KPHTH official publication of the pancretan association of america JUNE 2010 reme mber St. JunePete Bea 24-Ju ch ne 30 Our Living Heritage and Culture... Theater of Crete tours the US and Canada 2 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 pancretan association of america KPHTH official publication of the pancretan association of america NIKOS KATSANEVAKIS Editor in Chief - Business Manager Tel: 718-302-1100 / Fax: 718-233-2617 Email:[email protected] 30-48 82nd Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 pancretan association of america Headquarters: 32-33 31St Street, Astoria, NY 11106 OFFICERs OF PAA NATIONAL PRESIDENT: THEODORE MANOUSAKIS Tel. (703) 549-3700 • [email protected] FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN G. MANOS Tel. (630) 686-0600 • [email protected] SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: NICKOS KASTRINAKIS Tel. (917) 295-6596 • [email protected] THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: LEFTERIS DRAMITINOS Tel. (714) 606-5051 •[email protected] GENERAL SECRETARY: ERASMIA NOVOTNY 8530 Sharon Drive, White Lake, MI 48386 Tel. (248) 698-8580 • Fax: 248-698-8573 • [email protected] TREASURER: Dr. james saklas Tel. (202) 366-9254 • [email protected] WOMEN’S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: MARIA STRATOUDAKIS Tel. (718) 357-6616 • [email protected] GENERAL SUPERVISOR: Tom lantzourakis Tel: (909) 614-1416 • [email protected] LEGAL ADVISOR: JAMES MAROPOULAKIS DENNEY, Esq. Tel. (330) 545-4250 • [email protected] AUDITOR GENERAL: MARIA MAKROPOULOS Tel. (732) 329-6254 • [email protected] PYA PRESIDENT: ELENI SOPASIS Tel. (631) 885-2132• [email protected] YOUTH SUPERVISOR EAST COAST: EMMANUEL SIFAKIS Tel. (401) 499-6770 • [email protected] YOUTH SUPERVISOR WEST COAST: GEORGE ZOUMBERAKIS Tel. (562) 659-2303 • [email protected] DISTRICT GOVERNORS District 1: DEMITRIS HATZIS Tel. (413) 734-8353 •[email protected] District 2: ZAHAROULA MARMATAKIS Tel. (732) 777-0104 • [email protected] District 3: STELIOS VITAKIS Tel. (216) 470-3323 • [email protected] District 4: NICK VERIKAKIS Tel. (419) 474-4287 • [email protected] District 5: GEORGE TSOUTSOUNAKIS Tel. (801) 244-8214• [email protected] District 6: STAMATIS ZOUMBERAKIS Tel. (562) 923-5750 • [email protected] District 7: JOHN DATSERIS Tel. (704) 795-0024 • [email protected] PAA FOUNDATION, INC.: GREGORY PAPPAS Tel. (312) 733-4633• [email protected] Culture & Education: takis psarakis Tel. (908) 256-6813 • [email protected] INVESTMENTS BOARD: Dr. MANUEL G. RUSSON Tel. (914) 738-4887 • [email protected] SCHOLARSHIP FUND: REMA MANOUSAKIS Tel. (703) 549-3700 • [email protected] INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY: stacy marakis Tel. (312) 397-8602 • [email protected] PANCRETAN ENDOWMENT FUND: Dr. George papadantonakis Tel. (312) 932-0086 • [email protected] PHILANTHROPIC FUND: stavros antonakakis Tel. (609) 929.6000 • [email protected] STRATEGIC PLANNING: HELEN RANNEY Tel. (248) 626-5516 • [email protected] KPHTH (CRETE) | USPS 298-020 Published monthy except the combined issues of July/August and December/January for $20 per year by the: Pancretan Association of America (PAA) 30-48 82nd Street, East Elmhurst, NY 11370 Periodical Postage Paid at Flushing, NY and additional mailing offices POSTMASTER: Send Address Change to: KPHTH c/o PAA 8530 Sharon Dr. White Lake, MI 48386-3472 YEAR 81th - NO 808 JUNE 2010 Email or mail your letters, photos, advertisement and news at : [email protected] KPHTH MAGAZINE PMB#387, 94-98 Nassau Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11222 contents περιεχόμενα COVER: Ομάδα “Θέατρο Κρήτης” President’sMessage 04 LettersΓράμματα 06 ΟpinionsΑπόψεις Message From PAA President Theodore Manousakis Letters From Our Members The meaning of our Cretan Culture 07 08 ΕξώφυλλοCover Story Το Θέατρο Κρήτης περιοδέυει σε ΗΠΑ και Καναδά 14 ΡεπορτάζSpecial Report 17 Special ReportΡεπορτάζ 18 Special ReportΡεπορτάζ Τhe Pancretan Endowment Fund Συνεδρίαση 2ας Περιφέρειας Cretans of Canada KPIKPI 19 PhotosΦωτογραφίες 23 Special ReportΡεπορτάζ Message From PYA President Eleni Sopasis & news from the youth Event photos 25 ΡεπορτάζSpecial Report 27 PeopleΠρόσωπα 29 “LABYRINTH” Music Lab in Crete Mουσικό εργαστήρι “ ΛΑΒΥΡΙΝΘΟΣ” Psarakis Family Chapter ProfileΠροφίλ Συλλόγου 30 CalendarΗμερολόγιο 34 Chapter NewsΝέα Συλλόγων 35 “ White Mountains” Cretan Association of New Jersey Events of PAA Chapters Νews From Our Local chapters Απού ‘ναι νιος και δεν πετά σαν του βοριά το νέφι, ίντα τη θέλει τη ζωή, στον κόσμο να την έχει. A youthful man who flies not like the northern cloud, his life is wasting , a face in the crowd. Τα όρη τα ψηλά βουνά τον έχουν τον αέρα, μα η νιότη και η παλικαριά δεν είναι κάθε μέρα. The high hills and mountains always breathe fresh air, but bravery and charming youth are fleeting, I declare. From “The Voice of the People” by Dr. Stylianos V. Spyridakis ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 3 President’sMessage The PAA and our Cretan Culture... Meeting today’s challenges in the world’s melting pot. My dear fellow Cretans, This issue of KPHTH is dedicated to the more than 80year mission of our association; that of preserving our Cretan culture and tradition for future generations. Even before the establishment of our association, our immigrant forefathers, when first landing on Ellis Island, possessed the wisdom and foresight to insure the preservation of their Cretan identity and Hellenic Heritage. In their newly adopted home far away from Crete, they taught their children to speak the Greek language and to practice the Greek Orthodox faith. They kept their traditions and values, their music and dance, and they taught their children their Cretan history and the tales of village life in Crete. It was, to say the least, an uphill struggle but their perseverance, determination and hard work paid off, and today, third and fourth generation Cretans are proud to follow the traditions of their ancestors. Since its inception, the PAA has worked hard to preserve our Cretan culture among its members and the Cretan community throughout the U.S. Indeed our association’s most important mission has been the preservation and perpetuation of our Cretan values and traditions. And, this continues to be our most important mission despite the formidable challenges we face. It is a daunting, difficult task in the world’s greatest melting pot of assimilation and globalization. Furthermore, it is more difficult with every new generation born in the U.S. That, however, has not deterred our purpose nor reduced our commitment. The PAA continues to nurture all generations of Cretans with their Cretan heritage. We promote visits to Crete where students are able to study language, history, geography, village life, dancing, music, and archeology, while, at the same time, experience, first hand, their Cretan culture by living among the locals of the island. In the U.S., our younger generations participate in dance groups, learn to play lyra and laouto, sing mandinades and wear the Cretan costumes. The PAA is always hard at work in bringing the Cretan culture to our adopted homeland. Many PAA individuals should be given credit and be recognized in this endeavor. One person stands out as paradigm, however. Taki Psaraki, chairman of the Cultural and Educational Committee, with great vision, commitment and hard work has enriched our community with many events in Cretan culture, history and gastronomy. Due to Taki’s dedication and tireless effort for nearly ten years, many artists from Crete have performed to large U.S. audiences. From famous to not-so-famous musicians, to theatre performers, to presentations of Cretan music in history, to Christmas CDs and DVDs, to the melodic singing of Gaitanos, Taki and his Cultural Committee have consistently delivered our Cretan culture to our community. Last summer, during the 41st PAA convention we enjoyed the music of the best Cretan musicians, dancing of our own dance groups, cooking seminars, wine lectures, and history. Thank you, Taki, for your enormous contribution to the PAA. Fellow Cretans, for more than 80 years, our association has played a key role in meeting the challenges which threaten our Cretan identity. With your encouragement and support, the PAA will continue its mission of preserving and spreading the Cretan Heritage throughout the U.S. for generations to come. Please help our Cultural Committee by offering your ideas and suggestions. We encourage your participation. The PAA is your organization. Help us make it stronger and more vital in all our cultural lives. With warm fraternal regards, Theodore Manousakis 4 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 ΜήνυμαΠροέδρου Η ΠΕΑ και η Κρητική μας Παράδοση... Αντιμετωπίζοντας τις προκλήσεις τις παγκοσμιοποίησης. Αγαπητοί μου Συμπατριώτες, Αυτό το τεύχος του περιοδικού KPHTH είναι αφιερωμένο στην περισσότερο από 80 έτη προσπάθεια της ΠΕΑ για τη διατήρηση και διάδοση της Κρητικής παράδοσης και πολιτισμού για τις μελλοντικές γενιές. Ακόμη και πριν από την καθιέρωση της ΠΕΑ, οι μετανάστες προπαπούδες μας που έφθασαν στο Ellis Island, είχαν τη φρόνηση και την πρόβλεψη για να διασφαλίσουν την Κρητική ταυτότητα και την Ελληνική κληρονομιά τους. Στο καινούργιο σπίτι τους μακριά από την Κρήτη, δίδαξαν στα παιδιά τους την Ελληνική γλώσσα, και φρόντισαν να ασκήσουν την ‘Ελληνική ορθόδοξη πίστη. Κράτησαν τις παραδόσεις και τις αξίες τους, τη μουσική και το χορό τους, και δίδαξαν στα παιδιά τους την Κρητική ιστορία τους και τις ιστορίες της ζωής στα χωριά της Κρήτης. Είναι το λιγότερο που μπορεί να πει κανείς για την δύσκολη και ανηφορική προσπάθεια αλλά η επιμονή, η υπομονή και η σκληρή δουλειά τους αντάμειφθηκε, και σήμερα, τρίτης και τέταρτης γενεάς Κρητικοί είναι υπερήφανοι που ακολουθούν τις παραδόσεις των προγόνων τους. Από την έναρξή της, η ΠΕΑ έχει εργαστεί σκληρά για να διατηρήσει και να προωθήσει τα ήθη και έθιμα της Κρήτης μας μεταξύ των μελών της και της κρητικής κοινότητας σε όλες τις πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ. Πράγματι, η σημαντικότερη αποστολή της ΠΕΑ είναι η συντήρηση και η διαιώνιση των Κρητικών αξιών και των παραδόσεών μας. Και, αυτό συνεχίζει να είναι η σημαντικότερη αποστολή μας παρά τις τρομερές προκλήσεις που αντιμετωπίζουμε. Είναι ένα δύσκολο έργο στο παγκόσμιο χωνευτήρι της αφομοίωσης και της παγκοσμιοποίησης. Επιπλέον, είναι δυσκολότερο με κάθε νέα γενεά γεννημένη στις ΗΠΑ. Αυτός, εντούτοις, δεν μας έχει αποτρέψει από το σκοπό μας ούτε δεν έχει μειώσει την υποχρέωσή μας. Η ΠΕΑ συνεχίζει να κεντρίζει όλες τις γενεές Κρητικών με την Κρητική κληρονομιά τους. Προωθούμε τις επισκέψεις στην Κρήτη όπου οι σπουδαστές είναι σε θέση να μελετήσουν τη γλώσσα, την ιστορία, τη γεωγραφία, την ζωή του χωριού, το χορό, τη μουσική, και την αρχαιολογία, ενώ, συγχρόνως, αποκτούν εμπειρία, και γεύση του Κρητικού τρόπου ζωής από πρώτο χέρι, με τη διαβίωση μεταξύ των ντόπιων του νησιού. Στις ΗΠΑ, οι νεώτερες γενεές μας συμμετέχουν στις ομάδες χορού, μαθαίνουν να παίζουν τη λύρα και το λαούτο, να τραγουδούν μαντινάδες και φορούν την Κρητική φορεσιά. Η ΠΕΑ πάντα προσπαθεί σκληρά για να φέρει τον Κρητικό πολιτισμό στην υιοθετημένη πατρίδα μας. Σε πολλά μέλη της ΠΕΑ πρέπει να αναγνωριστεί αυτή η προσπάθεια. Και ένας από αυτούς που ξεχωρίζει και είναι παράδειγμα, o Τάκης Ψαράκης. Πρόεδρος της πολιτιστικής και εκπαιδευτικής Επιτροπής, με μεγάλο όραμα, αίσθημα ευθύνης και σκληρή δουλειά έχει εμπλουτίσει την κοινότητά μας με πολλές παραδοσιακές Κρητικές εκδηλώσεις αφιερωμένες στον Κρητικό πολιτισμό, την ιστορία και τη γαστρονομία. Λόγω της ακούραστης προσπάθειας και της αφοσίωσης του Τάκη, που εδώ και για σχεδόν δέκα έτη, πολλοί καλλιτέχνες από την Κρήτη έχουν δώσει παραστάσεις με μεγάλα ΑΜΕΡΙΚΑΝΙΚΑ ακροατήρια. Ανώνυμοι και επώνυμοι τραγουδοποιοί, θεατρικές παραστάσεις, παρουσιάσεις της Κρητικής μουσικής και ιστορίας, τα CD και τα DVDs Χριστουγέννων, στο μελωδικό τραγούδι του ΓαΪτάνου, ο Τάκης και η πολιτιστική Επιτροπή του έχουν παραδώσει με συνέπεια τον Κρητικό πολιτισμό μας στην κοινότητά μας. Το περασμένο καλοκαίρι, κατά τη διάρκεια του 41ου Συνεδρίου της ΠΕΑ, απολαύσαμε τη μουσική των καλύτερων Κρητικών μουσικών, χορούς των χορευτικών των συλλόγων μας, σεμινάρια μαγειρέματος, διαλέξεις για το κρασί, και την ιστορία μας. Σε ευχαριστούμε, Τάκη, για την τεράστια συμβολή σου στην ΠΕΑ. Φίλοι μου, για περισσότερα από 80 έτη, η οργάνωση μας έχει παίξει έναν βασικό ρόλο στην αντιμετώπιση των προκλήσεων που απειλούν την Κρητική ταυτότητά μας. Με την ενθάρρυνση και την υποστήριξή σας, η ΠΕΑ θα συνεχίσει την αποστολή της για τη συντήρηση και διάδοση της Κρητικής κληρονομιάς σε όλες τις πολιτείες των ΗΠΑ για τις επόμενες γενεές. Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε την πολιτιστική Επιτροπή μας με την προσφορά των ιδεών και των προτάσεών σας. Ενθαρρύνουμε τη συμμετοχή σας. Η ΠΕΑ είναι δική σας οργάνωσής. Βοηθήστε μας να την κάνουμε ισχυρότερη και πιό ζωτικής σημασίας για τις ζωές μας. Αδελφικά δικός σας, Θεόδωρος Μανουσάκης ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 5 ΓράμματαLetters Dear Mr. Katsanevakis, Greetings I hope all is well with you, your family and the KPHTH Magazine. Your position to produce an enjoyable and informative publication has great importance. It is the easiest way for Cretans throughout the world to be kept in communication. With this in mind I am writing this note. The weekend of May 15th I had the pleasure to attend the Idomeneas Youth’s 22nd Annual Dance. Niko it is with great pleasure that I inform you that it was one of the most authentic Cretan events I have been to in a while. From the Filoxenia at the door, offering “Tsikoudia & Kaloudia” the hospitality was felt throughout the whole evening. There was an abundance of food. The night before at the syllogo the ladies of the chapter prepared Keftedes, Kaltsounakia and Ntolmades. These were offered along with the main course followed by an amazing brasto & pilafi! Nektario Samolis made his first appearance in New York with his ensemble which included Giannis Papageorgiou & Theodoros Pelekanakis. They excited the crowd from their first song until the end when they played for the last pareas at a table old school style. All the dance groups were amazing from the little children, to the members of the Idomeneas board. The last group to perform was the surprise of the evening, the old Idomeneas Dance group. A dance group that had won two non-PAA dance competitions, which was performing for the first time in 10 years! They performed with tremendous effort and vivacity. The performance of this group made me recall countless board meetings where they would brainstorm about ways of getting the “Neolea” involved in such events. The old Idomeneas dance group contains the vital piece of what all chapters have been seeking: young adults aged 20 to mid 30s. It would be great if the PAA and its chapters created an incentive program for past dance groups to re-incorporate them in their chapters. This will draw out the young to come watch their parent or relative performing in their stoli. It’s just an idea I had. In closing Niko I would like to thank Idomeneas for having an amazing Cretan Glendi full of excitement, surprises, love & filoxsenia. Bravo sta Paidia gia tin toso kali doulia tous! Looking forward to the 23rd. Regards, Michael Terzakis 6 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 From South California I like to offer my congratulations, to PAA Culture & Education chairman, Mr. Taki Psaraki for the outstanding comedy theater event that he selected for a six cities US & Canada tour. On April 18, 2010 the chapter of Los Angeles and Orange County co-hosted the event. It was attended by over 300 people. It was a great show, every one enjoyed it and everyone agreed that we need in our communities more of these types of cultural initiatives. My congratulations to both chapters, for partnering with PAA to bring the event to south California especially to Mr. Stamati Zoumberaki for all his efforts and everyone else who helped to make it happen. The actors were truly excellent and professional and we really appreciate them for bringing to our community few hours of needed laughter. Lets continue this path to better serve our goals which to maintain and disseminate our culture “ stin Ksenitia”!! THANK YOU ALL!! Lefteris Dramitinos, 3rd Vice President, PAA Φίλε Τάκη Ψαράκη Πραγματικά γύρισα άλλος άνθρωπος και προσπαθώ καθημερινά να κρατήσω αυτήν την αίσθηση του καινούργιου. Αν και όλα δείχνουν ότι θα η συνεργασία μας θα έχει συνέχεια, να είμαστε καλά πρώτα απ’ όλα, εγώ νοιώθω κάτι σαν να αποκτάς το πρώτο σου παιδί. Και πάλι ένα μεγάλο ευχαριστώ για όλα μα πιο πολύ για την εμπιστοσύνη σου- που μπήκες εγγυητής για εμάς- και μπράβο σε όλους τους ομογενείς που η συμπεριφορά τους δεν απομυθοποίησε την εικόνα που έχουμε στο μυαλό μας αλλά πραγματικά την στερέωσε ώς πρότυπο. Αν μπορούσαν εδώ οι Έλληνες να πάρουμε λίγο απο την νοοτροπία σας, έστω ένα κομματάκι, αυτός ο τόπος ξέρεις πολύ καλά ότι θα ήταν πραγματικά παράδεισος. Τα χαιρετίσματά μου Θέατρο Κρήτης/Διαχείριση, Μπαλαμούτσος Μιχάλης Αγαπητέ κ. Τάκη Ψαράκη Το Θέατρο ήταν πολύ ωραία κωμωδία άλλα και συγκινητική ιστορία που μας έφερε αναμνήσεις αγάπης από την ζωή μας. Πραγματικά της αγάπης τα παθήματα. Ελπίζουμε να έρχεται ο Θίασος κάθε χρόνο αν όχι και δυο φόρες το χρόνο! Ευάγγελος και Όλγα Μακροπουλος Αγαπητέ Τάκη, Αυθεντική κρητική κωμωδία με τέλεια εφαρμογή για το Έλληνοαμερικανικό κοινό. Μια σπάνια ευκαιρία ψυχαγωγίας για όλη την οικογένεια, που κίνησε την περίεργα πως μια απλή ιστορία, χωρίς (obscenities) μπορεί να φέρει το κρητικό πνεύμα, παράδοση και γέλιο σε όλους. Μπράβο στον υπέροχο θίασο, στους παραγωγούς, και θερμά συγχαρητήρια και ευχαριστήρια στη Παγκρητική που το έφερε κοντά μας. Μαρία Μακροπούλου Dear Mr. Katsavenakis, We are ardent readers of “KPHTH” magazine and look forward to the issues to come. Many times we are disappointed in the issues due to the fact that some articles that are only in Greek seem very interesting and we miss out. Would it be possible to do all articles in Greek and English so those who cannot read Greek can enjoy “KPHTH” more? Thank you for your consideration in this matter. Sincerely, Anastasia Saridakis, Cleveland, Ohio ΟpinionsΑπόψεις The Meaning of our Cretan Culture By Theodore Manousakis Someone asked me recently, what does your Cretan culture mean to you and how does it impact your daily life? I was amused, at first, “I am Cretan because that is who I am” Ι thought, but then I began to reflect and decided to really try to answer the question, for myself, if, for no one else. My mind wandered to the 1,500 BC Minoans and their rich culture and civilization, to the Byzantines and Venetians with all their contributions to Cretan culture, and to the Ottomans who occupied Crete for more than 250 years. Which one, I wondered was my culture? Is it one of the above, or all of the above? Is it the one of my choice, or have I no choice? Recently, in a village tucked high in the Lefka Ori, not often visited by tourists, I had the opportunity to sit at a kafenio and listen to the words of old men and women. The men wore black shirts, khaki pants and black boots, and sarikia on their heads, all symbols of the struggles that Cretans have endured through the ages, symbols of our Cretan heritage, our culture, and deep tradition. The women were covered in black, the traditional color of clothing worn as an expression of permanent mourning of the loss of a loved one. They told me the stories of their lives, gave me their own perspectives of the world, talked politics like real experts, and, in their own way, seemed to find solutions to every conceivable problem. They were not educated, for the most part, little, if at all, travelled, not worldly in any way, and, by our standards, quite unsophisticated. Yet, despite their simplicity and apparent lack of sophistication, their wisdom was seductive to my senses, a wisdom that always fascinated me and nearly hypnotized me as a youngster growing up in Crete. As I listened to their stories and their view of the world, I could not help being pulled closer and closer to them by their magnetic charisma, and I was unable to quench my thirst for more of their wisdom. The sparkle in their eyes was piercing and inescapable, the wisdom in their voice, soothing and contagious, and their quiet confidence very comforting. They spoke with the assurance of well educated scholars, yet I knew they learned all they know through stories handed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. That, I concluded is my Cretan culture. It is the total sum, the culmination of all of the traditions, the habits, the expressions, and the values of all the generations who lived on Cretan soil before me , whether “natives”, visitors, occupiers, or simply, transients. And, therefore, it is the sum total of all my habits, my values, the ways I express myself. It is my identity as an individual. It is that which separates the group of individuals who share my ways from other groups with different ways. It is the identity that people in my group have in common and which makes my group different from other groups. It is the total of all the influence of the people who have come before me. My Cretan culture is who I am! ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 7 ΕξώφυλλοCover Story Του Έρωτα τα By Panagiotis Psarakis Chairman, Culture & Education Committee April, 2010 marked the beginning of a series of the Pancretan Association of America’s cultural initiatives with the popular comedy play, “Του Έρωτα τα Πάθη” which was presented by the very successful and award winning theater company “Θέατρο Κρήτης” (Theater of Crete). The show was successfully presented in six cities; New Brunswick, New Jersey, Brooklyn, New York, Montreal, Canada, Miami, Florida, Clearwater, Florida and Los Angeles, California. The play was a huge success! The audience had the opportunity to appreciate the great elements and values of our culture as much as they were emotionally captivated by the play, laughing, and participating with enthusiasm. And most of all, felt happy and respectful of our traditions, language, the cast and the greatness of their souls. 8 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Mihalis Balamoutsos, who so masterfully wrote the play, applying the use of the very difficult 15-syllabes style, touched our cultural traditions in a way that showcased the cleverness, humor, sensitivity and, most of all, our Cretan compassion. The cast gave memorable performances and they won our respect and admiration for their humorous, respectful and professional presentation. The director of the play, Dimitris Fragiadoulakis, along with the music written and performed by Michalis Alefandinos, offered a different dimension to the play as they, artistically and esthetically, enhanced the performance. The enthusiasm, the “meraki” and the chapters’ willingness to work together to bring this cultural effort to life, I believe, was historic. It truly showed the great potential we have when we all work together in promoting cultural and philanthropic initiatives for our communities. I would like to recognize the chapters and the members from each chapter that spent countless hours with me in helping to make this even a great success. In Brooklyn, NY, the “Brotherhood” and “Sisterhood” chapters and their members, Mr. Steve Vitetzakis, Mrs. Zoe Koutsoupakis and Mrs. Eleni Tsagarakis; in New Brunswick, NJ, the “White Mountains” chapter and its members Mr. & Mrs. Themis & Niki Fiotakis and Mrs. Irene Kanterakis and the “philoksenia” committee she chairs; in Montreal, Canada, the Cretan Chapter President, Mr. Manolis Revelakis and his members; in Miami, Florida, the “Cretan American Association of Miami” Mr. Alekos Sofianos, and its members; in Clearwater, FL, the “KPHTH” chapter, Mr. & Mrs. James Boutzoukas, Πάθη and its members; and in Los Angeles, the chapters “Southern California Cretans” and “Cretans Omonia of Orange County” and their members, Mr. Stamatis Zoumberakis and Lefteris Dramitinos. Their enthusiasm, commitment and strong belief on the value of the play, contributed greatly to its success. There is great hope that continuing to bring quality cultural events to our communities will foster greater participation at the social and cultural affairs of our chapters. It will encourage new membership to our organization and bring about a greater understanding and sense of pride. Such initiatives will, most surely, help pave the way towards easier dissemination of the importance and the value of our Greek and Cretan culture to the future generations in the USA and Canada. The following are the play’s credits: Actors : Michalis Balamoutsos, Vaggelis Mastorogiannakis, Korina Pipila, Manolis Manousakis, Kaliopi Dakanali, Ania Koukaki. Play writer: Michalis Balamoutsos Music by: Michalis Alefandinos Play director: Dimitris Fragiadoulakis Thank you so much! It was a great pleasure to have the PAA and its local chapters work side by side for the ultimate goal, appreciation of our culture. ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 9 Αγαπητοί πατριώτες Κρήτες και φίλοι, Dear Fellow Cretans and Friends, Πολλοί από εμάς εδώ, έχουμε την τιμή να είμαστε Ελληνικής καταγωγής και να έχουμε ρίζες από το όμορφο νησί της Κρήτης, ένα μέρος ονειρεμένο και αγαπητό, όπου μπορούμε να βρούμε αξίες ιστορικές και πολιτιστικές μέσα από τα βάθη των αιώνων. Η Κρήτη μας, ένα νησί λαμπρό με καλόκαρδους ανθρώπους που στο πέρασμα των αιώνων δοκιμάστηκε από δόξα αλλά και θανατηφόρους πολέμους. Ο Θεός την ευλόγησε με απλοχεριά και καλοσύνη. Στα άψυχα έδωσε ομορφιά και στους ανθρώπους χάρες. Η Κρήτη είναι το μέρος της τσικουδιάς, του ήχου, της λύρας και της Κρητικής υπερηφάνειας. Αγαπητοί μας φίλοι, αυτή είναι η δοξασμένη πολιτιστική μας κληρονομιά! Θέλουμε να ευχαριστήσουμε την Παγκρητική Ένωση Αμερικής, και τον κ. Τάκη Ψαράκη πρόεδρο του Πολιτιστικού Τμήματος που μας έδωσε την ευκαιρία να παρουσιάσουμε στην Αμερική ένα μέρος της Κρητικής πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς σαν ένδειξη της προσπάθειάς μας να διατηρήσουμε το Ελληνικό πνεύμα και την Κρητική παράδοση για τους αιώνες που ακολουθούν. Δεν πρέπει να επιτρέψουμε να χαθεί ο πολιτισμός, η μουσική μας, ο χορός και τα αθάνατα χαρακτηριστικά της Κρήτης στο πέρασμα της παγκοσμιοποίησης. Πρέπει όλοι μας να υποστηρίζουμε τα προγράμματα του Πολιτιστικού Τμήματος της Παγκρητικής ώστε να διατηρήσουμε το ένδοξο Κρητικό πνεύμα ζωντανό. Από όλους εμάς ένα μεγάλο «ευχαριστώ» στους υποστηρικτές μας, που με την ευγενική τους βοήθεια, οικονομική και ηθική, έδωσαν την ευκαιρία να απολαύσουν όλοι τις ωραίες παραστάσεις του «Θεάτρου Κρήτης». Ένα επίσης μεγάλο «ευχαριστώ» στην Μαρία Κανταρή, Ελευθερία Ξενάκη, Αναστασία Μιχαήλ, Ελένη Τσαγγαράκη, τον Πρόεδρο του Cretan Brotherhood Στηβ Βιτετζάκη, τον Ντίνο Σπανάκη το Cretan Sisterhood of NY και όλους όσοι βοήθησαν να πραγματοποιηθεί η εκδήλωση και πάνω από όλα τον κόσμο που παρακολούθησε το θέατρο και τους δωρητές και χορηγούς μας. Many of us are indeed privileged to be of Hellenic descent and to have roots from the Island of Crete, a dear and unique place, where one discovers the codes and the cultural values it bears from the depths of the centuries: A place where it always shines, with goodhearted and proud people, who over the centuries have generously tasted both glory and death. Crete is the perfume and the flavor of tsikoudia, the sound of Lyra, and the pride of Crete. Dear friend, this is our very special Cretan Heritage. We want to thank the Pancretan Association of America for giving us the opportunity to present to all of you a taste of our Cretan Culture presented through the “Theatro of Crete.” We all have a duty to keep our Cretan & Hellenic Spirit alive. We must not allow our Culture, our Music, our Dances and our Humanity to become assimilated by the globalization. We must continue supporting the PAA and its many programs, to ensure that the Cretan Culture and Spirit remain alive. From all of us at the Cretan Brotherhood of New York we extend our warmest regards to all of you, the committees, to The Cretan Sisterhood of New York, our Benefactor, Sponsors and Contributors for helping us make this event possible. Ζωή Κουτσουπάκη 10 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Steve Vitetzakis, Maria Kantaris President Maria Kantaris, Zoe Koutsoupakis Dinos Spanakis, Chairpersons Dear PAA, My name is George Zoumberakis and I would like tell you a few things for the theatrical play that took place in Los Angeles. With few words to describe, it was an excellent event that everybody enjoyed. It took place at the Downey Theatre in Downey, CA with a “meet the stars” event following the play. We had over 200 people attend the play and after hours at the local Greek church. This was a very good event in the sense that it showed more depth for the Pancretan Association of America outside of the traditional events that we love. Both Cretans and non Cretans enjoyed the show and appreciated the local chapters of Omonia and Southern California Cretans for putting on the show. We ran out of the tsikoudia at the church hall and everybody appreciated the actors and actresses taking the time to meet everyone. Lastly, it is very important to point out that the troupe who came were human beings also outside of the play. They appreciated the hospitality that was shown and were very great guests. Congratulations to the PAA and all chapters who took it upon themselves to host the play. Ke tou hronou. Sincerely, George Zoumberakis PYA West Coast Youth Supervisor Yeia sou Takis, Αγαπητέ κύριε Ψαράκη, On behalf of our chapter “KPHTH” in Clearwater FL, I would like to congratulate you and The PAA for your efforts in bringing the comical theater play “Του Έρωτα τα Πάθη” performed by the theater company “Theatro Kritis”. The play nourished our cultural appetite as it was a night to remember. Our Cretan heritage of humor and the masterful use of the Cretan dialect is what we do not get to experience here in the states. The play brought us back to Crete and slightly back in time where pride often times overruled logic but actions were rooted in love and respect. We were so excited with the experience that we have officially decided to have a theater night during the 2011 convention that we are hosting here in Clearwater Florida. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your commitment to work with our cultural committee chairman Nikos Votzakis in the hopes that we could bring the same theater company along with many other cultural activities. There is no better way to expose and teach than through such a professional and well directed theater play. As chairman of the 2011 convention I feel that cultural activities must play a huge role in our convention. The furtherance and preservation of our culture for the American born Cretan is absolutely critical if the PAA is to survive here in America. That is why we have adopted phrase “PRESERVING OUR ROOTS” as the theme for our convention. Once again congratulation on all your efforts and see you in Clearwater in 2011. Σας μεταβιβάζω τους θερμούς πατριωτικούς χαιρετισμούς των κρητικών του Μόντρεαλ και θα ήθελα να σας διαβεβαιώσω ότι η παρουσία του «Θεάτρου Κρήτης» στο Μόντρεαλ άφησε τις καλύτερες εντυπώσεις . Το θέατρο Κρήτης με τους εξαιρετικούς καλλιτέχνες και την επαγγελματική σοβαρότητα που το διακρίνει μας εντυπωσίασε. Επίσης η προθυμία τους για την παρουσίαση μία ακόμα παραστάσεως αφιλοκερδώς που τα έσοδα διατέθηκαν για τα ελληνικά Σχολεία του Μόντρεαλ απέσπασε τα πιο ευμενή σχόλια της ευρύτερης ελληνικής παροικίας Θα ήθελα να ευχαριστήσω την Π.E.Α. που χάρη της δικής της πρωτοβουλίας μας δόθηκε η ευκαιρία να φιλοξενήσουμε στην πόλη μας το «Θέατρο Κρήτης» Επίσης εύχομαι ολοψύχως ο δίαυλος επικοινωνίας που άρχισε να συνεχιστεί και να μην αρκεστεί στην απλή συνεργασία και μόνο. James Boutzoukas Chapter “KPHTH”, President Με θερμούς πατριωτικούς χαιρετισμούς Εμμανουήλ Ρεβελάκης Πρόεδρος Συλλόγου Κρητών Μόντρεαλ ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 11 Hello Taki, The, Montreal, theatrical performance “Του Έρωτα τα Πάθη» was an opportunity for Cretans young and old, to spend an evening together in shared laughter and enjoyment. In all, a fantastic time was had by all 350 who attended. The play itself was highly entertaining and inspirational, and every actor was brilliant in his role. Each one brought his unique style and charisma to the play. Off stage, all the performers including the director were friendly, accommodating and above all gracious. Needless to say, new friendships were formed and lasting bonds created. We are thankful for this opportunity and look forward to promoting future events that will nurture the Cretan soul. A heartfelt thank you is extended to each actor that came to perform in Montreal and to all the audience members who came out to support this event. Regards Ioanna Tsontakis, Recreational Committee Montreal Cretan Association 12 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Συγχαρητήρια – Μπράβο !! Με αφορμή την θεατρική παράσταση «Του Έρωτα τα Πάθη» η οποία τον περασμένο Απρίλιο παρουσιάστηκε στην Ελληνική κοινότητα του Miami FL, με πρωτοβουλία του συλλόγου Κρητών Miami, θέλω να εκφράσω τα θερμά μου ευχαριστήρια και συγχαρητήρια στον chairman του πολιτιστικού τμήματος της Παγκρητικής, κ. Τάκη Ψαράκη όπου επί πολλά χρόνια τώρα, με τις πρωτοβουλίες, ιδέες, το μεράκι, και την σκληρή και επίμονη εργασία του, δίνει την δυνατότητα στους συλλόγους Κρητών της Αμερικής να προβάλλουν στα μέλη και παροικίες τους, τον πλούτο της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς, καλύπτοντας όλες τις πτυχές της όπως, επιστημονική, θρησκευτική, μουσική, γαστρονομική και λαογραφική. Όσο για τον σύλλογό μου « Κρήτες του Miami», την πρόεδρο κα, Κατερίνα Θεοδώρου, το συμβούλιο όπως και τον chairman της θεατρικής παράστασης, κ. Αλέκο Σοφιανό είμαι πολύ υπερήφανος, γιατί πάντα αγκαλιάζουν με σοβαρότητα και μεράκι τέτοιες αξιόλογες πρωτο- βουλίες που έχουν σαν αποτέλεσμα να εμπλουτίζουν πολιτιστικά όλη την παροικία μας. Όλοι μας ξέρομε ότι κέρδος στην ζωή δεν είναι μόνο το χρήμα αλλά είναι ο εμπλουτισμός του πνεύματος και της ψυχής μας. Πάνω από 200 άτομα της παροικίας μας απολαύσαμε μαζί ένα όμορφο και ζουμερό από αλήθειες έργο βγαλμένο από την καθημερινότητα της ζωής μας. Ήταν πραγματικά αξιοθαύμαστο το ότι το έργο είχε γραφτεί σε ποιητικό λόγο μαντινάδας όπως αυτός του Ερωτόκριτου. Μας μίλησε για την αγάπη, τον έρωτα, τις αγωνίες και προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει μια οικογένεια. Όλοι μας γελάσαμε, στεναχωρηθήκαμε, συγκινηθήκαμε, χαρήκαμε αλλά πιο πολύ συλλογιστήκαμε τις πολλές αλήθειες, που μόνο, διαμέσου του γέλιου, μια θεατρική κωμωδία μπορεί να καυτηριάσει. Ο θίασος πανέμορφος, οι χαραχτήρες ταιριαστοί το θέμα βγαλμένο από την ζωή. Αξιοθαύμαστο είναι ότι το έργο λέχθηκε στον ποιητικό λόγο της μαντινάδας όπως του Ερωτόκριτου. Μας μί- Cretan American Association of Miami, FL λησε για την αγάπη, τον έρωτα, τα προβλήματα που αντιμετωπίζει μια οικογένεια, τις σκευωρίες και τα συμφέροντα. Με την εξέλιξή του όλοι μας γελάσαμε , συγκινηθήκαμε αλλά και χαρήκαμε, κυρίως όμως συλλογισθήκαμε τις πολλές αλήθειες, που μόνο μια κωμωδία μέσω του λόγου μπορεί να καυτηριάσει τόσο σωστά. Τα παρατεταμένα χειροκροτήματα και τα αυθόρμητα συγχαρητήρια που οι παρευρισκόμενοι έδεναν στου υπευθύνους , επισφράγισαν και επιβράβευσαν αυτή την μεγάλη προσπάθεια του συλλόγου μας. Αξιοπρόσεκτο είναι το γεγονός ότι κατά πλειοψηφία το Συμβούλιο είναι πρώτη γενεά Αμερικανο-κρητικόπουλα! Συγχαρητήρια – Μπράβο !! Με αδελφική αγάπη Οικογένεια Ευαγγέλου & Δήμητρας Πρωτοπαπαδάκης Georgakakis, George Stefanakis, George Stratoudakis, Andoni Tatakis, Antonis Tomadakis, When the PAA approached our board with the Anastasia Kastrenakes-Merkel for bringing the opportunity to be a part of another cultural event, event into a brilliant and successful reality. truth be told, we were a bit hesitant and did not The acknowledgments do not stop there, accept right away. however, they are extended further to the It would have been our great misfortune, how- members of the silogo, and to the countless ever had we not accepted this offer. As it turned volunteers that stepped up to help. They, out, this joint production of Tis Agapis Ta Pathima- along with the grateful support of the people ta with the PAA and our sister chapters across the from surrounding communities, accepted country turned out to be an amazingly enriching with great anticipation, our invitation to parevent and a huge success. take of this beautiful Cretan theater producBut of course why wouldn’t be? We had tion as patrons to the play. already experienced the working