Danas Petak nia Brown on 9877 3555 or sbrown@ ncc.adventist.edu.au to enquire and ask for an enrolment form to be sent out. If you have already paid fees in advance to your current Kinder, NCC will credit that cost against term one at NCC-ELC. 20.37 20.41 Today Friday Kršćanska adventistička crkva St.Albans 8 HEALTH MINISTRY TRAINING COURSE TO COMMENCE AGAIN IN FEBRUARY 2015 (22144VIC CERTIFICATE IV IN PRESENTING COMMUNITY HEALTH EDUCATION PROGRAMS) Croatian Seventh-day Adventist Church St.Albans 3 West Esplanade; St.Albans, Vic. 3021 Tel. 9310 8344 www.adventpress.com/stalbans 2014-2016 Starješine (Elders): Željko Kajfeš........................ 0419 491 355 Nena ROGULIĆ................... 0407 367 885 Mihael LEVATIĆ................... 0405 101 575 Prvi đakon (Senior Deacon): Mladen BORKOVIĆ............. 0412 545 611 Prva đakonica (Head Deaconess): Maja LEVATIĆ...................... 0405 507 623 Vođa misionstva (Personal Min. Lea.): Marko LEVATIĆ................... 0407 809 580 Vođa subotnje škole (Sabb. Sch.Lea.): Roman PRESEČAN............0425 754 101 Vođa mladeži (Youth Leader): Yasmin Haley....................... 0409 935 011 Tajnik (Church Secretary): Mladen KUKOLJA................ 0412 355 652 Pastor: Damir POSAVAC 9331 6155 0432 593 299 [email protected] ST.ALBANS INFO editor: Mladen Kukolja Šaljite obavijesti na sljedeću email adresu, do srijede navečer: [email protected] Designed by: Mladen Kukolja © Copyright 2014 St.Albans Martha KAJFEŠ................... 0411 187 874 Last modification: December 12, 2014 3:22 PM Colour print sponsored by MK Digital World Rizničarka (Treasurer): We have just graduated 16 people who have completed the Health Ministry training course. If this course is of interest to you or your friends may I encourage you to make a booking as soon as possible please. In Melbourne the next training course will start at the Victorian Conference Office Sunday 22nd of February 2015. Please email, or ring for an information pack which contains course details, a registration form, and two pre-course study units, one Bible based, and the other on the Ministry of Healing. Email: Tanya Karaoglanis ([email protected]) Email: Sibilla Johnson [email protected] Note, the class is limited to 15 people. Phone: 03 9264 7777 8 CHIP SUMMIT 2015 Dr Neil Nedley, the author of the Depression Recovery Program, that he will be a speaker at the CHIP Summit in February 13-15, 2015. CHIP will provide churches the resources they need to make a positive difference in their community. CHIP does this really well and the Depression Recovery Program provides another valuable resource for the local church. The CHIP Summit will be run- KR[]ANSKA ADVENTISTI^KA CRKVA ST.ALBANS ning from Friday evening through to Sunday lunchtime, February 13-15 and this will be followed by concurrent Facilitators Training for CHIP and Depression Recovery from lunchtime Sunday through till Monday evening. To book in for the CHIP Summit and the CHIP Facilitators Training go to http://adventistchip.com/facilitate-chip/aus-summit/. 8 HAPPY HANDS HELPERS NEEDED Happy Hands Art Time is an exciting program for young families with children aged 1-5 years old and is designed to engage the local community with our church and schools. We are looking for helpers for this program at Gilson College Taylors Hill & Mernda in 2015. If you would like to join our team please contact Fiona Thomas at ASV on 9264 7730. You can visit the Happy Hands website at www.happyhandsart.com for more information. 8 JOYFUL SINGERS CHILDREN’S SINGING CROUP Parents, if your children (up to age 12) would like to learn how to sing, and use their voice in worship, please come and join us at “Joyful Singers”. We meet at Dandenong Polish Church (100 James Street, Dandenong) every Wednesday 6:30pm to 7:30pm during each school term. We have 2 teachers: Jola Mielczarek & Helena Bernow, and children from various nationalities singing with us. Our atmosphere is enjoyable & uplifting, seeking to help each child develop their voice, singing abilities and servitude to honour God. Please call Jola on 0413 885 383 if you have any queries. 