This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) News Agency United Feature Syndicate (Athens) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Brief Summary The America-Japan Press Nichibei 安全保障熱の不合理. 赤色革命に戰くアテネ市民以上の混迷 Washington Calling Situation in Greece encountered by the aid mission 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 世界の恐怖心利用. ヴァシンスキーの演説はヒットラーの複写 Vishinsky's Outburst. The Rumble of Armageddon 日米通信 The America-Japan Press (13) Nichibei Tsushin (13) 近ずいた大統領戰. 誰が出る?さて対日政策は? Vishinsky's outburst against the US before the UN General Assembly Gen. MacArthur might be a presidential candidate 張群院長台灣へ. 中國軍訓練準備か "Presidential Election Campaign Drawing Near: Who will be the Winner and What will be the next Policy for Japan? American ambassador J. Leighton Stuart conferred with Premier Chang Chun Wednesday as Premier Chung prepared to depart around October 20 for a Formosan inspection trip. Trade body concurs in SCAP's Yen views. But Traders, Manufacturers Impatient at Absence Of Exchange Rate 47-frn-1692 10/16/1947 16:16 47-frn-1693 10/16/1947 16:17 47-frn-1694 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:18 United Press 国際タイムス (Nanking) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1695 10/16/1947 16:19 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1696 10/16/194[7] 16:19a United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1697 10/16/1947 16:19b United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1698 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:20 Reuters (New 時事通信 York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1699 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:21 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1700 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:21a United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (New York) Service News Service 47-frn-1701 10/16/194[7] 16:22 Reuters (London) 共同通信 47-frn-1702 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:23 Associated Press (15, Moscow) 47-frn-1703 10/16/194[7] 16:24 47-frn-1703a 10/16/194[7] 16:24a 47-frn-1704 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:25 47-frn-1705 10/16/1947 16:26 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sangyo Keizai 47-frn-1706 10/16/1947 16:26a International Nippon Times News Service (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Cotton goods seen major export item. Obtaining Foreign Financing Is Japan's Big Problem Says McDermott 47-frn-1707 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:26b International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (New York) Boeki Nippo; Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo; Nippon Tsushin Cotton products will constitute Japan’s largest export Commentary Subject 日米通信 Japanese Board of Trade officials they saw encouragement in General MacArthur's intention, voiced at the Allied Council meeting on Wednesday, to institute an exchange rate "at the earliest practicable date." Exchange rate. Japanese Board of Trade officials said they saw encouragement in General MacArthur's intention, voiced at the Allied Council meeting on Wednesday, to institute an exchange rate "at the earliest practicable date." Churchill comments on Soviet attitude 世界戰爭起らず. ソ、國連脱退するも可. チャーチル氏、米國で演説 H, P [Marquis Childs] H, P [Barnet Nover] H, D Examiner1 Examiner2 Kawamoto Abe Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 Y 3 Y 4 Y 2 Premier Chang to depart for a Formosan inspection trip P Japanese Board of Trade concurs in SCAP's views on establishing the exchange rate H, P Japanese Board of Trade concurs in SCAP's views on establishing the exchange rate H, P Japanese Board of Trade concurs in SCAP's views on establishing the exchange rate H, P 1 Churchill stated that if Soviets poses a threat, that Britain will form solidarity with the US as in the recent victory over Germany, Japan, and Italy Churchill stated that even if Russia pulls out of the UN, he does not believe that it would necessarily lead to war H, P 3 [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] H 1 3 Y 1 Jiji W Churchill on Soviet policy Churchill stated that even if Russia pulls out of the UN, he does not believe that it would necessarily lead to war H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Resignation of Will Clayton, US Undersecretary of State for economic affairs P 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Observers today believed that the resignation of Will Clayton, United States under Secretary of State for economic Affairs, came because of a difference of opinion between him and States Secretary George C Marshall over British imperial preferences Marshall[’]s call at Kremlin made just after meeting of foreign ministers which failed completely to reach agreement on American proposed four zero year four power pact to keep Germany disarmed. Failure to agree on German disarmament is a depressing development in international relations H, P 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Increasing fears that next installment Jap[anise] reparations to Philippines under interim removal program may not forthcoming until nineteen forty-nine was voiced in official quarters in wake intimations... Philippines prefer Japan back on feet. Envoy to U.S. Sees Necessity of Quick Recovery by 'Natural Trade Neighbors' Philippines prefer that Japan get back on feet P 2 H, P 1 ロンドン外相会議の見通し Next month[’]s meeting of the council of foreign ministers in London—foreign affairs chiefs of United States, Russia, Britain, and France—may mark the end for all practical purposes of the twoyear effort by the Western Powers to obtain an agreement with Soviet Union on the future of central Europe. Mention of Russia's propaganda and immorality 訪日使節團増員か Cotton products will constitute Japan’s largest export Cotton products will constitute Japan's largest export; obtaining foreign financing biggest problem, says McDermott Cotton products will constitute Japan's largest export; obtaining foreign financing biggest problem, says McDermott Cotton products will constitute Japan's largest export; obtaining foreign financing biggest problem, says McDermott Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Tsushin, Foreign United Press (Washington) Associated 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin C Press (New Tokushin C York) 2 [Sydney Campell] H, D [Arthur Roberts] H [Theodore Koslow] H H, P Oversized Source Photograph(s) 16:15 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/16/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1691 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 3 Y 8 Y 6 1 [Theodore Koslow] 4 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 47-frn-1710 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:29 47-frn-1711 [10]/[16]/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (St. Louis) 47-frn-1712 [10]/[15]/194[7] 16:31 47-frn-1713 10/16/194[7] 16:32 47-frn-1714 [10]/[16]/194[7] 16:33 Reuters (Shanghai) 47-frn-1715 10/16/1947 16:34 United Press Nippon Times 47-frn-1716 10/16/194[7] 16:35 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) 47-frn-1717 [10]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-1718 10/16/1947 47-frn-1719 [10]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-1720 [10]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-1720a 10/16/1947 16:30 Submitted by Asahi Shimbun United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (London) Service News Service Telegrafnoe 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin agentstvo SSSR (Boston, Moscow) 世界日報 共同通信 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Asahi Headline (Japanese) 西歐經濟が發點. 米國多端な國際情勢 アカハタ Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, S 1 Lady Librarian Wants To Be Hangman Librarian wants to be hangman for Japanese war criminals condemned in the Philippines to avenge the death of her half-brother Byrnes' new book and foreign reactions Senator Pepper stated that the Taft Hartley Law most reactionary to date H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P 2 China's proposed demands of Japan at the peace conference Japan industrial plants needed by Ceylon, if granted in reparations H, S [Thomas Aldeguer] H, P [K. V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] Speaking at Boston CIO convention Senator Pepper, Democrat of Florida, declared that Taft Hartley Law "is highest point of reaction to date," part of general reactionary campaign against workers and fundamental rights of all American people. Abolition of Mikado demanded. Y Notes MacArthur's former home (a penthouse of Manila Hotel) has become a night club. Byrnes’ new book and foreign reactions [Roberts] Examiner4 H, P Kyodo Tsushin 對島を朝鮮へ. 國府監察委員の對日講和案 Subject US is heading into a period of crisis in international affairs Jiji W Sekai-Nippo Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Japan industrial plants said suited for Ceylon. Would Serve Country's Needs If Granted in Reparations Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin New Times Weekly writes editorially: information conference of representatives of Communist parties of nine European countries—Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, Poland, Soviet Union, France, Czechoslovakia, and Italy—held at end of September in Poland and decisions adopted by this conference caused confusion in reactionary camp. American press is filled with lies and slander directed against Communists H, D 6 Li Chi-sen, dissident non-Communist Chinese general, flayed Chiang Kaishek and his government today and predicted Manchuria would fall to the Communists completely “within six months.” Li Chi-sen, dissident nonCommunist Chinese general, predicted Manchuria would fall to the communists within 6 months H, D [Margaret Bowes] 3 眞木康年といえばその子分が廳濤前産別議長にきりつ けたり、自由クラブで自由党ともつながる新鋭大衆党 の党首だが、それがこのほど川口市の町はずれ、稻垣 という工員十五名ばかりの町工場に爭議破りでのりこ み、工員の倍近い子分を引つれて工場を占領「廳濤を きつたのはおれの子分だ」とニラミをきかせ、その結 果組合員四名の御用組合ができた...; 秋田縣勞委事務局従組は最近の千八百圓ベースをもり もりつき破る各勞組の爭議ひん発のためくたくたにな り、先月末賃上げを要求した Akahata (16) Akahata No. 16 1. Maki Yasutoshi 2. Labor union of Akita-ken Roi Jimukyoku. International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Portland, OR) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin 10/16/1947 International Nippon Times News Service (Portland, OR) 47-frn-1720b 10/16/1947 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Portland, 産業経済新聞 OR) 47-frn-1722 [10]/[16]/194[7] 17:1 Radio Press Sokuho (Delhi) 47-frn-1723 [10]/[17]/194[7] 17:2 United Press 時事通信 (7, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Cotton futures developed w[e]akness near close after entire session steady prices. 47-frn-1724 [10]/[17]/194[7] 17:3 United Press 時事通信 (Berkeley, CA) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin California farm bureau federation accused U.S. Army Department [of] Agriculture Commodity Credit Corporation of “arbitrarily discriminating” against California cotton in shipments to Japanese mills. Y 4 Sekai Nippo Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Hong Kong) 10/16/1947 Headline The United States is heading into [a] period of crisis in international affairs which could hardly be exceeded by anything except [a] definite threat of war. MacArthur’s Former Home Becomes Night Club 4 1 1) Maki Yasutoshi 2) Labor union of Akita-ken Roi Jimukyoku S Philippines ambassador reveals resumption of U.S. loans talks Philippines ambassador reveals resumption of US loans talks H 2 Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Businessman says Japan on verge of quick economic recovery MacArthur warns that US speed United Press the Japanese peace treaty if they don't want Europe to beat them to trade opportunities in Japan D 2 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign People Here Harbor No Self-Pity or Bitterness, U.S. Visitor Finds H 1 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 訪日米実業家日本の復興を語る Mercola [D] Wallace: To leave for Palestine Henry Wallace says that Truman's foreign policy is making enemies for America abroad US cotton manufacturers protesting plans for permitting Japanese goods entering domestic channels California farm bureau federation says that they are object of discrimination in connection with cotton shipments to Japanese mills H, P Kato Y Y H, P H, P Ito 2 9 1 [Plunkett] 2 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (New York) Photograph(s) Source 16:27 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[16]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1708 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1726 10/17/194[7] 17:4 Associated 共同通信 Press (22, 40, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1727 [10]/[17]/194[7] 17:4a Associated 時事通信 Press (40, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji President Truman should call General MacArthur home immediately to advise on an American policy for the Orient, Representative Auchincloss said today. 47-frn-1728 10/17/194[7] 17:5 Associated Press (26, Chicago) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin T. Mukoyama, Chicago chairman of the Japan Relief Committee, leaves Friday by plane for Japan to inspect the results of his committee[']s relief work. 47-frn-1729 10/17/194[7] 17:6 Associated Press (23, San Francisco) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1729a [10]/[18]/194[7] Associated Press (San Francisco) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1730 10/17/194[7] 17:7 United Press 共同通信 (23, Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin The federation, in an unusual gesture toward the Japanese labor movement, unanimously adopted [a] resolution giving "full moral support and cooperation to the Japanese workers for creation of [a] free trade union movement." The Federation[,] in an unusual ge[s]ture t[o]ward the Japanese labor movement, unanimously adopted a resolution giving “full moral support and cooperation to the Japanese workers for creation of a free trade union movement.” Ex-Secretary Byrnes[’] suggestion Red Army be driven out Germany by force if necessary caused sensation Uni[ted] Nations circles. 47-frn-1734 [10]/[16]/194[7] 18:1 United Press 共同通信 (11, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1735 10/18/194[7] 18:2 Associated Press (26, Chicago) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1736 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:3 [Radio Press (Melbourne)] USSR: protests police chief in S. Korea 47-frn-1737 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:4 Germany: Germans say reparations too big 47-frn-1738 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:5 [Radio Press (London BBC)] Radio Press (Singapore) 47-frn-1739 [10]/[18]/194[7] 18:6 Associated 時事通信 Press (3, San Francisco) 47-frn-1740 47-frn-1741 10/18/194[7] [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:7 Reuters (Teheran) 47-frn-1742 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:8 California farm bureau federation accused U.S. Army Department [of] Agriculture Commodity Credit Corporation of “arbitrarily discriminating” against California cotton in shipments to Japanese mills. President Truman should call General MacArthur home immediately to advise on an American policy for the Orient, Representative Auchincloss said today. Henry Wallace changed his mind about former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes’ book "Speaking Frankly" saying he opposed Byrnes apparent proposal to drive Russians from Germany with Armed Force and atomic bombs if all else failed. T. Mukoyama, Chicago chairman of the Japan Relief Committee, leaves Friday by plane for Japan to inspect the results of his committee[’]s relief work. Repatriation: anxiety over Japanese in USSR areas Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Associated 共同通信 Press (26, 45, 46, Seoul) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin The California Supreme Court rules that Japanese aliens are ineligible for commercial fishing license. Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes California farm bureau federation says that they are victim of discrimination in connection with cotton shipments to Japanese mills H, P 2 Truman should call Gen MacArthur back to advise on policy for the orient; US overlooking communist threat in Asia, says Auchincloss Truman should call Gen MacArthur back to advise on policy for the orient; US overlooking communist threat in Asia, says Auchincloss T. Mukoyama, Chicago Chairman of Japan relief committee, will visit Japan to inspect the results of the relief work. H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P 2 AFL adopted a resolution giving full moral sUnited Pressport and cooperation to the Japanese workers for creation of a free trade union movement H, P 1 Former Sec. Byrnes caused sensation at UN circles by saying that the red army should be driven out of Germany by force, if necessary Henry Wallace opposes Byrne's proposal to drive Russians out of Germany by force, as was stated in "Speaking Frankly" H, P H, P 1 T. Mukoyama, Chicago Chairman of Japan relief committee, will visit Japan to inspect the results of the relief work. Soviet Commander Shtikov in Korea asked Lietenant General Hedge to remove chief of police of Seoul in the American zones Germany says that reparations too severe P 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P H, P 1 3 Asahi Shimbun states that there is considerable anxiety over the delay in repatrating Japanese still remaining in Soviet custody California Supreme Court ruled that Japanese aliens are ineligible for commercial fishing licenses Martial law at two points near the Soviet frontier and “defensive” Persian troops moves were reported here today on the eve of the important statement on Russian [negotiations]... ; The newspaper Eghdam reported today that Persian troops had taken up defensive positions on the Russian and Turkish frontiers because of renewed pressure from the Soviet Union to complete the Russo Persian oil negotiations Persian troops have taken United Press defensive positions on the Russian and Turkish frontiers Russian Colonel General T. F. Sht[y]kov demanded today that Lieutenant General John R. Hodge, American Commander in South Korea, remove Seoul police chief T. S. Chang immediately for making "initial attacks" on the Soviet delegation to the Joint United States-Soviet Commission. Soviet Commander Shtikov in Korea asked Lietenant General Hedge to remove chief of police of Seoul in the American zones H, P [Robert Vermillion ] [Roy Roberts] 3 1 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 共同通信 (Berkeley, CA) Photograph(s) Source 17:3a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/18/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1725 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 47-frn-1744 10/18/194[7] 18:9a Associated 東京新聞 Press (37, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1745 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:10 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1746 10/18/194[7] 18:11 United Press 共同通信 (19, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1747 10/18/1947 18:12 United Press 日米通信 (Berlin) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-1748 [10]/[18]/194[7] 18:13 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1748a [10]/[18]/194[7] 47-frn-1748b 10/18/194[7] 47-frn-1748c 47-frn-1749 Headline (Japanese) 食糧危機は不平では解決せぬ. 占領米英長官、ドイツ國民の行動に警告 Headline Brief Summary Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P 3 Rep. Judd speculated on the content of sUnited Pressersecret Wedemeyer report on China H, P 1 American women living in Russia reports that many South Koreans are fleeing to North Korea H, P, S 1 Sec. of State Marshall taken personal command of review of future American policy toward China US and British commanders in chief told Germans to stop complaining if they want their economic situation to improve H, P New York Times suggests that Hirohito abdicate so that Japan can start fresh H, S 1 The New York Times says that Hirohito should abdicate H, S 1 H, S 1 Ministry spokesman stated that large shipments of ammunition have been transported to Ilyi from Russia, and that the Russians are training the tribesmen H, P Britain's Labor Government is under pressure from press and parliamentary leaders to abandan the Potsdam Agreement Newsmen leary of UN survival; Byrd says that peace body is obsolete H, P H, P 1 Wedemeyer favors aid to China, but warned that without drastic action, China will be drawn into Soviet orbit Wedemeyer criticizes Soviet maladministration in Asia H, P 1 H 3 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 18:13a Associated Press (54, New York) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:13 Kokusai Times 18:14 United Press 国際タイムス (Rome) Reuters 共同通信 (Nanking) The Kokusai Times [10]/[18]/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1750 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:15 United Press 毎日新聞 (London) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Ministry Defence has received no information confirming statement made by Doctor Bolhan, State councillor from Sinkiang at press conference last [ni]ght that he had learned two regiments Russian troops recently entered Ilyi, western tip Sinkiang province (Chinese westernmost province) [a] ministry spokesman said morning. Potsdam Agreement 47-frn-1751 10/18/1947 18:16 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Newsmen Leary of U.N. Survival; Byrd Says Peace Body Is Obsolete 47-frn-1752 10/18/1947 18:17 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Boston) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Wedemeyer assails Communism in China; favors aid, reforms. Expresses Fear Country Will Be Drawn Into Soviet Orbit Unless Changes Are Made 47-frn-1753 10/18/194[7] 18:17a Kyodo 共同通信 Tsushin, United Press (14, Boston) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Wedemeyer lettered “it would be most unfortunate ask American people give assistance that might strengthen position of persons groups undermining principles of [United Nations] charter”; Boston local office united service to China released letter from Wedemeyer to missus John Gardner Coolidge vice president women’s division organization wherein he called for [Am]erican aid to Sino people but warned that without “drastic” economic reforms nation would “draws into Soviet orbit.” 47-frn-1754 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:18 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi German & Japanese naval vessels to France 47-frn-1755 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:19 United Press 国際タイムス, (Tokyo) Nippon Times The Kokusai Times, Nippon Times Kokusai Times, Nippon Times Foreign 米ソの一騎打. 兩勢力圏に重大影響 米主食から漸次かわる. 代用食は日本人が一番慣れている. 總司令部、係官の見解 Examiner1 Examiner2 Rep. Judd speculated on the content of sUnited Pressersecret Wedemeyer report on China Associated Press (New York) 10/18/194[7] Subject Rep. Judd of Minnesota rekindled speculation on the content of the supersecret Wed[e]meyer report on China last night with an expression of regret that the findings of the White House commissary have not been [disclosed], at least to Congress. Representative Judd of Minnesota rekindled speculation on the content of the super[-]secret Wedemeyer report on China last night with an expression of regret that the findings of the White House emissary have not been disclosed, at least to Congress. "Moscow Radio broadcasted a story that South Korean prisons are ‘literally packed’ with ‘democratic leaders who are considered undesirable by the Americans." Authoritative sources disclose Secretary State Marshall taken personal command of review of future American policy toward China. The American and British commanders in chief told the Germans in a stern proclamation tonight to stop grumbling and get to work if they wanted their [food] and economic situations improved. A New York Times Editorial Wednesday suggests Emperor Hirohito abdicate "thereby permit his country to wipe the slate clean and start afresh under a new Emperor." A New York Times editorial Wednesday suggested Emperor Hirohito abdicate thereby permit his country to wipe the slate clean and start afresh under a new emperor. New York times editorial Wednesday suggested Hirohito abdicate “thereby permit his country to wipe the slate clean and start afresh under a new emperor.” [Donald Gonzales] H, P Japanese Beginning to Adjust Stomachs to Rice Substitutes 3 Y H Y 3 1 1 2 [Matsuda] State Department revealed H, P [Matsuda] that U.S. has agreed to send excess Japanese and German vessels to France Japanese are not that H, D [Sydney impressed with American rice B. substitutes Whipple, United Press special correspon dent] Oversized News Agency Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 18:9 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[17]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1743 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 Y 4 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-1757 10/18/1947 18:20 47-frn-1758 10/18/1947 18:21 47-frn-1759 [10]/[18]/194[7] 18:22 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Seoul) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Russian colonel General T. F. Sht[y]kov demanded Friday that Lt. General John R. Hodge, American commander in South Korea, remove Seoul police chief T. S. Chang immediately for making “inimical attacks” on the Soviet delegation to the joint United Sates-Soviet commission. 47-frn-1760 10/18/1947 18:22a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Seoul) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Shtikov asks Hodge to fire police chief. Russian Charges Chang Made 'Inimical Attacks' On Soviet Delegation 47-frn-1761 10/18/194[7] 18:23 Associated Press (28, Boston) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1762 [10]/[18]/194[7] 18:24 Radio Press (Nanking) Lieut. Gen. Albert G. Wedemeyer said Wed[ne]sday that “unless drastic reforms, [particularly] in the economic field, are implemented soon, China will be drawn into the Soviet orbit in spite of the assistance that we Americans must extend.” Japan: Delay of 2nd reparations payment denied by SCAP 47-frn-1763 10/18/1947 18:25 47-frn-1764 10/18/1947 18:26 47-frn-1765 [10]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-1766 Nippon Times 東京新聞 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Japanese are not that H, D [Sydney impressed with American rice B. substitutes Whipple] 1 Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Japan’s Social Revolution Japan's social revolution H, P 1 Delivery' or 'Collection' "Delivery" vs. "Collection": what term to use for describing the Government buying up of crops from the farmers to distribute through rationing channels Soviet Commander Shtikov in Korea asked Lietenant General Hedge to remove chief of police of Seoul in the American zones H, P 2 Soviet Commander Shtikov in Korea asked Lietenant General Hedge to remove chief of police of Seoul in the American zones Let. Gen. Wedemeyer warns that unless drastic reforms are implemented, China will be drawn into Soviet orbit H, P 1 H, P 1 SCAP official denies news that the second repayment of Japanese reparations will be delayed MacArthur will be invited to report to Congress next year H, P 1 “News from the United States.” アメリカ通信 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Manila) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 沖縄の米国管理を規定せよ. 米議員主張 18:26a International 北海道新聞 News Service (Manila) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Toufing Congress an hopes Japanese treaty would provide for U.S. retention of [O]kinawa 10/18/194[7] 18:27 Associated Press (1, 16, 17, San Francisco, London, Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1767 10/18/194[7] 18:28 Associated 共同通信, 東京新聞 Press (20, 24, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin, Tokyo Kyodo Tsushin, Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun United States intelligence officers estimate about 1,500,000 Koreans have emigrated from Northern to Southern Korea and possible 15,000 from the South to North.; Moscow radio broadcast [a] story that South Korean prisons are "literally packed" with "democratic leaders considered undesirable by the Americans." "Senator Owen Brewster quoted General MacArthur as saying that if [a] general ever runs for election against president Truman, it will be General Eisenhower and not MacArthur. 47-frn-1768 [10]/[17]/194[7] 18:29 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Boston) Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1769 [10]/[18]/194[7] 18:30 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) 47-frn-1770 10/18/1947 18:31 International Nippon Times News Service (Warsaw) 47-frn-1771 10/18/1947 18:32 Associated Press (Tokyo) 日本経済新聞 Examiner1 Examiner2 The average Japanese still wants his rice, but as a whole, the Japanese nation is making better use of rice substitutes than other nations which have long existed on a diet preponderantly of that cereal, in the opinion of American food experts attached to SCAP. Tokyo Shimbun (22) 共同通信 Brief Summary Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun (22) 10/18/194[7] 東京新聞 News Item, from Washington Subject Mainichi Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai Representative Hess said that the Japanese peace treaty would provide for the American retention of Okinawa as a strong base Representative Hess said that the Japanese peace treaty would provide for the American retention of Okinawa as a strong base An American wrote that there was a wave of migration from the American to the Soviet zone by Koreans seeking better working conditions P [Roy Roberts] H, D Yoneo Kawamoto Abe Sakai, Tokyo Times correspon dent. H [William Ayer] H H, P 1 Y 2 Y 6 1 [Tom Lambert], [Brines] 3 MacArthur says he will not run for president H, S 3 United Service bares Wedemeyer letter on Russian acts in China Wedemeyer declared that the Russians were exploiting chaos in China H, P 1 Foreign reaction in Shanghai to [showballing] rumors of American aid to China—started by former Ambassador William C. Bullit[t]’s recommendation of $1,350,000 aid program for this country—on the whole was favorable "as long as all aid is controlled from the top to the bottom." Many doubt the appropriateness of the choice of MacArthur as head of the American aid program to China H, D 2 Stalin is friendly to British mission. Soviet Leader Quoted As Being In Favor of Chasing Away Phantom of War Communist party opposition to Social Democrats—whom it once supported—became marked today. Stalin is calling for East-West H, P economic collaboration to chase away the "phantom of war" Katayama suggested that the H, D Communist opposition to the Social Democrats reflects Europe's conflict between the two philosophies 1 [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, the Associated Press] 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 18:19a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/18/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1756 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) The Nihon Keizai (801) Nihon Keizai 801 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Keenan grills Kido on attitude he took in advising Emperor. Chief Prosecutor Insinuates Defendant Kept Ruler From Checking Militarists Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun No recovery of the Asiatic economies without the economic recovery of Japan; Soviet proposal was defeated Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Gustav Rasmussen, Danish Foreign Minister, declared he planned to present United States State Department with demand for complete evacuation of Greenland by United States when he arrived here today on liner Queen Elizabeth. Says no hope for Russian agreement on atom issue 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun (101) Mainichi Shimbun No. 101 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri The America-Japan Press Shizuoka Shimbun Nichibei Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1774 10/18/1947 18:35 Associated Press 47-frn-1775 10/[18]/1947 18:37a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo, Lake Success) 47-frn-1776 10/18/194[7] 18:38 共同通信 47-frn-1777 [10]/[18]/194[7] 18:39 47-frn-1778 10/18/1947 18:40 News item 47-frn-1779 10/18/194[7] 18:41 Press Comments International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) United Press 日米通信 (Nanking) Associated 静岡新聞 Press (Manila) 10/18/1947 [10]/[18]/194[7] 47-frn-1784 [10]/[18]/194[7] 19:1 47-frn-1785 [10]/[18]/194[7] 19:1a 47-frn-1786 [10]/[18]/194[7] 19:2 47-frn-1787 10/19/194[7] 19:3 47-frn-1788 10/19/194[7] 19:4 Reuters (Paris) 47-frn-1789 10/19/194[7] 19:5 47-frn-1790 10/19/194[7] 47-frn-1791 47-frn-1792 10/18/194[7] Headline 日本経済新聞 18:34 47-frn-1782 Headline (Japanese) Nihon-Keizai 10/18/1947 47-frn-1781 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) The Nihon Keizai 47-frn-1773 Commentary Submitted by 日本経済新聞 Radio Press Sokuho (Singapore) Radio Press 共同通信 Sokuho (Singapore, Nanking) Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) United Press 共同通信 (St. Paul) Kyodo Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Associated Press (6, London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 19:6 Associated Press (Warsaw) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin [10]/[19]/194[7] 19:7 [Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney)] [10]/[19]/194[7] 19:8 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times 中國の近況. 暗雲とざす双十節. 満洲の戰火徒らに赤し Kokusai Times Brief Summary Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Nathaniel Peffer's articleLatest news of China: Communists lure youths Chief Prosecutor grills Kido, insinuating that Kido kept the Emperor from checking militarists H, P Exec. Sec. of UN Economic Commission for Asia stated that there can be no economic recovery of Asia without the economic recovery of Japan Danish foreign minister stated that he plans to demand evacuation of Greenland by the US H, P H, P 2 Chairman if Senate Atomic Committe, Hickenlooper said that he sees no hope that Russia will make possible a UN pact on atomic warfare H, P 1 Remaining Japanese in China The Japanese who remain in China are employed by the National Government Army Peace Treaty and Japan If one Allied nation does not participate in the Japanese Peace Treaty, then that nation can continue to occupy Japan H, D H [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] Hyakuri Kawamoto Fujinami Nagahama 2 Y [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] [K.V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] D H, S 7 2 1 Kawamoto M. Hori Mercola Ogino Y E. Akamatsu 12 5 Y 1 A Saint Louis woman who offers her services as hangman for Japanese war criminals convicted in Philippine courts, as revenge for the death of her brother at Camp O’Donnell during the war, won’t get her wish. Japan: Treaty: Chang outlines China’s view American woman who previously offered to serve as hangman for Japanese war criminals was turned down S Chang outlines China's view of Japanese peace treaty H, P Japan—Peace Treaty: China’s policy given by Premier Chang outlines China's view of Japanese peace treaty H France: Election is fight between Communism & Anti-Communism Fight broke out brtween Communists and de Gaulle supporters day before the French elections MacArthur sent message to Jewish war veterans calling for continued vigilance for survival of human freedom H, P 1 H, P 2 French Elections: Tomorrow's election will determine the strength of the French Communists Foreign Sec. Bevin advised Spanish leaders that Britain wants Spain included in the Marshall Plan, but with Franco and the Communists excluded from the Spanish government H, P 3 H, P 2 British socialists say the Marshall Plan will split Europe and establish the US's economic dominance H, D [Larry Allen] 2 Australia has no say in Japan's reconstruction; it is entirely controlled by the US. H, S 1 New York Times editorially said that US proposal for UN commission to oversee the Korean election is a good idea H, P Message from MacArthur to Jewish war veterans meeting here called for continued vigilance to protect American[']s strength on which "rests hope for survival and spread of human freedom throughout earth." French elections [A] well informed Latin American diplomat said Saturday that foreign secretary Ernest Bevin had advised two Spanish leaders that Britain wants Spain included in the Marshall Plan but with Generalissimo Franco and the Communists excluded from the Spanish government. Eight British Labor members of Parliament told newsmen here Britain could expect no further aid from United States "except under intolerable political conditions." Japan: Occupation: Aussies don't think they're doing much good 米の提案は最善. 朝鮮問題=タイムズ批評 Examiner3 P 日本の第三次大戰を警戒せよ. 中國國民党書記長談 中国対日講和の立場 Examiner1 Examiner2 Japanese and US officials satisfied with the results accomplished since the Japanese trade barriers were lifted "Latest news of China: Communists lure youths" 中國残留者 Shizuoka Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Subject Japanese and American officials expressed qualified satisfaction today with the results accomplished in the first six weeks since some Nipponese trade barriers were lowered. The New York Times, in its lead editorial said the United States proposal for a United Nations commission to oversee the Korean election offered a better solution to the problem than any alternative so far offered. Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 18:33 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/18/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1772 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 Y Y 10 4 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-1794 [10]/[18]/194[7] 19:10 47-frn-1795 10/19/194[7] 19:11 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Reuters (London) 47-frn-1796 [10]/[19]/194[7] 19:12 47-frn-1797 10/19/1947 47-frn-1798 [10]/[19]/194[7] 共同通信 Submitted by The Kokusai Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kokusai Times Headline (Japanese) 日本の国連加入反対 Headline Subject Brief Summary 1 2 Kyodo Tsushin the Soviet paper New Times, quoted by Moscow Radio, today asse[r]ted in an article by the Russian academician Varga that "the United States is eliminate Britain as a world power" For Britain to end her dependence on America, she will need a policy different from that of Attle H, D United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 19:12b United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] 19:13 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun [Hensley]-Hoberecht roundtable discussion 19:15; 19:15a Associated 東京新聞 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun A demand that Hirohito be “tried convicted and deposed” came from Philippine owned Manila tribune British sources said that Japan is key to solution of unfinished US-British negotiations on bizonal Germany British sources said that Japan is key to solution of unfinished US-British negotiations on bizonal Germany British sources said that Japan is key to solution of unfinished US-British negotiations on bizonal Germany Hensley-Hoberecht Roundtable discussion on The Japanese peace treaty Manila wants Hirohito to be "tried, convicted, and deposed" H, P 19:12a Uni[ted States British sources said Japan appears increasingly key to solution present unfinished Uni[ted] States British negotiations on bizonal Germany here Japan seen as key to Anglo-U.S. talks. Switching of Some Dollar Accounts From Nippon to Germany Proposed Aye demand that Hirohito be "tried convicted and d[is]posed" came from Philippine owned Manila Tribune Harold Laski, former chairman of the Labor Party speaking in Hanley tonight said he talked to Stalin and knows that the Soviet Union does not want war and that "for the next ten years... Manila wants Hirohito to be "tried, convicted, and deposed" Stalin says that Soviet Union does not want war and that for the next 10 years it is not capable of waging war H, S 2 P 2 SCAP lifts control for shipping firms. 9 Companies Allowed to Open Branches in Japan-Maritime Commission Advisory New York Herald Tribune editorial on Wedemeyer report said "there every reason to believe it[']s being kept in top secret category because no final decision been made on whether new policy for China should adopted or if one is adopted what it should be. SCAP lifts control for shipping firms P 1 Wedemeyer's report: Chiang Kai-shek's government so inefficient and so corrupt that any American aid given will be wasted D 2 The New York Herald Tribune in an editorial on L. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer's report, said: "There is every reason to believe it is being kept in top secret category because no final decision has been made on whether a new policy for China should be adopted or if one is adopted, what it should be. Wedemeyer's report: Chiang H, D Kai-shek's government so inefficient and so corrupt that any American aid given will be wasted Japan & bizonal Germany 10/19/194[7] 19:15a 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1802 10/19/194[7] 19:16 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (48, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1803 10/19/1947 19:17 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local 47-frn-1804 10/19/194[7] 19:18 United Press 共同通信 (14, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1804a [10]/[19]/194[7] 19:18a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 對華新政策未定か. 米紙ウ報告未公表を推測 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun パレスチナ問題をめぐる國際関 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri ニューヨーク・タイムス紙は天皇の廃位に関する最近 の國際的な要求を社説として日本人や最高司令部当局 には既に過古のこととして考えられていたこの問題を 再び取上げている The latest international demand for the Emperor's abdication 対華政策変更せよ N[ew] Y[ork] Herald hints at drastic change in U.S. policy toward China New York Herald hints at drastic changes in US policy toward China Urging that further efforts be made to bring about participation of Soviet Union in long delayed conference to draft peace treaty with Japan... [Ex] Sec[retary] [of] State James [F.] Byrnes descr[i]bed as "unbrided warmonger" in Pravda review of his book "Speaking Frankly." Pravda, official Communist newspaper, today described former United States Secretary of State James Byrnes['s] recent book "Frankly Speaking" as aye "direct appeal for war with the Soviet Union." An interview with Dr. Wang Shih Chieh regarding the procedure for drawing up the Japanese peace treaty Pravda denounces James Byrnes as a warmonger 47-frn-1807 19:19 10/20/194[7] 3 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1801 10/19/1947 Y Notes H, S 10/19/1947 10/19/194[7] Examiner5 Examiner6 Arabs hope that the US will not use force to further the Jewish cause in Palestine 10/19/194[7] 47-frn-1806 Examiner4 H, P 47-frn-1800 47-frn-1805 Examiner3 Wang Chui-hui objected to Japanese arpirations for admission to the United Nations 47-frn-1799 10/20/194[7] Examiner1 Examiner2 Wang Chui-hui, well known Chinese authority on international law and one time foreign minister, Saturday, objected to Japanese aspirations for admission to the United Nations. Palestine: Arab head reiterates nonpartition policy Commentary 19:20 Associated Press (Tokyo) 10/19/1947 19:21 Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (New York) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1808 [10]/[18]/194[7] 19:22 New York 朝日新聞 Times (Lake Success) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1810 10/20/194[7] 20:1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1811 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:1a Associated 共同通信 Press, United Press (London) Associated 共同通信 Press (37, 46, Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service International Relations with Palestina as centre Discussion of US policy in Palestine SCAP censorship killed the New York Times editorial on Hirohito without reason Pravda calls Byrne's "Speaking Frankly" a call for war against the USSR [Edward Depury] 2 H, P 1 H, P [Matsuda] , [[Edward] Depury] H, P [Matsuda] H, S 2 Mercola H, P [Kawamoto [Hideo ] Watanabe] H, D [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, the Associated Press] H, P P 1 [Thomas J. Hamilton] 2 Y 2 Y 6 Y 5 Y 2 3 H, S 2 H, S 2 Oversized News Agency United Press 国際タイムス (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 19:9 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[19]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1793 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 20:1b Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Pravda Hits Byrnes' Book Pravda calls Byrne's "Speaking Frankly" a call for war against the USSR H, S 3 47-frn-1813 10/21/1947 20:2 United Press 時事通信 (3, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin If MacArthur is put in charge of China, he will be effective against Communism, says Sen. Owen Brewster H, D [Nichols] 2 47-frn-1814 10/20/194[7] 20:2a United Press 共同通信 (4, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service If MacArthur is put in charge of China, he will be effective against Communism, says Sen. Owen Brewster H, D [Lee Nichols] 3 47-frn-1815 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:2b United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times If MacArthur is put in charge of China, he will be effective against Communism, says Sen. Owen Brewster H, D [Lee Nichols, United Press staff correspon dent] 47-frn-1816 10/20/1947 20:2c United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Senator Owen Brewster Republican Maine said Sunday that American aid to combat Communism in China is "fully as important" as Marshall Plan for Europe and that he would ask Congress to consider it along with European recovery program. Senator Owen Brewster Republican Maine said Sunday that American aid to combat Communist in China is "fully as important" as Marshall Plan for Europe and that he would ask Congress to consider it along with European [recovery] program. Senator Owen Brewster, Republican of Maine, said Sunday that American aid to combat Communism in China is "fully as important" as the Marshall Plan for Europe and that he would ask Congress to consider it along with the European recovery program. American aid to combat Communism in China If MacArthur is put in charge of China, he will be effective against Communism, says Sen. Owen Brewster H, D 1 47-frn-1817 10/20/1947 20:2d Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. Senator Wan[t]s MacArthur Put in Charge of China As Wel[l] If MacArthur is put in charge of China, he will be effective against Communism, says Sen. Owen Brewster H, D 1 General Wutecher Sec[retary] General Kuo Min Tang "All Chinese welcome... recommendations"... Chinese M[i]nister [of] Foreign Affa[i]r[s] Dr. Wang [Shih Chieh] textually for[mally] statemented "future of Korea is matter deep concern and vital interest to China. Chinese Minister Foreign Affairs Dr. Wang [Shih Chieh] textually formally statemented "future of Korea is matter deep concern and vital interest to China. 47-frn-1817a 10/?/1947 United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1818 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:3 United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1819 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:3a United Press 共同通信 (1, New York, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1820 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:3b United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1821 [10]/[19]/194[7] 20:4 [Radio Press (London BBC)] Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1822 10/20/194[7] 20:5 時事通信 20:5a United Press 共同通信 (16, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 20:6 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 20:7 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 20:8 United Press 共同通信 (6, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Associated Press (46, Moscow) Associated Press (Shanghai) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1823 10/20/194[7] 47-frn-1824 10/20/194[7] 47-frn-1825 10/20/1947 47-frn-1826 10/20/194[7] 47-frn-1827 10/20/194[7] 20:8b 47-frn-1828 [10]/[19]/194[7] 20:[9] 47-frn-1829 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:10 10/20/194[7] 10/20/194[7] 東京新聞 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) 中國援助案提出せん. 米下院議員急務を説く 朝鮮問題をめぐりて. 中國代表王氏.[ソ]連の態度を非難 The Chinese Foreign Minister and delegate to the United Nations, Dr. Wang Shih-chieh, on the eve of his departure for Nanking, issued a formal statement regretting the Soviet-Russian stalemate over Korea and stating that unless the deadlock is broken Korea must be brought before the United Nations Assembly. Germany: Moscow Radio hits factory dismantling Meantime best informed sources here believe there now no chance for preliminary Japane[s]e conference until early 1948. Best informed sources here believe there now no chance for preliminary Jap[anes]e conference until early 1948. 同志國の團結のみ. The French cabinet met in emergency session Saturday to try to end the six day old Paris subway and bus strike, in the face of a Communist threat to lead all organized Paris workers off their jobs Monday. 國連の生長に拒否権は問題でない Forum of Nations. As The Second Assembly Meets [Radio Moscow] charged British[]American di[s]mantling program in Germany disclosed a deliberate plan to revive German war industries... Pravda on Byrnes Book "Speaking Frankly" China is digging back into history[']s dusty pages preparatory to pushing her claim to the Ryukyu Islands. The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 米国の提案に對しソ連側の反○豫想. 注目の朝鮮問題 Y 3 H, D 1 China maintains that Korea should be given full independence at the earliest possible date H, P 2 China maintains that Korea should be given full independence at the earliest possible date P 1 Wang Shih-chieh critisized US and Soviet joint Commission for not making any progress toward disposal of the Korean problem after 2 years P Y Moscow says the US will use H, S German reparations for the US war industry Sources believe that there is H, S, [Hensley] no chance for preliminary P Japanese conference until early 1948 Sources believe that there is H, P [Hensley] no chance for preliminary Japanese conference until early 1948 French union leader says US H, D, is trying to dictate policy to P France for its own benefit 4 1 1 3 4 Russia is abusing its veto power in the UN, and there is nothing that the Allies can do about it Moscow says the US is making German industry the tool of its expantionist policy H, D [Barnet Nover] H, S 2 Pravda says James Byrnes' book is a call for war with the USSR China is making preparations to claim Ryukyu Islands as part of the Japanese peace treaty Most of the UN delegates expect the Soviets to reject US proposal for UN Commission to supervise the creation of the Korean government H, S 2 H, P 1 H [Hensley] Y Y 3 1 Oversized News Agency 10/20/1947 Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1812 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 20:10 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Soviet to reject the creation of a Korean Government 47-frn-1830a [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:10a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Most of the United Nations' delegates expect the Soviet Union to categorically reject the United States' proposal for a United Nation's commission to supervise the creation of a Korean government and withdrawl of the Russian and American troops. 47-frn-1831 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:11 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo If MacArthur takes charge of China, there will be "nothing but dead Communists south of the Great Wall" D 2 47-frn-1832 10/20/194[7] 20:11a Associated 東京新聞 Press (5, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Sen. Brewster (Rep- Maine) said today that emergency U.S. aid to China against Communism is just as important as help for Western Europe because "stabilization is the Achilles' heel (vulnerable spot) of Russia." Senator Brewster (Rep., Maine) said Sunday that emergency U.S. aid to China against Communism is just as important as help for Western Europe, because "stabilization is the Achilles heel (vulnerable spot) of Russia." If MacArthur takes charge of China, there will be "nothing but dead Communists south of the Great Wall" H, D 1 47-frn-1833 10/20/194[7] 20:12 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 20:13 Nippon Times Nippom Times Foreign Moscow Radio charges that US and Britain are trying to exclude Japan and Germany from world markets Japanese and US officials satisfied with trade activity since the Nipponese barriers were lowered 3 10/20/1947 "The Anglo-American monopolists US and Britain trying to have been trying, above all, to exclude exclude Japan and Germany Japan and Germany from world from world markets markets"... Officials satisfied with trade activity. Increased Commerce Foreseen Though Present Volume Still Not Great H, S 47-frn-1834 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (24, Moscow) Associated Nippom Times Press 47-frn-1835 10/20/1947 20:14 日米通信 The America-Japan Press (129) Nichibei Tsushin 129 H, P 47-frn-1836 10/20/194[7] 20:15 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service British sources said Japan appears increasingly key to solution present unfinished Uni[ted] States-British [n]egotiations... 47-frn-1837 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:16 International 北海道新聞 News Service (London) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-1838 10/20/194[7] 20:16a International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Pravda added the [n]ame of former Secretary of State James F. B[yr]nes to the Soviet list of American warmongers Sunday. Pravda adds Byrnes['s] nam[e] to list of American warmongers Throughout the European nations, the Communist offense is focused on the members of right wing social democracy league British sources said that Japan is key to solution of unfinished US-British negotiations on bizonal Germany Former Sec. of State Byrnes has been added to the Soviet list of warmongers Former Sec. of State Byrnes has been added to the Soviet list of warmongers H, S 47-frn-1839 [10]/[19]/194[7] 20:17 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Hollywood actors to testify before UnAmerican Activities Body 2 10/20/1947 20:18 Nippon Times Local Nippon Times Local Preparing For Foreign Students H, P 3 47-frn-1842 [10]/[21]/194[7] 20:20 Radio Press (London) H, P 1 Associated 日本経済新聞 Press (Tokyo) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Berlin) Hollywood actors to testify before Unamerican Activities body Preparing for foreign students to enter Japanese universities Daily Worker blames the governments for the economic crises and cites suggestions for dealing with the situation Scap censorship killed an editorial calling fo Hirohito's removal Roman Catholic bishops of Germany protested against the "kidnapping" of over 2000 German children in the Soviet zone by the Russians H, P 47-frn-1840 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Nippon Times H, D [Russell Brines] 2 H, P 1 Two members of the House Armed Forces committee said that US should send immediate aid to China H 2 Foreign books dealing with the study of Japan have improved greatly since the war Moscow says that the US is dismantling Germany's peace industry while helping its war industry The purpose of US aid to China will be to stop the Soviets from dominationg Four powers of the Moscow agreement (fragment) H, P 3 47-frn-1843 10/20/1947 20:21 47-frn-1845 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:22a 47-frn-1846 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:23 47-frn-1847 10/20/1947 20:24 47-frn-1850 [10]/[20]/194[7] 20:26 47-frn-1851 10/20/1947 20:28 47-frn-1852 10/20/194[7] News item 右翼社会民主陣営の人々. 槍玉に上つたビッ[ク]セヴン バーンズ氏は戰爭屋. ソ連議反ばく "Right wing social democrats" Economic crisis: Government policy attacked The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai The latest international demand for the Emperor's abdication Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo An authoritative informant said Sunday the Roman Catholic bishops of Germany have protested to the Allied Central Council against what they called the "kidnapping" of more than 2000 German boys and girls in the Soviet zone since the beginning of the occupation. Two members of the House Armed Forces Committee returning from a tour of the Orient said today that America should send immediate aid to Nationalist China, pull United States armed forces out of Korea, and retain Okinawa as a military base. Intellectual Collaboration Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) Nippon Times Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Moscow) Commentary Most of the UN delegates expect the Soviets to reject US proposal for UN Commission to supervise the creation of the Korean government Most of the UN delegates expect the Soviets to reject US proposal for UN Commission to supervise the creation of the Korean government 時事通信 United Press 共同通信 (2) Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 世界市場から日本を閉出す. ソヴエト記者主張 Jiji Tsushin (115) Jiji Tsushin 115 對華借款は実現するか Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Britain, U.S., trying to exclude Japan from world markets, Soviet journalist contends. "Will the Loan to China Materialize?" Or its representatives after consultation with four adhering powers of Moscow agreement. H, P H, P H, P [Stewart Hensley, United Press correspon dent] [Stewart Hensley, United Press correspon dent] 1 1 [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] 1 Kawamoto Hayashi Y [Edward Depury] 2 H, S 1 Y H, S H, D 5 Gomes H. Okada 2 Y 2 Y 21 2 1 Oversized News Agency 10/20/1947 Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1830 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-1854 10/21/194[7] 47-frn-1855 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:2 [Radio Press (New York)] 47-frn-1856 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:3 [Radio Press (Melbourne)] Peace Treaty: BCOF occupation dependent on signers 47-frn-1857 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:4 [Radio Press (Chungking)] 47-frn-1858 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:5 47-frn-1858a [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:5a 47-frn-1859 10/22/1947 47-frn-1860 10/22/194[7] 21:7; 22:1 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service SCAP warns of crisis; An economic crisis which, according to the headquarters of General Douglas MacArthur, Allied Supreme Commander in Japan, "threatens to wreck every positive act of the Occupation" Economic: Country faces dark future Industrial production in Japan may decline in the next few months The duration of the British occupation of Japan will depend entirely on who signs the peace treaty and when H, P 1 H, P 1 Peace Treaty: Nishio names Katayama as delegation head Peace Treaty: Nishio names Katayama as delegation head H, P 1 [United States] Army spokesman characterized as "ri[dic]ulous" any suggestion money for feeding occ[u]pied Germany will [be] obtained by borrowing from Japanese occupation funds. A United States army spokesman characterized as "ridiculous" any suggestion that the money for feeding occupied Germany will be obtained by borrowing from Japanese occupation funds. Japan and bizonal Germany US army denies any suggestion that money for feeding occupied Germany will be borrowed from Japanese occupation funds H, P 2 US army denies any suggestion that money for feeding occupied Germany will be borrowed from Japanese occupation funds H, P US army denies any suggestion that money for feeding occupied Germany will be borrowed from Japanese occupation funds Lack of raw materials and absence of exchange rate cited for reasons for bleak outlook for future of Japanese trade State Dept. temporarily abandoned its plans to take over administration of occupied areas from the army H, P [Matsuda] 1 H, P [William R. Sears] 3 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:6 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Japan[']s lack raw materials plus absence rate exchange and greatly increased costs in Japan continue as... 47-frn-1861 [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:7 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1862 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:8 The State Department announced it has abandoned at least temporarily its plans to take over administration of occupied areas from the Army, and officials said the deci[s]ion was made public to strengthen the hands of American one commanders. Foreign Policy: Brewster urges strong China 47-frn-1863 10/22/1947 47-frn-1864 10/22/194[7] 47-frn-1865 10/22/194[7] 47-frn-1866 The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 22:10 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 22:11 Reuters 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Kyodo News Service [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:12 Agence 共同通信 Franchpresse (19, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1867 10/22/1947 22:13 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1868 10/22/1947 22:14 United Press 日米通信 (Paris) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 47-frn-1869 [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:15 The New York Times Magazine アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-1870 10/12/1947 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 10/22/1947 22:16 Nippon Times 紳士淑女顧客のアンラ横流れ闇市. 最近のソウル世相 The State Department announcement was issued in response to requests that the report be made public... The break-off in diplomatic relations between Brazil and Russia envisaged last Friday surprised no one in the capital where it was expected that this decision would have deep repercussions on relations between the Western hemisphere and regions under Soviet influence. Believe It or Not! The largest building in Leningrad- Cathedral of St. Isaac (336 ft. high- 364 ft. long - 321 ft. wide and 700 lb. of gold covers the dome) The Soviets have converted it into an anti-religious museum in which all faiths are held up to insult and ridicule パリの貧民街ではマ案に不服. 農業家の視察に「ドイツ援助反対論」 資本主義に根本的修正が必要. 一流の各國経済学者が見解を発表 Notes 3 22:5b Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) Examiner5 Examiner6 H, S Kokusai Times News item from Seoul, 21st, KIP Examiner4 According to MacArthur, the Japanese economic crisis threatens the work of the occupation The Kokusai Times 22:9 Examiner3 10 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) 10/23/1947 Examiner1 Examiner2 H Jiji Tsushin Radio Press (Nanking) Brief Summary U.S. Foreing Policy, "Can Do & Must do" Policy Jiji Tsushin 米軍部否認. 対日占領資金の流用 Subject U.S. Foreign policy An Iowa farmer, after causing a nearriot when he visited a Paris slum in search of French reaction to the Marshall plan, said today: "I can see how they feel." Portrait of a lusty city. Chicago, fascinating yet repelling, has just closed another chapter in its history. Evaluating the capitalist world outlook, E.E. Lundberg, eminent Swedish economist, said last night there was some likelihood of a serious post-war depression in the U.S. Y 3 H, P 1 Owen Brewster urges immediate aid to China, saying that China is keystone to US foreign policy in struggle between Communism and freedom "Latest social phase in Seoul: Social phase in Seoul: Ladies and gentlemen are Blackmarketing and guests of blackmarket of Bartering becoming UNRA goods" increasingly common H, P 1 P 1 Gen. Wedemeyer warns of danger of Russia taking over Manchuria in the next six months and recommends support of Gen. Chiang Kaishek Possible consequences of the break-off in diplomatic relations between Brazil and Russia H, P 2 H, P 5 Ripley's Believe It or Not: The Soviets have converted St. Isaac's Cathedral into an anti-religious museum H, S, [Ripley] P 1 The French do not like the Marshall Plan; They believe that it will help the Germans H, P [David Loehwing] Portrait of Chicago H, P [Russell Owen] Swedish economist predicts a postwar depression in the US H, S H, S Fujinami Y Y 3 3 8 Y 2 15 Oversized News Agency Radio Press (New York), The New York Times Radio Press 共同通信 (Delhi); Kyodo Tsushin (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 11:30 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/21/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1853 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) アサヒニュース Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Headline Subject 22:19 47-frn-1874 10/22/1947 22:20 Associated アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News Press (Washington) Associated 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo C Kyodo Tokushin Press (24, 25, Tokushin C Hamburg, San Francisco) 47-frn-1875 [10]/[23]/194[7] 22:21 Radio Press; The Washington Post 47-frn-1876 10/22/194[7] 22:22 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (16, Prague) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The "Rode Bravo," official organ of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia, will publish tomorrow a r[e]port on the int[e]rnational... 47-frn-1877 [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:23 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Shanghai) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Chinese Reds fire on American piloted aircraft 47-frn-1878 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:24 United Press 国際タイムス (Lake Success, NY) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times ギリシヤを侵せば保護の爲兵力使用 Brushing aside a new, angry attack by Soviet Russia on the American plans for Greece and Korea, the United States warned that America may eventually use its troops to protect Greece. 47-frn-1879 [10]/[22]/194[7] 22:25 News Week 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 日本艦隊は屑鉄として日本に売却; 外国商社資産回復に関心薄い Part of the Japanese fleet will be resold to the Japanese in the form of scrap according to an agreement between... ; Foreign concerns in Japan show little interest in reclaiming their properties. 47-frn-1880 10/22/1947 22:26 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Sterling problem keeps trade down. British Delay Is Hampering Trade in Orient, All[i]ed Sources Declare 47-frn-1881 10/22/1947 22:27 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Hollywood Is Communist Center, Adolphe Menjou Tells Committee. Writers' Guild Chief Threatens Libel Suit Against Warner for Accusations Screen star, Adolphe Menjou H, D says that Stalin is a "gangster sho enslaves his officials" 1 47-frn-1882 10/22/1947 22:28 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign S. Korean economy held worst in Eastern nations. Split Between North, South Believed Cause of Plight South Korean economy held worst in Eastern nations H, P 1 47-frn-1883 [10]/[24]/194[7] 22:29 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Hong Kong) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo China, waiting and hoping for recovery ever since VJ Day and getting only inflation of the war and want, sees a glimmer of hope in south this fall. Chinese governor petitions MacArthur for the return of a paper mill removed by the Japanese H, D [Fred Hampson] 2 47-frn-1884 [10]/[21]/194[7] 22:30 United Press (Washington) Senator Pepper denounces investigation of Communist penetration H, P 1 47-frn-1885 10/22/1947 22:31 United Press Nippon Times Senator Pepper denounced the House investigation of Communist penetration into the movie industry N. Amowa, who wrote many nasty things about women revealed herself as a woman 47-frn-1886 10/22/1947 22:32 Editorial "Conclusion of Palestine Problem" H, P 47-frn-1887 10/22/1947 22:33 Editorial 47-frn-1888 10/22/194[7] 22:34 47-frn-1889 10/22/194[7] 22:35 47-frn-1890 10/22/1947 Public opinion poll revealed that greatest fear of German people is outbreak of another war Chinese communists anti-Kuomintang Herschel Johnson, US delegate to UN, warned that if Soviet dominated Balkans persist in aggression against Greece, US will use its troops 1) Part of Japanese fleet will be resold to the Japanese in the form of scrap; 2) Foreign concerns in Japan show little interest in reclaiming their properties Delay in Anglo-American agreement on how the British will pay for Japanese goods is stifling the Japanese textile industry 共同通信 共同特信 A Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin A (16) (Tokushin Bunka) #16 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times (1) Kokusai Times No. 1 パレスチナ問題の帰着点 米ソ手腕の見せ場. 歐州の将來を指す二つの表情 "The Facts of U.S. and Soviet will" Shampei XNCR 21st Broadcast INNS 貿易日報; 日本通信 Boeki Nippo; Nihon Tsushin Boeki-Tsushin; Nippon-Tsushin 中國共産黨の放送. 中共人民解放軍の宣言 Editorial Comment 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun フランス右翼勝利の示唆 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local The Broadcast of the Chinese Communists "Chinese Communists Liberation Army's D[e]claration" Sug[g]estion made victory of Victory of the French right wings National League and its implications Katayama Cabinet's counteroffensive to meet the labor challenge of the unions Soviet charges that the idea that US has imperialistic ambitions could have some truth Chinese Communists Liberation Army's Declaration 4 1 H, D [Harris] Y 4 H, P Y 9 Press Opinions: Washington H, P Post points out that Chinese Communists are antiKuomingtang rather than proRussians "Rode Bravo," organ of the H, P Communist Paper of Czechoslovakia, will publish a report on the international situation presented by Zhdanov Chinese Communists fired at H, P American piloted aircraft Woman Can't Write About Women, Editor Says- Then "Amow[a]" Did It Cabinet Bares Stiff Penalties For Idle Government Workers. Warning is Issued as Reports Show High Rate of Absenticism Among Employe[e]s Y Notes 10/22/1947 Nippon Times Foreign H, P Examiner5 Examiner6 47-frn-1873 Nippon Times The State Dept. desision to drop its plan to take over control of the occupied areas in Asia and Europe will pave the way for a more efficient administration [Russell Brines] Examiner4 United Press 毎日新聞 (Berlin) 戰爭を恐れるドイツ人 H, P Examiner3 22:18 The United States is trying to establish [a] still more free capitalistic economy in Japan. The greatest fear of the German people today is of another war [a] British military government public opinion poll revealed. Action cannot be expected on the question of a stable exchange rate for a long time Examiner1 Examiner2 10/22/1947 解体をさらに徹底. 米政府極東委員会に新提案 The question of a stable exchange rate, now before the Four Power Council, is involved and action cannot be expected on it for a relatively long time, key headquarters sources agree. Long way to drop its plan to take over the control of occupied areas Brief Summary 47-frn-1872 10/23/194[7] Asahi News Headline (Japanese) Associated Press (Tokyo) 10/23/1947 The Asahi News レート設定不可能. 貿易廳案、はん雜で不正確 22:17 H, P H, P 1 1 [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] Y 3 Y 7 [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] 1 [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] Goro [N.] Fujinami Teranishi Kawamoto 1 Y 12 Kawamoto Hayashi Y 6 H, P [N]. E. Kawamoto Akamatsu Y 4 H, P Hideo Watanabe Y 5 D D 1 2 H, P H, S Oversized News Agency [10]/[22]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-1871 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Hattori Eiichi Akamatsu [Kawamoto ] 1 2 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 23:1 47-frn-1894 10/23/194[7] 47-frn-1895 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Nippon Times Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign United Press 時事通信 (5, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 23:1a United Press 共同通信 (11, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:1b United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1896 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:2 United Press 時事通信 (2, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Scripps Howard Newspapers editorially said important reason why Uni[ted] States abandoned plan transfer administration occupied areas Asia and Europe from Army to State Department is "troubled world situation." 47-frn-1897 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:3 United Press 時事通信 (4, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1898 10/23/194[7] 23:4 United Press 共同通信 (16, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Question whether Congress will called back in special session on European aid may decided once and for all Thursday when Truman meets with Republican and Democratic leaders at White House. Conservative influential Herald Tribune editorially charged group "men of type who ruled Japan before war... 47-frn-1899 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:4a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-1900 10/23/1947 23:4b Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Washington) ; United Press (New York) Mainich Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-1901 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:5 Associated Press (3, Moscow) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1902 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:5a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1903 10/23/1947 23:5b Associated Press (3, 7, Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1904 10/23/194[7] 23:5c Associated Press (3, Moscow) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1905 [10]/[21]/194[7] 23:6 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1906 [10]/[22]/194[7] 23:7 Associated Press (Manila) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service 時事通信 時事通信, 共同通信 對日講和下交渉年末迄に妥結せん. 米國務次官談. 米、ソ、中折衝中 日本再興監視せよ. 米紙、獨の軍事復興を例... 總司令部、比島で食糧等買付け Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Ripley's Believe It or Not: The average Soviet worker's wages compared to the prices of goods S Acting Sec. of State Lovett said that differences with the USSR and China have not been resolved concerning the Japanese Peace Conference D 1 Acting Secretary State Robert [A.] Lovett said the[re] chance negotiations will get under way this year on Japanese peace treaty. Acting Sec. of State Levett said that there is a chance that negotiations will be under way this year on Japanese Peace Treaty Levett called on Hamilton, who is an expert on Far Eastern affairs, to replace Atcheson, who died recently, to prepare US proposals for the peace treaty P 2 Acting Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett said Wednesday there is a chance negotiations will get under way this year on the Japanese peace treaty. [Ripley] Notes Believe It or Not!. Prices in the Soviet Union the "Workers Paradise!" The average workman receives 200 Roubles a week- this has a purchasing value of $16.50. Acting Secretary State Robert [A.] L[o]vett said there chance negotiations will get under way this year on Japanese peace treaty. H 1 Y 2 Scripps Howard editorially said that reason why US abandoned the plan to transfer administration of occupied areas to the State Dept. is because of troubled world situation Congress may be called back for special session on European aid H, P 1 H, P 1 New York Herald Tribune editorially said that US must beware of Japanese capitalists and industrialists because they want to rebuild the old militaristic Japan H, S 2 The conservative and influential Herald Old clique trying to revive Tribune editorially charged that a group military Japan: (Herald of "men of the type who ruled Japan Tribune) before the war... Truman, with Marshall, takes hand in shaping U.S. Chinese policy; Herald Tribune comments on Japanese warmongers Old clique of Japanese men trying to revive militaristic Japan, says Herald Tribune H, S Old clique of Japanese men trying to revive militaristic Japan, says Herald Tribune P; H, P Andrei A Zhdanov, in a declaration published Wednesday, called upon Communists and their sympathizers everywhere in the world to join in a battle against what he charged were attempts by the United States to achieve "world domination by American capitalism" Andrei A. Zhdanov called upon Communists and their sympathizers today to join in a battle against what he charged were attempts by the United States to achieve "world domination by American capitalism" Andrei A. Zhdanov Zhdanov in aye declaration published Wednesday called upon Communists and their swmtathizers everywhere in the world to join in aye battle against what he charged were attempts by the United States to achieve "world domination by American capitalism" Andre A Zhdanov in aye declaration published Wednesday called upon Communists and their sympathizers everywhere in the world to join in aye battle against what he charged were attempts by the United States to achieve "world domination by American capitalism" US Attorney General hits Russia Zhdanov in a declaration called upon Communists in the world to join in battle against US domination by capitalism H, P Zhdanov in a declaration called upon Communists in the world to join in battle against US domination by capitalism H, P Zhdanov in a declaration called upon Communists in the world to join in battle against US domination by capitalism H, P Zhdanov in a declaration called upon Communists in the world to join in battle against US domination by capitalism P 1 H, P 2 SCAP and other Uni[ted] States military agencies spent one zero [million] dollars in Philippines past six months on food purchases for occupation areas Attorney Gen. Clark said that UN Atomic Energy Commission's deliberations are getting nowhere, and blames that Soviets for not putting forth suggestions SCAP and other US military agencies spent $10 million on Philippines in the last 6 months for food H, P Y 3 1 [Eddy Gilmore] 1 1 [Eddy Gilmore] 2 Y 3 Oversized [10]/[23]/194[7] Source Photograph(s) 47-frn-1893 Hold No. Duplicate 10/22/1947 Number of Pages Date Censored 10/22/1947 Japanese Article Prange Control No. Writers Date Submitted 47-frn-1891 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-1908 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:8 47-frn-1909 10/23/1947 47-frn-1910 Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 23:8a United Press 共同通信 (2, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:8b United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) 47-frn-1911 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:8c United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) 47-frn-1912 [10]/[22]/194[7] 23:8d Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press Service News Service (Washington) 47-frn-1913 10/23/1947 23:8e United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) 47-frn-1914 10/23/1947 23:9 47-frn-1915 10/22/1947 23:10 47-frn-1916 [10]/[23]/194[7] 47-frn-1917 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes SCAP and other United States military agencies spent $10,000,000 in the Philippines in the past six months on food purchases for occupation area, SCAP's foreign trade representative Lt. Col. Bernard L. Anderson said Wednesday. Undersecretary State Robert A. Lovett cryptically told newsmen there "cha[n]ce" japtreaty [ne]gotiations will start before end this year SCAP and other US military agencies spent $10 million on Philippines in the last 6 months for food H, P 1 Lovett says that "chance"Japanese peace treaty negotiations could start before the end of the year H 1 The Kyodo News Service Lovett declared basic differences among Uni[ted] States Russia China as yet unresolved Lovett says that "chance"Japanese peace treaty negotiations could start before the end of the year H 3 The Kokusai Times Kokusai T. Lovett says that "chance"Japanese peace treaty negotiations could start before the end of the year H 1 [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi Shimbun] Undersecretary of State Robert A. Lovett cryptically told newsman Wednesday there is a "chance" that Japanese treaty negotiations will start before the end of this year. Undersec. Lovett on Japanese peace treaty Lovett says that "chance"Japanese peace treaty negotiations could start before the end of the year H Jiji World Japanese peace conference to start before end of this year Lovett says that "chance"Japanese peace treaty negotiations could start before the end of the year H 3 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Undersecretary of State Robert A Lovett cryptically told newsmen Wednesday there is a "chance" that Japanese treaty negotiations will start before the end of this year. Lovett says that "chance"Japanese peace treaty negotiations could start before the end of the year H 2 Jiji Tsushin (47) Jiji Tsushin 47 United Press 極東通信 (Moscow) Far Eastern Press Far Eastern Press Moscow's girls today disdained any thought of submitting to Western style dictatorship in the international crisis of the descending hemline. 23:11 United Press 時事通信 (3, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji [10]/[22]/194[7] 23:12 47-frn-1918 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:13 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Former Undersecretary State Dean Acheson said California[']s alien land law patentl denies Japanese American children "equal protection" [enjoyed] by other [n]ative American children Marshall Plan: Moscow embarks on new attack policy 47-frn-1919 10/23/194[7] 23:13a 47-frn-1920 [10]/[23]/194[7] 47-frn-1921 47-frn-1922 時事通信 Commentary Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated 東京新聞 Press (34, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 23:14 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 10/23/194[7] 23:14a Associated Press (49, New York) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 10/23/194[7] 23:14b Associated Press (49, New York) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun ソヴエト圏の諸国家は欧州復興会議をボイコットして ポーランドにコミンフオルムが生れた Focus of the world The "April 6 [Wisconsin] Presidential Preference primary may find Gen. MacArthur back in this country from his tour of duty in Japan, and whether he does return or not by [then], politicians are generally agreed that MacArthur's [friends] will battle for a share of the state's 27 delegates to the National Republican Convention. The April six Wisconsin Presidential Preference primary may find General [MacArthur] back in this country from [his] tour of duty in Japan and whether he does return or not by then politicians generally agreed that MacArthurs friends will battle for a share of the states two seven delegates to the National Republican Convention. The New York Herald Tribune said editorially today that there was a warning to Americans in the fact that some Japanese businessmen and government officials are trying to slow down Japanese reconstruction. The New York Herald Tribune said editorially today there was aye warning to Americans in the fact that some Japanese businessmen and government officials are trying to slow down Japanese reconstruction. The New York Herald Tribune said editorially today there was a warning to Americans in the fact that some Japanese businessmen and government officials are trying to slow down Japanese reconstruction. The countries in the Soviet bloc had boycotted the European rehabilitation conference and established the Cominform in Poland Hemlines in Moscow [Matsuda] 1 H, P Mamiya Kawamoto Tabata Y 7 H, P [Walter Cronkite, United Press staff correspon dent] 3 Former Undersecretary of H, P State Atcheson said California alien land law denies Japanese-American children "equal protection" Moscow says Western H, S Europe has not resumed trade with Eastern Europe for fear of annoying the US The Wisconsin Presidential H, [D] [Jack Bell] Preference primary may find Gen. MacArthur back from Japan 2 The Wisconsin Presidential Preference primary may find Gen. MacArthur back from Japan H 1 New York Herald Tribune said that US may have to supervise Japan for years, to make sure that she does not become militaristic again H, S 1 New York Herald Tribune said that US may have to supervise Japan for years, to make sure that she does not become militaristic again H, S 2 New York Herald Tribune said that US my have to supervise Japan for years, to make sure that she does not become militaristic again S 1 1 2 Oversized News Agency [Associated Press (Manila)] Photograph(s) Source 23:7a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[23]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1907 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 北海道新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 47-frn-1924 [10]/23/194[7] 23:14d Associated 西日本新聞 Press World Service (New York) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-1925 [10]/[22]/194[7] 23:15 Reuters (Prague; London) 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World 47-frn-1926 10/23/194[7] 23:16 Associated Press (29, Nanking) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1927 10/23/194[7] 23:16a Associated Press (29, Nanking) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1928 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:16b 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-1929 10/23/1947 23:17 United Press 日米通信 (London) Nichibei Tsushin Nichibei 47-frn-1930 10/23/1947 23:18 International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times 47-frn-1931 10/23/1947 23:19, 23:19a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Palo Alto, California) 47-frn-1932 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:20 47-frn-1933 10/23/1947 23:21 47-frn-1934 10/23/1947 23:22 Associated 共同通信 Press (4, 7, 8, 9, Washington) 47-frn-1935 10/23/1947 23:22a 47-frn-1936 [10]/[23]/194[7] 47-frn-1937 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes New York Herald Tribune said that US my have to supervise Japan for years, to make sure that she does not become militaristic again H, S New York Herald Tribune said that US my have to supervise Japan for years, to make sure that she does not become militaristic again H, S Diplomatic breach between Latin American states and countries of Eastern Europe might spread H, P 3 Official sources declared today aye long smoldering revolt [broken] out in far off Sinkiang province, the sole point where China now has aye common frontier with Russia. Official sources declared today aye long smoldering revolt said broken out in far off Sinkiang province, the sole point where China now has aye common frontier with Russia. Official source declared today that a long-smouldering revolt was said to have broken out in far-off Sinkiang province, the sole point where China now has a common frontier with Russia. A revolt has broken out in a province where China has a common frontier with Russia H, P 2 A revolt has broken out in a province where China has a common frontier with Russia H, P 1 Revolt in China: The Ili tribes H, P had begun an attack of such strength that they may have the physical support of outer Mongolians and possibly the Rissinans 1 Soviet Geography Gives Own Idea Of 'Capitalists' New Soviet texbook attacks America and other capitalist countries H, S Nippon Times Foreign U.S. expert to work on Japanese treaty. Minister to Finland Will Be Assigned to Task, Lovett Announces H, P 1 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Food Situation Not So Gloom In Japan, Says Nutriti[o]n Expert. Notes No Evidence of Starvation, Though Fat People Conspicuously Absent; Inflation Is Main Problem Maxwell Hamilton, Minister to Finland assigned to work of the Japanese peace treaty, announced Lovett Health suvey revealed that food situation in Japan not so gloomy H, C 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local The Supplementary Budget Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Associated 東京新聞 Press (4, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 23:22b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Undersecretary of State Lovett told aye news conference Wednesday that American policy on China is under active consideration by Secretary of State Marshall. Undersecretary of State Lovett told aye news conference Wednesday that American policy on China is under active consideration by Secretary of State Marshall. Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett told a news conference Wednesday that American policy on China is under active consideration by Secretary of State George C. Marshall. 10/23/1947 23:23 USIS Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. life at first hand refutes foreign fables. Visitors Surprised To Find Average Family Lives Simply 47-frn-1938 10/23/1947 23:24 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (17, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-1939 10/23/1947 23:24a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (54, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Mr. Maxwell Hamilton, U.S. Minister to Finland and well-known expert on Japanese affairs, has been called back to Washington in connection with the preparation by the State Department of an early peace treaty with Japan, UnderSecretary of State Robert Lovett announced today. Mr. Robert Lovett, Under Secretary of State, ... for the early study of the Japanese peace treaty... concerned powers, although no agreement has yet been reached on... 47-frn-1940 10/23/194[7] 23:24b Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Nippon Times Hokkaido Headline (Japanese) The New York Herald Tribune said editorially today that there was a warning to Americans in the fact that some Japanese businessmen and government officials are trying to slow down Japanese reconstruction. The New York Herald Tribune said editorially today that there was a warning to Americans in the fact that some Japanese businessmen and government officials are trying to slow down Japanese reconstruction. Chile and Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs has so far received as intimation of the severence of diplomatic relations by the government of Chile; Break might spread 10/23/1947 Hokkaido Shimbun 日本の長期監督が必要 ソ連が地理敎科書で米英を非難. 資本主義國を槍玉 対日講和交渉の専任者ハミルトン氏の横顔 米日本通を召還. 対日早期講和準備進む U.S. expert on Japan called to Washington as early treaty under study Hamilton will take the duties of the late ambassador George Atcheson Jr., to undertake the work on the Japanese treaty The supplementary budget for the 1947-48 fiscal year Lovett said at a news conference that he would make no statements about US policy on China without Marshall's approval Lovett said at a news conference that he would make no statements about US policy on China without Marshall's approval Lovett said at a news conference that he would make no statements about US policy on China without Marshall's approval H 1 [Osawa] [Walter Kolarz, United Press staff correspon dent] Y Y Y 3 2 7 H, P 4 H, P 4 P 1 H, P 2 USSR is creating an H, D exaggerated picture of American luxury, and this is causing minsunderstanding in Europe Maxwell Hamilton has been H, P called back to Washington, as early preparations for the Japanese peace treaty is under study 1 Preparations for the Japanese peace treaty: Undersecretary Lovett says that exchange of notes between Washington and Moscow was proceeding 3 1 H, P Maxwell Hamilton has been H, P called back to Washington, as early preparations for the Japanese peace treaty is under study Oversized News Agency Associated Press (New York) Photograph(s) Source 23:14c Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[23]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1923 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 23:26 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) 47-frn-1942 10/23/194[7] 47-frn-1943 10/23/1947 23:27; 25:26 47-frn-1944 10/23/1947 47-frn-1945 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 米ソ間に文書交換. 日本通公使を本國へ召還. 