GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 435 KEATING DRIVE WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27104 Non-Profit Organiz. U.S. Postage Winston-Salem, NC Permit # 168 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL PLEASE EXPEDITE MARCH 2015 Βάπτιση Στις 7 Φεβρουαρίου βαφτίστηκε η κόρη του Stephen & Paula Manser ανάδοχος παρέστη η Τζέσικα Γαλλή χαρίζοντας το όνομα Αθηνά στο νεοφώτιστο. Να σας ζήσει Αρραβώνας Συγχαρητήρια στην Taylor Παλούμπας και τον Zachary Taylor. Η Taylor είναι κόρη του Γιώργου & Μελίσσας Παλούμπα και εγγονή της Αικατερίνης Παλούμπα. Ο γάμος θα γίνει το 2016. Καλά Στέφανα. Μυστήριο του Χρίσματος Με το μυστήριο του χρίσματος καλωσορίζουμε στην Ορθοδοξία την Τζοάνα (Ιωάννα) Whitley. Χορηγός Μαρία Μπαλατσιά Συλλυπητήρια Στην Πινελιά & Γιάννη Μπαλατσιά, Κώστα & Λίτσα Τσατσαρώνη και τις οικογένειες τους για τον θάνατο της μητέρας τους Μαρίας Τσατσαρώνη. Ο Κύριος να αναπαύσει την ψυχή της και παρηγορήσει την οικογένεια της. Πολλά ευχαριστήρια Σε όλα τα μέλη της κοινότητας για την συμπαράσταση και συμπάθεια κατά τον θάνατο της μητέρας και γιαγιάς Μαρίας Τσατσαρώνη. —- Οικογένειες Γιάννη Μπαλατσιά & Κώστα Τσατσαρώνη THE SAINT NICHOLAS NATIONAL SHRINE at Ground Zero On September 11, 2001, the thousands who senselessly perished in the terrorist attacks of that day were only the first and most grievous losses to our Nation. In the confused and stormy dark days that followed, even as we all gained some small measure of comfort from the extraordinary courage of our Fire and Police heroes, our national sense of identity in the wider world was deeply and perhaps forever shattered. In those days when our Archbishop, His Eminence Demetrios of America, ventured to Ground Zero offering prayer and solace to the survivors and rescue workers, the vanished Saint Nicholas Church was already beginning to speak up. There began in the hearts and minds of those sifting through the debris an utterance crying from the sacred ground unto the Lord on behalf of the blood of any brothers and sisters (cf. Genesis 4:10). And that cry became a story and a history - a story of those who were slain that fateful day, and a history yet to be written of the immigrant communities of lower Manhattan and their dream of America. The recognition, of the value and significance of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero is just beginning. Saint Nicholas will be the only House of Worship in the entire sixteen-acre rebuilt World Trade Center site. In order for this edifice to truly be the National Shrine it is called to be, it must be a National Shrine for everyone. Orthodox and non-Orthodox Christian and non-Christian. Believer and non-believer. the Church of the Savior in Chora, and the very Walls of Constantinople! The interior of the finished Naos will be instantly identifiable as an Orthodox Church with all the accoutrement, furnishing and, of course, plentiful iconography. Saint Nicholas will functions as any other parish with a rich liturgical life centered around the transfiguring cycles of feasts and fast that define every year of the grace of the Lord. But as transfiguring as the liturgy is for the community that worships and understands what it is saying (cf. Acts 8:30,31), there is a transformative role for Saint Nicholas to play for the Nation and indeed the world. In a place where the ashes of mourning still fall into the landscape of memory, we are called to bring glory, in fulfillment of the words of the Prophet (Isaiah 61:3). And this is no self-glorification, but a real sense of the transforming, glorious love of God. This a profound responsibility to be shared by every member of our Holy Archdiocese: to uphold the re-building and ministry of the Saint Nicholas National Shrine at Ground Zero by prayer, by fasting, by feasting, by material support, by sharing resources, by donations, by telling the story from every housetop (cf. Luke 12:3), and writing a new history of human interaction and Divine love. That is why the Saint Nicholas National Shrine will rise in the shadow of the Statue of Liberty. That is why we will welcome all visitors who come in peace and with the This does not mean that as an Orthodox mutuality of respect that every human being Hour of Worship, it will look or feel and dif- deserves. ferent from any other Naos. In fact, the in(Continued after Parish Council Meeting Update) spirations of the architect are Hagia Sophia, Sun Mar 1 Sunday of Orthodoxy - The 40 Holy Martyrs - Regular Schedule At the conclusion of services the youth from Kindergarten-2nd grade will participate in a procession of icons. Please bring your favorite icon from home. Τριτ 17 Μαρ Fellowship Hour Τετ 18 Μαρ Προαγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία 6:00μμ Παρακαλούμε να φέρετε το αγαπημένο σας φαγητό για να συνδειπνήσουμε Πεμπ 19 Μαρ Θρησκευτική συζήτηση 9:30πμ Παρ 20 Μαρ Συνάντηση της Φιλόπτωχου 6:15μμ. συζήτηση με τον Πατέρα Αnton Annunciation Youth attend Wake Forest Basketball game in support of Dino (Greek Block). Game time 