R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek Ispitivanje trajnosti reznog alata keramičkih uložaka za tuljke automobilskih motora ISSN 1330-3651 UDC/UDK 621.9.025:620.169.1 CUTTING TOOL LIFE TESTS OF CERAMIC INSERTS FOR CAR ENGINE SLEEVES Robert Čep, Adam Janásek, Branislav Martinický, Marek Sadílek Original scientific paper This article is focused on the experimental determination of tool life tests for indexable ceramic cutting inserts. The set criterion of tool wear was VBBmax = 0,6 mm (in accordance with ISO 3685) or 30 pieces of machined sleeves. After at least one of the mentioned parameters was achieved, the tests were stopped and evaluated. Two types of cutting material by Saint Gobain Advanced Ceramics s.r.o. Company – ZTA 7 NI and D 250 were tested. We monitored their tool life at the same cutting parameters. The experiments were performed on machine tool – CHEMNITZ NILES N22. The machined material was the cast iron 25P mainly used for car engines. Tool wear was monitored on every fifth machined sleeve. Microgeometry was measured after tool wear test on each fifth sleeve. The aim was to determine the arithmetic tolerance of Ra profile, the greatest height of Rz profile and the external diameter D. The measurement was carried out four times; arithmetic average was performed subsequently as it is shown in the tables. Keywords: cutting tool tests, machining, surface roughness, tool wear Ispitivanje trajnosti reznog alata keramičkih uložaka za tuljke automobilskih motora Izvorni znanstveni članak Ovaj članak je usredotočen na eksperimentalno određivanje trajnosti alata za indeksiranje keramičkih reznih uložaka. Postavljen je kriterij trošenja alata VBBmax = 0,6 mm (sukladno ISO 3685) ili 30 komada obrađenih tuljaka. Kada je postignut barem jedan od ovih parametara, ispitivanje je zaustavljeno i procijenjeno. Ispitivane su dvije vrste reznog materijala uz pomoć tvrtke Saint Gobain Advanced Ceramics s.r.o. – ZTA 7 NI i D 250. Pratili smo njihovu trajnost kod istih parametara obrade. Eksperimenti su izvedeni na alatnom stroju – CHEMNITZ NILES N22. Obrađivani materijal bio je lijevano željeza 25P koje se koristi za motore automobila. Trošenje alata praćeno je za svaki peti obrađeni tuljak. Mjerena je mikrogeometrija nakon ispitivanja trošenja alata na svakom petom tuljku. Cilj je bio odrediti aritmetičku toleranciju Ra profila, najveću visinu Rz profila i vanjski promjer D. Mjerenje je provedeno četiri puta, aritmetička sredina je izvedena naknadno i prikazana je u tablicama. Ključne riječi: ispitivanje reznog alata, hrapavost površine, obrada rezanjem, trošenje alata 1 Introduction Uvod Tool wear tests belong to one of the basic parameters of machining technology. The results of successful application, which were obtained in practice, remarkable increase of the quality of production and indirect affect on the position of the enterprise in the sharp competition [3, 4]. That experimental determination of tool life can provide additional information about cutting process in next tests [5]. Roughness is a sum of surface imperfections with a small distance. These phenomena arise from the production or effect of production effect [6]. Surface defects not assumed as the roughness are: random irregular geometry (lines, crevices, etc.) and defects which arise by material production [2]. 2 Experimental part Eksperimentalni dio 2.1 Machine tool Alatni stroj The machine tool CHEMNITZ NILLES N22 (Fig. 1) was used for test sample machining. The machine tool has rigid structure and it provides a sufficient clamping condition. Jaws have recessed cone with the same apical angle as the cast iron sleeves. Figure 1 Machine tool CHEMNITZ NILES N22 Slika 1. Alatni stroj CHEMNITZ NILES N22 2.2 Measuring machines Mjerni strojevi Ra and Rz values were evaluated on portable surface roughness tester - Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-400. A wide range, high-resolution detector and an ultra-straight drive unit provide a class-leading accuracy. Cylinder surface roughness is possible to be evaluated by the skid less measurement and R-surface compensation functions. An external diameter was determined by SOMET micrometer (ČSN 25 1420; 50÷75 mm). 