對日講和問題の準備. ラヴエツト國務次官言明 Headline Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 The Kyodo News Service The America- 国際タイムス; Japan Press, 毎日新聞 United Press (New York) The Kokusai Times; Mainichi Shimbun Kokusai Taimusu; Mainichi Shimbun 23:28 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 10/23/1947 23:28a Associated Press (Tokyo) 時事通信; 東京新聞 Jiji Tsushin; Tokyo Shimbun Jiji Tsushin; Tokyo Shimbun 講和特使を狙う人々の爭い Japanese Eager For Positions At Peace Conference. Politicians Build Rosy Hopes Of Japan's Role When Conference Begins Japanese eager for positions at the peace conference: SCAP feels that the Japanese are hurting themselves by talking too much about the peace conference 47-frn-1946 [10]/23/194[7] 23:28c Associated Press (Tokyo) 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 首席代表を爭う日本の政治家 Japanese politicians are fighting hard for a place on the peace treaty delegation as they battle once to avoid any responsibility for Japan's surrender. Japanese eager for positions at the peace conference: SCAP feels that the Japanese are hurting themselves by talking too much about the peace conference 47-frn-1947 10/23/1947 23:29 Associated Press (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Landlords Suing State to Test Land Reform Constitutionality Landlords suing state to test the constitutionality of land reform 47-frn-1948 10/23/1947 23:29a Associated Press (Tokyo) 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon Landlords suing state to test the constitutionality of land reform 47-frn-1949 10/23/1947 23:30 Associated 東京新聞 Press (23, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 1 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:30a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Hamilton will take the duties of the late ambassador George Atcheson Jr., to undertake the work on the Japanese treaty Hamilton will take the duties of the late ambassador George Atcheson Jr., to undertake the work on the Japanese treaty H 47-frn-1950 "Numerous" Japanese landlords, employing "obstructionist" tactics in an effort to retain their holdings, are suing the Japanese government to determine the constitutionality of the Gen. MacArthur-approved and Russiancriticized land reform program, Agriculture and Foreign Minister Rikizo Hirano said today. The State Dept disclosed Wednesday that the Unite[d] States a still negotiating with Russia on Japanese peace treaty preliminaryes-hoping that Russia will participate in writing it. The State Department disclosed Wednesday that the United States is still negotiating with Russia on the Japanese peace treaty preliminaries---hoping that Russia will participate in writing it. H 2 47-frn-1951 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:31 International 産業経済新聞 News Service (Washington) Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sangyo Keizai U.S. minister to work on Japanese Peace Treaty P 2 47-frn-1952 [10]/23/194[7] 23:31a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 対日問題研究のためハミルトン氏を召還 U.S. minister t[o] work on Japanese Peace Treaty Hamilton will serve as Sec. of State Marshall's deputy when the Japanese discussions get under way Hamilton will serve as Sec. of State Marshall's deputy when the Japanese discussions get under way 47-frn-1952a 10/23/194[7] 23:31a International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 対日講和 U.S. minister t[o] work on Japanese Peace Treaty 47-frn-1953 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:31b International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin U.S. minister to work on Japanese Peace Treaty 47-frn-1954 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:31c International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido U.S. minister to work on Japanese Peace Treaty 47-frn-1955 10/23/194[7] 23:32 10/23/194[7] 23:33 USIS (17, 共同通信 Washington) International 読売新聞 News Service (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-1956 Kyodo News Service Yomiuri UP, New York Yomiuri Shimbun 北鮮の政治事情 断乎農地改革計画を護る ソ連・マ案阻止に全力 On October twentieth of this year Ministry of Foreign Affairs of USSR received from Ambassador of Brazil in Moscow note with statement that diplomatic relations between Brazil and USSR are discontinued from that date on. Northern Korea, under Russian tutelage, has become an international school for Oriental Communists and a base for a new Oriental Comintern, according to a Shanghai dispatch to Scripps-Howard newspapers by their staff writer, Clyde Farnsworth. Struggle Among Japanese Leaders For Trip to Peace Confab Debunked U.S. Prepares for Japanese treaty negotiations. Soviet Government makes public antiMarshall plan announcement Y Notes Tokyo Shimbun 共同通信 Maxwell Hamilton has been H, P called back to Washington, as early preparations for the Japanese peace treaty is under study Brazil has cut off diplomatic H, S relations with the UUSR Examiner3 Sekai Nippo 10/24/194[7] U.S. expert on Japan called to Washington as early treaty under study Subject Sekai Nippo 4 N. Korea is an international school for oriental Communists, with "Russian blessings" H, D Japanese eager for positions at the peace conference: SCAP feels that the Japanese are hurting themselves by talking too much about the peace conference H, D [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, The Associated Press] H, D [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo AP Bureau] Hamilton will serve as Sec. of State Marshall's deputy when the Japanese discussions get under way Hamilton will serve as Sec. of State Marshall's deputy when the Japanese discussions get under way US prepares for Japanese treaty negotiations The soviet Government made public anti-Marshall Plan announcement of Zhdanov 2 [Mercola] H, D [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, The Associated Press] H, P [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] H, P [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] Y 19 1 Y 9 Y 9 1 Y 8 H, P Y 4 H, P Y 3 H, P 2 H, P 1 H H, P 3 [Natalie Rene, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 3 13 Oversized News Agency Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 23:24c Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[22]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1941 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 23:33a 47-frn-1958 10/23/1947 23:34 47-frn-1959 10/23/1947 23:34 47-frn-1961 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:36 47-frn-1962 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:37 47-frn-1963 10/23/1947 23:38 47-frn-1964 10/22/1947 47-frn-1965 Submitted by (Japanese) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) Commentary 朝鮮新聞 共同通信 共同特信 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Brief Summary Soviet [Government] makes public AntiMarshall plan announcement The soviet Government made public anti-Marshall Plan announcement of Zhdanov H, P Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Vishinsky assails more U.S. leaders; Evatt flays USSR. Bullitt, Byrnes, Forrestal and Harriman Included Among 'War Mongers' Vishinsky assails more US leaders; calls them "war mongers" H, P Chosen Shimbun Chosen Shimbun Commentary on Walter Lippman's article, "Cold War" H, P Warren R. Austin's comments on Vishinsky's speech H, P [根]據なき[楽]觀論. 痴人の夢・ソ連の自壊 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 対日講和問題の具体化 "Unfounded optimism on Russia' self destruction." H Warren R. Austin, ranking United States delegate at the Committee's session Wednesday, sat silent during Vishinsky's one hour and ten minutes speech. 貿易日報, 日本通信 Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 米ソは即時朝鮮より撤兵せよ 23:39 Associated Press (Tokyo) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 王部長、マ元帥と会見 [10]/[22]/194[7] 23:40 United Press 時事通信 (Lake Success) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-1966 10/23/1947 23:41 Central News Zhong yang 共同通信 Agency tong xun she Shanghai, (Shanghai) 23rd Kyodo Tsushin (104) Kyodo Tsushin 104 日本の工業水準制限論. 清華大学教授発表 47-frn-1967 [10]/23/194[7] 23:42 International 西日本新聞 News Service (New York) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-1968 10/23/194[7] 23:43 United Press 共同通信 (12, Columbia SC) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1969 10/23/194[7] 23:44 New York Herald Tribune Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo 47-frn-1970 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:45 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 47-frn-1971 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:45a International 西日本新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-1972 [10]/[23]/194[7] 23:45b International 産業経済新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sangyo Keizai 時事新報 Subject Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Nihon Tsushin (Nanking) News item: Nanking Radio 22 N.N.S Headline Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin アメリカに於ける共産党員は凡そ七万五千名 南米諸国 国管案敗れば総辞職、総選挙をやれ. 平野農相会見記 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 Kawamoto Yamaguchi [Goro Teranishi] Y 8 Y 10 1 H, P Chinese Foreign Minister Wang is scheduled to lunch with Gen. MacArthur today H, P Australian Min. External Affairs denounces Soviet's false account of allies roles in war against Japan Chinese professor comments on the restriction of Japanese industrial standard H, P The Communist party in the United States has about 75,000 members The Communist Party in US has about 75,000 members H, P Former Secretary of States James F. Byrnes reiterated his belief if Russian army does not leave Eastern Germany voluntarily then Uni[ted] States and other nations must band together to take "Measures last resort" against Sovi[et] Union. Recent developments in South America with respect to the Soviet Union and its Eastern European satellites show a solidarity which, while not unforeseen, must be heartening to those in the United States and elsewhere who are opposed to Communism. Former Sec. of State Byrnes said that if Russian army does not leave Eastern Germany, US must take "measures last resort" H Anti-Communist front in South America H, P Hirano declares Katayama cabinet should quit if coal bill defeated The peace treaty should not be signed until Japan is fully democratized, says Hirano Hirano declares Katayama cabinet should quit if coal bill defeated Defeat of coal measure will necessitate cabinet change, Hirano says Hirano declares Katayama cabinet should quit if coal bill defeated Defeat of coal measure will necessitate cabinet change, Hirano says H, D [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] H [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent], [Osawa] H [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Restriction of Japanese industrial standard Chinese professor stated. Examiner3 1 "U.S. and Red Army should US and Red army should be be quickly withdrawn from quickly withdrawn from Korea" Korea Chinese Foreign minister Wang ChihChieh arrived from the United States for a brief visit here before returning to China. Evatt denounces Soviet's false account of Allies roles in war against Japan Examiner1 Examiner2 [Natalie Rene, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Kawamoto Hayashi Y 4 Y 2 2 H, P Kawamoto Fujinami [James Powers, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 15 Y 32 3 [Ralph Chapman] Y 3 2 Y 11 3 Oversized News Agency International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Moscow) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[23]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1957 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-1974 10/24/1947 23:45d International Nippon Times News Service (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 二十四日付星条旗紙はINS通信ハンドルマン特派員の左 Cabinet resignation urged if bill fails. のような報道をかかげている Defeat of Coal Measure Will Necessitate Cabinet Change, Hirano Says 47-frn-1975 10/24/194[7] International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Tokyo) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 炭鉱国管敗れヽば片山内閣は総辞職すべし(平野農相 談) 47-frn-1976 10/23/194[7] 23:46 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1977 10/23/1947 23:47 News Item 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 47-frn-1978 [10]/[5]/194[7] 23:48 The New York Times (Vienna) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-1979 10/23/1947 23:49 The New York Times (Washington) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 対日講和年内に交渉開始か. 專任官ハミルトン氏任命 47-frn-1981 10/23/1947 23:51 Commentary 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu 反共運動は擴大する. 人民勢力に抗するカソリンズム 47-frn-1982 10/23/1947 23:52 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (23) Tokyo Mimpo 23 世界危機の結節点 47-frn-1983 10/23/1947 23:53 Editorial 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo (23) Tokyo Mimpo 23 対日講和と中國の立場 47-frn-1985 10/23/194[7] 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri ソ連情勢 47-frn-1986 10/23/1947 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-1987 10/23/1947 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-1988 [10]/[23]/194[7] Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1990 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:1 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1991 10/24/194[7] 24:2 Associated 共同通信 Press (28, 31, New Orleans) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-1992 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:2a Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New Orleans) 47-frn-1993 10/24/194[7] 24:2b Associated 東京新聞 Press (31, New Orleans) 10/24/1947 Associated Press (Shanghai) United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Hirano declares Katayama cabinet should quit if coal bill defeated Government concern over course civil war taking reflected during past week by unusual events both on Chinese home and military fronts. 林語堂博士訪問記 Subject Brief Summary The peace treaty should not be signed until Japan is fully democratized, says Hirano H Defeat of coal measure will necessitate cabinet change, Hirano says H Recent events reflect government concern over the course that the civil war is taking "Account of Visit to Dr Lin- Chinese inventor says the Yu-Tang". Japanese should ask Hirohito of he really thinks that he is a god Stop-gap aid: what it means to three critical areas. Austria's Position Is Made More Difficult By the Red Army The Soviet army continues to occupy Austria, and will probably exact reparations Acting Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett revealed today that State Department was proceeding in the hope that negotiation of [a] Peace Tr[e]aty for Japan would be undertaken by end of this year. Lovett revealed that State Dept. was hoping that negotiations for the peace treaty would be under way by the end of the year 対日講和促進のためハミルトン氏フィンランド公使に 起用さる Third Lovetts statement negotiations might get under way before end this year in response to question. Sen. George W. Malone said army controls in Korea eight million tons vital tungsten but War Department divided on its use. Representative F. Edward Hebert of Louisiana returned from Japan today and said he had the "definite impression" that General Douglas MacArthur "is desirous of becoming [a] presidential candidate and will be available". Representative F. Edward Hebert, Democrat of Louisiana, returned from Japan today and said he had the "definite impression" that General Douglas MacArthur "is desirous of becoming a presidential candidate and will be available". Representative F. Edward Hebert of Louisiana returned from Japan today and said he had the "definite impression" that General Douglas MacArthur "is desirous of becoming a presidential candidate and will be available" Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 3 Y 8 Y 9 3 H, D Toru Kawamoto Nomura Matsumot o, Yomiuri Newspape r correspon dent H, D [John MacCorm ac] Y H, D, P Y 2 Kawamoto Tabata Y 4 Kawamoto Fujinami Y 8 Kawamoto Fujinami Y 7 [Kawamoto ] Y 2 Marshall declares that the "Marshall Plan" does not exist; reference to it is "misleading" P Maxwell Hamilton H Hamilton will replace Atchison in the Japanese peace treaty negotiations Army divided on what to do with 8 million tons of tungsten under their control in Korea Two US representatives speculate as to the possibility of MacArthur's desire to run for the presidency Examiner3 P "Casolicism and Communism The US alliance with the H, D, [Hiruta] movement" Pope is part of her plan for S world domination "Knot of world crisis" USSR established the H, D Conform to support Italian and French Communists "China's situation and peace China demands the H, P with Japan" participation of Russia for the conference of the Japanese peace treaty H Marshall Plan Does [N]ot Exist, U.S. State Secretary Declares. References to It Are Misleading, He Says; Tells Need for Action In Rebuilding Europe. Marshall Plan Does Not Exist Examiner1 Examiner2 [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Oversized News Agency International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 23:45c Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[23]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1973 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 9 1 1 Y 5 H 1 H, P 1 2 Two US representatives speculate as to the possibility of MacArthur's desire to run for the presidency H 3 Deleted : When asked about his availability for the presidency, MacArthur took two and a half hours to answer D, C, P 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1995 10/23/1947 24:4 United Press 時事通信 (7, 9, Berlin) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1996 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:5 Associated Press (3, New Delhi) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-1997 10/24/194[7] 24:5a Associated Press (3, New Delhi) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service U.S. Congressman W. Sterling Cole, republican, said the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better. 47-frn-1998 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:5b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New Delhi) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo United States congressman W. Sterling Cole, Republican of New York, said today that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better. 47-frn-1999 10/24/194[7] 24:5c Associated Press (3, New Delhi) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun U.S. Congressman W. Sterling Cole, Republican, said the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better. 47-frn-2000 10/24/1947 24:5d Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New Delhi) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. Senator Urges Safeguards In Japan Against Communism 47-frn-2001 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:5e Associated Press (New Delhi) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido United States congressman W. Sterling Cole, Republican of New York, said tod[ay] that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better. 47-frn-2002 [10]/[23]/194[7] 24:5f Associated Press (New Delhi) U.S. Congressman on Japan 47-frn-2003 [10]/[23]/194[7] 24:6 Radio Press (New York) Political: Government warns against sabotage 47-frn-2004 [10]/[23]/194[7] 24:7 Radio Press (Delhi) Korea: Group in North charges U.S. with oppression. 47-frn-2005 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:8 United Press 時事通信 (Lake Success) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2006 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:8a United Press 国際タイムス (Lake Success) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2007 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:9 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2008 10/24/1947 24:9a Kyodo 毎日新聞 Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2009 10/24/1947 Nippon News 47-frn-2010 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:10 Kyodo Nippon News Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) 47-frn-2011 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:11 47-frn-2012 10/24/194[7] 24:11a Associated Press (1, Honolulu) 10/24/194[7] 東京新聞 北海道新聞 Zilliacus said Russian officialdom and ci[t]izens alike sincerely believe Uni[ted] States may provoke third world war but declined say to what extent view shared by Stalin and Molotov. Senator Styles Bridges said on his arrival in Berlin h[e] ask General Lucius Clay to call immediate halt to dismantling program in Western Germany. U.S. Congressman W. Sterling Cole, Republican, said the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better. Australian foreign minister Evatt believes there no chance now holding preliminary Japanese Peace Conference until early [n]ext year. オーストラリア外相エヴアツト氏はパレスチナ委員会 議長たる繁職のかたわらUP記者と会見、対[日]講和問 題につき語ったが、対日講和問題予備会議開催[は]來年 三月頃にならうと次のように語った。 Australian Foreign Minister Herbert V. Evatt believes now there is no chance of holding preliminary Japanese Peace Conference until "early next year." Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Russian officials and citizens sincerely believe US will provoke third world war H, S, P 1 Senator Bridges asked Gen. Clay to call immediate halt to dismantling program in Western Germany P 2 US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established US Congressman Cole said that the sooner American soldiers leave Japan the better, once adequate safeguards against Communism is established Japanese government has warned unionized government workers against sabotage North Korea accuses the US of allowing terror against leftists in South Korea H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P 1 P 1 H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, S 1 Australian foreign minister Evatt believes preliminary Japanese peace conference will be delayed until early next year Australian foreign minister Evatt believes preliminary Japanese peace conference will be delayed until early next year H, P [Hensley] H, P [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 Y 3 Sen[ator] Robert A. Taft of Oh[i]o announced his candidacy for next year republican presidential nomination. Taft Taft enters race for president; MacArthur's prospects not bright Taft enters race for president; MacArthur's prospects not bright H Nippon News Foreign Taft enters race for U.S. president. Announces Candidacy for Next year's Republican Nomination Taft enters race for president; MacArthur's prospects not bright D 2 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Former Congresswoman Luce says that State Dept. should release Wedemeyer's report on China H, P 1 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Clare Boothe Luce says that the State Department should r[e]consider its decision not to release the report on China by Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer. A highly secret conference of U.S. military attaches from Far Eastern countries is being held here this week. Highly secret conference of military attaches from Far Eastern countries is being held here H, P 2 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service [A] highly secret conference of U.S. military attaches from Far Eastern countries is being held here this week. H H 2 [Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff correspon dent] [Lovelace] 2 2 Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信 (4, London) Photograph(s) Source 24:3 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/24/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-1994 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2014 [10]/[23]/194[7] 24:12 47-frn-2015 10/24/1947 47-frn-2016 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun United Press 国際タイムス (Boston) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 朝鮮人の希望に曙光 24:13 United Press 日米通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 五十年前に米ソの衝突を予言. アダムスの著「米國の經濟的優越」 10/24/1947 24:14 United Press 日米通信 (London) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin マヌス島は太平洋のシンガポール. 濠政府建設に乗出す Australia Eying Manus As Empire Navy Bastion. Pacific Isle Made Into a Base by U.S. Seen as New Singapore 47-frn-2017 10/24/1947 24:15 NEA 日米通信 (Washington) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 日に、三度ソ連へ"米國の声". 率直に公平に放送ニュースの賜物 47-frn-2018 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:16 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2019 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:17 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2020 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:18 Associated Press (9, 18, Fresno, CA) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2021 10/24/194[7] 24:18a Associated 共同通信 Press (14, 18, Fresno, CA) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2022 10/24/194[7] 24:18b Associated Press (18, Fresno, CA) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2023 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:18c Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Fresno, CA) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2024 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:19 United Press 国際タイムス (Santiago, Chili) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2025 10/24/1947 24:20 Associated Press Nippon times Nippon times 47-frn-2025a [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:20 Associated Press (Tokyo) 読売新聞 47-frn-2026 10/24/1947 24:21 Kyodo Nippon times Tsushin, United Press (New Orleans) 10/24/194[7] 東京新聞 [A] highly secret conference of U.S. military attac[h]es from Far Eastern countries is being held here this week. Brief Summary Highly secret conference of military attaches from Far Eastern countries is being held here There are Russian-trained armies in N. Korea, and reactionary private armies in S. Korea Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P Notes 1 H, D Y 3 US-Russian clash forecast in 1900 by Brooks Adams, grandson of Quincy adams Manus Island may be slated to become British Empire's new Singapore in the Pacific H, P Y 2 Y 2 Answering Russia by Air "The Voice of the United States of America": show of news and music beamed at Russia H, P Y 3 Truman will have include leastly fourhundred million dollars for occupied areas Japan Korea Germany in thousand million dollar request from special session congress [i]t was reliably revealed. Reliable diplomatic sou[r]ce said proposal switch un[e]xpended occupation funds in Japan to defray costs bizonal administration Germany may obviated by Truman[']s call for special session congress. U.S. Department of Agriculture exclusion of California long staple cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon [textile] m[i]lls was not [a] deliberate act of discrimination against California g[r]owers, said Robert Jackson representative for the national cotton council. U.S. Department of Agriculture exclusion of California long staple cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon textile mills was not [a] deliberate act of discrimination against California growers, said Robert Jackson representative for the national cotton council. U.S. Department of Agriculture exclusion of California long staple cotton from shipment to Japan for us[e] in Nippon [textile] mills was not [a] deliberate act of discrimination against California growers, [s]aid Robert Jackson, representative for the national cotton council. U.S. Department of Agriculture exclusion of California long staple cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon textile mills was not aye deliberate act of discrimination against California growers, said Robert Jackson, representative for the national cotton council. Unofficial reports disclosed Thursday that more than 200 Communist leaders are in jail and that the police, under orders from President Gabriel GonzalezVidela are hunting 300 more. Tentative amounts of dollars to be spent on foreign aid discussed P Nippon times Local Makes explanation. Foreign Office Official Explains Position on Treaty Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri The Japanese Government has dismissed Toru Hagiwara, Chief of the Foreign Office Treaty Bureau, for remarks he made before. Nippon times Nippon times Foreign Military Material desired for China. Two Congressmen Tells Views On Situation Which Faces Nationalists チリは帝國主義の走狗. タス紙、對ソ斷交評 The influential Christian Science Monitor, in an editorial today, declared that "now the United States has apparently decided to take some risks in a more explosive Korea, at last there is the glimmer of hope for the independence which the Koreans have desired so long and so ardently." U.S.-Russian Clash Forecast in 1900 By Adams Scion Subject H, P [Dan L. Thrapp, United Press staff correspon dent] [Peter Edson, NEA Washingto n correspon dent] [Shackfor d] 2 Proposal to switch unexpended occupation funds in Japan to defray costs of bizonal administration of Germany H, P 1 US Dept. of Agriculture exclusion of California cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon mills was not discrimination H, P 1 US Dept. of Agriculture exclusion of California cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon mills was not discrimination H 2 US Dept. of Agriculture exclusion of California cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon mills was not discrimination H, P 1 US Dept. of Agriculture exclusion of California cotton from shipment to Japan for use in Nippon mills was not discrimination H, P 1 Moscow says that Chile has acted in a Fascist and immoral manner H, D Hagiwara says newspapers omitted his explanation of why he said that Japan had not been conquered D H, S Two Congressmen predict defeat for Chinese Nationalists unless they receive military materials front US H, P Oversized Associated Press (1, Honolulu) Source Photograph(s) 24:11b Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages 10/24/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2012a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y [Russell Brines, Chief of Bureau, the Associated Press] [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, the Associated Press] 2 1 1 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline [Mainichi Shimbun] Defeat for Generalissimo without military materials from the U.S. 47-frn-2028 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:22 United Press [毎日新聞] (Moscow) [Mainichi Shimbun] Soviet to make effort to de[fe]at the Marshall Plan 47-frn-2029 10/24/1947 24:23 United Press 毎日新聞 (New Delhi) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Representative W. Sterliing Cole 47-frn-2030 10/24/1947 24:23a Nippon times Nippon times Foreign Japan Ready to Run Own Show, Says Cole 47-frn-2031 10/24/194[7] 24:24 Kyodo Nippon times Tsushin, United Press (New Delhi) United Press 共同通信 (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2032 10/24/194[7] 24:25 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2033 10/24/1947 24:25a 47-frn-2034 10/24/1947 24:25b 47-frn-2035 10/24/1947 24:26 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) 47-frn-2036 10/[24]/1947 24:27 47-frn-2037 10/24/1947 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (London) International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, 産業経済 (Hollywood) 47-frn-2038 10/24/1947 24:29 47-frn-2039 10/24/1947 24:30 47-frn-2040 [10]/[24]/194[7] 24:31 47-frn-2041 10/24/1947 24:32 47-frn-2042 10/24/1947 47-frn-2043 10/24/1947 47-frn-2044 [10]/[23]/194[7] 24:34a 47-frn-2045 10/24/194[7] 47-frn-2046 10/24/1947 10/24/1947 Subject Brief Summary Two Congressmen predict defeat for Chinese Nationalists unless they receive military materials front US Soviet to make every effort to defeat the Marshall Plan Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P H, P Notes 1 [Walter Cronkite, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 Representative Cole says that Japan ready to run her own show Representative Cole says that Japan ready to run her own show H 1 P 1 During last six months Philippines sold to Japan through SCAP approximately twenty million pesos worth local product[s] according lieuten[an]t colonel Bernard Anderson official trade representative of SCAP to Philippines in radio broadcast last night. Philippines sold to Japan through SCAP 20 million pesos worth local products in last 6 months H, P 2 Kyodo News Service Washington learned Harriman committee on foreign aid studying "little Marshall Plan" for Middle East. Harriman committee on foreign aid is studying a 'little Marshall Plan' fo the Middle East H, P 2 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign ["]Little Marshall Plan for the Middle East." Little Marshall Plan' for Middle East seen. Harriman Committee Held Studying Program Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Foreign Navigation in inland waters is not permitted Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 朝日新聞; Nippon Times Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Asahi Shimbun; Nippon Times Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Asahi Shimbun; Nippon Times Foreign Stalin sets forth task of cominform. British Labor Leader Discloses Contents of Conversation With Soviet Premier Hollywood singing star may tour Japan this winter Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 貿易日報; 日本通信 Boeki Nippo; Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo; Nippon Tsushin 24:33 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Men and politics. A weekly column. Personal freedom and private capitalism Personal Freedom and Private Capitalism 24:34 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Speedy Prosecution Of 'Tokyo Rose' Asked American Legion has asked for a speedy prosecution of 'Tokyo Rose' H, P 1 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Case of "Tokyo Rose" American Legion has asked for a speedy prosecution of 'Tokyo Rose' H, P 1 24:34b United Press 共同通信 (11, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, P 2 24:35 Associated Press (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai Oneil said her [a]dmission to unrestricted residency im Uni[ted] States would "Arouse righteous indignation of American people." The Government warned yesterday the communist-infiltrated National Communications' Workers Union against "sabotage" in the current wage negotiations-the first outcry from the Government which in a possible violation of Far East Commission principles is paying about 10,000,000 monthly in wages to officers of threecommunist-influenced government unions who spend their entire time on union affairs. 24:28 ReuterAustralian Associated Press Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Radio Nihon Commentary, Tsushin Nanking Broadcast via NNS 日本経済新聞 ハリウッド歌手今冬日本訪問か 日本移民ブラジルへ Japanese Migration to Brazil Suggested by British Delegate. Rev. Gordon Land Says Future of World Depends On Future of Japan The Population Basis of Inflation Should the government outlaw the liberal third party Democratic League, the only outspoken opposition to China's Kuomintang party will have been eliminated. 琉球は中國に還えさるべきだ "Loochoo Should Be Returned to China." H, P 1 Harriman committee on foreign aid is studying a 'little Marshall Plan' fo the Middle East Foreign navigation in inland waters is not permitted, says Premier Chang Chun Stalin sets forth task of Cominform H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 Singing star Allan Jones may tour in Japan H, S Y 4 Japanese migration to Brazil suggested by British delegate H, P Y 3 Over population is the main cause of inflation in Japan, not war Members of the Liberal Third Party Democratic League in China are being shadowed by the secret government police as a possible preliminary to declaring the group illegal Chinese wants the Loochoo Islands to be returned from Japan Government warned the National Communications Workers Union against sabotage in current wage negotiations H, P 3 H, D [John Roderick] 5 H, D P H, S Gomes, [Louis Fischer] [Tom Lambert] I. Abe Y 5 5 1 Oversized News Agency United Press [毎日新聞] (New Orleans) Photograph(s) Source 24:21a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[24]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2027 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2048 10/24/1947 24:36 47-frn-2049 10/24/1947 24:37 47-frn-2050 10/24/1947 47-frn-2051 読売新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Government warned the National Communications Workers Union against sabotage in current wage negotiations H, S [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] Y 4 Government section declares hidden rule threatens democracy Dissolution of large-scale enterprises in Germany Deleted: mention of specific GHQ officers who commented on the dangers of gangsters in Japan H, P 総司令部、潜行政治運動に関心 H, [D] [Howard Handlema n, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Deleted: mention of specific H, [D] [Howard GHQ officers who Handlema commented on the dangers n, Far of gangsters in Japan Eastern Bureau Manager Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Growth of the middle class in H, P the industrial hierarchy betokens the growth of economic democracy German union leaders protest H, P [Matsuda] dismantling, since it will greatly reduce the working capacity of the industrial areas Hagiwara told members of S House of Councilors Foreign Affairs Committee that "Japan accepted the Potsdam Declaration but she has not been conquered" Y 13 United Press 日本経済新聞 (Berlin) International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, 産業経済 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 24:37a International Nippon Times News Service (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Procurators told by SCAP spokesman to break up gangs. Combinations of Politicians And Gangsters Menace to Japan, Kades States 10/24/1947 24:38 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Growth of the Industrial Middle Class 47-frn-2052 10/24/1947 24:39 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi German Union leading protest dismantling 47-frn-2053 10/24/194[7] Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2054 [10]/[25]/194[7] Japan has "not bee[n] conquered" and therefore should be permitted to air her views at the peace conference, To[ru] Hagiwara, Director of the Foreign Office Treaties Bureau, has told members of the House of Councilors Foreign Affairs Committee, the press reported today. Land reform in Manchuria 47-frn-2055 Associated Press (Tokyo) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun 25:3 Telepress (Harbin) 中部民報, 民報, 労働民報, 東京民報 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:4 Telepress (Sydney) 民報 Chubu Mimpo, Chubu Mimpo, Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo, Mimpo, Rodo Tokyo Mimpo Mimpo, Tokyo Mimpo Mimpo Mimpo 47-frn-2056 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:5 Telepress (Vienna) 民報 Mimpo Mimpo Austrian unions protest against sentences given communists 47-frn-2057 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:6 Telepress (Vienna) 民報 Mimpo Mimpo Austrian iron workers strike against food sabotage 47-frn-2058 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:7 Telepress (San Juan) 民報 Mimpo Mimpo Puerto Rican labor reunites 47-frn-2059 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:8 Radio Press (London BBC) Peace treaty: claims for other islands premature 47-frn-2060 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:9 47-frn-2061 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:10 [Radio Press (Delhi)] Radio Press (Melbourne) Occupation: Remaining Indian troops leaving Trade: Australian office to open in Tokyo 47-frn-2062 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:11 [Radio Press (Singapore)] Demilitarization: war equipments to be scrapped 47-frn-2063 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:12 Radio Press (Melbourne) Immigration: Chifley oppose Japanese entry into New Guinea 10/27/194[7] Brief Summary The Government warned yesterday the communist-infiltrated National Communications' Workers Union against "sabotage' in the current wage negotiations-the first outcry from the Government which in a possible violation of Far East Commission principles is paying about 10,000,000 monthly in wages to officers of threecommunist-influenced government unions who spend their entire time on union affairs. Dissolution of Large-scale Enterprises Yomiuri Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Germany) Subject 全逓サボ Yomiuri Shimbun Bank nationalization plan splits capital and labor in Australia Land reform movement in Manchuria H, P Bank nationalization bill has caused the sharpest division between capital and labor in Australian history Organizations protest the US's sentencing of four Communists who took part in a demonstration Austrian iron workers strike against food sabotage in the British zone General Workers Union formed to reunite the long divided Puerto Rican labor movement Gordon Lang not in agreement with Japanese suggestion that Kuriles and Ryukyu Islands go back to Japan under the peace treaty H, P 4 1 1 1 3 4 [Robert Worth] 2 H, S 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 Remaing Indian troops in H, P Japan are leaving The high exchange rate is an H, D obstacle to trade between Austria and Japan MacArthur expected to issue H, P a directive ordering the Japanese Government to destroy or scrap all machinery which can be used to make war equipment 1 Australian Prime Minister, Chifley opposes Japanese immigration into New Guinea, as was suggested by the British Parliamentary delegate, Teeling 1 H, P Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) News Agency Associated Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 24:35a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/24/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2047 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Two republican leaders house ran up "Go slow" signal Truman[']s ideas for dealing with high prices at home and European relief in November seventeenth special session of congress. Republican leaders sent a "go slow" signal to Truman in dealing with high prices at home and dealing with the European relief program H, P [Raymond Lahr] 47-frn-2065 10/25/194[7] 25:13a United Press 国際タイムス; (Washington; 共同通信 4, Washington) The Kokusai Times; Kyodo Tsushin Kokusai Times; The 共和黨の批評 Kyodo News Service Republican leaders sent a "go slow" signal to Truman in dealing with high prices at home and dealing with the European relief program H, P [Raymond Lahr, United Press staff correspon dent] 47-frn-2066 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:13c United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Jiji w Two Republican leaders of the House of Representatives ran up a "Go Slow" signal for President Truman's ideas for dealing with the high prices at home and European relief program in a November 17 special session of congress; Rep. John Tabor chairman key house appropriations committee returned from European inspection tour and said he had seen no evidence in France and Italy those countries need six four two millions dollars in immediate stopgap aid proposed by Truman. Two Republican leaders on Truman's ideas H 2 47-frn-2067 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:14 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Republican leaders sent a "go slow" signal to Truman in dealing with high prices at home and dealing with the European relief program US might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk H 2 47-frn-2068 10/25/194[7] 25:14a United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service US might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk H 2 47-frn-2069 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:14b United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times US might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk H 47-frn-2070 10/25/1947 25:14c Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Free trade likely with U.S. shortly. Restrictions Expected to Be Lifted for All Items Outside of Silk U.S. might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk H 1 47-frn-2071 [10]/[23]/194[7] 25:14d Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] [Mainichi] Government might soon reopen all trade with Japan 1 10/[25]/1947 25:14e United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai A well informed official told the United Press that the government might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk to private business interests. US might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk US might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk H, P 47-frn-2072 H 1 47-frn-2073 10/25/194[7] 25:15; 25:15a Associated 共同通信 Press (18, 62, Warsaw); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Warsaw) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service; Kyodo B [A] call by the Polich socialist party for the "rebirth of international socialism on revolutionary Marxist ground stirred speculation today that socialists may be planning to launch an international center for war on American capitalistic bridgeheads in Europe. Polish socialists' call for rebirth of "International Socialism": Warsaw resolution condemns America's "dollar imperialism" H, D 4 47-frn-2074 10/25/194[7] 25:16 Reuters (Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service French Communists denounce as a mixture of repression and pornography H, S 2 47-frn-2075 [10]/[24]/194[7] 25:17 Radio Press (Nanking) French communist newspaper L[']humanite in full page article today exhorted its readers to boycott American films novels and magazines and "defend French literary and artistic production against products of American decadence" Germany: Dismantling operations hit snag H, P 1 47-frn-2076 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:18 First case of worker resistance to the AngloAmerican government dismantling orders in Germany "The Mood of Russia" 47-frn-2077 10/24/1947 25:19 Commentary 47-frn-2078 47-frn-2080 10/25/1947 10/25/194[7] 25:20 25:22 Comment 47-frn-2081 10/25/194[7] 47-frn-2082 [10]/[25]/194[7] Submitted by Headline (Japanese) 生糸以外の商品. 米民間に委せるか. 官邊の談日本との貿易關係 Radio Press Headline Well informed official told Uni[ted] Press government might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk to private business [i]nt[er]sts. Well informed official told Uni[ted] Press government might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk to private business interests. A well informed official told the United Press that the government might soon reopen all trade with Japan except that in raw silk to private business interests. Victory has not flushed the spirit of the Russians. Mood of Russia アカハタ Akahata (1-A) Akahata 1-A 国際タイムス Associated 共同通信 Press (7, Washington) The Kokusai Times Kyodo Tsushin Kokusai Taimusu Kyodo News Service 25:22a Associated 東京新聞 Press (7, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 25:23 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (48, Canberra) Jiji Tsushin Jiji よく壓政府の危險. 進出したド∙ゴール派の性格. 人民の希望一に共産黨へ 中國の内戦は何時果てるともみえないが、國内におけ る戰乱を解決するものは國民大衆の意思である。 Subject Speculation that Polish socialists' call for rebirth of "international socialism" is plan to launch international center for war against U.S. Brief Summary "Crisis of suppressed politics" Political crisis in France: aftermath of the reorganization of cabinet led by Ramadier "Chinese civil war' Chinese Civil War Two high ranking Republican Republican law makers lawmakers cried today that president accused Truman of "playing Truman is "playing politics" by linking politics" by linking rising rising living costs with foreign aid in his living costs with foreign aid call for [a] special session of congress November 17. Two high ranking Republican Republican law makers lawmakers cried today that president accused Truman of "playing Truman is "playing politic" by linking politics" by linking rising rising living costs with foreign aid in his living costs with foreign aid call for a special session of congress November 17. The Australian radio announced today Australia exporting raw that trade with Japan would [n]o longer materials to Japan be restricted and that Australia could export a large [n]umber of raw materials. H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 Y Y [Edward Cranksha w] 6 3 5 H, P Gomes Tabata Y 9 H, P H, P Gomes Tabata Y 4 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 Oversized 25:13 Photograph(s) Hold No. 10/25/194[7] Duplicate Number of Pages Date Censored [10]/[25]/194[7] News Agency Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Japanese Article Date Submitted 47-frn-2064 Source Submitted by (Japanese) Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Australia exporting raw materials to Japan Australia exporting raw materials to Japan 47-frn-2084 10/25/194[7] 25:24 Associated 共同通信 Press (13, 16, Seoul) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service [A] young Korean, who said he was an N. Korean communists officer in the peace preservation corps planning to seize entire of North Korea until he became country disillusioned and fled, told of [a] detailed plan for capturing South Korea if American troops should withdraw. 47-frn-2085 10/25/1947 25:24a; 25:25; 25:38; 25:39 Associated 共同通信; Nippon Press (16, Times; 東京新聞; Seoul); 読売新聞 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Seoul); International News Service; Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Seoul) Kyodo Tsushin; Nippon Times; Tokyo Shimbun; Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo; Kyodo C; Nippon Times; Tokyo Shimbun; Yomiuri Shimbun 北鮮共産党、全鮮赤化を企図 47-frn-2086 10/25/1947 Mainichi 南鮮占領計画. 北鮮側計画か 10/25/1947 25:26 Associated 毎日新聞 Press (Seoul) United Press 日米通信 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2087 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 北朝鮮は新東洋コミンテルンの基地. 中國に来た一朝鮮人の談 47-frn-2088 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:27 Shin Hochi Shin Hochi 米ソ戰わば. チヤパリツツ将軍ソ連の口供書; 原子爆弾より石油難. 赤軍参謀本部の恐怖 47-frn-2089 10/25/194[7] 25:28 United Press 共同通信 (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2091 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:30 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) 47-frn-2092 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:31 Reuters 47-frn-2093 10/25/194[7] 25:32 47-frn-2094 10/25/1947 25:33 47-frn-2095 10/25/194[7] 25:34 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (10, Berlin) 47-frn-2096 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:35 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2097 10/25/194[7] 25:35a International 読売新聞 News Service Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 North Korean defector describes a plan to take over South Korea H, S 5 A young Korean, who said he was an Communist plot to seize officer in the peace preservation corps Korean revealed by fugitive of North Korea until he became official disillusioned and fled, told of a detailed plan for capturing South Korea if American troops should withdraw.; Former officer of an armed force organized in Russian occupied North Korea said Friday that North Koreans planned to capture American occupied South Korea should foreign troops withdraw before the United Nations ordered the disarming of the Koreans.; Communist Plot to Seize Korea Revealed by Fugitive Official. Korea Planned to Become 18th Soviet Republic Upon Withdrawal of U.S., Russian Occupation; North Korea plot to seize entire country revealed North Korean defector describes a plan to take over South Korea; North Koreans said that they planned to capture US occupied South Korea should foreign troops withdraw before the UN ordered the disarming of Koreans; Russian N. Korea ready to invade S. Korea when the US leaves H, S; [Roy H, S; Roberts] H, S; H, S Northern Korea, under Russian tutelage, has become an international school for Oriental Communists and a base for a new Oriental Comintern, according to a Shanghai dispatch to Scripps-Howard newspapers by their staff writer, Clyde Farnsworth. N. Korea, under Soviet "tutelage," has become an international school for oriental Communists Kyodo News Service Central News Tihua said Ili tribe sent four demands believedly Soviet inspired to Sino authorities asking firstly dismissal pro-Chinese governor Massul Wuteh secondly release arrested rioters terrorists thirdly cease arrests made for political reasons fourthly thoroughly implement peace terms reached between Sinciang provincial [government] with Ili tribe item. Ili tribe sent four demands believed to be Soviet inspired to Sino authorities H, S 2 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo E New York Herald Tribune editorially said that Sinkiang may become a pawn in the struggle between Russia and the West H, D 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo H, P 2 United Press 共同通信 (4, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service The New York Herald Tribune commenting editorially on the reported Sinkiang revolt in northwest China, today recalled the long history of Chiang's troubled rule over that area said it may develop that the Russians are trying to make another Outer Mongolia out of Sinkiang. The reverend Gordon Lang, leader of the delegation, a labour member of parliament, said that he was opposed to Japanese suggestions that the Southern Kuriles and the Northern Ryukyu islands should be returned to Japan under the peace treaty. Foreign policy association bulletin article by Lawrencek Rosinger opinies "Uni[ted] States already spent several billions dollars on intervention China since end war and current developments offer no reason suppose an additional one and a third billion-important though it would be - could enable Chiang Kai Shek to dispose of communists. H, P 2 新報知 news item from Sasebo Examiner1 Examiner2 H 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun (Extra Asahi Extra 401 401, Sasebo) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 北支主要都市の近況 The German reparation policy must be completely revised, the press learned here from Mr. Styles Bridges, President of the U.S. Senate's Appropriations Committee, who is now touring in Germany together with eight other Senators. Baruch U.S. will be patient, firm in relations with Soviet バ上院議員、対ソ忍耐を説く US has already spent billions on intervention of China, and to continue would have the effect of turning China into second Spain "Latest news of main cities in Latest news of main cities in northern China" Northern China Styles Bridges said that the German reparation policy must be completely revised Mercola Sameshima Y 9 S Y 1 H Y 2 H Y 2 H, P Gomes Fujinami Y H, P Presidential advisor Baruch stated that US will be patient and firm and ready in its relations with Russia P Presidential advisor Baruch stated that US will be patient and firm and ready in its relations with Russia H 13 2 [Frank B. Allen, Internation al News Service [s]taff correspon dent] 2 Y 1 Oversized News Agency Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Canberra) Photograph(s) Source 25:23a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/25/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2083 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-2099 10/25/1947 25:35c International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2100 10/25/1947 25:36 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-2101 10/25/1947 25:37 47-frn-2104 10/25/194[7] 25:40 47-frn-2105 10/25/1947 25:41 47-frn-2106 [10]/[25]/194[7] 25:41a 47-frn-2107 [10]/[24]/194[7] 47-frn-2108 47-frn-2109 Headline (Japanese) 米国、対ソ問題に忍耐を強調. バルーク氏言明 Headline 1 Million Asians face starvation as Indo-Chinese rice output drops H, P Y 2 Three Chinese pAssociated Pressers editorially clamored for the return of Ryukyus to China H, P Y 2 All Communists are required to register with Garrison headquarters in China H, P Y 2 2 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Uni[ted States Senate Appropriations Committee called for halt in all reparations deliveries to Russia on grounds Russia failed live up her commitments made at Potsdam conferences "Russians have not fulfilled agreements made Potsdam for unification Germany asterisks they have sabotaged Potsdam agreement" Senator William F. Knowland, Junior California Republican said. Million Asiatics Face Starvat[i]on As Indo-Chinese Rice Output Drops The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times アジアへの打撃. 印度支那の米の不作 25:42 United Press 国際タイムス (Shanghai) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 中國に琉球返還. 上海各新聞主張 10/25/1947 25:43 The New York Times (Nanking) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 國府、民主同盟を彈壓 10/25/1947 25:44 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo アービン[グ]・マーク氏廿七日來朝 47-frn-2110 10/25/1947 25:46 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2111 10/25/194[7] 25:47 Commentary 東京タイムズ The Tokyo Times Tokyo Taimuzu 微笑か・苦笑か フランコの新しい立場. 反ソ戰線とスペインの關係 47-frn-2112 10/25/1947 25:48 Commentary 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai (543) Nihon Keizai (No. 543) 心臟は左、財布は右. 微妙に動く米國援助と共産勢力 47-frn-2113 10/25/1947 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2114 [10]/[25]/194[7] Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2116 [10]/[25]/194[7]; [10]/[26]/194[7] 47-frn-2116a [10]/[25]/194[7] 47-frn-2116b [10]/[25]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) United Press 時事通信 (London) Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Moscow) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo イラン石油協定拒否は米の壓迫. プラウダ論調 An informed government official said a drastic decline in Indo-China's rice production may mean starvation for a million or more Asiastics during the coming winter. Three Chinese papers editorially clamored for the return of the Ryukyus to China, reiterating the islands formerly were under Chinese rule but were seized by Japan prior to the occupation of Taiwan. Shifts plainclothes Government secret police today stationed around local headquarters Democratic League and League members closely followed by plainclothes agents whenever left building. "Irving Mark coming to Japan" Irving Mark of the Motion H, P Picture Exchange Association is to arrive in JAssociated Pressan Hollywood communists Congressional investigation H, P into alleged Communism in Hollywood "Relations Between antiRelations between antiH, P Communist Front and Spain: Communist front and Spain: New Position of Franco. Is It new position of Franco A Bright Smile of A Forced Smile?" "Heart Is On The Left Side, France will be bankrupt H, D Hyakuri and Purse Is On The Right. unless she becomes a "pet" Chotei US Aid and Communist of america Influences Are A Delicate Problem. Time Will Be The Key. Every Country Is Looking Forward To American Aid." Editorial Survey: Mild approval Mild Associated Pressproval D generally voiced as government decides generally voiced as on long-pending rice price government decides on longpending rice price Republicans criticize Truman’s calling of special session Republicans fired "torrid' criticisms at Truman for his emergency call of special session to explain European aid D USSR: Criticizes Iran for nonMoscow Radio criticizes ratification of oil pact; USSR: Criticizes Iranian denial to ratify oil Iranian refusal to ratify oil pact pact. Iran says that Molotov threatened to leave the Red Army in Iran if Iran refused to sign an oil pact with Russia D Soviet reaction to Iranian rejection against oil pact Pravda charges American pressure is behind Iranian refusal to ratify oil agreement with Soviets Y Notes H, P Kyodo Tsushin 26:1 Examiner5 Examiner6 Million Asians face starvation as Indo-Chinese rice output drops United Press 共同通信 (16, Berlin) International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Examiner4 1 Men and Politics. The larger aspects of the British crisis. [[Frank] B. Allen, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Examiner3 Presidential advisor Baruch H, P stated that US will be patient and firm and ready in its relations with Russia Three commentators on the H, P subject of USSR policy: Cedric Foster, Quincy Howe, Edward R. Murrow The British ruling class is H, D [Louis looking for scAssociated Fischer] Pressegoats on whom to blame the economic crisis; Britain's industrial base is no longer adequate US Senate Associated H, P Presspropriations committee called for halt in all reparations deliveries to Russia on grounds that russians have not fulfilled commitments made at Potsdam Conference Nippon Times Foreign H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 No shooting war, Bauch declares. But U.S. Should Be "Patient And Firm and Ready." Aged Statesman Declares Nippon Times United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Brief Summary Presidential advisor Baruch stated that US will be patient and firm and ready in its relations with Russia USSR Policy: Cedric Foster --Murual Broadcasting System Nippon Times News Item Subject Baruch U.S. will be patient, firm in relations with Soviet 8 5 2 Gomes Tabata Y Gomes Isamu Abe Y 5 Gomes Abe Y 8 1 6 [Felix Cotton, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 2 3 H, S H, S 8 1 Y 2 Oversized News Agency International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Photograph(s) Source 25:35b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/25/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2098 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Soviet Iran oil pact 47-frn-2118 [10]/[26]/194[7] 26:2 United Press 時事通信 (1, Dusseldorf) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2118a [10]/[25]/194[7] 26:2a 47-frn-2119 [10]/[26]/194[7] 26:3 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) United Press 時事通信 (3, Paris) Britain’s foreign office spokesman for Germany, Lord Pakenham, assured meeting of Ruhr trade and political leaders here recent order for dismantling 682 German['s] "war plants," motivated by desire of British and American governments to pave for Germany way back to normal place in commercial world minus taint of Nazi philosophy. Germany: Pakenham stresses need for industrial dismantling 47-frn-2120 10/26/194[7] 26:4 10/26/1947 共同通信 26:5 Radio Press Sokuho (Singapore) United Press [毎日新聞] (Nanking) Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2121 [10]/[25]/1947 47-frn-2122 [10]/[26]/194[7] 26:5a 47-frn-2123 [10]/[25]/194[7] 26:6 47-frn-2124 10/26/194[7] 26:7 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (20, Warsaw) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2125 [10]/[26]/194[7] 26:8 United Press 国際タイムス (Nanking) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 北海道新聞 [Mainichi Shimbun] 26:9 26:10 International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun (2) Hokkaido Shimbun #2 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 47-frn-2128 10/26/1947 26:10a International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2129 [10]/26/194[7] 26:10b International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon アイケルバーガ中将日本の防衛を語る 47-frn-2130 10/27/1947 26:10c International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Shimbun; Osaka Jiji Shimpo; Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Shimbun; Osaka Jiji Shimpo; Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 対日講和成立後も米の対日態度不動. アイケルバーガー中将語る 47-frn-2131 [10]/[26]/194[7] International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2132 [10]/[27]/194[7] International 時事通信 News Service (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 日本の安全を保証せよ. アイケルバー[ガ]ー中将談 米国は日本を無防備状態におかず. アイケルバーガー中将談 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P 2 Soviet economist says US is H, S trying to "liquidate" Britain as a world power 2 Liu Chieh shung says that Chinese relations with the US are improving Chinese demand the return of Ryukyu Australia hopes to earn about a million dollars from the sale of wool to JAssociated Pressan Polish government complained that they were the object of "political discrimination" in connection with the distribution of German gold H, P 1 H, P 1 Premier Chang Chun said that Chinese public opinion is supporting the demand for the return of Ryukyu and all territories JAssociated Pressan wrested from China H, P World situation after formation of Comintern Eichelberger believes US will not leave Janan helpless against aggression after peace treaty is signed H, P Eichelberger States U.S. Will Not Leave Japan Helpless After Pact. Believes Something Will Be Done to Insure Nippon's Safety After Troops Leave Eichelberger believes U.S. will not leave Japan helpless against aggression after Peace Treaty is signed Eichelberger believes US will not leave JAssociated Pressan helpless against aggression after peace treaty is signed H, P Eichelberger believes US will not leave JAssociated Pressan helpless against aggression after peace treaty is signed H, P Eichelberger believes U.S. will not leave Japan helpless against aggression after Peace Treaty is signed Eichelberger believes US will not leave Japan helpless against aggression after peace treaty is signed H, P Eichelberger believes U.S. will not leave Japan helpless against aggression after Peace Treaty is signed Eichelberger believes US will not leave JAssociated Pressan helpless against aggression after peace treaty is signed H, P U.S. Will Not Desert JapanEichelberger Eichelberger believes US will not leave JAssociated Pressan helpless against aggression after peace treaty is signed H, P International Committee of United Socialist states of Europe will invite Socialist and Nationalist parties in colonial countries for economis alliance Central News reported from Taipeh, Taiwan, that Premier Chang Chun said in an interview that Chinese public opinion is unanimously supporting the demand for the return of the Ryukyus plus all territories Japan wrested from China by force. 国際共産党結成以後の世界状勢 10/26/1947 10/26/194[7] Examiner3 1 The Polish gov[ernmen]t has sent notes of protest to the American, British, and French gov[ernmen]ts against the deci[s]ions of the commission for distribution of German gold, an official spokesman announced today. 47-frn-2127 Examiner1 Examiner2 H, S Chinese demand for the return of Ryukyu Int'l: 80 trade agreements expected to be signed 對日講和. 張院長の談 Brief Summary Iran says that Molotov threatened to leave the Red Army in Iran if Iran refused to sign an oil pact with Russia Pakenhan stresses need for industrial dismantling in Germany Members of International Committee of United Socialist States of Europe which opened two day conference here said they will invite socialist and nationalist parties and trade unions in colonial countr[ies] to unite with them in economic alliance. Prominent Soviet economist Eugene Varga declared in Soviet periodical New Times today United States was working to liquidate Britain as world power China Int'l: Relations with U.S. improving 47-frn-2126 26:10e Commentary Subject "World situation after formation of Comintern." Eichelberger believes U.S. will not leave Japan helpless against aggression after Peace Treaty is signed 2 H, P H, P 3 [J]. Gomes Fujinami [George Moise, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 2 Y 19 Y 3 1 [George Moise, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [George Moise, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [George Moise, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [George Moise] Y 7 Y 11 2 Y 4 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 毎日新聞 (London) Photograph(s) Source 26:1a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[26]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2117 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2134 10/26/1947 26:11a United Press 毎日新聞 (Pueblo, CO) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2135 10/26/194[7] 26:12 Associated Press (3, Sofia, Bulgaria) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2136 10/26/194[7] 26:13 Associated Press (48, Madrid) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2137 10/26/1947 26:15 Kyodo Tsushin 41 10/26/1947 26:16 Zhong yang 共同通信 tong xun she (Nanking) International Nippon Times News Service (Cleveland) Kyodo Tsushin (41) 47-frn-2138 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign May slash European aid. Congress Will Scale Down Spending, Predicts Sen. Taft 47-frn-2139 [10]/[26]/194[7] 26:17 United Press 共同通信 (12, Warsaw) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2140 10/26/1947 26:17a United Press 毎日新聞 (Warsaw) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Officially Stanislaw Mikolajczyk leader of opposition Polish Peasant Party disappeared "from Warsaw several days ago and has fled country. Mikolajczyk disappeared from Warsaw 47-frn-2141 10/26/194[7] 26:18 Associated Press (10, New York) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2142 10/26/194[7] 26:20, 31/25 Associated Press, Jiji Tsushin (Tokyo) 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 萩原條約局長辞職説 47-frn-2143 [10]/[27]/194[7] 26:20a Associated Press (Tokyo) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 萩原條約局長罷免さる 47-frn-2144 10/26/194[7] 26:21 Reuters (Nanking) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2145 [10]/[25]/194[7] 26:22 United Press 時事通信 (Boston) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2146 [10]/[25]/194[7] 26:23 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (New York) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Dismantling German plants will wreck Marshall Plan, Schumacher proclaims in the USA 47-frn-2147 [10]/[25]/194[7] 26:24 Jiji Tsushin 10/26/1947 26:25 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2148 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Washington reaction for Truman's speech Dr. Wang Shih-chien 47-frn-2149 10/26/194[7] 26:25a United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2150 [10]/[26]/194[7] 26:26 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 世界日報 Subject Col. McCormick Out to Persuade SCAP to Enter White House Race. MacArthur Is One American 'Making Good' Avers Noted Publisher En Route Here Colonel R.R. McCormick, Publisher of the Chicago Tribune, [scornful] of American "[failure]," said he is going to see one American who is "making good"—General Douglas MacArthur. The National Fatherland Front Committee declared Saturday the United States was attempting to “destroy Bulgaria economically and that Bulgaria[']s place was in the "antiimperialist camp headed by the great Soviet Union." The Spanish government has announced a protest to Britain accusing Foreign Secretary Earnest Bevin of participating in a "political plot" which Spain said constituted an "intolerable attempt at interference" in her affairs. 中国紙の対日講和観測 "Views of Chinese Press on Peace with Japan" [A] belief that Emperor Hirohito will not lose his potential power and latent danger without [a] profound reeducation of the Japanese people is expressed by Richard E Lauterbach, American journalist and author. Move Follows Reaction To 'Japan Hasn't Been Conquered' Statement Communist forces tightened their stranglehold on gov[ernmen]t citadel of Kirin east of Changchun today as further Red reinforcements poured into area for "kill" according to latest war reports reaching here. Fine little crisis over Japan, U.S. paper says There will contin[u]e to be dissensions and discord within the United Nations until peace treatie[s] have been signed both with defeated Japan and defeated Germany, in the opinion of Dr. Wang Shih-chieh, China’s foreign minister, according to his [views] expressed in a press conference today at the Chinese Mission headquarters here. モロトフ流のかけひき Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Col. McCormick is going to JAssociated Pressan to persuade MacArthur to run for president H, D, C 1 Col. McCormick is going to JAssociated Pressan to persuade MacArthur to run for president D 1 Bulgaria declares its support for Russia, against American imperialism H, S 2 Spanish government announced a protest to Britain accusing Bevin of interfering in her affairs H, P 1 Views of Chinese press on peace with Japan H, P Congress will scale down spending; may slash European aid, says Sen. Taft H, P 1 Mikolajczyk, leader of opposition Polish peasant party has fled the country H, P 3 Mikola Jczyk, leader of opposition Polish peasant party has fled the country Journalist Lauterbach is quoted as saying in his book: "Hirohito is a dangerous puppet" H, P Hagiwara dismissed from Chief of Foreign Office Treaty Bureau following his statement that "JAssociated Pressan has not been conquered" Hagiwara dismissed from Chief of Foreign Office Treaty Bureau following his statement that "JAssociated Pressan has not been conquered" H, S Russell Brines H, S Communist forces tightened their stranglehold on govt citadel of Kirin east of Changchun H, P [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, Associated Press] [Stanley Bond] Christian Science Monitor editorially said that JAssociated Pressanese industrialists are sabotaging JAssociated Pressan's economy in order to gain sympathy at the peace conference German Social Democratic leader, Schumacher declared that dismantling of German plants will wreck Marshall Plan Washington reactions to Truman's speech on inflation China's foreign minister, Wang Shih-chieh believes that discord within UN will continue over the peace treaty H, S 1 P 1 China's foreign minister, Wang Shih-chieh believes that discord within UN will continue over the peace treaty Kawamoto M. [J. Gomes] Nagashima Y 1 H, S Mercola Mercola 5 Sameshima Y 2 Y 4 4 H, P H, P H H 11 2 [Sidney B. Whipple, United Press staff correspon dent] [Stanley B. Whipple, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 2 [J. Gomes] Y 2 Oversized News Agency Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Pueblo, CO) Photograph(s) Source 26:11 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/26/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2133 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Agence 世界日報 France-presse (London; New York) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-2152 [10]/[25]/1947 47-frn-2154 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:1 [Radio Press (London BBC)] USSR: Communists United to destroy capitalism 47-frn-2155 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:2 [Radio Press (Nanking)] Reparations: Removal to China at year's end 47-frn-2156 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:3 [Radio Press (London BBC)] Bulgaria: Patherland front urges common program 47-frn-2157 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:4 47-frn-2158 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:5 Trade: 175 wooden ships for USSR coal Bulgaria: Reaffirms alliance with USSR 47-frn-2160 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:6 [Radio Press (Singapore)] Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-2161 10/27/1947 27:7 47-frn-2162 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:8 Radio Press (Sydney) 47-frn-2163 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:9 47-frn-2164 [10]/[27]/194[7] 27:11 [Radio Press (Leopoldville )] Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) 47-frn-2165 10/27/194[7] 27:11a Associated Press (48, London) 47-frn-2166 [10]/27/1947 27:12 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Detroit) 47-frn-2167 [10]/[27]/194[7] 27:12b Associated Press World Service (Detroit) 静岡新聞 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun 47-frn-2168 10/27/194[7] 27:12c Associated Press (10, Detroit) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Eugen[e] C. Pulliam, publisher of the Indianapolis Star and other newspapers, suggested that Truman appoint MacArthur as "overall administrator" of the economic aid to Europe program. 47-frn-2169 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:12d 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji W General MacArthur suggested as "overall administrator" of aid program 47-frn-2170 [10]/[25]/194[7] 27:13 Associated Press (Detroit) Reuters (Nanking) 時事通信, 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, The Kyodo News Service 10/26/1947 Brief Summary French communist paper "L"Humanite" criticizes American movies 英植民地開發に二大會社; 獨工場撤去はマ案を阻害 東京新聞 Jiji Tsushin (20) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2171 10/27/1947 27:14 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2172 [10]/[27]/194[7] 27:14a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2173 10/27/1947 27:14b Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 『鉄のカーテン』は果して開かぬか. 東歐紐帶の解剖 Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, S Notes 2 H Y 1 Russian Communists must wipe out all remaining capitalist ideas from Russian citizens Chinese steam Navigation Company to assist in removing Japanese reparations to China Bulgaria will organize its Communist forces into a single political body with common propaganda Trade: 175 wooden ships for USSR coal Bulgaria reafirms alliance with USSR H, S 1 H, P 2 H, S 2 H, P 1 H, P 2 Demilitarization: Japanese war potential has been destroyed by the occupying powers "Analysis of Eastern Europe Analysis of Eastern Europe: Tie: Will Iron Curtain Never references to USSR's Be Opened?" totalitarian oppression Spain: Britain, France have plan to oust Britain, France have plan to Franco overthrow the Spanish dictator, Franco South America: LALF prexy attacks Latin American Labor U.S. policy Federation launched violent attack on US policy "The Moscow Radio today quoted a Moscow reports that the US Tass dispatch from Rome asserting that has decided to send troops to the United States had decided to send head the Greek army American officers to Greece to lead Greek government troops against the guerrilla forces. The Moscow Radio today quoted [a] Moscow reports that the US Tass dispatch from Rome, asserting that has decided to send troops to the United States had decided to send head the Greek army American officers to Greece to lead Greek government troops against guerrilla forces Eugene C. Pullia[m], publisher of the Eugene C. Pulliam, publisher Indiana Star and other newspapers, of Indianapolis Star, suggested today that Pres[ident] suggested to Truman that Truman appoint MacArthur as "overall MacArthur be appointed to administrator" of the economic aid to be in charge of European aid Europe program. program Eugene C. Pulliam, publisher of the Eugene C. Pulliam, publisher Indianapolis Star and other newspapers, of Indianapolis Star, suggested today that Pres[ident] suggested to Truman that Truman appoint MacArthur as "overall MacArthur be appointed to administrator" of the economic aid to be in charge of European aid Europe program. program H, P 1 Demilitarization: Military machine destroyed 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban (20) Commentary Subject The Communist newspaper, French Communist Paper L'Humanite, which Friday criticized "L'Humanite" criticizes American movies, said today the American movies. Communist party would press for legislation to curb the appearance of American comic strips in French newspapers to protect French youth from "the corrupting influence of the American trust of mental intoxication." 外人観測者の満洲戦局評 Communist forces tightened their stranglehold on government citadel of Kirin east of Changchun today as further Red reinforcements poured into area for "kill" according to latest war reports reaching here Soviet withdrawal from UNO ソ連と衞星国. 國連での態度. 四つの項目に見る The Soviet Union in effect will be "withdrawing by stages" from the United Nations, but will not formally forfeit its membership within a foreseeable future. Russia to withdraw by stages from U.N., delegates believe. Soviets Expected to Use Body As Sounding Board as Long As Possible H, D Gomes Abe Y 9 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, S 1 H, S 1 H, P 1 H, S, P 1 Eugene C. Pulliam, publisher of Indianapolis Star, suggested to Truman that MacArthur be appointed to be in charge of European aid program Gen. MacArthur suggested as "overall administrator" of european aid program Communist forces tightened their stranglehold on govt citadel of Kirin east of Changchun H, S, P 1 H, S, P 2 H, P [Stanley Bond] Soviet Union will be withdrawing by stages from the UN Soviet Union will be withdrawing by stages from the UN H, P [Matsuda] , [Stewart Hensley] [Stewart Hensley, United Press correspon dent] Soviet Union will be withdrawing by stages from the UN H H, P Y 11 2 Y 5 1 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[26]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2151 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 保守党の歴史的変化. 労働党政府の経済中央集権を承認 Tories Move Left. The Real Division In Europe 47-frn-2175 10/27/1947 27:16 United Press 日米通信 (New York, Seoul) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 南鮮の経済復興策. 共産党に対抗五ヵ年計画 47-frn-2176 10/27/1947 27:17 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2177 10/27/1947 Associated Press World Service (Manila) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-2177a 10/27/194[7] 27:18 Associated Press (Manila) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2178 10/27/1947 27:18a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2179 10/27/194[7] 27:18b Associated Press (Manila) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2180 10/27/194[7] 27:19a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2181 10/27/1947 27:20 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Manila) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2182 10/27/1947 27:20a United Press 毎日新聞 (Manila) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2183 [10]/[27]/194[7] 27:21 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Seoul) Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2184 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:22 Reuters (London) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2185 [10]/[26]/194[7] 27:23 United Press (Tokyo) 47-frn-2186 10/27/1947 27:24 United Press Nippon Times 47-frn-2187 [10]/[27]/194[7] 27:25 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) 47-frn-2188 10/27/194[7] 27:26 Reuters 時事通信 共同通信 Nippon Times Kyodo Tsushin Subject Brief Summary Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P US says that Japan will remain important in Asia's future whether Australia, China, and the Philippines like it or not H, D 1 US says that Japan will remain important in Asia's future whether Australia, China, and the Philippines like it or not US says that Japan will remain important in Asia's future whether Australia, China, and the Philippines like it or not H 1 H, D 3 US policy in Korea ia not creating a responsible democracy H, S 2 MacArthur's chances of obtaining the Republican Party's nomination for the presidency increasingly bright H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press Vice President and General Manager for Asia] 2 General Douglas MacArthur's chances to obtain the Republican Party's nomination as candidate for president in a campaign to be held next year in the United States appear to be increasingly bright. MacArthur's chances of obtaining the Republican Party's nomination for the presidency increasingly bright H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, UP Vice President and General Manager for Asia] 2 Hokkaido Shimbun Koreans demonstrate for early election Anti-Communist Koreans demonstrate for early election H, P Jiji Establishment of "Cominform" approved by Moscow Communists Establishment of Cominform approved by Moscow Communists Hagiwara confirms his resignation because of his comment that japan has not been conquered H, D Nippon Times Foreign Kyodo Tsushin Moscow has come up with a new twist to its Korean policy. Foreign Trade Formalities 東亞の経済復興に日本は重い役割. 國連アジア経済委員会キーン氏強調 Japan, the leading nation in Asia before the war, is bound to hold an important role in the shaping of Asia's postwar period, whether Australia, China, and Philippines like it or not, Assistant Executive Secretary James Keen of the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East has indicated. Japan, leading nation Asia before war, bound to hold important role in shaping of Asia[']s postwar, whether Australia, China, and Philippines like it or not, Assistant Executive Secretary James Keen of Uni[ted] Nation[']s Economic Commission Asia and Far East indicated. Vital role is seen for Japan in Asia. ECAFE Official Says Nippon Is Expected to Be Hottest Issue at 2nd Session Japan, leading nation Asia before war, bound to hold important role in shaping of Asia[']s postwar whether Australia China and Philippines like it or not Assistant Executive Secretary James Keen of Uni[ted] Nation's Economic Commission Asia and Far East indicated A Foreign Policy Association analyst suggests that the United States should initiate 'a more constructive economic and political program as soon as possible for occupied south Korea.' MacArthur's chances of Being Nominated Increasingly Bright. His Return to U.S. Would Have Considerable Effect on Political Situation Toru Hagiwara confirmed his resignation as chief of the Foreign Office's Bureau of Protocol because of a press incident in which he claimed a "misquotation" attributed to him the statement that Japan was never "conquered" by the Allies. Shiratori critically ill, Tokyo Tribunal informed. To Be Third Defendant to Succumb If Tuberculosis Unchecked A Russian delegate to the UN today accused the Associated Press of carrying what he described as "slanderous reports that Russia was mobilizing some 500,000 troops from north Korea for the Soviet army." ... fighting in Southeastern part of neighbouring province of Jehol is also growing in intensity as Communists make furious attempts to capture large mining town of Peipiao. Japan cannot be ignored in preparation of economic recovery plan for Asia, says Keen of ECAFE. [Barnet Nover] Examiner1 Examiner2 The real division in Europe: totalitarian Left and moderate, democratic Left Soviet officials think that the Korean Communist forces in Russian zone are strong enough to take over the whole country if the occupation ends A discription of the paperwork a Japanese merchant must go through to conduct overseas trade US says that Japan will remain important in Asia's future whether Australia, China, and the Philippines like it or not H, P Y 3 Y 6 H, S 3 D S Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 27:15 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/27/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2174 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 2 1 1 [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] Shiratori critically ill with H, P tuberculosis, Tokyo Tribunal informed Russian delegate to the UN H, P [John accused the associated Press Wallace] for "slanderous reports that Russia was mobilizing troops from N. Korea for the soviet army" Nationalists in China H, D continue to underestimate the Communists 2 1 3 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Nippon Times Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 47-frn-2190 10/27/194[7] 27:28 United Press 共同通信 (9, 10, San Francisco, Washington) 47-frn-2191 10/30/1947 27:29 東京民報 47-frn-2192 10/27/1947 47-frn-2194 [10]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-2196 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:1 47-frn-2197 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:2 47-frn-2198 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:3 47-frn-2199 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:4 47-frn-2200 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:5 47-frn-2201 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:6 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-2202 10/28/194[7] 28:7 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (21, Baghdad) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2203 10/28/194[7] 28:8 United Press 共同通信 (15, Detroit, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2204 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:9 Reuters 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2205 10/28/194[7] 28:9a Reuters 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2206 10/28/194[7] 28:10 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (22, Lyons) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2207 10/28/194[7] 28:10a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (16, Lyons) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2208 10/28/194[7] 28:10b Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Lyons) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-2209 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:11 Associated Press (Paris) Radio Press Nippon Times (Melbourne) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Nippon Times Foreign Advance Towards Left Unlikely, Most Officials, Observers Hold. Future Of Continued Plodding Along Roads Off Reform And Economic Rehabilitation Seen More food must be imported to Japan, to avoid further Soviet influence D Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service American officials hoped that appointment of new Russian ambassador to Uni[ted States indicates Moscow[']s willingness to resume negotiations for settlement of Soviet Union[']s 11,298,000,000 dollar wartime Lend-Lease bill. P 3 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo D 2 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign US officials hoped that appointment of new ambassador to UN indicates Moscow's willingness to resume negotiations on Soviet's wartime lendlease bill Plans for revolution in Japan should be based on strong bond with international Democratic forces, or once again Japan will be fascist Australian trade with Japan expected to be on a limited scale for some time Tokyo: Postal workers on strike Wang Shih-chieh says that China is not vengeful of Japan's past deeds, but is extremely wary of Japan's future position Ashida declines comment on talk with Wang Ryukyu natives support Chinese demand for the return of Ryukyu Islands at the Japanese peace conference Conflicting Czech views given on Comintern "Present Outlook In World Situation" Australian trade office opens here under Rigley. Little Business with Japan Expected for Some Time Labor: Postal workers on strike [Radio Press (New York)] [Radio Press (Chungking)] China: Dr. Wang says China not vengeful [Radio Press (Nanking)] Radio Press (Nanking) Japan: Ashida declines comment on talk with Wang Ryukyu: Natives support Chinese claim [Radio Press (London BBC)] Radio Press (Nanking) Communism: Conflicting Czeko views given on comintern Jiji W 2 D, C 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, C, S, P 2 H, P 1 1 Mustafa el Omary president of the Irakian senate advocating the creation of an [asiatic] front of Arab countries, declared to-day "neither the Americans nor the Russians are the keepers of the peace of the world. We must therefore take precautions against [any] aggression." Eugene C. Pulliam editor and publisher of Indianapolis Star advocated appointment of General Douglas MacArthur as Uni[ted] States overall administrator for Europe "to take our foreign policy out of politics." President of Irakian senate advocates the creation of an asiatic front of Arab countries H, P 2 Eugene C. Pulliam, publisher of Indianapolis Star, suggested to Truman that MacArthur be appointed to be in charge of European aid program H, P, S 2 The New [York] domestic cotton mill industry believed concerned about possibility War Department working on plan whereby Japan can [sell] goods to Uni[ted States to compete with American mills. The New York domestic cotton mill industry believed concerned about possibility War Department working on plan whereby Japan can sell goods to Uni[ted] States to compete with American mills. R. Pila, an executive of a Lyons silk firm, invited by the United States [government], has been appointed by the Lyons Silk Federation to go to Japan as observer. US cotton mill industry concerned about possibility of war dept. working on plan whereby Japan can compete with US mills H, P 1 US cotton mill industry concerned about possibility of war dept. working on plan whereby Japan can compete with US mills H, P 2 Executive of a Lyons silk firm is to visit Japan as observer, and to examine the possibility of commercial relations between France and Japan Executive of a Lyons silk firm is to visit Japan as observer, and to examine the possibility of commercial relations between France and Japan Executive of a Lyons silk firm is to visit Japan as observer, and to examine the possibility of commercial relations between France and Japan Gen. De Gaulle called for dissolution of France's national assembly and new general elections H, P 2 H, P 1 Trade: figures on imports revealed. 