6:30pm. Call Neil at 336-758-4037 for tickets ($22) Mon Mar 2 “Warm–up America” in the Breezeway Tue Mar 3 Men’s Discussion Group 6:30am Wed Mar 4 Philoptochos Board Meeting 5:30pm 9-Noon Προετοιμασία Φοινίκια για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Δ’ Χαιρετισμοί 7:00μμ Presanctified Liturgy 6:00pm. Please bring your favorite Lenten dish to share after services. Thu Mar 5 Adult Discussion 9:30am Fri Mar 6 2nd Salutations 7:00pm Sun Mar 8 Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas - Regular Schedule Κυρ 22 Μαρ 9-Noon Young Women’s Discussion Group 11:15am “Living Lent” Festival Baking preparation - Koulourakia 5:00pm Parish Council Meeting 6:00pm Tue Mar 10 Men’s Discussion Group 6:30am « Ζεστασιά στην Αμερική» στον διάδρομο της Εκκλησίας 9:00- 12:00 Ετοιμασία κουραμπιέδες για το Φεστιβάλ 5:00μμ Τριτ 24 Μαρ Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Ετοιμασία κουραμπιέδες για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00πμ Parents of High School graduates meeting after Church service in the Library to discuss graduation party. “Warm–up America” in the Breezeway Τέταρτη Κυριακή των Νηστειών – Κανονικό ωράριο Το Ελληνικό σχολείο και τα τμήματα του ελληνικού χορού σας προσκαλούν σε γεύμα στην αίθουσα της Εκκλησίας όπου θα παρουσιαστούν ένα πρόγραμμα για την Εθνική μας επέτειο. Δευτ 23 Μαρ 40day Memorial - Maria Tsatsaronis Fellowship Hour is offered in loving memory of Maria by her loving family. Mon Mar 9 Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Εσπερινός του Ευαγγελισμού 7:00μμ Ο καφές προσφέρετε από την Φιλόπτωχο προς τιμή της ονομαστική εορτής της Εκκλησίας Τετ 25 Μαρ Του Ευαγγελισμού Πεμπ 26 Μαρ Θρησκευτική συζήτηση 9:30πμ Παρ 27 Μαρ Ο Ακάθιστος Ύμνος 7:00μμ Κυρ 29 Μαρ Μαρίας της Αιγύπτου – Κανονικό ωράριο Δεν θα έχουμε Κατηχητικό Σχολείο Festival Baking preparation - Koulourakia 9:00am Όρθρος – Θ. Λειτουργία 8:45πμ Ο καφές ανοιχτός Wed Mar 11 Presanctified Liturgy 6:00pm Please bring your favorite Lenten dish to share after services. Παρασκευή 30 Μαρτίου – Παρασκευή 3 Απριλίου Η Ελληνική Χριστιανική Ακαδημία θα είναι κλειστή για ανοιξιάτικο διάλλειμα Thu Mar 12 Adult Discussion 9:30am Δευτ 30 Μαρ Fri Mar 13 3rd Salutations 7:00pm « Ζεστασιά στην Αμερική» στον διάδρομο της εκκλησίας 9:00- 12:00πμ Ετοιμασία Γαλακτομπούρεκο για το Φεστιβάλ 5:00μμ Sun Mar 15 Veneration of the Cross - Regular Schedule K-2 will participate in a special procession of the Cross at the conclusion of services. The flowers used for the service are donated by Nick & Efrosene Samaras. Τριτ 31 Μαρ Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας 6:30πμ Ετοιμασία Γαλακτομπούρεκο για το Φεστιβάλ 9:00μμ The Ladies of Philoptochos will pass a special tray to benefit Holy Cross Seminary. Fellowship Hour is offered by GPTO (Greek School Parents) Mon Mar 16 “Warm–up America” in the Breezeway 9-Noon Festival Baking preparation - Finikia 5:00pm Γέννηση Συγχαρητήρια στην Κωνσταντίνα (Τίνα) & Ντίνο Φραγκάκη για την γέννηση του γιου τους Θωμά Ντίνο . Περήφανοι παππούδες κ γιαγιάδες είναι η Μαρία (Μαρικα) κ ο αείμνηστος Ιωάννης Π. Γαλλης και ο Θωμάς & Μαρίνα Φραγκακης. Περήφανοι προ παππούδες και προ γιαγιάδες είναι η Μαρία & ο αείμνηστος Παύλος Ι. Γαλλης και ο Κωνσταντίνος & Μαργαρίτα Φλώρος. Να σας ζήσει!!! Κυρ 1 Μαρ Της Ορθοδοξίας – Των Σαράντα Μαρτύρων - Κανονικό ωράριο Αγγελική χορωδία 3ης – 6ης τάξεων Τα παιδιά των νηπίων εώς και δευτέρας τάξεων θα περιφέρουν Εικόνες. Παρακαλώ να φέρετε την αγαπημένη σας εικόνα από το σπίτι. Tue Mar 17 Festival Baking preparation - Finikia 9:00am Wed Mar 18 Presanctified Liturgy 6:00pm Please bring your favorite Lenten dish to share after service Ο καφές ανοιχτός Thu Mar 19 Adult Discussion 9:30am Η νεολαία του Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου μπορεί να παρακολουθήσει το παιχνίδι του μπάσκετ του Wake Forest για υποστήριξη του Ντίνου. Παιχνίδι 6:30μμ. Τηλεφωνήστε τον Νιλ για εισιτήρια ($22) στο 336 -758-4037 Fri Mar 20 Philoptochos Meeting 6:15pm. Discussion with Fr. Anton. Sun Mar 22 4th Salutations 7:00pm 4th Sunday of Lent - St. John of the Ladder - Regular Schedule Δευτ 2 Μαρ « Ζεστασιά στην Αμερική» στον διάδρομο της Εκκλησίας 9:00- 12:00πμ Τριτ 3 Μαρ Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Τετ 4 Μαρ Συνεδρίαση του Διοικητικού Συμβουλίου της Φιλόπτωχου 5:30μμ Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία 6:00μμ Παρακαλούμε να φέρετε το αγαπημένο σας φαγητό για να συνδειπνήσουμε Πεμπ 5 Μαρ Θρησκευτική Συζήτηση 9:30πμ Παρ 6 Μαρ Β Χαιρετισμοί 7:00μμ Κυρ 8 Μαρ Του Γρηγορίου Παλαμά- Κανονικό ωράριο Celebration of Greek Independence Day/Luncheon At the conclusion of Services the GPTO, the Greek School and the Hellenic Dance Troupes cordially invite all to the Greek Independence Day Celebration Luncheon and program. Mon Mar 23 “Warm–up America” in the Breezeway 9-Noon Festival Baking preparation - Kourabiethes 5:00pm Tue Mar 24 Men’s Discussion Group 6:30am Festival Baking preparation - Kourabiethes 9:00am Vespers of the Annunciation 7:00pm Fellowship Hour is offered by the Ladies of Philoptochos in honor of our Church’s nameday. Τεσσαρακονθήμερο Μνημόσυνο της Μαρίας Τσατσαρώνη Ο καφές προσφέρετε από την οικογένεια της Μαρίας στην αγαπημένη μνήμη της. Δευτ 9 Μαρτ Men’s Discussion Group 6:30am Οι γονείς των αποφοίτων του Λυκείου θα έχουν συνάντηση μετά την Θ.