Dr. Guendalina GRAFFIGNA DATI ANAGRAFICI ANNO DI NASCITA 30 MAGGIO 1979, Sanremo, Imperia, Italy NAZIONALITA’ Italiana COSICE FISCALE GRFGDL79E70I138M INDIRIZZO DI RESIDENZA Viale Boezio 2, 20149 Milano, Italy CONTATTI CEL: 3382046420 EMAIL: [email protected] Iscritta all’Ordine degli Psicologi della Lombardia, Marzo 2005, numero: 9647 1 PUBBLICAZIONI Nota: Per l’insieme delle pubblicazioni riportate in questo elenco - Google Scholar registra al 6/10/2014 246 citazioni (indice H = 8) (http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=zU5oP8UAAAAJ&hl=it) - Scopus registra al 6/10/2014 59 citazioni (indice H=4) (http://0-www.scopus.com.sbdaopac.unicatt.it/cto2/main.url?ctoId=CTODS_531454520&origin=resultslist) VOLUMI 1. Graffigna, G., Barello, S., Triberti, S. (2014). Patient Engagement: a consumer centered approach . Degruyter Open (in press) 2. Graffigna, G., Morse J.M., Bosio A.C. (2012) Engaging People in Health Promotion & well-being. New opportunities and challenges for qualitative research. Milano: Vita&Pensiero. ISBN 978-88-3432251-2 3. Graffigna, G. (2009). Interpersonal exchanges about HIV/AIDS trough different media: a crosscultural comparison. VDM Verlag, Publishing House Ltd. ISBN: 978-3-639-19774-7 PEER REVIEWED ARTICLES IN INTERNATIONAL JOURNALS 1. Barello S., Graffigna G. (accepted, in press) Engaging patients to recover life projectuality: An Italian cross-disease framework. Quality of Life Research. IF: 2.864 2. Menichetti J, Libreri C, Lozza E, Graffigna G. Making patients protagonists of their own care: A bibliometric analysis of the ongoing literature debate. (accepted, in press) Health Expectations. 2014 (in press). doi: 10.1111/hex.12299. IF: 2.852. 3. Barello S., Graffigna G. (accepted, in press) Patient engagement in healthcare: pathways for shared decision-making. Neuropsychological Trends. Indicizzato in Scopus 4. Barello, S., Graffigna, G., Meyer, C. E. (accepted, in press). Ethics and Etiquette in Neonatal Intensive Care. A Comment on the value of parents’ engagement in care, and recommendations for further advancing the field. JAMA Pediatrics. IF: 4.25 5. Barello S., Graffigna G., Vegni E., Savarese M. , Lombardi F., Bosio A.C. (accepted, in press) "Engage me in taking care of my heart": a grounded theory study on patient-cardiologist relationship in the hospital management of heart failure. BMJ open IF: 2.063 6. Bertoni A., Donato S., Graffigna G., Barello S., Parise, M. (accepted, in press) Engaged patients, engaged partnerships: Singles and partners in front of an acute cardiac event . Psychology, Health& Medicine. IF: 1375 7. Graffigna G., Gambetti R.C. (accepted, in press) Grounding consumer-brand engagement: a fielddriven conceptualization. International Journal of Market Research. IF: 1.951 2 8. Graffigna G., Gambetti R.C. (accepted, in press) Getting insights or getting lost? An integrated mixed-method approach to social media discourses and its impact on marketing decision-making. International Journal of Internet Advertising . Indicizzato in Scopus 9. Biraghi S., Gambetti R.C., Graffigna G. (accepted, in press) Towards an ecology of ambient communication: a discursive conceptualization. Journal of Marketing Communications. Indicizzato in Scopus 10. Gambetti R.C., Graffigna G. (2014) Value co-creation between the “inside” and the “outside” of a company: Insights from a brand community failure. Marketing Theory (published online before print the 30th of July 2014, DOI: 10.1177/1470593114545004). IF: 2.267 11. Riva G., Graffigna G., Baitieri M., Amato A., Bonanomi M. G., Valentini P., Castelli G. (2014) Active and Healthy Ageing as a Wicked Problem: The Contribution of a Multidisciplinary Research University. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 203. Pp. 10 – 19. Indicizzato in Scopus 12. Riva G, Gaggioli A., Villani D., Cipresso P., Repetto C., Serino S., Triberti S., Brivio E., Galimberti C., Graffigna G. (2014). Positive Technology for Healthy Living and Active Ageing. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 203 Pp. 44-56. Indicizzato in Scopus 13. Graffigna, G., Barello S., Riva G., Bosio A.C. (2014) Patient Engagement: The Key to Redesign the Exchange Between the Demand and Supply for Healthcare in the Era of Active Ageing. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 203, 85-95. Indicizzato in Scopus 14. Graffigna, G., Barello, S., Triberti, S., Wiederhold, B.K., Bosio, A.C., Riva, G. (2014) Enabling eHealth as a pathway for patient engagement: a toolkit for medical practice. Studies in health technology and informatics, 199, 13-21. Indicizzato in Scopus. Citazioni in Scopus: 1 15. Graffigna, G., Barello, S., Libreri, C., Bosio, A.C. (2014) How engaging type-2 diabetic patients in their health management? Implications for clinical practices. BMC Public Health, 14(1), 648. IF: 2.32 16. Barello S., Vegni E., Graffigna G., Bosio AC. (2014) The challenges of conceptualizing "patient engagement" in healthcare: a lexicographic literature review. Journal of Participatory Medicine, 6, e9. Indicizzato in Scopus 17. Graffigna G., Riva G. (2014) Social Media Monitoring and Understanding: An integrated mixed methods Approach for the Analysis of Social Media (IMiMe). International Journal of Web based Communities . Indicizzato in Scopus 18. Graffigna G., Leone A.D., Vegni E. (2014) “Am I carrier?” The patient's lived experience of thrombophilia genetic screening and its outcome, Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: An Open Access Journal, 2:1, 696-712, DOI: 10.1080/21642850.2014.918512. Indicizzato in Scopus 19. Wiederhold B.K., Graffigna G., Riva, G. (2013) Ensuring the Best Care for Our Increasing Aging Population: Health Engagement and Positive Technology Can Help Patients Achieve a More Active Role in Future Healthcare. CyberPsychology and behaviour , 16(6): 411-412. IF: 2.410. Citazioni in Scopus: 3 20. Graffigna G, Barello S, Riva G. (2013) Technologies for patient engagement. Health Affairs. 2013;32:5. IF: 4.321. Citazioni in Scopus: 6 21. Graffigna G, Barello S, Riva G. (2013) How to make Health Information Technology effective? The challenge of patient engagement. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation . 94(10):2034-5. IF: 2.441. Citazioni in Scopus: 3 22. Barello S., Graffigna G., Lamiani G., Luciani A., Vegni E., Saita E., Olson K., Bosio A.C. (2013) How patients experience and give sense to their cancer-related fatigue?. International Journal of Social Science Studies. 10/2013; 1(2). 23. Graffigna G., Barello S., Wiederhold B. K, Bosio A C, Riva G (2013) Positive technology as a driver for health engagement. Studies in health technology and informatics 01/2013; 191:9-17. Indicizzato in Scopus. Citazioni in Scopus: 2 3 24. Graffigna G., Bosio C., Cecchini I. (2013) Assisting a child with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC): a qualitative deep analysis of parents' experience and caring needs. BMJ Open 01/2013; 3(12):e003707. IF: 2.063 25. Vegni E, Leone D, Graffigna G, Faioni E, Moja EA. (2013) To be or not to be: The patient's view of the thrombophilia screening test. Patient Education and Counselling. 