
PART 1 あなたは、まだ「ギブ&テイク」で人生を決めているのか
21 扉の引用:Samuel L. Clemens (aka Mark Twain), “At the Dinner to Joseph H. Choate,
November 16, 1901," in Speeches at the Lotos Club, ed. J. Elderkin, C. S. Lord, and H. N.
Fraser (New York: Lotos Club,1911), 38.
22 ダニー・シェーダーとデビッド・ホーニックのエピソード:デビッド・ホーニックへの個人取材
(January 30 and March 12, 2012) 、ダニー・シェーダーへの個人取材 (February 13, 2012).
27 どのくらい与え、どのくらい受けとるのが望ましいと考えるか:Edward W. Miles, John D. H
atfield, and Richard C. Huseman, "The Equity Sensitivity Construct: Potential Implications
for Worker Performance,"Journal of Management 15 (1989): 581-588.
29 親密な人間関係ではたいていの人がギバーとして振る舞う:Margaret S. Clark and Judson
Mills, "The Difference between Communal and Exchange Relationships: What It Is and Is
Not," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 19 (1993): 684-691.
29(脚注)人びとがギバー、テイカー、マッチャーを使い分けている:Alan P. Fiske, Structures
of Social Life: The Four Elementary Forms of Human Relations (New York: Free Press, 1
30 エンジニアリングの世界:Francis J. Flynn, "How Much Should I Give and How Often? T
he Effects of Generosity and Frequency of Favor Exchange on Social Status and Productivi
ty," Academy of Management Journal 46 (2003): 539-553.
30 ベルギーの医学生:Filip Lievens, Deniz S. Ones, and Stephan Dilchert, "Personality Scal
e Validities Increase Throughout Medical School," Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (2009):
31 販売員も例外ではない:Adam M. Grant and Dane Barnes, "Predicting Sales Revenue" (w
orking paper, 2011).
31 ギバーはテイカーに比べて収入が:Timothy A. Judge, Beth A. Livingston, and Charlice H
urst, "Do Nice Guys--and Gals--Really Finish Last? The Joint Effects of Sex and Agreeable
ness on Income, "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102 (2012): 390-407.
31 犯罪の被害者になるリスクは二倍:Robert J. Homant, "Risky Altruism as a Predictor of C
riminal Victimization, "Criminal Justice and Behavior 37 (2010): 1195-1216.
31 人への影響力も:Nir Halevy, Eileen Y. Chou, Taya R. Cohen, and Robert W. Livingston,
"Status Conferral in Intergroup Social Dilemmas: Behavioral Antecedents and Consequenc
es of Prestige and Dominance," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102 (2012): 35
36 成功したテイカーは妬まれやすく:Eugene Kim and Theresa M. Glomb, "Get Smarty Pan
ts: Cognitive Ability, Personality, and Victimization," Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (201
0): 889-901.
37 勝つのは簡単だ:ランディ・コミサーへの個人取材 (March 30,2012)
37 リンカーンのエピソードについては、基本的にドリス・カーンズ・グッドウィンの素晴らしい著
42 ほかのどの政治家よりも人気があった:Max J. Skidmore, Presidential Performance: A Com
prehensive Review (Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Co., 2004).
43 歴史、政治学、心理学の専門家:Steven J. Rubenzer and Thomas R. Faschingbauer, Perso
nality, Character, and Leadership in the White House: Psychologists Assess the Presidents
(Dulles, VA: Brassey's, 2004), 223.
45 マラソンでは大いに役立つ: チップ・コンリーへの個人取材 (February 24, 2012)
46 チームで仕事を行なっている:Paul Osterman, "Work Reorganization in an Era of Restruc
turing: Trends in Diffusion and Effects on Employee Welfare," Industrial and
Relations Review 53 (2000): 179-196; and Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou, Alan Felstead, and F
rancis Green, "Teamwork, Skill Development and Employee Welfare," British Journal of In
dustrial Relations 50 (2012): 23-46.
46 サービス部門が拡大するにつれて:Adam M. Grant and Sharon K. Parker, "Rede signing
Work Design Theories: The Rise of Relational and Proactive Perspectives," Academy of Ma
nagement Annals 3 (2009): 317-375.
48 ファイナンシャルアドバイザーの成功:スティーブ・ジョーンズへの個人取材 (July 13, 2011)、
ピーター・オデットへの個人取材 (December 12, 2011 and January 19, 2012)
52 もっとも大切な価値だと答えた: Shalom H. Schwartz and Anat Bardi, "Value Hierarchie
s across Cultures: Taking a Similarities Perspective," Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
32 (2001): 268-290.
55 テイカーになる傾向が強い:Dale T. Miller, "The Norm of Self-Interest," American Psychol
ogist 54 (1999): 1053-1060.
