平成 26 年 2 月 19 日 SSEAYP インターナショナル第 26 回総会(SIGA) お問い合わせの皆さま 日本青年国際交流機構 会長 大河原 友子 SSEAYP インターナショナル第 26 回総会(SIGA)のお知らせ この度は、SSEAYP インターナショナル第 26 回総会(SIGA)へ資料請求をいただきありがとうございま す。 SSEAYP インターナショナルでは、第 26 回総会を、下記の日程でマレーシア(ランカウイ島)にて開催す ることとなりました。この総会は、「東南アジア青年の船」事業で培った友情の輪を再確認し、日本の IYEO を含む ASEAN 各国事後活動組織や個人のネットワークを広げていくことを目的として毎年開催されている ものです。 「東南アジア青年の船」事業の既参加青年だけでなく、他事業の参加者、また、ご家族やご友人、一般 の参加もできますので、ぜひ多くの方のご参加をお待ちしています。 記 1. 日程: 2014 年 4 月 25 日(金)~4 月 28 日(月) <3 泊 4 日> * オプショナル:社会貢献活動 <2 泊 3 日> 2014 年 4 月 23 日(水)~25 日(金) 2. 場所: マレーシア・ランカウイ島 (宿泊予定ホテル:ASEANA Resort & Spa) 3. テーマ: Touch of Nature 4. 参加費: 大人 (2 人又は 3 人部屋) 【SIGA】 SIGA】 【社会貢献活動】 社会貢献活動】 30,000 円 260USD 11,000 円 大人 (1人部屋) 40,000 円 350USD *お問い合わせ ください。 4~13 歳の子ども (ベッド利用あり) 15,000 円 120USD 0~3 歳の子ども (ベッド利用なし) 0円 *お子様と一緒に参加される場合は、 お問い合わせください。 ※ 年齢は 2014 年1月1日現在です。3 歳までの子どもでエクストラベッドが不要の場合、参加費は無料で す。 ※ 参加費には、プログラム参加費/プログラム中の食費(25 日夕食は含まれない)/宿泊費/ランカウイ 国際空港及びランカウイ島 Kuah フェリーターミナルまでの交通費/IYEO 事務経費(SIGA 実行委員 会との通信連絡費・海外送金手数料などを含む)が含まれます。ランカウイ島までの航空券及び空港 使用料等は含まれません。 ※ マレーシアの SIGA 実行委員会の提示する参加費は US ドル通貨建てとなっていますが、日本国内で の集金の都合上、為替手数料も含めて 1 ドル 105 円で換算し、IYEO 事務経費を加算した額を参加費 とさせていただいています。SIGA 開催日までに大幅な為替変動があった場合、差額を調整させてい ただくことがあります。 ※ 申込み後、IYEO 宛に参加費のお支払いを、3 月 24 日(月)までに下記の口座へお振込みください。 <振込み先>みずほ銀行 新橋支店 普通 1746078 口座名:ニホンセイネンコクサイコウリュウキコウ 5. 航空券: (1) ランカウイ国際空港への往復航空券は各自ご用意ください。 (2) 利用便が確定しましたら IYEO SIGA 係まで必ずご連絡ください。 (3) IYEO を通じて航空券の購入を希望される場合は、お申込みの際に IYEO SIGA 係までご連絡く ださい。その際、出発日・帰国日・発着地・希望航空会社・パスポートに記載されているお名前の 綴りをお知らせください。 6. プログラム: 現在、マレーシア事後活動組織 KABESA(SI Malaysia)が SIGA 実行委員会を設置し準備を進めてい ます。プログラムの詳細を含めた最終のご案内は、4 月上旬に IYEO 事務局からご案内しますが、最終のプ ログラムは、SIGA 参加者来日後に行われる各国事後活動組織の会長会議で承認されて最終決定となりま す。よって、日本人の参加者には、25 日(金)の夜(18:00 頃)に予定しています日本人参加者オリエンテー ションでご案内いたします。 現時点での大まかなプログラム内容は以下のとおりです。 最新情報はウェブサイト (http://sigalangkawi2014.blogspot.jp/) でご覧になれます。 4 月 25 日(金) 参加者到着、日本人参加者ミーティング(希望者はミーティング後一緒に夕食へ) 4 月 26 日(土) 開会式、総会、パネルディスカッション、歓迎夕食会 4 月 27 日(日) マングローブ植林、課題別視察、歓送夕食会 4 月 28 日(月) 参加者帰国 7. 申込み方法: (1) ウェブからお申し込みできます。または、以下の URL から、Registration Form をダウンロードして、 Email、郵送又は FAX で IYEO SIGA 係までお申込ください ● ウェブ申込み: (PC 版) https://ssl.formman.com/form/pc/m2OEQhdpxye1XrOp/ (携帯版) https://ssl.formman.com/form/i/m2OEQhdpxye1XrOp/ ● Registration Form のダウンロード: http://www.iyeo.or.jp/dl-files/siga_malaysia_registration_form.doc SIGA 実行委員会がスムーズな運営を行えるよう、最終申込み期日の 3 月 24 日(月)までにお申 込くださるようお願いいたします。 (2) SSEAYP インターナショナルを構成する事後活動組織間の取り決めにより、日本からの参加者は IYEO を通してお申込みください。直接 SIGA 実行委員会に申込むことはできません。なお、SIGA 実行委員会の提示する締切日と、IYEO 申込の締切日に差があるのは、国内で参加者の取りまと めを行うためですので、ご了承ください。 8. キャンセル料: お申込み後のキャンセルは、以下のとおりキャンセル料が発生します。 3 月 31 日(月)まで 無料 4 月 1 日(火)~4 月 18 日(金) 4 月 19 日(金)以降 参加費の 50% 参加費の 100% *キャンセル料が発生する日付は、IYEO 事務局がマレーシア実行委員会へ連絡をする日付となりますの で、必ず記載された前日まで 必ず記載された前日までに、IYEO 事務局へご連絡ください。 必ず記載された前日まで IYEO SIGA 係 (担当:伊井・清水) Email: [email protected] Tel:03-3249-0767 Fax:03-3639-2436 http://www.iyeo.or.jp/ 〒103-0013 東京都中央区日本橋人形町 2-35-14 東京海苔会館 6 階 SSEAYP INTERNATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY SIGA 2014 PATRONAGE HIGH EXCELLENCE TUN DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF MALAYSIA ORGANIZED BY SSEAYP INTERNATIONAL HOSTED BY SSEAYP INTERNATIONAL MALAYSIA (KABESA) VENUE ASEANA RESORT & SPA, PANTAI CENANG, PULAU LANGKAWI, KEDAH DARUL AMAN DATE SIGA: 25 - 28 APRIL 2014 SCA: 23 - 25 APRIL 2014 THEME TOUCH OF NATURE 1 AGENCIES INVOLVED MINISTRY OF YOUTH AND SPORTS MALAYSIA MINISTRY OF WOMEN, FAMILY AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MALAYSIA MINISTRY OF TOURISM AND CULTURE MALAYSIA MINISTRY OF COMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA MALAYSIA MINISTRY OF EDUCATION (MOE) STATE GOVERNMENT OF KEDAH LANGKAWI DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (LADA) JABATAN PENYELAMAT AWAM MALAYSIA (JPAM) MALAYSIA ASSOCIATION OF TOUR AND TRAVEL AGENT (MATTA) LANGKAWI DISTRICT YOUTH COUNCIL (MBD LANGKAWI) LANGKAWI GEOPARK