logistics of joint Each guest proclaimed happily how amazproductions with the PAA when together we ing the play was. Many recalled the wonderful brought to South Florida Petros Gaitanos, critically experience they had at the Gaitanos concert acclaimed Greek musician and singer, a talented and when they heard that we were once again group of Byzantine Chanters and Musicians from hosting another cultural event, how they, Crete and Nikos Psilakis, well-known author and without a doubt knew they would come and radio personality in Crete. That production quickly experience this too. There were strong and became known as the cultural event which opened passionate statements made reflecting how the door for many more inspiring events of the they longed to have a feature event of this same caliber to find their way to our part of the quality available to them so close to home. world and for that we thank the PAA for this enEveryone promised to come again, to support deavor and for including us once again. the next event and yet again with what is to It takes a pool of talented individuals to bring follow. So with this type of response, we, as such an occasion to fruition from the all-encoma silogo will not hesitate when approached passing scope of the PAA we had the guidance and by PAA to consider hosting the next cultural support of Takis Psarakis and his network of reevent. We will be honored to take part in it sources to tap into as we moved forward with plan- and we will happily share it with everyone in ning the production. On the more localized and our community. It is a unified vision the Cretan equally important scope of each chapter, Miami American Association of Miami, FL has with recognizes the efforts of our production chairman, our PAA and one we are proud to support. Alex Sofianos and his talented committee, Katerina Anastasia Kastrenakes-Merkel Albanis-Theodorou, Teddy Karachalias, Jr, George ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 13 SpecialReportΡεπορτάζ The Pancretan Endowment Fund By GEOrge A. Papadantonakis, Ph.D. PEF Chairman The Pancretan Endowment Fund (PEF) was established during the 1974 PAA Convention in Pittsburgh, PA. PEF is an independent stand-alone legal entity whose sole purpose is to benefit the University of Crete (U of C) and the National Technical University of Crete (NTUC), known as Polytechnic Institute of Crete. The mission of PEF is specified in the Trust Agreement dated January 29, 1990 and amended on March 9, 1990 and specifically states the following: “The charitable purposes for which the Trust may make payment is hereby limited to further the advancement of education at the University of Crete and Polytechnic Institute of Crete and for the study of the history and culture of the island of Crete through the endowment of such studies or providing of scholarships of such studies.” The PEF is organized under the laws of the State of Illinois and it has been granted a 501-c-3 status of the Internal Revenue Service Code, allowing for taxexempt donations. Only projects within the scope and in compliance with the rules and regulations of the aforementioned Trust Agreement are eligible for funding by the Trust. These projects also target the promotion of stronger bonds between the peoples of Greece and 14 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 the United States and they help Greek Americans of Cretan heritage to maintain their ethnic identity, culture, and heritage. Fundraising efforts during the period 1974 to 1980 resulted in approximately three hundred thousand dollars. Subsequent fundraising effort during the period of 1994 to 1996 raised another one hundred and sixty thousand dollars. To date, more than eight hundred thousand dollars have been granted in support of various projects established by the academic institutions of higher education in Crete. PEF has funded the University of Crete Press (UCP), the Park for the Conservation of Flora and Fauna, known as the Botanical Park at Chania, the Medical Internships Program at the University of Crete, and the DIAS summer courses in Crete. The University of Crete Press ( was the first of its kind in Greece and it was proposed to the PEF trustees by Professors Gregory Sifakis, George Grammatikakis, Stefanos Trahanas, and Lefteris Economou, then Director of the Foundation for Research and Technology (FORTH). The PEF trustees, at that time under the chairmanship of Mr. Costa Stamis, had enthusiastically accepted the proposal and in the mid-eighties the first grant to CUP was issued. PEF, over the ensuing years, has granted more than half a million dollars to the CUP. Today CUP is a thriving organization with millions of euros in revenues and has published more than 1,000 books in the physical sciences and humanities. The Park for the Conservation of Flora and Fauna was established in 1994 by the then Rector of the NTUC Professor Yiannis A. Phyllis on 75 acres located adjacent to the NTUC campus in Akrotiri of Chania. The scope of this project is the conservation of flora and fauna of Crete and it serves as a beacon for environmentalists, teachers and students as well as private citizens who wish to enjoy the beauty of Cretan nature. PEF has, for numerous years, supported the DIAS International Academic Studies. DIAS program provides, to American born students, a unique opportunity to visit Crete and, at the same time enroll in coursework in English which is fully recognized by US academic institutions. This program has hosted students from all over the world, making the U of C and NTUC known to the academic circles of the United States as one of the leading teaching and research institutions of SpecialReportΡεπορτάζ the European Union. Two to three students of Cretan descent who currently attend medical schools in the United States are eligible to participate in the summer internship program at the University of Crete in Heraklion. This unique program, spearheaded by Professor Dr. Yiannis Melissas of Boston University and backed by the PEF, allows young aspiring medical students of Cretan descent to work and interact with the people of Crete for an extended period of time. This helps students to re-establish connections to the land and customs of their forefathers. PEF trustees have established the Friends of the Universities of Crete (Friends U of C). This program is the vehicle through which individuals, organizations, foundations, memorial donations and others may endow the PEF. All these donations to the PEF will be given to and become part of the existing PEF capital, the income of which is committed entirely to serve as a perpetual endowment for funding projects of the U of C and NTUC. The title of the “Friend of the Universities of Crete” will be bestowed upon new nominees upon completion of the minimum pledge in the amount of one thousand dollars and upon acceptance of membership. All “Friends of the Universities of Crete “are presented with a plaque and are recognized in KPHTH Magazine and on the PEF website. We are publishing the names of the Friends of the Universities of Crete. All names were compiled by the past Chair, Ms. Mary Vasilakis during her tenure. I would like to congratulate her on accomplishing this great task and for her enthusiastic effort to maintain PEF records. However, there is a possibility that some names were omitted because records are not always available. I extend my apology to anyone who may have been inadvertently excluded and ask you to please email me, [email protected] your information and proof of the donation in order update our historical list. PEF website ( will be re-designed in the next three months and you will have the opportunity to view it and learn more about the PEF and the projects it supports. PEF has granted to the U of C and NTUC more than a million dollars since its foundation. The PEF portfolio consists of a carefully supervised collection of sound quality stocks, bonds and other financial instruments. It is actively managed by Fisher Investments, a leading investment management company in the United States whose clients include Fortune 500 companies, foundations, and endowments, as well as thousands of high net worth investors. The investment objectives put in place by the PEF Trustees are designed to preserve capital while also allowing for moderate growth potential. The carry-through of these objectives has delivered good and consistent results as exhibited by the growth of the fund and the history of the income it has generated. Existing programs need to be strengthened and expanded. Furthermore, the feasibility of new projects dealing with the customs, culture and the history of Crete need to be carefully evaluated and implemented. Such programs would benefit our members, the youth in particular, but also the parents in assisting them to teach their children about our Hellenic-Cretan identity and heritage. One such a program that we currently consider is The Museum of Cretan Music at the University of Crete (Rethymnon Campus). We ask for your moral support and financial assistance to carry out our mission to strengthen the bonds between our youth and Crete, the land of their fathers and grandfathers. Friends of the University of Crete Great Benefactors $20,000 or more Costas and Mary Maliotis Charitable Foundation Benefactors $5,000 - $19,000 George S. Alfieris George Apostolakis George Chryssis Dr. & Mrs. Spyro Theodorakis Theodore and Rema Manousakis Livia Maroulakis George Nicolozakis John S. Pappas Patrick and Lydia Ryan Constantine Stamis Mrs. Ethel Stamis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tsolinas Emanuel Tsourounis George & Mrs. Vardakis Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel E. Velivasakis Dr. Nick & Nancy Vidalakis Cretan Fraternity of Chicago Demas Foundation of Chicago Donors $1,000 - $4,999 George Angelakis Mr. & Mrs Michael Beladakis Mr. and Mrs. Harilaos Besbeas Mr. and Mrs. John Bobolakis Mr. & Mrs. C Bovis John Brillakis Emmanuel Calliyannis John Cheretis George Elliot George Galeros Demetrios Halivelakis Mr. & Mrs. John Hourdakis Mr. & Mrs. Byron Ieronimides Emmanuel Kariotakis Helen E. Kariotakis George Karkavatsos Steven Kohilakis Christos Koukouvitakis Kostantis Lambrakis Nick Lembidakis Dr. Nicholas Loutsion Manousos Manousakis Peter Marangoudakis Dr. and Mrs. Petro S. Maropis Trifon Motakis Dr. John Nathenas Ms. Helen Nicholson Mr. & Mrs. Gus Pallios George A. Papadantonakis, PhD Dr. Gregory Papadogeorgakis Dr. Spyros Philippakis Mr. & Mrs. George Platsis ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 15 SpecialReportΡεπορτάζ Stelios Polioudakis Mr. & Mrs. George Pologeorge Minas Polychronakis Michael Prinarakis Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Psillakis John Sargetis John Sopasis Trisevgeni (Jenny) Stamatakis John Stathopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Nick Stavarakis Zacharias Stavroulakis (in memory of Evangeline) Emmanuel Tsikoudakis Costas Tsiskakis Andreas Tsouderos George Tzitzikas George Varouh Mary Vasilakis John Veleris Emmanuel Velonakis Nick Verikakis John Vidalakis Mr. & Mrs John Volakakis George Voyiatzakis Steven E. Zeimbekakis Dr. Argero and Bill Zofakis Erotokritos Aretousa Club Omalos Chapter of Norfolk, VA Pasiphae Chapter of NY Syllogos Κreton of NY MINOS Therisson Chapter of Milwaukee (In memory of Nick Roditakis) PAST UNIVERSITY FUND RAISING DRIVE Chapter Donations 1976-1980 Arkadi-Maleme Chapter AKN Detroit Cretan Sisterhood Ariadne Cretan Association of Miami Cretans of Rhode Island Cretan Ladies Society Pasiphae Cretan Fraternity White Mountains Cretan Association of Akron Cretan Benefit Association of Cleveland Cretan Fraternity of Chicago and Suburbs Cretan Ladies Association Cretans of Conn. E. Venizelos Cretefs and Daughters of Crete Daughters of Minos Denver Youth Icaros Chapter, San Jose Knossos Chapter Labrys Labyrinth Chapter Ladies Chapter “Proodos” Minos Chapter Minos-Crete Chapter Minotavros Youth Chapter Modesto Chapters: Lefka Oree, Sisterhood Eleftheria and Apogonoi tis Kritis Pseloretes of Sioux City Rathamanthus-Ide Chapter 16 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Salt Lake Cretan Juniors San Francisco Youth Chapter Therisson Chapter Venizelos Chapter Volanis-Akrotiri