※ このメールは仕事でお目にかかった方とメールニュース配信を希望された方にお届けしております。 ※ メール配信解除を希望される方は、こちらをクリックしてください。:Unsubscribe http://www.investinluxembourg.jp Luxembourg News / June 2016 Welcome ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所(東京)からのご挨拶: 皆様、 ルクセンブルクニュースレターの 6 月号をお届けします。 6 月 23 日はルクセンブルクの大公の誕生日を公式に祝う「ナショナル・デー」です。ルクセンブルク本国では打ち上げ花火や パレードなど、ロイヤルファミリーが参加する華やかな式典が行われました。東京のルクセンブルク大使館でも大使主催のレ セプションに約 200 名が参加し、ルクセンブルクワインやビールを片手に語らいました。 同日、イギリスでは EU 離脱の是非を問う国民投票が行われ、離脱派が過半数を上回りました。各加盟国と力を増す EU の 間には実際様々な問題があり、欧州統合推進派の急先鋒であるルクセンブルクですら不満の声が聞こえてきます。ただし、 ルクセンブルクを含む EU 元加盟国は安全保障という目的のため多少の不便があっても折り合ってきました。英国など 1973 年以降の拡大期に加盟した国々は経済的利害を主な動機としていたためか、経済減速局面の EU は割に合わないと判断す るのでしょう。ド・ゴールの強い反対で新加盟国を受け入れなかった EU を拡大に向け舵を取らせたのが 1973 年の英国加盟 です。英国には EU 改革の努力をしながら統合と話し合い継続への道を進んで欲しかっただけに残念です。 今後については、英国による離脱手続き開始から EU とイギリス間の新たな経済関係の形について交渉が行われます。EU では欧州単一市場へのアクセスは人の移動の自由が前提としており、移民問題を争点に離脱を決断したイギリスがどのよう な立場で交渉に臨むか注目されます。離脱の手続きは手順に従い 2 年かけて行われますので、今すぐに企業の実業務に 影響があるわけではありません。当事務所ではこの件で疑問や不安のある企業のお問い合わせに極力お答えして参ります。 一刻も早く、EU と英国が築く経済関係の枠組みが明らかになるよう願います。 ルクセンブルクは金融や ICT などのイメージが強く、物流と聞いてもピンとこない方が多いと思いますが、欧州の心臓部に位 置するルクセンブルクは、多くの企業にとって EU の物流ハブ拠点としても機能しており、今後更なる発展が見込まれていま す。欧州最大の貨物専門航空カーゴルックスのハブであるだけでなく、新貨物鉄道操車場を含むロジスティクスパークは過 去 5 年間に大きく拡大し、中国とルクセンブルクを貨物鉄道で結ぶ野心的計画もあります。6 月 13 日には東京のルクセンブ ルク大使館にてロジスティクス・セミナーを開催し、こうした新展開について日本企業の皆様にご報告できました。また、欧州 デジタル単一市場戦略により物流を含む越境 E コマース環境がどう変化するのか、現地の情報を注視していきたいと思いま す。 2014 年に着任し経済交流促進を熱心に支援してくれたヤスコ・ミュラー公使が今週離任しました。7 月からルクセンブルク外 務省事務総局で EU 関連の担当となります。現在、ルクセンブルク外務省事務総長はウングホイヤー前駐日大使で、親日家 の外交官 2 名が外交中枢にいることを心強く感じます。ミュラー公使の後任は 9 月に着任の予定です。 ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所 エグゼクティブ・ディレクター 松野百合子 http://www.investinluxembourg.jp/ FROM TOKYO 東京から セミナー【欧州越境ECの将来 デジタル単一市場戦略とルクセンブルク】開催 ルクセンブルク経済省のロジスティクス・ディレクター、ダニエル・リーバーマンが来日し、6 月 13 日にロジスティクス・セミナー【欧州越境 EC の将来 デジタル単一市場戦略とルクセンブ ルク】を開催し、日本の物流企業、メーカーの物流担当者、メディア関係者らが参加しました。 前半、EU の「デジタル単一市場戦略(DSM)」が欧州の越境 EC とロジスティクスにどのような 変化をもたらすのか、その中でルクセンブルクが果たす役割について解説し、後半ではここ数年のルクセンブルクロジスティ クス産業ならびにインフラの発展について報告しました。デジタル単一市場戦略は EU 域内でのデジタルサービスや越境 E コマースに大きく影響する計画ですが、日本ではあまり知られていないためか、活発に質疑が行われました。 同セミナーのプレゼンテーション(英語)は当貿易投資事務所ウェブサイトからダウンロード頂けます。 ルクセンブルク貿易投資事務所 ウェブサイト MORE NEWS ナショナルデー・レセプション開催 ルクセンブルク大公の誕生日を公式に祝う日であるナショナルデーを記念し、6 月 23 日に 駐日大使主催のレセプションが東京の大使館で開催されました。過去 2 年間の要人往来 の写真パネル展示を行ったほか、日本未輸入のルクセンブルクワインやソーセージを含む ビュッフェで日本ルクセンブルク間交流関係者をおもてなししました。 ルクセンブルク大使館 ウェブサイト BUSINESS ビジネス SES raises almost €1 billion to take full control of O3b Networks SES、O3b ネットワークス完全買収に約 10 億ユーロの資金調達 SES has raised €909 million to fund the $710 million acquisition of the outstanding shares in O3b Networks and repayment of $300 million of the satellite operator's most expensive debt. Last month SES announced that it was paying $20.1 million to increase its stake in O3b from 49.1% to 50.5%, but CEO Karim Michel Sabbagh says taking full control of the company will improve its return on investment, adding $100 million to the group's turnover. (英語) MORE NEWS Enovos 2015 年純利益は前年比 3 倍増 Enovos reports tripled net profit for 2015. Luxembourg-based energy provider Enovos has announced a net profit of €80.6 million for 2015, up more than threefold from the previous year, while EBITDA rose 9.5% to €232.4 million, a record for the group. Investment totalled €221.4 million, with €143.4 million invested in its Luxembourg business and €19 million in its German networks. (英語) ポール・ワース 2015 年受注額 25%増を報告 Paul Wurth reports 25% increase in 2015 orders. Engineering group Paul Wurth has reported earnings before interest and tax of €20.6 million and a net profit of €13.7 million for 2015. The company says new orders totalled €456 million last year, an increase of 25% from 2014. (英語) Havilland 銀行、Pasche 銀行の買収手続き完了 Banque Havilland completes Banque Pasche deal. Banque Havilland has completed its acquisition of