INSTITUT RIMBAWAN MALAYSIA (IRIM) HISTORY SSEAYP International (SI) is an Alumni society for ex-participants for the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Programme since 1974. At present, there are 10 Asian countries participating in the programme namely Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam as the member. Every country involved has its own group called SSEAYP International or short-formed as SI, and every year, each different country will host SSEAYP International General Assembly (SIGA) that becomes the gathering platform for Alumni members. The very first SIGA was held in 1988 in Kuala Lumpur, an honour to Malaysia. Then in 1995 and 2004, Malaysia hosted SIGA based on the rotation 2 system. Once again, 26th SIGA 2014 will be hosted by Malaysia and it will be our fourth SIGA as the host. Malaysia’s committee has agreed to have it in Pulau Langkawi. OBJECTIVES The main objective is the continuation of the yearly conference held by respective SSEAYP delegates (young ambassadors from Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Myanmar, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam and representatives from Cabinet offices of each country involved. The convention is indirectly also a five-year-personal and advancement strategy which main focus is to coach youths as the future leaders in all respective manners. 1. Discuss and learn the multi-culture from each country to support and enhance the collaboration on the social contribution activities in the region. 2. To further enhance the friendship bonded during the programme attended among the former Participating Youths (PYs) of each batch and create opportunities for the former PYs to understand diversity of the Malaysian Multi-Racial & Ethnics as well as to find opportunities for career and business advancement. 3. Exchange information on activities that could promote tourism and cooperation among respective Alumni Associations. ACTIVITIES • Social Contribution Activities (23 – 25 April 2014) • Council of President Meeting (COP) • Seminar • SIGA Langkawi Awards 2014 3 • Sightseeing and interaction • Participate in Local Sport Events and Other Malaysia Culture Practices DELEGATES • Former Participating Youths of SSEAYP • Former PY’s Families • Former participants of International Youth Exchange Programs by The Cabinet Office of Japan • Representatives from • Police Department • Marine department • Ministry of Education • Ministry of Youth and Sports Malaysia • Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development • Custom Department • Immigration Department • Ministry of Health • Ambassadors from 11 respective countries Targeted delegates - 500 4 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Advisor Chairman SIGA Secretary Secretariat Finance Opening Ceremony Performance & Welcoming Sponsorship & Prizes Registration & Participants Advertising & Promotion Logistic Volunteers Protocol Liaison Officers Social Contribution Activities Panel Discussion Closing Ceremony Media & Documentation Special Task Name Suhairi bin Abdul Karim Megat Hafizal bin Ahmad Saridah binti Mohd Sahid Aidi Amin bin Mahat Nur Shuhada binti Abdul Ghoni Ainah binti Yahya Mastura binti Abdul Rahman Noor Azian binti Ahmad Zairin bin Zailan Rafeeda binti Mohd Yusof Nor Asyikin binti Baharin Mohammad Masnoor bin Md Jahrin Erniesalwani binti Saidi Saridah binti Mohd Sahid Juraimi bin Ahmad Sumaiyah binti Ahmad Suhaimi Razak bin Hamid Khairul Anuar bin Jeon Jais bin Abdul Karim Elly Maisara binti Zainal Abidin Jauharatu Dini binti Ahmad Nazri Somasuntharam A/L Marimuthu Rostam bin Mustaffa Mohd Saiful Baha bin Abu Bakar Chu Hong Lin Fan Tiong Sing Khaireel Azli Hishamudin bin Omar Qamar Arif bin Hj. Auzi Muhammad Ishtiaq bin Abdul Shukor Mohamad Fadhlan bin Hamdan Zailani binti Mohamad Suhail bin Kamarudin Mohammad