GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRALIA HELLENIC COMMUNITY OF WA PARISH & COMMUNITY OF STS. CONSTANTINE & HELENE PARISH NEWSLETTER Archimandrite Fr. Elpidios Karalis 9328 7452 (T&F) 0407 260 071 (Mobile) Email address: [email protected] Rev. Fr. John Athanasiou 0411 061 554 (Mobile) Email Address: [email protected] Issue: Sunday 26 August 2012 1 The Trinitarian God Revealed in the Old and New Testament Fr Elpidios The Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) appears in both the Old and New Testament. In the Book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, God says “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness” (Gen: 1:26). As outlined in the Orthodox Study Bible “the pronouns “Us” and “Our” reveal a plurality of divine Persons. These Persons are the Father, Son and Holy Spirit......... the word image is in the singular, and shows the three distinct Persons of the Holy Trinity are one in nature and undivided. For it does not say, ‘Our images’. Therefore, the Holy Trinity is one undivided nature (one God) in three distinct Persons.” Another example where we see the Holy Trinity being revealed in the Old Testament is again in the Book of Genesis (Chapter 11) where it makes reference to the Tower of Babel. Again we see God saying, “Come let Us go down there and confuse their language, so they may not understand one another’s speech.” As in the example given above, the pronoun “Us” refers to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Although the Old Testament reveals the Trinitarian God, it however is not very obvious. One has to read the New Testament in order to see the Holy Trinity being revealed plainly as shown in the examples below. When Christ is baptised in the River Jordan we have the Holy Trinity appearing in a physical form. We have God the Father saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased” (Matt 3:17); we have God the Son being baptised by St John in the river and we have God the Holy Spirit descending like a dove above Christ. The feast of Christ’s baptism is considered a Theophany since on this day God manifests Himself to all of humanity. The Transfiguration of our Lord, outlined in Matthew Chapter 17, is another major feast day of our Church since again we have the manifestation (Theophany) of the Trinitarian God. During this feast we have God the Son transfiguring on top of the mountain before His disciples; we have God the Holy Spirit appearing as a bright cloud overshadowing the whole mountain and we have God the Father saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. Hear Him.” 2 We also have the revelation of the Trinitarian God during the great feast of the Annunciation. In the Gospel of Luke (Chapter 1) Archangel Gabriel is seen saying to the Virgin Mary, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest (God the Father) will overshadow you; therefore, also that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.” Our Lord’s final commandment on earth makes reference to the Holy Trinity. He commands His disciples to “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you” (Matt 28:19-20). Thus from the brief examples given above we can see that the Trinitarian God is revealed in many parts of the Scriptures. However one must first read the New Testament in order to have a better understanding of the Old Testament passages relating to the Trinitarian God. It is therefore very valid to state that the Old Testament is interpreted through the New Testament. 