La newsletter della
Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
SIBBM Seminar 2014: presentazione abstract.
SIBBM Seminar 2014: iscrizioni ridotte per Junior.
Profilo Google Scholar sul sito SIBBM.
Lecture sponsored by SIBBM: Prof. Jean Christophe
 Pagamento quote SIBBM.
 TEBU-BIO'S Researchers Travel Grants
 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research and Innovation
 The Biology of Aging: Novel Drug Targets for
Neurodegenerative Disease
 EMBO|EMBL Symposium: Molecular Machines:
Lessons from Integrating Structure, Biophysics and
 Biophysics of Amyloids and Prions
 Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis (CSSA)
 SIICA-IX National Conference of The Italian Society of
Staff Exchange (RISE)- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
 Fondazione Cariplo Bandi 2014
 Association for International Cancer Research (AICR)
 Call for Proposals: March of Dimes 2015 Research
ERC Consolidator Grant
The Michael J. Fox Foundation
AGA-Pfizer JAK-IBD Research Grant
FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF)
 Lung Cancer Research Foundation
 HORIZON 2020 - Health, Demographic Change and
Wellbeing– Calls 2015
 The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund -Intermediate
Research Fellowships
 CE – TRAIN2MOVE – Marie Curie Cofund Fellowship
 Borse di studio di mobilità AIRC/Marie Curie "iCARE
 International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)
 EMBO Short-Term Fellowships
 Swiss Bridge Award 2014 - Call for Applications
 2013-2014 Michael E. DeBakey Journalism Awards
 Society for Neuroscience- Young Scientists
Achievements and Research Awards
 Society for Neuroscience- Outstanding Research and
Career Awards
 Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
 ASIS-Fondazione Carlo Erba - Premi Cecilia Cioffrese,
Marisa Colbacchini e Angelo Marai 2014
Immunology, Clinical Immunology and Allergology.
Genomics and Stem Cell Based Therapies: Shaping the
Future of Personalized Medicine
ABCD Meeting on Stem Cells, Development and
Regenerative Medicine
Genomic Technologies and Biomaterials for
Understanding Disease
1000 Genomes Project and Beyond
22nd Annual International Conference on Intelligent
Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
EMBO | EMBL Symposia: Epithelia: The Building Blocks
of Multicellularity
FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference
European Summer School on Nutrigenomics
The First Systems Biology and Systems Medicine
DNA Replication as a Source of DNA Damage - From
Molecules to Human Health
3rd Conference on Translational Medicine on
Pathogenesis and Therapy of Immune-Mediated
2014 FEBSWORKSHOP: Decoding non-coding RNAs in
Development and Cancer
26th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium on Molecular
Targets and Cancer Therapeutics
 Graduate Student Position in Verona, Italy
 Research Assistant - Cell Biology & Functional
 Intestinal Stem Cell Research Assistant
 Bioinformatician
 Research Group Leader: Istituto Pasteur di Roma
 Research Assistant
 Independent Research Group Leaders
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
SIBBM Seminar 2014: presentazione
Lecture sponsored by SIBBM: Prof.
Jean Christophe Marine.
Ricordiamo ai nostri associati che in occasione del
10th SIBBM Seminar che si svolgerà a Trento
dall’11 al 13 Giugno 2014 sarà possibile inviare il
proprio abstract fino al 5 maggio 2014.
Il 15 Maggio 2014, alle ore 12,00 presso l’Aula
Montalcini - Università Tor Vergata (Edificio A
Piano Terra), Via Montpellier 1-Roma si terrà la
Lecture dal titolo "New insights into p53 biology:
implication for cancer therapy” del Prof. Jean
Christophe Marine - Center for the Biology and
Disease - VIB-KU Leuven.
È possibile consultare il programma del 10th SIBBM
Seminar collegandosi al sito dedicato:
SIBBM Seminar 2014: iscrizioni
ridotte per Junior.
La SIBBM per agevolare la partecipazione degli
Junior (studenti laureati sotto i 32 anni di età,
senza alcuna posizione permanente presso
Università o altre istituzioni pubbliche o private) ha
previsto una quota di iscrizione ridotta.
Organizer: Fabiola Moretti
([email protected]).
Il seminario è sponsorizzato dal Programma SIBBM
Lectures , che prevede un contributo fino a € 1500
per speakers di alto profilo che tengano seminari
in istituzioni italiane su un tema di attualità e di
grande impatto.
Ulteriori agevolazioni sono previste per chi diventa
membro SIBBM.
