Canon of Faith September 2014 Κ Α Ν Ο Ν Α Σ Π Ι Σ Τ ΕΩΣ Ι.Ν. ΑΓΙΟΥ ΝΙΚΟΛΑΟΥ St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church San Jose, California 1 September 2014 Canon of Faith September 2014 Mission Statement Our Parish, the Parish of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church of San Jose, California, is committed to cultivating and nurturing faith in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as taught by the doctrines and Tradition of the Holy Orthodox Church. As a Eucharistic Community, we are called to be “Lights in the World”, demonstrating our faith through stewardship, acts of mercy, and sacramental participation. Through the acquisition of the Holy Spirit, we are called upon to “grow in the grace and knowledge of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” Finally, we are required by Our Lord in the great commission to invite all people regardless of their ethnic, social, economic or educational background to embrace the Orthodox Faith. A monthly publication prepared by and for the parishioners of St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, San Jose, California. Rev. Fr. Demosthenes Paraskevaides Rev. Fr. Ion Coman Rev. Fr. Deacon Demetrios Diakos Church: 1260 Davis Street • San Jose, CA 95126 Office: 986 Chapman Street • San Jose, CA 95126 Web Site: Telephone (408) 246-2770 - 24 Hour Answering Service Fax (408) 246-0143 Education Center (408) 243-0507 2014 PARISH COUNCIL Achilleas Veziris, President Mary Ann Barrous, Secretary Paul Pries, Vice President George Spilios, Treasurer Mitsi (Efthimia) Andrews John Armeniakos Olga Mavrogenes Dianne Antonopoulos Dionysis Heliotis Nick Pagonis Tom Antonopoulos Michael Kokinos Pete Panos Stelios Argiris John Kouretas Tom Stouras James “Star” Fanakos, Member Emeritus WORSHIP SCHEDULE (See Schedule on Page 4) Saturdays Great Vespers 5:00 p.m. Sundays from the first Sunday after Labor Day to mid May Orthros followed by 1st Divine Liturgy 7:15 a.m. 2nd Divine Liturgy 10:00 a.m. Church School 10:00 a.m. Sundays other than above days Orthros followed by Divine Liturgy 8:30 a.m. Weekdays Eve of feast days Vespers 6:30 p.m. Orthros followed by Divine Liturgy 8:00 a.m. Choir Practice Hellenic School Classes Thursdays 6:30 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Tues. - Thurs. 10:00 a.m. Saturday OFFICE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday Kanella Sarros, Secretary Anthie Karvounis, Bookkeeper Euripides Gavras, Neokoros Peter Pappas, Neokoros Emeritus (Honorary) PARISH MINISTRIES Acolytes George Pries, Advisor Athletics Paul Papageorge, Director Choir Dr. Tikey Zes, Director Steve Parsons, Organist Chanter Paul Pronoitis Junior Choir Amanda Fields, Director Youth Council Angie Markolefas Church School Teena Claudatos, Superintendent Hellenic School Roula Demertzis, Director Dance Activity Groups George & Meredith Panayotopoulos, General Directors Dance Group Council Stacy Panayotopoulos, Chairperson Girl Scouts Maria Trapalis, Director Golden Years (Seniors) Mina Masters, President Greek Otthodox Youth of America-GOYA Johanna Duterte, Director Junior GOYA Saiyanna Charitou Hellenic Orthodox Primary EducationHOPE Zaren Stouras Junior Orthodox Youth (JOY) Lorraine Hilty Mothers and Tots Roula Demertzis, Director Philoptochos Society Laurie Sahines, President Sunday Coffee Hour Theoni Maroudas & Helen Leos, Coordinators Missions Ministry Rosa Deamant Vacation Church School (VCS) Julie Constant Visitation Ministry Pauline Ferrant COMMUNITY ORGANIZATIONS Order of AHEPA Daughters of Penelope Hellenic Heritage Institute Lakonikos Syllogos Panarcadian Federation Pancretan Association 2 Dr. George Zioulas, President Cathy Photopoulos, President Marina Moustakas, President John Varellas, President Elias Psycharis, President Ted Cocoles, President Canon of Faith September 2014 Message from Father Demosthenes Beloved parishioners and friends, Yesterday I happen to witness an incident in our neighborhood. A man stole a car, and shortly after he was chased by the police, the car jumped over the curb, landed in an old lady’s yard, and destroyed the fence. The man got injured, but nobody seemed to feel sad for him. Instead, everybody seemed to be glad and satisfied for the punishment he got and he will get. This reminded me the following words from the wisdom of Saint Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia: We mustn’t think anything evil about others. Even a simple glance or a sigh influences those around us. Even the slightest anger or indignation does harm. We need to have goodness and love in our soul and to transmit these things. We need to be careful not to curse those who harm us, but rather to pray for them with love. Whatever any of our fellow men does, we should never think evil of them. We need always to have thoughts of love and always to think good of others. Look at Saint Stephen the first martyr. He prayed: “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” We need to do the same. We should never think about someone that God will send him some evil or that God will punish him for his sin. This thought brings to people great evil, without us being aware of it. We often feel indignation and say to someone: ‘Have you no fear of God’s justice, are you do not afraid of God’s punishment?’ Or else we say,‘God will punish you for what you’ve done,’ or, ‘O God, do not bring evil on that person for what he did to me’; or, ‘May that person not suffer the same thing.’ In all these cases, we have a deep desire within us for the other person to be punished. Instead of confessing our anger over his error, we present our indignation in a different way, and we allegedly pray to God for him. In reality, however, in this way we are cursing our brother. And if, instead of praying, we say, ‘May God repay you for the evil you have done to me,’ then once again we are wishing for God to punish him. Even when we say, ‘All very well, God is witness,’ the disposition of our soul works in a mysterious way and influences the soul of our fellow man so that he suffers evil. When we speak evil about someone, an evil power proceeds from within us and is transmitted to the other person, just as the voice is transmitted on sound waves, and in point of fact the other person suffers evil. It is something like the bewitchment of the evil eye, when someone has evil thoughts about others. This occurs through our own indignation. We transmit our evil in a mystical way. It is not God who provokes evil, but rather people’s wickedness. God does not punish, but our own evil disposition is transmitted to the soul of the other in a mysterious way and does evil. Christ never wishes evil. On the contrary, He commands, Bless those who curse you… It’s possible for someone to say,‘The way that person is behaving, he will be punished by God,’ and to believe that he is saying this without evil intent. It is not