75th Anniversary Luncheon The 75th Anniversary of Sts Constantine and Helene luncheon will be held on Sunday 16 September 2012. Tickets are $35 and can be reserved by contacting the ASU at [email protected]. Tickets will sell quickly and we encourage you to reserve them early. There will be no door sales. Castellorizian Ladies Association "Megisti" WA Morning Tea and Movie Screening THE SAPPHIRES Greater Union Galleria Walter Road, Morley TUESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2012 at 9.30am Tickets $18 All proceeds to the Church of Sts. Constantine & Helene 3 The Problem of Evil: A Reflection on Habakkuk Fr John The place of evil in the world creates a paradox that has perplexed and confounded believers throughout history. The insoluble conundrum can be expressed as follows: if God is all good, all-powerful and all knowing then why is evil allowed to exist? Further, given that evil exists then how can it be said that God is all good, omniscient and omnipotent. Evil and its existence have been dealt with on numerous occasions in the Old Testament. One prophet, Habbakuk, a Hebrew prophet from the kingdom of Judah who lived in the 7th century BC raised this very difficult question with God. At that time the Chaldeans were on the ascent under King Nebuchadnezzar and advancing on the tribes of Israel which they would conquer and force the Babylonian exile. In a dialogue between Habakkuk and God the question is asked of God "You that are of purer eyes than to behold evil and cannot look on wrong, why do You look on faithless men, and are silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he?" Further by allowing this evil Habakkuk complains that "the law is slacked and justice never goes forth. For the wicked surround the righteous, so justice goes forth perverted" Habakkuk was deeply troubled as to why God should permit His chosen people to suffer unjustly. This troubled lamentation has been echoed throughout the Old Testament. One only has to look at the Psalms, Job, Ecclesiastes and Proverbs to name just a few that echo the same puzzlement of God's creation in relation to evil in its myriad forms that exists in the world. Habakkuk had the audacity to demand a response from God. However God does not explain Himself. This is not to say that God withholds information from humanity but rather that humanity could not comprehend the words of God if He answered with. We have to accept that there are things that we cannot understand unless we have experience of them. For instance, if I ask you what does an orange taste like, and you have never tasted an orange in your life, how could you know to describe its taste? To be able to comprehend God’s answer we would be required to have experienced standing outside of time and space and simultaneously look at creation from its preexistence, existence and post existence in order to be able to 4 comprehend His explanation. That is impossible for humans so we continue to ask, expecting an explanation that we can comprehend whilst ignoring our obvious limitations in understanding any explanation were it offered. Psalm 139 encapsulates something of this: "Oh Lord, You have searched me and know me! You know when I sit down and when I rise up; You know my thoughts from afar. You search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways. Even before a word is on my tongue You know it. You beset me behind and befall and lay your hand upon me. Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain it". God commands Habakkuk to write the vision of what will happen upon clay tablets. He assures Habakkuk that what he's saying will come to pass. Judaea has fallen away from God and consequently has turned its face from Him and has rejected God's protection. However He gives some encouragement to Habakkuk. He directs him to write down five woes: Woe to him who heaps up what is not his for those that have been plundered will eventually arise. Woe to him who gets evil gain for his house for by cutting off many peoples he has forfeited his life. Woe to him who builds a town with blood and founds a city on iniquity. Woe to him who makes his neighbour drink the cup of his anger and woe to him who says to a wooden thing, awake! To a dumb stone arise! These five woes give some clue to the ultimate fate of evil actions. They have no long-term hope of success. Whatever is built up through evil fails. Whatever is gained through evil is lost. Ultimately, the doer of evil is cut off from God because they