SS CONSTANTINE AND HELEN GREEK ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL 64 SCHERMERHORN ST. BROOKLYN, NY 11201 HIGHLIGHTS IN OUR NEXT ISSUE Anniversary Gala at Steiner Studios Christmas at our Cathedral Philoptochos Vasilopita Luncheon Honoring Bishop Philotheos INSIDE THIS ISSUE: The Edict V O L U M E V I S S U E 3 Goya 4 Schedule of Services 6 Lecture Series 7 100th Year Anniversary 8 Inside Story 5 Inside Story 6 F A L L 2 0 1 3 The Garden of our Soul “And some fell into good soil and grew, and yielded a hundredfold.” LK8:8 Many, growing up in a Greek family, have the fond memories of their parents’ or grandparents’ garden, otherwise known as the “θήπν”. Having grown up in such a tradition, there does not a summer go by without planting a garden in the backyard! Throughout the summer, in order for the Garden to produce good vegetable one has to spend much time weeding, and then weeding and then weeding again. Along with this the garden has to be watered and the plants need to receive plenty of nutrition, “θνπξία”. The Sower A. Fantis School 1 1 The great instructor, Christ Himself, uses with His divine wisdom, specific imageries that are basic to life, in His parables to help build the spiritual instruction in a person’s heart and soul for their salvation. One such parable is the Parable of the Sower found in the Gospels of Luke 8:5-15 & Matthew 13:1-8. The Sower is Christ Himself, who by His incarnation (when He became man through the Holy Spirit and His Holy Mother, Mary) scatters the seeds of the Gospel into people hearts. The different types of soil in poor condition The heart and soul of a person is symbolized by the different conditions of soil, on which the seeds fall. According to St. Greogory Palamas, the hard soil, where the seed fell wayside, represents those whom the Lord casts out and rejects because they pay no attention to the divine Spirit’s teaching. Thus the devil easily ensnares them. The seed that fell amongst the thorns and the stones are those who retain knowledge of the Gospel but are corrupted by wealth, glory and self-indulgence of this life. The yield of the good soil The good soil, upon receiving the Word of God brought forth some thirty, some sixty and some a hundredfold (as found in the Gospel of Matthew). Once again according to St. Gregory Palamas, the different yields are symbolic of the different aspects of servitude. The yield that was thirty fold is compared to a slave who serves his master out of fear. The yield of sixty fold is like a servant who expects a payment. The yield of a hundredfold is one who has progressed by love to a relationship of a son or a daughter to the master. Working the soil of our soul The one major variable in the Parable of the Sower is the condition of the soil. Even if a person’s heart and soul is hard or choked by weeds it may be worked through repentance. The preliminary work on a person’s soul must be done by the person. John the Baptist began his ministry preaching, “Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand! Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight!” The preparation of a person’s heart and soul, to have the living Word of God cultivated within it, begins with blaming oneself, confession and abstention from evil. The understanding of Jesus’ Parables Jesus ends the Parable of the Sower by crying out, “He that has ears to hear, let him hear”. The focus of the Lord is not on the ears of a person but on the mind of a person. The philosopher Pythagoras once said, “It is the mind which sees and the mind which hears”. Psalm 110 by King David states, “a good understanding have all they that do his commandments”. In spiritually understanding the Parables of Jesus, St. Gregory Palamas teaches the following, “the word is recognized through deeds, it is not simply the listener who has ears to hear, but the obedient