a simple thing, however, to discern whether he has or does not have evil intent. It does not appear clearly. What is hidden in our soul and how that can exercise influence on people and things is a very secret matter. Do you see what happens? With the Spirit of God we all become incapable of every sin. We are made incapable because Christ dwells within us. We are henceforth capable only of good. Thus we will acquire the grace of God and become possessed by God. If we abandon ourselves to the love of Christ, then all will be overturned, all will be transfigured, all will be transformed, all will be transubstantiated. Anger, resentment, jealousy, indignation, censure, ingratitude, melancholy and depression will all become love, joy, longing, divine eros. Paradise! From the book “Wounded by Love: The Life and Wisdom of Elder Porphyrios of Kavsokalyvia” 3 Canon of Faith September 2014 EORTOLOGION • SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2014 Monday, September 1 - New Ecclesiastical Year/Labor Day 7:30am Blessing of the Water/Agiasmo 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy Saturday, September 6 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, September 7 - Sunday before Holy Cross Begin Two Liturgies 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Monday, September 8 - Nativity of the Theotokos 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy Saturday, September 13 10:00am Agiasmo (for Hellenic School) - all invited 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, September 14 - Exaltation of the Holy Cross 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Saturday, September 20 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, September 21 - Sunday after Holy Cross 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Thursday, September 25 6:30pm Vespers Friday, September 26 - Falling Asleep St. John the Theologian 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy Sunday, September 28 - 1st Sunday of Luke 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Wednesday, October 1 8:00am Blessing of the Water/Agiasmo Saturday, October 4 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, October 5 - 2nd Sunday of Luke Begin Two Liturgies 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Monday, October 6 - St. Thomas the Apostle 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy Saturday, October 11 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, October 12 - 7th Ecumenical Council 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Godparents Sunday Friday, October 17 6:30pm Vespers Saturday, October 18 - St. Luke the Evangelist 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, Octoberf 19 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 Friday, October 24 - St. Sevastiani 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy Saturday, October 25 5:00pm Vespers Sunday, October 26 - 6th Sunday of Luke 7:15am Orthros + Liturgy 1 10:00am Litrugy 2 OXI Day Program Friday, October 31 6:30pm Vespers St. Nicholas Community Calendar Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov 4 1 Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year 7 Feast Day of St. Nikitas Luncheon 22 Father Berris Golf Classic 27 PAOI Gala 28 Walk for Missions 11 Philoptochos Autumn Tea 11 Panarcadian Dinner Dance 12 Godparents Sunday 26 OXI Day Program 2 Monastary Fundraiser Canon of Faith September 2014 O ROBIN WILLIAM ΣΧΕΤΙΚΑ ΜΕ ΤΟΝ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟ Ο διάσημος ηθοποιός του Χόλιγουντ, Ρόμπιν Ουίλιαμς, που βρέθηκε νεκρός στο σπίτι του, στο παρελθόν μίλησε με θερμά λόγια για την Ελλάδα λέγοντας πως «η ανθρωπότητα οφείλει να υποκλίνεται στην ελληνική ιστορία» και ότι «μπορεί η οικονομία της χώρας σας να μην πηγαίνει καλά, αλλά αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι είσαστε ανίσχυροι». Μάλιστα ο ίδιος αρκετές φορές είχε κάνει διακοπές στα ελληνικά νησιά. «Τα οικονομικά δεδομένα αλλάζουν συνεχώς για όλους. Αυτό που δεν αλλάζει είναι η κληρονομιά, η ταυτότητά σας. Ο Παρθενώνας δεν φεύγει από την Αθήνα. Είναι ακόμα εκεί για να θυμίζει ότι η πρόοδος και η ακμή μπορούν να επιστρέψουν», έλεγε το 2011 σε συνέντευξή του στην εφημερίδα «Πρώτο Θέμα» ο διάσημος κωμικός Robin Williams. Είπε ακόμα, ότι έχει κάνει διακοπές με σκάφος στα ελληνικά νησιά και πώς δεν ήταν αρκετό για να δει όλα όσα έχει διαβάσει στην ελληνική μυθολογία. «Στην Αγγλία για παράδειγμα, δεν πήγα πουθενά. Τι να δω; Το παλάτι του Μπάκιγχαμ; Δεν με νοιάζει. Όπως κι αν πάω στην Γερμανία, δεν θα πάω να δω το Τείχος του Βερολίνου. Ωστόσο, την Δήλο, τον Παρθενώνα και τις Μυκήνες δεν μπορείς να τις αγνοήσεις». Ας είναι η μνήμη του αιωνία! Forthcoming in Fall 2014: The Digital Loeb Classical Library® Founded by James Loeb in 1911, the mission of Loeb Classical Library® has always been to make Classical Greek and Latin literature accessible to the broadest range of readers. The digital Loeb Classical Library extends this mission into the twenty-first century. Harvard University Press is honored to renew James Loeb’s vision of accessibility, and presents an interconnected, fully searchable, perpetually growing, virtual library of all that is important in Greek and Latin literature. Epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians; those Church Fathers who made particular use of pagan culture—in short, our entire Greek and Latin Classical heritage is represented here with up-todate texts and accurate English translations. More than 520 5 volumes of Latin, Greek, and English texts are available in a modern and elegant interface, allowing readers to browse, search, bookmark, annotate, and share content with ease. “Here is 1,400 years of human culture, all the texts that survive from one of the greatest civilizations human beings have ever built—and it can all fit in a bookcase or two. To capture all the fugitive texts of the ancient world, some of which survived the Dark Ages in just a single moldering copy in some monastic library, and turn them into affordable, clear, sturdy accurate books, is one of the greatest accomplishments of modern scholarship—and one of the most democratic.”—Adam Kirsch You may watch the online video here: Το Χάρβαρντ μοιράζεται online τους ελληνικούς θησαυρούς του Η ψηφιακή βιβλιοθήκη Κλασικών Σπουδών Loeb του Χάρβαρντ, θα είναι διαθέσιμη σε όλο τον κόσμο. Τα πιο σημαντικά έργα της ελληνικής και λατινικής λογοτεχνίας online.