BUSSHIN MAY 2014 B U D D H I S T C H U R C H O F O A K L A N D BUSSHIN MAY 2 014 Volume 57 Number 5 Live and Learn IN THIS ISSUE By Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge T here is a legend about Shinran Shonin at an early age that tells the story of his becoming ordained at the young age of nine. Shinran’s early life was very difficult. Although it is thought that he was born into an aristocratic family, he became a monk on Mt. Hiei at the age of nine. On the day that nine-year-old Shinran went to get ordained, it was evening, and his master suggested that they wait until the next day. In response, Shinran is said to have spontaneously composed the following verse: We may think, I will view the cherry blossoms tomorrow, But a storm might arise in the night. It may seem unlikely that a nine year old could come up with a poem of such deep insight. Although we don’t know many details, he may very well have had to encounter the fragility of human life. If we look at his writings as an adult, it is clear that he was a very intelligent person, with deep awareness of himself as well as the Buddha Dharma. Perhaps he really had experienced and learned about the truth of impermanence by the age of nine. As we know, his teachings helped countless people encounter the compassion of the Buddha – we are fortunate that he continued to learn, study, and live the Pure Land Way. In this spirit of study, as we celebrate Shinran’s birthday at our Fujimatsuri service on Sunday, May 19, we have two guest speakers! Both Hironobu Shojun and Haruka Beppu are students from Japan, currently studying at the Institute of Buddhist Studies. There will be both English and Japanese Dharma Messages. Please help us celebrate Shinran Shonin’s birthday and come listen to the Dharma and spend time with our Dharma Family and Friends! In gassho, Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge Message from our President By Linda Minamoto Y es, I’ve been missing in action. I missed writing an article last month…did anyone notice? Time just got away from me. The deadline was looming and I was preparing to leave for the BCA National Council Meeting in Seattle. I simply ran out of time! February started with our General Meeting. It went very smoothly and nothing of significance came Continued on page 2 Minister’s Message 1 Message from our President 1-2 Jr YBA News 2 Cemetery Visitation Schedule 2014 3 Newsroom OBWA 3 Youth Club News 3 Momiji Kai News 4 Call for Graduates 4 In Memoriam 4 June Busshin Deadline Information 4 Institute for Buddhist Studies Request 5 Bazaar has a New Name 6 SACBC Bingo Night 6 Dharma School News 6 Temple Tid-Bits 2014 April Shotsuki Memorial Service 6 7 Fujimatsuri Flyer 8 Calendar9-10 Japanese Section 11-13 BUSSHIN MAY 2014 Jr. YBA News By Grant Tominaga T he last couple of months have been quite busy for the Oakland Jr. YBA. At the end of March, we attended the Bay District Jr. YBA Conference at SACBC. The theme of the conference was “The Wizard of Oz.” The guest speaker was Reverend Marvin Harada from the Orange County Buddhist Church. Delegates were treated to workshops filled with knowledge, compassion and courage. Special thanks to Reverend Brian Nagata for leading our courage workshop. Thank you also to Reverend Bridge. We did a Buddhist rendition of John Lennon’s “Imagine”, and we took first place in the talent show “Courage” section. In April, the Jr. YBA volunteered Message from our President Continued from front page up. The highlight was the installation of our new officers. We have three new members on the Executive Board: Robert Noguchi, PresidentElect, Doris Okano, Recording Secretary, and Norman Yoshida, Financial Assistant. Thank you to Robert, Doris, and Norman as well as those who are continuing in the same capacity as last year. I am especially grateful