GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 435 KEATING DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27104 Non-Profit Organiz. U.S. Postage Winston-Salem, NC Permit # 168 Lighting One Another’s Candles From Seasons of Grace by Donna Farley ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL PLEASE EXPEDITE MAY 2013 Ευχαριστήρια Στους Ιερείς, συγγενείς, φίλους και μέλη της κοινότητας για τις επισκέψεις, κάρτες, και τηλεφωνήματα κατα την διάρκεια της παραμονής μου στο νοσοκομείο και ανάρρωσης μου. – Ευαγγελία Καζάκος Ευχαριστήρια Με βαθύτατη εκτίμηση η οικογένεια του Κωνσταντίνου Στόγια θα ήθελε να ευχαριστήσει όλη την κοινότητα του Winston – Salem και όλους γενικά για την αγάπη και υποστήριξη κατα τον θάνατο του αγαπημένου μας συζυγου, πατέρα, παππού και αδερφό. Οι κάρτες συμπαράστασης μας θυμίζουν πόσο αγαπητός και σεβαστός ήταν ο Κώστας. Ευχαριστούμε όλους που μας έχετε στην σκέψη σας και στις προσευχές σας. Ο Θεός να σας ευλογεί. Με αγάπη οικογένεια Κωνσταντίνου Στόγια Ευχαριστήρια Στους Πατέρες Δημήτριο, Γεώργιο και Θωμά και όλους τους συγγενείς μου και φίλους. Οί φίλοι είναι άγγελοι που σε στηρίζουν με τα φτερά τους όταν δεν θυμάσαι πως να πετάξεις. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι όλοι παραπατάμε γι’ αυτό πηγαίνουμε χερί με χέρι. – Σας ευχαριστω πολυ, Ολγα Κόντος Ποιμαντορικές Επισκέψεις Οι Ιερείς μας επισκέφτηκαν τα παρακάτω μέλη της κοινότητας μας: Σοφία Μπάμπαλης,Τινα Σίμος, Δήμητρα Μπέσκας, Χαράλαμπος Κοτσιώνης, Estelle Κανδάρας, Μαρία Π. Γαλλή, Ευαγγελία Καζάκος και Σταύρος Χόντος. Παρακαλούμε να τους έχετε στις προσευχές σας. (Continued after Philoptochos Newsletter) Sun April 28 Palm Sunday - Regular Schedule At the conclusion of services, the Ladies of Philoptochos cordially invite all to the traditional Palm Sunday Luncheon. Bridegroom Service 7:00 pm - Confessions will be heard after services. ***Please Note: No Greek School and No Hellenic Dance Troupe practices during Holy Week*** Mon April 29 Bridegroom Service 7:00 pm - Confessions will be heard after services. Tue April 30 Men’s Discussion Group 6:30 am Bridegroom Service 7:00 pm - Confessions will be heard after services. Wed May 1 Holy Unction (for children) 4:30 pm Holy Unction 7:00 pm Thu May 2 Liturgy of St. Basil 8:30 am - Communion Service Dyeing of Easter Eggs 9:30 am 12 Gospels (Holy Passion) 7:00 pm Fri May 3 Τετάρτη – Τρίτη 15- 21 Μαΐου Η Χριστιανική Ακαδημία θα ειναι κλειστή Πεμπ 16 Μαΐου Προετοιμασία γλυκών για το Φεστιβάλ 10:30πμ Προετοιμασία Σουβλάκια για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Παρ 17 Μαΐου Το Φεστιβάλ 10:00πμ-10:00μμ Σαβ 18 Μαΐου Το Φεστιβάλ 10:00πμ-10:00μμ Κυρ 19 Μαΐου Ειδικό Πρόγραμμα Λατρείας Όρθρος 9:00πμ- Θ.Λειτουργία 9:30πμ Δεν θα έχουμε Κατηχητικό Σχολείο Το Φεστιβάλ 11:00μμ – 8:00πμ Δευτέρα 20 Μαΐου – Τετάρτη 22 Μαΐου Τελευταίες μέρες του Ελληνικού σχολείου Τριτ 21 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Των Αγίων Κωνσταντίνου και Ελένης Όρθρος/Θ.Λειτουργία 8:45πμ Τετ 22 Μαΐου Η Χριστιανική Ακαδημία ανοιχτή Συνέλευση του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της Φιλοπτώχου 600μμ Service of Lamentations 7:00 pm Πεμπ 23 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση 9:30πμ Pre-Resurrection Service 8:30 am - Communion Service Κυρ 26 Μαίου Resurrection of our Lord Matins 11:00 pm Lights Extinguished 11:50 pm Resurrection - Midnight - Outside Divine Liturgy 12:25 Service will end promptly at 1:30 am Κανονικό πρόγραμμα Ο Καφές ανοιχτός Δευτ 27 Μαίου Το γραφείο κλειστό Τριτ 28 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Τάξη Ερωτήσεων 700μμ- ανοιχτή για όλους που ενδιαφέρονται να μάθουν για την Ορθοδοξία Πεμπ 30 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση 9:30πμ Παρ 31 Μαίου Τελευταία μέρα της Χριστιανικής Ακαδημείας Κυρ 2 Ιουνίου Κανονικό ωράριο Τελευταία μέρα του Κατηχητικού Σχολείου / Αποφοιτήσεις Annunciation Christian Academy is closed for Orthodox Good Friday. Epitaphio Decoration 9:00 am Service of Lowering Christ from the Cross 4:30 pm Sat May 4 Sun May 5 Agape Service - Noon No Sunday School Easter Picnic - Open to all. 1:00 pm—Social Time 2:00 pm—Meal Served Mon May 6 St. George (See flyer in bulletin) Matins/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am