November 6th
Symposium with OTODI/SIOT
Symposium with GSP/ATBV
Oral communications
Novo Nordisk lunch session
Plenary session
SISET General Assembly
Bayer and Aspen Italia sponsored lectures
Poster manning
Opening ceremony
November 7th
Meet the expert sessions
Joint symposium with GTH
Symposium with FADOI/CCVS
Symposium with SIBIOC/SIMEL
St. Jude Medical lunch session
Baxter lunch session
State of the art lectures
State of the art lectures
Symposium with FCSA
Symposium with AICE
Kedrion satellite symposium
BMS-Pfizer satellite symposium
Oral communications
Poster manning
November 8th
Meet the expert sessions
Joint symposium with GEHT
Symposium with SIAARTI
Symposium with ANMCO
Kedrion/LFB lunch session
State of the art lectures
State of the art lectures
Symposium with SIMI-SIAPAV
Symposium with SIE-SIES-SIMTI
Boehringer Ingelheim sponsored lecture
Oral communications
November 9th
Joint symposium with NVTH
Oral communications
Round Table DOACs in Europe
Closing ceremony
Giovedì 6 Novembre, 2014
09:30-11:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Moderatori: Licia Iacoviello (Pozzilli), Franco Piovella (Pavia)
09:30 – 09:45 D. Prisco (Firenze)
La SISET e le Società Ortopediche: un'alleanza per elevare gli standard
della profilassi del tromboembolismo venoso
09:45 – 10:00 F. Biggi (Belluno)
Problematiche emorragiche e trombotiche in ortopedia e traumatologia:
quando è necessaria la consulenza dell'esperto di emostasi e trombosi
10:00 – 10:15 E. Romanini (Roma)
Profilassi del tromboembolismo venoso in ortopedia e traumatologia:
quando manca l'evidenza. Esperienze del gruppo di lavoro del II
Consenso intersocietario
10:15 – 10:30 F. Lussana (Bergamo)
La prevalenza di iperomocisteinemia grave nei pazienti con sospetta
10:30 – 10:45 D. Imberti (Piacenza)
Gestione delle emorragie cerebrali nei pazienti in terapia con AVK:
risultati dello studio PROMPT
10:45 – 11:00 L. Liberato (Pavia)
L'esperto di emostasi e trombosi: è possibile un'analisi economica?
09:30-11:00 (Sala Volta)
Moderatori: Marco Cattaneo (Milano), Vincenzo Toschi (Milano)
09:30 – 09:45 G. de Gaetano (Pozzilli)
Variabili che influenzano il conteggio piastrinico nei soggetti sani
09:45 – 10:00 C. Balduini (Pavia)
Volume piastrinico medio: un fattore di rischio trombotico?
10:00 – 10:15 P. Gresele (Perugia)
Infezione da HIV e piastrine
10:15 – 10:30 M. Camera (Milano)
Eterogeneità piastrinica: significato fisiopatologico e clinico
10:30 – 10:45 G. Patti (Roma)
Microparticelle particelle circolanti come possibili target nelle sindromi
coronariche acute
10:45 – 11:00 C. Becattini (Perugia)
Aterotrombosi, tromboembolismo venoso e antiaggreganti
11:00-12:30 Comunicazioni orali
Hemophilia and rare bleeding disorders. I (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Massimo Morfini (Firenze), Ezio Zanon (Padova)
First Author
F. A. Scaraggi
E. Zanon
A. Coppola
M. E. Mancuso
A. Cannavò
L. Baronciani
M. R. Fasulo
G. Lassandro
M. T. Pagliari
Real-life use of high and standard initial doses of activated recombinant Factor VII (rFVIIa) in
patients with haemophilia A and B with inhibitors – data from the UKHCDO/NHD registry
"Short-term prophylaxis" regimen with activated prothrombin complex concentrate is effective in
the prevention of bleeding relapse in Acquired Haemophilia
Treatment for preventing bleeding in people with congenital bleeding disorders undergoing
surgery: a systematic review of randomised controlled trials
Thrombin generation assay (TGA) in patients with hemophilia A without inhibitors undergoing
total knee replacement
Co-morbidities in ageing patients with hemophilia and HIV infection: a new challenge for
hemophilia treaters
Biochemical characterization of four mutations in the a3 domain of von willebrand factor causing
von willebrand disease type 2m in 8 italian unrelated patients
Bleeding symptoms or bleeding disorder? That is the question
Biochemical markers of bone turnover in a cohort of Italian children with Haemophilia A
Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) Type 1 mutation p.R1379C and the previously reported
polymorphism p.A1377V synergistically determinate a 2M phenotype in four unrelated Italian
Platelets. I (Sala Volta)
Chairmen: Carlo Balduini (Milano), Pietro Minuz (Verona)
First Author
M. Scavone
K. Germanovich
C. Massacesi
S. La Barba
R. Pepe
M. R. Cozzi
Does the inhibition of P2Y12 inhibit the production of thromboxane A2 by platelets?
Evaluation of a novel flow cytometric bead assay for VASP phosphorylation in сlopidogrel treated
Endogenous Secretory RAGE in Obese Women: Association with Oxidative Stress and Platelet
Circulating MRP 8/14 is related to thromboxane-dependent platelet activation in patients with
acute coronary syndrome, with and without ongoing low-dose aspirin treatment
Circulating Dickkopf-1 in Diabetes Mellitus: Association with Platelet Activation. Effects of
Improved Metabolic Control and low-dose Aspirin
Visualization of nitric oxide production by individual platelets during adhesion in flowing blood
E. Danese
I. Massimi
A. Lecchi
Pharmacokinetics of clopidogrel active metabolite is the major determinant of VASP
phosphorylation in patients with coronary artery disease
Platelet MRP4 over-expression and platelet activation in Hereditary Thrombocytosis
Identification of a patient with bleeding diathesis, associated with a dysfunctional platelet P2Y12
Thrombosis and thrombophilia. I (Sala Verdi)
Chairmen: Alessandro Squizzato (Varese), Pasquale Pignatelli (Roma)
First Author
A. Di Castelnuovo
R. Paniccia
A. Squizzato
C. Radu
F. Sampietro
A. R. Corno
E. Campello
M. Brambilla
I. Romagnuolo
Plasma tissue factor levels and risk of stroke: findings from the EPICOR study
Hypercoagulability is associated with residual platelet reactivity in ACS patient on dual
antiplatelet therapy
Incidence of post-operative arterial thrombosis in patients undergoing total hip or total knee
arthroplasty treated with non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants or enoxaparin: a
