“… and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the Earth.” Acts 1:8 O Come All Ye Faithful! Christmas is fast approaching so be of good cheer! St. George parish will be celebrating the birth of our dear Savior with our annual Christmas Pageant & Pot Luck Christmas Open House Sunday December 14 St. George Greek Orthodox Church of Cape Cod SAVE THE DATE Caroling Games Cookie decorating With a special So bring your favorite visit from dish & join the festivities! st. nick December 2014 / January 2015 The Advent of Love: the Nativity of Christ communication, of dynamic love which transcends and transforms the cosmos of love's fashioning, actualises in each human life— whether realised or not—the eternal love, the very life, of the most holy Trinity. Love has come to us, love comes to us, love each day may re-create us wholly to the active life of its own image. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Centerville, MA Permit No. 18 ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH OF CAPE COD Rev. Fr. Panagiotis K. Giannakopoulos Protopresbyter 1130 Falmouth Road Centerville, MA 02632 Phone: (508) 775-3045 Church Fax: (508) 775-3888 Email: [email protected] www.stgeorge-capecod.com The mysteries of the Christian life are many: the mystery of the crucified God, the risen dead, the sight-filled blind, the joyful broken. And present within the Church's chief mystery—the holy gifts of the holy offering, become none other than the holy body and blood—lies another mystery still: the mystery of love. This sacrament of God's creative self- The Mystery of Love, that creative, energetic life of the eternal God, stands at the centre of our Christian existence. All the sacraments, all the mysteries of this life, are bound up in this; for Love has come to us, has bowed down the heavens and descended to the throne of our human heart. The self-communication of love, which ever expresses itself in the mutual love of the Trinitarian life, has communicated itself into the cosmos as light into the darkness. Love has come to us. The holy incarnation, which the Church celebrates today in the Nativity of the Saviour, is meaningless and distorted if not seen as this mystery of the advent of Love. Though such realities be true, the full meaning and purpose of this fearful birth are not summed up in the sin of human life, in the weight of sin demanding sacrifice, of the wandering, lost sheep in need of guidance. The reverent dread, the full wonder of the Nativity of God, lies in the pure and greatest mystery of Christian reality: the love that orders the cosmos, the love that creates and fashions, the love the Theologian calls God himself, comes directly, fully, gently yet forcefully (Continued on page 3) STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT ORTHODOX WITNESS “You shall be My witnesses … “ The official monthly publication of ST. GEORGE GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 1130 Falmouth Road (Rt. 28), Centerville, MA 02632-3022 Rev. Fr. Panagiotis K. Giannakopoulos, Protopresbyter Office: 508-775-3045 / Home: 508-362-8322 / Church Fax: 508-775-3888 Email: [email protected] / Web Page: www.stgeorge-capecod.com CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS & GROUPS PARISH COUNCIL Regina Bisgounis BUILDINGS & GROUNDS Emilios Rigas PARISH COUNCIL SECRETARY Catherine DiMauro STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE USHERS COMMITTEE Adoree McGillvary Eleni Siamos FINANCE COMMITTEE Tony Zombas TREASURER Tony Zombas SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Tina Rigas PHILOPTOCHOS Sophie Joakim YOUTH DIRECTOR Claire Yannatos EDUCATION DIRECTOR Sunday School & Greek School SENIORS OF ST. GEORGE Elpiniki Yannatos SENIORS SOCIAL GROUP Marie Henn VISION COMMITTEE Arthur Surabian GOYA DANCE DIRECTOR Claire Yannatos CHANTOR ORGANIST GREEK SCHOOL TEACHER