatić 11.00 GLAVNO BOGOSLUŽJE - Main Service Vodi (Coordinator):.................... Nena Rogulić Propovjed (Sermon):......... Pr Damir Posavac Speak Words of Life and Health e-devotion ‘Gentle words cause life and health...’ Proverbs 15:4 TLB James writes, ‘If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless.’ (James 1:26 NIV) The poet wrote, ‘Oh I say the things that I never should, just want to be heard or I never would. Talk on and on and know it’s wrong; the trouble is, my tongue’s too long.’ So how can you control your tongue’s negative propensity? Engage it positively. How? (1) Be an encourager! ‘Gentle words cause life and health.’ Your words can help a hopeless person keep on living and motivate a sick loved one to fight illness and become whole. Encouragers are God’s frontline against defeat, despair and depression! (2) Speak the truth in love. Saying what needs to be heard is often hard, but being a friend requires saying difficult things. ‘Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.’ (Proverbs 27:6 NLT) Truth spoken in love can release people from their delusions, misperceptions and inflexibility to live free, productive lives. (John 8:32) (3) Ask God for the right words. ‘The lips of the righteous bring forth what is acceptable...’ (Proverbs 10:32 NAS) How do you know what words the hearer will accept? Let God be your guide. (4) Make your words life-giving. ‘The teaching of the wise is a fountain of life, turning a man from the snares of death.’ (Proverbs 13:14 NIV) The people you meet need words that turn them from spiritual death to eternal life. So today, speak words of life and health. Reflection: Is 22-25, John 6:52-71, Ps 127, Pr 27:25-27 Senior Pastor & Chaplain Gilson College Community Church/Gilson College of Seventh-day Adventist Church Kršćanska adventistička crkva - St.Albans - Croatian Seventh-day Adventist Church Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3 West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans Srdačno pozdravljamo danas naše goste, kao i sve vjernike naše crkve! nakon kojeg će se baviti društvenim i sportskim aktivnostima. Početak programa je u utorak u 19 sati. Dobro došli! S KITCHEN GROUPS S BUS ZA JINDABYNE S SRDAČANA DOBRODOŠLICA GOSTIMA Group 3 on duty 5th April - Saturday night Endless Praise Concert Group 1 on duty 12th April - Saturday night Croatian Bookpresentation If any of the people in the groups are NOT available to let their leaders know as soon as possible. Also if people have name badges they received for hall opening to bring them to church and give to Ankica Mance so we can keep them all in one spot. S CRKVENA PISMA Zahtjev za ispisnicu pristigao je iz Rumunjske etničke crkve gdje želi prijeći sestra Kornelija Appopei, a stiglo je i crkveno pismo za brata Marijana Medlobia iz Macedon Rangers Company za njegov povratak u crkvu St Albans. Danas izglasavamo njihove transfere. Pastor će biti vozač autobusa za putovanje na Sabor u Jindabyne. Cijena povratne karte je $70. Mole se svi potencijalni putnici da se prijave pastoru ili Mladenu Kukolji. S IZNAMLJIVANJE NOVE DVORANE Crkveni odbor načinio je cijene za najam nove dvorane... Za naše vjernike i druge adventiste imamo poseban popust. Brigu o rezervaciji dvorane vodit će Martha Kajefeš, a pomagat će joj Željko Kajfeš, Saša Ivanović i pastor Posavac. Imamo i prve korisnike na šest mjeseci (utorkom i četvrtkom) u maloj dvorani crkve gdje se održavca učenje engleskog jezika - Migrant center. S PASTORI - GOSTI GOVORNICI U NAREDNOM RAZDOBLJU Uspjeli smo dogovoriti goste S SMJEŠTAJ ČLANOVA GRUPE ENDLESS PRAISE Molimo potencijalne domaćine da nam pomognete smjestiti na jednu noć (subota) članove skupine koja održava koncert sljedeće subote. Imamo četiri djevojke, dva mladića i jedan bračni par. Javite vašu ponudu pastoru. Puno hvala za vaše gostoprimstvo! S SASTANAK MLADEŽI UTORKOM Svi mladi pozvani su na duhovno