systematic review and a meta-analysis of the literature
Endothelial microparticles in pre-eclamspia: a case-control study
A 5-year experience of testing for heparin induced thrombocytopenia(HIT)-antibodies in a
University Hospital
Two novel mutations responsible for antithrombin deficiency
Circulating procoagulant microparticles in obese patients before and after weight loss
Captopril downregulates circulating Tissue Factor expression in stroke-prone rats
Genetic profile in women with history of adverse pregnancy outcomes: insights into future
vascular risk
Anticoagulant treatment. I (Sala Leonardo)
Chairmen: Sophie Testa (Cremona), Luca Masotti (Cecina)
First Author
M. Suriano
S. Barco
E. M. Fiorelli
G.L. Mendolicchio
M. Di Napoli
N. Riva
E. Antonucci
L. Masotti
O. Paoletti
Improvement of the time in the therapeutic range (TTR) after a psycho-educational course in
patients on oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT)
In-vivo reversal of the anticoagulant effect of rivaroxaban with 4-factor prothrombin complex
Retrospective study of patients' persistence to treatment with vitamin K antagonists in the
setting of an anticoagulation clinic in Italy
Unique antithrombotic mechanism of direct FXa inhibitors potentially preserving hemostasis
Efficacy of four-factor (4F-PCC) and three-factor prothrombin (3F-PCC) complex concentrate in
patients on vitamin K antagonists presenting with intracerebral hemorrhage: a retrospective,
plasma-controlled, study
Risk factors for major and clinically relevant non major bleeding during vitamin K antagonist
treatment: a retrospective cohort study
Low incidence of bleeding events in a "real world", vitamin K antagonist-treated patient
population: results from the start-register
Three factors prothrombin complex concentrates for the urgent reversal of vitamin K
antagonists related intracranial bleedings: systematic review of published data by Italian
Centers from 2004 to 2013
DOAC plasma levels in the real world patients compared with results obtained in phase II-III
Venous thromboembolism. I (Sala Bramante)
Chairmen: Benilde Cosmi (Bologna), Antonietta I Piana (Genova)
First Author
S. Riondino
G. Catania
S. Barbar
F. Dentali
F. Dentali
B. Cosmi
E. Campello
M. P. Donadini
C. Arturo
VTE predictive value of platelet indexes in chemotherapy-treated cancer patients
Dose adjustment of low molecular weight heparins (LMWH) improves pregnancy outcome in
thrombophilic women
Thromboprophylaxis in medical hospitalized patients with cancer
Incidence of pulmonary embolism in Northern Italy: epidemiological data from 2 macro-regions
Trends in clinical outcome of pulmonary embolism in Northern Italy: epidemiological data from 2
Risk factors for cancer development after idiopathic venous thromboembolism
Prothrombotic and prognostic potential of circulating microparticles in pancreatic cancer: a
prospective evaluation
Low-risk Pulmonary Embolism and Length of Hospital-stay: the LoRPELHs
Incidence and risk assessment for venous thromboembolism in ambulatory patients with cancer:
the ONCOTEV trial
13.00-14.00 Lunch session sponsorizzata da Novo Nordisk (Sala Leonardo)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Malattie emorragiche congenite ed acquisite: l’innovazione nella tradizione
Moderatore: Dr. Giancarlo Castaman
Prima lettura: Dr. Marietta
rFVIIa: siamo sicuri di saper proprio tutto?
Seconda Lettura: Dr.ssa Schinco
Novita' in Emofilia A: turoctocog alfa
14:00-16:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Armando D’Angelo (Milano), Anna Falanga (Bergamo)
14:00 – 14:20 F. Violi (Roma)
Pneumonia and thrombosis: an emergent new clinical model
14:20 – 14:40 M. B. Donati (Pozzilli)
Cancer and thrombosis: in memoriam of Roberto Lorenzet
14:40 – 15:00 M. Cattaneo (Milano)
ADP platelet receptors: structure and function
15:00 – 15:20 D. Prisco (Firenze)
Behçet syndrome as a model of inflammatory thrombosis
15:20 – 15:40 G. Palareti (Bologna)
Venous thrombosis confined to the calf: what we know and what to do
15:40 – 16:00 F. Rodeghiero (Vicenza) Back to the phenotype in the post-genetics era ?
Coffee Break
Assemblea Generale soci SISET (Sala Manzoni)
17:30-18:00 Lettura sponsorizzata da Bayer (Sala Manzoni)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Rivaroxaban: efficacia e sicurezza della mono somministrazione nella FANV e il "single drug approach"
nella EP e TVP
Relatore: E. Tiraferri (Rimini)
18:00-18:30 Lettura sponsorizzata da Aspen Italia (Sala Manzoni)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatore: D. Imberti (Piacenza)
Il ruolo di Fondaparinux nella Sindrome Coronarica Acuta e nell'Embolia Polmonare
Relatore: M. Lettino (Milano)
Poster Manning (è indicato il corresponding author)
Hemophilia, rare bleeding disorders, VWD and platelets
P-1 M. Marzolo. Efficacy of bevacizumab in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia (Rendu Osler syndrome): a case
P-2 C. A. E. Novelli. Implementation of a massive haemorrhage protocol: the Legnano experience
P-3 M. Morfini. On-demand treatment costs of Italian haemophilia patients with inhibitors: an exploratory lifetime
economic model
P-4 M. Morfini. Structural comparison of a new recombinant rFVIII molecule, turoctocog alfa, and commercially
available FVIII products
P-5 E. Santagostino. Overview of a global clinical trial programme with turoctocog alfa, a new recombinant factor
VIII: the guardian TM programme
P-6 A. Nardo. Low-titre inhibitor in a severe haemophilic patient with septic arthritis and a history of coronary artery
P-7 C. Berbenni. In-vitro characterisation of a novel Factor V plasma-derived concentrate
P-8 G. Castaman. The influence of co-morbidities on annualised bleeding rates in patients with severe haemophilia
A: experiences from the pivotal turoctocog alfa prophylaxis trial (guardianTM1)
P-9 O. Paoletti. Acquired haemophilia A in patient on chronic anticoagulation: a case report
P-10 L. Crippa. Is severe acquired parahemophilia a bleeding disorder ?
