BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 B U D D H I S T C H U R C H O F O A K L A N D BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2 014 Volume 57 Number 12 The Season of Gratitude IN THIS ISSUE By Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge I t’s official – we have entered the “Holiday Season” of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s. I have a variety of memories about these three holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas were much more meaningful when I was a kid living in the United States – we had turkey, Christmas tree, etc. Moving to Japan at age 11, no more turkey, and Christmas just wasn’t the same, even though the school I went to, the American School in Japan, took those holidays off. You could tell, though that New Year’s Eve & Day were a much bigger deal in Japan. It’s interesting for me to end up in the Buddhist Churches of America where I can celebrate both aspects of my earlier experience. Even though Thanksgiving is a very “American” holiday, we can also understand it as an acknowledgment of the gratitude that Buddhism teaches. Christmas, although ostensibly a Christian holiday, is a time where we can practice giving through our gifts, and spend this important time together with our families. I find that families at the temple often uphold the traditional Japanese food and gathering traditions of their ancestors. I have written about this before, but I have learned to approach the Holiday Season instead as the “Season of Gratitude,” even extending it into January with Hoonko. Learning to appreciate everything I have been through, all the love, compassion and instruction I have received throughout my life in both the United States & Continued on Page 4 Message from our President By Linda Minamoto W ell, despite our BEST efforts, my team did not win BCO’s golf tournament on October 6. However, we had a good time and, of course, it was for a good cause. The weather was great and we had a good turnout. Thank you to the golf tournament committee: Keiju Terada (Chair), Michael Endo, Mary Hiromoto, Ed Mon, Peter Nakaso, Ron Nomura, Jeff Suda, Ted Tanisawa, and Gary Tominaga. A special thank you to our generous donors and invaluable volunteers. This year a part of the proceeds will be donated to the Asian Health Services. We were lucky to have the Bishop, Reverend Umezu, and his wife, Janet, join us for the award’s dinner. In addition, we were honored to have Continued on Page 2 Minister’s Message 1&4 Message from our President 1-2 January Busshin Deadline Information 2 Buddhist Education News 3 Jr. YBA News 3 Youth Club News 4 Momijikai News 4 Newsroom OBWA 4 In Memoriam 4 Holiday Greetings Form 5 Dharma School News 6 2014 December Shotsuki 7 Memorial Service Temple Tid-Bits 7 New Years Omochi Form 8 Calendar9-10 Japanese Section 12-14 BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 Message from The President Continued from Front Page representatives from the Consulate General of Japan attend the dinner, including the Consul General, Mr. Masato Watanabe. We celebrated and expressed our appreciation to our Keirokai members at a special service and luncheon on October 12. The luncheon was delicious. It was organized and planned by Jon Takagaki and Gloria Fujimoto. We were entertained by the Karaoke group. Thank you to all those who helped make it a fun event for our Keirokai. October ended on a great note…the winning of the World Series by the San Francisco Giants. What an exciting series! I love the SF Giants. Reverend Bridge’s theme for his Dharma Talks in October was right conduct/behavior (one of the Eightfold Noble Path). What I find so compelling