JAYNIE LOUISE ANDERSON, FAHA, CIHA CURRICULUM VITAE Foundation Director of the Australian Institute of Art History, AIAH, The University of Melbourne Address Arts West, Room 417, University of Melbourne, Parkville 3010 25 Park Drive, Parkville 3052. Tel + 61 (0)3 93472935 Mobile: + 61 (0) 417666613 1. DEGREES AWARDED 2. APPOINTMENTS 3. RESEARCH GRANTS, HONOURS AND AWARDS 4. PUBLICATIONS 5. EXHIBITIONS 6. FILMS 7. TEACHING AND ADMINISTRATION 8. HONORARY PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 9. CONVENOR OF CONFERENCES 10. GUEST LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS 11. RELATED ACTIVITIES 1 1. DEGREES AWARDED 1972 Doctor of Philosophy, Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania Thesis ‘The Imagery of Giorgione’ 1962-65 Bachelor of Arts, First Class Honors in Art History and History, University of Melbourne: Thesis, ‘Venetian Renaissance Portraiture’ Dwight Final Examination Prize in Art History 2. APPOINTMENTS 2012-2016 International Executive of Art History Comité Internationale de l’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) 2009 Foundation Director of the Australian Institute of Art History 2008-2012 President of the International Committee of the History of Art Comité Internationale de l’Histoire de l’Art (CIHA) 1997-2014 Herald Chair of Fine Arts, The University of Melbourne 1997-2004 Head of the School of Fine Arts, Classical Studies and Cinema, University of Melbourne 1975- 1996 Fellow of Wolfson College, Oxford, Lecturer in Art History at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art, University of Oxford 1969-74 First Woman Rhodes Fellow, the University of Oxford Fellow of St Hugh’s College, Oxford 1966-1968 Margaret N Farley Scholarship to Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania EDUCATION St Michael’s Grammar School, St Kilda, and Melbourne Church of England Girls Grammar School. 1962-65 University of Melbourne. Commonwealth Scholarship. B.A. (Hons 1), History and Fine Arts. Exhibition (Dwight Final Examination Prize) in Fine Arts. 1966-72 Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania. PH. D: ‘The Imagery of Giorgione’. 2 HONARARY APPOINTMENTS From 2012, Editorial Board of journal devoted to nineteenth-century Italian Studies, 1800, Venice From 2012-2016 Vice President of the International Committee of the History of Art, CIHA From 2008-2012, President of the International Committee of the History of Art, CIHA From 2009 to 2014, Executive committee of CIPSH, UNESCO, International Council for Philosophy and the Human Sciences, (Conseil International de le Philosophie et les Sciences Humaines) From 2010 Board of the Journal of Art Historiography From 1997 Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities From 1997-2014 Director on the Board of the Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne From 2003 Fellow of Queen’s College, The University of Melbourne From 2008 Board of Malraux Studies From 2003 – 2012 Board of Australian Book Review From 1998 to 2007 Board of Art Exhibitions Australia From 1992 to 2001, Advisory Board of Renaissance Studies. Journal of the Society for Renaissance Studies, Oxford University Press 3. RESEARCH GRANTS, HONOURS AND AWARDS 2014 ARC LEIF 120100056: Design and Art Australia Online: Sustainable data sharing for Australian researchers and collections 2012 ARC LEIF 120100056: Design and Art Australia Online: Sustainable data sharing for Australian researchers and collections 2011 Helen MacPherson Smith grant of $150,000 for the AIAH 2009/10 - SIAF Grant from the University of Melbourne to develop the Australian Institute of Art History, $150,000 2009 Gordon Darling Foundation: $15,000 publication grant for the Cambridge Companion to Australian Art 3 2009 Faculty of Arts, publication grant for the Cambridge Companion to Australian Art, $4000 2008 Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow at the National Gallery at Washington, 1 May to 30 June 2008, for the project: Renaissance Art and Risorgimento Politics: Towards a Biography of Giovanni Morelli (1816-1891) 2008- 2009, Lila Wallace Reader’s Digest Visiting Professor, Harvard Cetnre for Renaissance Studies, Villa I Tatti, Visiting Professor. 2003-2005 ARC Discovery, DP0345326 Beyond the Madonna Painter: reasssessing the life, works, and reception of Giovanni Bellini, 2003-2005, $282,967 2003 Paris: Inaugural Visiting Professor at INHA, Institut National de l’Histoire de l’Art 2003 Visiting Professor at the Villa I Tatti, Harvard Centre for Renaissance Studies 2002 Specific Project Grant: A Virtiual Print Room Ii: A Condition Report For The Conservation of Old Master Prints, $15,000 2001 Centenary Medal for service to Australian society and the humanities in the fine arts 2001 Florence Visiting professor at Villa I Tatti, the Harvard Centre for Renaissance Studies 2000 ARC GRANT A10020522 Australia’s Patrimony exemplified by the History of the multicultural collections at the National Gallery of Victoria (1850-2002) 1999 REIF (Research Infrastructure Equipment and Facilities Scheme) from the ARC (Australian Research Council ), Distributed National Network for the Scientific Analysis of Artworks, the first project to analyze underdrawing in Australian painting between the University of Melbourne, the University of Canberra, the National Gallery of Australia, Art Gallery of New South Wales, Queensland Art Gallery, National Gallery of Victoria, Artlab. $120,000 The principal outcome was a small travelling exhibition, Seeing Red: The Art and Science of Infra Red Analysis, which began at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne, 3 October to 3 December 2000. 1995 Miegunyah Fellow, University of Melbourne, 30 March to 2 June 1995 1991 Paul Mellon Visiting Senior Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington 1986 Visiting scholar at the J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu. 1983 Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation Fellowship, Venice. British Council 4 fellowship to East Germany to study Giovanni Morelli's correspondence museum directors (Dresden, Berlin). with 1982 Connoisseurship of Italian painting. British Academy Grant. Research in Germany and Italy. CONSULTANCIES 2010-2012 Principal Advisor to the National Gallery of Art, Canberra, for the exhibition, Renaissance. 15th and 16th century paintings from the Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, 9 December 2011 to 9 April 2012. 2009 ACCC, Consultancy on the Australian Art Market. 