Danas Petak Information session starts at 2:00 pm - “Discovery From Forensic Laboratory.” Please plan to attend. Healthy afternoon snacks will be served after the information session. Gold coin donation will be appreciated. Spotswood Church, 6 Robert Street, Spotswood. 20.24 20.30 Today Friday Kršćanska adventistička crkva St.Albans Croatian Seventh-day Adventist Church St.Albans 8 CHIP SUMMIT 2015 3 West Esplanade; St.Albans, Vic. 3021 Tel. 9310 8344 www.adventpress.com/stalbans 2014-2016 Starješine (Elders): Željko Kajfeš........................ 0419 491 355 Nena ROGULIĆ................... 0407 367 885 Mihael LEVATIĆ................... 0405 101 575 Prvi đakon (Senior Deacon): Mladen BORKOVIĆ............. 0412 545 611 Prva đakonica (Head Deaconess): Maja LEVATIĆ...................... 0405 507 623 Vođa misionstva (Personal Min. Lea.): Marko LEVATIĆ................... 0407 809 580 Vođa subotnje škole (Sabb. Sch.Lea.): Roman PRESEČAN............0425 754 101 Vođa mladeži (Youth Leader): Yasmin Haley....................... 0409 935 011 Tajnik (Church Secretary): Mladen KUKOLJA................ 0412 355 652 Pastor: Damir POSAVAC 9331 6155 0432 593 299 [email protected] ST.ALBANS INFO editor: Mladen Kukolja Šaljite obavijesti na sljedeću email adresu, do srijede navečer: [email protected] Designed by: Mladen Kukolja © Copyright 2014 St.Albans Martha KAJFEŠ................... 0411 187 874 Last modification: November 28, 2014 11:46 AM Colour print sponsored by MK Digital World Rizničarka (Treasurer): Dr Neil Nedley, the author of the Depression Recovery Program, that he will be a speaker at the CHIP Summit in February 13-15, 2015. CHIP will provide churches the resources they need to make a positive difference in their community. CHIP does this really well and the Depression Recovery Program provides another valuable resource for the local church. The CHIP Summit will be running from Friday evening through to Sunday lunchtime, February 13-15 and this will be followed by concurrent Facilitators Training for CHIP and Depression Recovery from lunchtime Sunday through till Monday evening. To book in for the CHIP Summit and the CHIP Facilitators Training go to http://adventistchip.com/ facilitate-chip/aus-summit/. 8 ADVENTIST MEDICAL CONFERENCE The conference theme is “From Bended Knee To Bedside” and is being held Friday 5 to Sunday 7 December 2014, at the Collaroy Convention Centre near Sydney, NSW. The conference is vibrant annual event, aiming to encourage Adventist mission, networking for health practitioners and mentorship. We have a great line up of speakers, and look forward to seeing you there! More information and registration details can be found on our website http://www.amenaustralia. org/events/ 8 ROAD TO BETHLEHEM Be our guest as we celebrate 20 amazing years of Road to KR[]ANSKA ADVENTISTI^KA CRKVA ST.ALBANS Bethlehem. Take a journey back in time with family and friends and relive past moments and memories of this amazing ministry. Be engaged in the celebrations and festivities of this very unique event, whilst re- experiencing the very journey that captures the true meaning of Christmas – the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ Tickets are available from 9.00am Monday, 24th of November. Visit www.roadtobethlehem.org to book online or call 03 9264 7770 Volunteer your time, and be blessed by being a part of an incredible team committed to this special celebration! this special celebration! Whatever your talent or gifting, we have a position for you!!! Builders, parking attendants, greeters, face painters, home chefs, organisers, cleaners, rubbish collectors, animal carers; the list you see is endless. No experience required! The leading