MB0050-Research Methodology

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Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester 3
MB0050-Research Methodology
(Book ID: B1700)
Assignment (60 Marks)
Note: Answer all questions must be written within 300 to 400 words each. Each Question carries 10
marks 6 X 10=60
Q1. What do you mean by Focus Group Discussion? Explain the key elements of a focus group.
Answer. Focus Group Discussions
Exploratory analysis is carried out by discussions with individuals associated with the problem under study.
This technique is actively used in business research. In a typical focus group, there is a carefully selected
small set of individual’s representative of the larger respondent population under study. It is called a focus
group as the selected members discuss the concerned topic for the duration of 90 minutes to, sometimes,
Q2. Discuss the concepts involved in Testing of Hypothesis. Also discuss the steps involved in testing the
Answer. Concepts in Testing of Hypothesis:
Null hypothesis: The hypotheses that are proposed with the intent of receiving a rejection for them are
called null hypotheses. In this we hypothesize the opposite of what is desired to be proved. For example, if
we want to show that sales and advertisement expenditure are related, we formulate the null hypothesis
that they are not related.
Q3. What do you mean by exploratory research design? Explain the types of exploratory research
Answer. Exploratory research, as the name states, intends merely to explore the research questions and
does not intend to offer final and conclusive solutions to existing problems.
Conducted in order to determine the nature of the problem, exploratory research is not intended to
provide conclusive evidence, but helps us to have a better understanding of the problem. Saunders et al.
Q4. Explain the Structure of the Research Report. What are the guidelines for effective report writing?
Answer. Structure of the Research Report
The reporting requires a structured format and by and large, the process is standardized. As stated above,
the major difference amongst the types of reports is that all the elements that make a research report
would be present only in a detailed technical report. Usage of theoretical and technical jargon would be
higher in the technical report and visual presentation of data would be higher in the management report.
Q5. Explain the any three types of comparative and non-comparative scales of each in detail.
Answer. A comparative scale is an ordinal or rank order scale that can also be referred to as a non-metric
scale. Respondents evaluate two or more objects at one time and objects are directly compared with one
another as part of the measuring process. For example you could ask someone if they prefer listening to
MP3s through a Zune or an iPod. You could take it a step further and add some other MP3 player brands to
the comparison. MP3 players would be scaled relative to each other and the scale position of any one
player would depend on the the scale position of the remaining players. Because they are being compared
Q6. What do you mean by Research Problem? Explain the steps involved in research problem
identification process.
Answer. Specifying the research question is one of the first methodological steps the investigator has to
take when undertaking research. The research question must be accurately and clearly defined.
Choosing a research question is the central element of both quantitative and qualitative research and in
some cases it may precede construction of the conceptual framework of study. In all cases, it makes the
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