2006 Consultant Curator of an exhibition, at the National Gallery of Art, Washington and the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Bellini, Giorgione and Titian. The Renaissance of Venetian Painting, 2006. 4. PUBLICATIONS The Multiple Legacies of Bernard Smith, on 20-21 September 2012 at the University of Melbourne and on 9/10 November at the University of Sydney and the Art Galllery of New South Wales – to be published by the Art Gallery of New South Wales Arte e Antroplogia nel Novecento australiano: la tradizione warburghiana nell’Australia, in the conference Italia e l’arte Straniera, at the Accademia dei Lincei, and the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Istituto Max Planck per la Storia dell’arte, Rome ‘Modern Connoisseurship’ and the Role it played in shaping American Collectors’ Taste in Italian Renaissance Art’, lecture given at the Frick Art Gallery, New York, under consideration as a book chapter in A Market for Merchant Princes: Collecting Italian Renaissance Paintings in America. 2015. BOOKS Monographs Giuseppe Molteni in Correspondence with Giovanni Morelli - The Restoration of Renaissance Painting in mid nineteenth-century Milan, Edizioni Edifir, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Florence, 2014, as volume 20 of the series, Teoria e Storia del Restauro, ed. Giorgio Bonsanti. Tiepolo's Cleopatra, Melbourne: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. I Taccuini Manuscritti di Giovanni Morelli, Le Marche disperse.- Fonti I, Milan, 2000. Collecting, Connoisseurship and the Art Market in Risorgimento Italy: Giovanni Morelli’s Letters to Giovanni Melli and Pietro Zavaritt (1866 - 1872), Venice, Istituto Veneto, 1999. 5 Judith, Paris: Éditions du Regard, 1997. Giorgione: The Painter of Poetic Brevity, Paris/New York: Flammarion, 1997. French translation: Giorgione. Le Peintre de la “Brieveté Poétique, Paris: Éditions du Regard, 1996. EXHIBITION CATALOGUES Renaissance, 15th & 16th century Italian paintings from the Accademia Carrara, Bergamo, ed. Ron Radford, Giovanni Valagussa, Jaynie Anderson, Attilio Pizzigoni and David Wise: National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 2011-2012. With David Alan Brown, Sylvia Ferino-Pagden, Deborah Howard, Peter Humfrey and Mauro Lucco, Bellini, Giorgione, Titian and the Renaissance of Venetian Painting, catalogue of an exhibition at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, and the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 2006/2007 The Image as Catalyst. Catalogue of an exhibition held at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 30 October to 9 December 1984. Sculpture and Construction. An exhibition of abstract forms by six contemporary sculptors, McAlpine Gallery, the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, 3 November-17 December 1979, Oxford (1979). EDITED BOOKS The Cambridge Companion to Australian Art, Cambridge, 2011. Guest Editor of Australian Art Historiography, volume four of the Journal of Art Historiography, 4 June 2011, http://arthistoriography.wordpress.com/number-4-june2011/ Journal of Art Historiography, Australian Art Historiography, 4, 2011, http://arthistoriography.wordpress.com/ Selected by the National Library of Australia, and archived on 27 June 2011, as a publication of national significance, http://nla.gov.au/nla.arc-127665 Guest Editor of Diogène, Pour une histoire transculturelle de l'art, 2011, N° 231. Diogenes, Cross-Cultural Art History in a Polycentered World, Volume 58 Issue 3, no 231, August 2011 Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration and Convergence. The Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress in the History of Art, The Miegunyah Press, Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne, 2009. Guest editor of Renaissance Studies, X, no. 2, Women Patrons of Renaissance Art, 1300-1600, Oxford, 1996. Giovanni Morelli, Della Pittura italiana. Studii storico-critici di Giovanni Morelli (Ivan Lermolieff). Le Gallerie Borghese e Doria-Pamphili in Roma, ed. Jaynie Anderson, Milan: Adelphi edizioni S.P.A., 1991. 6 French translation: Giovanni Morelli, De La Peinture Italienne. Les fondements de la Theorie de l’attribution en peinture a propos de la collection des Galeries Borghese et Doria-Pamphili. Edition établie de Jaynie Anderson. French translation by Nadine Blamoutier, Éditions de la Lagune, Paris (1994). Giovanni Morelli. Balvi magnus und Das Miasma diabolicum. Giovannie Morelli’s erste pseudonyme Veröffentlichungen: Balvi magnus und Das Miasma diabolicum . edited with an introduction Jaynie Anderson, Königshausen und Neumann, Würzburg (1991) ‘Otto Mündler and his Travel Diary’, in ‘The Travel Diaries of Otto Mündler 1855 1858’, ed. C. Dowd and B. Fredericksen. The Walpole Society, LI (1985), pp. 7-64. Edgar Wind. Hume and the Heroic Portrait. Studies in Eighteenth-Century Imagery. Edited by Jaynie Anderson, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1986), Italian translation: Humanitas e ritratto eroico: studi sul linguaggio figurativo del Settecento inglese, a cura di Jaynie Anderson e Colin Harrison; translated Piero Bertolucci, Milan: Adelphi, 2000. Edgar Wind, The Eloquence of Symbols, Studies in Humanist Art. Ed. Jaynie Anderson. With a biographical memoir by Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Clarendon Press, Oxford (1983). Reprinted 1985; OUP paperback, revised edition, 1993. Italian translation (with the addition of several essays): L’eloquenza dei simboli (e) La Tempesta: commento sulle allegorie poetiche di Giorgione. Traduzione di Enrico Colli. A cura di Jaynie Anderson, Milan: Adelphi, , 1992. Spanish translation: La elocuencia de los simbolos. Estudios sobre arte humanista. Traducción de Luis Millán. Allianza editorial, Madrid 1993. ARTICLES 2014 ‘What a “Copy”may mean in the East and the West’, in the Proceedings of the CIHA Naruto colloquium, Between East and West: Reproductions in Art, held at Naruto in 2013, Artibus et historia, 2014, pp. 301-310. ‘Seen and Unseen: The European Baroque Picture and Print collections of the first Catholic Archbishop of Melbourne, James Alipius Goold OSA (1812-1886)’, in Augustinian Newsletter, 2014, No 3, pp. 3-6. ‘Machiavelli in Melbourne’, University of Melbourne Collections, June 2014, Issue 14, pp. 12-15. ‘The Spoils of War’, ‘A Bad Girl of history’, ‘The War at the End of Time’, in catalogue of an exhibition, Radicals, Slayers and Villains. Prints from the Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne, University of Melbourne Library: Melbourne 2014, pp. 10, 12, 34. 