role of Baby Jesus is also vacant! We are seeking babies who are less than 3mths old as of December. So if you are a mother of an infant please contact Shelley Fairall ASAP on 0407 543 815. These are the days we need you! SET UP days are: Sunday 30th November from 8.00am-1.00pm Sunday 7th December from 8.00am – 5.00pm GIFTBAG PACKING Saturday 6th December from 2pm onwards PACK UP days Thursday Night 11th December from 11.00pm – 2.00am Friday 12th December from 9.00am – 5.00pm Sunday 14th of December 8.00am – 2.00pm A roster is available for those who want to help but have limited time to invest. All help is greatly appreciated!! To volunteer contact Simone Mifsud on 0413171916 or Moe Stiles on 0423793466; alternatively you may contact us via email at rtbvic@gmail. com 29.11.2014. 9.30 SUBOTNJA ŠKOLA - Sabbath School Vodi (Coordinator):....... Slobodanka Posavac 11.00 GLAVNO BOGOSLUŽJE - Main Service Vodi (Coordinator):.................... Nena Rogulić Propovjed (Sermon):......... Pr Damir Posavac S SRDAČANA DOBRODOŠLICA GOSTIMA Gostima, posjetiteljima i domaćima želimo srdačnu dobrodošlicu u ime našeg Gospodina Isusa Krista. S RASPORED PASTORSKIH DUŽNOSTI ZA 2015. GODINU Pastor Damir POSAVAC nakon 8 godina službe u Melbourneu i pokrivanja crkvenog okružja s tri crkve, sljedeće godine više će vremena provesti u crkvi St Albans. IO konferencije prebacio je odgovornost za Makedonsku crkvu pastoru Nikoli TRAJKOVU te će pastor Posavac brinuti o dvije etničke crkve, St. Albans i Westall. S BOŽIĆNI KONCERT Tradicionalni Božićni koncert ove će godine biti održan u crkvi St Albaans u subotu, 13. prosinca s početkom u 19 sati. Pored nastupa crkvenog zbora veći dio koncerta bit će popunjen solo izvedbama vokalistice Elizabete Abramović, gošće iz Zagreba. Nakon programa priprema se domjenak u novoj višenamjenskoj dvorani te ste svi dobro došli! U tijeku je prikupljanje potpore za nastup naše gošće Elizabete Abramović te svatko tko želi dati svoj prilog neka ga uputi rizničarki Marti Kajfeš. Njezini profesionalno pripremljeni CD materijali bit će svima dostupni. Ella će nastupati u subotu ujutro i navečer na koncertu, a bit će smještena kod domaćina Nene i Štefana Rogulića. S PROBA MUŠKOG I CRKVENOG ZBORA Pjevači zbora – pažnja! • danas poslije zajedničkog ručka u 14 sati • Petak, 5.12. u 19.30 • Subota, 6.12. u 18.30 • Petak, 12.12. u 19.00 • Petak, 19.12. u 19.30 Muški zbor iduće subote u 17.45 Kršćanska adventistička crkva - St.Albans - Croatian Seventh-day Adventist Church Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3 West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans S RODITELJI POZOR! Pastor poziva sve roditelje djece do 15 godina da se jave pastoru za dogovor oko mogućeg izleta busom u Emerald! S MOLITVENI SAT SRIJEDOM PONOVNO NAKON LJETA Molitva za sve nas, kao i ostale potrebe, os taje ideal za okupljanje po domovima. Dvije molitvene skupine to čine mjesecima, a nadamo se osnivanju novih. Do konca ljeta neće biti MOLITVENIH okupljanja srijedom u crkvi. Svima kojima nedostaje skupna moilitva pozvani su subotom ujutro u malu dvoranu crkve na zajedničku molitvu u 9.30! S SJEDNICA ODBORA U PONEDJELJAK Pozivamo sve članove Odbora crkve na sjednicu u ponedjeljak s početkom u 19.30 sati. S OBRED BIBLIJSKOG KRŠTENJA 20.12.14. u 11 sati radujemo se još jednom Obredu krštenja koncem ove kalendarske godine! Očekujemo dva mladića iz naše sredine za koje upućujemo naše molitve Bogu! S POSJETA PASTORA Svi koji želite tijekom ovog mjeseca posjetu pastora, budite ljubazni predložiti za vas pogodno vrijeme! Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3 West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans koja bi bila stavljena u prostor pored nove crkvene dvorane. S DR AMANI MGENI - DVD Propovijed Dr Amani Mgenia na DVDu možete nabaviti kod Mladena K za $10. S GARAGE SALE Sljedeći GARAGE SALE u dvorištu naše crkve biti će održan sutra (30.11.2014). Potrebni su nam dragovoljci koji će doći u 8 sati ujutro radi pripreme. Prodaja za javnost početi će u 10 sati prijepodne. Osim stvari koje ćete vi donjeti na prodaji će biti i hrana. Sav materijalni doprinos od prodaje ide u prilog našeg građevinskog fonda. S KLUPA PORED NOVE DVORANE Vlado Lipković marljivo i uspiješno održava zelene površine u crkvenom dvorištu. Njegov je prijedlog da se nađu donatori koji bi omogućili kupnju još jedne klupe (Sermons in St.Albans Church) program. All welcome on Saturday, 13th Dec at 7PM! w29.11....... Pr Damir Posavac 8 CHURCH DISTRICT IN 2015 w6.12.......... Stjepan Lipković Our local pastor Damir Posavac was covering 3 churches for 8 years in Melbourne, but for the next year EC of Vic Conference gives him 2 churches, St Albans & Westall. Pr Nikola Trajkov will take care for Macedonian Church again. w13.12................Rome Ulia w20.12....... Pr Damir Posavac w27.12....... Pr Damir Posavac 8 CHURCH BOARD MEETTING All Board members are invited for our meeting on Monday, Dec 1 at 7.30PM! 8 YOUTH SABBATH MORNING PROGRAM 8WELCOME All welcome in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 CHOIR MEMBERS – ATTENTION! As we are performing for the Christmas Concert and the Baptism, the following rehearsals are required: • Today after potluck lunch at 2:00pm. • Friday, 5 December at 7:30pm • Sabbath, 6 December at 6:30pm • Friday, 12 December at 7:00pm • Friday, 19 December at 7:30pm Next Men’s Choir practice is Sabbath, 6 December at 5:45pm.44 8 FOR PARENTS All parents (kids under 15) please talk to our pastor after the Church time in regards of the bus tour to Emerald! 8 CHRISTMAS CONCERT COMING... Christmas Concert at St Albans Church (Church Choir & Solo Vocal Ella Abramovic-Brechelmacher, guest from Croatia. Songs in Croatian and English...). Meal will be provided after the Bilten Kršćanske adventističke crkve St.Albans - 3KR[]ANSKA West Esplanade, St.Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans ADVENTISTI^KA CRKVA ST.ALBANS Raspored propovijedanja Our speaker for this Sabbath (29.11.2014) Youth Sabbath will be Brother Mark Vodell, Principal of Gilson College. After the program there is going to be a combined lunch. Programe naše crkve možete pratiti uživo ili u vrijeme koje vama odgovara. Link za prijenos se nalazi na crkvenoj web stranici: www.adventpress.com/stalbans 8 NUNAWADING CHRISTIAN COLLEGE NEW I - Nunawading Christian College Primary and Secondary campuses have limited places available for 2015, if you have been considering Adventist Education for your children please contact the office on 9877 3555 to discuss options and availability. II - The new Early Learning Centre (ELC) at Nunawading Christian College has been completed and we are excited to be taking enrolments for 3-4 year olds for 2015. The ELC will begin in February in a newly refurbished facility as part of the recent development to the Primary school at Nunawading Christian College. Please phone the school office on 9877 3555 to request an enrolment form. 8 HEALTH PROGRAM – 6TH DECEMBER 2014 NEW Guest speaker is Dean Armitage, Naturopath. He will deliver sermon on the morning service titled “Great Revival.” Bulletin of the St.Albans Seventh-day Adventist Church - 3 West Esplanade, St. Albans - Tel. 9310 8344 - http://www.adventpress.com/stalbans Dragovoljni prilozi - DANAS (Offerings - TODAY): Local Church Budget SRETAN ROĐENDAN Nikola Rogulić Tamara Jakovac 27.11. 29.11.
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