that Robert agreed to be the President-Elect. There are two new members on the Board: Norman Yoshida and Gloria Fujimoto. February and March were months of contrasts. I had an especially positive experience at the BCA National Council Meeting this year. I have to admit that I usually only interact with BCO members, but this year I expanded my circle and really enjoyed at the East Bay Buffaloes track meet at Contra Costa College. Also, we hosted a bento fundraiser. Special thanks to everyone who came and supported us, as well as the Li family for coordinating this successful fundraiser! We will be hosting our annual Sangha Day Breakfast on Sunday, May 11. Please come and enjoy a complimentary breakfast on us!! The Bay District Jr. YBA Volleyball Tournament will be held at Alameda Point on Saturday, May 24th and Sunday, May 25th. This year, Oakland will have four teams. Please come and support us! it. One of the reasons this happened was the format of the meeting. We were broken out into smaller groups to discuss what the BCA Headquarters could do for the temples. This allowed us to get to know other temple members in a more intimate setting. Also Greg and Gina Chor from Canada were very outgoing and hospitable. They invited a few of us from the Bay District to their room where we shared our thoughts on Buddhism (and, oh yeah, drank a little wine). We stayed up until 3:00 am; I felt like a 30 year old. March brought some sadness to me. A good friend of mine died of cancer. When I think about what happened to my friend, Marilyn, I reflect on Rennyo Shonin’s White Ashes. I saw Marilyn a few days before she went to the doctor. She looked the picture of health and was not complaining of feeling ill. She called me after seeing the doctor to say that she had been diagnosed with terminal cancer. I could not believe it. She did survive for 15 months after the diagnosis for which her family and I are grateful. On a happier note, my family celebrated my older brother’s 70th birthday. It definitely was a joyous occasion. One of my sisters and I recited a poem which was a lot of fun to write (partially a roast). I wanted to do in rap format but not being musically inclined wasn’t able to do it. Lucky for the guests! It’s that time of the year. Our Nikkoland Bazaar/Festival is around the corner. I know that I can count on everyone to help out. Please mark it on your calendars: June 14th and 15th. Happy Spring! In gassho, Linda Minamoto 2 BUSSHIN MAY 2014 Cemetery Visitation Schedule O ver the Memorial Day weekend, the church will be making its annual cemetery visitations on Friday, May 23, Saturday, May 24, and Sunday, May 25. In remembrance of your families, please set aside these days to clean out your families’ resting places, place flowers, and gassho to express your gratitude. The schedule for these three days: Friday, May 23 10:00am Colma Cemetery Saturday, May 24: 10:15am Vallejo Cemetery 11:00am Mt. View Cemetery 11:45am Piedmont Chapel of the Chimes* 2:30pm Hayward Chapel of the Chimes 4:00pm Joint Memorial Service 5:00pm Mt. Eden Cemetery Sunday, May 25: 9:30am Oakmont Cemetery 10:15am Martinez Cemetery 10:45am Pacheco Cemetery 11:30am Concord Memorial Garden 2:00pm Sunset View Cemetery (hillside near mausoleum) 3:00pm Sunset View Cemetery (meadow area at creek) 5:00pm Memorial Day Service at church *Families with niches in Piedmont Chapel of the Chimes who wish to have a service performed: please wait near the entrance closer to the Mt. View Cemetery for the church group. The group should be at Piedmont sometime between 11:30am and noon. The church will go on rounds rain or shine. For those who would like to go along with the church group, please contact the church office at 510-832-5988. The church office will be open Saturday, May 24 from 11:00am to 1:00pm, and on Sunday, May 25 from 3:30pm to 5:00pm to let people into the Nokotsudo while the Church group is making rounds of the cemeteries. We need volunteers to sit in the office for both of those days. A sign-up sheet is available in the office. Youth Club News By Joanne Yoshimura T he Youth Club wrapped up the 2013-2014 basketball season with the Appreciation Dinner on March 21. Thank you to Andy Cho’s team for organizing the dinner. Thank you to the E-Bronze team for doing the table set up for Hanamatsuri. The team is pictured at the Ohtani Tournament on February 23 at Berkeley High School. 