'CIHA as the Object of Art History', in The Challenge of the Object. Die Herausforderund des Objekts, in 32. Wissenschaftlicher Beiband zum Anzeiger des 7 Germanischen Nationalmuseums, Proceedings of the 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, 15 – 20 July, Nürnberg, volume 4 (2014), pp. 1474-1476. 2013 ‘Ein Bild von einer Frau- Die Renaissance erfindet Kleopatra neu’, catalogue essay in exhibition, Kleopatra. Die Ewige Diva, Bundeskunsthalle, 28 June to 6 October 2013, Hirmer: Bonn, pp. 56-67. ‘The Fascination of an Art Historian at I Tatti: Bernard Berenson and Jacqueline Kennedy’, essay in Renaissance Studies in Honor of Joseph Connors, ed. Maechtelt Israaëls and Louis A. Waldman, Florence: Leo S Olschki, 2013, pp. 737-742, 981982. 2012 ‘Breughel III’, in Visions Past and Present: Celebrating 40 Years, ed. C. Menz, Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne, pp. 26-27. Discussed at the blog: http://wp.me/p1ULJT-26, 7 January 2013. Obituary of Bernard Smith, Proceedings of the Austtralian Academy of Humanities, 2012, pp. 39-42, see also http://www.humanities.org.au/Fellowship/Obituaries.aspx, 7 January 2013 ‘CIHA’s roles in the making of art history around the globe’, World Art, 2012, 1-23. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21500894.2012.715592 ‘Double Take on a masterpiece. Leonardo da Vinci: painter at the Court of Milan, National Gallery, London’, Canberra Times, 28 January 2012. Review of Claudia Bertling Biaggini, Giorgione pictor et musicus amatus – Vom Klang seiner Bilder. Eine musikalische Kompositionsästhetik in der Maleriei gegen die Aprie der Norm um 1500. Studien zu Kunstgeschichte, 188, Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, in Renaissance Quarterly, LXV, no. 1, pp. 202-203. 2011 'Love and Devotion in daily life in Renaissance Italy', Renaissance 15th and 16th Century Paintings from the Accademia Carrara, Bergamo. Canberra, Australia: National Gallery of Australia , pp. 53-65. ‘Art Historiography in Australia and New Zealand’, in Journal of Art Historiography, IV. ‘Cross-Cultural Encounters.’ In The Cambridge Companion to Australian Art. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-11 . ‘Orde Poynton and the Baillieu Library’, Print Matters at the Baillieu, Melbourne, Australia: Custom Book Centre, pp. 7-20, University of Melbourne 8 ‘The Art of Blackness’, Review of ‘The Image of the Black in Western Art from the “Age of Discovery” to the Age of Abolition: Artists of the Renaissance and Baroque, edited by David Bindman and Henry Louis Gates, Jr. III, Part 1. The Bellknap Press of /Harvard University Press, Cambridge , Massachusetts, London, 2010, ‘, in The Australian, 6 February 2011, p.19. 2010 ‘”Le Musée Imaginaire” and Museums within Walls’, in André Malraux, His Philosophy and Art – Temptations of the Orient and Japan, 7-9 June 2008, Akita University International Conference, 2010, pp. 81-95 2009 'Giorgione a Venezia. La creazione di uno stile di poetica brevita', in Giorgione, ed. Enrico Maria Dal Pozzolo, Lionello Puppi. Giorgione. Milan, Italy: Skira Editore, pp. 133-142 . ‘The Creation of Indigenous Collections in Melbourne: How Kenneth Clark, Charles Mountford, and Leonhard Adam interrogated Australian Indigeneity' ed. Thierry Dufrene and Anne-Christine Taylor. Cannibalismes Disciplinaires. Quand l'histoire de l'art et l'anthroplogie se rencontrent. 1 61-78. Paris, France: Musee du quai Branly. ‘Spectacle in Sixteenth-Century Venice: or how Carpaccio, Giorgione and Titian represented Patrician Youth Theatre’, The Australian Academy of the Humanities, Proceedings, pp. 109-129. ACT, Australia: Australian Academy of the Humanities. 2008 'How to write Art History from an Antipodean Perspective' in Acta Historiae Artium, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest. Acta Historiae Artium Academie Scientiarium Hungaricae: an art-historical journal of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 49, pp. 24-36. ‘'The Critical Reception of Giovanni Bellini as a Painter of Antiquity', in Grammatik der Kunst. Sprachproblem und Regelwerk im "Bild-Diskurs". Gramatik der Kunstgeschichte. Oskar Baetschmann zum 65. Geburtstag. grammatik der kunstgeschichte, pp. 245-257 'The Martrdom of St Felicity', A Farewell to Ronald de Leeuw. His Favourite Acquisitions for the Rijksmuseum. A Farewell to Ronald de Leeuw. His Favourite Acquisitions for the Rijksmuseum. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Rijksmuseum , pp. 6465. ‘Giovanni Morelli and the French’, Histoire de l'histoire de l'art en France au XIXe siecle. 1, 2008, 447-461. France: La Documentation Francaise. ‘On the importance of Giorgione's Castelfranco Altarpiece. Report No 1. Veneto, Italy: AIDA (B+M Editions). 9 ‘The Giorgionesque Portrait II: Representations of Homosociality, or the importance of Friendship in Renaissance Venice. In Ferino-Pagden S (ed), Giorgione Entmythisiert. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, pp. 155-173. 2007 ‘ ”How ignorant we are”. The critical reception of indigenous art in Australia’, Australian Book Review. 2007, 296, pp, 38-39. 'Through Adversity to Renown': Giovanni di Paolo's Painting of a 'Crucifixion' in Canberra. Artibus et Historiae. 56 (XXVIII), pp. 197-206. ‘Titian's Franciscan Friar in Melbourne: a portrait of the confessor to Aretino and Titian? In Woods-Marsden J (ed), Titian: Materiality, Likeness, Istoria. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols , pp. 71-82 . 2006 ‘Algarotti and Dresden’, in Il Collezionismo a Venezia e nel Veneto ai tempi della Serenissima, ed. Max Seidel and Bernard Aikema, 2006, pp. 275-286. ‘Vedere la musica: Painting and Music in Renaissance Venice’, in Architettura e musica nella Venezia del Rinascimento, ed. Deborah Howard and Laura Moretti, Milan, 2006, pp. 21-40. ‘Allegories and Mythologies’. In David Brown & Sylvia Ferino-Pagden (eds), Bellini, Giorgione, Titian and the renaissance of Venetian painting. New Haven, United States: Yale University Press, 2006, pp. 147-188 . ‘Cross-cultural encounters’, Australian Book Review, 2006 (November), pp. 36-36. ‘Endless Tucker’, review of Gavin Fry, Albert Tucker, Beagle Press. Australian Book Review, October, 2006, pp. 36-37. 