forget God and begin worshipping worldly things and thereby lose themselves in images of their own making. Hence, whilst evil exists Habakkuk is assured that "The Lord is in His Holy Temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him”. The notion of silence is profound. All theology, all liturgy, all prayer, all encounter and all knowledge fails the higher it ascends to God and ultimately only silence and brilliant darkness remains. Evil continues its existence. Whether evil is as understood by Augustine as being the privation of good or whether as a deficiency or lack of perfection as understood by Dionysius the Aeropagite it matters little. The reality is that evil men do evil things and we cannot hope to understand why this is so. Free will on the part of evil men to do evil continues to impact upon the just and the righteous causing suffering, misery and death and depriving the just of their free will to be able to lead a peaceful life. 5 So is there an answer to the existence of evil? The answer will be given but not in this lifetime. Therefore, we will all need to cope with the many faces of evil as best we can. Here is the test: it is not the evil in our lives that causes us to be called Christian; it is how we responded to the evil that allows us to be so called. Ultimately, as Christians we have the perfect model for a way of living and that is our Lord and our hope is to imitate Him thus leading our lives in justice and faith. PARISH NEWS Infant Baptisms The following parents recently baptised their children at the Church of Sts Constantine and Helene: Richard Cardy and Erin (nee) Metaxas. The child received the name George. The godfather was Patrick Metaxas. David Johns and Phynea (nee) Papalazaros. The child received the name Palassi. The godfather was Stavros Papalazaros. Savva Massaros and Teagan (nee) Meredith. The child received the name Levi. The godfather was Iraklis Bianezos. Funerals Our deepest sympathy to the families of the following people who recently reposed in the Lord: • • • • • • Ena (Christina) Park aged 91 Helen Economis aged 87 Christopher Doropoulos aged 82 Alexandra DeSan Miguel aged 92 Kyriakos Stephanos aged 88 Michael Pynes aged 81 May Their Memory Be Eternal 6 Weekly English Divine Liturgies Where: Church of Sts Constantine & Helene, Northbridge When: Every Saturday Night Time: 5pm - 6.15pm Followed by coffee/tea and snacks next door in the Hall Spread the word Bring along the entire family Week Day Church Services (8-10am) Monday 27 August (St Phanourios) Wednesday 29 August (Beheading of St John the Baptist) Strict Fast Thursday 30 August (St Alexander) Friday 31 August (Venerable Sash of the Theotokos) Saturday 01 September (Start of Church New Year) Agiasmos Saturday 08 September (Nativity of the Virgin Mary) Friday 14 September (Exaltation of the Holy Cross (8.00-10.30am)) Strict Fast Monday 17 September (Saint Sophia and her three daughters) 7 Interstate Fr Elpidios will be in Sydney from Wednesday 19 September until Monday 1 October 2012. Fr John Athanasiou will be conducting the Sunday Services at the Church of Sts Constantine & Helene. During this time if anyone from the parish requires to liaise with a priest then please call Fr John on 0411 061 554 or at [email protected]. Fr Elpidios will also be contactable but only on mobile (0407 260 071) and not email. $4185 Raised at Church Brunch On Sunday 22 July 2012, Sts. Constantine & Helene held a Church Brunch in the lower Hall of the Hellenic Community Centre. Approximately 150 tickets were sold and a total of $4185 was raised after expenses. These funds will go towards the costs of the 2012 Short Course in Orthodox Studies which is planned to take place at the end of the year. Many thanks to everyone who supported this function by either purchasing tickets or offering a donation. Special thanks go to the following people who supported our Church function: The Hellenic Community of WA, the members of the Church Sub-Committee, Cocos Riverside Restaurant, Christos Valley Estate, Kakulas Brothers and IGA Noranda. A huge thank you to Prokopi Koutlis for offering to cook the food and all the ladies that helped out on the day. Church Database The Sts Constantine and Helene Church Database has approximately 900 email addresses. If you have a friend or relative who would like to join the Church Database then email us their name and email address to [email protected]. This will allow them to keep updated with various activities taking place in the parish as well as receiving an electronic copy of the Church bulletin. 