CUSTODIAN CHURCH OFFICE SEXTON STAFF Vasilios Meimaris Roxanne Pappas Anna Lemanis Gregory Racheotes Kim Corners Igor Janev 508-398-1883 508-776-8634 508-771-6189 508-495-0634 508-394-2919 508-737-7716 508-737-7716 508-771-3939 508-778-1545 508-775-8981 508-428-9859 508-477-8933 508-778-1545 781-646-3835 508-420-6845 508-888-1045 508-775-3045 508-775-3045 508-364-7096 Meeting Times for Ministries “The God who came to us at Bethlehem continues to come to us today. He comes through the Sacrament of Baptism to bestow upon us His love, to call us His very own. He comes through the Sacrament of Chrismation to fill us with His presence, to make our bodies temples of His Holy Spirit. He comes through repentance and the Sacrament of Confession to cleanse us of sin, to restore in our souls "the peace of God that passes all understanding.” 2nd Mondays 1:30 p.m. Seniors of St. George In every liturgy He comes to us as the Word of God, bringing words of eternal life through the Scripture readings and the sermon. Through the Sacrament of Communion He comes to be born again and again in the shabby stables of our hearts. He comes constantly through prayer. He blesses our marriages as He did that in Cana of Galilee. He stands by our sick bed, laying His healing hand upon us through the prayers of the priest. He comes again and again in so many, many ways through the many ministries of His Church. He comes with healing and forgiveness; He comes with strength and guidance. He comes and when He comes, as the Bible says, “the blind see, the lame walk, and the prisoners are set free." Tuesdays—weekly 11:30 a.m. Seniors Social Group 4th Tuesday 7:00 p.m. Parish Council 1st Wednesday 1:00 p.m. Philoptochos General Meeting It is by offering our blessings back to God that He will be able to continue His forgiving, healing, liberating, empowering, transfiguring, loving ministry through the Church. For God, Infinite though He be, has chosen to work through us, through our gifts, to continue His saving work in the world today.” Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris 3rd Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Philoptochos Board 3rd Wednesday 1:00 p.m. Daughters of Penelope 2015 Stewardship Campaign Pledged Amount YTD $118,320 Average Pledge $520 4th Wednesday 10:00 a.m. Prayer Shawl Group Receipts $114,920 CHURCH SERVICES Winter Hours—Orthros 8:30 a.m., Divine Liturgy 9:30 a.m. Classroom lesson is from 10:00-11:50 a.m. Weekday services as scheduled. CHURCH OFFICE HOURS: Monday – Friday 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday By Appointment 2 Save the date of January 11, 2015 for the annual Stewardship Brunch 15 Hat & Mitten Tree The hat and mitten tree is now up in the lobby! GOYA is collecting new mittens, hats, gloves, scarves and other warm items for local children and youth. Help keep a child warm this winter. Just place your donated items right on the tree which is located outside of the library. Items will be given to those who need them with most going to the Head Start Program. Please return all angel tree gifts on pageant day! December 14 Angel Tree Update This year we had 87 names hanging on our Angel Tree. As of Thursday afternoon there only remains 2 names on the tree. Library Project Donations (additional) Helen Doll Helen Kossifos John Tsaiareas Mary Vroutnas Orthodoxy in MOTION A video contest For youth and young adults 14 A chance for you to share the faith — in your own words and in your voice. Plus it gives you a chance to be a part of the campaign to rebuild St. Nicholas. The contest will have two winners: one age 13-17 and one age 18-35. Want to know more? Go to www.goarch.org for more information and contest rules. As God has taken to himself the whole of human life and united it This one is Love, who offers peace, into the world. inseparably to his divine being, yet overturns