druženje Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3KR[]ANSKA West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans ADVENTISTI^KA CRKVA ST.ALBANS Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3 West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans Raspored propovijedanja (Sermons in St.Albans Church) govornike za narednih nekoliko mejseci tako će u našoj sredini biti; Pr Branimir Schubert, Pr Rome Ulia, Pr Neven Klačmer, Pr Greame Christian, Pr Boris Soldat, Pr Nikola Trajkov, Pr Andrija Kapuši. S MISIONSKI PROGRAMI U DRUGOM DJELU GODINE Misionski odbor razrađuje plan aktivnosti za naredno razdoblje te očekujemo nove oblike kontakt i duhovnih programa u novoj višenamjenskoj dvorani, posebice posvećenih mladeži. Za ovu potporu rada s mladima Odbor crkve u suglasnosti s konferencijom, angažirao je Samuela Presečana za biblijski rad i pripomoć u duhovnim druženjima naše omladine. Prvi programi: • Ponedjeljkom u 19 sati Fitnes Classes u novoj dvorani, za članarinu i materijale javiti se Blaženki Borković • Subota, 5. travnja. u 19 sati USKRŠNJI KONCERT, gosti - sastav Endless Praise i zajednički DOMJENAK • Subota, 12. travnja u 19 sati PREZENTACIJA KNJIGE Tuge Tarle, Hrvatski iseljenički duhopis i zajednički DOMJENAK • Petak, subota i nedjelja, 2.-4. svibnja u 19 sati PREDAVANJA gosta iz Hrvatske, pastora Nevena Klačmera uz DOMJENAK (subota, nedjelja) • Srijedom od kolovoza, u 19 sati, NIZ PREDAVANJA na engleskom za užu multikulturalnu zajednicu St Albansa, gosti govornici pastori iz naše konferencije • Vikendom od rujna, EVANGELIZACIJA MLADEŽI, govornici mladi iz naše crkve • Uskoro OBJED za siromašne nedjeljom te Garage Sale jednom u dva mjeseca. 8WELCOME w29.03....... Pr Damir Posavac w5.04.............. Pr Rome Ulia We wish you all very warm welcome to St Albans SDA Church. w12.04....... Pr Damir Posavac 8 CHURCH LETTERS w26.04........Samuel Presečan w19.04....Slobodan Dragičević We have got a request for the Church letter from Romanian SDA church for sister Cornelia APOPEI, and another leeter is coming in for brother Marijan MEDLOBI to become our member at St Albans church. We are voting for those transfers today. w3.05....... Pr Neven Klačemer 8 ACCOMODATION FOR OUR GUESTS NEXT SATURDAY – ENDLESS PRAISE w14.06....... Pr Nikola Trajkov If you can be the host for one night (Saturday) just tell to our pastor. We need to accomodate four girls, two boys and one couple. Thank you for your hospitality! w10.05....... Pr Damir Posavac w17.05............ Nena Rogulić w24.05....Pr Graeme Christian w31.05........ Roman Presečan w7.06........... Tihomir Levatić w21.06.......... Pr Boris Soldat w28.06..........Mladen Kukolja 8 YOUTH MEETTING - TUESDAYS All youth welcome this coming Tuesday for their first program (short spiritual and then social and sport). Starts in our new hall at 7PM. 8 BUS TO JINDABYNE Pastor will be the bus driver for our trip to Jindabyne. All who want to travel with the bus – return ticket is $70. For more info ask Mladen Kukolja or pastor Posavac. 8 NEW HALL RENTING OPTIONS Our Church board made the PRICE LIST for posiblle rentting of the new multipurpose Church Hall. Our members will have special discounts… For more info ask the Church Treasure Martha Kajfes, but the support for renting will be Zeljko Kajfes, Sasa Ivanovic and local pastor as well. 8 OUTHREACH PROGRAMS IN NEXT SEVERAL MONTHS Every MONDAY at 7PM Fitns Classes in our new hall. For more Info, Blazenka Borkovic Saturday, April 5th at 7PM Easter Bulletin of the St.Albans Seventh-day Adventist Church - 3 West Esplanade, St. Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans Programe naše crkve možete pratiti uživo ili u vrijeme koje vama odgovara. Link za prijenos se nalazi na crkvenoj web stranici: www.adventpress.com/stalbans Dragovoljni prilozi - DANAS (Offerings - TODAY): Local Church Budget SRETAN ROĐENDAN Ivica Huber Casey Kukolja 27.03. 28.03.
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