ORQODOJOS ZWH ● ORTHODOX LIFE The Monthly Publication of SAINT VASILIOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 5 Paleologos Street, Peabody, MA 01960-4496 . Tel: (978) 531-0777 . Fax: (978) 538-9522 Web: www.stvasilios.org . E-mail: [email protected] December, 2012 “PROMISES PROMISES” Rev. Christopher P. Foustoukos Proistamenos But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, who are little to be among the clans of Judah, from you shall come forth for me one who is to be ruler in Israel, whose origin is from of old, from ancient days. (Micah 5:2) How often have we heard people say, “promises, promises,” meaning that they do not believe they will see the actualization of what the speaker is saying. They have no faith in the one who is making the promise. But we who are Christians have faith in God because He has delivered what He has promised: the Messiah, Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Micah promised the Israelites that they who were outcast and rejected among the nations would be more powerful. Those who were scattered would be reunited. There would be security and peace. Many disbelieved because there were many valleys of doubt and many hills to climb before God’s promises came to be a reality in Christ’s Incarnation – His miraculous birth. We who live today are still in a world filled with doubt. We still struggle to believe. We still await the promises of Christ to come and remove all obstacles to peace and security. Yet, how can we doubt what we have heard, seen, looked upon and touched (1John 1:1)? We have not only received Christ on earth, we have received Him in our bodies. As we read the words of Micah the prophet, we realize that God has kept His (Continued on page 3) Inside this issue: Fr. Chris’ Message p. 1 Church Service Announcements p. 2 Weekday Services p. 3 Parish Council p. 4-5 What is an Archon? p. 6 Chairman of Stewardship Ministry-Greek p. 7-8 2013 Stewardship Card p. 8 Fr. Kerry’s Message p. 9 January /February Calendar p.10-11 Fr. Kerry’s Message p. 12 Brotherhood Message p. 12-13 Metropolis of Boston District Retreat p. 13 Greek School News p. 14-15 Church School & Religious Education p. 16 Healthbeat p. 17 Family Winter Camp & Youth Winter Camp p.17 Liturgy of St. James Photographs p. 18 Veterans Day Photographs p. 19 Outreach Sunday Photographs p. 20 Men’s Club p. 21-23 Coffee Hour p. 23 Letter of Appreciation p. 24 Philoptochos Blanket Drive p. 24 Demi Votto p. 24 Just for Kids p. 25 Donations p. 26 Page 2 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Funerals Baptisms The following members of St. Vasilios have fallen asleep into the hands of our Lord over the past months. The child of Demetrios & Sophia Pantelis With Godparents Charles & Alexis Silva Sophia Chigas St. Claire Demetrios I. Sarantis Adeena (Anasoulis) Antonio Voula Diamantis May their memory be eternal. Memorials 40– Day Michael Tenedios Urania Meniates Constance Zetes Leonidas Tsionis Beatrice Christopher Demetrios I Sarantis 6 Month 1- Year Elaine Papadreau Elizabeth Philipedes Eugenia Mastakouri 3- Year William Brown 10- Year Vasiliki Tsonis Memorial for the departed members of the St. Val’s Men’s Club Di/skoc Ko/luba Epitroph/Kolyva Committee Memorial Memorial for the deceased members of the Philoptochos Athena Trisagia 3 mo Eleni Garabedian 6 mo John A. Kazes 9 mo Polyzois Athansopoulos 8 yr Sofi/a 10 yr James X. Meniates 16 yr Mari/a 18 yr Stavroula Batsinelas 50 yr Gew/rgioc 65 yr Michael Batsinelas ‘Agnh/ The child of Anthony & Antoinette Fanikos With Godparent Robert Shay, Jr. 2012 Dates to Remember Church School Christmas Pageant Sunday , December 16 Christmas Community Breakfast Sunday , December 23 The child of Paul Kassis & Jocelyn Zoulias With Godparents Peter & Elaina Kassis The child of Paul Kassis & Jocelyn Zoulias With Godparent John Kourtelidis The child of Paul Kassis & Jocelyn Zoulias With Godparent Athina Pantelidou Weddings Peter Panopoulos & Alyssa Moriarty with sponsor Nicholas Zolotas Matthew Guarracino & Ageliki Christopher with sponsor Polyvios Christopher Russell Cooper & Joanna Kokonezis with sponsor Caroline Crowley Mendes IMPORTANT NOTICES Because this time of the year a lot of you, our parishioners and members of various organizations travel, please notify the office as to how your mail should be addressed. Otherwise you miss important news from our community and the church pays a fee for every returned letter and bulletin. Thank you and enjoy your vacations. CHURCH & SCHOOL CANCELLATION NO CHURCH and NO SCHOOL announcements will be posted as follows: St. Vasilios website: stvasilios.org Channel 5 - WCVB-TV You can also sign up for text messages/ emails from WCVB at: thebostonchannel.com ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Weekday Services St. Spyridon Wednesday, December 12th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy St. Dionysios Monday, December 17th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Christmas Eve Liturgy Monday, December 24th Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm Christmas Day Liturgy Tuesday, December 25th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Feast of St. Vasilios The Great Tuesday, January 1, 2013 9:00 a.m. Orthros 10:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Water Blessing Saturday, January 5th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Synaxis of John The Baptist Monday, January 7th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy St. Athanasios Friday, January 18th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Feast of the Three Hierachs Wednesday, January 30th 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Presentation of Our Lord Saturday, February 2nd 8:00 a.m. Orthros 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy Page 3 KAQHMERINES IERES AKOLOUQIES / gioc Spuri/dwn A Teta/rth, 12h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a /Agioc Dionu/sioc Deute/ra, 17h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Paramonh/ Xristouge/nnwn Deute/ra, 24h Dekembri/ou Qei/a Leitourgi/a stic 6:00 m.m. Ge/nnhsic tou Ihsou/ Xrhstou/ Tri/th, 25h Dekembri/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Me/gac Basi/leioc