Page 1, Sunday, April 27, 2014 SACRED HEARTS & ST. STEPHEN R.C.CHURCH Rectory: 108 Carroll Street Brooklyn, N.Y 11231 718-596-7750 tel 718-260-9233 fax REV. MSGR. GUY A. MASSIE Pastor REV. CLETUS FORSON Parochial Vicar SR. ROSALIND PICCIANO, CSJ 718-596-0880 Director of Religious Education JOHN HEYER, II Pastoral Associate JAMES LAKE Parish Organist EVELYN TROESTER Choir Director ROSE MARIE FOGLIA Administrator ANDREW DI MANSO Sacristan MICHAEL J. ENG DONALD J. GLOCKNER, JR. Parish Trustees and Advisors St. Stephen’s – Founded 1866 Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary Founded 1882 MASSES ON SUNDAYS: 8:00 AM 10:00 AM & 11:45 AM 5:30 PM on Saturday MASSES ON WEEKDAYS: Monday 12:00 Noon Tuesday thru Saturday 8:30 AM CONFESSIONS: Saturdays 4:45 P.M. as well as By Appointment. For Holiday and Special Mass Schedules, please call the Rectory and press extension number 4 for specific details. BAPTISMS: Every third Sunday at 1:30 PM. Please call a month before to make arrangements. SICK CALLS: Please call and arrange for the sacrament of anointing whenever anyone is seriously ill. MARRIAGES: Please call the rectory at least 6 months ahead for an appointment with a Priest. WELCOME: Adults who are interested in learning more about or joining the Catholic Faith please call the rectory. Adults who have not completed the sacraments of initiation (Eucharist and/or Confirmation) please call the rectory. ON LINE & CREDIT CARD GIVING: WWW.DONATIONPATH.COM RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM Friday & Saturday from 9:00 AM to Noon Office closed Sunday No evening hours at the present time. IF YOU WISH TO SEE A PRIEST, PLEASE TELEPHONE FOR AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE REMEMBER SACRED HEART & ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH IN YOUR WILL. Page 2, Sunday, April 27, 2014 DATES TO REMEMBER THIS WEEK Monday April 28th Mass at Noon MON. 12:00 APRIL 28, 2014 Deceased Members of The Tesoriero Family BY: Susie & Richie TUE. 8:30 APRIL 29, 2014 Ignazia, Vincenzo & Concetta Di Rosa BY: M/M Francesco Di Rosa WED. 8:30 APRIL 30, 2014Salvatore, Giuseppe, Domenico & Bruno Furfaro BY: Nieces Tuesday April 29th Mass at 8:30 AM April 29th Staff Meeting @ 4:00 PM Parish House April 29th Finance Committee Mtg. @ 7:00 PM Parish House Wednesday April 30th Mass at 8:30 AM April 30th Choir Practice Children @ 5:30 PM Church Choir Loft April 30th Choir Practice Adults @ 6:45 PM Choir Loft Thursday May 1st Mass at 8:30 AM May 1st Rosary Recited @ 7:30 PM ChurchChapel THURS. MAY 1, 2014 8:30 Wendler Family BY: Daughter Theresa FRI. 8:30 MAY 2, 2014 Caterina Deserio BY: Her Sister Anna SAT. MAY 3, 2014 8:30 Sister Sheila A. Devlin, RSHM 5:30 PM Anthony Mazze BY: Wife Paula, Children & Grandchildren SUN. 8:00 10:00 11:45 MAY 4, 2014 Elizabeth DeMeglio & Giovanna Barrera BY: Loving Family Louise Balzano & Angelina Geritano Happy Mother’s Day All Our Love: Geritano Family Loving Parents Sebastiano & Gaetana Platania BY: Loving Daughter Dora & Family Friday May 2nd Mass at 8:30 AM Saturday May 3rd Mass at 8:30 AM May 3rd Confessions @ 4:45 PM Church May 3rd Vigil Mass @5:30 PM Church Sunday HOSPITALITY SUNDAY May 4th Mass at 8:00 AM May 4th RCIA @ 9:00 AM Parish House May 4th CCD Classes & Closing Ceremonies Cabrini Hall May4th Mass at 10:00 AM May 4th CCD Classes @11:15 AM Cabrini Hall May 4th Mass at 11:45 AM Page 3, Sunday, April 27, 2014 Please remember in your prayers the members of our parish and community who are ill, hospitalized or in nursing home care, most especially: Jonelle Bernardo, Vicky Puglise, Kevin Sheehan, Raj Sandu, Michelle Laquercia Antionette DiBuglione, Dolly Vergona, Maria Abdo Angelo Vergona Anna Ruggiero Frances Forte Carlo Ingravallo Josephine Patti Maria Carmen Morial Altar Bread and Wine for the week of 4/27/14 has been donated In Memory of JOSEPHINE DIVOLA BY: GRACE & JOE FINOCHIARO MOTHER’S DAY BABY SHOWER We are accepting baby shower gift donations to be distributed by the Sisters of Life to mothers who bravely choose life under difficult circumstances. Suggested items are: Diapers, wipes, blankets, outfits, onesies, sleepers, hats, socks, booties and bottles. This is not an all inclusive list. Your ideas are welcome. All baby items MUST BE NEW!. You may also donate maternity clothes and gift cards. Please donate the gifts unwrapped in bags or gift bags and leave them at the Shrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary to the left of the altar. Please donate by Mother’s Day, May 11th. We thank you in advance for your generosity and support of this event. NIGHT OF RECOLLECTION The Long Island Chapter Columbiettes Night of Recollection will be held at Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen’s on Thursday, May 8th beginning at 6:30 PM. Msgr. Massie will be the host and all are welcome. The donation is $25.00 made payable to Sacred Hearts. All the food is being prepared and donated by some of the members of Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen Our Lady of Loreto Columbiettes For reservations or more information, please contact Michele Ruggiero-Sheehan at 718 852-0613. Kindly note the deadline for reservations is Monday, April 28, 2014. This is a truly reflective night with dinner, a talk by Msgr. Massie which will conclude with Mass in our beautiful Church. Please make every effort to support this event where all proceeds will be donated to Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen Church. OOPS Mia culpa! A flower memorial was inadvertently omitted from the Memorial Booklet due to a clerical error. This memorial was donated in Memory of Lorianne Sgro Zodda requested by RoseMary Polito and Family. Dear Parish Family: ALLELUIA! CHRIST IS RISEN! ALLELUIA! Today is the second Sunday of Easter. Today is also called Divine Mercy Sunday. Today we conclude the octave or the eight days of Easter and we begin the Easter Season. Easter is too big to contain to a day, a week or even a season. It is the foundation of our faith. Therefore, every Sunday throughout the year, is an Easter celebration. We gather for Mass on Sunday because of Easter. Divine Mercy Sunday reminds us that forgiveness is possible in the community (Church) because of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. St. Thomas the Apostle is an important person in today’s Gospel. While the Gospel mentions the wounds of Christ, it is really Thomas who is wounded. Needless to say, the message of the resurrection is difficult for many to accept. Thomas gives voice to many who doubted this great event of our salvation. His encounter with the Risen Christ changes him not unlike St. Paul whose encounter with the Risen Lord changed him. The twelve upon encountering Christ are changed. The people who doubted believe, those who persecuted the Christians begin to proclaim the Gospel, and simple fishermen evangelize the world. They all boldly announce the Resurrection to a world that at first thought these disciples had gone mad. The early community of Christians read about in the Acts of the Apostles, lived in harmony. Their very lives announce the Good News of the Resurrection. In the Gospel we find the community of Apostles rejoicing except for one member, Thomas, separated himself from the communty at a time when he was most hurt, most vulnerable and most angry. While Thomas claims that he wishes to see the wounds of Christ as a condition for him to believe, the reality is that it is Thomas who is wounded and it is Christ who touches his wounds and heals him. Thomas is a good example for many of us. He is also a good example of wounds found even in our community. Many of us like Thomas sometimes are hurt by someone in the community. Some may feel put off by the pirest or the sister of the clergy, some may feel alienated from the Church at large or from the parish. When this happens, some stay away from the Mass. In the long run, they are separating themselves for the strength they need which is found in the Eucharist. They are separating themselves from the people who in themselves can be uplifting. Thus their conditions at least emotionally or psychologically become worse. It is the presence of Christ in the Eucharist, the