2005 Obituary for Dr Ursula Hoff, ‘Intellectual who left her imprint’, The Australian, 20 January 2005, p. 12. Reprinted in A Tribute to Dr Ursula Hoff OA OBE, 26.12.1909-10.01.2005. Great Hall – National Gallery of Victoria, Thursday 24 February 2005 –10.30 am, pp. 6-7. An occasional publication by the National Gallery of Victoria. Reprinted in Art and Australia, 2005, No 1, XLIII, p. 26. Reprinted in the Newsletter of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, No 30, July 2005, pp. 10-11. Reprinted in the Proceedings of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, 2005. Gallery Notes, ‘Collecting the British’, Australian Book Review, May 2005, pp. 4142. With Carl Villis, ‘Anthony van Dyck’s portrait of Rachel de Ruvigny, Countess of Southampton’, The Burlington Magazine, CXLVII, October 2005, pp. 661-667. 10 Obituary for Eric Westbrook, The Australian, 18 November 2005, p. 17. ‘Gardens of Love in Venetian Paintings of the Quattrocento’, in Rituals, Images and Words: the varieties of cultural expression in late medieval and early modern Europe, ed. Charles Zika and F. W. Kent, Brepols, Turnhout, 2005, pp. 25-44. ‘The Giorgionesque Portrait II: Representations of Homosociality, or the importance of friendship, in Renaissance Venice’, Giorgione, Vienna, 2005, pp. 143-161. Catalogue entries in the exhibition catalogue, Giorgione. Mythos und Enigma’, ed. S. Ferino-Pagden and G. Nepi Scirè, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, 23 March to 11 July 2004, pp. 173, 202-205. English edition: Giorgione. Myth and Enigma, pp. 173, 202-205. 2004 ‘How good were the Edwardians?, Australian Book Review, June, 2004, p. 36. ‘Jaynie Anderson’, Diary for Australian Book Review, October 2004, p. 56. Bittersweet Love: Giorgione’s Portraits of Masculine Friendship’, in The Italians’ in Australia: Studies in Renaissance and Baroque Art, ed. David Marshall, Florence, Centro Di (2004), pp. 87-94. ISBN 88-7038-413-6. ‘The First Cleaning Controversy at the National Gallery London 1846-1853’, in Issues in the Conservation of Painting, ed. David Bomford and Mark Leonard, The Getty Conservation Institute, Los Angeles, 2004, pp. 441-445. Catalogue entry on Giorgione’s Adoration of the Shepherds, in Sylvia Ferino Pagden and Giovanna Nepi Sciré, in Giorgione, Myth and Enigma, 2004. 2003 ‘Romeo and Juliet revisited’, in The Crossley Gallery 1966-1980, ed. Jenny Zimmer, Melbourne, 2003, pp. 116-117. `Entries on Old Master Prints, in Treasures. Highlights of the Cultural Collections of the University of Melbourne, ed. C. McAuliffe and P. Yule, Melbourne (2003), pp. 64-5, 78-79, 150-151, 174-75, 180-81, 198-201, 212-213, 222-223, 268-69. ‘Retrato de dama patricia con su hija’, in Tiziano, ed. Miguel Falomir, in Titian, catalogue of an exhibition at the Museo del Prado, Madrid, 10 June to 7 September 2003, pp. 206-207, 377. 2002 ‘A Personal Journey through three centuries of Italian painting’, Artonview, XXIX (2002), pp. 4-13. A Pavanne for Another Time: Bernard Smith. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art. 3 (2) : 117-120. ‘Doing What comes Naturally: Pittura Padana in Lombardy and the Emilia 11 Romagna’, in the catalogue of the exhibition at the National Gallery of Australia, 28 March to 16 June 2002, Titian to Tiepolo. Three Centuries of Italian Art, (2002) Skira, Milan, pp. 28-31. Translated into Italian, ‘Fare quel che viene naturale: la pittura padana in Lombardia e Emilia Romagna’, for the exhibition catalogue, Da Tiziano a Caravaggio a Tiepolo. Capolavori di tre secoli di arte italiana, Palazzino di Caccia di Stupinigi, Turin, 17 November 2002 to 16 February 2003 (Florence) 2002, pp. 35-37. ‘Loan a unique Display of Quality. This Exhibition is one of the Best’, The Australian, 30-31 March 2002, p. 5. ‘Passion, flattery and chocolate. The lives and times of Italians artists’, Supplement to The Age, July 3rd 2002, pp. 10-11. ‘Titian’s unfinished Portrait of a patrician Woman and her Daughter from the Barbarigo collection, Venice’, The Burlington Magazine, CXLIV (2002), pp. 671-79. ‘Reshid Bey – A Life’s Work 1916-1984’, in Victorian Turkish Community, Melbourne (2002), pp. 110-111. 2001 Entries on Giorgione, pp. 292-3, Morelli, p. 490, in The Oxford Companion to Western Art, ed. H. Brigstocke, Oxford, 2001. ‘Titian’s Portrait of a Patrician Lady and her Daughter’, in Clerics & Connoisseurs. An Irish Art Collection Through Three Centuries, catalogue of an exhibition at Kenwood House, 2001, London, pp. 222-229. ‘The Sculptor writes: Rodin in correspondence with Melbourne’, in Rodin Sculpture and Drawings, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra, 14 December 2001 to 24 February 2002, pp. 125-137. Naidu, S., Anderson, J., & Riddle, M. (2001, June). The virtual print exhibition: A case of learning by designing. Paper presented at ED-MEDIA 2001-World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications, June 25th-30th, 2001, Tampere, Finland. 2000 ‘Art and Erotica. A sensual Edifice’, review of the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili: or the Strife of Love in a Dream by Joscelyn Goodwin, in The Australian, 12 April 2000, pp. 1-4. Entry on ‘Franz Philipp, 1914-1970’, in Australian Dictionary of Biography, XV 1940- 1980 (eds. John Ritchie and Di Langmore), Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 2000, pp. 601-2. 'Molteni in corrispondenza con Giovanni Morelli. Il restauro della pittura rinascimentale a Milano nell'Ottocento, Giuseppe Molteni (1800-1867) e il ritratto nella Milano romantica. Pittura, collezionismo, restauro, tutela, Milano, 2000, pp. 47-58. 12 Constructing architectural identity in Renaissance Italy’, in Portrait of Sansovino? catalogue of an exhibition at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, Melbourne, July 2000, pp. 8-13. ‘Art History’s History in Melbourne: Franz Philipp in correspondence with Arthur Boyd’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Art, I, 2 (2000), pp. 111-129. ‘In Homage to Ursula Hoff on her ninetieth birthday’, Art and Australia, XXXVIII, No 2 (2000), pp. 250-257. Naidu, S., Anderson, J., & Riddle, M. (2000, December). The virtual print exhibition: A case of learning by designing. Paper presented at ASCILITE 2000, Learning to choose, Choosing to Learn, 10-14th December, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbor, Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, ed. R. Sims, M. O’Reilly, S., Sawkins, pp. 109-114. ‘Women and Water’, The University of Melbourne Journal, VI, No 2, December 2000, pp. 27-28. ‘When art irritates life’, review of Artemisia: The Story of a Battle for Greatness,by Alexandra Lapierre, The Age, 9 September 2000. 1999 Foreward to exhibition catalogue, Violet Teague, Melbourne, 1999. ‘Frizzoneria in Bergamo’, Ex Fumo Lucem. Baroque Studies in Honour of Klára Garas, II, Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest, 1999, pp. 233-52. ‘Giovanni Santi e Giovanni Morelli’, in Giovanni Santi. Atti del Convegno internazionale di Studi, Urbino, Convento di Santa Chiara, 17/18/19 March 1995, Milan, 1999, pp. 193-97. 