Cronometro alla mano, i nuovi Hydrotherm conquistano il titolo di termocamini HYDROTHERM. Battuto ogni record di velocità di riscaldamento. ad acqua più veloci sul mercato grazie a potenza ed efficienza straordinarie. In più, oltre a garantire minori consumi e minimo impatto ambientale, i nuovi Hydrotherm mettono in campo anche un’estetica assolutamente invidiabile. 5 1. P o t e n z a ( 1 6kw) ed effi ci e nza (77,5%). 2. A c q u a c a ld a ne i termosi fo ni in s o li 1 0 m i nu ti . V e lo c it à d i ri scal d amen to d e g li a m b ie nti se nza c o n f r o n t i s ul merca to. 3. H Y D R O T H E R M è l ’u ni co t e r m o c a m in o d ota to d i v a lv o la d i reg ol a zi on e d e ll’ a r ia c o m bu ren te e d i s ic u r e z za au tomati ca ( i t e r m o c a m i n i trad i zi on al i u t iliz z a n o la re go l azi o ne m a n u a le ) . 4. I l m o d e llo 70 V fun zi on a c o n v a s o e s p an si on e ch i uso . 5. P iù p r o f o n di tà di p i an o f u o c o . P iù cap aci tà di c o m b u s t ib ile. P i ù a uto no mi a . 6. G r ig lia d i c ottu ra i n d o t a z io n e ( H YDR OTH ERM 80 ). 7. G e s t io n e d e l l a co mb usti o ne in n o v a t iv a : a _ g e s t io n e d el l ’a ri a p r im a r ia co n re go l azi o ne a u t o m a t ica tra mi te val vo l a t e r m o s t a ti ca; b _ a r ia d i p ost-co mb usti o ne n e lla p a r te p oste ri ore p r e d e t e r m i n ata ; c _ a r ia d i p u l i zi a vetro l un go t u t t o il p eri metro de l l a s u p e r f ic ie vetra ta. 8. 30 E s t e t ic a m o l to cura ta. 2 3-7 mod. Hydrotherm 70V Thanks to their power and efficiency, new Hydrotherm systems are the HYDROTHERM. All heating speed records are broken. fastest water-based fireplace stoves on the market. Moreover, besides guaranteeing lower consumption and minimum environmental impact, they also provide enviable aesthetic appeal. 1. Pow er (16kW ) and efficiency (77.5 %). 2. Hot w ater arrives in radiators in just 10 m inu tes. Heating speed for room s is unrivalled on the m arket. 3. HYDROTHERM is the only fireplace equipped w ith com bustive air control and autom atic safety valve (traditional fireplaces use m anual control). 4. The 70V m odel operates with a closed expansion tank. 5. A deeper fire bed, increased fuel capacity and increased autonom y. 6. Equipped w ith cooking gr ill (HYDROTHERM 80). 7. Innovative com bustion control of: a._ prim ary air adjustm ent, thanks to autom atic control w ith a therm ostatic valve; b._ pre-set post-com bustion air for the low er part ; c._ air for cleaning glass along the entire oute r glass surface. 8. Stunning aesthetic appeal. 4 31 HYDROTHERM 70V HYDROTHERM 70 HYDROTHERM 70 DX-SX | RH-LH CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE HYDROTHERM 80 HYDROTHERM E80 HYDROTHERM 70 / 70V / 70DX-SX_RH-LH HYDROTHERM 80 HYDROTHERM E80 kW/ Kcal 19/16340 26/22360 26/22360 kW/ Kcal 13/11180 15.2/13072 15.2/13072 Legna Firewood 6 Legna Firewood 7.1 Legna Firewood 7.1 m³ 408/40-466/35-544/30 559/40-638/35-745/30 559/40-638/35-745/30 % 76 77.1 77.1 cm Ø 20 Ø 25 Ø 25 kg 205 (215 70V) 230 235 200 200 200 cm 30x30 (Ø 30) 30x30 (Ø 30) 30x30 (Ø 30) cm 25x25 (Ø 25) 25x25 (Ø 25) 25x25 (Ø 25) 12/0,12 12/0,12 12/0,12 300 333 333 g/s 30 30 31 bar 1,5 1,5 1,5 TECHNICAL DATA Potenza termica utile Overall thermal power Potenza termica al fluido Thermal power with fluid Combustibile Fuel Consumo orario * Hourly consumption * Volume riscaldabile ** Heatable volume ** Rendimento Performance Diametro uscita fumi Diameter of smoke outlet pipe Peso netto Net weight Presa aria esterna External air intake Canna fumaria Flue pipe Fino a 5 m Up to 5 m Oltre 5 m 5 m and over Tiraggio minimo Minimum draught Temperatura fumi Smoke temperature Portata massica del fumi Massive smoke capacity Pressione idrica massima Maximum water pressure kg/h cm² Pa/mbar °C * Dati che possono variare a seconda del tipo di legna usata. Data that may vary depending on the type and size of firewood used. ** Volume riscaldabile a seconda del bisogno di 40-35-30 kcal/h per m³. Heatable volume based on needs of 40-35-30 kcal/h per m³. Tabella comparativa Hydrotherm e Hydrosystem Table comparing Hydrotherm and Hydrosystem HYDROSYSTEM F80 HYDROTHERM 80 Efficienza globale % _ Overall efficiency % 70 77 Attivazione pompa a 40°C - min. _ Pump activation at 40° C - minutes 21 8 -62% Temp. con la prima carica di legna % _ Temperature for initial loading with wood % 20 40 +100% +10% 33 Disegni tecnici – Hydrotherm Technical diagrams – Hydrotherm 623 70 HYDROTHERM 70 217 186 217 691 G 1" inlet G 1" outlet 122 173,5 580 1047 538,5 20° 1283,5 Ø 200 690 porta _ door 846 623 70 HYDROTHERM 70V G 1/2" 173,5 847 34 336 186 336 691 580 1047 538,5 122 690 porta _ door G 1" outlet 20° 1283,5 Ø 200 G 1" inlet 625 70 HYDROTHERM 70DX-SX _ RH-LH 695 217 186 217 1047 753,5 536,4 122 173,5 20° 1283,4 Ø 200 737 porta _ door 815 205 porta door 623 70 HYDROTHERM 80 336 186 336 1047 580 691 outlet G 1" inlet G 1" 122 173,5 538,5 20° 1283,5 Ø 244 porta _ door 810 967 613 70 HYDROTHERM E80 186 outlet G 1" inlet G 1" 45° 691 1047 122 173,5 538,5 580 1289 Ø 244 888 porta _ door 967 35 COD. 87090002 02/09 ITA-ING MCZ spa 33074 Vigonovo di Fontanafredda (PN) Via G. Oberdan, 86 Tel. +39 0434 599599 Fax +39 0434 599598 E-mail: [email protected]
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