Roberto Valenti

Curriculum Vitae
Roberto Valenti
Piazza Gaspare Ambrosini 2, 00156 Roma (Italy)
[email protected]
Skype rob_varano
Sesso Male | Data di nascita 19/06/1963 | Nazionalità Italian
Italian Presidency of EU senior plus expert for preparation to CBD COP12
SBI Società Botanica Italiana, Rome (Italia)
Snior Plus expert for: Agenda items 11-15, 28 and 29 (Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, Global
Biodiversity Outlook, IPBES)
01/08/2013–alla data attuale
Department of Environmental Biology. Sapienza University of Rome, Roma (Italy)
Grant research for scientific validation of naturalistic texts and data in the Project SmartEcoPhone
Cross Platform
Project manager
Department of Environmental Biology. Sapienza University of Rome, Roma (Italy)
Coordination of the working research groups for the restoration ecology of the Palo Laziale wood, SCI
Decision Support System trainer
Proges srl, DGCS Italian Foreign Ministry, Rome (Italy)
International Cooperation: organizing and managing training workshop in Zimbabwe, Mozambique
and South Africa for stakeholders in the Project Great Limpopo Transfrontier Parks
Gis Senior Expert
CESVI ong and Proges srl, Rome (Italy)
International Cooperation IUCN.GIS expert for Invasive Alien Species (IAS) and Regional DSS
biology indicators.Decision Support System for Limpopo Transboundary Project
Research National Centre (CNR) Italy, Rome (Italy)
Models development.GIS and climate modelling expert,Modelling effects of climate change and
habitat fragmentation on CarbonSink Capacity of forest ecosystem in Italy.
International environmental conventions applied to the project.
Senior Consultant
Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), Rome (Italy)
Botanist and GIS consultant, responsible for managing International Biodiversity and
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Roberto Valenti
climate change conventions.
SINK evaluation under climate change.
Modelling effects of 27 tree species and habitat fragmentation of forest ecosystem in
Italy under climate change.
Research Team assembling and connecting project results with specific conventions
as: CBD, UNCDD, UNFCCC, European Biodiversity Plan Action and CHM.
Evaluation of SINK and EU ETS carbon market after 2012.
University of Tor Vergata, Rome (Italy)
Project Management for Natura 2000 Network and Habitat
Scientific validation of Habitat included in the management plans of Sites ofCommunity Interest and
Special Protected Areas of the Region and WEBGIS
Biodiversity consultant.
CHM Network development.
Non-native species GeoDatabase.
Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), Rome (Italy)
GIS expert forModelling effects of climate change on vegetal species of Italian Phenology
Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea Protection (MATTM), Rome (Italy)
Botanist and GIS consultant.
International Convention.
Mediterranean BIOREFUGIA: creation of a GIS system for the analysis of the effects
of climate change on future potential distribution of 27 Italian tree species.
Project manager
Regione Lazio, Rome (Italy)
Management Plan of Sites of Community Interest and Special Protected Areasof the Simbruini-Ernici
mountain system.
First University Degree in Political Science
EQF level 7
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
International Environmental Rights and Conventions
First University Degree in Geo-Botany
EQF level 8
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
GIS Vegetation database and cartography
Post-Degree Master in “Project and Management of green open
spaces in urban areas”
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EQF level 8
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Curriculum Vitae
Roberto Valenti
Politecnico di Milano, Milan (Italy)
Landscape projection and management of environmental components in urban system
ECDL GIS certificate
EQF level 4
IPT srl, Rome (Italy)
European License degree for GIS expert
2013–alla data attuale
Register of auditrors
EQF level 6
Regione Lazio, Rome (Italy)
Technician reviser authorized by Lazio Region
19/12/2013–alla data attuale
Park Director qualification
Regione Lazio, Rome (Italia)
Qualification enabled from Lazio Region for Park Director career
Lingua madre
Altre lingue
Produzione orale
Cambridge Upper Intermediate, 1984, B2
Livelli: A1/A2: Livello base - B1/B2: Livello intermedio - C1/C2: Livello avanzato
Quadro Comune Europeo di Riferimento delle Lingue
Competenze comunicative
Competenze organizzative e
Excellent capacity of speaking and managing team and communications in public
Project manager and International Conventions proficient user
Competenze professionali
Register of regional auditors for POR FESR projects
Competenze informatiche
Proficient user of the main basic software.