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service 2 Japan will be important in the H, D future of Asia, whether China, and the Philippines like it or not Japan has received thousands H, D of tons of sugar from the US Economic: ECAFE to determine program Mr. R. Pila, an executive of a Lyons silk firm, has been appointed by the Lyons Silk Federation to go to Japan as an observer invited by the United States government. 日佛貿易再開へ. リオン絹織物業連盟訪日 [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, The Associated Press] Notes Nippon Times Lyons silk representative to go to Japan. More on De Gaulle H, P H, P 1 Y 2 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 27:27 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/27/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2189 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2211 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:11b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2212 10/28/194[7] 28:11c Associated Press (49, Paris) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2213 10/28/194[7] 28:12 Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 47-frn-2214 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:13a Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Charlottesvill e) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2215 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:13a Associated 共同通信 Press (24, 56, Charlottesvill e, VA) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2216 10/28/1947 28:14 Nichibei Tsushin Nichibei 47-frn-2217 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:15 KP-Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin Troops evacuation alone is no settlement of the Korean issue, asserts University of California professor. 47-frn-2218 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:16 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2219 10/28/1947 28:17 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Gen. Charles De Gaulle made his first open bid for a return to power today with a demand for the dissolution of the national assembly and the holding of new general elections. Try and Stop Me. 47-frn-2220 [10]/[27]/194[7] 28:18 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-2221 10/28/1947 28:19 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai 47-frn-2222 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:19a International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2223 10/28/1947 28:20 United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2224 10/28/194[7] 28:21 United Press 共同通信 (Warsaw) Kyodo Tsushin 東京新聞 日米通信 News Item Nippon Times Subject General Charles De Gaulle called today for dissolution of France[']s national assembly and new general elections and was promptly attacked by the commmunists on charges of seeking to set up... Gen. Charles De Gaulle called today for the dissolution of France's national assembly and new general elections and was promptly attacked by the Communists who charged he was seeking to set up "a reactionary dictatorship." General Ch[a]rles De Gaulle called today for dissolution of France[']s national assembly and new ge[n]eral elections and was promptly attacked by the Communist on ch[a]rges of seeking to set up "aye reactionary dictatorship." 朝鮮問題の部分的解決は不可能. 加州大学リーチン教授論評 The partial solution of Korean pr[o]blems is impos[s]ible says Professor Leachin of Canada University. Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Gen. De Gaulle called for dissolution of France's national assembly and new general elections H, P 2 Gen. De Gaulle called for dissolution of France's national assembly and new general elections H, P 2 Gen. De Gaulle called for dissolution of France's national assembly and new general elections H, P 1 "The partial solution of Korean problem is impossible... " H American revolutionists attached to SCAP in Japan have drafted a program of political, economic, and social reform which may prove so contrary to both Japanese and American tradition that neither nation will wish to maintain it fully when the occupation ends, Harold S. Quigley writes in the fall number of the University of Virginia Quarterly Review. Former occupation advisor says that the reform program may be too radical to be maintained in Japan after the occupation S 1 American "revolutionists" attached to SCAP in Japan have drafted aye program of political economic and social reform which may prove so contrary to both Japanese and American tradition that neither nation will wish to maintain it fully when the occupation ends, Harold S Quigley writes in the fall number of the University of Virginia Quarterly Review. Former occupation advisor says that the reform program may be too radical to be maintained in Japan after the occupation H, S 3 A description of William Sebald, a navy officer who speaks fluent japanese Troops evacuation alone is no settlement of the Korean issue, asserts U. of California professor Gen. De Gaulle called for dissolution of France's national assembly and new general elections H, S Try and Stop Me by Bennett Cerf: Humorous story about the Soviet Union H, P Byrnes proposes alternatives to the Foreign Ministers Council Iowa Senator, Hickenlooper denounces Communist chiefs; sees no hope that the Russians will make possible a UN pact on atomic warfare H, P Iowa Senator denounces Communist chiefs Iowa Senator, Hickenlooper denounces Communist chiefs; sees no hope that the Russians will make possible a UN pact on atomic warfare H, P Mainichi Formosans and Ryukyu Island residents A group of Formosans and Ryukyu Island residents have petitioned Premier Chasng Chun to restore Ryukyu"s chinese sovereignty H, P 1 Kyodo News Service Polish Foreign Office spokesman said today "it appeared" that flight of peasant party leader Stanislaw Mikolajczyk was aided by foreign power. It appears that flight of peasant party Mikolajczyk was aided by foregn power H, P 2 日本知識を買われたシーボルト議長. 美しいローマンスの持主 Mr. Sebald with Japanese knowledge (An owner of sweet romance). Foreign ministers confab. Anne O'Hare McCormick--New York Times. ハイケンルーパー氏ソ連政治家を非難 Iowa Senator denounces Communist chiefs. Gomes E. Akamatsu Y Y 5 2 H, P 3 H, P 1 H, P [Bennett Cerf] 1 1 [Frank B. Allen, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Frank B. Allen, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 12 2 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press (19, 49, Paris) Photograph(s) Source 28:11a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/28/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2210 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Asahi Shimbun Asahi 石橋民、追放に不服 Former Finance Minister Tanzan Ishibashi charged today that he was purged from public office by American officials because he was "not a pure yes man" to SCAP's economic and scientific section while holding a cabinet post. Purged Finance Minister charges SCAP with purging him for political reasons H, S International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 亡命政客を庇護する. ミ氏事件に英政府言明 Britain offers refuge to Polish antiCommunist leader. H, P 28:23a International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (London) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:25 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Warsaw) The British government promised refuge to Mikolajczyk should the Polish anti-Communist leader arrive in London The British government promised refuge to Mikolajczyk should the Polish anti-Communist leader arrive in London Polish government said that there was circumstantial evidence that foreign help enabled Mikolajcyk to flee Poland 47-frn-2229 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:26 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2230 10/28/1947 28:27 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2231 10/28/1947 28:28 Nippon Times 47-frn-2232 10/28/194[7] 28:29 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (London) Associated Nippon Times Press Reuters 共同通信 (Nanking) Nippon Times Foreign Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2233 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:30 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2234 10/28/1947 28:31 International Nippon Times News Service (Lincoln, NE) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2235 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:31a International News Service (Lincoln, NE) 47-frn-2236 10/28/1947 28:31b International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Lincoln, 産業経済新聞 NE) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai 47-frn-2237 10/28/1947 28:32 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Nanking) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2238 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:33 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Paris) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2239 10/28/1947 28:34 貿易日報; 日本通信 Boeki Nippo; Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo; Nihon 日本財ばつは徹底的解散すべし Tsushin 47-frn-2240 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:35 政治新聞 47-frn-2241 [10]/[28]/194[7] 28:36 47-frn-2242 10/29/1947 47-frn-2226 10/28/194[7] 28:23 47-frn-2227 [10]/[28]/194[7] 47-frn-2228 10/29/1947 28:37 News Item News Item Nihon Tsushin (Nanching) 朝日新聞 Kyodo Tsushin Seiji Shimbun Seiji Shimbun United Press 国際タイムス (Moscow) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times United Press 共同通信; 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Britain offers refuge to Polish antiCommunist leader. チリに續くブラジルの對ソ斷交、アルゼンチンしその ヒソミにならいそうだという。 英国... 節約のため長いスカート... 製造、一販賣を票止されたが、これをソ連のユーモア 雑誌「クラカジール」は次のように諷刺している。 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 2 Y 3 H, P 2 H, P 2 Korean advocates of independence submitted a time table calling for freedom within six and a holf months after the UN agreement to supervise elections H, P 2 Mikolajczyk given promise of asylum. British Government Officially Offers Refuge to Anti-Red Polish Leader British government officially offers refuge to anti-Red Polish leader H, P 1 WAC corporal Dies After Suicide Jump. China intends to submit proposals at eleventh power Japanese peace conference for thirty years Allied control over Japan according to high official of Chinese Foreign Office last night speaking of final draft of China[']s policy regarding forthcoming peace treaty. Assistant executive secretary James Keen of the United Nations Economic Commission to Asia and the Far East said the statement attributed to him by the Manila Bulletin Sunday was no part of his "informal" talk with a Bulletin reporter. MacArthur Can Keep America Out of War, La Follette Says. Ex-Governor Says General's Handling of Japan 'One of Miracles of History.' WAC Corporal dies after suicide jump China intends to submit proposal at the peace conference calling for thirty years allied control over Japan A Polish government spokesman said today there was "circumstantial evidence" that foreign help enabled Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, anti-Communist leader of the opposition Polish Peasant Party, to flee Poland. Korean advocates of independence submitted Monday a time table calling for freedom within six and a half months after a United Nations agreement to supervise elections. "第三次世界大戦回避可能者はマ元帥". 前ウィ[ス]コンシン州知事語る Examiner1 Examiner2 [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo Bureau, The Associated Press] H 1 H, P 3 Secretary Keen says that Japan's future role economically will be one of the hottest issues at the ECAFE conference H, P 1 La Follette says that MacArthur can keep US out of war H, P 1 La Follette says MacArthur can keep U.S. out of war. La Follette says that MacArthur can keep US out of war H, P 2 La Follette says MacArthur can keep U.S. out of war. La Follette says that MacArthur can keep US out of war H, P China Press News 'Do Not Conform' With Observation Here, Says Wang. Foreign Minister, Back in Nanking, After Seeing Actual State of Affairs in Japan. French Communist leader says Cominform open to all groups. Foreign Minister Wang asserted that Chinese press do not conform whith actual state of affairs in Japan H, P 1 French Communist leader Duclos says that Cominform open to all groups H, P 1 It is uncertain how much of H, D the dissolution of the zaibatsu is happening because of the government, and how much is because of SCAP 4 Japanese Zaibatsu Need Throrough Dissolution Y H, [C] Noting the British ban on longer skirts to save material, the Soviet humor magazine Krokodile said Monday that the action was the result of the American loan. General Douglas MacArthur's Ishibashi Charges headquarters has thus far taken no Designation of him as Purgee action against Tanzan Ishibashi, former Japanese Finance Minister, who on Monday indulged in outspoken criticism of the General and other SCAP officials for purging him. Soviet magazine says that the British effort to save material on women's skirts is made necessary by the American loan SCAP will not prosecute purged finance minister Ishibashi for his comments against SCAP [Ogino] H, S H, S [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] 10 Y 1 Y 2 3 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 28:22 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/28/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted 47-frn-2225 Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2244 10/29/1947 28:41 47-frn-2245 10/29/194[7] 47-frn-2246 Submitted by (Japanese) 朝日新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 米も対抗宣傳戰へ。 Headline Asahi Shimbun Asahi United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign SCAP Plan of Repatriating All Japanese in 5 Months Is Proffered to Russians. Subject 'Not Within Purview' Of 4Power Council, Gen. Kislenko Counters. 29:1 Associated 共同通信 Press (20, 38, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 10/29/194[7] 29:1a Associated Press (38, London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2247 [10]/[28]/194[7] 29:2 47-frn-2248 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:3 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) United Press 時事通信 (9, Moscow) [A] Polish Peasant Party leader here said today that Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, wartime leader of Poland[']s government in exile, had reached Stockholm in his flight from his Communist dominated homeland. A Polish [Peasant] Party leader here said today that Stanislaw Mikolajczyk, wartime leader of Poland[']s government in exile, had reached Stockholm in his flight from his Communist dominated homeland. France: Ramadier asks for vote of confidence 47-frn-2249 [10]/[28/]194[7] 29:4 Radio Press (Singapore) 47-frn-2250 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:5 United Press 時事通信 (11, Milan) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Scores of persons arrested in Milan for plastering downtown streets with profascist posters on twenty-fifth anniversary of march on Rome. Chairman Leo Allen of powerful House Rules Committee told Uni[ted] Press in his opinion "Japan has received more benefits from Unit[ed] States from fighting war with us than China has from being our ally." Chairman Leo Allen of powerful House Rules Committee told Uni[ted] Press in his opinion "Japan has received more benefits from Unit[ed] States from fighting war with us than China has from being our ally." Allen's view 東京新聞 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Uni[ted States embarking on worldwide campaign combat Communist propaganda [i]t was learned here today. Communist party newspaper Pravda said in New York dispatch "it [became] known in local [journalist] circles State Department putting strong pressure on Argentine government in effort... Labor: India considering import of technicians 47-frn-2251 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:6 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2252 10/29/194[7] 29:6a United Press 共同通信 (1, 2, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2253 10/29/1947 29:6b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2254 10/29/194[7] 29:7 Associated Press (48, Singapore) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2255 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:8 United Press 時事通信 (3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2256 10/29/194[7] 29:8a [United Press 共同通信 (New York)] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2257 10/29/1947 29:8c United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 共同通信 Lieutenant General Takezo Numata, who commanded the Japanese Southern Army at the close of the war, was arrested today as [a] suspected war criminal as he was about to board the Japanese ship Kizai Maru for repatriation to Japan. Vice president J. Henry [Schroder] banking corporation which last summer reportedly interested in helping float private loan in Japan declared because Japanese industriousness that country "attractive field for foreign investment." Robert Bogden Vice President J. Henry Schroeder banking corporation which last summer reportedly interested in helping float private loan in Japan declared because Japanese industriousness that country attractive field for foreign investment he stated in [two one] page report circulated restrictedly to [eight hundred] business firms in Uni[ted] States. Vice President J. Henry Schroder of the Banking Corporation, which last summer was reported to have been interested in [helping] to float a private loan in Japan, declared that because of Japanese industriousness that country would be "an attractive field for foreign investment." Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P Mikolajczyk has reached stockholm in his flight from his Communist dominated Poland H, P 3 Mikolajczyk has reached stockholm in his flight from his Communist dominated Poland H, P 1 French Prime Minister, Ramadier asked for vote of confidence in himself and in his cabinet Pravda said that State Dept. is putting strong pressure on Argentina to follow the example of Brazil and Chile H, P 2 H, P 1 India is considering the import of Japanses technicians Scores of persons arrested in Milan for plastering streets with profascist posters on 25th anniversary of march on Rome Leo Allen of House Rules Committee said that Japan has received more benefits from US from fighting war with US than China has from being an ally Leo Allen of House Rules Committee said that Japan has received more benefits from US from fighting war with US than China has from being an ally Leo Allen of House Rules Committee said that Japan has received more benefits from US from fighting war with US than China has from being an ally Takezo Numata was arrested as a suspected war criminal as he was about to board a ship for repatration H, P 1 H, P 1 Robert Bogdan of the Schroder banking corporation declared that Japan is an attractive field for foreign investment. Deleted: that occupation costs include many extravagances [D] [William R. Sears] 5 Robert Bogdan of the Schroder banking corporation declared that Japan is an attractive field for foreign investment. H, P [William Sears] 2 Robert Bogdan of the Schroder banking corporation declared that Japan is an attractive field for foreign investment. Deleted: that occupation costs include many extravagances H, D H, P Y Notes U.S. to embark on a worldwide campaign to combat Communist propaganda SCAP plan of repatriating all Japanese in 5 months is proffered to Russians [Sidney B. Whipple, United Press special correspon dent] 2 2 H, P [Elizabeth Wharton] 2 H, P [Elizabeth Wharton] 3 H, P 1 H, P 2 2 1 Oversized News Agency The New York Times (Berlin) Photograph(s) Source 28:38 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/28/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2243 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 47-frn-2259 10/29/1947 29:8e United Press Nippon Times (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2260 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:9 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2261 10/29/194[7] 29:10 Reuters (Nanking, Shanghai) 47-frn-2262 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:11 47-frn-2263 [10]/[28]/194[7] 29:12 Associated Press (Tokyo) 47-frn-2264 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:14 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) 47-frn-2265 10/29/194[7] 29:14a Associated Press (2, Paris) 47-frn-2266 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:15 Associated 静岡新聞 Press World Service (San Francisco) 47-frn-2267 [10]/[28]/194[7] 29:15a 47-frn-2268 10/29/194[7] 29:16 Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press (San Service News Service Francisco) Agence 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun France-presse (4, Nanking) 47-frn-2269 10/29/194[7] 29:17 47-frn-2270 10/29/194[7] 47-frn-2271 47-frn-2272 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Robert Bogdan of the Schroder banking corporation declared that Japan is an attractive field for foreign investment Jiji Tsushin Weakened at the close abruptly halting; previous three-day [creeping] advance. World production of raw cotton estimated by the dept. of agriculture to increase P 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service London negotiations for new SinoBritish trade pact reached deadlock last night according to [pro-government] newspaper Takang Pao [morning]. London negotiations for new Sino-British trade pact reached deadlock H, P 2 United Press 時事通信 (13, Shanghai) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Chinese-British commercial talks stall: China accuses Britain of imperialist demands H, D 1 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Japan's agricultural associations, erected in 1943 to figidly control farmers, will be eliminated soon H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Ramadier accused De Gaulle of trying to divide the country into two, which will result in economic ruin and civil war H, P 2 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Ramadier accused De Gaulle of trying to divide the country into two, which will result in economic ruin and civil war H, P 1 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun MacArthur mentioned as a possible presidential candidate H, D 1 MacArthur mentioned as a possible presidential candidate The Democratic League was outlawed by the Chinese government and will henceforth be considered a Communist organization H, D 2 H, P 1 1 共同通信 東京新聞 Jiji World Peoples Evening News dispatch from Nanking said Sino-British commerical pact talks deadlocked by British "obsolete" demands to retain firstly right to navigation inland rivers China secondly certain privileges existing Shanghai during international settlement days. 最後の戦時統制機構を廃止. 農業協同組合法案のねらい An elaborate wartime structure which tapped the resources of Japan's farmerslast of the untouched militarist control organs-will be eliminated if a bill now before the House of Councillors receives final Diet approval. Socialist Premier Paul Ramadier delivered a blistering attack against Gen. Charles De Gaulle today and declared to the national assembly "there are men who want to divide the country into two place. Socialist [Premier] Paul Ramadier delivered aye blistering attack today against General Charles De Gaulle, and declared to [the] national assembly "there are men who want to divide the country into two blocs. Robert R. McCormick, editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune, said he would not support [General] Dwight D. Eisenhower, Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York, and Harold Stassen, former Minnesota governor as possible Republican presidential candidates, because they "are part of the Wall Street crowd". McCormick coming to Japan Tokyo Shimbun The Democratic League, so far the only opposition party tolerated [in] the government-controlled zone, was today outlawed by the Chinese government and will henceforth be considered as a Communist organisation, it has been officially announced in Nanking. US banker makes survey on Japan; outlook is bright. Deleted: Allied reparations policy in Japan will probably become more lenient, despite Chinese objections H Notes Vice President J. Henry Schroder of the Banking Corporation, which last summer was reported to [have been] interested in helping to float a private loan in [Japan declared] that because of Japanese industriousness that country would be "an attractive field for foreign investment." U.S. banker makes survey on Japan; outlook is bright. Bulk of Trade Will Be With Far East, Bogdan States in Comprehensive Report 2 H, D [William R. Sears] [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo AP Bureau] 2 Y 5 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun When Ramadier finished, Communist secretary Jacques Duclos attacked both the government and the De Gaulle party. Immediately after ramadier's speech, Communist, Duclos accused Ramadier of attempting to strike a direct blow to the Communist party H, P 29:18 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Chairman Leo Allen of powerful House Rules Committee told Uni[ted] Press in his opinion "[it] was important continue sending supplies to Japan because that would act as buffer between Uni[ted] States Russia in event another war." Leo Allen said that it was important to continue sending supplies to Japan so that Japan will act as a buffer between US and Russia in event of another war H, P 10/29/1947 29:19 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Foreign Trade Indications H, P 2 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:20 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Immediately after Ramadier's speech Communist Jacques Duclos declared "the government's policy has played into the hands of fascists and has helped the... Foreign trade in Japan has some minor difficulties, but indications point to a promising future Immediately after Ramadier's speech, Communist, Duclos declared that the government policy is playing into the hands of fascists by being agreeable to Washington H, P 3 Associated Press (5, Paris) Agence 共同通信 France-presse (12, Paris) Oversized News Agency United Press 日本経済新聞 (New York) Photograph(s) Source 29:8d Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/[29]/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2258 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [Elizabeth Wharton] 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 29:21 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (24, Berlin) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun "The proposed dismantling of 682 factories in the British and American zone in Germany is considered by the German people and by most of those who wish to se[e] a prosperous and peaceful Germany as morally unjust, economically inopportune, politically disastrous and a blow to the Marshall plan," Dr. Kurt Schumacher, President of the German Social Democrats Party, told the press today. Schumacher, Pres. of the German Social Democratic Party, opposes the dismantling of German factories, stating that it will be disastrous to the Marshall Plan H, P 1 47-frn-2274 10/29/194[7] 29:21a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (51, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service "The proposed dismantling of 682 German... ies on the British and... gone in Germany is considered by the German people and by most of those who wish to see a prosperous and peaceful Germany as morally unjust, economically inopportune, politically disastrous and a blow to the Marshall Plan, Dr Kurt Schumacher head of the German s... Democrats told the [press] today. Schumacher, Pres. of the German Social Democratic Party, opposes the dismantling of German factories, stating that it will be disastrous to the Marshall Plan H 2 47-frn-2275 10/29/1947 29:22 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban (40) Jiji Tsushin (40) 南米反共戰線の動向 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:23 (Tokyo) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 米商社海南島の鉱石を日本に輸入か Russia, offended by Brazil's support of the US, compares Truman to Hitler American iron and steel expert sees Hainan Island as having potential of becoming the world's largest producer of iron and steel H, D 47-frn-2276 47-frn-2277 10/29/194[7] 29:24 Associated Press (67, San Francisco) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service US intends to prevent any other power from duplicating the Japanese abuse of their league of nations, says Admiral Denfeld, commander of the Pacific area H, P 47-frn-2278 10/29/1947 29:25 United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Admiral Louis E Denfeld, Commander of the Pacific Area, told the Commonwealth Club today "America intends to prevent any other power from duplicating the Japanese abuse of their League [of Nations] mandate by fortifying islands which control the sea lanes of the [Pacific]. Le Lung-chi, in an impromptu press conference at the American embassy, said he considered himself in "personal danger" and was debating whether to ask the American embassy for refuge. Chinese Democrat debates seeking refuge in American Embassy; Believes he is in personal danger H 47-frn-2279 10/29/1947 29:25a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Chinese Democrat debates seeking refuge in American Embassy; Believes he is in personal danger H, P 47-frn-2280 [10]/[24]/194[7] 29:26 The New York Times The Asahi News Asahi News Chinese Democrat Appeals Against Gov't Charges of Red Affiliations. Debates Seeking Refuge in American Embassy; Believes Self to be in Personal Danger Clark Calls Assassination of Darlan an Act of Providence, Solving a Problem Brought On by Military Expediency Last of six articles by Mark Clark telling of his dealings with Admiral Darlan P 47-frn-2281 10/[29]/1947 29:27 United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Indian government is eager to hire the services of Japanese technicians and other skilled workers H 47-frn-2282 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:27a United Press (Tokyo) Indian government is eager to hire the services of Japanese technicians and other skilled workers H 47-frn-2283 10/29/1947 29:27b United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi The feasibility of importing skilled Japanese technicians and other skilled workers is being considered by the Indian government as part of the country's long range industrialization program, it is gathered [t]here from talks with visiting Indian traders and other Indian circles. The feasibility of importing skilled Japanese technicians and other skilled workers is being considered by the Indian government as part of the country's long range industrialization program, it is gathered here from talks with visiting Indian traders and other Indian circles. Japanese technicians to India. 47-frn-2284 10/29/1947 29:27c United Press Nippon Times (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Indian government is eager to hire the services of Japanese technicians and other skilled workers India desires Japanese technicians for long-range industrialization 47-frn-2285 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:27d United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji The feasibility of importing skilled Japanese technicians and other skilled workers is being considered by the Indian government, businessmen and industrialists as part of the country's long range industrialization program is gathered here from talks with visiting Indian traders and other Indian circles. India considering invitations to surplus Japanese technicians H, P 47-frn-2286 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:27e Stars and 時事通信 Stripes, United Press (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji India considering invitation to surplus Japanese India considering invitations to surplus Japanese technicians H Commentary アサヒニュース 北河潜入記 "Move of anti-Communists in South America" American iron and steel expert sees tremendous possibility of developing Hainan Island into one of world['] largest producing centers of iron and steel. India Desires Japanese Technicians For Long-Range Industrialization. Consumer Goods Factories Urgently Needed But Plan Must Await Treaty Signing. 印度政府日本人技術者輸入を考慮 Gomes H, P Fujinami Y 6 Y 6 Oversized News Agency 10/29/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-2273 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 2 [Matsuda] 1 1 [Gen. Mark Wayne Clark] Y 7 1 [K.V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 H, P [K.V. Narain] 1 H, P [K.V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] [K.V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 Y 5 4 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2288 10/28/1947 29:29 The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-2289 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:30 North アサヒニュース American Newspaper Alliance (Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2290 10/29/194[7] 29:31 Associated 東京新聞 Press (24, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2291 10/29/1947 29:32 United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2292 10/29/1947 29:33 朝鮮新聞 Chosen Shimbun (4) Chosen Shimbun No. 4 47-frn-2293 10/29/1947 29:25, 29:34 Associated Press (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2294 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:35 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Berlin) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2294a 10/29/194[7] International 読売新聞 News Service (Berlin) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 独共産紙一齊に反米宣傅 47-frn-2295 10/29/194[7] 29:36 Radio Comments Boeki Nippo; Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo; Nippon Tsushin 對日條約における中國自衛武器、「拒否権」の所有 47-frn-2296 10/29/1947 29:37 Central News Zhong yang 共同通信 Agency, tong xun she Shanghai (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin (86) Kyodo Tsushin (86) 大公報拒否権支持 47-frn-2297 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:38 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2298 10/29/194[7] 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2299 10/29/1947 29:40 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 47-frn-2300 [10]/[29]/194[7] 29:43 Hokkaido Tsushin Shimbun Hokkaido 47-frn-2301 [10]/[28]/194[7] 47-frn-2302 10/29/194[7] 47-frn-2303 [10]/[29]/194[7] 10/31/194[7] News item Nihon Tsushin (Nanking) 貿易日報; 日本通信 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Paris) 29:39 Essay International 北海道新聞 News Service (Washington) 沈默を守る三つの理由. ウェデマイヤー特使報告書 30:1 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Subject 戦う中国の構想(四)「インフレ対策」 スイスと日本 共産党議員委任取消. 伯上院一議会で可決 Brief Summary Political observers are puzzled over the government's action outlawing the Democratic League H, P [Harold Milks] Wedemeyer's report on China, suppressed by Marshall, said to urge world 'Marshall Plan.' The suppression of the Wedemeyer report is on direct orders of Secretary Marshall; three reasons behind the secrecy Shanghai police received instructions to take over the Democratic League's headquarters, as League members were placed under surveillance Chinese action of outlawing the Democratic League may complicate the review of American policy toward China Democratic League president Chang Lan officially announced that he ordered temporary suspension of all League activities, but that branches abraod may not obey his instructions H, P [Robert S. Allen] H, P [John Roderick] Shanghai Police received instructions to take over the Democratic League's headquarters, as League members in China's largest city were placed under police surveilla[n]ce in the wake of the government outlawing decree. Government officials indicated displeasure at China[']s action in outlawing the Democratic League, a loose organization of minority leftist parties. Democratic League Radio Press (Singapore) Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Rio de Janeiro) Radio Press (London BBC) Headline Political observers both here and Nanking were puzzled over the government's action outlawing the Democratic League a month before the scheduled national elections in which the Leag[u]e declined to participate. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner5 Examiner6 H H, P Notes 2 Y 5 2 2 [Matsuda] Aspects of fighting China: H, D, Mercola Deleted: If MacArthur takes S charge of China, he will save Korea and china from Stalin's grasp Says Reds seeking to wreck Cabinet. Japanese Communists are H, D [Tom Labor Minister Says Demands Of planning a labor crisis that Lambert, Communists Will Be 'Nearly will be against SCAP policies Associated Impossible.' Press correspon dent] MG experts closely watch antiSoviets are carrying on a H, S [Omer American propaganda in Berlin violent anti-American Anderson, propaganda campaign in Internation Berlin al News Service staff correspon dent] MG experts closely watch antiH, S [Omer American propaganda in Berlin Anderson, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] China's self-defense China claims the reservation P G[o]mes equippment. The owning of of vote-rights at the Peace veto-rights concerning to the Treaty Conference Japanese treaty. Ta Kung Pao Supports Use Commenting on the Japanese H, P Gomes of Veto peace problems, Ta Kung Pao supports the retention of the use of veto by the four big powers Ramadier asks French Assembly for Ramadier asks French H, P confidence vote Assembly for a confidence vote, after a stormy session Tuesday Scripps-Howard staff writer Clyde "Incredible Chinese reports" H, S [Yasuike] Farnsworth, quoting "credible Chinese that Japanese veterans are reports" in Shanghai, reported that being recruited to fight for veterans of the Japanese Kwantung Chinese Communists; Russia Army are being "enlisted" on the will interfere as much as Communist side in the battle for necessary to ensure victory Manchuria. for the communists "Switzerland and Japan" Switzerland and Japan: Japan H, S Gomes should adapt a more methodical attitude in International affairs The recently-established European The official restoration of the P Communist Information Bureau is Comintern to be located in simply a blind to aid Soviet Russia's Belgrade, is one of the new world-wide war against democracy--but strategic moves of the it may boomerang. international communist conspiracy centered in Moscow Occupation: W[an]g comments on Wang comments on D MacArthur [G]HQ press reports MacArthur's HQ Press Reports Brazilian senate votes to throw out Brazilian senate votes to communist members throw out Communist members Communist disturbance occurs in Paris Examiner4 P Aspects of Fighting China. Countermeasures against inflation. France: Communist disturbance occurs in Paris Examiner3 1 Gomes Hori Y 24 2 2 Y 4 E. Akamatsu Y 5 Abe Y 11 1 1 Hayashi Y 2 3 4 Y 2 2 2 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source 29:28 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[29]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2287 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 30:2 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (22, Shanghai) Jiji Tsushin Jiji D. B. Copland, Australian Minister in China, declared today that Australia would be opposed to the using of veto at the peace conference with Japan... Australian minister opposed to the using of veto at the Japanese peace conference H, P 1 47-frn-2305 10/30/194[7] 30:2a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (1, Shanghai) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Australia will oppose the use of the veto right at the conference s[cheduled] to prepare a peace-treaty with Japan, Mr. D. B. Copland, Australian Minister to China, d[e]clared today. Australian minister opposed to the using of veto at the Japanese peace conference H, P 1 47-frn-2306 10/30/194[7] 30:3 Associated 共同通信 Press (41, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Government officials are considering an increase in the American military mission to Greece as [a] means of helping the Greek army prepare for [a] cleanup offensive against the communist guerrilla forces. Government officials are considering an increase in the American military mission to Greece as a means of aiding the Greeks against the Communist guerrilla forces H, P 47-frn-2307 10/30/194[7] 30:4 United Press 共同通信 (21, Bucharest) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Treason trial of Juliu Maniu and 18 codefendants H, P 47-frn-2308 [10]/[29]/194[7] 30:4a 30:5 30:7 Treason trial of Juliu Maniu and 18 codefendants "What threatens Franco" Foreign Minister Wang said thaty ACAP's efforts to democratize Japan were meeting with initial success H, P 10/30/1947 10/30/194[7] Jiji Tsushin World News Service Jiji Tsushin (25) Kyodo Tsushin Jiji World 47-frn-2309 47-frn-2310 United Press 時事通信 World News (Bucharest) Service 時事通信 Associated 共同通信 Press (Nanking) Treason trial of Juliu Manju seventy five year[s] old opposition leader and eighteen codefendants opened with prosecution charging they gave information to British and American military missions in Bucharest. Trial of Rumanian leader opens 47-frn-2311 [10]/[30]/194[7] Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2311a [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:7a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2312 [10]/[29]/194[7] 30:7b Associated Press (Nanking); Reauters (Nanking) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2313 10/30/194[7] 30:7c Associated Press (Nanking) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2314 10/30/194[7] 30:8 Reuters (2, Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2315 [10]/[29]/194[7] 30:9 Reuters (London) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2316 10/30/194[7] 30:10 Associated Press (4, Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2317 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:10a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2318 10/30/194[7] 30:10b Associated Press (4, Paris) 東京新聞, 共同通信 Tokyo Shimbun, Kyodo Tsushin Tokyo Shimbun, Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2319 10/30/194[7] 30:11 Reuters 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Commentary Associated Press (Nanking) 北海道新聞 Jiji Tsushin 25 Kyodo News Service フランコを脅かすもの 米華借款交渉成立説 "What threatens Franco." Foreign Minister Wang Shih-chieh flew kuling report Shiang Kai-shek on his official trip Uni[ted] States where he attended second Uni[ted] Nations Assembly conferred top American officials. Foreign Minister Wang Chih-shieh said yesterday that Gen. MacArthur's efforts to democratize Japan were meeting "initial success" and Japan will be converted into a peaceful country if SCAP continues his efforts. Foreign Minister Wang Chin-shien said yesterday that SCAP's efforts to democratize Japan were meeting with "initial success" and Japan will be converted into a peaceful country if SCAP continues his efforts. Foreign Minister Wang Shihchien flew kuling report Shiang Kaishek on his official trip Uni[ted] States where he attended second Uni[ted] Nations Assembly conferred top American officials.; Authoritative source in Chinese Foreign Office said today that plan for Uni[ted] States aid to China was approved by President Truman on October twenty first. Foreign Minister Wang Shih-chieh flew Kuring report Shiang Kai-shek on his official trip Uni[ted] States where he attended second Uni[ted] Nations Assembly conferred top American officials. About fifteen-hundred armed troops and one-thousand armed police were called out last night to break up a crowd of several thousand communist led demonstrators who tried to stop and anti-communists meeting... A report by the official Central News Agency of China that the Chinese Foreign Minister, Doctor Wang Shinchieh, has stated that China was awaiting Soviet and American replies to a "compromised plan" for regulating procedure at the Japanese Peace Conference, raised afresh among diplomatic ovservers here the questions of what will be the next stop towards the convening of the Far Eastern Peace Conference. Maurice Thorez, Secretary General of the French Communist Party, called tonight for [a] union of leftists, catholics and even rightists who oppose General Charles de Gaulle. Maurice Thorez, Secretary General of the French Communist Party, called tonight for a union of leftists, catholics and even rightists who oppose General Charles de Gaulle. Maurice Thorez, Secretary General of the French Communist Party, called tonight for [a] union of leftists, catholics and even rightists who oppose General Charles de Gaulle. Peace Conference could be arranged in remaining time of this year "although Australia would like see decision on matter soons possible." H, P H, P [John Hightower ] 2 3 2 J. Gomes Tabata Y 7 2 H 1 Foreign Minister Wang said thaty ACAP's efforts to democratize Japan were meeting with initial success H, P 1 Foreign Minister Wang said thaty ACAP's efforts to democratize Japan were meeting with initial success H, P Foreign Minister Wang said thaty ACAP's efforts to democratize Japan were meeting with initial success H, P 1 Communist disturbance occurs in Paris; Communist demonstrators tried to stop anti-Communists meeting H, P 5 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang is awaiting Soviet and US replies to plan for regulating procedure at the Japanese conference H, P 2 French Communist, Thorez, called a meeting of the leftists, Catholics, and overrightists to form a front against de Gaulle French Communist, Thorez, called a meeting of the leftists, Catholics, and overrightists to form a front against de Gaulle French Communist, Thorez, called a meeting of the leftists, Catholics, and overrightists to form a front against de Gaulle British Commonwealth nations will not vote as a bloc at the conference, says Copland H, P 2 H, P 2 H, P 1 P 2 Y 8 Oversized News Agency [10]/[30]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-2304 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 47-frn-2321 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:13 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2322 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:14 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) 47-frn-2323 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:15 47-frn-2324 [10]/30/194[7] 30:15a Associated Press World Service (Honolulu) 47-frn-2325 10/30/1947 30:15c 47-frn-2326 [10]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-2327 Headline (Japanese) 独共産党のコミンテルン合流不可能. ついて來ない獨國民 Headline British Think That Allied Measures Would Halt Attempt to Join China's compromise proposal for an 11nation Japanese Peace Conference "gives China an effective veto, and Australia is against the veto," Australian Minister D. B. Copland, said today. General George C. Patton Jr., believed the war in Europe might have been shortened and thousands of lives saved but for the sudden drying up of supplies which halted the headlong dash of his Third Army across France, his War Journal reveals. Colonel Robert McCormick... for and publisher of the Chicago Tribune, said Tuesday night "I would like to see General MacArthur make a triumphal return home-he is the only good general to come out of the war." Colonel Robert McCormick, editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune, said Tuesday night "I would like to see General MacArthur make a triumphal return home - he is the only good general to come out of the war". Chicago Tribune Chief Lauds General MacArthur 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 30:16 United Press 国際タイムス (Shanghai) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 10/[30]/1947 30:16a United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2328 [10]/[28]/194[7] 30:17 USIS 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Jiji world 47-frn-2329 [10]/[29]/194[7] 30:18 Associated Press (Paris) 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji world Ramadier delivers blistering attack 47-frn-2330 10/30/194[7] 30:19 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (3, Nanking) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2331 10/30/1947 30:20 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Berlin) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-2332 10/29/1947 30:21 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Springfield, 産業経済新聞 MO) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Leaders of the opposition "Democratic League", outlawed by the Chinese government yesterday on charges of "Communistic activities", have agreed to dissolve the League, Doctor Hollington Tong, director of the Chinese Information Bureau, told the press today. Bishops protest arrest of Germans in Russian zone 47-frn-2333 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:22 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2334 10/30/1947 30:23 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2335 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:24 Associated Press (London; Teheran) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-2336 10/30/1947 30:25 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign マコー[ミ]ック氏語る 調印後日本の改革. 濠州公使D.Bコープランド氏は二十九日記者専團と の会見において濠州の対日政策を明らかにし、講和條 約調印後日本の國内改革の推進を監視するために拒否 権なき十一カ國による委員会を設けるべきであると次 のごとく語つた ドイツソ連地区の青年の続々逮捕にカトリック僧正抗 議 トリエストで一米兵殺戮され多数負傷. 米議員語る Australian Minister D.B. Copland, Wednesday, called for a special 11nation supervisory body without the veto power to carry out Japanese reforms in Japan after the peace treaty is signed. Australian Minister D.B. Copland, Wednesday, called for a special 11nation supervisory body without the veto power to carry out Japanese reforms in Japan after the peace treaty is signed. Press emphasizes bipartisan action in special congress session Congressmen reveals one U.S. soldier killed in Trieste area China's current troubles are a confused hodgepodge of internal strains and outside [stresses] which Americans both here and at home are finding it difficult to follow clearly. The Budget Goes to the Diet 石油紛爭再燃か. イラン議会、ソ連との協定を拒否 Premier Ahmed Qavam oil agreement with Russia has been declared null and void by Iranian parliament.; [A] Foreign Office spokesman said British Government felt Iran "would be well advised to leave the door open for further discussions" with Russia con[c]erning oil concessions sought by Soviet Union. Indian Need for Plants, Machinery Huge, Says Reparations Official Subject Brief Summary Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes H, P H 1 George C. Patton believed the war in Europe might have been shortened but for the sudden drying up of supplies which halted the dash of his army across France H, P 2 Robert McCormick, Chicago Tribune Chief, said that MacArthur is the only good general to come out of the war H, P 1 Robert McCormick, Chicago Tribune Chief, said that MacArthur is the only good general to come out of the war H, P Robert McCormick, Chicago Tribune Chief, said that MacArthur is the only good general to come out of the war Australian Minister, Copland, expressed his country's opposition to the veto and stressed "majority decision" H H, P [Walter Kolarz, United Press staff correspon dent] Examiner1 Examiner2 British think that Allied measures would halt Western Germany's Communists' attempt to join the Communist drive against the western powers China's proposal for an 11 nation Japanese peace conference gives China an effective veto, but Australia is against the veto Y 2 5 1 Y 3 Australian Minister, Copland, expressed his country's opposition to the veto and stressed "majority decision" H 1 Press emphasizes bi-partisan action in special congress session Communist demonstration inspired by an appeal by L'Humanite to "silence the insulters of the USSR" Leaders of the Democratic League have agreed to dissollve the League H, P 3 H, P 3 H, P 1 Catholic bishops protest the arrest of Germans in Russian Zone H, P Y 5 Marion Bennett revealed that H, P one US soldier was killed and many injured by Slav Communist troops in Triest area Many regarded the Chinese H, D military as inept and corrupt Y 4 Diet will deliberate tomorrow on the supplementary budget for the 1947-48 fiscal year H, P Iranian oil agreement with Russia has been declared null by the Iranian government over the protest of Premier Qavam H, P Indian need for plants and machinery huge, says reparation official H, P 2 2 Y 4 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 日米通信 (London) Photograph(s) Source 30:12 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 10/30/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2320 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-2338 10/30/1947 30:26 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Nippon Times 47-frn-2339 [10]/[29]/194[7] 30:27 47-frn-2340 10/30/194[7] 30:28 Reuters (Lake Success) International News Service (Paris) 47-frn-2341 [10]/[30]/194[7] 30:29 47-frn-2342 10/30/1947 30:30 47-frn-2343 10/30/1947 30:31 47-frn-2344 10/30/1947 30:32 47-frn-2345 10/30/1947 30:33 47-frn-2346 [10]/[27]/194[7] 30:34 47-frn-2347 [10]/[30]/194[7] Reuters 47-frn-2348 [10]/[30]/194[7] Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2349 [10]/[30]/194[7] 31:1 47-frn-2350 [10]/[30]/194[7] 31:2 47-frn-2351 [10]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-2352 [10]/[30]/194[7] 47-frn-2353 47-frn-2354 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Foreign Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Raju's opinion. India's needs for plants and machinery is so enormous that what it would probably get as reparations from Japan will be but a very small part of what India immediately needs to meet its demands, in the opinion of an Indian reparations official currently in Japan. USSR Seeking to Conquer World For Communism, Bullitt Charges. Soviet Foreign Policy Condemned in Radio Discussion; Clare Booth Luce Advocates Preparedness Policy Korean problem is knotty issue for UN Assembly Indian need for plants and machinery huge, says reparation official H 1 Former US ambassador to Russia, Bullitt, charged the Soviet Union seeks to conquer the world for Communism Korean problem is knotty issue for UN assembly P 1 H 4 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji world Nippon Times, 世界日報 Nippon Times, Sekai Nippo Nippon Times Foreign, SekaiNippo Markos Reportedly Signs Secret Pact Marcos, Greek guerilla leader reportedly signs secret pact which has raised a threat of war in the Balkans H, P 1 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Brig. Gen. Carlos Romulo of the Philippines, in an interretation affecting one of his own subordinate delegate said today that the United Nations condemnation of propaganda that might be detrimental to world peace was intended to stop all unsupported charges of "warmongerin[g]" and accusations of aggression. Brig. Den. Romulo of the Philippines stated that the anti-peace disturbance measure should stop unsupported charges of "warmongering" H, P 2 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (8) Sekai Nippo 8 氣をもますアメリカ先生 "Dr. America causes anxiety" Cartoon depicting "Dr. America" reading a book as Europe sits bleeding 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (5) Boeki Nippo 5 戰犯的日本財ばつは依然健在 "War-criminal-like Japanese plutocrats still active" 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 中国紙琉球返還を要求 夕刊みやこ Yukan Miyako Miyako 中國の方針案と日本の實状 "Chinese paper demands the Chinese paper, Shin Min return of Ryukyu Islands" Pao, demands the return of Ryukyu Islands China's policy toward Japan China's policy toward Japan and Japan's actual condition. and Japan's actual condition: Deleted: Democratization of Japan should happen through Japan's initiative, not be imposed The Asahi News Asahi News 米海軍の飛道具船. 超大口ケット「ネプチューン」 Cartoon Herald Tribune Syndicate Radio Editorial NNS, Shanghai, 29th Nanking, Zhong yang Chuoh-Shya tong xun she (Nanking) Editorial Associated アサヒニュース Press (Washington) War-criminal-like Japanese plutocrats still active H, P Gomes Fujinami Y 3 P Gomes Fujinami Y 5 Y 18 Y 13 Y 5 H, S [J]. Gomes Yamaguchi H, D Mercola M. Hori The United States Navy celebrates its "birthday" October 27 as it prepares for the greatest fundamental changes in its 172 year history. note to editors following is new intro to Copland advance stoy sent in morsecast last night... US is trying to gain a H, D foothold in the Middle East, to prevent Russia from doing so There is little chance of H, P Australia supporting China's compromise proposal regarding voting procedure at Japanese peace conference Australian minister Copland's comments about China and the Japanese peace treaty H 1 Radio Press (Nanking) Radio Press (Moscow) The minister commented that Australia would welcome "anything which would restore stability to China," but could see no solution to the problem. War crimes: 1,000 Chinese miners killed in 1945 Japan: 2,000 Japanese said to be in training H, P 1 H, S 1 31:3 Radio Press (Moscow) Political: U.S. ATD & League outlawing coincidental H, S 2 31:4 [Radio Press (Moscow)] Havana: paper says Marshall urged break with USSR H, D 1 [10]/[31]/194[7] 31:5 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 10/31/194[7] 31:5a United Press 時事通信 (17, New York) United Press 共同通信 (New York) War crimes: 1,000 Chinese miners killed in 1945 2,000 Japanese pilots are being trained by the US Air Force Implication that the Kuomintang outlawed the Comunnist Party in China because of American pressure The US is pressuring South American countries to cut off diplomatic relations with the USSR US Army lacks the money to buy more cotton for Japan Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2355 [10]/[31]/194[7] 31:6 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2355a [10]/[31]/194[7] United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 對日貿易明るい未來. 歸米バイヤーの觀測 Cotton futures experienced sharp rally near close after early [periods] depressing [p]rices. Cotton futures experienced sharp rally near close after early periods depressing prices. Three more Uni[ted] States businessers recently returned from Japan labelled "bright" prospects of trade with Japan but differed sharply on whether SCAP civilian officials were incompetent as been charged. Three more United States businessmen who returned recently from Japan have labelled as "bright" the prospects of trade with Japan but differed sharply on whether SCAP civilian officials were incompetent as has been charged. [Robert M. Farrington ] Gomes 1 H, D 1 US Army lacks the money to buy more cotton for Japan H, D [Plunkett] 2 Japan Trade: SCAP officials presiding over private trade in Japan are inexperienced H, D, [William S R. Sears] 1 D [William R. Sears, United Press staff correspon dent] Y 3 1 Oversized News Agency United Press [毎日新聞] (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 30:25a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[30]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2337 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 31:6a 47-frn-2357 10/31/194[7] 47-frn-2358 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 31:7 United Press 共同通信 (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service [10]/[31]/194[7] 31:7a United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2359 10/31/194[7] 31:8 United Press 共同通信 (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2360 [10]/[31]/194[7] 31:8a Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2361 10/31/194[7] 31:9 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Initial reparations claims filed by [11] pacific allies against Japan were reported Thursday on the basis of one key estimate, to add up to approximately 54 [billion] dollars an authoritative official source said the claims, submitted to the 11 nation Far Eastern Commission here, was topped by [a] demand from China that she be allotted 40 percent of the total indemites exacted from Japan for war losses. 47-frn-2362 [10]/[31]/194[7] 31:10 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2363 10/30/1947 31:11 United Press 極東通信 (Columbus) Kyokuto Tsushin Far Eastern Press 47-frn-2364 [10]/[30]/194[7] 31:12 Kokusai Times 10/31/194[7] 31:13 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) United Press 共同通信 (1, 2, New York, San Francisco) The Kokusai Times 47-frn-2365 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2366 [10]/[30]/194[7] 31:14 The New York Times (Tokyo) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-2367 [10]/[31]/194[7] 31:15 Associated Press (New York) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 米特別議会と世界情勢 The final and crucial battle for western Europe between bolshevism and democracy is about to be joined and the outcome will go far toward determining whether free men continue to be free. 47-frn-2368 10/31/1947 31:16 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Tokyo) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 総司令部、農相追放の報告に接せず Government section denies knowledge of Hirano purge 時事通信 Associated 時事通信; 共同通信 Press (8, 16, 18, 19, 20, San Francisco, Washington) Subject Prospects bright, U.S. trader states. Jensen Declares He Found Sure Foundation Everywhere of Business Yet to Come Three more United States businessmen who returned recently from Japan have labelled as "bright" the prospects of trade with Japan but differed sharply on whether SCAP civilian officials were incompetent as has been charged. Japan Trade: SCAP officials presiding over private trade in Japan are inexperienced Americans seem satisfied with the government's attitude toward Russia. 對華援助の延期は不可 Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 D American public showing considerable dissatisfaction with Washington[']s handling issue domestic communism but evidence today showed overwhe[l]ming popular approval administrations "firmness with fairness" policy dealing with Russia itself. Scripps-Howard newspapers editorial charging "administration apparently hopes [postpone] indefinitely any decision on aid to China issue" declared "this thing too big too much at stake and too m[a]ny Americans know it for issue to be bottled up bureaueraleally. Brief Summary H US public dissatisfied with Washington's handling of domestic communists, but approve of administration's "firmness with fairness" policy with Russia itself H, P Americans seem satisfied with the government's attitude towards Russia Aid to China: Deleted: The Chinese government is corrupt and inefficient D Notes 1 [William R. Sears, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 [Dillon] 2 Dan Dillon Mercola Sameshima 1 H, D 2 Aid to China: Deleted: The Chinese government is corrupt and inefficient Initial reparation claims filed by the Pacific allies against Japan H, D H, P 7 The New York Times said in an editorial today that "all American efforts to reunited (Korea) and to carry out wartime agreements for both the (Fourpower) trusteeship and the provisional Korean democratic government to function under it have been wrecked by Russian obstruction regarding Korea in the United Nations are rehearsals of those which are likely to dominate the Foreign Ministers' meeting in London in November." Russian obstrucion regarding US efforts regarding Korea H, P 1 Neil MaCneil, assistant night managing editor of the New York Times, said tonight that Soviet Russia is using news as a weapon for world domination and American journalists must oppose this "tyranny over the mind" by fighting for a free world press. Neil MacNeil of the New York Times said that Russia is using news as a weapon for world domination ; American journalists must oppose this "tyranny over the mind" H, P 4 Three more Uni[ted] States businessers recently returned from Japan labelled "bright" prospects of trade with Japan but differed sharply on whether SCAP civilian officials were incompetent as been charged. "Russia and Korea" Traders discuss whether SCAP civilian officials are incompetent H, D 3 Special importance must be assigned to Russian maneuvers in Korean question before the UN, for these tactics are likely to dominate Russian stradegy in the Big Four conference The battle between Democracy and Communism will decide whether people continue to be free H, P 5 ソ連の外交政策と駈引. タイムズ批源 Y Y Gen. MacArthur's Government section denies knowledge of Hirano purge; Hirano has already appeared before a screening committee, with a clear record 4 1 H, D [Mackenzi e] Y 4 H, D Y 4 Oversized 10/31/1947 Source Photograph(s) 47-frn-2356 Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages 10/31/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2355b Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-2370 10/31/1947 31:17 47-frn-2371 10/31/194[7] 31:18 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (43, Frankfurt) 47-frn-2372 10/31/194[7] 31:19 47-frn-2373 10/31/1947 31:20 47-frn-2374 10/31/1947 31:21 47-frn-2375 10/31/1947 31:22a 47-frn-2377 10/31/1947 47-frn-2378 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Government section denies knowledge of Hirano purge Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Betraying Their Own Case Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 共同通信 (8, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Nippon Times United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) 31:24 10/31/1947 47-frn-2379 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Gen. MacArthur's Government section denies knowledge of Hirano purge; Hirano has already appeared before a screening committee, with a clear record The mass absenteeism of the postal employees has ceased H, D 1 H, P 3 The first German businessmen authorised to go abroad by the agreement between the American govt and the export and import agency will leave for America on the seventh November. Former FBI agent told House UnAmerican activities committee Soviet spies tried ste[a]l atomic bomb secrets in 1942 through American sympathyzers on west coast. Reaction to Demo. League's dissolution German businessman to go to US to negotiate trade contract H, P 2 Former FBI agent told Unamerican Activities Committee that Soviet spies tried to steal atomic bomb secrets in 1942 Reaction to Democratic League's dissolution H, P 3 Nippon Times Foreign The New-Party Movement H, P 4 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Yoshida's car attacked Speculation concerning the possible formation of a new conservative party Former Premier Yoshida's car attacked by overtaking car 1 North 朝日新聞 American Newspaper Alliance (27, Paris) Asahi Shimbun Asahi H, C [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] H, P [Pertinax] 31:25 United Press 毎日新聞 (Princeton, NJ) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 10/31/194[7] 31:26 USIS (Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2380 10/31/1947 31:28 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-2381 10/31/1947 31:29 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press Nippon Times 47-frn-2382 [11]/[1]/194[7] 1:1a United Press 時事通信 (11, New York) 47-frn-2383 [11]/[1]/194[7] 47-frn-2383a [11]/[1]/194[7] 47-frn-2383b [11]/[1]/194[7] 47-frn-2383c 11/1/1947 1:2 Nippon Times Nippon Times ソ連東部ドイツに獨立政府樹立か Reds may establish strong government in East Germany stressing nationalism and soft-pedalling communism Dr. Robert Oppenheimer, director of the Institute for Advanced Study, today refused to "confirm or deny" statements in Washington that he had been approached with a proposal to divulge atomi[c] bomb [s]ecrets by emissaries from Soviet sources. Assembly [confidences] remainder 300200 with 18 abstentions and 20 absences: socialists, po[p]ular republicans and most radical-socialists were for and communists rightists and some radicals against. Soviets may set up a government in East Germany to rival the Anglo-American government of west Germany in its appeal to German Nationalism Dr. Oppenheimer refused to comment on whether or not he was approashed by Soviets to divulge atomic secrets H, P [Robert Clurman], [Matsuda] 1 Y 6 H, P 1 At the French assembly, middle of the road government was asked to choose between being nation of Frenchmen or "American or Russian camp" H, P 2 Russia knew U.S. had been working on atomic bomb The House Un-American Activities Committee disclosed that Russia knew that US was working on an atomic bomb in 1942, and tried to spy out the details H, P Nippon Times Foreign Lengthy Soviet Evidence Is Cut Short by Webb H, P Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Scripps Howard newspapers editorial charged "every move Russia making in Uni[ted] Nations assembly these days relation Korea reveals more clearly Kremlin[']s determination control that "liberated" country. A California Institute of Technology scientist disclosed today what he termed the first laboratory confirmation of the theory that atomic bomb exposure can lead to inheritable defects which may produce human deformities in Japan for the next one thousand years. Lengthy Soviet evidence is cut short by Webb of the Allied court trying Japanese warlords Scripps Howard editorially charged that "every move Russia makes in UN assembly these days reveals Kremlin's determination in controlling Korea" ソ聯は米原子爆弾の研究をスパイに依り周知 Associated Press (Pasadena, CA) 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Associated Press (3, 4, Pasadena, CA) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin [A] California Institute of Technology scientist disclosed what he termed the first laboratory confirmation of the theory that atomic bomb exposure can lead to inheritable defects which may produce human deformities in Japan for the next one thousand years. Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Pasadena, CA) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo A Calif[ornia] Institute of Technology scientist disclosed today what he termed the first laboratory confirmation of the theory that atomic bomb exposure in Japan for the next one thousand years. Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Pasadena) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Caltech Scientist Claims Proof Of Atom's Effect on Human Genes Caltech scientists think that atom bomb exposure will cause genetic defects in Japanese people for centuries [Rose Mckee, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Oversized News Agency International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 31:16b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [10]/[30]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2369 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 13 Check Thompson 1 P 1 S 1 H, S 1 H, S 2 S 3 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2384a 11/1/1947 47-frn-2384b 11/1/194[7] 47-frn-2385 [11]/[1]/194[7] 1:4 47-frn-2386 [11]/[1]/194[7] 47-frn-2387 News Agency Associated Press (3, Pasadena, CA) Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Honolulu) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Tokyo Shimbun Agence 時事通信 France-presse (22, Washington) 1:5 [11]/[1]/194[7] 47-frn-2388 11/1/1947 47-frn-2389 [11]/[1]/194[7] 1:6 47-frn-2390 [11]/[1]/194[7] 1:6a Reuters (Nanking) 47-frn-2391 11/1/194[7] 1:7 47-frn-2392 11/1/194[7] 47-frn-2393 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes S 2 H, S 1 Says Soviet subs on move. U.S. Navy Intelligence Denies Knowledge S 1 Tokyo Shimbun A navy magazine says Russia is operating a "considerable number" of submarines in the north Pacific and named admiral Louis E. Denfeld as its authority, but navy intelligence said it has no information on such operations. S 1 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Leader of a major US labor federation asked Congress to suppress the House Committee on Unamerican activities P 1 United Press 時事通信 (Shanghai) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Underground movement in formosa planning to petition the Japanese peace conference for a plebescite in formosa P [Logan] 1:5a United Press 国際特信; 共同通信 (Shanghai) Kokusai Tokushin; Kyodo Tsushin Kokusai Tokushin; Kyodo News Service Plebescite or rebellion, underground Fomosa group warns S [Walter Logan] 1:5b Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Shanghai) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Echoing the campaign against the House Committee on Un-American activities, Philip Murray, Chairman of the "Committee of indusitrical organization "one of the two major American labour federation, sent a letter to-day to the Chief leaders of Congress asking them to take st[e]ps for the suppresion of that Committee "one for all." Growing underground movement Formosa planning petition Jap[anese] Peace Conference for plebiscite Formosa and if this denied there[']ll "bloodshed and rebellion" member movement told Uni[ted] Press today Growing underground movement formosa planning petition Jap[anese] Peace Conference for plebiscite formosa and if this denied there[']ll qt b[l]oodshed and rebellion unqr member movement told Uni[ted] Press today; Petition To Japan Peace Parley. Plebescite Or Rebellion, Formosa Group Warns Plebiscite for Formosa Sought; Islandwide Corruption Claimed. Unemployment, Prostitution Rife As Carpetbaggers Strip Country; Conditions Worse Since War's End China wishes to sign peace treaty with Japan [e]arliest possible said Foreign Minister Doctor Wang Shih chieh... China wishes to sign peace treaty with Japan earliest possible said Foreign Minister Doctor Wang Shih chieh reporting to State Council this afternoon on his trip to Uni[ted] States and Japan. Agence 共同通信 France-presse (66, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Figures of Japanese reparations not to be fixed anytime soon; reported 54 billion dollars said to be groundless P 2 1:7a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Figures of Japanese reparations not to be fixed anytime soon; reported 54 billion dollars said to be groundless H, P 1 11/1/1947 1:7b Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Specialised circles are not on the point of reaching a solution to the problem of fixing and alloting the reparations to be paid by Japan, an authorised [personality] told an AFP correspondent today. Specialised circles are not on the point of reaching an agreement on the problem of the fixation and the allotment of the reparations to be paid by Japan, an [a]uthorized personality told AFP correspondent today. Figure of Japanese reparation H, P 47-frn-2394 11/1/1947 1:7c Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 対日賠償決定は數ヶ月後か Figure of Japanese reparations not to be fixed before months, reported 54 billion claims said groundless 47-frn-2395 11/1/194[7] 1:7d Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri ワシントンの権威筋は卅一日AFP通信記者にたいし「 極東委員会構成十一ヶ國の対日賠償要求総額が五百四 十億ドルに達するとの新聞報道は根拠がない」と言明 し、さらに次のとおり語つた Figure of Japanese reparations not to be fixed before months, reported 54 billion claims said groundless 47-frn-2396 [11]/[1]/194[7] 1:8 Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Figures of Japanese reparations not to be fixed anytime soon; reported 54 billion dollars said to be groundless Figures of Japanese reparations not to be fixed anytime soon; reported 54 billion dollars said to be groundless Figures of Japanese reparations not to be fixed anytime soon; reported 54 billion dollars said to be groundless Sen. Wilson of Iowa said that the State Dept.'s refusal to let members see the Wedemeyer report on China is a sign that we're headed towards totalitarianism 1:3 Associated Press (44, Honolulu) 東京新聞 A California Institute of Technology scientist disclosed what he termed the first laboratory confirmation of the theory that atomic bomb exposure can lead to inheritable defects which may produce human deformities in Japan for the next 1 thousand years. A Navy magazine says Russia is operating a "considerable number" of submarines in the north Pacific and named admiral Louis E. Denfeld as its authority, but Navy intelligence said it has no information on such operations. 台湾は対日講和会議に際し国民投票を請願. 現下の腐敗政治にたえざるため 王王世杰外交部長の報告 Senator George A. Wilson, Republican of Iowa, said the State Department's refusal to let members of Congress see the confidential Wedemeyer report on China is a sign that 'we are heading toward a totalitarian government.' Navy magazine says Russia is operating submarines in the North Pacific Plebiscite for Formosa sought; Islandwide corruption claimed China wishes to sign the peace treaty with Japan as soon as possible China wishes to sign the peace treaty with Japan as soon as possible 1 Y H, S 8 1 P 1 H, P Y [Matsuda] 4 1 P Y 2 P Y 2 P 1 Oversized [11]/[1]/194[7] Source Photograph(s) 47-frn-2384 Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages 11/1/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2383d Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 11/1/1947 47-frn-2398 11/1/194[7] 47-frn-2399 Submitted by (Japanese) Nippon Times Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign The Question of Mr. Hirano Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 2 China's demand for Okinawa and other Ryukyu Islands gave Formosans the opening to ask for Plebiscite H, P 1 Petersen Urges UMT Former Assistant Sec. of War, Petersen, said that unless Kremlin changes 180 degrees, there is no chance of UN preventing war H, P 1 Howard C. Petersen, former Assistant Secretary of War said last night "until there is a 180 degree change in the Kremlin foreign policy there is absolutely no chance of placing dependence in the United Nations to prevent war." Japan and China Former Assistant Sec. of War, Petersen, said that unless Kremlin changes 180 degrees, there is no chance of UN preventing war H 1 Japan and China: Communism has made less headway in Japan than in any other Asiatic country Four year European recovery program may cost 20 billion dollars H, P [V.L. Horoth] H, P [Hightowe r] Scripps Howard editorially charged that "every move Russia makes in UN assembly these days reveals Kremlin's determination in controlling Korea" H, P 1 Leader of the Gerrman Socialists, Schumacher, stated that US was the only country that can save Germany Public opinion poll on the cause of soaring living costs H, P 2 Tokyo Shimbun The part played by communist parties in international politics was commended today by the Moscow Radio. 11/1/194[7] 1:11 Associated 共同通信 Press (43, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2400 11/1/1947 1:12 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Senator Robert Taft, Republican presidential aspirant, says he sees no chance of bipartisan cooperation in dealing with remedies for high prices and inflation during the coming special asession of the U.S. Congress. India. Events of the next six weeks may determine whether the right wing "benevelent dictatorship" will govern India, or whether this strife-torn country will swing still further toward Socialism, reports William H. Newton, ScrippsHoward staff writer. 47-frn-2401 [11]/[1]/194[7] 1:13 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2401a 11/1/194[7] Kokusai Tokushin 47-frn-2402 11/1/1947 1:15 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (State College, PA) Nippon Times International Special News Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2402a 11/1/194[7] 1:15a Associated 東京新聞 Press (35, State College, PA) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2403 [9]/[27]/194[7] 1:16 Magazine of Wall Street Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2404 11/1/194[7] 1:19 Associated 共同通信 Press (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2405 [10]/[31]/194[7] 1:20 47-frn-2406 [10]/[31]/194[7] 1:21 United Press 時事通信 (Berlin) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2407 11/1/1947 1:22 United Press 日米通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 生計費高騰の責任は政府にある A Senate committee last week bracing 12 cities in an attempt to diagnose the cause of today's soaring living costs. 47-frn-2408 11/1/1947 1:24 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (8) Tokyo Shimbun (No.8) 最近のアメリカ素描 47-frn-2408a 47-frn-2409 [11]/[1]/194[7] 11/1/194[7] 1:25 1:27 時事通信 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo News Service 九人の戰争煽動者とは誰か? 47-frn-2410 11/1/1947 1:28 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun ソ連の鉄のカーテン太平洋岸まで "Rough Sketches Of America Americans laugh away Soviet H, D Sakai, J. Gomes Abe of To-day." propaganda about America's Tokyo domination by Wall Street Shimbun correspon dent in Washingto n H, C [J. Gomes] Allegation that accession of Kashmir to Reaction of Pakistan: P Indian Union was "based on fraud and Allegation that accession of violence and as such cannot be Kashmir to Indian union was recognized" has made last night in 1200 "based on fraud and word communique giving first official violence" and cannot be reaction of Pakistan to accession of recognized Kashmir. Hungarian Parliamentarian comments Hungarian parliamentarian H, P [Pierre on Cominform comments of Cominform Loving, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 国際特信 Commentary 時事通信 [時事通信] Commentary Reuters (Lahore, Pakistan) International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Premier Chang Chun's demand for return of Okinawa and other Ryuky[u] islands to China, has given leaders of the Formosan separatist movement the chance they were being seeking, that is to ask for plebiscite during the Japanese peace conference. Criticism of the Japanese Reparation Programme 日本は防共の墨壁 Secretary [of] State Marshall has returned to his Washington office from United Nations session to take leading role in shaping final recommendations to American Congress for [a] four year European recovery program that may cost up to 20 Billion dollars. [Scripps-How]ard newspaper editorial policy RE[:] Korea. The ScrippsHoward Newspaper[s] editorial today charged "every move the Soviet Union is making in the United Nations Assembly these days in relations to Korea reveals more clearly the Kremlin's determination to control that 'liberated' country. German Socialist leader hits Communism in press conference [Jiji Tsushin] Notes H, P Tokyo Shimbun 14/1 Examiner5 Examiner6 Scripps-Howard staff writer reports that the events of the next six weeks will decide whether dictatorship or Socialism will govern India Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (5, Moscow) 11/15/194[7] Examiner4 1 1:10 11/6/1947 Examiner3 The political effects of the H, P elimination of Hirano from government Moscow says that H, S Communists of the world will continue to fight for peace and demodracy Robert Taft says that he sees H, P no chance of bipartisan cooperation in dealing with high prices and inflation 1 2 D Mercolla Naito H, P Obata Sakuma 4 Y 9 3 Y 3 Y 4 Y 1 3 Y 9 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 1:9 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2397 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 中部民報, 民報, 労働民報, 東京民報 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 47-frn-2412 11/1/194[7] 1:30 Zhong yang 共同通信 tong xun she, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Telepress 民報 (Toronto) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Mimpo Mimpo The New 朝日新聞 York Times (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi コミンテルンに對して「フリードムテルン」を Jiji Shimpo Jiji Shimpo アジアにおける米ソ両勢力 47-frn-2413 1:31 Chubu Mimpo, Chubu Mimpo, Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo, Mimpo, Rodo Tokyo Mimpo Mimpo, Tokyo Mimpo Headline 日本の民主化はまだ Political divisions sharp at Canadian CIO Convention 11/1/1947 1:32 47-frn-2415 11/1/1947 1:33 47-frn-2416 [11]/[4]/194[7] 4:18a United Press [毎日新聞] (Shanghai) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-2416a 11/4/1947 3:11, 4:12 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2417 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:1 Radio Press (Nanking) Int'l: Hu Shih urges Sino-U.S. understanding 47-frn-2418 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:2 47-frn-2419 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:3 [Radio Press (Delhi)] [Radio Press (Melbourne)] Tokyo trial: Webb to go to Australia for few weeks Whaling: French observer on expe[d]ition named 47-frn-2420 11/5/194[7] 5:4 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Guard London learned informal discussion of deadlock on procedure for preparing Japanese peace settlement expected when council foreign ministers meets here this month... 47-frn-2421 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:4a United Press 時事通信 (2) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2422 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:4b United Press 国際タイムス (London) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2423 11/5/1947 5:4c United Press 毎日新聞 (London) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Guard London learned informal discussion of deadlock on procedure for preparing Japanese peace settlement expected when council foreign ministers meets here this month authoritative quarter said discussions must necessarily... An informal discussion of the deadlock on the procedure for preparing the Japanese peace settlement is expected when the Council of Foreign Ministers meets here this month, it was learned today. Japanese peace 47-frn-2424 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:5 Radio Press Sokuho (Delhi; London BBC) Hungary: 8 persons charged with selling info; Hungary: spy organization discovered 47-frn-2425 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:7 [Radio Press (London BBC)] Germany: "Der Abend" reporter missing 47-frn-2426 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:8 Radio Press (Nanking) Indonesia: Security Council decision commented 47-frn-2427 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:9 Radio Press (Nanking) Indonesia: Dutch not suppressing use of drugs 47-frn-2428 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:10 [Radio Press (New York)] 47-frn-2429 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:11 Associated Press (San Francisco) 時事新報 A "Freedomtern" is suggested to rally the democracies. United States, It Is Asserted, Must Now Openly Take Up The Challenge of the 'Cominform' Formosans in Shanghai to seek enlist the aid of Americans Mainichi Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Chinese opinion negative concerning the demodratization of Japan H, S Canadian Congress of Labor denounced "Imperialist Russia" US must assert "freedomtern" to challenge the "Comintern" H, D [Tom Carlson] "Conflicting Influences of The battle between America and Russia in Asia" Communism and Capitalism is being fought in Asia; both sides are strong Formosans in Shanghai to seek the aid of Americans in getting China to permit Taiwanese to determine their own future 外相会議の予想. 中國の不参加が障碍 The importance of foreign trade to Japan[']s recovery and problems retarding its revival were outlined before the Far East America Council of Commerce and industry today by an official from Allied Headquarters in Tokyo. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 H H, S 5 [J. Gomes] Y 11 2 [James Reston] Sudo Notes J. Gomes Nomura Sameshima Mercola Y 5 Y 8 H 1 H, D 1 Dr. Hu Shih asks for mutual understanding between US and China of each other's psychology Tokyo trial: Webb to go to Australia for a few weeks Whaling: French observer to join the Japanese expedition named Informal discussion of deadlock on procedure for preparing Japanese peace settlement expected H, P 1 H, P 1 H 1 P 2 Informal discussion of deadlock on procedure for preparing Japanese peace settlement expected H, P 1 Informal discussion of deadlock on procedure for preparing Japanese peace settlement expected H, P Informal discussion of deadlock on procedure for preparing Japanese peace settlement expected Spy organization discovered; its purpose was to supply information about hungary and to help Hungarians to leave the country H, P 1 H, P 2 A correspondent for a USlicensed Berlin newspaper is missing after going into the Soviet sector of Berlin Indonesians are not happy about the Security Council's handling opf the Indonesian problem Dutch are encouraging opium use in the East Indies as a source of revenue and colonial control Universal military training criticized by U. of Chicago president Hutchins Peter McDermott said that the establishment of a stable Japanese economy depends largely on its foreign trade H, S 1 H, S 2 H, P, S 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 U.S. Communist. The Communist Party of the United States announced its support but decided to remain outside the information bureau established by Communist parties of nine European nations because it believes affiliation would bring new "repressions" against American Communists. Military: UMT criticized by Chicago educator 時事通信 Brief Summary Night before election-a H, D, [Gino young Christian Democrat S Bardi] was murdered; Communique issued that the murderer is a Communist before perpetrator was apprehended "Democratization of Japan Not Yet Realized" 47-frn-2414 Commentary Subject Rome elections- significant victory for People's Bloc Y 2 Oversized News Agency Telepress (Rome) Photograph(s) Source 1:29 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [11]/[1]/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2411 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2429b 11/5/1947 5:11b Associated Press (San Francisco) 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 47-frn-2430 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:12 United Press 時事通信 (Lake Success) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2431 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:13 United Press 時事通信 (5, 10, 11, London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2432 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:14a Associated Press (Wichita, KS) 静岡新聞 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka 47-frn-2433 [11]/[4]/194[7] 5:14b 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World 47-frn-2434 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:16 Associated Press (Wichita, KS) Associated Press World Service (Singapore) 静岡新聞 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun 47-frn-2435 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:16a Associated Press (50, Singapore) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2436 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:17 Associated Press (Baltimore) 静岡新聞 47-frn-2437 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:17a 47-frn-2438 11/5/194[7] 47-frn-2438a 47-frn-2439 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Peter McDermott said that the establishment of a stable Japanese economy depends largely on its foreign trade H 1 Peter McDermott said that the establishment of a stable Japanese economy depends largely on its foreign trade H, P 1 H, P 1 Mikolajczyk, Polish political leader said that he will go to US in wake of other eastern European politicians who fled their Communist dominated lands Director of the Christian Nationalist Crusade supports MacArthur for President H, P 2 S 1 Director of the Christian Nationalist Crusade supports MacArthur for President H, S 1 Nan Chiau Jit Pao, the China Democratic League newspaper, said today that a secret China report of Lt. Gen. Albert Wedemeyer urged that the United States develop south and west China as a defense against Russia. Chinese Communist paper reports an American recommendation to build up South China against the Communists S 1 Tokyo Shimbun Nan Chiau Jit Pao, China Democratic League newspaper, said today [a] secret China report of Lieutenant General Albert Wedemeyer called for [a] gigantic American financed industrial and rail development program for southern and western parts of China... Chinese Communist paper reports an American recommendation to build up South China against the Communists H, S 1 Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka MacArthur is planning to use his success in Japan to capture the Republican nomination, says the Baltimore Sun H, S 1 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Baltimore) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo MacArthur is planning to use his success in Japan to capture the Republican nomination, says the Baltimore Sun H, S 2 5:17b Associated 東京新聞 Press (45, 46, Baltimore) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun MacArthur is planning to use his success in Japan to capture the Republican nomination, says the Baltimore Sun H, S 2 [11]/5/194[7] 5:17c Associated Press World Service (Baltimore) 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon MacArthur is planning to use his success in Japan to capture the Republican nomination, says the Baltimore Sun H, S [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:18 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi The Baltimore Sun, in a story written by Robert Cochrane, former chief of the Sun paper's Tokyo Bureau, said Monday night "private advices from Tokyo received today state flatly General Douglas MacArthur will be candidate for the Republican nomination for President in 1948." The Baltimore Sun, in a story written by Rober Cochrane, former chief of the Sun paper's Tokyo Bureau, said Monday night "private advices from Tokyo received today state flatly General Douglas MacArthur will be candiate for the Republican nomination for President in 1948." The Baltimore Sun, in [a] story written by Robert Cochrane, former chief of the [Sun paper's] Tokyo Bureau, said Monday night "private advices from Tokyo received today state flatly General Douglas MacArthur will be [a] candidate fro the Republican nomination for president in 1948." The Baltimore Sun, in a story written by Robert Cochrane, former chief of the Sun paper's Tokyo Bureau, said Monday night "private advices from Tokyo received today state flatly General Douglas MacArthur will be candidate for the Republican nomination for Republican nomination for president in 1948. Informed Uni[ted] States officials told Uni[ted] Press China would "put [Japanese] treaty negotiations back to where they were last July... China and Japanese Treaty Nippon Times Nippon Times Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2440 11/5/1947 5:18a 47-frn-2441 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:18b 47-frn-2442 11/5/1947 5:19 Editorial United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) 国際タイムス The importance of foreign trade to Japan[']s recovery and problems retarding its revival were outlined before the Far East American Council of Commerce and industry today by an official from Allied Headquarters in Tokyo. The importance of foreign trade to Japan's recovery and problems retarding its revival were outlined before the far east America council of commerce and industry today by an official from Allied Headquarters in Tokyo. V[l]adimir Popovic of Yugoslavia in speech protesting Uni[ted] States proposal on Korea asserted Korean police suppressed democratic movement in [South] Korea. Stanislaw Mikolajczy[k][,] Polish Peasant Leader dsid he[']d go to Uni[ted] States from Britain in wake of other Eastern European politicians who had fle[d] their communist fominated Eastern European lands. Gerald L.K. Smith, self-styled National Director of the Christian Nationalist Crusade, talked to reporters in a hotel lobby here today, claimed "3,000,000 followers," and handed out a press release ba[ck]ing "General MacArthur for President." General MacArthur backed by Smith マ元帥の立候補間違いなし China may hold up Japanese Treaty. Nanking Making It Difficult For Talks to Begin U.S., Official Declares 中國の主張と日本天皇制 Y China may hold up Japanese treaty China may hold up Japanese treaty China may hold up Japanese treaty "China's Claim and Emperor China wants the emperor System." system to be abolished in Japan 5 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, S Kawamoto Abe Y 3 Oversized Associated Press (San Francisco) Source Photograph(s) 5:11a Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages [11]/[5]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2429a Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-2444 11/5/194[7] 5:21 Associated Press (62, Berlin) 47-frn-2445 11/5/1947 5:22 47-frn-2446 [11]/[5]/194[7] 47-frn-2447 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun International Nippon Times News Service (Lake Success) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 5:22a International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Lake Success) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki-Tsushin, Nippon-Tsushin [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:23 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2448 11/5/194[7] 5:25 Associated Press (Manila) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2449 11/5/194[7] 5:26 Associated 共同通信 Press (31, 32, Frankfurt, San Francisco) 47-frn-2450 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:28 47-frn-2451 11/5/1947 5:29 47-frn-2452 [11]/[5]/194[7] 5:30 47-frn-2453 11/5/1947 47-frn-2453a Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Stanislaw Mikolajazyk, predicting an allout Communist offensive to kill off independent thought in Eastern Europe, said tonight he would not retire from political life but would "still go on fighting in all ways possible for Polish freedom and independence." An American military government source said today Stanislaw Mikolajczyk was aided in his dramatic 15 day flight from Warsaw to London by [a] sort of "underground railway" set up by United States and British army intelligence sections to help "interesting personalities" escaping from East to West. New U.S. resolution to curb Korea reds is presented at U.N.. Soviet Bloc Resumes Attack On U.S. Plan- 'Terror Reign' Accused Mikolajczyk says that he will continue to fight in all ways possible for Polish freedom and independence H 1 Mikolajczyk was aided in his 15 day flight from Warsaw to London by an "underground railway" H, P 1 New US resolution to curb Korea Reds is presented at UN H, P 1 U.S. hits Soviet plan for armed Red domination of Korea US hits Soviet plan for armed Red domination of Korea after the withdrawal of troops H, P 3 The Communisrt Party of the United States conceded that strategic reasons dictated its decision to refrain from affiliation with the European Communist Information Bureau. American Communists have not joined the Cominform because they fear repercussions from fascist elements Kyodo News Service [Lt. General] Shigenori Kuroda[,] playboy general who prece[e]ded Yamashita as Japanese Commander in Chief [of] Philippines arrived in Manila from Sugamo Prison to stand trial before Philippine army war crimes commission on same charge for which Yamashita convicted hanged- command responsibility for crimes committed by his men in islands. Kuroda arrived in Manila to stand trial before the Philippines army war crimes commission Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The average German worker does not earn enough money legally to support [a] family. The average German worker does not earn enough money legally to make a living H, P [Don Doane] 3 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Men and Politics. A weekly column. What is Russia's policy towards the USA? H, D [Louis Fischer] 7 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. Papers Comment On Red Party's Move What is Russia's policy towards the USA?: references to Soviet imperialism and oppression Communists everywhere are merely pawns of the Kremlin H, D 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Speakers at a foreign trade meeting here y[es]terday said Japan's cotton spinning industry is the first to emerge from the wreckage of war. SCAP official declares cotton spinning industry first to emerge from wreckage of war H 1 5:30a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. told of strides being made in Japan. SCAP Official Declares Cotton Spinning Industry First to Emerge From Wreckage SCAP official declares cotton spinning industry first to emerge from wreckage of war H, P 1 11/5/194[7] 5:30b Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 11/5/1947 5:31 Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun Kyodo News Service; Mainichi 望む人口の再分配. マッコーミック氏談 Speakers at [a] foreign trade meeting here Tuesday said Japan[']s cotton spinning industry is the first to emerge from the wreckage of war. Colonel Robert R. McCormick Wednesday declared that "Japan under our influence has adopted a constitution similar in form to ours and a bill of rights even broader than ours." SCAP official declares cotton H, P spinning industry first to emerge from wreckage of war McCormick has no H, D commemt regarding MacArthur as a possible presidential candidate 3 47-frn-2454 Associated 共同通信 Press (33, San Francisco) United Press 共同通信; 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) 47-frn-2455 11/5/1947 5:33 Akahata Akahata 十月革命の敎訓 47-frn-2457 [10]/[6]/194[7] 5:35 Telepress (London) アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata Weekly 偏見と斗う英左派議員 British reactions to Communist International Bureau 47-frn-2458 11/5/194[7] 5:36 Telepress (London) アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata Weekly 敵意を見せる右翼. 情報機關 歐州各國の反響 Europe's Socialists discuss "Cominform" 47-frn-2459 11/5/1947 Associated Press (Tokyo) 朝日新聞 Asahi 陛下と会談 東京新聞 アカハタ Commentary Asahi Shimbun コミンフオルム不参加の反響. 米共産黨聲明發表. 各紙の論評するどし "The lesson of October revolution" A summation of the past 30 years of the Russian Communist movement British reactions to Communist International Bureau International Communists express their approval of the new Communist Information Bureau McCormick has no commemt regarding MacArthur as a possible presidential candidate [Pierre J. Huss, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] H, D [Don Dillon, United Press staff correspon dent] H, P H, S P Y 5 2 [Sidney Whipple, United Press special correspon dent] Mugio Kawamoto Yamaguchi Hattori Y 4 Y 5 [John Galloway] Y 3 Y 4 Y 2 S [Russell Brines, Associated Press Tokyo Chief Correspon dent] Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Photograph(s) Source 5:20 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [11]/[5]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2443 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2460a [11]/[5]/194[7] 47-frn-2461 11/6/194[7] 6:1 Reuters (Vienna) 47-frn-2462 [11]/[6]/194[7] 47-frn-2463 47-frn-2464 Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 6:1a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Vienna) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo [11]/[5]/194[7] 6:2 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:3 Radio Press (Nanking) United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2465 11/6/194[7] 6:3a United Press 共同通信 (1, New York, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2466 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:4 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2467 11/6/194[7] 6:5 Reuters (Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2468 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:6 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2469 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:7 47-frn-2470 11/6/1947 6:8 民青時報 47-frn-2471 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:9 47-frn-2472 11/6/1947 47-frn-2473 11/5/194[7] Headline Subject World Events. This is a land of sharply divided politics. On one issue, however, there is unanimity. All political parties stress the need for large-scale immigration. Speaking Frankly The "Wiener Nurier" reported today that Monsieur Pfeiffer with his wife and daughter escap[e]d from Budapest yesterday evening and crossed the Austrian frontier. [Z]oltan Pfeiffer, leader of the Hungarian Independent Party, was reported today by the American sponsored Wiener Kurier to have fled from Budapest with his wife and Daughter. U.S.: MacArthur may run for President MacArthur may run for president Colonel [Arthur G.] Syran [w]ill head special commision [Japan] warding to help direct rehabilitation enough [Japanese] shipping restore that nation[']s economy. Colonel [Arthur G.] Syran will head special commission [Japan]-warding to help direct rehabilitation enough [Japanese] shipping restore that nation[']s economy. Cotton moderately active. Showed U.S. Cotton millers don't increasing firmness after higher cotton to go to Nippon opening. Speaking Frankly by James F. Byrnes Hungarian opposition leader, Pfeiffer, has escaped to Vienna P Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 [James F. Byrnes] 20 H, P 2 MacArthur may run for President Col. Syran will head a commission that will help rebuild Japan's shipping H, D 3 H, S 1 Col. Syran will head a commission that will help rebuild Japan's shipping H, S 2 Cotton corporation questions whether SCAP has the right to offer Japanese gold reserves for cotton H, D 2 Russians want Socialism and capitalism to compete in peace, but reactionaries don't want peace H, S 2 P 1 The preparatory Asian regional conference of the international Labor Organization: stated that a general improvement in labor standards of Asian countries cannot be secured unless the standards were applicable to Japan Korean call for independence H, P 1 The government's Central News Agency killed, as probably Communist inspired, a story out of Singapore Wednesday saying Lt. Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer had urged the United States to develop and South and West China as defense outposts against Russia. Communist agitations from now on will step up... throughout world and also here in the U.S. Central News Agency killed a Singapore newspaper report that Wedemeyer had urged US to develop South and West China as defense outposts against Russia H, P A description of the aggressive tactics that Communists will probably use to fight the Marshall Plan H, S 自主獨立に總力を. 民戰で見解發表. 親日派排し左右愛國者の協調 James Byrnes says that the retention of Japanese prisoners in Russia violates the Potsdam Agreement Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 6:10 United Press 日米通信 (Washington) The America-Japan Press Nichibei [10]/[11]/194[7] 6:11 The America-Japan Press Nichibei The new food-saving campaign is getting off to a very bad start. The new food-saving campaign is getting off to a very bad start H, P 47-frn-2474 11/6/1947 6:12 The 日米通信 Kilplinger Washington Letter United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Japanese families are reported to have sent personal letters to Truman, Marshall, and stalin urging speedy return of repatriates H, P 47-frn-2475 11/6/194[7] 6:13 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Reparation. Diet members reported a spontaneous movement among Japanese families for sending personal letters to President Truman, Secretary of State George C. Marshall and Premier Josef Stalin urging speedy repatriation of over 900,000 Japanese still overseas of whom 774,000 allegedly are in territories under Soviet influence. [A] top Chinese diplomatic official said Wednesday he sees virtually no chance that [a] preliminary Japanese peace conference will take place this year. Chinese diplomatic official said that he sees no chance that a preliminary Japanese peace conference will take place this year H, P 東京新聞 Examiner4 Hungarian opposition leader, Pfeiffer, has escaped to Vienna; His party has opposed the Communists Minsei Jiho Associated Press (24, Lake Success) Examiner3 4 Minsei Jiho 共産党アジ工作の兆候. 目標はマ案切崩し戰術と世界の混乱 Examiner1 Examiner2 [Randolph Churchill] H Declaring that the present is an epoc of competition between Socialism and Capitalism, the Soviet periodical New Times said "the Soviet people are firm in their belief that this competition should proceed peacefully." Former [Secretary of State] James F. Byrnes addressing House of Bishops of Protestant Episcopal Churc[h][,] said [it's] Uni[ted] States['] "solemn duty" [to] call formally upon Stalin to send home some... The preparatory Asian Regional Conference of the International Labor Organization was called by resolution Wednesday for a cooperative effort to obtain a greater share of the good things of life for Asian labor. Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New Delhi) Brief Summary World Events: Australia needs immigrants on a large scale With General Power for the Independence. People's Unification Line Party says it's opinion. H Gomes Y 2 2 Y 2 2 [Tanaka] 1 1 Oversized News Agency United Feature Syndicate (Sydney) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [11]/[5]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2460 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Kyodo News Service [A] top Chinese diplomatic official said Wednesday he sees virtually no chance that [a] preliminary Japanese peace conference will take place this year. Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Delay for Japanese Peace parley to begin forecast by Chinese official Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The preparatory Asian regional conference of the International Labor Organization called by resolution today for [a] cooperative effort to obtain [a] greater share of the good things of life for Asian labor. Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The preparatory Asian regional conference of the International Labor Organization called by resolution today for [a] cooperative effort to obtain [a] greater share of the good things of life for Asian labor. The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai The preparatory Asian regi[o]nal conference of the International Labor organ[i]zation was called by resolution Wednesday for a cooperative effort to obtain a greater share of the good things of life for Asian labor. United Press 毎日新聞 (Winston, Salem, NC) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Byrnes Winston-Salem. Former Secretary of State James F. Byrnes, addressing the House of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church, said it is the "solemn duty" of the United States to call formally upon Premier Josef Stalin to send home some 828,000 Japanese prisoners currently in Russia. Chinese diplomatic official said that he sees no chance that a preliminary Japanese peace conference will take place this year Chinese diplomatic official said that he sees no chance that a preliminary Japanese peace conference will take place this year The preparatory Asian regional conference of the international Labor Organization: stated that a general improvement in labor standards of Asian countries cannot be secured unless the standards were applicable to Japan The preparatory Asian regional conference of the international Labor Organization: stated that a general improvement in labor standards of Asian countries cannot be secured unless the standards were applicable to Japan The preparatory Asian regional conference of the international Labor Organization: stated that a general improvement in labor standards of Asian countries cannot be secured unless the standards were applicable to Japan Former Sec. of State Byrnes said that it is the duty of the US to formally call upon Stalin to send home the Japanese prisoners retained in Russia 6:15a United Press 共同通信 (Winston, Salem, NC) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Former Sec. of State Byrnes said that it is the duty of the US to formally call upon Stalin to send home the Japanese prisoners retained in Russia H, P [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:16 United Press [毎日新聞] (Tokyo) [Mainichi Shimbun] Emperor Hirohito expressed appreciation of Allied Occupation to Colonel McCormick H, P [Tanaka] 47-frn-2485 11/6/1947 6:17 Associated Press (Lake Success) Former [Secretary of State] James F. Byrnes addressing House of Bishops of Protestant Episcopal Church said [it's] Uni[ted] States['] "solemn duty" call formally upon Stalin to send home some 828,000 Jap prisoners currently in Russia. McCormick. In a private audience, Emperor Hirohito expressed keen satisfaction and "deep appreciation" of Allied occupation to Colonel Robert McCormick, Publisher of the Chicago Tribune. Talk about the reparations Japan will be asked to pay no[w] ranges between 14 [b]illion and 54 [b]illion dollars. Estimated Japanese reparations range between 14 billion to 54 billion dollars H, P [Sigrid Arne] 47-frn-2486 11/6/194[7] 6:18 Cotton moderately active. Showed increasing firmness after higher opening. Cotton corporation questions whether SCAP has the authority to offer Japanese gold reserves for cotton H, D [Plunkett] 47-frn-2487 [11]/[4]/194[7] 6:19 "The Voice of Korea", published by the Korean Affairs Institute, said today in an editorial that Koreans "face the horrifying prospect of civil warfare, riots, and possibly further foreign intervention" unless a definite date is set for United States and Russian withdrawal and the establishment of a Korean government. "Voice of Korea" editorially said that unless a definite date is set for US and Russian withdrawal is set, Korea will face civil warfare, etc. News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) ; Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2477 11/6/1947 6:13e Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Lake Success) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-2478 11/6/194[7] 6:13f Associated Press (24, Lake Success) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2478a [11]/[5]/194[7] 6:13g Associated Press (Lake Success) 時事通信 47-frn-2479 11/6/194[7] 6:14 Associated Press (43, New Delhi) 東京新聞 47-frn-2480 11/6/194[7] 6:14a Associated 共同通信 Press (17, 43, New Delhi) 47-frn-2481 11/6/1947 6:14b Associated Press (New Delhi) 47-frn-2482 11/6/1947 6:15 47-frn-2483 11/6/194[7] 47-frn-2484 日本経済新聞 アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News United Press 共同通信 (3, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Headline (Japanese) 対日講和会議. 年内開催は困難 日本の賠償 "朝鮮の聲"の論評. 國連による解決要望 Headline Subject Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Y 2 H 2 H 2 P 1 H, P 3 H 1 H, P P [Matsuda] 1 2 1 Y 3 3 Y 2 Oversized The big powers cannot agree even on the groundwork for the Japanese peace treaty Source 6:13a Photograph(s) A top Chinese diplomatic official said today that he sees virtually no chance that a preliminary Japanese Peace Confeerence will take place this year. Hold No. Duplicate H, P, S Date Censored 11/6/1947 Number of Pages China may hold up Japanese treaty Date Submitted Japanese Article China may hold up Japanese Treaty. Nanking Making It Difficult For Talks to Begin U.S., Official Declares; 'No Chance This Year' Prange Control No. 47-frn-2476 Writers Brief Summary Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2489 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:21 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2490 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:21a United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2491 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:21b United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-2492 11/6/1947 6:21c Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-2493 11/6/194[7] 6:22 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2494 11/6/194[7] 6:24 United Press 共同通信 (8, Canberra) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2495 11/6/1947 6:24a Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2496 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:26 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Canberra) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2497 11/6/194[7] 6:27 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2498 11/6/1947 6:29 Associated 共同通信 Press (20, 21, Honolulu, San Francisco) The New 朝日新聞 York Times (Seoul) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-2499 [11]/[6]/194[7] 6:30 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2500 11/6/1947 6:31 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2501 11/6/1947 6:32 Nippon Times 47-frn-2502 11/6/194[7] 6:33 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) United Press 共同通信 (Portland, OR) 47-frn-2503 11/6/1947 6:34 47-frn-2504 11/6/1947 6:35 47-frn-2505 11/6/1947 6:36 47-frn-2506 11/6/194[7] 6:37 47-frn-2507 11/6/1947 6:38 Comment Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Publ[i]c opinion poll published in conservative Chosen Ilbo showed eighty three percent of those polled do not believe Uni[ted] Nations will successful solving Korean problem. Army minister Cyril Chambers told House Representatives army not permitting Australian wives families join servicemen Japan after December because they would probably... to return Australia reestablish homes within nine months. Aussies May Return Home In 9 Months, Says Chambers Public opinion poll in Korea indicated that 83 per cent of those polled do not believe UN will be successful solving the Korean problem Australian Army may withdraw from Japan by June, 1948 H, P H, P 2 Australian Army may return home in 9 months, says Chambers H, P 1 A Congressional Committee chairman said yesterday his group had been told by American Military officials in Germany that if he tried fly into Yugoslavia without visas to visit the American Embassy, the plane "would probably be shot down." The flow of Far Eastern trade which was choked off by the Pacific War has resumed- but only as [a] trickle. If Americans tried to fly into Yugoslavia without visas to visit the American Embassy, the plane would probably be shot down, according to American military officials H, P 1 Flow of far eastern trade has resumed-but only a trickle H, P Complete withdrawal Soviet forces from North Korea three months predicted here by authoritative sources. Complete withdrawal of Soviet forces fromn North Korea in three months is predicted H, P The American-owned Manila Bulletin said editorially today that Chinese Premier Chang Chun's statement that his country would claim the Ryukyus "was a political straw cast aloft to see what way the wind was blowing." The Finance Minister's Budget Message Manila Bulletin said that Premier Chang's statement that China will claim the Ryukyus was a political straw cast aloft to see what way the wind was blowing The finance minister's budget message for 1947-48 H, P 1 H, P 4 Nippon Times Foreign Dewey bares stand on Foreign affairs. Republican Candidate Says U.S. Has No Choice But To Aid Free Nations Thomas Dewey says that US has no choice but to aid free nations H, P 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 2 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign McDermott, chief of foreign trade predicted that the day of large scale private trading with Japan is long time in future Communist China celebrated a day of national disgrace on the anniversary of the SinoUS commercial treaty H, P Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Shanghai) Peter McDermott, chief foreign trade division McArthurs Allied Headquarters predicted day of large scale profitable private trading with Japan is long time in future. Flags Flown at Halfmast To Mark SinoU.S. Pact H, S 1 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Seoul) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Korean Poll Shows People Doubt Ability of U.N. to Solve Problem. Majority Feel Present Debate Is Merely an Extension of Futile Joint Commission Sessions Korean poll shows that the people doubt the ability of UN to solve the Korean problem H, P 1 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 宿命的な卅八度線. 獨立になやむ朝鮮 Akahata Uikuri 微笑のなかから民族をまもる言葉. スモルヌイにて Akahata 反動打倒祈る"聖父". すたれゆくかつての皇帝の[犬] 世界日報 アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Nippon Times Foreign Kyodo News Service Col. Syran will head a Commission to help rebuild Japanese shipping H, S Col. Syran will head a Commission to help rebuild Japanese shipping H, S Col. Syran will head a Commission to help rebuild Japanese shipping H Y Notes Official publication of the Red Army in Germany announced that Russia would press for four-power control of the Ruhr 米特別使節團. 訪[日]準備. マ元帥要請. 海運復興援助 P Examiner5 Examiner6 Taigliche Rundschau, official publication of the Red Army in Germany, announced Wednesday that the Soviet government would press for four-power control of the Ruhr at the Council of Foreign Ministers which is scheduled to meet in London on November 25. Colonel Arthur [G.] Syran will h[ea]d special commission Japan ward to help direct rehabilitation en[ou]gh Jap shipping r[e]store that nation[']s economy. Colonel Arthur G. Syran will head a special commission to go to Japan to help direct the rehabilitation of enough Japanese shipping to restore that nation's economy. Arthur G. Syran. Colonel Arthur G. Syran will head a special commission to go to Japan to help direct the rehabilitation of enough Japanese shipping to restore that nation's economy. 時事通信 News item Headline (Japanese) ルール○方四カ國管理を要求. ソ紙の報道 1 Y 2 1 S ... すべきかという特殊な問題を國連委員会に提案するで あろう、京城の右翼も穏健派も一九四八年初頭に撤兵 しようというソ連の申入れにたいしては好感をもつて 迎えるようになつている 2 1 [Stanley Rich] 2 [Ken Likes] 3 Y Fatal 38° lattitude -Koreans Fatal 38-lattitude-Koreans worried about the problem of worried about the problem of independence. independence H, P Mercola H [Gomes] Former Cats-Paw of the Czar Religion is recognized in On the Decline: 'Holy Soviet, but youths making Fathers' Pray For Death of steady progress in science Reactionary Elements: Religion is Recognized in Soviet, but Youths Making Steady Progress in Science. H, D, P Gomes Gomes Abe M. Hori [Kawamoto] 3 Y 8 Y 3 Y 5 Oversized News Agency United Press 国際タイムス (Berlin) Photograph(s) Source 6:20 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [11]/[6]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2488 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri (29-A- Akahata No. 29-Aー B) B 47-frn-2509 11/6/1947 6:40 Associated Press 47-frn-2510 11/6/1947 6:41 Agence アサヒニュース France-presse (Shanghai) 47-frn-2511 [11]/[3]/194[7] 6:42 47-frn-2512 [11]/[1]/194[7] 6:43 47-frn-2513 11/6/1947 6:44 47-frn-2514 11/6/1947 6:45 Nippon Times Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign The Asahi News Asahi News 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 海南鉄鉱二十一万トン近く輸入 Comment 民青時報 Minsei Jiho (7) Minsei Jiho 7 Commentary 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 朝鮮問題は、ソ連による米ソ両軍同時撤退の要求とア メリカによる國連上程をめぐつて朝鮮人民はもちろん 全世界の関心と注目をあびているが、南朝鮮民主主義 民族戰線では朝鮮獨立に対する新しい三大原則を発表 すると同時に十月三十日長文の談話を発表したが要旨 は次のとうりである 血の十月人民抗爭. 座して死を待つより死をほつして戰わん United Press 日米通信 (Washington) International 貿易日報 News Service (Tokyo) The America-Japan Press Boeki Nippo Nichibei Tsushin 不十分な節約計画. 政府は論議重ねて機会と天候を頼る Boeki-Nippo マツコミツク Associated Press (Tokyo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 読売新聞 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Yomiuri Kyodo 欧州社会党の不振 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nippon 日本製造業者援助に米クレヂット供与及その方法 47-frn-2515 11/6/1947 47-frn-2516 [11]/[6]/194[7] 47-frn-2517 11/6/1947 47-frn-2518 47-frn-2518a 11/6/194[7] [11]/[11]/194[7] 11:12 47-frn-2519 11/13/1947 13:19a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-2520 [11]/13/194[7] 13:19b International 西日本新聞 News Service (New York) 47-frn-2521 [11]/[16]/194[7] 17:1 47-frn-2522 [11]/[16]/194[7] 47-frn-2523 47-frn-2524 Nippon Times Headline 凡ゆる世界の首都. 飜る勤勞人の戰旗. スターリン首相功績への祝辭 國府の新聞統制. 内戰激化で外國特派員にも壓力 Subject Brief Summary "Capital of all the nations. War flags are held flying in the hands of Working men." Premier Stalin's congratulatory address on the brilliant deeds." Moscow is the seat of the propagation movement of liberating the wage-earning humanity from the capitalistic slave system Webb Asks Russian Prosecutor Why Witnesses Are Not Produced. Question Is Brought Up as Koiso Hearing Draws to End: Matsui Phase Is Opened Webb asks Russian Prosecutor why witnesses are not produced Dr. Hollington Tong, Director of the Government Information Office, recently most emphatically denied any intention on the part of the Chinese Government to clamp down press censorship. Jap[anese] government officially notified by SCAP to restitute to China before end of this year DR. Tong, Director of government Info. Office, denied any intention on the part of the Chinese government to revive press censorship Japanese government officially notified by SCAP to restitute to China before next year the chemical plants looted by Japan SCAP will not import as much iron ore as Japan ordered, because Japan's productivity is still low Japan expects receive shortly from China two hundred ten thousand 210,000 tons of Hainan iron ore in addition to ninety thousand 90,000 tons of coking coal and twentynine thousand 29,000 tons fuel oil from Uni[ted] States Central News learned today from reliable sources. South Korea Democratic Race Front issues statement Koreans desire their independence, and democracy free from reactionary elements "Bloodshed people's strife in A three-month long riot took October" place in South Korea, in which 2 million people participated Emperor Hirohito voiced hope for future "warm relations between US and Japan" US banking institutions will grant Japan special loans allowing Japanese manufactures to purchase raw materials [Radio Press (London BBC)] Germany: Opposes cutting up of SAAR 17:2 [Radio Press (Singapore)] Shipping: China wants Japan service [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:3 Associated Press (1, 6, Rome) Chairman of the Christian Democratic Party says that the German people will never accept the proposed line as a frontier with Poland All China Shipping Association made an appeal for the early opening of shipping line between China and Japan Italian Leftist press blamed the Christian Democratic government for the nationwide rioting which took 10 lives [11]/[16]/194[7] 17:3a Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press (Rome) Service News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The leftist press today blamed Premier Alcide De Gasperis Christian Democrat Government for nationwide rioting last week which cost 10 lives, while rightist opinion held that the outbreaks were communist directed and constituted [a] "prelude to civil war". Jiji World Violence in Italy spreads Italian Leftist press blamed the Christian Democratic government for the nationwide rioting which took 10 lives Examiner3 Yabuki Gomes Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 4 1 Y H, P 6 1 H, D, P Y 4 H, S Kawamoto Fujinami Y 2 H, S Kawamoto Yamaguchi Y 5 Y 3 Y 3 Y 3 Y 6 1 P [Russell Brines, Chief Associated Press Tokyo Bureau] D H, P Representative Walter Judd, Republican of Minnesota, labeled as "ill conceived" an attempt by Secretary of State George C. Marshall as a special representative to China to bring about peace between the communists and the Chinese nationalist government. Special Credits to aid Japanese Manufacturers 時事通信 H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] [Serge de Gunzburg, AFP staff correspon dent] D Emperor Lauds American Forces In Talk With Visiting Publishe[r]. Tells Col. McCormick He Looks Forward in Future To Warm Relations Between U.S. and Japan 対日民間融資計画の概要 H, P P [Theodore Koslow] Y 8 H [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] Y 7 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 2 Oversized News Agency (Address by Stalin) Photograph(s) Source 6:39 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/6/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2508 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-2526 11/17/194[7] 17:3c Associated Press (1, Rome) 47-frn-2527 11/17/194[7] 17:4 47-frn-2528 [11]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-2529 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The leftist press today blamed Premier Alcide De Gasperis Christian Democrat Government for nationwide rioting last week which cost ten lives, while rightist opinion held that the outbreaks were communist-directed and constituted a "prelude to civil war". Italian Leftist press blamed the Christian Democratic government for the nationwide rioting which took 10 lives H, P 1 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The leftist press today blamed Premier Alcide De Gasperis Christian Democrat Government for nationwide rioting last week which cost 10 lives, while rightist opinion held that the outbreaks were communist directed and constituted [a] "prelude to civil war". Italian Leftist press blamed the Christian Democratic government for the nationwide rioting which took 10 lives P 1 United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (5, 8, Washington) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Gen. MacArthur failed to get a single mention as a potential candidate for the Presidency H, D [Ronald Van Tine] 17:4a United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Un[ited] press poll of Uni[ted] States twenty five republican governors produced scattered but apparently convincing [e]vidence that governor Thomas C. Dewey of New York is highly favored over Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio for 1948 GOP presidential nomination. A United Press poll of 25 American Governors of Republican states disclosed today apparently convincing evidence that Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York is highly favored over Senator Robert A. Taft of Ohio to win the presidential nomination in 1948. Gen. MacArthur failed to get a single mention as a potential candidate for the Presidency H, D [Ronald Van Tine, United Press staff correspon dent] 11/17/1947 17:4b Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Dewey Given Big Edge Over Taft In Poll of Republican Leaders 47-frn-2531 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:5 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) [Radio Press (Sydney)] 47-frn-2532 11/18/1947; 11/17/194[7] 17:6; 17:6a Reuters (Tokyo; London) Gen. MacArthur failed to get a single mention as a potential candidate for the Presidency Maj. Gen. Spears says that any Jewish state established in Palestine will be wiped out by the Arabs There is an underground society in Japan that will reestablish militarism as soon as the occupation leaves 47-frn-2534 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:7 United Press 時事通信 (New York) 47-frn-2535 11/17/194[7] 17:8 Associated Press (Manila, Tainan) 47-frn-2536 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:8a, 17:8b 47-frn-2537 11/17/1947 47-frn-2538 47-frn-2539 東京新聞 時事通信; 共同通信 Palestine: "Jewish state will cause trouble"--Spears Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Associated 共同通信, 静岡新聞 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Tainan) Kyodo Tsushin, Shizuoka Shimbun Kyodo D, Shizuoka Shimbun 17:9 United Press 日米通信 (Washington) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin [11]/[15]/194[7] 17:10 Jiji Tsushin 17:10a United Press 時事通信 (1, New York) United Press 国際タイムス (New York) Jiji Tsushin [11]/[17]/194[7] The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-2540 11/17/1947 17:10b United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2541 11/17/1947 17:10c Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2542 [11]/[15]/194[7] 17:11 Kyodo Tsushin (Jogja) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 時事通信 デユーイ氏有力か. 大統領共和黨候補 日本に黒龍会の戦後版が存在 アジヤの疾患は彼らの抱く劣等観だ. 朝鮮太平洋新聞オ氏語る Beneath the surface of a genuine Japanese interest in democracy, revolutionary forces are planning the overthrow of all occupation reforms and the post-treaty re-establishment of Japan. Deputy Foreign Minister and re Vaishisky in speech uristring wit[h] praise of sov[ie]t military might Sunday night compared Winst[o]n Churchill James Byrnes and Charres de Gaulle with two unsuccessful agaressors ag[a]inst Russia-Napopon and Hitler. 5 Y 2 H 1 H, P 1 H, S [Denies Warner] Y 16 Vishinsky compared Byrnes, Churchill, and de Gaulle with Hitler H, P 1 Among unhappiest of Asia[']s non self governing peoples are Formosans who complain that liberation from fifty years of Japanese rule and restoration as province of China has not improved their lot. Among the unhappiest of Asia's nonself-governing peoples are Formosans, who complain that liberation from 50 years of Japanese rule and restoration as province of China has not improved their lot. Robert T. Oliver of the Korean Pacific Press said at a press conference, "the disease of Asia is her inferiority 'complex,'" which is fostered by the aggressiveness of Westerners. Formosa is being looted and badly governed by the Chinese H, D [Davis] 4 Formosa is being looted and badly governed by the Chinese H, D 5 Robert Oliver of the Korean Pacific Press said that the Asian inferiority complex is fostered by the Western aggressiveness P Gallup poll on attitude toward USSR Americans and Soviets have it in it for each other H, D [Dillon] Americans want to maintain the same firm attitude toward Russia even if Soviets possess the atomic bomb H, P Americans want to maintain the same firm attitude toward Russia even if Soviets possess the atomic bomb H, P Americans want to maintain the same firm attitude toward Russia even if Soviets possess the atomic bomb H, P ソ連の原爆所有に米國民恐れず. 世論調査強硬策を堅持 The American Institute of Public Opinion has found that Americans would prefer the same firm attitude toward Russia even if it develops that the Soviet Union really does possess atomic bomb. American Institute of Public Opinion Americans Favor Strong Stand Even If Russia Has Atom Bomb インドネシア労組、活動方針を言明. 外資の導入を歡迎 In worldwide broadcast spokesman of SOBS (Indonesian Labor Organization) gave out line of its policy which sum[m]arized firstly defense of republic means defense of democratic rights, defense of economical position and future development... Policy of the Indonesian labor organization H Y [Don Dillon, United Press correspon dent] [Don Dillon], [Matsuda] 2 4 Y 3 1 1 Y 7 6 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Rome) Photograph(s) Source 17:3b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [11]/[17]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2525 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2544 11/17/194[7] 17:13 Associated Press (10, Milwaukee) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2545 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:14 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Milwaukee) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2546 11/17/194[7] 17:14a Associated Press (34, Milwaukee, WI) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2547 11/17/1947 17:14b Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Milwaukee) Nippon Times 47-frn-2548 11/17/1947 17:15 Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-2549 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:16 United Press [毎日新聞] (Rome) 47-frn-2550 11/17/194[7] 17:17 Associated Press (14, Moscow) 47-frn-2551 [11]/[16]/194[7] 17:18 47-frn-2552 11/17/1947 47-frn-2553 東京新聞 東京新聞 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Police swinging clubs beat back demonstrators who attempted to force entrance to a meeting tonight where Sir Oswald Mosley was making his first political speech since he was jailed for supporting Hitler. An organizational conference of MacArthur for president clubs to plan a campaign to make the General the Republican candidate for 1948 will [b]e held here today. Delegates of the MacArthur-forPresident clubs from 12 states today hailed a letter in which MacArthur called for "more leadership and less direction" as a statement which "should be embodied in the next Republican platform." Delegates of MacArthur for president clubs from 11 states today hailed a letter in which MacArthur called for "more leadership and less direction" as a statement which "should be embodied in the next Republican platform." Demonstrators attempted to force entrance to meeting where Hitler supporter, Oswald Mosley was making a speech H, P 1 A conference to make Gen. MacArthur a presidential candidate is to be organized H, P 1 MacArthur- for- President Clubs from 12 states hail a letter H, P 1 MacArthur- for- President Clubs from 12 states hail a letter H 1 Nippon Times Foreign Supporters of MacArthur For President, Ha[i[l Letter MacArthur- for- President Clubs from 12 states hail a letter H, P 1 Nippon Times Foreign A solution for an Insoluble Problem A solution for an insoluble problem of the dispute between the government and the communications workers H, P 3 Italy riots Rioters wrecked the three most powerful political parties in Italy H, P Sundays Soviet press pictured France and Italy as threatened by both their own fascist forces and "enslavement" under the Marshall plan. Carroll Reece, Republican national chairman, said that if President Truman proposes to the special session of Congress "an effective cure for inflation which does not call for regimentation, statism or impairment of freedom of the cities," he should have the support of the Republican Congress. Soviet press depicts France and Italy as being in danger of enslavement by the Marshall Plan Carroll Reece's opinion on inflation H, S US to name the representatives of the UN Commission to Korea at the earliest possible moment Brisk revival seen of wool mills here through SCAP plan H, P [Stewart Hensley], [Matsuda] 1 H, P [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] 3 [Mainichi Shimbun] Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 17:19 Uinted Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi UN Commission to Korea 11/17/1947 17:20 International Nippon Times News Service (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Brisk revival seen of wool mills here through SCAP plan. Imports of 665,000 Bales by End of 1948 Reported Under Contemplation 47-frn-2554 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:20a International 日本通信 News Service (New York) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 666 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end H, P 47-frn-2555 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:20b International 読売新聞 News Service (New York) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end H, P 47-frn-2556 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:20c International 産業経済新聞 News Service (New York) Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sangyo Keizai SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end P 47-frn-2557 [11]/17/194[7] 17:20d International 西日本新聞 News Service (New York) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end H, P 統制強化せねば支持す. 共和黨の態度全國議長放送 羊毛輸入計画 羊毛六十六万五千俵を日本へ輸入 [J. Edward Murray, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 1 H, P Y 2 3 Y 4 3 Y 8 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (9, London) Photograph(s) Source 17:12 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/17/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2543 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-2559 11/17/1947 17:21 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2560 [11]/[17]/194[7] 17:22; 17:23 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London); Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Rome) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2561 11/17/194[7] 17:24 Newsweek Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2562 11/17/1947 17:25 Mainichi [11]/17/194[7] 17:26 United Press 毎日新聞 (Zushi) Associated 西日本新聞 Press (Tainan) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2563 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 米記者の見た台湾の近況 47-frn-2563a 11/20/1947 The Asahi News Asahi News その後の台湾 47-frn-2564 11/17/1947 17:27 Telepress アカハタ (Pyungyang) Akahata Akahata 私の見た北朝鮮 47-frn-2565 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:1 47-frn-2566 [11]/[18]/194[7] 19:2 47-frn-2567 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:3 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Radio Press (Singapore) Radio Press Sokuho (Melbourne) 47-frn-2568 11/19/194[7] 19:4; 19:4a Associated 共同通信; 時事通信 Press (45, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin; Jiji Tsushin Kyodo News Service; Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2568a [11]/[18]/194[7] 19:4b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2569 11/19/1947 19:4c Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2570 11/19/1947 19:5 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2571 11/19/1947 19:6 United Press 時事通信 (2, 4) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2572 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:7 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2573 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:7a Associated 時事通信 Press (1,5,6, Paris) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2574 11/19/194[7] 19:7b Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2575 [11]/[18]/194[7] 19:8 Associated 東京新聞 Press (1, Paris) KP-Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Korean Information 祖国遅延運動は反動勢力の増長. 南労党の国民に檄す Associated Press (Tainan) 東京新聞 アサヒニュース Headline 来年末までに羊毛六十六万五千俵 ソ連の参加如何にかゝわらず早急に開催されるはずで あつた対日講和予備会議の遅延について廿七日発行の ニユース・ウイーク誌は「対日講和の行詰りにおける 中國の役割」という論文の中で大要つぎのように特報 している Subject Brief Summary SCAP program may allow Japanese importation of 665 thousand bales of raw wool by '48 end H New line followed in gangster's trial. Prosecution Utilizes SCAP's Warning on Mass Violence To Convict Sekine Prosecution utilizes SCAP's warning on mass violence to convict gangster chief Sekine H, P Violence continues in Italy and France; Moscow flays raid. Russia Charges Violation of Franco-Soviet Agreement; 1500 Rounded Up; Headquarter Wrecked Soviets accused French of violating Franco-Soviet agreement when French police raided a Soviet repatriation camp near Paris H China’s Part in the Peace Stalemate China's part in the peace stalemate: China holds out for Russian acceptance as a condition of its own participation in the Japanese peace conference Six warehouses full of ammunition exploded Formosa has been victim to looting and maladministration by the Chinese First lead explosion Strategic Formosa, whose rich natural resources Japan exploited for 50 years, is chafing today under its return to Chinese sovereignty and, in the opinion of some informed sources, is drifting toward Communism. Strategic Formosa, whose rich natural resources Japan exploited for 50 years, is chafing today under its return to Chinese sovereignty and, in the opinion of some informed sources, is drifting toward Communism. Eight-hour day, Equal pay for women in North Korea Examiner1 Examiner2 [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Frank Emery] Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 12 1 1 Y 4 [Spencer Davis] Y 28 H, P 1 Formosa has been victim to looting and maladministration by the Chinese D [Spencer Davis] Y 12 American correspondent in N. Korea reports on the ways that the new Soviet regime has improved the lives of workers France is facing a nationwide dockers' strike H, S [Anna Louise Strong] Y 7 H, P 2 Japan plans to import more goods next year Joint chief of staff of Australia which supervises occupation of Japan will be reduced Huge shipment of sugar from Cuba and South Korea will be moving into Japan in substitution for bread grains H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 3 Huge shipment of sugar from Cuba and South Korea will be moving into Japan in substitution for bread grains H 1 Huge shipment of sugar from Cuba and South Korea will be moving into Japan in substitution for bread grains H, P 1 Joseph Curran Pres[i]de[n]t CIO National Maritime Union advaied crew me[m]bers America merchantman Henryg co stan in stricehit Marselle under their contact they not to wo[r]k unless safe wo[r]king conditions, prevailed. Marseille American crewmembers of Uni[ted] States merchant ship Henry Costin joined communistled strike of French seamen and dock workers at France's largest port. Communist led strikes tied up France[']s coal mines and most of her auto industry. Communist led strikes tied up France's coal mines and most of her auto industry. French longshoremen on strike for safer working conditions H, P 1 American members of US merchant ship joined Communist led strike of French seamen H, P 1 Communist led strike tied up French coal mines and most of her auto industry Communist led strike tied up French coal mines and most of her auto industry H, P H, P 2 Communist led strikes tied up France[']s coal mines and most of her auto industry. S. Korea labor party issues appeal Communist led strike tied up French coal mines and most of her auto industry S. Korean Labor Party calls the dissolution of the Democratic People's Front a move of reactionary forces H, P 1 France: Nation-wide dockers strike threatens Trade: To import more goods next year Australia: Joint Chief of Staff to be reduced The Civil Affairs Department of the Army has started moving 200,000 tons of Cuban raw sugar to Japan in substitution for bread grains in this years food quota. The Civil Affairs Department of the Army has started moving 200,000 tons of Cuban raw sugar to Japan in substitution for bread grains in this year's food quota. Huge Shipment Of Sugar Coming H, S Oversized News Agency International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Photograph(s) Source 17:20e Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/14/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2558 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [Louis Nevin] 2 [Kawamoto ] Y 5 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Russians Feverishly Preparing For War, American Solon Warns. Dirksen Says Germany Is Keystone of Soviet Drive To Establish Bridgehead on Atlantic Rep. Dirksen says Germany is keystone of Soviet drive to establish bridgehead on Atlantic 47-frn-2577 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:9 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2578 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:11 Associated 時事通信 Press (6, Indianapolis) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The Herald-Tribune, commenting editorially on reports of Chinese criticism of Secretary of State Marshall's recommended aid to China, said "what stands in the way of large scale aid to Nanking is the prospect that most of what is... Four Indiana overseas veterans of the Second World War incorporated [a] MacArthur for President Club. 47-frn-2579 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:12 A high political authority said today differences have developed between United States Lincoln MacVeagh and Dwight Griswold, Chief of the United States aid mission to Greece. 47-frn-2580 11/19/1947 19:13 47-frn-2581 11/19/1947 19:14 47-frn-2582 11/19/194[7] 19:15 47-frn-2583 [11]/[19]/194[7] 47-frn-2584 47-frn-2585 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 US aid to China would probably be wasted by corrupt officials H, D 1 Four veterans of second world war incorporated a MacArthur for president club H, P 1 Differences have developed between Lincoln MacVeagh and Dwight Griswold, chief of US aid to Greece H, P 1 Zhong yang 共同通信 tong xun she (Nanking) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) Associated 共同通信 Press (15, 16, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin (25) Kyodo Tsushin 25 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. seen backing Kashmir. Adherence to Dominion of India Seen Supported in U.N. US is backing the adherence of Kashmir to the Dominion of India H, P [Hensley] 3 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Western Europe is threatened by a "Communist squeeze" H, P [Ed Creach] 2 19:15a Associated 時事通信 Press (16, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Warned that western Europe is threatened by [a] "communist squeeze" within four months, congressional committees worked Tuesday on President Truman[']s plan for emergency aid to Italy, France and Austria. Warned that western Europe is threatened by [a] "communist squeeze" within four months, congressional committees worked Tuesday on President Trumans plan for emergency aid to Italy, France and Austria. Western Europe is threatened by a "Communist squeeze" H [Ed Creach] 2 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:15b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Warned that western Europe is threatened by a "communist squeeze" within four months, congressional committees worked Tuesday on President Truman's plan for emergency aid to Italy, France and Austria. Western Europe is threatened by a "Communist squeeze" H [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:16 The New York Times (Berlin) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Russian hint at accord on Germany. Soviet Is Believed to Be Ready at Last to End Deadlock Soviet is believed to be ready at last to end deadlock on Germany Deleted: monopoly capitalism will "enslave" Germany 47-frn-2586 11/19/1947 19:17 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 47-frn-2587 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:18 International 貿易日報, 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Boeki Nippo, Nihon Tsushin Boeki Nippo, Nippon Tsushin Russia accused of preparing for military war 47-frn-2588 11/19/1947 19:19 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 11/19/194[7] 19:20 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Reds squeezing Czechs, house committee told. Communists Seen Dominating Czechoslovakia in 4 Mouths Far Eastern commission sources [United Press] said Australia has taken initiative in effort break deadlock over allocation of Japanese reparations. Reds squeezing Czechs, house committee told 47-frn-2589 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 共同通信 (12, Washington) 47-frn-2589a [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:20a 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2590 [11]/[18]/194[7] 19:20b United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2591 11/19/1947 19:20c United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) 47-frn-2592 11/19/194[7] 19:21 Reuters 47-frn-2593 11/19/1947 19:22 United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) News item Commentary 共同通信 中国紙、日本の保守分子を攻撃 Examiner1 Examiner2 H Chinese paper attacks Japan's Chinese paper attacks Japan's conservative fraction conservative elements ソ連文學界の近状 "Recent Conditions of Soviet Recent conditions of soviet Literature." Literature Dirksen accused Russia of preparing for military war H, P Mercola Gomes M. Hori Y 3 H, D [Delbert Clark] P H, P 15 Keita Gomes Hijikata [Sam Fogg, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 4 Abe Y 4 2 H, P 1 Australia has taken initiative in effort to break deadlock over allocation of Japanese reparations H 2 Far Eastern commission sources [United Press] said Australia has taken initiative in effort break deadlock over allocation of Japanese reparations. Australia has taken initiative in effort to break deadlock over allocation of Japanese reparations H, P 1 Jiji Tsushin Australia to break deadlock on Japanese reparations program H 2 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi H 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 2 Mainichi Australia seeks aluminum manufacturing plant as one of several thousand items of Japanese reparations Chiang Kai-shek feels that US military assistance is of equal urgency as economic aid to China H, P Mainichi Shimbun Far Eastern commission sources told the United Press said that Australia has taken the initiative in an effort to break the deadlock over the allocation of Japanese reparations. Aluminium manufacturing plant is included in a list of several thousand items sought by Australia as reparations from Japan. Chiang Kai Shek Australia has taken initiative in effort to break deadlock over allocation of Japanese reparations Australia has taken initiative in effort to break deadlock over allocation of Japanese reparations H, P 2 Oversized News Agency International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 19:8a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/19/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2576 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kokusai Times 經濟と軍事. 同時援助=蒋主席希望 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Shashin Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin 米国の牧師から悲願の手紙. "戦没日本青年の名を知りたし"; 米国の牧師から悲願の手紙. 戦没日本青年の名前を十字架に刻む Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Lake Success) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Chicago) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 20:1 United Press 時事通信 (Los Angeles) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 11/20/1947 20:1a United Press 毎日新聞 (Los Angeles) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2600 11/20/1947 20:1b 47-frn-2601 [11]/[19]/194[7] 20:1c 47-frn-2602 [11]/[20]/194[7] 47-frn-2603 47-frn-2595 [11]/[19]/194[7] 19:24 47-frn-2596 11/19/1947 47-frn-2597 11/19/1947 47-frn-2598 11/20/1947 47-frn-2599 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek feels that American military assistance is of equal urgency as economic aid and that the two must be given together in order to be of any effective help to China, an excellently placed source told the United Press. My Christian Brethren of Japan; My father-in-law, the Re. D. Y. Register, is pastor of the Stockholm Memorial Methodist Church in Birmingham, Alabama, U.S.A. and his address there is 910 North 41st Street. U.S. may bring up Japan pact issue. Agreement Hoped at London With Russia Over Peace Parley Procedure Chiang Kai-shek feels that US military assistance is of equal urgency as economic aid to China H, P Y Erection of a memorial to Japanese and American Christians to unite Christians despite former differences H, P Y Marshall charged that Russia is trying to prolong the present unsatisfactory state of affairs in Europe indefinitely P Los Angeles' Little Tokyo regained its pre-war position as nation's largest Japanese colony H [Lincoln Haynes] 3 Mainichi Marshall Bares Divergence Of Aims Between U.S., Russia; Terms Soviet Methods Brazen. Charges USSR With Blocking Moves to Restore Strong, Prosperous Community War evacuated Japanese drifting back to West Coast by thousands and Los Angeles "Little Tokyo" regained its prewar position as nation[']s largest Japanese colony. Japanese in America Los Angeles' Little Tokyo regained its pre-war position as nation's largest Japanese colony H, P [Lincoln Haynes, United States staff correspon dent] 1 Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Los Angeles) United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Los Service News Service Angeles) Nippon Times Foreign L.A.'s 'Little Tokyo' Again Becomes Largest Japanese Colony in U.S. Los Angeles' Little Tokyo regained its pre-war position as nation's largest Japanese colony H, P 1 Jiji World Japanese drifting back to "Little Tokyo" in So. Calif. H, P 3 20:2 United Press 時事通信 (45, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin H 1 11/20/194[7] 20:2a United Press 共同通信 (21, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service There is no possibility of further tightening SCAP regulations on Japanese whaling ships H, P 2 47-frn-2604 11/20/194[7] 20:3; 20:3a Reuters (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Informed official told Uni[ted] Press there's little or no possibility of further tightening SCAP regulations whereunder two Japanese factory ships have left Japan and predicted further such expeditions would have SCAP sanction long as Uni[ted] States [occupies] Japan. Government official predicted whaling fleets which begun to embark for Antarctic will reach catch limit of 16,000 blue whales during impending season which would be first time this done in several years. Japanese government officials yesterday confirmed reports from the headquarters of General Douglas MacArthur, Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific, that all ocupation reforms in Japan were being threatened by a widespread underground movement sometimes called "the hidden government." Los Angeles' Little Tokyo regained its pre-war position as nation's largest Japanese colony There is no possibility of further tightening SCAP regulations on Japanese whaling ships All occupation reforms in Japan are being threatened by a hidden government H, D 3 47-frn-2605 11/20/1947 20:4 Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 47-frn-2606 11/20/194[7] 20:5; 20:5a United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (18, Washington) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2607 [11]/[20]/194[7] 20:5b United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-2608 11/20/1947 20:6 New York Herald Tribune Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2609 11/20/1947 20:7 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 西欧の混乱を企む者. 佛伊の共産党を操る新コミンテルン 47-frn-2610 11/20/1947 20:9 The America-Japan Press (7) Nichibei Tsushin, 7 よい指揮官だが下手な求愛者 47-frn-2611 [11]/[20]/194[7] 20:10 United Press 日米通信 (Washington) ; Kiplinger Washington Agency Agence 時事通信 France-presse (56, Manchester, NH) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 World Conference of Christian Youth (Oslo, Norway) UP, Washington, Nov. 1, Kiplinger Letter 時事通信; 共同通信 時局対策要綱原文. 公報部より発表 State Department announced military gov[ernmen]t regulations wa... been relaxed permit remittance of funds through... Agreement hoped at London with Russia over peace parlay procedure H, D State Department anounced that military government regulations have been relaxed to permit remittance of funds to any person in Japan H, P Today and Tomorrow. Europe Revisted Target Of The Reds. Socialists And The New Comintern Soviet policy was violently criticized by Thomas Deway, governor of New York State and prospective Republican candidate to 1948 presidentail elections. Kawamoto Yamaguchi Abe Y H H, P 22 4 [Matsuda] H, P [Walter Lippmann ] Warsaw manifesto says the H, D [Barnet British socialist government Nover] is a pawn of imperialist US Sec. Marshall is called "Good H, P Kawamoto H. Okada commander but bad proposer" in US Government official's comments Tomass Dewey criticized Russia for letting out continuous flow of lies and slander 13 2 1 Today and Tomorrow: Europe Revisited Warsaw manifesto says the British Socialist government is a pawn of imperialist US "Secretary Marshall is Called 'Good Commander but Bad Proposer' in U.S. Gov't Officials' Comments" Paul Ramsey, Professor of Religion, Princeton University 1 "The measure to tide over the Communists are denouncing present situation published by the US and the government the Korean Official in south Korea Information Bureau" State Department anounced that military government regulations have been relaxed to permit remittance of funds to any person in Japan US remittance to Japan 2 4 Y 3 Y 2 1 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 国際タイムス (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source The Kokusai Times 19:22a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [11]/[19]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2594 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2613 [11]/[20]/194[7] 20:12 47-frn-2614 11/20/1947 47-frn-2615 Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi 20:13 International 産業経済新聞, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 大阪時事新報 Sangyo Keizai Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Sangyo Keizai 月、千ドル海外から日本に送金 Shimbun, Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo $1000 Monthly may be sent to Japanese from abroad 11/20/194[7] 20:14 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service China's top [diplomat], an old hand with the Russians, says the best way to fight Communist is to help the world revive economically. 47-frn-2616 [11]/[20]/194[7] 20:14a Associated 共同通信 Press (15, 17, 18, 19, 20, San Francisco) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) 47-frn-2617 11/20/1947 20:15 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 米ソ緊張の打開へ. 含みの多い南京方式 47-frn-2618 11/20/1947 20:16 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 國際貿易会議と日本の立場 47-frn-2619 11/20/1947 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2621 [11]/[22]/194[7] Telepress (Rome) アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー 47-frn-2622 [11]/[21]/194[7] United Press 時事通信 (London) 47-frn-2623 [11]/[22]/194[7] Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) No agreement yet on agenda 47-frn-2624 [11]/[22]/194[7] 23:2 [Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney)] Germany: Two Canadian legation members arrested by Russians 47-frn-2625 [11]/[22]/194[7] 23:[3] [Radio Press (New York)] Big 4: Dulles to attend 47-frn-2626 [11]/[22]/194[7] 23:4 [Radio Press (London BBC)] USSR: Two Canadians detained in Leningrad 47-frn-2627 [11]/[22]/194[7] 23:5 Big 4: USSR attacks Anglo-American policy in Germany 47-frn-2628 [11]/[22]/194[7] 23:6 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) 47-frn-2629 11/23/1947 23:7 47-frn-2630 11/23/194[7] 23:8 Reuters 47-frn-2631 11/24/1947 23:9 47-frn-2631a [11]/[23]/194[7] 23:9 The New York Times (Nanking) Editorial Jiji Tsushin Akahata Uikuri Subject The Soviet literary gazette, demanding [to]day that criminal courts be set up to try warmongers... Whaling expedition Jiji Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 3 H 1 H, P [J. D. White] 3 China's top diplomat, an old hand with the Russians, says the best way to fight Communism is to help the world revive economically. China's top diplomat says that the best way to fight Communism is to help the world revive economically H, P [J.D. White] 1 Foreign Ministry is scheduled issue formal statement soon pressing Uni[ted] States and Russia for action on China[']s compromise plan for settling Japanese peace treaty deadloc[k] it was learned today. Foreign Ministry to press US and Russia for action on Chinese compromise plan for settling Japanese peace treaty H, P Japan is in a bad position regarding silk trade with the US because she cannot attend trade conferences Autonomous control for Japan stressed by Gen. Robertson Violence in Italy between Communists and "Fascists": Communists say that they were "amply provoked" Two members of Canadian military mission to Germany were detained by Russians Sokolovsky, Commander of the Russian zone of Germany, says that Western Germany is being formed into military base for BritishUS imperialism Russians arrested 2 members of the Canadian military mission in Berlin for illegal entry into Russian territory in Prussia John Foster Dulles to attend the foreign Ministers' conference Russians arrested 2 members of the Canadian military mission in Berlin for illegal entry into russian territory in Prussia USSR attackes AngloAmerican policy in Germany H, D "International Trade Conference and Japan's Situation" Behind The Italian Crisis Russians detain two Canadians Germany: Clay to reply Marshal Sokolovsky 中國總選擧と憲政 P Y Kawamoto H. Okada Y 6 Y 6 P S 6 1 [Gino Bardi] Y 7 H, S 1 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 P 1 P 1 US Military Governor, Lucius Clay will publicly answer Sokolovsky's criticizms at a press conference in Berlin "The Chinese general Doubts about the democracy election and the constitutional of the upcoming elections in government." China: the Communists have been excluded, and the electorate is indifferent H, P 1 Very little business has been done in Japan due to lack of offices and foreign exchange facilities H, P 3 D 4 H, D 3 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service China association bulletin for November reports that now that some of first group of British business men to go to Japan have returned it is possible to form idea of position out there. United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Soviet hoarded sufficient gold to nullify "Dr. Prince says USSR may Dr. Prince says USSR may the Marshall Plan lose gold hoard to fight the use gold hoard to fight the American Dollar Diplomacy" American "Dollar Diplomacy" Deleted: Mention of the US economic depression that Soviets are predicting Doctor Charles Prince specialist on Dr. Prince says USSR may Soviet economic affairs believes Russia use gold hoard to fight the already has hoarded sufficient gold to American "Dollar deliver telling... Diplomacy" Deleted: Mention of the US economic depression that Soviets are predicting Editorial Examiner1 Examiner2 H, S Autonomous Control for Japan Stressed by General Robertson おどるフアシスト. 勞働者を挑發し殺害 Brief Summary Soviet press demands criminal trials for "warmongers" like Truman Whaling expedition: Prediction that this season's catch limit of 16,000 blue whales will be reached One thousand dollars may be sent to Japanese people from abroad through any US bank licensed to do business in Japan Russians are paranoid about people plotting against them S Yamaguchi Y 3 Oversized News Agency Reuters (Moscow) Photograph(s) Source 20:11 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/20/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2612 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 47-frn-2632 11/23/1947 23:10 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Berlin) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2633 11/23/1947 23:11 International Nippon Times News Service (Paris); Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Paris) Nippon Times 47-frn-2634 [11]/[22]/194[7] 23:12a Associated Press (Shanghai) 時事通信 47-frn-2635 11/23/1947 23:13 毎日新聞 47-frn-2636 11/23/194[7] 23:14 47-frn-2637 11/23/1947 23:15 47-frn-2638 [11]/[23]/194[7] 24:1 47-frn-2639 [11]/[23]/194[7] 24:2 47-frn-2640 [11]/[23]/194[7] 24:3 Radio Press (Delhi) Germany: U.S. refutes USSR charges of imperialism 47-frn-2641 [11]/[23]/194[7] 24:4 47-frn-2642 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:5 [Radio Press (Brazzaville)] Reuters 時事通信 (London) 47-frn-2643 11/24/194[7] 24:6 Associated Press (1, Nanking) Marshall Plan: Polish foreign minister criticizes plan A Catholic church will be build in Hiroshima, Japanese city devastated by first atom bomb... China[']s first national election entered vote counting stage with wide differences in even official estimates how many citizens actu[a]lly balloted for national assembly men who 25-12 meet elect first constitutional president. 47-frn-2644 11/24/194[7] 24:7 Associated Press (Moscow) 47-frn-2645 [11]/[24]/194[7] 47-frn-2646 11/24/194[7] News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Doctor Charles Prince, specialist on Soviet economic affairs, believes that Russia already has hoarded sufficient gold to deliver a telling blow to capitalist economy and planned to use its vast gold resources to nullify the Marshall Plan. Anglo-U.S. policies in Germany flayed. Treaty Violation Charges Made By Sokol[o]vsky Are Refuted By Clay Dr. Prince says USSR may use gold hoard to fight the American "Dollar Diplomacy" Deleted: Mention of the US economic depression that Soviets are predicting Treaty violation charges made by Sokolovsky are refuted Nippon Times Foreign French premiership is won by Schuman as strikes increase. New Premier Plunges Into Task of Forming 'Save France' Cabinet New Premier of France os a tool of "American Capitalists" H, D Jiji Tsushin Jiji China no more of world power than Mexico, Bolivia and to pretend that she is world power only lead more trou[b]le Chicago Tribune[']s MaCormick told... McCormick says that China no more a world power than Mexico or Bolivia H Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi H, P United Press 共同通信 (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service French government crisis blasted most of American hopes Western powers could present solid front against Russians at next weeks crucial council fo Foreign Ministers['] meeting. Associated 朝日新聞 Press (New York, Washington) Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (New York) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Supplemental 外相会議 The next one hundred days turn out to be one of the critical periods in the history of the world. European strife between two worlds is focussed on the execution of the Marshall Plan French government crisis dashed most of American hopes of Western powers presenting a solid front against the Russians at the council of foreign ministers' meeting The next one hundred days may turn out to be one of the most critical periods in the history of the world Pravda criticizes Marshall for encouraging "anti-Soviet propaganda" US aid to France, Italy, and Austria: Marshall in his speech in Chicago warned Russia against the usual contemptuous propagandizing US military spokesman in Germany refutes USSR charges of imperialism Polish foreign minister criticizes Marshall Plan Catholic church to be built in Hiroshima Editorial "What hinders the world rehabilitation" Russia: Pravda attacks Marshall's speech Senate: FRC urges approval of interim aid bill Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 24:8 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 24:8a Associated Press (Nanking) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 東京新聞 世界の復興を防害するも[の] Leaders of Russia in recent statements have indicated the state of mind in which Soviet government approached London Conference of Foreign Mnisters which will attempt to write the peace for Germany. Neutral observers in China are increasingly insistent - despite widespread demands in Washington for immediate military and economic aid to China - that United States help with materials and training for Chiang Kai Shek's troops would be a futile move unless it includes housecleaning of China's unwieldly military machine from top to bottom. Neutral observers in China increasingly insistent - despite widespread demands in Washington for immediate military economic aid China - that Uni[ted] States help with materials training for Chiang Kai Shek[']s troops be futile move unless it includes housecleaning China[']s unwieldly military machine from top to bottom. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes D 3 H, P 1 Mercola Sameshima 2 1 J. Gomes Yamaguchi Y H, P 4 2 H, P Y 5 H, S 1 H, D 1 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 China's first national elections H, P 2 Russian state of mind indicates that it is improbable that much progress will be made toward the German treaty H, P [Thomas P. Whitney] 2 US aid to China will be futile unless it includes house cleaning of China's military machine H, P [Harold Milks] 2 US aid to China will be futile unless it includes house cleaning of China's military machine H, P 1 Oversized United Press 日本経済新聞 (New York) Source Photograph(s) 23:9 Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages [11]/[23]/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2631b Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2648 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:9 47-frn-2649 11/24/194[7] 47-frn-2650 Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 對華援助警戒論 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 24:10 Associated 東京新聞 Press (60, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 11/24/1947 24:11 United Press 日米通信 (New York) The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 中日いずれを選ぶ米の太平洋防備線. ユトレイ女史の著書 47-frn-2651 11/24/1947 24:12 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun ブラジル 47-frn-2652 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:13 Kokusai Times 米ソは叫ぶ 11/24/1947 24:14 United Press 国際タイムス (New York) United Press 日米通信 (Honolulu) The Kokusai Times 47-frn-2653 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin ハワイの対日輸出許可さる. 但し許可証が必要; 比島最大のカラリヤ発電所着工 47-frn-2654 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:15 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2655 11/24/194[7] 24:16 New York Nippon Times Herald Tribune Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (19, Warsaw) Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2656 11/24/1947 24:17 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) 47-frn-2657 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:19 47-frn-2658 11/24/194[7] 47-frn-2659 Headline Subject Brief Summary Neutral observers in China increasingly insistent - despite widespread demands in Washington for immediate military economic aid China - that Uni[ted] States help with materials training for Chiang Kai Shek[']s troops be futile move unless it includes housecleaning China[']s unwieldly military machine from top to bottom. US aid to China will be futile unless it includes house cleaning of China's military machine China's Kuomintang dominated Comment on recent Chinese government which controls two-thirds general election of the country was able to claim yersterday after three days of nationwide balloting that millions of people it controls at last have voice in naming their leaders. Fugitive peasant leaders from eastern Europe are plotting an anticommunistic fight from a small, middle-class apartment in Washington. Chinese elections in Communist areas were secret, while those in Nationalist-controlled areas were not America faces a choice of building up Nationalist China as a "citadel of peace" or Japan as a "springboard for war" with Russia. H, P [Milks] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 6 D 4 Five European peasant leaders in Washington have banded together to overthrow Communist-led governments in their homelands H, P 1 "Last Chance in China" by Freda Utley H, P Some Japanese in Brazil are ignorant as to the defeat of Japan H, P Effective today, freight shipments from Hawaii to Japan and Korea will once more be permitted on the same basis as shipments to any other foreign country, it was announced Friday by the office of the collector of U.S. customs.; Philippines Today and Tomorrow: Iron Curtain and Marshall Plan Freight shipments from Hawaii to Japan and Korea will once more be permitted H, P Today and Tomorrow: Iron Curtain and Marshall Plan H, P Tokyo Shimbun "Far from being a factor of peace, the Marshall plan will contribute in the restoration of Germany's economic hagemony in Europe and will consequently reinforce the ag[g]ressive tende[n]cies of this country", Polish Foreign Minister Modzelewski told the Polish Parliamentary Committee for Foreign Affairs last night. Polish Foreign Minister Modzelewski says that the Marshall Plan will strengthen Gernany and reinforce the aggressive tendencies of this country H, P 1 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Senate President Arthur H. Vandenberg revealed he will open Congressional debate on President Truman's $597,000,000 (M) emergency foreign aid bill Monday with one of his rare speeches from the floor. Senate President Arthur H. Vanderberg will open Congressional debate on Truman's emergency foreign aid bill H, P 1 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Moscow) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Pravda and Izvestia denounce Marshall's recent speech in Chicago H, S 1 24:19a International 読売新聞 News Service (Moscow) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Izvestia and Prav[d]a both issued strong denunciations Sunday of Secretary of State George Marshall's Chicago address [last] Wednesday in which he accused the Soviet Union... Russians Hit Marshall Address 11/24/1947 24:20 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Japan Is Facing a Trying Winter But the People Are Not Afraid Japan faces trying winter with rising prices-but there will be no general strike; MacArthur will not permit it 47-frn-2660 [11]/[23]/194[7] 24:21 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World [11]/[23]/194[7] 24:22 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World Western powers to seek agreement with Soviet Union; Senator Cain on Germany's future Catholic bishop on Communist menace in Italy and France Germany must be rebuilt for the good of civilization 47-frn-2661 United Press (London; Washington) Reuters (Galway) 47-frn-2662 11/24/1947 24:23 International Nippon Times News Service (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Egypt's Silk Industry Crippled Due to Drop in Thread Imports. Drop in Imports Hits Egypt Silk Industry. 47-frn-2663 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:23a International 日本通信 News Service (New York) Nihon Tsushin N.N.S. Nippon Tsushin Silk market still unactive during past week 47-frn-2664 [11]/[24]/194[7] 24:24 International 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Nihon Tsushin N.N.S. Nippon Tsushin U.S. Chamber of Commerce urges "New" Germany be built 東京新聞 News item ソ連紙、マ長官反駁 Brazil [Don Dillon] Kawamoto R. Yokoyama Y 2 Y 7 Y 1 Y 2 [Walter Lippmann ] Pravda and Izvestia denounce D, H, Marshall's recent speech in S Chicago 5 Y 2 H, D [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] H, P 1 Catholic Bishop declares that H, P Communists in Italy and France represent grave menace Egypt's silk industry crippled H, C, [Theodore due to drop in thread imports P Koslow, INS Financial Authority] Silk market still inactive H, C [Theodore during past week Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] U.S. Chamber of Commerce H, P urges "New" Germany to be built 1 2 1 3 2 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 24:8b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [11]/[23]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2647 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-2666 11/24/1947 24:25 47-frn-2666a 11/24/194[7] 24:26 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New Delhi; London) 国際タイムス 47-frn-2667 [11]/24/194[7] 24:27 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Berlin) 47-frn-2668 11/24/1947 24:28 Associated Press World Service (Baguio) 47-frn-2668a 11/24/1947 47-frn-2669 11/24/1947 24:29 47-frn-2670 [11]/[26]/194[7] 47-frn-2671 [11]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-2672 Submitted by Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nippon Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun, Nippon Times Foreign Headline (Japanese) 米商工会議所新ドイツ建設要請 Headline H, P Communal violence breaks in New Delhi. Talks Stated to Begin on Future Of Hyderabad State. 800 Moslem tribesmen passed through Rawalpindi armed with Russian rifles H, P Conflict between the Two Great Powers on Establishing Temporary Korean Committee H, P 朝鮮委員會と二大勢力の拮抗 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 東部ドイツの情勢 Asahi Shimbun Asahi ソ連、朝鮮問題除外を要求. アジア経済会議開く Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign アカハタ Akahata (1) Akahata No. 1 27:1 Radio Press (Saigon) 27:2 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin House [of] Foreign Affairs voted included 60 million dollars for emergency aid to China in... 11/29/1947 27:3 United Press 時事通信 (6, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Scripps Howard newspapers reported from Milwaukee "until General MacArthur peels off announcement he will or will not candidate or that he will or will not come home to campaign political oracles say... 47-frn-2673 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:4 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Recent drastic decline Ame[ri]can trade with Russia aroused considerable comm[ent]. 47-frn-2674 11/27/1947 27:4a United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Russian trade 47-frn-2675 [11]/[25]/194[7] 27:5 USIS (Washington) 47-frn-2676 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:6 Associated 時事通信 Press (1, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2677 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:6a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2678 11/27/194[7] 27:6b Associated 東京新聞 Press (1, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2679 11/27/194[7] 27:6c Associated 共同通信 Press (1, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2680 11/27/1947 27:6d Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2681 11/27/1947 27:7a Associated 静岡新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun 朝日新聞 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Baguio) Commentary Brief Summary U.S. Chamber of Commerce urges "New" Germany to be built The Kokusai Times (7) Kokusai Taimusu no. 7 Editorial Subject U.S. Chamber of Commerce urges "New" Germany be built "Conflict between the two Great Powers on establishing temporary Korean Committee" 6 1 Y 3 P Allied Occupation authorities in Japan soon will start a survey of shipping needs in Japan and Korea in a further effort to make th[e]se nations selfsupporting. Notes 8 Economic future of Asia examined at Baguio Conference The House Foreign Affairs Committee voted 60 million dollars aid for China after hearing Dr. William M. McGovern predict the Chinese government may fall within [a] year unless it gets American help. The House Foreign Affairs Committee voted $60,000,000 aid for China after hearing Dr. William M. McGovern predict the Chinese government may [fall] within a year unless it gets American help. The House Foreign Affairs Committee voted 60 million dollars aid for China after hearing Dr. William M. McGovern Predict the Chinese government may fall within a year unless it gets American help. The House Foreign Affairs Committee voted 60 million dollars aid for China after hearing Dr. William M. McGovern predict the Chinese government may fall within [a] year unless it gets American help. House Committee approves China aid. Body Told Without Assistance Chiang's Regime May Fall Within A Year Y Y Economic future of Asia examined. Intensive Scrutiny, Scheduled Of WarBeset Countries At Baguio Conference US press hopes for some progress at London Examiner5 Examiner6 H, D [Anderson ] H, P Italy: Solon demands Togliatti withdraw Examiner4 11 Economic future of Asia examined at Baguio Conference Foreign Ministers' Conference Opens The Prospect of the Problems over Germany Examiner3 Y With the opening of the Historic Economic Comission for Asia nad the Far East's plenary session this afternoon only a few hours away, emphasis was on the need for keeping political issues from blocking the path of the Asiatic Nations toward economic rehabilitation. ドイツはどうなる. ロンドン外相會議開く Examiner1 Examiner2 Gomes T. Hori 1 Class struggles are rampant in US, British, and Frenchcontrolled areas of Germany, because of food shortages H, D [J.] Gomes K. Yoshida Y 6 Solon demands that Moscow recall the Soviet agent Togliatti House Foreign Affairs Committee included 60 million dollars for emergency aid to China Scripps Howard reported that unless MacArthur announces whether he will be a Presidential candidate it is impossible to figure the Wisconsin primary election H, P 1 P 7 H, P 1 Recent drastic decline in American trade with Russia aroused considerable comment Recent drastic decline in American trade with Russia aroused considerable comment US press hopes for some progress at London Conference towards agreement on treaties with Germany and Austria House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to aid China after Dr. W. M. McGovern predicted China will fail within a year without US help House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to aid China after Dr. W. M. McGovern predicted China will fail within a year without US help House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to aid China after Dr. W. M. McGovern predicted China will fail within a year without US help House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to aid China after Dr. W. M. McGovern predicted China will fail within a year without US help House Foreign Affairs Committee included 60 million dollars for emmergency aid to China H, P [Dillon] 3 H, P [Matsuda] , [Don Dillon] 1 Col. Syran will head a committee of experts that will evaluate Japanese shipping H H, P 4 P 1 H 1 H 1 H [Douglas B. Cornell] H 2 1 [Morris J. Harris] 3 Oversized News Agency International 大阪新聞, News Service 大阪時事新報, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Photograph(s) Source 24:24a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/24/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2665 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-2683 11/27/1947 [11]/[27]/194[7] Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Nippon Times Foreign Mission to survey Japan's ship needs at SCAP's request. Syran to Determine Postwar Requirements to Place Nation on Own Feet. Col. Syran will head a committee of experts that will evaluate Japanese shipping H, S 27:8 United Press 時事通信 (Los Angeles) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Japanese scrap iron some which originated in Uni[ted] States before war will returned here for use by Uni[ted] States steel mills importer announced. Japan will give the US scrap iron in return for finished steel products H, S United Press 日米通信 (Los Angeles) United Press 共同通信 (Los Angeles) The America-Japan Press Kyodo News Service Japanese scrap iron some which originated in Uni[ted] States before war will returned here for use by Uni[ted] States steel mills importer announced. Japan will give the US scrap iron in return for finished steel products Japan will give the US scrap iron in return for finished steel products H, S Kyodo Tsushin H, S 2 United Press 毎日新聞 (Los Angeles) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Japanese scrap iron, some which originated in the United States before the war, will be returned here for use by United States steel mills, an importer announced. Japan will give the US scrap iron in return for finished steel products H, S 1 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Japan will give the US scrap iron in return for finished steel products Berlin: In a Ruined City H, S 共同通信 Chiang Kai-shek offered Von Falkenhausen Chinese citizenship H, P 47-frn-2683a 12/1/1947 27:8 47-frn-2684 11/27/194[7] 27:8a 47-frn-2685 11/27/1947 27:8b 47-frn-2686 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:8c 47-frn-2687 [11]/[13]/194[7] 27:9 47-frn-2689 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:11 47-frn-2690 11/27/1947 27:12 47-frn-2691 11/27/1947 27:13; 27:13a; 27:13b; 27:13c; 27:13d International Nippon Times; News Service 北海道新聞; (New York); 大阪新聞, 大阪時事新報, 産業経済新聞; 読売新聞; 西日本新聞 47-frn-2696 11/27/1947 27:14 International Nippon Times News Service (Sofia) 47-frn-2697 11/27/1947 27:15 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) 47-frn-2698 [11]/[26]/194[7] 27:17 United Press (Washington) 47-frn-2699 11/27/194[7] 27:18 Associated 東京新聞 Press (15, Washington) 47-frn-2700 11/27/194[7] 27:19 Commentary 47-frn-2701 11/27/194[7] 27:21 Editorial 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban 朝鮮新聞 Chosen Shimbun (6) 47-frn-2703 11/27/194[7] 27:22 News Item 朝鮮新聞 47-frn-2704 11/27/1947 27:23 47-frn-2705 11/27/1947 27:24 Sun-Acme photo from Milwaukee with Explanation News item 47-frn-2706 11/27/1947 27:25 Editorial 47-frn-2707 11/27/1947 27:26a New York Herald Tribune (Berlin) 日本のクズ鉄を米國の工場へ. 