Από το Φθινόπωρο του 2014, η ψηφιακή βιβλιοθήκη Κλασικών Σπουδών Loeb Classical Library του Χάρβαρντ θα μοιράζεται με χρήστες σε όλο τον κόσμο, σημαντικά έργα της ελληνικής και λατινικής λογοτεχνίας. Η βιβλιοθήκη ιδρύθηκε το 1911 από τον James Loeb, και η αποστολή της ήταν πάντα να κάνει την κλασική ελληνική και λατινική λογοτεχνία προσιτή σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα αναγνωστών. Η ψηφιακή βιβλιοθήκη θα επεκτείνει αυτή την αποστολή στον εικοστό πρώτο αιώνα. «Το Harvard University Press έχει την τιμή να ανανεώσει το όραμα της προσβασιμότητας του James Loeb και παρουσιάζει μία διαδικτυακή βιβλιοθήκη, με πλήρεις δυνατότητες αναζήτησης, με περιεχόμενο που εμπλουτίζεται συνεχώς και περιλαμβάνει τα πιο σημαντικά έργα της ελληνικής και λατινικής λογοτεχνίας». Ολόκληρη η ελληνική και λατινική κλασική κληρονομιά θα εκπροσωπείται σε αυτή την διαδικτυακή βιβλιοθήκη. Έπος και λυρική ποίηση; Τραγωδία και κωμωδία; Ιστορία, ταξίδια, φιλοσοφία, ρητορική; Ολα θα είναι διαθέσιμα online σε ένα μοντέρνο και κομψό περιβάλλον, επιτρέποντας στους αναγνώστες να περιηγηθούν, να κάνουν αναζήτηση, να κρατήσουν σημειώσεις, να σχολιάσουν και να μοιραστούν το περιεχόμενο με ευκολία. Μέχρι να ανοίξει τις διαδικτυακές της πύλες αυτή η βιβλιοθήκη, πάρτε μια γεύση από τον τρόπο που θα λειτουργεί στο παρακάτω βίντεο. Canon of Faith September 2014 Dear parishioners of Saint Nicholas and friends, During this past year, I have been approached by many of you telling me, “Father, you have to do something about our Greek School.” At this point, I am very happy and excited to announce that our Greek School has been reorganized in all areas. The new name is CENTER OF HELLENIC EDUCATION. This is because it is no longer just a school for language, but a school for language and culture. My personal goal is to set high standards for our CENTER OF HELLENIC EDUCATION, and thereby make sure that we will offer the best education program for our children and adults. That’s why I, personally, have assumed the responsibility to be the leader and director of the entire program. I am very happy to announce that I have a powerful and dedicated group of well-educated people with experience and enthusiasm who will be working me. We have worked extremely hard over the summer to prepare a very good program for our children. Even during my vacation I was working with the Committees over the phone and the internet to have everything ready and on time. We have a Curriculum Committee for all the levels from preschool age up to New Testament Greek for adults. We also have a Finance Committee, a Human Resources Committee, a Special Events/PR Committee, and a Marketing Committee, and we are working with the dedicated President of our Community, Achilleas Veziris, and Parish Council members to make sure that everything will be in the right order. I am very grateful to all those who responded to my call with enthusiasm and excitement and became members of the Committees. I would like to invite all of you, the stewards of our Parish, to support our CENTER OF HELLENIC EDUCATION with any means you can. We have prepared everything for your children. I encourage you to enroll your children in this program, and I am sure that very soon you will be happy with the results. ANNOUNCEMENTS: • Every Sunday until classes begin, as you walk out of the Church through the main doors, you will see a table on your left, where you can find all the information about the program and complete the registration form. • • • • Second addition to the language program we will also offer a very rich cultural program, therefore the tuition fee will be slightly higher than it was last year. However, I don’t want to turn any of the students away because of financial issues. If you need financial aid, please approach me, and I will make sure that your children will be able to participate in the program. If you are a teacher, please fill out the Job Application Form. If you are not a teacher, but would like to share your skills with us by joining any of the Committees, please express your interest, and fill out the Form. We will be very happy to have you on board. In any case please email directly the Human Resources Committee ([email protected]). On August 31st we will offer an orientation class for everyone: the parents, the students, and the teachers at the Small Hall, following Divine Liturgy. The purpose of this meeting is to present to the parish information regarding the Center of Hellenic Education. The Agiasmos, the Blessing of the Water, will take place on September 13, the first day of the school year. continued on next page 6 Canon of Faith September 2014 • Regarding the dates of the classes, we plan to keep the same dates as we had last year, however, we are open to any suggestions you may have for other days as well. You will be able to make these suggestions on the registration form. Again, I’m inviting all of you to work TOGETHER for the benefit of our children and the future of our Parish. Your priest, Father Demosthenes Director of the Center of Hellenic Education Τώρα τελειώνουμε κι εμείς την δοξολογία του Θεού και θα πάμε κι εμείς να ξεκουραστούμε Λέει ο Γέροντας στον υποτακτικό: Έξεγερθέντες του ύπνου προσπίπτομέν Σοι, αγαθέ, και των αγγέλων τον ύμνον βοώμέν Σοι, δυνατέ· άγιος, άγιος» κτλ. «Κουά, κουά, κουά, κουά» τα βατράχια, κοάζουν, πως λέγεται, ξεχάσαμε και τα ελληνικά τώρα. — Βρε παιδί μου, λέει, πήγαινε στα βατράχια και πές τα: Α, να σας πώ, ο Γέροντας λέει, σταματήστε τώρα γιατί θέλουμε να διαβάσουμε εμείς την ακολουθία. — Να ‘ναι ευλογημένο, Γέροντα. Αυτός ήταν υποτακτικός! Βλέπεις; Δεν είπε, «ε, Γέροντα, τα βατράχια θα πάω να πω εγώ;» Όχι, υπακοή. — Ακουστέ εδώ, βατράχια, είπε ο Γέροντας να σταματήσετε τώρα, γιατί θέλουμε να διαβάσουμε εμείς την ακολουθία. Μίλησε το βατράχι εκεί! Λέει: — Πές του Γέροντα, τώρα τελειώνουμε κι εμείς την δοξολογία του Θεού και θα πάμε κι εμείς να ξεκουραστούμε. Και τα βατράχια υμνολογούν τον Θεό! Όλη η φύση, να πούμε, υμνολογεί, δοξολογεί τον Θεό, και κατά την καθαρότητα μας ακούμε κι εμείς αυτήν τη μυστική δοξολογία, τη μυστική, την άφωνο υμνολογία που κάνουνε και οι πέτρες ακόμη. Αυτό πως το λένε, κάτι στίχους που έχει η μεγάλη δοξολογία, δεν ξέρω πως τα λένε, γιατί εγώ έχω χρόνια να πάω πάνω στην ακολουθία. Μοναχοί: Πύρ, χάλαζα, χιών, πνεύμα καταιγίδος… Γέροντας: Πύρ, χάλαζα, πύρ καταιγίδος κτλ., όλα, τότε αρχίζει η μεγάλη δοξολογία. Βλέπετε; Και τα όρη και τα βουνά και τα δέντρα και η θάλασσα και τα ψάρια, όλα υμνολογούν τον Θεό. Αλλά εμείς, επειδή έχουμε αμαυρώσει, δηλαδή, το νοερόν της ψυχής μας, γι’ αυτό λίγο το καταλαμβάνουμε, λίγο. Όσο καθαρίζεσαι μέσα σου, τόσο και περισσότερο λαμβάνεις έναν φωτισμό, λαμβάνεις μιαν αίσθηση ότι κανένα κτίσμα του Θεού δεν μένει αργό, αλλά όλα δοξολογούν τον Θεό. Και η μύγα και το κουνούπι, και το βόδι και το ζώο, όλα δοξολογούν τον Θεό. Όταν καθαριστείς μέσα σου, θα την δεις αυτήν τη μυστική δοξολογία του Θεού. Όσο καθαρίζεσαι μέσα σου, θα το δεις και λές: Ταλαίπωρε άνθρωπε, εσύ μόνο δεν δοξολογείς τον Θεό. 7 Canon of Faith September 2014 August 15, 2014 We have also put a lot of our school information on the St. Nicholas website ( This includes Faculty, Council, Schedule of Events, Curriculum Philosophy and Church School Guidelines. If you want us to add anything else please let us know. Our goal is to supply all current information to help you make your long term