8 NUNAWADING CHURCH Are now worshipping in the Nunawading School Hall whilst their church is being rebuilt. Sabbath School begins at 10am and Divine Worship begins at 11.15am. Please contact Pr Brian Lawty at brianlawty@ adventist.org.au for any queries on this issue. 13.12.2014. 9.30 SUBOTNJA ŠKOLA - Sabbath School Vodi (Coordinator):.......................................... ? 11.00 GLAVNO BOGOSLUŽJE - Main Service Vodi (Coordinator):.......................................... ? Propovjed (Sermon):.................... Pr Rome Ulia S SRDAČANA DOBRODOŠLICA GOSTIMA Dobro došli i ove subote na naše zajedničko Bogoslužje! Neka nad svima počiva poseban blagos l o v ! . Po s e b n a dobrodošlica našoj gošći Elizabeti Abramović koja nam je sretno stigla jučer ujutro iz Hrvatske. S PARKIRANJE U CRKVENOM DVORIŠTU Tijekom zadnje redovite odborske sjednice, odbor crkve St.Albans je donio odluku o NE parkiranju u crkvenom dvorištu. Odluka o NE parkiranju odnosi se na sva prijepodnevna bogoslužja te na veće programe tijekom poslijepodnevnih sati, poput koncerata i sličnih programa. Samo oni koji imaju znak invalida mogu stati na travnjak u dvorištu sa strane crkvene dvorane te vozila koja dostavljaju opremu za crkvu. S BOŽIĆNI KONCERT - DANAS Tradicionalni Božićni koncert biti će održan danas u 19 sati. Pored nastupa crkvenog zbora veći dio koncerta bit će popunjen solo izvedbama vokalistice Elizabete Abramović, gošće iz Zagreba. Nakon programa priprema se domjenak u novoj višenamjenskoj dvorani te ste svi dobro došli! Podsjetnik svim članovima crkve da donesu FINGER FOOD ONLY. Donesite i slatku i slanu hranu. Hrana treba biti odrezna do veličine prigodne za posluživanje. S SVETA VEČERA POSLJEDNJE SUBOTE U 2014. GODINI Obred Gospodnje večere obavit će se u subotu, 27.12. s početkom u 11.15 sati. Kršćanska adventistička crkva - St.Albans - Croatian Seventh-day Adventist Church Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3 West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans malu dvoranu crkve na zajedničku molitvu u 9.30! S OBRED BIBLIJSKOG KRŠTENJA Sljedeće sugote (20.12.14.) u 11 sati radujemo se još jednom Obredu krštenja koncem ove kalendarske godine! Očekujemo dva mladića iz naše sredine za koje upućujemo naše molitve Bogu! 8WELCOME All welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 PARKING FOR OUR CARS – NOOT IN THE CHURCH FRONT YARD Elizabeta Abramović, gošća iz Hrvatske nastupa na večerašnjem Božićnom koncertul. S DRUGI DIO JURANJEG PROGRAMA U 11.15 SATI Crkveni odbor donio je zaključak da Drugi dio Bogoslužja s propovijedi počinje u 11.15 sati, a svi oni koji uzimaju učešća zamoljeni su za kratka izlaganja jer propovijed je uvijek imala središnje mjesto pa želimo da se tako i nastavi. Slično se potrudimo u u Subotnjoj školi jer duža izlagaja poput malih propovijedi (15 do 20 minuta) ne uklapaju se u jutarnji dio programa. S MOLITVENI SAT SRIJEDOM PONOVNO NAKON LJETA Molitva za sve nas, kao i ostale potrebe, ostaje ideal za okupljanje po domovima. Dvije molitvene skupine to čine mjesecima, a nadamo se osnivanju novih. Do konca ljeta neće biti MOLITVENIH okupljanja srijedom u crkvi. Svima kojima nedostaje skupna molitva pozvani su subotom ujutro u All visitors and church members – can you please do not park your cars in the church front yard. Only people with disability can park beside the church on the grass. Thank you for your cooperation! 8 CHURCH TIME AT 11.15 Main Service will star at 11.15am and all leaders and other who take part of the program, please, do not make long presentation (15 to 20 min). Simular request is for leaders in Sabbath School as well. 8 CHRISTMAS CONCERT - TODAY Christmas Concert at St Albans Church (Church Choir & Solo Vocal Ella Abramovic-Brechelmacher, guest from Croatia. Songs in Croatian and English...). Meal will be provided after the program. All welcome TODAY at 7PM! Reminding all church members to bring finger food only both sweet and savoury for our Christmas concert on Saturday night 13th December. The food needs to be already cut up in bite size pieces ready for serving. Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3KR[]ANSKA West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans ADVENTISTI^KA CRKVA ST.ALBANS Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3 West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans 8 ASVAC 2015 – REGISTRATIONS OPEN NEW Adventist Schools Victoria Annual Conference (ASVAC) will be held 20th & 21st January 2015. All those in the teaching profession are welcome to attend. The cost is $180 - or $100 should you wish to attend one day only – and is tax deductible. If you would like to register or know more about this event please contact Fiona Thomas at [email protected] or phone 03 9264 7730. 8 GOSPEL CONCERT AT SEDDON CHURCH NEW Contemporary gospel music concert featuring the vocals of Ella Abramovic (visiting artist from Zagreb, Croatia) Date: Saturday, 27th December 2014 Time: 7 pm Address: Seddon SDA Church, 4-10 Mackay st, Seddon, VIC 3011 Free entry Join us for a night of music and praise as we celebrate Gods leading over the past year. Light dinner refreshments will be served at the hall following the concert. 8 BIG CAMP 2-5 APRIL 2015 Applications in Churches from today in some and from next week in all churches. If your church does not have them by 13 December Call Cveta On Line bookings available from 6th December Plan to be there – put it in your diary so that you don’t forget! 8 ADRA PROJECT - VIVE CAFÉ CHRISTMAS PARTY Vive Cafe is a community meals program in Croydon where the mission is to serve those disadvantaged in our community. Most of all however we seek to provide a place where everyone, especially those that are disadvantaged and isolated from the community, feels welcome, accepted and loved for who they are. For many its their major source of connection all week!! This year we are running our Christmas party on the 25th of December, something we haven’t done for a couple of years!! We expect it to be a big night of food, gifts, carols and a jolly atmosphere….our guests are already getting excited! To make this happened however we could really use some help on both the day and leading up to the event. Please contact Karina Dobra on 0431966802 or vive.cafe@ hotmail.com to enquire further. 8 ROAD TO BETHLEHEM WELCOMES YOUR SUPPORT! Why not serve God in a meaningful way this Christmas time and volunteer for Road to Bethlehem! You too can experience the blessings of being part of an incredible committed team working to make the 20th year celebration of this amazing ministry, an occasion to remember These are the days we need you! PACK UP days Sunday 14th of December 8.00am – 2.00pm A roster is available for those who want to help but have limited time to invest. All help is greatly appreciated!! To volunteer contact Simone Mifsud on 0413171916 or Moe Stiles on 0423793466; alternatively you may contact us via email at rtbvic@ gmail.com 8 NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE’S NEW EARLY LEARNING CENTRE Nunawading Christian College is looking forward to opening its doors to their new Early Learning Centre on the 27th January 2015. Whether you are looking for Long Day Care or a 3 - 4yr Old Kinder Program please contact So- Bulletin of the St.Albans Seventh-day Adventist Church - 3 West Esplanade, St. Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans Raspored propovijedanja (Sermons in St.Albans Church) w13.12............ Pr Rome Ulia w20.12....... Pr Damir Posavac w27.12....... Pr Damir Posavac SVETA VEČERA Programe naše crkve možete pratiti uživo ili u vrijeme koje vama odgovara. Link za prijenos se nalazi na crkvenoj web stranici: www.adventpress.com/stalbans Dragovoljni prilozi - DANAS (Offerings - TODAY): Conference New Church Building SRETAN ROĐENDAN Miroslav Sajdl 11.12.
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