Proceedings and Abstracts East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function Joint Symposium of The 3rd International Symposium on Rice and Disease Prevention Pre-symposium of 9th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition ORGANIZED BY: Life Science Promoting Association, a Public Interest Incorporated Association SUPPORTED BY: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, an Independent Administrative Agency Dec.10–12,2014 RESEARCH PARK, KYOTO East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function Organizing Committee Hornary Advisor Mutsuo Iwamoto Japan International Resarch Center for Agricultural Sciences Tsuno Food Industry Co. Ltd. Fumi Tsuno International Advisor Mark Wahlqvist Duo Li Zhejiang University, E-Siong Tee TES NutriHealth Strategic Conmsultancy Jianquin Sun Hua Dong Hospital , Shanghai President Shaw Watanabe Life Science Proming Association Dupty President Kennichi Ohtsubo Niigata University Board Member Tadashi Yoshihashi Japan International Resarch Center for Agricultural Sciences Hajime Ohigashi Research Foundation of Human, Health and Future Motoji Kadowaki Niigata University Takuo Tsuno Tsuno Food Industry Co. Ltd. Keiji Saika Toyo Rice Corporation Shigenobu Dohmi Genmai Koso Co. Ltd. Shigeru Beppu Foricafoods Co. Ltd. Shaw Watanabe Life Science Proming Association Program Committee Kennichi Ohtsubo Niigata University Tadashi Yoshihashi Japan International Resarch Center for Agricultural Sciences Hajime Ohigashi Japan Health Foundation Takuo Tsuno Tsuno Food Industry Co. Ltd. Shigeru Beppu Foricafoods Co. Ltd. Shigeru Yamamoto Jumonji University Supoortive organization Ministry of Agriculture, forest and Fishery Japan International Resarch Center for Agricultural Sciences Sponcers Platinum Japan Health Foundation Gold Tsuno Food Industrial Co., Ltd. Toyo Rice Corporation FANCL Corporation Silver Genmai Koso Co., Ltd. GALA GEKKEIKAN SAKE COMPANY, LTD Snacks Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Forica Foods Co., Ltd. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 1 welcome message Rice is the main staple food for approximately 70 percent of the world's population. Over 600 million tons of rice are harvested annually. The top ten areas of production are China, India, Indonesia, VietNam, Thailand, Bangladesh, Myanmar, the Philippines, Brazil, and Japan. In many countries, rice contributes to health by supplying dietary energy, protein and fat. It accounts for more than 50% of the dietary nutrients in Bangladesh, Myanmar, Lao, Vietnam and Indonesia. Brown rice and miso soup constitute the basis of washoku (Japanese cuisine) and they are recommended in the dietary care called shoku-yojo. The nutritional balance of the basic washoku, completely satisfies the necessary nutritional intake. Many different kinds of rice have been developed in Japan and rice producing countries. Some of them could be expected to prevent various diseases, for example: GABA rich large germ rice, which is expected to improve mental health; low protein or low glutelin rice for patients with renal failure; high amylose rice for diabetic patients; and rice with high antioxidant properties for cancer prevention and other various diseases. Human data are accumulating. Furthermore, so far undetermined functional ingredients could be present in rice bran. These are all potential candidates for labeling as functional regimens. In Thailand, the same qualification has already appeared on the rice market, as “standard for medical rice”. We will need to standardize the rice function for medical use, and to define comprehensive labeling categories, which are convenient for consumers. For example, “rice for diabetes”, “rice for CKD”, or “rice for hypertension”. We hope that this conference will produce fruitful results and encourage future collaborations. Shaw Watanabe, M.D., Ph.D. President East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 2 List of Chairperson Session 1 Hajime Ohigashi Japan Health Foundation Hae Chune Choi Korea Rice Industry Development Group Duo Li Zhejiang University Ikuo Ando NARO Institute of Crop Science Session 2 Kozo Nakamura Shinshu University Lekh R. Juneja ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd Masaru Yoshida Kobe University Apichart Vanavichit Kasetsart University Session 3 Shaw Watanabe Life Science Promoting Association Keiko Kamachi Kagawa Nutrition University Sun Jianqin Hua Dong Hospital Bui Thi Nhung National Institute of Nutrition Session 4 Tadashi Yoshihashi The Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences Shigeru Beppu Foricafoods Corporation Ken Tanaka Ritsumeikan University Kennichi Otsubo Niigata University East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 3 Program 㼠㼕㼙㼑 㻝㻝㻦㻟㻜 㻼㼞㼛㼓㼞㼍㼙 㻾㼑㼓㼕㼟㼠㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚䚷 㻝㻟㻦㻜㻜 㻰㼑㼏㻚㻌㻝㻜 㻌㻌㻿㼜㼑㼍㼗㼑㼞 㻌㻌㻯㼔㼍㼕㼞㼜㼑㼞㼟㼛㼚 㻻㼜㼑㼚㼑㼕㼚㼓㻌㼍㼐㼐㼞㼑㼟㼟 㻿㼔㼍㼣㻌㼃㼍㼠㼍㼚㼍㼎㼑 㻸㼕㼒㼑㻌㻿㼏㼕㼑㼚㼏㼑㻌㻼㼞㼛㼙㼛㼠㼕㼚㼓㻌㻭㼟㼟㼛㼏㼕㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻹㼛㼢㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠㻌㼛㼒㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼞㼑㼟㼑㼍㼞㼏㼔 㻴㼍㼖㼕㼙㼑㻌㻻㼔㼕㼓㼍㼟㼔㼕 㻹㼡㼠㼡㼛㻌㻵㼣㼍㼙㼛㼠㼛 㻶㼍㼜㼍㼚㻌㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔㻌㻲㼛㼡㼚㼐㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻶㼍㼜㼍㼚㻌㻵㼚㼠㼑㼞㼚㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㻾㼑㼟㼑㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻯㼑㼚㼠㼑㼞㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㻭㼓㼞㼕㼏㼡㼘㼠㼡㼞㼍㼘 㻿㼏㼕㼑㼚㼏㼑 㻹㼍㼠㼠㼔㼑㼣㻌㻹㼛㼞㼑㼘㼘 㻵㼗㼡㼛㻌㻭㼚㼐㼛 㻱㻙㻿㼕㼛㼚㼓㻌㼀㼑㼑 㻵㼚㼠㼑㼞㼚㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㻾㼑㼟㼑㼍㼞㼏㼔㻌㻵㼚㼟㼠㼕㼠㼡㼠㼑 㻺㻭㻾㻻㻌㻵㼚㼟㼠㼕㼠㼡㼠㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻯㼞㼛㼜㻌㻿㼏㼕㼑㼚㼏㼑 㼀㻱㻿㻌㻺㼡㼠㼞㼕㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔㻌㻿㼠㼞㼍㼠㼑㼓㼕㼏㻌㻯㼛㼚㼟㼡㼘㼠㼍㼚㼏㼥 㻼㼍㼠㼏㼔㼍㼞㼑㼑㻌㼀㼡㼚㼓㼠㼞㼍㼗㼡㼘 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㼀㼔㼑㻌㼟㼕㼓㼚㼕㼒㼕㼏㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻘㻌㼙㼑㼠㼔㼛㼐㼟㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼛㼡㼠㼏㼛㼙㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㼀㼔㼑㻌㼀㼞㼕㼜㼘㼑㻌㻯㼕㼞㼏㼘㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻲㼛㼛㼐 㼀㼍㼗㼍㼟㼔㼕㻌㻻㼙㼛㼟㼡 㻿㼑㼘㼑㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻭㼚㼠㼕㼛㼤㼕㼐㼍㼚㼠㼟㻙㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔㻌㼑㼒㼒㼑㼏㼠㼟㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼠㼔㼑㼕㼞㻌㼒㼡㼠㼡㼞㼑㻌㼐㼕㼞㼑㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻸㼑㼗㼔㻌㻾㻚㻌㻶㼡㼚㼑㼖㼍 㻯㼔㼕㼎㼍㻌㻼㼞㼑㼒㼑㼏㼠㼡㼞㼍㼘㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥㻌㼛㼒㻌㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔㻌㻿㼏㼕㼑㼚㼏㼑㼟 㻵㼚㼟㼜㼑㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㻿㼑㼏㼞㼑㼠㼍㼞㼕㼍㼠㻌㼛㼒㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼀㼞㼕㼜㼘㼑㻌㻯㼕㼞㼏㼘㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻲㼛㼛㼐 㻿㼑㼘㼑㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚 㻾㻻㻴㼀㻻㻌㻼㼔㼍㼞㼙㼍㼏㼑㼡㼠㼕㼏㼍㼘㻌㻯㼛㻚㻘㻌㻸㼠㼐 㻌㻌㻷㼛㼦㼛㻌㻺㼍㼗㼍㼙㼡㼞㼍 㻌㻌㻸㼑㼗㼔㻌㻾㻚㻌㻶㼡㼚㼑㼖㼍 㻯㼛㼒㼒㼑㼑㻌㻮㼞㼑㼍㼗 㻝㻜㻦㻞㻜 㻞㻙㻠 㻭㼚㼍㼘㼥㼠㼕㼏㼍㼘㻌㼙㼑㼠㼔㼛㼐㼟㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼜㼞㼛㼜㼑㼞㼠㼕㼑㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼟㼠㼍㼞㼏㼔㼑㼟 㻺㼍㼛㼥㼛㼟㼔㼕㻌㻵㼚㼛㼡㼏㼔㼕 㻲㼡㼗㼡㼥㼍㼙㼍㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻝㻜㻦㻠㻡 㻝㻝㻦㻝㻜 㻞㻙㻡 㻞㻙㻢 㻸㼛㼣㻌㼜㼞㼛㼠㼑㼕㼚㻌㼜㼞㼛㼏㼑㼟㼟㼕㼚㼓㻌㼏㼛㼛㼗㼑㼐㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑 㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔㻙㼜㼞㼛㼙㼛㼠㼕㼚㼓㻌㼒㼡㼚㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼎㼞㼍㼚㻌㼕㼚㼓㼞㼑㼐㼕㼑㼚㼠㼟 㻿㼔㼕㼓㼑㼞㼡㻌㻮㼑㼜㼜㼡 㻴㼕㼞㼛㼥㼡㼗㼕㻌㻴㼍㼟㼔㼕㼙㼛㼠㼛 㻲㼛㼞㼕㼏㼍㼒㼛㼛㼐㼟㻌㻯㼛㼞㼜㼛㼞㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚 㼀㻿㼁㻺㻻㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㻲㼕㼚㼑㻌㻯㼔㼑㼙㼕㼏㼍㼘㼟㻌㻯㻻㻚㻘㻌㻸㼀㻰 㻝㻝㻦㻟㻡 㻞㻙㻣 㻴㻼㻸㻯㻌㼐㼑㼠㼑㼞㼙㼕㼚㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼛㼒㻌㻼㼔㼑㼚㼛㼘㼕㼏㻌㻯㼛㼙㼜㼛㼡㼚㼐㼟㻌㼕㼚㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑 㻷㼛㼦㼛㻌㻺㼍㼗㼍㼙㼡㼞㼍 㻿㼔㼕㼚㼟㼔㼡㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻝㻟㻦㻜㻜 㻿㼑㼟㼟㼕㼛㼚㻌㻟 㻟㻙㻝 㻝㻟㻦㻞㻡 㻝㻟㻦㻡㻜 㻟㻙㻞 㻟㻙㻟 㻝㻠㻦㻝㻡 㻟㻙㻠 㻝㻠㻦㻠㻜 㻝㻡㻦㻜㻡 㻟㻙㻡 㻟㻙㻢 㻌㻌㻹㼍㼟㼍㼞㼡䚷㼅㼛㼟㼔㼕㼐㼍 䚷㻼㼍㼠㼏㼔㼍㼞㼑㼑㻌㼀㼡㼚㼓㼠㼞㼍㼗㼡㼘 㻸㼡㼚㼏㼔㼑㼛㼚㻌 㻰㼑㼏㻚㻌㻝㻝 㻴㼡㼙㼍㼚㻌㻱㼒㼒㼑㼏㼠㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㻲㼡㼚㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㻵㼚㼐㼓㼞㼑㼐㼕㼑㼚㼠㼟㻌㼕㼚㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑 㻿㼠㼡㼐㼕㼑㼟㻌㼛㼚㻌㼒㼡㼚㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼕㼚㻌㻶㼍㼜㼍㼚㻌㼐㼡㼑㻌㼠㼛㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㻭㼚㼠㼕㻙㼛㼤㼕㼐㼍㼠㼕㼢㼑㻌㻲㼛㼛㼐 㻰㼍㼠㼍㼎㼍㼟㼑 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㻮㼑㼚㼑㼒㼕㼏㼕㼍㼘㻌㼑㼒㼒㼑㼏㼠㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㼒㼛㼛㼐㻌㼜㼞㼛㼐㼡㼏㼠㼟㻌㼏㼛㼚㼠㼍㼕㼚㼕㼚㼓㻌㼓㼍㼙㼙㼍㻌㼍㼙㼕㼚㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏 㼍㼏㼕㼐㻌㻔㻳㻭㻮㻭㻕 㻼㼞㼑㻙㼓㼑㼞㼙㼕㼚㼍㼠㼑㼐㻌㼎㼞㼛㼣㼚㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㻹㼑㼚㼠㼍㼘㻌㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔 㼅㼡㼗㼕㼔㼕㼗㼛㻌㻵㼠㼛 㻲㻭㻺㻯㻸㻌㻯㻻㻾㻼㻻㻾㻭㼀㻵㻻㻺 㻝㻣㻦㻜㻡 㻟㻙㻝㻝 㻹㼑㼠㼍㼎㼛㼘㼛㼙㼕㼏㼟㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㼔㼡㼙㼍㼚㻌㼔㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔㻌㼟㼠㼡㼐㼥 㻹㼍㼟㼍㼞㼡䚷㼅㼛㼟㼔㼕㼐㼍㻌 㻷㼛㼎㼑㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻝㻤㻦㻜㻜 㻹㼛㼠㼛㼚㼕㻌㻷㼍㼐㼛㼣㼍㼗㼕 㻺㼕㼕㼓㼍㼠㼍㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻌㻷㼑㼕㼗㼛㻌㻷㼍㼙㼍㼏㼔㼕 㻌㻮㼡㼕㻌㼀㼔㼕㻌㻺㼔㼡㼚㼓 㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻌㻳㼍㼘㼍㻌㼜㼍㼞㼠㼥 㻥㻦㻜㻜 㻿㼑㼟㼟㼕㼛㼚㻌㻠 㻠㻙㻝 㻥㻦㻞㻡 㻥㻦㻡㻜 㻠㻙㻞 㻠㻙㻟 㻝㻜㻦㻝㻡 㻺㼑㼣㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㻼㼞㼛㼐㼡㼏㼠㼟㻌㼒㼛㼞㻌㻴㼑㼍㼘㼠㼔 㻼㼞㼛㼏㼑㼟㼟㼕㼚㼓㻌㼛㼒㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼠㼛㻌㼑㼚㼔㼍㼚㼏㼑㻌㼠㼔㼑㻌㼎㼕㼛㻙㼒㼡㼚㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㼕㼠㼥 㻷㼑㼚㻓㼕㼏㼔㼕㻌㻻㼔㼠㼟㼡㼎㼛 㻺㼕㼕㼓㼍㼠㼍㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻵㼚㼚㼛㼢㼍㼠㼕㼢㼑㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㻼㼞㼛㼐㼡㼏㼠㼟㻌㼕㼚㻌㼀㼔㼍㼕㼘㼍㼚㼐 㻯㼔㼍㼞㼍㼏㼠㼑㼞㼕㼟㼠㼕㼏㼟㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㻼㼔㼥㼟㼕㼏㼛㼏㼔㼑㼙㼕㼏㼍㼘㻌㻼㼞㼛㼜㼑㼞㼠㼕㼑㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㻺㼑㼣㻌㻳㼕㼍㼚㼠 㻱㼙㼎㼞㼥㼛㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㼕㼚㻌㻷㼛㼞㼑㼍 㻼㼍㼠㼏㼔㼍㼞㼑㼑㻌㼀㼡㼚㼓㼠㼞㼍㼗㼡㼘 㻿㼍㼚㼓㼕㼗㻌㻴㼍㼚 㻷㼍㼟㼑㼠㼟㼍㼞㼠㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻲㼡㼚㼏㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㻯㼞㼛㼜㻌㻺㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㼍㼘㻌㻵㼚㼟㼠㼕㼠㼡㼠㼑㻌㼛㼒㻌㻯㼞㼛㼜㻌㻿㼏㼕㼑㼚㼏㼑 㻠㻙㻠 㻯㼞㼑㼍㼠㼕㼚㼓㻌㻭㼐㼐㼑㼐㻌㼂㼍㼘㼡㼑㻌㼠㼛㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㼠㼔㼞㼛㼡㼓㼔㻌㻹㼕㼘㼘㼕㼚㼓㻌㼀㼑㼏㼔㼚㼛㼘㼛㼓㼥 㻷㼑㼕㼖㼕㻌㻿㼍㼕㼗㼍 㼀㻻㼅㻻㻌㻾㻵㻯㻱㻌㻯㻻㻾㻼㻻㻾㻭㼀㻵㻻㻺 㻝㻜㻦㻟㻜 㻝㻜㻦㻡㻡 㻠㻙㻡 㻠㻙㻢 㻺㼕㼚㼑㻌㼓㼛㼛㼐㻌㼜㼛㼕㼚㼠㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌䇾㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㻻㼕㼘䇿 㻿㼔㼕㼓㼑㼛㻌㻺㼍㼗㼍㼖㼕㼙㼍 㻲㼑㼞㼙㼑㼚㼠㼑㼐㻌㼎㼞㼛㼣㼚㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑㻌㼎㼞㼍㼚㻌㼎㼥㻌㻭㼟㼜㼑㼞㼓㼕㼘㼘㼡㼟㻌㼛㼞㼥㼦㼍㼑㻌㻔㻲㻮㻾㻭㻕㻌㼍㼟 㻴㼕㼞㼛㼍㼗㼕㻌㻷㼛㼟㼍㼗㼍 㼍㻌㼜㼞㼛㼏㼑㼟㼟㼑㼐㻌㼒㼛㼛㼐 㼀㻿㼁㻺㻻㻌㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㻲㼕㼚㼑㻌㻯㼔㼑㼙㼕㼏㼍㼘㼟㻌㻯㻻㻚㻘㻌㻸㼀㻰 㻳㼑㼚㼙㼍㼕㻌㻷㼛㼟㼛㻌㻯㼛㻚㻘㻌㻸㼠㼐 㻝㻝㻦㻞㻜 㻠㻙㻣 㻹㼑㼠㼍㼎㼛㼘㼛㼙㼕㼏㻌㼍㼚㼍㼘㼥㼟㼕㼟㻌㼛㼒㻌㼎㼕㼛㼍㼏㼠㼕㼢㼑㻌㼏㼛㼚㼟㼠㼕㼠㼡㼑㼚㼠㼟㻌㼜㼞㼛㼐㼡㼏㼑㼐㻌㼎㼥 㼒㼑㼞㼙㼑㼚㼠㼍㼠㼕㼛㼚㻌㼛㼒㻌㼎㼞㼛㼣㼚㻌㼞㼕㼏㼑 㻷㼑㼚㻌㼀㼍㼚㼍㼗㼍 㻾㼕㼠㼟㼡㼙㼑㼕㼗㼍㼚㻌㼁㼚㼕㼢㼑㼞㼟㼕㼠㼥 㻝㻝㻦㻠㻡 㻝㻞㻦㻝㻜 㻠㻙㻤 㻠㻙㻥 㻾㼕㼏㼑㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㼍㼚㻌㼑㼚㼞㼕㼏㼔㼑㼐㻌㼘㼕㼝㼡㼕㼐㻌㼐㼕㼑㼠 㻲㼑㼞㼡㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㻌㼍㼚㼐㻌㻭㼚㼓㼑㼘㼕㼏㼍㻌㼍㼞㼏㼔㼍㼚㼓㼑㼘㼕㼏㼍㻌㼑㼤㼠㼞㼍㼏㼠㻌㼕㼚㻌㼐㼑㼙㼑㼚㼠㼕㼍 㻿㼔㼕㼓㼑㼞㼡㻌㻮㼑㼜㼜㼡㻌 㼀㼍㼗㼑㼙㼕㻌㻷㼕㼙㼡㼞㼍 㻲㼛㼞㼕㼏㼍㼒㼛㼛㼐㼟㻌㻯㼛㻚㻘㻌㻸㼠㼐㻚 㻺㻴㻻㻌㻷㼕㼗㼡㼏㼔㼕㻌㻴㼛㼟㼜㼕㼠㼍㼘 㻌㼀㼍㼐㼍㼟㼔㼕㻌㼅㼛㼟㼔㼕㼔㼍㼟㼔㼕 㻌㻺㼓㼡㼥㼑㼚㻌㼀㼔㼕㻌㻸㼍㼙 㻯㼛㼒㼒㼑㼑㻌㻮㼞㼑㼍㼗 㻰㼑㼏㻚㻌㻝㻞 㻌㻌㻷㼑㼚㻌㼀㼍㼚㼍㼗㼍 㻌㻌㻷㼑㼚㻓㼕㼏㼔㼕㻌㻻㼔㼠㼟㼡㼎㼛 From Kanku to Shin-Miyako Hotel (Kyoto station) East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 5 General Information East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function DATES: December 10 – 12, 2014 VENUE: KYOTO RESEARCH PARK Bldg#1 (4th Floor) ) 134 Chudoji Minami-machi, Shimogyo-ku, Kyoto 600-8813 Japan TEL +81-75-322-7888 FAX +81-75-314-7888 REGISTRATION DESK OPENING HOURS: Tuesday, December 9 13:00-18:00 Wednesday, December 10 9:30-17:00 Thursday, December11 8:30-17:00 Friday, December 12 8:30-13:00 Recieve conference bag. Please make sure to wear your name badge during the congress. Symposium, Poster and EXHIBITS: Latest products, services and other updated information relevant to the Conference themes will be exhibited. Conference attendees are highly encouraged to visit the exhibit booths and have a chat with exhibitors to update knowledge, find new scientific, technological and industrial information. COFFEE BREAKS AND MEALS Beverages during the coffee breaks are included in the registration fee and will be served daily in the Reception Room. Lunch will be served at the luncheon. Please take luncheon ticket at the registration desk. Or, please arrange your own lunch at the restaurants in the vicinity. Welcome party will be held on Tuesday evening at the pateo (1 floor). Lunch buffet and Gala Dinner will be held on 11th (Thursday noon and night) at the atrium (1 floor). INTERNET There are no internet services available at the venue. WIFI is available near the conference room. Please bring with your own WIFI instruments, if necessary. SIGHTSEEING Please ask at the hotel information. Bus tour could be available. LIABILITY: The Conference organizer does not assume responsibility for injuries or losses occurring to persons or personal belongings during the Conference. Participants are highly recommended to be covered with an appropriate traveller’s insurance. CLIMATE AND CLOTHING During June, Tokyo is temperate and comfortable, although it is beginning of rainy season. The average temperature is around 25.5 − 22.1℃ . TIPPING There is no custom of tipping anywhere in Japan, even at hotels and restaurants. On certain occasions, however, a service charge is added to the bill. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES The voltage in Japan is 100-110volts for electrical appliances. Electrical sockets usually accept only two-pronged (vertical) plugs. BANKS AND POST OFFICE Most banks open at 09:00 and close at 15:00, from Monday through Friday. Post office is generally open between 10:00and17:00. There are no ATM machines or convenient stores. Exchange service is available at the hotel counter. EMERGENCY In the event of fire or earthquake emergencies requiring evacuation, please follow instructions of the hall staffs and exit immediately to the assembly point (Japanese Garden, 1st floor). Ambulance and hospital services are available. 6 Instruction for Oral Presentation Speaking Time -See the Program and check your presentation time. Invited speakers for symposium may speak 20 min. There are no Q&As (Total of 25 minutes), but please follow the chairperson’s arrangement. It is suggested that you time the length of your speech before hand. All speakers are kindly requested to strictly observe their allotted presentation time. -The chair will open, time and close sessions. Speakers are requested to follow the chairs’ lead. -You are requested to be seated “Next Speaker”, during the presentation in prior to your own. 1. Data presentation If using a Powerpoint (or any other computer) presentation, please note you need to bring it on a “disk on key” Memory stick (using the USB port in the computer) and load it on the conference’ computers in the Speakers’ Ready Room, at least 1 hour before the start of the session. You may supply your own laptop computer as a back-up. Please consult an interpreter about your talk. If combining video films with PowerPoint, please make sure to check it in the session hall where your lecture is taking place during a coffee or lunch break prior to your session, at least 30 minutes before the start of the session - even after checking it in the Speakers’ Ready Room. Please note that the conference computers in the session halls are being supplied with Windows 7, 8, XP and Office XP (at least). Important note for Macintosh users In order to use MAC presentations on a PC compatible computer please note that you need to prepare it according to the instructions below, before bringing it to the Speakers’ Ready Room: 1. Use a common font, such as Arial, Times New Roman, Verdana etc. (special fonts might be changed to a default font on a PowerPoint based PC). 2. Insert pictures as JPG files (and not TIF, PNG or PICT – these images will not be visible on a PowerPoint-based PC). 3. Use a common movie format, such as AVI, MPG and WMV (MOV files from QuickTime will not be visible on a PowerPoint based PC). You may use your own Macintosh laptop computer as a back-up. In such a case please confirm that it has a VGA socket for external signal and come to check it first in the Speakers’ Ready Room as soon as you arrive and later on in the session hall where your lecture is taking place during the coffee or lunch break prior to your session, at least 30 minutes before the start of the session. Time Keeping -Time Keeper will be positioned in the session room. Please take notice of these signals for presentation time management. Symposium Presentation Time bell will ring 3times. First bell signals “3 minutes left”, the second bell signals ”time up”, third bell: ”end of Q&A”. POSTER SESSIONS Each poster is identified by a category and number. Posters will be displayed in 3 areas: Room F, Foyer, and a hall adjacent to the Foyer. Please check the maps to identify the location of your poster. Poster presentations are possible for 3 days. Presenters are asked to stand in front of their posters during rest time, and to be available to explain and answer questions related to their poster. Formal presentations are not required. < Session schedule > December 10th (Wednesday): 12:00-18:00 December 11th (Thursday) 8:30-18:00 December 12th (Friday): 8:30-12:00 Participants should place their materials on the poster board during the morning of December 10th. Materials should be removed from the poster board after 12:00 pm on Friday December 12th. Any posters that have not been removed by 15:00 pm on Friday December will be discarded. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 7 INSTRUCTIONS FOR POSTER PRESENTERS 1. Please prepare your poster to fit the dimensions below, it is recommended that poster be prepared on one sheet of cardboard. Alternatively presenters may display their material on several smaller sheets. 2. The dimensions of the poster should not exceed 90 cm wide x 120cm. high 3. Allocate the top of the poster for the title and authors as stated on the submitted abstract. 4. The text, illustrations, etc should be bold enough to be read from a distance of two meters. 5. Double sided tape and technical equipment will be available for the mounting of posters. Staff will assist you. 6. The poster number assigned to you will be the same as the abstract number originally assigned to you when you submitted your abstract. 7. Use consistent fonts and letter sizes throughout. Use short, informative ("headline" style) captions to convey the key point of each figure. Avoid abbreviations, acronyms, or jargon. Figures and tables should occupy about half of the poster. As most people read technical text at a rate of less than 250 words per minute, limit the text to 1500-2000 words (<10 minutes reading time). Go green and skip lamination. 8. Presenters are advised to bring at least 50 copies (A4 size) of their complete papers for distribution to interested persons. Copies of your paper and all illustrative materials must be prepared before the convention. Papers can be placed into a clear folder, attached to the poster board, so that interested people can take copies when you are not present. It is advisable to place half of your copies in the folder on each day – so you do not run out early. 9. You may find it useful to have on hand a tablet of sketch paper and suitable drawing materials to assist in your explanations to observers. Please note that it is not possible to write or paint on the poster boards. COVERAGE ・Have you provided all the obvious information? ・Will a casual observer walk away understanding your major findings after a quick perusal of your materials? ・Will a more careful reader learn enough to ask informed questions? ・In addition to a title/author label and abstract, most successful posters provide brief statements of introduction, method, subjects, procedure, results and conclusions. ・Ask yourself, “What would I need to know if I were viewing this material for the first time?” And then state the information clearly. CLARITY ・Is the sequence of information evident? ・Indicate the ordering of your material with numbers, letters or arrows, when necessary. ・Is the content being communicated clearly? ・Keep it simple. ・Place your major points in the poster and save the non-essential, but interesting sidelights for informal discussion. ・Be selective. ・Your final conclusions or summary should leave observers focused on a concise statement of your most important findings. GARA DINNER Date:18:00, Tuesday, December 11th Venue: Atrium (1st floor) Dress code: Informal Dishes of Japanese, Western, Vegegarian, and Macrobiotics shall also be served. 8 Access Gojo-Dori (Street) Shichi honmatsu Dori (Street) Kyoto Wholesale Food Market IN “Tanbaguchi’’ JR Sanin-Line Station Parking Atrium Kyoto Research Park (Conference Site 4F) Kyoto Station OUT Shin Miyako Hotel Conference Area (4F) Registration ster Registration R •Poster ess Registration Re •Press Poster •Information Presentations Science Hall Elevator Exhibits Secretariat Presentation Data (PPT) Registration Exhibitors Room East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 9 Simultaneous Interpreters Meeting Room Abstracts(Speech&Poster) 1-1 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Activity of IRRI Matthew Morell International Rice Research Institute Of the three major cereals, rice, maize and wheat, rice has the highest total consumption by humans. Rice is the staple food for approximately half of the global population, with 90% of that consumption occurring in Asia. Given this profile, and the impact of malnutrition and under-nutrition on a billion people world wide, attention has been focused on the ability of rice to serve as a vehicle for the delivery of additional nutrients to address micronutrient deficiencies such as Vitamin A, iron and zinc deficiency. This is particularly important in regions where other approaches such as supplementation or nutritional diversification are not capable of addressing deficiencies because of the remote locations, the inability to produce other crops, or the lack of access to alternative food sources. Paradoxically, many of the world's population suffer from "over-nutrition" with the consequent risk of developing lifestyle diseases such as colo-rectal cancer and type II diabetes. This presentation will discuss the compositional and nutritional attributes of white and brown rice, and will discuss biofortification and carbohydrate modification interventions capable of addressing under- and over- nutrition issues. Matthew Kennedy Morell PhD FTSE Deputy Director General (Research), IRRI International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines Email [email protected] 1984-1987 PDF UC Davis (1984-5) and Michigan State University (1985-1987). 2000-2006 Program Leader CSIRO Plant Industry 2006-2013 Theme Leader (Future Grains, Grain-Based Food and Feed) Food Futures National Research Flagship, CSIRO Membership of Professional Societies, Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, American Association of Cereal Chemists International, Australasian Grain Science Association Awards Fellow, American Association of Cereal Chemists, AACC Phil Williams Applied Research Award, 2011, CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement; Barleymax Team, 2010, CSIRO Medal for Research Achievement, Land Plant Omega-3 team, 2010 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 11 Publications 1. Wu AC, Morell MK, Gilbert RG (2013) A Parameterized Model of Amylopectin Synthesis provides Key Insights into the Synthesis of Granular Starch. PLOS One. In Press 2. Conlon MA, Kerr CA, McSweeney CS, Dunne RA, Shaw JM, et al. (2012) Resistant Starches Protect Against Colonic DNA Damage and Alter Microbiota and Gene Expression in Rats Fed a Western Diet Journal of Nutrition. 142: 832840. 3. Fitzgerald MA, Rahman S, Resurreccion AP, Concepcion J, Daygon VD, Dipti SS, Kabir KA, Klingner B, Morell MK, Bird AR (2011). Identification of a major genetic determinant of glycaemic index in rice. Rice 4: 66-74 4. Mohr P, Quinn S, Topping D, Morell M (2010) Engagement with dietary fibre and receptiveness to resistant starch in Australia. Public Health and Nutrition. 13: 1915-1922 5. Tetlow IJ, Wait R, Lu Z, Akkasaeng R, Bowsher CG, Morell MK, et al. (2004) Protein phosphorylation in amyloplasts regulates starch branching enzyme activity and protein-protein interactions. The Plant Cell: 16:694-708 12 1-2 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Rice breeding in Japan Ikuo Ando NARO Institute of Crop Science Rice is the most important staple food produced in the paddy field where sustainable production is possible from old days in Japan. But the consumption of rice is decreasing by the change of the Japanese eating habits. Consequently, the overall food selfsufficiency ratio has decreased to around 40%. People are less likely to have meals at home, and approximately 30% of rice is now used in the food service and take-out industry such as restaurant or convenience store. High production cost, decreasing and aging of the farming community, and high temperature damage are also major problems in rice production. Material and Method We conducted the project researches for technological improvement that is necessary to overcome these issues in rice production. Indica rice cultivars, wild rice species, or local cultivars were used as genetic resources for breeding new cultivars. Novel mutants were induced and also used to improve the new traits. Result and Discussion To expand the rice demand, we bred rice cultivars with better eating quality and with characters for many kind of use in the project researches, above all, in the ‘Super rice project’, 1989-1994. Eating quality of rice cultivars was successfully improved by using mutants with low amylose content (AC) especially in cool area: cultivars such as “Milky Queen”, “Oborozuki”, and “Yumepirika”, which have sticky cooked rice. On the other hand, high-AC rice cultivars such as “Koshinokaori” are suitable for the production of rice flour noodle and are expected as lower-Glycemic Index (GI) rice with rich resistant starch. Low glutelin rice cultivars such as “Shunyo” include two third of digestive protein content than that of ordinary rice. ‘Sake’ of the light taste is brewed using the low glutelin rice cultivars. Giant embryo cultivars such as “Koiazusa” were bred, which contain high amount of GABA (γ-amino butyric acid) that is effective to control blood pressure. The sugary mutant rice cultivar also produces much amount of GABA. Purple-black rice cultivars such as “Murasakikoboshi” which contain anthocyan and red rice cultivars such as “Beniroman” which contain tannin were bred. In addition, existence of proanthocyanidin in Japanese red rice cultivars was reported in 2002. Some colored rice cultivars contain plenty of fiber, vitamin E. Japanese government is controlling rice cultivation and promoting the production for other use than staple food, e.g. flour or animal feed. Even under the overproduction of rice, we continued improving the yield potential and released many high yielding cultivars. Some of them such as “Takanari” have suitability for rice flour bread processing because of medium AC, even though their grain appearance and eating quality are poor. We are importing animal feed from oversea. If animal feed is produced in domestic paddy field, we have no need to import feed and excreta of livestock can be used as barnyard manure. We released many feed rice cultivars and whole crop silage (WCS) varieties with high yielding ability, so we can cultivate them almost all over Japan. High grain yield cultivars such as “Momiroman” are used for feed rice. For WCS, cultivars with high WC yield but low grain yield weight such as ‘Tachisuzuka’ produce high quality WCS. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 13 High yielding ability is also an important character for low cost rice production for staple food. We developed high-yielding cultivar “Akidawara” with good eating quality and good grain appearance. It also has direct seeding adaptability. Since it is possible to provide rice in low price and farmers can get more incomes compared with “Koshihikari”, evaluations by food service companies and farmers are gradually rising. It is confirmed by genome information that “Akidawara” has Gn1 gene for grain number from the indica cultivar and genes for good eating quality from “Koshihikari”. In warm region of Japan, damage to grain quality because of high temperature has been a serious problem. We developed cultivar “Nikomaru” in 2005, which had high-temperature stress tolerance during the grain-filling period. As the leading variety in Kyushu “Hinohikari” is poor in tolerance to high temperature, so planted area of “Nikomaru” is expanding. “Nikomaru” is superior not only in rice grain quality but also in grain yield and in eating quality. In warm area, diseases/pests such as blast, rice stripe virus, and brown plant hopper are serious problem for rice production, so the genetic improvement is also conducted. 