planning and not miss anything going on at our school. You will also receive your weekly update. If you are not getting these please let me know at Teena@ so you can be added. We have talked with a number of you over the summer and understand that many of our families have their children involved in club sports, theatre and academic events and competitions. These events are either held on Sunday or your travel time is on Sunday. We know this is out of your control, so we ask that if this is your family please make that extra effort to attend Church and Church School on the Sundays you’re in town. If you want your child to get the perfect attendance award you can attend a make up Liturgy on a Sunday we do not have Church School or a weekday Liturgy. We will make sure their attendance is updated if you let us know. This is very important if you have a 12th grader and they are trying to earn their class icon or apply for a Church School Scholarship. If you are new to our school or had any of your information changed such as your address or email you can tell us on Sunday, August 24th or on the 31st. We will have a table in front of the church before and after the Liturgy. If nothing has changed than you are good to go for the new school year. We automatically place your students into their new grades. The web site has the room numbers that your students will be in and their teachers for the school year. We are excited about this new school year and look forward to your continued support. Remember, it is important to start your child’s Sunday off by attending the 10:00 AM Liturgy. Everyone is in class until 12:30 PM. Of course, toddlers can be picked up any time. The 12:30 dismissal gives you time to get your coffee and enjoy some fun and friendship yourself! If you have any questions please feel free to come to the Church School office on Sunday mornings or contact us at [email protected]. See you on Sundays! Church School Dear Church School Parents and Grandparents, Our new school year starts Sunday, September 7th. With the Blessings of our Proistamenos and approval by the parish council, we have worked through the summer cleaning and updating the classrooms, working on curriculum and planning for our new school year. Thanks to MaryAnn Barrous and Harry and Olga Mavrogenes our 8th, 9th, and 10th grade classrooms are newly painted in a beautiful Tuscany yellow. And thanks to Mrs. Bessie Kouretas, those same classrooms have new brick red curtains and rods. We removed the last 7 chalk boards and put up new white boards with generous donations from: Achilleas and Eleni Veziris, George Spilios, GOYA, Philoptochos, AHEPA/DOP, John and Roula Demertzis and Kosta and Dimitra Amberiadis. Four of the white boards were a little smaller than the old chalkboards so we have beautiful hand painted wall decorations done by Evagelia Niktas. We also installed smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Our heaters are in good shape but we want to go that extra mile to ensure the health of our students and the safety of our classrooms. In an effort to be more proactive than reactive we are in the process of taking and getting certified in the California Mandatory Reporting Course and looking into fingerprinting. Because of our professional lives many of us have fingerprints already on file. We are extending the class time just another 15 minutes so our new dismissal time is 12:30. Our teachers have a full curriculum designed to give your children the basic understanding of their faith and how to apply it to their lives. We need an hour to teach it so we are asking for your patience. This will give you more time to have your parea in the coffee hour. We are also extending the music program to include the fifth graders. The goal is that our students have a good understanding of the Liturgy hymns, what they mean and why we sing them when we do. We also want them to be able to sing them during the Liturgy. Starting with our first Sunday we will go down the middle aisle for Holy Communion. This will enable our students to be dismissed from the solea and go out our side door. This is a streamlined way to get the kids to their classrooms faster with no detours into the small hall to grab a cookie. Teena Claudatos Superintendent, St. Nicholas Church School 8 Canon of Faith Saint Nicholas Church School School Year 2014-2015 Calendar September September September September 7 14 21 28 Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School October October October October 5 12 19 26 Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School (OXI Day) End of 1st Quarter November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School NO SUNDAY SCHOOL (Thanksgiving) December 7 December 14 December 21 December 28 January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 Sunday School Sunday School NO SUNDAY SCHOOL- Christmas NO SUNDAY SCHOOL- New Years Sunday School Sunday School - End of 2nd Q Sunday School Sunday School February February February February 1 Sunday School - Triodion Begins 8 Sunday School 15 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL- FDF 22 Sunday School - Forgiveness Sunday March March March March March 1 8 15 22 29 April April April April 5 Sunday School - Palm Sunday 12 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL - Pascha 19 NO SUNDAY SCHOOL-Thomas Sunday 26 Sunday School May May May 3 10 17 Sunday School - Sunday of Orthodoxy Sunday School Sunday School - End of 3rd Q Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School Sunday School - Mother’s Day - End of 4th Quarter LAST Sunday School - Sundae Sunday 9 September 2014 Canon of Faith September 2014 ST. ANNA PHILOPTOCHOS - Love in Action! by Ellie Prokopakis of families coming together for fellowship, not some gourmands out to celebrate an exclusive event. We have come to expect the same quality of food and service as if we are paying professionals. This is what I want to say to anyone that fields a complaint in our direction. We are a Church, not a five star restaurant. CALENDAR: Sept 1 Mon, Beginning of the Ecclesiastical Year …also Labor Day Sept 3 Wed, Philoptochos Meeting, Rm 3, 7:30 pm Sept 7 Sun, Luncheon for His Eminence Nikitas Sept 14 Sun, Elevation of the Cross (Tray Collection) Oct 11 Sat, Autumn Tea, Laurie Sahines’ Home I worry about the future of Philoptochos. I hate to see that so few new people are interested in joining. Yet, at the luncheon, it made me smile to see all the ladies, and gentlemen, who got up to get their own coffee, extra water, or to help bus dishes, without complaining. I liked that. Maybe we should quit trying to be a restaurant and get back to serving casseroles, Jello salads, and homemade cookies and enjoy the company, more than the meal (which is what happens at my own parties at home anyway!) Maybe that will take some of the pressure off of women who are interested in being of service, but