P-11 L. Bury. A novel congenital dysprothrombinemia leading to defective prothrombin maturation
P-12 N. Ciavarella. Acquired hemophilia A and severe symptomatic thrombocytopenia in two patients with NVAF
treated with rivaroxaban and dabigatran etexilate in two centres of anticoagulant therapies survaillance in South of
P-13 A. R. Corno. Acquired von willebrand syndrome during left ventricular assist device support
P-14 F. Franchi. A two-step approach (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and confirmation assay) to detect
antibodies against von Willebrand factor in patients with acquired von Willebrand syndrome
P-15 C. A. E. Novelli. Use of different technologies for the determination of von willebrand antigen and activity in
healthy subjects
P-16 S. Stella. ADAMTS13 profile in a dramatic TTP case
P-17 S. M. Siboni. Relationship between age at first bleeding and baseline factor VIII plasma levels in patients with
severe forms of von Willebrand disease (VWD)
P-18 P. Sivera. Combined factor XI deficiency with von Willebrand factor abnormalities
P-19 L. Russo. Study of ADAMTS13 in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP)
P-20 A. Coppola. Unrecognized type 2B von Willebrand disease in a young woman with refractory chronic
P-21 V. Rancitelli. Therapy with Rituximab and TPO-ra in the real-life clinical practice of ITP
P-22 F. Lussana. The effect of aspirin in the prevention of post-operative arterial thrombosis in patients undergoing
total hip and total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review
P-23 M. Di Capua. Abnormalities of primary haemostasis in young women with iron deficiency anaemia
P-24 L. Spiezia. Platelet function monitoring in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy undergoing urgent hip surgery:
preliminary results
P-25 K. Germanovich. Direct comparison of different procedures to study platelet aggregation by light transmission
P-26 M. A. Alberelli. Flow cytometry analysis of platelet function in congenital and acquired thrombocytopenia
P-27 A. Ciminello. Response to TPO-receptor agonists Eltrombopag and Romiplostim in a single center experience
P-28 E. Rossi. Preoperative use of thrombopoietin receptor agonists in immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)
prior to splenectomy or cardiovascular surgery
P-29 A. Artoni. Platelet mitochondrial dysfunction in patients with sepsis or cardiogenic shock
P-30 F. Fazio. Effects of high-amount-high-intensity exercise on in vivo platelet activation: modulation by lipid
peroxidation and AGE/RAGE axis
P-31 C. Santoro. Sustained response after thrombopoietin receptor agonists discontinuation in 5 patients affected by
primary immune thrombocytopenia
P-32 A. Zicari. Statins and sartans treatment enhances aspirin action on platelets
P-33 C. Giaccherini. Monitoring hemostatic potential of platelets during storage of platelet concentrates (PCs) for
P-34 M. Pazzi. Aspirin "resistance" measured by different tests in patients on long term treatment with aspirin
Anticoagulant treatment
P-35 D. I. Iosub. The management of dabigatran treatment in combination with P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitors drugs
in a patient with non-valvular atrial fibrillation . The importance of measuring dabigatran plasma concentrations.
P-36 D. Pastori. Serum NOX2 and urinary prostaglandin PGF2alpha are independent predictors of vascular events
in patients with atrial fibrillation
P-37 G. Sottilotta. Novel Oral Anticoagulants: first year's experience
P-38 E. Antonucci. The START-Register (Survey on anTicoagulated pAtients RegisTer): baseline data of included
patients, with focus on those treated for non-valvular atrial fibrillation
P-39 P. Di Gregorio. Reversing NOAC therapy in emergency. A case report
P-40 S. Costanzo. Variation in white blood cell count and incidence of atrial fibrillation following open heart surgery
P-41 A. Zimmermann. Direct oral anticoagulant (DOAC) prescription and clinical outcomes: an overview from a
single Haemostasis and Thrombosis Center
P-42 R. Morandini. A structured management model for patients on direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC)
P-43 F. Cibecchini. START register: the experience of an Italian anticoagulation center
P-44 B. Montaruli. Laboratory and direct oral inhibitors: Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta regional recommendations
P-45 I. Iacono. New Oral Anticoagulants in general practice: a nine month observational study
P-46 R. Santi. An anti-factor Xa chromogenic assay for the measurement of apixaban plasma concentrations
P-47 R. Paniccia. Anticoagulant effect of Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban or Apixaban treatment on different laboratory
hemostasis tests in patients with atrial fibrillation
P-48 N. Ciavarella. Disease management optimization (DMO) of AF: the analysis of APULIA region, the CROSS
P-49 R. Paniccia. Reliability of the point-of-care microINR® system for PT/INR test performed in the hospital
anticoagulation clinic
P-50 R. Paniccia. Influence of Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban or Apixaban treatment on hemostasis point-of-care testing
(POCT) in patients with atrial fibrillation
P-51 M. Pazzi. Evaluation of renal function in patients treated with new oral anticoagulants
P-52 A. Guida. An intracerebral hemorrhage in high risk patient: a case report
P-53 D. Poli. Low prevalence of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and altered liver function tests in a cohort of patients at
very high risk of bleeding. Results from the CHIRONE study
Cerimonia Inaugurale (Sala Manzoni)
Venerdì 7 Novembre, 2014
08:00-09:00 Meet the Expert
(Sala Manzoni) A. Tosetto (Vicenza)
(Sala Volta) G. Castaman (Firenze)
(Sala Leonardo) M. Marietta (Modena)
(Sala Bramante) A. B. Federici (Milano)
(Sala Verdi) F. Piovella (Pavia)
Principi di EBM applicati all'emostasi e trombosi
Coagulopatie congenite
Coagulopatie acquisite
Uso appropriato di plasma, piastrine ed emoderivati
Il trattamento delle TVP “difficili”
09:00 – 10:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Marco Cattaneo (Milano), Andreas Greinacher (Greifswald)
09:00 – 09:20 J.Harenberg
What did we learn from development of the new anticoagulants?
09:20 – 09:40 A. Greinacher
New insights into the pathogenesis of HIT: from innate immunity to an
autoimmune syndrome
09:40 – 10:00 W. Korte (Zürich
Factor XIII in the perioperative setting: from theory to evidence
Vitamin K antagonists versus heparin for the treatment of splanchnic
10:00-10:10 N. Riva
vein thrombosis in the ISTH registry: results of 12-month follow-up and
a propensity score analysis
Neonatal systemic venous and arterial thrombosis: first report from the
10:10-10:20 P. Saracco
the Italian Registry of pediatric thrombosis (Registro Italiano Trombosi
Infantili- RITI)
Adherence to the traditional Mediterranean diet and mortality in
10:20-10:30 M. Bonaccio
subjects with diabetes. Prospective results from the MOLI-SANI study
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 – 12:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Moderatori: Gian F. Gensini (Firenze), Giuseppe Mancia (Milano)
Tromboembolismo venoso (TEV): differenze di genere?
11:00 – 11:15 R. Abbate (Firenze)
11:15 – 11:30 M. Campanini (Novara)
La profilassi del TEV nel paziente medico complesso
Trombosi e malattie autoimmuni: non solo sindrome da anticorpi
11:30 – 11:45 A. Mazzone (Legnano)
Diatesi trombotica ed emorragica ed eritropoietina nel paziente con
11:45 – 12:00 F. Locatelli (Lecco)
insufficienza renale cronica
Livelli pressori e rischio di sanguinamento intracranico nei pazienti
12:00 – 12:15 G. Mancia (Milano)
anticoagulati: dati dallo studio PROGRESS
La ripresa della terapia anticoagulante con i vecchi ed i nuovi farmaci dopo
12:15 – 12:30 G. Agnelli (Perugia)
un’emorragia intracranica
11:00-12:30 (Sala Volta)
Moderatori: Valentino Miconi (Arzignano), Ferruccio Ceriotti (Milano)
11:00 – 11:15 S. Testa (Cremona)
Peculiarità e competenze del laboratorio di Emostasi e Trombosi nel SSN
11:15 – 11:30 E. Ascari (Brescia)
Il dosaggio del D-dimero: armonizzazione vs standardizzazione
11:30 – 11:45 B. Morelli (Legnano)
Aggiornamenti sulla diagnosi di laboratorio della HIT
11:45 – 12:00 C. Legnani (Bologna)
La misura dell’attività dei farmaci anticoagulanti orali diretti
12:00 – 12:15 G. Martini (Brescia)
Problematiche di laboratorio nella diagnosi della malattia di von Willebrand
12:15 – 12:30 A. D’Angelo (Milano)
La generazione di trombina: un test esclusivamente di ricerca ?