3 Newsroom OBWA By Karen Hashimoto T he BCO Buddhist Education Committee and the Women’s Association presented a lecture by Dr. Mark Blum on March 22. Those who attended the presentation by Dr. Blum were treated to an educational and entertaining lecture about Rennyo. We learned how Rennyo played a vital part in spreading teachings of Jodo Shinshu. A recording of Dr. Blum’s presentation will be shown at the church. Watch for the date in the Busshin. The annual Spring Luncheon will be held at the Mira Vista Country Club in El Cerrito on April 27. Anyone interested in attending should contact Patti Hisaoka or June Masuyama before April 15. The cost of the luncheon is $38 for non-OBWA members. BUSSHIN MAY 2014 Momiji Kai News By Nancy Yamamoto T he knitting group met together on Thursday, March 17th, with our instructor, Renie Yoshida Grohl, who always works so hard to assist us as we try to complete the projects each of us is presently working on. Thursday, March 6, approximately 20 members traveled to the newly opened casino, “Graton”, located in the city of Rohnert Park, Sonoma County, about a 40 mile drive from Oakland. It was a gorgeous day and the drive to and from was enjoyed by all. The place was very large and the machines somewhat differed from the other locations. Homeward bound, it didn’t sound like anyone had become a millionaire, but I think the trip itself was enjoyed by all. Since the casino is not presently allowing buses on the site, volunteer church members did the honors in driving us there. We thank Don Kaneshige, Maya Lawrence and Bruce Kawabata for their generosity, taking time out from their busy schedule to accommodate us. Also, thanks to Jean Nakazono for her efforts in putting this trip together. In April, plans are being formulated to present a movie based on the Fukushima disaster accompanied by music which I understand was written specifically for the Tsunami that occurred following the earthquake. Since this movie is quite long, it was decided to be shown on two different days. Our Rev. Harry Bridge offered to handle the technical end of this showing. Thanks, Call for Graduates I s your son or daughter graduating from High School, College or receiving an advanced degree this year? If so, please call the office (510-832-5988 or email [email protected]) before May 1st so that we may celebrate their achievements with a certificate and gift from the church, at the June 1st Graduation Service. Please let us know: Full Name; High School, College or University they are graduating from; Degree. Please join us for the Graduation and Attendance Awards Service on June 1st at 10:00 am. The Dharma School will celebrate students who have attended 30 or more Sundays and students who have attended 22 to 29 Sundays. The Board will honor students who are being promoted from preschool to kindergarten, from elementary to middle school, middle school to high school, and who are graduating from high school and from college!! If you have a son or daughter who does not attend Dharma School, but is graduating, please let the office know before May 1st so we can include your graduate. Bring your cameras! This will be the last Family Service until September! A luncheon will follow the service. 