代りには精鉄を 日本の層鐵を米國では鋼材に. 製品は再輸入 Matter of Fact. In a Ruined City. Former member of the staff of Gen. Baron Alexander Von Falkenhausen, German wartime commander in Belgium, said Chian Kai-shek had offered Chinese citizenship to Von Falkenhausen. 民青時報 Comment Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho 國連決定に期待うす. 健は朝鮮人自身の手に. 總一政府樹立に全ての力を Nippon Times; Hokkaido Shimbun; Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun; Yomiuri Shimbun; Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign; Hokkaido Shimbun; Sangyo Keizai Shimbun, Osaka Shimbun, Osaka Jijishimpo; Yomiuri; Nishinippon Nippon Times Foreign マ元帥、四月に帰国か; マ元帥四年に歸国か Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. Aviation Subsidies Asked As Safeguard Against Russia. Harriman Proposes Government Aid to Civilian Companies to Build Up Reserve Strength Acme サン写真新聞 Newspictures (Milwaukee) Tokyo Shimbun Jiji-Tsushin 中國の琉球区還要求 Chosen-Shimbun No. 6 Chosen Shimbun (11) Chosen-Shimbun No. 11 Sa[n] Nyusu Fotosusha 活溌化したマ元帥大統領推セン運動. 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 敗戰を信じないブラジル邦人. 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 日本は變革されつゝあるか Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun "ソ連は世界不安の創造者" ハリマン米商務長官痛烈 攻撃. International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 1 Y Y [Joseph Alsop] Har[r]iman assails Russia for creating world unrest 1 1 3 1 Yamaguchi Y 5 39 1 Secretary of Commerce, Harriman proposed the granting of government subsidies civilian aviation in order to build up reserve military strength Major Guy Richards says that neither US or the Soviet Union is apt to use the atomic bomb if they go to war within the next 10 years H, P 1 H, P 2 Former missionary to China says that it would be futile for US to stop Communism in Europe and allow it to overrun China H, P 1 China's claim to retrocede the Loochoo Islands On the establishment of the Constitution in North Korea. China's claim to retrocede the Ryukyu Islands Establishment of the constitution in North Korea H, P Gomes Sakuma P Gomes T. Hori 10 "A Repatriator has called Recent Manchuria Hell on earth in the 20th Century." "Campaign Gets Brisk for Recommending Gen. MacArthur as Candidate for Presidency" A repatriate has called recent Manchuria "hell on earth" P Gomes T. Hori 11 Campaign gets brisk for recommending Gen. MacArthur as candidate for presidency H, P Gomes H. Okada The Japanese Residing in Brazil Will Not Believe in the Defeat of Japan, Says Father Lassale. Is Japan Undergoing a Renovation? The Japanese residing in Brazil will not believe in the defeat of Japan, says Father Lassale Is Japan undergoing renovation? Harriman assails Russia for creating world unrest, and agreed that a powerful American air force is necessary H, P Mercola Gomes Committeeman [W]alter Judd, Republican and former missionary to China, has been hammering at the idea recently that it would be futile for the United States to stem communism in Europe and allow it to overrun China. The Sun Pictorial Daily 1 "Koreans expect little of the The UN voted down the H, D Gomes UN decision about the set-up USSR's proposal to withdraw of the unified government" Occupation forces from Korea M'Arthur reported planning to retrn to SCAP may retire from Army MacArthur will retire from H, D; [Bob United States in April. Friends In U.S. next April. the Army in April H, D; Considine, Say He Has Informed Them He Intends H, D; Internation To Go Back In Spring.; Reported H, D; al News General MacArthur may retire from H, D Service Army; staff correspon dent] Tito prepares accord. Yugoslav-Bulgar Yugoslav-bulgar cooperation H, P Cooperation Planned in Sofia. planned in Sofia US and Soviet Union and atomic bomb Tokyo Shimbun H, P [Morris J. Harris] Notes Nippon Times H, P P [Gomes] [Leon Schloss, Internation al News Ser[v]ice [s]taff correspon dent] Y T. Kida 6 Y 3 Y 5 Y 4 Y 7 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 27:7b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2682 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) アカハタ 47-frn-2709 11/27/194[7] 27:28 Associated 共同通信 Press (26, 27, New York) 47-frn-2710 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:29 47-frn-2711 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:30 47-frn-2712 [11]/[27]/194[7] 27:31 Telepress (New York) Telepress (London) Telepress (London) 47-frn-2713 11/27/1947 47-frn-2713a 11/27/1947 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) チリーからの手紙. 一勞働組合員の報告. Headline Akahata Akahata Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Bulletin of Foreign Policy Association incorporated in article on United States strategy in Far East, said while China is considered important from strategic point of view a[n] increasing emphasis is being placed on Japan as the key A[m]erican base in the far Pacific. 民報 Mimpo Mimpo 民報 Mimpo Mimpo Significance of U.S. labor 'swing to right.' British engineers protest fascist activity 民報 Mimpo Mimpo Branch of Chinese Democratic League established in Britain Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Asahi Shimbun Asahi Councillors delay anti-monop[o]ly bill. Approval Withheld Pending A Closer Scrutiny by Committee. The House Foreign Affairs committee voted $60,000,000 aid for China after hearing Dr. William M. McGovern... Associated 朝日新聞 Press (48, 35, Washington) 援助せねば崩壞. 下院、六千万ドル案司決 "Letter from Chile" Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes An account of the oppression practiced by the antiCommunist government of Chile Article on US strategy in the far east placed Japan as the key American base in the far pacific H, S Significance of US labor 'swing to right' British engineers protest fascist activity Branch of Chinese democratic League established in Britain Councillors delay the economic Powers Decentralization Bill House Foreign Affairs Committee voted to aid China after Dr. W. M. McGovern predicted China will fail within a year without US help "The Problem of Aid to China" How ro pay former owners of zaibatsu concerns is being discussed H, P H [Edward E. Bomar] 1 [Edward E. Bomar] 3 H, P 5 3 [Gladys Carter] 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 D 1 H Y 8 USIS 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Associated 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Press (29, Washington) Jiji (World) Ed[i]torial on China Jiji Tsushin The problem of how to pay the former owne[r]s has caused [a] restudy of means to carry out the American Occupation policy of breaking up Japan[']s great family monopol[i]es--the zaibatsu and--responsible government officials said today that the restudy is being made by the State and War Departments along with other agencies and involves this basic question. 28:2a Associated 共同通信 Press (24, 25, 29, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service The problem of how to pay the former owners has caused [a] restudy of means to carry out the American Occupation policy of breaking up Japan[']s great family monopol[i]es--the zaibatsu and-responsible government officials said today that the restudy is being made by the State and War Departments along with other agencies and involves this basic question. How ro pay former owners of zaibatsu concerns is being discussed H [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:2b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo How ro pay former owners of zaibatsu concerns is being discussed H 2 47-frn-2718 11/28/194[7] 28:2d Associated 東京新聞 Press (29, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun The problem of how to pay the former owners has caused a restudy of the means to carry out the American Occupation policy of breaking up Japan's great family monopolies---the zaibatsu. The problem of how to pay the former owners has caused a restudy of means to carry out the American Occupation policy of breaking up Japan[']s great family monopolies--the zaibatsu. How ro pay former owners of zaibatsu concerns is being discussed H, P 1 47-frn-2719 11/28/1947 28:2e Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Reason set forth for FEC 230 study. How To Pay Former Owners Of Zaibatsu Concerns Is Being Discussed. How ro pay former owners of zaibatsu concerns is being discussed H, P 47-frn-2720 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:2f Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun How ro pay former owners of zaibatsu concerns is being discussed 47-frn-2721 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:3 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Los Angeles) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2722 11/28/194[7] 28:3a Associated 共同通信 Press (41, Los Angeles) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2723 11/28/1947 28:4 United Press 共同通信 (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The problem of how to pay the former owners has caused a restudy of the means to carry out the American Occupation policy of breacking up Japan's great families monopolies---the zaibat[su]. Steel scrap from Japan--some of it sent there before the war and some made by visits of B-29 bombers--is to be brought to the United States, an importer announced today. Steel scrap from Japan--some of it sent there before the war and some made by visits of [B-29] bombers--is to be brought to the United States, an importer announced. Communist "China liberated Areas Relief Association" announcing closure Shanghai office before December tenth accused UNRRA "degenerated to instrument American [State Dept] and its China office war supply agent for [national government]." Associated Press Associated Press World Service (Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 静岡新聞 Shizuoka Shimbun Kyodo News Service Shizuoka Shimbun The Communist newspaper Pravda accused the United States and Britain of "preserving or forming" anew units of the German Army 47-frn-2714 [11]/[26]194[7] 28:1 47-frn-2715 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:2 47-frn-2716 11/28/194[7] 47-frn-2717 47-frn-2724 11/28/1947 28:5 47-frn-2724a [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:5a H, P 5 [B. Head] 2 1 Steel scrap from Japan will be sent to the US in exchange for finished steel products H, S 1 Steel scrap from Japan will be sent to the US in exchange for finished steel products H, S 2 Chinese Communists say the UNRRA has degenerated into a tool of the US State Dept. H, S 3 Pravda accused the US and Britain of preserving or forming units of the German Army H, S H 1 [Eddy Gilmore] 1 Oversized Submitted by (Japanese) News Agency Telepress (Santiago) Photograph(s) Source 27:27 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/27/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2708 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-2726 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:6a United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (Nanking) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2727 11/28/1947 28:6b United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi China to slash Japanese industrial potential 47-frn-2728 11/29/1947 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Legend of Russia's Power Called Merely an Illusion. 47-frn-2728a 11/28/1947 28:7 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Associated 静岡新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun 47-frn-2729 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:8 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The "invincible" Red Army is "one of the greatest illusions of our time," a military expert who has fought both with and against the Russians said in a magazine article today. What are Chinese Communist ties with Soviet Russia and what is the likelihood that they now would in the forseeable future take orders from Moscow? 47-frn-2730 11/28/1947 28:9 Nichibei Tsushin Nichibei 47-frn-2731 11/28/1947 28:10 The Christian 日米通信 Science Monitor (Tokyo) United Press 毎日新聞 (Hong Kong) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi A specific instance of the "boss" system which today is widespread throughout Japan is the "Tekiya" or "market boss" organization. Extention of the "Speedbird" service to Japan. 47-frn-2732 11/28/1947 28:10a Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign SCAP Okays BOAC Extension. 47-frn-2733 [11]/[21]194[7] 28:11 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Hong Kong) New York 共同通信 Herald Tribune Nippon Times Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo The air world. Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 中国、日本の化学工業制限案提出 ギ[ャ]ングと政党との惡縁. 占領軍が発表した"テキ屋"の害毒六項目 47-frn-2734 11/28/1947 28:12 47-frn-2736 [11]/28/194[7] 28:14b Associated Press (Tokyo) 47-frn-2737 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:14c Associated Press (Tokyo) 47-frn-2738 11/28/194[7] 28:15 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2739 11/28/1947 28:15a Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Moscow) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2740 11/28/1947 28:16 Nihon Tsushin (Shanghai) 日本通信 Nihon Tsushin (4) Nippon Tsushin Sha 日本秘密政府構成主要分子に新鋭大衆黨が参加か No.4 47-frn-2741 11/28/1947 28:17 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2742 [11]/28/194[7] 28:18 New York Herald Tribune (Berlin) Associated Press (Tokyo) 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 47-frn-2743 [11]/[28]/194[7] 28:19 Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin NEWS ITEM 西日本新聞 Subject Brief Summary Reliably Chinese gov[ernmen]t drafted new proposal calling for slashing Japanese industrial potential below level suggested by SCAP proposal which [i]s compromise between SCAP[']s recommendation and Chinese commercial circles demand nineteen twenty eight level will sent Wellington tomorrow for submission [Far Eastern] commission Washington. Chinese government drafted new proposal calling for slashing Japanese industrial potential below level suggested by SCAP H, P Reliably Chinese gov[ernmen]t drafted new proposal calling for slashing Japanese industrial potential below level suggested by SCAP. Chinese government drafted new proposal calling for slashing Japanese industrial potential below level suggested by SCAP Chinese government drafted new proposal calling for slashing Japanese industrial potential below level suggested by SCAP H, P Japanese 'roll out' the [beer] cans. International 日本通信 News Service (London) Soviet people seen in grip of war fear. Soviet Writers Cite Suspicion Of Reactionary Circles Causing Trouble Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Y [K.S. Chang, United Press staff correspon dent] 4 1 Legend of Russia's power is merely an illusion, says Arnold Purre, Former Red Army officer H, S 1 What are Chinese Communist ties with Soviet Russia? H, P 3 Japan's "Tekiya" or "market boss" organization H, P British Airways has SCAP permission to fly commercial flights to Japan British Airways has SCAP permission to fly commercial flights to Japan H, S 1 H, S 1 The Air World: The airplane as an implement of modern destiny Scarcity brought out Japanese ingenuity; toy bugles out of beer cans H, P US proposal to convene the preliminary peace conference failed to meet with approval of all powers involved Y [Gill Robb Wilson] H 1 H The existence of the Japanese secret government proves that Japan is still militaristic H, D Soviet people seen in grip of Russian-American war fear H, P [Marguerit e Higgins] H [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo AP Bureau] [Kingsbur y Smith, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] US expected to purchase Austria's freedom from Russia under the French proposal for settling the Austrian problem P 6 4 H, C, [Russell P Brines, Chief of Tokyo AP Bureau] H, C [Russell Brines, Chief of Tokyo AP Bureau] H, P US proposal to convene the preliminary peace conference failed to meet with approval of all powers involved マックアーサー元帥の立候補は問題 Reported U.S. expected to purchase Austria's freedom from Reds Examiner4 2 集中排除法案の見とおし "The Shineitaishuto (The Party of the Picked People) Said to Participate in the Underground Government as Main Compositive Element." Examiner3 S 経済力集中排除法案の狙い On November eighteenth Minister of Foreign Affairs of USSR Molotov received through Chinese embassy in USSR note from Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Wangshin Chieh of November seventeenth... On November eighteenth Minister of Foreign Affairs of USSR Molotov received through Chinese embassy in USSR note from Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Wangshin Chieh of November seventeenth... H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Y 12 Y 1 4 3 Kawamoto K. Yoshida Y 2 1 Y 8 3 Oversized News Agency United Press (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 28:6 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [11]/[27]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2725 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 47-frn-2745 11/18/194[7] 28:30 Associated 東京新聞 Press (Washington) 47-frn-2746 [11]/[28]/194[7] 47-frn-2747 11/27/1947, 11/29/1947 47-frn-2748 11/29/194[7] 29:1 Associated 共同通信 Press (13, 46, Seoul) 47-frn-2748a [11]/[27]/194[7] 29:1a 47-frn-2749 [11]/[29]/194[7] 29:1b Korean Information Press (Seoul) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin, (Seoul) 47-frn-2750 [11]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-2751 [11]/29/194[7] 47-frn-2752 [11]/[27]/194[7] 47-frn-2753 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo Matter of Fact. Time Calls the Tune. Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Senator Robert Taft, Ohio Republican, Monday night denounced as "[a] step toward [a] completely totalitarian nation President Truman[']s proposal for [a] revival of partial wage, price and rationing controls,["] Taft, candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, took to the radio after Mister Truman offered his proposals to Congress at an extraordinary session. Associated Press (6, Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 34 シューマン内閣成立まで Kyodo "The Process of Formation of the Schumann Cabinet.", "Process of Formation of Ramadier Cabinet." Major General William F. Dean, military governor of American occupied South Korea, said today he had refused a request by rightist political groups for an immediate election of [a] Korean government in the southern zone. Brief Summary US and British officials agree that after the failure of the London Conference, provisional government must be formed in Western Germany Sen. Taft calls Truman's wage control proposal a step towards totalitarianism H, P Pravda accuses US and Britain of preserving the Nazi army H, S 1) Socialist party a political slave of US / Britain 2) French Communist Ducrot says Schumann Cabinet and Brum are puppets of US imperialism The military government of US occupied South Korea refused a request by rightist political groups for an immediate election of a Korean government P, D Kyodo Major General William F. Dean, military governor of American occupied South Korea, said today he had refused a request by rightist political groups for an immediate election of a Korean government in the southern zone. The military government of US occupied South Korea refused a request by rightist political groups for an immediate election of a Korean government Korean Information No elections until directed by the United Nations, declares military governor. Major General William F. Dean, military governor of America[n] occupied South Korea, said today he had refused a request by rightist political groups for an immediate election of a Korean government in the southern zone. Magazine article reveals "tempting offer" rejected by French minister. No elections until directed by the United Nations, declares military governor The military government of US occupied South Korea refused a request by rightist political groups for an immediate election of a Korean government 朝鮮特信 日本語版 The Korean Information Associated Press (46, Seoul) 共同通信, 東京新聞 Kyodo Tsushin, Tokyo Kyodo, Tokyo Shimbun Shimbun 29:2 United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (New York) Service News Service 12/1/1947 29:3 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Singapore) 47-frn-2754 11/29/1947 29:4 Associated 共同通信 Press (18, 19, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2755 11/29/1947 29:5 Nichibei Tsushin Nichibei 47-frn-2756 11/29/1947 29:6 Kiplinger 日米通信 Washington Agency, United Press (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2757 [11]/[29]/194[7] 29:6a United Press 時事通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 47-frn-2758 11/29/1947 29:6b United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times 47-frn-2759 [11]/[29]/194[7] 29:6c United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Jiji World Newsmen who recently visited IndoChina saw large numbers of former Nazis fighting for the French against the [Vietnamese] nationalists there. H, P Examiner5 Examiner6 France turned down a tempting offer of a "prize" from Soviet Union in return for opposing US and Britain before the Moscow Conference Pravda says the French are recruiting Nazi soldiesrs to fight Vietnam Notes 7 1 [Eddy Gilmore] 1 Hayashi Y [Roy Roberts] 10 2 3 H, P 1 H 1 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, D [Stanley Swinton] 2 3 US policy on Japan under fire- directed by Americans themselves- that US is too "leftist" H, P Rumors of imminent war are circulating throughout the country. Rumors of war are circulating throughout the country H, P A young Honolulu businessman hopes to bring Margaret O'Brien, the child Hollywood movie star, and other theatrical talent to Japan for personal appearances. A young Honolulu businessman hopes to bring Margaret O'Brien, the child Hollywood movie star, and other theatrical talent to Japan for personal appearances. Margaret O'Brien, Hollywood child star, may visit Japan H Margaret O'Brien, Hollywood child star, may visit Japan H, P Nippon Times Foreign Margaret O'Brien may visit Nippon. Hollywood Child Star Eager To Come Here When Free Travel Is Resumed. Margaret O'Brien, Hollywood child star, may visit Japan H Kyodo A young Honolulu businessman hopes to bring Margaret O'Brien, the child Hollywood movie star, and other theatrical talent to Japan for personal appearances. Margaret O'Brien, Hollywood child star, may visit Japan H マーガレット・オブライエンを日本へ. 長谷川一夫のハワイ訪問と計画 Examiner4 P American policy in Japan is under [a] very hot fire these days-directed by Americans themselves-on the double charge that what United States is doing is too "leftist" and that it won[']t work. うわさの出所はこんなもの. 戰爭近しの眞相 Examiner3 Y Kyodo Tsushin KP-KIP (Seoul) Examiner1 Examiner2 [Joseph Alsop] 国連の指示あるまで総選挙実施せずディーン軍政長官 声明 29:1d 11/29/194[7] Subject The Communist newspaper Pravda accused the United States and Britain of "preserving or forming" anew units of the German army. 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban (34) News Item Headline Kyodo Tsushin [Relman Morin] Y [Leslie Nakashim a, UP staff corres[pon dent]] [Leslie Nakashim a, United Press staff correspon dent] [Leslie Nakashim a, United Press staff correspon dent] [Leslie Nakashim a, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 1 Y 7 1 2 Oversized News Agency New York Herald Tribune (Berlin) Photograph(s) Source 28:20 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [11]/[20]194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2744 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 29:7 Reuters (Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service The central committee of Polish trade union, representing [two million] [four hundred thousand] members, has passed a resolution "warmly saluting the heroic Fre[n]ch [working class]" it was reported here today from Warsaw. Polish trade union salutes the French working people for defending themselves against De Gaulle H, P 2 47-frn-2761 11/29/194[7] 29:8 United Press 共同通信 (21, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Governor Dewey[']s recommendation for Uni[ted] States aid to China and Republican dominated House Foreign Affairs Committee[']s proposal to add [sixty million] dollars for China to emergency aid bill brought comments from columnists Arthur Krock of Times and Mark Sullivan of [Herald Tribune] that Republicans capitalizing by stressing worldwide American foreign policy rather [tha]n one concentrated towa[r]ds E[u]rope. Columnists of Times and NY Herald Tribune commented that Dewey's recommendation for aid to China is a means of the republican Party capitalizing by stressing world-wide foreign policy H, P 3 47-frn-2762 [11]/[29]/194[7] 29:9 United Press 時事通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2763 [11]/[29]/194[7] 29:9b United Press 共同通信 (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2764 11/29/1947 29:9c United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2765 11/29/1947 29:10 News Item, Zhong yang 共同通信 Central News tong xun she Agency, (Nanking) Nanking Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin (89) 中国憲兵近く進駐 47-frn-2766 11/29/1947 29:11 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2767 [11]/[28]/194[7] 29:12 47-frn-2768 [11]/[29]/194[7] 29:13 47-frn-2769 11/29/1947 47-frn-2770 Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (New York) Associated Press (Moscow) New York Herald Tribune Nippon Times 29:14 Newsweek 11/29/1947 47-frn-2771 アジア諸国に日本国の需要多し. UPの調査 Trade prospects of the Asian nations discussed There is a good demand for Japanese merchandise of the kinds supplied by Nippon before the Pacific War in most nations of Asia if prices are cheap enough and if pre-war quality can be guaranteed, according to investigations by the United Press in leading cities throughout Asia. There is a good demand for Japanese merchandise of the kinds supplied by Nippon before the Pacific War in most nations of Asia if prices are cheap enough and if pre-war quality can be guaranteed, according to investigations by the United Press in leading cities throughout Asia. Chinese MP's To Come To Japan Shortly. Believe MacArthur could win primary. Observers Say Best Time Would Be In Spring 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Foreign policy. Where We Stand. 29:15 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Russian on Peace Treaty 11/30/194[7] 30:1 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2772 11/[30]/1947 30:1a United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi New York Herald Tribune editorial said "Sov[iet] Union[']s proposal Council Foreign Ministers meet in China January to discuss peace settlement for Japan in effect merely another declaration by Russians peace treaty must [written] under conditions giving tehm veto. N[ew] Y[ork] Herald Tri[b]une on Rus[sians] to meet in China in January to discuss peace settlement for Japan 47-frn-2773 11/30/194[7] 30:2a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (28, Peiping) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2774 11/30/1947 30:3 Shin Hochi Shin Hochi Commentary 新報知 Soviet paper assails US members of Congress Trade prospects of the Asian nations discussed H Trade prospects of the Asian nations discussed H Chinese MP's to come to Japan shortly to handle disputes among Japanese nationals residing in Japan H Scripps-Howard believes that MacArthur can win the Wisconsin primary in the spring Izvestia accuses two US senators of anti-Sovietism チヤプマン記 悩めるフランス Y 9 3 [Matsuda] , [Miles W. Vaughn, UP Vice President for Asia] 1 Kawamoto Abe Y H, P 5 1 H, S H, P Ac[c]ording to government press report from Changchun and Mukden, Asiatic Cominform in Harbin between twen[tie]th and twenty seventh of November with participation more than three thousand Communist del[e]gates [f]rom Korea, Outer Mongolia, Philippines, India, Burma, and Indochina. [Miles Vaughn, UP Vice President for Asia] [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press Vice President for Asia] 1 [Ralph Chapman, special correspon dent in Tokyo] 2 Sec. of State Marshall finally made his answer to Soviet charges of American imperialism and wrongdoings Russia still is determined to delay as long as possible the conclusion of the Japanese peace treaty H, P Soviet Union wants the Japan peace treaty to be written under conditions that will give them the veto P 2 Soviet Union wants the Japan peace treaty to be written under conditions that will give them the veto Japanese delegates to the Cominform will be chosen from war prisoners in the USSR H 1 [D] 2 "France in Agony": Activities The Soviet-american conflict in the Past Week. is now being carried out on the scene of France H, P H, P 4 [Miles [W.] Vaughn, United Press Vice President for Asia] 1 Kawamoto Nomura Y 4 Oversized News Agency 11/29/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-2760 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-2776 11/30/1947 30:5 Reuters (Moscow) 47-frn-2777 12/4/1947 47-frn-2778 47-frn-2779 12/4/194[7] [12]/[9]/194[7] 47-frn-2780 共同通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Headline (Japanese) ソ連の佛伊工作を非難 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 [Kingsbur y Smith, General European Manager, Internation al News Service] Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes Russia out to gain control of France and Italy through Communists Russia is out to gain control of France and Italy through Communists before the Marshall Plan can restore the economic stability in Western Europe H 3 The Soviet literary Gazette alleged today that Robert Schuman, (popular Republican) prime minister of France, had a secret agreement with General Charled De Gaulle, leader of the rally of the French people. Prewar investors may come shortly. But Many Will Find Companies They Invested Sold or Dissolved; Restrictions on the number of foreign business men coming to Japan may soon be eased to allow entry not only of traders but a group of United Nations investors who will be permitted to submit reorganization plans for Japanese companies in which they held large prewar interests, it was learned Wednesday. Robert Schuman and Charles de Gaulle are plotting to subjugate France to the US H, S Foreign traders will soon be allowed entry into Japan H, S; [Peter Mercola H, S Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] It was learned National City B[a]nk New York heads group of commercial banks which attempting to work out plan with Uni[ted] States Army to provide perhaps two hundred thousand bales cotton valued at about three six million dollars for Japan. National city Bank of New York is planning to work out a plan with the US army to provide 200,000 bales of cotton for Japan H, P 1 1 4 United Press 時事通信; 共同通信; (Tokyo); 日本経済新聞; Radio Press Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; The Nihon Tsushin; Nippon Keizai; Nippon Times Keizai Shimbun; Nippon Times Foreign 4:8d 9:1 United Press 共同通信 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 12/9/194[7] 9:1a United Press 共同通信 (8, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service National City Bank New York heads a group of commercial banks which attempting work out plan with Uni[ted] States Army to provide perhaps two hundred thousand bales cotton valued at about three six million dollars for Japan. National city Bank of New York is planning to work out a plan with the US army to provide 200,000 bales of cotton for Japan H, P 2 47-frn-2781 12/9/1947 9:1b United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Cotton loan H, P 1 47-frn-2782 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:2 United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Washington learned new currency been printed for American occupied area Korea as "precautionary" measures against inflation and possible failure of Soviet United States peace negotiations. H, S 1 47-frn-2783 12/[9]/1947 9:2a United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai It has been learned that a new currency has been printed for the American occupied area of Korea as "precautionary" measures against inflation and possible failure of the Soviet-United States peace negotiations. H, S 1 47-frn-2784 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:3 Associated 時事通信 Press (2, Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press (2, Washington) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin H, P 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin The Army asked Congress today for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses. The Army asked Congress today for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses. The Army asked Congress today for $490,000,000 to meet occupation expenses. National city Bank of New York is planning to work out a plan with the US army to provide 200,000 bales of cotton for Japan New currency has been printed for the US occupied area of Korea as precautionary measures against inflation and possible failure of Soviet-US peace negotiations New currency has been printed for the US occupied area of Korea as precautionary measures against inflation and possible failure of Soviet-US peace negotiations Army asked Congress for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses Army asked Congress for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses Army asked Congress for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses H 2 H, P 1 Associated 東京新聞 Press (2, Washington) United Press 時事通信 (New York) United Press 時事通信 (New York) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun H, P Jiji Tsushin The Army asked Congress today for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses. Add opened six to thrity higher. Army asked Congress for 490 million dollars to meet occupation expenses Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Cotton spasmodical [r]eactive e[r]ratic. 12/4/1947 4:8; 4:8a; 4:8b; 4:8c; 23:22; 27:29 UP Tokyo 47-frn-2785 12/9/194[7] 9:3a 47-frn-2786 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:3b 47-frn-2787 12/9/194[7] 9:3c 47-frn-2788 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:4 47-frn-2789 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:5 47-frn-2790 [12]/[8]/194[7] 9:7 [Radio Press (Singapore)] U.S.: prints new currency for Germany, Korea 47-frn-2790a [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:7a U.S.: printing new occupation currency 47-frn-2791 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:8 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Representative Frank B Keefe Republican Wisconsin said emergency for[eig]n aid bill was merely forerunner of "many more Marshall Plans." Sameshima 4 1 P [Plunkett] 1 Group of commercial banks plan to provide 36 million dollar credit to Japan for a shipment of around 200,000 bales of raw cotton H, P [Plunkett] 1 The US has printed new currency for Korea and Germany, to be issued if the US and USSR can't agree on a peace settlement H, S 1 H, S 1 Wisconsin Republican Rep. said that emergency foreign aid bill was merely "forerunner of many more Marshall Plans." P [Vaughn] 1 Oversized News Agency International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Photograph(s) Source 30:4 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 11/30/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2775 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Representative Frank B Keefe Republican Wisconsin said emergency for[eig]n aid bill was meatly forerunner of "many more Marshall Plans. 47-frn-2793 12/9/1947 9:8b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi More Marshall Plans. 47-frn-2794 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:9 Associated Press (7, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2795 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:9a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-2796 12/9/194[7] 9:9b Associated Press (7, New York) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin [A] spokesman for [a] group of banks headed by National City Bank New York said today [a] credit plan which would provide cotton for Japan is under negotiation with the US Army. A spokesman for a group of banks headed by the National City Bank of New York said today a credit plan which would provide cotton for Japan is under negotiation with the United States Army. Aye spokesman for [a] group of banks headed by National City Bank New York said today [a] credit plan which would provide cotton for Japan is under negotiation with the U.S. Army. 47-frn-2797 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:10 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) 47-frn-2798 12/9/1947 9:11 47-frn-2799 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:12 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (3, New York) 47-frn-2800 12/9/194[7] 9:13 United Press 共同通信 (10, Tokyo) 47-frn-2801 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:14 時事通信 47-frn-2802 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:15 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) 47-frn-2803 [12]/[8]/194[7] 9:15a Jiji W 47-frn-2804 12/10/1947 9:16 Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press (New Service News Service York) United Press 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (Tokyo) 47-frn-2805 12/9/1947 9:16a United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 47-frn-2806 12/9/1947 9:17 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-2807 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:17a International 日本通信 News Service (Washington) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin Currency said printed for use in Germany and Korea 47-frn-2808 12/9/1947 9:17b International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Currency held printed for Germany and Korea. U.S. Officials Concerned Reports May Cause Speculation News item 時事通信 Subject Brief Summary Wisconsin Republican Rep. said that emergency foreign aid bill was merely "forerunner of many more Marshall Plans." Wisconsin Republican Rep. said that emergency foreign aid bill was merely "forerunner of many more Marshall Plans." If the credit to Japan for a shipment of cotton is concluded, Japanese gold and jewels will be used as security If the credit to Japan for a shipment of cotton is concluded, Japanese gold and jewels will be used as security H, P If the credit to Japan for a shipment of cotton is concluded, Japanese gold and jewels will be used as security Big 4: failure of conference means separate German gov'ts 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Jiji 米国務省筋の見解について 米媾和会議で天皇制擁護か 米占領地域独、朝鮮に新紙幣発行 Pravda says the US, Britain, and France are pursuing a policy in Germany that will lead to war "American State American State Department's Department's view on Japan's view on Japan's economic economic power power decentralization decentralization." On eve of sixth anniversary of Japan[']s American press warns that attack on Pearl Harbour December 7[,] Japan intends to go back to a 1941 some American press military regime after the correspondents warn Americans that occupation leaves Japanese industrialists plan new reactionary regime after constitution of peace treaty. New York Times editorially commented New York Times editorially on Hirohito visit to Hiroshima saying commented on Hirohito's "like any public man in either country visit to Hiroshima he must relived episodes of December seventh 1941... Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 [Vaughn] Notes 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, D 1 H, P Kawamoto Yamaguchi Y 4 S 2 H, P 3 House debate on emergency for[eig]n aid bill punctuated by prediction bills passage would presage "many more Marshall plans" for China [Korea] Japan. Saudi Arabia's ambassador to London and delegate to the United Nations General Assembly, Shaikh Hafiz Wahba, said today Russia voted for partitioning of Palestine because they would like to use Palestine to get into the Mediterranean and as a military base." Russian intentions attacked by Saudi Arab ambassador Prediction that the foreign aid bill will presage "many more Marshall Plans" P [Hensley] 1 Saudi Arabia's ambassador to London said that Russia voted for partitioning of Palestine to get into the Mediterranean and as a military base H, P 1 Russian intentions attacked by Saudi Arab ambassador H, P 1 The United States may be counted upon vigorously to defend the position of Emperor Hirohito as head of the Japanese state under the new Constitution in event the so-called "Emperor system" comes under attack during the forthcoming peace conference between Japan and the Allies. The United States may be counted upon vigorously to defend the position of Emperor Hirohito as head of the Japanese state under the new Constitution in event the so-called "Emperor system" comes under attack during the forthcoming peace conference between Japan and the Allies. Currency said printed for use in Germany and Korea US may be counted upon to defend the position of Emperor Hirohito as head of the Japanese state under the new constitution H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, U.P Vice President and General Manager for Asia] US may be counted upon to defend the position of Emperor Hirohito as head of the Japanese state under the new constitution H, P [Miles W. Vaughn] The US has printed new currency for Korea and Germany, for use of US and USSR cannot agree on a peace settlement The US has printed new currency for Korea and Germany, for use of US and USSR cannot agree on a peace settlement The US has printed new currency for Korea and Germany, for use of US and USSR cannot agree on a peace settlement H, S Y 11 2 Y 12 S 2 H, S 1 Oversized News Agency United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 9:8a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/9/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2792 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by 47-frn-2810 12/9/1947 9:18 Newsweek 47-frn-2811 12/9/194[7] 9:19 United Press 共同通信 (Manila) 47-frn-2812 [12]/[8]/194[7] 9:21 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-2813 [12]/[8]/194[7] 9:22 Radio Press (New York) 47-frn-2814 12/9/1947 9:23a United Press Nippon Times 47-frn-2815 12/9/194[7] 9:24 Associated Press (Nanking) 47-frn-2816 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:25 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) 47-frn-2817 [12]/[8]/194[7] 9:25a United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service 47-frn-2818 12/9/194[7] 9:26 Associated Press (35, Budapest) 47-frn-2819 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:26a Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Budapest) 47-frn-2820 [12]/[9]/194[7] 47-frn-2820a [12]/9/1947 47-frn-2821 毎日新聞 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Hokkaido Shimbun; Nishi Nihon Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun; 米、ドイツ朝鮮の新通貨を準備 Nishinippon Currency said printed for use in Germany and Korea Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Blind alley in China: American Policy There is Blocked Manila Bulletin commenting editorially on story by Robert Martin, New York Post, that Japanese Foreign Office had drawn up secret document dealing with Peace Treaty said "Amazingly precocious Japanese version of peace terms as they would like to have them imposed when treaty is signed by victorious Allied Powers reads like upside down Tanaka Memorial. Big four confab: NY Times Big four confab: St. Louis Globe Democrat 共同通信 共同通信 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Stars & Stripes Hits Communists Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Learned reliably preliminary planning underway both Nanking Washington for manifld expansion Uni[ted] States military advisory groups even [confess] or Truman directs large [s]cale military assistance Chang Kai shek[']s armies. Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Army sec[r]etary Ken[n]eth C. Royall told congress crop shrinkage in Japan costing seven hundred thousand tons grain was among reasons Warde pt requesting additional 490 million dollars for occupied countries. Army secretary on additional army appropriations Kyodo Tsushin Jiji World Kyodo News Service Yugoslavias' marshal Tito forged the third link today in [a] projected four power Danubian defense chain by signing [a] mutual aid treaty with Hungary. Yugoslav's Marshal Tito forged the third link yesterday in a projected four power Danubian defense chain by signing a mutual aid treaty with Hungary. Associated Press (Tokyo) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 9:28 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 12/9/1947 9:28b Associated Press (Tokyo) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-2822 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:31 International 日本通信 News Service (London) Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin Big four adopts Russian compromise on Germany 47-frn-2823 [12]/[9]/194[7] 9:31a International 北海道新聞 News Service (London) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Big four adopts Russian compromise on Germany 47-frn-2824 12/9/1947 9:32 Sekai Nippo (5) Sekai Nippo No.5 News item 世界日報 Prostrated by war and fenced off from the rest of the world since surrender by what Gen. MacArthur has called an "economic bloc[k]ade," Japan is limping along the trade and economic paths she once walked with giant strides. Industrial future of Japan studied. Vast Imponderables Make it Difficult to Estimate What Lies Ahead 樂觀は許されぬ. 連合國の今後の出方に依存 共産主義とセパラチズム Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 The US has printed new H, S currency for Korea and Germany, for use of US and USSR cannot agree on a peace settlement American purpose on China H, P [Matsuda] and the obstacles the Japanese don't believe H, D that they lost the war, and are only mimicking Democracy Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 7 9 4 Press opinions on the peace treaty with Germany and Austria St. Louis Globe Democrat says that USSR is against German recovery Pacific Stars and Stripes, an army newspaper attacks Communist New York Daily Worker Plans under way for expansion of US military advisory groups to assist Chang Kai-shek's armies H, P 2 H, P 1 P 1 H, P 2 Crop shrinkage in Japan among reasons why additional 490 million dollars for occupied countries requested H, P 2 Sec. of Army Kenneth Royall told Congress that crop shortage accounts for request of 490 million dollars for occupied areas Yugoslavia's marshall Tito forged a third link in a projected four power Danubian defense chain by signing an aid treaty with Hungary Yugoslavia's marshall Tito forged a third link in a projected four power Danubian defense chain by signing an aid treaty with Hungary Industrial future of Japan is studied H 2 H, P 3 H, P 2 Industrial future of Japan is studied H, P Deleted: Gen. MacArthur's comment about Japan's "economic blockade" [D] The Big Four Ministers adopted a Russian compromise on the German economic unity and reparations H, P The Big Four Ministers adopted a Russian compromise on the German economic unity and reparations Communism and Separatism. Communism and Separatism [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] 1 [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] [Tom Lambert, Associated Press correspon dent] [Kingsbur y Smith, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 1 Y 4 2 H, P P Oversized News Agency International 北海道新聞; News Service 西日本新聞 (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 9:17c Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [12]/[9]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2809 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 Mercola Gomes T. Kida Y 2 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2826 12/9/1947 9:33a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Madrid) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-2827 12/[9]/1947 9:34 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 47-frn-2828 12/9/1947 9:35 Caption Acme サン写真新聞 Newspictures (Eniwetock) The Sun Pictorial Daily Sun News Photos (Eniwetock, Sun ACMA) 47-frn-2829 12/9/194[7] 9:36 News Item New York Herald Tribune 47-frn-2831 12/9/1947 47-frn-2832 47-frn-2833 [12]/[10]/194[7] 12/12/194[7] 11:49 12:1, 12:1a 47-frn-2834 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:2 47-frn-2835 12/12/194[7] 12:2a, 12:4a 47-frn-2836 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:3 47-frn-2837 12/12/194[7] 12:3a 47-frn-2837a [12]/[12]/194[7] 47-frn-2838 [12]/[12]/194[7] 47-frn-2839 共同通信 共同特信 A, 共同通信 共同特信 B Headline (Japanese) スペイン兵隊を国境に派遣 共同通信 Associated 共同通信 Press (38, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo News Service ベルグラード機関の波紋 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji United Press 共同通信 (16, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press 日本経済新聞 (New York) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 12:4 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 12/12/194[7] 12:5 United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (6, Warsaw) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2840 [12]/[11]/194[7] 12:6 Radio Press (Sydney) 47-frn-2841 12/12/194[7] 12:7; 12:7a; 12:7b 47-frn-2848 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:10 共同通信 Associated 時事通信; 共同通信; Press 東京新聞 (Buffalo, NY); Associated Press (10, Buffalo, NY) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Brief Summary H, P Franco reportedly orders Spanish troops to frontier Franco reportedly ordered additional Spanish troops to protect the frontier between Spain and France H 米エニウェトク島で新原子爆彈実験発表 アメリカの世論を語る Subject Franco reportedly ordered additional Spanish troops to protect the frontier between Spain and France The United States Treasury is reported to have printed new currencies for the Occupation of Germany to be issued if the Foreign Ministers fail to agree on a peace settlement. Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin A, Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tokushin B Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Headline Fr[a]nco reportedly orders Spanish troops to frontier US Treasury reportedly printed new currencies for occupation Germany to be issued if the Foreign Ministers fail to agree on a peace settlement The Announcement of the The US is testing a new, new atomic bomb experiment more powerful A-bomb at made at the Eniwetock island Eniwetock Island "On Public Opinions in America" On Public Opinions in America Molotov Uses Big 4 Talks To Hoodwink German People. Offsets Strong Russian Demand for Reparations By Coming Out for 'Central Governments' Molotov's aim is to use the Big-Four conference as a sounding board for Soviet propaganda to the German people A fully reliable source said today that [government] agencies and SCAP "probably reached agreement on the proposed Japanese cotton credit last night." Lieut. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer commanding general air defense command said war may resumed "at any time" and Uni[ted] States must strong enough to take field at moment's notice. Lieut. Gen. George E. Stratemeyer commanding general air defense command said war may resumed "at any time" and Uni[ted] States must strong enough to take field at moment's notice. Traders heard reports army arranging purchase 150 thousand tons Philippine sugar for shipment Japan price about 5.70. Trade heard reports army arranging purchase 150 thousand tons Philippine sugar for shipment Japan price about 5.70. It was reported in trade circles that the Army is arranging the purchase of 150,000 tons of Philippine sugar for shipment to Japan at a price of about 5.70 cents a pound. Cotton closed seventeen to thirty-one lower. Government agencies and SCAP probably reached an agreement on the proposed Japanese cotton credit All l[oa]ns made to European countries by any nation should strictly on business basis and completely free of zone political stringsHilary Minc forty-two Ministry of Industry told Uni[ted] Press in exclusive interview. U.S.: Stassen charges profiteering by gov't officials Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; Tokyo Shimbun Jiji; Kyodo; Tokyo Henry A. Wallace declared today that governor Thomas E. Dewey "out Truman[']s Truman" in favoring aid to China and recommending universal military training. Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Successful conclusion of the longdrawn negotiations between Gen. MacArthur, government agencies here and United States commercial banks for the establishment of new dollar credit for financing cotton shipments to Japan appeared imminent today. Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 [Edward Knoblaug h, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Edward Knoblaug h, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 1 Y H, P 4 1 H, D P Notes Gomes Yabuki Alley Gomes Raymond T. Hori Nomura Y 3 Y 33 H, P C, D H, P [Gomes] Y 33 3 H, P 1 Lt. George Stratemeyer said that war may resume at "anytime" H, P 2 The army is arranging to purchase 150,000 tons of Philippine sugar for shipment to Japan The army is arranging to purchase 150,000 tons of Philippine sugar for shipment to Japan H, P 1 H 2 H 1 American raw cotton traders plan to ship around 200,000 bales to Japan, and 40,000 bales to France All loans made to European countries by any nation should have no political strings attached, said Hilary Minc H, P [Plunkett] 1 H, P [Pinkley] 4 Charges of profiteering against inside members of the United States Government caused a sensation H, P 1 H, D; D; H, D 5 H, D 2 Gen. MacArthur wants to use Japan's gold reserve as security for financing the resumption of flow of American cotton to Japanese spinners 1 1 Lt. George Stratemeyer said that war may resume at "anytime" Dewey outs Truman in favoring aid to China Oversized News Agency International 北海道新聞 News Service (Madrid) Photograph(s) Source 9:33 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [12]/[9]/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2825 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 12:10a Associated 東京新聞 Press (23, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Successful conclusion of long drawn negotiations between general MacArthur, government agencies here and United States commercial banks for establishment of new dollar credit for financing cotton shipments to Japan appeared imminent Thursday night. Gen. MacArthur wants to use Japan's gold reserve as security for financing the resumption of flow of American cotton to Japanese spinners H, D 1 47-frn-2850 [12]/[11]/194[7] 12:10c Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Conclusion of cotton credit to Japan appears imminent H, D 3 47-frn-2851 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:10d Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun H, D 1 47-frn-2852 12/12/1947 12:10f Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Successful conclusion of the longdrawn negotiations between Gen. MacArthur, government agencies here and United States commercial banks for the establishment of new dollar credit for financing cotton shipments to Japan appeared imminent today. $ loan agreement for Nippon Cotton appears imminent. SCAP Negotiations for $30-50,000,000 Credit Nearing Successful Conclusion Gen. MacArthur wants to use Japan's gold reserve as security for financing the resumption of flow of American cotton to Japanese spinners Gen. MacArthur wants to use Japan's gold reserve as security for financing the resumption of flow of American cotton to Japanese spinners Gen. MacArthur wants to use Japan's gold reserve as security for financing the resumption of flow of American cotton to Japanese spinners H, D 1 47-frn-2853 12/[12]/194[7] 12:10g Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishinippon 47-frn-2854 12/12/194[7] 10:? Associated 西日本新聞 Press (Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press (23, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2855 [12]/[12]/194[7] 10:? 47-frn-2856 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:11a United Press 時事通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2857 12/12/1947 12:11b United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2858 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:12 United Press 時事通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2859 12/12/1947 12:12a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2860 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:12b United Press Nippon Times (Tokyo) 47-frn-2861 [12]/[12]/194[7] United Press 日本経済新聞 (Tokyo) 対日綿花借款交渉妥結す D Y 1 2 Successful conclustion of long drawn negotiations between General MaCarthur, government agencies here and United states commercial banks for establishment of new dollar credit for financing cotton shipments to Japan appeared imminent Thrusday night. Conclusion of cotton credit to Japan appears imminent D 3 Successful conclusion of the longdrawn negotiations between Gen. MacArthur, government agencies here and United States commercial banks for the establishment of new dollar credit for financing cotton shipments to Japan appeared imminent today. Sponsors for the United Nations Association of Japan announced the unaugural meeting for the organization with 300 backers including many Japanese notables will take place in Tokyo on December 17. U.N. Association of Japan to hold unaugural meet. 300 Notables back Organization; Ex-Envoy Sato Is President The forthcoming peace treaty between Japan on the one hand and th Allied Powers on the other should take into consideration the general situation in Asia and the fact that the leading Asiatic nations in many ways are economically interdependent, in the opinion of some well-qualified American observers. Conclusion of cotton credit to Japan appears imminent H, D 1 UN Association of Japan to hold inaugural meeting H, P 2 UN Association of Japan to hold inaugural meeting H, P 1 Prospects for the peace treaty: Asia's future rests on interdependence H, P [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press Vice President and General Manager for Asia] 5 Mainichi Peace Treaty prospects Prospects for the peace treaty: Asia's future rests on interdependence H [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press Vice President and General Manager for Asia] 2 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Asia's future rests on interdependence. Post-Treaty Japanese Economy Seen Closely Linked With Recovery of Asia Prospects for the peace treaty: Asia's future rests on interdependence H [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press Vice President and General Manager for Asia] 1 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai The forthcoming peace treaty between Japan on the one hand and th Allied Powers on the other should take into consideration the general situation in Asia and the fact that the leading Asiatic nations in many ways are economically interdependent, in the opinion of some well-qualified American observers. Prospects for the peace treaty: Asia's future rests on interdependence H Associated Press (Washington) Oversized News Agency 12/12/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-2849 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 3 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2863 12/12/1947 12:14b Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2864 12/12/194[7] 12:15 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Seoul) Associated 共同通信 Press (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2865 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:15a Associated Press (Manila) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2866 12/12/1947 12:16 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Paris) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-2867 12/12/1947 12:17 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Jiji Tsushin Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2867a 12/[12]/1947 12/12/194[7] 12:19 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) United Press 共同通信 Mainichi Shimbun 47-frn-2868 Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-2869 12/12/1947 12:19a Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Nippon Times 47-frn-2870 12/12/1947 12:19b United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2871 12/12/194[7] 12:20 International 読売新聞 News Service (Seoul) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-2872 [12]/[12]/194[7] 12:20a International 日本通信 News Service (Seoul) Nihon Tsushin N.N.S. Nippon Tsushin 47-frn-2873 12/12/1947 12:20b International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Seoul) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 47-frn-2874 12/12/1947 12:21; 12:21a Associated 共同通信; Press, United 西日本新聞; Press (14, 東京新聞 Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin; Nishi Kyodo News 天皇の廣島御視察 Nihon Shimbun; Service; Tokyo Shimbun Nishinippon; Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2875 12/12/1947 12:9a; 12:9b; 12:9c; 12:9d; 12:22; 12:22a Associated Press (21, San Francisco); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco); Associated Press World Service (San Francisco); International News Service (San Francisco) 12/12/1947 北海道新聞 朝日新聞; 時事通信; 時事通信 World News Service; 共同通信; 日本通信; Nippon Times; 西日本新聞; 静岡新聞; 東京新聞 Asahi Shimbun; Jiji Tsushin; Jiji Tsushin World News Service; Kyodo Tsushin; Nihon Tsushin, Nippon Times; Nishi Nihon Shimbun; Shizuoka Shimbun; Tokyo Shimbun Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 North Korea panic stricken by sudden currency change H, P North Korea panic stricken by sudden currency change H 1 Approximately one-third Philippines current milling season production sugar be sold Uni[ted] States Army Department for feeding programs in occupied areas at prices 50 cemts per 100 pounds higher than New York market learned from group sugar producers... Approximately one-third of [t]he Philippines current milling season production of sugar will be sold to the United States Army Department for feeding programs in occupied areas at the price of 50 cents per 100 pounds higher than New York market. Approximately one-third of the Philippines current season production of sugar will be sold to US Army Dept. for feeding programs in occupied areas H, P 2 Approximately one-third of H, D the Philippines current season production of sugar will be sold to US Army Dept. for feeding programs in occupied areas 1 佛政府、佛引揚使節団長に厳重懲戒措置 Y Notes 10229 reports said value of new North Korean currency will not be announced before February fourth-second anniversary of communist dominated North Korean peoples, "interim committee." North Korea Panic Stricken By Sudden Currency Change [Robert Parker] Lawrence R. Rosinger, prominent commentator, said that "it would seem unwise to conclude a peace with Japan in Russia's absence" Mainichi Foreign policy association bulletin opined "it would seem unwise to conclude peace with Japan in Russia[']s absence" even if Chinese American differences on treaty procedure could comprised to make separate peace possible. Japanese peace Kyodo News Service Nippon Times Foreign PAA Asks to Operate Lines Joining Japanese Islands Pan-American World Airways apply for permit to secure domestic lines which will connect main islands in Japan (article says 12:17a but probably means 12:19a) Pan-American World Airways apply for permit to secure domestic lines which will connect main islands in Japan H, S H [Matsuda] Travelers from North Korea report wild buying spree Currency confiscation order in the Soviet-occupied Korea resulted in buying spree that sent prices soaring H, P Travelers from North Korea report wild buying spree Currency confiscation order in the Soviet-occupied Korea resulted in buying spree that sent prices soaring H Travelers from North Korea report wild buying spree Currency confiscation order in the Soviet-occupied Korea resulted in buying spree that sent prices soaring H Emperor Hirohito's first postwar visit to Hiroshima, the famed atom-bombed city, leaves no doubt that he still is first in the hearts of his country-men. Emperor Hirohito's first post war visit to Hiroshima H, S [Marion Hughes, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Marion Hughes, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] [Marion Hughes, Internation al News Service Staff Correspon dent] [Tom Rambert] Captain William S. Reagh, American president lines marine superintendent at Wilmington, California, will sail Friday for Japan to make [a] special survey on rehabilitation of Japanese shipping for the occupation government.; President Lines Expert Coming to Aid Shipping; President Lines Superin[t]endent sailing for Japan to aid shipping; US Marine superintendent sailing for Japan to aid in rehabilitation of Japanese shipping H, S; H, S; H, S; H, S; H, S; H, S; H, S: H, S; H, S; H, S Y Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (Manila, Seoul) Photograph(s) Source 12:14a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[11]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2862 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 8 6 H, P 2 H 1 1 Pan-American Airways announced that the company requested the permission from Civil Aeronautics Board to operate domestic air services connecting mainlands of Japan. 北鮮通貨切換で恐慌 通貨没収に北朝鮮大混乱 Asahi Shimbun; Jiji 海運調査委員訪日; ウイリアム・リー大佐訪日の途へ Tsushin; Jiji World; Kyodo Tsushin; Nippon Times Foreign; Nippon Tsushin; Nishi Nihon Shimbun; Shizuoka Shimbun; Tokyo Shimbun 1 1 Y 2 2 Mercola Sameshima Y 9 Y 19 Y 17 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji, Kyodo News Service 比島砂糖の日本向け積出決定 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 貿易再開と日ソ貿易の特集 アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (119) Akahata Uikuri 貿易から見た日ソ關係. バーター貿易の有望性 Jiji Tsushin (119) 台湾糖二万五千トンの輸入近く成立か 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo マンガ解説. ジョー御老人が残しといつて呉れたものはカン切り一 つ Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Europe relief bill approved by house. $590,000,000 Bill Rammed Through in Surprise Move - China Aid Also Passed; Europe relief bill is passed by house after hot de[ba]tes. $590,000,000 Bill Rammed Through in Surprise Move - China Aid Also Passed Europe relief bill is passed by the House after hot debates; China aid also passed H, P 2 12:18 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Chicago) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins of the University of Chicago asserted yesterday that America has been attempting to "buy allies for the next war" and that only a world government can prevent future atomic war. Chancellor Robert M. Hutchens indorces World Constitution (mention of some people as being "subhuman") H, S 2 12/12/194[7] 12:18a Associated Press (28, Chicago) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Chancellor Robert M. Hutchens indorces World Constitution (mention of some people as being "subhuman") H, S 3 47-frn-2884 [12]/[11]/194[7] 13:1 United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Jiji World Chancellor Robert M. Hutchins of the University of Chicago asserted Thursday that America has been attempting to "buy allies for the next war" and that only [a] world government can prevent future atomic war. O'Daniel suggested as MacArthur's running mate Texas Democrat suggested as MacArthur's running mate H, P 1 47-frn-2885 [12]/[12]/194[7] 13:2, 13:2a United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The Journal of Commerce reported that some doubts have been raised whether the Army would complete its reported deal to purchase 150,000 tons of the Philippine sugar for shipment to its occupied areas in Japan at a better price than going for the Cuban sugar. Some doubts have been raised as to whether the army will complete the deal to purchase 150,000 tons of Philippines sugar for the occupied areas H, P 2 47-frn-2886 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:4 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Wall Street Journal commenting proposed cotton purchase credit for Japan said "probably scheme will undergo considerable alteration before it reaches action stage. H, P 1 47-frn-2887 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:4a United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-2888 12/13/194[7] 13:4b United Press 共同通信 (1, New York, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Wall Street Journal commented that cotton purchase plan for Japan will undergo considerable alteration before it reaches the action atage Wall Street Journal commented that cotton purchase plan for Japan will undergo considerable alteration before it reaches the action atage Wall Street Journal commented that cotton purchase plan for Japan will undergo considerable alteration before it reaches the action atage 47-frn-2889 12/13/1947 13:5f Asahi 47-frn-2890 [12]/[12]/194[7] 13:6b Associated 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Press (Washington) Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press Service News Service (Washington) Jiji World Russia threatens deadlock in Japanese reparations 47-frn-2891 12/13/194[7] 13:6c Associated 共同通信 Press (8, 10, Washington) Kyodo News Service Russia was reported today to be threatening [a] deadlock on reparations from Japan while demanding 10 Billion dollars from Germany. 47-frn-2892 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:6d Associated Press (8, Washington) 47-frn-2893 12/13/194[7] 13:7 Associated Press (5, 52, Moscow) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2893a [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:7a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 12:23 47-frn-2879 12/12/1947 12:24, News item 12:24a 東京民報 47-frn-2879a [12]/[12]/194[7] 47-frn-2880 12/12/194[7] 12:24, 12:24a 12:25 News Item 47-frn-2881 12/12/1947 12:26 47-frn-2882 12/12/1947 47-frn-2883 12/13/1947 47-frn-2883a Commentary Kyodo Tsushin Report exbaguio said president Roxas and sugar industry representatives favorably acted on SCAP office to buy all exportable Philippine sugar during 47 48 million season. Wall Street Journal commenting proposed cotton purchase credit for Japan said "probably scheme will undergo considerable alteration before it reaches action stage. H, P Reopening of private foreign Reopening of private foreign H, D, Utaro trade and future of trade with trade and future of trade with S Hori the Soviet Union the soviet Union S Mercola "25.000 Tons of Formosan Sugar May Be Imported" H, D Kawamoto Abe H, P R. Yokoyama Sugar import to Japan: $170 per ton will be paid for Cuban sugar Good Old Joe Leaves Them A cartoon which depicts the a Can-Opener contrast between Soviet and US treatment of Germany Wall Street Journal comments on cotton credit for Japan Kyodo News Service President Roxas and sugar industry reps favorably acted on SCAP offer to buy all exportable Philippines sugar H, P [Matsuda] H, P Kawamoto M. Hori [Naito] Y 3 Y 28 Y 4 Y 3 Y 5 1 2 七ヶ國が米案に賛成. 対日賠償比率中間指令か 1 Russia was reported today to be threatening a deadlock on reparations from Japan while demanding 10 billion dollars from Germany. The government newspaper Izvestia asserted today that negotiations behind carried on outside the foreign minister[']s council sessions in London were contributing materially to the impasse confronting the conference. The government newspaper Izvestia asserted today that negotiations being carried on outside the foreign minister[']s council sessions in London were contributing materially to the impasse confronting the conference. US proposal to trim down the Russian share of war indemnity from Japan is unacceptable to Moscow US proposal to trim down the Russian share of war indemnity from Japan is unacceptable to Moscow H, P US proposal to trim down the Russian share of war indemnity from Japan is unacceptable to Moscow Izvestia implied that US is carrying on negotiations outside the Foreign Ministers' Council sessions in London H, P 1 H, S 2 Izvestia implied that US is carrying on negotiations outside the Foreign Ministers' Council sessions in London H, S 1 H, P 2 [Edward E. Bomar] 3 Oversized News Agency United Press 時事通信, 共同通信 (Manila) [12]/[12]/194[7] Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-2878 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 47-frn-2895 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:9 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) 47-frn-2896 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:10 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (26, Paris) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2897 12/[13]/194[7] 13:10a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (21, Paris) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2898 12/13/1947 13:10b Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Paris) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Japanese economy 47-frn-2899 12/13/194[7] 13:10c Agence 共同通信 France-presse (28, Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2900 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:11 United Press [毎日新聞] (Detroit) [Mainichi Shimbun] Japan's economic [prospects] were main point of lecture delivered yesterday evening before association for foreign affairs studies by Robert Guillain fomrer Havas correspondent in Tokyo and now member of editorial staff eveninger La Monde. Japan to be economic leader in Far East says Hailey 47-frn-2901 12/13/194[7] 13:11a United Press 共同通信 (Detroit) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2902 12/13/194[7] 13:12 Associated 共同通信 Press (25, 41, Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2903 12/13/194[7] 13:13 Commentary. Zhong yang 共同通信 Central News tong xun she Agency, (Shanghai) Shanghai Kyodo Tsushin (50) Kyodo Tsushin (50) 講和促進運動につき中国紙日本に警告 47-frn-2904 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:14 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2905 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:15 United Press (Buck Falls, PA) 47-frn-2906 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:16 International 日本通信 News Service (Portland, OR) 47-frn-2907 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:18 New York Herald Tribune (New York) 47-frn-2908 12/13/194[7] 13:19 Associated Press (5, Little Dewchurch, England) 47-frn-2909 12/13/1947 13:20 47-frn-2910 12/13/1947 13:21 Nihon Tsushin Kyodo Subject Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, D 1 British Commonwealth Rep. Shaw will leave for Australia, and will return in January H, D 1 Japan's economic [prospects] were main point of lecture delivered yesterday evening before association for foreign affairs studies by Robert Guillain former Havas correspondent in Tokyo and new member of editorial staff evening Le Monde. Japan's economic prospects were studied in a lecture delivered last night before the "association for studies in foreign affairs", by Robert [G]uillain, a former havas corr[e]spondent in Tokyo. Robert Guillain, a former Havas correspondent, in a lecture gave a striking picture of Japan's passage from war psychosis to peaceful ways of thought H, P 1 "Chinese Press Gives Warning To Japan Concerning Movement For Expediting Peace Talks." China[']s chances received both interim long[-]range economic aid from Uni[ted] States brighte[n]ed considerably during day which... Christian University for Japan approved by Methodist Board of Missions which Friday appropriated ten one seven seven five five eight dollars for missionary service work in Uni[ted] States and abroad during next two years. Expansion of Monroe Doctrine urged Robert Guillain, a former H, P Havas correspondent, in a lecture gave a striking picture of Japan's passage from war psychosis to peaceful ways of thought Robert Guillain, a former H, P Havas correspondent, in a lecture gave a striking picture of Japan's passage from war psychosis to peaceful ways of thought Robert Guillain compared H, P Japan to a beehive whose workers are collecting everything they deem is best everywhere to distill their own dough in their secluded tunnels Foster Hailey of NY Times H, D [Matsuda] stated that US occupation forces are building up Japan as the economic leader of Far East and neglecting China 1 Foster Hailey of NY Times stated that US occupation forces are building up Japan as the economic leader of Far East H 2 The French at Saigon have built a special Japanese Corps to persuade japanese in the Vietnamese army to desert and leave Indochina Organ paper of the Chinese Nationalists stated that the Japanese government has no right of negotiations concerning the peace treaty China will probably receive full 60 million dollars in interim aid from US H, P Foreign Missions Division Secretary said that US people will be asked to raise money to help build a university in Japan H, P 1 Expansion of Monroe Doctrine urged; US should build a defense military machine second to none H, P 2 炭鉄国管法の成果はなお相当の疑問 共同通信 Examiner1 Examiner2 Gen. Feng Yu Hsiang warns against further US aid to China New York Times editorial writer Foster Hailey told automobile and executive leaders gathered for Time[']s annual luncheon for that group that Japan being rebuilt by Uni[ted] States occupation [forces] as economic leader in Far East. [A] repatriated Japanese sergeant said today the French at Saigon have built [a] special Japanese corps to persuade Japanese in the Vietnamese army to desert and leave Indochina. Nippon Tsushin Brief Summary American opponents of further United Stat[e]s aid to China today received support from General Feng Yu Hsiang, who termed such proposed assistance as "useless and dangerous". Japan allied council: Shaw may return in January H 2 1 [Duane Hennessy] H, P H, P 1 3 Kawamoto Abe Y [Hensley] [Ralph Chapman, Tokyo Chief correspon dant] 16 3 Y 8 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Anthony Hall, who had shouted for 22 years that the Windsors were imposters and that he was the rightful King of England, died today almost without notice from his "loving subjects". Anthony Hall, who has asserted for 22 years that the Windsors were imposters and that he was the rightful king of England, died H, P 2 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Marshall Hails Friendship Between U.S. And England. Unique Relationship Between Two Peoples Harms No One And Menaces No One, He Declares Marshall hails freindship between US and England H, P 2 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Manila) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Japanese lawyers in P.I. to take AntiRoxa[']s action. Will Question His Power to Create War Crime Office Japanese lawyers will take action in questioning President Roxa's power to create the War Crime office H, S 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 13:8 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[13]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2894 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2912 [12]/[12]/194[7] 13:10, 13:23 Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Paris) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 47-frn-2913 12/13/1947 13:24 Asahi Shimbun (503) Asahi Shimbun, 503 煙草ドル=千マルク 47-frn-2914 [12]/[13]/194[7] 13:25 Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2915 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:1 [Radio Press (Melbourne] Reparations: Peace confab needed to settle issues 47-frn-2916 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:2 Radio Press (Singapore) China: U.S. aid should be halted 47-frn-2917 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:3 [Radio Press (Sydney)] Saudi Arabia: To protect U.S. oil interests 47-frn-2918 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:4 [Radio Press (Sydney)] U.S.: Mrs. Roosevelt says U.S. democracy changing 47-frn-2919 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:5 Bulgaria: Albanian delegation visits Sofia 47-frn-2920 12/15/194[7] 15:6 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (2, Washington) 47-frn-2921 [12]/[12]/194[7] 15:7 47-frn-2922 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:7a 47-frn-2923 [12]/[12]/194[7] 47-frn-2924 朝日新聞 Commentary 外資導入で經濟再建. 日本は蜜蜂の巣. 何でも取入れて甘い蜜を作る. ギラン氏日本の将来を説く Subject Brief Summary U.S. aid to France wiped out by reds. Nullifying Benefits Coming From America Seen Behind Communist Strategy US aid to Framce wiped out by Reds H Japanese economy said ready to revive if supported by foreign capital (Former French press correspondent gives lecture in Paris) Robert Guillain compared Japan to a beehive whose workers are collecting everything they deem is best everywhere to distill their own dough in their secluded tunnels The exchange rate of German currency Russia reportedly tightening a deadlock on reparations from Japan while demanding 10 billion dollars from Germany P Gossips from Germany & India Russia was reported today to be threatening a deadlock on reparations from Japan while demanding $10,000,000,000 from Germany. H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Kawamoto H. Okada Y 3 Y 3 P 1 Far Eastern Commission still H, P unable to report any progress on the question of reparations from Japan Gen. Tseng Ling-chien stated H, D that Pres. Chiang Kai-shek does not intend to restore peace and order in China 1 King of Saudi Arabia said that he would protect American oil interests despite "America's mistaken policy towards the Palestine problem" Mrs. Roosevelt says that US Democracy is undergoing change Balgaria: Albanian delegation visits Sofia H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 The joint Congressional Committee altered the plan of interim aid to Europe and China, such as was passed by the House of Representatives on three m[a]in points... The joint Congressional committee altered the plan of interim aid to Europe and China H, P 1 Associated Press (Panama) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Panama) Students demonstrate in Panama against lease of installations to US Students demonstrate in Panama against lease of installations to US Students demonstrate in Panama against lease of Canal defense bases to US H, P 1 H, P 1 15:8 United Press (Paris) [The Frenc]h National Assembly votes [for gov]erment's firm stand H, D 1 12/15/194[7] 15:9 United Press 共同通信 (Shanghai) French Communists castigated the Government's Russian policy as carrying out the desires of US "warmongers" Hong Kong is now deriving benefits of devious SinoJapanese trade P 2 47-frn-2925 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:10 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) H, P 1 47-frn-2926 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:11 United Press 時事通信 (Nanking) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Emergency aid to Europe and China faced the prospect of another slash before it passes Congress; China likely to be dropped from the Bill altogether Sino decision to use Japanese power generating equipment to develop hydroelectric projects throughout the country 47-frn-2926a 12/15/194[7] 15:11a United Press 共同通信 (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Sino decision to use Japanese power generating equipment to develop hydroelectric projects throughout the country H, P 47-frn-2927 12/15/1947 15:13 United Press 日米通信 (St. Paul) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 共産主義者の独裁になつたら? In "Is This Tomorrow?" a priest draws a grim picture of US under Communist rule H, P 47-frn-2928 12/15/1947 15:14 日米通信 毎員以上. 手はもういつぱい 15:15 Two cartoons depicting American predicament Northwest Airlines said that the Army Dept. removed all restrictions on civil airline passage through Japan for all nationalities H, P [12]/[15]/194[7] The America-Japan Press Kyodo Tsushin Nichibei Wiikuri 47-frn-2929 Cartoon Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Several thousand University students held an orderly two and one half hour rally in Senta Ana plaza Saturday night. Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Kyodo 発電設備と賠償物資に Hong Kong is now deriving benefits of devious Sino[-]Japanese trade [Tang Chusheng] Sino[-]commercial delegate to Japan said interview Shai Takungpao. Emergency aid to Europe and China faced the prospect of another slash of $50,000,000 to $100,000,000 or more before it passes Congress, with the likelihood that China will be dropped from the Bill altogether. [In] order [to] insure cheap supply electrical power Sino-Industrial to mining enterprises National Resources Commissions drafted plan utilize Japanese power generating equipment for larger cities to develop minor hydroelectric projects throughout country according commission. [In] order [to] insure cheap supply electrical power Sino-Industrial to mining enterprises National Resources Commissions drafted plan utilize Japanese power generating equipment for larger cities to develop minor hydroelectric projects throughout cou Priest Draws Grim Picture of U.S. Under Red Rule "Crowded" "And with his hands full already" Northwest Airlines said today it had been [notified] by the army department of the removal [of] all restrictions on civil airline passage through Japan for travelers of all nationalities. 1 H, P H, P Y 3 3 J. Gomes Yamaguchi Y 2 Y 2 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Photograph(s) Source 13:22 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/13/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2911 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2931 12/15/194[7] 15:15b Associated Press (15, San Francisco) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2932 12/15/1947 15:15c Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2933 12/17/1947 15:17 The America-Japan Press (5) Nichibei Tsushin (#5) 47-frn-2934 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:18 Reuters (Nanking) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2935 [12]/[14]/194[7] 15:19 Associated Press (Manila) 時事通信, 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin, Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin, The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2936 12/15/1947 15:20b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainich Shimbun Mainichi 47-frn-2937 12/15/194[7] 15:20c United Press 共同通信 (14, 15, 16, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2938 12/15/194[7] 15:21 United Press 共同通信 (Moscow, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2939 12/15/1947 15:23a United Press 日本経済新聞 (New York) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai 47-frn-2940 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:26 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2941 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:28 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo ソ連製"英國煙草". 