the squalor of the The world into which love has bebecoming for us the one known Temple stalls. come incarnate has, since that ever in two, so ought we see in our advent (and never more than toThis one is Love, who forgives ab- Christian life the perfect synonymiday), misunderstood that love and solutely yet makes the highest of ty, the full and absolute union, of its coming. The ways and life of all demands: 'Come, take up your 'love' and 'God'. Our lives and our God are a folly to the world—a folly cross, and follow me'. loving are defined by the Love who that would defy all knowledge outhas taken our life, to make ours his This one is Love, who does not side of prayer. And so love bemerely dismiss sin and all its tragic and his our own. comes but an emotion, a feeling; reality, but comes into its midst to Christ is born, and the emotion is assigned by condemn, conquer and destroy is and love is held preference, choice, perspective out to all the world. captivating false-power. and position. 'Love is gentle', but gentle no longer in emulation of the This one is Love, and Love is no Christ is born, other. Such sin do we commit Gentle Light that burns away the and the Trinity makes manifest when we call or treat as love anydarkness of sin; rather, gentle in the extent of his compassion. thing other than the life of the one mere and sheer acceptance—of every cancer, of any wrong. 'Love born in Bethlehem of Mary, love's Christ is born, Mother. In the life in Christ, love is is kind', but its kindness is not as and life is joined to Life, defined for us always by that eterthat of the one who rebuked the will to will, man to God. nal reality of the Father's great healed sinner, 'Go, and sin no paternal love for the Son, his love more'; rather, a kindness which Christ is born — worked in the sacred person of the says simply, dreadfully, 'Go', and let us glorify him! Holy Spirit—in the mutual colets the sin abound. inhering love of their united Trinitar- M.C. Steenberg—25th December 2004 / 7th As the Church celebrates the great January 2005. The feast of the Nativity accordian life. It is this love which has mystery of the incarnation, of the come to us in the incarnation of the ing to the flesh of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ holy Nativity of God according to Son, for love is God and God is the flesh, we are compelled by the love, and we are proved fools in child's visage of the pre-eternal every division of such a reality. God to take into our hearts the Yet divide it we are wont to do— gentle rebuke of our worldly misand perhaps amongst the chief conceptions. challenges posed to us in keeping This one is Love, who has fashthis holy feast is to see anew the ioned the cosmos from the void, singular reality that is God's life, his yet who lays enshrined in a stable. will, and the substance of our This one is Love, who fashions love—even as he is one reality who man, and bears upon His shoulcomes among us as man and God. (Continued from page 1) ders his sins. 3 HOLY SACRAMENTS BAPTISMS MEMORIALS Vanessa Kalliope—the daughter of Arthur & Katerina Ntasios Godparents: Arthur & Julie Tzouganatos Marios—the son of Nestoras & Agkoustella Bolanos Godparent: Helen Siamos We wish the newly illumined God’s blessings! Aristides Georgopoulos 1 year Georgia Constantine 40 days Sophie Geanisis 5 years George Geanisis 16 years Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos 40 days Angleo Kaldis 40 days Memory eternal! AIWNIA H MNHMH AUTWN! NA ZASOUN OI NEOFWTISTOI! WEDDINGS United in marriage were: Octavia Sili & Mariya Lyudmilova Ruseva Koumbaroi: Veaceslav Sili & Elena Fucsa Michael Athanasiou & Anastasia Binieris Koumbara: Georgia Papagiannopoulos We wish them a blessed and happy life together! NA ZHSETE ! FUNERALS Fallen asleep in the Lord were: Frances Loretta Jaros Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos Helen George Angelo Kaldis Ethel L. Varkas To their families and relatives we extend our sincere condolences. MAY GOD GRANT THEM ETERNAL REPOSE WITH HIS SAINTS. Memory eternal! AIWNIA H MNHMH AUTWN! 