4 Rev. Bridge, we do appreciate your ever helpful assistance. Sometime in July, we are planning to visit the Japanese cemetery in Colma, Ca. Following which we plan to drive to San Mateo for shopping and that all important lunch. Transportation will be handled by volunteer drivers again. Unfortunately, we are all at an age where we are dependent on the younger members to assist us in the travel sector. Please know that we are all truly grateful for your kind act of Dana. At this time, the members wish to express our grateful thanks to Mrs. Maya Lawrence for her most generous donation. Maya, you are always working so hard to help us all. We appreciate your Dana also. In Memoriam The Buddhist Church of Oakland extends its deepest condolences to the families of: Hatsuko Nomura 2/24/14 Shizue Hirabayshi 3/4/14 May the family members find comfort and solace in the Nembutsu, Namu amida butsu. DEADLINE FOR JUNE 2014 BUSSHIN ARTICLES: May 1st Articles submitted after this date may not be printed. Send articles to Joyce Yokomizo: email: [email protected] or fax: (415) 970-0810 You can also send articles to the church office. BUSSHIN COLLATION: Sunday, May 11, 2014 by Jr. YBA BUSSHIN MAY 2014 INSTITUTE OF BUDDHIST STUDIES 2140 Durant Avenue, Berkeley, CA 94704-1589 E-mail: [email protected] ® A Request on Behalf of our Future BCA Ministers As active supporters of the Buddhist Churches of America, I must ask for a moment of your time to consider the following: • In our contemporary, fast moving society, a graduate level education for our future BCA ministers will be essential, as the needs to serve the sangha, likewise, grows ever more challenging. • The ability of our ministers to know and understand religions outside of and in addition to Jodo Shinshu Buddhism will be ever more critical, as many of our current and potential members exist in very diverse communities. • Ministerial students are in need of scholarships to study. The current tuition cost is $46,800.00 for three years of intensive graduate studies. I believe we can all agree that a shortage of ministers is just around the corner. With all these points in mind, I ask you to please consider our “Friends of IBS Annual Giving Program”. The monies we collect will go directly to the IBS Ministerial Scholarship fund, and will be distributed each year to assist our ministerial students. I can personally assure you that any contribution you make will be deeply appreciated. I have one additional favor to ask of you. Please help us spread this message by asking your sangha members to contribute. Thank you. Respectfully, with appreciation, and in gassho, Rev. Seigen Yamaoka Vice President for Development --------------------------------please cut and enclose with your check----------------------------------Yes! Please count me in as a Friend of the Institute of Buddhist Studies. I understand that these funds will be used directly to support the endeavors of our BCA ministers of tomorrow, who wish to study at the Institute of Buddhist Studies. Checks can be made payable to IBS, with the notation “Friends of IBS” on the memo line. Please note that your contributions to the Institute of Buddhist Studies are tax deductible. Name (Mr., Mrs., Ms.,)_______________________________________________________________________ This donation is from my organization ___________________________________________________ Address ______________________________________________________________________________ City______________________ State ___ Zip code_____________ Phone (______)________________ E-mail _________________________ Temple affiliation _____________________________________ IBS is a duly recognized charitable organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. 