The Word - July/August 2013 Faith comes by hearing and the word hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church Andover, MA In Brief July/August 2013 Why Regularly Attend Worship? We should regularly participate in Sunday worship regardless of how we feel. Why? Brothers and Sisters in Christ, enjoy this article by Dr. Steven Riser. I added #10 in for Orthodox context. A very on-point message throughout. In Christ, Fr. Christopher Summer hours have begun in church. Orthos is at 8:30 and Liturgy at 9:30. VCS 2013 July 29, 30, 31 To register or volunteer, please contact Diana Vlamis at [email protected] Mark your calendars!! 1. All week, we struggle with the secular world—controlling, laboring and acquiring. In corporate worship, we focus on Christ who provides the proper motivation, direction and encouragement we need to make our lives meaningful, peaceful and joyous. 2. All week, we struggle with stress, worry, anger, hurt, resentment, frustration and fear. In corporate worship, we learn to express our emotions in ways that are pleasing to God. We learn to forgive and ask forgiveness and deal effectively with negative experiences. 3. All week, we react to the world and deal with it reflexively. Sometimes, we deny and distort it. In corporate worship, we are encouraged to be proactive rather than reactive, reflective (meditate) rather than reflexive. We also discover healthy (biblical) principles for interpersonal relationships. 4. All week long we are on the go!—over-committed. We need to slow down and rest. In corporate worship, we come to rest our bodies, renew our minds and refresh our spirits. If we don’t come apart, we will come apart. 5. All week long, we view the world through our own limited spectacles—our experiences and responses. In corporate worship, we expand our vision by learning to view things more and more from God’s perspective. We also learn to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice. Joys shared are multiplied. Sorrows shared are divided. 6. All week long, we relate to others based on our expected roles and impersonal anonymity. In corporate worship, we are personal rather than impersonal. We are with a caring Christian family whose mood and mind set are very similar to ours— who want to learn how to please God more and more. 7. All week long, we are burdened with obligations and responsibilities. In corporate worship, we are refreshed and energized as we restore our relationship with God. 8. All week long, we struggle with sin and guilt. In corporate worship, we learn how to gain and maintain a clear conscience and to overcome the power of sin in our lives. 9. All week long, we struggle to survive. In corporate worship, we learn to live and make life more meaningful for ourselves and others. GREEK FESTIVAL 2013 September 14, 15 Trivia Night October 5 Metropolis Summer Camp (see calendar) Visit our web site for more information on our church. 10. All week long we hunger to be fed by something to fill our souls. In Sunday morning Liturgy we are fed and fulfilled by the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. There’s no other place on earth, other than the Church, where we can go to receive Christ in this way. Amen. 1 The Word - July/August 2013 PARISH DIRECTORY Clergy Fr. Christopher Makiej, Parish Priest Dn. Sal Fazio Parish Deacon Parish Council Ed George, President John Terzakis, Vice President Jim Panagas, Secretary Robert Trant, Treasurer Leonard Banos Spiro Christopulos Jim Demetroulakos Maria Gudinas Jean Koulouris Nicholas Miminos Valerie Murphy Peter Souhleris Buzz Stapczynski George Tasiopoulos Church Office Karen Davies Office Assistant Anita Stratigakis Philoptochos Sandra Spanos Johnson, President Chanter Telly Papanikolaou Choir John Fugarino, Director Organist David Harvey Altar Boy Captain Basil Vergados Sunday School Dorothy Hatzikonstantis, Director Greek School Voula Nikitas Christian Lending Library Rachel Pantely, Director GOYA Advisors Connie Vergados, Sue Terzakis, Gina LaFortune GOYA President Kristina Terzakis JOY Advisor Patty Trant YouthChoir/Women’sFellowship Pres. Katerina Makiej Book Store Manager Elaine Demetroulakos Internet Ministry Christopher Primes AHEPA Steven Pithis Daughters of Penelope Elaine Kevgas College Fellowship Telly Papanikolaou Young Professionals Ministry Nicholas Miminos Facilities George Perakis Archons James Lolos Telly