Afif bin Kasno Mohamed Nazri Shah bin Mohd Salleh Mohammad Firdaus Abdul Muiz bin Misri Johan Sah bin Puteh Wong Kam Loon Darcy Liew Chang Chee Suresh Kumar A/L Nalappa Lim Sze Koon Hj. Osman bin Abdul Latif Mohd Firdaus bin Ibnil Hajar Yeoh Peng Hong Mohamad Azlan bin Mohamad Omar b. Hj Hassan 5 Batch 1997 2010 2008 1996 2005 1999 1997 2001 1999 2010 2010 2011 2011 2008 1999 2011 2011 2011 2002 2003 2000 1995 2002 2010 2003 1997 2008 1986 1995 1997 2008 2005 2009 2012 1996 2005 2010 2007 2007 2010 2010 2010 1981 2009 2004 2011 1984 SCA Activities 1. Animal Shelter Home (LASSie- Langkawi animal shelter & sanctuary foundation) - - Organize roadshow/campaign in public area how to love animals To exchange experiences between PY in their own countries how animals are loved and protected. To educate the public about the stray and animal cruelty problem in Malaysia Fund raising event for LASSie Roadshow for pets adoption and educational purposes 2. Cycling with love environment message - Bicycle is the main transportation during SCA activity Participant will cycling all around Tuba island with environment message to all people 3. Coastal clean up - Clean the island from rubbish with local youth Collecting garbage 4. Interaction between locals and SCA members - Participant's accommodation will be in the same vicinity of the local village To show and learn the nature of Malaysian life to SCA members Cross culture understanding 5. Mangrove Planting at Tasik Dayang Bunting - First SCA Activities in SIGA All SIGA participants will involve 20200 Mangrove Trees will be planting National Mangrove Planting to Malaysia Book of Record *Subject to change 6 SCA Term and Conditions: • Participants who are registered for the Social Contribution Activities are requested to arrive at Jetty Kuah (Langkawi Ferry Terminal) no later than 10.00 am on April 23, 2014. For those arriving via the Langkawi International Airport, participants are requested be at the airport no later than 9.00 am on April 23, 2014. SCA Registration Fee covers: • • • Accommodation during SCA for 2 nights from 23 April to 25 April Transportation (from April 23 to 25 April; a return bus ride to and from the where activities take place) Meals (covering from lunch on April 23 to dinner on April 25). 7 Itinerary for SOCIAL COUNTRIBUTION ACTIVITIES (SCA) 23 - 25 April 2014 DATE TIME DAY 1 23 APRIL 06.00 – 11.00 Arrival of the participants for SCA 11.00 – 1130 Boating to Tuba Island DAY 2 24 APRIL 12.15 Check in at Raridzuan Chalet 16.00 Briefing of SCA Program. Coordinator 19.30 – 22.00 Dinner 07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast 08.30 09.30 13.00 DAY 3 25 APRIL SUBJECT REMARKS Opening Ceremony Attire: Polo - Speech by Village head of Tuba Island Mr. Mansor shirt/jeans (No bin Ahmad slippers, No Cycling to Telok Berembang shorts) Coastal Clean Up Activity at Kampung Telok Berembang Cycle to Kampung Teluk Bujur Lunch at Kampung Teluk Bujur 14.00 – 17.00 Interaction with local Youth 19.30 – 22.00 Cycle back to Radizuan Chalet Dinner (Closing Ceremony) by LADA Sea side BBQ 07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast 09.00 09:30 10.00 – 12.30 Depart to Langkawi Island Attire: Free Arrive at Kuah Jetty, Move by bus to Lassie Activity at LASSie (Langkawi animal shelter and sanctuary foundation) (1) Renovate animal cages (2) Bathing the animals (3) Clinic-sick animals Lunch (Muslim participants: Friday Prayer) 13.00 15.00 Check in at Aseana Hotel 8 Packed Lunch Itinenary for SIGA Langkawi 2014 25 - 28 April 2014 DATE DAY 1 25 APRIL DAY 2 26 APRIL DAY 3 27 APRIL DAY 4 SUBJECT REMARKS 07.00 – 24.00 Arrival of Participants 18.00 – 19.30 Council of Presidents Meeting 19.00 – 22.30 Dinner (for SCA participants ONLY) *SIGA participants need to have dinner on own 07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast 10.00 – 12.30 26th SIGA Opening Ceremony Attire : at Mahsuri Hall Formal with Jacket Key Note by HR Tun Dr. Mahathir bIn Mohamad (Environmental Crisis: Impact and Effect on Socio Economic Growth) 12.30 – 14.30 14.30 – 17.30 19.00 – 22.00 Lunch @ Mahsuri Hall =General Assembly = Country report by each AA and SCA Report. Briefing by The Institute of Forestry Malaysia (IRIM) Attire : National Costume Welcoming Reception Dinner or Formal 07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast 08.30 – 12.00 Social Contribution Activities Mangrove Planting at Tasik Dayang Bunting Attire : SIGA T. Shirt 12.00 – 13.30 Lunch Packed Lunch 14.00 – 16.00 Institutional Visit A Nature B Magical Island C The Legend D The Heritage 17.30 Back to Hotel 19.00 Farewell Party at Dataran Lang 07.00 – 08.00 Breakfast Departure 9 President or representative Attire : Smart Casual / National Costume Term and Conditions Registration Form : • • • • The ONLINE REGISTRATION FORM is only for MALAYSIAN participants. Participants from other countries, please download the form (SIGA registration form for other countries) and use this for registration. Participants are requested to complete all fields in the registration form. Participants are requested to submit the completed form together with a copy of passport and make payments to respective AA. SIGA Langkawi 2014 Participants are limited to: • • • Ex-PYs/Ex-NLs/Ex-Facilitators of SSEAYP Spouse/ Parents/ Children/ Siblings/ Friends of Ex-PYs/ Ex-NLs/ ExFacilitators of SSEAYP Host Parents of SSEAYP and their family members who live together Registration Fee: • • • Social Contribution Activity (SCA) : USD95 SIGA : USD260 (please note that single occupancy surcharge is USD30 per night/ per person) Children : USD120 (aged 4 to 13, twin or triple sharing) Registration Fee covers: • • • • Accommodation for 3 nights (25 - 28 April 2014) during SIGA Langkawi 2014. Meals from 26 April until breakfast 28 April 2014. Ferry and Airport transfer for arrival and departure, and all logistics during program. Institutional Visit 10 Important notes: • • • Participants are responsible for expenses for visa (click for more info) fees, bank charges or transfer fee for the registration fee payment to their respective Alumni Association, medical and surgical treatments (if needed), travel insurance, personal expenses, other expenses incurred for personal need including, but not limited to, excess baggage charge. Throughout the stay at the assigned hotel for SIGA Langkawi 2014, participants are responsible for expenses on telephone calls, laundry charges, room services, transportation other than the committee provided and any other incidentals that the participants made. AA President or Head of Delegation is requested to arrive at the Langkawi International Airport or Langkawi Ferry Terminal no later than 16:00 hrs on April 25, 2014 to attend the COP meeting. Others: • • Accommodation before and after the program should be arranged by the participants themselves. Participants arriving early or extending their stay should arrange their transportation on their own. CONCLUSION We are proud and honoured to host SIGA Malaysia 2014 at Langkawi Island in Kedah. SSEAYP International Malaysia (SIM)-SIGA committees are, at present, coordinating with the government, volunteers, and various agencies to prepare the venues and infrastructures available at Langkawi Island in Kedah State. We have already conducted workshops on 8-9th June 2013 to refine the planning and operation during the event / program. We will conduct a simulation to facilitate the pre SIGA Malaysia 2014 in Langkawi Island as to ensure our operation goes smoothly, safely and above all, remarkable. We hope our hospitality will be remembered to all as Malaysia is Truly Asia. 11
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