Swiss private bank Banque Pasche, part of its strategy to expand its UHNW client base in EUrope. Banque Havilland says establishing a presence in Switzerland demonstrates its commitment to offering private banking services in the world's leading banking centres. (英語) Luxair、利用客数の増加で営業利益上昇 Luxair operating profit rises as passenger numbers grow. Luxair says an increase in operating profit from €1.3 million in 2014 to €1.8 million for last year represents a good result in an increasingly competitive environment marked by heightened geopolitical risk. The airline saw a slight rise in turnover, from €495 million to €505 million, and its net loss declined from €8.4 million in 2014 to €3.6 million. Luxair accounted for 1.8 million of the 2.6 million passengers passing through Luxembourg Airport, up 8.1% from the previous year. (英語) Delhaize、本社とロジスティックス部門を CFL ハブへ移転 Delhaize to move head office, logistics to CFL hub. Delhaize has signed a 10-year logistics partnership agreement with rail freight business CFL Multimodal under which the supermarket group will move its Luxembourg headquarters and logistics operations from Kehlen to CFL's Bettembourg-Dudelange site. The firms say the new base will enable Delhaize to increase its offering of local products. (仏語) アルセロール・ミタル、ディッフェルダンジュ工場でマニラの高層ビル建設用の鉄鋼供給 Differdange mill supplies steel for Manila skyscraper. ArcelorMittal's long products mill in Differdange is providing 700 tonnes of steel for the planned 63-floor Imperium Tower, an earthquake-proof apartment complex in the Philippines' capital Manila. This is the second skyscraper project for which the mill has received an order this year after the 54-floor, 150 N. Riverside office building in Chicago. The group also produced the steel used in Harmony of the Seas, the world's largest cruise ship, which made its maiden voyage last month. (英語) ポール・ワース、Boson エネルギー社に投資 Paul Wurth invests in energy firm Boson. Iron and steel industry technology supplier Paul Wurth has taken a 20% stake in Luxembourg-based Boson Energy, a maker of combined cooling, heat and power plants. Paul Wurth says the move into the energy sector is part of the company's efforts to lessen its dependence on the steel industry. (英語) 証券取引所、単一としては過去最高のハイイールド債を発行 Stock exchange lists largest-ever single high-yield bond. The Luxembourg Stock Exchange has listed a $5.2 billion bond from French telecoms operator Numericable-SFR, the largest single-issue high-yield instrument ever launched. The exchange has a more-than 50% share of the EUropean high-yield bond market. (英語) ECONOMY 経済 Luxembourg set for strong economic growth: OECD ルクセンブルク経済は今後高成長の予測: OECD Luxembourg should enjoy vigorous economic growth of around 4% this year and next, thanks to solid domestic demand and strong exports of financial services, according to the OECD's latest Global Economic Perspectives report. The OECD, which says the next index-linked increase expected next year in salaries, pensions and benefits could help revive inflation, urges the government to control budgetary costs in the medium term and recommends measures to improve access to the job market. (英語) MORE NEWS ルクセンブルクのオフィス不動産にとり過去 10 年で最高の第一四半期:JLL(資産サービス会社) Best first quarter in a decade for Luxembourg office property: JLL. Office real estate in the Grand Duchy had its best first quarter in 10 years thanks to the financial industry, with banks and other institutions responsible for 59% of new occupancy since the beginning of the year, according to property services firm JLL. Transactions included BGL BNP Paribas' occupancy of new offices on the Kirchberg and Vistra Luxembourg moving into the nearby Espace Kennedy, while EFG Bank Luxembourg took 4,000 square metres in Crédit Suisse's former Grand Rue building. JLL says prime