Gis Expert
Attorre F., Bottini D., Di Menno L., Valenti R., Bruno F. 1998
La Carta del verde di Roma. Problemi di gestione e conservazione delle risorse naturali nell’area
metropolitana (Rome green area map. Management and conservation ofnatural resources in the
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Roberto Valenti
urban area of Rome)
Atti del 2° Congresso IAED: Città sostenibile, Obiettivi, Progetti, Indicatori. Isernia Italy.
Attorre F., Rossetti A., Valenti R., Bruno F. 1998
Analysis of the urban landscape of Rome using phytosociological data and landscapes indices.
VII International Congress of Ecology. Firenze, Italy.
Attorre F., Valenti R., Bruno F. 1998
Gli orti urbani a Roma (Kitchen gardens of Rome).
Verde, Ambiente e Società XIV (3): 49-52.
Attorre F., Bruno M., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Bruno F. 1999
Le alberature stradali (The linee trees).
Verde, Ambiente e Società, XV (3): 57-61.
Attorre F., Bruno M., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Bruno F. 1999
Landscape changes of Rome trough tree-lined roads.
Landscape and Urban Planning, 49: 115-128.
Attorre F., Valenti R. Bruno F. 1999
Il GIS nella cartografia della vegetazione (GIS for vegetation cartography).
MondoGIS, 18: 49-52.
Attorre F., Valenti R., Bruno F. (Editors). 1999
Carta della Vegetazione di Roma in GIS su CD-ROM. (Vegetation map of Rome on CD-ROM support
through GIS softwares).
Dipartimento Biologia Vegetale, Università "La Sapienza".
Attorre F., Valenti R., Bruno F. 1999
La complessità territoriale (Territorial complexity)
Verde, Ambiente e Società XV (6): 45-48.
Attorre F., Valenti R., Bruno F., 1999
Vegetation mapping and GIS application: the case study of Rome.
3°Historical Cities Sustainable Development: the GIS as Design and Management Support, Siracusa,
Attorre F., Bottini D., Valenti R., Bruno F., 2000
Soil-vegetation dynamics of the urban woods of Rome.
Applied Vegetation Science, 21: 7-12.
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Roberto Valenti
Attorre F., Petriccione B., Valenti R.,Bruno F., 2000
La cartografia della vegetazione in Italia su CD-Rom (Italian Vegetation cartographies on CD-ROM
Braun -Blanquetia, 26.
Attorre F., De Sanctis M., Francesconi F. Valenti R.& F. Bruno 2007
Natura 2000 nell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità del Lazio: dai Piani di Gestione dei
SIC-ZPS ai DSS. (Natura 2000 within the Lazio Biodiversity Observatory: from
management plano f SIC-ZPS towards the Decisional Supporting System).
43° Congresso Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione - Ancona, 25/27 giugno
Attorre F., De Sanctis M., Francesconi F. Valenti R.& F. Bruno 2007
L’osservatorio della biodiversità della Regione Lazio. Principi e metodi per la
conservazione della biodiversità vegetale (The Lazio Biodiversity Observatory.
Principles and methods for vegetal biology conservation)
102^ Congresso della Società Botanica Italiana - Palermo, 26/28 settembre 2007.
Attorre F., Francesconi F., De Sanctis M., Valenti R., Bruno F., 2007
Principi e metodi per la conservazione della biodiversità vegetale.
In Atti de 102° Congresso della SBI, 26-27 Settembre 2007, Palermo, Italia.