Ricordiamo che per partecipare al Programma
SIBBM Lectures le richieste dovranno pervenire da
membri SIBBM in regola con il pagamento della
Profilo Google Scholar sul sito
Pagamento quote SIBBM.
Ricordiamo a tutti i soci che è possibile, accedendo
dalla propria area riservata sul sito web della
SIBBM, inserire il link al profilo Google Scholar, che
diventerà visibile a tutti nella scheda pubblica di
ciascun socio (http://sibbm.org/soci_.php).
A breve, inoltre, sarà possibile inserire anche la
propria area di interesse, attraverso l’indicazione
di una o più keywords.
Ricordiamo a tutti i soci che è possibile rinnovare
il pagamento della propria quota associativa
anche attraverso bonifico bancario, Pay Pal o
carta di credito.
 Per maggiori informazioni visita il sito
www.sibbm.org e collegati alla tua area
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
TEBU-BIO'S Researchers Travel
Win 400€ towards your next scientific meeting:
Next deadlines
 April 18th, 2014.
 June 20th, 2014.
 September 12th, 2014.
 INFO: http://www.tebu-bio.com/cms/652/getyour-400-euro-travel-grant.html
Association for International Cancer
Research (AICR)
Closing date: 25 April 2014.
AICR awards grants to support fundamental or
translational research into the causes,
mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
of cancer.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research
and Innovation Staff Exchange
(RISE)- H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014
Call for Proposals: March of Dimes
2015 Research Program
Deadline: 24 April 2014.
The online Letter of Intent process must be
completed by April 30, 2014.
The RISE scheme will promote international and
inter-sector collaboration through research and
innovation staff exchanges.
Fondazione Cariplo Bandi 2014
 Ricerca biomedica condotta da giovani
ricercatori: 30 aprile 2014.
NB: sono considerati ammissibili unicamente i
progetti che hanno l’oggetto dell’intervento
all’interno dell’area che comprende la Lombardia e
le province di Novara e del Verbano-Cusio-Ossola,
salvo quanto specificatamente previsto dai singoli
MOD invites all qualified scientists with faculty
appointments or the equivalent, at universities,
hospitals and research institutions (not for profit or
profit), to submit applications for research grants
relevant to our mission. This encompasses basic
biological processes governing differentiation and
development, genetics and genomics of these
processes, clinical studies, reproductive health and
environmental toxicology, and social and
behavioral studies concerning cognitive and
behavioral risks that affect outcomes of pregnancy,
the perinatal period, and subsequent child
Applications will be directed to one of three
committees whose respective foci are:
Cell Lineage and Differentiation
Gene Discovery and Translational Medicine
Social and Behavioral Sciences.
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
ERC Consolidator Grant
LRRK2 Challenge 2014
Deadline: 20 May 2014.
Deadline: No deadline; applications accepted
ERC Consolidator Grants are designed to support
excellent Principal Investigators at the career
stage at which they may still be consolidating their
own independent research team or programme.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation
Access Data & Biospecimens
Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling
basis; upcoming deadlines are February 10, April
14, June 12, August 11 and October 16, 2014.
Access valuable data, biospecimens and tissue
resources from several pre-clinical and clinical
Target Validation Program
Deadline: Pre-Proposals Due: May 28, 2014.
Two-year grants to nominate new therapeutic
targets for Parkinson’s disease. An Edmond J. Safra
Core Program for PD Research.
Therapeutic Pipeline Program
Deadline: Pre-Proposals Due: May 28, 2014.
Program for supporting critical pre-clinical and
clinical development of promising Parkinson’s
One-year grants to uncover new insight into LRRK2
Dyskinesia Challenge 2014
Deadline: No deadline; applications accepted
One-year grants to identify and validate novel
dyskinesia targets.
Neurotrophic Factors Challenge 2014
Deadline: No deadline; applications accepted
One-year grants to accelerate development of
neurotrophic factor therapies.
Rapid Response Innovation Awards
Deadline: No deadline; applications accepted
One-year grants to jump start new ideas in PD
AGA-Pfizer JAK-IBD Research Grant
Deadline: 6 June 2014.
This award provides up to $100,000 per year for
two years (total $200,000) to an investigator
interested in studying the role of Janus kinase (JAK)
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
pathways in the pathophysiology and immunology
of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
 INFO: http://www.gastro.org/agafoundation/grants/agapfizer-jakibd-researchgrant
FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF)
The application deadline is June 15th. The award
will be communicated by July 15th.