90 (3), 386–391. IF: 2.598. Citazioni in Scopus: 1 26. Kirshbaum M. N. Y., Olson K., Pongthavornkamol K., Graffigna G. (2013) Understanding the Meaning of Fatigue at the End of Life: An Ethnoscience Approach. European Journal of Oncology Nursing . Vol.17(2):146-53. IF: 1.794 27. Graffigna G., Libreri C., Bosio A.C. (2012) Online exchanges among cancer patients and caregivers: constructing and sharing health knowledge about time. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management, vol. 7 (3), pp.323-337. [Emerald best paper 2012] 28. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G., Scaratti G. (2012) Knowing, learning and acting in health care organizations and services: challenges and opportunities for qualitative research. Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management , vol. 7 (3), pp.256 - 274 29. Barello S, Graffigna G. Vegni E. (2012) Patient engagement as an emerging challenge for healthcare services : mapping the literature. Nursing Research and Practice, vol. 12, ISSN: 1970321X 30. Bosio, A.C., Graffigna G, Balconi M. (2012). The multiple interviewing paths of qualitative health research: what opportunities for neurosciences? Neuropsychological Trends, Vol. 12 (1), Nov. 2012: 73-76. Indicizzato in Scopus 31. Bellardita L., Graffigna G, Donegani S, Villani D, Villa S., Tresoldi V., Marenghi C., Magnani T., Valdagni R. (2012). Patient's choice of observational strategy for early-stage prostate cancer. Neuropsychological Trends, Vol. 12 (1), Nov. 2012: 107-116. Indicizzato in Scopus. Citazioni in Scopus: 4 32. Libreri C., Graffigna G (2012). Mapping online peer exchanges on diabetes. Neuropsychological Trends, vol. 12 (1), Nov.2012: 125-134. Indicizzato in Scopus. Citazioni in Scopus: 2 33. Gambetti R., Graffigna G., Biraghi S. (2012) Grounded Theory Approach To Consumer-Brand Engagement: Practitioners’ Perspective. International Journal of Marketing Research. Vol.54 (6). IF: 1.951 34. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G. (2012). “Issue-based research” and “process methodology”: reflections on a postgraduate master’s program in qualitative methods. Psychology Learning and Teaching, 11(1) 2012, pp. 52-59. Indicizzato in Scopus. Citazioni in Scopus: 1 35. Pongthavornkamol K., Olson K., Soparatanapaisarn N., Chatchaisucha S., Kamkhon A., Potaros D., Kirshbaum M., Graffigna, G. (2011) Comparing the meaning of fatigue in individuals with cancer in Thailand and Canada. Cancer Nursing: An International Journal , Sep-Oct;35(5):E1-9. doi: 10.1097/NCC.0b013e3182331a7c. IF: 1.931. Citazioni in Scopus: 1 36. Graffigna G., Gambetti R., Bosio A.C. (2011) Using ambient communication to reduce drinkdriving: Public health and shocking images in public spaces. Health Risk and Society, vol. 13 (7-8), pp. 669-690. IF: 1.653 37. Graffigna, G., Vegni, E., Barello, S., Olson, K., Bosio A.C. (2011) Studying the social construction of cancer-related fatigue experience: the heuristic value of Ethnoscience. Patients Education and Counselling, 82 (2011) 402–409. IF: 2.598. Citazioni in Scopus: 7 38. Porr C, Mayan M., Graffigna G., Vieira E.R., Wall S. (2011) The Evocative Power of Projective Techniques for the Elicitation of Meaning. International Journal of Qualitative Research Methods. Vol.10 (1). IF: 0.357. Citazioni in ISI: 1 39. Gambetti