大手をふつてノシ廻る 47-frn-2942 12/15/1947 15:29 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin (78) Jiji Tsushin 78 国連委員会の派遣決定と南韓の政情 47-frn-2943 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:31a 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2944 [12]/[15]/194[7] 15:34 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin わが文明の危機 47-frn-2945 [12]/[13]/194[7] United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 馮玉祥将軍また援助に反對 47-frn-2946 12/16/1947 Kyodo Tsushin (120) Kyodo Tsushin, 120 南鮮單独選挙には小総会の決議が必要 17:1 Commentary Reuters (Berlin) News item News item 共同通信 Headline Subject Northwest Airlines said today it had been notified by the army department [of] the removal of all restrictions on civil airline passage through Japan for travelers of all nationalities. Northwest Airlines said today it had been notified by the army department of the removal of all restrictions on civil airline passage through Japan for travelers of all nationalities. Civil Air Travel Through Japan Now Unrestricted 興味深い米國の極東政策批判. ニーマン賞を獲た「東方よりの危險」 比島石炭を日本に供給 Brief Summary Northwest Airlines said that the Army Dept. removed all restrictions on civil airline passage through Japan for all nationalities Northwest Airlines said that the Army Dept. removed all restrictions on civil airline passage through Japan for all nationalities Civil air travel through Japan now unrestricted Interesting Comment of an American on Far Eastern Policy. The Book 'Threat from the East' Gets Neeman Prize Vice Minister Foreign Office, George Ye announced to press tonight foreign office had received British note to China on Japanese peace treaty but declined comment presently. SCAP seeking surplus Philippine coal from government owned mines in Cebut and Zamboanga Cabut and Zamboanga provinces... Cold War. The so-called "Cold War" between Russia and the United States which is perhaps too simple a designation for the Soviet-American political, economic and ideological struggle throughout the world is expected to become more intense in the Far East within the next few months unless there is some unforeseen and radical change in the present trend. Lauterbach's book "The Threat From the East": Commenting on US policies toward Japan, Korea, and China China said that British foreign policy is tied to the coattails of US Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 So called "Cold War" between Russia Uni[ted] States which is perhaps too simple designation for Sov[iet]American political economic and ideological struggle throughout world is expected become more intense in Far [East] within next few months unless there is some unfor[e]seen and radical change in present trend. State [Department] revealed its "voice of America" will go on air Sunday night on around clock basis and broadcast news of Russia[']s drastic currency reform to all parts of world. It will cost Japan at least $900,000 more if the currently discussed $60,000,000 cotton purchase credit is concluded with the proviso that the gold to be used as collateral re[ma]in in Japan. Soviet-US relations soon may become even more strained in the Orient Senator Glen Taylor indicated he would receptive to bid to run for [Vice President] 1948 on "Progressive" third party ticket headed by Henry Wallace. Russian-made cigarettes "flood" German black market cheaper than British and American-- but provide b[i]gger turn-over Notes H 2 H, P 1 H, S Gomes Abe Y D H 5 1 Y 3 [Kusano] 1 [Hensley] 4 [Doland J. Gonzales] 4 Voice of America will carry news of Russian currency reform to all parts of the world H, P It will cost Japan $900,000 more if the currently discussed cotton purchase credit is concluded with the provision that gold to be used as collateral remain in Japan H, P 1 Sen. Glen Taylor would be receptive to run for vicepresident on "progressive" party ticket with Henry Wallace Russian-made cigarettes "flood" German black market H 1 H, P Decision on despatch of The decision on dispatch of U.N. Committee and political UN Committee and political situation of South Korea. situation of South Korea H, P [New York] [Herald Tribune] editorial said major legislation to reorganizae Jap[anese] economy recently "approved only because American general headquarters made suggestions... NY Herald Tribune said that economic reform in Japan satisfactory on paper, but often poor in practice H, S Harold Laski, the dean of British Socialism, in an article titled, "Crisis in Our Civilization," and contributed to Foreign Affairs warned that, while Western capitalist traditional has built an interdependent world economy, "we have hardly sought in any serious way to built the institutions that are appropriate to its governance." General Feng Yuh[x]iang charged Chiang Kai[-]shek not wished return peace and order to China "because he wished perpetuate his dictatorship". Harold Laski's article, "Crisis in our civilization": Dangers of a civilization built upon a massive and ruthless exploitation of man by man D "A Separate Election in South Korea Will Need Decision by Sub-General Assembly" Examiner5 Examiner6 1 SCAP seeking surplus Philippines coal from government owned mines Soviet-US relations soon may become even more strained in the Orient Examiner4 Gen. Feng charged that Chiang Kai-shek wished to perpetuate his dictatorship H, S A separate election in South Korea will need decision by the sub-general assembly H, P [David Brown, Reuters correspon dent] Mercola [J]. Gomes M. Hori Y 3 Y 33 1 [Harold Laski, dean of British Socialism] Gomes H. Okada Y 25 Y 4 Y 4 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (15, San Francisco) Photograph(s) Source 15:15a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/15/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2930 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Peace Treaty: ABC says confab may be in March 47-frn-2948 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:4 [Radio Press (Melbourne)] Peace Treaty: 'Daily Age' issues warning as Big [Four] break 47-frn-2949 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:6 [Radio Press (Chungking)] Int'l: Revolution flag to be presented to China 47-frn-2950 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:7 47-frn-2951 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:8 Industrial: Price schedule for raw silk set Aviation: Qantas starts new air service 47-frn-2952 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:9 Radio Press (New York) [Radio Press (Sydney)] [Radio Press (Sydney)] 47-frn-2953 12/17/194[7] 17:12a United Press 共同通信 (5, 6, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2954 12/17/1947 16:19; Reuter, 16:19b; Nanking 16:19c; 16:19d; 17:13a; 17:51 Reuters 時事通信 World News (Nanking); Service; 共同通信; United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) Jiji Tsushin World News Service; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun Jiji World; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi 47-frn-2955 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:14 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2956 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:14b 47-frn-2957 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:15 Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 時事通信 (Washington) 47-frn-2958 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:16 47-frn-2959 [12]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-2960 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Australian Broadcasting Commission says that Japanese peace conference may open in March "The Daily Age" says that the failure of the Big Four Powers to make any progress in the German settlement is a warning against the adoption of a similar procedure in the Japanese settlement H, P 1 H, P 1 Original flag of the Chinese revolution will be presented to China Price schedule for Japanese raw silk has been set Qantas Empire Airways starts new air service Australian Prime Minister Chifley makes no comment on bank nationalization on New Zealand branches British and Indian financiers may be interested in extending private credits to Japanese manufacturers H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 China's views on Japanese peace treaty has not reached a concrete stage: one of the proposals-return of Ryukyu Islands; Foreign Ministry denied that China's final draft of the Japanese peace treaty called for revision of the Tenno system H, D General William Draper told committee he expected separate program for industrial recovery will submitted Congress and simi[l]ar ec[o]nomic recovery plan will submitted for Korea. William Draper's proposed recovery programs for Japan and Korea H, P 1 Draper Speaks William Draper's proposed recovery programs for Japan and Korea H 1 New Zealand: No comment on bank nat[tiona]lization - Chifley There[']s considerable interest in Uni[ted] States['] commercial and financial circles in reports that British and Indian financers interested in possibility extending private credits to Japanese manufacture rs to stimulate Japan[']s production of export goods. China's views on Japanese Treaty; [Foreign Ministry] officially denied report by semi[-]official Central Daily News that China[']s final draft Jap[anese] Peace Treaty called for revision... H, P [Hensley] 3 Mercola Sameshima 7 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Draper agreed with representative Frank Keefe Republican that "programs in Greece Turkey Germany Austria France Japan and Korea are... Draper stated that the situation in Korea is in the hands of the United Nations H, P 1 Associated 時事通信 Press (10, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin China is pressing the other big four powers to accept China's compromise proposal for inaugurating Japanese peace conference H, P 1 17:17 United Press 時事通信 (17, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 17:18 United Press 時事通信 (12, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2961 12/17/194[7] 17:18a United Press 共同通信 (7, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2962 12/17/194[7] 17:19 Associated 共同通信 Press (2, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2963 12/17/194[7] 17:20 United Press 共同通信; (22, Hong Kong, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Many traders are of the opinion that cotton market for remaining days this year will show considerable irregularities SCAP office being set up in NY on Jan.1 to stimulate sales of Japanese silk and other commodities SCAP office being set up in NY on Jan.1 to stimulate sales of Japanese silk and other commodities Pan American World Airways asked permission to operate domestic air service in Japan Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" H, P [12]/[17]/194[7] Chinese ambassador Koo told newsme[n] China is pressing for acceptance by other Big Four Powers of China[']s compromise proposal for inaugurating Japanese Peace Conferences. Cotton. Early heavy liquidation believed for year[-]end tax operations with many traders of opinion that market for remaining days this year will show considerable irregularit[ies.] Uni[ted] States officials said SCAP office being set up in New York January first "primarily" to stimulate sales Japanese silk... Uni[ted] States officials said SCAP office being set up in New York January first "primarily" to stimulate sales Japanese silk... Pan American World Airways announced it has asked the civil aeronantics board for permission to operate domestic air service in Japan. The usually well-informed and reliable Overseas News Service said today in a news dispatch from Nanking that the Chinese Reds and Russia have made a six-point agreement providing, among other things, for Russian technical assistance in military and economic fields plus the trainign of 11 divisions of Russia-equiped troops which will be used to create a new Republic of China." 47-frn-2963a [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:20 政治新聞 Seiji Shimbun Seiji Shimbun Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" 十七日香港発UP電は某大外國通信社が十七日南京より の至急報として傳うる所によれば... [Plunkett] 1 H, P 1 H, P 3 H, S 3 H, S 2 S 1 Oversized News Agency Radio Press (Sydney) Photograph(s) Source 17:3 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[16]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2947 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 17:20a 47-frn-2965 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:20b 47-frn-2966 [12]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-2967 News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei 時事通信; 国際タイムス; 共同通信; 毎日新聞; Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin; The Kokusai Times; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin; Kokusai Times; Kyodo; Mainichi; Nippon Times United Press 国際タイムス (Hong Kong) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 17:20c United Press [毎日新聞] (Hong Kong) [Mainichi Shimbun] 12/17/1947 17:20d Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Hong Kong) Nippon Times 47-frn-2968 12/17/194[7] 17:21 United Press 共同通信 (Berlin) 47-frn-2969 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:22 Associated Press (Manila) 47-frn-2970 12/17/194[7] 17:22a 47-frn-2971 [12]/[17]/194[7] 47-frn-2972 Headline (Japanese) ソ連が中共援助に新協定締結. 軍事経済等六項目 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes The usually well-informed and reliable 6-point agreement between Overseas News Service said today in a Russia and Chinese Reds news dispatch from Nanking that the Chinese Reds and Russia have made a six-point agreement providing, among other things, for Russian technical assistance in military and economic fields plus the trainign of 11 divisions of Russia-equiped troops which will be used to create a new Republic of China." Usually reliable impartial Waukiu Yatpao [Overseas News Service] dispatch [Nanking] said that Sino Reds and Russia reached six[-]point agreement... Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" S 3 Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" H, S 1 The usually well-informed and reliable Overseas News Service said today in a news dispatch from Nanking that the Chinese Reds and Russia have made a six-point agreement providing, among other things, for Russian technical assistance in military and economic fields plus the training of 11 divisions of Russian-equipped troops which will be used to create "a new Republic of China." Chinese Reds and Russia agreement Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" H, S Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" H, S 1 Nippon Times Foreign Bares Soviet pact with Chinese Reds. 6Point Agreement Reported to Have Been Reached at Moscow Parley Sources said that Chinese Reds and Russia have reached an agreement that Russia will provide assistance to expedite formation of "New Republic of China" H, S 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Diplomatic quarters said believed Four Power Allied Control Council in Berlin would remain intact despite failure Council Foreign Ministers. H, P 3 時事通信; 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Associated Press (Manila) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Uni[ted] States Army Department purchases Philippine commodities for export to occupied areas playing important part in rehabilitation islands trade balance... 17:23 Associated Press (13, Lake Success) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Russia will step up the tempo of her propaganda output through the United Nations but will not change her policies here because of the Foreign Ministers break in London. Berlin diplomatic quarters said that the four power Allied Control Council in Berlin would remain intact despite the failure of the council of the foreign ministers US Army Dept. purchased Philippine commodities for export to occupied areas, playing an important part in rehabilitation of island trade balance US Army Dept. purchased Philippine commodities for export to occupied areas, playing an important part in rehabilitation of island trade balance Key delegates said that the UN will go ahead as planned and that the Russians will not change her policies because of the foreign ministers' break in London [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:23a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Russia will step up the tempo of her propaganda output through the United Nations but will not change her policies here because of the... Key delegates said that the UN will go ahead as planned and that the Russians will not change her policies because of the foreign ministers' break in London, key United Nation delegates and officials predicted today. H, P 47-frn-2973 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:24 Associated Press (18, Frankfurt, Germany) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The principal political leaders of the Anglo[-]American zones of Germany agreed Tuesday on [a] basic plan for creation of [a] Western Germany. H, P 47-frn-2974 [12]/[16]/194[7] 17:25 Associated 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Press Service News Service (Washington) Jiji World House Committee proposes to cut the amount 47-frn-2975 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:26 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo A high government military source told The Associated Press today it estimated the Communists have added 500 regiments with a total strength of more than 575,000 men to their Red Armies in the past two years. Leaders of the AngloAmerican zones of Germany agreed on a basic plan for the creation of a Western Germany House Appropriations Committee recommended a cut in the emergency aid program, which may cut China out of the deal The Red Army has strengthened themselves giving them a "dangerous superiority" in the number of combat troops they are able to place in the field 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin ソ連中共協定. 軍事経済の六項目 總司令部の比島商品買付け状況 Uni[ted] States Army Department purchased Philippine commodities for export to occupied areas playing important part in rehabilitation islands trade balance... Y H, P Y H H, P 3 2 [Francis W. Carpenter] 2 2 [Richard Oregan] H, P H, P 5 1 3 [Harold Milks] 1 1 Oversized [12]/[17]/194[7] Source Photograph(s) 47-frn-2964 Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages 12/17/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2963b Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2976a [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:26a Associated Press (Nanking) 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-2977 12/17/1947 17:26b Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2978 12/17/194[7] 17:28 United Press 共同通信 (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2979 12/17/1947 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:29, 19:19 17:30 The America-Japan Press Jiji Tsushin Nichibei Tsushin 47-frn-2980 Jiji Tsushin Ambassador Wellington Koo paid eighty minute call on Assistant Secretary State Norman Armour for discussion. 47-frn-2981 12/17/1947 17:31 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2982 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:32 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) Marshall will report to Truman and by radio to [entire] nation Friday on collapes Londaon [peace] conference [was] announced. Big 4: Need for United Germany stressed by Anglo-Soviet group 47-frn-2983 12/17/194[7] 17:33 USIS (4) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2984 12/17/194[7] 17:34 United Press 共同通信 (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-2985 12/17/1947 17:34a Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-2986 12/17/194[7] 17:35 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Shanghai) Associated 東京新聞 Press (45, Frankfurt) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-2987 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:35a Associated Press (45, Frankfurt) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-2988 12/17/194[7] 17:36 Reuters 共同通信 (Hong Kong) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Shanghai bank here today categorically denied Tokyo report quot[i]ng banks representative there as confirming reports that bank participating in negotiations for sterling loan to Japan... 47-frn-2989 12/17/194[7] 17:37 USIS 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service In his New York Herald Tribune column[,] former Under Secretary of State[,] Suner Welles called Soviet Council tactics a blow to Soviet aspirations in Europe: 47-frn-2990 12/17/1947 17:38 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (3) Boeki Nippo, 3 47-frn-2991 12/18/1947 17:39 日米通信 News Item United Press 時事通信 (Washington) News item Radio Press (New York) 時事通信 Subject High g[overmen]t military source told Associated [Press] it estimated Communists added fiveh undred regiments with total strength more [than] five seven five thousand men their Red Armies past two years, The authoritative Central Daily News published today what it said was a completed preparatory draft of China's proposal for a Japanese peace treaty "whe[r]e spirit must lie in safeguarding world peace treaty and punishing brute force." Dangerous Superiority Seen In Strength of Chinese Reds This morning[']s papers headlined Big Four foreign ministers['] conference breakup as "failure and rupture" 統制下の北鮮貿易. 現在は物々交換 "The trade in the North Korea under control" Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Address on Japanese Trade by Mr. B arton Crane, New York Times Correspondent Notes H 2 H 1 H 1 H, D 5 H, P Gomes Yamaguchi Y 2 H, P [Hensley] 2 H [John L. Steele] 3 H, S 3 H 3 Chinese guards assigned duty H, D, at Chinese mission in Japan C will leave Shanghai in January Chinese guards assigned duty H, D, at Chinese mission in Japan C will leave Shanghai in January Germany predicted to take P shape as an interim state, union, or confederation almost immediately as a result of the collapse of the Big Four t lks in London Germany predicted to take P [Richard shape as an interim state, Oregan] union, or confederation almost immediately as a result of the collapse of the Big Four talks in London American observers predicted today that Western Germany would begin to take shape as an interim state, union or confederation almost immediately as [a] result of the collapse of the Big [Four] talks in London. American observers predicted today that Western Germany [would begin] to take shape as an interim state, union or confederation almost immediately as [a] result of the collapse of the Big Four talks in London. Commentators' Digest. London Confab The Red Army has strengthened themselves giving them a "dangerous superiority" in the number of combat troops they are able to place in the field L'humanite, official Communist organ, blames Sec. of State Marshall for rupture of London conference Trade in North Korea is under control Ambassador Koo and Assistant Sec. of State Armour discussed aid to China and the Japanese conference Discussion of provisions for China Need for United Germany stressed by Society of AngloSoviet Friendship and the British Alliance for the Struggle for Democratic Germany Washington Daily News says that Russia will not cooperate with the Western nations in the German and Austrian peace settlement rehabilitation Washington D[a]ily News (ScrippHoward) declared conference at Lat[via] clarified situation, having proved conclusively that within forese[e]able future Russia will not cooperate with western nations in German and Austrian peace [settlement] [rehabilitation]:" Chinese guards assigned duty at Japan will leave Shanghai early January resulted telegraphic requests by General... Chinese Gendarmes Coming クレーン. 過般日本貿易會館において開かれた日貿の定例會員懇 談會でニ[ュ]ーヨーク・タイムス社特派員バートン・ク レーン氏は「平和後における日本貿易の見透し」と題 する講演をなしたが同氏の講演内容は外人の見た日本 經濟の[復]興に對する見透しともいうべき非常に敎訓に 富んだもので、多數の參會者に感銘を與へた、講演要 旨は次の通り Brief Summary The Red Army has strengthened themselves giving them a "dangerous superiority" in the number of combat troops they are able to place in the field 2 1 1 1 H, P 2 Former Under-secretary of State Welles called soviet council tactics a blow to Soviet aspirations in Europe H, P 2 Address on Japanese trade given by Barton Crane, New York Times correspondent H, P US press comments on: London Confab, USSR, Anglo-USSR Trade Agreement H, P Kawamoto H. Okada [Winston Bupdette of the Columbia Broadcasti ng System] Y 3 10 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (Nanking) Photograph(s) Source 17:26a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/17/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2976 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-2993 12/17/1947 17:46 47-frn-2994 12/17/1947 17:47 47-frn-2995 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:48 Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Peiping) 47-frn-2995a 12/17/1947 12:17a 47-frn-2996 12/17/1947 17:49 United Press; Nippon Times; International 共同通信 News Service (San Francisco) United Press 毎日新聞 (Nanking) 47-frn-2997 12/17/1947 17:50 47-frn-2999 12/17/194[7] 17:52 47-frn-3000 [12]/[17]/194[7] 17:53 47-frn-3001 17:55 Submitted by Kyodo News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 世界日報 中部民報, 民報, 労働民報, 東京民報 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject A disarmed battalion of Japanese troops captured near Yangchuan Shansi Province by People[']s Liberation Army was sent to Tientsin for repatiation on October third. What Do You Mean By Equality? Brief Summary Disarmed battalion of Japanese troops captured near Yangchuan Shansi Province by the People's Liberation Party What Do You Mean by Equality?: An American woman's view of equality of the sexes and how it applies to Japanese women A New Year Message to the Women of Japan Soviet Consul denies report that Russians and the Chinese Communists have signed an agreement providing for military aid by the Russians A New Year Message to the Women of Japan From Esther M. Crane Consul Denies Report H [Esther M. Crane] 3 H, P 1 S; H, S 4 China reaction. News of the collapse of the Big Four meeting in London was received with deep concern by Chinese officials who said it... The collapse of the Big Four meeting in London dashed China's hopes for an early Japanese peace conference H, P [Matsuda] Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 米國人と忠臣藏 CHUSHINGURA and the Western Mind Chushingura and the Western Mind H, P [Donald Richie] Akahata Weekly 財國、銀行がバツク. 大統領もしのぐ?その勢威 H, S 1 [Gomes] Y 8 Y 4 The start of a virtual stampede of refugees from the Soviet occupations zone to Western Germany as a result of the collapse of the Big Four Conference was reporte[d] T[u]esday. Russia said that the collapse of the Big Four Conference is due to US and Britain being "disrupters of international cooperation" H, D 1 Inquest on Antwerp Antwerp Conference: those countries who depend on dollar help were in acceptance of the political conditions of Marshall aid Danger of inflation in Russia: Too many notes and the scarsity of goods H, D [Michael Katanka] 4 House Body makes an $88 million cut in the emmergency foreign aid program; nothing is reccomended for China Reaction among leading US newspapers to the Collapse of the Big Four meeting: breakdown inevitable because of Soviet's noncompromising attitude H, S, P 1 H, P 1 12/17/1947 Agence アサヒニュース France-presse (London) The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-3003 12/17/1947 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign House body pares Europe aid funds. Makes an $88 Million Cut- Nothing Is Recommended For China 47-frn-3004 [12]/[17/194[7] USIS 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service U.S. opinion see meeting end as spur to [h]elp. The immediate reaction among leading Eastern U.S. newspapers to termination of Council of Foreign Ministers meeting in London was that breakdown was... 47-frn-3005 [12]/[17]/194[7] Kyodo 賠償物資の民間拂下方法決定 12/18/1947; 12/20/1947 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 過度の集中を解体. 米議会で「二〇三号」問題化; FED米議会でとりあげらる 47-frn-3007 12/19/1947 19:4c Zhong yang 共同通信 tong xun she (Nanking) Associated 朝日新聞 Press (Washington) ; New York Times (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-3006 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Zaibatsu breakup. Sen. Styles Bridges, chairman of the Senate Appropriation Committee, demanded Thursday that the State Department make public and interpret its controversial plan for breaking up the Zaibatsu and other Japanese economic concentrations. Sen. Bridges demanded the State Dept. interpret its plan for breaking up the Zaibatsu and other Japanese concentrations H, P 47-frn-3009 12/[19]/1947 19:20a Associated Press (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai [12]/[20]/194[7] 20:11b United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) There is no difference of opinion between SCAP and Washington authorities over the Far Eastern Commission directive 230, says Sen. Knowland Sen. William Knowland charged that the State Dept.'s ecpnomic program for Japan smacks strongly of Communism and Socialism H 47-frn-3013 Principles of Far Eastern Commission directive number 230- now being questioned in the United States Senate Appropriations Committee- remain a part of Occupation policy, authoritative sources said last night. Knowland's criticism. Senator William F. Knowland, Republican of California, charged that the State Department's economic program for Japan smacks strongly of Communism and Socialism. 47-frn-3014 [12]/[20]/194[7] 21:2 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) U.S.-Foreign Policy: Int'l comments to Truman, Marshall speeches 47-frn-3015 [12]/[20]/194[7] 21:3 [Radio Press Sokuho (Nanking)] China-Political: Judd denounces Gen. Feng [Mainichi Shimbun] Notes 6 47-frn-3002 日本経済新聞 Examiner5 Examiner6 [Millie Johansen] Mainichi 余剰購買力の吸收. 犠牲者は政府公債を持つ大衆 Examiner4 P Mainich Shimbun Chubu Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo; Mimpo, Rodo Mimpo, Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo Examiner3 3 Pawa apply for permit to serve domestic lines. Service Planned to Connect Main Islands of Japan Hokkaido Shimbun Examiner1 Examiner2 H, P Nippon Times; Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin Foreign; Kyodo News Service アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー International 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun News Service (London) Telepress (London) Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Soviet announcement deemed as propaganda S Y H Int'l comments to Truman, Marshall speeches International reactions to Truman's speech and the Marshall Plan: Communists in france and Germany are critical Judd denounces Gen. Feng H [Matsuda] , [Steward Hensley] 3 Y 3 Y 11 4 2 [Sandor S. Elein, United Press staff correspon dent], [Hironaga] 1 H, D 4 H, P 1 2 9 Oversized News Agency NCN (North 共同通信 Shansi) Photograph(s) Source 17:40 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/17/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-2992 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:5 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) 47-frn-3018 [12]/[20]/194[7] 21:6 47-frn-3019 [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:7 [Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC)] United Press 共同通信 (Berlin) 47-frn-3020 [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:8 Agence France-presse (1, Berlin) 47-frn-3021 12/21/194[7] 21:9 United Press 共同通信 (London; Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3022 12/21/194[7] 21:10 United Press 共同通信 (24, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3023 [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:10a United Press [毎日新聞] (New York) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-3024 [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:10b United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (New York) Service News Service 47-frn-3025 [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:11 Associated Press (14, Berlin) 東京新聞 47-frn-3026 12/21/194[7] 21:12 Associated Press (22, London) 共同通信 47-frn-3027 12/22/194[7] 21:2, 21:14 47-frn-3028 12/21/194[7] 21:15 47-frn-3029 [12]/[21]/194[7] 21:17 47-frn-3030 12/21/1947 21:19 47-frn-3031 12/21/1947 21:20 Kyodo Tsushin Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin (No. 日本綿製の南洋進出未し 9) 47-frn-3017 Editorial Kyodo Tsushin (9) Kyodo Subject "Export of Japanese Cotton Products Into South Seas Is Still At Low Ebb." Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner5 Examiner6 H, P 1 Germany: Christian Democratic leaders ousted from posts Christian Democratic leaders ousted from posts H, P 1 Press department of Christian Democratic Party announced party[']s two leaders in Russian zone of Germany had been thrown out of office on direct orders of Soviet military administration. Jakob Kaizer, chai[r]man of the Christian Democrat Party and Ernest Immer[,] vice-chairman[,] have been discharged by Soviet authorities, it is announced in Christian Democrat circles. Radio Moscow accused capitalist countries of intensified espionage inside SOviet Union and "corruptioin" of Soviet citizens outside.; Russian citizens were told today that a foreign intelligence campaign against the Soviet Union has had persisted for 30 years, and they should be on constant guard against "imperialist" spies. Neither Japan nor China presently appear attractive areas for investment American capital[,] according James Fulham[,] [Vice President]... Two leaders in Russian zone of Germany had been thrown out of office on direct orders of Soviet military administration H, P Jacob Kaiser and Ernest Lemmer of the Christian Democratic Party have been discharged by the Soviet authorities H, P 1 Russian citizens were warned of foreign intelligence activity against Soviet Union on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Soviet police H, S 3 Neither Japan nor China presently appear attractive as investments for American capital, according to James Fulham, Vice-president of the international Telephone and Telegraph corporation Neither Japan nor China presently appear attractive as investments for American capital, according to James Fulham, Vice-president of the international Telephone and Telegraph corporation Neither Japan nor China presently appear attractive as investments for American capital, according to James Fulham, Vice-president of the international Telephone and Telegraph corporation Soviet military administration moved swiftly to solidify its hold on Eastern Germany after the failure of the London Conference H, P [Dillon] 3 H, P [Don Dillon, United Press correspon dent] 1 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (3, Paris) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Associated 共同通信 Press; United Press (New York) United Press 時事通信 (Rome) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) ; International News Service (London) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign The Soviet military administration moved swiftly Saturday night to solidify its hold on Eastern Germany for whatever eventualities the failure of the Big Four Foreign Ministers Conference in London may bring. Eleven prominent Britons urged President Truman and Prime Minister Attlee to approach Prime Minister Stalin in "one last attempt" to persuade Russia to share in international control of atomic energy. In spite of attacks from both the French Commie criticizes extreme right and the extreme left of the govt. for accepting US aid French National Assembly[,] the government scored today... The United States, moving to mobilize Western Germany for the battle over Europe, is faced with two problems which require careful maneuvering... Reaction from government sources and pro[-]government political parties and newspapers virtually guaranteed majority Italian acceptance of [c]onditions laid down by Truman for European recovery plan. Truman conception of help for Europe is opposed by Taft. Wholesale U.S. Aid Not Essential, Says Republican Leader In [F]irst Blast; W. Europe Greets Speech Sekai Nippo (3) Sekai Nippo (No.3) 皇太女殿下の家庭教師ヴアイニング夫人とアメリカ公 民自由連盟書記長ボールドウイン氏とが、アメリカで" アメリカ民主主義の前陗"と題した放送討論會を試みた "Adaptability." Y Notes British and US press divided over the European Recovery Program as outlined by President Truman Neither Japan nor China appears to be attractive areas for the investment of American capital, according to James Fulham, Vice-President of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. Abe Examiner4 ERP: British, U.S. press divided Neither Japan nor China presently appear attractive areas for investment of American capital, according to James Fulham, vice-President of the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation. Gomes Examiner3 H, D Jiji W. 世界日報 Brief Summary Export of Japanese cotton products into South Seas is still at low ebb [McDerm ott] 7 2 P 2 H, P 1 Prominent Britons urged H, P Truman to approach Stalin in one last attempt to persuade Russia to share in the international control of atomic energy French Communist leader H, D Duclos criticized the government for accepting American aid Problems faced by US in H, P [Roberts] trying to mobilize Western Germany for the battle over Europe Sources reveal that the H, P majority of Italians accept the conditions laid down by Truman for European recovery plan 2 Republican Sen. Robert Taft said that the Marshall Plan could "wreck" US economy D 1 Japanese adaptability, Mrs. Vining and Mr. Baldwin H 2 2 1 [J. Gomes] Y 3 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source News Item. Zhong yang 共同通信 Central News tong xun she Agency, (Shanghai) Shanghai 21:4 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/21/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3016 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Berlin) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin United Press 共同通信 (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 22:1b United Press [毎日新聞] (London) [Mainichi Shimbun] 22:1c Kyodo Nippon Times Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (London) United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (London) Service News Service Nippon Times Foreign Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen [T]okushin 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The American press expressed sharply divergent views on President Truman[']s recommendation for 17 [billion] dollars U.S. aid to Europe. 22:7 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:7a 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-3045 12/22/194[7] 22:8 Reuters (Rangoon) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3046 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:9 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Cairo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3047 12/22/1947 22:9a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Cairo) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-3048 12/19/194[7] 22:11 United Press 共同通信 (29, Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-3049 12/22/1947 22:12 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (London) 47-frn-3050 12/22/194[7] 22:12a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (14, London) 47-frn-3033 12/21/1947 47-frn-3034 12/21/1947 22:1 時事通信 47-frn-3035 12/22/194[7] 22:1a 47-frn-3036 [12]/[22]/194[7] 47-frn-3037 12/22/1947 47-frn-3038 [12]/[21]/194[7] 22:1d 47-frn-3039 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:2a 47-frn-3040 12/22/1947 22:3 47-frn-3041 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:4 47-frn-3042 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:5 47-frn-3043 12/22/194[7] 22:6 Associated Press (New York) 47-frn-3044 [12]/[22]/194[7] 47-frn-3044a Chodo (Ex: ?)- KIP, Seoul Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) 南朝鮮が世界第二位. 物価指数から見た経済相 Brief Summary Shanghai Newspaper Publishers Guide charges newspapers of sensationalizing newspaper allocation cuts imposed by the Guild Diplom[a]tic correspondent of "The People Wrote Stalin" carpeted "Malotov" for his failure to avoid breakdown of Big Four Conference in London... Diplomatic correspondent of "The People Wrote Stalin" carpeted "Molotov" for his failure to avoid breakdown of [Big Four] Conference in London... Russia's thorough investigation for the failure of the Lon[d]on meeting Molotov 'on carpet' for not preventing Big-4 talk failure. Stalin Reportedly Orders Special Politburo Session to Check On Breakdown [M]olotov said chided by Stalin Jiji World Subject Lee Thekwan, chairman of the Shanghai publisher Shanghai Newspaper Publishers Guild, comments on news-print said the American-owned Shanghai allocation cuts Evening Post and Mercury and the British North China Daily News had "highly sensationalize" their comments on news-print allocation... Soviet authorities consolidate grasp on E. German areas. Military Administration Moves Switfly- 2 CDU Leaders Ousted From Zone Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes D 2 Soviet authorities consolidate grasp on East German areas H, P 1 Molotov rebuked by Stalin for his failure to avoid the breakdown of the Big Four conference H, P 1 Molotov rebuked by Stalin for his failure to avoid the breakdown of the Big Four conference H, P 2 Russia's thorough investigation for the failure of London meeting Russia's thorough investigation for the failure of London meeting H, P 1 H 1 H, P 1 Molotov criticized by Stalin for his failure to avoid the breakdown of the Big Four conference Pres[ident] Truman's message to Izvestia accused Truman of Congress last Friday asking concealing "imperialist $17,000,000,000 for the Marshall Plan essence of Marshall Plan to help European recovery got its first behind many-worded mention in the Soviet press today. qualifications and formulas" "Economic Situation as Seen Economic situation as seen from Price Index; Korea from price index: Korea Ranks Second in World ranks second worst in world after China Britain: Shipping: Builders against British shipbuilding industry Truman proposal against Truman proposal to restrict British shipbuilding Herald Tribune editorial entitled Herald Tribune editorally "Emper[o]r of Japan" said textually commented that US had [s]oon[,] despite American efforts been engaging in wishful reduce importance of Imperial thinking by believing that Institu[t]ion in Japan, institution so long Hirohito could be used to employed by evil purposes in apppears maintain order in Japan Hirohito becoming even greater symbol Jap[anese] nationalism that used be. H, D [Gomes] H, S Kawamoto H. Okada 1 Y 5 H, P 2 D, S 1 American press expressed divergent views on Truman recommendation for 7 billion dollar US aid to Europe H, P 2 The Moscow Radio Sunday accused the United States government's "Voice of America" of lying about Russia's economic situation. Moscow radio accused US's "Voice of America" of lying about Russia's economic situation H, S 2 Radio Moscow barked back at "Voice of America" radio program Sunday for interpreting revaluation of Ruble as indication inflation had reached S[oviet] Union. Major C Young, an officer in the British Army Engineering Corps, was yesterday accused before in Magistrate at Insein, near Rangoon, of violation of the Arms Act. The newspaper Al Assas said today in a dispatch from Jidda, Arabia, that King Ibn Saud had summoned officials of the Trans-Arabian Pipeline company [to his] capital at Al Ryadh. Ibn Saud may curb U.S. oil contracts over Holyland tiff. Officials of TransArabian Pipeline Called- 8 More Dead in Palestine Moscow radio accused US's "Voice of America" of lying about Russia's economic situation S 1 Major C. Young of the British Army Engineering Corps, was accused of violation of the Arms Act P 4 H, D 2 H, [D] 2 Kyodo News Service Pravda said the Soviet handed 'a worthy setback to American die-hard policy' in a moral victory at London. H, S 3 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Molotov rebuffed by Stalin H, P 1 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun "Molotov received a serious rebuff from Stalin for having failed to prevent the break of the London Conference" "The [P]eople" writes today... Pravda said Soviet handed "worthy setback to American policy" in moral victory at London Molotov rebuffed by Stalin for having failed to prevent the break of the london conference Molotov rebuffed by Stalin for having failed to prevent the break of the london conference P 1 Arab newspaper Al Assas said that " one cannot sell his religion and Holy Land for American dollars" IBN Saud may curb US oil contracts over Holyland tiff Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[21]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3032 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo 47-frn-3052 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:14 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (13, Rome) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-3053 47-frn-3054 [12]/[22]/194[7] [12]/[19]/194[7] 22:15a 22:16 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-3055 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:17 International 北海道新聞 News Service (London) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-3055a 12/22/194[7] 22:17a International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri モロトフ外相叱らる. ス首相・外相会議継続を希望 47-frn-3055b 12/22/1947 22:17b International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (London) 産業経済新聞 12/22/1947 22:20 新報知 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Shinhochi モロトフ外相会議失敗にス首相より叱責. 47-frn-3056 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Shin Hochi 47-frn-3057 12/21/1947 22:21 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 恒久平和は獲得できる. 國連事務総長トリヴェリー 47-frn-3058 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:23 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Tehran) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3059 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:24 United Press 時事通信 (Yokohama) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-3060 [12]/[21]/194[7] 22:25 47-frn-3061 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:26 47-frn-3062 12/22/1947 22:27 Radio Press (Nanking) Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) United Press Nippon Times (Tokyo) 47-frn-3063 12/22/1947 22:29 47-frn-3064 [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:30 47-frn-3065 47-frn-3066 12/22/194[7] [12]/[22]/194[7] 22:31 22:33 読売新聞 International 日本通信 News Service (London) 47-frn-3067 12/22/194[7] 22:35 Telepress (Chicago) 47-frn-3068 12/22/1947 22:35 47-frn-3069 12/22/1947 22:36 47-frn-3070 12/22/194[7] 22:37 Editorial 47-frn-3071 [12]/[22]/194[7] Associated Press (Manila) Editorial 時事通信 時事通信 スターリン首相に叱られたモロトフ氏. 外相會議決裂で非難續出 Headline Subject Molotov gets rebuff from Stalin for London failure, British paper writes "The former criticisms of the Italian socialists have now changed into opposition to Truman's doctrine" Socialist leader Pietro Nenni declared today in an address delivered at Avezzano in the Abruzzi. 對華軍事援助の重要性 比島航空会社、日本航路開設を協議 Tokyo note learned group Philippine airlines officials flew Tokyo yesterday in private bone seven of colonel and ressoriano lines President to confer with SCAP on extonation pals international service from Manila via Okinawa to Japan. A London Weekly reported Sunday that Soviet Foreign Minister Viacheslav Molotov was "called on the carpet" by Premier Josef Stalin on his return from the London conference of the Big Four Foreign Minister. Molotov said reprimanded by Stalin for failure of discussions Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 H, P London Weekly reported that Molotov was rebuked by Stalin for failure to keep the discussions going at the London conference Aid for the Far East and its conditions Examiner5 Examiner6 P Y Y H, P Iranian parliament nominated 2 men for premier H, P Maj. Gen. Clovis E. Byers, Chief of Staff of the Eighth Army who built up a distinguished combat record in World War II, will leave Japan in January and return to the United States for reassignment. The Chinese attitude towards Japanese Peace Conference Italy: Nenni comments on Marshall Plan Maj. Gen. Clovis E. Byers' termination of duty in Japan H, P 2 7 2 1 H, P The Iranian parliament last night nominated two men--Abraham Hakimi and Dr. Mehamed Mesanegh--to serve as premier. Notes 1 H "Aid for the Far East and its Conditions" Examiner4 Y P Molotov said reprimanded by Stalin for failure of discussions 極東援助とその條件 米第八軍参議長来月帰国 Brief Summary Molotov rebuffed by Stalin for having failed to prevent the break of the London conference Former criticisms of the Italian socialists have now changed into opposition to Truman's doctrine Gomes Nomura Y 2 Y 5 Y 3 Y 10 3 Y 3 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Tojo, Togo drafted reply for Emperor. Ex-Foreign Minister Admits Kido Not Consulted-Keenan Raps Evasive Stand Chinese attitude towards H, P Japanese peace conference Chairman of the Italian Left- H, P wing Socialist Party, Nenni, comments on the Marshall Plan International military tribunal: H, P Tojo, Togo drafted reply for emperor Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Only 130 Firstline planes. U.S. Has Only 99 Actual Fighting Planes in European Theater US has only 99 actual fighting planes in European occupation zone Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun no Shimbun Yomiuri Nippon Tsushin 米記者下院議員の認識不足をなげく Y 2 Yomiuri Shimbun Nihon Tsushin アメリカの対日投資に就て Y 3 1 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 非米行爲調査委員會廢止を要求. "反動の立法的前衛隊"を非難 Y 2 Commentary アカハタ Akahata Akahata マ計畫の全貌. 明年世界政治の中心問題 "The Whole view of the Marshall Plan" Y 5 Commentary アカハタウィークリ Akahata Uikuri ー Akahata ド∙ゴール将軍. 立上る獨裁者. 財閥二百家族の救世主 "Gen. De Gaulle" Y 4 朝鮮新聞 Chosen Shimbun Chosen-Shimbun 世界は一つなり Y 27 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) 新聞之新聞 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) 1 H, P Molotov reprimanded by Stalin for failure of London discussions H, P One million signatures planned to end "un-American Committee" Civil Rights Congress planned a nation wide petition demanding the abolition of the Un-American Activities Committee H, S Strife between Eastern and Western Europe over the Marshall Plan Events make it evident that Gen. De Gaulle has suddenly raised his head with an eye to dictatorship The problems of the proposition that "The World is One" Communist Duclos said that the French "austerity program" will hurt the working classes, and blamed the US for infringing on French sovereignty H, S J. Gomes Yamaguchi H, S Gomes Kida "The world is one." H, P D 1 2 Molotov said reprimanded by Stalin for failure of discussions The National Assembly decided to French Austerity program continue Sunday its study of a proposed studied French austerity program after defeating a communist attempt to terminate the discussion. 6 Pak Yoll [J.] Gomes T. Hori Nomura 3 Oversized News Agency Agence 世界日報 France-presse (London) Photograph(s) Source 22:12b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[21]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3051 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 47-frn-3073 [12]/[22]/194[7] 23:3 47-frn-3074 [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:7 47-frn-3075 12/24/1947 23:7a 47-frn-3076 12/23/1947 47-frn-3077 Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 Radio Press (London BBC) United Press 時事通信 (New York) Submitted by Tokyo Shimbun Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin United Press 国際タイムス (New York) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 23:7b United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi [12]/[22]/194[7] 23:7c United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (New York) Service News Service 47-frn-3078 [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:8 47-frn-3079 12/23/194[7] 23:9 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) Agence 世界日報; 東京新聞 France-presse (1, Berlin) 47-frn-3080 12/23/194[7] 23:10 Associated Press (10, Lake Success) 47-frn-3081 [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:11 47-frn-3082 12/23/194[7] 23:14 47-frn-3083 12/22/1947 23:16 47-frn-3084 12/23/1947 23:17 47-frn-3085 [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:19 47-frn-3085a [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:20 47-frn-3086 12/23/194[7] 23:23 United Press 共同通信 (Manila, Bangkok) 47-frn-3086a [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:23a 時事通信 Jiji w Headline Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 Germany: Keizer resigns under Soviet pressure Kaizer resigns from the Christian Democratic Union under Soviet pressure Poll taken by the American Institute of Public Opinion ranking possible candidates for US Presidency H, P 1 S 1 Poll taken by the American Institute of Public Opinion ranking possible candidates for US Presidency H, S Poll taken by the American Institute of Public Opinion ranking possible candidates for US Presidency H, S 2 Poll taken by the American Institute of Public Opinion ranking possible candidates for US Presidency H, S 2 US Congressman comments on flying saucers H, P 1 The sentry posts at the limits of the Soviet zone in Berlin have been reinforced H, P US was charged with violating its agreement with the UN by arresting 2 new correspondents accredited to the world organization H, P 1 Chinese newspapers expressed the fear that the breakdown of the London conference will have grave effect in forging any future Japanese peace treaty Gen. Feng will not return to China immediately; he will await further clarification from Nanking Government H, P 2 The exchange rate between new and old currencies: As long as the beaurocrats allow bad use of exceptions, Democracy cannot be carried out H, D Nishinoiri Mercola American Inst[itute] public opinion survey of independent American voters asked question "suppose you had chance vote for your favorite candidate for President 1948. if such election were being held today which one those men would you vote for query." 首位の得票アイゼンハウアー元帥. 大統領選擧世論調査 The American Institute of Public opinion, in a survey of independent voters, asked the question: "Suppose you had a chance to vote for your favorite candidate for president in 1948. If such an election were held today, which one of these men would you vote for?" The American Institute of Public opinion, in a survey of independent voters, asked the question: "Suppose you had a chance to vote for your favorite candidate for president in 1948. If such an election were held today, which one of these men would you vote for?" The American Institute of Public opinion, in a survey of independent voters, asked the question: "Suppose you had a chance to vote for your favorite candidate for president in 1948. If such an election were held today, which one of these men would you vote for?" U.S.: Int'l: Congressman comments on flying saucers Tokyo Shimbun Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo United Press 共同通信 (2, New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service The America-Japan weekly The America-Japan Press (9) Nichibei Weekly 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Pravda, the Communist party organ, today described as a dismal failure the United States State Department's Voice of America broadcast of December 3, which it quoted as being to the effect that the Soviet Union was facing an economic crisis and increased prices. Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Brit embassy announced German Japanese nationals now Siam permitted resume normal business other activities [enjoyment] property in full. Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Brit embassy announced German Japanese nationals now Siam permitted resume normal business other activities [enjoyment] property in full. Nichibei Tsushin No. 9 Examiner1 Examiner2 P Tokyo Shimbun 日米通信 Brief Summary The "Red Belt" states of Europe are moving into a fairly solid bloc to contend for Communist domination of the continent Sekai-Nippo; Tokyo ベルリンの噂. 占領軍部門から撤退 Shimbun 東京新聞 Subject The "red belt" states of Europe are moving into a fai[r]y solid bloc to contend for communist domination of the continent; In this connection, one European foreign minister said "tightened political and economic ties between these communist led countries will unite 80 million to 90 million people and in effect will mean that [a] great new power has arisen in Europe". Sekai Nippo; Tokyo Shimbun 日米ウイークリー News item Headline (Japanese) Tokyo Shimbun The sentry posts at the limits of the Soviet zone in Berlin have been reinforced abruptly on the order of the commander of the Soviet occupation army. Trygve Iie, Secretary General of the United Nations, tonight charged the United States with violating its agreement with the United Nations by arresting two news correspondents accredited to the world organization. Chinese newspapers here editorially expressed the fear that breakdown of the London foreign ministers conference will have grave effect in forging any future Japanese peace treaty. Gen Feng Yu Hiang so called "Christian General" China who denounced on floor congress last week said here he will not return China immediately. 自由の花園を求める中國インテリの念願. 圧迫は共産主義信奉への拔け道 マーシャル∙プランがいよいよひのき舞台をふむ、貸す 形にしたり、贈る形にしたりするのは借手の能力によ って定める-トルーマン大統領ははつきりいつている Super-high frequencyhighlights of international ... Marshall Plan, Molotov Plan, etc. 「東條にはすでに復仇ずみ」マンマと一ぱいくわせた 歯醫者さん. ロスアンゼルス放送 P H, S Y Y [Dillon] 2 2 3 [Gomes] J. Gomes M. Hori Oversized News Agency Associated Press (1, 13, London) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/22/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3072 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 3 Y 6 Y 10 H, S 1 British embassy announced that German Japanese nationals now permitted to resume normal business H, P 2 British embassy announced that German Japanese nationals now permitted to resume normal business H 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 47-frn-3088 12/23/1947 23:24a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (London) 産業経済新聞 47-frn-3089 [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:24b International 西日本新聞 News Service (London) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Nishi Nihon 47-frn-3090 12/23/194[7] 23:26 Agence 共同通信, 東京新聞 France-presse (12, 53, Paris, Berlin) Kyodo Tsushin, Tokyo The Kyodo News Shimbun Service, Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-3091 12/23/194[7] 23:27 United Press 共同通信 (8, 9, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-3091a [12]/[22]/194[7] 23:27a United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service 47-frn-3092 12/23/194[7] 23:28 Reuters (Nanking) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3093 12/23/194[7] 23:29 Associated 共同通信 Press (15, 40, London) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3094 12/24/194[7] 23:31 Hokkaido Shimbun, Nishi Nihon Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun, Nishi Nihon 47-frn-3095 [12]/[22]/194[7] 23:32 47-frn-3096 12/23/1947 23:35 47-frn-3097 12/23/194[7] 23:38 47-frn-3097a 12/22/1947 23:38a 47-frn-3098 12/23/1947 23:41 47-frn-3099 [12]/[23]/194[7] 23:42 北海道新聞, 西日本新聞 [Radio Press (New York)], New York Herald Tribune Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Lake Success) News Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Soviet troop movements reported in Austria after conference ソ連軍オーストリヤに移動 ソ連軍、オーストリアへ移動 Soviet troop movemenets reported in Austria after conference Press correspondents who attended the press interviews of generals Clay and Robertson this afternoon were unanimous in describing the statements of the American and British commander-0in-chief as a slowing down of the Anglo-American policy conc[e]rning the creation of a Western German state. New military unit known as joint task force seven been set up build physical plant and to aid in testing atomic weapons at huge secret atom proving ground being developed at Eniwetok atomic energy commission disclosed. A new military unit known as joint task force seven has been set up to build a physical plant and to aid in testing atomic weapons at a huge secret atomic proving ground being developed at [Eniwetok], in the Pacifc, the Atomic Energy Commission disclosed. The Kyodo News Service Jiji World Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Secret Russian troop H, P movement reported in Austria following the failure of the London conference Secret Russian troop H movement reported in Austria following the failure of the London conference Secret Russian troop movement reported in Austria following the failure of the London conference "Slowing down" of the Anglo- H, P American policy concerning the creation of a western German state Secret atomic proving ground to be built in the Pacific, disclosed the Atomic Energy Commission Warning of things to come from communists in [Manchuria] was given by general Chentungkuo nationalist deputy commander im [Manchuia] in exclusive interview with Reuter[s] aap [afternoon]. Britains ruling Labor Party today launched [a] campaign against communist [infiltration] and intrigue within the organization. "Japanese Peace Treaty" H, P Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 Y 4 Y 3 2 [Lee Nichols] 4 H 3 Warning of things to come from Communists in Manchuria was given by Gen. Chen H, P 2 Britain's ruling labor party launched a campaign against Communist infiltration and intrigue within the organization Roundtable discussion of the Japanese peace treaty with foreign correspondents, including Russell Brines H, P [Barton Pattie] H, D 3 Kawamoto H. Okada Russell Brines Associated Press, Howard Handleman Internation al News Service, Prou French News Agency, Norman Soong Central News, Warner Reuter 60 USSR public. Devaluation Inflation has hit Russia as well H 1 Lie charges violoation of agreement by U.S.. Secretary General Ired by Arrest Of Two U.N. Newsmen Sec. Gen, of the UN, Trygve Lie, charged the US of violating its agreement with the UN by arresting 2 new correspondents accredited to the world organization P 1 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Berlin) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 在独米軍司令官...大将および英司令官...ン大将は廿二日 Clay denies Aemricans are ready to 記者と会見 leave Berlin Clay denies Americans are ready to leave Berlin H, P Y 6 Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Berlin) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 独占領の米英司令官言明. "政治統合"協議せず. クレイ大将ベルリン撤兵計画なし Clay denies Americans are ready to leave Berlin H Y 3 Zhong yang 時事通信 tong xun she (Shanghai) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 招商局横浜司令局配置を延期 Deleted: mention of GHQ in connection with the establishment of a permanent organization in Japan D Y 3 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 發明家へ刺激劑. 獨占領費の一部をこれで叩き出すか. もとでは十ドル百万圓寶くじ以上 US plans to encourage German inventors by providing each inventor with 10 dollars required to register the invention with the US Patent office H, P Y 4 Reuters (Berlin) 世界日報 Clay denies Aemricans are ready to leave Berlin Adjournment of Establishmentof Branch officeof Government Buerea of Navigation American plans to encourage German inventions fund to pay U.S. patent fee urged Kawamoto [Lyford Moore, Reuters correspon dent] Oversized News Agency International 北海道新聞 News Service (London) Photograph(s) Source 23:24 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[23]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3087 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 47-frn-3101 [12]/[24]/194[7] 24:21 United Press 共同通信 (2, 3, Washington) 47-frn-3102 [12]/[24]/194[7] 47-frn-3103 [12]/[25]/194[7] 25:4a 47-frn-3104 12/25/1947 25:4b 47-frn-3105 12/25/1947 47-frn-3106 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun The Kyodo News Service ソ連メキシコに鉄幕運動 International 世界日報 News Photos (Washington) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 問題のパナマ航空基地 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 管理問題を再檢討. 日本の舊財閥企業 Mainichi Shimbun 25:4c United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) 12/25/194[7] 25:6 47-frn-3107 [12]/[24]/194[7] 47-frn-3108 Headline Subject Brief Summary Russia weaving an iron curtain in Mexico H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y 8 Commenting on report in New York journal of commerce that administration planned at early date ask Congress for one billion dollars for Japanese industrial rehabilitation and relief during next fiscal year. One of Panama bases being vacated by U.S. Army might ask for $1 billion total in funds for the rehabilitation of Japan Mainichi Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett told a news conference the United States is restudying the whole picture of Zaibatsu matters in Japan with a view to revising its attitude toward future control and ownership in the light of the fact that Japanese wartime control of these interests already had been broken. Undersecretary of state Lovett stated that US is revising its attitude toward Zaibatsu matters in Japan The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai Undersecretary of State Robert Lovett told a news conference the United States is restudying the whole picture of Zaibatsu matters in Japan with a view to revising its attitude toward future control and ownership in the light of the fact that Japanese wartime control of these interests already has been broken. Undersecretary of state Lovett stated that US is revising its attitude toward Zaibatsu matters in Japan Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (6, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Transfer of management of zaibatsu concerns considered 25:6a Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi The Far East division of the State Department and the US occupation authorities in Japan are now studying the problem of transfer of management of the Zaibatsu war industries' trust to qualified persons, the acting Secretary of State Robert Lovett disclosed to the press today. Transfer of management of Zaibatsu concerns considered 12/25/1947 25:7 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 12/25/1947 25:11 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (London) 産業経済新聞 Y 4 12/25/194[7] 25:11b International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Yomiuri H 47-frn-3110 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun Jacob Kaiser declared that it was impossible for a free democratic party to operate in Soviet zone of Germanythat Russians insisted on totalitarianism Soviets making mass arrests in their zone of Germany H, D 47-frn-3109 Jacob Kaiser, whom the Russians ousted as leader of the Christian [Democratic] Party, declared it was impossible for a free, independent, democratic political party to operate in the Soviet zone of Germany. Soviets making mass arrest in their zone of Germany Soviets making mass arrests in their zone of Germany H Y 1 47-frn-3111 [12]/[23]/194[7] 25:12 Nippon Tsushin 12/25/194[7] 25:13 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3113 12/25/1947 25:14 USIS 日本通信 (Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press (21, Los Angeles) North アサヒニュース American Newspaper Alliance (New York) Nihon Tsushin 47-frn-3112 The Asahi News Asahi News 47-frn-3114 [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:2e Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Paris) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3115 [12]/[25]/194[7] 26:3 Associated Press (14, London) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin 47-frn-3116 [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:4 United Press 時事通信 (1, Tokyo) 47-frn-3117 12/26/1947 26:4a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) ソ連軍ドイツ占領地域に於いて集団檢挙 H, S Notes 5 US is evacuating airbases in Panama in accordance with the demands of the Panama assembly H ソ東独で大量逮捕. 單一政府樹立の準備か H Y 2 Y 1 [Yasuike] 1 2 H, P 1 Transfer of management of zaibatsu concerns considered 1 1 Asia needs recovery plan, Indian expert says Iva Ikuko Toguri D'Aquin[o] - known in this country as Tokyo Rose - will not be allowed to come home. If we in America do not fully realize this, says Poland's self-exiled Peasant Party leader, we make up belatedly -- as is the case of the Baltic and East European countries including his own -to a fait accompli in which, without any general war or war declaration, all Europe lies sewed up in Russia's absolute power. The French communist press predicted today the Communist controlled nations will recognize guerilla chieftain Markos Vifiades as head of the government of free Greece, and warned the United States it assumed "heavy responsibility" in further aid to the Athens regime. Asia needs recovery plan, Indian expert says Tokyo Rose will not be allowed to come home H, P 2 H, P 2 Poland's self-exiled peasant party leader, Mikolajzcyk revealed internal Russia propaganda lines H, D French Communist press predicted that the communist controlled countries will recognize guerilla chieftain Vifiades as head of free Greece H, P Jiji Tsushin Value of U.S. $ by USSR Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Ceylon is anxious to procure the services of a number of skilled Japanese artisans to teach arts and crafts to the islanders, particularly to its women, the United Press was told by a representative of the Ceylonese government. Ceylon to procure the services of skilled Japanese artisans Moscow paper says that US H, S dollar is half its prewar valuethat US capitalism is coming to a crisis Ceylon wishes to hire H, S Japanese women to teach arts and crafts- SCAP approval necessary, however 四月から活發に展開. ソ連のコールドウオー. ミコライチク氏談 Ceylon wishes to hire H, S Japanese women to teach arts and crafts- SCAP approval necessary, however Y [Rembert James] 4 2 5 [K. V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] 3 [K. V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 Oversized News Agency International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Photograph(s) Source 23:43 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/23/1947 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3100 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Japanese Artisans Sought To Teach Ceylon Crafts[m]en Ceylon wishes to hire H, S Japanese women to teach arts and crafts- SCAP approval necessary, however 47-frn-3119 12/26/194[7] 26:5 United Press 共同通信 (Hong Kong, Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Shanghai movie tycoon indicted for collaborating with the Japanese in the production of anti-US, antiBritish films H, P 2 47-frn-3120 12/26/194[7] 26:6a Associated Press (5, 42, Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service French Communist paper indicated that Soviet will guard Greece from AngloAmerican intervention H, D 3 47-frn-3120a 12/26/194[7] 26:6b Associated Press (42, Paris) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun French Communist paper indicated that Soviet will guard Greece from AngloAmerican intervention H, D 1 47-frn-3121 [12]/[25]/194[7] 26:6c Associated Press (Paris) 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Shanghai high court procurate formally indicted former Shanghai movie tycoon [Jeon Chang-keun] charges collaboration cumjaps in production antiUni[ted] States, anti-British films during occupation. The French Communist [organization, L'humanite,] indicated today that the Soviet satellite nations would recognize the new Greek Communist "government" headed by General Markos Vafiades and would guarantee its independence against Anglo-Saxon intervention. The French Communist [organization, L'humanite,] indicated today that the Soviet satellite nations would recognize the new Greek Communist "government" headed by General Markos Vafiades and would guarantee its independence against "Anglo-Saxon intervention". French newspaper says Moscow will recognize new Greek communist regime 47-frn-3122 12/26/1947 26:6d Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Athens) 47-frn-3123 12/26/194[7] 26:9 Associated Press (46, Paris) 47-frn-3123a 12/29/1947 26:11 47-frn-3124 12/26/194[7] 47-frn-3125 Jiji World 2 In leader headlined "Who is responsible for failure of preparation of peace with Germany?" magazine New Times writes "sinking of London conference has [been] long in advance [engineered] by American delegation in agreement with British and French ministers." Moscow paper accuses 3 western powers of refusing to let Germany participate when discussing reparations H, S 3 In a leader headlined "Who is responsible for the failure of the preparation of peace with Germany?", the Soviet magazine "New Times" writes as follows: "The boycott of the London conference has been prepared long in advance by the American delegation in [agreement] with the British and French ministers." There are 30,000,000 hungry and homeless people in Russia, Doctor Marie de Pimentel Brandao, veteran Brazilian diplomat, said here on arrival from Moscow. Ambassador Mario Brandao, returning from his mission to Moscow, said 30,000,000 Russians are hungry and homeless. Soviet magazine, New Times writes that the boycott of the London conference had been prepared in advance by the three western powers H, S 1 There are 30,000,000 hungry and homeless people in Russia, said a Brazilian diplomat, on arrival from Moscow There are 30,000,000 hungry and homeless people in Russia, said a Brazilian diplomat, on arrival from Moscow Communist troops exerting increasing pressure on Kuomintang troops in spite of Kuomintang use of poison gas Yugoslav paper states that formation of Democratic government in Greece represents a blow to US H, P Yugoslav paper states that formation of Democratic government in Greece represents a blow to US William C. Bullitt H, S Nippon Times Foreign 450 Greeks caught in Red killing plot. Police Clamp Down as Vifiades Rebels Proclaim New Government Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun United Press 時事通信 ([B]oston) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin In the face of guarantees which will be given Vifiades, L'humanite said "The interventionists will be assuming [a] heavy responsibility" if they try to aid the [Athens] government. Christian Science Monitor reviewing dispatches [f]rom its correspon[den]t Gor[don] Walker, asks "what[']s behind [bla]nd face of Ja[pan's] defeat." 26:12 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (23, Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 12/26/194[7] 26:12a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (16, Moscow) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-3126 [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:14 United Press 国際タイムス (Rio de Janeiro) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-3127 [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:14a Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3128 [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:15 United Press 国際タイムス (Prague) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 47-frn-3129 12/26/194[7] 26:18 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (18, Belgrade) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 47-frn-3129a 12/26/194[7] 26:18a Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Belgrade) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 47-frn-3130 12/26/194[7] 26:19 United Press 共同通信 (4, 12, 14, New York, San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 共同通信 望みなき"自由". 原爆大量生産は不可能. 駐ソ伯大使ソ事情語る 毒ガス使用か. 山東半島の國共戰で ユゴ新聞新政府礼讃 1 French newspaper says H, [D] Moscow will recognize new Greek Communist regime 450 Greeks caught in H, D, Communist-inspired plot to P assassinate ex-Premier Gonatas and other prominent politicians The interventionists will be H, P assuming a heavy responsibility if they try to aid the Athens government, said the L'humanite H, S Nippon Times 東京新聞 [K. V. Narain, United Press staff correspon dent] Notes 26:4b The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug charged that Chinese Kuomintang forces are using poison gas against Communist troops on the Shantung peninsula. The Yugoslav paper Borba writes that the formation of first democrati[c] government in Greece constitutes a serious blow on the interventionists as well as on the Greek monarchists the paper continues that this event is the outcome of the struggle between the American intervention aiming at enslavement of the Greek people and the efforts for liberation and freedom of Greek popular masses which becom[e] stronger and stronger. Serious blow on interventionists and Greek monarchists, Belgrade paper says. William C. Bull[i]tt former Ambassador France Rusia outspoke adherent all but aid China writing Life Magazine on war in Indochina said... 1 1 2 Y H H, S 1 Y H, S H, P 2 2 1 Y 2 4 Oversized News Agency 12/26/1947 Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-3118 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 47-frn-3132 12/26/1947 26:22 47-frn-3132a [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:23 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Teheran) 労働民報 47-frn-3133 [12]/[26]/1947 26:24 New York Herald Tribune 47-frn-3134 [12]/[26]/194[7] 26:31 47-frn-3134a 12/26/194[7] 26:31a Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Rodo Mimpo Rodo Mimpo 一九四八年の世界労働運動の展望 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo International 北海道新聞 News Service (New York) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Chiang Seen Having Bear by Tail in Feng, a Present-Day Dr. Sun. Keeps 'Christian General' in U.S. Post Despite Attacks and Formation of Opposition Groups Abroad, Recalling How Manchus Fell A.A.U. Secretary Dan Ferris predict that both Japan and Germany will have teams at the Olympic in 1952. International 読売新聞 News Service (New York) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri ヘルシンキ大会に日独参加か. 米体協理事語る Akahata Uikuri Akahata Uikuri ソ同盟の通貨改革 共同通信 アカハタウィークリ ー 時事通信 時事解説版; サン写真新聞 Southeast Asia heads into 1948 with revolution and political unrest still rocking the lands which furnish so much of the world[']s rubber, tin, oil, and tropical raw materials. To Advise Iranian Army 47-frn-3135 12/26/194[7] 47-frn-3135a [12]/[26]/194[7] 47-frn-3136 12/26/1947 27:5 Associated 時事通信 Press (6, Washington) 47-frn-3137 12/[7]/194[7] 27:5a Associated 共同通信 Press (6, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service William P. Jacobs, President of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association, will leave for Japan early next month for "advisory conferences" the Army said today. 47-frn-3137a [12]/[27]/194[7] 27:5b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo William P. Jacobs, President of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association, will leave for Japan early next month for "advisory conferences" the Army said today. 47-frn-3138 12/27/194[7] 27:5d Associated 東京新聞 Press (6, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun William P. Jacobs, President of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association, will leave for Japan early next month for "advisory conferences" the Army said today. 47-frn-3139 12/27/1947 27:5e Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. cotton chief coming. Jacobs to Confer with SCAP On Japan Textile Program 47-frn-3139a [12]/[27]/194[7] 27:6 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 47-frn-3140 12/27/194[7] 27:8b United Press 共同通信 (2, 3, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3141 12/27/194[7] 27:9 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3142 12/29/1947 27:10 Associated 共同通信 Press (31, 32, 33, San Francisco, Washington) Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 47-frn-3143 12/27/194[7] 27:10a Associated 東京新聞 Press (39, Washington) 47-frn-3144 12/27/194[7] 27:13 Reuters (Beograde) 共同通信 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, D 3 US will advise the Iranian army without command responsibilities H, P 1 Marshal Feng spoke out against American aid to Chiang; Criticized war leadership H, D, [Edward S Rohrboug h] 1 AAU Secretary Dan Ferris predicts that both Japan and Germany will have teams in the Olympics in 1952 AAU Secretary Dan Ferris predicts that both Japan and Germany will have teams in the Olympics in 1952 H, P 1 H, D [Kawamoto ] H D Jiji Tsushin Jiji Jiji Tsushin kaisetsu 国際政局の回顧と展望 "平和への扉"なお開く Kaisetsuban; The Sun tsushin; Sun News だが波瀾多き国際政情; Pictorial Daily Photos ド・ゴール派の勝利をヒトラーの出現にたとえた独ベル トナー紙の漫画 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin William P. Jacobs, President of the American Cotton Manufacturers Association, will leave for Japan early next month for "advisory conferences" the Army said today. Examiner3 France is using an estimated 110,000 troops to beat the republicans into subjugation in the Vietnam Republic D, S William P. Jacobs, pres. of American Cotton Manufacturers Assoc., will leave for Japan for an advisory conference, the Army said William P. Jacobs, pres. of American Cotton Manufacturers Assoc., will leave for Japan for an advisory conference, the Army said William P. Jacobs, pres. of American Cotton Manufacturers Assoc., will leave for Japan for an advisory conference, the Army said William P. Jacobs, pres. of American Cotton Manufacturers Assoc., will leave for Japan for an advisory conference, the Army said William P. Jacobs, pres. of American Cotton Manufacturers Assoc., will leave for Japan for an advisory conference, the Army said 国際情勢一ヵ年の回顧 [Nojiri] Y 7 Y 1 Y 3 Y 5 H, P 1 H, P 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, P 1 H, S H [Kawamoto ] [Hensley] Y 13 Informeds said one first actions Marshall expected take when returns to duties at State Dep[artment] January first is to decide next step in Uni[ted] States campaign to bring about early Japanese conference. Sweeping changes in United States policy toward Japan during 1948 are predicted in Washington as present year comes to [a] close. Japanese peace treaty: Russia still adamant about the use of the veto Kyodo President Truman may try to match his choice of a running mate in the next year's election c[a]mpaign with anyone the Republicans select for their presidential nomine[e] - even if he will be General Douglas MacArthur. Truman is considering his choice for a running mate, but must reserve judgment until he sizes up his opponent H, P Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun President Truman may try to match his choice of [a] running mate in the next year[']s election c[a]mpaign with anyone the Republicans select for their presidential nomine[e] - even if he will be General Douglas MacArthur. Truman is considering his choice for a running mate, but must reserve judgment until he sizes up his opponent H, P 1 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service New Greek "Provisional Democratic Government" under General Markos, Greek guerilla leader, declared in radio announcement that [h]is main objective was "to bring liberation to all democratic forces in Greece from Imperialist foreigners and their lackeys," Tanjug Yugoslav official news agency reported. Greek democratic government declared main objective: bring liberation to Greece from imperialist foreigners H, D 2 American occupation policies H, D in Japan destined for legislative survey (economic and social) for 1948 4 5 [Jack Bell] 1 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (55, Singapore) Photograph(s) Source 26:21 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 12/26/194[7] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3131 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 International Nippon Times News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Decisions on war leaders expected May next year. Lengthy Trial Reaching Climax As Tojo Gives Testimony Lengthy war crimes trial reaching climax as Tojo gives testimony H, P 47-frn-3146 12/27/1947 27:17 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 27:18 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign H, P 2 47-frn-3148 12/[27]/1947 27:19 United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon-Keizai "Tremendous trade potential of Far East shipping routes depends on the return of Japanese production and more normal political, financial, and industrial conditions in Korea, China, and other areas, said a study prepared especially for the United Press by the National Federation of American shipping. Pravda attacked the new Iranian Premier, Hakimi, who closely associates with Anglo-American circles Allies agree on broad principles, but not on details on the question of the recovery of Japan Tremendous trade potential of Far East shipping routes depends on the return of Japanese production 1 12/27/1947 Split between Iran, USSR held imminent. Soviet Envoy to Teheran and Most of His Staff Leave For New Delhi. Pravda Attacks Hakimi Sansom maps plan for recovery here. Noted Authority Says Allies Agreed on Broad Principles, But Not on Details H, D 47-frn-3147 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (London) International Nippon Times News Service (New York) H, P 2 47-frn-3149 12/27/194[7] 27:20 Associated Press (28, San Francisco) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union might refuse to handle cargo bound for certain countries, says Harry Bridges H, P 2 47-frn-3149a [12]/[27]/194[7] 27:20a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Harry Bridges said Friday it is quite likely his Congress of Industrial Organizations Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union would refuse to handle cargo bound for certain countries. Harry Bridges said today it is quite likely his Congress of Industrial Organizations Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union would refuse to handle cargo bound for certain countries. Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union might refuse to handle cargo bound for certain countries, says Harry Bridges H, P 1 47-frn-3150 12/27/194[7] 27:22 International 朝鮮新聞 News Service Chosen Shimbun Chosen-Shinbun 47-frn-3151 12/27/1947 27:25 New York Herald Tribune (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3153 12/27/1947 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 47-frn-3154 [12]/[27]/194[7]; [12]/[28]/194[7] Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3155 12/27/1947 共同通信 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) 共同通信 唖の建国行者に金九氏思ひ余って筆を執る H, D Americans looking for ways to prevent the Communizing of China often decide that the basic first step must be to reduce and modernize the Chinese Army. Nanking bans news on Mukden battle. Nationalists Held Likely to Abandon Plan to Keep Wedge in Manchuria China: Military: Communists reportedly using gas; The government renewed offical claims today that the communists are using gas in the civil war... Americans believe that the first step in preventing the Communizing of China is to reduce and modernize the Chinese Army Press censorship in China: Chiang Kai-shek's government will be able to draw the curtain over any military area where civil war is going badly for his forces Communists reportedly using poison gas H, P James Lee Kauffman charges that SCAP policies are making conditions in Japan unfavorable to American investors New York Times editorial: Tojo has the idea that Japan was forced to attack Pearl Harbor in self defense D, S 28:1 Radio Press Sokuho (Chungking; Nanking) 28:2 United Press 時事通信, (New York) 日本経済新聞 Jiji Tsushin, The Nihon Keizai Jiji Tsushin, Nippon Keizai Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service New York Times editorial "it turned out Tojo has same idea about Pearl Harbor that some our extreme isolationists have expressed on floor Congress. Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun China probably world[']s most serious infection point of war and want heads into new year with growing apprehension that 1948 will year of decision. The Sunday Herald, quoting Chinese political sources, said today a[n] "antigovernment Kuomintang conference" aimed at revolution to bring about a complete change in the present policies of the national gov[ernmen]t and prepare to hope with its vital collapse, is scheduled to meet in Hong Kong. Observers question the wisdom of unsupervised loans to China; so far loans have not stopped Communism 47-frn-3156 12/28/194[7] 28:3 United Press 共同通信 (20, San Francisco, Shanghai) 47-frn-3157 12/28/194[7] 28:4 Associated Press (Shanghai) 47-frn-3158 12/28/194[7] 28:5 Associated 共同通信 Press (24, 63, Hong Kong) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3159 [12]/[28]/194[7] 28:6 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Panama) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Former Panamanian Foreign Minister Ricardo Alfare accused the United States State Department today of committing three "fundamental errors" in negotiating for defense bases in Panama. 47-frn-3160 [12]/[28]/194[7] 28:7 United Press 毎日新聞 (New York) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Sumner Welles, former Undersecretary of State, declared today that Russia has decided upon a policy of ag[g]ressive expansion and that, if she is allowed to dominate Europe, the Near East, and the Far East, there will not be any safety for the people of the United States. 47-frn-3161 [12]/[27]/194[7] 28:9 United Press 東京タイムズ (Chicago) The Tokyo Times Tokyo Times 東京新聞 ソ連の干渉 [John Rich] Notes 27:15 Russian Interference 1 [Kawamoto ] Y [Christoph er Rand] 3 4 D 1 H, P 2 Don Dillon Mercola Sameshima 1 H, P 2 P 2 H, P 2 Former Panamanian Foreign Minister, Alfare accused the US State Dept. of committing three fundamental errors in negotiating for bases in Panama Sumner Wells declared that Russia has decided upon a policy of aggressive expansion and will threaten the safety of Americans if allowed to dominate the East H, P 1 P 1 Russian interference in Sweden and Norway is preventing US publishers from obtaining newsprints from those countries H, P Y 2 Oversized News Agency 12/27/1947 Photograph(s) Source 47-frn-3145 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 12/27/1947 47-frn-3163 12/28/1947 47-frn-3163a 12/28/194[7] 47-frn-3163b 47-frn-3164 12/28/194[7] 12/29/1947 47-frn-3165 28:10 Submitted by (Japanese) 12/29/1947 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) ベルグラード放送 Headline Asahi Shimbun Asahi Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Local アカハタ Akahata Akahata アカハタ Nippon Times Akahata Nippon Times Akahata Nippon Times Foreign 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Palestine: Violent protest against British policy Subject Brief Summary Belgrad radio comments on Markos government Belgrad radio comments on the formation of the Markos government H, P Ex-Transport Chief's Home Raided; Blackmart Restaurant Uncovered Ex-transport chief's home raided; vast amount of black market goods confiscated, among them, GI supplies D May Abandon Research US may abandon atomic energy research for industry to concentrate its efforts on atomic war weapons Haganah radio announced that violent protest against British policy in Palestine was launched Pravda columnist says that Washington is upset by emergence of "Democratic Government " in Greece 労組の政治攻勢. 我らの大統領を. 具體化した米の第三黨運動 欧州の課題 29:2, 29:2a Radio Press (Sydney) [12]/[28]/194[7] 29:3 Radio Press Sokuho (Saigon) 47-frn-3166 12/29/194[7] 29:12 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (31, Moscow) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service "Formation of Greek democratic gov[ern]ment provoked utter confusion within reactionary side and especially in Washington," Soviet columnist Leontiev writes in Parva this morning. 47-frn-3167 [12]/[28]/194[7] 29:12a Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Moscow) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Washington upset by emergence of "Democratic Gov[ernmen]t" in Greece, says Pravda columnist 47-frn-3168 [12]/[29]/194[7] 29:19 United Press 国際タイムス (Paris) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 佛豫算案可決 The National Assembly, overriding the Communist and Extreme Right opposition, approved the record government budget of $7,560,000,000 (B) just before midnight Saturday with only minor changes. 47-frn-3169 12/29/194[7] 29:20 International 読売新聞 News Service (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 帝國主義政策を暴露. モスクワ放送攻撃 Moscow radio says Washington confused by new Red Greek regime setup 47-frn-3169a [12]/[29]/194[7] 29:20a International News Service (London) 47-frn-3170 [12]/[29]/194[7] 29:21 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3171 12/29/194[7] 29:23 United Press 共同通信 (Lawrence, KS) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Rep[resentative] Walter Judd charges people in Soviet dominated nations of Europe "praying for war to end enslavement under Russia." 47-frn-3172 12/29/194[7] 29:24 Reuters (Shanghai) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3173 12/29/1947 29:32 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Chinese trade mission to Japan composed of thirteen members including delegate from Ministry of Economics will leave in two batches of seven and six respectively with first group scheduled leave middle January according to information from Ministry Economics. Fear Is Growing That 1948 Will Decide Fate of China. Has Little to Offer in Return for Foreign Loans; Civil War Seen as Life-Draining Cancer 47-frn-3174 12/29/1947 29:34 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Tokyo Trials 47-frn-3175 12/29/1947 29:42 United Press 毎日新聞 (Berlin) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi The people in Berlin is facing the New Year in the most profound state of depression since the war ended. 