man who puts what he hears into practice.” As an Orthodox Christian works his or her garden, or if they admire the pretty gardens of a friend’s home or the more elaborate gardens found at the Brooklyn or the Bronx Botanical Gardens, may these earthly gardens motivate the spiritual work needed to cultivate the garden of one’s soul to prepare it for the best garden found in heaven or on earth, that of Paradise. By Fr. John K. Lardas Protopresbyteros & Dean The President’s Message Αγαπεηνί Δλνξίηεο, Θα ήζεια λα ζαο επραξηζηήζσ όινπο γηα ηελ ππνζηήξημε πνπ δείμαηε ζηελ θνηλόηεηά καο θαηά ηε δηάξθεηα ηεο ηζηνξηθήο ηεο επεηείνπ θαη ηεο ρνξνεζπεξίδαο πνπ πξαγκαηνπνηήζεθε ζηηο 9 Ννεκβξίνπ, 2013. Όπσο όινη γλσξίδνπκε ην 2013 είλαη κηα εηδηθή ρξνληά γηα καο σο κέιε ηεο Κνηλόηεηαο ηνπ Καζεδξηθνύ Νανύ ησλ Αγίσλ Κσλζηαληίλνπ θαη Διέλεο, δηόηη γηνξηάζακε ηελ 100ε επέηεην ηνπ ηζηνξηθνύ θαζεδξηθνύ λανύ καο θαη ηε 50ε επέηεην ηνπ αγαπεκέλνπ καο ρνιείνπ Α. Φάληε. Σώξα πνπ έρνπκε νινθιεξώζεη ηηο γηνξηέο ηεο επεηείνπ ηεο θνηλόηεηαο καο, σο θαινί ελνξίηεο αο ζπλερίζνπκε λα είκαζηε ελεξγά θαη αλαπόζπαζηα κέξε ηεο θνηλόηεηαο ηνπ Μπξνύθιηλ. Διπίδσ λα ζαο δώ όινπο ζηελ εθθιεζία απηέο ηηο άγηεο κέξεο πνπ νδεγνύλ ζηα Υξηζηνύγελλα θαη ζηηο θηιαλζξσπηθέο/θνηλσληθέο εθδειώζεηο πνπ δηνξγαλώλνληαη γηα λα βνεζήζνπλ απηνύο πνπ έρνπλ αλάγθε. αο παξαθαιώ λα θνηηάμηε ην πξόγξακκά ησλ εθδειώζεσλ γηα πεξηζζόηεξεο πιεξνθνξίεο. ************************* Dear Parishioners, I would like to thank everyone for supporting our community during our historic Anniversary Gala on November 9, 2013. As we all know, 2013 is a special year for the members of Sts. Constantine and Helen Cathedral as we have celebrate the 100th Year Anniversary of our Historic Cathedral and 50th Year Anniversary of our beloved Parochial School of A. Fantis. Now that we have concluded the celebrations of our milestone year in the life of our community, let us continue to be active and integral members of the Brooklyn community. I Hope to see all of you in church during the Holy days leading to Christmas, and at our philanthropic and social events organized to help those in need. Please look at our schedule of events for more information. THE 2 EDICT Thanksgiving Food Drive A. Fantis Parochial School The A. Fantis Parochial School opened its doors in September of 1963. This is a very exciting year for our school as we are in the midst of celebratiing our 50th year anniversary and looking forward to the next 50 years of our historic school. 164 students. The students’ range from the PreK3 until 8th Grade. A. Fantis thrives by offering an exceptional education to our Christian community in Brooklyn Heights. Our goal is that our students excel at A. Fantis educationThis year, A. Fantis Parochial ally, culturally and spiritually and School began its first day on Monday, carry our standards of excellence September 9th, with an enrollment of throughout their lives. 3 GOYA This year, once again, Goya is off to a strong start. During the month of September, the Goyans held their elections. This year, the Goya Officers are: President—Gregory Poulon; Vice-President—Evie Vlitas; Treasurer—Antonios Gementzopoulos & Secretary—Evie Paloumbis. The Goyans have already had two events. They met at the Church and then took a walk down to Dumbo and took a trip to Great Adventure for Fright Nite. This year for the first time in many years, the Boys and Girls Goya Basketball Teams will play their home games at St. Francis College. The following events are on the docket for Goya: November-Sat. 23rd—The Thanksgiving Food Drive; December–Fri. 13th—The Christmas Party for Clients of the AABR, Thur. 26th The Annual Goya Christmas Party; January–Sat. 4th—The Brooklyn Nets vs. the Cleveland Cavaliers, Sat. 11th—The MGOBL Goya Retreat, . Fri. 17th—Sun. 19th—The Goya of New York Winter Weekend; February-Sun. 16th—The Midnight Run; April—Sun.13th—Thurs. 