The Word - July/August, 2012 Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 the word Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church In Brief Summer hours have begun in church. Orthos is at 8:30 and Liturgy at 9:30. Growing up as the Daughter of an Immigrant Priest and Presvytera. By: Presvytera Katerina Sitaras Makiej ( I want to share with you what it was like to grow up as the daughter of an immigrant Greek Orthodox Priest and Presvytera. My father, The Very Reverend Fr. Nicholas Michael Sitaras of blessed memory, was one of nine children, born in Chios, Greece. His Father was a Greek Orthodox Priest, Fr. Michael Nicholas Sitaras, and my Yiayia was Presvytera Sophia. My father was ordained a Priest in 1953 and served in Greece after graduating from Risario Scholei (Seminary) in Athens, Greece. He served in Chios for seven years and was then invited to serve the Greek Orthodox Church in America by Archbishop Iakovos. His first parish was in Morgantown, West Virginia where I was born. During his career, he also served in Ohio, North Carolina, Maine, Florida, Pennsylvania, and New York. Plans are being made for Vacation Church School, August 6, 7 & 8. If you would like to assist, conMy mother, Presvytera Irene Manikas Nicholas Sitaras, was also born in Chios. She is very tact Dorothy Hatzikonstantis at talented at painting, drawing, cooking, chanting, singing, gardening, and has a special love [email protected] and insight for animals. I am the youngest of four children; Sophia, Michael, Stelios, and me, Katerina. We are all named after our grandparents, of course. My brothers both became Priests and I married a Priest, Fr. Christopher Makiej. My sister Sophia is married to Bill Agapion, (not a Priest, if you can believe it). My mother lives with them now in North Carolina. See schedule on page 3 GREEK FESTIVAL 2012 September 15,16 Please email Andrea LynchZaimes at [email protected] to see how you can help make this a great success. Visit our web site for more information on our church. My father is remembered as a charming man who loved people. He always had wonderful stories to share and he was the life of the party. My parents loved traveling and visiting friends. They knew people everywhere and we would drive places all the time. My mother was his co-pilot in every way. They enjoyed doing many things together. On our long drives to see friends and celebrate liturgies, my father would quiz her on Byzantine music and ask her to chant certain hymns by heart. She would know anything he asked her, every note and word. He would delight at her satisfaction and joy when she chanted the hymns. And, of course, they would then break out into chant together. It was like living in a musical. And, of course, they would also sing beautiful Greek songs that I also am so glad I learned from them. Many times, my mother would be my father’s chanter in Church and I, naturally, would be right at her side, learning all the hymns and chanting with them. My father started and gathered several parishes in Florida from Fort Myers to Melbourne to Hollywood. On Saturdays we would drive from Fort Pierce to different places to celebrate a liturgy for a young congregation. Then we would drive back to Fort Pierce on Saturday night so that “Baba” could celebrate the liturgy in Fort Pierce on Sunday. When I say liturgy, I mean orthros as well. That’s on Saturday and Sunday, because in the 70’s, most people only had one car. Everyone had to be ready very early. So by the end of the weekend, I had chanted lots of hymns with my parents. (continued on page 2) 1 The Word - July/August, 2012 PARISH DIRECTORY Clergy Fr. Christopher Makiej, Parish Priest Dn. Sal Fazio Parish Deacon Parish Council Ed George, President John Terzakis, Vice President Jim Panagas, Secretary Robert Trant, Treasurer Chris Alexandrou Leonard Banos Jim Demetroulakos Maria Gudinas Jean Koulouris Nicholas Miminos Valerie Murphy Steve Pithis Peter Souhleris Buzz Stapczynski George Tasiopoulos Philoptochos Sandra Spanos Johnson, President Chanter Telly Papanikolaou Choir John Fugarino, Director Organist David Harvey Altar Boy Captain Panos Coufos Sunday School Dorothy Hatzikonstantis, Director Greek School Voula Nikitas Christian Lending Library Rachel Pantely, Director GOYA Advisors Connie Vergados, Sue Terzakis, Gina LaFortune GOYA President Panos Coufos JOY Advisor Patty Trant Youth Choir Pres. Katerina Makiej Book Store Manager Elaine Demetroulakos Church Office Karen Davies Internet Ministry Nick