4 40 DAY BLESSINGS / SARANTISMOS The son of Paul & Jackie Critikos God bless him! NA SAS ZHSH! SINCERE CONDOLENCES To the family and relatives of: Irene Sarhanis Harry Theoharidis May the Lord grant them eternal repose! AIWNIA H MNHMH AUTWN! IN THE HOSPITALS The following parishioners and friends were hospitalized: Mary Childs, Tamara Anderson, Robina Panesis, Christo Kapopoulos, Thea Samara, Maria Poravas, Dina Kouvaris, Maria Valentino, Valery Kosnyrev, Rose Botsivales, Miriam Bourque, Patricia Georgopoulos, Gianna Nearhos, Julliana Maslova, & Elaine Efstathiou. We pray for their speedy recovery. Perastika>! List of Stewards for Year-to-Date Christos & Maria Alex James Alex William Alex +Nicholas Anagnos William & Debbie Agnastakos John Anasis Nicholas Anestis Helene Anninos Ted & Denise Apostol George & Dimitra Argyriades Chris & Mary Argys Nikolas Atsalis Evalyn Atsalis Katina Atsalis Kyriakos Atsalis Marina Atsalis Alex Becrelis Efthemios & Lily Bentas George Bisgounis Helen Bisgounis Regina Bisgounis Eugenia Bitsikas Ernest & Phyllis Bonos Radu Borcau Helen Bosen Rose Botsivales Peter Bougioukos Charlotte Bourne Nikki Bourne-Hudick Peter & Kassandra Branson Penelope Caicedo Charles & Vassilikis Canelos Christos & Ana Canelos Christina Carey George & Betsy Carras Emanuel & Mary Cavas Rosetta Chalpara Cassandra Chamallas Ed & Agnes Chatelain Maria Chatzinakis James Chekos Sophia Malita Christakis Connie Constantine Charlie & Stella Constas Stephen & Sophia Damon Constantine Darzenta Pat Davis Dina Decas James Demetri John & Lou Demetri Orestes & Hloy Demetriades Mark Despotopulos Antonia Dias DiMauro, Catherine Michael DeMayo Arthur & Fran Dimitres Helen Doll Katherine Dorshimer John & Patricia Economides Peter & Elaine Economopoulos Andy & Elaine Efstathiou S. Andrew Efstathiou Marie Etchells13 Andreas & Artemis Evangelides John & Catherine Fackos Christine Fairneny Frances Fairneny Jim Fotiades George & Victoria Gatzagiannis Ann Marie Geanisis +Helen George Constantenos & Gloria Georgalis Photine Georgopoulos Christos & Christine Georgountzos Van & Connie Geraniotis George Gerodimos Fr. Peter & Presvy. Paula Giannakopoulos Joe Graziosi Barry & Elaine Gremilas George & Athena Grigoriadis Jim & Frances Haidas Florence Hall Susan Hansen Marie Henn Chris James Dimitroula James Peter James Igor Janev Nick & Sophie Joakim James Jumes John Kacoyanis +Angelo Kaldis Elias & Rita Kaldis Maria Kaldis Athanasios & Catherine Kalfopulos Stanley Kallianidis James Kalperis Tom Kalperis Tim & Eileen Kandianis Chris & Barbara Kanellopoulos George and Joan Kapoutsos Christos & Evangeline Kapsambelis John Karacalidis Lefteri & Alexandra Karacalidis Marco Karacalidis Chris Karacalidis Efthimios & Aphrodite Karanikolas George Kazarian George & Anastasia Kazarian Costas & Anne Kefalas Christine Keller Jim Keramas Anna Kiladis Christopher Kokoras Constantine Kossifos Helen Kossifos Dorothea Kostas Steve Kostas Peter & Eleni Koulouras 12 Anna Kraniotaki Emilios & Tasia Rigas George & Margarita Kraniotakis Michael Rodolakis Peter Lambrinos Effie Salpoglou Veni Prifti Lemos Sophia Sarhanis Eleftherios Lengas Irene Scaltsas Andrea Lentell Chris Siamos Helen Lentell John & Eleni Siamos Ken Liatsos Kostas & Despina Siempos James Limberakis Vivian Siempos Leo & Katherine Limberakis Mary Sikalis Despina Longinidis Octavian Sili Alaynia Loumiotis-Hook Melina Silva George & Doria Malliaroudakis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Skordas Peter & Penelope Maniates Alek & Anet Sotiri Demos Marken Irene Spellman Vasilios & Vasiliki Maragozakis Artie & Van Speros Irene Martinos Spyros & Candace Spyrou Adoree