Λειτουργία στην Βιβλιοθήκη για να συζητήσουν το πάρτι αποφοίτησης Wed Mar 26 Feast of the Annunciation Matins & Divine Liturgy 8:45am Thu Mar 26 Adult Discussion 9:30am « Ζεστασιά στην Αμερική» στον διάδρομο της Εκκλησίας 9:00- 12:00πμ Fri Mar 27 AKATHYST hymn 7:00 pm Συζήτηση νέων γυναικών «Ζώντας την νηστεία» 11:15πμ Sun Mar 29 Προετοιμασία Κουλουράκια για το Φεστιβάλ 5:00μμ St. Mary of Egypt - Regular Schedule No Sunday School - School Break Συνέλευση του Διοικητικού συμβουλίου 6:30μμ Fellowship Hour - Open Τριτ 10 Μαρ Θρησκευτική συζήτηση της ομάδας των ανδρών 6:30πμ Mon March 30- Friday April 3 Annunciation Christian Academy closed for Spring Break Τετ 11 Μαρ Προηγιασμένη Θ. Λειτουργία 6:00μμ Παρακαλούμε να φέρετε το αγαπημένο σας φαγητό για να συνδειπνήσουμε Mon Mar 30 Πεμπ 12 Μαρ Θρησκευτική Συζήτηση 9:30πμ Tue Mar 31 Παρ 13 Μαρ Γ’ Χαιρετισμοί 7:00μμ Κυρ 15 Μαρ Της Σταυροπροσκυνήσεως - Κανονικό ωράριο Η περιφορά του Τίμιου Σταυρού στο τέλος της Θ. Λειτουργίας από παιδιά Νηπίου έως δευτέρας τάξης. Τα λουλούδια προσφέρονται από τον Νίκο & Ευφροσύνη Σαμαρά Οι κυρίες της Φιλόπτωχου θα περιφέρουν ειδικό δίσκο. Δευτ 16 Μαρ « Ζεστασιά στην Αμερική» στον διάδρομο της Εκκλησίας 9:00- 12:00 Προετοιμασία Φοινίκια για το Φεστιβάλ 5:00μμ “Warm–up America” in the Breezeway 9-Noon Festival Baking preparation - Galactobouriko 5:00pm Men’s Discussion Group 6:30am Festival Baking preparation - Galactobouriko 9:00am PARKING LOT SAFETY VIOLATIONS The Fire Marshall has warned our church of PARKING LOT SAFETY VIOLATIONS. Please see the bulletin section on Parish Council Meeting Update in this bulletin. SUNDAY, MARCH 1 USHERS - Jim Paloumbas, Michael Kangelaris, Dr. Mike Olympio, Stan Carroll CHURCH SERV COMM Team 3 - Chris Macropoulos, Virginia Moutos, John Kazakos, Vic Pappas READER - George Kalamaras ALTAR BOYS Team 5 – Sammy Moutos, Thomas Anthony, Ian Hellmer, Travis Liontis, Ralph Shepherd, Marcus Neacsu, George Raptis, Nicholas Rizos, Vasili Karagiannis, Michael Ioannou, Matthew Moutos, John Kroustalis, Sebastian Neacsu NURSERY – Maria Capparelli, Georgia Hull SUNDAY, MARCH 8 USHERS – Jimmy Chrysson, Chris Kroustalis, Tommy Karathanas, George Bambalis CHURCH SERV COMM Team 4 - James (Paki) Hondros, Brian McFarlin, Chad Davis, Renee Kortesis READER - Anthony Whitley ALTAR BOYS Team 1 - Uly Grisette IV, Chris Ziogas, Teddy Christakos, Michael A. Vlahos, Vaios Demopoulos, Alexandros Kalogeromitros, Yiannis Alexiou, Luke Vlahos, Vasilios Ziogas, Mario Dallis, Christos Demopoulos, Demetrios Liaskonis, John Stabolitis NURSERY – Irene Chamis, Lena Balourdos, Christina Soriano SUNDAY, MARCH 15 USHERS – Nick Karagiorgis, George Kalamaras, Patricia Valier, Sam Liontis CHURCH SERV COMM Team 1 - Sammy Ballas, Tom Giannopoulos, Tony Franzese, Stacy Shepherd READER - Will Moye ALTAR BOYS Team 2 - Zachary Blevins, Gregory Ballas, Demetri Hodges, Stephen Macropoulos, Terry Rizos, Kosmas Boutis, Christopher Gallos, Demetri Kortesis, Spero Moutos, George Sechrest, Christian Gallos NURSERY – Mary Paloumbas, Katie Kroustalis BIRTH - Congratulations are extended to Constantina (Tina) & Deno Frangakis on the birth of their baby boy, Thomas Deno. Proud grandparents are Maria (Marika) & the late John P. Gallins and Thomas & Marina Frangakis. Proud great grandparents are Maria & the late Paul J. Gallins and Gus & Margarita Floros. May God bless them. NA SAS ZISI! BAPTISM - On February 7, Athena was baptized into the Orthodox Church. She is the daughter of Stephen & Paula Manser. Godmother - Jessica Gallins. May God bless the newly baptized! NA SAS ZISI TO NEOFOTISTO! ENGAGEMENT - Congratulations are extended to Taylor Paloumbas and Zachary Taylor. Taylor is the daughter of George & Melissa Paloumbas, and granddaughter of Katherine Paloumbas. A wedding is planned for 2016. KALA STEFANA! CONFIRMATION A warm welcome is extended Jenna (Joanna) Whitley who joined the Orthodox Church through the Sacrament of Chrismation on February 1. Sponsor - Maria Ballas. CONDOLENCES are extended to Penny & John Ballas, Kosta & Litsa Tsatsaronis, their families and the extended family on the falling asleep of Maria Tsatsaronis. May our Lord rest her soul and comfort her loving family. MANY MANY THANKS to the members of our community for your visits, calls, cards and expressions of sympathy on the falling asleep of our mother and grandmother, Maria Tsatsaronis. — John Ballas & Kosta Tsatsaronis families SUNDAY, MARCH 22 USHERS - Jim Paloumbas, Michael Kangelaris, Dr. Mike Olympio, Stan Carroll CHURCH SERV COMM Team 2 - Helen Uhl, Chris Gallos, Ilias Vlachos, Teddy J. Tsiolkas READER - Ron Sheppard ALTAR BOYS Team 3 - George A. Vlahos, Elias Ziogas, Andreas C. Kalogeromitros, Mikie Ioannou, Costa Kortesis, Alexander Marshall, Nicholas Woody, Stevie