Kalanzakos AHEPA Steven Pithis Daughters of Penelope Elaine Kevgas College Fellowship Telly Papanikolaou Young Professionals Ministry John Makiej Facilities George Perakis Archons James Lolos Telly Papanikolaou Growing up as the Daughter of an Immigrant Priest and Presvytera. (continued from page 1) My parents served the Church with deep devotion and love. It was a beautiful touching witness of service to God. They served with joy and enthusiasm and they taught me so much through their example. And I, too, serve with my husband, Fr. Chris, with that joy, love, and excitement. My father’s chanting and celebration of the liturgy was like art. It surpassed art because he had such humility. The Holy Spirit moved in him, and his voice had this rich deep timbre and beauty. When we humbly use our gifts to glorify God, He blesses us, and then, we truly shine. And for Holy Week there are no words to describe the beauty. When “Baba” would process around the Church on Holy Thursday chanting “Simeron Kremate”, (Today Being Hung On The Cross) with the Cross of our Lord on his back, the tears would pour from my eyes. Then on Good Friday we chanted the Lamentations and I had the honor of wearing my white dress and being a “Myrofora”. (How thrilling)! On Holy Saturday we would brighten the darkness with “Defte Lavete Fos”, (Come Receive the Light), and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, we chanted the hymn of all hope and joy, “Xristos Anesti”, (Christ Is Risen) as we celebrated the Resurrection of our Lord. As incredibly rewarding as our life in Church was, my most precious personal memories were with my family at my sister’s home in Greensboro, NC. We would gather for holidays and summer vacations. We would get together in her living room after our delicious meals and sing and chant. My brothers played guitars, my parents played mandolin, I played piano, my sister conducted, and we all sang. And my parents would tell great stories of their youth and our youth, tell jokes, laugh, and show love and affection for each other. We still gather at Sophia’s house, at least twice a year, and it is so wonderful because now our children will have memories like these too. Growing in Christ, and growing in my relationship with my husband and children are the most important things in my life. When we focus on these things, we will be whole people and we can then be vibrant members in our parishes and communities. I especially love the music of our Church and have recorded two CD’s of Byzantine Chant in English and Greek. I feel so blessed to have been able to do this. Music is very powerful and I feel a calling to make our Byzantine music more available to people. My parents taught me through their example to use my gifts to glorify God. In this way, we spread joy and love and find our purpose in this life. Fr. Chris and I have been so blessed to have our sons, Nicholas, 13, and Michael, 11. It is so incredible to watch them grow in Christ, and use their talents to glorify God. We are so proud of them. While it is my priority to care for them, it is still important to continue to grow as a person. It is important for my children to see me grow as a person, too. So, I manage to continue practicing music. And although it is certainly a blessing to practice Byzantine music, I also love Classical, Musical Theater, Greek Art and Folk Songs, and popular songs. And I serve the Church by singing in our Choir, conducting the Youth Choir, leading Women’s Faith and Fellowship discussion, teaching Greek School, and teaching voice and piano privately. Sometimes I am invited to sing at other Churches throughout the Archdiocese, and it really is rewarding. When God gives you a gift, it is important to give it back. With Cable and Internet TV, another vehicle is available to get the message of the Gospel out to the world. Fr. Chris and I discuss topics that pertain to our lives and faith in a show called “Orthodox Life Today”, broadcast right here in Andover on Cable TV and on the Internet through our YouTube channel. Check it out. My parents are wonderful and have filled my life with love and warmth. They have taught me through their example what really matters in life. With the grace of God, they showed me how to find my purpose. It is my desire to do the same for my sons. With the wonderful man I married, it is happening. Glory to God! The Word Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor 2 The Word - July/August, 2012 The Bookstore Parish Council Notes Dear Friends, Much