5 BUSSHIN MAY 2014 Bazaar Has a New Name! B CO’s Annual Nikkoland Bazaar has been renamed to Nikkoland Festival. This will better reflect the joyous and festive feeling everyone experiences at our annual event. New posters, postcards and T-shirts are currently being printed, and will soon be available for members to distribute to friends and family. As mentioned earlier, Gift Cards are needed for prizes for the raffle, Silent Auction and BINGO. We would appreciate any cards for retail, dining, gas, services and more. Please submit them to the BCO office before June 1st. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me through the Church office, or by e-mail at [email protected]. Thanks so much for your support, and I look forward to working with all of you, soon! Gassho, Robert Noguchi Chair, BCO Nikkoland Festival Dharma School News... By Maya Lawrence M arch just flew by! We’ve been working on our Hanamatsuri Presentation which we hope you will enjoy. March is a busy month for everybody, so I am doubly grateful that so many of you find the time to come to church. Thank you so much. And thank you to the Senior High School class for presenting a lesson to our students using a book called “Each Kindness.” In the book, students learn that each kindness, no matter how small, has an effect – like dropping a stone into a pond and seeing the ripples go out. Our students decorated small rocks reminding them of each kindness they can perform. We are also reminded of the Golden Chain: I will try to be kind and gentle to every living thing… On April 26, the Dharma School Teachers will be attending the Federation of Dharma School Teachers’ Leagues Conference in Mountain View. There will be Family Dharma Service at BCO on April 27, but there will be no Dharma School. We are very grateful to our wonderful donors. Thank you to: Roger and Karla Lee in celebration of Bryant Lee’s birthday Mrs. Sachi Matsui for art supplies Mr. and Mrs. Shig Naito for stuffed elephants for the preschool/ kindergarten class Janis Cavey - recovery from surgery Henry Kim and Cindy Sakai Kim in celebration of Conor’s and Jordon’s birthdays Happy Birthday to our students born in April: Grant Kamita, Conor Kim, Rya Kwong, Kiyomi Nomura, Mayumi Nomura, Mason Medeiros, Madison Suko Wishing you all the best!! 6 SACBC Bingo Night, Friday, May 2, 2014 H ow would you like to spend an evening raising money for BCO, while having fun, too? On Friday, May 2nd, BCO will help coordinate BINGO night at the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church (SACBC) in Union City. We need 15-18 volunteers to work the entire evening (approx. 5-10pm). Tasks include cashiering, verifying winners, selling FlashBoard games and Pull Tab sales/payouts. For each evening, BCO receives $500 for the General Fund. If you’re unable to attend, there is also a need for baked goods, including cakes, pies and cookies, which will be sold at the event. This is a good chance to get to know your fellow members, and raise funds for BCO. For more information, or to sign-up, please contact Robert Noguchi, through the Church Office, or by e-mail, at [email protected]. TEMPLE TID-BITS W elcome to New Members in 2014: Shimeko Franklin Margaret Hasegawa William Yamazaki LaRue Stacy Umezu BUSSHIN MAY 2014 2014 May Shotsuki Memorial Service Service: Sunday, May 4, 2014 after Family Dharma Service – approximately 10:45 Sermon by Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge Family and friends are invited to attend this monthly memorial service for those listed above. If any errors appear in the above listing, please direct them to the church office at (510) 832-5988 at your earliest convenience. For next month’s Shotsuki Service, please see the Busshin Calendar. Mrs. Eki Akahoshi Mrs. Tsune Akatani Mr. Hideo Ajari Mrs. Fumiko Arimoto Mrs. Ada Baba Mr. Douglas Berute Davis Mr. Kikuzo Endo Mr. Roy Endo Dr. Wesley Endo Mr. Heisaku Fujii Mr. Ikutaro Fujii