McGillvary Toula Stasinos Sophia Menaxopoulos Joanne Statires Olga Metanias Jim & Sandi Stefos Alex & Katie Mitrokostas Emily Stys Dino Mitrokostas Robert & Elaine Sulyma Kostas & Frederika Mitrokostas Art & Carol Surabian Melpomeni Mitrokostas Dennis Theoharidis Socrates & Nancy Mitrokostas Deon & Eleni Theoharidis Maria-Rallou Moore Magdalene Theoharidis Christine Metropoulos Moulton Peter Theoharidis Presv. Mary Mourikis Janell Torrey Dean & Anne Murphy Charles & Patricia Tourkantonis Evelyn Nakos Jim & Pat Trempelas Diana Nicholas Tom Tsakalos George & Nancy Nichols Ioannis & Maria Tsiareas Manuel & Elizabeth Orfanos Dionysios & Alexandra William Panagakos Tsourides Fr. George & Athanasia Ivan & Diyana Tutov Papademetriou Vladimir and Tatiana Uspensky Jim & Martha Papadonis Artemis Vakalopoulos George & Irene Papadopolos Christos & Jillian Varetimos George Papadopoulos Steve & Cynthia Varetimos Achilles Papavasiliou Ken & Christine Vancisin Alex Pappas Zac Verros Arthur & Diane Pappas Louis & Zacharie Vinios Chris Patsavos George & Constance Viscarola Georgios Pavlakis Calliope Vose Albert Pazakis Angie Vournazos Jim & Elizabeth Pentikis Mary Vrountas Emily Pereira Fr. Harry & Presv. Tula Vulopas Frank & Callie Peros Mary Wade Elaine Polly Denis & Claire Yannatos Nicholas Polley Jr. Elpiniki Yannatos Steve & Desse Polychrones Nicholas & Margaret Zantos George & Maria Poravas George & Cathy Lee Zografos Nassos Prapas Tony & Voula Zombas Anne Psomos Maria Zombas Penelope Psomos Anne Psomos & the Clarke Family Gregory & Joyce Racheotes Sam Rafail Nick & Mary Raftelis James Raftopoulos John & Angeliki Raftopoulos 13 Διδαχές Γερόντων: Οι σύγχρονοι άνθρωποι 1. «Οι άνθρωποι σήμερα, έλεγε ο Γέροντας Φιλό θεος, είναι ακράτητοι. Λαός και κλήρος, σαν αχαλίνωτα αλόγα, τρέχουν στην αμαρτία. Δεν συλλογίζονται το Θεό, το θάνατο, την κρίση, την ανταπόδοση, τίποτα - τίποτα, μόνο για την ύλη ενδιαφέρονται, για το σώμα, για τις ηδονές, για τις τιμές. Πολύ λίγοι είναι εκείνοι πού έχουν αληθινά ενδιαφέροντα και ίσως για χάρη αυτών των λίγων κρατάει ο Θεός τον κόσμο». 2. Ο Γέροντας Π αίσιος έλεγε: «Όσοι αναπαύονται μέσα στον υλικό κόσμο και δεν ανησυχούν για τη σωτηρία της ψυχής τους, μοιάζουν με τα ανόητα πουλάκια πού δεν θορυβούν μέσα στο αυγό, για να σπάσουν το τσόφλι, να βγουν έξω να χαρούν τον ήλιο — το ουράνιο πέταγμα στην παραδεισένια ζωή - αλλά παραμένουν ακίνητα και πεθαίνουν μέσα στο τσόφλι του αυγού». 3. «Οι κοσμικοί άνθρωποι με κουράζουν, έλεγε ό Γέροντας Αμφιλόχιος, γιατί όσα έχουν μέσα τους αποθηκευμένα, έρχονται πάνω μου σαν ηλεκτρικά κύματα». 4. Έλεγε ό Γέροντας Πορφύριος: «Σήμερα οι άνθρωποι ζητούν να τους αγαπήσουν και γι' αυτό αποτυγχάνουν. Το σωστό είναι να μην ενδιαφέρεσαι αν σε αγαπούν, αλλά αν εσύ αγαπάς το Χριστό και τους ανθρώπους. Μόνο έτσι γεμίζει η ψυχή». 5. Για τους σημερινούς ανθρώπους, ο Γέροντας της Δράμας Γεώργιος έλεγε: «Ο κόσμος έχει φύγει από την αθωότητα και την καλοσύνη. Κάθε μέρα φροντίζει να βαδίζει προς το κακό. Όσο περνούν τα χρόνια, βαδίζει στην καταστροφή και ο Θεός δεν το θέλει αυτό». 6. Για την ευγένεια των ανθρώπων της εποχής μας, ο Γέροντας Παίσιος υπογράμμιζε: «Κάνει πολύ κακό η κοσμική ευγένεια πού υποκρίνεται, γιατί ξεγελιέται κανείς και ανοίγει την καρδιά του στον κοσμικό άνθρωπο και τελικά χαραμίζει την ευλάβεια του, γιατί εκείνος δεν ξέρει τι θα πει ευλάβεια. Είναι σαν να δίνει χρυσές λίρες σε ανθρώπους πού ξέρουν μόνο τις μπρούντζινες δραχμές». 7. Ό Γέροντας Φιλόθεος έλεγε: «Οι χριστιανοί διαιρούνται σε δύο τάξεις. Είναι οι αγράμματοι και οι εγγράμματοι. Οι περισσότεροι αγράμματοι είναι άπιστοι, δεν γνωρίζουν ότι υπάρχει Θεός, τι είναι ο Θεός και τι είναι η πίστη. Μαθαίνουν όμως τόσα παραμύθια, τόσα άσεμνα τραγούδια, τόσους χορούς! Οι περισσότεροι εγγράμματοι είναι τελείως άπιστοι. Έκτος από λίγες εξαιρέσεις, οι περισσότεροι είναι κούτσουρα! Ποτέ τους δεν προσεύχονται και ντρέπονται να κάνουν το σταυρό τους». 