worried that they might not do things well enough to meet some mysterious standards. Signed… Lucky to be a Philoptochosian, WELCOME BACK: It is with smile and open arms we welcome students. Teachers, and vacationers back for the start of the new Ecclesiastical Year. Probably many think the summer was too short and vacation so difficult to end but now we look forward to once again entering a more disciplined schedule. Without leaving the fond memories of summer and all her glory, we greet all who were away and hope to unite towards the classes and projects to come. We settle into a more structured and timely schedule and encourage all of us to begin anew. THE PANAGIA LUNCHEON: Our tribute to the Falling Asleep of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, followed the Liturgy which was dedicated to Her. The traditional Philoptochos luncheon was held in the Community Center to be able to accommodate all who chose to stay for the luncheon. We acknowledge and thank all who took the time to attend and thank the two generous fellows who worked in the kitchen. We also are grateful to Sofia Papanicolaou and Terry Kylan for organizing this event, as well as Kudos to our faithful women who are always with us to set, serve, and clean up. God love you all! Dear sisters in Christ, Thank you for organizing this beautiful event. It was very well attended, thank God. As for the food, it was delicious! Everything was great. It must have been the secret ingredient (love) that made it so good... It is not about pleasing all, but rather about serving Christ. God bless you, Father Ion Particularly pertinent in a time of drought: Exodus 23:25-26 25- Worship the LORD your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you, 26- and none will miscarry or be barren in your land. I will give you a full life span. JUST A THOUGHT: I had a thought that I wanted to share with you all. I enjoyed the Panagia Luncheon. I wasn’t able to help with all the walking around that many did, but I did get to arrive early and help out a little in the kitchen. There were 3 people in there....who would rather have been in other places doing other things....yet they felt they couldn’t say no to this very special occasion. That’s why it hurts so much when I hear that some people have complained about the food. LUNCHEON HONORING METROPOLITAN NIKITAS: You are encouraged to attend this meal which supports the PAOI, the favored baby of the Metropolitan. We all know how favored our St. Nicholas parish has been by Met. Nikitas so now you can thank him by being a part of this luncheon. The Patriarch Athenagoras Orthodox Institute exists to Educate, Communicate, Promote and Sustain the Traditions, Values, Teachings and Culture of Orthodox Christianity. We are most fortunate to have this facility here on the West Coast. The Thought: “We”, as a Church, have been spoiled for years by having successful restaurant owners cooking for us. I think “we” have forgotten that we are an assembly 10 Canon of Faith September 2014 A TRAY FOR HOLY CROSS/ HELLENIC COLLEGE: As we celebrate the Elevation of the Cross, our own Holy Cross Seminary and Hellenic College comes to mind. It is the center where the future of our Holy Orthodox Church is being formed. This hub of learning sets not only the future deacons and priests on their paths but different ancillary Church leaders are being trained there as well. waited for the boy to realize that I was there. This was when he waved his hands excitedly in the air and declared in a loud voice, “Mommy, I’m over here.” A BLUE ROSE: Having four visiting family members, my wife was very busy, so I offered to go to the store for her to get some needed items, which included light bulbs, paper towels, trash bags, detergent and Clorox. So off I went. God’s garden.” She reached out, squeezed my hand and said, “God bless you!” and then I had tears in my eyes. It was obvious now, he was mentally challenged and also startled as he turned and saw me standing so close to him, waiting to squeeze by. His eyes widened and surprise exploded on his face as I said, “Hey Buddy, what’s your name?” “My name is Denny and I’m shopping with my Since it is not a publicly supported school, it falls upon mother,” he responded proudly. “Wow,” I said, “that’s a each of us to see to the success of the school. First of all, cool name; I wish my name was Denny, but my name is tuition for the education of the leaders of our faith is quite Steve.” “Steve, like Stevarino?” he asked. costly. For this reason, Philoptochos Chapters all across “Yes,” I answered. “How old are you Denny?” “How our nation pass a tray to raise funds used for scholarships. old am I now, Mommy?” he asked his mother as she slowly On Sunday, September 14, your Philoptochos will pass came over from the next aisle. “You’re fifteen-years-old a tray asking that you support our dedicated students Denny; now be a good boy and let the man pass by.” by adding your donation which will be used for the I acknowledged her and continued to talk to Denny scholarships for them. for several more minutes about summer, bicycles and Checks should be written to: “St. Anna Philoptochos” school. I watched his brown eyes dance with excitement, with “HC/HC” on the notation line. Your Chapter sends because he was the center of someone’s attention. He your donation on to National which collects the funds then abruptly turned and headed toward the toy section. from all Chapters and sends it on to Holy Cross. Your Denny’s mom had a puzzled look on her face and donation is fully tax deductible. thanked me for taking the time to talk with her son. She TEA TIME: Your Philoptochos is welcoming you to told me that most people wouldn’t even look at him, come, socialize and fully enjoy yourself. Bring a guest much less talk to him. I told her that it was my pleasure or two and love every minute of a charming afternoon. and then I said something I have no idea where it came Who could ask for more than a cup of coffee or tea and from, other than by the prompting of the Holy Spirit. I delightful conversation? Coming up soon you will hear told her that there are plenty of red, yellow, and pink roses all the details. Laurie Sahinas has volunteered to open in God’s Garden; however, “Blue Roses” are very rare and her home and yard to give us ample room for socializing. should be appreciated for their beauty and distinctiveness. Watch for further details! You see, Denny is a Blue Rose and if someone doesn’t stop This Autumn Tea is one of the fund raisers of your and smell that rose with their heart and touch that rose Philoptochos. Funds from this allow us to continue with their kindness, then they’ve missed a blessing from supporting many facets of charity on the Local, Metropolis, God. as well as National levels. We appreciate whatever support She was silent for a second, then with a tear in her eye you can give. AND gathering