about the SF Giants is their right/positive conduct/behavior. In today’s world, where so many sports’ figures behave badly (e.g., players from the NFL involved in criminal acts of violence), it is refreshing to support a team whose members are positive role models. Many of their players persevered through adversity to finally be on a winning World Series team (e.g., Tim Hudson and Travis Ishikawa). It was also through “right effort” that the team was successful. Go Giants! Things are winding down. Don’t forget mochitsuki is coming up on December 14th. We can use any and all help. If you haven’t come out before, I can assure you that it is a lot a fun and you’ll enjoy yourself! In Gassho, Linda Minamoto 2 DEADLINE FOR JANUARY 2015 BUSSHIN ARTICLES: DECEMBER 1ST Articles submitted after this date may not be printed. Send articles to Joyce Yokomizo: email: [email protected] or fax: (415) 970-0810. You can also send articles to the church office. BUSSHIN COLLATION: Sunday, December 14th, 2014 by Youth Club BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 Buddhist Education News By Gayle Noguchi C elebrate Bodhi Day with us on Sunday, December 7th commemorating the day Shakyamuni Buddha became enlightened. Service begins at 10:00 a.m. Join us on Wednesday, December 10th, 7:00-8:30 p.m. for our monthly Evening Dharma Service and Discussion with Reverend Harry Gyokyo Bridge. All adults and young adults interested in Buddhism are welcome! Please note there will be no Saturday Dharma Study Class this month. Ring in the New Year with your BCO Dharma Family on New Year’s Eve, Wednesday, December 31st. Service begins at 8:00 p.m., and then participate in the tradition of striking the kansho and enjoying a bowl of soba noodles! REGISTER NOW – SPACE LIMITED! WHAT: Essentials of Buddhism: a 4 part introduction to Buddhism Presented by Sensei Elaine Donlan of the Buddhist Church of San Francisco WHEN: Thursdays, January 8, 15, 22, and 29, 2015 7:00-8:30 p.m. WHERE: BCA Bookstore, 2140 Durant Ave. Berkeley (one block up from Shattuck Ave.) Does Buddhism seem complex and confusing to you? Are you stumped when asked to explain it to someone? Then this 4 part introduction to Buddhism is for you! Sensei Donlan will teach you what you need to know. Previously taught at the Buddhist Church of San Francisco, this very popular class is now available in the East Bay for the first time! Registration is free – donations are welcome and appreciated. To register, contact Gayle Noguchi at 510-809-1435 or [email protected]. Jr. YBA News By Kelsey Hirota H appy belated Halloween and Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you again to all those who came to our haunted house. In early November, we travelled to Fresno to attend the CC Jr. YBA Conference on the 7th-9th. Here, we got to meet up with many other teens from other Buddhist Temples from cities such as Fresno, Berkeley, Sacramento, Alameda, and more, all while having fun and learning more about Buddhism. You may have seen YBA members recently running around the Church with cameras and computers, wondering, “what the heck are they doing?” Well, we were just shooting our skit for Bodhi Day, which we previewed in Fresno. Thank you to everyone who helped us on this fun trip, especially all the parents who drove and chaperoned for the weekend! In addition to the trip to Fresno, we chaired multiple services and participated as Teaching Assistants 3 for the Dharma School on the 16th. Our annual See’s Candy sales also started on that day, so remember to buy some discounted おいしい See’s Candy to give to your loved ones for the holidays! In December, we are going to show our Bodhi day skit on the 