Raptis, Stavros Karagiorgis, Panagiotis Vgenopoulos, Parker Moye, Yanni Petropoulos, Angelo Petropoulos NURSERY – Nia Kazakos, Lauren Kazakos SUNDAY, MARCH 29 USHERS – Jimmy Chrysson, Chris Kroustalis, Tommy Karathanas, George Bambalis CHURCH SERV COMM Team 3 - Chris Macropoulos, Virginia Moutos, John Kazakos, Vic Pappas READER - George Kalamaras ALTAR BOYS Team 4 - Kosta Demopoulos, Soulis Boutis, Vasilios Liaskonis, Patrick Gonzales, Christopher Mathes, Nicholas Mathes, George Dallis, Chris G. Moutos, Max Clark, Anastasios Dallis, Max Rogatsios, Lucas Hondros, William Nolan NURSERY – Helen Vlasis, Jenny Morris Parents of high school graduates meeting after church service on March 8th in the library to discuss graduation party. If anyone can't make it to meeting please contact Fay Ballas 336‐624‐5653 or Georgia Demopoulos 336‐413‐3598 for more in‐ formation. Fr. Demetri’s Elevation CHRIST IS RISEN EASTER Lilies - $15 Donation (Deadline Sunday, April 5th) PARISH COUNCIL MEETING UPDATE The following items of note resulted from business discussed at the February 9, 2015 Parish Council meeting: IN LOVING MEMORY OF_________________________________________________________________________ Committee assignments were made for all Parish council sponsored events. BY_____________________________________________________________________________________________ An update on the status of the breezeway and Fellowship Hall Extension was given. Glass doors and the walk-in are scheduled for the end of February. A committee was formed to update the Breezeway Rental Agreement. The second rental house has been rented. The church will sponsor transportation to the Diakonia Center for the groundbreaking on February 19th. The Fire Marshall visited the church parking lot on Sunday February 8th. He found a number of violations, and reminded us: IN HONOR OF__________________________________________________________________________________ BY____________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR THE GOOD HEALTH OF____________________________________________________________________ BY_____________________________________________________________________________________________ PRIVATE SALE - CEMETARY PLOTS Group of 4 cemetery plots in section 18-A (area below mausoleum) at Forsyth. Two in a monument row and two below in the bronze marker row - all for $6,250.00, discounted from retail price $14,080. For more information call 301-564-1249. No parking by Church side door and Breezeway steps. No parking along sidewalk from street to hall. No parking outside marked spaces. Lower lot has spaces available. Parish Council will patrol for compliance. TheGoodSamaritanhelpersvisited/sentcardstothefollowingmembersofthe Churchthismonth:JoAnnBallas,JaneBallus,PennyBallas,LitsaTsatsaronis. THE SAINT NICHOLAS NATIONAL SHRINE at Ground Zero (Continued) Come join the Greek School and the Hellenic Dance Troupes for Τhe March 25th Celebration and Luncheon on March 22nd, 2015 Immediately following the Divine Liturgy in the Hellenic Center Menu: to be determined Come see our children celebrate this important day in our history! Please support the Greek School, this luncheon is our Main Fundraiser. Truly, such a National Shrine is worthy of a nation-wide effort and campaign. The entire Archdiocese is taking up this noble and indeed glorious cause. There is no other group of citizens who have this opportunity. No other religious body that has such an obligation, such a duty to all other members of its society. The challenge is ours, and our alone. The Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America has been given this solemn charge and this sacred task. We are all called to give our finest and our best to this holy work of the Church. Let us all - each and every one - heed the call and join this journey of faith. “UponthisrockIwillrebuildmychurch.”Matthew16:18 Hellenic Dance Troupes March 2015 Dear Ladies of Philoptochos Membership: I know some are a little confused by when they should pay for their membership. We start collecting for 2015 in January. Dues to the National and Metropolis are due by April of every year. We will be collecting dues after Church on Sunday’s and we will also have an updated list of women who have paid for this year each Sunday. Philoptochos provides the opportunity for women who are committed to actively assist those less fortunate and to make a difference. We continue in the steps of our mothers and grandmothers as we support national, metropolis and local Philoptochos efforts to help those in need. Whether it is a need for us or our community or to teach others about compassion, Greek Orthodox women are committed to actively assist those less fortunate and to make a difference. Philoptochos provides the opportunity to offer time, talent and treasure through Christian fellowship. As women, each of us is simply asking other women to care. We are reaching out to all women in our community to invite, to embrace and to involve you in all our Philanthropic endeavors as our