Attorre F., Francesconi F., De Sanctis M., Valenti R., Bruno F., 2008
Cambiamenti climatici e centri di rifugio potenziali delle principali specie forestali
In Atti de 44° Congresso della SISV
“La scienza della vegetazione per l’analisi e la gestione ambientale”
27-28 Febbraio 2008, Ravenna, Italia.
Attorre F., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Collalti A., Bruno F. 2008
Produzione di mappe climatiche e bioclimatiche mediante Universal Kriging con
deriva esterna: teoria ed esempi per l’Italia.
Forest@ 5 (1): 8-19.
Scarnati L., Attorre F., Valenti R., De Sanctis M., Francesconi F. 2008
“Conservation strategies for the habitat 9210* Apennine beech forests with
Taxus and Ilex “
in 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration, Ghent, Belgium,
Francesconi F., Valenti R. 2008
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Roberto Valenti
Il clima è già cambiato. Quali strategie di adattamento per il territorio italiano? (Climate
change is a matter of fact. Which strategies for adaptation and mitigation? )
ARAPACIS 2008. Workshop di Legambiente. Roma, 2008.
De Sanctis M., Francesconi F., Valenti R. 2008
Banca dati floristica e degli habitat comunitari dell’Osservatorio regionale per la
Biodiversità del Lazio. Modellistica delle specie (Floristic database and EU habitats of
Lazio Biodiversity Observatory. Species modelling under climate change)
Workshop sulla biodiversità del Lazio, Villa Greco, Roma, 15 luglio2008.
Scarnati L., Attorre F., Valenti R., De Sanctis M., Francesconi F. and Bruno F.2008
Conservation strategies for the habitat 9210 * Apennine beech forests with Taxus and
Ilex .
Ghent 2008, 6th European Conference on Ecological Restoration 10-12 september.
Chairman of session 6.
Attorre F., Francesconi F., De Sanctis M., Valenti R., Bruno F. 2008
Cambiamenti climatici e centri di rifugio potenziali delle principali specie forestali
italiane. (Climate change and potential shelter areas of main Italian forest species).
In Atti de 44° Congresso della SISV “La scienza della vegetazione per l’analisi e la
gestione ambientale”, p.16-17. Febbraio 27-28. 2008, Ravenna, Italia.
Attorre F., Francesconi F., De Sanctis M., Valenti R., Di Traglia, M., Vitale M., Bruno F.,
Effect of climate change on forest ecosystems in Italy
18° International Workshop of European Vegetation Survey
Rome, 25-28 march 2009 Orto Botanico Università “La Sapienza”
Attorre F., Francesconi F, Di Traglia M., ValentiI R, Bruno F., 2009
Effect of climate change on tree species distribution assessed by cellular
automata model.
In: 2th European Congress of Conservation Biology.
Prague, 01 - 05 September 2009, PRAGUE: Conservation Biology, vol. 1, p.
154, ISBN/ISSN: 978-80-213-1961-5
Attorre F., Francesconi F., La Posta A., Tomasetto F., Valenti R., Vitale M.,
Bruno F, 2009
Effects of climate change on tree species distribution to support the elaboration
of adaptive management strategies in natural protected areas.
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 6: 312012.
Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions.
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Roberto Valenti
Attorre F., M. Vitale, F. Tomasetto, Francesconi F., La Posta A., Valenti R., Bruno F.
Effects of climate change on tree species distribution to support the elaboration of
adaptive management strategies in natural protected areas.
Copenaghen 2009, 10-12 march.
Climate Change IARU International Congress. Global risks, challenge and decisions.