13:00-14:00 Lunch session sponsorizzata da St. Jude Medical (Sala Bramante)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatori: D. Prisco (Firenze), S. Berti (Massa)
FA & chiusura dell’auricola sinistra
Relatori: M. Moia (Milano), C. Tondo (Milano)
13:00-14:00 Lunch session sponsorizzata da Baxter (Sala Leonardo)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatore: A. Coppola (Napoli)
Sinergie per la diagnosi e terapia dell’emofilia acquisita: un puzzle da comporre
Relatori: E. Zanon (Padova), G. Gamba (Pavia)
12:00 – 16.00 (Sala Verdi)
12:00 - 12:10 A. D’Angelo (Milano)
Saluti ed introduzione al Corso
Moderatori: P. Tropeano (Pordenone), S. Testa (Cremona)
12:10 – 12:30 P. Tropeano e L. Basso
Pianificazione assistenziale nei pazienti con malattia
tromboembolica venosa
12:30 – 12:50 L. Contino e A. Pesce
I nuovi anticoagulanti orali: aderenza dei pazienti alla
12:50 – 13:10 S.Testa e G. Giannetto
I nuovi anticoagulanti orali: come cambia l’organizzazione di un
Centro Trombosi
13:10 – 13:30
Moderatori: L. Contino (Alessandria), G. Castaman (Firenze)
14:30 – 14:50 M. Messina e S.Scotti (Torino) Il paziente coagulopatico in età pediatrica
14:50 – 15:10 L. Valdrè e C. Manzi (Bologna) Il ruolo dell’infermiere in un Centro Emofilia
15:10 – 15:30 G.Castaman e N. Ceola
Emergenze emorragiche nel paziente ospedalizzato, aspetti di
15:30 – 16:00
14:00-15:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Benilde Cosmi (Bologna), Chiara Cerletti (Pozzilli)
Depression and cardiovascular disease: potential thrombotic
14:00 – 14:30 E. Tremoli (Milano)
14:30 – 15:00 G. F. Gensini (Firenze) Nanotechnologies in vascular medicine
14:00-15:00 (Sala Volta)
Chairmen: Erica De Candia (Roma), Marco Marietta (Modena)
14:00 – 14:30 M. Bianchi (Milano)
The Janus role of HMGB1
14:30 – 15:00 P. Simioni (Padova)
Pathophysiology of Factor V
15:00-16:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Moderatori: Anna Falanga (Bergamo), Francesco Marongiu (Cagliari)
15:00 – 15:15 R. De Caterina (Chieti) Anticoagulanti orali diretti nella pratica clinica: il punto di vista del
15:15 – 15:30 C. Manotti (Parma)
Anticoagulanti orali diretti nella pratica clinica: il punto di vista dell’ Esperto
di Emostasi e Trombosi
15:30 – 15:45 A. Tripodi (Milano)
Anticoagulanti orali diretti: quali necessità per il Laboratorio ?
15:45 – 16:00 Y. Gruel (Tours)
GIHP-NACO prospective Registry: characterization and care of major
bleeding in patients treated by direct oral anticoagulants
16:00 – 16:30 G. Rosano (Roma)
Anticoagulanti orali diretti: il punto di vista di AIFA
15:00-16:30 (Sala Volta)
Moderatori: Giovanni Di Minno (Napoli), Augusto B. Federici (Milano)
15:00 – 15:18 F. Peyvandi (Milano)
Nuovi trattamenti dell’emofilia
15:18 – 15:36 F. Bernardi (Ferrara)
Aggiornamento sul data base dei genotipi diemofilia in Italia
15:36 – 15:54 G. Di Minno (Napoli)
La sicurezza dei concentrati di fattori della coagulazione
15:54 – 16:12 M.Franchini (Mantova) L’emofilia acquisita
16:12 – 16:30 A. B. Federici (Milano) La malattia di von Willebrand acquisita
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-18:00 Simposio satellite sponsorizzato da Kedrion (Sala Leonardo)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatore: F. Peyvandi (Milano)
Nuwiq. : il primo FVIII ricombinante da linea cellulare umana per il trattamento dell’Emofilia A
Relatori: G. Kohla (Berlino), C. Nardini (Lucca)
17:00-18:00 Simposio satellite sponsorizzato da BMS/Pfizer (Sala Bramante)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatore: A. D’Angelo (Milano)
Apixaban: efficacia, sicurezza, o entrambe?
Relatori: W. Ageno (Varese), F. Piovella (Pavia)
18:00-19:00 Comunicazioni orali
Atherosclerosis, diabetes, MS and arterial occlusive diseases. I (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Marina Camera (Milano), Francesco Violi (Roma)
First Author
A. Di Castelnuovo
B. Giusti
G. Cioni
L. Rago
A. De Curtis
L. Rossetti
Alcohol consumption and incidence of atrial fibrillation and heart failure: prospective findings
from the MOLI-SANI study
Role of NADPH oxidase p22phox gene polymorphisms as determinants of major adverse
cardiovascular events in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing coronary
Non-alcholic fatty liver disease and subclinical organ damage: a new predictor of
asymptomatic extracoronary atherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction
T- wave axis deviation is associated with inflammatory biomarkers: results from the MOLISANI study
Effect of CHOLACTIV supplementation in subjects with moderate cardiovascular risk
Prothrombotic propensity of stable angina patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus: focus on
platelet-associated tissue Factor
Fibrinogen, Factor XIII, and fibrinolysis (Sala Verdi)
Chairmen: Alberto Tosetto (Vicenza), Marco Marietta (Modena)
First Author
C. Fiorillo
F. Sampietro
M. Cini
G. Bruschi
G. Castaman
E. Campello
Oxidative stress and fibrinogen modification in Marfan syndrome patients
Localized intravascular coagulation of patients with low-flow venous malformations: the
effect of anticoagulant prophylaxis
Measurement of factor XIII (FXIII) activity by an automatic ammonia release assay using
iodoacetamide blank-procedure: no more overestimation in the low activity range
Fibrinogen oxidation by a ROS generator: effects on structural and functional properties
Congenital hypofibrinogenemia associated with novel homozygous fibrinogen a-alfa and
heterozygous b-beta chain mutations
Thromboelastometry (ROTEM®) profiles in patients undergoing thrombolytic therapy for
acute ischemic stroke
Thrombosis and thrombophilia. II (Sala Bramante)
Chairmen: Norma Maugeri (Milano), Paolo Simioni (Padova)
First Author
D. Tormene
I. Romagnuolo
N. Maugeri
S. M. Passamonti
P. Amadio
N. Maugeri
Plasma thrombin generation in women with early abortions
Interaction between inherited thrombophilia and ACE gene in modulating pregnancy loss
Tissue factor expression as a potential biomarker of thrombo-inflammation in patients with
rheumatic diseases
Risk factors for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and their association with
clinical outcome
Tobacco smoke upregulates tissue factor activity with a mechanism involving platelet BDNF
TNF-alpha blockade curbs platelet activation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Hemophilia and rare bleeding disorders. II (Sala Leonardo)
Chairmen: Elena M Faioni (Milano), Mario Colucci (Bari)
First Author
M. Morfini
F. Incampo
G. Castaman
G. F. Rivolta
M. Di Napoli
Real-life use of activated recombinant Factor VII (rFVIIa) in elderly patients with haemophilia
with inhibitors - data from the UK National Haemophilia Database
Fibrinolysis in FXI deficiency
A naturally occurring homozygous r2325c von Willebrand factor mutation in CK domain is
intracellularly retained and causes a severe von Willebrand disease phenotype
Factor VIII gene mutation and inhibitor incidence in haemophilia A patients of Emilia-Romagna
Region (RER)
A prediction score for hematoma expansion following acute vitamin K antagonist associated
intracerebral hemorrhage (VKA-ICH)
M. E. Mancuso
Thrombin generation and bleeding phenotype in patients with mild hemophilia A with
discrepant FVIII assays
Venous thromboembolism. II (Sala Volta)
Chairmen: Ida Martinelli (Milano), Walter Ageno (Varese)
F. Dentali
P. Giordano
S. Cavazza
A. Maino
M. Sartori
A. Guida
Accuracy of CT-assessed RVD in predicting short term mortality in patients with acute
pulmonary embolism
How we manage haemostatic alterations in children with ALL: preliminary data from an AIEOP
Are high d-dimer levels in patients with acute venous thromboembolism a sign of possible
hidden malignancy?