12 Memorial Donations Given in October and November 2014 In memory of … Nicholas Anagnos John Andreadis Konstantinos Arvanitopoulos Charles Drakopoulos Helen George Angeline Graham Betty Haseotes Angelo Kaldis Theodore Loumiotis Total given this time period: $1,650 General Donations Given by … St. Katherine’s Philoptochos Nickolas & Dora Gikas Tony & Voula Zombas Total Donations $550 Donations to the Library Project Mary Vrountas Helen Doll Total Donations $140 From Philoptochos Thanks to all those who contributed to making St. Katherine’s bake sale such a success! Recently, St. Katherine’s honored her patron saint with a light luncheon. Thanks to all who attended which made it a fun time. We wish all the Nicholases and Nicolettas a happy name day! Philoptochos will meet again in February. Healthy happy holidays to all! ΠΡΟΣΕΥΧΗ ΣΤΟΝ ΦΥΛΑΚΑ ΑΓΓΕΛΟ ΜΑΣ Άγιε Άγγελε, εσύ που είσαι φύλακας (προστάτης) της αθλίας ψυχής μου και της ταλαίπωρης ζωής μου, μή με εγκαταλείψης τον αμαρτωλό, μήτε να απομακρυνθής από μένα εξ αιτίας της χαυνότητός μου. Μή επιτρέψης στον πονηρό δαίμονα να κυριαρχήσει επάνω μου κατατυραννώντας αυτό το θνητό μου σώμα. Κράτησε το ταλαίπωρο και παράλυτο χέρι μου και οδήγησέ με στην οδό της σωτηρίας. Ναι, άγιε Άγγελε του Θεού, εσύ που είσαι φύλακας και σκεπαστής της αθλίας ψυχής μου και του αθλίου σώματός μου, συγχώρησέ με για όλα εκείνα με τα οποία σε ελύπησα όλες τις ημέρες της ζωής μου, και για όσα αμάρτησα την σημερινή ημέρα. Σκέπασέ με και τούτη τη νύκτα και διαφύλαξέ με από κάθε επήρεια του αντιπάλου διαβόλου, για να μή παροργίσω τον Θεό με κάποιο αμάρτημα Και συνάμα πρέσβευε για χάρι μου προς τον Κύριο, να με στερεώση στον θείο φόβο (=σεβασμό) και να με κάνη δούλο άξιο της αγαθότητός του. Αμήν. Η προσευχή αυτή στον φύλακά μας Άγγελο είναι στο τέλος του Μικρού Αποδείπνου. Καλό είναι να την λέμε κάθε βράδυ προτού κοιμηθούμε. happy holidays to all. 5 LITURGICAL CALENDAR - EORTOLOGION DECEMBER 2014 DEKEMBRIOS SAT. 6 SUN. 7 FRI. 12 THU. 25 St. Nicholas of Myra. Ag. Nikola>ou tou Qaumatourgou>. Orthros & Divine Liturgy 8:30-11 a.m. 10th Sunday of Luke. I > Louka>. Epistle: Ephesians 5:8-19 Gospel: Luke 13:10-17. SAT. 27 Holy Nativity. H kata> Sa>rka Ge>nnhsiv tou Kuri>ou. Orthros & Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom 8:30-11:30 a.m. Epistle: Galatians 4:4-7 Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12. St. Stephen the First Martyr. Ag. Stefa>nou Prwtoma>rturov. Orthros ONLY @ 9:00 a.m. SUN. 28 Sunday after the Nativity. Kuriakh> St. Spyridons of Trimythous. Ag. meta> thn Cristou> Ge>nnhsin. Spuri>dwnov. Orthros ONLY 9:00 Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19 a.m. Gospel: Mathew 2:13-23. SAT. 14 11th Sunday of Luke. IA > Louka>. Epistle: Colossians 3:4-11 Gospel: Luke 14:16-24. Christmas Pageant in church immediately following the Divine Lliturgy. Parish Council elections until 2:00 p.m. in the library. THU. 1 MON. 15 St. Eleftherios. Ag. Eleuqeri>ou. Orthros ONLY 9:00 a.m. SUN. 4 Sunday before Theophany. Kuriakh> pro> twn Qeofanei>wn. Epistle: II Timothy 4:5-8 Gospel: Mark 1:1-9. MON. 5 Eve of Theophany Strict Fast. Paramonh> Qeofanei>wn. Austhra> Nhstei>a. 9th Hour & Divine Liturgy of St. Basil with Agiasmo 8:30-11:30 a.m. Epistle: I Corinthians 9:19-27 Gospel: Luke 3:1-18. SUN. 21 Sunday before the Nativity. Kuriakh> Pro> twn Cristouge>nnwn. Epistle: Hebrews 11:9-10; 32-40 Gospel: Matthew 1:1-25. WED. 24 Nativity Eve. Paramonh> Cristooge>nnwn. Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 5:30 pm Epistle: Hebrews 1:1-12 Gospel: Luke 2:1-20. 6 JANUARY 2015 IANOUARIOS New Year’s Day, St. Basil the Great, Circumcision of Our Lord. Ag. Basilei>ou tou Mega>lou, Prwto -cronia>. Peritomh> Ihsou> Cristou>. Orthros ONLY 9:00 a.m. January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 New Year’s Day / St. Basil Orthros ONLY 9 a.m. 4 Parish Council Oath 5 8:30 am Eve of Theophany Orthros :& Divine Liturgy 6 8:30-11:30 am Holy Epiphany Orthros & Div. Liturgy. 