47-frn-3176 [12]/[29]/194[7] 29:43 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ドイツ在住ソヴエト人の生活 47-frn-3177 [12]/[28]/194[7] 29:45 New York 共同通信 Herald Tribune (Dresden) Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Moscow); United Press (Washington) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo ソ連紙論評; 對華軍需品輸送船近く出航 47-frn-3178 12/29/1947 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Heading continues of Tojo affidavit. Alleged Pressure on Japan by ABCD Nations, Listed in 31-Page Synopsis Tojo affidavit: alleged pressure on Japan by ABCD nations which led to war 47-frn-3179 12/29/1947 Associated Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Reading continues of Tojo affidavit. Wartime Leader Pleased With Splurge Given His Story By Newspapers Tojo's trial: Prosecution not pleased by Japanese newspapers' sly propaganda twist in covering the trial Moscow Radio said Sunday that the Communist government in Northern Greece has caused confusion throughout the reactionary camp, Athens to Washington. Chinese Nationalist charges that Soviets are aiding Chinese Communists breaks a long official silence on this subject. How the Russians Live in Germany. A Reporter Finds Soviets Comfortably Intrenched and Well Provisioned Pravda columnist says that Washington is upset by emergence of "Democratic Government " in Greece At the National Assembly, Moderates overrode Communist and extreme rightists; communists called the moderates " American Party" Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 2 1 [D] Y 2 D H, P, S Y 2 1 H, S 1 H, S 3 S 1 H, D, S Y 2 Moscow Radio says Washington confused by the new Red Greek Regime setup Moscow Radio says Washington confused by the new Red Greek Regime setup H, S Y 2 H, S 1 Chinese Nationalist charges that Soviets are aiding Chinese Communists H, P 2 Walter Judd said that there are two worlds at present; there must be unity obtained, either by conquest or agreement Chinese trade mission to leave for Japan H, P 2 H, P 3 Mention of foreigners holding capital in China as "hated, but hard headed" H, D, P 1 Tojo pleased with Japanese newspaper notices on his defense affidavits In the Soviet sector of Germany there is a feeling of raging bitterness against the Anglo-Americans How the Russians Live in Germany: Soviets comfortably entrenched and well provisioned H, P 1 D 1 P [Marguerit e Higgins] H, S P [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] H, D [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] Y 21 Y 1 1 1 Oversized News Agency Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Belgrad) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3162 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 47-frn-3181 12/30/194[7] 30:9a Associated 共同通信 Press (28, 49, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 47-frn-3181a [12]/[27]/194[7] 27:23 United Press [毎日新聞] (Tokyo) [Mainichi Shimbun] 47-frn-3182 [12]/[31]/194[7] 31:16a, 31:20 United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun The Mainichi 47-frn-3183 [12]/[31]/194[7] 31:22 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 47-frn-3184 48-frn-0001 [12]/[31]/194[7] 1/3/1948 政治新聞 United Press Nippon Times Seiji Shimbun Nippon Times Seiji Shimbun Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0002 1/4/1948 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0002a [1]/[4]/194[8] Akahata Akahata 48-frn-0003 1/6/1948 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0004 1/6/1948 6:40b United Press [日本経済新聞] (Washington) [The Nihon Keizai] 48-frn-0005 [1]/[6]/194[8] 7:1 [Radio Press (London BBC)] 48-frn-0006 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:2 Radio Press (Sydney) 48-frn-0007 1/7/194[8] 7:4 United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (Washington) 48-frn-0008 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:6 時事通信 48-frn-0009 [1]/[7]/1948 7:6a 48-frn-0010 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:6b 48-frn-0011 1/7/194[8] 7:7 4:15a 朝日新聞 Telepress (Prague) アカハタ Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, D 1 Tojo's defense likely the version of war history which will be taught to Japanese school children after conclusion of occupation H, D 2 H 1 Keenan characterized Tojo's affidavit as an "insult to the tribunal" H, P Japanese war premier Tojo[']s dramatic 65,000 word declaration that Japan attacked the United States in self defense is failing to impress the American people and newspaper editors generally. American people in general do not accept Tojo's declaration that Japan attacked the US in self defense H, P Mrs. Hideki Tojo Convinced Husband Getting Fair Trial Mrs. Tojo convinced that her husband is getting a fair trial The U.S. State Department has agreed to ask the Far Eastern Commission to approve publication of a plan for demilitarizing Japan which Senator William F. Knowland, Republican from California, contends has Communist tinges. French Embassy witch-hunt follows escape attempts US State Dept.'s plan for demilitarizing Japan has Communist tinges, says Sen. Knowland Japanese Industry. Informed sources reported that there is a sharp difference of opinion between the United States and the United Kingdom over Am[e]rican plans to decentralize Japanese industry to the greatest possible extent. Informed sources reported that there is a sharp difference of opinion between the United States and the United Kingdom over American plans to decentralize Japanese industry to the greatest possible extent. Political: Stassen outlines program against Communism Differences of opinion between US and United Kingdom over American plans to decentralize Japanese industry Republican candidate for Pres., Stassen, outlines program against Communism H, P 1 Political: "Daily News" attacks Truman Doctrine NY Daily News attacks Truman for sending Marines to the Medditeranean: "may involve US in World war III" H, S 2 Washington Rep., Herter, stated that his foreign aid bill could take in China and Japan when the peace treaty is concluded Chinese government mission which visited Russian held areas at Port Arthur and Dairen said that they will claim Japanese plants that are producing arms ammunition H 2 H, P 1 1 Differences of opinion between US and United Kingdom over American plans to decentralize Japanese industry [Matsuda] , [Peter Kalisher, United Press staff correspon dent] D H, P Y 1 1 2 1 7 1 1 H, D [Telepress special correspon dent] [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] H Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Rep[resentative] Christian [A.] Herter told [United Press] his [foreign aid] bill could take in China and Japan when peace treaty with that nation concluded. Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Chinese sources said Chinese mission which visited Russian held areas PortArthur Darien will claim former Japanese plants in areas [that] are producing arms ammunition. United Press 毎日新聞 (Shanghai) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Arm plan Port Arthur Chinese government mission which visited Russian held areas at Port Arthur and Dairen said that they will claim Japanese plants that are producing arms ammunition H United Press 国際タイムス (Shanghai) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Chinese sources said China's government mission which visited the Russian-held areas at Port Arthur and Dairen will claim that former Japanese plants in the areas are producing arms and ammunition. Chinese government mission which visited Russian held areas at Port Arthur and Dairen said that they will claim Japanese plants that are producing arms ammunition H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 共同通信 Examiner3 Tojo's defense likely the version of war history which will be taught to Japanese school children after conclusion of occupation 米の共同主義 旅大で武器製造か Examiner1 Examiner2 The New York Herald Tribune said editorially that Hideki Tojo's defense before the War Crimes Tribunal was based on extreme "sanctification of national self interest" or "sacred egoism." The New York Herald Tribune said editorially that Hideki Tojo's defense before the War Crimes Tribunal was based on extreme "sanctification of national self interest" or "sacred egoism." Ex-Premier Hideki Tojo, taking the witness stand before the International Military Tribunal for the Far East Friday, wore a piece of string tied around the middle finger of his right hand. Tokyo War Trials 2 3 [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 Y Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Photograph(s) Source 30:9 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted [12]/[30]/194[7] Writers Prange Control No. 47-frn-3180 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 時事通信 News Item; AP- New York Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Secretary of the Army Kenneth Royall [sa]id today that in the occupation of Japan there has [ar]ised "an [in]evitable area of conflict between... Occupation of Japan: inevitable area of conflict between the original concept of broad demilitarization, and the new purpose of building a self-supporting nation H, P Associated 時事通信; 共同通信 Press (11, New York); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin [A] foreign trade office to facilitate A foreign trade office to commerce with Japan has opened here facilitate commerce with with Peter McDermott, former chief of Japan opens in New York. the Foreign Trade Division of the Allied Powers, in charge.; A foreign trade office to facilitate commerce with Japan has opened here with Peter McDermott, SCAP's foreign trade representative in Washington and New York, in charge.; [A] foreign trade office to facilitate commerce with Japan has opened here with Peter McDermott, chief of the Foreign Trade Division of the Allied Powers, in charge. Due to lack of currency exchange rate between US and Japan, direct business between US and Japan impossible H, D; H; H Communists speakers at Sixth Communist Party Convention warned Uni[ted] States troops soon be back Italian so[i]l demanded more positive action against... Italian Communists met and blamed US for Italy's economic ills; discussed how to oust current government of Italy H, S 1 S 1 In London[,] authoritative government informants said Britain was planning to dispatch formal warnings to Bulgaria, Albania and Yugoslavia, Greece[']s northern nei[gh]bors, against recognizing the Mar[c]os government. Ne[e]d for [a] Japan strong enough "to serve as [a] deter[ant] a[ga]inst any other totalitarian threats which might arise in the Far East" [w]as [v]oiced by Kenneth [C.] Royall, Secretary of the Army. Need for [a] Japan strong enough "to serve as [a] deterrent against any other totalitarian threats which might arise in the Far East" was voiced by Kenneth [C.] Royall, Secretary of the Army. Britain plans to dispatch formal warnings to Bulgaria, Albania, and Yugoslavia against recognizing the Marcos government H, P 3 H, P 2 H, P 2 Need for a Japan strong enough "to serve as a deterrent against any other totalitarian threats which might arise in the Far East" was voiced by Kenneth C. Royall, Secretary of the Army, here today. Congress convened consider problems vital import[ance] to economic political destiny whol[e] world. Kenneth Royall stresses the need for a Japan strong enough to serve as a deterrant against other totalitarian threats which might arise in the far east Kenneth Royall stresses the need for a Japan strong enough to serve as a deterrant against other totalitarian threats which might arise in the far east Kenneth Royall stresses the need for a Japan strong enough to serve as a deterrant against other totalitarian threats which might arise in the far east Role of international leadership was thrust on US because of war H, P 3 H, P 3 48-frn-0013 1/7/194[8] 7:8; 7:8a; 7:8b 48-frn-0016 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:9 United Press 時事通信 (Milan, Italy) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0017 1/7/194[8] 7:9a United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0018 1/7/194[8] 7:10 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0019 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:11 Associated 時事通信 Press (8, San Francisco) 48-frn-0020 1/7/194[8] 7:11a Associated Press (5, 8, San Francisco) 48-frn-0021 [1]/[7]/194[8] 48-frn-0022 2 Mercola Sameshima 7 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 7:11b Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 1/7/194[8] 7:14 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0023 1/7/1948 7:15a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Race of two ideologies seen going on in Japan. Democratic-T[o]talitarian Contest Held World Allegiance Test Race of two ideologies seen in Japan: democracy and totalitarianisn H, P 1 48-frn-0024 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:15b Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun A race is in progress in Japan between the principles of democracy and totalitarianism, says an article from General MacArthur's headquarters appearing in the January issue of the official Army Information Digest. Race of two ideologies seen in Japan: democracy and totalitarianisn H, P 1 48-frn-0025 1/7/194[8] 7:16 Jiji Tsushin Jiji-Tsushin 48-frn-0026 [1]/[6]/194[8] 7:17 United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Athens) Service News Service Jiji W. Greek guerrillas shells government positions from inside Albania 48-frn-0027 [1]/[6]/194[8] 7:18 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji W. British troops in Greece may be reinforced 48-frn-0028 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:18a 48-frn-0029 1/7/1948 7:18b Associated Press (London) United Press (London) Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (London) 48-frn-0030 1/7/1948 7:19 48-frn-0031 1/7/1948 7:20 時事通信 Editorial News Item 戰爭は米ソ對立を解決する手段に非ず [毎日新聞] [Mainichi Shimbun] Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 日米通信 The America-Japan Press (18) Nichibei Tsushin (No. 18) 敗戰を忘れた國民の狂態. 一進駐軍將校が語る"東京の新年感" United Press 日米通信 (Washington) , Kiplinger Washington Agency The America-Japan Press Nichibei 欧州惡化の見透しに踊る"赤". 世界平和に切望される米國内の強力化 "A War is not the means to Speculation as to who would settle the opposition between rise victorious if war were to America and Soviet" break out between Soviet and Western Europe Greek guerrillas shell government positions from inside Albania British troops in Greece may be reinforced British foreign policy Britain may send troops to Greece. Policy Revision May Result In Decision to Assist Hard-Pressed Regime "An Occupation Army Officer Expresses His New Year Feelings Here In Tokyo. Rhapsodic Attitudes of the Japanese Who Seems To Have Forgotten What War-Defeat Is." Some "little wars" with American deaths are considered probabl within the next 6 months. It's high time to begin to face the prospect. H, S Gomes T. Hori Y 11 H, P 2 H, P 1 British troops in Greece may be reinforced British troops in Greece may be reinforced H 1 H 1 Tokyo: Attitudes of the Japanese who seems to have forgotten what war-defeat is P Some "little wars" with American deaths are considered probable within the next 6 months H, D Gomes Abe Y 4 Y 2 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 7:7a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0012 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0033 1/7/194[8] 7:22 Associated Press (4, Manila) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0034 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:22a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Manila) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0035 1/7/194[8] 7:22b Associated Press (Manila) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0036 1/7/1948 7:23 United 日米通信 Feature Syndicate (Sasabe, AZ) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 48-frn-0037 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:24 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (23, London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0038 1/7/194[8] 7:24a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (19, London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0039 [1]/[6]/194[8] 7:24b Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (London) [Mainichi Shimbun] 48-frn-0040 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:24c Agence 世界日報 France-presse (London) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Chinese attitude in regard to Japanese Peace Treaty analysed by the London Times 48-frn-0041 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:25 Reuters Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin All the signs suggest that Japan will in the near future [b]ecome once again an important exporter and also a large import market for foreign goods. 48-frn-0042 [1]/[6]/194[8] 7:27 48-frn-0043 1/7/194[8] 7:28 [Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC)] Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (18, Moscow) 48-frn-0044 1/7/1948 7:28a 48-frn-0045 1/7/194[8] 48-frn-0046 時事通信 世界の外観異狀なし. 共に生き共に死ぬ"一の世界観"の至難さ Subject Rumours that the Democratic League was to merge with the Communists were denied in circles close to the League. Government source said as result Far Eastern Commission['s] decisions it likely countries claiming reparations from Japan [w]ill receive only small fraction their claims A Government source said today as result o[f] Far Eastern Commission decisions it is likely countries claiming reparations from Japan will receive only a small fraction of their claims. Government source said as result Far Eastern Commission['s' decisions it likely countries claiming reparations from Japan will receive only small fraction their claims Washington Calling. In the memory of men who are by no means ancient this country on the Mexican border was the Old West, wild and open and beyond the law. Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Trieste: Yugoslavia & Italy deadlock over governor Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, P 1 Countries claiming reparations from Japan is likely to receive only a small fraction of their claims H, P 2 Countries claiming reparations from Japan is likely to receive only a small fraction of their claims H, P 1 Countries claiming reparations from Japan is likely to receive only a small fraction of their claims H 2 Atomic power and the power H, P [Marquis of habit: People go about Childs] their ordinary pursuits as if the new force of atomic power has not been unleashed The chinese are upset that H, D, US is building up Japan at S the expense of effective aid to Chinas The chinese are upset that H, D US is building up Japan at the expense of effective aid to Chinas Commenting China[']s stand in Japan[ese] peace preparation London Times quote diplomacy of Nanking suffered rebuff by Soviet Union[']s... Commenting on the Chinese stand in the preparation of the Japanese peace, the "London Times" writes today as follows: "The diplomacy of Nanking has suffered a rebuff... Chinese on Japanese peace treaty Examiner3 Denied: Rumours that the Democratic League was to merge with the Communists The chinese are upset that US is building up Japan at the expense of effective aid to Chinas The chinese are upset that US is building up Japan at the expense of effective aid to Chinas All signs suggest that Japan will once again become an important exporter and also a large import market for foreign goods Yugoslavia and Italy in deadlock over governor of Trieste Free Territory H, D Y 3 1 1 1 2 H, P 1 H, P 1 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun "Our [a]rmy is now on the path to victory and the Kuomintang forces are doomed," declared Chinese communist leader Mao Tze Tung in a speech broadcast by the Moscow Ra[di]o. The Kuomingtang forces are doomed, said Mao TzeTung, Communist leader H, P 1 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Moscow) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Chinese Communist Chinese Communist leader declared that the democratic forces in the East must unite in the struggle aginst the Imperialists H, D, S 2 7:29 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (17, Athens) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Russia has sent to Albania 50 fighter planes and an airfield has been built fo the training of Greek partisans H, P 1 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:33a Associated Press (Tokyo) Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Commenting a story which had been published by the London "Evening Standard" and broadcasted by the Columbia Broadcasting Company" to the effect that Russia has sent... SCAP will dip into his own trust fund for $10,000,000 to buy 50,000 sales of cotton to keep Nipponese cotton mills operating until further financial agreements can be completed, it was learned today. H, S 48-frn-0047 1/7/194[8] 7:38 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0048 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:40 Zhong yang 時事通信 tong xun she (Shanghai) International 日本通信 News Service (Tokyo) SCAP will dip into its own trust fund to buy cotton to keep Japanese mills operationg until further financial agreements can be completed Chinese guards will be dispatched to Japan Nihon Tsushin Nippon News Service 48-frn-0049 1/7/1948 7:40a International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, 産業経済新聞 48-frn-0050 [1]/[7]/194[8] 7:40b International 北海道新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun News item (Shanghai Central) 静岡新聞 中国憲兵團近く出発 Chinese Gendarmes to be sent to Japan Chinese stand on Japanese peace treaty Chinese stand on Japanese clarified peace treaty clarified 対日講和条約における中国の立場. 日本の経済進出に関心 Chinese stand on Japanese peace treaty clarified Chinese are apprehensive about the reappeance of Japanese goods in Chinese market: "particularly textiles smuggled into the country" 2 [Tom Lambert] H, C, P H, D Seymo[ur] Topping, [Internatio nal News Service staff correspon dent] H SCAP has succeeded through H, D the Chinese Mission in quieting Nanking's fear that Japan will in the foreseeable future once again become a military threat 1 Kawamoto Hideo Watanabe Y 3 4 Y 4 1 1 Oversized News Agency Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (9, Shanghai) Photograph(s) Source 7:21 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/7/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0032 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 48-frn-0053 1/7/1948 7:41 The New York Times (London) 48-frn-0053a [1]/7/194[8] Associated Press (Tokyo) 48-frn-0054 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 歐州の貿易改善に寄與. 英ソ通商協定成立の意義 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon ロイヤル長官演説の意義 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Headline 1 US: Gen. MacArthur definitely GOP nominee Leading Communist rebel, Mao Tse-Tung declared that the rebellion is a move to overthrow the exiting authority and to replace it with Communism Possibility of an end of the Dutch-Indonesia disagreement Yugoslavia xdemands that US unconditionally unfreeze Yugoslavia's gold reserves at once Far Eastern Commission decided to permit Japanese post treaty iron and steel production at 5.5 million tons annually Far Eastern Commission decided to permit Japanese post treaty iron and steel production at 5.5 million tons annually Far Eastern Commission decided to permit Japanese post treaty iron and steel production at 5.5 million tons annually Far Eastern Commission decided to permit Japanese post treaty iron and steel production at 5.5 million tons annually Royall discusses the occupation task of destroying Japan's war potential without impairig its peace potential H 1 S 1 H, P 1 H, S 2 Indonesia: Possibility for end of strife expressed Yugoslavia: Statement issued on freezing of gold in U.S. 1/8/194[8] 8:4 United Press 共同通信 (6, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Learned [Far Eastern] commission decided permit Japanese post[-]treaty iron and steel production at rate five [one half] million tons annually which... 48-frn-0060 [1]/[8]/194[8] 8:4a United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Learned [Far] [Eastern] commission decided permit Japanese [post] [treaty] iron and steel production at rate five [one] [half] million tons annually... 48-frn-0061 [1]/[7]/194[8] 8:4c United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Jiji W. Japan's iron and steel production fixed by FEC 48-frn-0062 [1]/[8]/194[8] 8:4d Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) Nippon Times Foreign FEC sets '35 level for steel and iron. Commission, However, Has Not Yet Set Figures for Merchant Marine 48-frn-0063 [1]/[6]/194[8] 8:5 USIS (San Francisco) Jiji W. Royall reviews Japanese Occupation 48-frn-0064 1/8/1948 8:6 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Congressman Walter H. Judd, Minnesota Republican, said Wednesday night that "our best chance of preventing World War III is to make sure, if we can, that Russia does not get control over the Chinese." 48-frn-0064a 1/8/1948 8:6c Associated Press (New York) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun 48-frn-0064b [1]/[8]/194[8] 6/8 Korean Information Press (Tokyo) 48-frn-0065 1/8/194[8] 8:8 48-frn-0066 [1]/[8]/194[8] 8:9 48-frn-0067 1/[8]/1948 8:12c 48-frn-0068 1/[5]/1948 8:15 48-frn-0059 Editorial Nippon Times 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service ソ連の中國支配を防げ. ジャッド氏強調 The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimuzu 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign United Press 日米通信 (Istanbul) The America-Japan Press Nichibei 世界新政治經濟への展望 民主主義を丸呑みしたトルコ. 百八十度の轉換、大統領の革新的声明 1 [Russell Brines] Y 2 Y 7 H [Hensley] 5 H [Hensley] 2 H 3 H, P 1 H, P 5 US Congressman Judd, said H, D that to prevent World War III meant to prevent Russia from controlling China, "...better to have let the Japanese take over China" 3 US Congressman Judd, said that to prevent World War III meant to prevent Russia from controlling China, "...better to have let the Japanese take over China" 朝鮮問題の舞臺愈々現地に移る. 委員団行成功を期し朝鮮に向う、北鮮に足を伸さん 国際タイムス [Seymour Topping, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Notes P Radio Press (Moscow) [1]/[7]/194[8] Examiner5 Examiner6 P [Radio Press (New York)] [1]/[7]/194[8] 48-frn-0058 Examiner4 The Anglo-Soviet trade pact has nothing to do with politics so far as the British are concerned Kenneth Royall stresses the need for a Japan strong enough to serve as a deterrant against other totalitarian threats which might arise in the far east US program for long range aid for China will get under way about mid-January 8:3 48-frn-0057 Examiner3 New Trade Pact 8:1 [1]/[7]/194[8] Examiner1 Examiner2 H [Radio Press (Sydney)] Radio Press (Chungking) [1]/[6]/194[8] 48-frn-0056 Brief Summary Nanking opposes reemergence of Japanese economic dominance in Asia Indi[c]ations are that final wo[r]k whipping into shape Uni[ted] States['] progr[a]m long range aid for China will get underway... U.S.: Gen. MacArthur said definitive GOP nominee Int'l: Mao clears doubt on alignment with world re[bels] 48-frn-0055 Subject Chinese conditions for pact clarified. Nanking Opposes Reemergence Of Japanese Economic Dominance in Asia P "General view on the new If antagonism between US political and economic affairs and Soviets continue, the in the world" "Armless War" may become "Red Hot war' President [Yong Jeung] Kim of Korean Drastic land reform is Affairs Institute declaring "drastic land urgently neccessary in South reform is urgently necessary in South Korea, says president of Korea" Korean Affairs Institute. Shipping required by Japan surveyed. American officials placed no No Limit to Merchant Tonnage Wanted limit on the merchant fleet by U.S.- Provided Ships Are Nontonnage, provided that ships Military are not for military use D Gomes Yamaguchi Y 1 Y 6 Y 4 H, S H, S H 1 [Peter Kalischer, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 Y 2 Oversized News Agency International Nippon Times News Service Photograph(s) Source 7:40d Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/8/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0052 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 48-frn-0070 [1]/[8]/1948 8:17 Associated Press (32, Manchester, England) 48-frn-0070a 1/8/194[8] 8:17a Associated Press (32, Manchester, England) 48-frn-0071 [1]/[8]/1948 8:21a United Press 時事通信 (Seoul) 48-frn-0072 1/9/1948 8:22 48-frn-0073 [1]/[8]/194[8] 8:23a 48-frn-0074 1/7/1948 8:33 48-frn-0075 1/8/1948 8:31a; 8:35 48-frn-0076 1/8/194[8] 8:38 48-frn-0077 1/8/1948 8:40 48-frn-0078 1/8/1948 8:42 48-frn-0079 1/8/194[8] 8:43 48-frn-0080 1/7/194[8] 8:44 48-frn-0081 1/8/1948 8:45 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The Manchester Chamber of Commerce called on the British government to formulate [a] "clearly defined policy on the industrial development to be permitted in Japan". Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin The Asahi News Asahi News Latest developments indicate [United States] may about ready give up struggle here abandon thi[s] poverty ridden country to its people. Austrians Still Joke Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Francisco) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Associated 朝日新聞 Press (Shanghai) International Nippon Times News Service (Lake Success); Kyodo Tsushin, Associated Press (San Francisco) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Shimbun Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. sends warning to Balkan Nations on Greek problem. Recognition of Rebel Regime Would Violate Principles Of United Nations.; Charged with Provoking Conflict; Nimitz Gives Reason US sends warning to Balkan nations on Greek problem; Recognition of rebel regime would violate principles of United Nations H, P; H, P 1 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Pravda columnist ridicules MacArthur[']s [Year Year] message in which he claimed that program for establis[hment] of reformed and reconstructed Japan was about to be accomplished and that model has been set and road paved. Pravda columnist criticizes morals of Japanese parliament; Asians: "excellent followers of Americans" H, S 2 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo (5) Boeki-Nippo, No. 5 海南島の鉱砂行きなやむ H, S United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Korea commission Ore at Kainan Island brought 500,000 tons of ore at to a deadlock. Kainan Island promised to Japan now at a deadlock due to troubles UN Temporary Commission on Korea will hold its first meeting in Seoul, Korea Associated 共同通信 Press (Rio de Janeiro) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Mario Pimentel Brandao, ambassador to Moscow for [one eight] months before Brazil b[r]oke relations with Russia recently, said today... Prime Minister Stalin ill; Molotov undoubtedly would be his successor, says Brazilian ambassador to Russia H, P United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Sekai-Nippo 世界日報 Sekai Nippo "The British people must reject the United States' offer, if they attach any value at all to their independence,["] writes the Evening Standard, commenting on the report from the State Department on the assistance to Britain in the framework of the Marshall Plan. The Manchester Chamber of Commerce called on the British government to formulate [a] ["]clearly d[ef]ined policy on the industrial development to be permitted in Japan". Brief Summary 時事通信 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (4, Moscow) Editorial Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Tokyo Shimbun アサヒニュース News Submitted by Tokyo Shimbun "解放"から解放されたい Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz asserted today that marine reinforcements now en route to the Mediterranean were intended to bring naval ship complements... Evening Standard, conservative paper declares that the British people must reject US assistance if they value their independence P 1 Manchester chamber of commerce called on the British government to formulate a clearly defined policy on the industrial development to be permitted in Japan Manchester chamber of commerce called on the British government to formulate a clearly defined policy on the industrial development to be permitted in Japan US will abandon Korea to poverty, forcing it to become the 17th republic of USSR H, P 1 H, P 2 H, S [Stanley Rich] Austrian joke indicative of H, P present state of apathetic cynicism following the collapse of the London Conference Marine reinforcements now H, P en route to the Medditerranean intended to bring naval ship complements to combatant strength as visible evidence of support to Army ground forces [Albion Ross] "質の惡い黨員排除". 蒋、毛両主席の軍頭宣言 全世界關心の的. 今年は米大統領選擧の年 2 Y 3 [Roddrick] Presidential Election will be held in this year. Speculation about American Presidential candidates; On General Eisenhower: American people apprehensive about a soldier becoming President" H, P H, D, P H, D 2 Y Gomes K. Tezuka Y [Matsuda] 1 3 1 2 1 Gomes T. Hori Y 8 Oversized News Agency Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, London) Photograph(s) Source 8:16 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [1]/[8]/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0069 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 新聞之新聞 Shimbun no Shimbun Shimbun- no Shimbun アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News Central News 読売新聞 Agency; International News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 毎日新聞 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi After One Year George Marshall, Grand Strategist Has Stormed the Russian Tide but Faces More Crises Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service The Times in an editorial Friday declared that the "defiant, unrepentant" attitude of Hideki Tojo in Tokyo was similar to that of the Nazi leader Goering... News Item 記事の書き方に進歩なし. 外人記者. 日本の新聞への所感 Subject Brief Summary 1/8/194[8] 8:48 48-frn-0085 1/8/1948 8:49 Newsweek 48-frn-0086 1/9/1948 10:26b 48-frn-0087 [1]/[11]/194[8] 48-frn-0088 [1]/[12]/194[8] 12:1 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (2, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0089 1/12/194[8] 12:1a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (5, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0090 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:1b Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo Japan and Germany must be permanently banned from the air American air expert urges Japan and Germany must be permanently banned from the air, Amerian air expert urges 48-frn-0091 [1]/[12]/194[8] 12:2 Reuters (Shanghai) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin After weeks of discussions between private business concerns and gove[rnmen]t authorities first group of four Chinese t[r]ade... H, P 1 48-frn-0092 1/12/194[8] 12:2a Reuters 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service After weeks of discussions between private business concerns and gov[ernmen]t authorities first group pf four Chinese trade representatives will leave for Japan this coming Thursday... Four Chinese trade reps will leave for Japan to study possibility of resuming commercial relations between the two countries Four Chinese trade reps will leave for Japan to study possibility of resuming commercial relations between the two countries H, P 2 48-frn-0093 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:2b Reuters (Shanghai) 時事通信; 共同通信 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service After weeks of discussions between private business concerns and gov[ernmen]t authorities first group pf four Chinese trade representatives will leave for Japan this coming Thursday... Four Chinese trade reps will leave for Japan to study possibility of resuming commercial relations between the two countries H, P 48-frn-0094 [1]/[12]/194[8] 12:3 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin China[']s desire for retention of great power veto at forth coming Japanese peace conference is p[r]ompted by desire to secure "adequate protection for our vital interests instead of being... H, P 1 48-frn-0095 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:5 Pro Kuomingtang paper said that China's desire for retention of veto at the Japanese conference is prompted by China's refusal to become a passive tool to be used by other participating states Kaiser says that USSR intends to turn the soviet zone in Germany into a drill ground for a Communist revolution H, P 1 Agence France-presse (Baden) Radio Press (Nanking) Tojo Trial. If the sole purpose of exPremier Hideki Tojo's testimony at the International Military Tribunal was to make a hero out of himself in the eyes of the Japanese people, he has to a large extent succeeded.; Hideki Tojo's trial defense was undoubtedly the highlight to date of the war crimes trial both from the American and Japanese public viewpoints. French turns down German "People's Congress" plea Against Allied policy by which Germany and Japan would recover freedom in field of aviation was made by air legislation expert John Cooper addressing meeting sponsored by National Air Council Warning against any Allied policy by which Germany and Japan would recover freedom in the field of aviation, Air Legislation expert John Cooper addressed a meeting sponsored by the National Air Council today. 訪日中国貿易代表第一団近く出発 Germany: Kaiser says USSR preparing for a revolution Y Notes 48-frn-0084 東條印象[記] T. Hori Examiner5 Examiner6 8:47 Comment about restoration H, D of Japan-opinions that the "whole subject of allied policy towards Japanese is due for an airing" 1) War crimes trials; Tojo's P defense anti-climactic, had little to add to what has been said many times in the past 2) Tojo's testimony was "continuance of Japanese imperialistic and militaristic propaganda" Gomes Examiner4 [1]/[8]/194[8] During the current year the United States may be expected to exert still greater efforts to restore Japan to [a] full peace time basis. H, D Examiner3 48-frn-0083 Associated 時事通信; 共同通信 Press (27, 39, New York) Foreign Correspondents' Foreign Correspondents' Impressions at Press of Japan impressions of Japanese press: "Japanese press seems to be censored even now, although not so strict as at war-time" Examiner1 Examiner2 8:46 Chang Jen Chung, China Daily Press, Russell Brines, Associated Press, Leon Paurre, Agence Francepresse, Howard Handleman , Internation al News Service [Harris] [Eddie Tseng, Zhong yang tong xun she]; [John Rich, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] 30 2 Y Ian Mutsu, United Press, 張仁仲, Chungang Ilbosa 9 George C. Marshall: Will he H, D, be as successful at planning P peace as he had been at planning war? The most significant H, D development of the trial is the "fact suppressed by allied censorship that many people still accept Tojo's beliefs" 12 French occupation government refuses to attend the German Peoples Congress Air legislation expert John Cooper opposes allied policy by which Germany and Japan would recover freedom in field of aviation 1 Air legislation expert John Cooper opposes allied policy by which Germany and Japan would recover freedom in field of aviation 1 H, P 1 P 1 1 Y Oversized News Agency 1/8/194[8] Photograph(s) Source 48-frn-0082 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 3 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline UN: USSR boycott endangers UN task 48-frn-0097 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:7 Radio Press (Singapore) Trade: Chinese traders to arrive 48-frn-0098 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:8 Radio Press (Sydney) Int'l: Former Prime Minister attacks USSR 48-frn-0099 1/12/1948 12:9 48-frn-0100 1/12/194[8] 48-frn-0101 48-frn-0102 Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 12:10 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (19, Berlin) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 1/12/194[8] 12:11 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 1/13/1948 12:12 United Press 朝鮮特信 日本語版; (1, Tokyo) 時事通信 The Korean Information; Jiji Tsushin Kyodo News Service Chosen Tokushin; Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0103 1/[12]/1948 12:13b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0105 1/12/1948 12:15a United Press 国際タイムス (Berlin) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 獨の分割を許さず. 米と英の西獨統一問題. ソ紙論評 48-frn-0106 [1]/12/194[8] 12:16a 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon マ元帥、南北朝鮮の協調と確信 48-frn-0107 [1]/[12]/194[8] 12:16c Associated Press (Tokyo) Associated Press (Tokyo) 北海道新聞 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 48-frn-0108 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:17 International 産業経済新聞 News Service (Honolulu) Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Sangyo K. 48-frn-0109 1/12/1948 12:17b International Nippon Times News Service (Honolulu) Nippon Times 48-frn-0110 1/12/194[8] 12:19 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (18, Moscow) Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0111 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:20 Radio Press Sokuho (Brazzaville) Germany: Political leaders refer to problems faced 48-frn-0112 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:21 Radio Press Sokuho (London BBC) Germany: Soviet press hits AngloAmerican plans 48-frn-0113 1/12/1948 12:22 48-frn-0114 1/12/1948 12:25a 48-frn-0115 [1]/[12]/194[8] 48-frn-0116 48-frn-0117 News Item 戰時中の應徵士の賠償金. 市が日本政府に要求 "One cannot tolerate any longer that Berlin should serve as seat of policy of division and should become hub of intrigues" declared official... Senator Melicio Arrans, delegate from the Philippines on the United Nations Korean Commission, today had luncheon with Gen. and Mrs. Douglas MacArthur, and discussed the Korean situation with the Supreme Commander. Knowland Philippine Delegate of Korean Commission speaks with Gen. MacArth[u]r in Tokyo Philippine delegate of Korean Commission speaks with Gen. MacArthur in Tokyo Sen. Knowland says that Army and State Depts. will get no funds for Japanese administration until full disclosure is made on the plans for decentralization of Japanese industry Red Army paper published a threat that the Russians will attempt to force the US and Great Britain out of Berlin because of their new agreement to unify western Germany 1st lead Russian threat Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 1 2 1 Kawamoto K. Yoshida Y 3 2 H, P Gomes Y 5 1 H, P H [Hennessy ] Y 2 Y 6 The Philippine dele[ga]te to the United Nations Commission on Korea said General MacArthur told him at lunch yesterday he was certain the people of Southern and Northern Korea will work in harmony after occupation troops are withdrawn. First postwar Japanese play opens on Hawaii campus MacArthur is certain that the people of North and South Korea will work in harmony after occupation troops are withdrawn First postwar Japanese play opens on Hawaii campus H, P 1 Nippon Times Foreign 1st Postwar Japanese Play Opens on Hawaii Campus First postwar Japanese play opens on Hawaii campus H, P 1 Tokyo Shimbun Commenting on the speech delivered by Premier Attlee on January 3rd, the Soviet official newspaper Pravda today sharply criticized the policies of the British labour government. Soviet newspaper Pravda criticized British labor policies "Submission to American capital, forgetting all promises to the workingclasses" President of the Christian Democratic Union declared that to accept the division of Berlin was to submit to foreign interests Soviet press condemned the Anglo-American plan as a gross violation of the Potsdam Agreement Steel manufacturing standard of Japan H, S 1 H, S 2 H, S 1 Tokyo Shimbun (8) Tokyo Shimbun (#8) Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Soviet request spurned by judges at tribunal. Ask Documents Listing Strength of Japanese Forces 12:26 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Social democratic party 1/12/194[8] 12:28 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 1/12/194[8] 12:31 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Kyodo News Service Associated Press Brief Summary Because of the USSR H, P boycot, the UN Korean Commission will be unable to accomplish its task of establishing a unified Korean government Chinese traders to arrive in H, P Japan to study the possibility of trade between the two countries Australia's former prime H, P minister, Hughes, attacked USSR for "her warmongering tendencies" Seoul Demands Reparations Seoul demands reparations H, P For Wartime In[d]ustrial for wartime industrial Draftees Of Japanese draftees of Japanese Government government Soviet military administration H, D, in Germany violently S criticized creation of separate administration in Bizone 1 米∙ソ両占領地区の同時選挙を主張. フィリッピン代表現地に向う途次東京で語る 東京新聞 Comment Subject Oversized News Agency Radio Press (Chungking) Photograph(s) Source 12:6 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [1]/[11]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0096 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 講和後の日本の鉄鋼水準を、年産五五〇万トンに認め られるだろうということや、日本に対する民政につち て檢討が行われているとか、さては綿花借款が近く調 印されるだろうというような最近のワシントン電報は 、われわれに非常な明るい希望を抱かせてくれる "Steel Manufacturing Standard of Japan." Soviet request for original documents listing the wartime strength of Japanese forces in Manchuria and Korea was once again turned down Situation of the neutral European powers: is neutrality compatible with the western union? [Duane Hennessy] H, C H 1 Kawamoto Abe [Frank White, Associated Press correspon dent] Y 3 1 7 P 1 H 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by 48-frn-0119 1/12/194[8] 12:39 United Press 共同通信 (10, 13, Athens) Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0120 [1]/[12]/194[8] 12:39b United Press 日本経済新聞 (Athens) 48-frn-0121 1/12/194[8] 12:41 48-frn-0121a 1/12/194[8] 48-frn-0122 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Russian paper serves notice Soviet Union will try to force US and Britain out of Berlin; US plans for separate government is a violation of allied central authority, says the Russian paper H, S 1 The Kyodo News Service Royalist newspaper Acropolis sharply attacking Uni[ted] States aid administrator D[w]ight P. Griswold's gold policy today compared American authorities in Greece to Nazis who occupied country during war. Royalist newspaper attacked US aid administrator, Griswold's gold policy and compared US authorities in Greece to Nazis H, P 3 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Royalist paper compared the presence of US authorities to the infiltration of 1942 when the Nazis held Greece D 1 Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (London) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Sharp attacks by the royalist newspaper Acropolis upon the policies of Administrator Dwight [P]. Griswold brought to a head today a conflict between the United States Aid Mission and the Greek government on the gold issue. American naval squadron stationed in Mediterranean reported equipped for transport of atomic bombs. 12:41a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (26, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 1/12/1948 12:43 United Press 共同通信 (11, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0123 [1]/[11]/194[8] 12:43b United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service 48-frn-0124 1/12/1948 12:44 The New York Times (Berlin) 朝日新聞 United Press 国際タイムス (Jerusalem; Milano) Associated 時事通信 Press (18, San Diego) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 米英のベルリン退出. ソ連機関紙でにおわす The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times ユ、ア兩軍激戰; 伊共産黨大會で米を非難 Jiji Tsushin Jiji 1/12/1948 48-frn-0126 [1]/[13]/194[8] 13:17 48-frn-0127 1/13/194[8] 13:17a Associated Press (18, San Diego) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0128 1/13/194[8] 13:17c Associated Press (18, San Diego) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0129 1/13/1948 13:17d Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Diego) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0130 [1]/[13]/194[8] 13:17e Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (San Diego) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0131 1/15/194[8] 14:27a 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0132 1/15/194[8] 15:9 New China 共同通信 News Agency (North Shensi) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0133 [1]/[19]/194[8] The Kokusai Times Kokusai Taimusu 48-frn-0134 [1]/[20]/194[8] 21:1 [Radio Press (Melbourne; Sydney)] "American nava[l] squadron in Mediterranean possesses aircraft especially equipped for tran[spo]rt of atomic bombs" dec[l]ared Sunday Times which seen their airc[r]aft were based on aircraft carrier midway[.] Diplomatic observers said that Russians implied threat to drive American and British out of Berlin is not unexpectedbut that no one expects Soviets resort military force. USSR action to drive U.S. out of Berlin perceived Jiji W 48-frn-0125 国際タイムス 米地中海艦隊"原子装備機"携行. 英紙の報道 [A] clear indication that Soviets will attempt force Western allies leave this city was given today by Russian army paper … American naval squadron stationed in Mediterranean possesses aircraft for transporting atomic bombs Russians implied that they will drive Americans and British out of Berlin by making life intolerable Russians implied that they will drive Americans and British out of Berlin by making life intolerable Russian army paper gives clear indication that Soviets will attempt to force allies to leave the city H, S Y 2 H, S 2 H, S 3 P 2 H, P Y 4 H, S Y 2 Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, today quoted General MacArthur as saying "[I] will stay on the job in Japan until it is done". Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, today quoted General MacArthur as saying "[I] will stay on the job in Japan until it is done". Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, today quoted General MacArthur as s[a]ying "[I] will stay on the job in Japan until it is done". Until job is done, M'cormick states. Publisher Feels SCAP is Not Interested In Becoming Presidential Candidate McCormick quoted Gen. MacArthur as saying: "I will stay on the job in Japan until it is done" H, P 2 McCormick quoted Gen. MacArthur as saying: "I will stay on the job in Japan until it is done" H, P 2 McCormick quoted Gen. MacArthur as saying: "I will stay on the job in Japan until it is done" H 1 McCormick feels MacArthur not interested in becoming presidential candidate H 1 Colonel Robert R. McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune, today quoted General MacArthur as saying "[I] will stay on the job in Japan until it is done." Controversy between Maybank and administration over possible sales Japanese textiles her[e] apparently been touched off by action of officials in rewriting provisions of contracts under which Uni[ted] States raw cotton is shipped to Japan by commodity credit corporation. Second part of Ch[ai]rman Mao Tze Tung's reports "present situation and our tasks" reads: [d] at present[,] the rear areas of the Peoples Liberation Army are much more consolidated than they were eighteen months ago[.] McCormick quoted Gen. MacArthur as saying: "I will stay on the job in Japan until it is done" H 1 Removal of restrictions on sale of Japanese textiles in America should not cause concern since most goods will be "gray goods," or goods which must be finished in US H, S 3 H, S 18 Extracts - chapters b, c, d, e, Communist manifesto by f- of "present situation and Mao Tze Tung: "Present our tasks" by Mao, Tze situation and our tasks" Tung, Chairman of Chinese Communist Party デイター・ミラー紙記者の談によれば、昨年十一月結 婚式を挙げられたエリザベス姫は最近友人にたいし今 年中に出産予定だと洩らされたといわれる S Occupation: Australian girls file petition; Occupation: Australian gov[ernmen]t defines decision Official explanation of the Commonwealth Government's decision to recall about 58 girls who had been working for US forces in Pacific areas were made H, P [Kawamoto ] Y 1 1 Oversized News Agency United Press (Berlin) Photograph(s) Source 12:37 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [1]/[11]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0118 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0136 [1]/[21]/194[8] 21:6 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0137 [1]/[20]/194[8] 21:7b Associated Press (Little Rock) 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service 48-frn-0138 1/21/194[8] 21:8 Reuters 共同通信 48-frn-0139 1/21/1948 21:9 48-frn-0140 1/21/194[8] 48-frn-0141 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary The C.I.C. International Fishermen's and Allied Workers Union expressed concern over reports Japan's fishing fleet is being built to prewar [size] or larger. Demonstrators trying to keep China's anti-foreign pot boiling plastered antiBritish placards on the gates of the British consulate general in Amoy. Oregon Fisherman's Union expressed concern over reports that Japan's fishing fleet will resume operations in central Pacific waters Demonstrators plastered antiBritish placards on the gates of the British consulate general in Amoy Jiji W SCAP's name to be entered in preferential primary MacArthur's name will be entered in the Arkansas Republican Presidential preferential primary Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The Soviet licensed press in Berlin today alleged United States military authorities in Germany with ordering former Nazi Colonel General Heizn Guderian to resurgent the "abwehr" -the Nazi counter-inte[l]ligence service[.] United Press 毎日新聞 (Atlanta) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Japanese press 21:10 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (1, Dusseldorf) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Communist pap[e]r published in Dusseldo[r]f Freiheit declared today that famous communist plan for sabotages in Western Germany known as Plan M was fabricated by [a] sec[r]et Amer[i]can agent named Ruth Fisher[.] [1]/]21]/194[8] 21:12a Associated Press (Tokyo) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai Japan hopes to export $400,000,000 worth of Niponese products this year approximately double the amount of exports of last year - according to a review of trade and industrial prospects and indices. 48-frn-0142 1/21/194[8] 21:13 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 日本綿布はアメリカ市場以外に 48-frn-0142a 1/21/194[8] 21:13 International 読売新聞 News Service (New York) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 日本綿製品の流入を阻止. 米業者代表訪日 48-frn-0143 [1]/]21]/194[8] 21:13a International 北海道新聞 News Service (New York) Hokkaido Shimbun 48-frn-0144 [1]/[21]/194[8] 21:13c International 日本通信 News Service (New York) 48-frn-0145 1/22/1948 21:13d, 22:60 48-frn-0146 [1]/[21]/194[8] 21:14 48-frn-0147 1/21/1948 21:16 48-frn-0148 1/21/194[8] 21:18 48-frn-0149 [1]/[21]/194[8] 21:19a Short Story (from magazine Cosmopolitan ) News Item Mott, Dean of U. of Missouri school of Journalism said the time had come for SCAP to remove prepublication censorship of newspaper articles Dusseldorf paper says that Communist sabotage plan in western Germany was fabricated by an American agent Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, S 3 H, P 2 H 1 H, S 2 1 H, S 2 Japan hopes to double the amount of exports over last year H, P 2 American cotton textile leaders want to keep the US market closed to Japanese H, S American cotton textile want to keep market closed to Japanese American cotton textile leaders want to keep the US market closed to Japanese H, S Hokkaido Shimbun American cotton textile want to keep market closed to Japanese American cotton textile leaders want to keep the US market closed to Japanese H, S Nihon Tsushin Nippon Tsushin American cotton textile want to keep market closed to Japanese American cotton textile leaders want to keep the US market closed to Japanese H, S International Nippon Times News Service (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign U.S. textile heads to talk with SCAP. Group En Route Here Expected To Discuss Means of Adjusting Problem American cotton textile leaders want to keep the US market closed to Japanese H, S United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jap[anese]-American citizens league representing fifty-six chapters in [20] states submitted statement to senate judiciary subcommittee endorsing "antilynching" bills sponsored by senators Wagner[,] Morse[,] Knowland[,] and Hawkes. Japan-American Citizens H, S, League in US submitted "anti- P lynching bill" stating that adequate police protection is needed in California 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin スターリンは神さまか "Stalin is God?" 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo Boeki-Nippo ニューヨークより朗報. 対日借欵案提出説 Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun The Rumor of the Plan for Japanese delegate of the Giving Japanese Credit Being Japan Trade Association Submitted brought from New York rumor of the plan for giving Japanese credit Pravda lashed out against US defense Sec.'s statement that more appropriations for the military will be necessary if the Marshall Plan is not made effective 日本経済新聞 International 北海道新聞 News Service (Moscow) Pravda lashed out against Forestal's boost for bigger army To the Soviets, Stalin is synonymous with God S H, P H, S [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] Y 6 Y 2 1 [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] [Theodore Koslow, Internation al News Service Financial Authority] 3 1 1 Kawamoto O. Kawarada Y 5 Gomes Y 2 M. Sakuma [Kawamoto ] 1 Oversized News Agency Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (10, Astoria) Photograph(s) Source 21:4; 21:4a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/21/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0135 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 21:21 Submitted by (Japanese) 読売新聞 Submitted by Yomiuri Shimbun Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Yomiuri 48-frn-0151 [1]/[21]/194[8] 48-frn-0152 [1]/21/194[8] 48-frn-0153z 1/22/1948 48-frn-0153 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:2 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0154 1/22/194[8] 22:2a Associated 共同通信 Press (1, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0155 1/22/194[8] 22:2c Associated 東京新聞 Press (1, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0156 1/22/194[8] 22:2d 1/22/1948 22:2e Associated 共同通信 Press Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0157 Kyodo News Service Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0158 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:3 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0159 1/22/194[8] 22:3a Associated 東京新聞 Press (3, Washington) 48-frn-0160 1/22/194[8] 22:3c 48-frn-0161 [1]/[22]/194[8] 48-frn-0161a 48-frn-0162 Headline (Japanese) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Baghdad) Associated Press (Tokyo) Headline Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon Brief Summary H During an anti-British demonstration here, crowds of students called for dissolution of Parliament and demanded a new election. 西日本新聞 Subject 外人記者の見た"時の人". In bagdad, demonstrators carried banners: "down with British Imperialism," "Down with Palestine partition" 日本貿易の見透し. 今年は約四億ドル見当か [Russel Brines], [Tom Lambert] Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 5 D H 1 [Tom Lambert] Y 9 envelope 1 The United States is planning to u[nd]ertake measures to make Japan "self supporting at the earliest possible time", the US notified the Far Eastern commission. The United States is planning to u[nd]ertake measures to make Japan "self supporting at the earliest possi[ble] time", the US notified the Far Eastern commission. U.S. is planning to u[nd]ertake measures to ma[k]e Japan "self supporting at the earliest possible time," the U.S. notified the Far Easter[n] co[m]mission. US army plans to expedite Japan's recovery by asking FEC for fumds to supply raw materials H, P 1 US plans to make Japan self supporting at the earliest possible time H 3 US army plans to expedite Japan's recovery by asking FEC for fumds to supply raw materials H 1 Plans to expedite Japan's recovery bared before FEC. U.S. Army Will Ask Congress for Funds to Supply Industrial Raw Materials US army plans to expedite Japan's recovery by asking FEC for funds to supply raw materials H 1 Jiji Tsushin Former President He[r]bert Hoover urged congress to widen the scope of the Marshall Plan to include aid to China, Japan, Korea, and Germany. Herbert Hoover urged Congress to widen the scope of the Marshall Plan to include aid to China, Japan, Korea, and Germany H 1 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Former president Herbert Hoover urged congress to widen the scope of the Marshall Plan to include aid to China, Japan, Korea and Germany. Herbert Hoover urged Congress to widen the scope of the Marshall Plan to include aid to China, Japan, Korea, and Germany H 1 Associated 共同通信 Press (3, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Former President Herbert Hoover urged congress to widen the scope of the Marshall Plan to include aid to China, Japan, Korea, and Germany. Herbert Hoover urged Congress to widen the scope of the Marshall Plan to include aid to China, Japan, Korea, and Germany H 3 22:4 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin United States called on eleven nation Far Ea[s]ter[n] Commission and Japan take all possible and necessary step[s] place Japanese economy [on] p[ea]cefu[l] self supporting basis. After two years under occupation, Japan should take all steps possible to become self supporting, said Far Eastern Commission chairman P 1 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:4a Kokusai Times 22:5 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) Agence 時事通信 France-presse (19, London) The Kokusai Times [1]/[22]/194[8] Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Question of Japanese peace treaty was alluded to in commons this afternoon when state minister M[c]N[e]il [replying] to conservative [member] W. T[ee]ling said that "attitude of British gov[ernmen]t towards procedure of Japanese peace settlement was set out fully in votes addressed to United States, China and Soviet gov[ernmen]t which we [r]eleased to press on December 14[.] US has not yet commented on the British attitude toward the Japanese peace settlement, said state minister McNeill H, P Nippon Times 1 日本經濟の自立に必要可能な諸措置. 米政府から要求さる [Hensley] Y 1 1 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/21/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0150 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 22:5a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (19, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Question of Japanese peace treaty was alluded to in commons this afternoon when state minister McNeil replying to conservative [member] W. Teeling said that "attitude of British gov[ernmen]t towards procedure of Japanese peace settlement was set out fully in votes addressed to United States, China and Soviet gov[ernmen]t which we released to press on December 14. US has not yet commented on the British attitude toward the Japanese peace settlement, said state minister McNeill H 2 48-frn-0164 1/22/194[8] 22:5b Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun US has not yet commented on the British attitude toward the Japanese peace settlement, said state minister McNeill H 1 48-frn-0165 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:6 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) The question of the Japanese peace treaty was raised in Commons today when state minister McNeill replying to conservative member W. Teeling this afternoon said that "the attitude of the British government towards the procedure of the Japanese peace settlement had been set out fully in the notes addressed to the USA, China and the Soviet government which had been released to the press on December 14[.]" Japan: To get loan from U.S. H, S 1 48-frn-0166 [1]/[20]/194[8] 22:7 USIS (Washington) Japan will get a loan from US; Also, the Japanese government is planning a big sale to break down the black market Nationalist troops have been forced to withdraw from a 200 mile salient in Manchuria to form a new defense line based on Mukden H, P 6 48-frn-0167 1/22/194[8] 22:8 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:9 Associated 共同通信 Press Associated 時事通信 Press (12, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0168 Associated 共同通信 Press Reuters 時事通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Editorials on China Jiji Tsushin Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0169 1/22/194[8] 22:9a 48-frn-0170 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:10 48-frn-0171 1/22/194[8] 22:12 United Press 共同通信 (11, San Francisco, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0172 1/22/194[8] 22:14 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0173 1/22/194[8] 22:15 Associated Press (1, Nanking) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0174 1/22/194[8] 22:16 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0175 1/22/194[8] 22:18 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0176 1/22/1948 22:20 The Kokusai Times (42) Kokusai Taimusu No. 42 48-frn-0177 [1]/[21]/194[8] 22:22 Reuters (Berlin) 48-frn-0178 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:23 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Frankfurt) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0179 1/[22]/194[8] 22:29 USIS 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0180 1/29/1948 22:30 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei Tsushin 国際タイムス News item Editorial Jiji Tsushin Article missing Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin P 1 The United States gover[n]ment pointed its Japanese occupation policy toward making Japan self supporting at the earl[i]est possible time and disclosed to onehe allied powers th... for that purpose will shortly be asked of congress. US government pointed its Japanese occupation policy toward making Japan self supporting as soon as possible H, P [John M. Hightower ] 2 Hitler and Soviet foreign minister Vy[a]cheslav Molotov agreed that Soviet territorial aspirations lay "south of the Soviet Union, in the direction of the Indian ocean", it was revealed here tonight when German foreign office records of German-Soviet relations between [1939] and the invasion of Russia in [1941] were published by the state department. American legion and veterans of foreign wars strongly urged congress approve Marshall Plan to block spread "red fascism" insure America [a]gainst Russian atom bomb attack. Molotov revealed that Soviet territorial aspirations lay south of the Soviet Union in the direction of the Indian ocean H, P 1 American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars strongly urged Congress to approve the Marshall Plan H, P 2 P 1 H 2 P 1 1 Loud fanfare created by electioneering candidates made ironical contrast to lukewarm attitude of people toward election in first of three day balloting for legislators today. Lukewarm attitude of people toward election for legisrators observed in Nanking P 戰後の英華關係 Post-war relation between Great Britain and China. Soviet press campaign expected to increase About 200,000 workers struck in Nuernberg and Cologne Wednesday in protest against food shortages as Union speakers assailed the British and American administrations and the German government. This review has revealed that in implementation of the basic policy, scap (suprem[e] command for allied powers) has destroyed Japan's ability to make war on the land, on the sea, and in the air. 賠償先決では対日講和も道遠し. 顧る第一次大戰後の跡始末 Post-war relation between Great Britain and China: Great Britain must compete with US, which increased its capital in China greatly Soviet press campaign attacking the western German state expected to increase Workers in Nuerenberg and Cologne pretested against food shortages H, S US government's review of the first two years of SCAP accomplishwents in light of the objectives as set forth in the Postsdam Agreement Previous reparations far away Previous reparations far away from restoring peace toward from restoring peace toward Japan Japan 1 Mercola Gomes M. Hori [Kawamoto] Y 8 H, P 3 H, P 2 H, P 5 H, P Kawamoto Motoichiro Tamai Y 7 Oversized News Agency 1/22/194[8] Photograph(s) Source 48-frn-0163 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 22:32 48-frn-0181a 1/22/194[8] 22:32 48-frn-0182 1/22/194[8] Submitted by (Japanese) 東京新聞 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 國府の重大難局 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Agence 共同通信 France-presse (4, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service In spite extremely quiet activities on foreign bonds in stock exchange today, Japanese bonds still actively sought for following rumours that Japan will receive considerable dollar loans[.] 22:32a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (16, London) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun In spite of the extremely quiet activities of the foreign bonds on the stock exchange Japanese bonds are still actively sought following the circulation of rumours to the effect that Japan will receive large dollar loans. Subject A Grave Situation of the Nationalist Government Brief Summary Japanese bonds are sought because of rumors that Japan will receive high dollar loans D J. Gomes Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Kawamoto Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Y Notes 6 H, P 2 Conflict between Chinese Nationalist Government and the Chinese Communists: "Isn't there a way to turn the conflict into a struggle for constitutionalism?" H 1 Statement by Maj. Gen. Frank R. McCoy: Selfsupporting Japan urged Statement by Maj. Gen. Frank R. McCoy: Selfsupporting Japan urged On what Great Britain thinks of Japan: British approval of MacArthur's policy of placing no blame on the Emperor for war acts done in his name H, P 3 H, P 3 H, D [William Courtney] 3 48-frn-0183 1/22/194[8] 22:33 USIS 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Self-supporting Japan, urged. 48-frn-0184 [1]/[21]/194[8] 22:33a USIS 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Self-supp[o]rting Japan urged. 48-frn-0185 1/22/1948 22:34 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Magazine What Britain thinks of Japan 48-frn-0186 1/22/194[8] 22:35 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0187 1/22/194[8] 22:36 48-frn-0188 1/22/194[8] 22:39 48-frn-0189 1/22/194[8] 22:41 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service P 1 48-frn-0190 1/22/194[8] 22:42 Associated Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service P 1 48-frn-0191 1/22/194[8] 22:43 International 読売新聞 News Service Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-frn-0192 1/22/1948 22:44 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0193 1/22/1948 22:45 News Item 48-frn-0194 1/22/1948 22:46 News Item 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tokushin Tokushin C (10) No. 10 48-frn-0195 1/22/1948 22:47 Editorial 国際タイムス The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 48-frn-0195a 1/22/194[8] 22:47 貿易日報 Boeki Nippo Boeki-Nippo 48-frn-0196 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:48 Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 48-frn-0197 1/22/1948 22:50 The New York Times (Seoul) The Asahi News Asahi News 北鮮のソ連軍の士氣低下 48-frn-0198 1/22/1948 22:51 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 1/22/194[8] 22:51 International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Yomiuri 対日占領責削除のため新計画準備中 48-frn-0198a Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Yomiuri Shimbun 48-frn-0199 1/22/194[8] 22:53 United Press 共同通信 (Astoria, OR) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Associated Press Agence 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun France-presse (17, Frankfurt) Commentary 共同通信 共同特信 C Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo Tsushin Tokushin C (Tokushin) Strikes are rapidly spreading in Bizonia. アメリカの民主主義高等敎育拡充案 "US Plan for Enlarging Democratic Higher Education." 1 H, P 1 US plan for enlarging Democratic higher education H, P 米婦人と日本人服毒 [Gomes] [John Richie, Special correspon dent] Fi[n]ance activities against disease and unrest in Japan and Korea Radio Press (Nanking) Britain at the crossroad アサヒニュース H Strikes are rapidly spreading in Bizonia Kawamoto Abe 米國主要紡績業者は綿製品歡迎せず Secretary of State George C. Marshall threw the book at Soviet Russia today. In Korea 日本経済の自立. 米、対日新政策近く「極東委」に通告 New U.S. program designed to cut Japan occupation costs J.F. Jurich president International Fishermen Allied Workers said Japan's re-emergence as major power pacific fisheries matter "Growing concern"American fishermen and must closely regulated to protect Uni[ted] States industry. Y Appropriations to finance H, P activities against disease and unrest in Japan and Korea would be about the same or a little more next year Britain may forsake H, D Mercola "imperialistic and colonial policies" and take role of mediator between the US and Russia Significance of the actual P Tsuneharu results of Soviet's 5-year plan Kakuda Significance of the Actual Results of Soviet's 5-year Plan. Cotton products not welcome Representatives of American by leading cotton-spinners of cotton spinning industry U.S. intends to go to Japan to speak to Gen. MacArthur about the danger of dumping Japanese cotton in US market Documents revealing details of partnership between Russian leaders and Hitler Germany Soviet Army troops stationed in north Korea are undergoing an intensified training program New US program designed to cut Japan occupation costs Y D Mercola H [Kawamoto ] 7 1 7 3 Kawamoto M. Tateda 5 Y H H, P 1 1 [Richard J. H. Johnston] 1 1 Sameshima Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Editorial Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/22/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0181 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Y 3 H, P Y 6 New US program designed to cut Japan occupation costs H, P Y 4 US fishermen becoming concerned about Japanese reemergence as major power in Pacific fisheries H 2 3 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 48-frn-0201 1/22/194[8] 22:56 (London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0202 1/22/1948 22:58 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Washington) 産業経済新聞 1/22/1948 22:59 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Kokusai Taimusu No.53 ブリッヂ上院議員対支援助促進強調 48-frn-0203 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun The Kokusai Times (53) 48-frn-0204 1/22/194[8] 22:61 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (Paris) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun ソ連政治一年 48-frn-0204a 1/22/194[8] 22:62 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0205 1/22/1948 22:63 Kyodo News Service Seiji Shimbun (No. 2-1) 48-frn-0206 [1]/[22]/194[8] 22:65 48-frn-0207 1/22/1948 22:66 48-frn-0208 1/22/194[8] 22:67 48-frn-0209 1/22/194[8] 22:69 48-frn-0210 1/22/1948 22:70 48-frn-0211 1/22/194[8] 48-frn-0212 [1]/[22]/194[8] 国際タイムス Commentary 政治新聞 Comment International 北海道新聞, News Service 大阪時事新[報] (Trieste) Seiji Shimbun (2-1) Hokkaido Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shim[po] 時事通信 時事解説版 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Kaisetsuban (76) Comment ソ連朝鮮委員会を攻撃 Communist party speaker at Lenin memorial meeting in Moscow said in [presence] premier Josef Stalin "British American imperialism rush[i]ng to share same fate as Germany" Moscow radio broadcast reported. Communist party speaker said at meeting in Moscow that "British-American Imperialism to share the same fate as Germany" S L'annee politique en U. R. S. S. "Prevention from "Red Fear" Kuomintang government is very unpopular, thus, the Chinese are more akin to Soviets rather than US Soviet politics, 1947 "Position of a Public Man." Tito warns West Yugoslavia will use atomic bomb Jiji Tsushin (76) 六千万ドル綿花借款 Yomiuri 米婦人と日本人心中 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 三橋は重役の息子 The New 朝日新聞 York Times (Paris) Associated 共同通信 Press United Press (Tokyo) Asahi Shimbun Asahi バルカン連邦化え. ソ連の努力徐々に結實 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service "60 million Dollar Raw Cotton Credit." About Lord Inverchapel: position of a public man Yugoslavia's dictator, Tito reported to have said that against "reactionary forces" and their atomic weapons, he will use his Discussion of interest rates of the loan US is to make to Japan for establishment of cotton industry American/Japanese double suicide Russia strives for Balkan Federation Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 2 2 Mercola Kawamoto Yabuki Y 3 Y 3 H, D, [Jean C Champeno is] Y H, S Y フランス 語で書か れた原稿 あり 6 Saburo Kawamoto Abe Matsukata 7 H 2 2 D, P Kawamoto Abe [C.L. Sulzberger ] Y 3 Y 1 Y 1 Y 5 1 1st lead war crimes trial Testimony describing various torture methods in the Tokyo trials Industry: Australia may use Japanese processing machines Australia may use Japanese processing machineries in an effort to build up the wool processing industry in Australia [Ian Mutsu, United Press staff correspon dent] 左翼共産主義者の惡質宣傳 1/22/1948 48-frn-0214 [1]/[21]/194[8] 48-frn-0216z 1/23/1948 48-frn-0216 [1]/[22]/194[8] 23:1 Radio Press (Sydney) Occupation: 175 Australian employees to return home Australian employees in Japan to return home 48-frn-0217 [1]/[22]/194[8] 23:2 Radio Press (New York) Trade: Quota limit for traders eliminated Occupation authorities are willing to eliminate quotas on foreign businessmen entering Japan effective Feb. 1 Radio Press (Melbourne) Examiner3 Y H, P, D, S H, P 48-frn-0213 22:? Examiner1 Examiner2 1 Hokkaido Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimbun Nichibei Brief Summary H, S 公人の立場 Yomiuri Shimbun The America-Japan Press Subject The Koreans, under Russian influence say that the UN temporary commission is a US tool of imperialism "赤の恐怖"防止へ. 急を要する對華援助 Associated 読売新聞 Press (Tokyo) International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) 日米通信 Headline Soviet directed propaganda attacks on Uni[ted] Nations temporary commission on Korea beamed here from Moscow and North Korea appear centrally and carefully organized. Oversized News Agency The New York Times (Seoul) Photograph(s) Source 22:55 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/22/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0200 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 4 Y 1 H, P 1 envelope 1 H, P 1 H 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Aviation: Chinese air service planned 48-frn-0219 [1]/[22]/194[8] 23:4 Radio Press (Nanking) Socialism: Confab to be held in Rangoon 48-frn-0220 [1]/[22]/194[8] 23:5 Radio Press (Delhi) P[easa]nts: Peasants' conference to be held in Rangoon 48-frn-0221 [1]/[23]/194[8] 23:7 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Truman flatly opposed former president Herbert Hoover's Eu[rop]ean recovery plan recomm[enda]tions. 48-frn-0222 [1]/[23]/194[8] 23:8 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0223 [1]/[22]/194[8] 23:9 United Press (Washington) Situation march contact with overhanging threat heavy deliveries low grades and increasingly becohed outlook for early operation Marshall fourt tid plan has robbed Long's their main bullish ammunition. Cotton credit for Japan 48-frn-0224 1/23/194[8] 23:9a United Press 共同通信 (10, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Authoritatives Uni[ted] Pressly revealed draft agreement of sixty million dollar cotton credit for Japan to be provided by private Uni[ted] States financiers and Uni[ted] States ex[port]-import bank telegraphed Th[ur]sday to MacArthur for his approv[a]l. 48-frn-0225 1/23/1948 23:9b United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0226 1/23/1948 23:9c Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0227 [1]/[23]/194[8] 23:9e Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 48-frn-0228 [1]/[23]/194[8] 23:11 Associated 時事通信 Press (11, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0229 1/23/194[8] 23:11a Associated 東京新聞 Press (11, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0230 1/23/1948 22:11b Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 日本救済復興費五億ドル米陸軍省要請. うち三億は救濟費 48-frn-0231 [1]/23/194[8] 23:12 Associated 西日本新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 米の対日援助すでに進行中. 單独行動も辞せず 48-frn-0233 1/23/194[8] 23:12d Associated 日本経済新聞 Press (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-frn-0234 [1]/[23]/194[8] 23:12e Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido 48-frn-0235 [1]/[23]/194[8] 23:13 Radio Press Sokuho (Sydney) 48-frn-0236 1/23/1948 23:14 48-frn-0237 [1]/[21]/194[8] 23:16 News Item 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban USIS 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Astoria, OR) Service News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji W 對日棉花クレヂット. 近く一部認可か. 具體案は目下研究中 Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Plan for establishment of Shanghai-Okinawa-Japan route by China National airways Corporation Representatives of Socialist parties of Asian countries are to attend a conference in Rangoon Conference in Rangoon, sponsored by the Burmese Peasants' Union, will discuss farming problems throughout Asia Truman flatly refused Herbert Hoover European recovery plan recommendation Bleak outlook of the cotton industry H, D 1 H, S 1 H, S 1 H, P 2 P 1 60 million dollar cotton credit for Japan H 60 million dollar cotton credit for Japan H [Hensley] 3 Cotton credit 60 million dollar cotton credit for Japan H [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] 1 $200 million credit by private sources held likely in 1948. Draft Agreement for Cotton Funds Telegraphed for SCAP Approval Authoritative sources revealed to the United Press that the draft agreement of a $60,000,000 (M) cotton credit for Japan, to be provided by private United States financiers and the United States Export-Import Bank, was telegraphed Thursday to General MacArthur for his approval. An authoritative source said the army department is asking about [500] [million] dollars for relief and rehabilitation in Japan during the next fiscal year under the program outlined before the Far Eastern Commission. An authoritative source said the army department is asking about 500 million dollars for relief and rehabilitation in Japan during the next fiscal year under the program outlined before the Far Eastern Commission. An authoritative source said the army department is asking about $500,000,000 for relief and rehabilitation in Japan during the next fiscal year under the program outlined before the Far Eastern Commission The U.S. Army's move to obtain funds from Congress for expanded civil assistance to Japan as revealed by Major General Frank McCoy yesterday already is under way. The U.S. Army's move to obtain funds from Congress for expanded civil assistance to Japan as revealed by Major General Frank McCoy yesterday already is under way. The U.S. Army's move to obtain funds from Congress for expanded civil assistance to Japan as revealed by Major General Frank McCoy yesterday already is under ways. Europe: Western European alliance proposed Draft agreement for cotton funds telegraphed for SCAP approval H Draft agreement for cotton funds telegraphed for SCAP approval H Army Dept. is asking about $500,000,000 for rehabilitation of Japan for the next fiscal year H, P 1 Army Dept. is asking about $500,000,000 for rehabilitation of Japan for the next fiscal year H 1 Army Dept. is asking about $500,000,000 for rehabilitation of Japan for the next fiscal year H 米國務省は終戰直前ドイツ外務省の金庫から押収した 祕密外交文書のうちから、一九三九年より四一年に至 る間の主として日独ソ関係に関する分を二十一日に公 表した… US Army's move to obtain funds from Congress for expanded civil assistance to Japan is already under way US Army's move to obtain funds from Congress for expanded civil assistance to Japan is already under way US Army's move to obtain funds from Congress for expanded civil assistance to Japan is already under way Re Secret Japan German diplomatic documents Future of Japanese fishing industry 4 1 [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] Y [Morris J. Harris] H, P French Foreign office announced that Britain and France have asked Belgium, Holland, and Luxemburg to join the western European alliance Contents of Japan-German documents signed during 1934-1941 revealed H, P Future of Japanese fishing industry H, P H, S Oversized News Agency Radio Press (Chungking) Photograph(s) Source 23:3 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [1]/[22]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0218 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 4 Y 2 Y 18 [Morris J. Harris] 2 [Morris Harris] 2 2 Kawamoto Yokoyama Y 6 2 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 48-frn-0239 1/23/1948 23:19 The New アサヒニュース York Times (Washington) 48-frn-0240 1/23/1948 23:21, 23:21a Associated Press 48-frn-0241 [1]/[24]/194[8] 23:22 48-frn-0242 1/24/1948 23:25 Associated Press (Tokyo) 48-frn-0243 1/23/194[8] 23:26 United Press 共同通信 48-frn-0244 1/23/1948 23:27 Associated Press (Warsaw) アサヒニュース 48-frn-0245 [1]/23/194[8] 23:28 48-frn-0246 1/23/1948 23:29 Associated Press (Washington) International News Service (New York) 48-frn-0247 1/26/1948 23:31 New York Herald Tribune (Shanghai) 共同通信 48-frn-0248 1/23/1948 23:32 48-frn-0249 [1]/[23]/194[8] 48-frn-0250 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Asahi News Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Nippon Times Nippon Times Shizu[o]ka Shimbun Shizuka Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The Asahi News Asahi News モスクワ会談 西日本新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nippon 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞, 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Kyodo Tsushin Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Kyodo United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Hirano appealed to Gen. MacArthur 23:32b United Press 時事通信 (Tokyo) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 1/24/1948 23:33a United Press Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign [Rikizo] Hirano, purged former Agriculture and Forestry Ministry, has appealed to General MacArthur with the claim that the decision of the Central Screening Committee was based upon a "definitely established intrigue and fraud," it was revealed Friday. Kades not leaving Japan. Spikes Rumors He was Returning to America 48-frn-0251 1/23/194[8] 23:34 International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri ダンスホール殺人に判決 48-frn-0252 1/23/194[8] 23:35 Telepress (London) マルクの平價切下. 英の企圖. 勞働者は反對か 48-frn-0253 1/23/194[8] 23:? 48-frn-0254 1/23/1948 48-frn-0255 1/24/1948 24:19b [静岡]新聞 アカハタ Akahata Akahata Associated 共同通信 Press (28, 29, 43, San Francisco, Washington) International Nippon Times News Service (New York) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Subject Brief Summary チトー元帥ユーゴの原子爆彈行使を仄かす Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun The Asahi News マーシャル Examiner1 Examiner2 H Capital sees 'New Deal' trend in Truman plan. Washington Speculates on Effect of His Program on Wallace's Future 83 plants are removed from reparations list. Some Destroyed by Fire, Others Do Not Meet Standards Trade rumors that the United States planned to permit Japanese cotton textiles to be sold in the Unites States have been denied by a responsible source to the United Press. Japan promised strengthened economic measures and increased industrial output in response to American pl[e]dge that priority would be given to putting her on financial feet. Washington speculates on the effect of the New Deal on Wallace's future Poland diplomatic sources in Warsaw said Russia may propose to form her own emergency relief program for countries in her orbit in opposition to the American Marshall Plan, at Polish Russian conferences now is progress at [Moscow] informants base this speculation upon the Soviet advances of loans and grain to Eastern European countries since their rejection of the invitation to participate in the Marshall Plan conferences. Russia may propose her own emergency relief program to countries in her own orbit in opposition to the Marshall plan, says informant SCAP removed 83 plants from reparations list P [Cabell Phillips] Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 4 Y 6 H 1 An informant declared that US never agreed to permit Japanese cotton to enter the US H, S Prime Minister Katayama's speech about Japanese economy continually revised by SCAP H, D [Russell Brines, Associated Press Tokyo Bureau Chief] H, P Mercola [Larry Allen] Sameshima 2 2 1 Y 2 政党を超越してマ元帥を推戴せよ Y 3 米国"アメリカの声"を通じソ連を攻撃 Y 5 Decline of U.S. Prestige in China. Threat of "American Imperialism" Impresses Peasants and Nationalists Alike P Notes Y With a great deal of help from Communist propaganda, America's reputation in China has declined steadily Intervention of GHQ, not that of the government was involved in the purge of Agriculture and Forestry minister H, S [Christoph er Rand] 7 D [Leslie Nakashim a, United Press Staff Correspon dent] 1 Intervention of GHQ, not that of the government was involved in the purge of Agriculture and Forestry minister H 1 Kades, deputy chief of SCAP's government section, denies rumors that he is returning to America H, P 1 H Y 1 Y 2 Britain plans deflation for Bizonia Britain plans drastic deflation of the currency in Bizonia H, P [John Galloway] The US army[']s move obtain funds from congress for expanded civil assistance Japan as revealed Maj[or] Gen[eral] Frank McCoy Wednesday already is under way. Congress to study billion dollar plan to renovate Japan. $500 Million to Be Sought for Industrial, Trade Revival In Next Fiscal Year Well-informed sources said the State Department has finally and flatly rejected the demand by Senator William F. Knowland, Republican, of California, that it make public the text of its program for breaking up Japanese industrial monop[o]lies and selling them to a large number of individual operators at a fraction of their value. US Army reveals its move to obtain more funds for Japanese civil assistance H, P [Morris J. Harris] 3 Congress to study billion dollar plan to renovate Japan P [Theodore Koslow] 1 State Dept. flatly rejected Sen. Knowland's demand that it make public the text of its program for breaking up Japanese industry H [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] 2 Oversized News Agency International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (Trieste) 産業経済新聞 Photograph(s) Source 23:17 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 1/23/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0238 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Associated Press (Tokyo) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 26:23; 26:23d Agence 西日本新聞; France-presse 東京新聞 (10, Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun; Nishi Nihon; Tokyo Tokyo Shimbun Shimbun 48-frn-0258 1/27/1948 26:23b Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi "日本の民主化に注意せよ" 48-frn-0258a [1]/25/194[8] 26:23d Associated 西日本新聞 Press World Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun Nishi Nihon 新任の駐米ソ連大使、貿易促進を要請 48-frn-0258b 1/26/194[8] Reuters 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0258c [1]/[25]/194[8] 48-frn-0259 1/27/1948 27:19 48-frn-0260 1/28/1948 28:27 48-frn-0261 1/28/1948 28:28 48-frn-0262 1/29/1948 29:3e 48-frn-0263 [1]/[29]/194[8] 48-frn-0264 [1]/[31]/194[8] 31:8 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Far Eastern Commission confirmed that its eleven member nations divided over policy for disarma[m]ent of Japan but added that "personal relations between representatives continue to be courteous and reasonable". FEC nations are divided over policy for disarmament of Japan P 1 48-frn-0265 1/31/194[8] 31:8a United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Far Eastern Commission confirmed that its eleven member nations divided over policy for disarmament of Japan but added that "personal relations between representatives continue to be courteous and reasonable." FEC nations are divided over policy for disarmament of Japan H 2 48-frn-0266 1/31/194[8] 31:39 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Associated Press Editorial アカハタ Akahata (30-A) Akahata (30-A) 米國の經濟と生活. 