Association between red cell distribution width and unprovoked venous thromboembolism
D-dimer for the diagnosis of upper extremity deep venous thrombosis
D-dimer levels and outcome in patients with acute pulmonary embolism with or without cancer
Poster Manning (è indicato il corresponding author)
P-54 O. S. Napalkova. Hypercoagulable state associated with percutaneous coronary intervention - thrombin
generation testing results
P-55 A. Sereni. Evaluation of two methods for lipoprotein(a) determination: preliminary results
P-56 S. Galora. Role of rs1466535 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP1), rs3781590 and
rs4988300 low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 5 (LRP5) gene polymorphisms in carotid artery disease
P-57 A. Boccatonda. Arterial stiffness and sedentary lifestyle: role of oxidative stress
P-58 C. Saracini. Mean platelet volume in acute coronary syndrome patients: role of a genetic variants in chr7q22.3,
12q24.31 and chr3p13-p21
P-59 A. Sereni. High lipoprotein(a) levels are associated with coronary calcium score in the Montignoso Study
P-60 A. Di Castelnuovo. Prevalence of unrecognized or uncontrolled diabetes, hypertension or dyslipidemia in a
general Italian population
P-61 G. Cioni. Marked endothelial dysfunction in Behçet syndrome patients, despite a similar profile of early
morphological vascular damage in comparison to control subjects
P-62 V. Creato. PTX 3 and platelet activation in obese patients after gastric banding
P-63 P. Pradella. False coagulation factor inhibitors in a patient with lupus anticoagulant and cirrhosis
P-64 L. Spiezia. Thrombin generation in patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery
P-65 S. Boraso. Effect of hypothermia and haemodilution on coagulation: a rotational thromboelastometry analysis in
an artificial environment healthy subjects
P-66 G. Dirienzo. Analysis of a POC (Point Of Care) system for PT in a six laboratory of Puglia
P-67 A. Tripodi. How the direct oral anticoagulant Apixaban affects hemostatic parameters. Results of a multicenter
multiplatform study
P-68 M. L. Zighetti. Coagulation disorders in blood donors: a single-centre analysis
P-69 D. Cabodi. Pre-analytical variables in coagulation testing: Piemonte and Valle d'Aosta regional
P-70 S. Pletti. Age adjusted Sclavo Auto-dimer cut-off in a population of hospitalised medical elderly patients
P-71 A. R. Corno. The new microINR point-of-care system in oral anticoagulant therapy monitoring
P-72 P. Pradella. Surgery in a patients under Dabigatran treatment
P-73 L. Spiezia. Whole blood thromboelastometry profiles in patients undergoing major orthopaedic surgery
P-74 P. Giordano. Fibrinogen concentrate in children with acquired severe hypofibrinogenaemia during
chemotherapy for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia:experience of two AIEOP centers
P-75 M. Becatti. Ros-induced modification of fibrinogen: relationship with structure and function in the subacute
phase of myocardial infarction
P-76 C. Santoro. A case of thrombosis in congenital afibrinogenemia patient: a physiopathologic and management
P-77 C. Salapete. The role of hemostasis in multiple sclerosis
P-78 E. Silvestri. Impaired fibrinolysis in Behçet syndrome
P-79 S. Fiorelli. Human macrophages spontaneously differentiated in vitro are heterogeneous and show different
proteomic profile
P-80 A. Artoni. Coagulation changes during veno-venous extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for respiratory
support in adults
P-81 S. Eligini. Transglutaminase 2 modulates efferocytosis in human monocyte-derived macrophages
P-82 D. Tormene. Italian registry of adverse pregnancy outcomes and thromboembolic disease in pregnancy: an
interim report
P-83 G. Sottilotta. Factor XIII activity in pregnancy
P-84 B. Giusti. Genetic risk factors for oxidative stress-associated complications in preterm infants
P-85 D. Tormene. Effect of prophylaxis with LMWH on implantation in women undergoing assisted reproductive
procedures (IVF or ICSI): an interim report of a prospective randomized study
P-86 M. L. Zighetti. Differences in procoagulant activity between negative and positive Duffy antigen African blood
Thrombosis, thrombophilia, and VTE also cancer-related
P-87 A. Di Castelnuovo. Elevated levels of D-dimers increase the risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke: findings
from the EPICOR Study
P-88 P. Zangari. Genetic prothrombotic factors in children with otogenic lateral sinus thrombosis: experience of an
Italian centre
P-89 S. S. Barbieri. BDNF Val66Met knock-in mouse exhibits a pro-thrombotic phenotype
P-90 M. Pizzuti. Evaluation of Factor V and Factor II mutations and MTHFR gene homozygous mutation in patients
with deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism and retinal vein occlusion
P-91 V. Mazzi. Trends of hospitalization and threshold of appropriateness for DVT in four Tuscan hospitals
P-92 L. Spiezia. Role of factor V Leiden mutation or G20210A prothrombin variant in patients with sudden
sensorineural hearing loss: a meta-analysis of the literature
P-93 S. Prejanò. Erythrocytosis, renal artery stenosis and arterial hypertension
P-94 C. Cenci. Rituximab as a possible approach to APS refractory to antithrombotic treatment
P-95 M. Sartori. Characteristics of upper extremity superficial venous thrombosis
P-96 B. Montaruli. Case report of antiphospholipid antibodies (aPL) and fondaparinux heparin-induced
thrombocytopenia (HIT): a diagnostic dilemma
P-97 N. Bet. A clinical audit of antithrombin concentrates use in adults
P-98 E. Cecchi. ThROmbophylia in TAkotsubo cardiomyopathy: possible decay of the transient intracoronary
thrombus theory? The Florentine TROTA Study
P-99 A. Marturano. Possible incorrect genotyping of heterozygous factor V Leiden and Prothrombin 20210 gene
mutations by the GeneXpert assay
P-100 R. Albisinni. Risk factors for thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension in antiphospholipid syndrome
P-101 A. Guida. Portal vein thrombosis in cryptogenetic cirrhosis: A case report
P-102 A. Guida. Risk factors and outcome in Idiopathic upper extremities deep vein thrombosis: a retrospective pilot
P-103 D. Lami. Nicotinic acid/laropiprant modulates fibrinolytic system in patients with elevated levels of
P-104 M. M. Ciammaichella. Catheter directed thrombolysis in deep venous thrombosis: Aspirex study