2.3 Machined material Obrađeni materijal As the machining material were used sleeves for car Technical Gazette 18, 2(2011), 203-209 203 R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek Cutting tool life tests of ceramic inserts for car engine sleeves engines (Fig. 3), which were supplied by the contracting authority. The class of material was 25P. Due to conical shape of sleeves it was necessary to machine a cylindrical surface and the same diameter. Supposing we had not done it, a constant depth of cut ap would not have been maintained during tests. 2.4 Used tools Korišteni alati A tool-holder CSSNR 2525 M12-K (Fig. 4) was used in accordance with ISO 3685, with defined by an angle κr = 45°. Machining system is shown in (Fig. 5). Figure 5 Machining system: 1 - tool-holder, 2 - chuck, 3 - workpiece Slika 5. Obradni sustav: 1 - držač alata, 2 - glava, 3 - izradak Figure 2 Portable Surface Roughness Tester Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-400 [1] Slika 2. Prijenosni mjerač hrapavosti površine Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-400 [1] a) b) Figure 3 Clamped sleeves: before machining (a) and after machining (b) Slika 3. Stegnuti tuljci: prije obrade (a) i nakon obrade (b) Table 1 Chemical composition of the material Tablica 1. Kemijski sastav materijala C / % Si / % Mn / % P / % 2,8÷3,3 1,8÷2,5 0,6÷0,8 0,5÷0,8 S / % Ti / % Cu / % < 0,1 0,03÷0,1 £ 0,8 2.5 Indexable cutting inserts Rezne pločice Two types of ceramic cutting inserts were tested in total (the first type – 2 pieces and the second type – 4 pieces). Only one cutting edge was tested on the plate of each type. The cutting plates had the following marks: - D 250_1 - ZTA_7_NI_2 - ZTA_7_NI_1 - D 250_2 - D 250_3 - D 250_4 2.6 Cutting parameters Parametri rezanja Cutting parameters were selected on the basis of experience and consultations of the research team with a contracting authority. The aim was to get as near as possible to real operation conditions. cutting speed vc = 500 m/min ! feed f = 0,4 mm ! cutting depth ap = 2 mm ! number of chips per one sleeve: 4 ! machining length: 1st chip 61 mm, 2nd chip 60 mm, 3rd ! chip 59 mm, 4th chip 58 mm total machining length: 238 mm ! dry machining. ! Figure 4 The tool-holder with clamped ceramic cutting insert Slika 4. Držač alata s pričvršćenim keramičkim uloškom 3 Experiments' evaluation Procjena eksperimenata The contracting authority supplied a semi-product of 204 Tehnički vjesnik 18, 2(2011), 203-209 R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek Ispitivanje trajnosti reznog alata keramičkih uložaka za tuljke automobilskih motora machined materials and two kinds of ceramic cutting inserts. The criterion of tool wear was chosen VBBmax = 0,6 th mm. If the 30 sleeve was machined and the critical value of tool wear was not reached, the tests were stopped. The tool life was determined as follows: T =t× p t= Table 2 The number of machined pieces for individual cutting inserts Tablica 2. Broj obrađenih komada za pojedinačne rezne uloške D ZTA_ ZTA_ D D D 250_1 7_NI_2 7_NI_1 250_2 250_3 250_4 Machined pieces 27 26 15 30 30 30 (1) 4×l , n× f (2) where: T – tool life, min t – machining time, min p – number of machined pieces, – l – machining length, mm n – spindle speed, 1/min f – feed, mm. Microgeometry was measured after the tool wear test th th th th th on each 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , 25 and 30th machined sleeve. The aim of this experiment was to determine the arithmetic tolerance of Ra profile, the greatest height of Rz profile and the external diameter D. Arithmetic tolerance of Ra profile, the greatest height of Rz profile and the external diameter D are shown in the following tables. Measurements were evaluated four times – as shown in (Fig. 6). The arithmetic average was calculated from these measurements. Figure 7 The number of machined pieces for individual indexable cutting inserts Slika 7. Broj obrađenih komada za indeksirane rezne uloške Table 3 Tool life for individual indexable cutting inserts Tablica 3. Postojanost alata za pojedine rezne pločice D ZTA_ ZTA_ D D D 250_1 7_NI_2 7_NI_1 250_2 250_3 250_4 Tool life, 8,03 7,74 4,46 8,93 8,93 8,93 min Figure 6 Measured surface – machined insert Slika 6. Mjerena površina – obrađen uložak 3.1 Tool life and tool wear – individual cutting inserts Vijek i trošenje alata – pojedinačni rezni ulošci The number of machined pieces by individual ceramic cutting inserts is shown in the following graph (Fig. 7). D 250 series of cutting inserts machined the maximum number of 30 pieces except for D 250_1 insert. The D 250_1 insert probably reached this maximum as well. There was a th crack of sleeve (at machining