(案) APPLICATION PROCEDURE FOR FOREIGN STUDENT ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING MASTER’S PROGRAM OCTOBER 2015 2015 年 10 月入学 山口大学大学院理工学研究科 博 士 前 期 課 程 学 生 募 集 要 項 外国人留学生特別選抜 (北京における渡日前入学許可) THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY 山口大学大学院理工学研究科 I. Division and Enrollment Capacity Department Division Enrollment Limits Earth Sciences Science Environmental Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering Materials Chemistry Engineering A few students in each division Electronic Material and Devices Engineering Electronic and Information Systems Engineering Perceptual Sciences and Design Engineering Environmental Science and Engineering Ⅱ. Qualifications for Applicants Applicants must have non-Japanese nationality and meet either of the following requirements, and must have taken TOEFL or CET6. 1. They should have received a bachelor’s degree from a four-year university or college. 2. They should be expected to receive a bachelor’s degree from a four-year university or college by the end of September 2015. Ⅲ. Schedule until enrollment 2014 2015 September October 26 15 November 7 Closing date for application for the Briefing Session Invitations to the Briefing Session will be distributed. Briefing Session and aptitude test 28 Announcement of aptitude test results December 26 Deadline for the Discussion period January February March July to September October 23 18 17 Closing date for application Announcement of admission Closing date for enrollment Japanese language training Enrollment Ⅳ. Briefing session A briefing session and aptitude test will be held for prospective applicants for the master’s program at the Graduate school of Science and Engineering. Date : November 7 (Fri.), 2014 Place: Yamaguchi University International Collaboration Office, Beijing (in Capital Normal University) -1- Aptitude test Science department: Oral assessment of major subject on site. (in Japanese or English) Engineering department: Academic achievement test (Mathematics). Interview by teleconference (in Japanese or English) Ⅴ. Application for the Briefing session 1. Application period Application period for the briefing session: September 16 through September 26, 2014 2. Application Documents Submit the following documents written in either Japanese or English. Documents Remarks Application for the briefing session Fill in the prescribed form. Fill in the prescribed form and paste a 4×3 ㎝ photograph(taken Photograph Card within the last 3 months); the photograph should show the Identification Card for the candidate facing the camera without a hat, with his/her head and Briefing session shoulders clearly visible. Submit a certificate of graduation or expected graduation from Graduation Certificate the university. Submit official transcripts of your academic record from the Academic Transcript university. Submit a recommendation letter written by the applicant’s most Recommendation Letter recent academic adviser or the head of the department from which the applicant has graduated or is expected to graduate. Personal History Fill in the prescribed form. In the prescribed form, describe the subject you wish to study as Research Plan well as the objectives and methods of your research. See Note 1. Submit a copy of TOEFL(R) score certificate or copy of CET6 Others score certificate. Note 1: Use the paper provided by the Graduate School to write in your responses, preferably typed on a PC. The responses should be about 800 characters in length in Japanese (or 200 words in English). 