rents were unchanged at €45 per square metre a month excluding VAT, making Luxembourg City the eighth most expensive city in EUrope. (仏語) ルクセンブルク、競争力で世界第 11 位にランクイン Luxembourg competitiveness ranked 11th in the world. Luxembourg has been placed 11th in the 2016 edition of the World Competitiveness Yearbook ranking compiled by Lausanne-based business school International Institute for Management Development. The Grand Duchy scored highly in areas including productivity and efficiency (second in the world), international trade (third), finance (fourth) and domestic economy (sixth). (英語) 自動車産業、厳しかった 2015 年から一転し活況へ Automobile sector upbeat after rebound from morose 2015. Luxembourg's auto sales industry has expressed satisfaction with the first months of 2016, which have shown a marked improvement from a year-earlier period affected by VAT increases. The total of 46,473 new cars sold last year was the lowest since 2003, although proportionately to the size of population new car sales remained significantly higher than in Switzerland, Germany or France. So far this year new car sales have been up appreciably year on year and could top 50,000 if the trend is sustained. (仏語) GDP の 5%がルクセンブルク空港により創出される Luxembourg Airport helps generate 5% of GDP. Luxembourg Airport is a major generator of employment in the Grand Duchy, helping to create more than 24,000 jobs directly and indirectly, according to a study commissioned by LuxAirport. In total, the airport contributes €2.58 billion to national income, 5% of the country's GDP, in areas ranging from cargo handling and air traffic control to airport hotels and transport services. (仏語) PUBLIC POLICY 政治・政策 Space resources legislation to become law next year 宇宙資源法が来年立法へ The government is drawing up legislation to create a regulatory framework and secure legal environment for private companies and investors involved in the exploration and utilisation of space resources. The law, which will come into effect in 2017, will cover the rights and obligations of operators, the issue of space resources licences and regulatory oversight of activities, in accordance with the Outer Space Treaty. (英語) MORE NEWS ルクセンブルク政府と SNCI、米パートナーと宇宙資源合意書に署名 Government, SNCI sign space resources agreement with US partner. The government, public banking institution SNCI and California-headquartered Deep Space Industries have signed a memorandum of understanding to develop asteroid mining capabilities, following the announcement in February that the government would create a legal framework for the exploitation of space resources. Funding will come from the LuxIMPULSE space programme, the national R&D support initiative and the SNCI. The agreement covers the construction by Deep Space Industries in Luxembourg of a nanosatellite, Prospector 1, to assess the geological potential of targeted asteroids. It is expected to be ready for operation by 2020. (英語) 1 ユーロ企業、来年 1 月設立へ €1 company set for launch in January. Luxembourg's long-awaited legislation to enable the rapid creation of low-cost companies is set to take effect on 15 January next year, according to Franz Fayot, the MP responsible for steering the bill through its committee stages. Fayot says the bill can go before the Chamber of Deputies for a vote before the summer recess. The sarl-s structure should make it easier for entreprenEUrs to get start-up companies in operation with a minimum of cost and red tape. (独語) NATO、ルクセンブルクのデータセンターで災害復旧機能を強化 NATO to enhance disaster recovery capability with Luxembourg data centre. Under a five-year agreement with the government, NATO is to build a Tier IV data centre at Betzdorf in Luxembourg to bolster the disaster recovery capabilities of its Support and Procurement Agency. The data centre will provide a back-up