1986 Chiba University graduation ,1986-1997 National Agricultural Research Center, 1997-1999 Research Coordinator, MAFF 1999-2003 Head of rice breeding laboratory, Hokkaido Agricultural Research Center, 2003-2010 Head of rice breeding laboratory , Marker Assisted rice Team Leader, etc. NARO institute of Crop Science 2010-2012 Manager, Research Cooperation, MAFF, 2012-2014 Director of Lowland Farming and Horticulture Research Division, NARO Kyushu Okinawa Agriculture Research Center , 2014- Director of Rice Research Area NARO Institute of Crop Science 日本の稲育種の現状 安東郁男 (独)農研機構作物研究所 我が国の米生産が抱える課題である、用途拡大による消費拡大、生産コストの低減、気候変動適応のため、農水省 のプロジェクト研究などによって水稲新品種開発に取り組んできた.インド型品種、野生稲や在来種の交配母本利用、 突然変異体の誘発などの育種手法により、米品質・成分に特徴のある新形質米品種、飼料用稲品種、多収で良質良食 味品種、複合病害虫抵抗性品種、高温登熟性品種を開発した. 14 1-3 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Health Claims of rice in Asia Region E-Siong Tee TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy Much interest has been given to foods containing various bioactive or functional components as they are believed to be able to serve physiological or health roles beyond provisions of basic nutrient requirements. These have been termed “functional foods”. However, the term functional foods is not used in any of the regulatory systems globally. The approach by regulatory agencies towards these foods is therefore focused on the health claims permitted and their scientific substantiation. Codex Alimentarius, the international food regulatory system, has provided guidelines on health claims and their scientific substantiation. In the context of functional foods, the relevant claims are “other function claim” and “reduction of disease risk claim”. This presentation provides an overview of the status and regulatory framework for health claims regulations in 8 Southeast Asian countries and Japan. Other function claims, with positive lists of the claims, are permitted in 4 countries, namely Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan. Disease risk reduction claims are considered higher level claims and are permitted only in 3 countries, with a positive list ie Indonesia, Singapore and Japan. Regulatory framework, in various forms, exist in these countries to review applications from industry, on a case-by-case basis. Each claim has to be accompanied by scientific substantiation, which will be reviewed by a panel of experts appointed by the regulatory agencies in the respective country. Many of the functional foods are from plant sources. Rice, a staple food in many countries in Asia, has been known to have various specific physiological or even medicinal properties, beyond providing energy and basic nutrients. It can therefore be recognised as a functional food. However, there are presently no permitted health claims related to rice and rice functions in Asia. Since regulatory framework exists in Codex Alimentarius as well as several countries in Asia, this presentation explores the possibility and approaches for health claims to be made for rice. It discusses the documentation of the beneficial physiological or health properties of rice required by relevant regulatory authorities in Asia. E-Siong Tee PhD, is President of the Nutrition Society of Malaysia (NSM) since 1996 and an Adjunct Professor for the School of Biosciences, Taylors University, Malaysia. As President of NSM, he has led the implementation of various community nutrition promotion programmes which included the publication of various education booklets and press articles. He is also Chair of the National Steering Committee for Nutrition Month Malaysia since 2002. He represents NSM in several Technical Working Groups in the Ministry of Health Malaysia, including the National Coordinating Committee for Food and Nutrition (NCCFN) and the Technical Working Group for Nutritional Guidelines. He was Advisor to the Food Safety and Quality Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia from 2002 till 2011, and in that capacity, was Chairperson/member of several sub-committees related to food regulations and Codex Alimentarius. Dr Tee is nutrition consultant for TES NutriHealth Strategic Consultancy. He also a member East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 15 of the Board of Scientific Directors of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI) (Southeast Asia Region) and is Coordinator for ILSI Malaysia Country Committee. He initiated the formation of the Southeast Asia Public Health Nutrition (SEA-PHN) Network and was elected the Founding Chairman in the inaugural meeting of the Network on 2 June 2014. Dr Tee was Head of the Cardiovascular, Diabetes and Nutrition Research Centre of the Institute for Medical Research (IMR) until his retirement in February 2002, after serving for 30 years. 16 1-4 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Organic Riceberry as a Phytaceutical Model from Organic Farming Vanavichit, A.1 Wongpornchai, S. 2 Katuwan, A. 3 Tantavirun, M. 4 Sirichakawarn, P.3 Lertkamolkarn, V. 5 and Kongkachuichai, R. 3 1 Rice Science Center and Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, 2Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science, Chiangmai University, 3Institute of Nutrition Mahidol University, Nakornpathom, 4Department of Radiation Technique, Sirirat Hospital, Mahidol University, Bangkok, 5Faculty of Science , Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand Black rice is believed to be domesticated from Oryza nivara, an ancestor of cultivated rice, Oryza sativa, within the center of origin. With its rare and unique properties, black rice was used in the ancient time for making special dishes for cultural and religious rites as if it were considered a food from haven. Riceberry, a new cross-bred between Thai Hommali Rice and Jao Hom Nin, a low amylose, purple rice mutant, followed by pedigree selection for intensive purple color, soft-tender whole grain rice. After being introduced to the marketplace, Riceberry has gained popularity due to its unique cooking qualities and fragrance of whole grain with distinctive color and delicious aftertaste. developing functional foods. Riceberry has been chosen as the model of medicinal rice for High quality brown rice, broken rice, stabilized bran, virgin oil, bran granulation, etc. were developed for product research. Riceberry is enriched with both water soluble, mainly anthocyanin, and lipid soluble antioxidants, such as carotenoid, gamma oryzanol, and vitamin E. All nutritive properties of Riceberry is contained in the rice bran. Bran of Riceberry was found to accumulate various number of phytochemicals ranging from simple phenolics, polyphenolics, flavonoids and anthocyanins, sesquiterpenes, triterpenes, polydienes and steroids. Functional properties of the bran pillets and equivalent fiber content of cellulose (placebo) was compared in an 8 days supplement using type II diabetic patients. Patients who take the rice bran pillets gained control over their blood sugar while increasing antioxidant activities. Furthermore, after 1-month feeding of hyperglycemia rats, blood glucose levels were significantly decreased (p<0.05) in the 3% rice bran formula group without synergistic effect with CoQ10, while 3% and 9% rice bran formulas significantly decreased LDL with a dose-dependent synergistic effect with CoQ10 supplements. In addition, all riceberry bran fomulas improved HDL, reduced total cholesterol with no side-effect on kidney function, decreased free radical in liver and pancreas via lipid peroxidation reaction. In streptozotocin-induced hyperglycemia rats, feeding riceberry bran pillets alone and in conjunction with CoQ10 resulted in glycemic control, improving lipid profile, improving glucose tolerance, increasing insulin level, significantly improving serum oxidative stress status. Diabetic rats fed rice bran formulas tended to have improved levels of total cholesterol, low density lipoprotein (LDL), triglyceride (TG), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The reduced form of CoQ10 showed better effects on glycemic control and lipid profile than oxidized CoQ10. Diabetic rats fed 1.5 % rice bran and reduced CoQ10 showed tendencies of improving glucose tolerance, increasing insulin level, improving serum oxidative stress. The reduced form of CoQ10 showed better effects on glycemic control and lipid profile than oxidized CoQ10. Further studies will explore the effects of rice bran when supplied with a longer period of time and to explain which bioactive ingredients in rice bran are effective. Both DCM and MeOH extract of Riceberry bran effectively preventing large intestine cancer cells (Caco-2), breast cancer cells (MCF-7) and lymphoblastoma cells (HL-60) in the time-dose dependent manner. The extract from DCM extract is the most effective. The anti-proliferation and apoptosis induction effects associate with the cell cycle arrest and DNA synthesis. apoptosis effect was more potent on lymphoblastoma than colon and breast cancer. The There were some important biologically active compounds such as flavones, triterpenes, and steroids. Flavones, such as, trimethyl apigenin and 4’,7 dimethyl apigenin, have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antifungal activity. Triterpenes, such as, lupeol, reported in rice for the first time, with anti-inflammatory activity, and those in a group of cycloartanes possesses anti-AIDS, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral activity. Steroids including 4 ω-methyl-ergosta-7,24-dien-3ω-ol and 4,22-cholestadien-3-one, campasterol, ω-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and stigmasta-4,22-dien-3ω-ol may have antitumoric activities. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 17 Supercritical fluid extraction with carbon dioxide gave an extract containing a number of phytochemicals in a group of carotenoids. This important group of compounds were reported to possess antiradical activity, enhancement of immunological activity, and reduce risks of cancer and heart diseases. To study the effect of cold press rice bran oil experiments were conducted using 36 female subjects with hypercholesterolemia over a 8 weeks period, compared to general rice bran oil. Result showed that after 8 weeks, there were significant reduction in mean values of total chol/ HDL-chol ratio and LDL-chol/ HDL-chol ratio only in group treated with Riceberry rice bran oil suggested that it may help reduce risk factor of coronary heart disease. Moreover, mean level of serum ORAC was significantly increased in the Riceberry oil group too which also may reduce risk factor of coronary heart disease. In Thalassemic mice, Riceberry bran oil increased antioxidant, decreasing malondialdehyde level in both normal and thalassemic mice, lowering lipid fluidity of red blood cell membranes in thalassemic mice, without any side effect on liver iron in both normal and thalassemic mice. Alzheimer's disease, a neurodegenerative disease characterized by progressive memory loss and cognitive impairment. Young adult male Wistar rats, weighing 180-220 g, were orally given rice berry once daily at doses of 180, 360, and 720 mg/kg of body weight for a period of 2 weeks before and 1 week after the induction of memory deficit and cholinergic lesions with AF64A, a specific cholinotoxin, via bilateral intracerebroventricular administration. One week following AF64A administration the rats were evaluated for spatial memory, neuron density, acetylcholinesterase activity, and hippocampal lipid peroxidation products. Riceberry could significantly prevent memory impairment and hippocampal neurodegeneration in hippocampus mouse by decreasing hippocampal acetylcholinesterase activity and lipid peroxidation product formation. These results suggest that riceberry has potential as an effective agent for neurodegeneration and memory impairment in Alzheimer's disease Wanasanun et al., 2011). References: 1. Leardkamolkarn V, Thongthep W, Suttiarporn P, Kongkachuichai R, Wongpornchai S, Vanavichit A. 2011. Chemopreventive properties of the bran extracted from a newly-developed Thai rice: The Riceberry. Food Chem. 125 (3): 978-985. 2. Prangthip, P., Surasiang, R., Charoensiri, R., Leardkamolkarn, V., Komindr, S., Yamborisut, U., Vanavichit, A., Kongkachuichai, R. 2013. Amelioration of hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, oxidative stress and inflammation in steptozotocin-induced diabetic rats fed a high fat diet by riceberry supplement .Journal of Functional Foods. 5 (1):195-203. 3. Pitija, K., Nakornriab, M., Sriseadka, T., Vanavichit, A., Wongpornchai, S. 2013. Anthocyanin content and antioxidant capacity in bran extracts of some Thai black rice varieties International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 48 (2):300-308. 4. Kongkachuichai, R., Prangthip, P., Surasiang, R., Posuwan, J., Charoensiri, R., Kettawan, A., Vanavichit, A. 2013. Effect of Riceberry oil (deep purple oil; Oryza sativa Indica) supplementation on hyperglycemia and change in lipid profile in Streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats fed a high fat diet. International Food Research Journal. 20 (2): 873-882. 5. Daiponmak, W., Theerakulpisut, P., Thanonkao, P., Vanavichit, A., Prathepha, P. 2010. Changes of anthocyanin cyanidin-3glucoside content and antioxidant activity in Thai rice varieties under salinity stress. ScienceAsia 36 (4): 286-291. 6. Wanassanun Pannangrong, Jintanaporn Wattanathorn , Supaporn Muchimapura , Somsak Tiamkao, Terdthai Tong-Un. 2011. Purple rice berry is neuroprotective and enhances cognition in a rat model of Alzheimer's disease. Medicinal Food 14: 688-94. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Apichart Vanavichit graduated with B.Sc. in Agriculture (1978) and M.Sc. in Plant breeding (1981) from Kasetsart University, Ph.D. in Crop Science (1989), Oregon State University, Post-doctoral Molecular Biology, University of Georgia, USA. Currently as Associate Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University. Also served as director of Rice Gene Discovery and Rice science Center. 18 1-5 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Rice and Health in Vietnam Nguyen Thi Lam National Institute of Nutrition, Hanoi, Vietnam Rice plays a crucial role in Viet Nam’s food security and overall political, economic, and social stability. It is the country’s main staple-food crop, consumed by more than 90 million of the total population and an important source of income for more than 60 million people living in agricultural and rural areas. Since the 1990s, the volume of rice exports has risen dramatically, which makes Viet Nam the second largest rice exporter in the world. The estimated of FAO showed that the total volume of rice crop in 2013 was 43.859 million tones and the rice exportation 6,65 million tones. The estimated that the total rice crop will be 44,5 million tones and the export increase to 7 million tons in 2014. There are a variety of rice cultivating in Vietnam to meet different demand of international and domestic markets and consumers. The milling process reduces the weight of rice by 30-40 % and removes the intrinsic iron. The later washing and cooking further reduce the iron and zinc contents (86% and 14% respectively). The domestic consumers prefer long white fragrant grain that was normally polished in the milling process. This significantly affected the nutrition content of rice, especially micro-nutrients and vitamins, and also on energy intake. There are various kinds of rice in Vietnam. They are not much different in nutritional value but quite different in sticky and taste. There are some popular rice named Hai Hau, Tam Thai, Bac Huong...According to Vietnam Food Composition Table (2007), 100 grams rice contain about 7,9 g Protein, Energy 365 kcal, 79g carbohydrate, 1 g Lipid, 30 mg Calcium, 241 mg Kali, 1.5 g Zn, 1.6 mg PP, 1.3 mg Vitamin B5, fiber 1,3g. In the mean daily food consumption of Vietnamese people, there are about 373g of rice, 84g of meat, 61g of Fruit, 60g of fish, 30g of egg/Milk, 4.5 g of Nut/Sesames, and 190g of vegetable (NIN 2010), The balance of Energy soure among Protein: Lipid: Carbohydrate in 2000 is 13.2 : 12.0 : 74.8%, Energy 1928 Kcal in 2000, changed to 15.4: 17.7: 67%, Energy 1931 in 2010 The survey of NIN 2010 showed the nutritional status of adults Vietnamese: Chronic energy deficiency (BMI,18.5) 16.2%, BMI ≥ 23 is 25.9%, (among of them BMI ≥ 25 is 10.3%) high body fat is 36.3%; but the prevalence of overweight is higher in the urban areas: BMI ≥ 40.4%, (BMI ≥ 25 is 18,6%), High body fat: 57.7%. This survey also show the high prevalence of blood lipid disorder among adult Vietnames with age 25-74 years olds: hyper total Serum Cholesterol is 29.1%; hypertriglycerid: 34.2%, hyper LDL-Cholesterol 26.0%, low HDL-cholesterol 29.3%, high fating blood glucose is 7.7%. The prevalence of blood lipid disorder is higher in urban areas, with respectively: 44.3%, 49.3%, 43.5%, 34.8%, and 11.8%. The prevalence of diabetes was 2.7% in 2002, and increasing to 5.4%, and pre-diabetes is 13.7% in 2012. The prevalence of hypertension is 33% (36% among men, and 30% among female) (WHO 2011). According to WHO estimation in 2011, the prevalence of Mortality in Vietnam as following: % of mortality (all ages): by CVD 40%, diabetes 3%, Respiratory diseases 8%, Cancer 14%, others NCD 10%, Injuries 9%, Communicable disease, prenatal, nutrition condition 16%. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 19 The prevalence of mal-nutrition among under five children is 15.3% underweight, and 25.9% Stunted. The prevalence of Micronutrient deficiency is classified as 29.2% of Anemia among under five years old, 28.8% reproductive age women, 36.5% Pregnant women. Zinc deficiency is identified as 67% in reproductive age women, 52% among children under five years (NIN 2010-2012). Nguyen Thi Lam, PhD., MD, Associate Professor, is Vice Director of Vietnam Institute of Nutrition. Dr.Lam graduated Hanoi Medical University, Nutrition and dietetic stream in 1982 and finished the training program on Internal docter in 1985 in Hanoi Medical University. In 1997, Dr.Lam was awarded Fellowship by GTZ in SEAMEO TROPMED Regional Centre for Community Nutrition, Indonesia 20 1-6 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Research on rice function in China Duo Li Professor of Nutrition, Department of Food Science & Nutrition, Zhejiang University, China. Duo has a Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine (Lanzhou University, China), and MSc (University of Tasmania) in Natural Products and PhD in Nutrition (RMIT University) in Australia. Recent years, along with China’s speedy economy development, non-communicable diseases, especially type 2 diabetes is dramatically raising. Studies of epidemiological cohort and randomized controlled trials from Western societies suggested that increased prevalence of obesity and type 2 diabetes are caused by reduced physical activity and unhealthy dietary intake. Rice, a main source of carbohydrate, has long been used as a staple food in China, especially in southern parts. Unfortunately, carbohydrate has been blamed as a culprit to contribute to these metabolic disorders. A recent meta-analysis of white rice and type 2 diabetes included 7 distinct prospective cohort analyses in Asian and Western populations with a total of 13,284 incident cases of type 2 diabetes were ascertained among 352,384 participants with followup periods ranging from 4 to 22 years. Result showed that higher consumption of white rice is associated with a significantly increased risk of type 2 diabetes, especially in Asian populations.1 However, an epidemiological study with 1231 adult subjects (aged >20 y) from Jiangsu, China, found that rice intake and percentage of rice in staple food were negatively associated with weight gain. Percentage of rice in staple food was inversely associated with hypertension, but positively associated with fasting blood glucose elevation. There is no significant association between rice intake and percentage of rice in staple food with the metabolic syndrome.2 There are many different types of rice, they contain different phytochemicals or ingredients, their function may be not identical. An intervention study from China found that serum LDL-cholesterol concentration was significantly decreased in white rice group (n=101) compared with brown rice group (n=101) (p=0.02), all subjects were middle-aged adults with diabetes or a high risk for diabetes consumed the rice ad libitum for 16 wk. Diastolic blood pressure was greatly reduced in brown rice group compared with white rice group (p=0.02).3 Monascus purpureus Went rice, is also called red yeast rice, could significantly reduce serum concentration of LDL-cholesterol, ratios of total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B/apolipoprotein A-I in a 8 weeks intervention study with 79 hypercholesterolemic patients (aged 23-65 years) who received 1200mg red yeast rice or a placebo.4 Supplementation with 10 g of black rice pigment fraction for 6 month improves antioxidant and anti-inflammatory status compared with white rice pigment fraction in patients with coronary heart disease (n=60, aged 45-75 years).5 In conclusion, rice is not just a staple food, brown and black rice and red yeast rice also have additional benefits for human health such as reducing serum lipoprotein lipids and blood pressure, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities etc. 1. Hu EA, Pan A, Malik V, Sun Q. White rice consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes: meta-analysis and systematic review. BMJ. 2012 Mar 15;344:e1454. doi: 10.1136/bmj.e1454. 2. Shi Z, Taylor AW, Hu G, Gill T, Wittert GA. Rice intake, weight change and risk of the metabolic syndrome development among Chinese adults: the Jiangsu Nutrition Study (JIN). Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2012;21(1):35-43. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 21 3. Zhang G, Pan A, Zong G, Yu Z, Wu H, Chen X, et al. Substituting white rice with brown rice for 16 weeks does not substantially affect metabolic risk factors in middle-aged Chinese men and women with diabetes or a high risk for diabetes. J Nutr. 2011;141(9):1685-90. 4. Huang CF, Li TC, Lin CC, Liu CS, Shih HC, Lai MM. Efficacy of Monascus purpureus Went rice on lowering lipid ratios in hypercholesterolemic patients. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2007;14(3):438-40. 5. Wang Q, Han P, Zhang M, Xia M, Zhu H, Ma J, et al. Supplementation of black rice pigment fraction improves antioxidant and anti-inflammatory status in patients with coronary heart disease. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl 1:295-301. He was a research fellow at Deakin University, and a senior research fellow at RMIT University. He is a co-editor of the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, associate editor of the Journal of Nutrigenetics & Nutrigenomics, editor of the Vegetarian Nutrition Journal, and has also served on numerous editorial boards. He is an expert consultant of FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Human Nutrition, and WHO Expert Advisory Panel on Nutrition. He is a president of Asia Pacific Clinical Nutrition Society, and immediate past president of Asia Pacific Vegetarian Union. He is a member of China National Health Care Food Safety Committee of Experts, a standing council member of Chinese Nutrition Society. 22 1-7 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Research and Development on Functionality of Rice in Korea Hae Chune Choi* and Sang Ik Han** *The Korea Rice Industry Development Group, Suwon, Korea **Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Miryang, Kor The consumption amount of rice in Korea drastically decreased since 1990 and the per capita amount of rice consumption decreased to 67.2 kilograms in 2013. The amount of rice food processing slightly increased recently, but it is only about 7.4% of total rice consumption. About 80% of the rice consumption for food processing is covered by traditional steamed rice cake and rice wine. The recent consumption of colored rice such as blackish purple or red rice increased rapidly due to the hygienic function of anthocyanin. To diversify the utility and suitability of rice for food processing, Korean rice breeders developed various new specialty rice varieties such as large grain, scented, colored, low or high amylose, opaque endosperm non-glutinous, giant embryo etc. through both conventional and mutation breeding. An opaque non-glutinous ‘Seolgaeng’, a semi-glutinous ‘Baegjinju’, and a high dietary fiber ‘Goami 2’, and a giant embryo ‘Keunnun’ were developed through mutation breeding by MNU(N-methyl-N-nitrosourea) treatment. To strengthen the hygienic functionality they developed rice varieties showing the high dietary fiber, high essential amino acid, high γ-aminobutylic acid (GABA), or high cyanidin 3-O-glucoside content. The original crossing material of high essential amino acid including sulfur-containing ones was developed through EMS-induced mutation and mass selection by methyl-tryptophan treatment at seedling stage. The anthocyanin pigment of blackish purple rice showed significantly high antioxidant and anti-mutagenic reaction, and hypoglycemic or anti-inflammatory effects. The pigments of colored rice are very useful for traditional colored rice cakes or for brewing colored rice wine. The extracted anthocyanin pigment can be useful for diverse processed rice foods or for cosmetics. Recently Korean rice researcher examined the functionality of fat-soluble components such as γ-oryzanol, tocopherols, tocotrienols, carotenoids, and fatty acids in colored rice. The brown rice with giant-embryo exhibited quite higher increase of GABA concentration by soaking or germinating as compared with the ordinary one. The opaque non-glutinous rice Seolgaeng showed better rooting density of mycelia and higher saccharogenic power in Aspergillus oryzae-fermented rice, and higher pigment concentration in Monascus anka-fermented rice as compared with ordinary non-glutinous rice. It was also suitable for processing the rice bread and for cooking the brown rice. The fiber-rich rice Goami 2 exhibited quite different pasting properties in both flour and starch and quite different structure in both starch and amylopectin as compared with the original one. It also showed high lipid, low carbohydrate, high dietary fiber, higher vitamin B1 and B2, and very high mineral content such as P, Fe, K, Zn, and Mg as compared with the original one. This fiber-rich rice diet has some effect decreasing both the blood glucose and body mass index for both obese and diabetic subjects. The other high-amylose rice ‘Goami’ showed a desirable suitability for rice noodle processing. In the future breeding efforts for diversifying the morphological and physicochemical as well as nutritional property in normal East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 23 or specialty rices will be continuously intensified to enhance the utility for various rice-food processing and health-related purposes. Breeding effort to enhance health-related function will focus on development of specialty rice suitable for particular needs, such as low allergen rice helpful for atopic dermatitis patients, low protein rice beneficial to nephritis patients, high essential amino-acids rice, and high carotenoid rice etc. Experience 1972 Graduated from the College of Agriculture & Life Science Seoul National University with a B.S.A. degree Dec. 1972 - Aug. 1988 : Junior and senior Researcher in National Institute of Crop Science, RDA 1987 - 1998 : Lecturer in Seoul Woman's , Inchon , Dankook, Sungkyunkwan and Dongkook Univ. Jan. 1999 - Dec. 1999 : Director of Rice Research Div., Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute, NICS, RDA. Jan. 2000 - Jan. 2002 : Director of Rice Genetics & Breeding Div., NICS, RDA. Sep. 2002 - Aug. 2004 : Professor of Agriculture Biotechnology Depart., Kangwon National Univ. March 2004 - Feb. 2008: Lecturer in Graduated School of Han-gyeong and Chungnam National Univ.2007. 