St. George - High Point - Matins 6:00 pm Divine Liturgy 7:00 pm Clergy & Laity from neighboring communities are invited to celebrate the community’s nameday. Tue May 7 Men’s Discussion Group Meeting 6:30 am Sts. Nicholas, Rafael & Irene Matins/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Artoklasia is offered by Helen & Jim Tsiolkas Festival All Committees Meeting 7:00 pm Thu May 9 Adult Discussion 9:30 am Golf Tournament at Oak Valley Country Club 10:45 am Fri May 10 Life Giving Fountain Matins/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Sat May 11 Festival Meat Cutting 9:00 am Sun May 12 Mother’s Day Regular Schedule Angel Choir Rehearsal 9:00am. Angel Choir will participate in the Divine Liturgy. Fellowship Hour - Open Γέννηση Συγχαρητήρια στην Μαρία & Διονύση Παλούμπα για την γέννηση του γιού τους Δημητρίου. Περήφανοι παππούδες και γιαγιάδες είναι ο Δημήτρης & Ειρήνη Κρουστάλλη και ο Δήμητρης & Μαρία Παλούμπα. Περήφανη προ- γιαγιά είναι η Κατερίνη Παλούμπας. Να σας ζήσει Γέννηση Συγχαρητήρια στην Κατερίνη & Γιώργο Κουτσουπιά για την γέννηση της κόρης τους Διονυσίας. Περηφανοι παππούδες και γιαγιάδες είναι ο Δήμητρης & Μαρία Παλούμπα και ο Χρήστος & Διονυσία Κουτσουπιά. Περήφανη προ- γιαγιά είναι η Κατερίνη Παλούμπας. Να σας ζήσει Τεσσαρακονθήμερη Ευλογία Δώθηκε στην Μαρία Ασλανήδη με τον γιο της Αλέξανδρο. Να σας ζήσει Τετ 1 Mαίου Πεμπ 2 Μαίου Παρ 3 Μαίου Σαβ 4 Μαίου Κυρ 5 Μαίου Δευτ 6 Μαίου Ακολουθία του Αγίου Ευχελαίου για τα παιδιά 4:30μμ Ακολουθία Αγίου Ευχελαίου 7:00μμ Θεία Λειτουργία Αγίου Βασιλείου 8:30πμ - Θεία Κοινωνία Βάψιμο αυγών 9:30πμ Ακολουθία των Παθών του Κυρίου 7:00μμ Στολισμός Επιταφίου 9:00πμ Ακολουθία της Αποκαθηλώσεως 4:30μμ Επιτάφιος Θρήνος 7:00μμ Θεία Λειτουργία 8:30πμ – Θεία Κοινωνία Η Ανάσταση του Κυρίου Μεσονύκτια τελετή της Αναστάσεως εξωτερικά του Ναού Θεία Λειτουργία 12:25 και θα τελειώσει 1:30πμ Εσπερινός της Αγάπης 12:00 Πασχαλινό τραπέζι – αναψυκτικά 1:00μμ- 2:00 φαγητό (Περισσότερες πληροφορίες στο μηνιαίο φυλλάδιο) Του Αγίου Γεωργίου Όρθρος – Θ. Λειτουργία 8:45πμ Του Αγίου Γεωργίου – High Point - Όρθρος στις 6:00μμ και Θ.Λειτουργία στις 7:00μμ. Ιερείς και μέλη των γειτονικών κοινοτήτων προσκαλούνται να παρευρεθούν προς τιμή της ονομαστικής γιορτής της Εκκλησίας Τριτ 7 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Των Αγίων Νικολάου, Ραφαήλ και Ειρήνης ‘Oρθρος/Θ.Λειτουργία 8:45πμ. Η Αρτοκλασία προσφέρετε απο την Ελένη & Δημήτρη Τσιόλκα. Πεμπ 9 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση 9:30πμ Πρωτάθλημα Γκόλφ στο Oak Valley Country Club 10:45πμ Παρ 10 Μαίου Ζωοδόχου Πηγής Σαβ 11 Μαΐου Κόψιμο κρεάτων για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00 πμ Κυρ 12 Μαίου Η Ημέρα της Μητέρας – Κανονικό ωράριο Η αγγελική χορωδία Νήπια – 6ή τάξεων πρόβες στις 9:00πμ Η Αγγελική Χορωδία θα συμμετάσχει στην Θεία Λειτουργία Ο Καφές ανοιχτός Δευτ 13 Μαΐου Όρθρος / Θ.Λειτουργία 8:45πμ Προετοιμασία κρεάτων για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Προετοιμασια Μπακλαβά και Τσουρέκια για το Φεστιβάλ 5:00μμ Mon May 13 Festival Baking - Baklava & Tsourekia - 5:00 pm Parish Council Meeting 7:00 pm Tue May 14 Τετ 15 Μαΐου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Προετοιμασία Μπακλαβά και Τσουρέκια για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Προετοιμασία Σουβλάκια για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Προετοιμασία για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Προετοιμασία Σουβλάκια για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Men’s Discussion Group Meeting Cloverdale Kitchen Restaurant 6:30 am Festival Baking - Baklava & Tsourekia - 9:00 am Festival Skewering of Meat 9:00 am Wed May 15 Festival Set-up 9:00 am Festival Skewering of Meat 9:00 am Wednesday - Tuesday, May 15th - 21st No Preschool (Annunciation Christian Academy closed for the Festival) Thu May 16 Festival Skewering of Meat 9:00 am Festival Pastry Set-up 10:30 am Fri May 17 Greek Festival 10:00 AM - 10:00 pm Sat May 18 Greek Festival 10:00 AM - 10:00 pm Sun May 19 **Special Worship Schedule** Matins 9:00 am / Divine Liturgy 9:30 am No Sunday School Greek Festival 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Monday - Wednesday, May 20th - 22nd Tue May 21 Last