IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS THE MISSING LINK Rome, Italy | May 29-30, 2015 Palazzo delle Esposizioni Chairmen: V. Poletti, C. Saltini, E. Puxeddu IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS THE MISSING LINK Note Rome, Italy | May 29-30, 2015 FACULTY Carlo Albera, Torino Massimo Amicosante, Roma Vittorio Enrico Avvedimento, Napoli Elena Bargagli, Siena Martina Bonifazi, Ancona Zea Borok, Los Angeles – CA (USA) Mark L. Brantly, Gainesville – FL (USA) E. Campagnano, Foggia Mathieu Cellier, Laval (CDN) Paolo Cianciulli, Roma Elena Corradini, Modena Ulrich Costabel, Essen (DE) Bruno Crestani, Paris (FR) Donato Di Pierro, Roma Federica Di Sano, Roma Marco L. Dottorini, Perugia Armando Gabrielli, Ancona Paolo Graziano, San Giovanni Rotondo (FG) Jan C. Grutters, Maastricht (NL) Sergio Alfonso Harari, Milano Fabrizio Luppi, Modena Francesca Mariani, Roma Joachim Müller Querneim, Freiburg (DE) Venerino Poletti, Forlì Ermanno Puxeddu, Roma Alberto Ricci, Roma Luca Richeldi, Southampton (UK) Paola Rottoli, Siena Cesare Saltini, Gainesville – FL (USA) Alessandro Sanduzzi Zamparelli, Napoli Federica Carla Sangiuolo, Roma Alfredo Sebastiani, Roma Sara Tomassetti, Forlì Dominique Valeyre, Paris (FR) Carlo Vancheri, Catania Francesco Varone, Roma Liana Veneziano, Roma Maurizio Zompatori, Bologna IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS THE MISSING LINK Rome, Italy | May 29-30, 2015 PROGRAM FRIDAY, May 29th 09.30-10.00 Lecture 10.00-10.30 SATURDAY, May 30th Welcome address Introduction C. Saltini Hereditary Hemochromatosis: a disease model E. Corradini SESSION 1 OXIDATIVE STRESS & FIBROSIS 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.00 12.00-12.30 Oxidants, antioxidants and Fibrosis Oxidative stress, EMT and Fibrosis Insights from Familial IPF Discussion 12.30-13.30 Lunch Chair: P. Rottoli E. Bargagli Z. Borok B. Crestani M. Bonifazi, E. Campagnano, F. Di Sano Macrophage phenotype in lung disease The “iron signature” The “BCG gene” Discussion 15.30-16.00 Coffee Break Chair: E. Puxeddu J. Müller Querneim F. Mariani M. Cellier P. Cianciulli, E. Puxeddu, A. Ricci SESSION 3 GENES AND MECHANISMS OF FIBROSIS Chair: E. V. Avvedimento, F. Sangiuolo 16.00-16.30 16.30-17.00 17.00-17.30 17.30-18.00 Chair: C. Albera 09.00-09.30 09.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 Classification a clinical appraisal Confident HRCT? Diagnostic tissue markers Genetic diagnostic markers Discussion 11.30-12.00 Coffee Break D. Valeyre M. Zompatori P. Graziano J. C. Grutters M. Dottorini, S. Tomassetti, F. Varone SESSION 5 TREATMENT Chair: C. Vancheri SESSION 2 BIOLOGY OF IRON 13.30-14.00 14.00-14.30 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 SESSION 4 DIAGNOSIS OF PULMONARY FIBROSIS, WHAT’S NEW? Alveolar macrophages and the UPR M. Brantly The PDGF, WINT WIF TGFB path A. Gabrielli Gene-environment interaction leading to fibrogenic injury C. Saltini Discussion M. Amicosante, D. Di Pierro, L. Veneziano 12.00-12.30 12.30-13.00 13.00-13.30 13.30-14.00 14.00-14.30 Pirfenidone, from trial to real life Nintedanib, clinical prospectives Out of proportion hypertension Treating IPF tomorrow Discussion 14.30 Closing round table From the bench to the bedside V. Poletti U. Costabel S. A. Harari L. Richeldi F. Luppi, A. Sanduzzi, A. Sebastiani IPF V. Poletti, L. Richeldi, C. Saltini IDIOPATHIC PULMONARY FIBROSIS THE MISSING LINK REGISTRATION FORM Note Rome, Italy | May 29-30, 2015 Please read the information in the program. Return complete form and payment to: AIPO Ricerche srl - Via Antonio da Recanate, 2 - 20121 MILANO (Italy) Tel. +39 02 36590350 - Fax +39 02 67382337 - [email protected] PERSONAL DATA Family Name Profession: First Name Other (specity) Physician Specialty For Italian participants only Codice Fiscale Date of birth Place of birth ADDRESS Department Hospital/Institution/University Street Postal Code Contry City Phone Fax REGISTRATION FEE @ E-mail PAYMENT Medical Doctor Euro 350,00 + VAT The registration fee includes: · admission to scientific sessions · congress kit · coffee breaks and working lunch Payment of registration fee should be in Euros: By Bank Transfer Holder: AIPO Ricerche srl Bank: Intesa San Paolo IBAN: IT12A0306909515615231271831 SWIFT BIC: BC IT IT 33127 DETAILS FOR INVOICE TO Invoice be made out to: Invoice to be send to: Street Postal Code Street City Country For Italian partecipants only Postal Code City Country P. IVA With reference to the Decreto Legislativo 196/2003 pertaining the safeguard of personal information, I authorize AIPO Ricerche srl to use my information NOTICE strictly for the purpose of managing my attendance to the event in question. Date Signature PROVIDER NAZIONALE n°442 SOCIETÀ SCIENTIFICA CERTIFICATA UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 PER LA PROGETTAZIONE, GESTIONE ED EROGAZIONE DI EVENTI FORMATIVI E CONGRESSI NELL’AMBITO SANITARIO E NELL’EDUCAZIONE CONTINUA IN MEDICINA (IAF37) Certificato TÜV Italia N. 501004504 - Rev. 05 AIPO DICHIARA CHE LE ATTIVITÀ ECM SONO SVOLTE IN MANIERA AUTONOMA ASSUMENDOSI LA RESPONSABILITÀ DEI CONTENUTI FORMATIVI, DELLA QUALITÀ SCIENTIFICA E DELLA CORRETTEZZA ETICA DI DETTE ATTIVITÀ CHAIRMEN Cesare Saltini University of Florida, Gainesville - FL (USA) Venerino Poletti U.O. Pneumologia Ospedale G.B. Morgagni - L. Pierantoni, Forlì Luca Richeldi Professor of Respiratory Medicine University of Southampton (UK) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Gabriella Pezzuto, Policlinico Universitario “Tor Vergata” Roma Ermanno Puxeddu, Università degli Studi di Roma “Tor Vergata” Alfredo Sebastiani, Ospedale S. Camillo-Forlanini, Roma Francesco Varone, Policlinico “A. Gemelli”, Roma CONFERENCE VENUE Palazzo delle Esposizioni Via Milano, 9 - Roma CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (CME) Continuing Medical Education (CME) accreditation will be available for only Italian medical specialist. The event has been insert in the Continuing Medical Education Planning AIPO 2015 Provider 442 To certificate CME Credits participants must attend 100% of the Scientific Program OFFICIAL LANGUAGE ENGLISH ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT Via Antonio da Recanate, 2 – 20124 MILANO Tel. +39 02 36590350 – Fax +39 02 67382337 [email protected] Dal 2004 al servizio della Pneumologia Italiana [email protected]
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