1998 ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, review of the exhibition at the National Gallery on Hollar and Callot, in The Age, 4 April 1998. ‘Herald Professor’s Report: The New School’, The University of Melbourne FineArts Society Bulletin, X, no. 1, Autumn 1998, p. 3. ‘Giovanni Morelli for and against Piero della Francesca’, in Piero interpretato, Copie, giudizi e musealizzazione di Piero della Francesca, eds. Cecilia Preti and Ranieri Varese, Ancona, 1998, pp. 85-88. ‘The School of Fine Arts, Classical Studies and Archaeology (incorporating Cinema Studies)’, Arts Alumni News, December 1998. ‘I taccuini marchigiani di Giovanni Morelli’, in the acts of the conference,Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle 1819-1897. Alle origini della storia dell’arte, published as 13 Giovanni Battista Cavalcaselle conoscitore e conservatore, ed. A. C. Tommasi, Venice (1998), pp. 81 – 96. ‘Sir Charles Eastlake e i suoi restauratori italiani: Giuseppe Molteni e Raffaelle Pinti’, in Bollettino d’Arte, Supplement to Volume 98, in the acts of the conference: Giovanni Secco Suardo (1785 - 1873) La cultura del restauro tra tutela e conservazione dell’opera d’arte, Atti del convegno, 9-11 March 1995, Bergamo, 1998, pp. 57-62. 1997 ‘William John Bankes’ Notes on Renaissance Art and Architecture in Ferrara, circa 1851, Schifanoia, 1997, XVII/XVIII, pp. 221-229. ‘What was Ferrarese about Isabella d’Este’s Camerino?’ in The court of the Gonzaga in the Age of Mantegna: 1450-1550, Atti del Convegno, London, 6-8 March 1992/ -Mantova, 28 March 1992, eds. Cesare Mozzarelli, Robert Oresko and Leandro Ventura, London (1997), pp. 337-52. 1996 ‘The Loves of the Gods’, Apollo, January, 1996, CXLIII, pp. 54-5. ‘Rewriting the history of art patronage: Women Patrons of Renaissance Art 1300 – 1600’, Renaissance Studies, X, No. 2 (1996), pp. 129-138. ‘The political power of connoisseurship in Nineteenth-century Europe: William von Bode versus Giovanni Morelli’, in Jahrbuch der Berliner Museen, 1996, LXXXIII, pp. 107-119. Dictionary entries for The Dictionary of Art , Ohio (1996), on: Italy, Collecting and Dealing, XVI, pp. 765-770; Western Connoisseurship, VII, pp. 714-5; Cavenaghi, VI, p. 115; Gustavo Frizzoni, XI, pp. 797-8; Austen Henry Layard, XVIII, pp. 896-7; Giuseppe Molteni, XXI, pp. 824-5; Giovanni Morelli, XXII, pp. 101-3; Otto Mündler, XXII, pp. 296-7; John Paul Richter, XXVI, p. 358; Edgar Wind, XXXIII, pp. 242-3. 1995 Entry on Jacob Matham, after Titian, Sine Cerere et Baccho friget Venus, in catalogue Tiziano Amor Sacro e Amor Profano, Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, 22 March - 22 May,1995, pp. 435-6. ‘Professor Charles Mitchell’, Obituary, The Independent, London, 31 October 1995. ‘Leonardo and Giorgione in the Grimani Collection’, Achademia Leonardi Vinci. Journal of Leonardo Studies & Bibliography of Vinciana, VIII (1995), pp. 226-7. 1994 ‘The provenance of Bellini’s Feast of the Gods and a new/old interpretation’, in Titian 500, ed. Joseph Manca, Studies in the History of Art, XLV, National Gallery Washington, (1994), pp. 265-288. 14 ‘Byron’s Tempesta’, The Burlington Magazine, CXXXV, May (1994), p. 316. ‘Fixing Pastels; a letter from Liotard to the 2nd Earl of Bessborough in 1763’, The Burlington Magazine, CXXXV,(1994), pp. 23-5. ‘The Manchester Madonna’, Letter to the Editor, Times Literary Supplement, 28 October 1994, p. 17. ‘A New Museum for Milan: The Palazzo Bagatti Valsecchi’, Apollo, CXL, December (1994), pp. 27-8. Giovanni Morelli museologo del Risorgimento, pp. 25-39; ‘Morelli e I suoi amici’, pp. 79-92; ‘Morelli e Genelli’, pp. 93-99; in Giovanni Morelli. Collezionista di disegni. La donazione al Castello Sforzesco, ed. G. Bora, catalogue of an exhibition at the Castello Sforzesco, Milan, 9 November 1994 - 8 January 1995, Milan (1994). 1994 ‘Salvare gli affreschi del Rinascimento italiano; la missione di Henry Layard’, in Austen Henry Layard, Giovanni Santi e l’affresco di Cagli, a cura di Ranieri Varese, Epigrammi, 3, Centro di, Florence (1994), pp. 51-61. ‘“A most improper picture”: Transformations of Bronzino’s erotic Allegory’, Apollo, CXXXIX, February (1994), pp. 19-28. 1993 ‘Giovanni Morelli contro gli istorici dell-arte’, in the Atti del Convegno internazionale, Bergamo, 4-7 Giugno 1987, Giovanni Morelli e la cultura dei conoscitori, Bergamo (1993), I, pp. 82-92. ‘The rediscovery of Ferrarese renaissance Painting in the Risorgimento’, The Burlington Magazine, CXXXV, (1993), pp. 539-49. ‘Rubens revisited’, University of Melbourne Gallery Society Bulletin, V, iv (1993), pp. 6-7, 12. 1992 ‘The Renaissance Tradition of Erotic Sleeping Figures and Rubens’, University of Melbourne Gallery Society Bulletin, V, ii (1992), pp. 4-5. ‘Giovanni Morelli’s scientific Method of Attribution - Origins and Interpretations’, XXVIIe Congrès International, L’Art et les Révolutions, Section 5, Strasbourg/Colmar, 1-7 September 1988, Strasbourg, 1992, pp. 135-41. 1991 ‘Lilio Gregorio Giraldi’; ‘Il Risveglio dell’interesse per le Muse nella Ferrara del Quattrocento’, in Le Muse e il Principe. Arte di corte nel Rinascimento padano, Exhibition at the Museo Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan, September to December, ed. A. Mottola Molfino and M. Natale. Panini, Modena (1991), I, pp. 441-3; II, pp. 165-186. 15 ‘National Museums, the Art Market and Old Master Paintings’, in Kunst und Kunsttheorie 1400 - 1900, ed. P. Ganz, Wölfenbütteler Forschungen, IIL, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wölfenbüttel (1991), pp. 375-404. ‘Scholarship in the Service of the Market; a long story’. The Art Newspaper, no. 16, 16th March 1991, p. 11. ‘What pigments did Rembrandt use?’ The Art Newspaper, no. 8 (1991) p. 13. 1990 ‘Giovanni Morelli et la collection Arconati-Visconti’, La Revue du Louvre et des Musées de France (1990), XL, iii, pp. 205-11. ‘The first Cleaning Controversy at the National Gallery 1846-1853’, in Appearance, Opinion, Change: Evaluating the look of Paintings, United Kingdom Institute for Conservation, London (1990), pp. 3-7. Letter to the Editor, with Burton B. Fredericksen, Carol Togneri Dowd, Burlington Magazine, CXXXII (1990), p. 31. ‘Mißglückte Enführung’, Deutscher Kunstverlag, München, Berlin (1990), pp. 12. ‘Ranieri Varese’s Atlante di Schifanoia’, Schifanoia, X (1990) pp. 191-93. 