Ten FEBS Youth Travel Funds (YTF) for PhD
students and young postdoctoral fellows will be
available covering travel expenses and the allinclusive registration fee.
 INFO: http://workshop.igb.cnr.it/ytf-grants
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
Deadline: 16 June 2014.
The Lung Cancer Research Foundation's grant
program provides critical seed support for cuttingedge scientific research on all cancers of the lung.
HORIZON 2020 - Health,
Demographic Change and
Wellbeing– Calls 2015
The Horizon 2020 Societal Challenge of ‘Health,
Demographic Change And Wellbeing’ for the
years 2015 includes 18 topics in the ‘Personalising
Health And Care’ (PHC) focus area call and 5 topics
in the ‘Co-Ordination Activities’ call.
Personalising Health And Care
Marzo-Aprile 2014
 H2020-PHC-2015-single-stage
Deadline: 21 April 2015.
Health Co-Ordination Activities
 H2020-HCO-2015
Deadline: 21 April 2015.
Marie Skłodowska-Curie
Deadline: 11 September 2014.
Individual Fellowships provide opportunities to
acquire and transfer new knowledge and to work
on research in a European context (EU Member
States and Associated Countries) or outside
Europe. The scheme particularly supports the
return and reintegration of researchers from
outside Europe who have previously worked here.
It also develops or helps to restart the careers of
individual researchers that show great potential,
considering their experience.
 H2020-PHC-2015-two-stage
 Stage 1: 14 October 2014.
 Stage 2: 24 February 2015.
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
The Kay Kendall Leukaemia Fund Intermediate Research Fellowships
Deadline: 16 April 2014.
Applicants for the Intermediate Fellowship will be
expected to demonstrate their potential for
achieving international status as researchers in
leukaemia or a closely related field.
CE – TRAIN2MOVE – Marie Curie
Cofund Fellowship
Scadenza: 5 Maggio 2014.
Nell’ambito del progetto Marie Curie Cofund
Train2Move, è stato pubblicato un bando per il
conferimento di 14 fellowship destinate a giovani
ricercatori, al fine di andare a svolgere un progetto
di ricerca della durata di 24 mesi presso
l’Università degli Studi di Torino.
This funding scheme is intended to promote the
mobility of experienced researchers to and from
Italy, and consists of three different types of
fellowships, each for a duration of two years:
1. Outgoing fellowships: for researchers who
have worked in Italy for more than three years
out of the last four years, interested in a
research experience in a scientific institution
located in a different country than Italy.
2. Incoming Fellowships: for non-Italian
scientists interested in a research experience
in a scientific institution located in Italy.
3. Reintegration Fellowships: for Italian
researchers who have worked in a country
outside Italy for at least two out of the last
three years, and who wish to return and work
in a research center in Italy.
Ai candidati che saranno selezionati, sarà conferito
un assegno di ricerca della durata di 24 mesi, per
un totale di 37.500,00 euro lordi l’anno, più un
contributo annuale a copertura delle spese della
ricerca quali ad esempio consumabili,
partecipazione a conferenze, corsi di formazione,
viaggi, pubblicazioni etc. pari a 8.000,00 euro
International Brain Research
Organization (IBRO)
 INFO:http://ibro.info/professionaldevelopment/funding-programmes/researchfellowships/
Borse di studio di mobilità
AIRC/Marie Curie "iCARE 2014"
Deadline: 19 May 2014.
The Italian Association for Cancer Research
(AIRC), will award a total of fourteen International
Cancer Research Fellowships to highly qualified
post-doctoral fellows or equivalent who wish to
broaden their experience in oncologic research.
Deadline: 01 June 2014.
IBRO Research Fellowships support post-doctoral
training to applicants under the age of 45 for up to
one year abroad in good laboratories.
Application Deadlines: September 1 - for travel to
meetings or conferences occurring during January
to June of the following year.
IBRO International Travel Grants aim to foster
neuroscience research by providing support to
high-quality neuroscientists from diverse
geographic and scientific areas (US/Canada Region
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
excluded), who wish to participate in international
neuroscience meetings.
 INFO: http://ibro.info/professionaldevelopment/funding-programmes/travelgrants/
Deadline: 01 September 2014.
Marzo-Aprile 2014
EMBO Short-Term Fellowships
Applications accepted throughout the year.
Short-Term Fellowships fund research visits of up
to three months to laboratories in Europe and
elsewhere in the world.