days of Greek School Men’s Discussion Group Meeting 6:30 am Sts. Constantine & Helen Matins/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am Wed May 22 Preschool (Annunciation Christian Academy) is back in session. Philoptochos Board Meeting 6:00 pm Thu May 23 Adult Discussion 9:30 am Sun May 26 Regular Schedule Fellowship Hour - Open Mon May 27 Memorial Day - Office will be closed Tue May 28 Men’s Discussion Group Meeting 6:30 am Inquirers Class - 7:00 pm - Open to all interested in learning about Orthodoxy. Συνεδρίαση του Δ. Συμβουλίου 7:00μμ Τριτ 14 Μαΐου Festival Meat Preparation 9:00 am Thu May 30 Adult Discussion 9:30 am Fri May 31 Last day of Preschool (Annunciation Christian Academy) Sun June 2 Regular Schedule Last day of Sunday School & Graduation Sunday EASTER MIDNIGHT SERVICE BIRTH - Congratulations are extended to Mary & Dennis Paloumbas on the birth of their baby boy, Demetri. Proud grandparents are Jimmy & Irene Kroustalis and Jimmy & Maria Paloumbas. Proud great grandmother is Katherine Paloumbas. May God bless them! NA SAS ZISI! PARISH COUNCIL - ALL TEAMS ALTAR BOYS - Open to all NURSERY - Open to all BIRTH - Congratulations are extended to Kathy & Georgios Koutsoupias on the birth of their baby girl, Dionisia. Proud grandparents are Jimmy & Maria Paloumbas and Chris & Dionisia Koutsoupias. Proud great grandmother is Katherine Paloumbas. May God bless them! NA SAS ZISI! SUNDAY, MAY 12 - Mother’s Day USHERS - John Vlachos, John Vlasis, Rita Georgoulias, Virginia Moutos CHURCH SERV COMM - Anthony Whitley, Nick Samaras, Helen Uhl, James Smalling ALTAR BOYS Team 2 - Dean Vlasis, Christian Collins, Sammy Moutos, Gregory Ballas, Zachary Blevins, George A. Vlahos, Demetri Hodges, Stephen Macropoulos, Terry Rizos, Nicholas McAllister, Kosmas Boutis NURSERY – Irene Chamis, Lena Balourdos 40-DAY BLESSING was administered to Maria Aslanidis and her baby boy, Alexandros. May our Lord grant them progress in faith and in life. SUNDAY, MAY 19***GREEK FESTIVAL*** See special schedule in calendar section SUNDAY, MAY 26 USHERS - Chris Kroustalis, Vicky Russell, Jimmie Toompas, Bobby Leloudis CHURCH SERV COMM - Dennis Hondros, Stephen Vlasis, Georgia Wood, Stan Carroll ALTAR BOYS Team 3 - Harrison Ebert, Giancarlo Franzese, Andreas C. Kalogeromitros, Thomas Anthony, Mikie Ioannou, Costa Kortesis, Alexander Marshall, Nicholas Woody, Anthony Bridges, Stevie Raptis, Stavros Karagiorgis NURSERY – Dora Ballas, Mary Paloumbas COMMUNITY EASTER PICNIC WHEN: WHERE: WE WILL PROVIDE: BRING: COST: NEED: Easter Sunday, following the Noon Agape Service 1:00 PM—Social Time 2:00 PM—Meal Served Annunciation Pavilion - Open to all. Lamb, hot dogs & hamburgers, rolls & fixings, plates, cups, napkins, utensils, ice, grill for cooking, tables, tablecloths & chairs Your own coolers with beverages desired, 1 covered vegetable dish and 1 desert (each enough to feed 10 people). Sign-ups will be in the breezeway on Sunday April 28. None Some help with cooking the lambs and Electric rotisseries. MANY MANY THANKS to the priests, family, friends and members of our community for the visits, phone calls, cards and well wishes during my hospitalization and recuperation. —— Evangelia Kazakos MANY MANY THANKS - With heartfelt appreciation, the family of Konstantinos “Gus” Stogias would like to thank the entire community of Winston-Salem and everyone who showed their love and support, during the death of our beloved husband, father, grandfather and brother. The beautiful cards, flowers and food remind us of how much Gus was loved and respected. Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. May God bless all of you. Love, The family of Gus Stogias MANY MANY THANKS to Fr. Demetri, Fr. George, Fr. Thomas, my family and all my friends. Friends are angels who lift our feet when our own wings have trouble remembering how to fly. Remember, we all stumble, that’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand. Thank you so much —-- Olga Kontos PASTORAL VISITATIONS - The following members were visited by the Annunciation Clergy: Sophia Bambalis, Tina Simos, Dee Beskas, Harvey Kotsionis, Estelle Kandara, Maria P. Gallins, Evangelia Kazakos and Steve Hondos. Please keep them in your prayers. Κυρ 