3. How to apply Application documents must reach the Admissions Office mentioned in #4 below during the application period. When mailing the application,all the documents should be sent by registered express mail in an envelope with “Application for the Briefing session of the admission in Beijing” written in red. 4. Admissions Office Open: Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 17:15 2-16-1 Tokiwadai, Ube 755-8611 Japan The Graduate School of TEL:+81-836-85-9009 FAX: +81-836-85-9019 Science and Engineering Email: [email protected] 5. Invitations and participation certificate for the briefing session will be sent around October 15 (Wed.), 2014. 6. Announcement of aptitude test results Results of the aptitude test will be mailed to all qualifiers and will also be put up on the web page of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering on November 28 (Fri.), 2014. http://www.gse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/nyuushi/beijing.html -2- 7. Discussion period Qualifiers are to contact supervisors-to-be and carry out discussions by December 26 (Fri.), 2014. Those who have been accepted are to receive the application form for admission, and to proceed according to the procedure given in the following section. Ⅵ. Application for Enrollment 1. All required documents must arrive by the deadline, January 23 (Fri.), 2015. 2. Required documents (All documents are to be filled in English or Japanese.) Documents Remarks Application Form Fill in the prescribed form Application Fee ¥30,000. Only Japanese yen is acceptable. The method of payment will be informed to the applicant at a later date. Note 1. Submitted documents and fees cannot be returned. 3. Application documents must reach the Admissions Office mentioned in #4 below during the application periods. When mailing the application,all the documents should be sent by registered express mail in an envelope with “Application for Foreign Student admission in Beijing” written in red. 4. Admissions Office Open: Monday to Friday, 8:30 - 17:15 2-16-1 Tokiwadai, Ube 755-8611 Japan The Graduate School of TEL:+81-836-85-9009 FAX: +81-836-85-9019 Science and Engineering Email: [email protected] Ⅶ. Screening Selection of applicants will be based on an evaluation of the submitted documents. Ⅷ. Announcement of Screening Results The results will be mailed to successful applicants, and will also be put up on the web page of the Graduate School of Science and Engineering on February 18 (Wed.), 2015. Detailed information on the admission procedure will also be sent to successful applicants. Please complete the admission procedure by the following deadline. http://www.gse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/nyuushi/beijing.html Ⅸ. Admission Procedure Admission Procedure Deadline: March 17 (Tue.), 2015 Ⅹ. Others 1. Japanese language training (1) Most of the lectures for master’s program are conducted in Japanese. Successful applicants are to take Japanese language training courses. (2) Details on Japanese language training as well as on the procedures for coming to Japan will be given along with the admission notice. -3- 2. Date of Entrance October 1, 2015 3. Master’s Program: 2 years 4. Admission Fee and Tuition Fee (1) Admission Fee: 282,000 yen (2) Tuition Fee First Semester (April – September): 267,900 yen by the end of May Second Semester (October – March): 267,900 yen by the end of November Note 1: In the case that Yamaguchi University decides to revise the tuition fee for 2015 entrants after the publication of the application procedure, the revised amounts will be applied. Note 2: If a revision of the tuition fee is made while a student is in the program, the new tuition amount will have to be paid. As regulated under Article 9 of the Law about Protection of Personal Information, any personal information collected will not be used for any other purpose by a third party without the applicant’s consent. -4- Ⅰ.