Mrs. Kimino Fujii Mrs. Toshie Fujii Mrs. Tsue Fujii Mrs. Yuki Fujii Mr. Kenzo Fujimori – 17th yr Mrs. Dorothy Fujimori Mrs. Dorothy Fujino – 13th yr Mr. Frank Fujino Ms. Elnora Sonoe Fukuya Mrs. Nui Furuta Mr. Soemon Furuta Mr. William R. Galeota, Jr. Mrs. Rose Tomeko Hamasaki Mr. Rokutaro Hanamoto Mr. Kenji Harada Mrs. Kuno Hatakeyama Mrs. Yasu Hayashida Mr. Daikichi Hazama Mr. Tamotsu Henmi Mr. Kihachi Hirabayashi Mrs. Florence Nitta Hiramoto Mrs. Terry Hiramoto Mrs. Nasuko Hirasawa Mr. Kyushiro Hori Mr. Minoru Horiuchi Mrs. Iyo Ide Mr. Masami Isono Mrs. Yasu Isono Mrs. Hatsue Iwata Mrs. Yasu Kanagaki Mr. Frank Mikio Kaneko Mr. Aisaku Kasai Mr. Nobue Kawabata Miss Tamiko Kawabe Mr. Marvin Kawamoto Mr. Zenroku Keiunji Mrs. Matsuye Kimura Mrs. Sei Kimura Mrs. Tsuna Kinoshita Mr. Iwao Kishi Mr. Kichinosuke Kobata Mr. George Koizumi Mrs. Teruko Komure Mr. Tamejiro Kono Mrs. Tsutae Makita Mr. Yosh Maruyama Mrs. Koito Matsumoto Mrs. Kosuzu Matsumoto Mrs. Matsuno Matsumoto Mr. Takinojo Matsumoto Mr. Gitaro Matsutani Mr. Jun Matsutani Mrs. Misao Matsutani Mrs. Ito Misaki Mr. Yeichi Mitani Mrs. Marian Miyamoto Mrs. Emiko Miyamura – 7th yr Mrs. Komume Mizusaki Mrs. Iso Mori Mr. Jotaro Mori Mrs. Kinue Mori Mr. Hiroshi Morimoto Mrs. Yoshi Morimoto Mrs. Minako Morita Mr. Takeshi Nakagawa Mrs. Rubie Ruriko Nakano Miss Mary Nakashima Mrs. Yoi Nakashima Mrs. Miyoko Nakatani Mrs. Tatsuno Nakaya Baby Narasaki Mrs. Kimino Narasaki Mr. Hideso Neishi – 3rd yr Mrs. Yone Neishi Mrs. Ayako Nishiyori Mrs. Tai Ochikubo Infant Tatsuko Oka Mr. Tetsuo Okai Mrs. Chieko Okano Mrs. Hide Okano Mr. Kikujiro Okano Mr. Hikotaro Okano Mr. Tsunetaro Okawachi Mrs. Kazue Ota Mrs. Masako Ota Mr. Yasuo Ohtani – 50th yr Miss Donna Oto Mrs. Asano Otsuka Mrs. Rui Otsuka Mr. Toyoshichi Otsuka Mrs. Taeko Robinson – 13th yr Mr. Otojuro Sakai Mr. James Sakamoto Mrs. Kishi Sasajima Mrs. Natsuyo Sasaki Mr. Yoichi Sato – 3rd yr Mr. Shosuke Shintaku Mr. Umeji Shintaku Mr. Tadao Sumimoto Mrs. Mitsuko Tachiki Mr. Shizuo Takata Mr. Masao Takeda Mr. Kumeo Tamori 7 Mr. Robert Tanaka Mrs. Yukino Tanaka Mrs. Nao Tani Miss Kazue Tanizawa Mr. Jinsuke Toji Mrs. Kumi Toriyama Mrs. Suma Tsuchida Mr. Eimatsu Tsuchida Mr. Darryl Tsujimoto Mr. Kusuo Tsujimoto Mr. Chikao Tsukimura Mrs. Eiko Tsukimura Mr. Tokusuke Tsukimura Mr. James Uchiyama Mrs. Tei Ugai Mrs. Hisano Umemoto Mrs. Sugae Umemoto Mrs. Sachie Uratsu – 7th yr Mr. Moshichi Urushibata Mrs. Moto Urushibata Mrs. Sato Urushibata Mrs. Helen Ushijima Mr. Jack Wong Mr. Yoshio Yamabe Mr. Michisuke Yamamoto Mrs. Naono Yamamoto Mr. Yutaka Jim Yamamoto Mr. Shotaro Yasuda Mrs. Hatsumi Yokomizo Mrs. Ise Yokomizo Mr. Motohachi Yokomizo Mr. George Yokoyama – 3rd yr Mr. Yoemon Yoshida Mrs. Yoshiko Yoshida – 3rd yr Mrs. June Yoshioka Mr. Sato Yoshioka Mr. Ross Yoshisato BUSSHIN MAY 2014 May 18, 2014 Fujimatsuri (Gotan-e – Birth of Shinran Shonin) & Infant Presentation Ceremony POTLUCK LUNCH after the Service Bring your favorite dish, salad, or dessert, to celebrate Shinran Shonin’s birthday. Infant Presentation Ceremony If you would like your infant, one year old or younger, to participate in the Infant Presentation Ceremony, please contact the BCO Office (510‐832‐5988 or [email protected]) before May 4 so that the certificates can be prepared. 