Chapter, W. Va Individual Donors 1978-1980 George AndrewS John Blazakis Ann Bokolinis Mrs. Argiro Calamarides Nick Delis Steve Fotis Frank and Koula Francis George Fronimakis Stelios Gigourtakis Urania Gluesing Murdick and Betty Grillos Mrs. Mary Hatzis Byron Ieronimides Manuel Kakos Bill Kambouris Manuel Kariotakis Manuel Kastrenakes Demosthenes Kephalogianis Mr and Mrs. H. Kidonakis Mrs. Angelo Ladakis Mrs. Argie Lendaris Stella Mamalakis Mary Zeris Mamalakis John Maragakis C. H. Mastrogeorge Kalliope Pantelakis George & Christine Papadakis Ben, George and Steve Pappas John Patramanis Mike Rigas Billy Salevouris Angela Salvarakis Helen Sooklaris Ted Stavroulidakis Athena Tsougarakis & Mother Sophia Aristides Tsourounis George Tzitzikas Kalliope Valergakis Mike Varouhas George Vidalakis Nick Vidalakis Mrs. Malama Volanakis Anthe Vutetakis Individual Donations 1976-1978 Kosmas Andritsakis Louis Angelo Emmanuel Anastasakis Dora Avgeri Eva Anifantis George Andrews Irene Angelo Anthony Angelo Nick Bantuveris Dr. Christopher Beatty Mike Bantuveris Bouzis Brothers Anthony Bouzis C. P. Ballas Nick Dakis Dr. Joan Dobbs Kadiani Dabakis Pete Dakis Helen Constantoulakis Phil Cavas Pete Callas Mrs. Pete Callas Mrs. Melpa Frangos George Festos Mike Ferris John Ermidis Effie Georgiades Col. John Georgilas George Galeros Emmanuel Glynias Manny Giakouminakis John Giannoulis Murdick Grillos Ieronimos Ieronimidis Byron Ieronimidis Mike Hatzis Efstathios Kalisperakis Chris Kienakis Nicholas Kalmer Hercules Kalmer Tony Kournianos Nick Katsikavalakis Chrysoula Kasotakis Dr. Harvey Karten Steve Kohilakis Emmanuel Kakos Ismene Kephalogianis Costas Kambourakis Rev. Lukas Kotzakis George Krasas John Katsourakis Nick Kalorizikos George Kiskis Mike Katsoulis Dr. Angelo Koulizakis James Lesko Nondas Lagonakis Nick Ledas Mike Ligeros Joseph Lekakis Afrodite Marcooles George Markomanolakis Nick Manos Dr. Theodore Markellos Nick Mamalakis Demetrios Mazacoufa John Mathioudakis Gerrad McCormick Charles Maliotis Nicholas Minadakis Mark Manos Mike Manos George Melonakis Mark Mamalakis John D. Powers Gus Pallios Stella Pappas Arthur Perakis Mr. Pahountis Costas Palavis Vasilios Perakis E. H. Phillas Basil Policronis Philoptochos Sts. Constantine & Helen, Jackson Heights Nick Papadakis George Pologeorgis Angelo Petrakos John Perros Emanuel Pavlakis George Petrakis George Paterakis Virgina Papadonakis Mike Plakorus Steve Pappas Jim Pappas Elpiniki Peros Marco Psihountas Anthony Rodis Kalli Rempelakis Sophie Rodete Earl Sampson Costas Stamis Nick Stavarakis Nick Spinthourakis Stavros Semanderes Anthony Stakis Dr. Paul Stavroulakis Nicholas Soter J. C. Sotos George Tzitzikas Emanuel Tsourounis Michael Tsourounis Aristedes Tsourounis George H. Terezakis Harry Theodorakis J. M. Theodore Mike Tsontakis Emmanuel Tsikoudakis Antonios Tsikoudakis Chris Tampson Emmanuel Tsapakis Calliope Volikakis George Vidalakis Mike Volanis Anthee Vutetakis Stavros G. Vamvounakis John Volakakis John Zangas Mike Zervos Συνεδρίαση 2ας Περιφέρειας Στις 8 Μαΐου 2010, επραγματοποιήθη η συνεδρίαση της 2ας περιφέρειας στο Κρητικό σπίτι τού συλλόγου “Ομόνοια”. Παρευρέθηκαν από το Συμβούλιο της Περιφέρειας, η Κυβερνήτης, κ. Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη, ο Αντικυβερνήτης κ. Αριστείδης Γαργανουράκης, η Ταμίας κ. Ευτυχία Λαμπράκος, και η Γραμματέας κ. Μαρία Γασπαράκη. Από το συμβούλιο της ΠΕΑ, ο Β’ Αντιπρόεδρος, κ. Νίκος Καστρινάκης και η Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια Γυναικείων Τμημάτων κ. Μαρία Στρατουδάκη. Από τον σύλλογο «Ομόνοια», ο Πρόεδρος κ. Κριαράς, ο Αντιπρόεδρος, κ. Κογχυλάκης, (Πρώην Κυβερνήτης και Πρώην Ταμίας της ΠΕΑ), ο γραμματέας, κ. Φιωτοδημητράκης, (και Πρώην Γενικός Επόπτης της ΠΕΑ). Από την «Πασιφάη», η Πρόεδρος κ. Γκίννης, και τα μελη, κ. Σολανάκης και κα. Κουτσουπάκη. Ο Πρόεδρος τού «Μίνως» κ. Αναστασάκης, και η πρόεδρος της Νεολαίας «Ιδομενέα» δεσποινίς Κάβαλου. Από το Γυναικείο τμήμα του Μπρούκλιν, η πρόεδρος κ. Τσαγκαράκη, και η γραμματέας κ. Βρυωνάκη. Από την «Κρητική Φιλοξενία», ο Αντιπρόεδρος, κ. Βλαστάκης, (Πρώην Κυβερνήτης και Πρώην Υπεύθυνος της Ιστοσελίδας της ΠΕΑ στο Διαδίκτυο), ο κ. Ξενάκης, (Πρώην Αντικυβερνήτης) και ο κ. Μπονάκης. Από τον σύλλογο «Νίκος Καζαντζάκης» της Ουάσιγκτον, η Πρόεδρος, κ. Κωνσταντοπούλου, η ταμίας, κ. Μαριάνα Κουρκουλάκος, ο κ. Γεώργιος Κωνσταντόπουλος και η κ. Βασιλική Περράκη. Ο Πρόεδρος από τα «Λευκά Ορη» και επικεφαλής της Πολιτιστικής Επιτροπής της ΠΕΑ κ. Ψαράκης, η Πρόεδρος τού «Ερωτόκριτος –Αρετούσα», κ. Κογχυλάκη, (και Πρώην 3η Αντιπρόεδρος της ΠΕΑ), ο Πρόεδρος του «Δίκταμος», κ. Δάσκος, ο Πρόεδρος τού Συλλόγου «Κνωσσός» και Επικεφαλής της Φιλανθρωπικής Επιτροπής της ΠΕΑ, κ. Σταύρος Αντωνακάκης, ο Πρόεδρος Νεολαίας « Τάλος», κ. Ιωσήφ Αντωνακάκης, καθώς και η κ. Μαρία Κουδέλου, Πρόεδρος της Μεικτής Πολιτιστικής Επιτροπής. Επίσης παρευρέθηκαν, η Πρώην Εκτελεστική Διευθύντρια των Γυναικείων Τμημάτων, κ. ΜουσσουράκηςΝάκης, ο Πρώην κυβερνήτης και Πρώην 3ος Αντιπρόεδρος, κ. Σταράκης, η κ. Σταράκη, ο Πρώην Κυβερνήτης, και Μέλος της Επιτροπής Επενδύσεων, κ. Καλογρίδης, η κ. Καλογρίδη, ο Εκδότης του Περιοδικού ΚΡΗΤΗ, κ. Νίκος Κατσανεβάκης, και αργότερα πολλά άλλα μέλη από την περιφέρεια. Η ολομέλεια ενέκρινε την υπόσχεση της Κυβερνήτου κ. Ζαχαρούλας Μαρματάκη να δοθούν $1,000.00 στην ΠΕΑ, για την Νεολαία, από το ταμείο της 2ας περιφέρειας (το οποίο αποκατεστάθη μετά από την πολύτιμη βοήθεια και τις ενέργειες της κ. Ζωής Κουτσουπάκη). Αποφασίστηκε: 1. Να πραγματοποιηθεί ο χορός τού κυβερνήτη τον Μάρτιο του 2011. 2. Να συγκροτηθεί επιτροπή να μελετήσει το καταστατικό της περιφέρειας. 3. Να δοθεί περισσότερος χρόνος στα μέλη για να προετοιμάσουν τα θέματα προς συζήτηση για την ειδική συνεδρίαση της ΠΕΑ (Leadership conference). 4. Να γίνει προσπάθεια προσέγγισης της Νεολαίας για να επιτευχτεί η επαναφορά τους στο Κρητικό στοιχείο. Ερωτήσεις πρός το συμβούλιο της ΠΕΑ: 1.Η επίσημη θέση της ΠΕΑ για την ύπαρξη/προβολή της «Κρητικής Σημαίας». 2.Αν και τι σκοπεύει να κάνει η ΠΕΑ για τα «100 χρόνια από την Ένωση της Κρήτης με την Ελλάδα». 3.Αν ο Πρόεδρος κ. Μανουσάκης, σκοπεύει να στείλει ανάλογη δήλωση/διαμαρτυρία για τα τραγικά γεγονότα της Αθήνας όπως έκανε με την καταστροφή της Συναγωγής στα Χανιά. Προτασεις προς την ΠΕΑ για πιθανά προγράμματα σχετικά με την Νεολαια: 1.Κατασκηνώσεις/Εκδρομές στην Κρήτη. 2.Ανταλλαγή σπουδαστών με τη Κρήτη. 3. Περιοδεία εμπείρων χοροδιδασκάλων στους Συλλόγους. Η επόμενη συνεδρίαση θα φιλοξενηθεί από τον σύλλογο Νεολαίας «Ιδομενέα» στο Μινωικό σπίτι. Μετά το τέλος της συνεδρίασης, ο Σύλλογος «Ομόνοια» προσέφερε δείπνο στους παρευρισκόμενους και παράλληλα γιόρτασε την ημέρα της Μητέρας. Ευχαριστώ όλους για την συμμετοχή, τις προτάσεις και τις ιδέες τους, τον Σύλλογο «Ομόνοια» για την φιλοξενία και προσκαλώ όλα τα μέλη στην επόμενη συνεδρίαση πιθανότατα 2 Οκτώβριου 2010, η οποία θα έχει πολύ συγκεκριμένα θέματα συζητήσεως για τα οποία θα σταλούν πληροφορίες προς το τέλος Αυγούστου. Εύχομαι σε όλους Καλό Καλοκαίρι. Με εκτίμηση, Ζαχαρούλα Μαρματάκη Κυβερνήτης 2ας Περιφέρειας ΠΕΑ ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 17 Cretan Association of British Columbia The Cretan Association of British Columbia (Canada) was established in 1967. It was one of the first organizations formed in Vancouver, BC. Our association has a long history of promoting Cretan culture, history, food, art, handicrafts and dance to Canadian’s of Cretan kin (young and old) and also Greeks living on the West Coast. The Cretan Association of BC, today, has a membership of approximately 200+ people. The Board of Directors for 2010-2011 consists of 15 people. The various positions are President, Vice-President, Secretary and Assistant Secretary, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer. Two events are held every year to celebrate the Battle of Crete and the Holocaust of the Arkadi. Cretan musicians from Crete and North America are brought over to perform at our dances. Some of the past lyra /laouto players that have come to Vancouver are Zoidakis, Garganourakis, Papadakis, Lilikakis, Tzouganakis, Alexakis and Mathioudakis. Our Association has proudly sponsored lectures that promote Cretan history and culture. These lectures are provided by Professor Andre Gerolymatos who is a professor at the local University. The annual picnic is held at a local park during the summer, which brings Cretan families together in a relaxed atmosphere for some good company, food and fun. The Association has a dance group that performs at numerous cultural events every year. The dancers consist of members ranging in age from 7 to 12 years old. They practice once every week at the Hellenic Community Center. The dance group, over the years, has become a stronger more visible dance group throughout the City. A web site has been set up with pictures of various events. For more information, please contact the Niko Papoutsakis, Secretary at (604) 6441469 or e-mail [email protected] 18 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 19 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 20 ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 21 22 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 «Greek Independence Day Parade». 04/18/2010, Detroit, Michigan ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 23 «George Varouh» Cretan Club of Cleveland Dinner Dance and PAA National Board Meeting. 05/22/2010, Cleveland, Ohio 24 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 SpecialReportΡεπορτάζ The Lavyrinthos Music Lab in Houdetsi, Crete Uniting World’s Music Within the region of the Municipality of Nikos Kazantzakis in Herakleio, near the village of Houdetsi, local authorities through the municipal corporation ELTYNA, and in collaboration with the well-known musician Ross Daly, created the “Music Lab Lavyrinthos” during 2001-2002. The Lab operates as a musical instruments museum, a school of music, a meeting center for musicians as well as a place for festivals and celebrations. Visitors of the Lab can see a collection of over 200 traditional musical instruments from the regions of Eastern Mediterranean, the Balkans, Middle East, Central Asia, Caucasus, and India. Since 2003 in the premises of the Lab many events, seminars, and festivals have been taking place with the par- ticipation of renowned musicians from around the world. Visitors can also tour the museum with wireless devices offering guidance and information on the exhibits in various languages. The Lab has a significant presence on the internet at where people may acquire information on the activities of the Lab and get connected with many musicians and musicologists all over the world. Moreover, the website offers a wide range of knowledge about musical instruments as well as local and folklore music from the regions of the Mediterranean, the Balkans, Middle East, India, and Caucasus. The spectacular results from the Lavyrinthos’ activities to-date include: 146 weekly musical seminars were organized, where over 1500 musicians participated as instructors or students and 35 musical events were held with the participation of over 210 musicians from around the globe. In total, more than 1710 musicians joined or attended the events, from which 460 came from literally all continents of the planet (America, Oceania, Africa, Europe, and Asia). Furthermore, the Lab laid the foundations for interconnecting and bridging music from around the world by using the advantages of new information technologies. The “Lavyrinthos Music Lab” is now regarded as a center for networking for musicians, a source of knowledge about ethnic music, and a point of convergence for all folklore tunes from Southern Europe, Middle East, North Africa and Caucasus. The local economy has also ben- ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 25 SpecialReportΡεπορτάζ efited from the “Lavyrinthos Lab” for it created new businesses (taverns, shops, and internet points), vacancies, and tourist attractions. Also, the Lab stimulated the establishment of amenities for agro-tourism which is a highly promising venture for the visitors of Crete and Greece at large. More than 3500 students have visited the museum while over 10000 people have attended events at “Lavyrinthos”. The Lab plans to expand its activities by