7th, as well as serve our Mochitsuki Udon Luncheon on the 14th for everyone who comes to Mochitsuki to help out. BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 Youth Club News… Girls D-Silver Team Newsroom OBWA By June Nomura H ello Everyone, welcome to the 2014-2015 Youth Club basketball season! This year Eric Masamori is coaching the Girls D-Silver team. Currently there are 6 girls on the team (Cameryn Kwong, Emiko Masamori, Mayumi Nomura, Marley Valparaiso, Lanae Wong and Elise Young) and we are looking for more girls interested in playing basketball. The girls started practice in October and games will begin at the beginning of December. The girls practice at Redwood Day School in Oakland on Fridays from 6:45pm to 8:30pm. If you know of any girls in 4th or 5th grade, who are interested in playing, please feel free to contact Eric Masamori or myself via email (Eric at [email protected] or June at [email protected] ) Momiji Kai News By Nancy Yamamoto D ue to many unforeseen happenings lately, the Momiji kai group has been inactive these last several months. As the new year approaches we do hope to be able to resume our pre-planned activities once again. The regular meetings for November will be on Thurs., November 6th and 20th, per our original schedule. We hope to see you all at 10:00 a.m. on these dates. The Momiji kai members mourn the recent passing of Mrs. Fumi Soga who had been a long time member of the organization. At this time we wish to acknowledge with sincere gratitude, the very generous donations from Mrs. Renie Grohl, Mrs. Jean Nakazono and Mrs. Lynn Chung. Our sincere thanks to you ladies. By Karen Hashimoto O BWA gratefully acknowledges the following donations: Jean Nakazono - appreciation of visit Cathy Miyasaki – appreciation for visiting her mother, Sachi Matsui Mami Yamagishi - donation of craft supplies Ruby Kuritsubo and Linda Minamoto – Eshinnin-Kakushinnin-Lady Ohtani Service Judy Kano - Memory of Grace Misaki Alice Neishi – Fukuoka Party Kayoko Fujimoto – Orei for attendance at FBWA Conference in Irvine Our annual Bonenkai will be held on Sunday, December 7. We have a greeting card and craft sale that day. For information, contact Carol Thunen or Patti Hisaoka. Minister’s Message Continued from Front Page In Memoriam The Buddhist Church of Oakland extends its deepest condolences to the families of: Mrs. Evelyn Fumiko Soga, October 10, 2014 Mrs. Alice Kaneshige, October 23, 2014 Mr. Moe Neishi, October 26, 2014 May the family members find comfort and solace in the Nembutsu, Namu amida butsu. 4 Japan, I am glad to have encountered the teachings of the Buddha. As American Buddhists, we can incorporate the best aspects of our own personal histories, our family traditions, and hopefully approach it all in a spirit of gratitude and appreciation. In gassho, Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2014-2015 年始挨拶を交換しましょう 2015年の親春も近ずいていまいりました。当仏教会では仏心新年号で恒 例の年始挨拶交換をいたします。申し込み欄に年賀の挨拶の言葉を書き入 れ、十一月二十四日(月)までに仏教会事務所にお届けください。写真 (白黒)も入れることができます。これに対するお礼はご懇志として仏教 会にお納めくださるようお願い申し上げます。 合掌 オークランド仏教会年始交換員会 門信徒の皆様へ Your church is now beginning preparations of the 2014-15 "Holiday Greetings" in which we are given the opportunity to extend our personal greetings to all our friends and church family members. As in the past, the purpose of the holiday greetings is to assist you in extending your holiday wishes to your church family during the holiday season. Utilizing this church service does not detract from the spirit of the individual cards you would be sending. Your message may be in any shape or form -- long or short as you please. If you desire, a clear black and white photo of your family and/or pet(s) may