Tri/th, 1h Ianouari/ou, 2013 9:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 10:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Proe/rtia Twn Fw/twn Sabba/to, 5h Ianouari/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a “PROMISES PROMISES” (Continued from page 1) promises over the ages. Even though the struggle to climb out of the valleys of sin through which we must walk sometimes obscures the presence of God in our lives, we go on surrounded with the promise of Christ that He will never fail us or forsake us. The birth of Jesus is the proof for us that God is faithful and His Spirit sent to us is the confirmation of His continuing concern to guide the remnant who believes in His Kingdom where all will be united eternally and where security and peace will not be a hope but reality. May the prophet’s words ring true in your hearts and homes this Christmas Season. May the promises of the God through Christ be fulfilled in your family in 2012. Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year 2013! + Fr. Chris Su/najic tou Timi/ou Iwa/nnou Tou Prodro/mou Deute/ra, 7h Ianouari/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a ‘Agioc Aqana/sioc Paraskeuh/, 18h Ianouari/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a Oi Trei/c Iera/rxec Teta/rth, 30h Ianouari/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a H Upapanth/ tou Kuri/ou Sabba/to, 2h Febrouari/ou 8:00 p.m. ‘Orqroc 9:00 p.m. Qei/a Leitourgi/a KALA XRISTOUGENNA KAI EUTUXES TO NEO ETOS ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 4 Parish Council News SAINT VASILIOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHURCH 5 Paleologos Street, Peabody, MA 01960-4496 . Tel: (978) 531-0777 . Fax: (978) 538-9522 Web: www.stvasilios.org . E-mail: [email protected] Dear Community, As you all know, our November General Assembly is a financially driven meeting where we approve an operating budget for 2013 and decide how and where we will allocate our financial resources. Every year we are given an opportunity to re-examine our community needs and decide a course of action. As we did last year, we engaged in the conversation regarding hiring a second full time priest. Offering an effective pastoral ministry is not only a necessity but it is crucial to the success of our parish and our young adults. It pleases me to announce that the General Assembly approved the 2013 operating budget presented by the Parish Council, which includes hiring a second full time priest. In addition to approving the 2013 budget, the General Assembly also approved the Parish Council recommendation to increase the Lalikos Scholarship Fund reserve account from $5,000 to $10,000. The reserve account has been established to secure scholarship funds in the event that the Fund’s performance does not yield a return sufficient to disburse grantable funds pursuant to the Lalikos Scholarship Fund Investment Policy. As this is my last year serving as President of the community, I would like to extend a special thank you to Fr. Chris, the Parish Council, and the entire community. It has been an honor serving the community and I will forever cherish the experience and the relationships I have built along the way. To Fr. Chris and the Parish Council, I will be forever grateful for all the success we’ve achieved, together, as a unified team. I would also like to thank each of the Organizational Leaders for working with me and tackling each of our opportunities and challenges with much collaboration and unity over the past three years. And to the community, I thank you for your support! Yours in Christ, Sophia Nanis-Pappas Parish President ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 5 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 6 What is an Archon? An Archon is an honoree by His All Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew for his outstanding service to the Church, and a well-known distinguished, and wellrespected leader of the Orthodox Christian community. This honor extended by the Ecumenical Patriarchate carries with it grave responsibilities, deep commitments, and sincere dedication. Consequently, it is of utmost importance that this honor of obligation be bestowed upon individuals of proven Orthodox Christian character, who conform faithfully to the teachings of Christ and the doctrines, canIt is by the grace of God that the Archon has been able to ons, worship, discipline, and encyclicals of the Church. offer his good works and deeds of faith. Further, it is the sworn oath of the Archon to defend and promote the Ortho- Those selected to serve as Archons have demonstrated a dox Christian faith and tradition. His special concern and commitment greater than average toward the stewardship interest is to serve as a bulwark to protect and promote the of time, talent and treasure for the betterment of the Sacred See of St. Andrew the Apostle and its mission. He is Church, Parish, Diocese/Metropolis, Archdiocese and the also concerned with the human race's inalienable rights community as a whole. An Archon must truly be deserving wherever and whenever they are violated - and the well- of the proclamation: AXIOS, AXIOS, AXIOS! being and general welfare of the Christian Church. AXIOS, AXIOS, AXIOS! His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios of America presided at the Investiture of new Archons, from throughout the United States, following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 20, 2012, at the Archdiocesan Cathedral of the Holy Trinity. Concelebrating were His Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston. Our Stewardship Chairman Stephen S. Kalivas was installed as a new Archon. Pictured above is his Eminence Metropolitan Methodios of Boston with Archon Stephen S. Kalivas. Archons Jim Limberakis and George Rockas were also in attendance. ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 7 SAINT VASILIOS GREEK ORTHODOX 5 Paleologos Street, Peabody, MA 01960-4496 . Tel: (978) 531-0777 . Fax: (978) 538-9522 Web: www.stvasilios.org . E-mail: [email protected] «ΜΕΙΝΕΤΕ ΕΝΩΜΕΝΟΙ ΜΑΖΙ ΜΟΥ» (Ιω. 15,4) Αγαπητοί Ενορίτες, Το θέμα μας γιά την Διακονία του «Καλού Οικονόμου» του 2013 ελήφθη από το 15ο κεφάλαιο του κατά Ιωάννην Ευαγγελίου. Κατά το Μυστικό Δείπνο, όπως διαβάζουμε στο κεφάλαιο αυτό, ο Ιησούς εδίδαξε τους μαθητάς Του λέγοντας: «Εγώ είμαι η άμπελος, εσείς τα κλήματα» και «Μείνετε ενωμένοι μαζί μου και θα είμαι και εγώ μαζί σας». Μας διευκρίνησε ότι ο σκοπός γιά τον οποίο εμείς ενωνόμαστε μαζί Του είναι γιά να φέρουμε πολύν καρπόν εις τον κόσμον και να δοξασθεί ο Θεός. «Με τούτο εδοξάσθη ο Πατέρας μου, με το να φέρετε πολύν καρπόν..». Καθώς το αμπέλι φέρει καρπόν μόνο διά μέσου των κλάδων του, έτσι και ο Ιησούς επέλεξε να κάνει το έργο Του στον κόσμο με μας. Είμαστε όλοι μέλη του Αγίου Του Σώματος. Πως ενωνόμαστε με τον Κύριο; Ενωνόμαστε με τον Κύριο όταν ακολουθούμε το παράδειγμα Του και ανεπιφύλακτα αγαπούμε, υπηρετούμε και υποστηρίζουμε την Εκκλησία η οποία αποτελεί το Σώμα Του. Η ένωση μας με τον Κύριο εκφράζεται διά της γενναιοδωρίας μας και της αφοσιώσεως μας, ιδιαίτερα σε ότι αφορά την προσφορά μας και τις δωρεές μας. Το να φέρουμε πολύ καρπό στον κόσμο είναι το πρακτικό αποτέλεσμα της ένωσης μας με τον Κύριο. Η ατομική προσφορά τοποθετεί την ευθύνη της υποστηρίξεως της Εκκλησίας μας εκεί που αυτή ανήκει: στο κάθε μέλος της, που αφιερώνει σ’Αυτήν τον χρόνο του, το ταλέντο του και τον θησαυρό του. Ατομική προσφορά είναι αυτό που αποφασίζετε να προσφέρετε σαν «Καλός Οικονόμος», λαμβάνοντας υπ’όψιν ότι το δώρο σας θα χρησιμοποιηθεί γιά την συντήρηση της Εκκλησίας μας ώστε να την χρησιμοποιήσουν στο μέλλον και τα παιδιά μας, καθώς και γιά τις ποικίλες διακονίες της. Η Διακονία του «Καλού Οικονόμου» γιά το 2013 άρχισε κατά τις πρώτες τρεις Κυριακές του Νοεμβρίου, αφού προηγουμένως θα σας έχει ταχυδρομηθεί ο φάκελλος ατομικής προσφοράς. Παρακαλώ μελετήστε τον προσεκτικά. Εάν έχετε απορίες ή θέλετε να κάνετε σχόλια, παρακαλώ ελεύθερα ελάτε σε επικοινωνία μαζί μου. Ο Αγιος Βασίλειος έχει ανάγκη τον χρόνο, το ταλέντο και τον θησαυρό του καθενός από μας. Εκτός από την ετήσια πρόσκληση γιά την διακονία του καλού Οικονόμου, η Ενορία μας αντιμετωπίζει ένα μείζον πρόβλημα όσον αφορά την σοβαρότητα των διαροών μέσα και γύρω από τους δύο τρούλλους του Ναού. Ο προκαταρκτικός προϋπολογισμός αυτού του έργου ανέρχεται στις $725,000. Ο αγαπημένος μας Αγιος Βασίλειος είναι ένας τόπος γεμάτος με συγκινητικές αναμνήσεις. Είναι ο τόπος όπου βαφτίσαμε τα παιδία μας και τα εγγόνια μας, κάναμε το γάμο μας, και εναποθέσαμε γιά τελευταία φορά τους προσφιλείς μας κεκοιμημένους. Οπως έκαναν οι πρόγονοί μας, πρεπει και εμείς να αρθούμε στο ύψος των περιστάσεων και να συντηρήσουμε με δωρεές την εκκλησία μας γιά να την βρουν και οι επόμενες γενιές. Τα έργα αναστηλώσεως θα αρχίσουν το καλοκαίρι του 2013, μόλις εξασφαλιστούν οι απαραίτητες δεσμεύσεις από μέρους σας ώστε να πάρουμε το απαιτούμενο δάνειο. Καθώς ατενίζουμε στο μέλλον πρέπει να γίνουμε πιό δραστήριοι, και να σχεδιάσουμε να προσφέρουμε κατ’ έτος όχι μόνο τα αναγκαία χρήματα που καλύπτουν τα τρέχοντα έξοδα λειτουργίας του ναού, αλλά και εκείνα που χρειάζονται γιά να λειτουργήσει ο Πάγιος Λογαριασμός Επισκευών μέσω του οποίου θα αντιμετωπίζονται οι απαραίτητες επισκευές και βελτιώσεις. Σχεδόν πριν από 100 χρόνια οι μετανάστες πρόγονοί μας μάζεψαν $35,000 γιά να κατασκευασθή το κτίριο του ναού έτσι όπως το βλέπουμε σήμερα. Αυτοί οι ίδιοι είχαν ένα όραμα, ότι η εκκλησία που έχτισαν θα γινόταν το κέντρο και η ψυχή της θρησκευτικής και πολιτιστικής ζωής της Ελληνικής Ορθοδόξου Κοινότητος. Πριν από σχεδόν 50 χρόνια κάθε οικογένεια στον Αγιο Βασίλειο κλήθηκε να προσφέρει $300 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 8 γιά να κατασκευασθή το Πολιτιστικό Κέντρο, όταν σε εκείνη την εποχή το κυριότερο επάγγελμα ήταν εκείνο του εργάτη δέρματος. Δυστυχώς δεν έχουμε την πολυτέλεια να επιλέξουμε ποιόν από τους δύο Λογαριασμούς να υποστηρίξουμε. Χρειαζόμαστε την βοήθεια όλων σας και γιά τους δύο. Ετσι καθώς θα υπολογίζετε την δυνατότητα σας γιά να συνεισφέρετε, πρεπει να σκεφτόσαστε και γιά τα δύο: τον Λογαριασμό γιά τα πάγια έξοδα του Ναού, αλλά και τον Λογαριασμό γιά την επισκευή των κωδονοστασίων. Μόνο έτσι θα μπορέσουμε να συντηρήσουμε και να διατηρήσουμε το κτίριο που οι πατέρες μας έχτισαν γιά μας σε πολύ πιό δύσκολες οικονομικά γι’αυτούς συνθήκες. Η συνεχιζόμενη υποστήριξη και γενναιοδωρία σας θα ενισχύση την προσωπική θυσία εκείνων που εργάστηκαν με επιμέλεια για να χτίσουν ένα Ναό στον οποίο θα επιτελείτο η λατρεία του Θεού και η διδασκαλία της ελληνικής γλώσσας, των παραδόσεων και των εθίμων. Είναι η σειρά μας τώρα να διαδραματίσουμε έναν κεντρικό ρόλο σ’αυτήν την προσπάθεια, γιά να μπορέσουν και οι επόμενες γενιές να απολαύσουν και να εμπλουτισθούν με τις πολιτιστικές ιδιαιτερότητες της ελληνικής φυλής μέσα στους αιώνες. Σας ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων με θερμότατες ευχαριστίες γιά την συμμετοχή σας στο σωτηριώδες έργο του Κυρίου ημών Ιησού Χριστού. Εξ’ άλλου, μήπως γι’ Αυτόν δεν γίνονται όλα τούτα; Εν Χριστώ δικός σας, Αριστομένης Σ. Καλύβας, {Stephen S Kalivas} Πρόεδρος της Διακονίας του «Καλού Οικονόμου» 2013 STEAWARDSHIP CARD ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 9 “TA AGIA XRISTOUGENNA «Άς τρέχουμε μέ υπομονή τό δρόμο τής ζωής» (Εβρ. ια΄9-10,32-40) Αγαπητοί μου Αδελφοί, Μπροστά μας τό κοσμοϊστορικό γεγονός τής Γεννήσεως τού Σωτήρος ημών Ιησού Χριστού. Μπροστά μας ή παγκόσμιος Χριστιανική εορτή. Τά Άγια Χριστούγεννα. Ή «Μητρόπολις τών εορτών,» κατά τόν Ιερό Χρισόστομο, ή «Γενέθλιος ημέρα τής ανθροπότητος» κατά τόν Μέγα Βασίλειο, ή «Εορτή τής αναδημιουργίας» κατά τόν Γρηγόριο Θεολόγο. Καί ή Εκκλησλια μας, μέ τά αποστολικά αναγνώσματα, τή μέν Κυριακή πρό τής Χριστού γεννήσεως μάς παρουσιάζει σειρά μεγάλων θεοσεβών ανδρών τής Παλαιάς Διαθήκης, οί οποίοι ευαρέστησαν στόν Θεό καί ζούσαν μέ τό όραμα τού ερχόμενου Μεσσία, τή δέ κυριώνυμο ημέρα τής κατά σάρκα Γεννήσεως τού Κυρίου καί Θεού καί Σωτήρος Ιησού Χριστού. Ό Απόστολος Παύλος τονίζει ότι «ήλθε τό πλήρωμα τού χρόνου, εξαπέστηλε ό Θεός τόν υιόν αυτού, γενόμενον έκ γυναικός, γενόμενον υπό νόμον, ίνα τούς υπό νόμον εξαγοράση, ίνα τήν υιοθεσίαν απολάβωμεν» (Γαλ.4,4-5). «Ή προσοδκία τών εθνών», λοιπόν, «εφανερώθη έν σαρκί». Αυτό τό αναμφισβήτητο, ιστορικό καί μοναδικό γεγονός τής Σαρκώσεως τού Λόγου, τής ενανθρωπήσεως τού Θεού είναι τό μέγα μυστήριο. Ό Θεός-Πατέρας αποστέλλει τόν μονογενή