専攻および募集人員 区 分 専 地 理 学 機 社 物 学 科 募集人員 学 専 攻 系 環 工 球 攻 境 共 械 会 生 工 建 質 系 学 設 工 化 専 専 学 学 攻 攻 専 専 攻 攻 各専攻若干名 系 電 子 デ バ イ ス 工 学 専 攻 電 子 情 報 シ ス テ ム 工 学 専 攻 感 性 デ ザ イ ン 工 学 専 攻 環 境 共 生 系 専 攻 Ⅱ.出 願 資 格 日本国籍を有しない者で,次のいずれかに該当し,かつ「TOEFL」または「CET6」を受験したことがある者 1.4年制大学で学士の学位を授与された者 2.2015 年9月までに4年制大学で学士の学位を授与される見込みの者 Ⅲ.入学までのスケジュール 2014 年 2015 年 説明会参加希望者申込み期限 説明会への参加証の送付 9月 10 月 26 日 15 日 11 月 7日 説明会,適性審査 28 日 適性審査結果発表 12 月 26 日 希望指導教員とのマッチング期限 1月 2月 3月 7 月∼9 月 10 月 23 日 18 日 17 日 出願期限 合格通知 入学手続期限 日本語教育の実施 入学 Ⅳ.説明会について 理工学研究科学生募集に係る事前説明会および適性審査を行います。 日 時:2014 年 11 月 7 日(金) 場 所:山口大学北京国際連携オフィス(首都師範大学内) 適性審査: 理学系 専攻に係る口頭試問(日本語または英語による直接面接) 工学系 学力検査(数学) ,テレビ会議システムを使用した面接(日本語または英語) -5- Ⅴ.説明会参加申し込み 1. 申込期間 2014 年9月 16 日(火)∼9月 26 日(金)必着 2. 申込書類 下記の書類を,日本語または英語で作成してください。 説明会参加申込書 本研究科所定の用紙に,必要事項を記入してください。 本研究科所定の用紙に,必要事項を記入してください。 写 真 票 写真票の所定欄に,出願前3ヶ月以内に撮影した上半身・無帽・正面向きの写 参 加 証 真(4cm×3cm)をはってください。 卒 業 ( 見 込 ) 出身大学の卒業(見込)証明書 証 明 書 成 績 証 明 書 出身大学が作成したもの 推 薦 書 出身大学の指導教員または学部長の推薦書 履 歴 書 本研究科所定の用紙に,必要事項を記入してください。 本研究科所定の用紙に,研究を希望するテーマ,その目的および研究方法など 研 究 計 画 書 を記入してください。(注1) そ の 他 TOEFL(R)のスコアの写しまたは CET6 の成績通知書の写し (注1) 研究計画書は,本研究科所定の用紙に日本語では800字程度,英語では200語程度で記入し てください。なお,できるだけパソコン等を使用し作成してください。 3. 申込方法 説明会参加希望者は,申込み期限までに申込書類を下記「4.提出先」に提出してください。郵送の場合は, 必ず「EMS」とし,封筒の表に「北京学生募集説明会参加申込書 在中」と朱書してください。 4. 提出先 山口大学大学院理工学研究科 〒755-8611 宇部市常盤台2丁目16−1 電話 +81-836-85-9009 FAX +81-836-85-9019 E-mail [email protected] 5. 説明会出席案内および参加証の発送について 発送予定日:2014 年 10 月 15 日(水) 6. 適性審査の結果発表 2014 年 11 月 28 日(金) 適性審査合格者へは適性審査合格通知書を送付します。また,山口大学大学院理工学研究科のホームペー ジに適性審査合格者の受験番号を掲載します。 http://www.gse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/nyuushi/beijing.html 7. 指導教員とのマッチングについて 適性審査合格者は,次の期日までに希望指導教員と連絡を取り,話し合いを行います。結果については本 人に通知し,希望指導教員とマッチした者に出願書類を送付しますので,以下の出願手続に沿って書類を提 出してください。 期日: 2014 年 12 月 26 日(金) -6- Ⅵ.出 願 手 続 1. 出願期限 2015 年1月 23 日(金) 必着 2. 出願書類 入学志願票 本研究科所定の用紙に,必要事項を記入してください。 検定料 30,000 円 日本円のみ可。支払方法については,別途連絡します。 ※提出書類および検定料は返却されません。 3. 出願方法 入学志願者は,出願期限までに出願書類を下記「4.提出先」に提出してください。 4. 提出先 山口大学大学院理工学研究科 〒755-8611 宇部市常盤台2丁目16−1 電話 +81-836-85-9009 FAX +81-836-85-9019 E-mail [email protected] Ⅶ.選 抜 方 法 入学者の選抜は,提出書類に基づき総合判定して行います。 Ⅷ.選抜結果の通知 2015 年2月 18 日(水) 合格者へは合格通知書および入学手続書類を送付します。また,山口大学大学院理工学研究科のホームページ に合格者の受験番号を掲載します。 http://www.gse.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/nyuushi/beijing.html Ⅸ.入 学 手 続 入学手続期限 2015 年3月 17 日(火) 必着 Ⅹ.そ の 他 1. 日本語教育について (1)博士前期課程での講義は日本語で行われるため,合格者に対し,日本語教育を行います。 (2)日本語教育と来日手続きの詳細は,入学手続書類と一緒に送付します。 2. 入学年月日 2015 年 10 月 1 日 3. 博士前期課程修学年数 2年 4. 入学料および授業料 (1) 入学料 282,000 円 (2) 授業料 前期分(4∼9月) 267,900 円(納付期限:5月末) 後期分(10∼3月) 267,900 円(納付期限:11 月末) 注1. 本募集要項公表後,2015 年度入学者に係る入学料,授業料を本学が改定した場合は,改定後の額 を納入していただきます。また,既に納入されていた場合は,改定額との差額を納入していただき ます。 注2. 在学中に授業料額が改定された場合,改定後の額を納入していただくことになります。 出願書類等については,本研究科入学者選抜において必要なためご提出いただくものであり,これ によって得た個人情報を,独立行政法人等の保有する個人情報の保護に関する法律第9条に規定さ れている場合を除き,出願者本人の同意を得ることなく他の目的で使用または第三者に提供するこ とはありません。 -7- Academic Staff and Research Field 理学系 Earth Sciences Study Field Research Field Academic Staff Prof. M.Owada ・Magma processes and the Late Paleozoic crustal formation in the eastern part of Asian continent ・Mesozoic magmatism and lower crust modification in the active continental margin ・Magmatic history and continental crust mantle evolution during the formation of the Gondwana supercontinent Assoc.Prof. T.Abe ・Study on growth process and mechanism of synthetic and natural crystals ・Surface observations of synthetic and natural zircon crystals ・Characterization of anorthite crystals Assoc.Prof. M.Nagashima Chemico-crystallographical study of natural and synthetic minerals -especially focus on the behavior of transition metal ions and its effect on crystal structure and hydrogen-bonding system Prof. T. Shimura ・Crustal Evolution on Metamorphic Petrology, Igneous Petrology, and Geochronology Assoc.Prof. K. Kawamura ・Formation process and mechanism of submarine landslides and related topics ・Sedimentation processes from shallow marine to deep‐sea around Japan ・Geologic architecture of accretionary complex in Japan Earth Material Sciences Environmental Geosphere Prof. K. Wakita Sciences Assoc. Prof. A.Sakaguchi ・Accretion tectonics and orogeny in Asia ・Aplication of geospatial data and geoinformation for society ・Structural geology in plate subduction zone Environmental Science and Engineering Study Field Biological Adaptation Research Field Academic Staff Prof. I.Miyakawa ・Maintenance and inheritance of mitochondrial genome in yeast ・Regulation of mitochondrial morphology in yeast ・Structure and function of yeast mitochondrial nucleoids 工学系 Mechanical Engineering Study Field Research Field Academic Staff Fluid Engineering Prof. S. Mochizuki ・Experimental study on the turbulent structre in wall bounded shear flow ・Control and management of jets, channel and pipe flow ・Development of measurement techniques for wall shear stress and velocity Mechanical Systems Control Assoc. Prof. F.Fujii ・Development of wearable robot suit for nursing care workers using pneumatic soft actuator ・Development of auditory-based man-machine interface ・Modeling rate-dependent hysteretic behavior of piezo actuator and its application to control Materials Reliability Prof. K.Goda ・Toughening and strengthening of natural fiber-reinforced green composites ・Strength properties of carbon fiber-reinforced plastics (CFRP) with variation in fibers array ・Mechanical properties of ceramic matrix composites reinforced with long ceramic fibers Prof. Z.W.Jiang ・Smart sensor, actuator and mechatronics system development ・Vitalsign measurement and analysis ・Mechanics and vibration in biomedical engineering Mechatronics -8- Civil and Environmental Engineering Study Field Research Field Academic Staff Assoc. Prof. M. Suzuki Analysis of Ground Behavior during Earthquake and Rainfall, and Its Application to Design and Countermeasure Rock Mechanics Prof. N. Shimizu Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering: Design, Construction, Stability Assessment and Maintenance of Tunnels, Underground Caverns, Slopes and Dams. Field Measurements and Numerical Analysis Soil Mechanics Prof. H. Matsuda Short and Long Term Stability of Ground under Static and Dynamic Loading Conditions Prof. M. Shinji Design Methodology and Construction Method of Underground Infrastructure Prof. Y. Nakata Characteristics of geo-materials and numerical technique for geotechnical engineering Assoc. Prof. H. Sakakibara Participatory Decision Making in Infrastructure Planning and Management Assoc. Prof. H. Suzuki Regional Transportation Planning Travel management through communication Prof. T. Aso Corrosion of Steel Bridges, Dynamic