17th– The Justinian Work Project Much thanks is given to Harry Paloumbis, the Goya Advisor, who dedicates many hours to guide the Goyans reach their full potential. Throughout the year, there will be certain Saturdays where the Goyans will all meet at the gym of St. Francis College to have a Goya night! 4 SACRAMENTS Baptisms September 2012 15 Annabelle Georgia, daughter of Eleftherios & Georgia Stefas, Godmother: Maria Lambrianakos Fisher 16 Gerasimos Joseph, son of Richard & Helen Jones, Godparents: Anastasia & John Paraskevas 17 Theodore Anastasios, son of Bill & Anastasia Thanopoulos, Godfather: Kostas Petridis 22 Dionysios Christos, son of Dennis & Meropi Zervos, Goparents: George & Athena Lampropoulos 25 Andreas Alexandros, son of Alexander Tsiaras & Susan Daugherty, Godparent: Fr. John K. Lardas October 2012 6 Matteo Paul, son of Basil & Mirna Kampessis, Godfather: Paul Vassilakos 6 Joel, son of Argimiro & Julia Diaz, Sponsor: Georgia Patchen 6 Christy Lynn, daughter of David & Donna Yun, Sponsors: Lenna Cominos & Keli Frentzos 13 Alma (Sophia), daughter of Bayram and Havusa Kolasinak, Sponsor: Kleoneke Masouridis 20 Alexandra, daughter of Constantinos & Euthymia Frangos, Godmother: Aspasia Dourakis February 23 Amalia Rose, son of Frank Anthony Fanelli & Callie Kourniotis, Sponsor: Georgia Madis April 21 Michael James Hatzidoukas, son of Demetrios & Lisa Hatzidoukas, Sponsors: Meredith Petrulakis 27 Angelina Marie & Gabriella Nicole, daughters of Nicholas & Melissa Ann Kakavas, Sponsors: Alexandra & John Kakavas May 11 Spencer Harold(George), son of Paul & Maria Ginsburg, Sponsor: Fotis Giannakoulis 11 Alice Everly, daughter of Scott Andrew & Christiana Arnold, Sponsor: Philip G. Mavromatis 18 Fotini Catherine, daughter of Daniel & Melissa Anthony, Sponsors: Steven Madias & Danae Piskopanis June 1 Theodore James, son of Benjamin & Sophia Cavicchio, Sponsor: Christos George Tsokos 22 Quinn Peter(Panagiotis), son of Richard James & Evangelia Cunningham, Sponor : Helen Terzopoulos 22 Nepheli Eve, daughter of Nicholas & Kali Denton Clark, Sponsor: Minas Liakos August 3 Milana Emanuella, daughter of Emanuel & Kristina Papadakis, Sponsor: Eliud Suarez 17 Royce Matthew(John) son of Matthew & Vanessa Anarde, Sponsor: Alexander Hobson 5 24 Nikoletta Alice, daughter of Gregory & Amy Michelle Vagelatos, Sponsors: Anthony & Theofele Kokalis Confirmations August 9 Adiance(Ambrosia) Correa, Sponsor: Nicholas Glantzis November 25 Leni (Eleni) Grillo, Sponsor: Andrew Yenna June 16 Alexandra Cosmatos, Sponsor: Ms. Barbara Matarangas Weddings October 21 George Kordas & Anna Lukashova, Koumbaros: Ross Kordas November 3 Joel Diaz & Eleni Soutanis, Koumbaros: George Xenakis 11 Evangelos Perdikogiannis & Alma(Sophia) Kolasinac, Koumbara: Spiridoula Zolotas 17 Anargyros Lathourakis & Maria Zoulis, Koumbaroi: John & Joanna Zoulis 24 Craig Ciro Traino & Vasiliki Kostopoulos Koumbaroi: Dimitrios & Despina Giasemis December 1 Spyridon Edgos & Christy Lynn Yun, Koumbaros: Eleftherios Tzimas June 30 Panagiotis Prassos & Jeanine Giglio, Koumbaroi: Andrew & Mary Vagena September 8 Efstathios Peter Petropoulos & Maria Giannoula Basiou, Koumbaro: Penelope Sanford Funerals September 2012 8 +Ero Mafredas 22 +Anna Gavrilis November 2012 10 +Vasilios Tsirigotis December 2012 28 +Haralambos Vandoros 29 +Antonia Gravanis January 2 +Achilleas Vouitsis 14 +Pauline Caris 16 +Stella Rozakis 17 +Constantine Bakakos February 2 +Eleftheria Manioudakis May 6 +Stephanie Scourby D’Arc 24 +Cecilia Agnes Turner August 16 +Anastasia Bravakis Παρ. 6 Κσρ. 8 Γεσ. 9 Πεμ. 12 Παρ. 13 αβ. 14 Κσρ. 15 Γεσ. 16 Σρι. 17 Σετ. 18 Πεμ. 19 Παρ. 20 αβ. 21 Κσρ. 22η Σρι. 24η Σετ. 25η Πεμ. 26 Παρ. 27 Κσρ. 29 Σετ. 1 Γεκέμβριος Σνπ Αγίνπ Νηθνιάνπ Η Ι΄ Κπξηαθή ηνπ Λνπθά Η ύιιεςηο ηεο Αγίαο Αλλεο Σνπ Αγίνπ ππξίδσλνο Σνπ Αγίνπ Δπζηξαηίνπ Σνπ Αγίνπ Θύξζνπ Η ΙΑ΄ Κπξηαθή ηνπ Λνπθά θαη ηνπ Αγίνπ Διεπζεξίνπ Σνπ Αγίνπ Πξνθήηνπ Αγγαίνπ Σνπ Πξνθήηνπ Γαληήι Tνπ Αγίνπ εβαζηηαλνύ Σνπ Αγίνπ Βνληθαηίνπ Σνπ Αγίνπ Ιγλαηίνπ Σεο Αγίαο Ινπιηαλήο Πξό ηεο Υξηζηνύ Γελλήζεσο Η Βαζηιεθέο Ωξεο ησλ Υξηζηνπγέλλσλ, 4:30 κκ ΔΠΔΡΙΝΗ ΘΔΙΑ ΛΔΙΣΟΤΡΓΙΑ ΣΟΤ ΑΓΙΟΤ ΒΑΙΛΔΙΟΤ 6:00 μμ Η ΚΑΣΑ ΑΡΚΑ ΓΔΝΝΗΙ ΣΟΤ ΚΤΡΙΟΤ ΚΑΙ ΘΔΟΤ ΚΑΙ ΩΣΗΡΟ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΟΤ ΥΡΙΣΟΤ Όξζξνο: 9:00 πκ Θεία Λεηηνπξγία: 10:30 πκ Η ύλαμηο ηεο Τπεξαγίαο Θενηόθνπ Η ενξηή ηνπ Αγίνπ ηεθάλνπ Η Κπξηαθή Μεηα ηεο Υξηζηνύ Γελλήζεσο ΙΑΝΟΤΑΡΙΟ Η ΚΑΣΑ ΑΡΚΑ ΠΔΡΙΣΟΜΗ ΣΟΤ ΚΤΡΙΟΤ ΗΜΩΝ ΙΗΟΤ ΥΡΙΣΟΤ θαη κλήκε ηνπ ελ Αγίνηο Παηξόο εκώλ Βαζηιείνπ ηνπ Μεγάινπ, Αξρηεπηζθόπνπ Καηζαξείαο ηεο Καππαδνθίαο Όξζξνο: 9:00 πκ Θεία Λεηηνπξγία: 10:30πκ Καθημερινές Θείες Λειτουργίες Ορθρος 8:30πμ 6 Θεία Λειτουργία 9:30πμ Κυριακάτηκες Θείες Λειτουργίες Ορθρος 9:15πμ Θεία Λειτουργία 10:30 πμ Fri. 6 Sun. 8 Mon. 9 Thur. 12 Fri. 13 Sat. 14 Sun. 15 Mon. 16 Tue. 17 Wed. 18 Thur. 19 Fri. 20 Sat. 21 Sun. 22 Σue. 24 Wed. 25 Thur. 26 Fri. 27 Sun. 29 December The Feast of St. Nicholas The 10th Sunday of Luke The Conception of the Theotokos by St. Anna The Feast of St. Spyridon St. Eustratios St. Thyrsos The 11th Sunday of Luke & The Feast of St. Eleftherios The Prophet Haggai St. Daniel St. Sebastianos St. Boniface The Feast of St. Ignatios St. Juliana The Sunday Before Christmas The Fore feast of Christmas The Royal Hours of Christmas 4:30 PM The Vesperal Divine Liturgy of Christmas 6:00 PM The Birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ Orthros: 9:00AM The Divine Liturgy 10:30 AM The Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos Feast of St. Stephen The Sunday after Christmas JANUARY Wed. 1 The Feast of the Circumcision of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and the feast of St. Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea of Cappadocia Orthros 9:30 AM Divine Liturgy 10:30AM Weekday Services Orthros 8:30am Diviner Liturgy 9:30am Sunday Services Orthros 9:15am Divine Liturgy 10:30am 2013 EMMAUS LECTURE SERIES 2014 Sponsored by The Orthodox Clergy of Brooklyn Pray therefore in this manner: MT 6:9 The Lord’s Only Prayer? - October 17th Speaker: The V. Rev. Gerasimos Makris Church: SS. Constantine and Helen Cathedral 64 Schermerhorn St.; Brooklyn, NY 11201 (718)624-0595 The Prayer of Consecration - Epiclesis - November 21st Speaker: The V. Rev. Eugene Pappas Church: Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church 8401 Ridge Boulevard; Brooklyn, NY 11209 (718)836-3510 Praying for Those in Eternal Repose - December 19th Speaker: The V. Rev. Michael Ellias Church: Kimisis tis Theotokos, 224 18th St., Brooklyn NY 11215 (718)788-0152 Personal and Communal Prayer, Monologue or Dialogue?- January 23rd Speaker: The V. Rev. Thomas Zain Church: St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church, 81st Street and Ridge Boulevard; Brooklyn, New York 11209 (718)238-8008 The Jesus Prayer, The Prayer of the Heart - February 27th Speaker: The V. Rev. John K. Lardas Church: Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church, 1724 Avenue P; Brooklyn, NY 11229 (718)339-0280 The Prayer of St. Ephraim against the 7 Deadly Sins - March 20th Speaker: The V. Rev. Damaskinos Ganas Church: St. Nicholas Antiochian Orthodox Cathedral 355 State Street; Brooklyn, NY 11217 (718)855-6225 7 Brief Prayer Service - 7:00PM Lecture - 7:10PM Refreshments - 8:00PM How do I pray? Dialogue -7:40PM A R C H B I S H O P Feast Day of our Cathedral Message from Fr. John K. Lardas for the 100th Year Anniversary When the first immigrants from Greece, saw from their ships the Statue of Liberty, they envisioned a new life based on the ancient principals of democracy. After being processed at Ellis Island, many of these Greek immigrants chose to make their first home in the 3rd largest city of the United