system for information processed by the NSPA and is scheduled to be operational by the end of the year. (英語) 中国-ルクセンブルク間鉄道貨物計画は 2017 年始動:シュナイダー大臣 China-Luxembourg rail freight project to start in 2017: Schneider. Work on the planned direct rail freight link between China's Henan province and Luxembourg will start in 2017, says economy minister Etienne Schneider. The route will cross Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Austria and Germany. Schneider says the project is a step toward the government's goal of establishing the Grand Duchy as a major EUropean freight hub. (独語) ルクセンブルク国立研究基金、国の提供資金額を増額 National Research Fund to receive increased state funding. Luxembourg's National Research Fund committed €33.9 million in funding to 187 projects in 2015, notably supporting the establishment of the country's National Centre of Excellence in Research. The fund has secured additional resources from the government and will see its budget rise by €8 million for 2016-17, while its overall commitment ceiling has been increased by €20 million. (英語) INNOVATION イノベーション SES and Israel's Gilat to launch hybrid broadband capability in Asia SES とイスラエルの Gilat 社、アジアにハイブリッド・ブロードバンド容量を提供へ SES and Israel's Gilat Satellite Networks have announced a partnership to launch SES Enterprise+ Hybrid Broadband in Asia using the Luxembourg group's SES-9 satellite and Gilat's SkyEdge II-c Libra hybrid terminal. The solution will enable customers to deliver broadband internet connectivity to underserved areas and improve download speeds to as much as 20 Mbps, using their existing terrestrial network for upload traffic. (英語) MORE NEWS List(ルクセンブルク科学技術研究所)、バイオ・ポリマー開発の研究プロジェクト開始 LIST in research project to develop bio-based polymer. The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology has launched a research collaboration with family-owned French group Roquette, which specialises in the processing of raw materials derived from corn, wheat, potatoes and peas for the pharmacEUtical, nutrition, food and other markets. The project with LIST involves formulation of a polymer resin from a bio-sourced molecule produced by Roquette and drawing on the institute's expertise in composite materials, expanding range of solutions for synthesis of biobased composites. バイオ・ベースのポリマーを開発するために突出します (英語) デロイト・ルクセンブルク、ブロックチェーンのアート追跡システムを発表 Deloitte unveils blockchain-based art tracking system. Deloitte Luxembourg has developed a blockchain-based technology proof of concept system to tackle traceability issues in art. The Deloitte ArtTracktive uses a distributed ledger to trace the journey of artworks as an alternative to the paper trail generally relied on to determine the provenance and movements of works of art. (英語) Sigfox ネットワーク、ルクセンブルクをフルカバー Sigfox network completes full Luxembourg coverage. The Sigfox network, operated by Post Luxembourg and RMS.lu, has achieved full coverage in Luxembourg, making the Grand Duchy the fifth country in EUrope to have 100% cover. The network provides dedicated Internet of Things connectivity to facilitate smart communications. (英語) 自動車リースの ALD、ルクセンブルクで動くインキュベーターを発表 ALD launches Luxembourg mobility incubator. Vehicle-leasing firm ALD Automotive has launched Shaker, an incubator intended to foster collaboration among start-ups developing mobility solutions. ALD says it believes Luxembourg's small, multicultural market is ideal for testing mobility initiatives. (英語) フィンテック企業の SESAMm、ピッチ・ユア・スタートアップ コンテストで優勝 Fintech firm SESAMm wins start-up contest. Fintech firm SESAMm has won the latest Pitch your Start-up contest organised by Docler Holding, Luxinnovation and the National Agency for Innovation and Research, along with its ICT cluster. SESAMm provides investment indicators based on big data analysis of social