Philoptochos chapter and our Society continue to meet the increasing demands of our ever-changing society in the world today. We need your talents and skills. Philoptochos will provide you the opportunities to express yourselves in the areas of your choosing. So I would like to encourage those of you who are busy with your children, your jobs and your families to come and be a part of our team. Even if you only have an hour or two a month, there is a place for you and for everyone. Join the energetic, creative, and compassionate women of the Atlanta Metropolis Philoptochos. Philoptochos will have a Spiritual Retreat at The Diakonia Center located in Salem, SC. The dates are March 20th – 22nd 2014. Cost is $150 and that includes lodging and meals. I would love to take a group of ladies from here so they can experience what I did last year when I attended. It was one of the best that I have ever attended and I know everyone will enjoy it. There will be many women from our Metropolis, and this would be a great way to meet new people, see some old friends and learn more about our services. If you are interested please let me know. Our next general meeting will be March 20th and Father Anton will be our guest speaker. You do not want to miss out on this great opportunity to learn about our faith in the Orthodox Church during Great Lent. Kali Saracosti. Dates to remember: March 3rd Board Meeting 6:00 pm March 20 General Meeting “She opens her arms to the poor and extends her hands to the needy.” Proverbs 31:20 Your Sister in Christ, Ann-Marie Dentiste-Speas The Greek School’s MARCH 25th PROGRAM will be held on MARCH 22nd at the Hellenic Center. Every year Hellenic Dance Troupes has three groups perform during the program. This year for a smooth program the students in groups Kindergarten through 3rd grade are re‐ quired to a end the March 25th rehearsal on March 15th directly a er church. We are planning to order pizzas. Parents, please make every effort to have your children there. In addi on, a few guidelines for the dancers on that day: As you know, we do not provide costumes for Kindergarteners and 1st graders. Parents, please bring your children to church dressed in their costumes. They will resume their regular scheduled Sunday school. A erwards, parents will take children to the Hellenic Center, and the children will eat with their families. Only a er they’ve eaten will teachers make announcement and kids will come together for the performance. For 2nd and 3rd graders, your parents will dress you in the costumes HDT is providing directly a er Sunday school. Everyone please meet a er Sunday school in the Greek dance dressing rooms upstairs. Please look out for any communica on we will be sending home with your children. Thank you, Lisa Siokis MISSION WORK James Shepherd is a student majoring in Spanish and Political Science at NC State Univ. Last year he spent the summer doing a study abroad program in Peru. This summer James will be volunteering approx. 6 weeks of his summer break to work in one of 2 orphanages in Lima Peru. James expenses for this effort are approx. $2100. If anyone would like to help James with this work, you can make a check out to the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church and put “James Peru Orphanage” in the memo line. For additional information go to MISSION TO GUATEMALA Susan Washinsky will be participating in a healthcare mission in August through the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) to Aguacate Guatemala, where OCMC is helping to establish and support the growing Orthodox communities. A large percentage of the population there is native Mayan. All mission team participants are asked to raise funds for the cost of participation and travel. Will you prayerfully consider a donation to OCMC on her behalf to help with the cost of the trip. Donations may be made to Annunciation Church. Please mark Guatemala healthcare in the memo. ANNUNCIATION CHRISTIAN ACADEMY The high lights of last month at the preschool was our PancakePajama day! It was so much fun to see our little ones come to preschool in their pajamas and slippers caring their favorite blankets or stuffed animals. We enjoyed story time, marched in a parade and even watched a movie. But our favorite part was having pancakes for breakfast! We are thankful for the generosity of Duke's restaurant who supplied delicious pancakes for the children and the teachers to enjoy! Καλή σαρακοστή σε όλους! Evdoksia Tsakas The Four Circles …. The Newsletter for the Youth Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church, Winston-Salem NC March 2015 Proistamenos-Fr. Demetri Kangelaris, Youth– Dcn. Constantine Shepherd March Events 2015 Sunday March 1st: Greek Night at Wake Forest Basketball game Friday –Sunday March 6th-8th: GOYA Lenten Retreat at Diakonia Retreat Center( more info to come) Wednesdays and Fridays in March: Great Lent begins on February 23rd, Wednesday nights during March we will be celebrating the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy and Fridays we will be having the Akathist Services. These are very solemn and beautiful services that enhance our Lenten experience. Please take advantage of these worship opportunities Tuesday March 24th: Vespers of Annunciation: Come as we celebrate this great feast of the Church and our parish’s Name’s day. Wednesday March 25th: Feast of Annunciation Orthos and Divine Liturgy. METROPOLIS OF ATLANTA ST. STEPHEN’S SUMMER CAMP Please keep in mind that online registration for summer camp will begin on April 15th. Summer Camp is one of the best programs for our Metropolis youth. There will be five one week sessions of camp this year. Summer camp runs from Sunday until the following Saturday. The first week begins on June 28th. Please look at your calendars and see what week you can attend. Once registration opens the sessions fill up fast. If anyone has any questions or needs information about Summer Camp please free to contact me. Sunday School News from Annunciation Hello students and families, Godparent Sunday…how beautiful to see and hear our students rededicate themselves to Christ and the Church with their Godparents who were available to attend. March 1 - Students in grades K-2, bring your favorite Icon to participate in the procession for Sunday of Orthodoxy. Thanks to all of our community who Participated in the “Souper Bowl” of Caring. The Narthex was filled with food that was donated to the Clemmons Food Pantry (several hundred pounds) and we collected over $800.00 that will be sent to International Christian Charities to help them in their mission to provide humanitarian assistance both here at home and around the world. Oratorical Festival – for more information contact: Ted Kazakos (336-414-4344) or Bessie Epes (336-601-4202). In April, 1st and 2nd grade girls are invited to participate as Myrrhbearing Girls during Holy Friday and our Resurrection service - if interested contact Angelic Carroll. Calendar for March Mar. 1 - Sunday of Orthodoxy-Grades K-2 will participate in the procession of Icons. Please bring your favorite icon. Mar. 15 – Sunday of the Holy Cross-Grades K-2 will participate in the procession of The Holy Cross Mar. 29 – Spring Break- no Sunday School Coming up in April April 5- Angel Choir-grades 4-6 April 10- Myrrhbearing Girls participate in Holy Friday Evening Service April 11- Myrrhbearing Girls participate in Holy Saturday Resurrection Service April 12- No Sunday School- Great and Holy Pascha Wishing you a Blessed Lenten Season With service in Christ, This year GOYA has focused on the ministry of service, participating in numerous service projects. Several GOYANs and parents recently participated by serving at the Daughters of Penelope’s Festival of Tables. Here a few of our GOYANS are enjoying the delicious food after finishing up serving their tables. Thanks so much for those who dedicated their Saturday night to help out with such a good cause!! HOLY COMMUNION The Sacrament of Holy Communion—the Eucharist— which literally means "Thanksgiving," is the Mystery whereby the bread and wine of offering are changed, actually, not symbolically, into the very Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The Eucharist is at the very center of the Church's life, and from it flows the prayer of believers in a sacrifice of entreaty for the peace of the world, for all those who ask for help, and for all men and women '"The Eucharist unites us in the most intimate fashion with the Lord; it nourishes our soul and body, and aids our strengthening, increase, and growth in spiritual life. According to the promise of the Gospel, “He that eats this bread will live forever.” (The Gospel of John 6:58) The cup which holds the wine that becomes the blood of Christ is the chalice, the cup of salvation. When we kneel during the liturgy, we pray with the priest that God the Holy Spirit may change the bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Jesus. This means that when we receive Holy Communion, Jesus comes to live in us. How do we prepare to receive the Body and Blood of Jesus? We pray. We should have love in our hearts for all people. We should ask forgiveness from God and from our parents, brothers, and sisters, and from anyone we may have hurt. When we come before the priest for Communion, we make the sign of the cross, tell the priest our baptismal name, hold the Communion cloth under our chin, and open our mouth wide. After receiving, we wipe our lips with the Communion cloth, make the sign of the cross, and hand the Communion cloth to the person next to us. Once we have received Communion, we must remember that we have become one with Christ and with all those who received Communion with us. Christ now lives in all of us. We are all living icons of Jesus. It is by loving one another that we love Jesus. After receiving Communion our bodies become holy chalices. God lives in us. Jesus wants to use our hands, which have now become His hands, to help those in need. When we receive Communion, we become members of Christ's Body, the Church. This