Characteristics of Structures Assoc. Prof. G. Watanabe Seismic Design of Bridge Structures and Maintenance & Monitoring Technique of Bridge Strucutures Construction Materials Assoc. Prof. I. Yoshitake ・Mechanical Properties of Fly-ash Concrete ・Strengthening of Steel/Concrete Members with Fiber Reinforced Polymer ・Steel-Concrete Composite Structure Using an Adhesive Structural Material Engineering Assoc. Prof. K. Takami ・Study on Usage of Industrial Waste Product as Concrete Material ・Study on Nondestructive Testing of Structures Using elastic Wave Prof. K. Hadano Research on the Natural Flows of Water and their Application to Environment and Energy Problems Assoc. Prof. Y. Akamatsu River Engineering, Ecohydraulics and River Restoration Works Assoc. Prof. K. Asai ・Study on water quality purification of lake with Light Emission Diode (LED) ・Study on effective utilization of flood hazard map ・Development of high-accuracy and high-resolution numerical methods for computation of debris flow Prof. M. Sekine ・River Habitat Evaluation and River Habitat Improvement Works ・Water Pollution Analysis and Control ・Environmental Analysis using Satellite Remote Sensing Assoc. Prof. Md.Azizul Moqsud ・Green energy (bio-electricity) by using Microbial fuel cell (MFC) ・Bio-remediation of contaminated soil/ soil that is damaged by natural disaster ・Geo-environmental approach for sediment improvement Geotechnical Safety Structural Materials Urban and Social Systems Engineering Structural Dynamics Applied Hydraulics Environmental and Sanitary Engineering International Civil Engineering -9- Materials Chemistry Study Field Crystalline Materials Materials Reaction Chemistry Quantum Chemistry Organic Molecular Materials Separation Membranes Academic Staff Research Field Prof. R. Komatsu Growth and Characterization of Advanced Single Crystals, and Development of new Applications of These Crystals. Prof. M. Nakayama Investigations on Synthesis of Inorganic and Inorganic-Organic Materials Based on Electrochemical Reactions and Their Functions Prof. K. Hori ・Mechanisms for chemical reactions using quantum mechanical calculations including solvent effects. ・Data base which gathers results of theoretical calculations. ・Synthesis route developments of drugs based on computational chemistry and cheminformatics. ・Development of chemical processes using micro-reactors in conjunction with quantum mechanical calculations. Prof. K. Kasatani Development and Characterization of Organic Optical Functional Materials Prof. M. Higa ・Electrochemical Membranes(ED, RED, DMFC, DMAFC) ・Membranes for water processing(RO, FO) Electronic Materials and Devices Engineering Study Field Nitride Semiconductor Devices Applied Physics Advanced Electronic Materials Advanced Energy Engineering Academic Staff Research Field Prof. K. Tadatomo Epitaxial Growth and Wafer Process of III-nitride Optical Semiconductor Devices Prof. A. Sanada Transformation Optics and Metamaterials Prof. T. Koyanagi Development of New Thermoelectric Materials with High Efficiency Prof. H. Naitou Computer Simulation of Nuclear Fusion and Plasma Physics Electronic and Information Systems Engineering Study Field Academic Staff Electronic and Information Prof. Control K. Tanaka Research Field Research on Theory and Application of Intelligent Control Electromagnetic Wave Divice Prof. H. Kubo ・Guidedwave-type Devices for Communication in Micorowave ・Metamaterial in Micorowave Electromagnetic Device Assoc. Prof. M. Hotta ・Electromagnetic Analysis of