28 Απριλίου Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου 7:00μμ Εξομολογήσεις μετά την Ακολουθία ————————————————————————————————————————- ΚΟΙΝΟΤΗΚΟ Τήν Κυριακή τού Πάσχα έπειτα από τήν ακολουθία τής Αγάπης στό Παβίλιον τής Κοινότητος 1:00 μμ—Συνάντηση 2:00 μμ—Γεύμα Θά υπάρχουν γιά αυτούς πού θά συμετάσχουν: Αρνί ψητό, χότ ντόξς καί χέμπουργα, πιάτα, ποτήρια, πετσέτες, σκεύη, πάγος, σκάρα γιά μαγείρευμα, τραπέζια, τραμεζομάνθυλα καί καρέκλες. Νά φέρετε: Οτι ποτά θέλετε. Ενα πιάτο συμπληρωματικόν τού φαγητού καί ένα γλυκό (τό καθένα νά είναι αρκετό γιά 10 άτομα). Νά δηλώσετε τήν Κυριακή, 28 Απριλίου. Χρειαζόμαστε βοήθεια γιά τό ψήσιμο τών αρνιών. Κυριακή των Βαΐων Μετά την Θεία Λειτουργία οι κυρίες της Φιλόπτωχου σας προσκαλούν στην κοινοτική αίθουσα σε γεύμα. Το απογευματινό Ελληνικό Σχολείο και οι ομάδες του Ελληνικού Χορού δεν θα λειτουργήσουν την Μεγάλη Εβδομάδα Δευτ 29 Απριλίου Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου 7:00μμ Εξομολογήσεις μετά την Ακολουθία Τριτ 30 Απριλίου Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Ακολουθία του Νυμφίου 7:00μμ Εξομολογήσεις μετά την Ακολουθία Hellenic Dance Troupes (Con nued) REGISTRATION 2013‐2014 Registra on will begin in November 2013 for students dancing in the fes val. Registra on is open to all upcoming Kindergarteners through 12th graders. For students dancing on the compe on team – registra on will begin in August of 2013. We will be sending an informa on packet to all families regarding this year’s guidelines, expecta ons, and calendar dates. If we do not have your most current contact informa on (including mailing address, email and phone number), please forward to Sophia Vgenopoulos. Should you have any ques ons regarding registra on, please contact Sophia Vgenopoulos at (336) 399-0359 or at [email protected]. More News… We are currently looking for more Greek dance teachers to teach our children Greek folk dance and songs. Please contact Lisa Siokis at [email protected] or 407-8613 should you be interested on offering your volunteer services. Thank you! Kali Anastasi, Lisa Siokis, Hellenic Dance Troupes Board Sunday School News from Annunciation Pascha is almost upon us. As we go through Holy Week let us love one another and forgive and forget the mistakes of our past. Be kind to each other. Remember, only God is without sin. None of us is perfect. Young girls in grades K-2 are eligible to serve as Myrrh Bearing Women during the Lamenta ons and Resurrec on Services May 3rd and 4th. If you have not already done so, please contact Angelic Carroll at 287-9592 or Helen Karagiorgis at 782-3382 for details. We are so proud of our Oratorical Fes val Par cipants. Maggie Epes and Margarita Skordas spoke in the Junior Division and Alexis Shepherd and Pelagia Tsatsaronis spoke in the Senior Division. All four speakers were eligible to move on to the district fes val in Durham. Presenta ons were beau ful and we thank them for sharing their thoughts and knowledge with us. Special thanks to Teddy Kazakos for his help in pu ng our fes val together this year. And to those who helped with judging. OCMC Mission Coin Boxes were to be turned in Sunday, April 28th. We will con nue accep ng boxes for a few more weeks. We would like to count up all the funds and send our check to OCMC before the end of May, so please return your box as soon as possible. Thank you for your efforts in this worthwhile cause. Our Angel Choir did a wonderful job on April 7th. They sounded like li le angels. We look forward to hearing them again on Mother’s Day. Parents, thank you for encouraging your children’s par cipa on. Parents, please make sure you turn in your students’ attendance at special services to be used as make up days for perfect attendance awards. We would like to have this information by mid May so we can begin preparing items. We only have two classes in May and one in June before our Sunday School year comes to a close. We hope that our students make every effort to attend these last classes. You will soon have 13 weeks off for the summer break, so we hope you can be with us until then. A Blessed Pascha to All, Fr. Demetri & Sunday School Coordinators--Bessie Epes/ Athena Karahalios/Tina White-Kennedy April 28 – Palm