Υιόν Του στόν κόσμο, ώς Σωτήρα καί Λυτρωτή τής ανθρωπότητος. Δηλαδή, ό «απρόσιτος γίνεται ορατός, ό αναφής, αυτός πού δέν αγγίζεται, δέχεται νά ψηλαφηθεί καί νά κρατηθεί στήν αγκαλιά τής Παρθένου Μαρίας καί Θεοτόκου. Ό Ευαγγελιστής Ιωάννης τό διακηρύττει στήν αρχή τού Ευαγγελίου του... «Ό Λόγος σάρξ εγένετο καί εσκήνωσεν έν ημίν» (Ιω.1,14). Τό θείο βρέφος τής Βηθλεέμ είναι ό Θεάνθρωπος Κύριος ημών Ιησούς Χριστός. Στό πρόσωπό Του υπάρχουν υποστατικά ενωμένες οί δύο φύσεις, ή θεία καί ή ανθρώπινη. Είναι τέλειος Θεός καί τέλειος άνθρωπος. Κατά τό μέγα αυτό μυστήριο τής ενανθρωπήσεως τού Υιού καί Λόγου τού Θεού είναι θείο, ιερό καί ανερμήνευτο μυστήριο. «Ού φέρει έρευναν», όπως λένε οί θεοφόροι Πατέρες, αλλά «πίστει μόνη τούτο πάντες δοξάζομεν». Τό «διατί ενηθρώπησε», θά μάς τό αιτιολογεί υπέροχα ό μέγας δογματικός πατήρ τής Εκκλησίας, ό Άγιος Ιωάννης ό Δαμασκηνός – «Ενανθρώπησε ό Υιός τού Θεού, γιά νά χαρίσει ξανά στόν άνθρωπο αυτό, γιά τό οποίο τόν δημιούργησε...γιά τή θεογνωσία.» Υπέροχα ό Ιερός Χρισόστομος μάς προσκαλεί στή χαρμόσυνη εορτή τών Χριστουγέννων μέ αυτά τά υπέροχα λόγια --«Ελάτε νά εορτάσουμε. Ελάτε νά πανηγυρίσουμε. Πράγματι είναι παράξενος ό τρόπος τής εορτής, επειδή είναι παράδοξος καί ό λόγος τής γεννήσεως αυτού. Διότι σήμερα λύθηκαν τά μακροχρόνια δεσμά. Ό διάβολος καταντροπιάστηκε. Οί δαίμονες δραπέτευσαν. Ό θάνατος κατργήθηκε. Ό Παράδεισος ανοίχθηκε. Ή κατάρα εξαφανίστηκε. Ή αμαρτία διώχθηκε μακριά. Ή πλάνη απομακρύνθηκε. Ή αλήθεια επανήλθε. Ό λόγος τής ευσεβείας σπάρθηκε καί διαδόθκε παντού. Ό ουράνιος τρόπος ζωής φυτεύθηκε στή γή. Οί άγγελοι επικοινωνούν μέ τούς ανθρώπους. Όλα έγιναν ένα. Γιατί? Επειδή ό Θεός ήρθε στή γή καί ό άνθρωπος ανέβηκε στόν ουρανό» (Λόγος Β’, Είς τό Γενέθλιον τού Σωτήρος ημών Ιησού Χριστού). Ναί αγαπητοί μου αδελφοί, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΓΕΝΝΑΤΑΙ ΔΟΞΑΣΑΤΕ! Μετ’ αγάπης πολλής έν Κυρίω, + Πατήρ Κυριάκος Β. Σαραβέλας ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 10 January 2013 Sun Mon Tue 1 Wed 2 Thu 3 Fri 4 Feast of St. Vasilios the Great Orthros 9 am Liturgy 10 am Office Closed 6 7 Epiphany Water Blessing Synaxis of John the Baptist Orthros 8am Liturgy 9am 8 Sat 5 Strict Fast Day Orthros 8am Liturgy 9am Water Blessing 9 10 11 12 16 17 18 19 OL 2:30 13 14 15 St. Athanasios Orthros 8am Liturgy 9am Monthly Bulletin Deadline 20 21 22 23 24 29 30 31 25 Office Closed 27 28 Three Hierarchs Orthros 8am Liturgy 9am Please Submit all Calendar Requests to [email protected] 26 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 11 February 2013 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 Presentation Of The Lord Orthros 8 am Liturgy 9 am 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Monthly Bulletin Deadline St. Haralambos 17 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 NO Fasting 22 Presidents Day Office Closed 24 25 Triodion Begins For the most updated information, check out www.stvasilios.org 23 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 12 The clergy brotherhood is submitting to each parish an article each month to be included in the Monthly bulletin. This month’s message is from Rev. Dr. Emanuel S. Chris, M.D., M. Div. The Shepherds and the Wise Men Have you ever imagined what it might have been like to be present at and to have borne witness to the Nativity of Christ? Can you imagine what it might have been like to be one of the shepherds sitting outside on a cold night watching over the sheep, hoping that no wolves would come and attack them, shivering and waiting for the light of the sun to come and warm you? You would have been a social outcast, away in the fields, far from the busyness of Bethlehem, unnoticed, probably not even being counted in the census being taken. That is how unimportant the shepherds were on the social level. All of a sudden, the sky brightens brilliantly and is filled with angels singing and announcing the birth of a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. In the midst of your fear and awe, you wonder, “What on earth are they talking about? I am just a shepherd. Do I dare go to Bethlehem and see what I am hearing about? Will I be welcome there? Does this Savior want to have anything to do with me, a simple shepherd?” Can you imagine being one of the three wise men? You are a king, a member of the ruling class, well educated, looked up to and adored, revered, perhaps even feared by others. Looking up in the sky one night you see an exceptionally bright star among the multitude of stars and are moved to leave everything you have and know to follow it to a far and distant land. Can you imagine the moments of doubt. “Of all the stars in heaven, am I following the right one? Am I meant to be a part of this journey, and for what purpose?” After a long and arduous journey, is there any bit of disappointment that the prize is an infant rather than a new kingdom? Is it not ironic that three men, to whom people bow down to, now bow themselves down to worship an infant in a manger? The Christian life is very much like the experiences of the shepherds and the wise men at Christ’s Nativity. Just as the wise men perhaps wondered, “Am I following the right star?” many times we as Christian’s wonder, “Am I really following the right faith?” As the shepherds wondered over the meaning of the angel’s message, how many of us have wondered, “What does this all mean – the Church, the Divine Liturgy, Holy Communion?” What trust the wise men must have had to follow the star, almost blindly, for they did not know where the journey would end, but only trusted that they would be rewarded at its completion. Of all the people to reveal the message of Christ’s birth, the shepherds were the blessed hearers of the Good News precisely because they were the only ones who were ready to listen. It would have been impossible to hear the hymns of the angels above the din of the rush of people on the streets of Bethlehem. In the same manner, it is impossible for us to sing God’s praises or to feel the warmth of His love when we are constantly bombarded and overstimulated by the many distractions and technological intrusions of our modern society. Being a Christian is a lot like being a shepherd or a wise