Papanikolaou Parish Council Notes Dear Friends, The Parish Council met on June 18th and heard a number of updates on parish ministries. Two relate to Stewardship and Long-Range Planning. Efforts are underway to coordinate the work of both committees as we address the future needs of our community. Our parish is fortunate to have the many committed and loyal supporters who enable us to sustain and expand ministries. This fall we will meet with various ministry leaders and seek their input as to how we can strengthen our programs. As specific plans are developed, we will share them with parishioners. Planning has already begun as we prepare for our annual Festival. This year it will be held on September 14th and 15th. Chris and Jeannette Alexandrou have agreed to serve as chairs this year, but many hands are needed to put on a successful event. I urge you to volunteer in some way for this wonderful event. You may contact either Chris or Jeannette or the church office to learn when the committee will meet over the summer. In late August we will put together a church calendar for the period September 2013 through June 2014. This calendar allows our ministries to coordinate their events to avoid duplication and any conflict in dates. Once it is ready, it will be circulated. As we enjoy the summer, let’s remember to stay in touch by attending church on Sundays. We will have our usual coffee hours after liturgy which give us the opportunity to enjoy fellowship and the company of friends. Best wishes for a safe and happy summer! Ed George Parish Council President EMBRACING ORTHODOXY: Converts and Inquirers Classes Wednesdays August 7,14,21 7:30 to 8:30pm. (in the Church) Join us for 3 casual and informative classes for: · Parishioners who wish to convert and be Chrismated into Orthodox Christianity from Catholic, Protestant or other religious backgrounds. (through the Sacrament of Chrismation or Baptism). · Orthodox parishioners and inquirers who would like to know more about the history, faith, spirituality and teachings of the Orthodox Christian Church. The class will also address the Orthodox Christian teachings on current events and contemporary social and moral issues. All Parishioners welcomed to attend. Bring a friend. Fr. Christopher teaching Please call or email the church office if you plan to attend: The Word Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor 2 The Word - July/August 2013 2013-14 Philoptochos Officers and Board Members Lisa Primes-Advisor, Colleen Georgian-Board Member at Large, Sue Terzakis-Second Vice-President, Sandra Spanos Johnson-President, Joanne McArdle-First Vice-President, Paula Goodwin-Corresponding Secretary, Stephanie ConnorTreasurer, Martha Coravos-Recording Secretary (not pictured, Olga Pithis-Assistant Treasurer Philoptochos The Bookstore Philoptochos recently made a five hundred dollar donation to the Christian Angel Smile Fund run by parishioners Peter and Desi Souhleris. Their fund is collecting money to help the families affected by the Marathon bombings make their homes accessible. We are thrilled to be able to contribute to their worthy cause. Dear Parishioners, Summer time! The season for family-fun activities and relaxing vacations. We hope all goes well and we will see you in September. If you are looking for something special during July and August, please do not hesitate to e-mail me at [email protected], and we will try to accommodate. Philoptochos had their elections in May. The following are the officers and Board members for the 2013-2015 years: President– Sandra Spanos Johnson, First Vice-President–Joanne McArdle, Second Vice-President–Sue Terazkis, Recording Secretary– Martha Coravos, Corresponding Secretary–Paula Goodwin, Treasurer–Stephanie Connor, Assistant Treasurer–Olga Pithis, Advisor–Lisa Primes, Board Member at Large–Colleen Georgian. The Board and officers were sworn in last month. Thank you, as always, for your support. The Bookstore Staff The Word Volume 15, Issue 6 Colleen Georgian and Lisa Primes have been hard at work on our fall fundraiser, Trivia Night, with DJ Ed, on October 5th. If you are interested in buying tickets or learning more about it, please contact Kathy Coufos at 978-828-1065 or any member of Philoptochos. Tickets are available over the summer. Published monthly except August and January by Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 71 Chandler Road Andover, MA 01810 Phone 978-470-0919 vFax 978-470-0239 The date for our September meeting has not been determined yet. It will be announced in the next issue of The Word. I wish you all a restful, happy summer. Periodicals postage paid at Andover, MA. Permit No. 022-997. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sts. Constantine & Helen Church. With Sisterly Love, Sandra Spanos Johnson Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor. [email protected] 3 The Word - July/August 2013 Sunday School Graduation - June 9, 2013 Vacation Church School! Kingdom Rock! Please register your students to participate in Vacation Church School this summer from July 29-31. It is a great time for students to enrich their faith during the summer season through lessons, singing, crafts, games, dinner, and fellowship. Diana Koster and Gary Kent will be Co-Directors this year. If you would like to volunteer to help, please contact Diana Koster at [email protected]. We need volunteers in all areas: bible lessons, food, games, crafts, decorations, etc. Sunday School News Sunday School Updates I hope you are all enjoying your summer vacation! Don’t forget to come to church and to keep learning in your faith! There are many activities for students on the site if you go to the religious education section. Sunday School Calendar Ahead: July 29-31―Vacation Church School Jesus Loves You! Mrs. Hatzikonstantis The National St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival: Basil and Costas Vergados competed at the National St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival in Memphis Tennessee the weekend of June 8th. Here is an update from Connie Vergados: “The Festival was wonderful! We met Archbishop Demetrios of America, and Archbishop Nicholas. There were 18 students there from all across the country and they all were wonderful! The boys made some great friends. Both Basil and Costas presented their essays really well. They received "honorable mention" and were given a Faith Scholarship, a beautiful plaque, a certificate, a backpack filled with books and icons and an iPad! At Orthros, Basil chanted along with the church chanter and His Eminence's chanter. When we all arrived at the church on Sunday for the Divine Liturgy, it was so beautiful to see and hear Basil up there! Telly would have been proud of him! You can visit the National Oratorical Festival Facebook page at:” VCS 2013 - KINGDOM ROCK! Three evenings of fun and excitement, July 29, 30, and 31, for kids ages 4-12! For QUICK registration, send your child's name, age, and T-shirt size to [email protected]. We are also looking for teen and adult volunteers...please contact Diana at [email protected] if you are interested! Basil and Costas Vergados in Memphis, Tennessee for the Archdiocese National Oratorical Contest 4 The Word - July/August 2013 COLLEGE SENIORS HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS Susan Davies (Ithaca College) Nicolette Kafasis Kelly McLoon (Boston University) Arianna Murphy (UMass Lowell) Nick Terzakis (Bryant University) Nick Tzavalas ( UNH, Paul College, School of Business & Economics) Michael Brandon (UMass Amherst) Zachary Brown Andreas Christopulos (Bentley Univesity) Arianna Demetroulakos (Eckerd College, St. Petersburg, Fla.) Christopher George (Fordham College, NY) Christina Grillakis (Middlesex Community College) Andrew Hatch (Trinity College, Hartford, CT) Eleni Kent (UMass Amherst) Mia Koulopoulos Victoria LaFortune (University of New England) Alexander Lemonias (UMass Amherst) Andrea Pappey (College of the Holy Cross) Dina Roumeliotis (Rollins College, Fla) Christina Serpa (Boston University) Jason Smith (Umass Amherst, Isenberg school of Mgmt) Emma Sonberg Kristina Terzakis (Villanova University, Pennsylvania) Scouting Parents If you have a youngster in scouting—Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Camp Fire—your child can earn an award for Religion. This is a religious emblems program created by the national church bodies cooperating with P.R.A.Y. It is a CHURCH program, approved for use by national youth agencies. Children in grades 1-12 can participate in this program. If you or your children are interested, please contact Deacon Sal by September 8 at [email protected] and let him know that your children will be participating. This is the first meeting and subsequent meetings will be after church with