大統領の敎書にみる アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News ドイツ視察記 アカハタ Akahata (3) Akahata No. 3 Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) S New Russian Ambassador to US called for SovietAmerican trade and stressed that 2 different government systems can cooperate with each other H, S [John Scali] Y 2 The new Russian ambassador to the United States today called for expanded Soviet-American trade as a a step toward better diplomatic relations. H, S [John Scali] Y 9 New Russian ambassador to the United States Alexander Panyushkin, called here today for expanded SovietAmerican trade as a step towards better diplom[atic] relations Panyushkin said the people of both countries were equ[a]lly interested in bettering these relations[.] Soviet envoy to US says expanded USUSSR trade necessary S 3 H, S 3 "American Economy and Living As Seen In Presidential Messages." Russian officers declared here today that the Germans "are not our friends" and criticized the occupation policy of the west which they said is fostering [a] resurgent Germany. Lebanon makes new proposal; Conciliation committee: Lebanon submits new plan; Yugoslavia complaints: to come before economic council; Kashmir: proposals for settlement presented; Kashmir: SC to review issues; Palestine: commission to question Britain; South Pacific: U.S. to join commission; Lie: McNeil to meet UN Secretary General; Medicine: cancer cure clai[m] investigated; Aviation: air crashes in U.S., France 冷たい戰爭 3 New Russian Ambassador to US called for SovietAmerican trade and stressed that 2 different government systems can cooperate with each other Rep. A.L. Miller on Gen. MacArthur; MacArthur may visit US in April Radio Press (London BBC; Melbourne; New York; Sydney) [Frank White] Notes 1/27/194[8] Commentary Story of Mrs. Britain, a Red Cross worker killed by the Japanese during the war, is told at the Tokyo trials Examiner1 Examiner2 48-frn-0257 Associated Press (Washington) An American-born wife of a British flying officer marched bravely to her death calling "sayonara" to the crew of the notorious Japanese submarine I-8 which an eyewitness said was carrying out orders to put all torpedoed ship survivors to death except persons "of importance" wanted for interrogation. In the first interview given since his arrival in the United States, Russian Ambassador Panyshkin declared that the differences existing between the American and Soviet Regimes would not con[s]titut[e] "an obstacle to the amelioration and development of the economic. Soviet ambassador Alexander Panyushkin's criticism of allied attempts to prevent rebirth of militarism in Japan was interpreted by diplomatic officials today as the possible prelude to a full [f]ledged attack within the Far Eastern Commission against the policies carried out by General Douglas MacArthur. American economy and living conditions as evidenced by Truman's speech Russians criticize western occupation for fostering a resurgent Germany A Dislocation in International Capitalism does nothing to Economy help the economic crisis in France Gen. MacArthur may visit US in Apirl and address a joint session of Congress Proposal for a peace making committee within the UN 1 S H, S Kawamoto Abe [Edwin Shanke, Veteran Associated Correspon dent Germany, of American Reporters] S [Gomes] Y 14 Y 6 Kawamoto M. Kawamoto 3 H, S 2 3 H [Akira Shirai] Oversized News Agency [1]/[24]/194[8] Photograph(s) Source 48-frn-0256 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) [Gomes] Y 2 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) 1:1 48-frn-0268 [1]/[31]/194[8] 48-frn-0269 Brazzaville (Broadcast) News Agency Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 1 France: French paper blame Britain for death of Gandhi French paper accuses British intelligence service behind the assassination of Gandhi H, S 1:2 Radio Press Sokuho (Melbourne) U.S.-Military: U.S. brings quick end to war-- Sir Keith Sir Keith Park says that US should not be criticized for claiming to have won the war H, D 1 [1]/[31]/194[8] 1:3 Radio Press Sokuho (New York) U.S.-Foreign Policy: To reject USSR protests H, P 1 48-frn-0270 [1]/[31]/194[8] 1:4 Radio Press (New York) FEC: Discord within body denied H, P 1 48-frn-0271 2/1/194[8] 1:6 Reuters (Rome) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service US will reject USSR protests against the presence of American war ships in Italian waters American member and chairman of the Far Eastern Commission denies any discord within the Commission Italian Ambassador in Moscow instructed the Soviet government that US ships were in Italian ports under authorization granted by the Italian government H, P 2 48-frn-0272 [2]/[1]/194[8] 1:7 Associated Press (3, London) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Soviet publication, New Times charges that Military Tribunal is being converted into a farce H, S 48-frn-0273 1/31/1948 1:8 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, (New York) 産業経済新聞 Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun 48-frn-0274 [2]/[1]/194[8] 1:9 Radio Press Sokuho (Moscow) 48-frn-0275 [2]/[1]/194[8] 1:10 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0276 2/1/1948 1:12 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0277 [2]/[1]/194[8] 1:12b Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0278 2/1/194[8] 1:14 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0279 [2]/[1]/194[8] 1:15 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0280 [2]/[1]/194[8] 1:16 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0281 2/1/194[8] 1:17 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (2, Copenhagen) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 新刊書"怖るべき新ガス"と叙述 H Austria: Control council meets Friday 共同通信 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press 共同通信 (1, San Francisco, Washington) Associated 東京新聞 Press (40, Paris) Mercola Russia Using Million POW's At Forced Labor, U.S. Hears. Estimates of Japanese Range Upward From 600,000; 890,000 Germans Still Held Russia still has somewhere around one million prisoners of World War Two working at forced labor survey official figures indicated today. The death of Mahatma Gandhi removed a quieting influence which may b[e] followed in India by the worst sort of conflicts between Hindus and M[u]slems. Britain and the United States are urging Denmark to become one of their military bases, Danish Premier Hedtoft declared today, adding that this "statement" was so fantastic and absurd that a comment was useless. The meeting of the Allied Council for Austria Russia using a million POW's at forced labor, US hears same as 1:12 Death of Mahatma Gandhi Danish Premier declared that they do not wished to be placed in an Eastern of Western block-they are a member of UNO Sameshima Notes envelope Radio Press (Brazzaville) Spokesman of the Itali[an] foreign office said today that the Italian ambassador in Moscow had been inst[r]ucted to inform the Soviet government that visits of United States [s]hips to Italian ports -subject of a Soviet prot[e]st to Washington on Wednesday- followed authorisations granted by the Italian government[.] The Soviet publication New Times said today the international military tribunal in Tokyo is being converted into [a] farce. Mercola Examiner3 2 Sameshima 3 Y 7 H, P 1 H, D 1 H, C 1 H 2 H, P [Preston Grover, Chief of the Associated Press Bureau in Paris] 1 P 1 P 1 H, S 1 Oversized [1]/[31]/194[8] Source Photograph(s) 48-frn-0267 Hold No. Duplicate Date Censored Number of Pages 2/1/1948 Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0267z Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) アカハタ Akahata Akahata スペインゲリラ戰の新段階 世界日報 Sekai Nippo (9) Sekai Nippo #9 ソ連、北鮮入り拒絶. "統一"新たなる難關へ 48-frn-0283 2/1/1948 1:19 48-frn-0283a [1]/[31]/194[8] 48-frn-0284z 2/2/1948 48-frn-0284 [2]/[1]/194[8] 2:1 48-frn-0285 [2]/[2]/194[8] 2:2 Associated 時事通信 Press (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0286 2/2/1948 2:2b Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0287 [2]/2/194[8] 2:2c Associated 共同通信 Press (1, 3, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0288 [2]/[1]/194[8] 2:4 Radio Press (Nanking) 48-frn-0289 2/2/1948 2:5 Associated Press (22, London); Associated Press World Service (London) 朝日新聞; 西日本新聞 Asahi Shimbun; Nishi Asahi; Nishi Nippon ソ連また対米抗議. 日本近海の米機行動に; Nihon Shimbun 米軍機のソ連汽船監視に抗議 48-frn-0290 2/[2]/1948 2:7 New York WorldTelegram; WFS (New York) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0291 2/2/194[8] 2:9 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service News item Radio Press (Tokyo) Headline New stage in Spanish guerrilla war Subject Brief Summary New stage in Spanish H, D [Marc guerrilla war: Mentions Frank] American publicity agency as negotiating with franco to carry out a white-wash campaign Unification of Korea strikes a Unification of Korea strikes a H, P new snag new snag Examiner1 Examiner2 Mercola J. Gomes Examiner3 Hori Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 4 Y 10 Industry: U.S. Cotton mission submits 16-point program 3 envelope London (Broadcast) Radio Press (London BBC) 48-frn-0292 2/2/194[8] 2:10 Associated Press 48-frn-0293 [2]/[2]/194[8] 2:10a Associated Press (18, London) Budget: 'Pravda' comments on Soviet budget Representative [Frank] L. Sundstrom New Jersey Republican proposed today [a] totally new issue of United States currency to smoke out foreign hoarders of Ame[r]ican dollars. Proposes New Dollar Bills To Smoke Out [H]oarded Notes Representative Frank L. Sundstrom, New Jersey Republican, proposed today [a] totally new issue of United States currency, to "smoke out" foreign hoarders of American dollars. Foreign policy: AFL urges defense policy against USSR 一夜漬けの民主國? The Soviet Union has filed [a] blunt protest note with the United States requesting that American bombers cease (importunate inspection) of Russian shipping in Japanese waters, the Moscow radio said today.; Russia has filed a protest with the United States against actions of "Flying Fortresses in the Yellow Sea and the Sea of Japan in making observations of Soviet shipping," the Moscow radio said today. I am continually out of patience with those who believe, or pretend to believe that any great human mass reformation can be accomplished over night, or that it can be imposed, by law, from above. The Russian broadcast, heard in London, said the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs had handed the protest note to American ambassador Walter Bedell Smith in Moscow on January [30]. Russian Communist press, Pravda, compares Soviet's budget to that of US, and alleges that US is spending more on its armed forces, and therefore, US advocates aggression Rep. Franck Sandstrom proposed a new issue of US currency to smoke out foreign hoarders of American dollars Rep. Franck Sandstrom proposed a new issue of US currency to smoke out foreign hoarders of American dollars Rep. Franck Sandstrom proposed a new issue of US currency to smoke out foreign hoarders of American dollars Leader of American Federation of Labor urges expanded appropriations for the American armed forces against USSR Soviet Union has filed a protest note with the US requesting that American bombers cease inspection of Russian shipping in Japanese waters Is Japan's new democracy both sincere and effective? Soviets hand third protest note in two weeks to US H, S H, P Mercola Samashima 2 [Roger D. Green] 2 H, P H 1 [Roger D. Green] 2 H, S 1 P, S H 1 [Sidney B. Whipple] Y 4 Y 11 S 1 H 1 H 1 3 Oversized News Agency Telepress (London) Photograph(s) Source 1:18 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/1/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0282 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0295 2/2/194[8] 2:12 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0296 2/2/194[8] 2:15 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (14, Prague) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0297 2/2/194[8] 2:16 Reuters (Paris) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0298 2/2/1948 2:17 日米通信 The America-Japan Press Nichibei ウォーレスの波紋. 大統領戰出馬でニューヨーク州に異変? 48-frn-0299 2/[2]/1948 2:18 ScrippsHoward ; WFS 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 「最初の一撃」に懸る次の戦争 48-frn-0300 2/2/194[8] 2:19 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0301 [2]/[2]/194[8] Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin With Soviet protest (London) 48-frn-0302 2/2/1948 2:20b United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0303 [2]/[2]/194[8] 2:21a United Press 時事通信 (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji 48-frn-0304 [2]/[2]/194[8] 2:21b United Press [毎日新聞] (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] Far East Air Force officials declined immediately to comment on Russia's reported complaint that American planes are circling over and diving on [Soviet shipping] in the Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan[.] Washington hig[h] state official said tonight this country would make no co[mm]ent on Russian charges that Ame[r]ican B-17s been flying over Sov[iet] shipping in far east [until] formal Russian protest i[s] received h[e]re[.] Russian charges 48-frn-0305 2/1/1948 2:24 Associated 時事通信; 共同通信 Press (26, 32, Rangoon) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0306 [2]/[1]/194[8] 2:25 [Radio Press Sokuho (Brazzaville)] 48-frn-0307 [2]/[2]/194[8] 2:26 United Press 時事通信 (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Russia has protested to Uni[ted] States against alleged "inspection" flights by Ame[r]ican aircraft in Yellow Sea and Sea of Japan charging that planes dive on Soviet ships and circle them at masttop Moscow radio reported today. 48-frn-0308 2/2/194[8] 2:27a Associated 共同通信 Press (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Sen[ator] Alexander Wiley[,] Republican Wisconsin[,] reported Defense Secretary James Forrestal and joint chiefs staff studying decentralization armed forces federal gov[ernmen]t for security against atomic attack. 48-frn-0309 2/2/1948 2:28 Commentary, 中部日本新聞 from San Francisco Chubu Nihon Shimbun Chubu Nippon Shimbun 48-frn-0310 2/2/1948 2:29 Commentary 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun (51) Tokyo Shimbun, 51 講和会議はいつ開かれるか 48-frn-0311 2/2/1948 2:31 News Item Pengyan dispatch 29 Kyowa 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho Associated Press (Tokyo) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo News Service Subject Sixth issue of official organ of nine nation Cominform said today in editorial on Western Union for Europe that Ernest Bevin British foreign secretary planned to be "America's European Gauleiter" Brief Summary Official organ of Cominform implied that Britain is America's puppet Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H, S 4 D 1 S 2 2 Newspaper "Obrana lidu" published report of American news agency saying that all necessary measures have been taken in Germany for rehabilitation of former Nazi minister of finance one of founders of Nazism and chief war criminals Schacht[.] Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi benefited the imperialists of London and Washington declared French Communist party orgen l'Humanite in a despatch from New Delhi today describing Ran Nathuram Vinayak Godse, the alleged assassin as "a fascist adven[t]ure" Former Nazi minister of finance to leave for US to negotiate a loan Gandhi's assassination benefitted British and American Imperialism, declared French Communists H, S Airmen Fear One-Punch War. See Resulting Need of Strongest Possible Defense In the future of war, "first blow may be the last"; therefore, strongest possible defense is needed H, P [Randolph Churchill] Y 2 [Max B. Cook, ScrippsHoward Aviation Editor] Y 8 1 ビルマの英人商社戰損補償要求 Far East Air Force officials declined to comment on Russia's reported complaint that US planes are circling over Soviet ships in the Yellow Sea Russia's reported complaint that US planes were circling over and diving on Soviet shipping in Yellow Sea US will make no comment on Russian charges that US planes are circling over Soviet ships 國連朝委を反對 1 H, D [Matsuda] 2 H 1 High State Dept. official said H [Matsuda] that US will make no comment on Russian charges that US planes are circling over Soviet ships British firms in Burma are H, D instituting war damage claims against the Burma union government in retaliation for its nationalization plans as they apply to foreign owned bussinesses Official sources said today British firms in Burma are instituting war damage claims against the Burma Union government in ret[a]liation for its nationalization plans as they apply to foreign owned businesses. Germany: Respect of rights demanded アメリカの内政および外交上の一つの課題に移民問題 がある。 H German Social Democrat Christian Party in British zone ruled against accession of German territory to Poland Military planes in Yellow Sea under command of Gen. MacArthur are source of annoyance to Kremlin 1 Y 5 H, S 1 H, D 2 Wisconsin Republican, Wiley, said US must decentralize, or large cities will become "death traps" in case of atomic attack H, D 2 H, D [Ueno,] Gomes Correspon dent in San Francisco H, P Reporter Gomes Yokota H. Okada "When Will the Peace Conference Start?" The problem of immigration in US and the opinion that the idea that immigrants lowered the wage level for Americans is proven wrong When will the Japanese peace conference start? "Opposition raised to the Korean Commission of the United Nations" Opposition raised to the Korean Commission of the United Nations H, P Immigration Issue in U.S. Gomes Mercola Sameshima Y 11 H. Okada Y 8 M. Nagashima Y 6 Oversized News Agency Reuters (Belgrade) Photograph(s) Source 2:11 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/2/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0294 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 48-frn-0313 2/2/1948 2:32a United Press 毎日新聞 (Tokyo) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0314 2/2/1948 2:33 Sekai Nippo (5) Sekai Nippo No. 5 48-frn-0315 2/2/1948 2:34 International 産業経済新聞, News Service 大阪時事新報, (Washington) 大阪新聞 48-frn-0316 [2]/2/194[8] 2:35 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Omaha) Sangyo Keizai Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Nishi Nihon Shimbun Sangyo Keizai 欧州反共諸国救済のため通貨交換法案上呈 Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun Nishi Nippon 広島に協会と病院を. ベルギー人牧師の悲願 48-frn-0317 2/2/194[8] 2:37 International 読売新聞 News Service (Moscow) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-frn-0318 2/2/194[8] 2:38 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 世界日報 News Item Headline Subject Brief Summary 日本海、黃海への米機行動に抗議. ソ連の申出米當局一蹴せん Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 H IST lead with Soviet Protest アメリカの近況 US government may be expected to reject the protest of the USSR government against flights by American aircraft over the Yellow Sea The Recent State in America Japanese being allowed to enter America a good idea "for Japan is lacking in modern up-to-date education" H D Henry Wallace stated that any Communist who supports him is supporting his program, not Communist program Notes 1 [Miles W. Vaughn, United Press Staff Correspon dent] 1 Gomes M. Kawamoto H Henry [A.] Wallace[,] Left Wing presidential candidate[,] today called upon pres[i]dent Truman and other political candidates take pledge repudiating support any un[-]American group or individual. Examiner5 Examiner6 Y H ソ連、米機の日本海偵察に抗議 Examiner4 Sameshima Y 4 Y 6 Y 9 Y 1 H, P 2 48-frn-0319z envelope 1 48-frn-0319 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:1 Radio Press (Sydney) Trade: Sterling bloc trade needed US is still pouring $400,000,000 a year into Japan, and the only way that US can save this money is to put Japan on her feet through import of raw materials from the sterling areas H, P 1 48-frn-0320 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:2 Radio Press (Sydney) Trade: Britain claims worsted cloth being sold cheaply H, S, P 1 48-frn-0321 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:4 48-frn-0322 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:5, 5:6 [Radio Press (London BBC)] United Press 時事通信; 共同通信 (New York) Britain asked Gen. MacArthur to explain reports that Japanese cloth is underselling British cloth in Hong Kong, India, and South Africa USSR protests US military mission in Persia William Costello CBS correspondent charged that MacArthur considers newsmen covering Far East not welcome in Japan H, D 48-frn-0323 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:5c H 48-frn-0324 2/3/194[8] US rejects Soviet charges that US is attempting to convert Iran into military base aimed at Soviets US predicts rayon, cotton, and silk weavers will continue at top production H 2 48-frn-0325 [2]/[3]/194[8] US rejects Soviet protests against presence of US vessels in Italian ports H, P 1 USSR: protests U.S. military mission in Persia Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 3:6a United Press 共同通信 (9, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Uni[ted] States employment service in Washington predicts rayon cotton silk weavers will continue at top production judging from employment situation. 3:7 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji United States flatly rejected Soviet protests against presen[t] United States naval vessels Italian ports as "without foundation" Soviet protest was first of series three Kremlin lodged against United States past two weeks. ソ連○抗議を一蹴 "William Costello, Columbia Broadcasting System correspondent in Tokyo, charged General MacArthur considers newsmen assigned to cover the whole Far East 'unwelcome in Japan'. US rejects Soviet charges H, S, P 1 Mercola Sameshima 3 Y 2 Oversized News Agency United Press 世界日報 (Tokyo) Photograph(s) Source 2:32 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [2]/[2]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0312 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Submitted by Kyodo Tsushin Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0327 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:7b United Press (Washington) 48-frn-0328 2/3/194[8] 3:8 Associated Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0329 2/3/194[8] 3:10 United Press 共同通信 (18, 19, London) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0330 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:10a United Press 国際タイムス (London) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 48-frn-0331 2/3/1948 3:10b United Press 毎日新聞 (London) Mainichi Shimbun 48-frn-0332 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:11 Associated 時事通信 Press (7, Washington) Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0332a [2]/[3]/194[8] 48-frn-0333 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:11a Associated 共同通信 Press (7, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0334 2/3/1948 3:11c Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0335 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:12 Reuters (London) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Moscow Radio reported today that the Soviet envoy to Persia had presented a note to the Persian government about the activities of the United States military mission in Persia 48-frn-0336 2/3/194[8] 3:13 Associated 共同通信 Press (6, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0337 [2]/[3]/194[8] 13:13a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0338 2/3/194[8] 3:14 Associated 共同通信 Press (22, 25, 28, 30, Washintgon) Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0339 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:14a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0340 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:15a Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Sofia, Bulgaria) 48-frn-0341 2/3/194[8] 3:15b Associated Press (16, Sofia) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Bulgaria[']s Communist premier charged the United States today with trying to incite [a] new war. 48-frn-0342 2/3/194[8] 3:15c Associated Press (16, Sofia) 東京新聞 Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Bulgaria[']s Communist premier charged the United States today with trying to incite [a] new war. 48-frn-0343 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:15e Associated Press (Sofia) Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Article missing H 1 US rejects Soviet protests against presence of US vessels in Italian ports Article missing H 2 H 1 Soviet Union intensifying diplomatic campaign against Uni[ted] States has made formal protests against American military activities Iran and against "inspection flights" by Uni[ted] States aircraft of Russian shipping in Far East Moscow radio revealed. The Soviet Union, intensifying its diplomatic campaign against the United States, has made formal protests against American military activities in Iran and against "inspection flights" by United States aircraft of Russian shipping in the Far East, Moscow radio revealed. Soviets intensifying diplomatic campaign against US military activities in Iran, reveals Moscow radio H Mainichi London-Soviet protests Jiji Tsushin Commerce Department officials said today the army agreed to the cutback ordered by the department in oil shipments from this country to Japan during the first quarter [1948]. Commerce Department officials said today the army had agreed to the [c]utback ordered by the department in oil shipments from this country to Japan during the first quarter of 1948. Commerce department officials said today the army agreed to the cutback ordered by the department in oil shipments from this country to Japan during the first quarter [1948]. Army agrees to cutback in oil shipments to Japan. Differences Expected to be Made Up From Outside U.S. Soviets intensifying diplomatic campaign against US military activities in Iran, reveals Moscow radio Army agreed to cutback ordered by the Commerce Dept. in oil shipments to Japan More on rejection of Soviet protest イラン國内に軍事基地. ソ連般舶... 監視等. 危險拂拭へ米に抗議 [Higginbot ham] Soviets intensifying diplomatic campaign against US military activities in Iran, reveals Moscow radio 4 Y 2 H, P 2 H, P 1 H 1 Army agreed to cutback ordered by the Commerce Dept. in oil shipments to Japan H, P 1 Army agreed to cutback ordered by the Commerce Dept. in oil shipments to Japan H, P 1 Moscow radio reported that Soviets presented a note to the Persian government about the US military mission in Persia H 1 The United States curtly told Russia today that Moscow[']s objections to American warships in Italian waters are "without foundation". The United States curtly told Russia today that Moscow's objections to American warships in Italian waters are "without foundation." US told Russia that Moscow objections to American actions abroad are unfounded H, P [Edward E. Bomar] 2 US told Russia that Moscow objections to American actions abroad are unfounded H [Edward E. Bomar] 3 Kyodo News Service Russia may be opening up [a] new front in its diplomatic drive against the United States to counterbalance Western power moves in Europe and the Middle East. H, P [John M. Hightower ] 4 Kyodo Russia may be opening up a new front in its diplomatic drive against the United States to counterbalance Western power moves in Europe and the Middle East. Russia may be opening up a new front in its diplomatic drive against the US to counterbalance western power moves in Europe and the Middle East Russia may be opening up a new front in its diplomatic drive against the US to counterbalance western power moves in Europe and the Middle East Bulgaria's Communist premier accused US of trying to dominate the world through the Marshall Plan H, S [Wes Gallagher] 2 Bulgaria's Communist premier said that the "imperialistic aims" of the US weakened, therefore, US want to incite war Bulgaria's Communist premier said that the "imperialistic aims" of the US weakened, therefore, US want to incite war Bulgaria's Communist premier said that the "imperialistic aims" of the US weakened, therefore, US want to incite war H, S [Wes Gallagher] 2 Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) 時事通信 Subject Bulgaria's Communist premier charged the United [S]tates today with trying to incite a new war. Bulgarian Prime Min[i]ster charges H 2 H, S 1 H, S 2 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source 3:7a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [2]/[3]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0326 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Nanking) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 3:19 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (9, Seattle) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 2/[3]/194[8] 3:20 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (21, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0348 2/3/194[8] 3:20a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (3, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0349 2/3/194[8] 3:22 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0350 2/3/194[8] 3:23a Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Hong Kong) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-frn-0351 2/3/194[8] 3:25, 3:25a Agence 共同通信 France-presse Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0352 2/3/194[8] 3:25a Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (2, Sofia) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0353 2/3/194[8] 3:26; 3:26a 48-frn-0354 2/3/194[8] 3:29 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (1, Moscow) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0355 2/3/194[8] 3:30 Agence 共同通信 France-presse Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0356 2/3/194[8] 3:31 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (22, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0357 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:34 Radio Press (London BBC) 48-frn-0358 [2]/[2]/194[8] 3:36 Radio Press (New York) 48-frn-0359 2/3/194[8] 3:37 International 読売新聞 News Service (Moscow) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-frn-0360 2/3/194[8] 3:38 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (6, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0345 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:17 48-frn-0346 2/3/194[8] 48-frn-0347 News Item News Item Associated Press (15, Moscow) 共同通信; 東京新聞 Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes H Four war planes with French markings dropped 20 bombs on Chinese territory H, S Northwest Airlines announced today it has contracted with the army to fly two thousand dependents of army personnel in Japan to that country between now and April. Political circles in Washington expect that Stali[n] will announce on [23rd] February that USSR is possessing atom bomb course [c]ele[b]ration of anniversary of Red Army[.] Northwest airlines contracted with the Army to fly 2,000 dependents of army personnel in Japan H, D 3 Political circles in Washington expect that Stalin will announce on 23 Feb. that USSR is in possession of the atom bomb H, P 2 Poli[t]ical circles in Washington expect that Stalin will announc[e] on February 23rd that Soviet Russia is in posses[s]ion of the atom bomb, in course of ceremonies celebrating the Red Army Day. Political circles in Washington expect that Stalin will announce on 23 Feb. that USSR is in possession of the atom bomb H 1 Democratic League head sees imminent fall of national government […] and peace". Speaking of the situation of Bulgarian political parties, the premier declared " to think that moment has come to liquidate the political parties[.] In a speech he made today before the "Congress of the fatherland Front", Bulgarian premier George Dimitvov declared that the "main object of Bulgarian external policy is to e[n]sure a common defence against aggression and the safeguard of our national sovereignty and independence". Pravda said today that Russia had charged the United States military advisers in Iran with carrying on activities which "can create danger" to the Soviet Union[']s southern frontier. It was officially announced here that the USSR had sent a note of protest to the Iranian government on January 31st, regarding the activities of the American military mission in that country. Kyodo Tsushin; Tokyo Kyodo Tsushin; Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Examiner3 Chenault, former leader of China's flying tigers believes that "time fuse of WW III burning in Manchuria" Article missing 民主同盟、國. 府打を声明 Examiner1 Examiner2 Major General Claire [L.] Che[nn]ault[,] former leader [of] China[']s Flying Tigers[,] believes "time fuse of World War Three burning in Manchuria". A dispatch from Kweilin to the newspaper Wan Pao said four war planes with French markings crossed the Chinese [Indo-Chinese] border Jan 20, dropped 20 bombs on Chinese territory, and strafed the ground one and one(-)half hours before flying away in the direction of Langson. 2 Mercola Sameshima 5 H, P 1 Chairman of the Democratic H League stated that the League was rallying for the overthrow of the national government Bulgarian premier stated that H the Truman Doctrine supports reactionary elements while being hostile to democracy and peace Bulgarian premier stated that H, D the Truman Doctrine supports reactionary elements while being hostile to democracy and peace Y 2 2 1 Russia charges US advisors in Iran for carrying on activities which can create danger to Russia's southern frontier USSR sent a note of protest to the Iranian government regarding activities of American military mission in Iran H, D Eddy Gilmore P 1 Shen Chun Yu [74] years old acting chairman of Democratic League made [a] statement saying that league was rallying support of intellectu[a]ls[,] businessmen and common people for overthrowing national government[.] Political circles recall that Marshall declared whi[le] [t]estifying before Congress on assistance to Europe that "Spain could participate to ERP as well as USSR but that there was [a] difference: USSR was invited while Spain was not and could be participant only if the sixteen beneficiary nations were inviting her[.] US: Rejects two Russian protests Chairman of the Democratic League stated that the League was rallying for the overthrow of the national government H, P 2 Marshall Plan: Spain may participate if the sixteen beneficiary nations were to invite her H, P 2 US rejected Soviet protest that the British and American warships in Italian ports violated the Italian treaty H, P 1 Atom control: Washington Star Russia and the Atom H, P ソまた対米抗戰. イランの軍事基地化 H The Atomic Energy bulletin announced today "progress" made in mass production of atomic bombs, adding that the bombs which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki were merely laboratory products. Atomic Energy bulletin announced "progress" made in production of atomic bombs H, P Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source United Press 共同通信 (1, 3, New York, San Francisco) 3:16a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [2]/[3]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0344 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) Mercola Sameshima 2 3 Y 1 1 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 48-frn-0362 2/3/194[8] 3:39 The New York Post 48-frn-0363 2/3/194[8] 48-frn-0364 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 原子彈の工業生産進捗 Hiroshima Nagasaki bombs only laboratory products, declares Atomic Bulletin 読売新聞 Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 外人記者の見た時の人. 片山哲 Pr[e]mier Katayama is a genuine, sincere and apparently a good man. But Japan needs something more in its premier at this time than genuin[en]ess, sincerity, and goodness, although those things are admirable in any leader. 3:42 Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Moscow) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 対イ抗議七項目 Soviets protest against American activities in Iran. Notes to Iran demands reestablishment of status quo 2/3/194[8] 3:43 International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 米ソの一 48-frn-0365 2/3/1948 3:37a, 3:43a International Nippon Times News Service (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0366 2/3/1948 3:45a Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0367 2/3/194[8] 3:47 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0368 2/3/1948 3:48 Cartoon Explanation 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo ダダッ子をあやす役目もラクぢゃない 48-frn-0369 2/3/1948 3:49 News Item 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin ヘンリー・ウオーレス氏は中東問題について昨年次の ようなことをいつた 48-frn-0370 2/3/1948 3:51 Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0371 2/3/1948 3:53 産業経済新聞, 大阪時事新報, 大阪新聞 Sangyo Keizai Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun 48-frn-0372 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:53a International News Service (Washington) Sangyo Keizai 原子兵器大量生産段階 Shimbun, Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun ... の平和に...的な... を行うであろう 48-frn-0373 [2]/[1]/194[8] 3:55 Associated Press (Tokyo) 静岡新聞 Shizuoka Shimbun 48-frn-0374 2/3/194[8] 3:56 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (14, Budapest) 共同通信 48-frn-0375 2/3/194[8] 3:57 48-frn-0376 2/3/1948 3:60 Editorial 48-frn-0377 2/3/1948 3:61 Editorial 48-frn-0378 [2]/[3]/194[8] 3:62 New York Herald Tribune (Frankfurt) 48-frn-0379 2/3/194[8] 3:63 Telepress (Berlin) 48-frn-0380 [2]/[2]/194[8] WFS (New York) Kyodo Tsushin, United Press (Columbus, OH) International News Service (Washington) Subject Brief Summary Atomic Energy bulletin announced "progress" made in production of atomic bombs Katayama's good qualities are not enough to make him a good premier; he lacks forceful personality, imagination , and a power to fire the people with that imagination USSR sent a note of protest to the Iranian government regarding activities of American military mission in Iran U.S. spurns protest by Moscow on Iran as false, distorted. Washington Also Turns Down USSR Note on Warships In Italian Ports USSR held using U.S. Reds to learn atomic secrets. Commission Reports on Production Of More Nuclear Fuel H, P Examiner1 Examiner2 [Darrell Berrigan] P Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Y 3 Y 5 Y 3 Y 1 US spurns protest by Moscow on Iran as false, distorted H, P 1 USSR held using US Reds to learn atomic secrets H, P 1 Article missing H, P 1 It is not easy to soothe a fretful child Cartoon caption: It is not easy to soothe a fretful child H, P, S Gomes M. Kawamoto Y 3 Mr. Henry Wallace comments on Middle East problem. Soviets should know that ahe should not cross the line into Turkey and the Middle East, when carrying out her expansion policy, says Henry Wallace Wallace will accept the support of American Communists H, P Gomes Yokoyama Y 7 Wallace will accept Communists' support. Pledges to Repudiate Backing of UN-[A]merican Groups H 1 [Rose McKee] Y 5 [Rose McKee, Internation al News Service staff correspon dent] Y 5 Atomic commission reports atomic weapons being produced on [m]ass production basis Atomic Energy Commission reports atomic weapons being produced on mass procuction basis Shizuoka Shimbun There was no official comment today on the Soviet publication New Times' charge that Tribunal President Sir William Webb, chief prosecuter Joseph B. Keenan and American defense attorneys for ex-premier Hideki Tojo and 24 other Japanese leaders were spreading "cha[u]vinist, militarist propaganda and libels against the Soviet Union" at the war crimes trial. Soviet Charge that officials are spreading "chauvinist, militarist propaganda against the Soviet Union" at the War Crimes trial H, S 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Underground fascist organization uncovered in Budapest H, S 2 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service According to press reports state security bodies have disclosed underground fascist organization had conspired to overthrow republic[.] Atomic com[m]ission outlines scie[n]ce program. H, P 4 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 西部ドイツの政治的抗爭 Political Conflict in Western Germany Atomic Energy Commission outlines a broad program for the use of atomic energy in science and medicine Political Conflict in Western Germany 東京民報 Tokyo Mimpo Tokyo Mimpo 外資導入をめぐる諸問題 Problems Re Introduction of The introduction of foreign Foreign Funds capital leading to suppression of inflation 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 困難なドイツの民主化 アカハタ Akahata Akahata 擴大さるドイツ食糧スト. 飢餓をさける抗議. 作り話「プロトコールM」 German workers strike against food chaos German workers strike against unfair food distribution Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 事實無根の浮説. 米國務省基地化を否定; 五千フラン紙幣交換に長蛇の列 State department denies Soviet allegation regarding American activities in Iran; The French people form huge queues to deposit their 5000 fr[an]cs notes. French people are lining up to deposit their 5000 franc notes Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Paris; Washington) H, P Gomes H, D Masateru Gomes Morisawa D [Edwin Hartrich, Special Correspon dent] [Telepress Special Correspon dent] M. Kawamoto Y 7 Shigeru Nomura Y 9 Y 16 Y 5 Y 4 Oversized News Agency Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 3:38a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [2]/[2]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0361 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) 1 This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Protest 48-frn-0382 2/3/194[8] Uni[ted] Press (2, Nanking) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0383 [2]/[2]/194[8] Communist destruction of railways and mining equipment is beginning to tell governments economy in serious coal shortage felt from isolated Mukden in extreme north to Shanghai Nanking industrial center and bandit ridden Kwangtung in south USSR: Files protest to U.S.; USSR: Protests activities of U.S. planes 48-frn-0384 2/3/194[8] 48-frn-0385 [2]/[3]/194[8] 48-frn-0386 2/3/194[8] 48-frn-0387 [2]/[3]/194[8] 48-frn-0388z 2/4/1948 48-frn-0388 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:1 United Press 時事通信 (9, 11, New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0389 2/4/194[8] 4:1a United Press 共同通信 (7, New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0390 2/4/1948 4:1b Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0391 [2]/[3]/194[8] 4:2 48-frn-0392 [2]/[3]/194[8] 4:3 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (New York) Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (Sydney) 48-frn-0393 [2]/[3]/194[8] 4:4 Radio Press (New York) 48-frn-0394 2/4/194[8] 4:5 United Press 共同通信 (17, 18, 19, San Francisco, Washington) 48-frn-0395 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:5a 時事通信 Radio Press (London BBC; Sydney) Agence 共同通信 France-presse (32, 33, Sofia) 3:5 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service United Press (New York) United Press 共同通信 (4, New York) Kyodo Tsushin 時事通信 海外電報版 Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempoban Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Kaigai Dempo Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes USSR foreign affairs sent note to American embassy in Moscow, informing that US aircraft actions - infringement upon freedom of merchant shipping Communist destruction of railways has caused coal shortage for the Nanking government S 4 Russia protests US air passes over Russian ships in the Yellow Sea S, P 1 In [a] speech he made today before the "Congress of the fat[h]erland Front", Bulg[ari]an Georges Dimitrov declared "the main object of our studies in the domain of our external policy is and remains the problem of [a] common defen[s]e against an eventual ag[g]ression and safeguard of our national independence, of our territorial integrity and sov[ereign]ty"[.] Bulgarian congressman stresses the need to safeguard national defense H, P 3 MacArthur[']s views on correspondents [d]ispute made public in letter Baker sent Horace Bristol correspondent Fortune Magazine. Chennault- "No emergency measure within our power could serve China more than assignment at China[']s invitation of such man as General Albert Wedemeyer to position such as he held in [1945] under [Chiang Kai Shek]. Refernce to MacArthur's public relations department H 1 [Chang Kuo-sin] 2 Chennault says Wedemeyer should be assigned to help China again ガンジーの死につづく騒擾 2 D Y 3 envelope Businessers interviewed by Uni[ted] Press inclined [to] take attitude [of] indifference toward Tokyo announcement quotas on private businessers being lifted. Interviewed by Uni[ted] Press inclined take attitude indifference toward Tokyo announcement quotas on private businessers being lifted. Businessmen in U.S. voice indifference. Say Lifting of Time Limit Will Have No Effect on Trade Most New York businessmen are indifferent to quotas on Japanese private businesses being lifted Iran: Details of U.S. mission work well known Iran: Uneasiness follows USSR protest note to U.S. 1 H [Kalischer, William R. Sears] 4 same as 4:1 H, P [Kalischer, William R. Sears] 3 same as 4:1 H 1 US defends its military units in Persia in the face of Russian criticism Persia is uneasy following Russian protests H, P 1 H, P 1 U.S.: Rejects USSR charges of base in Iran US denies trying to convert Iran into a US military base H, P Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service High government source Uni[ted Press] said there no grounds whatsoever "for Uni[ted] States cotton industry[']s concern over possible competition from Jap[anese] textile manufacturers. There is no cuase for US cotton industry's concern over competition from Japanese manufacturers H, P Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin High government source Uni[ted Press] said there "no grounds whatsoever" for Uni[ted] States cotton industry[']s … same as 4:5 H 1 [Hensley] 4 3 Oversized News Agency United Press 共同通信 (7, London) Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/3/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0381 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Washington) United Press (Washington) Submitted by Nippon Times Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Nippon Times Foreign Headline Subject Brief Summary [2]/[3]/194[8] 4:7 48-frn-0399 [2]/[3]/194[8] 4:8 48-frn-0400 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:10 48-frn-0401 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:11 Radio Press (Sydney) 48-frn-0402 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:12 United Press 時事通信 (New York) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0403 2/4/1948 4:13; 4:21; 4:21a; 4:21b; 4:21c News Item Associated 時事通信; 共同通信; Press (15, Nippon Times; New York); 東京新聞 Associated Press (13, 15, New York); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; Nippon Times; Tokyo Shimbun Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo; Nippon Times; Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0404 2/4/1948 4:14 New Item 48-frn-0405 2/4/1948 4:15a Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (New York) Chinese Party head declares that Russia's expansionist policy was culminating in another world war H, S Hungary: Trial of Socialist deputy opens Trial of Peyer, Socialist deputy, opened in Budapest H, P USSR: Press allege that U.S. pilots used on Persian Airlines; Iran: Likely to reject USSR protest "American military pilots, dressed in commercial uniforms are spying on Russian frontier" alleged Russian newspaper Maritime Union protests proposed transfer of 500 ships to Europe Once Japan reestablishes free trade, Japan should be left alone to work out own destiny H, S Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign 48-frn-0406 2/4/194[8] 4:16; 4:26a Associated 共同通信 Press (15, 17, Washington); Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) ; Associated Press Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo 48-frn-0407 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:16a Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo General Douglas MacArthur says he doubts that the Allied press "enjoys anywhere in the world greater freedom in the gathering and dissemination of news than it does in Tokyo.["] Newsweek called the actions H, D of GHQ a grave infringement of freedom of the press 2 48-frn-0408 2/4/1948 4:16c Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Newsweek called the actions H, D of GHQ a grave infringement of freedom of the press 2 48-frn-0409 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:17 Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Allied Newsmen Here Enjoy Full Freedom, SCAP As[s]erts. Statement Placed in Congressional Record; Action On Newsweek Correspondent Explained Brig[adier] Gen[eral] Charles G. Helmick said today 250,000 Russiantrained North Koreans might take over Korea if the U.S. steps out. N. Koreans may take over Korea if the US leaves H, P 2 48-frn-0409a 2/4/194[8] Associated 東京新聞 Press (39, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Brigadier General Charles G. Helmick [said] today 250 thousand Russian trained North Koreans might take over Korea if the United States steps out. N. Koreans may take over Korea if the US leaves H 1 48-frn-0410 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:19 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo S 48-frn-0414 2/4/194[8] 4:22 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Roman Communist paper accuses Britain of Gandhi's assassination (actual article missing) Article missing US Labor: Maritime Union protests transfer of ships to Europe 共同通信 Associated Press (Moscow) H Notes 48-frn-0398 News Item same as 4:5 Examiner5 Examiner6 4:5c Radio Press (London BBC) Radio Press (Sydney) H, P Examiner4 [2]/[4]/194[8] News Item same as 4:5 Examiner3 48-frn-0397 Radio Press (New York) Japanese textiles not seen as threat. U.S. Government Source Holds There Is No Ground for Alarm Over Co[m]petition A high government source told the United Press today that there is "no grounds whatsoever for the United States cotton industry's concern over possible competition from Japanese textile manufacturers.["] China: Young China Party head attacks USSR policy Examiner1 Examiner2 4:5b Kyodo Tsushin (1-19) Kyodo #1-19 Economic chaos in major portions Asia makes Phil[i]ppines "one part Far[-]East where there seems [to] be reasonable chance do business and secure payments." McManigal[,] vice president Westinghouse Electric International [Co.,] predicted Japan "will again regain its former importance in industrial and business world" in spit[e] of what he called some excessive restrictions under SCAP[,] M[c]Manigal who recently returned ex[-]asia tour spoke export managers club of New York; While McManigal looked hopefully toward Japan[']s economic future, he was not enthusiastic about occupation policies regarding Nippon[']s economy.; Bright future here seen by McMani[g]al. Westinghouse Vice-President Predicts Return to Former World Trade Position 中国銀行東京支店を開設 Pres. of Westinghouse predicted Japan will regain former importance in inductrial and business world in spite of SCAP 2 [Stewart Hensley, United Press staff correspon dent] 3 1 1 Mercola Sameshima 3 H, P 1 H, D [Dillon] 4 H, D; [[D]illon] H, D; H, D, P "Establishment of the branch Establishment of the branch P office of the Bank of China office of the Bank of China in Tokyo" in Tokyo Gilbert and Sullivan's Mikado H, P mey be absurd, but it is still better than the reality of prewar Japan, says the New York Times The Army Department T[u]esday night Newsweek called the actions H, D ove[r] ruled an order by General of GHQ a grave infringement Dou[g]las MacArthur which had been of freedom of the press criticized as limiting freedom of the press.; MacArthur says he doubts that the Allied press "enjoys anywhere in the world greater freedom in the gathering and dissemination of news than it does in Tokyo". Mercola Sameshima Kawamoto Tabata Mikado' Not So Fantasti[c], New York Times Declares H 8 Y 4 1 Mercola Mercola Sameshima Sameshima 6 1 1 1 Oversized News Agency 2/4/1948 Photograph(s) Source 48-frn-0396 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Mercola M. Hori Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 48-frn-0416 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:25 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Russian protest 48-frn-0417 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:26 Associated 時事通信 Press (19, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji MacArthur's order to limit freedom of press overruled H, D 1 48-frn-0419 2/4/194[8] 4:27 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (21, Seoul) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun Russian occupation in Korea has been forbidden to have contact with the UNO H, P 1 48-frn-0420 2/4/1948 4:27a Agence 朝日新聞 France-presse (Seoul) Asahi Shimbun Asahi 朝鮮委員会と接触を禁止.モスクワの訓令 Russian occupation in Korea has been forbidden to have contact with the UNO H Y 2 48-frn-0421 2/4/194[8] 4:27b Agence 読売新聞 France-presse (Seoul) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 北鮮、当局國連との交渉回避. モスクワから指令か Russian occupation in Korea has been forbidden to have contact with the UNO H Y 2 48-frn-0422 2/4/194[8] 4:28 Associated Press (New York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service The army department Tuesday night overruled an order by MacArthur which had been criticized as limiting freedom of the press. Well-informed sources revealed today that Soviet Supreme Command in Northern Korea has received instructions from Moscow forbidding all contacts with the UNO commission for Korea. Soviet liaison officer declines to forward commission's letter to Russian Cinc. Advises summoning of North Korean leaders Soviet liaison officer declines to forward commission's lett[e]r to Russian Cinc. Advises summoning of North Korean Leaders Russian complaints against American military activities serve principally to emphasize the success with which the U.S. is building the world wide defense line against communist aggression. Russian complaints underscore the US's success in building a line of defense against Communism H, P 48-frn-0423 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:29 United Press 時事通信 (Washington) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Secretary Army Kenneth [C.] Royall ruled that news correspondents as[s]igned to Uni[ted] States occupation zones abroad may leave on temporary assignments return without forfeiting their credentials. Knowland fears that MacArthur is raising an "iron curtain" against freedom of the press H, D 48-frn-0424 2/4/1948 4:30 News Item 民青時報 Minsei Jiho Minsei Jiho S Kawamoto Yokoyama 48-frn-0425 2/4/1948 4:30 News Item 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo UN committee corps boycott metting staged by North Korea Chinese Residents League Chinese professor blames the USSR of attempting to conquer the world H, P Kawamoto M. Kawamoto 48-frn-0426 2/6/194[8] 4:37 Associated Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0427 [2]/[6]/194[8] 4:38 Reuters (31, Tokyo) 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0428 2/6/194[8] 4:38a Reuters 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0429 [2]/4/194[8] 4:43 International 西日本新聞 News Service (Washington) Nishi Nihon Shimbun NishiNippon 48-frn-0430 [2]/[3]/194[8] 4:44 USIS 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service 48-frn-0431 2/4/194[8] 4:46 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (21, Rome) 48-frn-0431a 2/4/1948 4:47 48-frn-0432 [2]/[4]/194[8] 4:48 48-frn-0433 [2]/[4]/194[8] 48-frn-0434 [2]/[4]/194[8] 48-frn-0435 2/4/194[8] 48-frn-0436 2/4/1948 News item 共同通信 以北保安隊越境頻々U.N.委員団来邦後三八線緊張 Subject 4:24 U.N. committee corps boycott meeting started by North Korea Chinese Residents League. Mr. Tsung Chik Blamed U.S.S.R. 曽琦氏ソ連を非難 [R. H. Shackford , United Press staff correspon dent] 6 2 [Roberts] 2 2 3 Y Anti-smuggling operations authorized by allied headquarters H, S 11 2 1 ソ連、米機の行動に抗議 Y First national assembly of People[']s Democratic Front of Italy adopted on February first following "Charter" of People[']s Democratic Front: "People[']s Democratic Front uni[tes] all those in Italy who want peace[,] work and freedom. Kyodo News Service Y Anti-smuggling operations authorized by allied headquarters U.S. studying USSR note on Far East air activity Kyodo Tsushin Kawamoto 1 Coast gua[r]d force of [28] ex[-]naval submarine chasers manned by Japanese policemen has been authori[z]ed by Allied headquarters to carry out anti[]smuggling operations Japanese sources said today Jiji World 共同通信 The Northern Guards of 38 Tensions on the 38th parallel P Boundary-line in Korea cross dividing North and South so oftenly the frontier into Korea Southern Korea. A Tense Situation Of The 38 Boundary-line Since U.N. Commission Has Reached There. Russia accuses US of ten acts H, P of interference with Soviet shipping in Asian waters 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai Nippo FEC230號 United Press 世界日報 (Washington) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 原爆實驗 United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) Associated 読売新聞 Press (Tokyo) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri イラン、極東の兩問題米ソの抗爭深刻化. 眞相の究明が解決への近道 日米紡績の競爭. 懸念するに足らぬ. 米政府高官筋...見解 総司令部民政局長ホイツトニー代将は四日日本の裁判 所は一九四六年の総司令部による公職追放指令の実施 には何ら権限なしとする政府の主張に全く同意する、 と次のように語つた。 Associated Nippon Times Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Shanghai) Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign US is studying Russian protest of ten acts of US interference in Russian shipping in Asia People's Democratic Front in Italy adopts a charter FEC No.230 H, P 2 H, P 5 S Mercola H P Soaring Prices Bring Misery to Shanghai. Skyrocketting Rice Price Brings Misery to Shanghai. Probe by Mayor Disclose Moving Story of Hungry Masses Living in State of Distress. Soaring rice price in Shanghai worsens already bad situation 2 [Russell Brines] Kawamoto M. Tateda Y 2 Y 1 Y 1 Y 1 Y 5 1 Oversized News Agency 2/4/1948 Photograph(s) Source 48-frn-0415 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 2/4/194[8] 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 2/4/194[8] Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (4, Moscow) Tokyo Shimbun Kyodo News Service Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0439a [2]/[4]/194[8] Agence 時事通信 France-presse (6, Moscow) Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 48-frn-0440 [2]/[4]/194[8] Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0441 2/4/1948 International 産業経済新聞; News Service 大阪時事新報; 大阪新聞 Sangyo Keizai Shimbun; Osaka Jiji Shimpo; Osaka Shimbun Sangyo Keizai バイヤ投資團の滞日期間半永久的に拡大 Shimbun; Osaka Jiji Shimpo; Osaka Shimbun 48-frn-0442z 2/5/1948 48-frn-0442 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:1 United Press 時事通信 (New York) 48-frn-0443 [2]/[2]/194[8] 5:3 Radio Press (Sydney) 48-frn-0444 [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:4 48-frn-0445 [2]/[4]/194[8] 48-frn-0446 48-frn-0438 48-frn-0439 2/4/194[8] Headline Subject Brief Summary Other importers believed lifting restrictions might result in increased traffic but only by those buyers who not been Japan previously. US importers predict the impact of removing private business restrictions on Japanese trade Article missing A congress of the South-Asia[n] Youth will be summoned in Calcutta on February 15 by the World Federation of Democratic Youth, it was announced here today. Congress of South Asian Youth will be [s]ummon[e]d in Calcutta on February [15] by World Federation of Democratic Youth[.] Private advices from China said Nanking had instructed Ambassador Wellington Koo to ask the American Government to grant China additional financial aid in an annual lump su[m], instead of monthly. Congress of South-Asian youths will meet in the struggle against imperialistic domination Congress says it will not give a lump sum of aid to China Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes [Sears] 1 H 2 D 1 D 1 H, P [Morris Harris] 2 H Y 23 envelope William Costello[,] Columbia Broadcasting System Correspondent Tokyo charged in broadcast Ge[n]eral MacArthur established in effe[ct] [a] form censorship on American correspondents Japan. Trade: Sterling bloc trade needed New policy set up by General MacArthur regarded unworkable by American correspondents in Japan US can save money by making Japan self-sufficient through raw material imports from sterling countries H 1 Radio Press (Nanking) Press: Knowland charges "Iron Curtain" H, S, D 2 5:5 Radio Press (Nanking) Political: Purge of Hirano invalidated H, P 1 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:6 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (11, Washington) Senator W. Knowland charged that Gen. MacArthur's regulations might threaten freedom of press in Japan Supreme Court invalidates injunction against the purge of Hirano Dispute has arisen recently between Gen. MacArthur and American correspondents in Japan D 1 48-frn-0447 [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:7 48-frn-0448 [2]/[3]/194[8] 5:8 United Press 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service Jiji World Marshall Plan assailed by Senator 48-frn-0449 [2]/[3]/194[8] 5:9 Reuters (Berlin) 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Jiji World Soviets stop British military train 48-frn-0450 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:11 Associated 時事通信 Press (8, Washington) Jiji Tsushin Simultaneously with the return of three experts from [a] study of Japan[']s cotton industry, it was learned the [U.S.] is planning to dispatch fiber experts to survey the industry in both Japan and China. News Item Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 1 Jiji Radio Press (Chungking) War Secretary Kenneth Royal[l] forwarded to all American military abroad instructions according which permanently accreditted correspondents will be authorized to leave areas for which they have got clearance to leave it for period not exce[e]ding one month for every half year of their stay without losing their privilege and their lodging. Int[ernationa]l: USSR accused of seeking world domination Jiji Tsushin 1 Tseng Chi, leader of Young H, D China Party said that Russia has ambition for invasion by spread of communism Republican criticizes the H, P Marshall Plan as certain bankruptcy for the US Soviets say they stopped a H, P British train in Germany because it contained Nazis US will dispatch fiber experts H, P to Japan Mercola Sameshima 2 3 1 1 Oversized News Agency Photograph(s) Source Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored United Press 共同通信 (6, New York) [2]/[4]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0437 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 48-frn-0452 2/5/194[8] 5:11b Associated 共同通信 Press (8, 11, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0453 2/5/194[8] 5:11c Associated 東京新聞 Press (8, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0454 2/5/194[8] 5:11d Associated 日本経済新聞 Press (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-frn-0455 2/5/1948 5:12 Korean 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Korean Information Chosen Tokushin 48-frn-0456 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:13a United Press [毎日新聞] (Tokyo) [Mainichi Shimbun] 48-frn-0457 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:14 48-frn-0458 2/5/194[8] 5:15 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (65, Sofia) 48-frn-0459 [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:16 48-frn-0459a [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:16 Agence 時事通信 France-presse (30, Washington) Agence 世界日報 France-presse (Washington) 48-frn-0459b [2]/[4]/194[8] 48-frn-0460 2/5/194[8] 5:16a Agence 共同通信 France-presse (30, 31, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0460a 2/5/194[8] 5:16a Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0460b [2]/[4]/194[8] Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (8, Washington) Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (Washington) 48-frn-0461 2/5/194[8] 5:17 Reuters (New 共同通信 York) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0462 2/5/1948 5:20 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0463 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:20b United Press 共同通信 (10, 15, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0464 [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:23 Radio Press (New York) News Item Headline (Japanese) Headline ソ連の妨害一蹴し總選擧断行政委朝鮮問題に関し米紙 評 "To carry through the General Election is vital against the disturbance of Russia", said a paper of America on the Korean problem. Hirano Case 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo Agence France-presse (Washington) Subject Simultaneously with the return of three experts from a study of the Japanese cotton industry, it was learned the U.S. is planning to send fiber experts to survey the industry in both China and Japan. Simultaneously with the return of three experts from [a] study of Japan[']s cotton industry, it was learned the [U.S.] is planning to dispatch fiber experts to survey the industry in both Japan and China. Simultaneously with the return of three experts from a study of Japan cotton industry, it was learned the U.S. is planning to dispatch fiber experts to survey the industry in both Japan and China. Simultaneously with the return of three experts from a study of the Japanese cotton industry, it was learned the U.S. is planning to send fiber experts to survey the industry in both China and Japan. Speaker after speaker in supreme Soviet [parliament] warned Russian industries must slash operating costs -in both labor and raw materials- in order return increased profits to state. Reporting at second Congress of Fatherland Front of Bulgaria[,] Georgi Dimitroff analyzed in detail development and forthcoming tasks of this nationwide movement aimed at further consolidation and increas[e] of power of Bulgarian Republic[.] USSR is for many years to come in the impossibility to w[a]ge war of ag[g]ression[.] 米國に比し四十五年ソ連の國力立遅れ. 戰後の工業力二五パーセントに低下す Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes same as 5:11 H 2 same as 5:11 H 3 same as 5:11 H 1 same as 5:11 H 2 General elections must take place in Korea to stop the Soviet threat H, P Gomes M. Kawamoto Y Officials waited to see whether Hirano would defy his purge order Soviets declare they must slash production costs to bring more profit to the government H, P 1 P 2 Dimitroff addressed Congress in Bulgaria that is was "imperialist force which tries to divide the world into east and west" S, D 3 Russia is 45 years behind the US in war capability H, P 1 Russia is 45 years behind the US in war capability H Y 5 1 Russia 45 years behind America, "World Report" assures in expose Russia is 45 years behind the US in war capability 2 Kyodo News Service USSR is for many years to come in the impossibility to w[a]ge war of ag[g]ression[.] same as 5:16 3 Tokyo Shimbun The USSR is for many years to come in the impossibility to wage war of aggression. same as 5:16 H, P 1 Russia is 45 years behind America same as 5:16 H 1 Chester Bowles[,] American chairman of the International Advisory Committee of the United Nations Appeal for Children[,] charged today that both the United States and Russia were exploiting children[']s hunger in the name of power politics Dr. W. F. Jacobs to present recommendations to Draper Chester Bowles of the UN charged that both US and Russia were exploiting Children's hunger for the purpose of playing political power games H, S 2 William F. Jacobs, President of American Cotton Manufacturing Assoc. will present his recommendation on the Japanese cotton industry to Draper H 1 Doctor William [F.] Jacobs[,] president American Cotton Manufacturers [As]sociation Uni[ted Press] said he and two colleagues who accompanied him on trip to Japan would present their recommendations of Jap[an] cotton industry to Under Secretary of Army[,] William [H.] Draper Jr "within next few days". William F. Jacobs, President of American Cotton Manufacturing Assoc. will present his recommendation on the Japanese cotton industry to Draper H, P 4 Civil Rights: Edward R. Murrow Truman sends message to Congress on Civil Rights H, P 2 [Mainichi Shimbun] Oversized News Agency Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 5:11a Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored [2]/[5]/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0451 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) 共同通信 Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 48-frn-0466 2/5/194[8] 5:25 48-frn-0466a [2]/[5]/194[8] Associated 東京新聞 Press (20, Ankara) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Ankara) 48-frn-0466b [2]/[5]/194[8] 48-frn-0467 [2]/[5]/194[8] 2:25b 48-frn-0468 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:26 48-frn-0469 [2]/[5]/194[8] 48-frn-0470 2/5/1948 5:27a Associated Press (Tokyo) 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi 48-frn-0471 2/5/194[8] 5:27b Associated Press (Tokyo) 日本経済新聞 The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai 48-frn-0472 2/5/194[8] 5:31 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (2, Rome) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin 48-frn-0473 2/5/1948 5:31a 48-frn-0474 2/5/194[8] 5:33 Kyodo Nippon Times Tsushin, United Press (Teheran) Reuters 共同通信 (Shanghai) 48-frn-0475 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:34 48-frn-0476 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:35 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) 48-frn-0477 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:35a 時事通信 News Item Associated Press (20, Ankara) Associated Press (20, Ankar[a]) Associated Press (Tokyo) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 時事通信 Jiji Tsushin 西日本新聞; 静岡新聞 Nishi Nihon Shimbun; Nishi Nippon; Shizuoka Shimbun Shizuoka Shimbun Headline (Japanese) Jiji Tsushin Associated Press (Tokyo) News Item Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (New York) 共同通信 Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes [New York] Times correspondent reports from Madrid that newly appointed chief of United States Mediterranean fleet [Vice Admiral] Sherman arrived in Madrid for [five day] visit[.] Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow, it was learned here Wednesday night. Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow, it was learned here last night. US Mediterranian fleet viceAdmiral Sherman arrived in Madrid to possibly negotiate with Franco for US war bases in Spain H, S 2 Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow H, P 1 Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow H 1 Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow, it was learned here Wednesday night. Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow, it was learned [h]ere Wednesday night. Hirano had been the second former Cabinet Minister to raise the contention he was purged because of "politics" and therefore his court case attracted considerable interest as a possible precedent for the comeback of other disgruntled purgees. The government, with American backing, told the Japanese courts today they had no jurisdiction over cases involving the purge of wartime leaders. Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow 法律的解釋を許さず. 追放実地は日本人の責務 Turkey has recalled her ambassador from Moscow Japanese courts have no jurisdiction in purge matters 1 H 1 H, D Russel[l] Brines SCAP purge order is not subject to legal interpretation by the Japanese courts; the Japanese job is only to administer it Mercola Sameshima [Russell Brines, Chief, Tokyo Bureau, Associated Press] [Russell Brines] 3 1 SCAP purge order is not subject to legal interpretation by the Japanese courts; the Japanese job is only to administer it H The Government, with American backing, told the Japanese courts today they had no jurisdiction over cases involving the purge of wartime leaders. SCAP purge order is not subject to legal interpretation by the Japanese courts; the Japanese job is only to administer it H, P Kyodo News Service Messaggero correspondent reports from Istanbul that "negotiations between Washington and London regarding strategic plan for eastern Mediterranean and establishment of naval and air bases in Palestine[,] Iran and Cyprus have shown that to defend this vast area called by American 'main battle field in cold war against Soviet Union' British command is to use whole army of German prisoners of war who had previously served with Rommel[']s Afrika Korps". More than 60,000 Nazi's who had surrendered to the British were subsequently interned in Egypt and Palestine H, S 3 Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign Russia Is Denounced H, P 1 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service H, P 2 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Admiral Sherman will negotiate with Franco for US military bases in Spain S Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi There are about fifteen hundred Japanese soldiers operating mountains between Kirin and mouth of Tume[n] River north of Korean border now in Chinese communist hands according north China news agency dispatch from Changchun quot[ing] Chinese refugee[.] New York Times correspondent reports from Madrid that the newly appointed Chief of the United States Mediterranean Fleet, Vice Admiral Sherman, arrived in Madrid for a five day visit. Permanent level of Japanese industry Iran and US senounced Russia's note to Iran on alleged US military activities in the country as baseless There are about 1500 Japanese soldiers operating mountains between Kirin and mouth of Tumenn River North of Korean border now in Chinese Communist hands H, P 2 Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin FEC source said that there is still no final action of the question of the permanent levels of industry to be permitted in Japan FEC source said that there is still no final action of the question of the permanent levels of industry to be permitted in Japan H 1 Meanwhile commission sources said there still no final action on questions permanent lev[e]ls of industry to permitted Japan not on reparations d[i]vision agreement been reached in economic subcommittee on permanent levels for some industries such as ste[e]l and pig iron and these agreements referred to steering committee where they bogged down pending final ap[p]roval by all governments before going to full FEC meeting. Y [Russell Brines, Chief, Tokyo Bureau, Associated Press] 2 2 Mercola Sameshima 2 2 Oversized News Agency Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (11, New York) Photograph(s) Source 5:24 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/5/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0465 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by 48-frn-0480 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:39 時事通信 48-frn-0481 2/5/194[8] 5:40 United Press 共同通信 (Manila) 48-frn-0482 [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:41 Reuters 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World (Washington) Service News Service 48-frn-0483 [2]/[4]/194[8] 5:41 Agence France-presse (Washington) 48-frn-0484 [2]/[5]/194[8] 5:42 48-frn-0485 2/5/194[8] 5:46 48-frn-0486 48-frn-0487 2/5/194[8] 2/5/194[8] 5:47 48-frn-0488 Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Headline (Japanese) Jiji World United Press 世界日報 (Tokyo) Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 赤色圏の極東延長. 傍觀か紛碎かの岐路 International 読売新聞 News Service (Tokyo) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 米記者大急 時事新報 International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Jiji Shimpo Yomiuri Shimbun Jiji Shimpo Yomiuri ソ連の新外交攻勢 外人特派員の地域. 外出張は自由 [2]/[5]/194[8] Agence [毎日新聞] France-presse (Washington) [Mainichi Shimbun] 48-frn-0489 [2]/[5]/194[8] Associated Press (Washington) 48-frn-0490z 2/6/1948 48-frn-0490 2/6/1948 6:2 Radio Press (Berne) 48-frn-0491 2/6/1948 6:3a United Press 毎日新聞 (Seoul) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0492 48-frn-0493 [2]/[6]/194[8] [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:3b 6:5a 共同通信 United Press 共同通信 (3, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Kyodo News Item Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes Meanwhile commission sources said there still no final action on questions permanent lev[e]ls of industry to permitted Japan not on reparations division agreement been reached in economic subcommit[t]ee on permanent levels for some industries such as ste[e]l and pig iron and these agreements referred to steering committee where they bogged down pending final ap[p]roval by all governments before going to full FEC meeting. Informed revealed Sov[iet] Ambassador Alexander Panyushkin who Sov[iet] [re]presentative on Fa[r] Eastern Commission took attitude displeasure over recent press reports Panyushki[n] told commission he dissatisfied with Uni[ted] States Japan policy. FEC source said that there is still no final action of the question of the permanent levels of industry to be permitted in Japan H 2 Soviet ambassador Panyushkin expressed displeasure with reports that he was dissatisfied with US policy on Japan H, P 1 Manila evening news said diplomatic advices rece[iv]ed here from Far Eastern Commission indicated possibility holding peace conference Japan in March[.] Army department overrules General MacArthur's order FEC indicated the possibility of the Japanese peace treaty to be held in March H, P 2 US Army Dept. overruled an order of Gen. MacArthur on the grounds that it restricted the freedom of press H, D 1 Army Secret[a]ry issues new instructions Gen. MacArthur received instructions from Army sec. Royall which will help settle the dispute between Gen. M. and american correspondents in Japan H, D 1 SCAP officials maintain "hands off" policy in the pursuit of the Japanese poison-weilding bank robber D [Vaughn] D John Rich Mercola H, D D Super-Powerful A. Bomb AEC spokesman refused to confirm whether USA will make A. bomb experimental drop in the Enitwak Diplomatic sources understood Turkish ambassador Moscow leaving for home with not [i]ntention returning immediate future. Turkey has recalled its ambassador from Moscow H [Gomes] Sameshima Y 2 Y 2 Y Y 2 1 [Matsuda] 1 1 envelope W. [E]urope Union: Swiss Press reaction generally favorable With Korean commission General Dwight [D.] Eisenhower announced will retire as Army Chief Staff noon Saturday. Possible formation of a western union to band together in defense against the USSR The UN Commission will send a delegation to the UN Little Assembly with questions about South Korea same as 6:3a Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower announced that he will retire as Army chief staff 1 H, S 3 H, P 1 H 1 4 Oversized News Agency United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Photograph(s) Source 5:35b Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/5/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0478 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service Associated 朝日新聞 Press World Service (Manila) United Press 時事通信 (9, Washington) Asahi Shimbun Asahi Jiji Tsushin Jiji Tsushin 6:7a United Press 国際タイムス (Washington) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 6:7a United Press 共同通信 (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0494a 2/6/1948 48-frn-0495 [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:7 48-frn-0496 [2]/[6]/194[8] 48-frn-0496a 2/6/194[8] United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi 6:7b United Press 日本経済新聞 (Washington) The Nihon Keizai Nihon Keizai [2]/[5]/194[8] 6:9 [2]/[5]/194[8] 6:10 Radio Press (London BBC) United Press (Manila) 48-frn-0500 [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:13 48-frn-0501 2/6/1948 6:13 48-frn-0501a 2/6/1948 6:13a 48-frn-0502 [2]/[4]/194[8] 48-frn-0503 2/6/1948 6:15 48-frn-0504 2/6/194[8] 48-frn-0505 48-frn-0497 2/6/1948 48-frn-0497a 2/6/194[8] 48-frn-0498 48-frn-0499 Headline (Japanese) 對日講和會議. 三月、眞珠湾で. 極東委員會檢討中 一日の正式交換比率決定. 一ドル對百五十圓. 米紙、ニュー[ス]・[ワ]ールド報道 朝日新聞 Asahi Shimbun Asahi Nippon Times Nippon Times Nippon Times Foreign United Press 国際タイムス (Manila) Korea 朝鮮特信 日本語版 Information Press (Seoul) The Kokusai Times Kokusai Times 對日講和会議三... 傳わる The Korean Information Chosen-Tokushin 南北統一選挙のための共同会議を提案している 6:18 United Press 共同通信 (Frankfurt) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service [2]/[10]/194[8] 6:24 New York 共同通信 WorldTelegram (Washington) Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0506 2/6/194[8] 6:26 Agence 東京新聞 France-presse (15, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0507 2/6/194[8] 6:27 United Press 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0508 2/6/1948 6:28 International 大阪時事新報, News Service 大阪新聞, 産業経済新聞 48-frn-0509 [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:29 United Press 毎日新聞 (Moscow) Osaka Jiji Shimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Mainichi Shimbun Osaka Jijishimpo, Osaka Shimbun, Sangyo Keizai Shimbun Mainichi 48-frn-0509a 48-frn-0510 [2]/[6]/194[8] [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:29a 6:30 共同通信 時事通信 Kyodo Tsushin Jiji Tsushin Kyodo Jiji Tsushin Agence France-presse (38, Washington) Japanese peace conference Examiner1 Examiner2 Magazine Uni[ted] States News-World Report said exchange rate for Japanese Yen will shortly set possibly at rate [150] to dollar. The magazine United States NewsWorld Report said today that an exchange rate for Japanese Yen will be set soon, possibly at the rate of 150 Yen to the dollar. Magazine Uni[ted] States News-World Report said exchange rate for Japanese Yen will shortly set possibly at rate [150] to dollar. Japanese Yen rate Examiner5 Examiner6 Exchange rate for Japanese yen will shortly be set possibly at 150 to dollar H Exchange rate for Japanese yen will shortly be set possibly at 150 to dollar H Y 3 2 Y 2 2 Exchange rate for Japanese yen will shortly be set possibly at 150 to dollar Exchange rate for Japanese yen will shortly be set possibly at 150 to dollar H 1 H 1 Sokolovsky's statement concerning demilitarization of Germany clarified Manila evening News said that Fareastern Commission indicated the possibility of holding Japanese peace conference in March Soviet Union and Rumania sign mutual aid pact H, P 1 P 1 H, P 2 Soviet Union and Rumania sign mutual aid pact Y H UN and Russia are set up in opposition on the problem of Korea, said Mr. Alantze, the Philippino delegate of Korean UN Commission in Tokyo Two top military government officials predicted more food strike in Western Germany H, P Soviet domination of Orient just a matter of time H, P AEC spokesman refused to confirm whether USA will make A. bomb experimental drop in the Enitwak H, P Gomes T. Hori Y 1 Y 4 H, P 3 [William H. Newton, WorldTelegram staff writer] Y H 1 Y Soviet Union and Rumania sign mutual aid pact H, P "Russia is not ready to fight - at any rate for the present time" declared today General Dwight Eisenhower in his farewell speech delivered at "National Press Club." Eisenhower declared that Russia is not ready to fight for the present time H, P 11 1 ソ連は原爆で米国より後れる Russian-Rumanian Pact 1 1 H Mr. Atlantze stated on the Korean question Notes 2 Soviet Union and Rumania sign mutual aid pact The Atomic Commission's spokesman refused today either to confirm or deny whether the USA will make an experiment dropping the sixth atomic bomb on the new experiment area in the [Eniwetok] atoll. Examiner4 Exchange rate for Japanese yen will shortly be set possibly at 150 to dollar USSR and Rumania sign 20-year pact. Molotov Says Treaty Acquires Special Importance in View Of War Danger Two top military gov[ernmen]t officials, one American, and one British, today predicated more food strikes in Western Germany and threatened use of Allied troops to step up landing food collections. Red Rule in Manchuria Near. Soviet Domination of Orient Just a Matter of Time Examiner3 H, P H ソ連、ルーマニア二十ヶ年條約 ソ連勢力満州支配の日近し Brief Summary Eastern Commission discussing possibility of holding Japanese peace conference in March Manila Evening News said diplomatic advices received here from Far Eastern Commission indicated possibility holding peace conference Japan in March. Soviet Union and R[o]mania sign Mutual Aid Pact Jiji World News Item Subject The magazine United States NewsWorld Report said today that an exchange rate for Japanese Yen will be set soon, possibly at the rate of 150 Yen to the dollar. Germany: Sokolovsky's statement clarified 時事通信 World News Jiji Tsushin World Service News Service Associated Press World Service (Moscow) Associated Press (Moscow) Associated Press, Kyodo Tsushin (Moscow) Headline Foreign office source said Far Eastern Commission discussing possibility holding Japanese Peace Conference in March with Pear Harbor probable site because its historical associations[.] [Matsuda] 4 1 1 1 1 Oversized News Agency Associated Press (3, Manila) Photograph(s) Source 6:6 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored 2/6/194[8] Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. 48-frn-0494 Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015) This list may be used for research purposes only. For reproduction of, changes to, or processing of the list for publication purposes, contact the Prange Collection at [email protected]. Further modifications may be made to the list, as needed. (12/8/2015) Submitted by (Japanese) Submitted by Submitted by (based on CCD doc) Headline (Japanese) Headline Subject Brief Summary Examiner1 Examiner2 Examiner3 Examiner4 Examiner5 Examiner6 Notes 6:31 United Press 毎日新聞 (Washington) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi The U.S. magazine United States NewsWorld Report said today that General Douglas MacArthur is preparing a statement similar to General Dwight Eisenhower's statement saying that he does not want the Republican Presidential nomination. US magazine, United States News said that Gen. MacArthur does not want the Republican Presidential nomination H, S 48-frn-0512 [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:32 Agence 毎日新聞 France-presse (Melbourne) Mainichi Shimbun Mainichi Evatt on Jap Peace Treaty External relations minister Evatt on the Japanese peace treaty H, P 48-frn-0513 [2]/[5]/194[8] 6:33 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Allen refutes Soviet chires on U.S. [moves] in Iran. H, P 48-frn-0514 2/6/1948 6:34 Associated Press (74, New York) アサヒニュース The Asahi News Asahi News 48-frn-0515 2/6/194[8] 6:35 Telegrafnoe agentstvo SSSR (Sydney) 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo News Service US ambassador to Iran, Allen refutes Soviet charges on US moves in Iran American efforts to improve their military position in Europe and the Middle east are running into difficulties Potsdam declaration terms regarding Japan are not being fulfilled through US fault, says Sydney Morning Herald H, S 2 48-frn-0516 [2]/[6]/194[8] 6:36 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (34, Prague) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Chairman of the [Czechoslovak] Communist M. P. Antoine Zapotocky addressed to Louis Saillant, Secretary General of the World Federation of Trade Unions, a protest against the intention of certain organizations, member of the Federation, to participate to a conference on the Marshall Plan - organized without cooperation of the Federation. Czechoslovakia protests WFTU participation in conference on the Marshall Plan H, P 2 48-frn-0517 2/6/194[8] 6:37 Agence 共同通信 France-presse (25, Berlin) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service "If Allied Control Council does not take decision to recognize determination of German people to[night], we must be determined to organize [a] p scite in Germany ourselves. Chairman of the Socialist Communist Party declared that the western allies are in violation of the Potsdam agreement H, P 3 48-frn-0518 2/6/194[8] 6:38 International 読売新聞 News Service (Moscow) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri Soviet papers hail Russo-Romanian military pact Soviet papers hail RussoRomanian military pact H, P 48-frn-0519 2/6/194[8] 6:39a United Press 共同通信 (15, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Authoritatives said Far Eastern Commission at meeting Thursday faced its first major crisis when Soviet representative demanded commission formally repudiate printed assertions Russian delegate to commission showed willingness side with other powers in contradiction orders from Moscow. Soviet representative demanded that Far Eastern Commission formally repudiate printed assertion about Russian delegate 48-frn-0520 2/6/194[8] 6:41 International 読売新聞 News Service (Washington) Yomiuri Shimbun Yomiuri 48-frn-0521 2/6/194[8] 6:42 Associated 共同通信 Press (21, 28, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0521a 2/6/194[8] 6:42 Associated 東京新聞 Press (28, Washington) Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Shimbun 48-frn-0521b [2]/[6]/194[8] Associated 共同通信 Press, Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo Tsushin Kyodo 48-frn-0521c [2]/[6]/194[8] Associated 北海道新聞 Press (Washington) Hokkaido Shimbun Hokkaido Shimbun 48-frn-0522 2/6/194[8] 6:43a 共同通信 Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service 48-frn-0523 2/6/1948 6:45 世界日報 Sekai Nippo Sekai-Nippo 48-frn-0524 2/6/1948 6:46; 6:46a; 6:46b United Press 時事通信; 共同通信; (Tokyo) 毎日新聞; Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times Jiji Tsushin; Kyodo Tsushin; Mainichi Shimbun; Nippon Times 48-frn-0525 2/6/194[8] Agence 共同通信 France-presse (39, 40, Washington) Kyodo Tsushin The Kyodo News Service Associated Press (Shanghai) Essay ヨーロッパ ソ羅軍事援助條約調印(廿年) American efforts to improve their military position in Europe and the Middle East are running into serious difficulties. "Sydney Morning Herald" published dispatch of its correspondent from Japan saying that Potsdam Declaration terms regarding Japan are not being fulfilled through United States fault. H, P H 1 [Matsuda] 4 [Roberts] Y Y [Hensley] マ元師の立候補と関係なし. ア元師言明 5 3 3 Y The Far Eastern Commission failed at [a] session Thursday to break [a] deadlock over [a] long term policy for disarming Japan. The Far Eastern Commission failed at a session Thursday to break a deadlock over a long term policy for disarming Japan. 1 --- Whether the commission should rule that a Japanese military unit has been demobilized when it has been disarmed and disbanded. The Far Eastern Commission failed at a session Thursday to break a deadlock over a long term policy for disarming Japan. American Consul-General John Cabot China that Uni[ted] States building up Japan "as bulwark against spread Communism in Orient." 講和條約以前に通商航海條約を 1 1 Stalemate over a long term policy for disarming Japan H 3 Stalemate over a long term policy for disarming Japan H, P 1 Stalemate over a long term policy for disarming Japan H 2 Stalemate over a long term policy for disarming Japan H 1 Chinese misconceptions regarding American policy H 3 Commercial Navigation Pact Essay on Japan's desire to H, D Kawamoto Y. Takaoka before the conclusion of conclude a commercial Peace Treaty is hoped navigation pact before the conclusion of the Peace Treaty Says Gov't Must Balance Budget Allied official told United H, S Earnest Mercola Sameshima Press: "Japanese Government Hoberecht must balance its budget and get on a 'pay-as-you-go' basis" An Atomic Commission spokesman AEC spokesman refused to H, D refused today either to confirm or deny confirm whether USA will whether United States will make an make A. bomb experimental exp[e]rience dropping the sixth Atomic drop in the Enitwak Bomb on the new experiment center of atomic arms in [Eniwetok] Atoll.; Atomic Bomb take two stop Y 5 2 3 Oversized News Agency [2]/[6]/194[8] Photograph(s) Source 48-frn-0511 Duplicate Hold No. Number of Pages Date Censored Japanese Article Date Submitted Writers Prange Control No. Censorship Action このリストは研究のため自由に利用できます。加工、変更、転載などして出版物等に利用された場合はプランゲ文庫までご連絡ください。リストは随時追加、変更されることがあります。また、お気づきの点はプ ランゲ文庫([email protected])までご連絡頂けますようお願い申しあげます。(12/8/2015)
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