man. God came for everyone; from the mighty ruler to the social outcast, from the one praised by many to the one scorned by all. God came for each and every one of us. That is why at the Great Entrance, when the Gifts are being processed around the church, it is with prayer that God remembers all of us in His Kingdom. God’s message to us is one of hope, that anyone can find salvation in God, that He is the God of everyone. The shepherds and the wise men give us lessons on how to find God. From the shepherds, we learn the virtues of stillness and vigilance. Likewise, the Church celebrates the service of the Royal Hours at Christmas, a time for quiet and peaceful reflection. Prayer, when done in a peaceful and darkened place like the church at night or a quiet corner of the home, brings one to the same stillness as the shepherds at the Nativity. Prayer is much easier when you remove distractions and temptations, when you seek to truly be alone with God. It is then that prayer is beautiful, timeless, comforting, and reassuring. It is said that it is the darkest just before the dawn; so the light of Christ is the brightest when it is dark and still. From the wise men we learn patience and trust. The Christian journey is much like the journey of the Magi. There are many mountains and valleys to be crossed, deserts to be survived, and doubts to be conquered. The journey is much easier if we keep our eyes on the prize. We ought to keep our eyes on the Lord as they kept their eyes on the star. When the star came to rest over the place where the child was with His mother Mary, the Magi fell down and worshipped Him. They were exceedingly joyful. No longer did they see themselves as the high and mighty rulers, but as true servants of God who fell at His feet and said, “God, I am nothing without You.” When we come to the point where church is more than a place to go once in a while, where Communion is not simply a ritual we do out of habit rather than an encounter with God, and when we fall down before God and confess, “I am nothing without You,” then we will know how it feels not only to be a servant of God, but a child of God. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit is the gift of peace. Peace is an important part of our worship in the Orthodox Church. We ask God that our prayers be in peace, we pray for peace in the world, peace in the churches, for (Continued on page16\) ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 (Continued on page16\) peaceful times, and we bless ourselves with the words, “Peace be with you all.” The message of the angels to the shepherds was “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace towards men of goodwill.” (Luke 2:14). This is a more correct translation of the original Greek phrase because God’s message through the angels was not peace on earth and goodwill to all people, but rather peace to those people of goodwill. True peace is found in God. Peace is the absence of conflict whether that conflict is war with another country, hostility towards your neighbor, or inner conflict within yourself. Peace comes only to the one who seeks to be a person of goodwill. Indeed, peace in the world begins with peace within ourselves, with lives that are under control, with lives that desire to bring out the best in ourselves and in others. If we want peace in the world, we must seek at all times to make life peaceful for others. Peace in the world begins with peace within yourself and those around you. Patience, trust, stillness, vigilance, peace; if you want to find God this is where you will find Him. The Christian journey is not one of immediate gratification. The Christian journey is the long journey of the Magi and the cold night of the shepherds. The reward for the shepherds was the witnessing the glory of God in the hymns of the angels. For the Magi, it was to behold the Lord with their own eyes. It is not easy being a Christian and the modern world makes it increasingly difficult every day. Our Church, founded by the Lord, is a piece of heaven on earth. Because human beings run the Church, it sometimes does not feel much like heaven. To those of you who struggle with your faith, offer a gift to God this Christmas, the gift of the shepherds. Offer God some of your time every day to spend in stillness and silence. Ask God to help you be still and silent, to block out distractions and help you experience the warmth that the shepherds felt when the light of the angels illumined them. Offer the gift of the wise men. Come worship and bow down to God and confess to the Lord, “I am nothing without You.” Ask God to bring peace into your life and in turn help bring peace to others. When the last present is opened and when we take down the lights and the tree, do not pack up your Christmas joy into a box until next year. Let your joy be something that becomes a part of your everyday life. The joy of the wise men and the shepherds is something we can find every day of the year, but only when we are silent, patient, faithful, trusting, and peaceful. I hope and pray that all of you have a joyous and wondrous Christmas Season, and may the blessings and love of the Incarnate Christ be with you all. +Rev. Dr. Emanuel S. Chris, M.D., M. Div. Page 13 Page 14 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Greek School news Over 30students in grades Pre-K through 6 performed a number of dances at our Festival. They did an amazing job and all of the hard work they put into learning the dances truly showed. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM Students are currently busy learning Christmas songs and poems for our Annual Christmas Program that will take place on Wednesday, December 19th at 3:30pm in the Andrew J. Demotses Educational Center. Students in grades Pre-K through 6th will perform poems, plays and Kalanta. All are invited to attend! The Greek School purchased a banner to commemorate the 100 th Anniversary of our school. It will be on display in the building and we will be using it in the Greek Independence Day Parade. ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 RE: Saint Vasilios Greek School, Peabody Celebrates 100th Anniversary PRESS RELEASE The Saint Vasilios Greek Orthodox Community of Peabody which includes Salem, Beverly, Marblehead and Danvers, takes pride in announcing the 100th Anniversary of its Greek School established in 1912. It is one of the longest running schools of its kind in the United States which was founded by the church community of early immigrant Greeks who settled on the North Shore. They were eager to assimilate into the American society while determined to preserve their language, religion and cultural heritage for their American-born children. In order to ensure their assimilation in the American culture , the children were taught in English and Greek since the school functioned as a day school, accredited by the Massachusetts Department of Education. In later years, the Greek School took its current form as an afternoon school .In more recent years, under the direction of its longtime superintendent, Mary Emeromistis the Greek School thrived and was able to preserve its legacy and tradition. She was succeeded by Emily Korkaris, the school’s former principal. Page 15 Greek School of Saint Vasilios is fortunate to have a strong faculty and excellent resources with an up-dated curriculum, new books and technology. Through the proceeds obtained from its one hundredth anniversary celebration the school was able to purchase new i-Pads and projectors and to install internet in all of its classrooms , making language come alive in a more interactive and enjoyable learning environment. Parents are encouraged to enroll their children at the Pre-K level which meets every Wednesday from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Student in Grades Kindergarten through Grade 7 meet Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the same time. Enrollment is open and registration takes place in the church office. Students living in Peabody have the advantage of continuing their study of the Greek Language at Peabody High School which happens to be the only secondary school in New England offering a four-year program in modern Greek which may also be counted as credit for college entrance. Over the years, High School students who are Greek School alumni have volunteered their time to serve the school as teacher aides. Students who have attended Greek Although it has maintained several of its original goals, the school have also been motivated to serve in numerous purpose of the present Greek School is to accommodate the church related youth programs as well as in school activineeds of a new generation of Greek Americans in a chang- ties and the local community. ing society and where the Greek language is now less commonly spoken at home. To this end, the present faculty of As the St. Vasilios Greek School under the leadership of its the Greek School has initiated a new curriculum focused on principal, Dina Kalaitzidis, moves into the next century it developing speaking skills through a program of total im- will continue to follow the legacy of its founders in laying a mersion in the Greek language beginning at the Pre- rich foundation for future generations of Greek Americans Kindergarten level through Grade seven where students in this community. are encouraged to interact in the language with their teachSubmitted by: ers and classmates through a variety of learning activities. Phyllis J. Dragonas, Ph.D. Chair, Education Committee In acquiring oral proficiency in the Greek language, stuSt. Vasilios Greek Orthodox Council dents develop a sense of personal identity, and knowledge Peabody, MA and appreciation of their cultural values and heritage in an integrated global community. How fortunate and visionary can a young child become with an opportunity to begin learning a foreign language at an early age which is the most optimal time to develop language fluency. No other language offers a comparable foundation to other languages as does Greek which is a basic asset to the mastery of English, and Math and Science where a large percentage of vocabulary in these disciplines is derived from the Greek language. Research has also indicated that early language learning leads to better critical thinking skills and problem solving ability in other disciplines. Needless to say that our fast-moving global economy is demanding knowledge and ability to communicate in several languages. This leads to the increase of early foreign language learning programs in the elementary schools. The KALA XRISTOUGENNA KAI EUTUXES TO NEO ETOS ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 16 CHURCH SCHOOL and RELIGIOUS EDUCATION What kind of adult will your child become? What values and standards will be important to him or her? Will he or she know Jesus as our Lord and Savior? The Church does its share in helping parents give answers to these questions. Our St. Vasilios Church School is a vital part of the life of the Church and exists to serve the children and their families in a call to grow in their understanding of our faith. Church School provides an excellent program that begins with Pre-K and continues throughout high school. Our teaching staff is composed of a diverse group of faithful parents, professionals, and young adults. All of whom dedicate many hours to the Orthodox Christian education of our children. The Church School is always looking to expand and enrich our teaching staff with new and diverse talent. Many substitute teaching and co-teaching opportunities exist. If you are interested in teaching, please call Sophia Hennessey, our Church School Director at 781-334-4686. regarding the pageant and would like your child to participate, please see your child’s teacher. We are always in need of angels and shepherds. The Fall 2012 Doxa Conference was held on Saturday, November 10th, at St. Athanasios Greek Orthodox Church in Arlington, MA. The theme was “The Role of Parents and Teachers in Religious Education.” For long-time teachers the presenter was Rev. Fr. Constantine L. Sitaras, for parents the presenter was Dr. George Stavros, and for teachers of 1 to 5 years the presenters were George and Melissa Tsongranis. In attendance from St Vasilios were Deacon Michael and Kristi Fadel, Marie Angelos, Deb Pantazalos, Helen Papadopoulos, and Helen Terzakis. Overall 17 