55 ビジネススーツを着せただけで: Jeffrey Sanchez-Burks, "Protestant Relational Ideology:
The Cognitive Underpinnings and Organizational Implications of an American Anomaly," R
esearch in Organizational Behavior 26 (2005): 267-308、および "Protestant Relational Ideolo
gy and (In)Attention to Relational Cues in Work Settings," Journal of Personality and Soci
al Psychology 83 (2002): 919-929. を参照のこと。
55 テイカーに食い物にされる:Robert H. Frank, Passions Within Reason: The Strategic Role
of the Emotions (New York: W. W. Norton, 1988), xi 『オデッセウスの鎖』(ロバート・
H・フランク、サイエンス社、1995 年)
PART 2 「名刺ファイル」と「フェイスブック」を見直せ
61 扉の引用:Coretta Scott King, The Words of Martin Luther King, Jr. (New York: New
market Press, 2008), 17 『キング牧師の言葉』(コレッタ・スコット・キング編、日本基督教団
出版局、1993 年)
62 エンロンのエピソード:Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind, The Smartest Guys in the R
oom: The Amazing Rise and Scandalous Fall of Enron (New York: Portfolio, 2004), Mimi S
wartz and Sherron Watkins, Power Failure: The Inside Story of the Collapse of Enron (Ne
w York: Crown, 2004) 『エンロン内部告発者』(ミミ・シュワルツ、シェロン・ワトキンス、ダ
イヤモンド社、2003 年)、 Judy Keen, "Bush, Lay Kept Emotional Distance," USA Today, F
ebruary 26, 2002.
66 人脈には主に三つのメリット:Brian Uzzi and Shannon Dunlap, "How to Build Your Net
work," Harvard Business Review December (2005): 53-60; and Ronald Burt, Structural Hole
s: The Social Structure of Competition (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995)
『競争の社会的構造』(ロナルド・S・バート、新曜社、2006 年)
68 リンクトインの設立者:Reid Hoffman, "Connections with Integrity," strategy+business, M
ay 29, 2012.
70 テイカーに好印象を抱く:Mitja D. Back, Stefan C. Schmukle, and Boris Egloff, "Why Ar
e Narcissists So Charming at First Sight? Decoding the Narcissism-Popularity Link at Zero
Acquaintance, "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98 (2010): 132-145.
71 利己的な目的を追求し:Serena Chen, Annette Y. Lee-Chai, and John A. Bargh, "Relation
ship Orientation as a Moderator of the Effects of Social Power," Journal of Personality and
Social Psychology 80 (2001): 173-187; and Katherine A. DeCelles, D. Scott DeRue, Joshua
D. Margolis, and Tara L. Ceranic, "Does Power Corrupt or Enable? When and Why Power
Facilitates Self-Interested Behavior," Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (2012): 681-689.
71 最後通 牒 ゲーム:Daniel Kahneman, Jack L. Knetsch, and Richard H. Thaler, "Fairness
and the Assumptions of Economics, "Journal of Business 59 (1986): S285-S300.
72 「評判情報」を共有する:Matthew Feinberg, Joey Cheng, and Robb Willer, "Gossip as an
Effective and Low-Cost Form of Punishment," Behavioral and Brain Sciences 35 (2012): 2
5; and Matthew Feinberg, Robb Willer, Jennifer Stellar, and Dacher Keltner, "The Virtues
of Gossip: Reputational Information Sharing as Prosocial Behavior," Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 102 (2012): 1015-1030.
73 ネットワーク自体に利益を『追求する』ことはできない:Wayne E. Baker, Achieving Succes
s Through Social Capital: Tapping Hidden Resources in Your Personal and Business Netwo
rks (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000), 19 『ソーシャル・キャピタル』(ウェイン・ベイカー、
ダイヤモンド社、2001 年)
74 コンピュータ・ハードウエアおよびソフトウエア企業の:Arijit Chatterjee and Donald C. H
ambrick, "It's All about Me: Narcissistic Chief Executive Officers and Their Effects on Com
pany Strategy and Performance," Administrative Science Quarterly 52 (2007): 351-386.
80 フェイスブックのプロフィールを:Laura E. Buffardi and W. Keith Campbell, "Narcissism
and Social Networking Websites," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (2008): 13
81 テイカーを見つけるのにSNSを:ハワード・リーへの個人取材 (December 11, 2011)
83 リンクトインでつながっていた:Jessica Shambora, "Fortune's Best Networker," Fortune,
February 9, 2011, accessed January 26, 2012, http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2011/02/09/fortunes
83 アダム・リフキン:アダム・リフキンへの個人取材 (January 28, 2012)、ジェシカ・シャンボ
ラへの個人取材 (February 9, 2012)、レイモンド・ルーフへの個人取材 (February 16, 2012)、
イゴサ・オモイグイへの個人取材 (March 14, 2012)、106 マイルズでの取材 (May 9, 2012)、ブ
ライアン・ノルガードの談話 (http://namesake.com/conversation/brian/like-welcome-ifindkarmanamesake-community)、アダム・リフキンのウェブサイト(http://ifindkarma.com/)、グレアム・ス
87 ギブ・アンド・テイクの関係を利用:Robert B. Cialdini, Influence: The Psychology of Pers
uasion (New York: HarperBusiness, 2006) 『影響力の武器』(ロバート・B・チャルディーニ、
誠信書房、第2版、2007 年)
87 受けとるまえに、与えるほうがよい:Keith Ferrazzi and Tahl Raz, Never Eat Alone: And
Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time (New York: Crown Business, 2005),
22 『一生モノの人脈力』(キース・フェラッジ、タール・ラズ、武田ランダムハウスジャパン、20
08 年)
88 見返りに何か欲しがっている:ダン・ワインスタインへの個人取材 (January 26, 2012).