8 St Andrew’s Grammar - News Natasha Robinson in Year 9 at St. Andrews Grammar has achieved the highest score in Western Australia in the University of New South Wales writing examination. This is a prestigious competition involving over 10,000 participants across the Asia Pacific. Natasha will be awarded a University of NSW Medal for her achievement at a presentation ceremony later this year. I take this opportunity to congratulate Natasha and I wish to recognise the teaching staff at St. Andrew’s Grammar for contributing to Natasha’s outstanding development in English. This is a tremendous achievement from a student belonging to an excellent school. Mr Simon Midson Principal Year 7/8 Canberra Trip The Year 7/8 Transition Canberra trip was an outstanding success! Highlights included: the National Gallery; Questacon; the High Court of Australia; the Australian Institute of Sport; Parliament House; the National Portrait Gallery; the Australian War Memorial; the National Film and Sound Archive; the Electoral Commission; the Museum of Australian Democracy at Old Parliament House; Government House and last by not least - a day in the snow at Perisher Blue! The students were wonderful ambassadors of the school and were all presented with a certificate of participation at the Secondary School assembly on Friday 27 July. I would like to thank and acknowledge Ms Laura Nicholson for her excellent co-ordination of the trip and Mr Mark Williamson for his excellent support. The trip will be offered again in 2013 (Saturday 29 June to Thursday 4 July). Australian Government assistance for National Capital Excursion Students from our school have recently undertaken an educational tour of the national capital. While on this tour they participated in a variety of educational programs focused on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy. The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit their National Capital as part of their civics and citizenship education. To assist the parents in meeting the cost of the excursion, the Australian Government is contributing funding of $240 per eligible student under the parliament and Civics Education Rebate 9 (PACER) program toward the travel expenses incurred. This contribution will be paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion. We would like to thank the Australian Government for their support of this program. The tour was a rewarding experience for all students. Mrs Maria Coate Head of Secondary School St Andrew’s Grammar 2012 Winter Appeal This Year’s 2012 Winter Appeal was a huge success. Thanks to all who contributed to the Appeal by donating goods or money. Below is a photo of the Anglicare truck parked outside the Church of Sts. Constantine & Helene with all the goods collected. 10 Cake Stall On Sunday 19 August 2012 the parish of Sts Constantine & Helene held a cake stall outside the Church. A total amount of $700 was raised which will go towards the payment of the two jarrah pews recently purchased for our Church. The total cost of the pews is $6000. The outstanding balance on the pews is $2000. A big thank you to the 30 ladies who prepared various sweets. STS. CONSTANTINE AND HELENE SUNDAY SCHOOL TIME: 10.00 – 11.00AM In the classroom adjacent to Fr Elpidios’ office Classes taken by Qualified Teachers during the School Term All Children Welcome to attend DISTANCE EDUCATION (ONLINE) St Andrew’s Greek Orthodox Theological College For more