States, Brooklyn. In 1898, the city of Brooklyn merged with the Counties of New York, Queens and Richmond to form New York City. Brooklyn is known as the Borough of Churches. Like Greece, on almost every corner one will find a Christian church. During the turn of the 20th century, a Greek community was formed. The leaders of this community sent a request to the Church of Greece to build a church and in August of 1913, the Church of Greece granted to the Greek community of Brooklyn Heights and the surrounding areas a charter to 8 build a Greek Orthodox Church. One-hundred years later, we are here celebrating and honoring what our ancestors worked extremely hard to build. Our Anniversary Celebrations began with our Anniversary weekend of April 1214. On Friday night our beloved GOYANS sponsored a Lenten meal for the entire community after the Salutations service to the Panagia. Following that event on Saturday evening, Fr. Alkiviadis Calivas honored our Cathedral by returning to the parish he gave many years of great service to. Sunday April 14th was our main celebration. The morning began with Orthros & Divine Liturgy at our Cathedral officiated by His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios and His Grace Bishop Antonios where 7 members of our Cathedral (Efrosini Ekonomakos, Nick Lambros, Gus Vlahavas, Katy Vassilakos, Betty Xanthos, Peter Yatrakis) were bestowed the St. Paul’s Medal, the highest bestowed I E R O N Y M O S honor for a lay person by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese. Following the Divine Liturgy we hosted our 100th Year Anniversary Luncheon at the Grand Prospect Hall where more than 600 people were in attendance. Our celebrations continued on May 21st, 2013 we had the honor to celebrate our Feast Day with his Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and all Greece Ieronymos II, along with five other bishops including His Eminence Archbishop of America Demetrios. In the end of the service Fr. John K. Lardas was elevated to the rank of protopresbyter, by his Beatitude Archbishop of Athens and all of Greece Ieronymos II. May Sts. Constantine & Helen continue to intercede for us as we continue to offer back to this Historic Community. 1913-2013 1963-2013 Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Our ancestors worked hard for the past century to build this community to where it is today. May we continue to work within the church and preserve it for future generations. 9 On Sunday, November 10, 2013, at a duly called parish assembly meeting of the Saint Nicholas Church at Ground Zero, a major step forward was taken. Under the leadership of His Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios of America, and with the full support of the parish priest, the Rev. Fr. John Romas, and the Parish Council, the community unanimously approved a resolution to make the community a national shrine of the Holy Archdiocese of America. This advance in the nature of the only House of Worship that was destroyed by the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 has momentous consequences for the parish both in the near and long term. The resolution that was unanimously passed provided for the parish, known until now as the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church at Ground Zero, to become a National Shrine of the Holy Archdiocese of America while maintaining its status as a parish of the Archdiocese. The parish would continue to function as such, but the Board of Trustees would have a national as well as local presence. The resolution also included the final agreement of the parish to exchange its land at 155 Cedar Street (including air and ground rights) for 130 Liberty Street. The new parcel, although less than fifty yards from the previous location, is more than three times larger. 