the 27 sleeve) and it resulted in cutting edge destruction. ZTA_7_NI inserts reached the th th criteria of tool wear at 26 , respectively at 15 machined sleeves. Fig. 8 shows the tool life of plates calculated according to formula (1) and (2) in minutes. Technical Gazette 18, 2(2011), 203-209 Figure 8 Tool life for individual indexable cutting inserts Slika 8. Vijek alata za indeksirane rezne uloške 205 Cutting tool life tests of ceramic inserts for car engine sleeves a) tool flank a) tool flank b) tool face b) tool face c) tip c) tip Figure 9 Tool wear – indexable cutting insert type D 250_1 Slika 9. Trošenje alata – rezna pločica tipa D 250_1 Figure 11 Tool wear – indexable cutting insert type ZTA_7_NI_1 Slika 11. Trošenje alata – rezna pločica tipa ZTA_7_NI_1 a) tool flank a) tool flank b) tool face b) tool face c) tip c) tip Figure 10 Tool wear – indexable cutting insert type ZTA_7_NI_2 Slika 10. Trošenje alata – rezna pločica tipa ZTA_7_NI_2 206 R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek Figure 12 Tool wear – indexable cutting insert type D 250_2 Slika 12. Trošenje alata – rezna pločica tipa D 250_2 Tehnički vjesnik 18, 2(2011), 203-209 R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek Ispitivanje trajnosti reznog alata keramičkih uložaka za tuljke automobilskih motora Comment (Fig. 9): - Tool face chipped from 17th piece; - 28th piece – workpiece snapped and destroyed insert. a) tool flank b) tool face Comment (Fig. 10): th - 25 piece – tool wear on lateral tool flank; - Tool wear increases very slowly. Comment (Fig. 11): - Insert sparks almost from the beginning; th - 14 piece - significant deterioration of the surface and significant sparks; th - 15 piece - unsatisfactory roughness - terminated. Comment (Fig. 12): - Calm cut without sparking; - Tool wear is very small and almost not growing; - Chipped tool face – at the end of tests. c) tip Figure 13 Tool wear – indexable cutting insert type D 250_3 Slika 13. Trošenje alata – rezna pločica tipa D 250_3 Comment (Fig. 13): th - 16 piece - inserts begin to sparkle slightly; th - 28 piece - spark ceased; - Small tool wear. Comment (Fig. 14): th - 8 piece - inserts begin to sparkle; th - 24 piece - spark is of low intensity; - Small tool wear. 3.2 Surface roughness Hrapavost površine Table 4 Values of arithmetic tolerance of Ra profile Tablica 4. Vrijednosti aritemetičke tolerancije Rz profila c) tip Figure 14 Tool wear – indexable cutting insert type D 250_4 Slika 14. Trošenje alata – rezna pločica tipa D 250_4 Technical Gazette 18, 2(2011), 203-209 20 1,82 4,26 25 1,61 3,03 27 1,98 30 - not measured D 250_4 6,09 5,7 5,23 D 250_3 3,17 4,07 2,39 D 250_2 5 10 15 ZTA_ 7_NI_1 ZTA_ 7_NI_2 b) tool face D 250_1 a) tool flank Number workpiece Ra / μm 4,22 2,76 10,61 not measured not measured not measured 5,68 4,72 5,06 6,58 5,94 2,33 5,77 1,69 4,70 4,15 1,78 4,03 3,54 2,28 3,70 - - - 4,37 1,97 2,02 The value of surface roughness (Ra) decreases with the number of machined pieces of almost all sleeves. It is a characteristic for the ceramic cutting tools. If we want to achieve maximum performance, we have to "wear down" lightly these inserts. If the plate achieved the maximum tool life, roughness would begin to rise slightly. This could be caused by increasing tool wear. ZTA 7 NI_1 inserts caused sparking that increased with the number of machined sleeves. This test was finished for th unsatisfactory roughness at the 15 piece as shown in the graph. 207 Cutting tool life tests of ceramic inserts for car engine sleeves R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek Roughness is the most correlated with the Ra value. This parameter is the most common in engineering practice in the Czech Republic. Unfortunately, it is influenced by unique extreme surface roughness. Parameter of roughness of Rz profile decreases with the number of machined pieces of almost all inserts with slight deviations, as shown in the previous measurement. Rz parameter nearly replicates Ra parameter. 