means that Jesus has no eyes but our eyes, no feet but our feet to do His work in the world today. What kind, thoughtful act will you do for Jesus today? From Let’s Take a Walk Through Our Orthodox Church by Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris / Light & Life Publishing Suggestions for family Bible reading: Set aside a regular time for daily reading preferably in the evening at the supper table when the whole family is together. When the children are young, mom or dad can do the reading. When the children grow older, they may share in the reading. Reading to children is one of life's greatest joys. Children treasure it. • Don't read too much or too fast. One chapter a day is sufficient. Let what you read sink in slowly. If children are young, read from a Bible story bookone that has pictures which you can show the children. • Start with the biographies of Jesus (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John). • Read with the faith and the expectation that God will really and truly speak to you through what you read. • Don't worry about the passages you do not understand. Concentrate on what you do understand. The more you read, the more you will understand. One passage explains another. • Each day memorize at least one verse that grips you. Say it out loud as a family three or four times. Encourage your children to fall asleep with this verse on their lips. • Get a translation your children understand. • As you read, try to have an icon of Jesus before you if you are reading the Gospels; one of St. Paul if you are reading his epistles, etc. This will help you realize who it is who is speaking to you. from Making God Real in the Orthodox Home by Fr. Anthony M. Coniaris / Light & Life Publishing BIBLE READING In private study, when a Christian profitably reads the Bible, receiving inspiration and strength from it, family members, friends, relatives and even acquaintances will inevitably notice the difference. Any person who comes into contact with such a Christian cannot but notice the growing peace, love and inner assurance - the spirit of Christ in that Christian, and will frequently ask (if not ask, certainly think) what gives that person such strength and radiance. God will provide many opportunities to the growing Christian for sharing with others his or her experience with the Bible. What better witness for the truth of the Christian faith than a solid Christian life nourished by Holy Scripture and radiating true Christian love at home, at Church and at work? The Christian's own life becomes a kind of gospel, a living Bible, in which other people observe, read and experience the truths of God in action. From Bread for Life, by Father Theodore Stylianopoulos Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Department of Religious Education OUR LENTEN JOURNEY PREPARING FOR THE PASSION & RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD Great Lent is a time for self-examination and self-denial – a time for taking control of our lives and our bodies. The purpose of the fast is to give us a greater awareness of our dependence on God. It is a time to improve ourselves and our relationship with God. Lent is a time for greater works of mercy and charity for those less fortunate than us. It is a time for visitation of the sick and assistance to the poor, and generally a more joyful relationship with those who are close to us – our family and friends. Most of all, Lent is a time of joy and a new beginning. We cleanse ourselves –mind, body and soul– through the physical and spiritual fast, keeping a Christian attitude in all that we do. All this is done to prepare us for the Great Feast of Pascha – the Resurrection of Christ. This brochure has been compiled to assist you on your Lenten Journey, guiding you in fasting, prayer, repentance & confession, Bible reading and in receiving Holy Communion. May God bless you and guide you, and may you reach your Paschal destination with the joy of renewed faith in Christ. DEPARTMENT OF STEWARDSHIP, OUTREACH & EVANGELISM GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AMERICA REPENTANCE & CONFESSION Re- pentance has its roots in the apostles. In the Book of Acts the Apostle Peter says, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:37-38) When we fall away from God, we have removed ourselves from His communion – with Him and with other Christians. We have excommunicated ourselves. To re-enter communion with God is the on-going activity of all Christians. We fall away daily in some way or another. No one is exempt. Often, when children play in competitive games, one will call out “that’s a do over!” Haven’t we all wished for that chance to undo the past and start over? Repentance offers us this new beginning. We are telling God that we have changed our mind about our past direction and want to be back in communion with him. The Greek work for repentance, metanoia, implies a very deep change in the way we see ourselves, our world, and our relationship to God. To change our mind in repentance is