10 The Archdiocese and the Parish had always seen that such an evolution for this historic parish of Manhattan was the logical next step. Not only is the mission and presence of Saint Nicholas at Ground Zero a national undertaking, but also likewise are the costs and responsibilities. In his exhortation to the community, Archbishop Demetrios stressed the enormous visibility of the rebuilt Church, adding that more than 10 million visitors to the World Trade Center site per year would see and perhaps enter the new Sanctuary. He noted that as a National Shrine, Saint Nicholas would welcome all and be a House of Prayer for all people. The Archbishop said, “This church will not be just a national shrine, but also an international shrine. It will show the will of all people to rebuild and resurrect from the ashes of 9/11. This will be a church for all to light a candle for the beloved that were lost on September 11th. This church will be a Greek Orthodox National Shrine on Hallowed, Sacred Ground.” The members of the community expressed great satisfaction and relief that the Archbishop led the process of rebuilding from the beginning, and they expressed their appreciation to His Eminence for shepherding the project. Construction for the Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Shrine will begin early next year. New Architectural Design of St. Nicholas at the W.T.C. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese & St. Nicholas Church establish national shrine at Ground Zero at the World Trade Center *** Εθνικό Ιερό Προσκύνημα θα είναι ο Ναός τοσ Αγίοσ Νικολάοσ στο Ground Zero τοσ Διεθνούς Εμπορικού Κέντροσ Η γενική συνέλευση των μελών του Ιερού Ναού του Αγίου Νικολάου του Ground Zero, η οποία συνεδρίασε την Κυριακή 10 Νο εμ β ρί ου 2013 , αποφ άσ ι σ ε ομόφωνα την ανακήρυξη της κοινότητος του Αγίου Νικολάου ως Εθνικό Ιερό Προσκύνημα του Αγίου Νικολάου το οποίο θα α π οτ ελ εί ί δρ υμ α τ ης Ι ε ρά ς Αρχι επι σ κοπής Α μ ερι κής. Η ιστορική αυτή απόφαση ελήφθη υπό την ηγεσία του εβασμιωτάτου Αρχιεπισκόπου Αμερικής κ. Δημητρίου και με την Since 2001, the Cathedral of Sts. Constantine and Helen has been a home to the community of 11St. Nicholas at the WTC. αμέριστη υποστήριξη του ιερέα της κοινότητος πατρός Ιωάννη Ρώμα αλλά και του Διοικητικού υμβουλίου της κοινότητος. Η αλλαγή αυτή του χαρακτήρα του Ναού του Αγίου Νικολάου, ο οποίος ήταν ο μόνος χώρος λατρείας που κατεστράφη από τις τρομοκρατικές επιθέσεις της 11ης επτεμβρίου 2001, είναι μεγάλης σημασίας για την κοινότητα, στο άμεσο αλλά και στο απώτερο μέλλον. Η ομόφωνη απόφαση προβλέπει ότι η ενορία, η οποία ήτο έως τώρα γνωστή ως Ελληνορθόδοξος Ιερός Ναός του Αγίου Νικολάου στο Ground Zero θα γίνει Εθνικό Ιερό Προσκύνημα της Ιεράς Αρχιεπισκοπής Αμερικής, ενώ παράλληλα θα διατηρήσει και την ιδιότητα και λειτουργία της ω ς ε ν ο ρ ί α τ η ς Αρχιεπισκοπής, υπό την εποπτεία διοικητικού συμβουλίου με μέλη τοπικής αλλά και παναμερικανικής εμβέλειας. Η απόφαση συμπεριέλαβε επίσης την έγκριση της τελικής συμφωνίας της ανταλλαγής του οικοπέδου (του παλαιού ναού) στη διεύθυνση 155 Ced a r S t r e e t (συμπεριλαμβανομένων και των δικαιωμάτων αέρα και γης) με αυτό στη διεύθυνση 130 Liberty Street. Η νέα τοποθεσία, αν και βρίσκεται σε απόσταση λιγότερη των 50 μέτρων από την παλιά, είναι εμβαδού μεγαλύτερου κατά τρεις και πλέον φορές Η Ιερά Αρχιεπισκοπή και η ενορία του Αγίου Νικολάου θεώρησαν ότι το επόμενο λογικό βήμα ήταν η ανακήρυξη της ιστορικής αυτής κοινότητος του Μανχάταν ως Εθνικό Ιερό Προσκύνημα, καθώς η αποστολή και η παρουσία του ναού του Αγίου Νικολάου στο χώρο αυτό θα αποτελέσει πανεθ νι κ ό εγ χεί ρ ημ α μ ε ευθύνη και οικονομικό κόστος αναλόγου μεγέθους. την ομιλία του προς τα μέλη της κοινότητος, ο ε β α σ μ ι ώ τ α τ ο ς Αρχιεπίσκοπος Αμερικής κ. Δημήτριος τόνισε ιδιαίτερα την τεράστια προβολή που αναμένεται να έχει ο υπό ανέγερση ναός, καθώς όπως είπε οι περισσότεροι από 10 εκατομμύρια επισκέπτες ετησίως