1- 2011. 4 : Vice president & Executive member of Korea Rice Technical Working Group 2011. 5 – Present : President of Korea Rice Industry Development Group Award 2005. 2. 5 : Koshihikari International Rice Prize 2009. 10.22 : Cheongsa Crop Science Prize(Distinguished contribution) by The Korean Society of Crop Science 2011. 7. 7 : Gyeongsan KBS Prize (Distinguished contribution) by The KoreanBreeding Society 2013.12. 6 : 9th Korean Excellent Variety Prize by President (For Rice breedingteam) • Development of Rice Variety : 83 rice cultivars such as Ilpum, Daean, Nongan,Sura, Samgwang, Gopum, Taebaek, Hangangchal,Seolgaeng, Baegjinju, Goami#2, Keunnun etc 24 1-8 Session 1 Rice Function Research in Asia Functionalities of Rice and Rice Products Based on the experiences in South Asian and African Regions Toshinori KIMURA Professor Emeritus, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan Former Professor, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan The annual rice consumption per person of Japan has been decreasing for many years and it falls below 58kg. On the other hand, the world average consumption is glowing and it has reached to almost the same volume as Japan’s consumption. The average consumption per person is 85.2kg in Asia. Regional consumptions next to Asia are 29.1kg in South America, 18.1kg in Oceania, 17.8kg in Africa, and 11.8kg in North and Central America. The annual consumptions per person by country are a great many Myanmar (204.7kg), Vietnam (168.9kg), Laos (167.7kg), Bangladesh (163.7kg), Indonesia (148.5kg), and India (83.4kg) in Asia. The countries other than Asia with many consumptions of rice are Madagascar (95.4kg), Cuba (71.0 kg), Cote d'Ivoire (63.0kg), Peru (48.9 kg), Egypt (37.9kg) and Brazil (35.0kg). The rice consumptions in most countries mentioned above show increasing trend which means that rice is still very important as a staple food for them. Furthermore, consumers in those countries seek all the 3 major functions of food for their rice, where 1) To provide the energy for life, 2) To be pleasurable, including satisfying hunger; being appealing in its smell, taste, sight, and texture; and being associated with enjoyable social activities, and 3) To provide chemical constituents for maintaining health of the body. Among various rice and rice products, “Parboiled Rice” will be one of the best rice products in above mentioned context (M. R. Islam et al, 2001). It is eaten in various parts of the world such as South Asia (India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc), Central and South America (Brazil, Ecuador, Peru etc), West Africa and Middle East. Amount of the production is about 120million tons which is equivalent to one fourth or fifth of world paddy production (P. Roy, 2003). What is Parboiled Rice? 1. Parboiled rice is the staple food originated in South Asia, It is produced in Africa and Latin America as well as South Asia. 2. Parboiling treatment consists of three processing stages, soaking, steaming and drying. 3. During parboiling treatment, heat energy gelatinizes the rice starch and the gelatinization hardens rice grain. Thus it reduces broken grains and increases the milling yield. Advantages of Parboiled Rice 1. Nutritional value of parboiled rice is greater, 2. Improves the head rice yield by 7 to 20%, 3. Dehusking is easier, 4. Reduce the stickiness, 5. Volume of cooked rice is greater, 6. Better digestion, 7. Parboiled rice is suitable for making canned, expanded, and flaked rice, 8. Insect infestation and loss of nutrients during storage of rice are reduced. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 25 In the nutritional advantages mentioned above, improvement of vitamin and mineral content in endosperm by parboiling process has been recognized since olden time (K. R. Bhattacharya, 1985). Furthermore it is expected recently that its content of GABA (Gamma-aminobutyric acid) could be higher than that of normal rice because of its similar processing method to the process of germinated brown rice (N. Komatsuzaki et al, 2007). In Africa, parboiling of NERICA will be able to contribute to great improvement in supplying more rice and better quality rice to the people. References 1.. R. Islam, N. Shimizu, T. Kimura (2001): Quality Evaluation of Parboiled Rice with Physical Properties. J. Food Science and Technology Research, 7(1): 57-63. 2. P. Roy(2003): Improvement of Energy Requirement in Traditional Parboiling Process. Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Tsukuba, Japan. 3. K. R. Bhattachrya (1985): Parboiling of Rice. Rice (Ed. B. O. Juliano), AACC, Minnesota, USA, pp289-348. 4 K. Komatsuzaki, K. Tsukahara, H. Toyoshima, T. Suzuki, N. Shimizu, T. Kimura (2007): Effect of Soaking and Gaseous Treatment on GABA Content in Germinated Brown Rice. J. Food Engineering, 78: 556-560. 1977.4-1993.3 Iwate University, Japan Asst. Professor & Assoc. Professor, 1993.4-2000.3 University of Tsukuba, Japan Faculty of Agriculture2000.4-2006.3 Assoc. Professor & Professor, Institute of Agr. & Forest Engineering Hokkaido University, Japan2005.12-2013.3 Professor, Research Faculty of Agriculture2013.4todayProfessor emeritus 米および米加工品の機能性 ― 南アジアおよびアフリカにおける経験から 木村 俊範 北海道大学名誉教授、前筑波大学大学院生命環境科学研究科教授 26 2-1 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization Presentation of Rice in Food Composition Tables in Japan TosTomoko Watanabe Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Healthcare Sciences, Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences Introduction The Japanese meal consists of syusyoku (staple foods) and fukusyoku (secondary foods), which comprise the main dish and side dishes, respectively. A suitably nutritional meal derives half of its energy content from the staple food—the representative of which is rice in Japan. Here, we discuss the presentation of rice in the Food Composition Tables of Japan, a Japanese food database. 1. Food Composition Tables of Japan The most recent version of the food composition table for Japan was released by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and is presented in three volumes: “Standard Tables of Food Composition Japan -2010-”, “Fatty Acid Composition of Foods -2005-”, and “Amino Acid Composition of Foods -2010-” ( science_technology/1347490.htm). These food composition tables are available online ( The first edition of the food composition tables of Japan (number of ingredients listed: 14, number of foodstuffs listed: 538) was released in 1950. The tables are revised regularly to account for technological advancements such as analytical methods. The 2010 revision to the food composition table (number of ingredients listed: 50, number of foodstuffs listed: 1878) represents the seventh version overall. 2.Rice and rice products in Food Composition Tables in Japan -2010- (FCTJ2010) A total of 42 foods representing rice and processed rice goods are included in FCTJ2010 . Given that there is virtually no difference between glutinous and non-glutinous rice, these two items have not been distinguished in the upcoming table. However, distinctions have been made between paddy rice and upland rice. Samples for analysis were all gathered in a typical rice production area which produces a substantial quantity of rice each year and experiences no abnormal weather patterns. Paddy rice and upland rice both include brown, half-milled, under-milled, and well-milled rice, while paddy rice additionally includes well-milled rice with embryo. Enriched (fortified vitamin B1 and vitamin B2) rice was also included in the fourth edition of the Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan. 2.1 Rice dishes: Gohan (steameed rice,) Kayu (rice porridge), and Omoyu(rice gruel) Gohan is the representative rice dish of Japanese staple foods, whereas kayu and omoyu are traditionally used to feed sick individuals. Given the role these dishes play in Japanese daily lives and culture, clarifying their nutritional value is of great importance. In FCTJ2010, gohan is divided into two main categories of paddy rice and upland rice, based on growth environment, and is shown according to rice type (9 foods). Rice porridge and gruel types are listed under paddy rice (12 foods). The nutritional value of these dishes is greatly influenced by the amount of moisture present after completion of cooking. The rate of weight change by cooking is described in the food composition table of Japan. 2.2 Rice products Onigiri (rice ball), yaki-onigiri (toasted rice ball), and kiritanpo (baked rice shaped into a cylinder) are processed rice products listed in the food composition table. In FCTJ2010, the above three items (onigiri, yaki-onigiri, and kiritanpo) are described as processed products derived from gohan (steamed non-glutinous rice). Mochi (rice cake), sekihan (rice steamed with adzuki beans or cowpeas), and akumaki (rice cooked in lye-soaked bamboo leaves) are described as processed products derived from okowa (steamed glutinous rice). Powdered products of glutinous rice are also listed and include shiratamako (rice flour milled in water) East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 27 and domyojiko (steamed rice flour). Quick-cooking rice, rice noodles, and rice-koji are listed as well. Processed rice goods which may be found listed under food groups other than the “Cereals Group” include rice, rice starch, rice bran oil, genmai-cha (mixture of tea and roasted rice), rice vinegar, sake, and rice-koji miso, among others. 2.3 Confectioneries made from rice Confectioneries are pleasure enjoyed by many Japanese people. In Japan, traditional rice-based confectioneries are made using both glutinous and non-glutinous rice. Senbei made from non-glutinous rice, arare from glutinous rice, mochi sweets (e.g. daifuku, kashiwa –mochi) are just some of the traditional rice-derived confectioneries presented in FCTJ2010. 3.Rice as a meal in Japan Given the role of rice as a staple food in Japanese diets, the amount of energy derived by Japanese people from consuming rice is quite large. A relatively large amount of rice is taken in with each meal, and thus the nutritional content in rice alone can account for a substantial portion of a Japanese person’s total nutritional intake. Gohan is prepared using only rice and water, and its taste is rather simple and harmonizes well with strongly seasoned dishes. Non-glutinous rice is typically used for everyday meals, while glutinous rice is used for special events, a difference in usage attributed primarily to the difference in texture of the rice itself. Powdered rice is used as material for confectioneries. Given that steamed rice and Japanese sweets are cooked without oil (or salt, for steamed rice), rice can be said to be a food which contributes to a healthy life. 4.Expectations regarding rice While the energy and nutrient contents of steamed rice, rice porridge, rice gruel, and other rice products are clearly displayed in FCTJ2010, no ingredient table has yet been constructed detailing functional components of rice. Constructing such a database will require establishing certain standards, such as a method of measuring these functional ingredients (e.g. anti-oxidative capacity, and levels of amylose, ferulic acid, GABA, etc.) and ingredient definitions. References 1) The Council for Science and Technology, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan-2010-, Report of the Subdivision on Resources, Japan ,2010. 2) The Council for Science and Technology Agency, Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan Fourth edition , Report of the Subdivision on Resources,1982 3) Watanabe T, Research on Formulation and Application of “Standard Tables of Food Composition in Japan”. The Japanese Journal of Nutrition and Dietetics 2011; 69:214-228. 日本食品成分表と米 千葉県立保健医療大学健康科学部栄養学科 渡邊智子 E-mail: [email protected] 日本人の食事は、主食と副食(主菜と副菜)で構成されている。栄養学的にバランスが良いとされている食事は、エ ネルギー量の半分を主食から摂取する。その主食の主な食品は米である。この米について、日本の食品データベース である日本食品標準成分表から考えてみたい。日本食品標準成分表 , 日本食品成分表 2015 の米 , 米の調理食品:飯、かゆ、 おもゆ , 米の加工品 , 日本人の食事と米などについて話す。 米に期待すること : 文化遺産になった和食の重要な食品である , 米、飯・かゆ・おもゆ およびその製品については、 エネルギーおよび栄養素は日本では食品成分表で明らかになっている。 しかし、米の機能性成分(抗酸化能、高アミロース、フェルラ酸、GABA など)は、測定法や定義などの標準化する ことが必要と考える。 千葉県立保健医療大学では、食事設計と栄養・調理、調理実習、調理科学実験、食育論、学校栄養教育論、千葉県の 健康づくりなどを担当。食品成分表の改訂作業には、1977 年から成分表の作業に関わり、1991 年から資源調査会専 門委員として関わり現在に至る。平成 19 年度日本栄養改善学会 学会賞受賞(日本食品標準成分表の策定と活用に 関する研究)。研究テーマは、食を通して人々の健康に寄与すること。 28 2-2 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization The signification, methods and outcome of The Triple Circle of Food Selection Takashi OMOSU Domestic. Environmental, Safe and Secure: The Shoku-no-Sanjumaru Selection Secretary-general [Purpose] Now a days Japanese consumers are requesting for Japanese food products good food in the environment safe food, from concern about food self-sufficiency rate reduction and health. By the other hand, it is very hard to satisfy these requirements, and it will not be properly evaluated and not be selected by consumers because there are no differences in appearance to general food products. So, we intend to certificate the value of these foods by the third party, responding to consumer’s demand and rewarding to effort of producers. It is the purpose of this operation. [Method] Award criteria, main raw material is 100%, and auxiliary materials, etc. also basically with Japanese species, the environmental damage is low through production, processing, distribution and consumption. it is safety and display is appropriate. We evaluate for each application products by the examination of documentary evidence and physical and chemical examination of the products and raw materials, then members of academic committee determine the propriety of the award. The after award, we check severely commendation product by field work investigation of production site by dispatched inspectors, and we have the physical and chemical examination of purchased a commercial product. We cancel the award products when nonobservance of criterion is found in this survey and inspection, then we publish it along with the company name. In addition, the application fee is basically free. If the application product has been honored, the winner is able to display the winning mark on the product, and they can receive the services of sales promotion and net sales in the media for free. [Result] This selection is currently six quarters first started in 2010. Target food are 21 species 40 categories. Currently we have honored the 588 items that 187 companies have produced. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 29 食の三重丸セレクションの意義、方法及び成果 【目的】 食料自給率の低下や健康への配慮から日本の消費者は、①日本産の食品、②環境に良い食品、③安全な食品への要 求を高めている。一方これらの要求を満たす食品の生産には大きな努力を要するが、外見上は一般品と差がないため 適切に評価されず、選択されてもいない。そこで、第三者がこれら食品の価値を証明することで消費者の要求に応え るとともに生産者の努力に報いることが、本セレクションの目的である。 【方法】 表彰基準は、①主原料は 100%、副原料等も基本的に日本産であること、②生産・加工・流通・消費を通じ環境負 荷が低いこと、③人体に有害でなく表示が適正であることの三つ。申請製品ごとに証拠書類等の書類審査と製品や原 料の理化学検査で評価し、学識経験者の委員会が表彰の可否を判定している。また表彰後は検査員を生産現場に派遣 しての調査、市販製品を買い取っての理化学検査により、表彰製品を厳しくチェック。この調査・検査で基準不適合 が判明した製品は表彰を取り消すとともに、これを社名とともに公表する。なお、申請者が支払う費用は基本的に無 料で、申請製品が表彰された場合、製品に受賞マークを表示できるほかメディアでの販促やネット販売などのサービ スを無料で受けられる特典がある。 【結果】 本セレクションは 2010 年に開始し現在 6 期目。対象食品は 21 種 40 カテゴリーに及び、現在 187 社が生産した 588 アイテムを表彰している。 * 1976 年 3 月 和歌山大学経済学部卒業 *現職等 ・食の3重丸セレクション検査事務局長(2010.04.01 ∼), ・NPOわかやま環境ネットワーク(We NET)創設 代表理事(2005.04.16 ∼), 和歌山県地球温暖化防止活動推進センター センター長(2005.09.01 ∼) ・農林水産大臣登録認定機関&和歌山県知事認可認証機関 , NPO和歌山有機認証協会(WOCA)創設、事務局長 (2000.1.24 ∼ 2013.02.26), 証委員長(2013.02.26 ∼) ・和歌山県リサイクル製品認定審査会審査委員(2003.4.23 ∼), ・わかやま環境賞選考委員(2005.04.28 ∼) ・省エネルギー普及指導員(2004.09.28 ∼)・和歌山県地球温暖化防止活動推進員(2005.03.25 ∼) ・環境省近畿環境パートナーシップオフィス(きんき環境館)運営委員(2005.02.16 ∼) ・3R推進マイスター(2010.05.30 ∼ 和歌山県推薦・環境大臣委嘱) ・一般社団法人地球温暖化防止全国ネット , =全国地球温暖化防止活動推進センター 運営委員(2011.03.14 ∼), ・和歌山県勤労者山岳連盟「紀峰山の会」会長(2001.03 ∼) 30 2-3 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization Antioxidants-Health effects and their future direction Lekh R. Juneja, Ph. D., FICN Executive Vice President & Chief Health Officer Rohto Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan These days, most of us would agree the great value that antioxidants play in promoting human health. Indeed, antioxidants have been one of the most important nutritional discoveries in recent history. Virtually everyone has heard of vitamins A, E and C and many of us are well versed in lesser known antioxidants such as polyphenols, lycopene, quercitin, CoQ10, proanthocyanidins etc. Although we may not know exactly everything antioxidants do? Antioxidants in our diet combat the normal process of oxidation that occurs in the human body. This process leaves us with molecular "free radicals. They are unbalanced molecules that create a lot of damage, if they are allowed to go unchecked. Therefore, antioxidants are linked to anti-aging since they slow down this process. Many phytonutrients do much more than provide free radical protection; Of late, an antioxidant test known as ORAC has become popular. ORAC is an acronym which stands for Oxidation Radical Absorbance Capacity. In actuality, it is just one of many assays, but it carries an advantage or two over the others, so it's gaining in preeminence. However, some of other multiple assay system such as, DPPH, TRAP, TEAC etc., have been used to define the antioxidant capacity of food ingredients. Thereby, consumers are often confused with different values as there is no readily available comparison method among the values obtained by different assay systems. It is proposed that antioxidant capacity can be expressed in term of AOU (antioxidant units) by correlating antioxidant values obtained in aforementioned assay system, which in turn would yield the generalized AOU values of complex supplements. More is certainly not better when it is not bioavailable. When ORAC tests are performed in a test tube, they are called "in vitro." That's different than "in vivo," or in the human body. Consumers are starting to look beyond the standard antioxidant vitamins, such as vitamin C and E, and are turning to antioxidants found in brightly pigmented whole fruits and vegetables. A wide range of pigments found in fruits and vegetables have high levels of antioxidants, specifically anthocyanins and proanthocyanins. Antioxidants made from fruits and vegetable-based material has also become a trend. Some of the hot ingredients include grape seed extract, pomegranate and wild berries (i.e., wolf berries and açai berries). Additionally, the use of exotic juices and extracts has been widespread. Antioxidant activities of rice, green tea and other natural materials and its components have been unlocked through systematic scientific studies. Green tea has also become successful as consumers learn more about its potential in reducing the risk of certain types of diseases thanks to EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), which is an antioxidant polyphenol flavonoid isolated from green tea. As the antioxidant market gets more crowded with new discoveries constantly popping up, there is cause for concern because it seems every antioxidant has been lumped into one huge category, even though most have different functions such thing as an average shopper when it comes to the health and nutrition market. Not all antioxidants are created equal. As time goes on the differences between antioxidants will become more apparent to consumers and they will start to purchase. What s often lacking is good East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 31 science that shows the antioxidant capabilities of these compounds. Therefore, many companies using ORAC charts in marketing materials in order to claim product superiority is becoming scary which needs to be resolved by scientific evidence. Overall health benefits and its future direction of antioxidants will be discussed. Antioxidants-Health effects and their future direction Lekh R. Juneja, Ph. D., FICN Dr. Lekh Juneja is Executive Vice President of Rohto Pharmaceutical co., Ltd. Japan. He is global head of international business/R&D & Chief Health Officer (CHO) of the company. Dr Juneja worked as Executive Vice President at Taiyo Kagaku Co. い s , Ltd, Japan, as well as Chairman of Taiyo Lucid Pvt. Ltd., India, President of Taiyo International Inc (USA), President of Taiyo Europe GmbH (Germany) and director of Taiyo Green Power Co., Ltd., (China) till June 2014. He was also President of Taiyo Labo Co., Ltd., Japan. Dr. Juneja is internationally acclaimed for developing various nutraceuticals for his research into functional ingredients and nano-porous materials. He has authored/coauthored more than 175 research papers and three books titled Hen Eggs: Their Basic and Applied Science; The Chemistry and Applications of Green Tea and Green Tea Polyphenol-Nutraceuticals of Modern Life by CRC Press. He holds 125+ patents. Dr Juneja has received many international awards including IFT Industrial Achievement Award, Food Ingredient Research Awards at FIE Europe, Nutracon recognition for the Best New Products of the Year, and awards from the International College of Nutrition (ICN). Recently, he was been awarded as Fellow of International Academy of Food Science and Technology at the World Congress of Food Science and Technology Award in Montreal, Canada and Fellow Award of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) in Chicago, USA. He was also awarded Nutra India Summit Industry Recognition Award In Bangalore, India. Dr. Juneja has been Director of the Board and a member of the International Scientific Advisory Committee of the Advanced Food Materials and Nutraceuticals Network (AFMNet) Canada from 2003-2011 and many other affiliations.. He was President of ICN 2010 -2011 and has been Vice President since then. Dr. Juneja has given more than 100 lectures and keynote addresses at different conferences. He earned his PhD at Nagoya University in Japan. 32 2-4 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization Analytical methods and properties of rice starches Naoyoshi INOUCHI Fukuyama University Structural and physicochemical properties of rice starches were investigated using four types of endosperm starches (waxy, low amylose, medium amylose and high amylose starches) of rice cultivars bred in Japan and the other countries. Side-chain length distribution of amylopectin greatly influenced the gelatinization temperature of rice starches. It seems to be also important to investigate the relationship between the properties of many kinds of rice starches and the disease prevention. 米澱粉の分析法および性質 福山大学 井ノ内直良 澱粉粒の構造は、主成分のアミロペクチンについて、いくつかの構造モデルが提案されているが、どれも確証は得 られていない。さらにアミロースの澱粉粒内の存在形態もよくわかっていない。 我われは、澱粉粒および澱粉糊に対していくつかの分析法を用いて研究を行ってきた。澱粉粒が糊化する際または 糊化澱粉の物性測定、澱粉粒の顕微鏡観察、酸または酵素による澱粉粒の分解率の測定、ヨウ素親和性の測定、澱粉 分子全体、またはイソアミラーゼで枝切りした後のゲル濾過クロマトグラフィー(GPC)によるアミロースおよびア ミロペクチンの単位鎖の鎖長分布、アミロースとアミロペクチンをブタノール沈殿法で分別し、それぞれの分子全体 の GPC、分別したアミロペクチンをイソアミラーゼで枝切りして測定した単位鎖長分布や、アミロペクチンの外部鎖 をβ - アミラーゼで分解して得られたβ - 限界デキストリンの単位鎖長分布を測定し、平均外部鎖長と平均内部鎖長 などを測定してきた。 米に関しては、国内外の米試料を幅広く集め、精白米から調製した米粉、米澱粉、炊飯米について各種測定法を行っ East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 33 てきた。米澱粉の構造と物性、さらに炊飯米の物性は、米の品種(遺伝的要因)や生育温度など(環境的要因)によっ て大きな影響を受けることが知られている。そこで、数多くの米試料に対して澱粉の構造および物理的性質を調べた。 ヨウ素 - 澱粉複合体の吸収曲線と最大吸収波長(λ max)および 680nm における吸光度(青価;Blue value;B.V.) の測定は、簡便で多数の試料澱粉を分析することができるという点で優れている。λ max は澱粉中の主としてアミロー ス含量、B.V. はアミロース含量に加えて、アミロペクチンの側鎖長分布の影響を受けることが知られている。 日本の国内外で育成されている米の澱粉のλ max と B.V. をグラフにすると、世界的にはインディカ米が多く栽培 されているため、高アミロース米が多く、中アミロース米とモチ米が観察され、低アミロース米はほとんど存在して いない。日本では農水水産省の研究施設で、低アミロース米を含め、モチ米、中アミロース米、高アミロース米のい ずれも育成されている。 米澱粉からアミロペクチンとアミロースをブタノール沈殿法で分別し、溶出液の全糖量とヨウ素吸収曲線のλ max を、中アミロース米のコシヒカリと高アミロース米のホシユタカおよび夢十色に関して測定したところ、アミロース の分子量分布およびヨウ素親和性にほとんど違いは見られなかったが、精製したアミロペクチンと澱粉全体のアミロ ペクチン画分において、溶出液のヨウ素吸収曲線のλ max に関して大きな違いが観察された。この結果は、アミロ ペクチン中に特別な側鎖が存在することを示唆していた。 そこで澱粉にイソアミラーゼを作用させ、アミロペクチンを枝切りして単位鎖にした後、ゲル濾過カラムで分画す ると、アミロースに続いて単位鎖になったアミロペクチンの長鎖および短鎖が溶出する。その澱粉からアミロペクチ ンを精製し、枝切りした溶出曲線を重ね合わせて比較すると、アミロペクチンに含まれているアミロースのように長 い側鎖(超長鎖;Super long chain ; SLC)含量が測定可能となり、真のアミロース含量の測定も可能となった。 中アミロース米のコシヒカリにはほとんど SLC が存在しないが、ホシユタカには 5%程度、夢十色には 15%含ま れていた。さらにアミロペクチンの側鎖長分布を HPAEC-PAD 法により精密に測定し、アミロペクチン側鎖が重合 度 6 ∼ 12 の最短鎖領域 ( Fr.A ) の割合を算出した。また、Fr.A 含量によって、米アミロペクチンのグループ分けな ども可能である。 その結果、DSC による熱測定法により測定した糊化温度とアミロペクチンの最短鎖画分 Fr.A 含量との間に高い負 の相関関係があることが判明した。 最後に、一般的に高アミロースでアミロペクチン側鎖が長い澱粉をもつインディカ米が食後の血糖上昇およびイン スリンの分泌を穏やかにするという報告がなされているが、我われは比較的高アミロースでアミロペクチン側鎖が極 端に短い澱粉をもつジャポニカ米にも同様な機能性をもつ品種が存在することを報告した。したがって、今後、幅広 い米澱粉の性質と米の機能性との関連を調べていく必要があると考えられる。 1977 年新潟大学農学部卒業 , 同年∼堀之内缶詰㈱(現ホリカフーズ㈱)技術課配属 , 企業内研究者として介護食、 災害食の研究・開発に従事 , 2008 年博士(歯学)取得 ,2009 年∼新潟大学大学院客員教授 現在 : ホリカフーズ㈱取締役執行役員 ,NPO 法人日本防災士会常任理事 ,NPO 法人日本咀嚼学会理事 , 日本災害食学会 副会長 2012 高齢者食品の開発と応用 シーエムシー出版 ( 共著 ) 2014 災害時における食とその備蓄 建帛社 ( 共書 ) 2009 災害弱者の生活と食事−現状と課題− 日本食生活学会 Vol.20 No.2 2010 戦闘糧食の技術が支える災害時の食事 , 宇宙航空環境医学会誌 Vol.47,No4 2011 健康を守る災害食の新たなパラダイムの提案 , テクノイノベーション Vol.21 No1 2012 咀嚼・嚥下機能障害の評価区分に応じて提供している食事形態 - 全国の介護保険施設の実態調査 - 日本咀嚼学 会雑誌 Vol.22 No.2 2011 非常食から被災生活を支える災害食へ 科学技術動向 3・4/2012 2012 非常食から災害食へ 開発と課題 , 食品工業 2013.9.30 号、2013.10.15 号 34 2-5 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization Low protein processing cooked rice Shigeru Beppu Foricafood Co. Ltd. Over the past 10 years, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) along with lifestyle related diseases has increased by 30%, and affects an estimated 13.3 million Japanese people. In 2013 there were 310,000 patients requiring dialysis, costing approximately 5 million yen per patient per year. This was mostly covered by the Japanese National Health Insurance System, and as a result was one cause of the deterioration of the medical health scheme. Dietary therapy that limits the intake of proteins that put stress on the kidney is an effective way to keep the progression of CKD at bay. Although such therapy is administered to impede any further decrease in kidney function that is already impairment, it is difficult to continue because reducing the amount of proteins through diet alone tends to reduce the quality of meals. Therefore, to enable long-term dietary therapy to be continued without reducing the quality of meals, the development of food products low in protein that can be incorporated into dietary customs is indispensable. Rice is the staple food of people in East Asia, and reducing the amount of protein in staple food is particularly effective. Thus widening the choice of side dishes enables the quality of meals to be maintained, which helps improve the quality of life (QOL) of patients with CKD, and therefore may facilitate the continuation of dietary therapy. In 1995, Foricafoods developed a series of low protein rice called 1/3 PLC rice. Subsequent research has been conducted to further reduce protein levels, and a 1/ 25 reduction has been achieved. However, rice (sterilized packaged cooked rice) has been developed that has not simply had protein removed, but that has low protein while retaining the same taste and texture as normal rice for patients who must eat it as part of their daily dietary therapy. The production of this rice uses unique enzyme processing technology to remove protein from the raw rice, which involves soaking the raw rice in an acidic solution, then subsequently adding the enzyme, and washing after enzyme processing. Features of this production method is that it is a simple treatment process with high reproducibility, and is easily controlled. The cooking involves a series of processes in which the enzyme-processed rice is placed into individual meal trays, steamed for a short time to cook and sterilize the rice at the same time, then water is added and the tray is sealed. In this process the cooking time is characteristically quick, requiring only a few tens of seconds, and the heat treatment until the sterilization level (Fo level) is reached takes approximately 6 minutes. Moreover, this process has the advantage in that to maintain the sterilized state throughout the process it is completed in a short time and therefore prevents any loss of flavor or quality of the original raw rice. Over the past 10 years since this production method first became available in 2004, excluding cases caused by external factors, there have been no incidences of the rice turning bad. Furthermore, this production method enables functional ingredients to be easily added with additional water, and the sterilized rice tray can be stored and used with a long shelf-life of 3.5 years. In another series of low-protein prepared rice, an increasing selection of dried rice for cooking is being developed. In future it is expected that these technologies will effectively prevent the deterioration of the health insurance scheme, and help prevent dialysis of patients with CKD in Japan. It is also technology that will be indispensable for patients in East Asia with life-style related diseases who have a staple diet of rice. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 35 慢性腎症 (CKD) は生活習慣病の増大とともに増大し、すでに日本人 1330 万人が罹患し、人工透析患者数は 31 万人 (2013 年末時点 ) となり、この 10 年で 30% 増大している。 人口透析にかかる費用は一人あたり、年間約 500 万円であるが、日本では皆保険制度の中、そのほとんどが医療保険 から支払われており、医療財政悪化の原因の一つとなっている。CKD の進行を食い止めるには、腎臓に負担をかけ るたんぱく質の摂取を制限する食事療法が有効である。これは、低下している腎機能のさらなる低下を遅延させるた めに行うが、単に食事からたんぱく質を減らすだけでは食事の質が低下しがちとなって継続しにくい。そのため、食 事の質を落とさずに長期の食事療法を続けるには、食習慣に受け入れられる低たんぱく食品の開発が不可欠といわれ てきた。とくに、東アジアでは米を主食する食習慣があり、主食のたんぱく質を減らすことが有効である。これは、 副食の選択肢を広げることができ、 食事の質を維持できることで CKD 患者の Quality Of Life(QOL) の増進につながり、 食事療法の継続が可能となるためである。 ホリカフーズは、1995 年に低たんぱくごはんシリーズとして PLC ごはん 1/3 を発売した。その後も、さらなる低 たんぱく化を研究し 1/25 の低減を実現したが、食事療法として毎日食べ続けなければならない患者にとって米に含 まれるたんぱく質を除くだけでなく、ご飯として食べるときの物性や風味が普通のご飯と変わらないレベルの低たん ぱくごはん ( 無菌包装米飯 ) を開発してきた。その製法は、独自の酵素処理技術を用いて原料米中のたんぱく質を除 去するもので、原料米を酸性液に浸漬した後、酵素を添加し、酵素処理後に水洗する方法である。この製法の特徴は、 処理工程が簡便で再現性が高く、制御が容易という点である。炊飯工程では、個食トレーに入れた酵素処理米を短時 間の蒸気加熱により炊飯と同時に殺菌処理を行い、その後加水し密封して製品とする一連の行程である。この工程は、 炊飯時間が数十秒という短時間であること、殺菌値 (Fo 値 ) がほぼ 6 分に相当する加熱処理であることが特徴として あげられる。また、原料米本来の風味と品質の損失を防ぎ、無菌状態を連続した工程で行うことができるため短時間 で加工できるメリットがある。この製法は 2004 年の発売以来 10 年以上にわたり、外的要因を原因とした事例を除い て変敗事故の発生はない。さらにこの製法では、添加水に機能性成分を容易に添加できるとともに、賞味期間 3.5 年 という長期間の保存性をもつ無菌包装米飯用の容器の使用が可能である。また、低たんぱく加工米飯の別シリーズと して、炊飯用の乾燥加工米を開発し品揃えを増やしている。 今後、これらの技術は日本国内の CKD 患者の透析予防と健康保険財政の悪化防止への効果が期待されているだけで なく、東アジアで米を主食とする地域の生活習慣病患者にも必要な技術となっている。 36 2-6 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization Health-promoting functions of rice bran ingredients Hiroyuki Hashimoto Basic Research Dept., Tsuno Foods & Rice Recently much attention has been focused on lifestyle-related diseases as a social issue. Research and development of food ingredients having physiological functions has been desired for maintenance and promotion of health, and for prevention of disease. Under such background, functional ingredients in rice bran, such as γ -oryzanol, sterol, ferulic acid, cerebroside, tocotrienol, phytin, inositol, protein, etc., are highlighted from the viewpoint of safety corroborated by long-term food habit, and are developing for highly utilization. 図 2 基礎研究部のコア技術 米糠機能性成分解析評価システム East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 37 近赤外分光分析システム 米ヌカ成分の機能性とその利用 日本の主食である米は,古来は玄米の形で食され日本人の健康を培ってきたが,現在はおいしさの追求の中で米糠を 取り除いた白米の形で食されることが主流である.しかし, 玄米の栄養成分のほとんどは米糠に含まれている.さらに, 米糠には栄養成分以外にも様々な機能性成分が含まれることが見出され,その食経験の豊富さによる高度な安全性の 観点からも脚光を浴びている.本講演では, 米糠から製造されるこめ油から種々の機能性成分まで(図 1)を概観する. 【こめ油】こめ油(JAS 表記)は,日本で商業的に生産される植物油の中では,唯一大部分が国産原料から製造され る油である.酸化しにくく加熱しても安定な特長を有し,におわない・へたらない・くせがない良質の油である.不 けん化物としてビタミン E(VE) ,γ - オリザノール(OZ) ,植物ステロール(PS)などの保健機能成分を豊富に含 むことから,社会的にも関心の高いメタボリックシンドロームに効果のある植物油として注目されている. 【油溶性の機能性成分】油溶性の機能性成分としては,OZ,フェルラ酸(FA),VE(特にトコトリエノール(T3) ), セレブロシド(グルコシルセラミド)などが注目されている. OZ は,FA とトリテルペンアルコールあるいは PS のエステルで,高脂質血症,更年期障害,過敏性腸症候群,心身 症における身体症候ならびに不安,緊張,抑うつなどの改善が期待できる医薬品として販売されている.また,酸化 防止剤として食品添加物に認可されている.OZ は,転写因子 NF- κ B の活性化を抑制することにより,炎症やメタ ボリックシンドローム(MetS)を改善する.また,IgE 抗体と結合し I 型アレルギーを低減する.さらに,玄米が 高脂肪食に対する嗜好性を低減させることにより抗肥満・抗糖尿病作用を発揮することが報告され,その機能本体は OZ とされている. FA は工業的には OZ の加水分解によって製造され,酸化防止剤として食品添加物に認可されて いる.FA は,抗酸化作用による持久力向上・抗疲労効果が報告されている.また,ヒトでのアルツハイマー型認知 症における認知機能低下の抑制効果が報告され,病院でも使用が進められている.OZ は,消化管の表面で加水分解 を受け FA となるため,同様の効果が期待される.T3 は,大豆油やナタネ油には含まれないこめ油に特徴的な VE で, 抗血管新生作用による癌増殖抑制作用や脂肪細胞への直接作用による抗肥満効果が報告され,スーパービタミン E と して注目されている.PS は,コレステロールの吸収を抑制するトクホ成分である.セレブロシドは,植物セラミド と呼称され,肌の乾燥や皺の増加を改善する. 【水溶性の機能性成分】水溶性の機能性成分としては,フィチン酸(イノシトール 6 リン酸,IP6)やイノシトール(I) などが注目されている.IP6 は,米糠に多量に存在するフィチンから金属イオンを除去して製造され,強いキレート 作用が特長の化合物である.酸味料・製造用剤として食品添加物に認可されている.リン酸基は,生体内ではエネル ギー供給や情報伝達に関与する重要な化合物であり,IP6 を含むイノシトールリン酸プールにより維持されている. IP6 には脂肪肝の抑制や免疫機能の賦活など様々な生理機能が報告されている.また,がん関連シグナルの一つであ る PI3 キナーゼ系を阻害することによる制がん効果が注目されている.I はフィチンの加水分解により製造され,米 のビタミン様物質(ビタミン B 群)として様々な生理機能を発揮する.抗脂肪肝因子として,脂肪肝,肝硬変,動脈 硬化症等に有効と考えられ,医薬品分野で広く用いられている.強化剤として食品添加物にも認可されている.大量 摂取により,パニック症候群や強迫性障害 (OCD) の治療に有効性が示唆されるなど脳機能の改善の報告もある.さら に I はヒトへの 2 週間経口摂取により,MetS 関連項目だけではなく超悪玉コレステロールといわれるスモールデン ス LDL を顕著に減少させた.I は,MetS の改善効果を有する食品素材として期待できる. 【おわりに】米糠の機能性成分には,さらに新しい機能性が見つかる可能性が高い.我々は,コア技術(図 2)に, HPLC-IT-TOF-MS を主体とする「米糠機能性成分解析評価システム」と非破壊分析法である「近赤外分光分析シス テム」を据え,産学官連携体制で米糠の機能性成分の解明に取り組んでいる. 【氏名】橋本博之(はしもとひろゆき) 【現職】築野(つの)食品工業株式会社 基礎研究部 部長 昭和 54 年 京都大学農学部食品工学科卒 , 昭和 54 年 豊年製油株式会社(現株式会社 J- オイルミルズ)入社 研究員として財団法人杉山産業化学研究所へ出向 , 平成 4 年 財団法人杉山産業化学研究所主任研究員 , 平成 6 年 京都工芸繊維大学(工芸学部)助手 , 平成 7 年 京都大学博士(農学)取得 , 平成 10 年 京都工芸繊維大学(繊維学部) 助手 , 平成 16 年 信州大学(農学部)助教授 , 平成 19 年 築野食品工業株式会社企画開発室研究統括責任者 平成25年より,築野食品工業株式会社基礎研究部部長 , 現在に至る 受賞:平成 8 年 9 月日本応用糖質科学会奨励賞 , α - ガラクトシル基を含む糖質の酵素合成と機能に関する研究) 38 2-7 Session 2 Methods of Measurement for Standardization HPLC determination of Phenolic Compounds in Rice Kozo Nakamura and Hiroshi Kayahara Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, 8304 Minamiminowa, Nagano 399-4598, JAPAN Phenolic compounds are major antioxidant and radical scavenging ingredients in rice. Eleven kinds of phenolic compounds in rice, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, sinapinic acid, p-coumaric acid, vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, syringic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, 6'-O-feruloylsucrose and 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose were simultaneously determined by HPLC method. Materials and Methods Rice used in the research. Koshihikari (Oryza sativa L.) produced in Nagano prefecture, Japan, was used. Germinated rice was prepared by soaking unpolished rice in water at 32ºC for 24 hours. Sample preparation. Soluble phenolic compounds: extract of the rice flour with 70% EtOH was subjected to solid phase extraction to prepare analytical sample. Bound phenolic compounds: After defatted with hexane and removed free phenolics with 70% EtOH, rice flour was hydrolyzed with 1M NaOH, and then acidified with 4 M HCl to extract phenolic compounds with EtOAc. Analytical sample was prepared by solid phase extraction of the extract. HPLC analysis. Column: cosmosil 5C18-MS-II reversed-phase column (150 mm×4.6 mm). Mobile phase: purified water with 0.025% TFA (A), acetonitrile (B) Gradient (B)%: 0 min 5%, 5 min 9%, 15 min 9%, 22 min 11%, 35 min 18% Column temperature: 38 ºC, Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min Detection wavelength: 280 nm for hydroxybenzoates, 325 nm for hydroxycinnamates (mAU) 1. protocatechuic acid 2. hydroxybenzoic acid 3. chrologenic acid 4. vanillic acid 5. caffeic acid 200 6. syringic acid 7. 6’-O-feruloylsucrose 8. p-coumaric acid 9. 6’-O-sinapoylsucrose 10. ferulic acid 11. sinapinic acid 7 5 100 6 3 1 2 9 4 8 10 11 0 0 10 20 30 (min) Figure. HPLC Chromatogram of the Eleven Kinds of Phenolic Compounds Results and Discussion Figure shows HPLC chromatogram of the eleven kinds of phenolic compounds in rice. In the HPLC analytical condition, all of the compounds were well separated from each other. Contents of the soluble phenolic compounds in unpolished rice, polished rice and germinated rice were investigated using the HPLC method (Table). In unpolished rice, the most abundant was 6'-O-feruloylsucrose, the next was 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose, and ferulic acid was the third. Contents of the each compound were 1.09, 0.42 and 0.33 mg/100 g rice flour, respectively, and covered 84.0% of total amount of the eleven kinds of soluble phenolic compounds. In the polished rice, the total amount was reduced to 0.28 mg/100 g rice flour, and ferulic acid was the most abundant. In the germinated rice, ferulic acid, 6'-O-feruloylsucrose and sinapic acid were abundant and the sum contents covered 66% of East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 39 total content of the eleven phenolic compounds. Contents of ferulic acid and sinapic acid in the germinated rice increased to 147% and 1065% of those in unpolished rice, respectively, as decreasing of 6'-O-feruloylsucrose and 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose contents. The bound phenolic compounds were also determined by the HPLC method. In the all rice samples, 6'-O-feruloylsucrose and 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose were not detected. In unpolished rice, polished rice and germinated rice, total content of the eleven phenolic compounds were 18.5, 5.77 and 24.8 mg/100 g rice flour, respectively. The bound phenolic compounds were much more abundant than the soluble ones. The major phenolic compound was ferulic acid. The contents were 15.2, 5.26 and 20.0 mg/100 g rice flour of the unpolished, polished and germinated rice, respectively, and covered 82.2%, 91.2% and 80.7% of total amount of the compounds. Collectively, result of the HPLC determinations showed that unpolished rice and germinated rice was much better source of the phenolic compounds than polished rice, and ferulic acid and the related compounds were major phenolic ingredients in the Japanese rice. Table. Contents of Soluble Phenolic Compounds in Rice Samples (mg/100g, Nagano Koshihikari) unpolished polished germinated unpolished polished germinated protocatechuic acid 0.037 0.013 0.052 6'-O-feruloylsucrose 1.089 0.026 0.270 hydroxybenzoic acid 0.040 0.021 0.010 p-coumaric acid 0.098 0.020 0.118 chlorogenic acid 0.033 0.028 0.039 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose 0.417 0.032 0.132 vanillic acid 0.072 0.032 0.066 ferulic acid 0.330 0.070 0.485 caffeic acid 0.020 0.025 0.049 sinapinic acid 0.020 0.005 0.213 syringic acid 0.030 0.010 0.026 Total 2.186 0.281 1.459 References: Su Tian, Kozo Nakamura, Hiroshi Kayahara, J. Agric. Food Chem., 52 (15), 4808-13, 2004; Su Tian, Kozo Nakamura, Tong Cui, Hiroshi Kayahara, J. Chromatogr. A, 1063 (1-2), 121-8, 2005. 米フェノール化合物の HPLC 分析 中村浩蔵,茅原 紘 信州大学農学部応用生命科学科 米の主要な抗酸化、活性酸素消去成分であるフェノール化合物のうち含量の高い 11 種類を、HPLC で一斉定量分析 し含量を調べた。その結果、白米より玄米や発芽玄米の方がフェノール化合物摂取源として優れており、主要なポ リフェノールがフェルラ酸および関連化合物であることが明らかとなった。 プロフィール 信州大学学術研究院(農学系) ,農学部応用生命科学科准教授 1992 年広島大学工学部第三類(化学系)卒業, 1996 年広島大学大学院工学研究科博士課程後期工業化学専攻修了(工 学博士),1994 年日本学術振興会特別研究員 DC1,1996 年日本学術振興会特別研究員 PD,2000 年科学技術振興 事業団・科学技術特別研究員,2002 年富士ゼロックス株式会社高度研究専門職,同年信州大学大学院農学研究科助 手,2005 年信州大学農学部助教授,2014 年組織改編により現職。2006 日本味と匂い学会論文賞,2012 日本農 芸化学会農芸化学研究企画賞。研究テーマ:食品機能性因子に基づく機能性食品開発。 40 3-1 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Studies on functional rice in Japan due to the Anti-oxidative Food Database Katsuki Ohtani1, Tomomi Kanno2, ○Nobutaka Wakamiya1 1 Department of Microbiology and Immunochemistry, Asahikawa Medical University Department of Teacher Training, Hokkaido University of Education Asahikawa 2 Anti-oxidant activity is defined as the value of oxygen radical activity suppression. Many reports suggest that oxygen radicals are able to cause cancer and quicken aging and metabolic syndromes. In general, scientists suppose that food materials containing anti-oxidant activity inhibit injury by oxygen radicals, therefore having an effective role in the prevention and therapy against diseases. “The Research Center of Anti-Oxidant Activity Analyses” was established as a part of the Bio-S project in Asahikawa Medical University to evaluate anti-oxidant activity in Hokkaido’s plants and natural products in 2009. The center is utilized as an analysis center, for the promotion and development of Hokkaido Food Industry and Science. The center has contained a data base from the analytical results and a sample library of polyphenol antioxidant materials, and information from the center has been released not only to Hokkaido Japanese, but to whole Japanese. Firstly, we have mainly focused on analyzing the polyphenol antioxidants in berries for wine and beans in Hokkaido and finally we have analyzed 500-600 of Hokkaido’s plants which covers much of the food eaten in the area. At the same time, we have established the anti-oxidant activity data base (the Anti-oxidative Food Database) and sample library having their freezing dry powders in minus 80°C. The Anti-oxidative Food Database demonstrated that there are a lot of materials showing a high anti-oxidant activity. The top 30 contained the herbs, berries, beans, and red and black rice. In Hokkaido area, we have a new black rice (a purple glutinous rice variety 'Kitano-murasaki') which has developed by Sakura Ishimura. We evaluated the anti-oxidant activity in the black rice compared to that in general Hokkaido rice. The black rice showed a high anti-oxidant activity due to anthocyanidin. Its brown rice retained the high anti-oxidant activity different from the polished rice. We also analyzed the anti-oxidant activity before and after germination. Rosemary Peppermint Thyme Spearmint Azukibean Black soybeanKurosengoku Aronia Black soybeanIwaikuro AzukibeanTaisyoukintoki KidneybeanTaisyoukinntoki Ostrich fern BlackkidneybeanKurohanamame Red rice Wormwook Redcurrant Italian parsley Redshisoleaaves Greenshiroseeds Buckwheat Blackazukibean Tarragon Ediblecyrysanthemum Black rice KidneybeanBenishibirimame Parsley Araliasprout BulbilChiniseyam Walnut SoybeanKurakakemame Blackberry 0 50 100 150 200 ORAC value (umol TE/g FW) East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 41 250 300 350 Profile: Nobutaka Wakamiya MD., Ph.D. Affiliation: Asahikawa Medical University Present Address: 2-1-1-1 Midorigaoka Higashi, Asahikawa 078-8510, Japan E-mail address: [email protected] Title: Professor and chairman, Department of Microbiology and Immunochemistry Director, the Research Center for the anti-oxidant activity analysis President, the Japanese Association for Complement Research 42 3-2 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Macrobiotic diet and health Chiharu Nishijima Graduate School of Nutrition and Health Science Kagawa Nutrition University Japanese traditional meals were composed of brown rice and barley as a staple food and side dishes cooked with vegetables, soybeans and potatoes until late 19th century. In the contemporary Japanese diet, the staple grains are refined, and meat, fishery products, eggs and dairy products are major ingredients for main and side dishes. On the other hand, it is known that dietary habits account for a large portion of the causes of metabolic syndrome and chronic diseases. In order to evaluate the dietary pattern, the diet and health status of macrobiotic practitioners compared with those of average Japanese population will be discussed. Macrobiotic is one of the dietary remedies founded by Japanese philosopher, George Ohsawa. Whole grains and whole foods have been emphasized as a centerpiece of macrobiotic diet. Foods are also recommended to be locally and organically grown, and minimally processed. Thus, the macrobiotic meals are practically plant-based: seasonal vegetables, beans and sea vegetables with a staple food of brown rice. Brown rice, compared with white rice, is rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber. The effects of eating brown rice have been gaining attention for preventing and treating not only diabetes, but also other chronic diseases. According to our research, macrobiotic practitioners consumed more magnesium, iron, vitamin E, vitamin Bs and dietary fiber although their energy intake was less than average Japanese. Their Body Mass Index, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels were mostly found to be low, and HbA1c revealed normal blood sugar levels. Even when analyzed with other vegetarian dietary data, the daily nutritional values were higher in those who ate rice more frequently than noodles, and even higher in brown rice than white rice. The macrobiotic dietary pattern of eating brown rice seemed to contribute to their healthy state. The problem that plant-based diet lacks vitamin B12, eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid could be resolved by consuming more small fish, in the shape of whole food, for macrobiotic practitioners. Currently, the dietary guidelines of the United States, Canada, Australia and Malaysia recommend to have whole grains for at least half of daily grain products. Meta-analysis in 2012 reported the association between white rice intake and increased risk of type 2 diabetes suggested the need for adding whole grains to Japanese diet. It is expected to validate the effects of eating brown rice, and set a standard daily value or frequency of brown rice intake for future analysis. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 43 女子栄養大学大学院 栄養学専攻 博士後期課程1年 西島千陽(にしじまちはる) 2010 年 3 月 名古屋文理栄養士専門学校 卒業 2012 年 3 月 女子栄養大学 実践栄養学科 卒業 2014 年 3 月 女子栄養大学大学院 栄養学専攻 修士 2014 年 4 月 女子栄養大学大学院 栄養学専攻 博士後期課程 44 3-3 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice The long chain type of amylopectin rice to restrain postprandial hyperglycemia Keiko Kamachi Kagawa Nutrition University, Saitama,Japan Recently, the consumption of the rice, which is staple food in Japan, decreases. And the amount of the consumption becomes about half of that in 50 years ago. Therefore, the development of rice processed foods, promoting the consumption of the rice, is requested. On the other hand, lifestyle-related diseases increase, and medical expenses increase rapidly, and because of low birthrate and aging advances, the elderly will be one thirds of the people in ten years later. In such an aging society, it is requested that the increase of the medical expenses is suppressed even a little by the new technique to prevent diseases. Therefore, we developed the rice, which decreases diabetes onset. The rice may contribute to health maintenance of the people and to restraining the increase of medical expenses, and to the income stability of the rice makers. Visceral fat obesity is one of risk factors for lifestyle-related disease. The abnormal accumulation of visceral fat promotes the insulin resistance and the postprandial hyperglycemia. Therefore, it is expected that we find the effect of rice to restrain the postprandial hyperglycemia. Above all, the long chain type of amylopectin rice is reported to have the effect to restrain the postprandial hyperglycemia. We investigated the safety, effect on postprandial hyperglycemia and changes of visceral fat by the long term intake of the long chain type of amylopectin rice, “Kona yukino Mai”. The study was investigated in the subjects with age between 40 and 70 years old, the area of visceral fat by the abdominal CT scanning more than 100cm2, HbA1c less than 8.0%. The blood tests and waist circumference were measured before and after the study in the active group taking 200g of “Kona Yukino Mai” and the control group taking 200g of “Koshihikari” once a day for 3 months. And the self monitoring of blood glucose, 6 times a day, before and after breakfast, before and after lunch, and before and after dinner was done in before and 1.5 months and 3 months after study. The measurement of the area of the visceral fat by abdominal CT scanning was done twice before and after the study. The changing range of self-monitoring of blood glucose in the active group was significantly smaller than that in the control group at 1.4 months after study in the subjects with HbA1c less than 6.5%. The decrease of the waist circumference in the active group was significantly larger than that in the control group. In conclusion, the study showed that the long chain type of amilopectin rice was useful for restraining the postprandial hyperglycemia and decreasing the visceral fat. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 45 2000 Ph.D. (Nutrition) Kagawa Nutrition University, Saitama,Japan Qualifications 2003- Certification for specialty nutritional disease 2001-2011 Certified diabetes educator certification 1985- Registered dietitian (Japan) 2011 Professor Kagawa Nutrition University Nutrition Clinic 食後血糖上昇を抑制するアミロペクチン長鎖型米(こなゆきの舞)とその加工食品の開発 ヒト長期試験 日本では、主食であるコメの消費量が近年減少しており、その量は 50 年前の約半分となっている。このためコメ の消費拡大につながるコメ加工食品等の開発が求められている。一方で、少子高齢化の中、生活習慣病が増大して医 療費が急増している。10 年後には、高齢者は 3 人に 1 人と予想されている。このように来る超高齢化社会では、医療 費の増大への対処が不可欠となる。そこで主食であるコメで糖尿病発症予防効果が立証されれば、国民の健康維持と 増進に貢献でき、医療費の増大を抑制することにつながり、さらにコメ生産者の収入安定にもつながることが期待さ れる。 生活習慣病の前段階として注目されるのが内臓脂肪型肥満である。内臓脂肪の異常蓄積によってインスリン抵抗性が 増すと、食後血糖値が上昇しやすくなる。そこで主食となるコメに食後血糖値上昇を抑制する効果を見出すことが期 待される。中でもアミロペクチン長鎖型米は、食後の血糖値上昇を抑える働きが確認されており、私たちは、突然変 異米であるアミロペクチン長鎖型米「こなゆきの舞」について、長期摂取による、安全性および食後血糖値の改善効果、 インスリン抵抗性を惹起する内臓脂肪量の変化について検討した。 対象者は、40 以上 70 歳以下男性 60 名、 内臓 CT スキャンデータ臍位置 100cm 2以上、 H b A1c8.0%以下とした。方法は、 試験群には、超硬質米「こなゆきの舞」レトルトご飯 200g、コントロール群には、 「コシヒカリ」レトルトご飯 200g を 1 日 1 回 3 ヶ月間食べてもらい、血液および身体検査を試験前後で行った。また被験者には、自宅で試験前、1.5 ヶ 月後、3 ヵ月後の指定された1日に自己血糖測定をしてもらった。1 日の測定は、朝昼夕食のそれぞれ前後計6回行っ てもらった。内臓脂肪面積の測定は、前と 3 ヵ月後の 2 回とした。試験は、二重盲検、並行群間比較とした。 まず、自己血糖測定においては、ヘモグロビン A1c 6.5%以下の前糖尿病状態で比較した。1.5 ヶ月でコントロー ル群の変動幅 84 ± 56.9mg/dl に対して試験群 45 ± 55.4mg/dl であった。コントロール群に比して試験群で変動幅が 少ない点が有意に観察された。また腹囲についても 3 ヶ月間の差は、コントロール群− 1 ± 3.4cm,試験群− 2.61 ± 3.0cm と有意に減少した。以上、主食として食後血糖値上昇を抑えるアミロペクチン長鎖型米を利用することにより、 前糖尿病状態および内臓脂肪 100cm2 以上の内臓脂肪型肥満の病態改善に役立つことが示唆された。今後、このコメ の加工品についても検討を加えていく必要がある。 46 3-4 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Pre-germinated brown rice reduced both blood glucose concentration and body weight in Vietnamese women with impaired glucose tolerance. Bui TN, Le TH, Nguyen do H, Tran QB, Nguyen TL, Le DT, Nguyen do VA, Vu AL, Aoto H, Okuhara Y, Ito Y, Yamamoto S, Kise M. Bui TN, Le TH, Nguyen do H, Tran QB, Nguyen TL, Le DT, Nguyen do VA, Vu AL, Aoto H, Okuhara Y, Ito Y, Yamamoto S, Kise M. We have reported that newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) patients in Vietnam have a low body mass index (BMI) of around 23 and that the major factor for this is high white rice (WR) intake. Brown rice (BR) is known to be beneficial in the control of blood glucose levels; however, it has the property of unpleasant palatability. Pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR) is slightly germinated by soaking BR in water as this reduces the hardness of BR and makes it easier to eat. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of a 4-mo PGBR administration on various parameters in Vietnamese women aged 45-65 y with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT). Sixty subjects were divided into a WR or PGBR group. For the first 2 wk, WR was replaced by 50% PGBR, then for 2 wk by 75% PGBR and from the second month 100%. Before the beginning of the study and at the end of the study, 1) anthropometric measurements, 2) a nutrition survey for 3 nonconsecutive days by the 24 h recall method and 3) blood biochemical examinations were conducted. Fasting plasma concentrations of glucose and lipids and the obesity-related measurements and blood pressure were favorably improved only in the PGBR diet group. The present results suggest that replacing WR with PGBR for 4 mo may be useful in controlling body weight as well as blood glucose and lipid levels in Vietnamese women with IGT. 1. Bui TN1, LE TH, Nguyen do H, Tran QB, Nguyen TL, LE DT, Nguyen do VA, Vu AL, Aoto H,Okuhara Y, Ito Y, Yamamoto S, Kise M. Pre-germinated brown rice reduced both blood glucose concentration and body weight in vietnamese women with impaired glucose tolerance. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2014;60(3):183-7. 2. Binh TQ, Phuong PT, Nhung BT, Thoang DD, Thang PV, Long TK, Thanh DV (2012) Prevalence and correlates of hyperglycemia in a rural population, Vietnam: Implications from a cross–sectional study. Submitted to Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 3. Binh TQ, Phuong PT, Nhung BT, Thoang DD, Lien HT, Thanh DV (2012) Association of the common FTO rs9939609 polymorphism with type 2 diabetes mellitus, independent of obesity–related traits in Vietnamese population. Submitted to Gene. 4. Vu TT, Nguyen CK, Nguyen TL, Le BM, Nguyen Trung Le D, Bui TN, Nakamori M, Kunii D, Sakai T, Yamamoto S. Determining the prevalence of osteoporosis and related factors using quantitative ultrasound in Vietnamese adult women. Am J Epidemiol. 2005 May 1;161(9):824-30 5. Nhung BT, Khan NC, Hop LT, Lien DT, Le DS, Hien VT, Kunii D, Sakai T, Nakamori M, Yamamoto S. FAO/WHO/UNU equations overestimate resting metabolic rate in Vietnamese adults. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005 Oct;59(10):1099-104. 6. Nhung BT, Khan NC, Hop LT, Lam NT, Khanh NL, Lien DT, Nakamori M, Hien VT, Kassu A, Yamamoto S. Resting metabolic rate of Vietnamese adolescents. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2007 Sep;61(9):1075-80. 7. Nhung BT, Khan NC, Hop le T, Lam NT, Khanh Nle B, Lien do TK, Nakamori M, Hien VT, Kassu A, Yamamoto S. Resting metabolic rate of elderly Vietnamese. Ann Nutr Metab. 2007;51(1):7-13. 8. Lin PY, Nhung BT, Khan NC, Sarukura N, Kunii D, Sakai T, Kassus A, Yamamoto S. Effect of Vietnamese common diet on postprandial blood glucose level in adult females. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 47 1990-1996: Medical doctor degree of Hanoi Medical University, 2002-2004:Master degree of nutrition science, Tokushima University, Japan, 2005-2008: PhD degree of nutrition science, Tokushima University, Japan 1997-2002: Secretary of project “Development of Nutrition Information and Communication Center”, Participating on research of KAP of child feeding practices, Design nutrition message for Micronutrition days (1&2 June) and Nutrition and Development week (16th - 23th October) Co-ordinator of School lunch and nutrition education project for primary school children in Da Nang province (2011-2016), Coordinator of School lunch and nutrition education project for primary school children in one Northen province (2015-2016), To develop the school nutrition strategy, national nutrition school guideline for school children, Princple Investigator of study “Effect of micronutrient milk supplement for school children in Nghia Dan District, Nghe An province, Developing the school nutrition program for primary and secondary school children, Studying the intervention study control diabetes and pre-diabetes by dietary and lifestyle approach, Studying about the obesity and lipid disorder among school children, Studying the intervention study control high cholesterol by dietary and lifestyle approach, Studying about the malnutrition situation among patient in the hospital, Studying the Canci and Protein metabolism on Vietnamese people, Principal Investigator of study “Role and interaction between lifestyle-related and genetic factors to susceptibility to obesity of primary school children”, Principal Investigator of study “Study on diabetes prevention in Vietnamese by replacing a part of white rice with home made tasty pre-germinated brown rice” 48 3-5 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Protein analysis of rice MASUMURA Takehiro, SHIGEMITSU Takanari, SASOU Ai Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Science, Kyoto Prefectural University, Shimogamo, Kyoto, 606-8522 Japan Rice seed storage proteins are mainly consisted of glutelins, globulins and prolamins. These storage proteins are accumulated in two types of protein body (PB). The type I PB (PB-I) accumulate the prolamin, whereas the type II PB (PB-II) accumulate the glutelin and the globulin. 1) Two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2D-PAGE) is a powerful tool for the separation, quantification, and identification of proteins. Considerable research effort has been applied to the use of rice proteomic analysis to predict the functions of proteins, and much insight into the yield and quality of rice grain has been acquired. 2) The analysis of the storage proteins composition in rice seeds is necessary to improve nutrient value and grain quality. Several studies involving proteomic analysis of rice seed proteins have been reported, and albumins, globulins, and glutelins in rice seeds were well separated and identified by combinations of standard 2D-PAGE and protein sequencer/TOF-MS analysis. On the other hand, prolamins have not been reported on proteomic analysis because of their insolubility and hydrophobic property. 