 INFO: http://www.embo.org/fundingawards/fellowships/short-term-fellowships
The objective of the Return Home Program of IBRO
is to coordinate efforts with other organizations to
improve the opportunities for productive
neuroscience research within the less advantaged
regions of the world and to provide more aid to
those researchers trained overseas who wish
return to their home countries.
 INFO: http://ibro.info/professionaldevelopment/funding-programmes/returnhome-fellowships/
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
Swiss Bridge Award 2014 - Call for
Deadline note of intent: 30 April 2014. The
principal investigators of a shortlist of between 6
and 8 projects will then be invited to submit a
detailed cancer research project by the 11 July,
Upon peer review and recommendation from the
scientific committee, up to 3 projects will receive
funding amounting to a total support of 500,000
Swiss Francs.
Swiss Bridge is a private foundation associated
with the Swiss Cancer League, the Swiss Cancer
Research Foundation and the International Union
Against Cancer (UICC) and supports high-quality
cancer research in Europe.
Society for Neuroscience- Young
Scientists Achievements and
Research Awards
These awards recognize students, postdoctoral
fellows, and scientists who have received an
advanced degree within the past 10 years and who
have made significant accomplishments in the field
of neuroscience.
 Peter and Patricia Gruber International
Research Award
Deadline: 7 May 2014.
$25,000 awarded to young neuroscientists for
outstanding research and educational pursuit in
an international setting.
 Donald B. Lindsley Prize in Behavioral
This year, projects focusing on Immunotherapy in
Oncology are eligible for application.
 INFO: http://www.swissbridge.ch/call-forapplication.html
$2,500 presented to a young neuroscientist's
outstanding PhD thesis in the general area of
behavioral neuroscience.
2013-2014 Michael E. DeBakey
Journalism Awards
Deadline: 30 April, 2014.
The Foundation for Biomedical Research (FBR)
announced today it is accepting entries for the
13th annual Michael E. DeBakey Journalism
Awards. The awards honor professional journalists
whose reporting has enhanced public
understanding of how the humane and responsible
use of animal models leads to medical and
scientific discoveries. Six awards will be presented
for outstanding investigative or interpretive
reporting published, broadcast or posted online
between March 15, 2013, and March 15, 2014.
 INFO: http://fbresearch.org/2013-2014-
Deadline: May 7, 2014.
 Nemko Prize in Cellular or Molecular
Deadline: May 7, 2014.
$2,500 presented to a young neuroscientist's
outstanding PhD thesis advancing
understanding of molecular, genetic, or cellular
mechanisms underlying brain function,
including higher function and cognition.
 Next Generation Award
Deadline: May 7, 2014 .
More than $2,000 awarded to two chapter
members or teams of members (one at
pre/postdoctoral level and one at junior faculty
level) for significant efforts in public
communication, outreach, and education about
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
 Janett Rosenberg Trubatch Career Development
Marzo-Aprile 2014
 Swartz Prize for Theoretical and Computational
Deadline: May 7, 2014.
Deadline: May 21, 2014.
$2,000 awarded to recognize individuals who
have demonstrated originality and creativity in
research and to promote success during
academic transitions prior to tenure.
$25,000 presented to individuals who, over a
period of time, have made significant
contributions or advances in theoretical and
computational neuroscience.
 Young Investigator Award
 Jacob P. Waletzky Award
Deadline: May 7, 2014.
Deadline: May 21, 2014.
$15,000 awarded for outstanding achievements
and contributions by a young neuroscientist
who has recently received his or her advanced
professional degree.
$25,000 presented to a scientist who has
conducted research or plans to conduct
research in the area of substance abuse and the
brain and nervous system.
Society for NeuroscienceOutstanding Research and Career
These awards are presented to scientists who have
made outstanding contributions to the field
through research and other scientific
 Julius Axelrod Prize
Deadline: May 21, 2014.
$25,000 awarded to a scientist with
distinguished achievements in the broad field of
neuropharmacology (or a related area) and
exemplary efforts in mentoring young
 Ralph W. Gerard Prize in Neuroscience
Deadline: May 21, 2014.
$25,000 presented to an outstanding scientist
who has made significant contributions to
neuroscience throughout his or her career.
 Mika Salpeter Lifetime Achievement Award
Deadline: May 14, 2014.
$5,000 is presented to an individual with
outstanding career achievements in
neuroscience who has also significantly
promoted the professional advancement of
women in neuroscience.
Eppendorf & Science Prize for
Deadline: 15 June 2014.
