関西言語学会第 39 回大会 (2014/06/15) 標準アラビア語における一致の非対称 標準アラビア語 (Standard Arabic (SA)): 一致の非対称データ (1) a. ʔal-bint-āni qadim-atā. the-girl-Nom.D b. qadim-at came-3FD al-bint-āni.1 came-3FS the-girl-Nom.D ‘The two girls came.’ (2) a. hum qaraʔ-ū (Harbert and Bahloul (2002: 45)) d-dars-a. b. qaraʔ-ū they read-3MP the-lesson-Acc hum-u d-dars-a. read-3MP they the-lesson-Acc ‘They read the lesson.’ (Soltan (2006: 248)) wa ʔal-walad-u] ḵaraj-ā. (3) a. [ʔal-bint-u the-girl-Nom and the-boy-Nom left-3MD ‘The girl and the boy left.’ b. qaraʔ-at [l-banāt-u (Harbert and Bahloul (2002: 50)) (Harbert and Bahloul (2002: 50)) wa l-ʔawlād-u] kitāb-an read-3FS the-girls-Nom and the-boys-Nom book-Acc ‘The girls and the boys read a book.’ (Mohammad (2000: 113)) The Government Agreement Constraint (7) Only those features which originate on the Base of a Projection System are evaluated for agreement under government. (Bahloul and Harbert (1993: 22)) Agree の起こり方 (14) a. b. c. 1 Feature checking, then, resolves to pairs of heads <H, H’>. (Chomsky (2004: 113)) [T]hey (=uninterpretable features) must be valued at the phase level where they are transferred. (Chomsky (2007: 19)) “[T]races” (technically, lower copies) are invisible. (Chomsky (2008: 150)) いわゆる 3 人称は「人称なし(nonperson)」であり,動詞の 3 人称屈折形はデフォルト形であると見なす(cf. Benveniste (1966), Harbert and Bahloul (2002))。 -6- Relativized Agree (modified from Kobayashi (2014)) Given initial heads α and β with matching features, (16) a. if one c-commands the other, Agree takes place between them. b. if neither c-commands the other, a label γ that dominates α and contains the feature(s) of α serves as a probe for β (probe extension). 代名詞 = φP の証拠: (19) 述語になれる; (20) 束縛変項になれる (19) a. hāḏā huwa. this he b. hiya. you(FS) she ‘This is he.’ (20) ʔanti ‘You are she’ (Walkow (2010), (15)) ʔa-ḵāf-u ʔana wa [kull-u zamīl-in 1S-fear I colleague-Gen.Ind for-me]1 C and [every-Nom ʔa-tanāfis-a ʔana 1S-compete-Subj I wa huwa1 ᶜalā nafs-i and he1 ʔan l-ī]1 l-waẓāʔif-i. for same-Gen the-jobs-Gen ‘I and every colleague of mine are afraid that I and he will be competing for the same job.’ (Walkow (2010), (16)) N に付加する拘束形態素: Def-N-Gender.Number-Unposs/Indef (22) a. ʔal-mucallim-āt c. the-teacher-FP b. mucallim-āt-u-n ʔal-mucallim-ū-na the-teacher-P.Nom-Unposs d. the-teacher-FP-Nom-Indef mucallim-ū l-madrasat-i teacher-P.Nom the-school-Gen (Kremers (2003: 48, 51, 49)) c-command 定義 (24) a. b. X c-commands Y iff X and Y are categories and X excludes Y and every category that dominates X dominates Y. (Kayne (1994: 18)) α excludes β if no segment of α dominates β. (Chomsky (1986: 9)) -7- アイスランド語: Vb-T は下位の主格 DP と数一致 (32) Mér finnast tölvurnar ljótar. me.Dat find.P ugly.Nom the.computers.Nom ‘I find the computers ugly.’ (Holmberg and Hróarsdóttir (2003: 999)) アイスランド語: 定冠詞があらわれると, [A+N] がその前の位置を占める (33) a. allar þrjár [frægar greiningar] [á máli-nu] all three problem-the famous analyses of ‘all three famous analyses of the problem’ b. allar all [frægu greiningar-nar] þrjár [á famous analyses-the three of ‘all the three famous analyses of the problem’ máli-nu]2 problem-the (Norris (2011: 102)) 謝辞 本発表にあたり,岩倉國浩先生,縄田裕之先生,小原真子先生に貴重なご助言をいただいた。なお,アラビア 語データのローマ字表記やハイフネーション,グロスの付け方は論文ごとに異なるが,本発表では表記を統一 した。その際,藤井章吾先生(大阪大学)に大変お世話になった。記して感謝したい。 引用文献 Adger, David (2013) A syntax of substance. 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In Uli Sauerland and Hans-Martin Gärtner (eds.), Interfaces + recursion = language?: Chomsky’s 2 Adger (2013) によると,言語普遍的に PP 内項は [AP + N] 構成素よりも外の位置を占める。本発表では,何 らかの理由により PP が義務的に外置されると考える。 -8- minimalism and the view from syntax-semantics, 1-29. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter./ Chomsky, Noam (2008) On phases. In Robert Freidin, Carlos P. Otero and Maria Luisa Zubizarreta (eds.), Foundational issues in linguistic theory: Essays in honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, 133-166. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press./ Cole, Peter, Gabriella Hermon and Li-May Sung (1993) Feature percolation. Journal of East Asian Linguistics 2: 91-118./ Déchaine, Rose-Marie and Martina Wiltschko (2002) Decomposing pronouns. Linguistic Inquiry 33: 409-442./ Harbert, Wayne and Maher Bahloul (2002) Postverbal subjects in Arabic and the theory of agreement. In Jamal Ouhalla and Ur Shlonsky (eds.), Themes in Arabic and Hebrew syntax, 45-70. Dordrecht: Kluwer./ Holmberg, Anders and Thorbjörg Hróarsdóttir (2003) Agreement and movement in Icelandic raising constructions. Lingua 113: 997-1019./ Kayne, Richard S. (1994) The antisymmetry of syntax. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press./ Kobayashi, Akiko (2014) Subject as a probe. JELS 31: 305-311./ Kremers, Joost Merijn (2003) The Arabic noun phrase: A minimalist approach. Doctoral dissertation, University of Nijmegen./ Lieber, Rochelle (1989) On percolation. Yearbook of Morphology 2: 95-138./ Mohammad, Mohammad A. (2000) Word order, agreement and pronominalization in Standard and Palestinian Arabic. Amsterdam: John Benjamins./ Norris, Mark (2011) Extraposition and definiteness effects in Icelandic DPs. Morphology at Santa Cruz: Papers in honor of Jorge Hankamer, 97-121. University of California Santa Cruz./ Ritter, Elizabeth (1992) Cross-linguistic evidence for Number Phrase. Canadian Journal of Linguistics 37: 197-218./ Soltan, Usama (2006) Standard Arabic subject-verb agreement asymmetry revisited in an Agree-based minimalist syntax. In Cedric Boeckx (ed.), Agreement systems, 239-265. Amsterdam: John Benjamins./ Thráinsson, Höskuldur (2007) The syntax of Icelandic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press./ Walkow, Martin (2010) Locality of agreement in syntax and PF: Subject verb agreement asymmetries in Modern Standard Arabic. A handout presented at Sound, Structure, Meaning: Explorations at the Interface (GLS 2010), February 12-14. 発表者連絡先 [email protected] -9-
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