the starting point in our Lenten journey. We leave behind regret as we move toward hope. Repentance is not a single action but an attitude, a frame of mind. Think back over your life of things which you regret having said or done – hurtful, inconsiderate, selfish, deceitful. Think also of those things which you have done which may not have directly affected others, but which you know to be wrong according to the teachings of the Church. Bring them to mind as if they were occurring right now. Think of how it would have been if you had acted differently. Take this regret and turn it into repentance. Acknowledge that you have offended another person or the Church, and in doing so you have offended God. If we are to be forgiven by God, He requires of us that we also forgive one another. For many of us, this is the most difficult aspect of repentance and confession. Yet we say it each time we pray the Lord’s Prayer, “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Just as God’s love for us is personal, so must ours be for Him. As the Christian grows from child to adult, his or her personal response to God becomes crucial. This personal response is the act of confession. FASSTING The fast for the forty days of Lent is inndicated below, though many are not able to hold to the strict fast. We offer the folloowing guidelines to be considered prayerfully with the guidance of your spiritual father and in consideration of any medical condition or dietary requirements. STRICT FAST No Meat, Fish, Milk, Dairyy Products, Oil, or Oil Products PALM SUNDAY W permitted Fish, Oil & Wine FEAST OF THE ANNUNCIAT TION/MARCH 25TH March 25th - all day: Fish, Oil & Wine Permiitted Shellfish are permitted throughoutt Great Lent Resource: The Orthodox Daily Pllanner and Resource Guide published by the Department of Youth and Young Y Adult Ministries provides daily guidance in fasting, scriipture, feast days and more. St. John Chryssostom on Fasting Do you fast? Give me proof of it by your works. If you see a poor man, m take pity on him. If you see a friend beingg honored, do not envy him. Do not let only your mouth fast,, but also the eye and the ear and the feet and the hands and alll the members of our bodies. Let the hands fast, by b being free of avarice. Let the feet fast, by ceasing to run after sin. Let thee eyes fast, by disciplining them not to t glare at that which is sinful. Let the ear fast, by not lisstening to evil talk and gossip. Let the mouth fast from fooul words and unjust criticism. For what good is it if we abstain from birds and fishes, but bite and deevour our brothers? May He who came to the world to save sinners strengthen us to complete the fast with humility, have mercy on us and save us. Jesus’ Instrucctions on Fasting "Moreover, when you fast, do d not be like the hypocrites, with a sad countenance. For they disfigure d their faces that they may appear to men to be fasting. Assuredly, A I say to you, they have their reward. But you, whenn you fast, anoint your head and wash your face, so that youu do not appear to men to be fasting, but to your Father whho is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in seccret will reward you openly.” PRAYER Have no anxiety about anything, but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ. -St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians One key to a more fulfilling life is prayer. For Orthodox Christians, the aim of prayer is to enter into conversation with God. Prayer is sometimes referred to as dialogue with God. Often it is a waiting on God in silence. In the church it is defined as the lifting of the mind and heart to God, and also as walking in the presence of God. We turn our mind and thoughts toward Him. We mentally gaze at Him and speak with Him in reverence, fear, and hope. At times we speak to Him with words and at other times we stand in reverent silence, saying nothing, but being aware of His presence. In this dialogue with God we praise Him and thank Him. We ask Him for what we need. Our mind and our heart are opened to Him. Prayer is not only repeating words, it is trust in God that he hears and directs us in His Way involving spiritual growth and development. The Prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian Read each week-day during Great Lent O Lord and Master of my life, take from me the spirit of sloth, despair, lust of power, and idle talk. But give rather the spirit of chastity, humility, patience, and love to Thy servant. Yea, O Lord and King, grant me to see my own transgressions, and not to judge my brother, for blessed art Thou, unto ages of ages. Amen. SPECIAL SERVICES IN LENT Wednesdays – Presanctified Liturgy at 6:00pm followed by a Potluck Lenten Meal. For those receiving Holy Communion, fasting should start after a light lunch. Fridays – Salutation Service at 7:00pm Vespers of Annunciation – March 24th at 7:00pm Annunciation – March 25th – Matins at 9:00am Divine Liturgy at 9:30am Gospel of Matthew Chapter 6:16-18
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