The Prize is awarded annually to one young
scientist for the most outstanding neurobiological
research based on methods of molecular and cell
biology conducted by him/her during the past
three years.
Prize money: US$25,000
ASIS-Fondazione Carlo Erba - Premi
Cecilia Cioffrese, Marisa Colbacchini
e Angelo Marai 2014
Scadenza: 18 luglio 2014.
ASIS (Associazione Studi sull’Industria della
Salute) e Fondazione Carlo Erba istituiscono tre
premi per giovani laureati e dottori di ricerca nei
campi delle malattie oncologiche, virali e
 premio Cecilia Cioffrese (PDF)
 premio Marisa Colbacchini (PDF)
 premio Angelo Marai (PDF)
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
The Biology of Aging: Novel Drug
Targets for Neurodegenerative
Genomics and Stem Cell Based
Therapies: Shaping the Future of
Personalized Medicine
09 May 2014 - New York|NY
29-31 May 2014- Guangzhou|China
 INFO:http://www.nature.com/natureconference
EMBO|EMBL Symposium:
Molecular Machines: Lessons from
Integrating Structure, Biophysics
and Chemistry
18-21 May 2014 - EMBL Heidelberg|Germany
 INFO:http://www.embo-emblsymposia.org/symposia/2014/EES14-03/
Biophysics of Amyloids and Prions
25-26 May 2014 – Naples| Italy
ABCD Meeting on Stem Cells,
Development and Regenerative
6-7 June 2014 – Salerno|Italy
 INFO: http://scdrm2014.azuleon.org/
Genomic Technologies and
Biomaterials for Understanding
23-24 June 2014 - San Diego, CA| USA
 INFO: http://2ubythebay.org/
Cell Stress: Survival and Apoptosis
1000 Genomes Project and Beyond
30-31 May 2014 - Bertinoro (Forlì-Cesena)|Italy
24-26 June 2014- Cambridge, UK
 INFO: http://cssa2014.azuleon.org/
SIICA-IX National Conference of
The Italian Society of Immunology,
Clinical Immunology and
22nd Annual International
Conference on Intelligent Systems
for Molecular Biology (ISMB)
28-31 May 2014 – Firenze|Italy
11 – 15 July 2014 – Boston| USA
 INFO: http://www.oic.it/siica2014/
 INFO: http://www.iscb.org/ismb2014
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
EMBO | EMBL Symposia: Epithelia:
The Building Blocks of
DNA Replication as a Source of
DNA Damage - From Molecules to
Human Health
27 -30 August 2014 - EMBL Heidelberg| Germany
30 September - 03 October 2014 - El Jadida,
 INFO: http://www.embo-emblsymposia.org/symposia/2014/EES14-04/
FEBS EMBO 2014 Conference
30 August 2014 - 4 September 2014 – Paris
 INFO: http://www.febs-embo2014.org/
 INFO: http://www.fusionconferences.com/conference3.php
3rd Conference on Translational
Medicine on Pathogenesis and
Therapy of Immune-Mediated
European Summer School on
29-30 September, 1 October 2014 – Milano, Italy
INFO: http://www.translationalimmunology.it/
1-5 September 2014 - Camerino, Italy
2014 FEBSWORKSHOP: Decoding
non-coding RNAs in Development
and Cancer
The summer school is open to students and
researchers interested in issues related to the
interaction between the nutrients contained in
foods and the (epi-)genome.
 INFO: http://d7.unicam.it/nutrigenomics/
The First Systems Biology and
Systems Medicine School
21- 27 September 2014 – Como - Italy
The SyBSyM Como School 2014 will be open to 40
qualified and selected students.
12-15 October 2014- Hotel La Palma, Capri, Italy
 INFO: http://workshop.igb.cnr.it/
26th EORTC-NCI-AACR Symposium
on Molecular Targets and Cancer
18-21 November 2014 – Barcelona|Spain
 INFO: http://www.eccoorg.eu/Events/EORTC_NCI_AACR_2014.aspx
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Marzo-Aprile 2014
Graduate Student Position in
Verona, Italy
Intestinal Stem Cell Research
A position to attend a three year PhD program in
“Inflammation, Immunity and Cancer” is
available at the University of Verona, Italy. This is
a new doctorate course with the purpose to well
prepare the future candidates to be ready not
only to utilize the most updated methodologies,
but also to perceive the pathological processes
and the mechanisms underlying the specific
functionality and involvement of the various cell
types in a unifying vision covering inflammation,
immunity and cancer.