που θα επισκέπτονται το Παγκόσμιο Εμπορικό Κέντρο θα αντικρύζουν και πιθανόν θα επισκέπτονται το ναό. Πρόσθεσε δε ότι ως Ιερό Προσκύνημα θα αποτελεί χώρο προσευχής για όλους τους ανθρώπους. Ο εβασμιώτατος είπε χαρακτηριστικά: «Αυτός ο ναός δεν θα είναι α π λ ώ ς ι ε ρ ό π ρ οσ κ ύν ημ α εθνικής εμβέλειας αλλά διεθνούς εμβέλειας. Θα είναι σύμβολο της θέλησης των ανθρώπων για ανοικοδόμηση και ανάσταση από τις στάχτες της 11ης επτεμβρίου. Ο ναός θα αποτελεί ένα καταφύγιο για ν’ ανάβουν ένα κερί όλοι οι επισκέπτες για τα αγαπημένα πρόσωπα που χάθηκαν την 11η επτεμβρίου, ένα Ε λ λ ηνο ρθ όδ ο ξο Ι ερό Προσκύνημα σε χώρο εξαγιασμένο και ιερό». Σα μέλη της ενορίας εξέφρασαν την μεγάλη ικανοποίηση και ανακούφισή τους για τις εξελίξεις και για την εξ αρχής ηγεσία του Αρχιεπισκόπου Δημητρίου που οδηγεί στη ανοικοδόμηση του ναού, η οποία αναμένεται ν’ αρχίσει στις αρχές του 2014. Dedicated to Paulette Hios Feb. 18, 1943 – Jan. 22, 2012 Paulette Hios was truly a Greek Orthodox Christian dedicated to the church from a young child. She served in the Choir of the Cathedral for over forty years. She began singing in the choir while still a child. She than began to play the organ and and ultimately took on the responsibility of the Choir Director As a master musician and artist, she founded and operated Belanthi Gallery on 142 Court Street in 1978. For over thirty years she conducted piano, voice and music theory classes. She also exhibited art in all styles and media in her studio. Paulette had established precious relationships with her students and colleagues that have made indelible impressions even until today. In her own musical career, she had performed as a concert pianist, appearing at many major concert venues. Before her untimely falling asleep in the Lord, Paulette prepared her estate to be distributed to close family friends, charitable beneficiaries and to her beloved Cathedral. Her wish and desire was to have written the icon of the Nativity of Christ above the choir loft. One of the major themes of this icon is the worship of the new born Son of God by the angels and all the characters involved in the Nativity Scene, as described in the New Testament. The writing of the icon was done by a parishioner of SS Constantine and Helen, Mr. Constantinos Skordelis. 12 Paulette Hios The Icon of the Nativity of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ How can I give back this Christmas Season? -December 13 – Christmas Party for Mentally Challenged Adults in our Church Hall -December 22-The Philoptochos Society of Saints Constantine and Helen Cathedral is sponsoring our ANNUAL DRIVE in SUPPORT of the CHILD LIFE FUND at SUNY Downstate Medical Center -Donate towards the Christmas Decorations of the Cathedral -Donate to the Christmas Card of the Cathedral Ποιμενικές επισκέψεις Εάν θέλετε τον ιερέα να επισκεφ τεί έναν ηλικιωμένο η ασθενή γι α να λάβει τη Θεία Κοινωνία πρ ιν τα Χριστούγεννα, παρακαλώ τηλεφωνήστε το γραφείο της κοι νότητος ( 718 ) 624-0595 *** Pastoral visitations For pastoral visitations and to receive Holy Communion before Christmas please call the church office ( 7 18 ) 624-0595 January 12 Vasilopita Luncheon Honoring Bishop Philotheos *** Γεύμα Φιλοπτώχου, Βα σιλόπιτα Θα τιμήσουμ ε τον Θεοφιλέστατο Επ ίσκοπο Φιλόθεο 13 Important Dates December 8: General Assembly December 22nd: Sunday School Christmas Pageant & Philoptochos Christmas Party Board of Trustees Elections Σημαντικές Ημερομηνίες: 8 Δεκεμβρίου: Γενική Συνέλευση 22 Δεκεμβρίου: -Χριστουγεννιάτικη Γιορτή από τα παι διά του Κατηχητικού σχολείου μετά α πό την Θεία Λειτουργία -Χριστουγεννιάτικο πάρτι της Φιλοπτ ώχου February 16 Midnight Run *** Διανομή ρούχων και φαγητού στους άστε γους It’s time for our Annual Christmas Party for the residents of AABR! HOSTED BY: The Youth from our Sunday School, JOY and GOYA Programs WHEN: Friday, December 