media. (英語) 金融セクター、フィンテック企業との協力体制を構築中 Financial sector creating co-operation mechanisms with fintech firms. Financial institutions and insurers are instituting structures and mechanisms for collaborating with fintech start-ups to improve services for clients, according to Nicolas Mackel, CEO of Luxembourg for Finance. Jonathan Prince, co-founder of Digicash Payments, says fintech innovation is spreading across the financial sector and guiding the evolution of banking models. (英語) QUALITY OF LIFE 生活 Luxembourg scores highly in OECD Better Life Index ルクセンブルク、OECD の『より良い暮らし指標』でハイスコア Luxembourg is among the top Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development member states in 10 of the 11 areas making up the OECD's 2016 Better Life Index, namely income and wealth, social connections, civic engagement, jobs and earnings, work-life balance, personal security, perception of wellbeing, health, environmental quality and housing. Average net disposable income per capita, at $40,914, was substantially above the OECD average of $29,016, while the 3% proportion of employees working very long hours is far lower than the OECD average of 13%. (英語) MORE NEWS ルクセンブルク、気候変動の影響を最も受けにくい国:S&P Luxembourg least vulnerable country to climate change: S&P. Luxembourg is the least vulnerable to climate change of 116 countries assessed by S&P Capital IQ. The top 20 most vulnerable nations are emerging markets, while nine of the 10 least vulnerable are in EUrope. (英語) ライアンエア、9 月に英、ポルトガル便就航へ Ryanair to launch flights to UK, Portugal in September. Ryanair will begin operating flights from Luxembourg Airport to the UK and Portugal starting 1 September. The low-cost airline will fly daily to London Stansted and five times a week to Oporto. Despite speculation that Ryanair intends to switch services from Hahn Airport to Findel, the airline insists it remains committed to the German hub, but head of marketing Kenny Jacobs says it may announce more destinations from Luxembourg soon. (仏語) エーゲ航空、ルクセンブルク-アテネ便就航 Aegean Airlines launches Luxembourg-Athens service. Greece's Aegean Airlines has begun operating two direct flights a week, on Thursdays and Saturdays, between Athens and Luxembourg. The service is scheduled to continue until 29 September. (独語) CULTURE 文化 New VOD service launched in Luxembourg 新たな VOD(ビデオ・オン・デマンド)サービスが、ルクセンブルクでスタート The first independent video-on-demand service in the Grand Duchy, VoD.lu, has been launched by UniversCiné Luxembourg, D'Filmakademie and Film Fund Luxembourg, with backing from the Chamber of Commerce, the EUropean Commission's Creative EUrope programme, UniversCiné in Belgium and France and EUroVoD. VoD.lu has launched with a library of more than 750 French-, English- and German-language films in various genres, including 140 Luxembourg productions (英語) MORE NEWS ルクセンブルクのジャン・ミュラー、ダブリン国際ピアノフェスティバルのスターに Luxembourg's Jean Muller to star at Dublin International Piano Festival. Luxembourg pianist Jean Muller will interpret Mozart's Fantasia in C Minor, Piano Sonata No.14 in C Minor and Piano Sonata No. 9 in D Major at a concert entitled 'Enchanting Elegance' at Dublin's Hugh Lane Gallery on 29 July. Archie Chen, artistic director of the fourth Dublin International Piano Festival and Summer Academy, says Muller, who will also give a masterclass for piano students attending the festival, has made a huge impact with his performances of Mozart and Liszt in EUrope and Asia. (英語) ※ メール配信解除を希望される方は、こちらをクリックしてください。:Unsubscribe Luxembourg Trade and Investment Office - Tokyo Luxembourg House 1F, 8-9, Yonbancho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0081 T. 03 3265 9621 | F. 03 3265 9621 Mail. [email protected] | Web. www.investinluxembourg.jp
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