11:30 Seniors Social Group 7 9 am St. John the Forerunner Orthros ONLY 1:00 pm Philoptochos Gen. Mtg. 8 9 10 11 Stewardship Brunch 12 1:30 PM Seniors of St. George 13 11:30 Seniors Social Group 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11:30 Seniors Social Group 21 10 am Philoptochos Board Mtg. 1 pm Daughters of Penelope 22 23 24 25 26 27 11:30 Seniors Social Group 28 10 am Prayer Shawl Mtg 29 30 31 7 pm Parish Council Mtg (Continued on page 7) 11 TUE. 6 December 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 8:30 a.m. St. Nicholas of Myra Orthros & Div. Liturgy 7 8 1:30 p.m. Seniors of St. George 7 pm. Parish Council Seminar 9 Seniors Social Grp 11:30 am 14 Christmas Pageant & Open House Parish Council Elections 15 9:00 a.m. St. Eleftherios Orthros ONLY 16 Seniors Social Grp 11:30 am 21 22 10 11 17 10 am Philoptochos Board Mtg 1 pm Daughters of Penelope Mtg 18 23 11:30 am Seniors Social Grp 24 Nativity Eve— 5:30 p.m. Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil 25 Holy Naitivity — Orthros & Divine Lit. of St. John Chrysostom 30 Seniors Social Grp 11:30 am 31 7 pm Parish Council 29 28 M Prayer Shawl meeting 12 9:00 a.m. St. Spyridon Of Trimythous Orthros ONLY 13 19 20 26 27 9:00 a.m. St. Stephen the First Martyr Orthros ONLY Holy Epiphany. Ta >Agia Qeofa>neia. Orthros & Divine Liturgy with the Great Agiasmo 8:30-11:30 a.m. Epistle: Titus 2:11-14; 3:4-7 Gospel: Matthew 3:13-17. WED. 7 St. John the Forerunner. Ag. Iwa>nnou tou Prodro>mou. Orthros ONLY 9:00 a.m. Sanctifications of homes and businesses will begin as scheduled. If you would like to have your house or business blessed, kindly call Father Peter to make the proper arrangements. SUN. 11 Sunday after Epiphany. Kuriakh> meta> ta Fw>ta. Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13 Gospel: Matthew 4:12-17. SUN. 18 12th Sunday or Luke, SS. Athanasios & Cyril Patr. Of Alexandria. IB > Louka>. Ag. Aqanasi>ou kai Kuri>llou Patr. Alexandrei>av. Epistle: Hebrews 13:7-16 Gospel: Luke 17:12-29. SUN. 25 15th Sunday of Luke, St. Gregory the Theologian. IE > Louka>. Ag. Grhgori>ou tou Qeolo>gou. Epistle: Hebrews 7:16-1118 Gospel: Luke 19:1-10. FRI. 30 Synaxis of the three Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. Su>naxiv twn Triw>n Ierarcw>n. Orthros ONLY 9:00 a.m. A warm welcome from St. George Greek Orthodox Church Welcome to Viridian! We are the Cape Cod Green Team, Greening Cape Cod Churches! We are so excited to welcome you to Viridian Energy and tell you about this unique opportunity for the St. George community to make a significant and measurable impact on the environment and our nation’s economy every day by choosing affordable, responsible energy. Father Peter has agreed to bring his electric bill to help St. George. He is saving money since he secured a fixed rate for 3 years. Viridian’s fixed rate ensures that greener, clean electricity is delivered directly to his home by NSTAR. And as a result, the church earns $2 per meter every month. (If the utility rates are lower during the 3 year period, customers will be eligible for a 110% rebate.) So think about it — you save yourself money each month and St. George benefits. If you would like to know more feel free to contact Roxanne Pappas at [email protected] 508-364-9964. Thanks! 