Guded-Wave Strutures and its Applications ・Development of Resonant type Wireless Power Transfer System Assoc. Prof. Y. Tamura ・Reliability Analysis for Big Data on Cloud Computing ・Dependability Modeling for Mobile Clouds Assoc. Prof. S. Yamaguchi ・Service Science, Management, and Engineering ・Model-Driven Engineering ・Cloud Computing ・Systems Biology Software Systems Engineering -10- Perceptual Sciences and Design Engineering Study Field Academic Staff Research Field Prof. E. Inai Estimation of Structural Performance and Seismic Performance of Buildings, Development of New Structural System for Buildings Prof. M. Fujita Reduce of Environmental Burden and Building Steel Structure, Building System for a Composite Structure, Estimation of Steel Structural Performance, Development of New Structural Members Assoc. Prof. Zhuguo Li ・Development of Eco/ Fireproof Building Materials ・Rheology and Numerical Analysis Method of Fresh Concrete ・Environment-Conscious Design/Selection Technology of Building Materials Assoc. Prof. T. Akita Estimation of Structural Performance and Seismic Performance of Buildings, Analysis of Buildings Considering Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction Prof. K. Tadamura ・Photo-realistic rendering in computer graphics ・Development of a walk-through system for evacuation drills in virtual space under the assumption of large-scale disaster Structural Engineering Information Media Expression Environmental Science and Engineering Study Field Academic Staff Prof. T. Imai Research Field Optimum Management or Treatment of Wastewater and Organic Solid Waste Environmental Assoc. Prof. Management and Sustainable Engineering T. Higuchi Measurement, Evaluation and Control of Hazardous Air Pollutants and Odors Assoc. Prof. K.Yamamoto Sediment Transport in the Estuary, Water Quality in the Water Environment Prof. M. Niinae Development of Environmental Clean-up Techniques and Resources Recycling System Resources and Environmental System Infrastructure Assoc.Prof. Maintenance Engineering K. Kawamura ・Automation of visual inspection using advanced information technologies ・Lifetime Engineering of Civil Infrastructures including Bridge Management System Prof. Environmental Geotechnical Engineering M. Hyodo Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Mechanical properties of methane hydrate Disaster Prevention System Prof. S. Mitsuishi Earthquake Engineering, Real Time Disaster Prevention Information System -11- ※ 受験番号 Examinee's No. 2015年10月入学 2013年10月入学 山口大学大学院理工学研究科学生募集説明会参加申込書 Application Form for Participation to the Briefing Session THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY 年 月 ′男 (Male) ′女 (Female) フリガナ 氏名 Name 日 Date Signature 年 月 日 生 Date of birth 志望専攻 Division you wish to enter 志望教育研究分野 Study Field 志望指導教員 Academic Adviser 専攻 現住所 Address 連 絡 先 Mailing Address if Different メールアドレス E-mail Address 保 護 者 氏 名 Name (Person to be Notified in Emergency) 続 柄 Relationship 現住所 Address 入学資格 University or College attended 備 考 Note 年 月 大学 Department: Faculty: 学部 University: Date of (Expected) Graduation: ・ Month 学科 卒業・卒業見込 Year (1) 参加申込書記入の際は募集要項熟読の上,記入漏れがないようにすること。 (2) ※印欄は記入しないこと。 (1) Read carefully Application Procedure For Foreign Student Admission to Master's Program in Science and (2) ※Leave blank. Engineering before filling out this form. 2013年10月入学 2015年10月入学 (don't cut off here) 山口大学大学院理工学研究科 2013年10月入学 2015年10月入学 山口大学大学院理工学研究科 THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY 参 加 証 Identification Card for the Briefing Session 写 真 票 Photograph Card 志望専攻 Division 切 ※ 受験番号 Examinee's No. フリガナ 氏 名 Name り 離 (don't cut off here) さ ←写真 Photograph 1. 