1D-PAGE analysis of prolamin polypeptides from isolated PB-I indicated that PB-I contains 10 kDa, 13 kDa, and 16 kDa prolamins. However, little has been reported regarding the analysis of prolamins by 2D-PAGE. Recently, proteomic analysis of rice seeds by standard 2D-PAGE showed 400 protein spots, but only one spot was identified as a prolamin polypeptide.3) These studies indicate that a combination of urea, thiourea, and 3-[(3-cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) was efficient for the extraction of highly insoluble proteins. The modified methods are expected to be useful in the extraction of prolamins from rice seeds. In addition, prolamin polypeptides are encoded by multi-gene families and have high homology. Due to this close sequence identity, it is difficult to separate prolamin polypeptides by isoelectric focusing (IEF)/SDSPAGE. Hence we analyzed prolamin polypeptides by high-resolution nonequilibrium pH gradient gel electrophoresis (NEPHGE)/ SDS-PAGE. We succeeded in detecting and separating several prolamin polypeptides by modified 2D-PAGE and in sequencing major prolamin polypeptides using protein sequencer (Fig.1). In this study, we established an improved extraction method for prolamin polypeptides for 2D-PAGE, and succeeded in separating and identifying prolamin polypeptides in rice seeds. The proteomic analysis in this study should provide a useful tool for understanding the composition changes of storage proteins as between various rice cultivars. 1. Yamagata H and Tanaka K, Plant Cell Physiol., 27, 135-145 (1986). 2. Komatsu S, Kajiwara H, and Hirano H, Theor. Appl. Genet., 86, 935-942 (1993). 3. Lin SK, Chang MC, Tsai YG, and Lur HS, Proteomics, 5, 2140-2156 (2005) East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 49 米のタンパク質解析 増村 威宏,重光 隆成,佐生 愛 京都府立大学大学院,生命環境科学研究科,遺伝子工学研究室 〒 606-8522 京都市左京区下鴨半木町 1-5 イネ種子(米)の貯蔵タンパク質は主にグルテリン,グロブリン,プロラミンから構成される.これら貯蔵タンパク 質は 2 種類のタンパク質顆粒(PB)に集積する.Ⅰ型 PB(PB-I) はプロラミンを,Ⅱ型 PB(PB-II) はグルテリンとグロ ブリンを集積する.1) 2 次元ポリアクリルアミドゲル電機泳動 (2D-PAGE) はタンパク質の分離,定量化,同定に強力な手法である.タンパ ク質の機能を予測するため,米の収量や品質を明らかにするため,米のプロテオーム解析に対して,多くの研究努力 が行われてきました. 2) 米の貯蔵タンパク質組成の分析は,栄養価や米粒の品質を改善するために必要です.米タンパク質のプロテオーム 解析研究はこれまでに行われ,米のアルブミン,グロブリン,グルテリンが分離され,標準的な 2D-PAGE とプロテ インシーケンサーまたは飛行型質量分析計による解析で同定されてきました. 一方,プロラミンはプロテオーム解析の報告がありませんでした,それは不溶性と疎水性の性質が原因でした.PB-I から単離したプロラミンプリペプチドの 1D-PAGE 分析により,PB-I には 10 kDa, 13 kDa, 16 kDa プロラミンを含む ことが明らかになりました.しかし,2D-PAGE を用いたプロラミンの分析についての報告はありませんでした.最近, 標準的な 2D-PAGE 法を用いて 400 スポットがプロテオーム解析されましたが,プロラミンについては,たったの 1 スポットしか同定されませんでした.3) 本研究では,尿素,チオウレア,CHAPS の組み合わせで不溶性タンパク質の抽出を効率化しました.本改良方法は, 米からのプロラミンの抽出に役立ちます.プロラミンポリペプチドは,多重遺伝子属によりコードされており,高い 相同性を示す.配列が似ているために,等電点電機泳動 (IEF) と SDS-PAGE によるプロラミンポリペプチドの分離は 困難でした.ここでは,非平衡 pH 勾配電気泳動法 (NEPHGE) と SDS-PAGE を組み合わせてプロラミンポリペプチ ドを分析しました.その結果,改良型 2D-PAGE 法によりプロラミンポリペプチドを分離し,プロテインシーケンサー により主要なプロラミンを同定しました(図 1). 本研究により,2D-PAGE に適したプロラミンポリペプチドの抽出方法を確立し,その結果米のプロラミンの分離 と同定に成功した.本研究によるプロテオーム解析は,多くの稲品種間の貯蔵タンパク質組成の差を理解するために 役立つであろう. 増村 威宏 ( ますむら・たけひろ ) 農学博士 京都府立大学農学部卒業 , 京都府立大学大学院農学研究科博士課程修了 現在、京都府立大学大学院生命環境科学研究科講師 京都府農林水産技術センター生物資源研究センター主任研究員併任 50 3-6 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice EFFECTS OF LOW-PROTEIN RICE ON NUTRITION STATUS AND RENAL FUNCTION IN PATIENTS WITH CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE: A PILOT STUDY Jian-Qin Sun, Yan Wang Clinical Nutrition Center, Huadong Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040 China Background: The study was designed to investigate the effects of low-protein diet (LPD) on improving nutritional status and renal function in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), to find out the role of low-protein rice in dietary therapy for CKD patients. Methods: 6 CKD patients (5 females, 1 male, mean age was 55.83±8.33 yr) were recruited from nephrology outpatient department of Huadong Hospital,12-week’s LPD (0.6g/kg/d protein) intervention was conducted, Low-protein rice (PLC) was provided 3 packs/d, containing 1.35g protein and 900kcal energy, the product was provided by FORICA FOODS CO., LTD. The meal plann was provided by trained research dietitian and dietary intake and compliance were monitored through diet diary. Results: Compared with baseline levels, total dietary energy increased from 1606.43±493.79kcal/d ( 27.88±6.20 kcal/ to 1748.14±160.59 kcal (30.81±2.82 kcal/ High quality protein/total dietary protein increased from 40.62±11.99 % to 64.89±4.46 %. Proportion of energy from protein decreased from 11.40±2.64 % to 8.45±1.28 %. Dietary carbohydrate intake increased from 247.16±99.04g/d to 299.08±31.89g/d. Dietary daily vitamin B1 intakes increased from 0.34±0.19 mg to 0.78±0.31 mg and vitamin B2 intake from 0.42±0.18 mg and 1.08±0.11 mg. Serum albumin slightly increased from (44.17±3.31) g/L to (45.50±3.62) g/L, p=0.010. Serum total protein increased from (74.00±4.56) g/L to (76.83±8.23) g/L, with significant difference p>0.05. Meanwhile, the changes of body weight, BMI and hemoglobin were no significant difference. After 12-wk, urine protein decreased from (0.40±0.09) g/24h to (0.10±0.01) g/24h (p<0.05). Urine albumin decreased from (130.82±28.22) mg/24h to (60.82±15.64) mg/24h (p<0.05). Urine albumin/creatinine decreased from (15.20±3.22) mg/mmol to (7.87±2.41) mg/mmol (p<0.01). 24h urine protein, 24h urine albumin and urine albumin/ creatinine decreased 63.7%, 55.0%and 52.0% respectively. However, the changes of serum creatinine, eGFR, serum urea and serum uric acid levels represented no significant difference. Dietary sodium intakes was reckoned by observing 24h urine sodium content. Compared with baseline levels, sodium intake decreased from 2910.65±918.73 mg/d to 2192.75±287.23mg/d, ( p<0.05). Discussion: Low-protein rice was well accepted by Chinese CKD patients, it is an important tool for CKD dietary therapy to increase energy and micronutrients intake and improve nutritional status. Low protein diet reduce protein excreation from urine and may improve renal function for CKD patients. Long-term and large sample size studies are needed to explore the role of LPD in CKD progress. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 51 Key words: low-protein diet (LPD), chronic kidney disease (CKD), nutrition intervention, nutrition status, renal function, urine protein. 52 3-7 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Discovering New Physiological Functionalities of Rice Protein Motoni Kadowaki Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Japan We are currently conducting research into new functionalities of rice, focusing especially on the protein found within rice. Up until now, few had expected rice to have any functionality aside from being a major source of calories as a staple food. Recently, however, joint research conducted in cooperation with industry has made it possible to obtain large quantities of purified rice protein, thereby enabling in-depth nutritional and physiological studies. As a result, our research has already demonstrated rice protein’s ability to improve lipid metabolism and its effectiveness in ameliorating diabetic nephropathy, and the research is now entering the phase of studies using human subjects collaborating with Professor Akihiko Saito, University Hospital. These results have begun to attract a great deal of attention and this line of research is now in the process of developing into joint research involving research institutions throughout Japan. At the same time, our research is also shedding new light on rice protein’s effects on the secretion of lower gastrointestinal tract incretins, especially GLP-1, as well as its effectiveness in improving cellular immunity in the gastrointestinal tract. More than just another variety of vegetable protein, in rice protein, we are now discovering new and unique physiological functionalities. In researching the functionalities of rice, we have focused on rice’s second most prevalent constituent, protein. This is something that nobody had ever attempted before. There are several reasons why this has been the case: 1) first, because rice is not a major part of Western diets, researchers in the West have shown little interest in studying rice; 2) nobody before has shown any interest in the proteins within rice and, in fact, rice protein has often been viewed in a decidedly negative light for detracting from the palatability of rice and also for creating an off-taste in the production of Japanese sake; and 3) until now, it has not been easy to obtain purified rice protein for study. Thus, in order to obtain purified rice protein, we entered into joint research with Kameda Seika Co., Ltd. However, owing to the lack of research precedents, another major obstacle that we faced, was the matter of how to make our approach to the research and what kinds of functionalities to target. As a result, we introduced a DNA microarray technique, one of the so-called “omics technologies” that has seen enormous technological advances in recent years, and started conducting comprehensive genetic analysis, leading to the development of data-driven functionality research. This has proven to be a decisive step in determining the course of future research. If new functionalities of rice are discovered, it will create enormous added value for rice. Our research has already proven that rice protein undoubtedly has several physiological functionalities. In other words, it has now become clear that rice has functionality beyond simply being a source of calories and is, in fact, a much higher value-added foodstuff than originally thought. At present, we are in the process of discovering potential new functionalities for which the expectations are even higher. As a result, rice protein is not only expected to gain recognition as a functional food material with promising beneficial effects but, at the same time, this is sure to promote increased consumption of rice protein, not to mention rice itself. This in turn will surely contribute greatly to the promotion and maintenance of the nation’s health. Right now, in terms of food strategy, increasing the consumption of rice, which is also an ace in the hole when it comes to improving food self-sufficiency, is expected to give new direction to the future development of our nation’s agricultural policy. In addition, we can also anticipate seeing the start of new developments in rice research, especially in Asia. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 53 氏名: 門脇 基二 (かどわき もとに) 現職: 新潟大学副学長(社会連携・情報化推進担当) 同 大学院自然科学研究科(農学部) ・超域学術院 教授 学歴: 昭和50年東京大学農学部卒業 昭和54年東京大学大学院農学系研究科博士課程 , 昭和54年東京大学農学部助手 , 平成2年米国ペンシル ベニア州立大学医学部研究員 , 平成5年新潟大学農学部助教授 , 平成10年新潟大学農学部教授 , 平成20年 新潟大学地域連携フードサイエンスセンター長 , 平成26年新潟大学副学長 , 平成19年̶平成22年 日 本アミノ酸学会会長 , 平成26年̶ 日本栄養・食糧学会理事 54 3-8 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Beneficial effects of supplementary rice endosperm protein intake in maintenance hemodialysis patients Akihiko Saito, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Applied Molecular Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan Protein-energy wasting (PEW), a state of metabolic and nutritional derangements, is an important risk factor that affects outcomes of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD), particularly in ones with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and on maintenance dialysis. In clinically stable patients with stage 3-5 CKD who are not on dialysis, the recommended dietary protein and energy intakes are 0.6-0.8 g/kg of ideal body weight per day and 30-35 kcal/kg of ideal body weight per day, respectively. However, in ESRD patients on maintenance dialysis, there are additional protein catabolic stimuli such as the loss of amino acids and albumin into the dialysate and the inflammatory stimulus associated with the dialysis procedure. Accordingly, the minimum protein and energy requirements for patients on maintenance hemo- and peritoneal dialysis are 1.2 g/kg of ideal body weight per day and 30-35 kcal/ kg of ideal body weight per day based on physical activity level, respectively (Ikizle TA, et al. Prevention and treatment of protein energy wasting in chronic kidney disease patients: a consensus statement by the International Society of Renal Nutrition and Metabolism. Kidney International 84, 1096–1107, 2013). However, increased protein intake is likely to cause hyperphosphatemia, a risk factor for atherosclerosis and high rate of mortality. To prevent PEW by improving protein intake in maintenance dialysis patients, it is important to establish dietary protein sources with less phosphorus content. We found that purified rice endosperm protein contains much less phosphorus (150 mg/100g) compared with soybean (787 mg/100g) and casein (737 mg/100g) proteins. We also established a method to eliminate as much Cd as possible out of purified rice endosperm protein. Based on the confirmation of clinical safety of rice endosperm protein supplementation in normal subjects and maintenance hemodialysis patients in some pilot studies, we carried out a randomized double-blind cross-over study to evaluate the effect of the supplementation (5 g per day for 2 × 4 weeks) on nutritional and metabolic status in 50 adult maintenance hemodialysis patients at Shinrakuen Hospital, Niigata, Japan (UMIN000010876). Jelly-type supplements containing 5 g rice endosperm protein or not (each 50 ml) were prepared for once-daily intake in the study. This study was funded by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan. The primary outcome of this study was the change in urea kinetic-based normalized protein nitrogen appearance (nPNA), an indicator for estimating protein intake in maintenance hemodialysis patients. The criteria for recruiting patients were: 1) nPNA < 1.2g/kg/day, 2) serum albumin concentration ≤ 3.8mg/dl, 3) body mass index ≥19 kg/m2 and <23 kg/m2, and 4) duration of maintenance hemodialysis ≥ 24 weeks. By intention-to-treat and per-protocol analyses in the study, we found that ΔnPNA was significantly increased in the group receiving the rice endosperm protein supplements compared with the placebo group, whereas Δserum phosphorus concentration was not different between the two groups. There were no specific complications associated with the rice endosperm protein supplementation. However, other serum or physical nutritional parameters were not changed in this study. These primary results suggest that purified rice endosperm protein may be useful for dietary supplementation in maintenance hemodialysis patients, though its long-term or high-dose efficacy is yet to be confirmed. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 55 Akihiko Saito, M.D., Ph.D. Department of Applied Molecular Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan Professor Saito is a physician scientist in Nephrology and Diabetology. He obtained his M.D. degree from Asahikawa Medical College, Japan, in 1983 and his Ph.D. degree from Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Science, Japan, in 1990. He worked as a post-doctoral fellow in Columbia University (1988-1989) and UCSD (1992-1995). He has been a Professor in Department of Applied Molecular Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences (2006-). His research interests involve the mechanisms of chronic kidney disease and renal protein metabolism. 56 3-9 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Beneficial effects of food products containing gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) --- drinking water and special pre-germinated brown rice Kenichi Watanabe, Arun Prasath Lakshmanan, Vivian Soetikno, Flori R. Sari, Vijayakumar Sukumaran, Vijayasree V Giridharan, Rejina Afrin, Somasundaram Arumugam, Vengadesh Karuppagounder, Rajarajan A. Thandavarayan, Vigneshwaran Pitchaimani, Remya Sreedhar, Meirei Harima, Satoshi Yuki, Hiroshi Suzuki, Shizuka Miyashita, Mayumi Nomoto, Ttakashi Nakamura. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences. Department of Applied Molecular Medicine, Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Japan Key word: pre-germinated brown rice, GABA, ferulic acid, GABA, vinegar, mild hypertension, nutritional food, diabetes mellitus, nutritional food, blood glucose [Study-1] We investigated the effects of drinking water containing γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA) and vinegar on blood pressure and safety in volunteers. There were eight subjects with normal blood pressure (Group-N) and ten with mild elevated blood pressure or mild hypertension (Group-H) (male/female=13/5, 46 ± 3 years old, systolic blood pressure = 118 ± 3 mmHg in Group-N and 136 ± 2 mmHg in Group-H). All subjects took 90ml of drinking water, the concentration of GABA was 70 mg/90 ml/one piece, for 12 weeks. Blood pressure did not change during the intake in Group-N. Systolic blood pressure decreased from 6 weeks, and significantly decreased at 10 and 12 weeks during the intake in Group-H (129 ± 3 mmHg and 128 ± 4 mmHg respectively, p<0.05). Interestingly, systolic blood pressure further decreased at 2 weeks after stopping the intake (126 ± 3 mmHg, p<0.05), and blood pressure recovered at 4 weeks after stopping the intake (130 ± 4 mmHg). Although there were no abnormal changes in blood and urinalysis tests, fasting blood glucose (from 91 ± 2 mg/dl to 88 ± 2 mg/dl, p<0.05), GOT (from 23 ± 1 mg/dl to 21 ± 1 mg/dl, p<0.05), γ -GTP (from 37± 7 mg/dl to 28 ± 5 mg/dl, p<0.05), LDH(from 187 ± 5 mg/dl to 176 ± 5 mg/ dl, p<0.05) and total cholesterol (from 192 ± 7 mg/dl to 183 ±6 mg/dl, NS) decreased after the intake. No adverse reaction was observed in a medical examination and subjective symptoms. These results demonstrate that this drinking water exhibits mild hypotensive effect in subjects with mild hypertension, and its long-term intake does not cause any adverse reaction. [Study-2] We investigated the effects of special pre-germinated brown rice, containing GABA and ferulic acid, on blood pressure, postprandial blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and safety in volunteers. Twenty-four subjects with normal blood pressure and normal blood glucose levels (female/male=14/10, 27±47 years old and mean is 37 ± 1.3 years old) were employed. All subjects took 200 g of packed white rice, with (Rice-B) or without (Rice-A) the 50% special pre-germinated brown rice three times for each day. The concentrations of GABA and ferulic acid are 16 mg and 22 mg in Rice-B, and 0 mg and 5.2 mg in Rice-A. Although blood pressure during exercise tolerance did not change between the two groups took Rice-A or Rice-B, systolic blood pressure after exercise was lower in subjects took Rice-B. Blood glucose levels and the Incremental Area Under the Curve (IAUC) were lower, and insulin level was higher after taking Rice-B than Rice-A. There were no abnormal changes in blood and urine tests, and no adverse reactions or symptoms were observed in all subjects. These results demonstrate that this special pregerminated brown rice may be effective in subjects with mild hypertension and diabetes mellitus. Dr. Kenichi WATANABE is a professor of Niigata University of Applied Life Sciences (NUPALS). He obtained his MD in 1974 followed by a Medical PhD from Niigata Medical University Japan in 1985 and a Pharmaceutical PhD from Shizuoka Prefectural University Japan in 1995. After the finishing his PhD course, he worked at Niigata Kuwana Hospital and Tsubame-Rosai Hospital East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 57 Japan as a head of the department of internal medicine and cardiology. He has done contributory works in the field of cardiology, heart failure, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, immunology and cell biology with Pool Wilson, head of National Heart-Lung Institution London. In 1997, he has joined NUPALS as a professor. Since then, he has been interested in the mechanisms of the cellular response against oxidative stress, cardiology, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, immunology. His mottos are “Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future” and “From Niigata Japan to the World”. γ -aminobutyric acid (GABA)・リンゴ酢含有飲料水と新形質米(巨大胚芽米・発芽玄米)配合パックライス摂取時 の血糖と血圧 渡 辺 賢 一、Arun PL, Vivian S, Flori RS, Vijayakumar S, Vijayasree V, Rejina Afrin, Somasundaram Arumugam, Vengadesh Karuppagounder, Rajarajan A. Thandavarayan, Vigneshwaran Pitchaimani, Remya Sreedhar、張馬梅蕾、 結城智史、鈴木浩史、宮下しずか、野本真由美、中村隆志 , 新潟薬科大学・薬学部・臨床薬理学 【研究 -1】正常血圧者及び正常高値血圧者・I 度高血圧患者におけるγ - アミノ酪酸 (GABA) およびリンゴ酢含有飲料水 長期摂取時の血圧に及ぼす作用と安全性を検討した。 [方法]対象は、正常血圧者(収縮期血圧 130mmHg 未満か つ拡張期血圧 85 mm Hg 未満。N 群。8 名)と未治療正常高値血圧者(収縮期血圧 130-139 mmHgまたは拡張期血 圧 85-89 mmHg) ・I 度高血圧患者(収縮期血圧 140-159 mmHgまたは拡張期血圧 90-99 mmHg)の H 群(10 名) のボランテア計 18 名(男 / 女= 13 / 5。平均 46 ± 3 歳。)である。1 本 90 mlに GABA 70 mg含有する飲料水を 1 日 1 本 12 週間摂取し、2 週間毎に血圧・血液生化学・尿を検査した。 [結果]診察所見・自覚所見で有害事象は 見られなかった。 N 群では摂取による血圧の有意な変化は見られなかった(収縮期血圧 118 ± 3 mmHgから 113 ± 4 mmHg) 。 H 群では、摂取 6 週目から血圧低下が見られ、開始日(収縮期血圧 136 ± 2 mmHg)と比較して 10・12 週目に有意な低下が見られた(収縮期血圧 129 ± 3・128 ± 4 mmHg、両p <0.05) 。 興味深いことに、摂 取中止 2 週後は更に血圧が低下し(126 ± 3 mmHg、p< 0.05)、中止 4 週後に血圧が上昇してきて摂取前と差が 見られなくなった(130 ±4 mmHg)。 摂取による血液生化学・尿検査の異常変化は見られなかったが、血糖値・ GOT・γ -GTP・LDH の有意な低下と総コレステロール値の低下傾向が見られた。 [総括]GABA 含有飲料水は正 常高値血圧者・I 度高血圧患者で緩やかに血圧を降下させ、安全性が高いことが示唆された。 【研究 -2】 新形質米(巨大胚芽米・発芽玄米)配合パックライス摂取時の血糖変動・運動負荷時血圧変化を検討し た。 [ 方法 ] コシヒカリ 100% パックライス(市販品白米、200 g / パック:A 食)、及びコシヒカリ 50% + 発芽玄 米 50%に配分調製したパックライス(200 g / パック:B 食)をそれぞれ試験食として使用した。 年齢 27 ∼ 47 歳 (平均 37 ± 1.3 歳)の健常者ボランテア 24 名(女性 14 名、男性 10 名)で食し、血糖・インスリン値測定を 0(前)・ 30・60・90 分後に測定した。 摂取後に 6 分間エルゴメ−タ−多段階運動負荷にて血圧・心拍数を測定した。 [ 結果 ] 両群で有害事象は見られなかった。B 食(発芽玄米配分)では GABA、フェルラ酸などの含有量が多かった。 両 食摂取前後で、被験者の体重、体脂肪、BMI、血液検査、運動負荷中の血圧と心拍数に変化は見られなかった。 収 縮期血圧は負荷終了 5 分後と 6 分後 、拡張期血圧は負荷終了 8 分後と9分後に、B 食摂取群が A 食摂取群に比べて 有意に低下した。 血糖上昇曲線下面積(IAUC)は A 食に比して B 食(1601、1448 mg・min/dl)で低値を示した。[ 結 論 ] 発芽玄米の短期投与効果を 24 名で検討した。 発芽玄米は GABA、フェルラ酸などの含有量が多く、摂取群 では運動負荷後収縮期血圧と食後血糖の低値が見られた。 新形質米(巨大胚芽米・発芽玄米)は、高血圧・糖尿病 の予防や予備軍のリスク軽減に有用であることが示唆された。 58 3-10 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Pre-germinated brown rice and Mental Health Yukihiko Ito Health science research center, Research institute, FANCL Corporation The food we eat has a direct impact on our mental health. In particular, our staple food, along with determining the intake and quality of carbohydrates, also has an effect on our eating habits such as mastication and the postprandial blood glucose levels, and is considered to be related to an individual’s mentation. We introduce the relationship between rice and mental health, focusing on Pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR). PGBR is the brown rice (BR) soaked in water for slight germination and might be occasionally eaten in Japan. PGBR can be cooked in the same amount of time as white rice (WR), it can be cooked mixed with WR, and it is good texture and taste. PGBR is rich in dietary fibers, vitamins, and minerals and also contains functional ingredients such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA; 15 mg/100 g), γ-oryzanol (28 mg/100 g), and an acylated steryl glucoside fraction (PSG; 20 mg/100 g). The relaxing effect and antistress action of GABA is well known, and γ-oryzanol is reported to act on the central nervous system by eliciting anti-stress effects as well as in menopausal disorders and dysautonomia. Sakamoto et al. reported a significant decrease in depression, anger, and fatigue in mothers who consumed PGBR as their staple food after introducing either PGBR or WR for 14 days as the staple food into the diet of two groups of lactating women. The results of an analysis of salivary amylase showed a significant increase in salivary amylase activity in mothers who consumed white rice as their staple food and were in a state of stress; however, the increase in salivary amylase activity was inhibited in mothers who consumed PGBR as their staple food. These results show that integrating PGBR into the diet may have a calming effect on mothers during the lactation period. To clarify the effect of PGBR on stress, we fed 5-week old ICR male mice over a period of 30 days with a mixed feed of cornstarch and WR and PGBR powder. The forced swim test and learned helplessness test were performed. The immobility time in the forced swim test was significantly shorter in the WR and PGBR powder mixed feed group than in the standard feed group. In addition, the number of times the mice failed to escape in the learned helplessness test was significantly lower in the PGBR powder mixed feed group than in the standard feed group. These results imply that stress resistance improved and the difficulty in showing depressive symptoms increased with the intake of PGBR. Although a part of the anti-stress action from the intake of PGBR is considered to be due to the GABA and γ-oryzanol contained in the rice, in recently, it has been reported that the PSG found in rice bran can also improve a depression-like state in mice that consume a high-fat diet. We established three groups of C57BL/6J mice: a group given a 30% high-fat diet, a group given PSG in addition to a 30% high-fat diet, and a group given a 7% fat diet (regular diet). The mice were raised for 66 days. Subsequently, we measured their swimming time in a forced swim test and measured their hanging-avoidance behavior in a tailsuspension test. The avoidance-behavior time was shorter in the 30% high-fat diet group than in the 7% fat diet group; however, we did not see a shortened avoidance-behavior time in the group that was given PSG in addition to their 30% high-fat diet. These results suggest that PSG suppresses the depression-like state caused by a high-fat diet. It is well known that the action of mastication relieves stress. However, in recent years, there has been a trend towards a preference for soft-texture foods in the eating habits of Japanese people, including fast food, and as a result, the number of times they chew is decreasing. Fukuda et al. prepared suggested lunch boxes where the staple food was changed from WR to BR and, in addition, added hard-texture ingredients to the side dishes of market lunch boxes. As a result, the number of chews tended to increase in individuals with the suggested lunch boxes than in those with the market lunch boxes. The change from WR to BR as East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 59 the staple food contributed more to the increase in the number of chews than the addition of hard-texture ingredients to the side dishes. When comparing the number of chews for sprouted BR, we gave 10 normal subjects a WR meal, a PGBR meal, and a hamburger-steak meal, each with the same number of calories, and measured the number of bites it took to complete each meal. The subjects took 945 bites to complete the WR meal, 1078 bites to complete the PGBR meal, and 597 bites to complete the hamburger-steak meal. These results show that the PGBR meal required the most bites to complete. PGBR, in addition to fundamentally supporting a nutritional balance that includes vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibers, contains functional ingredients such as GABA, γ-oryzanol, and PSG, and has both a texture that stimulates chewing and a superior taste. Although its effect is mild, we consider PGBR to be a superior staple food that has a wide range of functions in overcoming stress. Yukihiko Ito E-mail: [email protected] BS in agricultural chemistry from Nihon University MS in Science from Tokyo Metropolitan University 発芽玄米は、玄米に加水し発芽を誘発させた米である。玄米と同様に糠層を持つため食物繊維、ビタミン、ミネラル 等を豊富に含み、γ - アミノ酪酸 (GABA;15mg/100g)、γ - オリザノール(28mg/100g)、アシル化ステロール配糖 体画分 (PSG;20mg/100g) などの機能成分も含有している。GABA については、リラックス効果や抗ストレス作用が 知られており、γ - オリザノールについても抗ストレス、更年期障害、自律神経失調症などの中枢系への作用が報告 されている。 母乳育児を行なっている授乳中の発芽玄米を主食とした母親では、抑うつ、怒り、疲労についても有意に低下したこ とが報告されている。発芽玄米を主食として取り入れることが、授乳期の母親の心を穏やかに保つ可能性を示してい る。 発芽玄米の摂取によるストレスへの影響について明らかにするため、5 週齢の ICR 系雄性マウスに対し、コーンスター チ、白米粉及び発芽玄米粉を用いた混餌飼料をそれぞれ 30 日間摂取させ、強制水泳試験と学習性無力試験を行った 結果、強制水泳試験における無働時間は標準飼料と比較して、白米および発芽玄米粉末混餌飼料群では有意に短縮し た。また、学習性無力試験においても発芽玄米粉末混餌飼料の逃避失敗回数は有意に少なかった。 発芽玄米の摂取による抗ストレス作用の一部は、含有する GABA やγ - オリザノールによるものと考えられるが、近 年、米糠に含有されている PSG についても、高脂肪食を摂取したマウスのうつ様の状態を改善することが報告された。 噛む動作 ( 咀嚼 ) がストレスを軽減することもよく知られている。発芽玄米についても、健常人 10 名を対象に、同一 カロリーの白米食と発芽玄米食、ハンバーガー食を摂取させ、その咀嚼回数を測定ところ、咀嚼回数は白米食が 945 回、 発芽玄米食が 1078 回、ハンバーガー食が 597 回となり発芽玄米食の咀嚼回数が最も多い結果となった。 発芽玄米はビタミンやミネラル、食物繊維を含み栄養のバランスを根底から支えるとともに、γ - アミノ酪酸、γ オリザノール、アシル化ステロール配糖体などの機能性分を含み、咀嚼を促す食感と優れた食味を持つ。その効果は マイルドではあるが、ストレスに打ち勝つための広範囲の機能を持つ優れた主食と考えることができる。 伊藤幸彦 2001 年に株式会社ファンケルに入社。発芽玄米およびサプリメントに関するヒト試験を中心とする機能性研究および 商品開発を担当。 