together brings us closer as she asked, “Who are you?” Without thinking I said, “Oh, a Church Family. I’m probably just a dandelion, but I sure love living in May I suggest, the next time you see a BLUE ROSE, don’t turn your head and walk off. Take the time to smile and say Hello. Why? Because, by the grace of GOD, I scurried around the store, gathered up my goodies this mother or father could be you. This could be your and headed for the checkout counter, only to be blocked child, grandchild, niece or nephew. What a difference a in the narrow aisle by a young man who appeared to be moment can mean to that person or their family. about sixteen-years-old. I wasn’t in a hurry, so I patiently 11 Canon of Faith September 2014 Philoptochos Society Convention Other interesting presentations included Jerry Dimitriou; Executive Director of Administration Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America spoke on St. Nicholas Shrine. Hard cost estimates are $37,000,000 and we are over half way there. The National Philoptochos completed fundraising of $3,000,000 towards the mortgage of the Philoptochos Center of Philanthropy. Also an additional $100,000 was raised and placed in an Evergreen fund to be used for the maintenance and repairs as needed. Special note: after an hour, delegates came forward raising $202,000. What amazed me was the amount the National Philoptochos donated. There was $509,580 distributed for programs impacting families. They are too many to list in this so if you would like a listing please feel free to contact me: [email protected]. The other amazing things were the Chapter Challenges. One chapter from each Metropolis were given $100 seed money to start meaningful two year Chapter projects. Large amounts of monies were raised with projects such as Career Training Centers, Healing The Philoptochos had a Delegate Orientation going over what would be covered during convention and how. There was also an Exhibit/Hospitality area where different Diocese sold various items such as pins, tickets to concerts and notebooks. Meetings were as would be expected, mostly began around 9:00 am and first day went till around 9:30 pm. We had 3 Convention Chairs and each went through the program keeping us on track and on time. There were 423 registered delegates with an average of 346 in attendance and 8 observers. Usual committee meetings: bylaws/Resolutions, Budget, Chapter Challenge Presentations, Philoptochos Ministries, AGAPE Awards, Philoptochos Literacy Programs (Loukoumi Books – Author was present and signed books), Philanthropic Organization presentations as well as Hierarchical Sessions It wasn’t all about meetings. We had a few social events. Monday night we went to the Waterworks where we had quite a spread of food, drink and dessert. There were a number of Dance group performances, Basil the comedian was there and it was followed by fireworks. House (residential recovery programs for women and children);Crocheting Prayer Shawls, Evening of music and Information benefitting children with special needs, TLC blankets of hope, Housewarming gifts for homeless families transitioning to home owners, Operation LaceUp (new shoes for the children who don’t have this luxury) as well as American Heroes project – donating hours of service to their local Veterans Hospital. $20,000 was raised allowing them to purchase 2 wheelchair Scales, 15 iPads, golf cart to transport Veterans to on-site garden. I kept the best for last. There was a presentation made called “The Brave Ones Past and Present. They incorporated pictures of war veterans into a movie collage. This was quite moving. Ellie every month keeps us all updated on all our St. Anna Philoptochos does and what donations are made. I have just put forth what the National Philoptochos did just in this last year. I hope that you are as impressed as I was. I also hope after realizing all we do you will take the time to not only join our Philoptochos but become an active member. Our meetings are on the first Wednesday of the month beginning at 7:30pm. Please come join us. by Laurie Sahines Convention 2014 – What a wonderful organization we are! It is amazing how much you don’t know about the organization until you attend a convention. This last July, I was blessed to be able to attend the 2014 National Philoptochos Society Biennial Convention held in Philadelphia Pennsylvania July 6th – 9th, 2014. It began with Orthos & Hierarchical Divine Liturgy at St. George Cathedral. Officiating were His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America; His Eminence Metropolitan Evangelos of New Jersey; His Eminence Metropolitan Iakovos of Chicago; His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston; His Eminence Metropolitan Isaiah of Denver; His Eminence Metropolitan Alexios of Atlanta; His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit; His Eminence Metropolitan Savas of Pittsburgh; His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of San Francisco; His grace Bishop Sevastianos, National Philoptochos Advisor. What a very special treat this was. 12 Canon of Faith September 2014 SAINTS PETER AND PAUL MISSIONS MINISTRY Happy New (liturgical) Year Yes, it is our New Year. September 1 is the start of our new liturgical year. As our Church has moveable feast days during the year, our Walk For Missions sometimes changes days, also. This year with the blessing of our Proistamenos and the parish council it is scheduled for Sunday, September 28, 2014 from 12 – 4pm. This is a great opportunity for generations to participate together in an enjoyable family affair. Walking the track is optional. There is something for everyone. Visit our photo gallery. Come see how the orphanage in India looks. See the photos from recent mission trips to Project Mexico, Guatemala and Alaska. It is because of many of you and your gifts that the missionaries are able to continue to do God’s work. Our speaker is Thomaida Hudanish. She has recently returned from spending three months at the orphanage in Calcutta. She will give us an update on the children and progress of the work there. Sr. Nektaria and the children invite each of you to sign your name on a prayer list so that they can offer their gift of prayer and thanksgiving for you. Wear your favorite ministry t-shirt to the event like VCS, Greek School, Dance group, St. Nicholas Ranch, FDF, Project Mexico, etc. Explore the silent auction and raffle areas. Stop by the Wellness Booth and get your blood pressure taken by Dr. Marlen Pajcini. Our life coach Maia Tamanakis, will have additional health information and a gift for you. For pre-K kids we have a separate play area along with crafts that have been designed by moms of our Mother’s and Tot’s group. There is brunch. There is lunch. Stay and dine or pick up a takeout meal. Also, enjoy a great bake sale! The pledge sheet is attached if you have any questions