information click on the following link: 11 Greece Appeal We would like to thank Kailis Consolidated Pty Ltd for donating $500 towards the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Greece Appeal. Priests Who Served in Western Australia and at Saints Constantine and Helene 1904-1911 SERAFIM PHOCAS ANTONIOS LAMBRIDIS ATHANASIOS KANTOPOULOS THEOFILOS PAPAKONSTANTINOS 1911-1913 1914-1925 1925-1926 1926-1955 1955-1956 1956 1956-1957 1957-1959 1959-1960 1960-1974 1974 (mid) 1973-1976 1976-1977 1977-1978 1978-1979 1979-1996 1996-2008 2008-current 2012-current CHRYSANTHOS CONSTANTINIDIS GERMANOS ILLIOU NEKTARIOS MAVROKORDATOS CHRISTOPHOROS MANESSIS SPYRIDON BRIMIS METHODIOS KALPOYANNIS DAMIANOS KARAVANATZIS CONSTANTINOS PATSOYANNIS ATHANASIOS VLACHOPOULOS CONSTANTINOS XIROUCHAKIS DAMIANOS KARAVANATZIS PANAYIOTIS DIMITRAKOS EZEKIEL KEFALAS EFSTATHIOS KONDILIOS EZEKIEL KEFALAS STYLIANOS VACRAS THEOKLITOS TSAHOURIDIS ELPIDIOS KARALIS (Parish Priest) JOHN ATHANASIOU (Assistant Priest) } } Visiting Clergy } } Above list has been compiled by John Yiannakis 12 CGL Examination Results 2012 I am delighted to announce the wonderful results of this year’s Centre for the Greek Language (CGL) Examinations. Thirteen out of fifteen candidates passed the examinations at the respective level for which they sat! This constitutes a pass rate of 86.7%. Furthermore, just under half of the total of candidates scored a Grade of ‘Very Good’ whilst one third achieved a Grade of ‘Excellent’. It is also encouraging to note that most of these candidates are children of school age, implying that our educational providers (St. Andrew’s Grammar, the Centre for Hellenic Studies, WA, the after-hours school of the Greek Orthodox Community of Evangelismos, along with other providers) are continuing to offer excellent tuition in the Greek language and culture. Listed below are the names of the successful candidates and the level for which they sat: Level A1 (for children aged 8-12 years) Patricia Maria Frazis Level A1 (for adolescents and adults) Phoebe Atsaros Dimitri Michael Ellen Nicolaidis Level A2 Artemis Andreoglou-Dourtsis Ekaterina Farsalas Michael Karagiannis Jack Matsos James Nicolaidis Emmanuel W.C. Terzoudis-Lumsden Level B1 Elias Matsos Zabetta Ragousis Level B2 Mrs Tina Nikolaou 13 Congratulations are extended to each and every one of these candidates, along with their teachers/tutors and parents/grandparents (or anyone who has an influence on their learning of the Greek language). I would also like to extend sincere thanks to my CGL Examination coinvigilators, Mr Pavlos Iosifidis and Mrs Evridiki Politi. They assisted me most capably and for this I am grateful! Thanks are also extended to the Principal - Mr Simon Midson, Heads of Schools - Mrs Maria Coate and Mr Wayne Cronin, Bursar - Mr Jim Tsokos, Student Enrolment and Administration Officer - Ms Hasoly Hurtado, Reception and other staff of St. Andrew’s Grammar where these examinations are held every year. The assistance and cooperation of the Administrative and teaching staff and students of the School is much appreciated. Thanks are also extended to the Board of Directors of my current school, Immaculate Heart College, who had the grace to allow me to leave each day after the NAPLAN Examinations to attend St. Andrew’s Grammar in order to administer the CGL Examinations. Listed below are next year’s CGL Examination dates: Level A1 (for children 8-12) Tuesday 14 May 2013 Level A1 (for adolescents and adults) Tuesday 14 May 2013 Level A2 Level B1 Level B2 Level C1 Level C2 Tuesday 14 May 2013 Tuesday 14 May 2013 Wednesday 15 May 2013 Wednesday 15 May 2013 Thursday 16 May 2013 Registration commences Friday 1 February 2013 and ends Friday 15 March 2013. For further information regarding the CGL Examinations, please contact me via email at [email protected] or on 0402 400 367. Dr Angela Evangelinou-Yiannakis Director - CGL 14 ΑΝ ΑΝΟΙΞΕΤΕ ΤΗΝ ΚΑΡ∆ΙΑ ΜΟΥ, ΘΑ ΒΡΕΙΤΕ ΜΕΣΑ ΤΟ ΧΡΙΣΤΟ....!!! Κάποιο αγοράκι µπήκε επειγόντως στις Πρώτες