60 3-11 Session 3 Human Effects of Functional Indgredients in Rice Metabolomics for human health study Masaru Yoshida Kobe University Medical School Metabolomics provides data about all the metabolic processes of a cell or organism. So far, the changes that occur in the levels of metabolites during the development of diseases have not been fully elucidated. Here, we examined the changes of metabolite levels in the sera and tissues using mass spectrometry with the aim of achieving a detailed understanding of the pathogenesis of diseases. Our results suggest that metabolomics is capable of representing the various degrees of diseases, and furthermore our findings will aid in the discovery of therapeutic agents for diseases by metabolomics approaches. (Keywords: metabolomics, disease, mass spectrometry) Multi-platform System for Widely Targeted Profiling Metabolites Database for Identification by GC/MS Metabolites 䞉䞉䞉䞉a great variety of physicochemical properties Polarity small hydrophobic Fatty acid MW Multi-platform system is required. hydrophilic Organic acid Amino acid Amine Sugar Sugar alcohole large Sugar phosphate CoA Nucleotide Lipid Peptide LC/MS GC/MS and Ion-paring LC/MS ௦ㅰ≀䜹䝔䝂䝸䞊 Method Ionization Derivatizat ion Mobile phase GC/MS EI Essential Gas LC-MS ESI No need Liquid Fatty acid Lipid Organic Sugar phosphate, Amine acid Co A, Nucleotide Amino acid Sugar, Sugar alcohol 䕧 㽢 䕿 㽢 䕿 䕿 䖂 Reverse phase 䖂 䖂 㽢 㽢 㽢 㽢 㽢 Ion pair method 㽢 㽢 䖂 䖂 㽢 䕧 䕧 PFPP column 㽢 㽢 㽢 㽢 䖂 䖂 㽢 by Nishiumi S, Izumi Y, Matsubara A et 㻝 㻞 㻟 㻠 㻡 㻢 㻣 㻤 㻥 㻝㻜 㻝㻝 㻝㻞 㻝㻟 㻝㻠 㻝㻡 㻝㻢 㻝㻣 㻝㻤 㻝㻥 㻞㻜 㻞㻝 㻞㻞 㻞㻟 㻞㻠 㻞㻡 㻞㻢 㻞㻣 㻞㻤 㻞㻥 㻟㻜 㻟㻝 㻟㻞 㻟㻟 㻟㻠 㻟㻡 㻟㻢 㻟㻣 㻟㻤 㻟㻥 㻠㻜 㻠㻝 㻠㻞 㻠㻟 㻠㻠 㻠㻡 㻠㻢 㻠㻣 㻠㻤 㻠㻥 㻡㻜 㻮㼛㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼀㼞㼕㼏㼔㼘㼛㼞㼛㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼔㼑㼚㼛㼘 㻸㼍㼏㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼕㼟㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻯㼍㼜㼞㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼥㼏㼛㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻭㼘㼍㼚㼕㼚㼑 㻸㻙㻳㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻳㼘㼥㼛㼤㼥㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻻㼤㼍㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻲㼡㼞㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻿㼍㼞㼏㼛㼟㼕㼚㼑 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼞㼛㼜㼕㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼥㼞㼡㼢㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼂㼍㼘㼜㼞㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻠㻙㻯㼞㼑㼟㼛㼘 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼕㼟㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼕㼟㼛㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼍㼘㼜㼔㼍㻙㻭㼙㼕㼚㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㻙㻟㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼍㼘㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼎㼑㼠㼍㻙㻭㼙㼕㼚㼛㼕㼟㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼕㼟㼛㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻷㼑㼠㼛㻙㼕㼟㼛㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼙㼍㼘㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㼂㼍㼘㼕㼚㼑 㻱㼠㼔㼥㼘㼔㼥㼐㼞㼍㼏㼞㼥㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼁㼞㼑㼍 㻠㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼕㼟㼛㼏㼍㼜㼞㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻰㻘㻸㻙㻺㼛㼞㼢㼍㼘㼕㼚㼑 㻭㼏㼑㼠㼛㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㻙㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻮㼑㼚㼦㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻭㼏㼑㼠㼛㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻻㼏㼠㼍㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻯㼥㼏㼘㼛㼔㼑㼤㼍㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼘 㻞㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㻙㻟㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻼㼞㼛㼜㼥㼘㻌㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻸㼑㼡㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻳㼘㼥㼏㼑㼞㼛㼘 㻭㼏㼑㼠㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻼㼔㼛㼟㼜㼔㼛㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻱㼠㼔㼥㼘㼙㼍㼘㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻷㼑㼠㼛㼕㼟㼛㼏㼍㼜㼞㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻵㼟㼛㼘㼡㼑㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻡㻝 㻡㻞 㻡㻟 㻡㻠 㻡㻡 㻡㻢 㻡㻣 㻡㻤 㻡㻥 㻢㻜 㻢㻝 㻢㻞 㻢㻟 㻢㻠 㻢㻡 㻢㻢 㻢㻣 㻢㻤 㻢㻥 㻣㻜 㻣㻝 㻣㻞 㻣㻟 㻣㻠 㻣㻡 㻣㻢 㻣㻣 㻣㻤 㻣㻥 㻤㻜 㻤㻝 㻤㻞 㻤㻟 㻤㻠 㻤㻡 㻤㻢 㻤㻣 㻤㻤 㻤㻥 㻥㻜 㻥㻝 㻥㻞 㻥㻟 㻥㻠 㻥㻡 㻥㻢 㻥㻣 㻥㻤 㻥㻥 㻝㻜㻜 㼍㼘㼘㼛㻙㻵㼟㼛㼘㼑㼡㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻼㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼍㼘㼑㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻼㼞㼛㼘㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻻㼏㼠㼑㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻿㼡㼏㼏㼕㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼟㼡㼏㼏㼕㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼥㼏㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻲㼡㼙㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼁㼞㼍㼏㼕㼘 㻯㼕㼠㼞㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼞㼛㼜㼕㼛㼚㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻸㻙㻿㼑㼞㼕㼚㼑 㻭㼏㼑㼠㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻹㼑㼢㼍㼘㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼘㼍㼏㼠㼛㼚㼑 㻵㼟㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㼜㼞㼛㼜㼥㼘㻙㻟㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㻙㼜㼑㼚㼠㼍㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㼀㼔㼞㼑㼛㼚㼕㼚㼑 㻹㼑㼟㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼀㼔㼥㼙㼕㼚㼑 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼞㼛㼜㼕㼛㼚㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻵㼟㼛㼎㼡㼠㼥㼞㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻰㼑㼛㼤㼥㼠㼑㼠㼞㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㻔㻱㻕 㻳㼘㼡㼠㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻿㼡㼏㼏㼕㼚㼥㼘㼍㼏㼑㼠㼛㼚㼑 㻰㼑㼏㼍㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㻔㼆㻕 㻞㻙㻼㼞㼛㼜㼥㼘㻙㻡㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㻙㼜㼑㼚㼠㼍㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻯㼕㼠㼞㼍㼙㼍㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼍㼚㼐㼑㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻵㼟㼛㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻹㼍㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻭㼐㼕㼜㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼘㼍㼏㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼜㻙㻺㼕㼠㼞㼛㼜㼔㼑㼚㼛㼘 㻵㼟㼛㼢㼍㼘㼑㼞㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻴㼑㼤㼑㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻭㼟㼜㼍㼞㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼕㼛㼚㼕㼚㼑 㻡㻙㻻㼤㼛㼜㼞㼛㼘㼕㼚㼑 㼀㼔㼕㼛㼐㼕㼓㼘㼥㼏㼛㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻠㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼞㼛㼘㼕㼚㼑㻌 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼍㼐㼕㼜㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻭㼏㼑㼠㼥㼘㼟㼍㼘㼕㼏㼥㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻣㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼛㼏㼠㼍㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻼㼞㼛㼜㼥㼘㻙㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻝㻜㻝 㻝㻜㻞 㻝㻜㻟 㻝㻜㻠 㻝㻜㻡 㻝㻜㻢 㻝㻜㻣 㻝㻜㻤 㻝㻜㻥 㻝㻝㻜 㻝㻝㻝 㻝㻝㻞 㻝㻝㻟 㻝㻝㻠 㻝㻝㻡 㻝㻝㻢 㻝㻝㻣 㻝㻝㻤 㻝㻝㻥 㻝㻞㻜 㻝㻞㻝 㻝㻞㻞 㻝㻞㻟 㻝㻞㻠 㻝㻞㻡 㻝㻞㻢 㻝㻞㻣 㻝㻞㻤 㻝㻞㻥 㻝㻟㻜 㻝㻟㻝 㻝㻟㻞 㻝㻟㻟 㻝㻟㻠 㻝㻟㻡 㻝㻟㻢 㻝㻟㻣 㻝㻟㻤 㻝㻟㻥 㻝㻠㻜 㻝㻠㻝 㻝㻠㻞 㻝㻠㻟 㻝㻠㻠 㻝㻠㻡 㻝㻠㻢 㻝㻠㻣 㻝㻠㻤 㻝㻠㻥 㻝㻡㻜 㻯㼕㼚㼚㼍㼙㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻡㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㻙㻞㻙㼒㼡㼞㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼀㼕㼓㼘㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼏㼞㼛㼠㼛㼚㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㼀㼕㼓㼘㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼑㼚㼦㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼏㼞㼛㼠㼛㼚㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼕㼙㼑㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㻙㻟㻙㼙㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻳㼘㼡㼠㼍㼙㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻠㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼑㼚㼦㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻷㼑㼠㼛㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻼㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼍㼘㼍㼚㼕㼚㼑 㻠㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㼍㼡㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼀㼍㼞㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻴㼑㼤㼍㼚㼛㼥㼘㼓㼘㼥㼏㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻷㼑㼠㼛㼓㼘㼡㼠㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻺㻙㻭㼏㼑㼠㼥㼘㼍㼟㼜㼍㼞㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼡㼠㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻺㻙㻭㼏㼑㼠㼥㼘㼍㼟㼜㼍㼞㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻭㼟㼜㼍㼞㼍㼓㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼍㼐㼕㼜㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻻㼏㼠㼑㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼍㼐㼕㼜㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻿㼡㼎㼑㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㼥㼟㼕㼚㼑 㻞㻙㻷㼑㼠㼛㻙㼍㼐㼕㼜㼕㼏 㼍㼘㼜㼔㼍㻙㻭㼙㼕㼚㼛㼍㼐㼕㼜㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼀㼞㼕㼏㼍㼞㼎㼍㼘㼘㼥㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼡㼠㼍㼏㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻭㼏㼛㼚㼕㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻻㼞㼛㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻹㼑㼠㼔㼛㼤㼥㻙㻠㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼎㼑㼚㼦㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻴㼛㼙㼛㼢㼍㼚㼕㼘㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㻳㼘㼡㼠㼍㼙㼕㼚㼑 㻭㼦㼑㼘㼍㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻴㼕㼜㼜㼡㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻵㼟㼛㼏㼕㼠㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻯㼕㼠㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼡㼏㼡㼞㼛㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼘㼍㼏㼠㼛㼚㼑 㻴㼕㼜㼜㼡㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻴㼛㼙㼛㼓㼑㼚㼠㼕㼟㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼥㼞㼕㼟㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻳㼘㼡㼏㼡㼞㼛㼚㼛㼕㼏㻌㼘㼍㼏㼠㼛㼚㼑 㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼏㼕㼠㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻔㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㻕㻙㻟㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼞㼛㼜㼕㼛㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻝㻡㻝 㻝㻡㻞 㻝㻡㻟 㻝㻡㻠 㻝㻡㻡 㻝㻡㻢 㻝㻡㻣 㻝㻡㻤 㻝㻡㻥 㻝㻢㻜 㻝㻢㻝 㻝㻢㻞 㻝㻢㻟 㻝㻢㻠 㻝㻢㻡 㻝㻢㻢 㻝㻢㻣 㻝㻢㻤 㻝㻢㻥 㻝㻣㻜 㻝㻣㻝 㻝㻣㻞 㻝㻣㻟 㻝㻣㻠 㻝㻣㻡 㻝㻣㻢 㻝㻣㻣 㻝㻣㻤 㻯㼍㼒㼒㼑㼕㼚㼑 㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼘㼥㼟㼕㼚㼑㻌㻔㻞㻌㼕㼟㼛㼙㼑㼞㼟㻕 㻹㼑㼠㼔㼥㼘㼏㼕㼠㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼂㼍㼚㼕㼘㼙㼍㼚㼐㼑㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻿㼑㼎㼍㼏㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻰㼑㼏㼍㼐㼕㼑㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻠㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼜㼔㼑㼚㼥㼘㼘㼍㼏㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㼀㼔㼑㼛㼜㼔㼥㼘㼘㼕㼚㼑 㻸㻙㻴㼕㼟㼠㼕㼐㼕㼚㼑 㻟㻘㻠㻙㻰㼕㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼙㼍㼚㼐㼑㼘㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㼀㼥㼞㼛㼟㼕㼚㼑 㻵㼚㼐㼛㼘㼑㻙㻟㻙㼍㼏㼑㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼍㼘㼙㼕㼠㼛㼘㼑㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻼㼍㼘㼙㼕㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼟㼑㼎㼍㼏㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼟㼑㼎㼍㼏㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㻌 㻞㻙㻴㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼔㼕㼜㼜㼡㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻰㼛㼐㼑㼏㼍㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻺㼍㼜㼞㼛㼤㼑㼚 㻺㻙㻭㼏㼑㼠㼥㼘㼠㼥㼞㼛㼟㼕㼚㼑 㼁㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻹㼍㼞㼓㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻟㻘㻢㻙㻱㼜㼛㼤㼥㼐㼛㼐㼑㼏㼍㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻵㼚㼐㼛㼘㼑㼘㼍㼏㼠㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻿㼠㼑㼍㼞㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻸㻙㼀㼞㼥㼜㼠㼛㼜㼔㼍㼚 㻟㻙㼔㼥㼐㼞㼛㼤㼥㼐㼛㼐㼑㼏㼍㼚㼑㼐㼕㼛㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐 㻯㼔㼘㼛㼞㼍㼙㼜㼔㼑㼚㼕㼏㼛㼘 㻭㼙㼕㼚㼛㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㼟 㻻㼠㼔㼑㼞㻌㼛㼞㼓㼍㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㼟 㻻㼠㼔㼑㼞㻌㼛㼞㼓㼍㼚㼕㼏㻌㼍㼏㼕㼐㼟㻔㻲㼍㼠㼠㼥㻌㻭㼏㼕㼐㼟㻕 㻭㼘㼏㼛㼔㼛㼘㼟 㻷㼑㼠㼛㼚㼑㼟 㻺㼡㼏㼘㼑㼛㼟㼕㼐㼑㼟 㻯㼍㼞㼎㼛㼔㼥㼐㼞㼍㼠㼑㼟 㻴㼑㼠㼑㼞㼛㼏㼥㼏㼘㼕㼏㻌㼙㼛㼘㼑㼏㼡㼘㼑㼟 㻵㼚㼛㼞㼓㼍㼚㼕㼏㻌㼏㼛㼙㼜㼛㼡㼚㼐㼟 1. Nishiumi S, et al. Serum metabolomics as a novel diagnostic approach for pancreatic cancer. Metabolomics. 2010 Nov;6(4):518-28. 2.Shiomi Y, et al. A GCMS-based metabolomic study in mice with colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2011 Nov;17(11):2261-74. 3. Ikeda A, et al. Serum metabolomics as a novel diagnostic approach for gastrointestinal cancer. Biomed Chromatogr. 2012 May;26(5):548-58. 4. Yoshida M, et al. Diagnosis of gastroenterological diseases by metabolome analysis using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. J Gastroenterol. 2012 Jan;47(1):9-20. 5. Nishiumi S, et al. A novel serum metabolomics-based diagnostic approach for colorectal cancer. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(7):e40459. 6. Kobayashi T, et al. A novel serum metabolomics-based diagnostic approach to pancreatic cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 Apr;22(4):571-9. 7. Okada T, et al. Microbiota-derived lactate accelerates colon epithelial cell turnover in starvation-refed mice. Nat Commun. 2013 Apr 3;4:1654. doi: 10.1038/ncomms2668. 61 Target Anionic Metabolites Compound name PEP DHAP GAP 3PGA E4P Ru5P R5P F6P G1P G6P 1,3-BPG 6-phosphogluconate S7P RuBP F1,6P F2,6P Pyruvate Acetyl-CoA Glyoxylate Fumarate Succinate Oxalacetate Malate 2-oxoglutarate Citrate Iso-citrate Succinyl-CoA MRM transition 167.00>78.95 168.90>97.05 168.90>97.10 184.90>97.05 198.90>97.20 229.00>97.10 229.10>96.95 258.90>97.10 258.90>79.05 258.90>97.05 265.00>167.15 274.00>214.15 288.90>97.10 308.90>97.05 338.90>97.10 338.90>241.15 87.00>43.05 808.00>408.00 73.00>45.05 115.00>71.10 117.00>73.20 131.00>87.00 132.90>115.20 145.00>101.20 190.90>87.00 190.90>117.00 866.00>408.00 Category PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP Glycolysis Glycolysis TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA TCA Compound name FMN NAD NADH NADP NADPH CoA FAD ADP CTP ATP CDP UDP GDP TMP CMP UMP cAMP AMP GMP UTP GTP ADP-Rib UDP-Glu ADP-Glu Glycolate Lactate Glycerate MRM transition 455.00>97.10 662.10>540.10 664.00>78.95 741.80>620.10 744.00>159.00 766.50>79.00 783.90>97.10 425.90>79.10 481.90>159.10 505.90>159.10 401.80>79.05 402.90>79.05 442.00>79.10 321.00>79.10 322.00>79.10 322.90>97.10 328.00>134.10 346.00>79.05 362.00>79.10 482.90>159.10 521.90>159.05 558.00>346.15 564.80>323.10 588.00>346.15 75.00>47.05 89.00>43.10 105.00>75.15 Target lipids Category Cofactor Cofactor Cofactor Cofactor Cofactor Cofactor Cofactor Cofactor, NDP Cofactor, NTP Cofactor, NTP NDP NDP NDP NMP NMP NMP NMP NMP NMP NTP NTP Nucleotode sugar Nucleotode sugar Nucleotode sugar OA OA OA Lipids variety: Theoretical Ѝ over 30,000 species; Actual Ѝ over 1,000 species 䞉Free fatty acid (FFA): approximately 50 metabolites Basic structure of lipids ¾ Simple lipids (neutral lipids: C, H, O) 䞉Lipids O O ࣭Diacylglycerol (DG) Ѝ R2, R3:acyl chains ࣭Triacylglycerol (TG) Ѝ R1, R2, R3:acyl chains R2 H 2C O O C O R3 Glycerol ¾ Phospholipids O R3 : P O X OH ࣭lyso-Phosphatidylcholine (LPC) ࣭lyso-Phosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) ࣭Phosphatidylcholine (PC) ࣭Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) ࣭Phosphatidic acid (PA) ࣭Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) ࣭Phosphatidylinositol (PI)࣭Phosphatidylserine (PS) ¾ Sphingophospholipids ࣭Sphingomyelin (SM) ¾ Glycolipids ¾ Glyceroglycolipids 120 MRM transitions of anionic metabolites ࣭Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG) ¾ Sphingoglycolipids ࣭Cerebroside (CB) 吉田 優(Masaru Yoshida)プロフィール 神戸大学医学部卒・医学博士(京都大学) 連絡先:〒 650- 0017 神戸市中央区楠町 7 − 5 − 1 神戸大学大学院医学研究科病因病態解析学、 消化器内科学、質量分析総合センター e-mail: [email protected] Tel/Fax: 078-382-6305 HP <> 略歴: 1992 神戸大学医学部卒 1992 神戸大学病院ならびに関連病院にて、内科臨床研修(消化器内科) 1996 京都大学大学院医学研究科博士課程入学 2000 同上、修了、医学博士 2001 ハーバード大学医学部、リサーチフェロー 2004 同上、インストラクター 2005 2008 神戸大学大学院医学研究科・消化器内科学分野・助教 神戸大学大学院医学研究科質量分析総合センター・特命准教授(兼務) 2010 神戸大学大学院医学研究科・病因病態解析学分野長・准教授(兼務) ∼現在に至る 所属学会等: 日本医用マススペクトル学会(評議員)、日本消化器病学会(専門医、評議員),日本消化器内視鏡学会(専門医、指 導医)、日本消化管学会(胃腸科認定医)、日本内科学会(認定医),日本免疫学会,日本ヘリコバクター学会、日本 癌学会、日本消化管免疫学会、日本抗加齢医学会、日本プロテオーム学会、日本臨床検査医学会、American Society for Mass Spectrometry, The American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), Metabolomics Society 62 R1 CH H 2C ¾ Complex lipids (C, H, O + P, N, S, Sugars) ¾ Glycerophospholipids C 4-1 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Processing of rice to enhance the bio-functionality Ken’ichi Ohtsubo Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University Rice contains various kind of bio-functional components, such as γ-oryzanol, ferulic acid, inositol, protease inhibitor, polyphenol, and gamma-amino-butyric acid. In addition to the table rice, processed rice products, such as rice bread, rice noodle, rice cake etc., are promising to prevent the disease by the use of those bio-functional components. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the various kinds of rice products which are not only bio-functional but also palatable and acceptable to the consumers. In the decades, Japanese rice breeders have developed various new rice cultivars of different starch properties, high-amylose, lowamylose, and super-hard rice (SHR). Furthermore, pigmented rice, giant embryo rice, low-glutelin rice and aromatic rice have been bred and commercialized. Pre-germinated brown rice (PGR) is prepared by soaking the brown rice in the water, which activates the glutamate decarboxylase, and gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA) content in PGR increases to twice that of ordinary brown rice and ten times that of white rice. In the case of PGR, palatability is improved compared with ordinary brown rice and glycemic index (GI) of PGR is about 60% of the ordinary white rice. Therefore, it is expected to retard the increase of blood sugar after meal. The development of low GI rice products by the use of SHR is promising to prevent consumers from diabetes. During germination in the warm water for long time, microorganisms increase rapidly. We developed the novel methods to prepare high-sanitation PGR from SHR by the use of extrusion cooking or the use of red onion, which prevent microorganism infestation. The red onion accelerates the germination of rice, and fortifies it with quercetin. Examples of rice utilization for bio-functionality in our laboratory are as follows; 1. Development of bread prepared from wheat flours blended with various kinds of newly developed rice flours, such as purple rice and high-amylose rice. 2. Development of palatable and bio-functional wheat/rice products from pre-germinated brown rice of super hard cultivar, EM10. 3. Investigation on the relationship between the physicochemical properties of rice flour and oil uptake of tempura frying batter. 4. Prevention of microorganism infestation of the PGR by the use of extrusion cooking. 5. Prevention of microorganism infestation and acceleration of germination of super-hard rice cultivar, EM10, by soaking with red onion. 6. Development of PCR method for the authentication of material rice cultivars used in rice bread, rice cake, and fermented rice wine, sake. Figure 1. Roll-bread from purple rice and tomato bread from super-hard rice East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 63 References 1. Nakamura, S., Suzuki, K., Ohtsubo, K., 2009 Characteristics of bread prepared from wheat flours blended with various kinds of newly developed rice flours. Journal of Food Science 73, E121-130. 2. Nakamura, S. and Ohtsubo, K. 2010 Influence of physicochemical properties of rice flour on oil uptake of tempura frying batter. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 74, 2484-2489. 3. Nakamura, S. and Ohtsubo, K. 2011 Acceleration of germination of super-hard rice cultivar EM10 by soaking with red onion. Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem. 75, 572-574. 4. Ohtsubo, K., Suzuki, K., Yasui, Y., Kasumi, T., 2005 Bio-functional components in the processed pre-germinated brown rice by a twin-screw extruder. J. Food Composition Analysis 18, 303-316. 大坪 研一(おおつぼ けんいち) 食品科学、穀類科学 【略歴】 東京大学 理学部 生物化学科卒業(1974)民間企業の研究所勤務を経て , 農水省入省、食品総合研究所 研究員 (1981 − 1990)、農学博士(1989), 北陸農業試験場 米品質評価研究室長(1990 − 1993), 食品総合研究所 穀類特性研究室長 (1993 − 2005), 食品総合研究所 食品素材部長、食品素材科学領域長 (2005 − 2008), 新潟大学 農学部(大学院自然科学研究 科)教授(2008 −現在), 中国天津農学院客座教授(2010 −現在), 新潟大学 産学地域連携推進センター長 (2011 −現在) 【受賞】 日本応用糖質科学会学会賞(2013:日本応用糖質科学会), 日本醸造協会技術賞(2008:日本醸造協会) 飯島記念技術賞 (2008:飯島記念食品科学振興財団), 日本食品科学工学会技術賞(2004:日本食品科学工学会) 【研究】 米の食味・品質の評価、加工利用、DNA判別に関する研究 【著書】 「米粉BOOK」 (編集及び分担執筆、2012:幸書房) 「日本一おいしい米の秘密」 (編集及び共著、2006:講談社) Rice, science & technology 「米の科学」 (分担執筆、2004:Amer. Assoc. Cereal Chem.) (編集・分担執筆、1995:朝倉書店) 64 4-2 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Innovative Rice Products in Thailand Patcharee Tungtrakul Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata UniversityInstitute of Food Research and Product Development (IFRPD) Kasetsart University, Thailand Thai traditional rice products are originated from home culinary products since ancient time. They are well known and consumed among Thai people for long time. The original idea of Thai rice product is to preserve food in order to have longer shelf-life. However, in additional to that it is functional benefits that are occurred during processing of these products. Generally, traditional rice products are made from young rice, white rice, brown rice or brokens. Thai rice products include fermented and non-fermented foods. All aromatic rices in the world contain one important aromatic compound, found most in brown rice and rice bran. New jasmine rice with added iron and high anti-oxidants was successfully produced, and there is also the rice berry, which is a version of rice that has very high antioxidants, and a low glycemic index jasmine rice. Thai rice are well known as good source of functional nutrients especially colored rice. Thai innovative rice products have a great functional benefits and potential for developing into industrial manufacturing. However, there is still a need in more researches and educational training on physiological function and processing of these Thai rice products. The Thai Rice Innovation Contest award is an annual contest organised by the Thai Rice Foundation (TRF) and the National Innovation Agency (NIA). The main purpose is to enhance the value of rice in commercial term as the high value added rice and meet the market requirement. The contest divided into industrial and community business. Rice innovations would partly help to restructure rice production from the basic production process up the value chain to prepare the Thai rice industry to cope with the fierce competition that will arise with the advent of the Asean Economic Community (AEC). Mrs. Patcharee Tungtrakul Director of Institute of food Research and Product Development (IFRPD), Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand Patcharee Tungtrakul got B.Sc. of Food Science from Kasetsart University in 1978 and started her career as researcher at IFRPD. Her work mainly concerned on chemical analysis and food quality control. After her graduation on M.Sc. on Food Science and Technology in 1988, she focused work on rice properties and processing study. She also got certificate in Processes and Installation of Food Industry from Italy and Food and Nutrition Program from Japan. She achieved UNUWA-Amway Award for Women’s Extension Work Project for Technology Transfer on Upgrading of Rice Noodle Quality for Product Development in 1997. She also achieved winnner award from the University in 2007 for Agro-industry Innovation and Silver award in Research Impact in 2011. She provide technical assistance for the improvement of the food industry including consultancy services in food production and technical training for the public sector and local community in meeting global demand for standard quality and consumer safety in food. Her position right now is the Director of IFRPD from 2009 onwards which before she was the Head of Food Chemistry and Food Physics Department since 2002 to 2009. From time to time, she is invited to give a lecture and to join several doctoral and master thesis committees. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 65 66 4-3 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Characteristics and Physicochemical Properties of New Giant Embryo Rice in Korea Han SI1, Seo WD1, Ra JE1, Park DS1, Song YC1, Park JY1, Nam MH1, Choi HC2 1 Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Milyang, Korea; The Korea Rice Industry Development Group, Suwon, Korea 2 By becoming one of the hottest trends in consumers, LOHAS (Lifestyles of health and sustainability) gives us new world of ethical consumerism. Korean consumers require health rice cultivars and make purchase decisions with high criteria of healthy functions in rice foods. To select for these traits rice breeders face other aspects of good grain quality and functional substances. We were considered some biological activities of lowering body weight, lowering plasma sugar contents and anti-oxidative activities. In addition, increase of nutritional and functional substances content were important breeding objectives. Anther culture was used for developing prominent traits. Giant embryo rice was developed and this was an example of a great success of functional rice breeding in Korea. Nunkeunhukchal’, the first black glutinous rice with giant embryo (BGE), was developed from cross between the first waxy giant embryo mutant rice, YR23517Acp79 (YR), and a black waxy rice, ‘Josaenghukchal’. BGE solved the main problem of poor grain filling in YR and it has a good trait of black rice. BGE showed some good physicochemical properties such as enhanced contents of amino acid, polyphenol, anthocyanin, γ-oryzanol and other hygienic micro-components. In particular, BGE has enhanced γ-aminobutylic acid (GABA) content, which is a useful component for controlling high blood pressure, as a tranquilizer, and to regulate neuronal excitability. BGE showed 8-times higher GABA contents (0.34 mg/g) than normal brown rice (0.04 mg/g). Furthermore, rice bran of BGE exhibited 8-fold higher GABA content (2.71 mg/g) than that of BGE brown rice. Rice bran of BGE contains high levels of several phytochemicals with antioxidant activities, as well as other hygienic properties. In addition, it has high protein, lipid, and total amino acids contents. In a couple of clinical trials, crude extracts containing GABA as a main effective component on BGE showed lowering effects of lipid level in liver, decreasing body weight and alleviating alcoholism symptoms. Feeding BGE rice freely to C57BL/6 mice with alcohol intake for 16 days showed significant suppression of alcohol intake over 65%. The co-administration of GABA extract while drinking alcohol in social drinkers is supposed to affect alcohol-related indices in terms of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics. In spite of great biological activities, BGE needs to be improved in 1,000 grain weight, poor grain color and some active microcomponents affected by climatic condition. The traits and functions discussed above are just a few of functional traits in rice that must be considered for the rice breeder to select the breeding materials. Combining grain qualities and biological functions is another critical aspect in a rice breeding system. A crop based diet, focusing mainly on whole grains, has become one of the most important guidelines for lowering the risk of human diseases. BGE rice is considered as a latent source to enhance the functionality of rice food, as it has high quality components compared to the normal rice. Black sticky rice with giant embryo ‘Nunkeunhukchal’ Giant Embryo rice East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function Waxy giant embryo rice ‘YR23517Acp79’ 67 Normal rice SANG-IK HAN, PhD Functional Crop Resource Development Division Department of Functional Crop National Institute of Crop Science Rural Development Administration Republic of Korea 2008 present Researcher for functional crops development at Department of functional crop, National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) 2007 2008 Researcher for upland crops breeding at Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI), NICS, 2006 2007 Official for Research management bureau at Rural Development Administration 2004 2006 Researcher for upland crops breeding at Honam Agricultural Research Institute (HARI), NICS, RDA. 1995 2004 Researcher for upland crops breeding at Yeongnam Agricultural Research Institute (YARI), NICS, RDA. RDA HONORS & AWARDS (2009 ) 2013 2013 Great Inventor, Korean Intellectual Property Office, Rep. of Korea 2013 Honorary Award for Agriculture, RDA 2012 Honorary Award for Agricultural Technology Commercialization & Transfer, RDA PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 1999- American Society of Plant Biology 1995-2008 The Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science 1995- The Korean Society of Plant Breeding 1995- The Korean Society of Crop Science 1. Dong-Soo Park, Soo-Kwon Park, Gihwan Yi, Un-Ha Hwang, Sang-Mim Kim, Sang-Ik Han, et al. Agronomic and chemical properties of a new black waxy giant embryo mutant, Milyang 263, in rice. Kor. J. Breed. Sci. 42(5): 463469 (2010) 2. Sang-Ik Han, Hang-Won Kang, Dae-Woo Byun, Ki Chang et al. Mechanical Properties and Degradability of Biodegradable Agricultural Transplanting Pot Containing Rice By-product. Korean J. Crop Sci., 56(1): 44-49 (2011) 3. Kyung-Jin Choi, Tae-Shik Park, Choon-Ki Lee, Jung-Tae Kim, Sang-Ik Han, et al.Effect of Temperature During Grain Filling Stage on Grain Quality and Taste of Cooked Rice in Mid-late Maturing Rice Varieties. Korean J. Crop Sci., 56(4): 404-412 (2011) 68 4-4 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Creating Added Value to Rice through Milling Technology Keiji Saika President TOYO RICE CORPORATION 1) Palatability and nutritional value are conflicting factors in rice. The less rice is milled, the more nutrition remains in it, but inversely it becomes less palatable, digestible, and absorbable. The more milled rice gets and rice-bran layer is removed, the more palatable it becomes but the less nutritious it gets. Hence rice with rich nutrients, good digestibility and absorbability and great flavor did not exist until recently. 