please contact [email protected]. This beautiful icon of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of the mariners, has been written by Ionut Popa, a wellknown iconographer, who has painted churches and icons in the Romanian home area of Fr. Ion. The icon is a copy of the one owned by Metropolitan Nikitas which we keep in the altar at St. Nicholas Church. This icon was made with the blessing of the Metropolitan for the purpose of helping the Missions Ministry and is modeled after one of the mural icons in the church of Saint Nicholas in Thessaloniki. The icon is very beautiful and measures 20”x20”. It can be yours to have in your home. The icon will be given in gratitude to the person who contributes the most in our Walk for Missions by the closing date of 10/12/14. All gifts are appreciated, are greatly needed, and will be used with care. Ελάτε να δείτε πως φαίνεται ένα ορφανοτροφείο στην Ινδία. Ελάτε να δείτε φωτογραφίες από τα τελευταία εραποστολικά ταξίδια στο Μεξικό, Γκουατεμάλα και Αλάσκα. Επειδή δώσατε τις προσφορές σας, οι ιεραπόστολες κατάφεραν να πραγματοποιήσουν τα έργα του Θεού. Η ιερομοναχή Νεκταρία και τα ορφανά, σας προσκαλούν όλους σας να γράψετε τα ονόματα σας σε έκανα κατάλογο παρακλήσεως ώστε να μπορέσουν και αυτοί να σας ευχαριστήσουν και να ανταποδώσουν με το δώρο της προσευχής. Η εικόνα που βλέπετε θα δωθεί σαν δώρο ευγνωμοσύνης στο πρόσωπο που θα προσφέρει τα περισσότερα χρήματα στο Περπάτημα Για Ιεραποστολές μέχρι στις 12 Οκτωβρίου, 2014. Η Ιεραποστολική Επιτροπή εκτιμεί ό,τι προσφορἐς μπορείτε να κάνετε για να καλυφθούν οι απαραίτητες ανάγκες. 13 14 12:00pm Registration opens & lunch in CC 12:30 pm Walk start & all activities open 1:30 pm Presentations start 3:00 pm Silent Auction closes 3:30 pm Drawing for iPad Volunteer? Contact [email protected] 11:30am CC driveway closed. Exit school gate Itinerary for the day: 10/12/14 is the last day drop off your pledges to be eligible for prize. After liturgy in small hall or at the church office. Your donation is important to us! All donations apply to the prizes up to 10/12/14. What if I chose not to walk? Every one is very welcome. Come listen to our speaker and enjoy the event. We will offer take out as well. What if I have a sports event that day? Come before or after your sports event. If you are registered you get 10 laps credit. Your signed pledge sheet , emergency contact information, pledge cash or checks. What do I need to register? We encourage FLAT pledges so you can get your chances to win the iPad on the day of the event Checks made out to St’s Peter and Paul Mission Ministry. A Per Lap Pledge is an amount promised to you for each lap walked. Return your completed lap card with money collected with your pledge sheet by 10/12/14. You will then be eligible for your fundraising level prize. A Flat Pledge/donation is a set amount that should be collected immediately and turned in on the day of the event (9/28). Ask your friends and neighbors! Go UP the ladder and receive the pledge prize listed for each level. You also get the prize/s below each level. One for each registered participant. $10 to walk & be eligible for lap prize and treats. $25 A Pedometer. $50 For each $50 you turn in on 9/28 you get 1. A chance to win an iPad. 2. A chance to win a $5 gift card. $300 Bowling with our priests. $500 and over. A tour of & reception at the PAOI in Berkeley lead by His Eminence Met. Nikitas. Bus will be provided. The date TBD by His Eminence. A prize for the top fundraiser is a beautiful hand painted icon of St. Nicholas modeled after the mural icons in the church of St. Nicholas Orphanos in Thessaloniki. Proceeds benefit the Theotokos Greek Orthodox Girls Orphanage in Calcutta, India and the humanitarian work of Sr. Nektaria. Sponsored by the Missions Ministry of St. Basil and St. Nicholas Orthodox Churches. Together we are Saints Peter and Paul Missions Ministry. NO STREET PARKING in front of church Presentation by Thomaida Hudanish recently back from the orphanage Metropolitan Nikitas & Fr. Demosthenes Introductions by His Eminence Photo Gallery of the Orphanage Site Kiddie Corral play area for preK kids Kids Korner - New or nearly new gifts Silent Auction & Raffle items for all ages! Wellness Booth Frappes * Bake Sale * Crafts Pasta Lunch $5 *Take Out available* Fun for the whole family! Canon of Faith September 2014 Emergency Contact: ______________________Phone______________ 15 TOTALS Lap Money due by 10/12/14 Per Lap Pledges _______x Laps_____ = Total flat donation/s Official Use Only 12 10 11 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Yani Smithopolous SPONSOR’S NAME Amount Online ___________ Checks __________ Cash ____________ $25 Flat Pledge Per Lap Pledge Amt. Date Paid Signature Parent/Guardian if under 18 years old. Minors please make sure to have an adult contact on the premises. NO Drop Offs please. ________________________________________________ I hereby waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages against St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, officials and sponsors of the Walk for Missions from any and all liabilities incident to our, mine and/or my minor child’s involvement or participation in the program. 000-000-0000 300 Wall Street, SJ 95125 For Official Use Only/ Phone Address/City/State/Zip Walker’s Address:____________________________________________Phone___________________email____________________ Walker’s Name:__________________________________ Canon of Faith September 2014 Canon of Faith September 2014 Great Feasts of the Church PASCHA Feast of Christ’s Resurrection. Holy Pascha is the greatest feast of the Church. THE TWELVE GREAT FEASTS The eight great feasts in honor of our Lord and the four great feasts in honor of His Mother taken together are called “The Twelve Great Feats” SEPTEMBER 8 The Nativity of the Theotokos MARCH 25 SEPTEMBER 14 SUNDAY BEFORE PASCHA NOVEMBER 21 FORTY DAYS AFTER PASCHA DECEMBER 25 FIFTY DAYS AFTER PASCHA JANUARY 6 AUGUST 6 FEBRUARY 2 AUGUST 15 The Annunciation of the Theotokos The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Palm Sunday The Ascension of our Lord The Entrance of the Theotokos Pentecost The Nativity of Christ The Transfiguration Epiphany (The Baptism of our Lord) The Presentation of our Lord into the Temple The Dormition of the Theotokos FUTURE PASCHA DATES 2015 - Easter Sunday - April 12th 2016 - Easter Sunday - May 1st 2017 - Easter Sunday - April 16th (same) 2018 - Easter Sunday - April 8th 2019 - Easter Sunday - April 28th 2020 - Easter Sunday - April 19th 2021 - Easter Sunday - May 2nd 2022 - Easter Sunday - April 24th 2023 - Easter Sunday - April 16th 2024 - Easter Sunday - May 5th 16 Canon of Faith September 2014 Come Join the Fun! An Invitation San Francisco Metropolis You are cordially invited to a Luncheon in honor of His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas for the Feast Day