be included. Of course, photos will have to be cut and/or reduced or enlarged in order to utilize the available space. If you would like to advertise your business, send in your business card... BUT ABOVE ALL, BE SURE TO SIGN YOUR NAME(S). Won't you join us in this church family project? Please fill out the form below and mail it back to the church by MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2014. This will give the committee ample time to organize, finalize, print and collate the issue and mail it in time for the New Year. MAIL TO: With Gassho, Holiday Greetings Committee BUDDHIST CHURCH OF OAKLAND 825 JACKSON STREET OAKLAND, CA 94607-4723 ATTN: HOLIDAY GREETINGS = = = = = = = = = cut here = = = = = = = = = "HOLIDAY GREETINGS 2014-15" MESSAGE: ENCLOSURE: (please check) __ PHOTO __ BUSINESSCARD NAMES 5 DANA: $ __________ BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 Dharma School News... By Maya Lawrence W hat a frightfully wonderful Halloween Party! The Dharma School Parents and the Jr. YBA really know how to throw a party!! Thank you to Delia Ikeda and her helpers, Joanne and Scott Morgan, Karla Lee, Cindy and Henri Sakai Kim, and Kathy Aoki for some great games. Thank you to Valerie and Tak Otsuka for the donut bites game and the guessing games. Gary Lawrence, Ron Nomura, Norm Yoshida, Jon and Linda Takagaki kept churning out great pizzas, too. Thank you, too, to Ron Fujii for the great watermelon and grapes. So many people helped put out the food, set up the tables, and take down the tables. Thank you all! Our progress on the Eightfold Noble Path continues: In September, we focused on Right Effort and the Dharma School cleaned their classrooms. We are resuming our Non-Perishable Food Drive in January, but for now, we continue to have our Alameda County Food Bank barrel available for whatever donations you feel you can give. If you have E-WASTE that you would like to get rid of, you can bring the items to church during November. Anything with electronics qualifies. If you are donating an old CRT television, please attach your name and your address to the item (required by law). We are very grateful to our donors. Thank you very much! Mrs. Alice Shibata - Keirokai appreciation Rosalie Kido - Keirokai appreciation Ruby Kuritsubo - Keirokai appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Yoneyama - Keirokai appreciation Ms. Lou Minamoto - Keirokai appreciation In October, we focused on Right Conduct, collated the Busshin with the help of many other Sangha members, worked on our Keirokai gifts, learned a new gatha and enjoyed our Halloween Party. Now in November, we will explore Right Mindfulness. Being mindful of the Buddha’s teaching, being mindful of the environment and our effect on others, being mindful of all that has been given to us. A lot to be mindful of as we observe Thanksgiving and our Perpetual Memorial Service. We have a special Sunday the best!! planned for November 23rd at church. Christine Bartlett, a good friend of Jun Hamamoto, will lead a workshop called Build It. Christine’s workshops are always fun (and educational, too). We’ve been happy to work with her before at the Lawrence Hall of Science. Hope you can make it! 6 Happy Birthday to our students born in November: Mason Kim, Colin Kwong and Leila Neishi. We wish you all BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 2014 December Shotsuki Memorial Service Service: Sunday, December 7, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. following Family Service Dharma Message by Rev. Harry Gyokyo Bridge Family and friends are invited to attend this monthly memorial service for those listed below. If any errors appear in