Too many bodies to be connected! Different ecosystems (Terrestrial, Freshwater, Marine) Different spatial scales (Country-Regions-Global) Different scientific methods/techniques (Census, Satellite Remote sensing, DNA, StableIsotopes) Different scientific fields (Biodiversity, Material/Water cycles Climate, Human activities) Different objectives and disciplines (Academic-Conservation, Science-Policy) International Programs on Biodiversity and their Spatial scales Satellite observation GEOBON IPCC Global 1000km NPP/Biomass/C-Flux 気候-生態系 相互作用 Climate 100km 10km 人間-生態系 相互作用 Community Dynamics/ Population 100m Ecosystem Function etc. 1km LULC/ 10m 1m 10cm 物質/水循環 Micro-climate /Hydrology IPBES Species Distribution 1cm IHDP Human Impacts DIVERSITAS In situ observation Ecosystem/ Biodiversity Future Earth IGBP WCRP Physical conditions/ Material cycle Biological phenomena and Observation method/techniques in terrestrial ecosystems at various spatio/temporal scales. Biome Migration 1000km 100km Climate Vegetation 10km MODIS 100m 10m Habitat BD at Ecosystem level:RS Topograpghy Foraging behaviour Spatial sale 1km 調査区での直接観測では、観測 できなかった植生より大きいス ケールの現象が、衛星観測により、 その時間断面は観測できるように なった。 ALOS QuickBird Woody plant 1m Micro topography Harbaceous plant 0.1m BD at Species level HiRes RS in situ Obs. Leaf 1cm Big Anima’s habitat rangel BD at Genetic level indirect methods 0.1cm 1時間 1日 Plant 1ヶ月 1年 10年 Time scale 100年 1000年 Direct Obs. InDirect Obs. 10000年 (石井 和田2008より改変) In case BD info and tech are rich Models for estimation Spatial Inter/extrapolation ALOS/AVNIR2 etc.. LANDSAT, MODIS etc.. 1000km Satellite observation 100km Biodiversity distribution 10km 1km NDVI 100m 10m 1m 10cm 1cm Object/ Texture LAI/ Biomass Vegetation Vegetation structure type Vegetation/ Ecosystem Function Potential Animal habitat Vegetation Animal type/structure species distribution In situ observation In case BD info and tech are poor LANDSAT, MODIS etc..(無償データ) Satellite observation 1000km Models for estimation 2. Lack of High-Res remotesensing data Spatial Inter/extrapolation 100km 10km 1km 100m Model from otherNDVI regions 10m LAI/ Biomass Vegetation type 1m 10cm 1cm 1. Vegetation / Ecosystem Function Low reliability Biodiversity distribution Model from other regions Potential Animal habitat Vegetation Animal type species distribution Lack of Information ground truth 3. Lack of Vegetation/Habitat information In situ observation Potential reference sites for the calibration of remote sensing analysis in Japan and Asia-Pacific region Long-term plot >1ha (Ishii AP-BON Book) JaLTER, JapanFlux cooperation 49 sites 25 sites * Common sites: Fuji, Teshio, Takayama, Kiryu Some Suggestions about inter-community collaboration of Satellite remote sensing and in situ observation networks from JAXA-EORC Making HQ LU/LC maps and Thematic maps They provide with Satellite images, We provide ground truth for supervision/validation Developing Supersites with intensive in situ information and satellite observation We discuss with researchers of different disciplines where to concentrate the monitoring resources, They shoot the sites with with relevant sensors/satellites at high frequency Developing Novel sensors/satellites We tell them what wavelength/resolutions are needed, they try to develop new sensors/satellites Demand for local BD data from SRS community is not unique To develop Analyzing methods, they want various kind of data for “Trial & Error” To monitor the long term trends of BD changes at larger spatial scales, they need essential values for plots as much as possible Making datasets is one thing and maintaining them is another Former is quite suitable job for Biologists but Latter is not always so Biologists/Ecologists are not always making data in sake of sharing their data To enhance data sharing, we need to remove the barriers: 1. To those who are willing to share 2. To those who are not sharing the motivations to share GEO-BON EBV BD data EBV EBV BD data EBV EBV BD data EBV Too many bodies to be connected! Different ecosystems Different country/regions/spatial scales Different scientific methods Different scientific fields Different objectives and disciplines Future Earth) Observation Biodiversity and Ecosystem issues with different disciplines National (Japan case) Asia-Pacific Global Estimation of Factors Causation of BD change