Scripture and in the people which can heal, which gives us the strength to face the issues at hand and help us to move on. If you or someone you know is keeping him or herself from coming to Mass due to hurt, a poor experience with a priest or religious or on issues facing the Church at large, encourage them to seek first the Lord in the sacrament of reconciliation and eucharist and then they will find him in the Community. Once found in the community, we can begin the conversation. Alleluia! Christ is Risen! Alleluia! Rev. Msgr. Guy A. Massie Page 5, Sunday, April 27, 2014 Cari Parrocchiani Alleluia! Cristo e` Risorto! Alleluia! Oggi e` la seconda domenica di Pasqua, Questa domenica e` intesa come la domenica Della Divina Misericordia. Oggi completiamo l’ottava del Periodo Pasquale e cominiciamo il periodo Pasquale. La Pasqua e` un avvenimento tanto grande da non poter essere racchiuso in un solo giorno, in una settimana o anche un periodo. La Pasqua e` il fondamento della nostra fede, ci riuniamo la domenica in chiesa in conseguenza della Pasqua. La Domenica della Divina Misericordia ci ricorda che il perdono e` possibbile nella comunita` della chiesa per la Passione, Morte e Resurrezione di Crisro. Il personaggio principale del Vangelo di oggi e`l’Apostolo Tommaso, mentre il Vangelo ci descrive le ferite di Cristo, chi e` veramente ferito e` Tommaso. Inutile dire che il messaggio della Resurrezione e` difficilmente accettato da tutti. Tommaso e` il portavoce di tutti coloro che dubbitano di questo grande evento della nostra salvazione. Il suo incontro con Cristo lo cambio` profondamente cosi come cambio` Paolo l’incontro con Cristo Risorto.Tutti I dodici furono trasformati nell’incontro con Crito Risorto., tutto coloro che avevano dubbi credettero,chi perseguito` i Cristiani cominciarono proclamare il Vangelo, e semplici pescatori evangelizzarono il mondo. Tutti quanti audacemnte annunziarono la Resurrezione al mondo, anche se furono considerati dei pazzi. La Comunita` Cristiana fin dall’inizio leggevano gli atti degli Apstoli e vivevano in armonia. Nel Vangelo leggiamo che la comunita` degli Apostoli vivevano in gioiosa armonia eccetto Tommaso, il quale si allontanava dalla comunita` proprio quando era maggiormente debbole, ferito e dubbioso. Tommaso asserisce di voler vedere e toccare le ferite di Cristo affinche possa credere, in verita e` proprio Lui che e` ferito ed e` Cristo che tocca le sue ferite e lo guarisce. Tommaso e` il perfetto esempio per tutti noi, e per tutte le ferite che riscontriamo anche nella nostra comunita`. Certe volte alcuni di noi come Tommaso siamo feriti da qualcuno della comunita`ecclesiatica e si allontanano dal clero o dalla parrocchia, e ci allontananiamo dal Sacramento Eucaristico, e dalle persone che possono dar un sopporto morale e spirituale. Le nostre condizioni non migliorano,perche e` semplicamente la presenza di Cristo nell’Eucaristia, le scritture e il supporto di gente amorevole che ci puo` aiutare a guarire, dar forza ad affrontare le circostanze della vita. Se qualcuno di voi o qualcuno che conoscete si e` allontanato dalla chiesa e dal partecipa alla celebrazione Eucaristica a causa di una cattiva esperienza con preti, religiosi o ha difficolta ad accettare alcuni problemi che la chiesa di oggi deve far fronte, incoraggiateli alla ricerca del Signore nel Sacramento della Riconciliazione e dell’Eucarestia , dopo di che sicuramento Lo troveranno nella comunita`. Quando Lo incontreranno nella comunita` e` possibbile cominciare un dialogo di guariggione. Alleluia! Cristo e` Risorto! Alleluia! Rev. Msgr. Guy A. Massie Page 6, Sunday, April 27, 2014 INFORMATION SHEET CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Sacred Hearts & St. Stephen #875400 PHONE 718-596-7750 CONTACT PERSON Rose Marie Foglia SOFTWARE Microsoft Publisher® 2002 Adobe Acrobat 8.0® Windows XP Home® SP3 PRINTER HP® Laserjet 1320 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION April 27, 2014 TRANSMISSION TIME Wednesday 1 PM SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS
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