P-105 V. Mazzi. Effects of endogenous sex hormones in men with deep vein thrombosis
P-106 C. A. E. Novelli. Use of age-adjusted cut-off in a population of patients with suspected of venous
thromboembolism in emergency department
P-107 G. Catania. Incidence of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML): risk assessment
by Padua prediction score (PPS): monocentric experience
P-108 A. Vaccarino. Increased thrombin generation potential in myeloma and lymphoma patients
P-109 E. Silvestri. Drug treatment in venous thromboembolism: data from the Italian cohort of the European
PREFER in VTE registry
P-110 G. Martini. Antithrombin deficiency: a case of TVP in pregnancy despite prophylactic heparin
P-111 E. Marrone. Padua prediction score of risk of venous thromboembolism and antithrombotic prophylaxis in
hospitalized medical patients: a prospective study
P-112 A. Rossetti. Venous thrombo-embolism in cancer patients
P-113 S. Rupoli. Occult myeloproliferative neoplasm was revealed by JAK2 analysis in a case with central retinal
artery occlusion
P-114 G. Martini. Failure of heparin treatment in pregnancy caused by deficiency of Protein S
P-115 E. Marrone. Improving the use of thromboprophylaxis in hospitalized medical patients: a retrospectiveprospective assessment through the Padua prediction score
P-116 M. Becatti. Oxidative stress and hemorheological profile in retinal vein occlusion (RVO) patients
P-117 M. Luca. Comparison and combination of ESC prognostic model and simplified PESI score for prognosis
stratification of acute pulmonary embolism in real world. Findings from TUSCAN-PE study.
Sabato 8 novembre, 2014
08:00-09:00 Meet the Expert
(Sala Manzoni) F. Piovella (Pavia)
(Sala Volta) A. B Federici (Milano)
(Sala Leonardo) M. Marietta (Modena)
(Sala Bramante) G. Castaman (Firenze)
(Sala Verdi) A. Tosetto (Vicenza)
Il trattamento delle TVP “difficili”
Uso appropriato di plasma, piastrine ed emoderivati
Coagulopatie acquisite
Coagulopatie congenite
Principi di EBM applicati all'emostasi e trombosi
09:00-10:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Yves Gruel (Tours), Francesco Violi (Roma)
09:00 – 09:20 Mathias Canault
Characterization of CalDAG-GEFI deficiency in a family of patients with
bleeding diathesis
09:20 – 09:40 Martine JandrotHemostatic disorders in a Jak2V617F-driven mouse model of
Perrus (Paris)
myeloproliferative neoplasm
Antibody based prevention of VWF degradation mediated by circulation
09:40 – 10:00 Antoine Rauch (Lille)
assist device
The natural mutation Asp173Gly in the catalytic site of ADAMTS-13
10:00-10:10 R. De Cristofaro
causes a severe Upshaw-Schülman syndrome: clinical course,
biochemistry and molecular dynamics investigation
10:10-10:20 L. Bury
Abnormal proplatelet formation in platelet-type von Willebrand disease
An engineered U1 small nuclear RNA rescues splicing-defective
10:20-10:30 D. Balestra
coagulation F7 gene expression in mouse models
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break
11:00-12:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Moderatori: Massimo Antonelli (Roma), Erica De Candia (Roma)
11:00 – 11:15 E. De Candia (Roma)
Test coagulativi e test viscoelastici nel trauma acuto
Ruolo del plasma fresco congelato, fibrinogeno e concentrati del complesso
11:15 – 11:30 M. Pavesi (S. Donato M.)
protrombinico nella gestione del paziente con trauma acuto
Gestione dei problemi coagulativi nel paziente con trauma acuto: le nuove
11:30 – 11:45 G. Nardi (Roma)
linee guida europee
11:45 – 12:00 A. De Gasperi (Milano)
La CID nel paziente critico
12:00 – 12:15 A. Squizzato (Varese)
Strategie di supporto per la CID: l’opinione degli esperti
12:15 – 12:30 M. Di Nisio (Chieti)
Il sondaggio ISTH su diagnosi e trattamento della CID
11:00-12:30 (Sala Volta)
Moderatori: Maddalena Lettino (Rozzano), Domenico Prisco (Firenze)
11:00 – 11:15 R. De Caterina (Chieti)
I pazienti anticoagulati da sottoporre a chirurgia: bridging vs no bridging
I nuovi anticoagulanti nel paziente con FANV da sottoporre a
11:15 – 11:30 R. Marcucci (Firenze)
cardioversione o ablazione: stato dell’arte
11:30 – 11:45 G. M.G. Musumeci
Angioplastica primaria nel paziente con FANV in terapia con i nuovi
anticoagulanti orali
Il paziente con la SCA e FANV in terapia con i nuovi anticoagulanti:
11:45 – 12:00 A. Rubboli (Bologna)
quale trattamento antitrombotico per la prevenzione secondaria?
Il paziente in triplice terapia antitrombotica: come gestisco le
12:00 – 12:15 M. Lettino (Rozzano)
complicanze emorragiche acute?
12:15 – 12:30 V. Pengo (Padova)
La chiusura dell’auricola sinistra nel paziente fibrillante: quali evidenze?
13:00-14:00 Lunch Session sponsorizzata da KEDRION/LFB (Sala Leonardo)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatore: A. B. Federici (Milano)
Un approccio terapeutico innovativo nel trattamento della Malattia di von Willebrand
Relatori: A. Borchiellini (Torino), Sylvia von Mackensen (Hamburg, Germany))
14:00-15:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Marco Cattaneo (Milano), Armando D’Angelo (Milano)
14:00 – 14:30 Z. M. Ruggeri
Understanding individual coagulation mechanism phenotypes
(San Diego, USA)
14:30 – 15:00 C.T Esmon
The roles of the protein C pathway and extracelluar histones in
(Oklahoma City, USA)
thrombosis, organ failure and death
14:00-15:00 (Sala Volta)
Chairmen: Anna Falanga (Bergamo), Maria Gabriella Mazzucconi (Roma)
14:00 – 14:30 P. M. Mannucci
Congenital coagulation disorders: recent advances
14:30 – 15:00 L. Naldini (Milano)
Liver-directed lentiviral gene therapy provides stable benefit in hemophilia
B dogs without evidence of genotoxicity in sensitized mouse models
15:00-16:30 (Sala Manzoni)
Moderatori: Adriana Visonà (Castelfranco Veneto), Francesco Violi (Roma)
La profilassi antitrombotica nella malattia occlusiva arteriosa periferica
15:00 – 15:15 G. Davì (Chieti)
15:15 – 15:30 F. Violi (Roma)
Il ruolo della MOAP come fattore di rischio nella fibrillazione atriale
15:30 – 15:45 A. D’Angelo (Milano)
Coagulopatia autoimmune nel paziente anticoagulato: pensarci è bene
15:45 – 16:00 W. Ageno (Varese)
La trombosi portale
16:00 – 16:15 S. Basili (Roma)
La trombosi nel paziente cirrotico
16:15 – 16:30 A. Visonà
TEV e Cancro: dati dal registro RIETE
(Castelfranco Veneto)
15:00-16:30 (Sala Volta)
Moderatori: Roberto Lemoli (Genova), Giancarlo Liumbruno (Roma)
15:00 – 15:15 E. Angelucci (Cagliari)
La VOD è una complicanza trombotica ?