7 50/50 Golf Raffle RAISE THE ROOF CAMPAIGN Alex, Christos & Maria Alex, James Alex, William & Karen Anestis, Nicholas Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Argys, Chris & Mary Atsalis, Marina Atsalis, Katina Bitsikas, Eugenia Borcau, Radu I. Botsivales, Harry Bougioukos, Peter & Diane Caicedo, Jorge & Penelope Cavas, Emanuel & Mary Chatelain, Agnes B. Chekos, James & Georgia Christaki, Sophia Alex Cocotas, Charles Constas, Constantine & Stella Critikos, Theodore Damon, Sophia Demetras, Maria V. Demetri, James & Donna Demetriades, Hloy & Orestes Dimitres, Arthur & Fran Doll, Helen Dorshimer, Katherine Economopoulos, Elaine Fackos, John & Catherine Fairneny, Christine Garoufes, Kalliope Gatzogiannis, George & Viktoria Georgalis, Constantenos & Gloria Geraniotis, Van & Connie Giannakopoulos, Fr. Peter Graziosi, Joseph & Rita Haidas, James & Frances Haseotes, Joyce Helides, Ernest James, Dimitroula Kanellopoulos, Chris & Barbara Kapsambelis, Christos & Evangeline Karacalidis, John Kazarian, George & Anastasia Kiladis, Anna Kokoras, Christopher Kossifos, Constantine Kostas, Dorothea Kostas, Stergios & Theresa Kouvaris, Demos Kraniotakis, George & Margarita Kraniotaksi, Anna D. Lemos, Veni Prifti Liatsos, Arthur Limberakis, Leo & Katherine Loridas, Arthur S. Malita, Sophie Malliaroudakis, George Menaxopoulos, Sophia Mitrokostas, Kostas & Frederika Mitrokostas, Socrates & Nafsika Mitrokostas, Melpomeni Moore, Maria-Rallou Nicholas, Diana K. Papademetrious, Fr. George Papadopolos, George & Irene Pappas, Arthur & Dianne Pappas, Katherine Pazakis, Albert M. Pentikis, James & Elizabeth Polley, Elaine C. Psomos, Anne Psomos, Penelope Rafail, Samuel Raftelis, Nicholas & Mary Reliable Cleaners Rigas, Emilios & Tasia Scaltsas, Irene V. Siamos, John & Helen Spyrou, Spyros & Candace Statires, Joanne Tourkantonis, Jr., Charles & Patricia Tsoukalas, Petros & Mary Uspensky, Vladmir & Tatiana Vinios, Andrew Vinios, Louis & Zacharie Vrountas, Mary Vrountas, Ted & Mary Vulopas, Harry Yannatos, Dionysios & Claire Zombas, Maria Zombas, Tony & Stavroula Cost to repair roof: $49,817.67 Total Donations Received: $57,035 Monies remaining after roof repair: $7217.33 Donations redistributed at donors request $3,037.33 At the golf banquet dinner on September 22, the drawing for the 50/50 raffle was held. Dina Kouvaris pulled the winning ticket of Mrs. Theodora Gikas who won $3,148.25. We thank our contributors for all their efforts and support. Hopefully next year we can do even better with everyone’s assistance. With sincere thanks! — Christos and Maria Alex, Golf Raffle Chairpeople Special thanks to the following parishioners And friends who sold $200 (10 books) or more. They are Sophia Malita, Victoria Scaltsas, Catherine Di Mauro, Tim Kandianis, Emilios Rigas, Sandy Stefos, David Swift, Christos Alex, Angelo and Virginia Theodorou of the Jerry's Dairy Freeze, George Bisgounis, and an anonymous individual. We appreciate everyone 'sefforts in making this 50/50 raffle a success and pray next year we will have even more volunteers. Remaining Funds to go into Building & Repair Fund $4,180.00 Elaine Liatsos Memorial Prayer Shawl Ministry The Elaine Liatsos Memorial Prayer Shawl Ministry started by the late Elaine Liatsos in the fall of 2010 under the auspices of St Katherine's Philoptochos. The group meets monthly on the 4th Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. in the Anasis Library. We welcome those wishing to join — knitters, crocheters, crafters of all skill levels. With shawls, lap robes, baby blankets and scarves we comfort those suffering from an illness or loss of a family member, recognize those who have made a major contribution to our community, and honor those participating in the 40 day blessing of a new-born child or receiving the sacraments of Baptism and Chrismation. Members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry visit those in hospitals, nursing homes or private homes. To date over 175 shawls, lap robes, scarves and baby blankets have been delivered. The next meeting will take place on Wednesday, December 10th at 10:30 in the Anasis Library to accommodate the upcoming holidays. Evelyn Nakos, Sophia Menaxopoulos, Artemis Evangelidis, and Eleni Siamos hard at work cooking 8 9
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