8 BUSSHIN MAY 2014 ~ May 2014 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Busshin Articles Due SACBC BINGO NIGHT Gakuen 5 – 10 p.m. Issei Kaikan, (BCO Fundraiser) 9:00-12:00 pm Momijikai, Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm 3 Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 4 OBWA Meeting 5 6 9:00-10:00 am Line Dancing, Social Hall, 1:00-2:30 Family Dharma Service pm 10:00-10:45 am Karaoke, Social Hall, Shotsuki Memorial & 7:30-9:30 pm Adult Dharma Service 10:45-11:30 am 7 8 9 Board Of Directors Gakuen (Adult) Meeting, Small Chapel, Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 7:00 pm Concord Howakai 7:00-8:30 pm 10 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Ikebana Social Hall, 2:00-4:00 pm Last DS Teachers Meeting 11:45 am 11 12 13 Sangha Day Breakfast– Wanto Shodo Kai Jr. YBA, 8:30-10:00 am Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon Family Dharma Service 10-10:45 am Karaoke, Social Hall, 7:30-9:30 pm Adult Dharma Chat 10:45-11:30 am 14 15 Evening Dharma Service & Discussion, 7:00-8:30 pm Momijikai, Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm 16 17 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Obon Shift Schedules Due Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 Dharma Study & Discussion 2:00-4:00 pm Business Committee Meeting, Small Chapel 7:00-9:00 pm Hondo Cleaning Busshin Collation-Jr. YBA 18 Gotane / Fujimatsuri, Infant Presentation Service 10-11:30 am 19 Karaoke, Social Hall, 7:30-9:30 pm Potluck Lunch 20 21 22 23 24 Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association General Meeting Issei Kaikan, 7:00-9:00 pm Bazaar Coordinating Committee / Obon Planning Meeting, Social Hall, 7:00-8:30 pm No Gakuen Memorial Day Weekend Cemetery Visitations No Gakuen Ashland Howakai 5:00-6:30 pm Memorial Day Weekend Cemetery Visitations BCO Office Hours: 11:00 am-1:00 pm Bay District Jr. YBA Volleyball Tournament – Alameda Point Jr. YBA – BD Social 7:30-10pm, Social Hall 25 26 Memorial Day Weekend Cemetery Visitations Memorial Day (Office Closed) BCO Office Hours: 3:00-5:00pm 27 28 29 Busshin Articles Due Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 Asian Health Services Monthly Meeting Social Hall, 9:00 am12:00 pm Memorial Day Service, 5:00 pm Bay District Jr. YBA Volleyball Tournament – Alameda Point 9 30 31 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm BUSSHIN MAY 2014 ~ June 2014 ~ Sun Mon 1 2 OBWA Meeting 9:00-10:00 am Hondo Cleaning Line Dancing, Social Hall, 1:00-2:30 pm Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Board of Directors Momijikai, Meeting, Little Chapel, Small Chapel 7:00 pm 10:00 am-2:00 pm Family Dharma/Graduation Service 10:00-11:15 am Sat 7 Gakuen – Last Day Presentations & Luncheon, Social Hall, 9:00-1:00 pm Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 Kuri Manju Prep, Main Kitchen, 9:00 am-12:00 pm Shotsuki Memorial & Adult Dharma Service 11:15-12:00 pm Ikebana Social Hall, 2:00-4:00 pm Graduation LuncheonBoard, 12:00 -1:00 pm 8 9 No Family Dharma Service Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon 10 11 12 13 Evening Dharma Service & Discussion, 7:00-8:30 pm Concord Howakai 6:00-8:30 pm Nikkoland Bazaar Prep, Nikkoland Bazaar 7:00 am 3:00-8:00 pm 14 18 19 20 21 27 28 Bazaar Construction, 8:30 am-1:00 pm Kuri Manju Workshop, 8:30 am-1:00 pm Busshin CollationDharma School 15 16 Nikkoland Bazaar 12:00-7:00 pm Bazaar De-construction Kitchen Clean-up and Clean-up, 9:00 am 9:30 am De-construction and Clean-up 7:00 pm 17 Momijikai, Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association General Meeting Issei Kaikan, 7:00-9:00 pm 22 23 No Service Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon 29 30 24 25 26 Asian Health Services Monthly Meeting Social Hall, 9:00 am12:00 pm Notes No Service 10 Busshin Articles Due BUSSHIN MAY 2014 11 BUSSHIN MAY 2014 Pkd% Rt<=@*AE7FE,+F0-D9kd% P O`IO`hO`P²ª('!¯ ¶^ §±N)d YBA»T¬ ST .F0?D9STYBA ½P`G¾»T)a]Xb$%KV& %!za]`$%¬p )_"'!½t :3Fg² ¬}%! ¾ q¥º|! u c&OO`h.F0?D9rjU´[mlQ L`G ~)Gx'! ³ Yf ! c&II`G/58C:BFrjUs46-lQ L`O~)Gx'! ³ Yf ! 12 BUSSHIN MAY 2014 PKªNMn P a]` H X `G `X O`I O`h O`P µ i azH azH a]` a]` azP a]`$% a]L$% a]L$% p v£ « NT 2D2F9®T ½¬¾p ·°T¿©¡%« *4>?D9®T kd% kd% kd% ·°T¿©¡% ©¡% ¬¼¦Q°)&¸Rt ·°T¿©¡% P`X½¾a]`$% _"'!Rt§±±1585;F/F OQÀIBS{ewoW\¢ &W «zy#!¹q ¥º|! «Z P « h½¾_" %! `p v£d% %! 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