15:15 – 15:30 S. Siragusa (Palermo)
Update sulle complicanze trombotiche nelle leucemie acute
15:30 – 15:45 V. De Stefano (Roma)
La gestione della trombosi nel paziente ad alto rischio emorragico
15:45 – 16:00 G. Liumbruno (Roma)
La gestione delle emorragie massive
16:00 – 16:15 A. Coppola (Napoli)
La gestione delle emergenze emorragiche nelle coagulopatie acquisite
16:15-17:00 Coffee break
17:00-17:30 Lettura sponsorizzata da Boehringer-Ingelheim (Sala Manzoni)
NB. Facoltativa ed Esclusa dal Programma Formativo di ECM
Moderatore: D. Prisco (Firenze)
Dabigatran a più di 1 anno di esperienza clinica: stiamo sfruttando a pieno le potenzialità per i nostri
Relatore: W. Ageno (Varese)
17.30 – 19.00 Comunicazioni orali
Infection, inflammation, platelets and coagulation (Sala Verdi)
Chairmen: Paolo Gresele (Perugia), Mario Colucci (Bari)
First Author
S. Momi
M. Bonaccio
F. Semeraro
M. Panigada
P. Della Valle
C. Nocella
E. Petito
M. Becatti
E. Petito
RhoA signalling downstream of platelet P2Y1 receptor activation is necessary for leukocyte
recruitment in a model of allergic asthma in mice
A novel score of low grade inflammation is inversely associated with adherence to the
Mediterranean diet: findings from the MOLI-SANI study
Histones and DNA differentially impact on the anticoagulant and profibrinolytic activities of
heparin, heparin derivatives and dabigatran
Assessment of fibrinolysis in septic patients with different methods
Prognostic value of a modified thrombin generation test in patients with severe sepsis/septic
Bacterial lipopolysaccharide amplifies platelet aggregation by common agonists via overproduction of thromboxane A2 and isoprostane 8-iso-PGF2α-III
Platelets participate in joint inflammation osteoarthritis: prevention by hyaluronic acid
NADPH oxidase is a source of oxidative stress in white blood cells of Behçet's patients
Platelets participate in synovial inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis by increasing MMP-2
Platelets. II (Sala Leonardo)
Chairmen: Giovanni de Gaetano (Pozzilli), Mauro Torti (Pavia)
First Author
I. Canobbio
L. Stefanini
Amiloid β peptides as platelet agonists: linking Alzheimer's disease to atherothrombosis
The Rap-GAP Rasa3 is a critical negative regulator of platelet activation
C.A. Di Buduo
A. Fabbri
G. M. Podda
M.L. Guarino
C. Barale
B. Porro
R. Marcucci
Ex vivo study of megakaryocyte development and proplatelet formation in three patients with
gray platelet syndrome
A time course study of high on treatment platelet reactivity in acs patients on dual antiplatelet
A case of severe platelet dysfunction associated with ubiquitin/proteasome-rich particulate
cytoplasmic structures (PaCSs)
Correlation between platelet MRP4 expression and NO inhibitory effect in aspirin treated
Glucagon-like peptide-1 reduces platelet activation induced by sodium arachidonate through the
inhibition of PI3K and MAPK pathways
Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Simultaneous Measurement of
Tromboxane B2 and 12(S)-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic Acid in Serum
Platelet function as a predictor of ischemic and bleeding events in PAD patients undergoing
PTA: results from TRAIANO Study
Thrombosis and thrombophilia. III (Sala Bramante)
Chairmen: Stefania Basili (Roma), Silvana Viganò (Milano)
First Author
M. Attanasio
E. Sticchi
A. M. Gori
A. Maggioni
M. T. Pagliari
D. Tormene
N. Erba
S. Basili
P. Della Valle
Thrombin generation predicts cardiovascular deaths in acute coronary syndrome patients
undergoing pci.
Association of apolipoprotein(a) kringle-IV type 2 copy number variation with venous
Inflammatory marker and metalloproteinase profiles predict death in ischemic stroke treated
with thrombolysis
Irreversible neurological damage associated to severe congenital homozygous protein c (pc)
deficiency in a eight month old baby
The role of ADAMTS13 in DVT: In vitro characterization of ADAMTS13 Single Nucleotide
Variants identified by next-generation sequencing in a group of Italian DVT
The incidence of venous thromboembolism in asymptomatic carriers of a deficiency of
antithrombin, protein C, or protein S: a prospective cohort study
A case of purpura fulminans due to autoimmune protein S deficiency successfully treated with
protein C concentrate infusion
Portal vein thrombosis Relevance On Liver cirrhosis: Italian Venous thrombotic Events
Registry (PRO-LIVER): preliminary data
Changes in protein S, anti-protein S IgG, TFPI and thrombin generation in a case of purpura
fulminans successfully treated with protein C concentrate infusion
Venous thromboembolism. III (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Adriana Visonà (Castelfranco Veneto), Franco Piovella (Pavia)
First Author
P. Bucciarelli
B. Cosmi
M. GiorgiPierfranceschi
B. Cosmi
B. Cosmi
S. Tessarolo
E. Tarantino
E. Campello
Incidence of venous thromboembolism in patients with bullous pemphigoid: the inventep study
Prevalence of cardiovascular disease and risk of cardiovascular events in patients with
idiopathic PE when compared with patients with idiopathic DVT with and without PE
Platelet count and bleeding complications in patients on VKA treatment for venous
thromboembolism: Findings from the RIETE Registry
Procoagulant potential of platelet-derived microparticles in essential thrombocythemia (et)
Pulmonary arterial pressures estimated by echocardiography after a standard course of
anticoagulation for a first episode of pulmonary emblism in the DULCIS study
The risk of recurrence in women after hormone related venous thromboembolism
Platelet thrombus formation under flow condition Is increased in essential thrombocythemia
(ET) and polycythemia vera (PV)
ASA decreases experimental venous thrombosis by inhibiting tissue factor in a thromboxane
Circulating microparticles in cirrhotic patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and portal
vein thrombosis
Anticoagulant treatment. II (Sala Volta)
Chairmen: Cesare Manotti (Parma), Daniela Poli (Firenze)
First Author
L. Crippa
F. Dentali
V. Milesi
A modified thrombin generation test (CAT) in patients on chronic oral anticoagulation with
warfarin: does the INR tell it all ?