Deacon Sal several times during the year. You can download the booklet your children will need for the first meeting at When the program is complete, you will fill out a form and order the appropriate medal for your child, based on grade and religion. The medal will be presented to all scouts, boys and girls, during church services on Scout Sunday in February. If you have questions, you can learn more from Deacon Sal or at 5 The Word - July/August 2013 All children ages 7–11 and all Middlers in the 5th and 6th grades are welcome to attend all of the JOY /Middler events and outings. If you would like to attend, please feel free to come to the next meeting in the fall. J O Y and Middlers It’s hard to believe that our JOY and Middlers year has come to a close. Our last meeting of the year was our ice cream social held on June 2nd. We had a wonderful afternoon filled with sunshine, fellowship, and ice cream! I would like to thank all the JOY and Middler children for making this year such a success! I truly enjoyed meeting with you every month. You are a very bright, energetic, and fun group of children. Congratulations to our 6th grade Middlers moving on to GOYA. We will greatly miss you! In Christ, Patty Trant Thank you to all the parents and grandparents for bringing your children to the church meetings and outings this year. Not only did the children learn about our Orthodox faith but they developed many friendships and had a great time. I too had a great time with you all at our outings and I feel that I developed real friendships with many of the parents. I would also like to thank Deacon Sal and Mr. Gary Kent for leading the discussions throughout the year during our church meetings. We thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. Your enthusiasm and sense of humor was very contagious and made our JOY/ Middler meetings fun! I wish everyone a very happy and safe summer! See you all in church this summer and at our first meeting in September! 6 The Word - July/August 2013 ότι όλες τις θεραπείες και τα θαύματα τα επιτελούσαν με μαγικές τέχνες. Τότε οι Άγιοι εμφανίσθηκαν στον αυτοκράτορα όπου όχι μόνο ομολόγησαν την πίστη τους αλλά και κατάφεραν να αλλάξουν και τον ίδιο μετά τις θεραπευτικές τους ενέργεις και στον ίδιο. Συγκεκριμένα, ότνα ο Καρίνος ανέκρινε τους Άγίους το πρόσωπο του μετατοπίστηκε προς την ράχη του. Επανήλθε όμως μετά την προσευχή των Αγίων. Όσοι είδαν το θαύμα εκείνη την στιγμή πίστεψαν και ο Καρίνος τους έστειλε πίσω στους συγγενείς τους με τιμές. Δυστυχώς όμως φθονήθηκαν και από τον ίδιο τον δάσκαλό τους που τους είχε μάθει την ιατρική επιστήμη, γιατί είχαν αποκτήσει πολλή δόξα. Αυτός τους προσκάλεσε σε ένα βουνό για να μαζέψουν δήθεν κάποια θεραπευτικά βότανα και εκεί βρήκε ευκαιρία και τους θανάτωσε. 7 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ Η ΑΓΙΑ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ Η Αγία Κυριακή ήταν κόρη τουΔωροθέου και της Ευσεβίας. Αυτοί ήταν άτεκνοι και παρακαλούσαν τον Θεό να τους δώσει παιδί. Πράγματι, αυτός ευδόκησε και το χριστιανικό ζευγάρι απέκτησε ένα κοριτσάκι. Γεννήθηκε ημέρα Κυριακή για αυτό και της έδωσαν το όνομα Κυριακή. Κατά τον διωγμό του Διοκλητιανού, το έτος 282μ.χ. οι γονείς της συνελήφθησαν, και μετά από ανάκριση βασανίστηκαν και αποκεφαλίστηκαν από τον Δούκα Ιούστο. Η δε Κυριακή παραπέφθηκε στον Καίσαρα Μαξιμιανό και από εκεί στον άρχοντα Βιθυνίας Ιλαριανό, ο οποίος της υπενθύμισε ότι η ομορφιά της είναι για απολαύσεις και όχι για βασανιστήρια. Τότε η Κυριακή του απάντησ娨 « Ούτε στην ομορφιά μου , ούτε στην νεότητά μου δίνω την Απολυτίκιο παραμικρή προσοχή. Και τα λαμπρότερα από ‘Αγιοι Ανάργυροι και θαυματουργοί τα επίγεια είναι προσωρινά. Σήμερα έπαρχε επισκέψασθε τας ασθενείας ημών, δωρεά είμαι όμορφη, αύριο μια άσχημη γριά. Να ελάβατε δωρεά δότε ημίν. κάνω λοιπόν κέντρο της ζωής μου την ομορφιά μου? Για αυτό στο λέω έπαρχε¨ήμουν και θα είμαι πάντα χριστιανή». Εξοργισμένος ο επάρχος έδωσε διαταγή να την βασανίσουν σκληρά και τέλος να την αποκεφαλίσουν. Αλλά εκείνη παρέδωσε το πνεύμα της στον Κύριο πριν ακόμη αποκεφαλιστεί. 