申込前3か月以内に撮影した上半身・ 無帽・正面向きのもの。4cm×3cm。 2. 写真の裏面全面にのり付けすること。 1. Head and shoulders, hatless, facing forward, 4cm×3cm, taken within the last 3 months. 2. Paste thoroughly. な い こ と 志望専攻 Division ※ 受験番号 Examinee's No. フリガナ 氏 名 Name 備考 (1) 記入漏れのないようにすること。 (2) ※印欄は記入しないこと。 Note (1) Fill in all columns except those marked. (2) ※Leave blank. 山口大学大学院理工学研究科(外国人留学生用)履歴書 Personal History for Foreign Student フリガナ Family Name 氏 名 Name in Native Language First Name Middle Name 氏 名 Name in Roman Block Capitals 生 年 月 日 Date of Birth 年 月 Year Month 日 生 Date 性別 Gender 出生地 Place of Birth 国 籍 Nationality 出 身 大 学 現 住 所 Address TEL ( 学校名および所在地 Name and Address of School 学校名: Name 入学および卒業年月 Year and Month of Entrance and Completion 年 年 学校名: Name Academic History Professional Career 備考 入学: From years 卒業: To 歴 職 歴 入学: From years 卒業: To Secondary Education/ 学校名: Name Junior and High School 所在地: Location 年 所在地: Location 入学: From years 卒業: To 以上を通算した全学校教育修学年数 Total Years of Schooling Mentioned Above 他 入学: From years 卒業: To 所在地: Location の ) - ( Required Years of Study 中等教育/中学および高校 そ ) - ( 正規の修学年数 年 高等教育/大学 Higher Education/ Undergraduate Level ・ 未婚 Unmarried 職 業 Occupation 初等教育/小学校 Elementary Education/ 所在地: Location Elementary School 学校名: Name 学 既婚 Married 大学 学部 学科 University Faculty Department Most Recent Education Background 区 分 男 ・ 女 Male Female 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo 専攻科目 Major Subject ) 学位・資格 Diploma or Degree 年 years 学 校 名 お よ び 所 在 地 Name and Address of School 入学および卒業年月 Year and Month of Entrance and Completion 学校名: Name 入学: From 年yr 月mo 所在地: Location 卒業: To 年yr 月mo 学校名: Name 入学: From 年yr 月mo 所在地: Location 卒業: To 年yr 月mo 勤務先および所在地 Name and Address of Organization 勤 務 期 間 Period of Employment 役職名 Position 年yr 月mo∼ 年yr 月mo 年yr 月mo∼ 年yr 月mo Note 1.幼稚園,保育所教育は学歴に含まない。 2.大学予備教育は中等教育に含まれる。 3.記入欄が不足する場合は,適当な別紙に記入して添付すること。 在学資格 専攻科目等 Student Status Major Subject 職 務 内 容 Type of Work 1.Exclusive kindergarten education or nursery school education. 2.Include preparatory education for university admission in secondary education. 3.In the case the blank spaces above are insufficient for information required, please attach an additional sheet to this form. 志望専攻 Division you wish to enter 志望教育研究分野 Study Field (注)Write out the purpose and plan of your intended research subject or field in Japanese in about 800 characters or type it out in English in about 200 words on this form: sign at the end of the form. 研究を希望するテーマあるいは分野についてその目的及び研究方法を日本語では800字 程度,英文では200語程度(タイプすること)で この様式の用紙に記入し,末尾に署名 すること。 受験番号 Examinee's No. 2015年10月入学 2013年10月入学 ※ 山口大学大学院理工学研究科入学志願票 APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING, YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY 年 月 日 ′男 (Male) ′女 (Female) フリガナ 氏名 Name Date Signature 年 月 日 生 Date of Birth 志望専攻 Division you wish to enter 志望教育研究分野 Study Field 志望指導教員 Academic Adviser 専攻 現住所 Address 連 絡 先 Mailing Address if Different (Person to be Notified in Emergency) 保 氏 名 Name 続 柄 Relationship 護 者 現住所 Address 年 月 入学資格 University or Department: Faculty: 大学 学部 学科 卒業・卒業見込 University: Date of (expected) Graduation: College Attended Month ・ Year 備 考 (1) 願書記入の際は募集要項熟読の上,記入漏れがないようにすること。 (2) ※印欄は記入しないこと。 Note (1) Read carefully Application Procedure For Foreign Student Admission to Master's Program in Science and Engineering before filling out this form. (2) ※Leave blank.
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