13, 2013 from 5:30pm-9:00p.m. WHERE: Saints Constantine and Helen Cathedral Come and share your holiday cheer with the residents of AABR! Santa will also be coming by to deliver your gifts to the residents! A pasta dinner and yummy desserts will be served! List of Gifts to Follow….. Questions? Call Tina Papadakos at 917-450-6561 The AABR, (Association for the Advancement of the Blind and Retarded), is a non-profit organization that assists and houses blind, mentally retarded and autistic adults. G.O.Y.A. Trip to Barclays Center Saturday January 4 @ 7:30PM TH CaValiers vs. Nets St. Demetrios, Astoria, NY G.O.Y.A. will join our G.O.Y.A. to the Brooklyn Nets We will meet at Sts. Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Cathedral @ 5:30pm 64 Schermerhorn Street Brooklyn, NY 11201 Tickets: $40.00 14 There is a possibility that we will play on the court of the Barclay Center after the game. More information forthcoming. Contact: Church Office- 718-624-0595 15 The Cathedral of Sts. Constantine and Helen His All Holiness Bartholomew Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch Rum Patrikhanesi 342 20 Fener-Halic Istanbul, Turkey Tel. +011-90-212.531.9670, 531-9676 His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Primate of the Greek Orthodox Church in America 10 East 79th St New York, NY 10021 (212)570-3500 Fr. John K. Lardas, Presiding Priest Board of Trustees Executive Board: Elias Seremetis - President; Jim Tampakis - Exec. Vice President; Dean Paravalos -1st Vice President; Matthew Mirones - 2nd VicePresident; Andrew Poulos - Treasurer; Ted Dikeakos - English Secretary; Panagiotis Papadapoulos Greek Secretary Board Members Athanasia Apostolakos * Irakis Argyriou * John Athanitis * Steve Bacas * Andreas Chrysostomou George Fanourakis * Dimitrios Kostopoulos * Angelo Koutsidis * Jerry Matiatos * Angelo Papadakos Harry Paloumbis * George Poulon * Chris Sofronis * Peter Stratigakis * Alex Vanech * Peter Vlitas * Peter Yatrakis Board Committees Church Order: Steve Bacas; Maintenance and Security: Dean Paravalos; Real Estate: Jim Tampakis; 100th Year Anniversary Chairpersons: Peter Vlitas & Jim Tampakis; Church Name Day: Konstantinos Varelis and Dean Paravalos; Technology: Ted Dikeakos; Youth: Takis Papadopoulos; Church Journal: Hercules Argyriou; Human Resources: George Poulon; Membership and Pledge: Ted Dikeakos Philoptochos Executive Board: Presidents – Marjorie Bacas; 1st Vice President – Lucy Bounas;2nd Vice President – Betty Xanthos; Treasurer – Stelene Argyriou; Assistant Treasurer – Peggy Panagopoulous; Corresponding Secretary Evangelia Apostolakos; Recording Secretary – Katerina(Phyllis) James; Advisors – Georgeann Papadakos Board Members Presbytera Eleni Lardas, Connie Lambros, Cleo Athanitis, Efrosini Ekonomakos, Pitsa Tampakis, Catherine Vasilakos, Pauline Apostolakis A. Fantis Parochial School of SS. Constantine and Helen School Board Chairperson: Peter Vlitas Principal: Dr. Alice Farkouh School Board Committee: John Athanitis, Angela Papadopoulos, Dean Paravalos, Jim Tampakis, Lauren Cramer, Danielle Makris, Kathy Tsamatsiros, Nia Soumakis, Maria Vlitas Church Secretary: Effie Katsenis; Sunday School Director: Pauline Apostolakis; Acolytes: Nicholas Paros; Choir Director: Maria Zollo; Chanter: Nicholas Paros; Sexton: Panagiotis Masourides; Koliva: Evangelia Masourides; Prosforo: Efrosoni Economakos; News Letter: Fr. John Lardas; Jim Maroosis; Nick Paros; Dino Vassilakos Affiliates and Organizations of the Cathedral of SS. Constantine and Helen Goya Advisors: Harry Paloumbis & Ismene Speliotis; Joy: Angela Papadopoulos and Anna Chrysostomou Joy & Goya Soccer: John Athanitis,, Dean Paravalos. Adult Greek Language: Antigoni Papadopoulou; Dance Instructor: Michelle Tsigaridas Weller; OPA (Orthodox Paidea Association): Nicholas Paros 16
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