2) “KINME MAI” is rice that retains its sub-aleurone layer I have, therefore, focused on the sub-aleurone layer which no one has ever paid attention to before. Sub-aleurone layer is a thin layer that lays in between rice-bran (from the surface to the aleurone layer) and albumen (reserve starch layer), and is not only rich in flavor but also in nutrients. In particular, it contains an abundance of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) which is believed to prevent all sorts of diseases. This sub-aleurone layer however is tightly adhered to the rice-bran layer, and is removed along with the rice-bran using conventional rice milling machines. Attempting to retain the sub-aleurone layer however also caused the aleurone layer to remain on the rice, making it less palatable. So I have invented a technique called “pressure-equalized rice-milling method” that enables the rice to keep its sub-aleurone layer, which is usually removed with rice-bran when using conventional rice milling machines, on the surface of starch layer. The resulting product is KINME MAI. I was able to develop rice which I had worked on for years and what the consumers sought after. KINME MAI is not only rich in both nutrients and flavor, but also has sweeter taste and more delicious and unique flavor than standard white rice. 3) The health benefits of KINME MAI when continuously consumed. Since i was developed in 2005, the health effects of KINME MAI have been the subject of research by many academic experts. A few examples are: - The Positive Effects on Health of Continuous Consumption of KINME MAI (Annual meeting of Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science, 2007, by Kazuko Okuda, Professor Emerita of Konan Women's University) - The “sub-aleurone layer’s” inhibitory effects on “angiotensin II,” one of the culprits in developing arteriosclerosis and other diseases. (Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 2010, by Hirotoshi Utsunomiya, Associate Professor of Wakayama Medical University, et al.) - Research on the relationship between KINME MAI (rice milled to retain its sub-aleurone layer) and immune system (The 8th Asia Pacific Conference on Clinical Nutrition (APCCN), 2013, by Hiroyuki Inagawa, visiting associate professor at Faculty of Medicine, Kagawa University, et al.) As seen above, there is abundant evidence related to KINME MAI’s positive effects on health, but we believe nothing speaks clearer than the research that is conducted by our company since June 2013. Through this product testing program we receive numerous reviews on a daily basis from consumers eating KINME MAI reporting improvement effects in their health (i.e. improvements in bowel movements, skin condition, canker sores, common cold, hay fever, diabetes, and more). Currently, the number of positive reports from satisfied consumers has surpassed 1300 which proves, more than anything, the health benefits of KINME MAI. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 69 精米技術によるコメの付加価値創造 東洋ライス株式会社 代表取締役社長 雜賀慶二 ①コメの食味と栄養価は二律背反 コメと云う食材は精白度を下げるほど栄養成分が多く残るものの、それに反比例して食味が悪くなり、消化吸収性も落 ちてくる。逆に精白度を高め、糠層を除去するほど美味で食べやすくなるが、栄養成分が無くなるのである。従ってこ れまで栄養成分が多く消化吸収性も良く、しかも食味が良いコメは存在しなかった。 ②亜糊粉層を残存させた「金芽米」 そこで筆者は、これまで注目されていなかった「亜糊粉層」に着目した。即ち、亜糊粉層とは、糠層 ( 表皮から糊粉層 ) と、 胚乳 ( 貯蔵澱粉層 ) の境界にある薄い層であるが、我々人間にとって、極めて美味しさを感じさせる旨み成分や、栄養的 にも優れた成分が多く含有しているのである。中でも人間のあらゆる病気を予防するとの LPS を多く含んでいるのであ る。ところがその亜糊粉層は、糠層との結びつきが強く、従来の精米機では、糠層と共に剥離されてしまうので、白米 には全く存在せず、また亜糊粉層を残そうとすると、糊粉層も残ってしまい食味がまずい米となる。 そして、筆者は、従来の精米機では糠と共に除去されてしまっていた亜糊粉層を澱粉層の表面に残す精米法「均圧精米法」 を発明し、それによって製造される「金芽米」(きんめまい)を開発したのである。これにより長年のテーマであり消費 者が求める高栄養と良食味を両立したコメが誕生し、しかもこれまでの白米より甘みと独得の風味に優れた特長を有す るのである。 ③金芽米の継続摂取による健康効果 2005 年に開発された金芽米は、多くの学識経験者によりその健康効果についての研究が行われているが、その一例を示 すと、 ・『金芽米の継続摂取による健康面へのプラス効果』 (日本栄養・食糧学会 2007 年、甲南女子大学奥田和子名誉教授) ・『「亜糊粉層」に動脈硬化などの原因となる「アンジオンテンシンⅡ」抑制効果』 (アメリカ実験生物学会 2010 年、和歌山県立医科大学 宇都宮洋才准教授ら) ・『金芽米(亜糊粉層残存精米)の免疫機能に関する研究』 (第 8 回アジア太平洋臨床栄養学会 (APCCN) 2013 年、香川大学医学部 稲川裕之客員准教授ら) このように、金芽米に関するエビデンスは多数存在するが、何よりもその健康効果を物語っているのが、弊社が 2013 年 6 月より行っているチャレンジモニター制度に寄せられる消費者からの声(レビュー)である。毎日消費者自らが感じた 体調改善効果(便通、肌あれ、口内炎、風邪、花粉症、糖尿病など)に関する報告が多数寄せられているが、その数は 現時点ですでに 1300 人以上にのぼっていることが、何よりも金芽米の健康改善効果を実証するものである。 昭和36年 3月 東洋精米機製作所を立ち上げ 昭和36年11月 法人化に伴い株式会社東洋精米機製作所に入社 昭和38年 4月 財団法人 雑賀技術研究所を設立し会長に就任 昭和59年11月 株式会社東洋精米機製作所 取締役に就任 昭和60年 2月 株式会社東洋精米機製作所 代表取締役社長に就任 平成17年 6月 トーヨーライス株式会社 代表取締役社長に就任 平成24年 3月 上記2社を合併し東洋ライス株式会社を設立 同社代表取締役社長に就任 70 4-5 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Nine good points of “Rice Oil” Shigeo Nakajima Tsuno Food Industrial Co., Ltd “Rice Oil” is now sold usually about 10%~50% more expensive than other vegetable oil in Japan, because of high cost when we purchase and refine raw materials. However, according to consumers we have merits as follows more than these demerits Here we introduce 9 good points of “Rice Oil” A. Raw Materials origin 1.non GMO 2.Allergen-free 3.Made in Japan(Only Japan area) Vitamin E : about 1000 ppm B. Performance (Strong for oxidization) γ-Oryzanol : about 2000 ppm 4. No tired (long shelf life) linolenic acid : max. 1.5% 5.No bad smell 6. No bad taste 7. For Health Required amount for “Hyper lipemia” healing as pharmaceutical product-----300 mg/d Reference Y. Hata et al. Geriat. Med., 19, 1813-1840 (1981) Y. Goto et al. Geriat Med., 21, 2039-2057 (1983) Unpolished rice (3 cups of bowls daily)-----180 mg/d Every day use RHO replacing with edible oil-----120 mg/d bad 8. For Long term preservation Room temperature 28days POV : Fish oil 25 % + RHO 75 % RHO 100 % Smell Taste Good East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 71 Regular RHO Ț-Oryzanol 0.2 % 1.5 % Phytosterol 1.2 % 1.5 % Total Vitamin E 0.1 % 0.1 % Fatty acid composition palmitic acid 17% oleic acid linoleic acid palmitic acid 45% 35% 17% 9. For Cosmetic (Skin care) humidity retention improvement Roughness improvement Profile Shigeo Nakajima 1978 - 2010 Nisshin Oillio Group, Ltd 2011 - Tsuno Food Industrial Co., Ltd 72 oleic acid 45% linoleic acid 35% 4-6 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Fermented brown rice and rice bran by Aspergillus oryzae (FBRA) as a processed food Hiroaki Kosaka, Masataka Shikanai, Shigeo Ikegawa,Shigenobu Doumi, Genmaikoso co., Ltd., kita 12 nishi 1, kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0012, Japan Rice is the most popular cereal worldwide, serving as a staple food for nearly half of the world’s population. Fermented brown rice by Aspergillus oryzae (FBRA) is a processed food prepared by fermenting brown rice and rice bran with Aspergillus oryzae. During the past decades, we have investigated the biological effects of FBRA on the cancer along with the chronic disease with the animal model. This lecture will provide an up-date on our ongoing programs concerning the inhibitory effect on colon carcinogenesis and Type I diabetes in the rodent, and action of potent free radical scavenger. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 73 健康補助食品としての発酵玄米食 米は、作物としては「稲」、食材としては「米」、メニューとしては「ご飯」と呼ばれ、日本人を始めとする東南アジアの人々 にもっとも浸透し大切に食されてきた。米は自然から与えられた贈り物として、収穫した時のままの姿、すなわち玄米 食が栄養的にも優れており、生命を守ってくれるものであることを経験的に知っていた。ところが、日本では江戸時代 初期の頃から玄米を精米して食し、健康と生命の維持に役立つビタミン、ミネラル、食物繊維などの栄養素や生体のリ ズム、神経のバランス、免疫力の調節機能を正常に保つ機能性成分を豊富に含む糠や胚芽が廃棄されてきた。 1971 年、わが社では玄米が持つ健康と生命維持に役立つ機能性成分に着目し、玄米と米糠の混合物を麹菌(Aspergillus oryzae)によって発酵させた発酵玄米食(FBRA)を栄養補助食品として上市するとともに、より人々の健康に寄与し社 会貢献するためには、たとえ栄養補助食品であってもその医学的裏付けが必要であるとの見地から本格的な医学研究を 1998年からスタートさせ、多くの研究成果を得ることができた。本会議では、これまでに得られた FBRA に関する 学術研究の中から、抗炎症作用、1型糖尿病発症抑制作用、大腸癌に対する抑制作用及び、活性酸素消去活性、につい て述べる。 䝝䜲䞉䝀䞁䜻䝇䝢䝹䝸䝘ධ䜚 ศᯒ㡯┠ Ỉศ 䛯䜣䜁䛟㉁ ⬡㉁ ⅊ศ ⢾㉁ 㣗≀⧄⥔ 䜶䝛䝹䜼䞊 䝘䝖䝸䜴䝮 䝸䞁 㕲 䜹䝹䝅䜴䝮 䜹䝸䜴䝮 䝬䜾䝛䝅䜴䝮 㖡 ள㖄 䝬䞁䜺䞁 䝉䝺䞁 䝡䝍䝭䞁A䠄䝺䝏䝜䞊䝹ᙜ㔞䠅 ɴ-䜹䝻䝔䞁 䝏䜰䝭䞁䠄䝡䝍䝭䞁B1) 䝸䝪䝣䝷䝡䞁䠄䝡䝍䝭䞁B2) 䝡䝍䝭䞁B6 䝡䝍䝭䞁B12 䝡䝍䝭䞁E䠄ɲ-䝖䝁䝣䜵䝻䞊䝹䠅 䝣䜵䝻䜻䝜䞁䠄䝡䝍䝭䞁K1䠅 ⴥ㓟 䝟䞁䝖䝔䞁㓟 䝡䜸䝏䞁 䝘䜲䜰䝅䞁ᙜ㔞 䝘䜲䜰䝅䞁䠄䝙䝁䝏䞁㓟┦ᙜ㔞䠅 100g୰ 3ໟ䠄10.5㹥୰䠅 䠒ໟ䠄21㹥୰䠅 ༢ 0.3 0.6 g 2.9 27.2 2.9 5.7 g 2.2 4.5 g 21.4 0.9 1.8 g 8.6 18.0 1.9 3.8 g 2.3 4.6 g 21.9 417.0 43.8 87.6 kcal 54.4 5.7 11.4 mg 0.2 0.4 g 1.7 1.2 2.4 mg 11.3 33.7 67.4 mg 321.0 1.9 0.2 0.4 g 709.0 74.4 148.9 mg 0.1 0.1 mg 0.7 5.2 0.5 1.1 mg 1.3 2.6 mg 12.2 0.7 1.5 ʅg 7.0 900.0 94.5 189.0 ʅg 1134.0 2268.0 ʅg 10800.0 2.4 0.2 0.5 mg 0.9 0.1 0.2 mg 0.2 0.5 mg 2.3 1.4 2.7 ʅg 13.0 0.7 1.4 mg 6.7 85.0 8.9 17.9 ʅg 0.2 0.0 0.0 mg 0.7 1.4 mg 6.7 42.2 4.4 8.9 ʅg 4.0 7.9 mg 37.7 3.3 6.6 mg 31.4 74 4-7 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Metabolomic analysis of bioactive constituents produced by fermentation of brown rice Ken Tanaka1, Yukiko Horie2, Hideyuki Nemoto2, Hiroaki Kosaka2、Shigenobu Doumi2, Ikuo Saiki3 1 Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Noji-Higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan Genmaikoso co., Ltd., kita 12 nishi 1, kita-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido 001-0012, Japan 3 Univerity of Toyama, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan 2 Fermented brown rice by Aspergillus oryzae and abbreviated to FBRA is a processed food prepared by fermenting brown rice and rice bran with Aspergillus oryzae. The effects of FBRA have been extensively studied. Kuno et al. reported that FBRA has inhibitory effects on carcinogenesis of the colon, liver and esophagus in rodents. In addition, Kataoka et al. reported that FBRA-containing diet suppress the induction of acute colitis by dextran sulfate sodium. Anti-oxidative capacities are suggested to be involved in the chemopreventive potential of FBRA. Regarding bioactive chemical constituents of FBRA, contribution of ferulic acid produced by fermentation to broad biological effects is suggested by Sakurai et al. However, the detailed analysis of other bioactive compounds in FBRA has not been carried out so far. In the present study, we investigate the production of bioactive compounds, such as ferulic acid and its related compounds, as well as oligopeptides, free form of water soluble vitamins and lysophosphatidic acid in FBRA using metabolomics approach. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 75 発酵玄米中の機能性物質の網羅的解析 1)FBRA 発酵により生成される化合物 FBRA 発酵開始後 48 時間まで 2 時間毎に採取した試料を分析した結果を図1に示す。 紙面手前から奥に向かって、発酵が進んだ状態を表し、左から右へ分析で分離された成分が並んでいる。発酵が進むに つれ、アミノ酸が 2 分子結合した多くのジペプチドが生成されている。さらにコウジ酸誘導体などの生成が認められた。 近年、食品に含まれるジペプチドの機能性が注目されており、種々の食品から疲労回復や血圧降下作用のあるジペプチ ドが次々と見出されている。今回、FBRA から検出されたジペプチド類の活性については、今後研究を行う予定であるが、 多種類のジペプチド類が見出されたことから、FBRA の新たな機能性解明に期待がもたれる。さらに、コウジ酸は、古 くから、美白効果、皮膚透明度改善、消炎効果が知られている化合物であるが、今回見出したコウジ酸と糖が結合した 化合物は、コウジ酸より溶解性、安定性、経皮 吸収性が向上することが知られており、その効果がより高まるものと 考えられる。 (2)FBRA 発酵により増加する遊離型水溶性ビタミン類 ビタミン B 群の多くは結合型として存在するが、実際の消化管内では、胃酸や消化酵素の作用で遊離型に変換され、消 化管から吸収されることが知られている。 そのため、高齢者などの胃酸分泌の低い人、消化管切除者では食品からの吸収の効率が低下する。 FBRA 中の水溶性ビタミン類について総量に占める遊離型の割合を分析したところ、ビタミン B2、パントテン酸、ビタ ミン B6 及びビオチンがそれぞれ 30.7%、46.6%、7.9%及び 12.7%であった。特にビタミン B 2は、健常人でも遊離型ビ タミンと比較して結合型ビタミンの利用率は約 30%程度であり、FBRA 中に遊離型が多く含有されることは、ビタミン の摂取の上で極めて有用であると考えられる。 また、発酵による遊離型水溶性ビタミン量の変化について分析した結果を図 2 に示す。発酵に伴いビタミン B2 は 21.3 倍、 ビオチンは 8.8 倍、ビタミン B6 は 5.8 倍、パントテン酸は 2.5 倍、ナイアシンは 2.2 倍に増加することが明らかとなった。 (3)FBRA 発酵により増加するフェルラ酸及びその誘導体 フェルラ酸は、抗酸化能や乳がんや肝臓がんに対する抗腫瘍活性、コレステロール低下作用、抗炎症作用など様々な生 理作用を有していることが報告されている。玄米の発酵過程で、不溶性の結合型フェルラ酸類が麹により加水分解され、 遊離型フェルラ酸及び 4-vinylguaiacol 含量が著しく増加していた。4-vinylguaiacol には、近年、様々な機能性が報告され ており、FBRA 中の活性化合物の一つであることが推定された。 76 4-8 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Rice and an enriched liquid diet Shigeru Beppu Foricafoods Co.Ltd. It is natural to intake a ‘rice-enriched liquid diet’ through the mouth, and in normal daily life people pay little attention to the process from placing food into the mouth to swallowing. However, when eating/swallowing dysfunction develops with aging or secondary to cerebrovascular disease, biting and swallowing becomes difficult, which makes it difficult to eat through the mouth. Feeding methods include: 1) oral intake of food, 2) enteral feeding, and 3) intravenous feeding, and in individuals with eating/ swallowing dysfunction enteral feeding is commonly employed. Enteral feeding was developed in 1960 as a feeding method for patients who were unable to chew and swallow due to surgery of the esophagus via the mouth, and disturbance of consciousness as a result of head trauma or stroke. In the event that normal digestive and absortive capacity is maintained, if a tube can be inserted through the nose and food directly placed into the stomach, then physical strength and immunity can be maintained even when the patient is temporarily unable to eat through the mouth, which facilitates quick recovery. Therefore, normal meals (staple food, side dishes with vegetables) such as broth and miso soup are given after being passed through a mixer. However, in response to problems experienced when preparing meals in hospital kitchens, such as the inability to conserve food and difficulty in the immediate handling of the food, in 1972 Foricafoods developed ‘liquid food A’ as a canned food product based on the enriched liquid diet of Tokyo Medical and Dental University. ‘Liquid food A’ uses ingredients found in normal meals, which essentially involves preparing the staple food rice into rice gruel, which is broken down with enzymes, then heated, ground and mixed with eggs and carrots, etc., and then combined with other ingredients including milk. ‘Liquid food A’ is prepared to a concentration of 1 kcal/1 ml, while maintaining a balance of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates based on the nutritional criteria required, with vitamins and minerals. The enriched liquid diet can subsequently be adapted to best suit the digestive and absorptive capacity of the patient, so that when this capacity is normal a liquid diet with a natural concentration can be given, or when impaired the liquid diet is broken down with semi-digestive nutritional supplement, digestive nutritional supplement, or elemental diet. On the other hand, to facilitate nasogastric tube feeding and nutrient supplementation due to a gastric fistula in elderly patients with eating/swallowing impairment, technology has been developed and gained popularity with regards to the processing of raw ingredients used in an enriched liquid diet. This processing method involves combining and emulsifying ingredients that have been extracted and separated. ‘Liquid food A’ characteristically differs to such enriched liquid foods that combine extracted and separated components in that it is an enriched liquid diet that combines natural ingredients. Advancements in nutritional sciences and testing methods means that there is an increasing amount of nutrients included in the nutritional standards of Japanese people. The current requirements for ‘liquid food A’ differs to those of when it was developed in 1972, in that new nutrients have been discovered and may be added to the nutritional standards. An enriched liquid diet based on natural raw ingredients also includes natural nutrients that have not yet been found, and therefore we believe this diet is beneficial to use over long-periods. While pharmaceutical products and food products are controlled strictly separately in Japan, and an enriched liquid diet involves both pharmaceutical and food products, ‘liquid food A’ is classified as a food product. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 77 「米と濃厚流動食」 ホリカフーズ株式会社 別府 茂 口から食べることは当たり前であり、普段の生活では口に食べ物が入ってから飲み込むまでの過程を強く意識するこ ともない。しかし、脳血管障害の後遺症や加齢などで摂食嚥下機能障害が生ずると、噛むことや飲み込むことがしづ らくなり、口から食べにくくなる。栄養補給法には①経口栄養摂取法、②経腸栄養摂取法、③静脈栄養摂取法があるが、 摂食嚥下機能障害をもつ人に経腸栄養摂取法が利用されることが多い。 経腸栄養摂取法は 1960 年代に口腔から食道の外科手術、頭部外傷や脳卒中等による意識障害などにより咀嚼や嚥下 ができない場合の栄養補給法として開発された。患者が、正常に消化吸収能力を維持している場合、鼻から挿入した 管から胃に直接栄養を注入できれば、一時的に口から食べることができなくとも体力や免疫力を維持し、回復を早め ることができる。このため、通常の食事 ( 主食、副食、副菜の料理 ) に味噌汁やスープなどを加えてミキサーにかけ た流動食が使用された。しかし、病院の厨房での調整では、保存性がない、緊急対応に困難があるなどの問題のため、 ホリカフーズは東京医科歯科大学の濃厚流動食基準をもとに缶詰製品として「流動食品 A」を 1972 年に発売した。「流 動食品 A」は、通常の食事に使用される食材を使用し、具体的には、主食の米はお粥に調整し酵素分解し、これに鶏卵、 人参などを加熱し擂潰して混和し、牛乳と他の原料を混合している。さらに、 「流動食品 A」は 1kcal/1ml の濃度とし、 同時に栄養摂取基準をもとに、たんぱく質と脂質、炭水化物のバランスをとり、さらにビタミン、ミネラルなどを調 整している。濃厚流動食は、その後消化吸収能力の程度に合わせて改良され、正常な場合は天然濃厚流動食、障害が ある場合はその程度によって半消化態栄養剤、消化態栄養剤、成分栄養剤と細分化した。一方、摂食嚥下障害のある 高齢者のために、経鼻経管法あるいは胃瘻から栄養補給する場合にも利用されるようになり、濃厚流動食の原料と製 法面では、抽出分離した成分を組み合わせ乳化する技術が開発されて主流となってきた。 「流動食品 A」は天然食材を組み合わせた濃厚流動食であり、抽出分離した成分を組み合わせた濃厚流動食とは異な る特徴をもつ。日本人の栄養摂取基準は栄養学、検査法などの進化によって対象となる栄養成分は増えている。 「流 動食品 A」が発売された 1972 年当時と現在では必要と異なり、さらに今後新しい栄養成分が発見され栄養摂取基準 に追加される可能性もある。天然食材を原料とした濃厚流動食は、天然食材に含まれる明らかになっていない栄養成 分が含まれているため、長期的な使用にメリットがあると考えられる。また、日本では医薬品と食品は厳格に分けて 管理されているが、濃厚流動食は医薬品と食品の両方に製品が存在し、 「流動食品 A」は食品に分類されている。 78 4-9 Session 4 New Rice Products for Health Ferulic acid and Angelica archangelica extract in dementia: Effects upon cognitive functions and behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia Takemi Kimura Division of Clinical Research, National Hospital Organization Kikuchi Hospital, Koshi, Kumamoto, Japan Symptoms of dementia are classified as “cognitive disturbance” and “behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD)”. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) refers to a transitional zone between normal aging and dementia. Most of cases with MCI will convert to dementia. BPSD are an integral part of the disease process and are commonly associated with reduction in the quality of life for patients as well as their caregivers. Therefore, understanding how to inhibit the converting from MCI to dementia and control BPSD is the most important problem associated with these cognitive disorders. Ferulic acid is a nutrient that exists in many kinds of grains, whereas Angelica archangelica is a biennial plant from the umbelliferous family. Recent studies have indicated that ferulic acid decreases free radicals, chronic inflammation, and amyloid beta-protein in the brain, and that Angelica archangelica reduces the activity of cholinesterase, suggesting an effect of ferulic acid and Angelica archangelica extract in restraining the conversion and control BPSD. Results of my studies have shown the following. Only 3 (16.7%) out of 18 patients with MCI who were treated with ferulic acid and Angelica archangelica extract converted to dementia within a 96 week study period. Treatment led to improvement of scores of Japanese version of the cognitive subscale of the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale (ADAS-Jcog) in 11 (61.1%) out of 18 patients and improved ADAS-Jcog scores overall within 96 weeks. Treatment improved scores of Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI) in 19 (95.0%) out of 20 patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration or dementia with Lewy bodies. Treatment significantly improved NPI scores of the patients overall in 4 weeks (p<0.001) (Table 1). There were no adverse effects or significant changes in the physical findings or laboratory data. These Data suggest that treatment with ferulic acid and Angelica archangelica extract delays the conversion from MCI to dementia and controls BPSD and is extremely safe and useful for patients with MCI and dementia. Table 1. Changes in Neuropsychiatric Inventory scores 4 weeks after Feru-guard® treatment in 20 patients with frontotemporal lobar degeneration or dementia with Lewy bodies NPI total score Delusions Hallucinations Agitation/aggression Depression/dysphoria Anxiety Euphoria Apathy/indifference Disinhibition Irritability/lability Aberrant behavior Baseline Follow-up P value* 28.3 ± 9.6 2.2 ± 2.7 2.8 ± 3.4 4.6 ± 3.2 1.7 ± 2.9 1.9 ± 2.3 0.2 ± 0.9 5.9 ± 2.4 1.9 ± 3.1 4.0 ± 3.2 3.4 ± 3.4 17.7 ± 9.7 1.3 ± 2.1 1.1 ± 2.1 2.5 ± 1.9 1.2 ± 2.0 1.5 ± 2.0 0.2 ± 0.9 3.3 ± 1.9 1.8 ± 2.9 2.3 ± 2.0 2.6 ± 2.7 <0.001 <0.05 <0.02 <0.001 NS <0.04 NS <0.001 NS <0.005 <0.05 *Wilcoxon signed-rank test, with p<0.05 accepted as significant. NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; Feru-guard®, ferulic acid and Angelica archangelica extract; NS, not significant. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 79 80 POSTER 1 Simultaneous HPLC–UV determination of Phenolic Compounds in Rice Kozo Nakamura, Yurie Miwa, Masahiro Koyama and Hiroshi Kayahara Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, 8304 Minamiminowa, Nagano 399-4598, JAPAN Phenolic compounds are major antioxidant and radical scavenging ingredients in rice. Eleven kinds of phenolic compounds in rice, ferulic acid, caffeic acid, sinapinic acid, p-coumaric acid, vanillic acid, protocatechuic acid, syringic acid, hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, 6'-O-feruloylsucrose and 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose were simultaneously determined by HPLC-UV method. Materials and Methods Rice used in the research. Koshihikari (Oryza sativa L.) produced in Nagano prefecture, Japan Sample preparation. Extract of the rice flour with 70% aqueous ethanol was subjected to solid phase extraction to prepare analytical sample. HPLC-UV analysis. Column: Cosmosil 5C18-MS-II reversed-phase column (150mm×4.6mm). Mobile phase: purified water with 0.025% TFA (A), acetonitrile (B) Gradient (B)%: 0 min 5%, 5 min 9%, 15 min 9%, 22 min 11%, 35 min 18% Column temperature: 38 ºC, Flow rate: 0.8 mL/min Detection wavelength: 325 nm for hydroxycinnamates, 280 nm for hydroxybenzoates Results and Discussion Contents of the soluble phenolic compounds in unpolished and polished rice were investigated using the HPLC-UV method. In the unpolished rice, the most abundant was 6'-O-feruloylsucrose, the next was 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose, and ferulic acid was the third. Contents of the each compound were 1.09, 0.42 and 0.33 mg/100 g rice flour, respectively, and covered 84.0% of total amount of the eleven kinds of soluble phenolic compounds (2.19 mg/100g rice flour). In the polished rice, the total phenolics content was reduced to 0.28 mg/100 g rice flour, and ferulic acid was the most abundant (0.070 mg/100 g rice flour). Collectively, the unpolished rice was much better source of the phenolic compounds and ferulic acid related compounds were major phenolic ingredients in the Japanese rice. The phenolic compounds in other rice species were also investigated and the result will be presented. References: Su Tian, Kozo Nakamura, Hiroshi Kayahara, J. Agric. Food Chem., 52 (15), 4808-4813, 2004; Su Tian, Kozo Nakamura, Tong Cui, Hiroshi Kayahara, J. Chromatogr. A, 1063 (1-2), 121-128, 2005. Contents of Soluble Phenolic Compounds in Rice (mg/100g, Nagano koshihikari) phenolic compound unpolished polished ferulic acid 0.330 0.070 caffeic acid 0.020 sinapinic acid 0.020 p-coumaric acid phenolic compound unpolished polished syringic acid 0.030 0.010 0.025 hydroxybenzoic acid 0.040 0.021 0.005 chlorogenic acid 0.033 0.028 0.098 0.020 6'-O-feruloylsucrose 1.089 0.026 vanillic acid 0.072 0.032 6'-O-sinapoylsucrose 0.417 0.032 protocatechuic acid 0.037 0.013 Total 2.186 0.281 米に含まれるフェノール化合物の HPLC による一斉分析 中村浩蔵,三輪優莉絵,小山正浩,茅原 紘 信州大学農学部応用生命科学科 米の主要な抗酸化、活性酸素消去成分であるフェノール化合物のうち含量の高い 11 種類を、HPLC で一斉定量分析し含 量を調べた。その結果、玄米の方が白米よりもフェノール化合物含量が 7.8 倍多く、フェルラ酸関連化合物の含量が高かっ た。 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 81 POSTER 2 Rice bran stabilization and its functional properties on fortified analogue rice Maya Kurniawati1*, Ardiansyah2*, Nancy Dewi Yuliana1, Tomoko Goto3, Md. Alaudin3, Jahidul Islam3, Michio Komai3, Kazuyuki Hiwatashi4, Takuya Koseki5, Hitoshi Shirakawa3, Slamet Budijanto1 1 Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University, 2Department of Food Science and Technology, Universitas Bakrie, INDONESIA, 3Laboratory of Nutrition, Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, 4Akita Research Institute of Food and Brewing, 5Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, JAPAN. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Rice bran is a by-product of the rice milling process and it contains various active compounds that impart beneficial effects on health. Currently, there is an increase number of using the functional food that has ability to improve metabolic-diseases, including in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to develop stabilization method of rice bran and its functional properties on analogue rice. We used hot screw conveyor to stabilize fresh rice bran and its effects on the content of its active compounds that stored at 37 °C for two weeks. Further, we added rice bran as one of the formulation analogue rice besides corn, sago, and soybean. The formulation was optimized by using Mixture Design DX7 software and we analyzed the glycemix index (GI) of analogue rice. After two weeks of storage, an increase of total free fatty acid in unstabilized rice bran (39.91%) was significantly higher compared to the stabilized one (6.75%). The best treatment for rice bran stabilization was obtained at 120°C with a screw speed of 50 rpm due to minimum loss of tocopherol (4.7%) and oryzanol (22.28%) content, respectively. The best formulation of analogue rice obtained from corn flour, sago, soybean, and rice bran were 32.17%, 16.67%, 13.30%, and 3.16%, respectively, and 1.33% of glyceryl monostearate with water added 50% from total dought weight. The GI of analogue rice (54) was lower than commercial polished rice (72). The results of in vivo data obtained from this study suggest that analogue rice might be contributed to improve metabolic-diseases such as the incident of diabetes. 82 POSTER3 Ricebran nutritious food “carna” Kazumoto Iinuma Ricetec Cooperation The world rice production is 500 million tons a year and about 10% of it is for rice bran, which is nutritious for human health. Rice bran is one of the giant food resources undeveloped and to develop its usage as a food material might give a key solution for supplydemand balance at the global scale. More than 95% of nutrients contained in brown rice are left in the bran. However, it is easy to decay due to 20% oil contents. And the texture of rice bran is too rough to taste and digest. The new technologies that Ricetech Corporation is developing are. 1.Super heated steam inactivates the enzyme, lipase that leads the oil decomposition and stabilizes rice bran for more than a year. The product is ORIZABRAN (Registered Trademark) 2.Rice bran particles can be well smashed in the size of about 20 micron . 3.Launched a new functional nutrition powder drink, “Word from Carna” (Registered Trademark) applying the ORIZABRAN.. 米ぬか機能性食品”カーナ“ 日本語抄録 生活習慣病が世界的に蔓延しつつある危機的状況に対して、「米ぬかを食卓へ」をスローガンに掲げ、機能性米ぬか食品 を提案する。ライステック社は、米ぬかを安定化且つ微粉化することにより、機能性を高めた米ぬか健康食品を開発発 売した。 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 83 POSTER4 The impact of pre-germination process on the antioxidant activity of pre-germinated brown rice from three Thai rice cultivars Kupkanchanakul W1, Yamaguchi T2, Kubota M3, Kadowaki M4, and Naivikul O1 1 Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agro-Industry, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand. Pre-germination process is considered a bio-modification process which is digestion of native molecules and synthesis of new molecules by using the endo-enzymatic reaction in paddy so that many functional compounds were occurred including antioxidant compounds. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the impact of pre-germination process on the antioxidant activity of pre-germinated brown rice (PGBR) from Three Thai rice cultivars, which various the amylose contents namely San-Pah-Tawng1 (SPT1; 5.25% amylose), Pathum-Thani1 (PTT1; 17.77% amylose) and Phitsanulok2 (PNL2; 26.12% amylose). Paddy were soaked at 30°C, for 12 hr to reach the moisture content more than 30% before pre-germinated in an incubator at 30°C, 85%RH to get embryonic growth length at their first (0.5-1mm), second (1-2mm), third (2-3mm) and malted (3-7mm) stages. Then the antioxidant activity (DPPH radical-scavenging activity assay) and the total phenol content (TPC) following the Folin-Ciocalteu method of PGBR flours of PGBR flour were determined and compared to brown rice flour as the control. The DPPH radical-scavenging activity of brown rice flour from SPT1 (238.53μmolTroloxeq./100gdw) had lower than that of PTT1 (249.35μmolTroloxeq./100gdw) and PNL2 (259.71μmolTroloxeq./100gdw). During the four stages of pre-germination process, the DPPH radical-scavenging activity was significantly increased (p<0.05). After malted stage, an increasing of DPPH radicalscavenging activity in PTT1 (290.95μmolTroloxeq./100gdw) and PNL2 (293.38μmolTroloxeq./100gdw) had higher than that in SPT1 (254.03μmolTroloxeq./100gdw). The increasing of antioxidant activity was positively related to the TPC during pre-germination process. The TPC of PGBR (253.12-307.65μmolgallic acideq./100gdw) had significantly higher than that of brown rice (341.51-411.07μmolgallic acideq./100gdw) in these three rice cultivars (p<0.05). Therefore, the PGBR flour could be used for the preparation of functional foods as an antioxidant food. アミロース含量の異なる3種類のタイ産玄米(San-Pah-Tawng1, Pathum-Thani1, Phitsanulok2)について、発芽過程に おける抗酸化性の評価を行った。その結果、いずれの品種においても、発芽段階の進行により DPPH ラジカル捕捉活性 および総ポリフェノール量の増加がみられた。 84 POSTER5 Heat-Moisture-Treated High-Amylose Brown Rice Improves Loperamide-Induced Constipation in Rats ○Enoki Y1, Hirokawa T2, Kanayama H2, Hosokawa Y2, Okumura H2, Mineo S1, Sugawara M2 1 Bourbon Institutes of Health, BOURBON Corporation, Niigata, Japan; 2Department of Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Nagaoka College, Niigata, Japan. Background: Koshinokaori (KK) is a rice cultivar with a high content of amylose. The amylose content of Koshihikari (KH), a widely consumed rice cultivar in Japan, is about 17%, and that of KK is high at 33%. Heat-moisture treated (HMT) high-amylose starch has dietary fiber-like functions, as they prevent constipation. Methods: Male Wistar rats were divided into 4 experimental groups (n=6, each): Control, KH, KK, and HMT-KK. First, the rats were given a normal diet for 14 days with restricted feeding (only 2h a day); then, they were given loperamide, which is a constipating agent (6 mg/kg body weight/d) in their diets for 4 days with restricted feeding. During both normal and loperamide diet periods, feces were collected in the last 3 days, and Gastrointestinal (GI) transit time was examined on the last day. The following parameters were examined in the collected feces: dry and wet weights, daily number of fecal pellets. Results: By heat moisture treatment, the dietary fiber and resistant starch contents of KK brown rice increased, while the artificial starch digestion rate decreased. During the loperamide diet period, the daily number of fecal pellets and dry fecal weight of the HMTKK group significantly increased compared with those of the control group. Wet fecal weight of KK and HMT-KK groups significantly increased compared with that of the control group. Additionally, GI transit time of the KK and HMT-KK groups were significantly shortened compared with that of the control group. A similar tendency was also observed during the normal diet period. Conclusion: High-amylose brown rice increased the number, wet weight and dry weight of fecal pellets, and shortened the GI transit time, compared with α-cornstarch. In addition, these effects were further enhanced by HMT. Therefore, HMT brown KK has a potential to prevent constipation. 高アミロース玄米配合飼料はコーンスターチ配合食及び中アミロース米配合食と比較し便秘モデルラットに対して消化 管通過時間短縮等の有意な便通改善作用がみられ、特に湿熱処理高アミロース玄米において顕著な改善効果が認められ た。 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 85 POSTER6 Development of value-added rice product using sprouted brown rice of high yield rice ○ Suzuki K, Takeuchi Y, Ishii T Rice Research Division, NARO Institute of Crop Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan Rice is one of the most important crops in the world in addition to wheat and corn, although rice consumption in Japan is decreasing gradually every year. In these days, to use whole cereal grain into grain-based products is recognized again, in the view of the potential health-promoting properties. Brown rice contain more nutritional components, such as dietary fibers, phytic acids, and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) than the ordinary milled rice. The objective of this research is to develop and supply high functional rice product using sprouted brown rice of high yield rice with high cost performance. Material and Method Brown rice samples (cvs. Koshihikari, Kanto264 and Hokuriku193) were obtained from NARO experimental field. Sprouted brown rice (SBR) were prepared by the devise (patented, 2008). The operation condition for each brown rice were optimized. After the process, SBR were dried and grinded by dry milling method. The content of nutrients and functional materials were evaluated by the official method or standard method. The processing tests, such as bread and noodles with high SBR content were performed. Result and Discussion GABA content of SBR by Kanto264 and Hokuriku193 revealed over 20 times as much as those of brown rice respectively. The highest GABA concentration for cvs. Kanto264 and Hokuriku193 were achieved 50mg/100g-d.b level. It was necessary to take a balance in relation to the processing and the cooking suitability, although it was possible to increase the GABA content because of the longer processing time. The production of SBR bread with vital gluten and 50% of SBR blend with rice noodles were successfully manufactured. It would be possible to supply the value-added rice products with enhanced nutritional and functional material content. Acknowledgement: This work supported by the program for promoting the enhancement of NICS research. 多収穫米の発芽米を利用した高付加価値化食品の開発 ○鈴木啓太郎,竹内善信,石井卓朗 , ( 独 ) 農研機構 作物研究所 多収穫米の食用利用における発芽処理による付加価値向上の可能性を評価した.多収穫米(関東 264 号,北陸 193 号) の発芽処理後の GABA 含量は,在来品種よりも高いことが明らかとなった.当該発芽米粉の利用率が高いパンや麺など の加工品の製造を検討した結果,栄養・機能性成分を多く含む良質な米加工品が製造可能となった.高付加価値化米加 工品の製造コストの低減が期待できる. 本研究は ( 独 ) 農研機構 作物研究所の重点強化経費により進められた. 86 POSTER7 Analysis of Rice-allergen Epitopes Matsukaze N1, Abe R1, Yasuda K1, Kamikawa T1, Nakamura S2, Fukaishi M2, Akao M1, Kumagai H1 1 Department of Chemistry and Life Science, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University Otsuka Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd. 2 Background/Aim: Rice allergy is a serious problem especially for those who consume rice as a staple food, and several types of hypoallergenic rice have been developed in Japan for patients suffering from rice allergy. Most of the hypoallergenic-rice products are made by using proteases, but proteases hydrolyze not only allergen but also whole protein in rice, which reduces the sensory properties such as taste and texture. Therefore, it is important to specify the epitope structure of allergen and specifically destroy it in order to produce hypoallergenic foods which retain their original properties. In this study, we attempted to analyze the sequential and conformational epitope structure of rice allergens using the sera of patients with rice allergy. Methods: GWCR and WQDCCRT in 16-kDa rice-globulin were reported to react with human monoclonal antibody specific for rice allergenic protein generated by in vitro immunization. Therefore, GWCR and WQDCCRT were synthesized and reacted with the sera of 12 patients with rice allergy to determine the sequential epitope. Conformational epitopes in rice allergens were detected by western blotting with the sera of rice-allergy patients after 2D-PAGE consists of isoelectric focusing in the first dimension and bluenative PAGE in the second dimension. Then, the detected spots were extracted and identified by LC-MS/MS. Results/Conclusions: The peptide, GWCR, reacted with the sera of all the patients, whereas WQDCCR scarcely reacted with most of them. Therefore, GWCR is considered to be one of the major epitopes in 16-kDa rice-globulin. Several proteins such as triosephosphate isomerase and malate dehydrogenase were estimated to have conformational epitopes in their structure. 米アレルゲンエピトープの解析 ○松風 成美 1, 阿部 竜典 1, 安田 果倫 1, 神川 尚大 1, 中村 静佳 2, 深石 光男 2, 赤尾 真 1, 熊谷 日登美 1 1 日本大学生物資源科学部生命化学科、2 大塚薬品工業株式会社 米グロブリン中の 16 kDa タンパク質の配列である GWCR および WQDCCR と米アレルギー患者血清との反応性と、米 タンパク質の主要アレルゲンであるアルブミン画分中のコンファメンショナルエピトープの解明を行った。 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 87 POSTER8 Rice endosperm protein has the beneficial effect on diabetes and diabetic nephropathy in obese type 2 diabetic model rats ○Kubota M1, Watanabe R2, Yamaguchi M3, Hosojima M4, Saito A4, Fujii M5, Fujimura S1,2, Kadowaki M1,2 1 Center for Transdisciplinary Reasearch, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, University of Niigata Prefecture, Niigata, Japan, 3 Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, 4 Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Niigata University, Niigata, Japan, 5 Kameda Seika CO., LTD., Japan. 2 Background & Objective Type 2 diabetes is now the most common disease and is the leading cause of end-stage renal disease. More than 40 % of patients with type 2 diabetes in Japan have diabetic nephropathy. In advanced chronic kidney disease, generally, protein and mineral intakes are restricted as a dietary therapy. However, there are no reports that differences of protein sources affect the progression of diabetic nephropathy, except soy protein. Therefore, we examined to clarify the effects of rice endosperm protein (REP) on diabetes and diabetic nephropathy in obese type 2 diabetic nephropathy model Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF) rats. Methods Six week old male ZDF rats were employed and were fed casein (C) and REP diets for 8 wk. Fasting blood glucose levels (every week) and some blood parameters (8 wk) were measured to assess the progression of diabetes. Livers were also collected to measure the lipid accumulation. Urine was collected at 0, 4, 6, and 8 wk to measure urinary albumin (UAE), a typical diagnosis criterion of diabetic nephropathy and N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (NAG) excretion, one of the markers of proximal renal tubule damages. In addition, renal glomeruli were morphologically observed to assess the glomerular tissue damages. Results Hemoglobin A1c was significantly suppressed by the REP consumption although the REP consumption did not affect fasting blood glucose level, adiponectin, and insulin. Total lipid, triglyceride, and total cholesterol in the REP group significantly reduced compared with the C group.Additionally, UAE, NAG, and mesangial matrix score, a typical index of glomerular tissue damages, were significantly improved in the REP group. These findings indicate that REP has beneficial effects on diabetes and diabetic nephropathy. 本研究は肥満 2 型糖尿病モデル ZDF ラットを用い,米胚乳タンパク質摂取が糖尿病および糖尿病性腎症の進行を遅延さ せ,さらに脂肪肝を抑制することを明らかにした. 88 POSTER9 Hepatoprotective effects of pregelatinized rice (White and Brown rice) in obese model rats ○Yamagishi A1, Maeda Y2, Tsujii Y1, Suzuki T 1, Kobayashi K 1, Takano K1, Yamamoto Y1 1 Dept. Appl. Biol. Chem., Tokyo Univ. of Agri., 2Alpha-Foods Co., Ltd. Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) on liver function using three types of obesity model rats. Methods Nine-wk-old male Zucker Fatty (ZF), Zucker Diabetic Fatty (ZDF), and Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF) rats were randomly divided into three experimental groups, (1) Control; AIN93G (2) White rice (WR); 30% (w/w) pregelatinized white rice, (3) Brown rice (BR); 30% (w/w) pregelatinized brown rice group, and fed each diet for 4 weeks. Serum ALP, ALT and adiponectin were measured by the respective assay kits, mRNA levels of hepatic collagen-type-1-alpha-1 (Col1a1) and adipose tissue adiponectin were determined by Real-time PCR. Quantitative CT imaging for adipose tissue was performed by micro X-ray CT imaging system. Results Serum ALP and ALT levels of WR and BR groups showed a decreasing trend in ZF and significant decrease in ZDF, but no change in OLETF as compared to control group. This decrease by BR in ZF was more remarkable than WR. Serum adiponectin levels of WR and BR showed a tendency of increase compared to the control group in ZF and ZDF. Gene expression of hepatic Col1a1 and adipose tissue adiponectin were not affected. CT imaging for adipose tissue showed that subcutaneous and visceral fat quantity was not affected in all groups. Discussion Our study showed that pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) had effects on improving the liver function in ZF and ZDF, but not on OLETF. This effect may result from the increase of adiponectin level, but not suppression of hepatic fibrogenesis. Our findings are the first case to show that pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) changes the “quality”, but not the “quantity”, of adipose tissue, and consequently improves hepatic dysfunction caused by obesity. 日本語 肥満モデルラットにα化米(白米、玄米)を摂取させると、血中 ALT と ALP が減少し、血中アディポネクチンが上昇した。 本結果は、α化米に肝障害改善効果がある可能性を示す最初の例になるであろう。 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 89 POSTER10 Lipid metabolism improvement effects of pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) in obese model rats ○Maeda Y1, Yamagishi A2, Tsujii Y2, Suzuki T2, Kobayashi K2, Takano K2, Yamamoto Y 2 1 2 Alpha-Foods Co., Ltd., Dept. Appl. Biol. Chem., Tokyo Univ. of Agri. Purpose The purpose of this study is to identify the effects of pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) on lipid metabolism using three types of obesity model rats. Methods Nine-wk-old male Zucker fatty (ZF), Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF), and Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF), were randomly divided into three experimental groups, (1) Control; AIN93G, (2) WR (white rice); 30% (w/w) pregelatinized white rice,(3) BR (brown rice); 30% (w/w) pregelatinized brown rice group, and fed each diet for 4 weeks. Total cholesterol (Chol) and triglyceride (TG) levels in the liver and the feces were measured by commercial kits. Serum Chol, TG and free fatty acid (FFA) concentration were also measured by respective kits. Results Hepatic TG and Chol levels of WR and BR groups showed a tendency to decrease compared to control group in ZF and ZDF rats, but not changed in OLETF. Especially, the decrease of hepatic TG level of BR was much remarkable to WR in ZF. Serum TG levels of BR group showed a tendency of increase compared to control and WR groups in ZF and ZDF. Serum FFA level of WR group tend to increase in OLETF. Serum Chol was not affected in each group. Fecal TG and Chol showed a decreasing tendency when compared to control in OLETF, and fecal Chol level of WR and BR groups showed an increase tendency in ZDF. Discussion Our present results suggested that pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) changed lipid profile in the body, and this alteration differs from each obesity model rat. In addition, hepatic lipid accumulation is inhibited by pregelatinized rice in ZF and ZDF. Therefore, pregelatinized rice (white and brown rice) may have beneficial effects for the suppression of hepatic lipid accumulation caused by obesity. 肥満ラット (Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty (OLETF)、Zucker fatty (ZF) および Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF)) を用 いて、アルファ化米 ( 白米、玄米 ) の摂食による脂質代謝改善について検討した。その結果、ZF と ZDF において肝臓の 中性脂肪と総コレステロールの蓄積が少ない傾向が見られた。 90 POSTER11 Suppression of Postprandial Blood-Glucose Elevation by Rice Albumin Ando T1, Hase A1, Asahi E1, Ina S1, Akao M1, Kumagai H2, Kumagai H1 Nippon University, 2 Kyoritsu Womens College Background/Aim: Diabetes mellitus is one of the serious lifestyle-related diseases because it often leads to various complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy and neuropathy. Most of the diabetic patients are categorized into type 2 which is characterized by insulin resistance and impaired insulin secretion from pancreas. Therefore, it is important to control the elevation of blood glucose level to prevent type 2 diabetes. Major protein in rice albumin (RA) fraction is heat-resistant and indigestible not being hydrolyzed by mammalian digestive enzymes. Therefore, RA may behave like a dietary fiber that adsorbs glucose onto the molecule and prevents its absorption from the intestinal tract. The present study was conducted to examine if RA would suppress the elevation of blood glucose level after glucose loading and if the effect of RA would be attributed to its indigestibility. Methods: RA was extracted from rice flour with water and purified by ammonium-sulfate precipitation. After ammonium sulfate was removed from RA by dialysis, half of the RA sample was treated by alkaline and hydrolyzed by trypsin to prepare rice albumin hydrolysate (RAH). Then, oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were carried out by using RA and RAH. Both RA and RAH were administered to rats together with glucose, and blood was collected from the tail vein at certain interval to measure glucose and insulin levels. In addition, the glucose adsorbability of RA was evaluated in vitro. Results/Conclusions: Not only RA but also RAH suppressed the elevation of postprandial blood glucose and insulin levels in OGTT. Moreover, RA had a function to adsorb glucose in vitro, which might be one of the reasons for the suppressive effect of RA on hyperglycemia. However, as RAH also inhibited the elevation of blood glucose level, some peptides derived from RA might have worked as an inhibitor of glucose absorption. 米アルブミンの食後血糖値上昇抑制作用 ○安藤 俊希 1,長谷 歩 1,旭 恵里奈 1,稲 成信 1,赤尾 真 1,熊谷 仁 2,熊谷 日登美 1 1 日本大学 生物資源科学部 生命化学科、2 共立女子大学 家政学部 食物栄養学科 米アルブミン(RA)による食後の血糖値上昇抑制効果について検討した。RA は,消化耐性を有する状態のものも,ア ルカリ - トリプシン処理により消化耐性を消失させたものも,グルコース負荷に伴う血糖値の上昇を有意に抑制した。 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 91 POSTER12 Effects of topdressing at ear formation stage on contents of the indigestible and digestible proteins in the low-glutelin rice species Satoshi Minakuchi Ehime Research Institute of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Department of Agricultural Research Diet, especially in protein, is an important part of living well with chronic kidney disease patient. In the endosperm of rice, however, Glutelin, α-globulin and prolamin are rich for storage proteins. Prolamin, which is accumulated in protein body I (PB-I), is not readily digested by humans, but glutelin and α-globulin, accumulated in protein body II (PB-II), are digestible proteins (Ogawa et al. 1987). In this study, effects of topdressing at ear formation and ripening stage on contents of protein, yield, and quality were investigated to produce therapeutic diet rice. Two varieties were applied for this investigation. Local variety rice ‘Chugoku 188’ has both the glb1 mutation causes the deficiency of α-globulin, and the Lgc1 mutation reduces the glutelin content. ‘Ainoyume’ is one of recommended varieties in Ehime prefecture. After the basal fertilizer (0.6kg/a of nitrogen component : NC) was applied, both varieties were planted at 15th June 2012. Three fertilizer topdressing trials, 0.4kg/a NC at ear formation stage for standard (designate as STD), 0.6kg/a NC at the same time (designate as STD×1.5), and additional 0.2kg/a NC at ripening stage with STD (designate as STD+TRS), were carried out. Thousand-kernel weight, ratio of perfect grains and total protein contents in brown rice were increased by additional topdressing, STD×1.5 and STD+TRS, in both species. In brown rice of ‘Ainoyume’, the ratio of digestible protein was increased in STD+TRS. On the other hand, the ratio of indigestible protein increased in STD×1.5 and STD+TRS in brown rice of ‘Chugoku 188’. These results indicated that topdressing at ear formation and ripening stage improved the yield and grain quality for both varieties and had negative effect for accumulation of digestible protein in ‘Chugoku 188’. 低グルテリン米における穂肥施用が難消化タンパク質および易消化タンパク質含量に及ぼす影響 愛媛県農林水産研究所農業研究部 ‘中国 188 号’および‘愛のゆめ’を対象に、穂肥について標肥、標肥の 1.5 倍および標肥に加え実肥施用を比較したところ、 いずれの品種も増肥により、千粒重、整粒割合および総タンパク質含有率が高くなった。このとき、‘愛のゆめ’では易 消化タンパク質が増加し、‘中国 188 号’では難消化タンパク質が増加した。 92 POSTER13 Adenosine is an active compound from Driselase-treated fraction of rice bran can improve metabolic-diseases parameters in SHRSP Ardiansyah1,2, Hitoshi Shirakawa2, Takuya Koseki3, Michio Komai2 1 Department of Food Science and Technology, Universitas Bakrie, Jakarta, Indonesia Graduate School of Agricultural Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 3 Faculty of Agriculture, Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Japan 2 Rice bran is a by-product derived from the outer layer of the rice grain and it contains various active compounds which have beneficial effects on human. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of dietary supplementation of rice bran treated with Driselase (DF)—a mixture of plant cell wall-degrading enzymes including cellulases, xylanases, and laminarinases—on metabolicdiseases parameters in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP). Male 4-week-old rats were divided into control group fed based on AIN-93M diet, and the other two groups were fed diet supplemented with DF and ethanol fractions of rice bran. After 8 weeks feeding, supplementation the DF of rice bran had protective effects against hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidemia parameters. By NMR analyses, the active compound was identified as adenosine, and it improved hypertension and the plasma triglyceride, glucose, and nitric oxide levels after 2 h of single administration. Furthermore, the effects of chronic adenosine administration in SHRSP after high-fat diet intake were studied. Hypertension, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and insulin sensitivity were significantly improved in the adenosine-fed group. The mRNA expression levels of genes involved in adenosine receptors were altered in the adenosine groups. Administration of adenosine increased in plasma adiponectin levels, accompanied by upregulation of mRNA expression level of adiponectin and adiponectin receptor 1 in perirenal fat and adiponectin receptor 2 in the liver. In conclusion, DF has beneficial as dietary component to improve metabolic-diseases parameters in SHRSP. East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 93 Index of Participants 㻭㼎㼑㻌㻾 㼜㻙㻣 㻷㼍㼥㼍㼔㼍㼞㼍㻌㻴 㻞㻙㻣㻘㼜㻙㻝 㻼㼍㼞㼗㻌㻶㼅 㻠㻙㻟 㻭㼕㻌㻿㼍㼟㼛㼡 㻟㻙㻡 㻷㼕㼙㼡㼞㼍㻌㼀 㻝㻙㻤㻘㻠㻙㻥 㻾㼍㻌㻶㻱 㻠㻙㻟 㻭㼗㼍㼛㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻣㻘㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻷㼕㼟㼑㻌㻹 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻿㼍㼕㼓㼍㻌㻷 㻜㻘㻠㻙㻠 㻭㼘㼍㼡㼐㼕㼚 㼜㻙㻞 㻷㼛㼎㼍㼥㼍㼟㼔㼕㻌㻷 㼜㻙㻥㻘㼜㻙㻝㻜 㻿㼍㼕㼠㼛㻌㻭 㻟㻙㻤㻘㼜㻙㻤 㻭㼚㼐㼛㻌㻵 㻝㻙㻞 㻷㼛㼙㼍㼕㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻞㻘㼜㻙㻝㻟 㻿㼑㼛㻌㼃㻰 㻠㻙㻟 㻭㼚㼐㼛㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻷㼛㼚㼓㼗㼍㼏㼔㼡㼕㼏㼔㼍㼕㻌㻾 㻝㻙㻠 㻿㼔㼕㼓㼑㼙㼕㼠㼟㼡㻌㼀 㻟㻙㻡 㻭㼛㼠㼛㻌㻴 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻷㼛㼟㼍㼗㼍㻌㻴 㻠㻙㻢㻘㻠㻙㻣 㻿㼔㼕㼗㼍㼚㼍㼕㻌㻹 㻠㻙㻢 㻭㼞㼐㼕㼍㼚㼟㼥㼍㼔 㼜㻙㻞㻘㼜㻙㻝㻟 㻷㼛㼟㼑㼗㼕㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻞㻘㼜㻙㻝㻟 㻿㼔㼕㼞㼍㼗㼍㼣㼍㻌㻴 㼜㻙㻞㻘㼜㻙㻝㻟 㻭㼟㼍㼔㼕㻌㻱 㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻷㼛㼥㼍㼙㼍㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻝 㻿㼕㼞㼕㼏㼔㼍㼗㼍㼣㼍㼞㼚㻌㻼 㻝㻙㻠 㻮㼑㼜㼜㼡㻌㻿 㻜㻘㻞㻙㻡㻘㻠㻙㻤 㻷㼡㼎㼛㼠㼍㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻠㻘㼜㻙㻤 㻿㼛㼚㼓㻌㼅㻯 㻠㻙㻟 㻮㼡㼐㼕㼖㼍㼚㼠㼛㻌㻿 㼜㻙㻞 㻷㼡㼙㼍㼓㼍㼕㻌㻴 㼜㻙㻣㻘㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻿㼡㼓㼍㼣㼍㼞㼍㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻡 㻮㼡㼕㻌㼀㻺 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻷㼡㼙㼍㼓㼍㼕㻌㻴 㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻿㼡㼚㻌㻶 㻜㻘㻟㻙㻢 㻯㼔㼛㼕㻌㻴㻯 㻝㻙㻣㻘㻠㻙㻟 㻷㼡㼜㼗㼍㼚㼏㼔㼍㼚㼍㼗㼡㼘㻌㼃 㼜㻙㻠 㻿㼡㼦㼡㼗㼕㻌㻷 㼜㻙㻢 㻰㼛㼡㼙㼕㻌㻿 㻜㻘㻠㻙㻢 㻷㼡㼞㼚㼕㼍㼣㼍㼠㼕㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻞 㻿㼡㼦㼡㼗㼕㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻥㻘㼜㻙㻝㻜 㻱㻌㻿㼀 㻜㻘㻝㻙㻟 㻸㼑㻌㻰㼀 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㼀㼍㼗㼍㼚㼛㻌㻷 㼜㻙㻥㻘㼜㻙㻝㻜 㻱㼚㼛㼗㼕㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻡 㻸㼑㻌㼀㻴 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㼀㼍㼗㼑㼡㼏㼔㼕㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻢 㻲㼡㼖㼕㼕㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻤 㻸㼑㼞㼠㼗㼍㼙㼛㼘㼗㼍㼞㼚㻌㼂 㻝㻙㻠 㼀㼍㼚㼍㼗㼍㻌㻷 㻠㻙㻣 㻲㼡㼖㼕㼙㼡㼞㼍㻌㻿 㼜㻙㻤 㻸㼕㻌㻰 㻜㻘㻝㻙㻢 㼀㼍㼚㼠㼍㼢㼕㼞㼡㼚㻌㻹 㻝㻙㻠 㻲㼡㼗㼍㼕㼟㼔㼕㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻣 㻹㼍㼑㼐㼍㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻥 㼀㼞㼍㼚㻌㻽㻮 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻳㼛㼠㼛㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻞 㻹㼍㼑㼐㼍㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻝㻜 㼀㼟㼡㼖㼕㼕㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻥㻘㼜㻙㻝㻜 㻴㼍㼚㻌㻿㻵 㻝㻙㻣㻘㻠㻙㻟 㻹㼍㼟㼡㼙㼡㼞㼍㻌㼀 㻟㻙㻡 㼀㼟㼡㼚㼛㻌㻲 㻜 㻴㼍㼟㼑㻌㻭 㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻹㼍㼠㼟㼡㼗㼍㼦㼑㻌㻺 㼜㻙㻣 㼀㼟㼡㼚㼛㻌㼀 㻜 㻴㼍㼟㼔㼕㼙㼛㼠㼛㻌㻴 㻞㻙㻢 㻹㼕㼚㼍㼗㼡㼏㼔㼕㻌㻿 㼜㻙㻝㻞 㼀㼡㼚㼓㼠㼞㼍㼗㼡㼘㻌㻼 㻠㻙㻞 㻴㼕㼞㼛㼗㼍㼣㼍㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻡 㻹㼕㼚㼑㼛㻌㻿 㼜㻙㻡 㼂㼍㼚㼍㼢㼕㼏㼔㼕㼠㻌㻭 㻝㻙㻠 㻴㼕㼣㼍㼠㼍㼟㼔㼕㻌㻷 㼜㻙㻞 㻹㼕㼣㼍㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻝 㼂㼡㻌㻭㻸 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻴㼛㼞㼕㼑㻌㼅 㻠㻙㻣 㻹㼛㼞㼑㼘㼘㻌㻹 㻝㻙㻝 㼃㼍㼗㼍㼙㼕㼥㼍㻌㻺 㻟㻙㻝 㻴㼛㼟㼛㼖㼕㼙㼍㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻤 㻺㼍㼕㼢㼕㼗㼡㼘㻌㻻 㼜㻙㻠 㼃㼍㼠㼍㼚㼍㼎㼑㻌㻷 㻟㻙㻥 㻴㼛㼟㼛㼗㼍㼣㼍㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻡 㻺㼍㼗㼍㼖㼕㼙㼍㻌㻿 㻠㻙㻡 㼃㼍㼠㼍㼚㼍㼎㼑㻌㻾 㼜㻙㻤 㻵㼕㼚㼡㼙㼍㻌㻷 㼜㻙㻟 㻺㼍㼗㼍㼙㼡㼞㼍㻌㻷 㻞㻙㻣㻘㼜㻙㻝 㼃㼍㼠㼍㼚㼍㼎㼑㻌㻿 㻜 㻵㼗㼑㼓㼍㼣㼍㻌㻿 㻠㻙㻢 㻺㼍㼗㼍㼙㼡㼞㼍㻌㻿 㼜㻙㻣 㼃㼍㼠㼍㼚㼍㼎㼑㻌㼀 㻞㻙㻝 㻵㼚㼍㻌㻿 㼜㻙㻝㻝 㻺㼍㼙㻌㻹㻴 㻠㻙㻟 㼃㼛㼔㼘㼝㼢㼕㼟㼠㻌㻹 㻜 㻵㼚㼛㼡㼏㼔㼕㻌㻺 㻞㻙㻠 㻺㼑㼙㼛㼠㼛㻌㻴 㻠㻙㻣 㼃㼛㼚㼓㼜㼛㼞㼚㼏㼔㼍㼕㻌㻿 㻝㻙㻠 㻵㼟㼔㼕㼕㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻢 㻺㼓㼡㼥㼑㼚㻌㼐㼛㻌㻴 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㼅㼍㼙㼍㼓㼕㼟㼔㼕㻌㻭 㼜㻙㻥㻘㼜㻙㻝㻜 㻵㼟㼘㼍㼙㻌㻶 㼜㻙㻞 㻺㼓㼡㼥㼑㼚㻌㼐㼛㻌㼂㻭 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㼅㼍㼙㼍㼓㼡㼏㼔㼕㻌㻹 㼜㻙㻤 㻵㼠㼛㻌㼅 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻺㼓㼡㼥㼑㼚㻌㼀㻸 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㼅㼍㼙㼍㼓㼡㼏㼔㼕㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻠 㻵㼣㼍㼙㼛㼠㼛㻌㻹 㻜 㻺㼕㼟㼔㼕㼖㼕㼙㼍㻌㻯 㻟㻙㻞 㼅㼍㼙㼍㼙㼛㼠㼛㻌㻿 㻜㻘㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㻶㼡㼚㼑㼖㼍㻌㻸㻾 㻞㻙㻟 㻻㼔㼕㼓㼍㼟㼔㼕㻌㻴 㻜 㼅㼍㼙㼍㼙㼛㼠㼛㻌㼅 㼜㻙㻥㻘㼜㻙㻝㻜 㻷㼍㼐㼛㼣㼍㼗㼕㻌㻹 㻜 㻻㼔㼠㼍㼚㼕㻌㻷 㻟㻙㻝 㼅㼍㼚㻌㼃 㻟㻙㻢 㻷㼍㼐㼛㼣㼍㼗㼕㻌㻹 㻟㻙㻣㻘㼜㻙㻠㻘㼜㻙㻤 㻻㼔㼠㼟㼡㼎㼛㻌㻷 㻜㻘㻠㻙㻝 㼅㼍㼟㼡㼐㼍㻌㻷 㼜㻙㻣 㻷㼍㼙㼍㼏㼔㼕㻌㻷 㻟㻙㻟 㻻㼗㼡㼔㼍㼞㼍㻌㼅 㻝㻙㻡㻘㻟㻙㻠 㼅㼛㼟㼔㼕㼐㼍㻌㻹 㻟㻙㻝㻜 㻷㼍㼙㼕㼗㼍㼣㼍㻌㼀 㼜㻙㻣 㻻㼗㼡㼙㼡㼞㼍㻌㻴 㼜㻙㻡 㼅㼛㼟㼔㼕㼙㼛㼠㼛㻌㼀 㻜 㻷㼍㼚㼍㼥㼍㼙㼍㻌㻴 㼜㻙㻡 㻻㼙㼛㼟㼡㻌㼀 㻞㻙㻞 㼅㼡㼘㼕㼍㼚㼍㻌㻺㻰 㼜㻙㻞 㻷㼍㼠㼡㼣㼍㼚㻌㻭 㻝㻙㻠 㻼㼍㼞㼗㻌㻰㻿 㻠㻙㻟 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 95 96 East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 97 98 ᵰᶇᶁᶃᴾᶁᶐᶃᵿᶒᶃᶑᴾᵿᴾᶎᶐᶍᶑᶎᶃᶐᶍᶓᶑᴾᶄᶓᶒᶓᶐᶃᴾᶄᶍᶐᴾᶗᶍᶓ ᵟᶒᴾᵲᶑᶓᶌᶍᴾᶅᶐᶍᶓᶎᵊᴾᶕᶃᴾᵿᶐᶃᴾᶄᶍᶁᶓᶑᶇᶌᶅᴾᶍᶌᴾᶒᶆᶃᴾᶊᶇᶋᶇᶒᶊᶃᶑᶑᴾᶀᶃᶌᶃᶄᶇᶒᶑᴾᶍᶄᴾᵰᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌᴾ ᶒᶆᵿᶒᴾᶊᶃᶂᴾᶓᶑᴾᶒᶍᴾᶉᶃᶃᶎᴾᶍᶌᴾᶐᶃᶑᶃᵿᶐᶁᶆᶇᶌᶅᴾᶍᶌᴾᶑᵿᶄᶃᶒᶗᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶏᶓᵿᶊᶇᶒᶗᴾᶍᶄᴾᶐᶇᶁᶃᵌ ᵟᴾᶕᶇᶂᶃᴾᶐᵿᶌᶅᶃᴾᶍᶄᴾᶎᶐᶍᶂᶓᶁᶒᶑᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌᴾᶇᶌᶁᶊᶓᶂᶇᶌᶅᴾᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶍᶇᶊᵊᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶔᵿᶐᶇᶍᶓᶑᴾ ᶄᶓᶌᶁᶒᶇᶍᶌᵿᶊᴾᶄᶍᶍᶂᴾᶇᶌᶅᶐᶃᶂᶇᶃᶌᶒᶑᵊᴾᵿᴾᶄᶍᶍᶂᴾᵿᶂᶂᶇᶒᶇᶔᶃᵊᴾᶁᶍᶑᶋᶃᶒᶇᶁᶑᵍᶎᶆᵿᶐᶋᵿᶁᶃᶓᶒᶇᶁᵿᶊᴾ ᶐᵿᶕᴾᶋᵿᶒᶃᶐᶇᵿᶊᶑᵊᴾᵿᶐᶃᴾᶂᶃᶔᶃᶊᶍᶎᶃᶂᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾᶋᵿᶌᶓᶄᵿᶁᶒᶓᶐᶃᶂᵌᴾ ᵭᶓᶐᴾᶎᶐᶍᶂᶓᶁᶒᶑᴾᵿᶐᶃᴾᶉᶌᶍᶕᶌᴾᶕᶍᶐᶊᶂᶕᶇᶂᶃᵌ Ȁ ᵬᵿᶒᶓᶐᵿᶊᴾᶍᶇᶊᴾᶃᶖᶒᶐᵿᶁᶒᶃᶂᴾ ᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌ ᵰᵧᵡᵣᴾᵠᵰᵟᵬᴾᵭᵧᵪ Ȁ ᵭᶐᶅᵿᶌᶇᶁᴾᵿᶁᶇᶂᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᴾᶅᶐᶃᵿᶒ ᴾᶎᵦᴾᶐᶃᶅᶓᶊᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵿᶀᶇᶊᶇᶒᶗᴾᵿᶌᶂᴾ ᶆᶇᶅᶆᴾᶁᶆᶃᶊᵿᶒᶇᶌᶅᴾᵿᶀᶇᶊᶇᶒᶗ ᵳᶌᶇᶏᶓᶃᴾᶁᶍᶋᶎᶍᶌᶃᶌᶒᴾᶍᶄᴾ ȀȀ ᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᴾᶕᶆᶇᶒᶃᶌᶇᶌᶅᴾ ᵿᶌᶂᴾᶋᶍᶇᶑᶒᶓᶐᶇᶘᶇᶌᶅᴾᶃᶄᶄᶃᶁᶒ ᵮᵦᵷᵲᵧᵡᴾᵟᵡᵧᵢ ᶿᵋᵭᵰᵷᵸᵟᵬᵭᵪ ᶐᶇᶁᶃ ᵠᵋᶁᶍᶋᶎᶊᶃᶖᴾᶔᶇᶒᵿᶋᶇᶌᶑᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾ ᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌᴾᶕᶇᶒᶆᴾ ᶋᶍᶇᶑᶒᶓᶐᶇᶘᶇᶌᶅᴾᶃᶄᶄᶃᶁᶒ ᵬᵿᶒᶓᶐᵿᶊᴾᵳᵴᴾᵿᶀᶑᶍᶐᶀᶃᶐᴾ ᶄᶐᶍᶋᴾᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌ ᵧᵬᵭᵱᵧᵲᵭᵪ ᵤᵣᵰᵳᵪᵧᵡᴾᵟᵡᵧᵢ ᵵᵿᶒᶃᶐᵋᶑᶍᶊᶓᶀᶊᶃᴾᶎᶍᶕᶂᶃᶐᴾ ᶁᶍᶌᶒᵿᶇᶌᶇᶌᶅᴾᶔᵿᶐᶇᶍᶓᶑᴾᶉᶇᶌᶂᶑᴾᶍᶄᴾ ᶃᶄᶄᶃᶁᶒᶇᶔᶃᴾᶇᶌᶅᶐᶃᶂᶇᶃᶌᶒᶑ ᵭᶇᶊᴾᶑᶍᶊᶓᶀᶊᶃᴾᶁᶍᶌᶁᶃᶌᶒᶐᵿᶒᶃ ᴾᶄᶐᶍᶋᶐᶇᶁᶃᴾᶀᶐᵿᶌᴾ ᶁᶍᶌᶒᵿᶇᶌᶇᶌᶅᴾᶒᶍᶁᶍᶒᶐᶇᶃᶌᶍᶊ ᴾᵲᵫ ᴾᵲᵫ ᵰᵧᵡᵣᵭᴾ ᵰᵧᵡᵣᵲᵰᵧᵣᵬᵭᵪ ᵲᶑᶓᶌᶍᴾᵲᶐᵿᶌᶑᶎᶍᶐᶒᵿᶒᶇᶍᶌᴾᵡᶍᵌᵊᴾᵪᶒᶂᵌ ᵲᶑᶓᶌᶍᴾᵤᶍᶍᶂᴾᵧᶌᶂᶓᶑᶒᶐᶇᵿᶊᴾᵡᶍᵌᵊᴾᵪᶒᶂᵌ ᵲᶑᶓᶌᶍᴾᵰᶇᶁᶃᴾᵤᶇᶌᶃᴾᵡᶆᶃᶋᶇᶁᵿᶊᶑᴾᵡᶍᵌᵊᴾᵪᶒᶂᵌ ᵡᶆᶇᶉᶓᶋᵿᶑᵿᴾᵥᶓᶋᶇ ᵗᵒᴾᵱᶆᶇᶌᶂᶃᶌᵊᴾᵩᵿᶒᶑᶓᶐᵿᶅᶇᵋᶁᶆᶍᵊᴾᵧᶒᶍᵋᶅᶓᶌᵊᴾᵵᵿᶉᵿᶗᵿᶋᵿᵊᴾᵔᵒᵗᵋᵕᵏᵗᵒᴾᵨᵟᵮᵟᵬ ᵲᶃᶊᵘᴾᵉᵖᵏᵋᵆᵎᵇᵕᵑᵔᵋᵐᵐᵋᵖᵎᵎᵎᴾᴾᵤᵿᶖᵘᴾᵉᵖᵏᵋᵆᵎᵇᵕᵑᵔᵋᵐᵐᵋᵖᵎᵔᵎ East Asia Conference on Standardization of Rice Function 99
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