Gender difference in efficacy and safety of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with nvaf or
vte. A systematic review and a meta-analysis of the literature
INR variations in warfarin-treated patients undergoing analgesic and anti-inflammatory
therapies: results from the prospective "FARMAMICO" study
E. Scalambrino
C. Becattini
C. Cenci
N. Ciavarella
D. Poli
S. Barco
The effect of apixaban on thrombin generation assay (TGA)
Direct oral anticoagulants for non valvular atrial fibrillation: the Umbria Registry
Monitoring oral anticoagulation in Atrial Fibrillation: baseline and follow-up data from european
registry PREFER in AF
A simulation tool to evaluate clinical and economic advantages in Apulia region deriving from
the introduction of novel anticoagulants: the AFRODITE project
The risk of recurrent ICH in patients who restart VKA treatment after a first episode of ICH is
related to the severity of the first episode ? Results form the CHIRONE study
In-vivo reversal of the anticoagulant effect of apixaban with 4-factor prothrombin complex
Domenica 9 novembre, 2014
09:00-10:30 (Sala Leonardo)
Chairmen: Armando D’Angelo (Milano), Hugo ten Cate (Maastricht)
09:00 – 09:20 M. Coppens
Bleeding in patients treated with non-VKA oral anticoagulants (NOACs):
outcome and potential reversal strategies
09:20 – 09:40 A. ten Cate-Hoek
The daily practice of NOACs; an observational cohort study
Pleiotropic effects of factor Xa and thrombin: what to expect from novel
09:40 – 10:00 H. Spronk (Maastricht)
Similar performance of HASBLED, CHADS2 and CHA2DS2VASc scores
10:00-10:10 D. Poli
in bleeding risk prediction: do we need a bleeding score?
10:10-10:20 M. Bazzan
Stroke in APS patients: clinical and laboratory characteristics
10:20-10:30 C.T. Ammollo
Enhanced fibrinolysis in patients treated with dabigatran etexilate
10:30-11:30 Comunicazioni orali
Atherosclerosis, diabetes, MS and arterial occlusive diseases. II (Sala Leonardo)
Chairmen: Paolo Gresele (Perugia), Giovanni Davì (Chieti)
First Author
M. Persichillo
E. Falcinelli
G. Cioni
M.A. Alberelli
A. Sereni
S. Momi
Dietary inflammatory index in the Italian population: findings from the INHES project
Release of MMP-2 by platelets in patients with acute coronary syndromes undergoing
percutaneous trans-coronary angioplasty
Impairment of peripheral vascular function in SLE patients. Differences from the pattern of
patients at high cardiovascular risk
Role of platelets in the increased cardiovascular risk of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
Role of rs4988300 and rs3781590 LRP5 gene and rs1466535 LRP1 gene polymorphisms in the
cohort of the prospective Montignoso study
eNOS-derived nitric oxide prevents abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) development in a mouse
model of hypercholesterolemia
Hemophilia and rare bleeding disorders. III (Sala Volta)
Chairmen: Giancarlo Castaman (Firenze), Flora Peyvandi (Milano)
First Author
R. De Cristofaro
M. Messina
M. R. Fasulo
A. Branchini
G. F. Rivolta
G. Castaman
Molecular dynamics characterization of five pathogenic factor X mutants associated with
decreased catalytic activity and severe bleeding phenotype
Intensive treatment with rFVIIa (NovoSeven®) to prevent joint bleeding in 4 patients with
haemophilia A with inhibitors undergoing a regular program of physical therapy
Global coagulation tests to explore bleeding phenotype in patients with severe hemophilia A and
Coagulation factor VII variants resistant to inhibitory antibodies
A web site to improve management of patients with inherited bleeding disorders in the
emergency department: results at 2 years
Pharmacokinetic characterisation of recombinant FXIII across age groups In patients with FXIII
subunit A congenital deficiency
Coagulation laboratory (Sala Bramante)
Chairmen: Marina Marchetti (Bergamo), Armando Tripodi (Milano)
First Author
F. Zaccaria
P. Della Valle
M. Cini
C. Legnani
L. Spiezia
C. Verzeroli
A modified prothrombin time to measure the anticoagulant activity of dabigatran
A modification of the thrombin generation test (cat)with improved sensitivity to hereditary
thrombophilia defects
Evaluation of the acustar d-dimer in outpatients with clinically suspected deep venous
thrombosis (dvt)
Diagnostic accuracy of a new quantitative immunoturbidimetric assay (Sclavo Auto D-Dimer)
for DVT exclusion in symptomatic outpatients
Whole blood thromboelastometry profiles in healthy pregnancy women and in women with
Thrombin generation (TG) potential in patients on chronic oral anticoagulant therapy (OAT)
Anticoagulant treatment.III (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Anna Falanga (Bergamo), Luciano Crippa (Milano)
First Author
V. Siguret
P. Pignatelli
D. Poli
L. Masotti
M. Carpenedo
S. Viganò
VKORC1 mutations in patients with vitamin K antagonist resistance: a multicentric GEHT
collaborative study
Mediterranean diet reduces platelet activation in atrial fibrillation patients.
Risk factors for gastro-intestinal bleeding in atrial fibrillation patients on VKA treatment:
prospective analysis of two cohorts of patients.
Prognostic values and comparison of ICH score in patients pre-treated with vitamin K
antagonists, antiplatelets or not pre-treated with antithrombotic drugs
Bleeding risk in hemodialysis patients with atrial fibrillation taking oral anticoagulant therapy:
results from a multicenter Italian study
Specific assays for the measurement of DOACs plasma levels improve patients' safety
VWF and ADAMTS13 (Sala Verdi)
Chairmen: Augusto B Federici (Milano), Raimondo De Cristofaro (Roma)
First Author
A. M. Gori
F. Piras
F. Stufano
V. Veca
I. Mancini
R. De Cristofaro
Role of von Willebrand factor in ischemic stroke patients treated with tPA thrombolysis: the
ADAMTS13 study in patients with thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) during
pregnancy: Three case reports
Diagnosis of type 2B von Willebrand disease (VWD) using an alternative assay to ristocetin
induced platelet agglutination (RIPA)
Portal vein thrombosis in liver cirrhosis: the role of adamts13
Dense genotyping of immune-related disease regions for the identification of genetic risk
factors in acquired thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
von Willebrand factor in essential thrombocythemia is affected by altered platelet turnover and
function and by platelet-associated non-ADAMTS13-dependent proteolytic processing
11:30-13:00 (Sala Manzoni)
Chairmen: Francesco Marongiu (Cagliari, Italy), Walter Ageno (Varese, Italy)
Hugo ten Cate (Maastricht, the Netherlands)
Job Harenberg (Heidelberg, Germany)
Benjamin Brenner (Haifa, Israel)
Manuel Monreal (Barcelona, Spain)
Tatiana Vavilova (San Petersbourg, Russia)
Yves Gruel (Tours, France)
Compilazione Test di apprendimento ECM e scheda di valutazione evento formativo
13:00-13:30 Premiazione dei best abstract e cerimonia di chiusura (Sala Manzoni)