27 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΙ ΚΟΣΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΣ ΟΙ ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΟΙ Οι Άγιοι Κοσμάς και Δαμιανός ήταν ιατροί στο επάγγελμα και παρείχαν ιάσεις σε όσους είχαν ανάγκη. Για αντάλλαγμα δεν έπαιρναν χρήματα αλλά ζητούσαν από τους ασθενείς τους να πιστέψουν στον Χριστό. Κάποιοι όμως διέβαλαν τους Αγίους στον αυτοκράτορα 7 The Word - July/August 2013 8 The Word - July/August 2013 Easter Egg Hunt Greek School Graduation Our Greek School Graduation Program this year was held on June 1st. It was a huge success. All of our students presented poems, songs, dances, and plays to the delight of all in attendance. Congratulations to our Graduates and their families. We are so proud. We also look forward to new students in the Fall and welcoming back all of our students so we can enjoy all of their accomplishments in Greek School. On Easter Sunday we held our Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Our children enjoyed hunting for eggs in our Family Life Center with famiy and friends. Following the Hunt, all the children and their families went Into Church to celebrate the Agape Service. We would like to thank Sarah Meier and Greg Grillakis for kindly donating the candy to fill our Easter eggs. And we also want to thank Diana Vlamis Koster, Sarah, Greg, and all the parents that filled over 1,000 eggs for our children to enjoy another delightful Easter Egg Hunt. We would also like to thank Peter and Desi Souhleris for underwriting the expenses that went into making this a great day. Also, thanks to Kathy Papadopoulos and her family for donating the delicious pizza. And also, thanks to all of the parents that brought food for our delicious buffet table and helped set up and clean up. And thanks especially to our parents, grandparents, relatives, and friends, that attend our celebrations every year to support and cheer for our beautiful children. A big thank you also goes out to all of our dedicated teachers, their assistants and helpers for the commitment and love to all of our children. Have a safe and blessed summer. And remember to practice your Greek:-) With much love, Fr. Chris and Presvytera Katerina Makiej Kindergarten Greek school class performing To Kokoraki". (The Little Rooster,) First Grade performing "Ta Koulourakia". 9 The Word - July/August 2013 July 2013 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 3 4 5 6 Metropolis Family Camp Session 1 July 3-7 7 8 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Metropolis Youth Camp Session 2 July 8-14 14 15 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Metropolis Youth Camp Session 3 July 15-21 21 22 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Metropolis Youth Camp Session 4 July 22-28 28 29 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Metropolis Youth Camp Session 5 July 29-Aug 4 9 10 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 23 24 25 26 27 30 31 Vacation Church School 10 The Word - July/August 2013 August 2013 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 1 Friday Saturday 2 3 Paraklesis 6:30 pm 4 5 6 7 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Metropolis Youth Camp Session 6 Aug 5-11 Transfiguration Orthros 8:30 am Liturgy 9:30 am Paraklesis 6:30 pm 12 13 11 14 Paraklesis 6:30 pm Embracing Orthodoxy 7:30 18 19 9 10 Paraklesis 6:30 pm Embracing Orthodoxy 7:30 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 8 20 21 Parish Council 7:15 pm Embracing Orthodoxy 7:30 27 28 15 16 17 Dormition of the Wedding 4:00 pm Theotokos (Randall) Orthros 9:00 am Liturgy 9:30 am 22 23 24 29 30 31 Wedding 2:00 pm (Georgacopolis) 25 26 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Baptism 12 noon (Chavez) 11 The Word - July/August 2013 MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church September 14 and 15 th th There is something for everyone to enjoy! Greek food, Music and dancing, a market place, church tours, children’s games and much more. CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS There are many ways for all parishioners, young & Old, Big & Small, to help make this festival a huge Success! Food Prep Sessions: Spanakopita, Pastichio, Moussaka, Pastry Advertising and Publicity Church Grounds Clean up and pruning Cooking Demonstrations Donations coordinator Kid’s Area Marketplace coordinator…….and so much more!! Let us know early if you would like to be a part of our church’s largest event of the year Contact the church office at 978-470-0919 or [email protected] Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church 71 Chandler Road Andover MA 01810 Periodical 12
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