churches were represented from the Boston Metropolis with 54 people in attendance. These conferences afford all who attend the opportunity to discuss subjects and issues regarding our Orthodox Christian faith. Save the dates, the Spring 2013 conference will be held on Friday & Saturday, April 5-6 at the St. Methodios Faith and Marie Angelos and Sandra Ruggeri’s fourth grade class is Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH. All parishioners are learning the Bible. They discuss the Old and New Testa- invited to attend. ments and how the Bible is divided. The class is learning how to look up readings from the Bible, how to use the ta- May you all have a blessed and joyous Christmas and a ble of contents and where the testaments are divided. They happy and healthy New Year. Always remember that Jesus have completed many worksheets and solved many puzzles is the reason for……………well, for everything! using the verses from the Bible. Holy Cross Seminarians Michael Mercado and Sampson Kasapakis joined Pam Gruntkosky and Dina Kleros’ first grade class for 2 Sundays this fall to teach the children about the Divine Liturgy and about the many things they see and do in Church. The children asked many good questions and look forward to having Michael and Sampson join their classroom again. Grades 7 and 8 are again dedicating the Giving Tree to Operation Troop Support. Please take an ornament from the tree and return the new, unwrapped gift to the foyer of the Educational Center by Sunday, December 30th. For the 5th year, the first and second graders are collecting hats, mittens, gloves, and socks for the many children who will spend this Christmas in area shelters. These unwrapped items must be returned to the 1st & 2nd grade classrooms by Sunday, Dec. 16th. Thank you all for your support! The Church School students will once again put on a Christmas Pageant on Sunday, Dec. 16th. at the conclusion of the first Divine Liturgy. Any students from grade one and up may participate. If you have not received a flyer ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 17 HEALTHBEAT Sophia Grevelis R.N. Parish Nurse Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA) Mini stroke Some people call a TIA a mini stroke because the symptoms are like those of a stroke but don't last long. A TIA happens when the blood flow to parts of the brain are blocked or reduced, often by a blood clot. After a short time blood flows again and symptoms go away. With a stroke the blood flow stays blocked and the brain has permanent damage. A TIA is a warning, it means you are likely to have a stroke in the future. Early treatment can help prevent a stroke. If you think you have had a TIA but your symptoms have gone away you still need to call your doctor. Symptoms of a TIA are the same as symptoms of a stroke. A TIA occurs suddenly and goes away in 10 to 20 minutes. Numbness, tingling, weakness or paralyses in your face, arm, eg on only one side of your body. Sudden vision changes. Sudden trouble speaking. Sudden confusion or trouble understanding simple statements. Sudden problems with walking or balance. Sudden severe headache that is different from past headaches. Causes: A blood clot is the most common cause of a TIA. Treatment: Your doctor will start you on medication to help prevent a stroke. If tests show that the blood vessels (carotid arteries) in your neck are too narrow, you may need surgery to open them up. This can help prevent blood clots that block blood flow to your brain. Another type of surgery is carotid artery stenting-a small tube to keep your artery open. Prevention: Treat any health issues. Work with your doctor to manage high blood pressure or high cholesterol .Manage diabetes to keep blood sugar levels within range. Doctor may recommend taking an aspirin or blood thinner to help prevent stroke. Don't smoke or allow others to smoke around you. Stay at a healthy weight. Try to exercise every day such as walking, swimming, cycling etc. Eat a balanced diet low in cholesterol, saturated fats and salt. Eat more fruit and vegetables. *Web MD Family Winter Camp—Families! Join us for a weekend-long opportunity for families and people of all ages to share in the camp experience together, strengthening their relationship with God and with each other. All ages are welcome. Campers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. Dates: March 1-3, 201 For more information or questions regarding financial aid please call the church office and speak with Fr. Chris. GOYA Winter Camp offers a long weekend of fun and fellowship at the St. Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, NH for campers ages 12-18. Dates: February 15-18, 2013 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Liturgy of St. James The St. Vasilios Community celebrates the Liturgy of St. James - Monday, October 22, 2012 Page 18 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Veterans Day Page 19 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 20 Outreach Sunday Outreach Sunday was on November 11th and all of our organizations and ministries were available from 10:30-12:30 in the Education Center. ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Men’s Club Page 21 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 22 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 23 Coffee Hour As most of you know, while Church School is in session, parents, grandparents and friends gather in the Rev Andrew Demotses Community Center for fellowship and refreshments. These “coffee hours” are a place for us to reconnect with our St. Vasilios family, celebrate joys and be comforted during loss. The St. Val’s PTA supplies and staffs our time together with volunteers, but has always welcomed and encouraged anyone from the community to sponsor a week. These sponsorships help defray the costs of paper goods and supplies. You can use these days to remember loved ones on their birthday, anniversary, name day, christening, celebrating a wedding or mourning at a funeral or memorial service, or just for the good health of family and friends. This year we will again be offering FULL SPONSORSHIP for $150 with no other sponsors and no donation baskets placed on the