Doi: 10.1088/1755-1307/6/1/312012
Attorre F., Francesconi F., De Sanctis M., Valenti R., Spada F., Casella L., Agrillo E.,
Bruno F. 2009
Web GIS Application of the Lazio Biodiversity Observatory
18° International Workshop of European Vegetation Survey
Rome, 25-28 march 2009 Orto Botanico Università “La Sapienza”
Autori vari, Valenti R., 2009
Verso la strategia Nazionale per la Biodiversità: I contributi della conservazione eco
regionale (Towards the Italian strategy for Biodiversity conservation. Eco-regional
WWF and MATTM, 2009
Attorre F., Vitale M., Francesconi F., Di Traglia M., Valenti R., Franco B..2009
Effect of climate change on tree species distribution assessed by cellular automata
2 nd European Congress Of Conservation Biology: “Conservation biology and beyond:
from science to practice”.
Prague, sep 2009 ECCB 2009 n. 592
AA.VV., Valenti R., 2009.
Cambiamenti Climatici e Biodiversità. Studio della Mitigazione e Proposte per
l’Adattamento (Climate change and biodiversità. Mitigation studies and
adaptation proposal).
Technician table. Progetto MATTM-WWW Italia onlus.
Attorre Fabio; De Sanctis Michele; Francesconi, Fabio; Valenti Roberto; Bruno
Franco. 2010.
Effects of habitat configuration and quality on species richness and distribution
in fragmented forest patches.
46° Congresso della Società Italiana di Scienza della Vegetazione (SISV).
Countdown 2010. Save Biodiversity.
Attorre Fabio, Francesconi Fabio, Rosenkratz Ruben, Spada Francesco, Valenti
Roberto, Vitale Marcello, 2010.
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Roberto Valenti
Modelling the potential main distribution of forest types of Italy
EVS 19° Workshop
Pècs, Hungary
Attorre Fabio, Francesconi Fabio, Valenti Roberto, Bruno Franco, 2010.
Ecological services and economic value of urban green open spaces
MATTM, 2010
Conferenza Nazionale per la Biodiversità, 20-22 may 2010, Rome
Attorre F., Francesconi F, Rosenkranz R, Valenti R, Bruno F. 2010.
Modelling the potential distribution of the main forest types of Italy.
In: Flora, vegetation, environment and land-use at large scale.
Pécs, Hungary, 29 Aprile - 2 Maggio, PÉCS: University of Pecs,
ISBN/ISSN: 978-963-642-328-5
Attorre F., Alfò M., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Vitale M., Bruno F. 2010.
Evaluating the effects of climate change on tree species abundance and distribution in the Italian
Applied vegetation Science. Accepted, in press.
Di Traglia M., Attorre F., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Vitale M. 2010
The use of cellular automata algorithm to predict the dynamic shifts of tree species in Italy under
future climate change scenarios
Science Direct. Elsevier.
Procedia Environmental Sciences 00(2011) 000-000
1 st Conference of on Spatial Statistics 2011 Mapping Global Change 23-25 march 2011. University of
Twente, Enschelde, The Nederlands
Di Traglia M., Attorre F., Francesconi F., Valenti R., Vitale M. 2011
Is cellular automata algorithm able to predict the future dynamical shifts of tree species in Italy under
climate change scenarios? A methodological approach
Ecological Modelling
222(2011) 925-934, Doi: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2010.12.009
Vitale Marcello, Francesconi Fabio, Valenti Roberto, Attorre Fabio, Mancini
Marco, Matteucci Giorgio, 2011. D 7.2.17
Report on the effects of climate change and range-shift on primary productivity of major forest tree
species in Italy
Project No. 036961 – CIRCE, Sixth Framework Programme, 6.3 Global Change and Ecosystems
Vitale M, Mancini M, Matteucci G, Francesconi F, Valenti R, Attorre F, 2012.
Model-based assessment of ecological adaptations of three forest tree species growing in Italy and
impact on carbon and water balance at national scale under current and future climate scenarios
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Roberto Valenti
iForest (early view) - doi: 10.3832/ifor0634-005
Attorre F., Francesconi F., De Sanctis M., Alfò M., Martella F., Valenti R., Vitale, 2012. Classifyng and
mapping potential distribution of Forest Type using a Finite
Mixture Model.Folia Geobotanica. Doi: 10.1007/sl 2224-012-9139-8.
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