of Saint Nikitas Sunday, September 7, 2014 at 1:00pm Adult Resort Camp St. Nicholas Ranch - Dunlap, CA Monday - Friday September 15-19, 2014 Saint Nicholas Community Center 1270 Davis Street, San Jose, CA 95126 Theme: Greeks with the Luck of the Irish $50 per person All donations/proceeds will benefit the PAOI Flyers and registration forms at the bulletin board display in the Small Hall. To reserve your seat or to make a donation, make check payable to St. Nicholas Church and mail tochurch office: 986 Chapman Street, San Jose, CA 95126 Chairperson Roula Demertzis (408) 268-7645 Father Berris Golf Classic You are cordially invited to a celebration… Honoring San Jose City Councilman Pete Constant St. Nicholas Church-Father Berris Golf Classic benefiting the Father Berris Scholarship Fund and St. Nicholas Church Building Fund will be held Monday, September 22, 2014 at Silver Creek Valley Country Club in San Jose. Over $148,000 has been awarded to seminarians from our Metropolis who are enrolled in the Masters of Divinity Program at Holy Cross Seminary. Over $91,900 has been donated to St. Nicholas Building Fund since the memorial tournament began in 1989. Please join us for a fun day of golf and fellowship and/or consider being a sponsor, gift donor or volunteer at the tournament. For more information visit or call Jim Chiochios at 408 741-5534 or Joanne Pagonis at 408 741-0596. Saturday, October 18, 1pm-‐4pm Sponsored by: The Hellenic American Professional Societies (HAPS) And Other Bay Area Hellenic American Organizations Hosted by: The Hellenic Heritage Institute 1650 Senter Road, San Jose, CA 95112 An Afternoon At The Hellenic Heritage Museum • Tour of the Museum • Barbeque Dinner • Presentation “A Greek American in the San Jose City Hall” For more details visit or call: 408 241-‐8662 17 Canon of Faith September 2014 SAINT NEKTARIOS PILGRIMAGE Daisy Girl Scout Troop Starting this Fall at St. Nicholas! Father James Adams is preparing for the San Francisco Bay Area annual three-day pilgrimage to Saint Nektarios Shrine in Covina, California for the Feastday of Saint Nektarios. Dates are November 8, 9, and 10, 2014. Roundtrip transportation by bus will be provided. Cost per person is $265 double occupancy and $385 single occupancy. Includes bus transportation, two nights at the Radisson Park Inn Suites Hotel in Covina with full breakfast each morning. The bus leaves from Nativity of Christ Church Novato at 6:00am; from Holy Trinity San Francisco 8:00am; from Holy Cross Belmont at 9:00am; from Resurrection Castro Valley at 9:30am. Reservation Forms and payment MUST BE RECEIVED BY OCTOBER 1, or the trip will be cancelled. Reservation Forms are available at the bulletin board display in the Small Hall. Our troop will be for girls ages 5 & 6 (or entering K and Transitional K). Meetings will be held once per month following Sunday School at our church. The girls will be earning their Daisy Girl Scout petals, the Orthodox Christian Medal of St. George, and My Faith Pin. Interested? Any Questions? For more details please contact Maria Trapalis (415) 572-5213 or [email protected] UPCOMING FESTIVALS OLIVE OIL FOR THE MONASTERY Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox We had the opportunity to share some of our extra bottles of olive oil with the Monastery of the Holy Theotokos /the Life-Giving Spring in Dunlap. The Monastery has a great need for olive oil for the many kantelia (oil-burning vigils) which burn continuously throughout the year. Gerontissa Markella and all the Sisters were so happy and appreciative to receive this unexpected gift from us. We would like to continue this practice by providing olive oil to the Monastery on a regular basis. If you would like to participate in this unique and blessed project, we ask that you purchase only ONE bottle of Virgin Olive Oil once per month and bring the oil to the church office. Parishioners from St. Nicholas visit the monastery often and would be able to take the oil with them. Church of Vallejo Festival: August 17, 12 noon to 7pm at 1224 Alabama Street, Vallejo. For more information: or 707-642-6916. Resurrection Greek Orthodox Church in Castro Valley: Friday, August 22 5:00-10:00pm; Saturday, August 23 12:00-10:00pm; Sunday, August 24 12:00-7:00pm. Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church of Belmont Festival: Saturday, August 30 through Monday, September 1 at 900 Alameda de las Pulgas (corner of Ralston Ave) in Belmont. For information 650-591-4447 or 18 Canon of Faith SEPTEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY 7:30pm Thursdays Choir Practice 10:00am Sundays Church School September 2014 1 LABOR DAY TUESDAY 2 NEW ECCLESIASTICAL YEAR WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 FRIDAY 5 6 5:00pm Great Vespers 7:30pm Philoptochos Meeting 7:30am Blessing of the Water/Agiasmo SATURDAY 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy 7 8 SUNDAY BEFORE 8:00am HOLY CROSS Orthros + Liturgy 7:15am Nativity of the Orthros + Theotokos 1st Liturgy 11:30am 10:00am Golden Years 2nd Liturgy Seniors METROPOLITAN 9 10 6:30pm AHEPA/DOP 11 12 s 13 10:00sm Blessing of the Water for Hellenic School 5:00pm Great Vespers NIKITAS LUNCHEON 15 14 16 17 18 19 EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS 7:15am Orthros + 1st Liturgy 10:00am 2nd Liturgy 20 5:00pm Great Vespers 21 22 SUNDAY AFTER HOLY CROSS 7:15am Orthros + 1st Liturgy 10:00am 2nd Liturgy 10:00am FATHER BERRIS GOLF CLASSIC 28 29 23 24 26 25 6:30pm Vespers 8:00am Orthros + Liturgy Falling Asleep of Saint John the Theologian 27 No Vespers PAOI Gala 30 1ST SUNDAY OF LUKE 7:15am Orthros + 1st Liturgy 10:00am 2nd Liturgy ARTICLES FOR THE OCTOBER ISSUE ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 15TH Walk for Missions Strict Fast Fish Allowed Wine and Oil Allowed 19 Dairy, Eggs, Fast Free Canon of Faith September 2014 NON-PROFIT ORG. Canon of Faith St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church U.S. POSTAGE 986 Chapman Street San Jose, California 95126 SAN JOSE, CA PAID PERMIT NO. 1236 Return Service Requested Plan your next event at the Philokalia Bookstore SAINT NICHOLAS COMMUNITY CENTER byzantine icons orthodox books cards & gifts The St. Nicholas Community Center is available for: † SACRAMENTAL RECEPTIONS † † open every sunday after divine liturgy WEDDING RECEPTIONS BAPTISMS Have You Registered? ENGAGEMENTS FAMILY REUNIONS e Scrip WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAY PARTIES PARISH FUND-RAISING EVENTS Everyday Purchases . . . Extraordinary Results Call the Church Office for a registration form or AWARD BANQUETS Easy Online Registration FASHION SHOWS ATHLETIC TOURNAMENTS Benefits ST. NICHOLAS BUILDING FUND To reserve the Community Center, please contact the Church Office at 408 246-2770 Our Group ID No. 5318266 Your shopping can be adding up for our Church! 20
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