R., Graffigna G. (2010) The concept of engagement: a Systematic Analysis of the Ongoing Debate. International Journal of Marketing Research. Vol. 52 (6), 2010, Page 7. IF: 1.951. Citazioni in Scopus: 9 4 40. Graffigna G., Bosio A.C., Olson, K., (2010) How do ethical assessment frame results of comparative qualitative research? A theory of technique approach, International Journal of Social Research Methodology. Vol.13 (4): 341-355. IF: 0.620. Citazioni in Scopus: 3 41. Graffigna G., Olson K. (2009) The ineffable disease: exploring young people’s discourse about HIV/AIDS in Alberta, Canada. Qualitative Health Research, vol.19(6): 780-801. IF: 1.625. Citazioni in Scopus: 13 42. Graffigna G., Bosio A.C., (2006) The influence of setting on findings produced in qualitative health research: a comparison between face-to-face and online discussion groups about HIV/AIDS. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 5, (2), article 5, pp. 1-35. IF: 0.357 CAPITOLI IN LIBRI INTERNAZIONALI 1. Graffigna G. (forthcoming). Qualitative Evidence to in the Study of HIV/ AIDS and Sensitive Topics: The contribution of online qualitative research, in Olson K., Young R.A., Shultz I.Z., Handbook of Qualitative Research for Evidence-Based Practice. Sage 2. Libreri, C., Graffigna, G. (2013). How Web 2.0 shapes patients knowledge sharing: the case of Diabetes in Italy. In El Morr, C. (Ed.), Research Perspectives on the Role of Informatics in Health Policy and Management. pp. 238-260. IGI Global Pubblications. ISBN13: 9781466643215 3. Graffigna, G. (2012). Current research frontiers on corporate communication: the heuristic value of online qualitative research. In Rossella Gambetti and Stephen Quigley (Eds.) Managing corporate communication: a cross-cultural approach. pp. 481-507. Palgrave McMillan: New York. ISBN: 978-0230-34802-8 4. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G., Lozza E. (2008). Online focus groups: Toward a theory of technique. In T. Hansson (Ed.) Handbook of Digital Information Technologies: Innovations and Ethical Issues, , pp. 192-212. Idea Group Publishing. ISBN-13: 978-1-59904-970-0 5. Graffigna G, Bosio A.C., Olson K. (2008) Face-to-face vs. online focus groups in two different countries: do qualitative data collection strategies work the same way in different cultural contexts? P. Liamputtong (Ed.) Doing cross-cultural research: Ethical and methodological perspectives, pp. 265-286 Springer: UK. ISBN: 978-1-4020-8566-6 ENCYCLOPEDIC REFERENCES 1. Gambetti R, Graffigna G., Braghi S. (2013) CONSUMER-BRAND ENGAGEMENT. Ref: WEOM-V9-N-0054. Wiley Encyclopedia of Management 3rd Edition, Volume 9 Marketing ABSTRACT PUBBLICATI IN RIVISTE INTERNAZIONALI PEER REVIEWED 1. Kirshbaum M., Olson K., Graffigna G., Pongthavornkamol K., Hagelin C.L. (2011). An ethnoscience approach to develop a cross-cultural understanding of cancer-related fatigue. Supportive care in cancer (2011) 19 (Suppl 2), pp S67-S370, p S191. ISSN: 0941-4355 5 2. Graffigna G., Bosio AC, Varese P., Annunziata A, Musso M., Lorenzo F. De. How “value of time” changes after cancer diagnosis? (sett 2009) Psychology & Health, vol 4(1), p. 192 3. Graffigna G., Bosio A.C., Varese P., Annunziata A., Musso M. , De Lorenzo F. (Oct 2009) The value of giving back “good time” to metastatic cancer patients. Annals Of Oncology Volume: 20 Supplement: 8 4. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G., Olson, K. (sett. 2008). How interpersonal exchange contexts mediate the passage from health knowledge into safe practices: a cross-cultural comparison. Psychology & Health, vol. 23 (11), p. 7 PEER REVIEW ARTICLES IN NATIONAL JOURNALS 1. Barello S., Graffigna G., Savarese M. , Bosio A.C. (accepted, in press) Engaging patients in health management: towards a preliminary theoretical conceptualization. Psicologia della Salute . Indicizzato in Scopus 2. Graffigna G., Ravaglia V., Brivio E. (2012). Quando i brand diventano infl uential su Twitter:creare brand engagement con strategie di comunicazione virale. Micro&MacroMarketing, 2/2012, pp. 237- 256 3. Gambetti R., Graffigna G. (2011).Consumer brand engagement: lo stato dell’arte. Teoria, applicazioni, prospettive di ricerca. Micro&MacroMarketing, 2/2011, pp. 199-225. 4. Gambetti R., Graffigna G. (2011). “Si fa presto a dire brand community”: un’analisi nel comparto delle bibite gasate. Finanza, Marketing e Produzione, 1/2011, pp. 84-125 1. Bosio A. C., Graffigna G. (2010) Nodi e Snodi della ricerca di mercato online in Italia: introduzione al panel, 1/2010 Micro&MacroMarketing, pp. 95-99. 2. Lozza E., Graffigna G., Bosio A.C (2009). Job insecurity: extra-organizational antecedents and consequents. Risorsa Uomo, Vol. 15, n. 4, pp. 401-414. 3. Graffigna G., Bosio A.C. (2009) Comunicazione mass-mediale sulla salute e contesti sociali di scambio sulla comunicazione: focalizzare l’intreccio. Psicologia della Salute, 21, pp. 9-25. Indicizzato in Scopus 4. Graffigna G. (2008). La rappresentazione sociale di “servizio” e di “servizio innovativo e tecnologico”, Micro&MacroMarketing, 2/2008, pp. 323-326. 5. Bosio A.C., Graffigna, G. (2007, Sept-Dec.). Quando la ricerca qualitativa diventa una professione: alcune riflessioni sull’esperienza di un master di secondo livello nell’area della ricerca qualitativa sociale e di mercato. Psicologia Sociale, 3/2007, pp. 1-7. 6. Graffigna, G. (a cura di) (2007) La ricerca qualitativa per il marketing in Italia: stato e prospettive, Micro&MacroMarketing, 1/2007, pp. 139-164. CHAPTERS IN NATIONAL BOOKS 1. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G. (2009). Partecipazione e metodo: il forum consultivo nella prospettiva della teoria della tecnica. In A. Colombo, & R. Cucca (Eds:), Innovare la democrazia. Un confronto fra esperienze a partire dal caso lombardo. Milano: Guerini Editore. 2. Lozza E., Graffigna G., Libreri C., Bosio A.C (2010). Lavoro atipico e insicurezza per il lavoro. In Rete degli psicologi del lavoro accademici per lo studio del lavoro atipico; Rete delle consigliere di 6 parità (a cura di) Vita, identità e genere in equilibrio precario. Ricerche psicologiche sul mercato del lavoro in Italia. Unicopli, Milano., pp. 35 – 58. ISBN:978-88-400-1428-9 3. Gatti F., Graffigna G. (2009) Altri metodi usati nella ricerca qualitativa, In Richards L. & Morse J.M., FARE RICERCA QUALITATIVA. Prima guida, F. Angeli, Milano pp.83-100, ISBN 978-88-5680237-5 4. Gatti F., Graffigna G. (2009) Due software per l'analisi testuale: Atlas.TI e T-LAB, In Richards L. & Morse J.M., FARE RICERCA QUALITATIVA. Prima guida, F.Angeli, Milano pp.183-192, ISBN 978-88568-0237-5 5. Gatti F., Graffigna G. (2009) L'etica nella ricerca psicologica, In Richards L. & Morse J.M. FARE RICERCA QUALITATIVA. Prima guida, F.Angeli, Milano pp. 282-285, ISBN 978-88-568-0237-5 6. Graffigna G. (2009) Tutorial: un caso di ricerca, In Richards L. & Morse J.M. FARE RICERCA QUALITATIVA. Prima guida, F.Angeli, Milano CD rom allegato al testo 7. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G. (2008). Discorsi sociali e discorsi dei media: come i contesti dello scambio sociale orientamento la fruizione della comunicazione mediale sulla salute? In B. Mazzara (ed). Discorsi dei media. Carocci: Roma, ISBN 978-88-430-4471-9 8. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G., Lozza, E. (2008). L’opinione pubblica italiana sull’energia nucleare in Fondazione EnergyLab (a cura di) Energia Nucleare in Italia, pp. 166-182. Gruppo Italia Energia Roma. ISBN 978-88-89629-40-6 9. Bosio A.C., Lozza E., Graffigna G., (2005). Lavoro precario e precarizzazione del lavoro. In L. Ferrari e O. Veglio (eds.) Donne e uomini nel mercato del lavoro atipico. La dimensione psicologica e di genere del lavoro precario e flessibile. FrancoAngeli. Milano, ISBN 88-464-7581-X TRANSLATIONS 1. Gatti F., Graffigna G. (2009) (Edizione Italiana a cura di) FARE RICERCA QUALITATIVA. Prima guida, F.Angeli, Milano (traduzione e integrazione all'ed. originale Richards L. & Morse J.M. (2007), README FIRST. For a user's guide to qualitative methods. Sage), ISBN 978-88-5680237-5 CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS 1. Gambetti R.C., Biraghi S., Graffigna G. (2013). Verso un'ecologia della comunicazione non convenzionale: una prospettiva context-driven, Atti del X Convegno annuale Società Italiana di Marketing (SIM), Milano, 3-4 ottobre. 2. Gambetti R.C., Biraghi S., Graffigna G. (2012) Conceptualizing ambient marketing: a systematic out of the box approach, Proceedings of the 12th Icoria Conference of the European Advertising Academy, Zagreb (Croatia), June 27th-29th. 3. Gambetti R., Graffigna G., Biraghi S. (2011) The marketers’ perspective on consumer-brand engagement: a grounded theory approach. Proceedings of the 10th ICORIA Conference of the EAA (European Academy of Advertising), 24-25 June 2011, Berlin 7 4. Graffigna G., Gambetti R. (2011). The process of consumer brand engagement: a grounded theory approach. Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Meeting . The Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables, Florida – May 24-27, 2011 5. Gambetti R., Graffigna G., Biraghi S. (2011). The marketers' perspective on consumer-brand engagement: a grounded theory approach. Proceedings of the 10th Icoria Conference of the European Advertising Academy, Berlin (Germany), June 23rd-25th 6. Gambetti R., Graffigna G. (2010), Facing the Current Brand Challenges: an Insight into the Concept of Engagement. Proceedings of the 6th Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, Lugano, 18-20 April 7. Graffigna G., Gambetti R., Bosio A.C. (2010), How Can Social Communication Improve Safe Practices? The Potential of Ambient Communication. Proceedings of the 9th ICORIA Conference of the EAA (European Academy of Advertising), Madrid 25-26 June. 8. Bosio A.C., Graffigna G., Lozza E. (2005). The impact of terrorist attacks on consumer confidence in Italy. In Jean-Claude Andreani e Umberto Collesei (a cura di), Atti del Quinto Congresso Internazionale sulle Tendenze di Marketing – ESCP EAP, Venezia 20-21 Gennaio 2005. ISBN: 88902459-0-5 / 978-88-902459-0-9 9. Graffigna G., Bosio A.C., Olson K. (2007). Cross-cultural qualitative research as a testing ground of on-line focus group theory technique. IHSRC 2007 Conference Proceedings, Rovereto, Italy. ISBN 978-88-8443-218-6 Autorizzo, ai sensi del d.lgs. 196/2003, al trattamento dei miei dati personali 8
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