of the Parish Council’s June meeting focused on plans for our upcoming Greek Festival. A two-day event is planned this year (September 15 and 16) which will offer all the usual fun-filled and delicious attractions. We hope you have marked your calendars and told your friends and neighbors about it. And better still, we hope you have carved out at least an hour or two to volunteer. Andrea Zaimes, Pam Smith and other Festival Committee members stand ready to sign you up for what will be a wonderful display of food and culture. However, it’s made wonderful largely by the coming together of our entire community which is needed to staff the Festival’s many features. List-serve notices will be issued throughout the summer seeking your support and donations, so watch for them! We wish to inform parishioners that the bookstore will be closed for the months of July and August, opening again the Sunday after Labor Day, September 9th. Also, we are planning to be available for Festival attendees during the weekend of September 15th. Do come by and say hello and view some of our new items. If, during the summer you find that you need something we could help you with, please feel free to e-mail me at [email protected]. Elaine Demetroulakos Bookstore Manager The Andover Country Day School has moved into the classroom area, and is getting ready for its opening on September 17. They will spend the summer unpacking and preparing for the start of the school year. We welcome the program which has educated children ages 2.9 to 5 for over 43 years. In getting ready for them, we did a good deal of housekeeping and rearranging of storage areas, which was badly needed. If you take a walk through in early or mid-September, I think you’ll enjoy seeing the area that will house the School as well as our own Sunday school and Greek school children. We hope you are enjoying the season, and will continue to come to church in July and August. While Fr. Chris is on Sabbatical leave, visiting clergy will celebrate liturgy with us each week. Happy Summer! Ed George, Parish Council President Greek School Graduation Metropolis of Boston (MBC) Summer Camp 2012 (for youth ages 8-18) Family Camp: July 5th-July 8th All ages, campers under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult) Session 2: July 9-July 15, Youth Session: Ages 8 - 18 Session 3: July 16-July 22, Youth Session: Ages 8 - 18 Session 4: July 23-July 29, Youth Session: Ages 8 - 18 Session 5: July 30-August 5, Youth Session: Ages 8 - 18 Session 6: August 6-August 12, Youth Session: Ages 8 - 18 3 The Word - July/August, 2012 Save The Date Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church Philoptochos Floral Workshop Fundraiser October 18, 2012 7:00 PM Looking for a little something special to Spice up your holiday table?? Join us for a fun-filled workshop on how to Add a cute showpiece to your holidays! Philoptochos I, along with Diane Miminos, will be attending the Clergy-Laity conference in Phoenix, Arizona, July 1-4. We are both looking forward to meeting with sisters from chapters all over the country. In the fall I will report back on the exciting news from the conference. Katie Cook and Irene Rooks are busily planning our fall fundraiser set for October 18th. Elaina Berry will be teaching us how we can make a beautiful fall floral display. Save the date and remember to bring a friend! The Word Volume 14, Issue 6 Published monthly except August and January by Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church, 71 Chandler Road Andover, MA 01810 Phone 978-470-0919 vFax 978-470-0239 The date of our annual potluck dinner in September has not been determined yet as I am waiting for school open house dates to be set to prevent a conflict. Look for the date in the September The Word. Periodicals postage paid at Andover, MA. Permit No. 022-997. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Sts. Constantine & Helen Church. I wish you all a restful, happy summer. With Sisterly Love, Sandra Spanos Johnson Elizabeth Xaros Bigelow, Editor. [email protected] 4 The Word - July/August, 2012 High School and College Graduates 2012 High School Graduates We are proud of you! College Graduates John Bigelow - UMass-Amherst/B.S. in Chemical Engineering Philip Johnson - Boston College Athena Lynch - Simmons College/B.S. in Nursing (cum laude) Kathryn McArdle - Suffolk University/B.S. in Journalism Alexa Moccia -- Boston University Vincent Patsios - Endicott College Matthew Pescatore -Doctorate in Pharmacy/University of Rhode Island (summa cum laude) Michael Primes - Bentley University/B.S.Finance (magna cum laude) Victoria Vasilakis - UMass-Amherst/Commonwealth Honors College (summa cum laude) 5 Nicole Callahan - UMass Amherst Karina Camargo - College of the Holy Cross Panos Coufos - Northeastern University Tory Gabriello - Fairfield University Jason Jani - Fairfield University Colin Johnson - Trinity College Nicholas Kalantzakos - Plymouth State College George Pantazopoulos - Lesley University Alexandra Popken - Pace University Nicholas Rogers - University of Denver Charles Serpa - Fairfield University Samantha Spalaris - Johnson & Wales University Nicole Zohdi - Boston University The Word - July/August, 2012 Stewardship Sunday School News The Gift of Giving by Dr. Charles Stanley Sunday School Updates We hope you are all having a wonderful summer vacation! We had a great Sunday school graduation day followed by the family picnic. Right now we are busy preparing for our Vacation Church School Adventure! We hope you can all make it! Do you respond immediately to a need by saying, “What can I do? How can I help solve this need?” You may have the gift of giving. Sunday School Calendar Ahead: August 6-8 – Vacation Church School A person in the Bible who exemplifies the gift of giving is Matthew. There are several reasons I believe Matthew had this gift. First, he has more to say in general about giving than any other New Testament writer. Second, he offers more wise counsel about giving, and he is the only one who makes the statement that our giving should be done in “secret.” And third, he is the one who addresses the issue of misuse of money and resources. As you look at the Gospel of Matthew, you will find a great deal of information about money, finances, material possessions and the proper use of our resources. Welcome to the Andover Country Day School! The Andover Country Day School has moved in! They will be settling in over the next month or two and getting set up for the start of school in September. The downstairs will be very colorful and busy! Thank you all for your help in preparing for the arrival of our new community members. Please see me if you have any questions or concerns. We may not have thought everything through and will welcome any questions and suggestions to make it a rewarding and welcoming relationship. Characteristics of someone with the gift of giving: · Thrifty - they will spend their money wisely, not wasting money that could otherwise be used for ministry purposes. · Resourceful - they will find a way to see a need met. · Contented - they will be content with what they have. · Punctual - they recognize that it is better to meet a need quickly than to allow a need to grow into an even greater need that requires more resources. · Tolerant - they can often “give and take” in areas where others sometimes find it difficult to be flexible. · Cautious - They often research carefully their investments. · Thankful - They appreciate what they have and are grateful when they are used by God to meet a need. Vacation Church School! The Amazing Desert Journey! Please register your students’ participation in Vacation Church School this summer from August 6-8. It is a great time for students to enrich their faith during the summer season through lessons, singing, crafts, games, dinner, and fellowship. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Dorothy Hatzikonstantis or Diana Koster, especially if you plan to stay each night while waiting for your children. Join the fun! QUICK REGISTRATION!!! Just email us with your children’s name(s), age, t-shirt size and any allergies. We’ll get them enrolled and just fill out the formal registration form the first night! Email Lynne Karagianes at [email protected] . Have a Wonderful and Safe Summer! Excerpt from Ministering Through Spiritual Gifts Mrs. Hatzikonstantis [email protected] VESTMENTS DONATON Fr. Christopher will be ordering one new set of vestments from Greece. If anyone is interested in donating them, approximately $900, please call the church office and speak to Karen, or speak to Fr. Christopher upon his return from Sabbatical. THANK YOU! To Arthur & Diane Demoulas – Stadium Liquors for their generous donation of Communion Wine Thank you. 6 The Word - July/August, 2012 ότι όλες τις θεραπείες και τα θαύματα τα επιτελούσαν με μαγικές τέχνες. Τότε οι Άγιοι εμφανίσθηκαν στον αυτοκράτορα όπου όχι μόνο ομολόγησαν την πίστη τους αλλά και κατάφεραν να αλλάξουν και τον ίδιο μετά τις θεραπευτικές τους ενέργεις και στον ίδιο. Συγκεκριμένα, ότνα ο Καρίνος ανέκρινε τους Άγίους το πρόσωπο του μετατοπίστηκε προς την ράχη του. Επανήλθε όμως μετά την προσευχή των Αγίων. Όσοι είδαν το θαύμα εκείνη την στιγμή πίστεψαν και ο Καρίνος τους έστειλε πίσω στους συγγενείς τους με τιμές. Δυστυχώς όμως φθονήθηκαν και από τον ίδιο τον δάσκαλό τους που τους είχε μάθει την ιατρική επιστήμη, γιατί είχαν αποκτήσει πολλή δόξα. Αυτός τους προσκάλεσε σε ένα βουνό για να μαζέψουν δήθεν κάποια θεραπευτικά βότανα και εκεί βρήκε ευκαιρία και τους θανάτωσε. 