doing seminars also during the winter and by expanding its collaboration with musicians and music centers from many countries and traditions. For more info on the Lavyrinthos Lab: +30 2810 741 027 Ross Daly +30 6977 283 833 | Dimitris Cornaros +30 6979 673 473 Apart from the hosting of seminars and musical events , one of the main aims of the Musical Workshop “Labyrinth” is to serve as a common meeting point and point of reference for musicians from all over the world. This long-term aim is gradually starting to be fulfilled, a fact which pleases us greatly. This is in fact a process which happens naturally, owing to the fact that in the “musical world” we refer to, news spreads rapidly and we believe that the creation of a “musical home” open to all people (musicians or not) that love music purely and selflessness is the object of desire of many people. Since its founding , the Musical Workshop Labyrinth has hosted rehearsals, concerts and meetings of musicians outside the framework of seminars and concerts. Furthermore, there are many musicians who come to Houdetsi to spend some time studying in a musical atmosphere. All these are as interesting and remarkable for us as the official hosting of seminars and concerts because they prove that Labyrinth has started to be considered by some people as a “musical home” that can accommodate such activities. At this point we would like to mention the creation of the Instrument Making Workshop which is located on the surrounding grounds of Labyrinth. The art of instrument construction is of primary interest to us as it is so closely connected to music itself. The Instrument Making Workshop is fully equipped and is very soon expected to operate in the form of a “school”. Distinguished luthiers from Greece and abroad will be invited to give lessons on the construction of instruments. 26 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 ΜΟΥΣΙΚΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙ ΛΑΒΥΡΙΝΘΟΣ Στην περιοχή του Δήμου Ν. Καζαντζάκη,στο Χουδέτσι, ο Δήμος μας μέσω της δημοτικής επιχείρησης ΕΛΤΥΝΑ και σε συνεργασία με το διακεκριμένο μουσικό Ross Daly, δημιούργησε την περίοδο 2001 – 2002 το «Μουσικό Εργαστήρι Λαβύρινθος». Το εργαστήρι λειτουργεί ως χώρος έκθεσης μουσικών οργάνων, μουσική σχολή, χώρος συνάντησης μουσικών και πραγματοποίησης μουσικών εκδηλώσεων. Στο εργαστήρι υπάρχουν πάνω από 200 εκθέματα τα οποία είναι αντιπροσωπευτικά δείγματα παραδοσιακών μουσικών οργάνων της περιοχής της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, των Βαλκανίων, της Μέσης Ανατολής, της Κεντρικής Ασίας , του Καύκασου και της Ινδίας. Από το 2003 έως και σήμερα στο χώρο του εργαστηρίου πραγματοποιούνται μουσικά σεμινάρια και μουσικές εκδηλώσεις με την συμμετοχή διακεκριμένων μουσικών από όλο το κόσμο. Παράλληλα στο χώρο έκθεσης των παραδοσιακών μουσικών οργάνων τοποθετήθηκε σύστημα ασύρματης ξενάγησης των επισκεπτών βασισμένο σε καινοτόμες τεχνολογίες . Επίσης δημιουργήθηκε δικτυακός τόπος στο internet ( } o οποίος λειτουργεί σαν χώρος συνεύρεσης και επαφής μουσικών και μουσικολόγων από όλο τον κόσμο, δίνοντας τους παράλληλα την δυνατότητα να καταχωρήσουν ή να αντλήσουν κάθε είδους πληροφορία σχετικά με τα την παραδοσιακή μουσική στην περιοχή της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, των Βαλκανίων, της Μέσης Ανατολής , της Κεντρικής Ασίας , του Καύκασου και της Ινδίας. Αποτελέσματα Τα αποτελέσματα από την μέχρι σήμερα λειτουργία του μουσικού εργαστηρίου λαβύρινθος είναι εντυπωσιακά, καθώς : Έχουν πραγματοποιηθεί 146 εβδομαδιαία μουσικά σεμινάρια, στα οποία συμμετείχαν 1500 μουσικοί ως δάσκαλοι ή ως μαθητές και 35 Μουσικές εκδηλώσεις στις οποίες συμμετείχαν 210 μουσικοί από όλο τον κόσμο . Συνολικά στις Μουσικές εκδηλώσεις και τα μουσικά σεμινάρια συμμετείχαν 1710 μουσικοί από τους οποίους οι 460 ήρθαν από περιοχές εκτός Ελλάδος (Αμερική, Αυστραλία, Ασία, Ευρώπη και Αφρική) Δημιουργήθηκαν οι προϋποθέσεις για την διάσωση, ανάδειξη και προβολή της έντεχνης παραδοσιακής μουσικής με την αξιοποίηση καινοτόμων τεχνολογιών. Αναγνωρίζεται πλέον σε εθνικό και διεθνές επίπεδο ως πυρήνας έρευνας, προβολής και διασύνδεσης των τοπικών ακουσμάτων με εκείνα της Ανατολικής Μεσογείου, των Βαλκανίων, της Μέσης Ανατολής , της Κεντρικής Ασίας , του Καύκασου και της Ινδίας. Ενισχύθηκε σημαντικά η τοπική οικονομία με την : Δημιουργία 2 νέων θέσεων απασχόλησης στον φορεία υλοποίησης του προγράμματος Δημιουργία νέων επιχειρήσεων (2 ταβέρνες, 1 αγροτουριστικό κατάλυμα, 1 internet café, 10 ενοικιαζόμενα δωμάτια) Δημιουργία συμπληρωματικού εισοδήματος από την αξιοποίηση υφιστάμενων υποδομών (μίσθωση σπιτιών για την φιλοξενία των μουσικών). Αύξηση του αριθμού των επισκεπτών στην περιοχή μας (3500 μαθητές σχολείων επισκέφτηκαν το μουσείο μας, 10.000 θεατές συμμετείχαν στις μουσικές εκδηλώσεις) Αναβαθμίστηκε γενικότερα η τουριστική κίνησης της περιοχής, ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 27 ΡεπορτάζSpecial Report καθώς μαζί με τα αλλά αξιοθέατα της περιοχής, αποτελεί πλέον σοβαρό πόλο έλξης που μπορεί να δημιουργήσει ρεύμα επισκεπτών από την Ελλάδα και το Εξωτερικό με αποτέλεσμα να υπάρχει αυξημένη ζήτηση προϊόντων και υπηρεσιών. Ενδεικτικά για το 2007 πάνω από 3.000 διανυκτερεύσεις πραγματοποιήθηκαν το τρίμηνο Ιουλίου Αυγούστου Σεπτεμβρίου στο Χουδέτσι. Προοπτικές - Σχεδιασμος Το κτίριο που στεγάζει την έκθεση 28 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 μουσικών οργάνων είναι πλήρες εκθεμάτων και δεν εχει δυνατότητα να επεκταθεί και να εμπλουτισθεί η συλλογή και με άλλες θεματικές ενότητες . Δίνεται η δυνατότητα μεταφοράς του μουσείου σε κτίριο (Παλαιό ελαιοτριβείο της ‘Ενωσης Πεζών) ακριβώς απέναντι , το οποίο με την κατάλληλη διαμορφώση υπάρχει αρχιτεκτονική μελέτη ) μπορεί να καλύψει τις τωρινές και μελλοντικές ανάγκες του . Η δραστηριότητα των μουσικών σεμιναρίων ,η οποία χρόνο με το χρόνο αυξάνεται, θα συνεχίσει και για το 2009 με προοπτική να ξεκινήσουν και χειμερινά σεμινάρια . Προγραμματίζονται συναυλίες και για το 2010 σε συνεργασία με τον Δήμο Καζαντζάκη και με άλλους φορείς καθώς και ένα πολυήμερο Κρητικό Φεστιβάλ Μουσικής του Κόσμου . Στην διάθεση σας για κάθε πληροφορία η επεξήγηση . Για το Μουσικό Εργαστήριο Λαβύρινθος Ross Daly 6977 283833 Κορνάρος Δημήτρης 6979-673473 Psarakis Family Adonis, Esther, Panagiotis and Evagelia Psarakis Once upon a time, not so long ago, Panagiotis Psarakis, better known as Takis, made his way to America in November 1980. Prior to landing here, he grew up in the scenic village of Paleohora Selinou on the South western coast of Crete. His mother’s maiden name was Evaggelia Protopapadakis, from Epanohori Selinou. His father, Panayiotis Psarakis, grew up in the village of Kopetoi Selinou but, then in 1932, moved to Paleohora to manage and maintain the Hotel “ΛΥΒΙΚΟΝ” which was built by his brother Nikolaos Psarakis, then resident of New Haven, Connecticut. Takis’s sister Irene, married Manolis Kalopsikakis, and settled in Arhanes Iraklion. Takis started High School in Paleohora and finshed it there in Arhanes, and then ended up going to Pisa, Italy for his Marilyn and Anthony Luongo undergraduate studies. He mastered Italian and completed a Bachelors in the relatively new field of Computer Science. He then returned home to Crete, but the urge to complete his masters led him to the United States. He was accepted to the New Jersey Institute of Technology where he completed his Masters of Computer Science. During this time, he became active in the Greek student community, and served as President of the Hellenic Club of Rutgers University, 1982-83. One of his proudest achievements during this time was the organization of the first ever International Dance Festival at Rutgers. Groups performed from a variety of countries, such as Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Saudi Arabia. He also met his future wife, Esther Luongo Psarakis, who studied at Rutgers, during this time, but first he went back to Greece to complete his military service. Two years later, he returned to the United States. It must have been destined for them to be together, and two years later, in August 1988, they had not one, but two weddings. First, Esther converted to Greek Orthodox in Saint Aikaterini in Astoria, getting immersed in a whirlpool. The first wedding was in the US and then two weeks later, a very traditional wedding was held in the mountains of Crete up on the family farm in Evaggelia and Panayiotis Psarakis Kopetoi Selinou. It was a solid introduction to the Cretan culture! Two years later, their son, Antonios Panayiotis was born, and then, two years after that, Evangelia Alexcia joined the family. Every year, they all go back to Paleohora and to the family farm, where Evaggelia still is in charge. Panayiotis has served, as Chairman of PAA’s Culture & Education Committee, since 2001, and as Corresponding Secretary for the “White Mountains” Cretan Chapter in New Brunswick NJ. ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 29 DISTRICT 2 Established: 1928 • Members: 135 New Brunswick, NJ Cretan’s Fraternity “THE WHITE MOUNTAINS” The Cretan’s Fraternity “The White Mountains”, Inc. was established in 1928 in New Brunswick, New Jersey and has evolved into a non-profit, philanthropic, social, cultural and educational organization. Since its inception, the chapters’ great tradition and history of warm and gracious hospitality, Philoxenia, to its members, friends and community at large, has been its hallmark. At its root, philoxenia meant more than just hospitality. For “The White Mountains”, philoxenia meant a responsibility that one had to his fellow man whether a friend or a stranger. The Cretans’ Fraternity “The White 30 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Mountains”, Inc., began in the Spring of 1928 when three Cretan men, Mr. Stilianos Keranakis, Mr. Vasili Troulakis and Mrs. Nicholas Zaharioudakis, met at a local coffee house at 74 Dennis Street in New Brunswick, with an idea of unity. On this particular afternoon the men were deeply concerned about the welfare of so many newly immigrated men and families who were having great difficulty in establishing themselves in a new land. Times were difficult for most people during the late 1920’s, the beginning of the Depression. Work was difficult to find. For those men and women having just im- migrated to the United States, assimilating to a new culture and language was challenging. Not having family and friends near for comfort and support only added to the day to day difficulties. Fellow Cretans would rally and go door to door in their community to collect donations in hopes of helping those in need of care. These serious circumstances brought forth the true spirit of philoxenia in the Cretan community of New Brunswick. “The White Mountains” mission was to provide support and aid to fellow Cretans during unexpected emergencies in an organized and unified manner. During the early years, the chapter was at the side of many needy Cretans in the United States and on the great island of Crete. As the association grew, a building was purchased at 25 Church Street, New Brunswick for meetings and social gatherings. The association’s mission has evolved and has expanded into a non-profit, philanthropic, cultural, social and educational association. Yet the fervent responsibility to come to the aid of those in need, remains and now extends, throughout the immediate community, New Jersey, the United States, the island of Crete and Greece. In January of 1942 the White Mountains chapter, under the presidency of Mr. Keranakis, voted to join the Pancretan Association of America (P.A.A.) by motion of Mr. Alifierakis. The vote was 4 against and 17 in favor of the union to the PAA which lasted well over 20 years. Our chapter shares PAA’s mission, goals and objectives, some of which are: -To promote and develop social and cultural relationships among Cretans and descendants residing in America. To promote and develop education, raise and distribute funds to recognized philanthropic, charitable and educational institutions. The Cretan pioneers of our chapter were ambitious and always striving to better their lives, turning challenges into opportunities. In 1973 they sold the building in New Brunswick and later purchased a property in North Brunswick with the hope and dream of building a new home. In 1996 the White Mountains chapter purchased what is known today as the “Kritiko Spiti” and the chapter’s headquarters at 1152 Raritan Avenue, Highland Park, New Jersey. Every two years the PAA convenes a weeklong National Convention. During the week of June 30-July 7, 2001 our Chapter was given the great honor and responsibility of organizing the 37th Biennial PAA National Convention under the Presidency of Mr. Antonios Kalogridis and the Board. The theme of our convention was: “100 Years in the Circa 1931. L-R: Athina Lionikis, Eleftheria Marikakis, Mary Kuklakis, Eleni Kuklakis. Sophie Kuklakis, Eleni Zaharioudakis, Argiro Marikakis, Katina Kalogirakis White Mountains Board, 2004-05 : Sitting from left to right: Maria Kantilierakis Trustee, George Papadakis Vice President, Themis Fiotakis President, Irene Rodoussakis Treasurer, Maria Makropoulos Trustee. Standing from left to right, Kostas Manolakis Trustee, Manolis Halkiadakis Trustee, John N. Kalogridis Trustee, Irene Zervoudakis Secretary, Panayiotis Psarakis Corresponding Secretary, John Papoutsakis Trustee. Board members not in the picture, Aris Kladovasilakis and Eleni Thermos Trustees, Peter Manolakis Legal Advisor. ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 31 Past presidents of “White Mountains” chapter with Past PAA President Stavros N. Semanderes at the center. United States and the Cretan Legacy Continues..”. During the convention we reflected back on our pioneering past and projected forward connecting our present and future. We honored our courageous Cretan pioneers who brought to the US the ideals of freedom, democracy, honor and courage, hard work and dedication to family, community, and country. We honored our present through those individuals who have cultivated these noble ideals ensuring that the Greek and Cretan legacy is projected into the new millennium with the same vitality as when brought to the United States 100 years ago. Finally we honored our future, our Youth, in events marked by their dance performances, passion for their heritage, education and culture. Appreciating the values of our culture, our Chapter hosted a first of its kind and uniquely beautiful concert honoring “100 years of Cretan Music and Hospitality”, held in Atlantic City, on December 2000. This concert was dedicated to the Masters of Cretan Music and was showcased by the talented and renowned musicians Haralambos Garganourakis, Demetris Skoulas and Nikos Karavirakis, and narrated by Georgos Vitoros. This paved the way for then president, Mr. Themistoklis Fiotakis and the Board, in close cooperation with the PAA’s Culture & Education Committee, and its chairman Mr. Panayiotis Psarakis, to embark with great zeal on a mission to disseminate our culture. Several great cultural events were hosted by our chapter like two “Cretan Theatre Plays” with actors from 32 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Crete, the first in US “Cretan Dance & Costumes Symposium”, the concert/presentation “Christianity in Crete through the Ages”, reviving the “Kalanda” tradition, the concert “The Music of Crete”, featuring all musical instruments of Crete and many other cultural events. The White Mountains promises many more cultural events that tie our Greek Orthodox Religion, Language, Customs and Traditions that mark and define our status within our Greek culture. What has always been prevalent in the work of our Cretan chapter is the focus and dedication to the members of all ages and in particular to the youth and our future. As our chapter celebrates PAA’s 82 years of Cretan Spirit and Pride we hope that you all carry the hope, dream and marvel of our Cretan inheritance in your hearts forever. *Information gathered was based on research from recorded documentation available. PANCRETAN ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA NATIONAL BOARD MEETING RESOLUTIONS AND ASSIGNMENTS Cleveland, Ohio board Members in attendance NATIONAL PRESIDENT: THEODORE MANOUSAKIS FIRST VICE PRESIDENT: JOHN G. MANOS SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: NICKOS KASTRINAKIS GENERAL SECRETARY: ERASMIA NOVOTNY TREASURER: Dr. james saklas WOMEN’S EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR: MARIA STRATOUDAKIS GENERAL SUPERVISOR: Tom lantzourakis LEGAL ADVISOR: JAMES MAROPOULAKIS DENNEY, Esq. PYA PRESIDENT: ELENI SOPASIS YOUTH SUPERVISOR WEST COAST: STAMATIS ZOUMBERAKIS DISTRICT GOVERNORS District 1: DEMITRIS HATZIS District 2: ZAHAROULA MARMATAKIS District 3: STELIOS VITAKIS District 4: NICK VERIKAKIS District 5: GEORGE TSOUTSOUNAKIS INVESTMENTS BOARD: Dr. MANUEL G. RUSSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND: REMA MANOUSAKIS INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY: stacy marakis STRATEGIC PLANNING: HELEN RANNEY PANCRETAN ENDOWMENT FUND: george papadantonakis PAA FOUNDATION, INC.: GREGORY PAPPAS board Members absent THIRD VICE PRESIDENT: LEFTERIS DRAMITINOS AUDITOR GENERAL: MARIA MAKROPOULOS YOUTH SUPERVISOR EAST COAST: EMMANUEL SIFAKIS District 6: GEORGE ZOUMBERAKIS District 7: JOHN DATSERIS Culture & Education: takis psarakis PHILANTHROPIC FUND: stavros antonakakis RESOLUTIONS PASSED AT THIS MEETING 1. That John Kokolakis’ letter of resignation be accepted. 2. That James Maropoulakis Denney be ratified as the New Legal Advisor 3. That Stelios Vitakis be ratified as the new District 3 Governor. 4. That Turks of Cretan decent be welcomed to participate in the World Council of Cretan’s 2010 Summer Convention provided their presence is of cultural significance and non political. 5. That the Auditor General’s examination of the 41st National Convention Financial Report be accepted. 6. That the 41st PAA Convention Committee Financial Report as presented by the Mr. Velivasakis and Mr. Travayiakis be accepted provided a convention album be produced. 7. That President Manousakis write a letter to the 41st Convention Committee regarding the production of a convention album. 8. That a $4250 budget be allocated for the completion of the several pending IT projects as presented by Stacy Marakis. ASSIGNMENTS DESIGNATED AT THIS MEETING 1. Legal Advisor - to check the feasibility of charging the endowments an operating fee and report by the next teleconference 2. Treasurer - to meet with the previous Treasurer and establish a realistic figure of what our shortage is annually so we can determine what our needs are in order to prepare a recommendation of dues increase at the next convention. 3. President Manousakis - head a committee of past presidents and hold teleconferences with them to discuss their role in collecting the archives. ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 33 Donations Sifakis John Sifakis John Vardakis Helen TOTAL MaY 15, 2010 - jUNE 09, 2010 2,000.00 2,000.00 200.00 4,200.00 Philanthropic Endowment Fund - General For KIFAMEA Philanthropic Endowment Fund - General For KIFAMEA Philanthropic Endowment Fund - General Archdiocese of Crete Calendar of Events JUNE 2010 06/05-06/2010 Kalamazoo, MI “District IV” Leadership Conference Nick Verikakis 419-474-4287 06/05/2010 Kalamazoo, MI “District IV” Picnic 06/18/2010 Springfield, MA “Mnos-Crete” Fundraiser 06/20/2010 Piscataway, NJ “White Mountains” Annual PicnicTakis Psarakis 908-256-6813 06/20/2010 06/20/2010 Astoria, NY Astoria, NY “LABRYS & IDOMENEAS” Fathers Day “OMONOIA” Annual Picnic 06/27/2010 Cherry Hill, NJ “Cretans of Delaware” Summer PicnicStavros Antonakakis 609-929-6000 07/03/2010 North Royalton, OH “George Varouh” Cretans of Cleveland PicnicRae Elliot 330-425-4112 07/11/2010 Toronto, Canada “Knossos” Annual Picnic Paul Papoutsakis 647-880-5670 07/18/2010 Pittsburgh, PA “Arkadi-Maleme” Annual Picnic 07/21/2010 Meskla, Chania, CreteConstantine Papadakis bust unveiling Stavros Antonakakis 609-929-6000 Nick Verikakis 419-474-4287 Kostas Pitaridis 413-733-1385 Dean Marangoudakis 516-512-3711 John Kriaras 646-372-1409 JULY 2010 Dr. Peter Nikas 724-745-5799 07/30-08/01/2010 Aghios Nikolaos,Crete “World Council of Cretans” ConventionTed Manousakis 703-549-3700 AUGUST 2010 08/07/2010 08/22/2010 Seattle, WA Salt Lake City, UT “KRITIKO PELAGOS” Annual PicnicStilianos Manos 425-237-4235 “MINOS” Picnic & Gold TournamentTony Thimakis 801-808-1065 08/29/2010 Springfield, MA “Minos-Crete” Family Picnic Kostas Pitaridis 413-433-4444 “Cretan Fraternity” Picnic Kostas Chaniotakis 847-912-7288 SEPTEMBER 2010 09/05/2010 Chicago, IL OCTOBER 2010 10/08-10/2010 Dunlap, CA 06/16/2010 Astoria, NY District V & VI Leadership ConferenceStamatis Zoumberakis 562-923-5750 “OMONOIA” 92nd Anniversary John Kriaras 646-372-1409 NOVEMBER 2010 11/12-13/2010 Charlotte, NCPAA NATIONAL BOARD MEETING Erasmia Novotny 248-698-8580 11/13/2010 Astoria, NY “Pasiphae” Annual Dinner Dance Maria Ginnis 646-598-6995 11/13/2010 Charlotte, NC “Psiloritis” 10th Anniversary Celebration John Datseris 704-721-6954 11/13/2010 Salt Lake City, UT “MINOS” Annual Dinner Dance Tony Thimakis 801-808-1065 11/13/2010 Pittsburgh, PA “Arkadi-Maleme” Annual Dinner DanceHelene Semanderes 724-746-2878 11/20/2010 Sacramento, CA “Zeus Cretagenis” Annual Crabfeed Pagona Stratoudakis 916-209-9575 11/20/2010 Chicago, IL “Cretan Fraternity ”Annual Dinner Dance Kostas Chaniotakis 847-912-7288 11/27/2010 Toronto, Canada “Knossos” Annual Dance Paul Papoutsakis 647-880-5670 11/27/2010 Cherry Hill, NJ “Cretans of Delaware” Annual DanceStavros Antonakakis 609-929-6000 34 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 chapternewsνέασυλλόγωνchapternewsνέασυλλόγων note To all our club news contributors: Send Your news to [email protected] REMEMBER: In order to assure your contribu- tions are received in a timely fashion, please email articles in MS Word format and pictures separately in JPEG format when possible to KM@PANCRETAN. ORG. You will receive an acknowledgement from our staff. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please resend your articles. Club news should be received by KPHTH Magazine by the 10th of each month for publication in the next magazine. ASTORIA, NEW YORK OMONOIA On April 21, 2010, at 10:57 a.m., a blessed event took place… The arrival of Nikolaos Kalogridis, weighing 9 pounds 2 ounces, 21 inches long. Father Konstantinos and Presbytera Styliani along with big brother Polydoros are overjoyed with the arrival of Nikolaos. Pappou Polydoros and Yiayia Kyriaki Kalogridis, along with Pappou Nikolaos and Yiayia Parthena Drakakis, uncles and aunts, have welcomed Nikolaos into the family with much love and happiness. We wish Nikolaos a long life filled with love, happiness, and God’s blessings. Ένα ευλογημένο γεγονός συνέβηκε στις 21 Απριλίου 2010, στις 10:57 π.