1989 ‘“Die geniale Bettina”: Giovanni Morelli in Conversation with Bettina von Arnim’, Oxford German Studies, XVIII-XIX (1989/90), pp. 45-59. ‘Collezioni e collezionisti della pittura veneziana del Quattrocento: storia, sfortuna, e fortuna’, in La pittura nel Veneto. Il Quattrocento, ed. M. Lucco, I, Electa, Milan (1989), pp. 271-294. ‘Andrzej Jackowski “At the lining of things”’, foreward to an exhibition catalogue, Castelfield Gallery, Manchester (1989). 1988 ‘The Head-hunter and Head-huntress in Italian Religious Portraiture’, Vernacular Christianity. Essays in the Social Anthropology of Religion. Presented to Godfrey Lienhardt, ed. W. James and D. H. Johnson, Jaso, Oxford (1988), pp. 60-9. 1987 ‘Giovanni Morelli et sa définition de la scienza dell’arte’, Revue de l’art, LXXV (1987), pp. 49-55. ‘The Morelli Conference in Bergamo’, The Burlington Magazine, CXXIX (1987), pp. 596-8. ‘Il Collezionismo e la Pittura del Cinquecento’, La Pittura in Italia. Il Cinquecento, ed. F. Zeri and m. Natale, Electa, Milan (1987), II, pp. 559-568. 16 ‘Morelli and Layard’, Austen Henry Layard tra l’Oriente e Venezia, ed. F. M. Fales e B. J. Hickey, La Fenice, VIII, L’Erma di Bretschneider, Rome (1987), pp. 109-137. Entries in Paintings from Emilia 1500-1700. New House Galleries, New York (1987) pp. 44-6, 64-70. 1986 Entry on Bernadino Mei, ‘Alexander the Great and the Fates’; Michael Sweert, ‘Mars destroying the arts’, in Baroque III, 1620-1720, Matthiesen Fine Art, London (1986) pp. 107-10, 128-131. 1985 Entry on Bartolomeo Passerotti ‘Portrait of a man in black velvet and ‘Two marketwomen selling poultry’: Agostino Carracci ‘Portrait of Olimpia Luna as Judith and Melchiore Zoppio as Holofernes’: Jacopo Ligozzi Allegory of avarice, in Around 1610, the Onset of the Baroque, Matthiesen Fine Art, London (1985) pp. 10-15, 18-29. 1984 ‘Pietro Aretino and Sacred Imagery’, Interpretazioni veneziani. Studi di storia dell’arte in onore di Michelangelo Muraro, ed. David Rosand, Venice (1984), pp. 275-90. Entry on Dosso Dossi ‘Venus awakened by Cupid’ in From Borso to Cesare d’Este, The School of Ferrara, 1450 - 1628, Matthiesen Fine Art, London (1984) pp. 88-9. 1981 ‘Erasmus and the Siren’, Erasmus in English, II (1981/2), pp. 8-12. ‘Mito e Realtà di Giorgione nella Storiografia artistica: dal Senatore Giovanni Morelli ad oggi’, in Giorgione e l’Umanesimo veneziano, ed. R. Pallucchini. Florence (1981), II, pp. 615-35, 637-53. 1980 ‘Giorgione, Titian and the Sleeping Venus’, Tiziano e Venezia, Convegno Internazionale di Studi, Veneza 1976, Neri Pozza, Vicenza (1980), pp. 337-342. 1979 ‘The Giorgionesque Portrait: From Likeness to Allegory’, Giorgione. Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studio per il 5 Centenario della Nascita, Castelfranco Veneto, 29-31 May 1978, Venice (1979), pp. 153-8. ‘A Further Inventory of Gabriel Vendramin’s Collection’, The Burlington Magazine, CXXI (1979), pp. 639-48. ‘Speculations on the Carracci Academy in Bologna’, Oxford Art Journal, III (1979), pp. 379-99. ‘“Le roi ne meurt jamais”: Charles V’s obsequies in Italy’, El Cardenal Albornoz y el 17 Colegio de Espana (V), Studia Albornotiana, XXXVI (1979), pp. 379-99. 1978 ‘L’opera di Giorgione’ (a cura di Jaynie Anderson), in Giorgione 1478-1978. Guida alla Mostra: I Tempi di Giorgione, ed. P. Carpeggianni, Castelfranco Veneto (1978). 1977 ‘Christ carrying the Cross in San Rocco: Its Commission and miraculous History’, Arte Veneta, XXXI (1977), pp. 186-8. 1974 ‘A Precedent for the Tridentine Decree on Religious Imagery: An Early Restoration of Giambattista Ponchini’s “Castelfranco Altarpiece”’, Arte Veneta, XXVIII (1974) pp. 239-41. The “Casa Longobarda” in Asolo: A sixteenth-century Architect’s House, The Burlington Magazine, CXVI (1974), pp. 296-303. 1973 ‘Some new Documents relating to Giorgione’s Castelfranco Altarpiece and his patron Tuzio Costanzo’, Arte Veneta, XXVII (1973), pp. 280-89. The Subject of a Drawing by Giambattista Tiepolo reconsidered, Art Bulletin of the National Gallery of Victoria (1973/74), pp. 15-19. ‘Eating Mussels in the Bathtub. Sixteen Screenprints by Billly Meyer’ , introduction to an exhibition held at the Paperpoint Gallery, London, 27 February to 6 April 1973. 1970 ‘The “Sala di Agostino Carracci” in the Palazzo del Giardino’, Art Bulletin, LII (1970), pp. 41-8. 1967 ‘The Early Work of Sidney Nolan 1939-49’, Meanjin, XXVI (1967), pp. 313-19. SELECT REVIEWS OF ANDERSON’S PUBLICATIONS I Taccuini Manuscritti di Giovanni Morelli, Le Marche disperse.- Fonti I, Milan, 2000. Reviewed by Mary Weitzel Gibbons, Renaissance Quarterly, LVI, No 1, 2003, p. 177. Reviews of Crossing Cultures (2009) Patrick McCaughey, ‘Notions of Oneness’, Australian Book Review, October, 2009, pp. 39-40. Silvia Dropulich, ‘Art History Olympics Win’, The Age, 9/3/2009. 18 DISCUSSIONS OF RESEARCH Francesco Villari, Ritratti londinesi. Otto incontri con Gombrich, Popper, Haskell, Hobsbaum, Mann, Anderson, Lepschy, Seton-Watson, Rome, a cura di Leone C, 2006. REVIEWS ‘Rome’, Art and Australia, Summer, 2011, p. 328. 5. EXHIBITIONS CANBERRA 2011-2012 2011-2012: Principal Advisor to RENAISSANCE 9 DECEMBER 2011 - 9 APRIL 2012, National Gallery of Australia, Canberra VIENNA and WASHINGTON 2005-2006 2005-2006: Curator of an exhibition, at the National Gallery of Art, Washington and the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, Bellini, Giorgione and Titian. The Renaissance of Venetian Painting, 2006. MELBOURNE 2000 ‘Sansovino Portrait?’ Exhibition on Constructing Architectural identity, based on a previously unknown portrait of Sansovino, at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, The University of Melbourne MELBOURNE 2000 CD-ROM of Greek Vases in the collection of The University of Melbourne at the Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne, 2000. MILAN 1994 Giovanni Morelli. Collezionista di disegni. La donazione al Castello Sforzesco. Exhibition of Renaissance drawings at the Castello Sforzesco, Milan MILAN 1991 Le Muse e il Principe. Arte di corte nel Rinascimento padano, Exhibition at the Museo Poldi-Pezzoli, Milan OXFORD 1984 The Image as Catalyst. The Younger Generation of British Figurative Painters. Catalogue of an exhibition at the McAlpine Gallery, Ashmolean Museum OXFORD 1979 Sculpture and Construction. An exhibition of abstract forms by six contemporary sculptors, McAlpine Gallery, the Ashmolean Museum CASTELFRANCO VENETO 1978 I Tempi di Giorgione 19 6. PERFORMANCES FILMS Tiepolo, ABC, 2003 Giorgione del Castelfranco. Sulle trace del genio, Director Antonello Belluco, in collaboration with the Regione