the list below, please notify the church office at (510) 832-5988 at your earliest convenience. For next month’s Shotsuki Service, please see the January calendar. Mrs. Wakako Adachi Dr. Larry Aikawa Mrs. Yoneko Aochi Mrs. Koto Aoyagi Mr. Yasutaro Chiyoda Mrs. Fumie Doi Mr. Goro Endo Mr. Fusakichi Fujii Mrs. Carrie Fujii Mr. George Fujino Mr. Noboru Fukuchi Mrs. Michiko Fukutomi Miss Emiko Furuta Mrs. Toshiko Furuta Mr. Jay Gluck Mrs. Sumie Hiramoto Gluck Mrs. Mutsu Gonda Mr. Utaro Harada Mrs. Kinuko Diana Hayashi – 7th year Mrs. Osue Hirabayashi Mr. Fred Hiromoto Mrs. Fuji Ikeda Mr. Dick Kanzaki Mr. Keishu Kanzaki Mr. Otokichi Kashima Mr. Tamesaku Kataoka Mrs. Kiyono Kawabata Mr. Yuji Kawabata Mrs. Hisa Kawamoto Miss Pearl Kawamoto – 3rd year Mrs. Riu Kawaoka Mrs. Yufu Kisanuki Mr. Keisaburo Koda Mr. Kazuo Koizumi Mr. Takehei Kono Mr. Heitaro Kosobayashi Mrs. Margaret Kubota Mr. Myosuke Kuramura Mr. Torahei Masuoka – 50th year Mr. Ben Matsui – 1st year Mrs. Matsu Matsui Mr. Chosei Matsui Mrs. Fusako Matsutani Mrs. Kinu Matsutani Mr. Rokusaburo Miyamoto Mr. Masato Mori Mr. Yoshihisa Mori Mr. Naoto Roy Muramoto Mr. Yotaro Najima Mr. Nobori Nakagawa – 17th year Mr. Toru Tom Nakagawa Mr. Hiroshi Nakai – 50th year Mr. Masato Nakao Mr. Takashi Nakao Mr. Seiichi Nakatani Mr. Eiichi Nakazono Mr. Eisaburo Natsuhara Miss Gloria Natsuhara Mrs. Nobuko Natsuhara Miss Masako Neishi Mr. Sadaichi Neishi Mr. George Nobori – 17th year Mr. Don Nomiyama Mr. Jerry Nomura – 17th year Mr. Sekinosuke Okai Mrs. Mary Fumiye Okamura Mr. Shinji Okamura – 13th year Mrs. Hide Okano Mrs. Kimiyo Okawachi Mr. Takashi Okawachi Mr. Keiji Onizuka Mrs. Jane Otsuka Mr. Tomio Otsuka Mrs. Wendy Mitsu Pendro Mr. Jun Sasaki – 7th year Mr. Yukichi Sasaki Mr. Mitsuzo Satake Mrs. Tomino Shigemoto Mrs. Amy Shimada – 3rd year Mr. Yoshizo Shimamoto Mr. Masao Shinomoto Mr. Shigeyoshi Suwa 7 Mrs. Hatsue Sunagawa Mr. Yoshitsugu Takeda Mr. Seikatsu Takesaka – 50th year Mrs. Teiko Tamori Mr. Ichiro Tanaka Mr. Masaichi Tanaka Mrs. Masayo Tani Mrs. Kusu Tanita Mrs. Mary Tsuboi Mr. Shozo Tsuboi Mrs. Ayako Agnes Tsuji Miss Yumiko Tsujimoto Mr. Shigekazu Umemoto Mrs. Kin Usui Mrs. Teruko Uyeno Mr. George Watanabe Mr. Yotaro Watanabe – 50th year Mr. Howard Worrell Mrs. Yoshiwo Yabe Mr. Naozo Yago Mr. George Yamaguchi Mr. Noboru Yamanaka – 13th year Mr. Takefumi Yasuda Mrs. Masae Yokomizo Mrs. Nobuye Nowie Yokomizo – 7th year Mr. Yonekichi Yokomizo TEMPLE TID-BITS A re you or someone you know moving, have a new mailing address? Please notify the church office so we can update our records. The office will be closed Thursday, November 27 and Friday, November 28. Thank you. BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 New Year’s Omochi The traditional New Year’s Omochi will be prepared by the Buddhist Church of Oakland on SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014 from 7:00 a.m. The Omochi is being offered to members and the public on a donation basis as listed on the order form below. For procurement of the necessary ingredients, Please turn in your order form by DECEMBER 8th. We will no longer be accepting orders past the deadline. LAST MINUTE REQUESTS on the day of mochi tsuki will not be filled until all preorders have been filled. In order for the marketing and packaging crew to accurately fill your order, an order form has been provided for you below. Please note that there is a space for you to note the approximate desired pick-up time. Also, a space has been provided for the name of the individual who will be picking up your order. It is requested that orders be picked up between 3:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. Members are urged to