Deadline: 27 April 2014.
 INFO: http://www.siica.it/jobs.asp?Cod=85
Research Assistant - Cell Biology &
Functional Genomics
Deadline : 18 April 2014.
We are seeking a highly motivated full-time
Research Assistant to join the group of Professor
Willem H Ouwehand within the Department of
Haematology, University of Cambridge
(http://www.haem.cam.ac.uk/). Our research
focuses on the biology, genetics and epigenetics
of megakaryocytes and platelets and the role
they play in Hematologic and Cardiovascular
Disorders. The team has a wide range of research
expertise in genetics and epigenetics, model
organisms, clinical data management and LIMS,
computational genomics, and statistical genetics.
Applicants will be educated to degree level in
Biological Sciences, Genetics or Molecular
Biology. They will have experience of working
with blood and cell cultures. Excellent
communication skills and the ability to work as
part of a team of researchers is essential.
 INFO: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/3670/
Europe's top cancer charity, Cancer Research UK,
has combined with the University of Cambridge
to fund the world class Cancer Research UK
Cambridge Institute, situated on the
Addenbrooke's Biomedical Campus in Cambridge.
We are currently looking to recruit a Research
Assistant to work in the Stem Cell Biology of the
Intestine Laboratory run by Senior Group Leader,
Dr Doug Winton.
The Winton Lab explores the dynamics of stem
and progenitor cells in normal and neoplastic
settings with particular regard to to the intestine.
You should be a graduate, or equivalent, in a
relevant scientific discipline with previous
laboratory experience. Practical experience in any
of the techniques listed above would be
advantageous as would a good working
knowledge of cell and molecular biology.
 INFO: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/3572/
Deadline :27 April 2014.
The European Molecular Biology Laboratory
(EMBL) Mouse Biology Unit in Monterotondo
(Rome, Italy) is seeking to hire a bioinformatician
to work in a support role for its research groups.
The candidate should have a strong statistical
background and be experienced in the handling
and analysis of large data sets generated by
microarray hybridization (e.g. gene expression
analysis or CGH arrays), and deep sequencing
(e.g. Illumina platform), associated with
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation and/or 4C/HIC
experimentation. Experience in RNA-seq data
analysis is welcome.
La newsletter della Società Italiana di Biofisica e Biologia Molecolare
Qualifications and Experience: Degree in a
biological science or bioinformatics. At least 3
years of experience in a bioinformatics
Research Group Leader: Istituto
Pasteur di Roma
Scadenza: 15 maggio 2014.
The Istituto Pasteur - Fondazione Cenci
Bolognetti invites applications for the position of
Research Group Leader for a newly established
laboratory. The successful candidate is expected
to establish a basic research line in the field of
host-pathogen interactions and their role in
human health.
 INFO: Scarica il bando
Research Assistant
Deadline : 2 June 2014.
The Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council
Stem Cell Institute draws together outstanding
researchers from 25 stem cell laboratories in
Cambridge to form a world-leading centre for
stem cell biology and medicine.
Applications are invited for a Research Assistant
to join the laboratory of Dr José Silva to work on
a Wellcome Trust funded project studying the
molecular mechanisms of induced pluripotency.
The successful applicant will work under direct
supervision of Dr Yael Costa and will assist in all
steps of the project's work, including mammalian
cell culture, generation of transgenic cell lines,
analysis of reprogramming assays and large scale
genome analysis based on Chromatin
Marzo-Aprile 2014
biology skills (e.g. PCR, gene cloning,
transformation, DNA/RNA preparation), accurate
record keeping and the ability to use basic
computational packages, especially Excel, are
 INFO: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/3595/
Independent Research Group
Deadline: 4 June 2014.
The Wellcome Trust – Medical Research Council
Cambridge Stem Cell Institute is seeking new
Group Leaders at both junior and senior level to
complement our existing programmes and
contribute to ground-breaking discoveries in
stem cell science. Applications in any area of
mammalian stem cell biology are welcome and
we are particularly interested in interfaces with:
1. mathematical, physical or chemical
2. bioengineering;
3. malignancy
4. regenerative medicine
Junior group leader candidates will have a
minimum of 3 years post-doctoral experience,
distinctive research achievements, and an original
project proposal. Senior group leader candidates
will be internationally recognised for
independent high quality science and have an
exceptional and well-founded research proposal.
 INFO: http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/3597/
Candidates should have a first degree in Biology,
Biochemistry or a related subject. Basic molecular