3.3 External diameter Vanjski promjer Table 6 Values of the external diameter D Tablica 6. Vrijednosti vanjskog promjera D 16,75 27 14,50 30 - not measured D 250_4 10,20 D 250_3 25 D 250_2 19,85 ZTA_ 7_NI_1 ZTA_ 7_NI_1 12,80 D 250_4 ZTA_ 7_NI_2 20 19,80 19,80 53,95 not measured not measured not measured D 250_3 D 250_1 28,50 26,50 25,10 D 250_2 Number workpiece 20,33 20,20 17,60 5 73,56 73,51 73,49 73,50 73,58 73,47 10 73,56 73,55 73,64 73,60 73,64 73,51 15 73,72 73,59 73,70 73,69 73,63 73,83 73,72 73,64 73,86 73,79 73,90 73,88 73,89 73,96 0,38 0,31 0,49 20 Rz / μm 5 10 15 ZTA_ 7_NI_2 Table 5 Values of the greatest height of Rz profile Tablica 5. Vrijednosti najveće visine Rz profila D 250_1 Figure 15 Arithmetic tolerance of Ra profile Slika 15. Aritemetička tolerancija Ra profila Number workpiece Ø D / mm 25 27 30 29,33 36,90 28,23 22,45 15,35 26,50 26,58 11,25 23,83 Δ 74,03 not 73,75 73,62 measured not 73,81 73,71 measured 73,81 not not measured measured 0,25 0,20 0,534 22,70 11,48 20,15 21,68 15,73 18,63 - - - 27,53 14,20 14,43 Figure 17 External diameter D Slika 17. Vanjski promjer D Figure 16 The greatest height of Rz profile Slika 16. Najveća visina Rz profila 208 The value of external diameter D growths with increasing number of machined sleeves. This process is caused by the tool wear. The tool wear was created especially on lateral tool flank (edge) and on the tip which was "burned". It changed a decrease in dimensional accuracy (first and last piece did not have the same diameter). The difference was in several tenths of Tehnički vjesnik 18, 2(2011), 203-209 R. Čep, A. Janásek, B. Martinický, M. Sadílek millimetres (see in Tab. 6). Abrasion and peeling off were created at the tool face of inserts. This phenomenon should not have any significant effect on dimensional accuracy. Tool wear is caused by high thermal and mechanical load. The tool is not able to perform its function (after a period) as a result of this process. Tool wear arises from abrasive wear, plastic deformation and brittle fracture. 4 Conclusion Zaključak The requirements are very high on the parameters of surface integrity in engineering practice. Cutting speed is being constantly increased. This leads to the CNC machining; these machines can secure the optimal working conditions so it is possible to produce products with the finest precision. ZTA 7 NI inserts did not reach the maximum number of 30 machined inserts. The reason was impaired surface roughness in both cases. Tests were finished for unsatisfactory surface. The cutting inserts reached the prescribed criterion of tool wear (VBBmax). D 250 inserts had significantly better results. Almost all plates machined the maximum number of inserts at tool wear (VBBmax) about 0,2 mm, except the first. The D 250_1 insert could reach this maximum as well. The sleeve cracked (hollow in the casting) – the result was the destruction of the cutting edge. We will need to focus more on these parameters in other experiments – secondary edge, tool tip and tool face. The tool wear arises on the secondary edge and the tip. There is reduction of dimensional accuracy as a consequence (first and last piece have not the same diameter). The difference is in several tenths of millimetres. Figures 15 and 16 show that the value of both roughness parameters is lower after 30 pieces machined. Roughness (Ra) is below 6,3. Roughness (Ra) gets even under 3,2 with an increasing number of machined inserts – D 250 series. This can be attributed to the properties of ceramics material which must be "abrade" first and then its potential can be fully realized. D 250 inserts are suitable for cutting inserts made from 25P material at given cutting parameters and cutting geometry. The whole machining was carried out in dry (without using the liquid process) and it is environmentally friendly. 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Marek Sadílek, Ing., Ph.D. VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 346 - Department of Machining and Assembly 17. listopadu 15/2172 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba Czech Republic +420 597323193 [email protected] Branislav Martinický, Ing., PhD. University of Žilina Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Department of Machining and Manufacturing Technology Univerzitna 1 010 26 Zilina Slovakia 5 References Literatura [1] www.mitutoyo-czech.cz [online]. 2009 [cit. 2011-01-08]. Mitutoyo SJ-400. <http://www.mitutoyo-czech.cz/cz/pdf/ SJ%20400-CZ.pdf>. [2] Orlovsky, I.; Hatala, M. Sprinkle Drying Kiln Ceramic Granulate Drying Characteristic and Experimental Measurements of the Drying Process Parameters. // Tehnicki Vjestnik - Technical Gazette, 16, 2(2009), 27-30. ISSN 13303651. [3] Čep, R.; Neslušan, M.; Barišič, B. Chip Formation Analysis During Hard Turning. // Strojarstvo, 50, 6(2008), 337 – 345. ISSN 0562-1887. 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