invite supporters, where this form is not sent, to place orders with the church at (510) 832-5988. Office hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday. PN^'/)/ PNS^92N9=J`Ja4G6W#!TO'/)/$; 5 1QHSUMY092N8J`Na4G6I@ 1^>I[Z%E! AJ<V4G6:B2L3L\+*(&*, "%^F7 ?IDR K-.,CX"]_ * * * * * CUT HERE * * * * * ORDER FORM Buddhist Church of Oakland 825 Jackson Street, Oakland, CA 94607-4723 DATE _________________________ NAME __________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________________________ CITY ____________________ TELEPHONE _____________________________ I will pick-up my order at ________ p.m. My order will be picked-up by _________________________________ DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE QTY Ordered $ AMOUNT NOSHI MOCHI PC $8.00 (3 lbs.) ___________ _________________ KAGAMI MOCHI (large 1 ½ lbs.) SET $4.50 ___________ _________________ KAGAMI MOCHI (small ¾ lbs.) SET $3.00 ___________ _________________ KOMOCHI LB $3.50 ___________ _________________ ANKO MOCHI LB $4.50 ___________ _________________ PLEASE SEND TOTAL AMOUNT TO OFFICE WITH THIS FORM. 8 TOTAL AMOUNT __________________ BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 ~ December 2014 ~ Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Busshin Articles Due Wed 3 4 Karaoke, Social Hall, 7:30-9:30 pm 8 OBWA Meeting 9:00-10:00 am Fri 5 Board of Directors Momijikai, Small Meeting, Small Chapel, Chapel 7:00 pm 10:00 am-2:00 pm Line Dancing, Social Hall, 1:00-2:30 pm 7 Thu 6 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 9 10 11 EBYAL Issei Kaikan, 7:00-9:00 pm Evening Dharma Service & Discussion, 7:00-8:30 pm Gakuen (Adult) Youth Club Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 Set-up for Mochisuki 12 Bodhi Day Service 10:00-11:00 13 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Anko Prep Social Hall/main Kitchen 9:00-12:00 pm Shotsuki Memorial & Adult Dharma Service 11:00-11:45 am Ikebana Issei Kaikan 2:00-4:00 pm OBWA Bonenkai Social Hall 12:00-1:00 pm 14 Sat 15 Mochitsuki 6:00 am-6:00 pm 16 17 18 Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association General Meeting Issei Kaikan, 7:00-9:00 pm Busshin CollationYouth Club 19 Momijikai, Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm 20 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 21 22 23 24 25 No Service 28 Temple Clean-up 9:00-11:30 am Christmas Day (Office Closed) 29 30 31 New Year’s Eve Service, 8:00-9:00 pm 9 26 27 No Gakuen BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 ~ January 2015 ~ Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 Happy New Year! (Office Closed) Sat 3 Gakuen / New Year’s Party Social Hall, 9:00-1:00 pm New Year’s Day Service, 11-12 pm Busshin Articles Due 4 5 6 OBWA Meeting 9:00-10:00 am Small Chapel 7 8 9 Board of Directors Gakuen (Adult) Hiroshima Kenjinkai Meeting, Small Chapel, Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 Prep 7:00 pm Social Hall, 1:00-3:00 pm Family Dharma Service, OBWA Officer Installation 10-10:45 am Youth Club Set-up for Ho-onko Luncheon Shotsuki Memorial & Adult Dharma Service 10:45-11:30 10 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Hiroshima Kenjinkai New Year’s Celebration Social Hall, 12:30-4:00 pm Ikebana Issei Kaikan, 2:00-4:00 pm Concord Howakai – New Year’s Dinner 4:00 pm 11 12 13 Ho-onko Service 10-11:30 am Otoki – Toban A 11:30-12:30 pm Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon EBYAL Evening Dharma Issei Kaikan, 7:30-9:00 Service & Discussion, pm 7:00-8:30 pm 14 15 Busshin Collation Board Karaoke, Social Hall, 7:30-9:30 pm 18 19 17 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 20 Family Dharma Service Martin Luther King