tables (unless approved by the family as added income for the group), or $50 for a PARTIAL SPONSORSHIP. There may be multiple sponsors on such days, and a free will basket will be in place. We also welcome any homemade treat, fruit platter or sweet you would like to provide for the event. Your sponsorship will be listed in the Sunday Bulletin that is distributed in church and placed in a frame on the table of treats. We ask that you consider sponsoring a coffee hour in the near future or in the alternative, be generous at the free will baskets! Please contact Pam Katsiris at [email protected] or 978-740-2449 to reserve your week. COFFEE HOUR VOLUNTEERS There will be sign up sheets in the Community Center for those that would like to volunteer some time to help out and serve at our Sunday Coffee Hours. It requires a minimal amount of work. You must help set up around 9 am. There is a guide in the supply closet that will help you, (All the treats and supplies will be on hand for you) serve coffee and refill the treats, and help to clean up after. Please consider helping out this ministry and fellowship. Please contact Helen Papadopoulos by phone at 978-740-2991 or by email at [email protected]. Page 24 ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Letter of appreciation from the From the Functions Committee We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincerest thanks to all our donors for their generosity and assistance in making our 2012 St. Vasilios Festival a huge success. Donations ranged from food and supplies, delicious pastries, lifting and toting, cooking and food prep, serving with a smile and monetary support. Every gift of time, treasure and talent, large or small made the day possible. You have all helped us show that our community is vibrant, that we can join together to create a festive and successful event and have fun and fellowship doing it. We look forward to more successes in the future! Again we hope you accept our deepest and heartfelt appreciation. In Christ, Pam Katsiris and Bessie Silva, Functions Committee Co-Chairs Sophia Nanis, Parish Council President Fr. Chris Foustoukos PHILOPTOCHOS BLANKET DRIVE The Philoptochos will be collecting NEW blankets from now until December 23, 2012. We would like to make a difference to those less fortunate by keeping them warm this winter If you can help us, Please drop off your new blanket at the church office or in the hall entrance next to the Christmas tree. Thank you for supporting our mission of giving. a special acknowledgment to the following A-1 Restaurant Trader Matty's Food & Spirits Angelica's Restaurant Metro Cleaners, Inc. Anna Zaimes Michael's Limousine Arthur Drivas Mr and Mrs. Edward Palmeira Arthur Pappathanasi Nick Scangas Chris Scangas Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pantazelos Arties Place Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Terzakis Bostonia Produce Inc. New Brothers- Danvers Brandon Simpson and Family Nick's Sub Shop Brothers Kouzina Old Neighborhood Foods Brothers Roast Beef Omega Pizza, Chelmsford Brothers Wakefield Petradelis Realty Trust Century House Portside Diner Damatas Pizza Red's Sandwich Shop Demoulas Foundation River Street Grille Depot Diner Rizzo's Roast Beef Dionisos Moutsoulas Roadhouse Pub First Chance, Pelham NH Scangas Nominee Trust George Nickolouzis Spero's Energy & Auto Repair Giovannis Roast Beef & Pizza St. George Greek Orthodox Church, Lynn Jim Limberakis St. Vasilios Men's Club Katsiris Family Supreme Road Beef Land & Sea Tasty Foods Land & Sea Wardhurst Restaurant Manny Argeros Marblehead House of Pizza Xenakis Famiies Demi Votto, USAF Academy Class of 2015 at her Exemplar Dinner ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 25 “Just for Kids” ORTHODOX LIFE - December, 2012 Page 26 14 Donations 200 Anonymous in memory of Urania Meniates-Bell Tower Fund 50 Speros & Linda Zakas in memory of cousin George Chongris Bob, Gail & Peter Paul Meniates in memory of mother & grandmother 150 Georgia Meniates Bob, Gail & Peter Paul Meniates in memory of mother & grandmother 150 Portia (Peggy) Arvanitis 25 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meniates in memory of Michael Tenedios 20 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Scangas in memory of Adeena Antonio 25 Children & Grandchildren in loving memory of George & Martha Yokas 25 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Scangas in loving memory of brother Sotirios Yokas Family & Friends in honor of 90th Birthday of Paula M. Halepakis-St. Va600 silios Bell Tower Fund 25 Charles J. Gargas in memory of Leonidas Tsionis 500 Anonymous in memory of George Terzakis-Bell Tower Fund Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Andrinopoulos & family in memory of mother & 100 grandmother Despina Horemiotis 2000 Anonymous in loving memory of Rena Meniates-Bell Tower Fund 910 Family & Friends in memory of Voula Diamantis-Bell Tower Fund 30 Mr. & Mrs. Dionisios Moutsoulas in memory of grandson Petros Sofronas 600 Family & Friends of Ourania Meniates-Bell Tower Fund 30 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Panagopoulos in memory of grandson Billy Fletcher 30 Mr. & Mrs. Harry Panagopoulos in memory of Demetrios Soteropoulos David & Patricia (Tsonis) Hubbard & family in memory of mother Vasiliki 50 Tsonis 25 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rouvalis in memory of Michael Tenedios 50 Dr. D.C. Kotronis in memory of Leonidas Tsionis 20 Mrs. Aspasia Tilas in memory of brother Christos Hondrovasilopoulos 100 Greg & Marie Koulas in memory of parents Isabelle & Theodore Koulas 300 Peter Christ in memory of wife Maria Christ-Bell Tower Fund 40 Lorraine Gallo in memory of Anthony Triantafillou 600 Anonymous in memory of Eleni, Steve & cousin Peter for Bell Tower Fund 100 Charles & Mary Baletsa in memory of Elizabeth Philipedes 100 Bob & Kiki Benoit in memory of uncle & aunt Leonidas & Evgenia Tsionis Despina Drougas in memory of brother & sister-in-law Leonidas & Evgenia 100 Tsionis 50 Despina Drougas in memory of sister-in-law Vasiliki Tsonis 100 Mr. & Mrs. Apostolos Makridis in memory of Leonidas Tsionis James P. 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