del Veneto and the Città del Castelfranco, Venice Film, 2010 English Version: Giorgione from Castelfranco, Behind the Mystery, 2010 OPERA Idea for a performance of Von Hasse’s serenata, Antonio e Cleopatra. Baroque Opera & Banquet at the National Gallery of Victoria, 29 March 2011. RADIO INTERVIEWS Michael Fonseca, ‘Stolen artefact returned’, ABC radio, 27/9/2002. The intriguing tale of a decade-long international art theft reached its conclusion this afternoon when an ancient Greek water jug was returned to the University of Melbourne CONNECTIONS PROGRAM 2. A Motet from Notre Dame and Wild Travellers’ Tales, 13 April 2003, ABC Classic FM 4BC Radio in Brisbane, 2 September 2012, interview about Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa and the excavation of the supposed body of Gioconda in the convent St Ursula, Florence, where her daughter was a nun. 20 6. TEACHING AND ADMINISTRATION PH D Completions Luke Morgan, Solomon de Caus and early seventeenth-century landscape design, 2004. Lisa Mansfield, Honour and virtue in the French Renaissance: the portraits of King Francis I, 2004 Hugh Hudson, Paolo Uccello : the life and work of an Italian Renaissance artist, 2006 Benjamin Keir Thomas, Daryl Lindsay: vision for Australian art, 2008 Anna Drummond, Mariology and Matrimony. The Iconography of the Marriage of the Virgin in Italian Art, April 2009. Robyn Sloggett, Dr Leonhard Adam and his ethnographic collection at the University of Melbourne, 2011. Diana Hiller, In the beholders’ eyes: gendered perceptions of Florentine Last Supper frescoes (c.1350-1490), 2011 Glenys Adams, Space, Memory, Narrative: The Oratorians and the Memorialization of San Filippo Neri in Rome, Florence and Naples, 2013. Peter Andrew French, David Wright: An Australian Religious Iconography, 2014 MA Completions Hugh Hudson, Re-examining Van Eyck: a new analysis of the Ince Hall Virgin and Child, 2001 Joanne Cahill, Parmigianino’s representation of women and his female patrons, 1503 – 1540, 2003 Damian Smith, Sidney Nolan - The Kelly Myth, 2004 Simone Wood, Moralising Messages of Chastity in Florentine Cassone Painting, 2004 Eleanor Adams, Geoffrey Kaye Collection: Decorative Arts at the 21 University of Melbourne, 2004 Eszter Szabo, What is the House of Terror, 2005 Zoë Willis, Of Pharaoh and a Foundling: The finding of Moses from late Antiquity to Eighteenth-century Venice, 2006 Kathleen Kiernan, Northern Journeys: The Landscape Prints of Jan Van de Velde II in the John Orde Poynton Library, The University of Melbourne, 2007 Raquel McConnell, Titian: Love, Truth, Beauty and the Poetry of the Sublime, 2008 Emma Steinfort, The ever present past; the tension of the ‘authentically inauthentic antique’ found within the Late Renaissance Villeggiatura: with a focus on the Villa Farnese, 2014 22 7. HONORARY PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS From 2011-2012: Principal Advisor to the National Gallery of Australia for the exhibition, Renaissance. From 2010-2012: Executive of the International Council for the Humanities, CIPSH (Conseil International pour les Sciences Humaines), UNESCO From 2008-2012: President of the International Committee of the History of Art (CIHA) From 2008: Art Historian and Australian consultant to the Malraux project, http://www.malraux.org/ From 2003-2011: Board of the Australian Review of Books From 2003: Fellow of Queen’s College, Melbourne From 1999: Fellow of the Australian Academy of Humanities From 1997-2007: Board of Art Exhibitions Australia (AEA) From 1997-2014: Director on the Board of the Ian Potter Museum of Art, the University of Melbourne 8. CONVENOR OF CONFERENCES 15-22 July 2012, Nuremberg, ‘ CIHA as the Object of Art History’ chair with Thomas Gaehtgens, Director of the Getty Research Centre, in The Challenge of the Object’, 33rd Congress of the International Committee of the History of Art, Nuremberg, 15-20 July 2012 9-10 March 2012, An International Symposium at the University of Melbourne, on the Renaissance. December 2010, convener of session, ‘Transforming Visions of Renaissance Mannerist Art and Visual Culture’ at the annual conference of the AAANZ, University of Adelaide, and From 2010 Conferences organized by the Australian Institute of Art History at the University of Melbourne Interrogating Art Curatorship in Australia 12-14 March 2010 Australian Art Industry Networks: Artists, Agents, Markets and Museums 15-16 July, 2010 23 Contemporaneity and Art 22-23 July, 2010 Interspaces: Art + Architectural Exchanges from East to West 20-22 August, 2010 Art History’s History in Australia and New Zealand 29-29 August, 2010 Print-matters at the Baillieu 3 September 2011 Renaissance Symposium 9-10 March 2011 The Legacies of Bernard Smith The Power of Luxury 13-14 November 2008 Inspiration of Place: the artistic life of cities. The 39th Annual Symposium of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, at the Utzon Room, Sydney Opera House. 13-18 January 2008 Crossing Cultures: Conflict, Migration and Convergence. The Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress in the History of Art, The Miegunyah Press, Melbourne University Publishing, Melbourne, 2009. 15-18 July 2005 Precious Resources: University museums in the 21st Century. University of Melbourne, Universitas 21conference. 4-7 October 2001 Convener of Visual Arts in the 21st Century from Museum to Cyberspace, annual conference of the Art Association of Australia and New Zealand, the University of Melbourne 24 9. GUEST LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS 22 October 2014, Curating Australian Indigenous Art from pre hstory to the digital age, Curatorial Colloquium, National Gallery of Art Washington 12 October 2014, Decorating with Love: Themes of Romance for an Early Renaissance Palace near Venice, The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore 4 September 2014, with Shane Carmody, “Seen and Unseen”Archbishop James Alipius Goold (1812-1886) and his European collections of books and paintings in Colonial Victoria, Elisabeth Murdoch Theatre, University of Melbourne 29 April 2014, ‘Violence in the Baillieu’, in connection with the exhibition, Radicals, Slayers and Villains, University of Melbourne. 19 February 2014, ‘Piranesi in Venice’, for the congress Piranesi and the Global Impact of the Late Baroque, University of Melbourne. 