Sunday – OCMC Coin Boxes collected May 03 – Lamentations Service – Girls in Grades K-2 eligible to participate May 04 – Resurrection Service – Girls in Grade K-2 eligible to participate May 05 – No Sunday School – Great and Holy Pascha May 12 – Angel Choir sings Divine Liturgy for Mother’s Day – Rehearsal at 9am in the Choir Room May 19 – No Sunday School – Greek Festival June 02 – Last Day of Sunday School – Graduation Sunday YOUTH NEWS MAY 2013 It's been another great year for GOYA and Hope & Joy. Filled with the many activities, trips and great fellowship. And of course an extra busy year for many, as our Parish hosted HDF in January. Our GOYA End of the Year Party is Sunday June 2 at the home of Sam and Fay Ballas. Address is 2406 Wellsburg Ct. Clemmons, NC, in the Milburn Subdivision Time: 6pm MAY EVENTS Sunday, May 5- HOLY PASCHA. Community Picnic with Hope/ Joy Easter Egg Hunt. Picnic starts at 1pm, Food served 2pm. Easter Egg Hunt after. Thursday, May 9- 10th Annual Annunciation Benefit Golf Tournament. Oak Valley Country Club, Advance. Registration starts 10:45am. Shotgun start tee off is 12:30. Saturday May 11- Goya Rafting Trip to US National Whitewater Center, Charlotte. Meet at Annunciation Church 8am. Sunday, May 12- Mother's Day. Annunciation youth, give your Mother a hug!! Friday, May 17, to Sunday May 19- Greek Festival Vacation Church School is Monday, June 17, to Friday June 21. Parents please register your K through rising 6th graders ASAP. Last year we had a fabulous week and a very large registration. We look forward to another great VCS this year, with your support. KALO PASCHA, Fr. Thomas Sun April 28 - Evening - Team 3 Thu May 2 - Evening - Team 3 & 4 Mon April 29 - Evening - Team 4 Fri May 3 - Afternoon - Team 5 Evening - All Teams Sat May 4 - Morning - Team 1 Evening - All Teams (On first come basis) Wed May 1 - Afternoon - Team 1 Evening - Team 2 Every year, each parish in the Metropolis of Atlanta selects 2 individuals to receive the Archangel Michael award. The award is given to individuals who exemplify an Orthodox Christian way of life and a commitment and dedication and service to the Church. 96 letters were sent to individuals who are involved in leading various Ministries at Annunciation. 31 different members of Annunciation were nominated for this honor, indicating the great number of persons in our Church worthy of this recognition. The honorees for the 2013 Archangel Michael awards are Virginia Moutos and Stephen Karagiorgis. We congratulate them for their selection. Previous honorees were: Georgia J. Ballas, Gregory Ballas, Chris Bambalis, Amy Bridges, Mary Chamis, Leigh Cortesis, Persephone Cortesis, Gus P. Chrysson, Jimmy Chrysson, Georgia Demopoulos, Bill Fallis, Harry Gallins, John P. Gallins, Maria P. Gallins, Gus Hodges, Dennis Hondros, Nick Karagiorgis, Athena Karahalios, Gus Kazakos, John Kortesis, Irene Kroustalis, Violet Nichols, Vicky Russell, Lisa Siokis, Deacon Constantine Shepherd, Ann Marie Speas, George Vlahos, Olga Vlahos, Mike Vlasis and Voula Vlasis. INTRODUCING THE ORTHODOX CHURCH INQUIRER’S CLASS Tuesday, May 28 7:00 – 8:30 pm I. A Journey to God II. Who is God – The Holy Trinity Tuesday, June 11 7:00 – 8:30 pm I. Scripture and the Church II. Tradition Tuesday, June 4 7:00 – 8:30 pm I. The Early Church and it’s Development II. What is the Church? Tuesday, June 18 7:00 – 8:30 pm I. Sacraments – Holy Rites II. Salvation and the Christian Please RSVP by May 26th by calling 465-7145. ALTAR BOY ASSIGNMENTS FOR HOLY WEEK Tue April 30 - Evening - Team 5 Archangel Michael Honors Hellenic Dance Troupes FESTIVAL ‐ May 17‐19th Scheduled prac ces for grades K‐8th : Sunday, April 28thth (Palm Sunday) 11:45‐12:15pm Sunday, May 12 (Mother’s Day) (11:45 ‐1 pm) Tuesday, May 14th ( mes to be determined by your teacher) Tuesday, May 16th ( mes to be determined by your teacher) Costumes: 3rd – 12th grades will be assigned costumes. Please take good care of the costumes. Any item that is lost will have to be replaced. Schedule: A ached below (Con nued) TRULY IS RISEN! VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL Christ is risen from the dead, trampling death by death, and bestowing life on those in the graves. REGISTRATION FORM ANNUAL METROPOLIS PASCHA Agape Picnic Diakonia Retreat Center 455 Quail Ridge Rd Salem, SC 29676 SATURDAY , May 11, 2013 11:00am Agape Service The Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is planning the have Vacation Church School from Monday, June 17 - Friday, June 21. Vacation Church School classes will be offered for youth from age 3 through 5th grade. The Vacation Church School will run from 9:00 AM - Noon. YOUR CHILD MUST BE THREE YEARS OLD BY 4/15/13. PLEASE, NO CHILDREN IN DIAPERS. Tennis shoes are strongly recommended. Many times we use paints - please send your child with T-shirt or smock that can be washed easily. Registration must be completed by June 9th to ensure that we will have enough craft items for all. Please complete this form and leave in the office. Thank you. Name & Age Sunday School Grade Just Completed (1)_____________________________________________ ___________ (2)_____________________________________________ ___________ (3)_____________________________________________ ___________ Followed by the Panegyri Χριστός Ανέστη! CHRIST IS RISEN! Χριστός Ανέστη εκ νεκρών, θανάτω θάνατον πατήσας, καί τοίς εν τοίς μνήμασι, ζωήν χαρισάμενος. WE NEED VOLUNTEER HELP Volunteers please let Fr. Thomas know if you can help as soon as possible Please ( ) all that apply: ( ) I would like to help teach ( ) I would like to help with arts/crafts ( ) I would like to help with games NAME____________________________________________PHONE #____________________ Mission Trip to Moscow One of the college students from our community (Moriah Gendy: 336-775-8633 [email protected]) is planning to take part in a Mission trip to Russia May 11-25. While in Russia she will be working in an orphanage in Moscow. To qualify for the Mission trip she will have to fund the trip herself, costing $3500. This will be a very rewarding experience to be able to do this kind of Mission work and upon returning to share their experiences with our community. Those wishing to contribute may do so by contributing to the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and indicating the donation is for the Mission trip. Deadline is May1st. More information can be sent to you upon request. Thank you. COLLEGE & HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES We would like to honor all those who are graduating from college as well as those who graduated during the year. Please complete the form below and return to the office. Graduates will be honored on Sunday, June 3. ______________________________ Name ________________________________ College or High School Graduated From ______________________________ Future Plans ________________________________ Special Honors Received GREEK FESTIVAL 2013 CHAIRMAN Co-CHAIRMEN Dear Ladies of Philoptochos, Thank you again to Father Demetri for being our key speaker for April’s General Meeting. He spoke about and took many questions in regards about Lent and Pascha. I know we all felt he was able to give us the answer we were looking for in each and every question we had. We also spoke about taking on some projects for Second Harvest Food Bank’s Feed the Children Programs. Kim Karahalios, Paula Christakos and I will chair this program. If anyone else is interested please let us know. One of the things we are looking at doing is a program that feeds the children during summer while school is out. This is a great way for us to reach out in our community and help others and to make a difference in someone’s life. I also would like to thank Bessie Epes, Voula Vlasis, Anna Giannopoulos and Xanthe Carros for chairing our Church’s Name Day Coffee Hour. I am always amazed at all the delicious Lenten dishes that everyone brings. As always Bessie did a wonderful job decorating the tables, as soon as you walked in you could see and smell that spring is in the air. We also took the plants that were on the tables and had them planted outside the church so we could enjoy their scent for years to come. We have had two women generously donated yarn for our “Warm Up America” group. These women have been very busy knitting many things to give to different groups in our Winston-Salem/Forsyth County area. I know everyone who receives their gifts is very appreciative