Day 10-10:45 am (Office Closed) Dharma Chat 10:45-11:30 am Karaoke, Social Hall, 7:30-9:30 pm Ashland Howakai 5:00-6:30pm Oakland Fukuoka Sister City Association General Meeting Issei Kaikan, 7:00-9:00 pm 25 26 27 Family Dharma Service 10-10:45 am Dharma Chat 10:45-11:30 am Dharma School Teacher’s Meeting 11:45 Wanto Shodo Kai Issei Kaikan, 10 am-12 Noon 21 22 23 Gakuen (Adult) Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 28 29 Asian Health Services Monthly Meeting Social Hall, 9:00 am12:00 pm Busshin Articles Due Karaoke, Social Hall, 7:30-9:30 pm Oakland-Fukuoka Sister City AssociationNew Year’s Dinner; Social Hall; 5:00-8:00 pm 10 16 Momijikai, Small Chapel 10:00 am-2:00 pm 24 Gakuen Issei Kaikan, 9:00-12:00 pm 30 31 Hiroshima Kenjinkai Gakuen Board meeting Issei Kaikan Gakuen (Adult) Social Hall, 12:30-2:30 9:00-12:00 pm Issei Kaikan, 6:30-8:30 pm BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 SAVE THE DATE BUDDHIST CHURCH OF OAKLAND’S MOCHITSUKI SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014 11 BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 一 九 五 三 年 一 九 五 一 年 一 九 五 十 年 一 九 四 九 年 一 九 四 七 年 岡 野 ヒ デ 栄 一 勇 治 政 一 コ ヨ 笑 子 信 子 鹿 島 谷 大 河 内 松 井 音 吉 マ サ ヨ 一 九 八 十 年 久 保 田 孝 十 二 月 一 九 七 七 年 一 九 七 六 年 登 米 吉 貞 一 田 中 河 端 夏 原 中 園 古 田 神 崎 村 本 根 石 一 九 八 一 年 横 溝 一 九 四 五 以 前 マ ツ 一 九 七 九 年 ひ さ 一 九 八 三 年 武 文 光 蔵 マ � ガ レ � ト 中 尾 大 塚 神 崎 重 本 砂 川 小 泉 ヨ シ オ 義 久 佐 武 繁 一 森 美 香 子 足 立 和 歌 子 矢 部 梅 本 福 富 藤 井 キ � リ � 相 川 ラ リ 河 本 メ リ � 君 代 一 九 八 四 年 精 一 安 田 一 九 八 六 年 一 九 八 七 年 キ ヌ 一 九 九 一 年 正 子 関 助 マ サ エ 六 三 郎 省 三 ふ じ 為 作 辻 本 由 美 子 根 石 松 谷 長 生 原 田 卯 太 郎 横 溝 岡 井 坪 井 片 岡 隆 富 雄 桂 舟 ト ミ ノ は つ え 和 夫 ハ ワ � ド 坪 井 大 河 内 ジ � � ン 中 谷 フ レ � ド 松 井 ム ツ 木 佐 貫 ユ フ ク ス 一 郎 久 子 ジ � � ジ た け 大 塚 夏 原 広 本 一 九 九 二 年 村 本 権 田 一 九 九 三 年 谷 田 妙 助 田 中 こ と 佐 々 木 雄 吉 宮 本 千 代 田 安 太 郎 池 田 小 野 田 み つ 子 一 九 五 四 年 一 九 五 五 年 山 口 ウ � レ ル 夏 原 栄 三 郎 福 地 ノ ボ ル 一 九 九 四 年 倉 村 一 九 九 五 年 一 九 九 六 年 敬 三 郎 青 柳 弘 要 太 郎 国 府 田 中 井 河 端 き よ の ノ ボ リ 登 ジ � � ジ リ ウ 一 九 九 七 年 綾 子 ) 挌 中 川 富 美 恵 渡 辺 テ ル 子 川 岡 正 生 野 見 山 上 野 篠 本 ジ � リ 一 九 五 六 年 諏 訪 重 義 野 村 一 九 九 八 年 � 十 七 回 忌 平 太 郎 辻 一 九 九 九 年 一 九 五 八 年 ) 二 0 0 0 年 一 九 五 九 年 ( 源 三 土 井 房 子 一 九 六 二 年 与 太 郎 社 林 浅 右 衛 門 一 九 六 四 年 勢 勝 房 吉 正 都 竹 坂 と し 子 松 谷 南 島 村 本 森 藤 井 渡 辺 古 田 直 蔵 田 守 テ イ コ 升 岡 一 九 六 五 年 五 十 回 忌 一 九 六 六 年 一 九 六 七 年 寅 平 二 0 0 一 年 竹 田 ヨ シ ツ グ 一 九 六 八 年 一 九 六 九 年 一 九 七 十 年 武 平 臼 井 キ ン 一 九 七 二 年 幸 野 中 尾 正 人 矢 後 一 九 七 三 年 オ ス エ 平 林 一 九 七 四 年 二 0 一 二 年 � 三 回 忌 二 0 一 一 年 二 0 0 九 年 横 溝 二 0 一 三 年 � 一 周 忌 � 敬 称 を 略 す � 二 0 0 七 年 二 0 0 六 年 ニ 0 0 四 年 二 0 0 三 年 遠 藤 青 地 中 川 島 本 山 中 岡 村 五 郎 米 子 タ � ム 善 蔵 登 真 爾 二 0 0 二 年 � 十 三 回 忌 � ) ) ) 岡 村 信 恵 二 0 0 八 年 � 七 回 忌 パ � ル エ � ミ 直 人 12 フ ミ エ 絹 子 佐 々 木 ベ ン 林 村 本 島 田 河 本 松 井 メ � リ 純 BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 除夜法要 十二月三十一日(水曜日) 大みそかの夜、あわただしかったすべての仕事を終えて、仏様 の感謝と、年の反省の法要を午後八時よりお勤めされます。 2015の締めくくりとして、除夜の鐘を皆でつきましょう! 弔 去る十月十日にオークランド市在住の曾我 エベリン ふみ子夫 人が九十五才を一期として往生されました。 遺族の皆様と共に合掌 させていただきます。 去る十月二十三日にウォールナットクリーク市在住の金重アリ ス夫人が七十七才を一期として往生されました。 遺族の皆様と共に 合掌させていただきます。 去る十月二十六日にサウスレイク・タホ市在住の根石 求氏が 八十才を一期として往生されました。 遺族の皆様と共に合掌させて いただきます。 お知らせ 諸般の事情により 2015 年 1 月号より『仏心』の日本語ページは休止 とさせていただきます。これまで愛読していただき本当にありがと うございました。休止に伴いご迷惑をお掛けすることになるかと存 じますが何卒ご理解のほどよろしくお願い申し上げます。 13 BUSSHIN DECEMBER 2014 十二月の主な行事予定 三日 七日 水 日 十四日 二十一日 二十八日 三十一日 日 月 日 水 午後七時 午前九時 午前十時 理事会 婦人会例会 成道会家族礼拝 引き続き祥月法要 午前十一時より 婦人会忘年会 午前七時 餅つき 仏教会休み 午前九時 おみがき 午後八時 除夜法要 成道会法要 祥月法要 婦人会忘年会 来る十二月七日(日)午前十時より成道会家族礼拝を勤めま す。引き続き祥月法要を勤めます。その後、婦人会 忘年会 をもようしします。できるだけ多くの方々にお参りして頂き たいと思います。 餅つき お正月のお餅つきが十二月十四日(日)に仏教会で行われます。 皆様からのオーダーをうけつけますので、十二月の一日までに 仏教会の方にお届けください。詳しい事は英語の記事を参照く ださい。 大掃除とお磨き 来る十二月二十八日(日)午前九時より年二回の大掃除とお 内陣の仏具のお磨きが予定されています。 新年を前にお寺の内外をきれいにしたいと思います。よろし くお願い致します。 14
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