24 July 2013, ‘An Erotic Antiquarian Romance: the Hypnerotomachia Poliphili (Venice, 1499)’, in the Congress for the Rare Book Week, Libri: six centuries of Italian Printed Books, The Baillieu Library, University of Melbourne 12 July 2013, ‘Spectacle in Renaissance Venice’, in the congress, Genre, Affect and Authority in Early Modern europe 1517-1688, University of Melbourne 18 May 2013, ‘Spectacle and Theatre in Sixteenth-Century Venice’, in the congress, From Earthly Pleasures to Princely Glories in the Medieval and Renaisance Worlds’, held at the Centre for Medieval & Renaissance Studies, UCLA, Los Angeles, California 12 January 2013, ‘What a copy may mean in the East and the West’, at the Otuska Museum, Naruto, Japan, concluding keynote for the congress on Between East and the West: Reproductions in Art, CIHA colloquium. 24 November 2012, Arte e Antroplogia nel Novecento australiano: la tradizione warburghiana nell’Australia, in the conference Italia e l’arte Straniera, at the Accademia dei Lincei, and the Bibliotheca Hertziana, Istituto Max Planck per la Storia dell’arte, Rome 19 September 2012, ‘Bernard Smith as mentor’, The Legacies of Bernard Smith, University of Melbourne 22 February 2012, ‘Giovanni Bellini and the Venetian Renaissance’, Masterclass at the National Gallery of Australia, Canberra. 10 February 2012, Renaissance Cookery, Renaissance Banquet for Rinaldo di Stasio, Yarra Vallery 25 31 January 2012, ‘Le Raccolte dell’Accademia Carrara e la Connoisseurship Europea nell’Ottocento’, Sala dei Giuristi, Piazza Vecchia, free public lecture to the City of Bergamo, Lombardy, Italy. 10 December 2011, ‘Introduction to the National Gallery of Australia’s exhibition, Renaissance’, National Gallery of Australia 24 November 2011 Dean’s Lecture, Faculty of Arts, University of Melbourne, ‘Renaissance at the National Gallery of Australia’, http://alumni.online.unimelb.edu.au/s/1182/index.aspx?sid=1182&pgid=1708&gid=1 &cid=2673&ecid=2673&post_id=0 3 September 2011 ‘The Orde Poynton Collection at the University of Melbourne’, Print Matters at the Baillieu, The University of Melbourne 13 August 2011 ‘Making art history in the World with CIHA’, The World and World-making in Art: Connectivities and Differences, Australian National University, Canberra 30 June - 2 July 2011 ‘What a circle may mean’, Conference at the Gallerie degli Uffizi, Florence, on Aesthetics and Techniques of Lines between Drawing and Writing 18 June 2011 Landscapes from the Baillieu Library Print Collection, Festival of Ideas, University of Melbourne 16-18 May 2011 Nuremberg: Preparatory meeting for the CIHA conference in 2012 9- 13 May 2011 Opening address to the CIHA congress: Centres and Peripheries Around 1400: Artistic Production Inside and Outside Europe of the Regions according to Cultural Contexts and Economic and Social Conditions, Maribor, Slovenia 11 January 2011 ‘CIHA and Globalisation: the last four years’, in ‘Other Views: Art History in (South) Africa and the Global South’, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesberg 13-14 December 2010 Chair of Session: ‘Poverty and Environmental Change: Reframing the Debate (II)’ in Changing Nature-Changing Sciences? The Challenges of Global Environmental Change for the Social Sciences and the Humanities, 13-14 December, 2010, ISSCCIPSH General Assembly, Nagoya, Japan 7 December 2010 ‘What Dürer saw in Renaissance Venice. Patrician Theatre at the time of Dürer’s Visit’, The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo 26 1 December 2010 The Impact of Giovanni Morelli’s Scientific Connoisseurship on the Creation of Renaissance Museums In Risorgimento Italy and America, AAANZ conference, Adelaide 12 November 2010 ‘A Market for Merchant Princes: Collecting Italian Renaissance Paintings in America’, in A Market for Merchant Princes: Collecting Italian Renaissance Paintings in America, The Frick Art Gallery, New York 21 October 2010, Rio de Janeiro, National Conference of the Brazilian Art Historians, Keynote address on ‘CIHA and Globalization’ 23 September 2010, Convener of a conference on the comparative nature of curatorship in China and the West, National Art Museum of China 20 September 2010 ‘CIHA and Globalisation’, in XXX Colóquio do Comité Brasiliero de História da Arte, Rio de Janeiro 7 September 2010: Reaktor to Paul Monk’s Have you forgotten the Command of your Quin Ancestors? China’s Emerging Hubris and the Challenge to International Security, the Spring Conversazione, on China, at the Melbourne Club, Melbourne March 2010: Finders Keepers. The Finding of Moses and Tiepolo. National Gallery of Victoria. 23 March 2010: Tiepolo’s Banquet of Cleopatra, lecture at the National Gallery of Victoria 20 March 2010: ‘PAUL SANDBY, TO THE FRIENDS OF THE Hamilton Art Gallery, evening lecture to the Friends of the Gallery. 14 November 2008 The Annual Lecture of the Australian Academy of Humanities. 21 August 2008 Rethinking Late Style. Conference at Old Canberra House, Research School of Humanities and College of Arts and Social Sciences, ANU ‘Endgames in Venice: or what happened to Giovanni Bellini and Titian when they grew old’. 7-9 June 2008 ‘”Le Musée Imaginaire” and Museums within Walls’, in André Malraux, His Philosophy and Art – Temptations of the Orient and Japan, Akita University International Conference, 2010, pp. 81-95 6-7 January 2007 27 Keynote adress, Anapauomenai: Women at Rest and the Problems they pose, for the Symposium on Titian at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna, in connection with the exhibition on Late Titian. September 2006 Keynote address, Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, September 2006. The Giorgionesque Portrait: Representations of Homosociality or the Importance of Friendship in Renaissance Venice. September 2005 Keynote address at the Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, on ‘Painting and Music in Renaissance Venice,’ September 2005. 24 September 2003 Algarotti e Tiepolo. Collezionismo e mercato d’arte tra Venezia e Dresda nel Settecento, congress Il Collezionismo a Venezia e nel Veneto ai tempi della serenissima, convened by Bernard Aikema and Max Seidel, Palazzo Ducale, Venice 21 May 2001 The Critical Reception of Cleopatra in Venetian Art, the Australian Archaeological Institute in Athens. April 1995 Women Patrons of the Renaissance, Miegunyah Lecture, University of Melbourne 28 10. RELATED ACTIVITIES 29 September 2011 Ron Radford AM and Heidi Victoria, Minister for the Arts, launch the Cambridge Companion to Australian Art, the Ian Potter Museum of Art, University of Melbourne National News Programs ABC 7.30 program, on Renaissance at the National Gallery of Australia, 21 December 2011 29
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