7 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ Η ΑΓΙΑ ΚΥΡΙΑΚΗ Η Αγία Κυριακή ήταν κόρη τουΔωροθέου και της Ευσεβίας. Αυτοί ήταν άτεκνοι και παρακαλούσαν τον Θεό να τους δώσει παιδί. Πράγματι, αυτός ευδόκησε και το χριστιανικό ζευγάρι απέκτησε ένα κοριτσάκι. Γεννήθηκε ημέρα Κυριακή για αυτό και της έδωσαν το όνομα Κυριακή. Κατά τον διωγμό του Διοκλητιανού, το έτος 282μ.χ. οι γονείς της συνελήφθησαν, και μετά από ανάκριση βασανίστηκαν και αποκεφαλίστηκαν από τον Δούκα Ιούστο. Η δε Κυριακή παραπέφθηκε στον Καίσαρα Μαξιμιανό και από εκεί στον άρχοντα Βιθυνίας Ιλαριανό, ο οποίος της υπενθύμισε ότι η ομορφιά της είναι για απολαύσεις και όχι για βασανιστήρια. Τότε η Κυριακή του απάντησ娨 « Ούτε στην ομορφιά μου , ούτε στην νεότητά μου δίνω την παραμικρή προσοχή. Και τα λαμπρότερα από τα επίγεια είναι προσωρινά. Σήμερα έπαρχε είμαι όμορφη, αύριο μια άσχημη γριά. Να κάνω λοιπόν κέντρο της ζωής μου την ομορφιά μου? Για αυτό στο λέω έπαρχε¨ήμουν και θα είμαι πάντα χριστιανή». Εξοργισμένος ο επάρχος έδωσε διαταγή να την βασανίσουν σκληρά και τέλος να την αποκεφαλίσουν. Αλλά εκείνη παρέδωσε το πνεύμα της στον Κύριο πριν ακόμη αποκεφαλιστεί. Απολυτίκιο ‘Αγιοι Ανάργυροι και θαυματουργοί επισκέψασθε τας ασθενείας ημών, δωρεά ελάβατε δωρεά δότε ημίν. 27 ΙΟΥΛΙΟΥ ΑΓΙΟΙ ΚΟΣΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΔΑΜΙΑΝΟΣ ΟΙ ΑΝΑΡΓΥΡΟΙ Οι Άγιοι Κοσμάς και Δαμιανός ήταν ιατροί στο επάγγελμα και παρείχαν ιάσεις σε όσους είχαν ανάγκη. Για αντάλλαγμα δεν έπαιρναν χρήματα αλλά ζητούσαν από τους ασθενείς τους να πιστέψουν στον Χριστό. Κάποιοι όμως διέβαλαν τους Αγίους στον αυτοκράτορα 7 The Word - July/August, 2012 PLACEMAT SPONSORSHIPS FOR OUR ANNUAL GREEK FESTIVAL!! June 2012 Dear Friends, Our parish Annual Grecian Festival will take place the weekend of September 15th and 16th at Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church of Andover, MA. An important component of the festival will be the PLACEMAT SPONSORSHIP. The placemats will be placed on every food tray and will be seen by thousands who will attend the festival throughout the weekend. We kindly ask that you consider becoming a sponsor by submitting your business card or personal greeting. A $250 donation will reserve your space on the placemat. Be sure to act quickly as there is limited room on the placemat. All festival proceeds will benefit the many ministries of the parish. Please keep in mind we can only accept business cards and personal greetings in black and white due to copying constraints. Kindly complete and return the form to the address on the bottom of the form together with your check payable to: “Sts. Constantine & Helen Church” no later than September 1, 2012. If there are any questions or if you would like to send your sponsorship via email, please call 978-375-9976 or email: [email protected]. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to seeing you at the festival! Sincerely, Nicholas T. Miminos Fr. Christopher Makiej Placemat Chairman Parish Priest ____________________________________________________________________________________ Name_______________________________________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________________________________ Telephone___________________________________________________________________________ ( ) Business Card Enclosed Greeting_____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 8 The Word - July/August, 2012 9 The Word - July/August, 2012 STS. CONSTANTINE & HELEN VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL 2012 EMERGENCY CONTACT/ALLERGY INFORMATION (Please print) Name: _________________________________DOB _______Age ___ Medications your child is allergic to: ______________________________________________________________ Does your child have any food allergies? ___________ If yes, please list them and give details. ______________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________DOB _______Age ___ Medications your child is allergic to: ______________________________________________________________ Does your child have any food allergies? ___________ If yes, please list them and give details. ______________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________DOB _______Age ___ Medications your child is allergic to: ______________________________________________________________ Does your child have any food allergies? ___________ If yes, please list them and give details. ______________________________________________________________ Name: _________________________________DOB _______Age ___ Medications your child is allergic to: _____________________________________________________________ Does your child have any food allergies? ___________ If yes, please list them and give details. ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian(s): __________________________________________ Phone Number(s) where you can be reached during VCS: __________________ _________________ _________________ Please list an adult familiar with your child that we may call in an emergency if you cannot be reached. Name: _________________________ Phone #: _________________ 10 The Word - July/August, 2012 Mon – Wed August 6th – 8th 5:00 - 8:00 pm Saints For Children Constantine and Helen Ages 4-12 Greek Orthodox Church Invite a Friend! THE AMAZING DESERT JOURNEY! Join us for three evenings full of fun, fellowship, lessons, arts & crafts, music & singing, games & recreation, and spiritual growth. PLEASE...register by July 27th. The cost is $25 per child or $50 per family. Food, prizes and a theme T-shirt are included. (T-shirts are not guaranteed with late registration.) Questions or Want to Volunteer? Contact Diana Koster, (781) 942-1992, [email protected] or Dorothy Hatzikonstantis, 978-851-8604, [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------Cut and send Form to: Sts Constantine & Helen Church - VCS, 71 Chandler Rd., Andover, MA, 01810 Make check payable to Saints Constantine & Helen Church VCS VCS REGISTRATION FORM Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________ Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________ Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________ Name: ____________________________________________ Age: ____________ Address: ___________________________________________ Phone: _________________ T-shirt Sizes & Quantities: Youth 6/8 (YS) ____ 10/12 (YM) ____ 14/16 (YL) ____ 16/18 (YXL)/Adult S ____ Adult M____ Adult L ____ Parent's Name: ______________________________ Email: __________________________ 11 The Word - July/August, 2012 July 2012 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Sunday 1 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 Monday 2 Wednesday Tuesday 3 4 Thursday 5 Friday Saturday 6 7 Metropolis Family Camp July 5 - 8 8 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 Metropolis Summer Camp July 9 - 15 Session 2 15 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 16 Metropolis Summer Camp July 16 - 22 Session 3 22 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 23 Metropolis Summer Camp July 23 - 29 Session 4 29 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 30 31 Metropolis Summer Camp July 30 - Aug 5 Session 5 12 The Word - July/August, 2012 August 2012 Saints Constantine and Helen Greek Orthodox Church Monday 5 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 6 Wednesday Tuesday Dormition of the Theotokos Sunday 7 Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 Metropolis Summer Camp Aug 6 - Aug 12 Session 6 Vacation Church School 12 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 20 21 Parish Council Mtg. 7:15 pm 22 23 24 25 26 Orthros 8:30 Liturgy 9:30 27 28 29 30 31 13 The Word - July/August, 2012 Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church September 16 and 17 th th There is something for everyone to enjoy! Greek food, Music and dancing, a market place, church tours, children’s games and much more. There are many ways for all parishioners, young & Old, Big & Small, to help make this festival a huge Success! Food Prep Sessions: Spanakopita, Pastichio, Moussaka, Pastry Advertising and Publicity Church Grounds Clean up and pruning Cooking Demonstrations Donations coordinator Kid’s Area Marketplace coordinator…….and so much more!! Let us know early if you would like to be a part of our church’s largest event of the year Saints Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church 71 Chandler Road Andover MA 01810 Periodical 14
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