Quantitative prediction Assessment Research Future Earth IPCC IPBES Human Activity Environment al change Providing scientific basis Spatio-Temporally diverse environmental parameteres UNFCCC CBD UNCCD(砂漠化) Policy GEOSS Observation J-BON members are playing roles in all of these program Research Core Projects Fast Track Initiatives AIMES eco SERVIC ES GMBA IMBER PECS Arctic STAR Exploring Nitrogen Extreme Events Global Biodiversity bio DISCOV ERY ESG GWSP IRG SOLAS MODELS (Earth System & Socioeconomic Liveable URBAN Futures IPBES Science Support Nexus Governa nce bio GENESI S GCP IGAC UGEC CCAFS GECHH iHOPE MAIRS eco HEALT H GLP iLEAPS PAGES LOICZ/ Future (Earth) Coast Seeds of a good Anthropoc ene International bodies for biodiversity Science 1990 Policy DIVERSITAS-I Society CBD GBIF 2000 MA DIVERSITAS-II GEOSS MDG GBO IMoSEB TEEB GEO BON 2010 IPBES Future Earth GEOSS II NCC IW SDG s Biodiversity and Ecosystem issues with different disciplines Global GEOSSAP Asia-Pacific National (Japan case) j-bon For issue of Climate change 気候変動では global environmental issues are various… Biodiversity of one of the Societal Benefit Areas of GEOSS I focus on these Climate System Social System Ecosystem/Biodiversity 地球環境変化研究プログラムから 世界気候研究計画 GEWEX へ Future Earth 生物多様性国際共同研究計画 地球システム科学 パートナーシップ 2006 地球圏生物圏 国際共同研究計画 地球環境変化の人間的側面 に関する国際共同研究計画 ICSU/ISSCや 国連機関、各国 funding機関からの 強い提言 日本が取り組むべき具体的研究課題 possible prioritized researches (being discussed at SCJ) これまでの日本の実績と強みを最大限に活かしつつ、国際的に推 進すべき研究課題: ① 長期的視野に立った地球環境の持続性を支える技術・制度の策定 ② 持続可能なアジアの都市および生活圏の構築 ③ エネルギー・水・食料連環(ネクサス)問題の同時的解決 ④ 生態系サービス*の保全と人類の生存基盤の確保 ⑤ 多発・集中する自然災害への対応と減災社会を見据えた世界ビジ ョンの策定 * 生物多様性を背景とする自然資源(森林・水産資源、遺伝資源など)や生態系が持 つ気候調節や水源涵養、災害防止などの調節機能やエコツーリズムなど、生態系が有す る人類への多様な利便性やアメニティの総称 Biodiversity and Ecosystem issues with different disciplines National (Japan case) Asia-Pacific Global 環境変動要因の推定と因果関係・ 定量的予測 Assessment 環境変動の把握 複数因子の時空間分布変動 パターン 日本は研究者レベルでは一体化 している UNFCCC CBD UNCCD(砂漠化) Policy 人間 活動 Future Earth IPCC IPBES 国際的な取り組みに科学的根 拠を与える Research GEOSS Observation 8つの大きな課題 ( eight challenges) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. すべての人に水、エネルギー、食料を提供 脱炭素化し、気候を安定化 陸上・淡水・海洋資源を保護 健全で生産的な都市を構築、災害に強い サービスとインフラを提供 持続可能な農村開発を促進 環境変化の下での人々の健康を保護 公正で持続可能な消費と生産を促進 社会的な回復力を高め、持続可能性への 転換を促進できる制度を構築 さらに新たな知識共同体連携の場の構築へ プロジェクト間のネットワーク化や新規萌芽的プロジェクトの支援、 Knowledge Action Network(KAN):知と実践のネットワーク Future Earth外の類似研究枠組みとの連携を担うプラットフォーム Themes Dynamic Planet Challenges 1. Water, food, energy for all 水・食・エネルギーの保障 2. Decarbonise socioeconomic systems 低炭素社会化 3. Safeguard natural assets Sustainable Development Transformations to Sustainability Food and the nexus Future Oceans Natural assets 自然資本の保全 4. Build healthy, resilient cities 健康で強靭な都市をめざす 5. Sustainable rural futures 持続可能な農山漁村の維持 Future cities Future health Transformations 6. Improve human health under GEC 地球環境変化の下での人類の健康 7. Sustainable consumption and prod’n 持続可能な生産と消費システム 8. Social resilience to future threats 将来の脅威に対する社会の弾力性 Disaster risk reduction & sustainability 災害リスク軽減と持続可能社会 SDGs Organized structure Space Agency(JAXA, NASA, etc..) Needs/Ground information Projects using Remote sensingrequests S9-3 Forest S9-5 Ocean Integra tionWG JAXA 高解像度土地利用土地被覆図プロジェクト (2006-) RS-WG DB(domestic) Website Meetings etc. Satellite/Data requests JAXA, NASA他 衛星関連プロ ジェクト External I/O ForestWG MarineWG J-BON インターネット 自然研究所 ASIA/World GCOM土地被覆分類 SITE情報データベース ~tenco/PHP/search.php Photograph Database 地上観測・センサーネットワーク In situ Observation/Sensor NW JAXA's satellite data contents which support biodiversity assessment Solar radiation map Forest/non-forest map Forest height map m Rainfall map (GSMaP) Motohka et al. (2014) Landcover map Sea ice map Potential reference sites for the calibration of remote sensing analysis in Japan and Asia-Pacific region Long-term plot >1ha (Ishii AP-BON Book) Estimation of Factors Causation of BD change Quantitative prediction Assessment Future Earth IPCC IPBES Human Activity Environmen tal change Providing scientific basis Spatio-Temporally diverse environmental parameteres UNFCCC CBD UNCCD(砂漠化) Policy Research GEOSS Observation J-BON members are playing roles in all of these program Biodiversity and Ecosystem issues with different disciplines National (Japan case) Asia-Pacific Global Biodiversity and Ecosystem issues National (Japan case) Asia-Pacific Global
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