Βοήθειες ενός νοσοκοµείου. Ύστερα από επείγουσες εξετάσεις, ο γιατρός αποφάνθηκε τα εξής: «Θα ανοίξω την καρδιά σου…» Το αγοράκι τον διέκοψε απότοµα: «Μέσα στην καρδιά µου θα βρείτε το Χριστό». Ο χειρουργός τον κοίταξε περίεργα και καθώς δεν πίστευε, σούφρωσε τα φρύδια του και του είπε: «Θα ανοίξω την καρδούλα σου για να διαπιστώσω τις βλάβες που σου προκάλεσε η αρρώστια σου… «Ναι, αλλά όταν ανοίξετε την καρδιά µου, θα βρείτε το Χριστό.» Ο γιατρός έριξε ένα βλέµµα περίεργο προς τους γονείς του που κάθονταν ήρεµοι πλάι του και συνέχισε: «Όταν διαπιστώσω τις βλάβες, θα κλείσω την καρδιά και το στήθος σου και θα αποφασίσω τι θα κάνω.» «Σύµφωνοι, αλλά θα βρείτε το Χριστό µέσα στην καρδιά µου. Η Αγία Γραφή λέει, πως ο Χριστός κατοικεί εκεί µέσα. Όλοι οι εκκλησιαστικοί ύµνοι λένε, πως ο Χριστός κατοικεί εκεί, µέσα στην καρδιά µας. Εσείς θα τον βρείτε µέσα στη δική µου καρδιά.» Ο καρδιοχειρουργός απηύδησε: «Θα σου πω τι ακριβώς θα βρω µέσα στην καρδιά σου. Θα βρω ένα φθαρµένο καρδιακό µυ, µια µειωµένη κυκλοφορία αίµατος και εξασθενηµένα αιµοφόρα αγγεία. Και τότε θα µπορώ, αν ξέρω, αν έχω τη δυνατότητα να σε κάνω καλά.» «Και θα βρείτε επίσης και το Χριστό, που βρίσκεται εκεί…» Ο γιατρός βγήκε από την αίθουσα εξετάσεως ενοχληµένος. Καηµένο παιδί…! Όπως είχε προβλέψει, προέβη στη χειρουργική επέµβαση… Οι βλάβες ήταν σηµαντικές, καθώς είχε προβλέψει, σύµφωνα µε την εικόνα των εξετάσεων. ∆εν µπορούσε να κάνει τίποτα… Όταν τελείωσε το χειρουργείο, κάθισε στο γραφείο του για να καταγράψει στο τετράδιο χειρουργείου τις σηµειώσεις του σχετικά µε την επέµβαση: κατεστραµµένη αορτή, κατεστραµµένη πνευµονική φλέβα, εκτεταµένη µυϊκή εκφύλιση. Καµιά ελπίδα µεταµόσχευσης. Καµιά ελπίδα ίασης. Θεραπεία: παυσίπονα και απόλυτη ανάπαυση. Πρόγνωση (σταµάτησε): ο θάνατος θα επέλθει µέσα στο χρόνο… 15 Άφησε τον Η/Υ και σηκώθηκε…Απευθύνθηκε στο Χριστό του µικρού: ¨Γιατί, αναφώνησε, γιατί το έκανες αυτό; Το έστειλες εδώ. Το έστειλες µ΄αυτό το κακό. Το καταδίκασες να πεθάνει µικρό απ’ αυτό το κακό. Γιατί; Γιατί;» Τότε στο βάθος του είναι του, άκουσε µια φωνή να του απαντά: «Αυτό το παιδί δεν είναι προορισµένο να ζήσει µακροπρόθεσµα στο δικό σας ποίµνιο. Αυτό το παιδί ανήκει στο δικό µου ποίµνιο και έτσι θα είναι για πάντα. Εδώ, στο δικό µου ποίµνιο, δεν υπάρχει κανένας πόνος. Θα ανακουφιστεί τόσο, όσο δε φαντάζεσαι. Κάποια µέρα, οι γονείς του θα το συναντήσουν εδώ και θα γνωρίσουν την ειρήνη. Το ποίµνιό µου θα συνεχίσει να αυξάνεται.» ∆άκρυα έτρεχαν στα µάτια του καρδιοχειρουργού. Όµως τα αισθήµατά του ενάντια στο Θεό, γεµάτα εγωισµό, αντιδρούσαν µέσα του: «Έπλασες αυτό το πλάσµα, έπλασες αυτή την καρδιά. Είναι καταδικασµένο να πεθάνει µέσα σε λίγους µήνες…γιατί;» Η φωνή µέσα του απάντησε: «Το παιδί πρέπει να επιστρέψει στο δικό µου ποίµνιο γιατί έχει εκτελέσει το καθήκον του. ∆εν έπλασα το παιδί µου στη γη για να το χάσω, αλλά για να ξαναβρεθεί ένα άλλο χαµένο πρόβατο.» Ο γιατρός κατάλαβε πως αυτό το παιδί δεν ήρθε εκεί τυχαία…ήρθε γι’ αυτόν…Ο ίδιος είχε λάβει µια χριστιανική µόρφωση…Οι αναµνήσεις χόρευαν µέσα στο νου του. Εξ αιτίας των πολλών επαγγελµατικών του επιτυχιών, η ψυχή του είχε γίνει η τελευταία του φροντίδα. Μπήκε στο θάλαµο του παιδιού, κάθισε πάνω στο κρεβάτι του, έχοντας απέναντί του τους γονείς του. Το αγοράκι ξύπνησε και ψέλλισε: «Ανοίξατε την καρδιά µου;» «Ναι!»,απάντησε συγκινηµένος ο γιατρός. «Και τι βρήκατε;», ρώτησε ο µικρός. « Βρήκα το Χριστό», απάντησε ο χειρουργός, κλαίγοντας σαν το µικρό παιδί που ήταν ο ίδιος, πριν από πενήντα χρόνια…Το παιδί και ο γιατρός έγιναν οι καλύτεροι φίλοι… ( Του Θωµά Παναγιώτη 21 Αύγουστος 2012) 16 ΑΝΑΚΟΙΝΩΣΗ Η Ιερά Μονή Αγίου Ιωάννου του Βουνού ανακοινώνει στο ευλαβές εκκλησίασμα της Πέρθης το πρόγραμμα του εορτασμού της Αποτομής της Κεφαλής του Τιμίου Προδρόμου: • Τρίτη 28 Αυγούστου, 6.00-7.00µµ. Εόρτιος Εσπερινός. • Τετάρτη 29 Αυγούστου 8.00-11.00πµ. Όρθρος και Θεία Λειτουργία. Θα ακολουθήσει νηστίσιμο γεύμα στο Χολ προς ενίσχυση του έργου της Ιεράς Μονής. Εκ της Ιεράς Μονής. 17
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