of the time and skill that goes into each item they knit or crochet. MEMBERSHIP: The first Sunday of every month we will have someone out in the breezeway to collect Membership Dues. We do have a set dollar amount that we have to give to National and Metropolis for each chapter member. $15 is for National and $7 is for Metropolis. So that is a total of $22 that we have to send in. What ever else you want to add to that stays within our chapter and helps us to give to the many charities that we help support. Our goal this year is to have 120 members. As large as our parish is this should not be a hard goal to reach. Again we welcome everyone from the age 18 and up! Your Sister in Christ, Ann-Marie Dentiste-Speas Greg Karagiorgis 231-9856 [email protected] Dennis Paloumbas 749-4702 [email protected] Chris Karahalios 978-2301 [email protected] George Halages 918-2345 [email protected] COMMITTEES Cashiers & Runners Matthew Greene 244-7320 Michael Kangelaris 682-1901 Brandon Thomas 704-771-6797 Church Tours Dean Clark 682-6871 [email protected] Cooking Demo Rita Georgoulias 724-2929 Virginia Moutos 765-9771 Presv. Betsy Vlahos 766-0160 Alex Kontos 407-3764 [email protected] Dancing Lisa Siokis 407-8613 [email protected] Decorating & Signs Georgia Bobotsiares 240-5767 Dining Room Meal Line Thomas Karathanas 782-4514 [email protected] Dining Room Super. John Vlachos 416-9347 [email protected] John Nikas 529-5544 [email protected] Beverages Jim Toompas 549-2871 [email protected] Wine Tasting Cheryl Ebert 345-0233 [email protected] Finance Jim Carros 413-6286 [email protected] Chris Macropoulos 971-4073 [email protected] Paul Anthony 671-0286 Frappe Preschool 765-3663 Gift Shop/Vendors Cindy Kranis 775-8929 [email protected] Litsa Tsiolkas 972-7929 [email protected] Athena Karahalios 817-8818 [email protected] Tina White-Kennedy 816-8426 [email protected] Litsa Bouloubasis 817-6090 [email protected] Gyro Jim Ballas 399-0847 Harold Doumas 408-2123 [email protected] Loukoumades Helen Strates 765-6875 Manpower Leigh Cortesis 462-0179 [email protected] MC Gina Nikitas 409-9984 [email protected] Meals Bobby Leloudis 287-5566 Pete Bobotsiares 830-0020 Meal Line Cashier Diana Cox 575-5051 Pavilion Super. Nick Karagiorgis 575-6947 [email protected] Take-out Meals Helene Creson 816-3152 [email protected] Kim Toompas 725-9785 Take-out Meals (Inside) Dr. Georgia Olympio 409-1874 Meal Tickets (Presale) Gus Kazakos 462-2925 [email protected] Vi Nichols 406-0889 [email protected] Stan Carroll 287-9593 [email protected] Meat Cutting Pete Bobotsiares 830-0020 Sammy Gianopoulos 682-2290 Pastry & Baking Irene Kroustalis 782-8336 Maria P. Gallins 768-3469 Pizza Athena Kroustalis 971-1306 [email protected] Thomas Vasilos 406-0156 **Parking a. Admission Kenneth Russell 760-2241 w#768-7940 [email protected] b. Set-up Ody Chamis 972-2432 [email protected] Michael Lutz 408-9131 c. Shuttle Bill Mastoras 655-9669 Greg Ballas 768-215 Dean Fragakis 765-3285 John Vlachos 416-9347 Publicity/Advertisement Amy Bridges 406-0705 [email protected] Purchasing & Supplies Jim Paloumbas 399-2153 [email protected] Raffle Marina Yartzeff 725-5011 Potato Rodger Dzoba 407-0635 [email protected] Salad Chris Kroustalis 940-6608 [email protected] Mike Georgoulias 724-2929 Set-up & Breakdown Sam Liontis 774-3074 [email protected] Pete Mastoras 624-0248 Bill Demopoulos 413-3250 Souvlaki Mike Sabanis 988-6257 [email protected] Gus Hodges 782-2596 [email protected] T-shirts Litsa Tsiolkas 768-3723 [email protected] Athena Kroustalis 971-1306 Trip to Greece/Raffle Prizes Maria Blevins 345-0719 [email protected] GREEK FESTIVAL MAY 17, 18 & 19, 2013 Festival Committee Meeting - All Committees Tuesday, May 7th 7:00 pm Help by putting out posters and by selling presale meal tickets ($13.00) Help by volunteering on a number of shifts. Contact Committee Chairs. Help by putting out the word on our Festival. FESTIVAL VAN SHUTTLE SCHEDULE Friday & Saturday 9:00 AM - 10:30 PM Continuously Sunday 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM Continuously PARKING ON FRIDAY-DAY - Our volunteers will park at the CHURCH OF CHRIST on Keating. They will have 2 lots. The SHUTTLE VAN will pick you up. FRIDAY AFTERNOON & EVENING ALL VOLUNTEERS