μ... Ο ερχομός του Νικολάου Καλογρίδη, ζυγίζοντας 9 pounds και 2 ounces, και 21 ίντσες ύψος. Ο πατήρ Κωνσταντίνος και η πρεσβυτέρα Στυλιανή μαζί με το μεγαλύτερο αδερφάκι του Πολύδωρο είναι πολύ χαρούμενοι για τον ερχομό του Νικολάου. Ο παππούς Πολύδωρος και η γιαγιά Κυριακή Καλογρίδη, μαζί και ο παππούς Νικόλαος και η γιαγιά Παρθένα Δρακάκη, καθώς και οι θείοι και θείες έχουν δεχτεί τον Νικόλαο στην οικογένεια με μεγάλη αγάπη και χαρά. Ευχόμαστε η ζωή του Νικολάου να είναι μακρόχρονη, γεμάτη αγάπη, χαρά και ευλογία Θεού. Το Σάββατο 1 Μαΐου, 2010 ο Σύλλογος Νεοκρητών Λάβρης τέλεσε με επιτυχία την ετήσια χοροεσπερίδα του στο Κρητικό Σπίτι στην Αστόρια παρουσία του Στρατιωτικού Ακόλουθου του Γενικού Προξενείου της Ελλάδας στη Νέα Υόρκη κ. Χρήστου Μεσαριτζίδη του Β’ Αντιπροέδρου της ΠΕΑ κ. Νίκου Καστρινάκη, της Εκτελεστικής Διευθύντριας της ΠΕΑ κας Μαρίας Στρατουδάκη, της Προέδρου της ΠΝΑ διδος. Ελένης Σωπάσή, της Κυβερνήτη της Β’ Περιφέρειας της ΠΕΑ κας Ζαχαρούλας Μαρματάκη, του Προέδρου της Ομόνοιας κ. Γιάννη Κριαρά, της Προέδρου της Πασιφάη κας Μαρίας Γκίνη και πλήθος Προέδρων από γειτονικά Κρητικά Σωματεία. Στο μεγάλο πλήθος των παρευρισκομένων κατάπληξη έκαναν τα τρία χορευτικά που με μεγάλη δεξιοτεχνία και χάρη παρουσίασαν αυθεντικούς Κρητικούς χορούς κάτω από την μουσική του Μιχάλη Αλεφαντινού και του συγκροτήματος του πού ήρθαν για το σκοπό αυτό από την Κρήτη. Το κέφι ήταν πολύ και η διασκέδαση κράτησε μέχρι της πρωινές ώρες. Το Σάββατο 8 Μαΐου 2010, ο Σύλλογος μας φιλοξένησε στο Κρητικό Σπίτι την Συνεδρίαση της Β’ Περιφέρειας της ΠΕΑ και αμέσως μετά εορτάστηκε από το Σύλλογο Κρησσών Πασιφάη η εορτή της Μητέρας με πλούσιο πρόγραμμα. Θερμές ευχαριστίες στο Σύλλογο Κρητών «Ομόνοια» για την δεξίωση που παρέθεσε στις Κρήσσες μητέρες και στους παρευρισκόμενους. clearwater, florida kphth JOHN NICOLACAKIS MAY 18, 1934 - FEBRUARY 17, 2010 John Nicolacakis passed away after a six-year courageous battle, resulting from a fall in December of 2004, which was complicated with the occurrence of cancer in 2007. John was born in Chania, Crete. He was the son of Constantino and Katerina Nicolacakis. John and his brother, Victor owned and operated the “Day and Night Video Center, Inc.” in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. After the death of his brother and business partner, Victor, in December of 1984, John recognized the necessity to help provide support for his niece, Katina, and his nephew, Kosta, as well as his two sons Niko and Jason in the pursuit for higher education. At one point during their education, all four children were attending Ohio State University at the same time. John’s hard work; perseverance in the face of adversity; ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 35 chapternewsνέασυλλόγωνchapternewsνέασυλλόγων sensitivity, sincerity, and goodness of heart; excellent sense of humor; devotion to his family, friends and Koumbari were unparalleled. John was a United States Army Veteran; a member and past president of the Northhampton Rotary Club, as well as a Paul Harris Fellow; a member of the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church in Akron, Ohio; and a member of the Cretan Clubs of Akron, Ohio and Clearwater, Florida. In 2003, John and his wife, Justine, moved to Clearwater, Florida. He loved the warm climate, the white, sandy Clearwater Beach, and the carefree life style. He is survived by his loving and devoted wife of fortyseven years, Justine; by his sons Niko (Maria) Sherman Oaks, California and Jason (Patty) Kent, Ohio; by his grandchildren Stamatia. Margarita, Aleko, Kosta, and Chloe: by his brothers Manoli (Popi), George (Smaragdi), and sister Gloria Apostolopoulos, Chania; and by his nephews and nieces in the United States and Crete. He will be greatly missed because he was truly an exceptional man. May his Memory be Eternal. Bill and Effie Lampathakis, cleveland, ohio “george varouh” The George Varouh Cretan Club of Cleveland was very honored to host the PAA National Board meeting at our very own Cretan Leshi. The festivities began with «Κρητική Βραδιά» at our Cretan Home. Paul Manos welcomed all the officers and board members who came from near and far to attend the meetings and the festivities, which included Welcome Night on Friday, May 21, and the Dinner Dance on Saturday, May 22, in our very own Cretan Home. Rae Elliott expressed how proud our chapter was to have the National Board choose our city and club for their meeting. She introduced the national president, Ted Manousakis, who thanked all who participated in organizing this event and especially thanked the past presidents, Emanuel Elliott (Florida), 36 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 George Tzitzikas (California), and Stavro Semanderes (Pittsburgh), who honored us with their presence. The renowned Cretan musicians, Dino Mathioudakis lyra, Dimitris Spatharakis, laouto, and Antonios Marmatakis, laouto, performed exquisitely. All who attended danced and sang into the wee hours of both mornings. Many thanks to our chefs, Stavro Nikolakis and John G. Elliott, for the delicious mezethakia prepared for welcome night and the “out of this world” prime rib dinner served with all the trimmings on Saturday. Countless thanks to Irene Nikolakis and her mother Angela who worked for days to prepare two different traditional Cretan “Καλιτσούνια” served by our young ladies during dinner. Thank you, Mr. George Tzizikas, for your generous donation to our chapter. Numerous thanks to all ladies of our club who baked the delicious pastries and especially to Mrs. Georgia Verikakis for preparing her delicious Cretan diples and her special paximathia. Our club can always count on Mrs. Verikakis for these scrumptious delicacies no matter what the occasion. President Ted Manousakis presented posthumous awards to the families of Mike Kariotakis and Dr. Aristotle Markakis. Mrs. Helen Kariotakis received the award for her late husband, and Dr. Dorothea Markakis received the award for her late father. Sunday Morning Liturgy was held at the St. Demetrios Orthodox Church in Rocky River. A special service was held commemorating the Battle of Crete. District III sponsored the coffee social following the Liturgy, and the amazing film “The Eleventh Day” was shown to the community of Cleveland. CONGRATULATIONS: May 15, 2010, was a glorious day for Dr. Christina Trillis and Dr. Mayukh Babu. Can you imagine? The lovely couple got married twice in one day! The first wedding ceremony in the Hindu tradition started early that morning at the LaCentre Banquet Hall in Westlake, OH. After all the rain in Cleveland that week, Saturday morning was a bright and sunny day. So many guests gathered chapternewsνέασυλλόγωνchapternewsνέασυλλόγων outside the Banquet Hall where the groom was seated on a car decorated with many flowers and wearing the traditional Hindu attire. Drums were beating; there was singing and joyful activity; and the Groom was carried into the reception hall. The Hindu wedding ceremony then started. The groom cannot see the bride until a certain time in the ceremony when she is also carried in. Guests were given booklets explaining the many traditions of their heritage. The ceremony lasted for almost two hours. The bride and groom then left to get ready for the Orthodox ceremony, and the guests were seated for luncheon. At 3:30 in the afternoon all guests gathered at the St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church in Rocky River for the Orthodox ceremony with Father James Doukas officiating. Koumbaro was Mr. Floyd Trillis, III, brother of the bride and koumbara was Miss April Willard, cousin of the bride. Best man was Dr. Seilesh Babu, brother of the groom. Following the ceremony, a magnificent reception was held at the Weymouth Country Club in Medina, OH, with over 1000 guests in attendance. There were many traditional Cretan dishes along with lamb and pilafi. The Grecian Keys played the traditional Greek wedding dance. They announced that they also played at Dr. Floyd and Diane Trillis’s wedding, making the evening even more special. Dr. Christina has been a long-time member of our Cretan Association and is the daughter of our long time members, Dr. Floyd Trillis, Jr., and Diane Trillis. Mayukh is the son of Lakshman and Renuka Babu. Christina completed her undergraduate training at Allegheny College majoring in neuroscience and received her medical degree at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. She is currently completing her internal medicine residency at University Hospital Case Medical Center in Cleveland, OH. Christina will be starting her fellowship in endocrinology at University Hospital this July. Mayukh completed his undergraduate training at University of Akron with a major in natural sciences. Mayukh received his medical degree at Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine and completed a residency in radiology at University Hospital Case Medical Center. He also completed a fellowship in musculoskeletal radiology at University Hospital. Mayukh is currently a radiologist at St. John Medical Center and St. Vincent Hospital. The couple met while both working at University Hospitals. Dear Christina and Mayukh – May God bless you in all your endeavors and may you have a long and happy life together. Να ζήσετε! NEW MEMBERS: We are pleased to welcome Gregory and Athena Cotronakis, Andrew Rokakis, Steve and Irene Steffas, Mary Callas, Dr. Antonios and Jeanne Paras, Nick and Toni Papanicolaou, and Curtis Varouh. We are also very ecstatic to welcome new youth members – Nathan Gugliotta, Alissa Gugliotta, Brittany Ficyk, Angela Nikolakis, Maria Nikolakis and Marco Pappas. We look forward to having them join us in our philoxenia during our monthly meetings and take an active part in the many activities planned for the coming years. We are pleased to announce that the St. Paul Church Philoptochos Society invited Eleni Nikolakis to their dinner meeting on May 11, 2010. After the meeting Eleni sang her favorite church hymn, “O Angelos Evoa” along with many other songs requested by the ladies in attendance. Her sister, Angela, also performed with her operatic voice. Eleni recited the composition she wrote for the St. John Oratorical Festival at the Pittsburgh Metropolis. Her subject was so appropriate because the contents of her speech consisted of the life of St. Paul. She loves to study the Orthodox faith and sing during the Divine Liturgy. All in attendance were awed and overwhelmed with these very young talented individuals. Their parents, our long-time members, Steve and Irene Nikolakis, are congratulated for encouraging them to pursue their careers. RAE ELLIOTT, KPHTH CORRESPONDENT PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA “ARKADI-MALEME” The Cretan Association of Pittsburgh dance group was invited to perform at the Washington County Health Center ΙΟΥΝΙΟΣ 2010 | KPHTH 37 chapternewsνέασυλλόγωνchapternewsνέασυλλόγων on May 19th. This nursing and rehabilitation establishment has a few Greek patients that are unable to attend any Greek food festivals or other related events. Therefore, the local Greek Church, All Saints (Canonsburg, PA) decided to bring a little cheer to these shut-ins. They donated food and music and created a festival atmosphere. The Arkadi-Maleme dancers were received with great enthusiasm as they performed the Cretan dances. Our dancing youth is to be commended for their great community service to the local community. They have danced at several nursing homes in the area over time. Their dancing brings great joy to people who no longer have the opportunity to live in the outside world. saint louis, missouri “cretans of saint louis” Congratulations to Maria Christine Lemakis for her graduation from Nerinx Hall. Maria has been accepted into the Honors College at the University of Missouri, Columbia. She was the recipient of several scholarship awards including University of Missouri Curators Scholars Award, State of Missouri Bright Flight Scholarship, Daughters of Penelope District 13 Scholarship, AHEPA District 15 Educational Foundation National Nakos Scholarship, AHEPA Chapter 53 Scholarship and AHEPA Chapter 395 Scholarship. 38 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 springfield, massachusetts “minos-crete”and ladies “proodos” The Minos-Crete Association and Cretan Ladies Society “Proodos” sponsored the 23rd. annual scholarship luncheon on April 11, 2010, at the Minos-Crete Club. Mr. Nick Fyntrilakis, the new scholarship chairman, served as master of ceremonies. Mrs. Irene Terzakis, guest speaker, delivered a very inspirational message, which the students will remember for years to come. Six college students, all members of the Minos-Crete Youth, were awarded scholarships for their academic achievements. Recipients were Maria Michelakis, Dinos Dourountoudakis, Alexander Hatzis, Nicholas Hatzis, Anthony Papamarkakis and Alex Stebbins. This annual event is made possible due to the generosity of many of our members who contribute to our scholarship fund, the memorial scholarships, and especially the Emmanuel Rovithis Family. Memorial scholarships were awarded this year in memory of Michael J. Doulakis, Pigi Kontekakis, and Katina Kantos. The scholarship committee would like to thank all the members and friends who contributed to the success of the luncheon either with their personal commitments and hard work or with their economic support. Send Your news to [email protected] REMEMBER: When you take a photo make sure that you have your resolution settings on HIGH. Low resolution means poor photo quality. 39 KPHTH | JUNE 2010 Re-discover your roots. N O ST O S Manousakis Winery,Vatolakkos, Chania.Tel.+30 28210 78787, e-mail :[email protected] DUX 07.10.20043 WINES ΜΑΝΟUSAKIS WINERY
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