WILL PARK AT THE PARK WEST OFFICE BLDG. Next to Silas Creek & Country Club - Park away from building. SATURDAY & SUNDAY - ALL DAY PARK AT PARK WEST BLDG. It is the office building next to Silas Creek on Country Club. Park away from building. Prayer List As members of an Orthodox Christian family, we are called upon to pray for each other in time of need. Please pray for: Sophia, Chris, George, Peter, Nitsa, Jim, Eleni, Virginia, Tom, Tina, Dee, Harvey, Estelle, Maria, Evangelia, Steve If you would like us to remember you or your loved one in our prayers, please contact our Church office at 765-7145. We will begin with a fresh list of names every month. Annunciation Christian Academy The days are definitely marching right along to the end of the school year and we are ge ng fes val fever here at ACA. As usual, our preschool will run the ice cream booths, frappe and so drinks, face pain ng, merchandise, and co on candy. If you would like to volunteer in any of these booths give us a call at 336.765.3663. Thank you! Evdoksia Tsakas Lighting One Another’s Candles (Continued) 2013 STEWARDSHIP CΟΜΜΙΤΜΕΝΤ PROGRAM LENTEN DONATIONS The June bulletin will contain the list of donors and Holy Week donations. 1ST SALUTATIONS FLOWER WREATH - For the good health of our family by John & Bessie Stabolitis. 2ND SALUTATIONS FLOWER WREATH - For the good health of my family by Sophia Kazakos. 3RD SALUTATIONS FLOWER WREATH - For the good health of our families by Elizabeth & Efthemios Roussis. 4TH SALUTATIONS FLOWER WREATH - For the good health of our families by Maria & Theodoros Kazakos. 5TH SALUTATIONS FLOWER WREATH - For the good health of my children, grandchildren and Godchildren by Olga Kontos. ANNUNCIATION ICON - NARTHEX - In loving memory of Constance Petrakis Marceline by Martha & Joseph Garcia. ANNUNCIATION PROCESSIONAL ICON - In honor of my mother, Mrs. Elene Gekas Halthis in High Point, NC and for the good health of my family by Marea Gekas Sanos. O Christ is risen from the dead and through death He did trample, trample upon death and thus bestowed upon those in the tombs the gift of life, of eternal life. CHRIST IS RISEN! Slavonic: Christos Voskrese! Romanian: Christos a Inviat! Arabic: Maseeh Qam! “Ichoseyouandappointedyouthatyoushouldgoandbearfruit.” John 15:16 We would like to thank the following Stewards for their support of Annunciation Ministries. The Stewardship list is updated on the 15th of every month. Mr. & Mrs. Pete Bobotsiares Mr. Dean Fragakis Ms. Karen Hondros Mr. Jimmy Sapos Mrs. Angela Siafacas Mr. & Mrs. Chris Spinosa Ms. Bessie Stogias Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Tsigas Ms. Maria Tsiolkas Mr. & Mrs. Gus Janos Mr. & Mrs. Chris Katsiadas Ms. Evanthia P. Katsoudas Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Kazakos Ms. Mary Kontos Mr. & Mrs. Pete Kontos Mr. Soterios Vadasis Mr. & Mrs. Frank Valier 2013 STEWARDSHIP REPORT Mr. & Mrs. Ken Mitchell To date we have received 310 pledge cards Mr. & Mrs. Sotirios Papanikolaou Mr. Gregory Pappas Mr. & Mrs. Larry Pope Mr. & Mrs. Theodore G. Poulos Mr. Christos Psilopoulos 2013 Stewardship goal $293,231.00 HAVE YOU TURNED YOUR STEWARDSHIP CARD IN? PLEASE HELP US REACH OUR GOAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE The following items of note resulted from business discussed at the April 8, 2013 Parish Council meeting: Much progress has been made in the planning of improvements for the Narthex. The plans will be presented at the April 21st General Assembly. It includes the following: Moving the candle sand area to where closets currently exist on the far side. Venting the candle area for better air quality in the Narthex. Having a mostly glass wall between the Narthex and Sanctuary. Marble floor with some carpets & Acoustic tiles on the ceiling. Just as we did last year, patrons in the first few pews during the Resurrection service will be escorted out the side doors of the Sanctuary to go outside for the Resurrection message. Planning for the Easter picnic is going well. If you plan to attend, please contact Gus Kroustalis or Will Moye. The Festival committee still needs more volunteers. Please sign up for shifts where needed.
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