89 この人にどんなことをしてあげられるだろうか?:Guy Kawasaki interview with Warren C
ass, accessed May 14, 2012, www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_OsWvp2
92 弱いつながり:Mark Granovetter, "The Strength of Weak Ties: A Network Theory Revisi
ted," Sociological Theory 1 (1983): 201-233.
97 「休眠状態のつながり」とは:Daniel Z. Levin, Jorge Walter, and J. Keith Murnighan, "D
ormant Ties: The Value of Reconnecting," Organization Science 22 (2011): 923-939; and "Th
e Power of Reconnection: How Dormant Ties Can Surprise You, "MIT Sloan Management
Review 52 (2011): 45-50.
101 人脈ネットワークを行き交うエネルギーの流れ:Rob Cross, Wayne Baker, and Andrew Pa
rker, "What Creates Energy in Organizations?" MIT Sloan Management Review 44 (2003):
106 与えることは「感染」する:James H. Fowler and Nicholas A. Christakis, "Cooperative
Behavior Cascades in Human Social Networks," PNAS 107 (2010): 5334-5338.
108 一貫してギバーになった:J. Mark Weber and J. Keith Murnighan, "Suckers or Saviors?
Consistent Contributors in Social Dilemmas," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
95 (2008) 1340-1353.
109 大手電気通信会社のエンジニア:Francis J. Flynn, "How Much Should I Give and How
Often? The Effects of Generosity and Frequency of Favor Exchange on Social Status and P
roductivity," Academy of Management Journal 46 (2003): 539-553.
PART 3 チームの総力を活かせる人
113 扉の引用:John Andrew Holmes, Wisdom in Small Doses (Lincoln, NE: The University
Publishing Company, 1927)
114 ジョージ・マイヤー:David Owen, "Taking Humor Seriously: George Meyer, the Funnie
st Man behind the Funniest Show on TV," New Yorker, March 13, 2000; Simon Vozick-Lev
inson, "For Simpsons Writer Meyer, Comedy Is No Laughing Matter," Harvard Crimson, J
une 4, 2003; Eric Spitznagel, "George Meyer," Believer, September 2004; Mike Sacks, And
Here's the Kicker: Conversations with 21 Top Humor Writers on Their Craft (Cincinnati:
Writers Digest Books, 2009)、ジョージ・マイヤーへの個人取材 (June 21, 2012)、ティム・ロン
グへの個人取材 (June 22, 2012)、キャロリン・オミネへの個人取材 (June 27, 2012)、ドン・ペ
インへの個人取材 (July 12, 2012)
116 天才と天才を育てる人:Liz Wiseman and Greg McKeown, Multipliers: How the Best Le
aders Make Everyone Smarter (New York: HarperBusiness, 2010).
116 極めてクリエイティブな人びと:Donald W. MacKinnon, "The Nature and Nurture of Cr
eative Talent," American Psychologist 17 (1962): 484-495; and "Personality and the Realizat
ion of Creative Potential," American Psychologist 20 (1965): 273-281.
118 クリエイティブな科学者:Gregory Feist, "A Structural Model of Scientific Eminence," Ps
ychological Science 4 (1993): 366-371; and "A Meta-Analysis of Personality in Scientific and
Artistic Creativity," Personality and Social Psychology Review 2 (1998): 290-309.
122 フランク・ロイド・ライト:Roger Friedland and Harold Zellman, The Fellowship: The
Untold Story of Frank Lloyd Wright and the Taliesin Fellowship (New York: HaperCollins,
2007), 138; Ed de St. Aubin, "Truth Against the World: A Psychobiographical Exploration
of Generativity in the Life of Frank Lloyd Wright," in Generativity and Adult Developmen
t: How and Why We Care for the Next Generation, ed. Dan P. McAdams and Ed de St. A
ubin (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1998), 402 and 408; Christophe
r Hawthorne, "At Wright's Taliesin, Maybe the Walls Can Talk," Los Angeles Times, Septe
mber 3, 2006; and Brendan Gill, Many Masks: A Life of Frank Lloyd Wright (New York:
De Capo Press, 1998), 334 『ライト 仮面の生涯』(ブレンダン・ギル、学芸出版社、2009 年)
125 エドガー・ターフェル:Joan Altabe, "Fallingwater Is Falling Apart," Gadfly Online, Feb
ruary 18, 2002; また、Hugh Pearman, "How Many Wrights Make a Wrong?" Sunday Times
Magazine, June 12, 2005 も参照のこと。
126 心臓外科医:Robert Huckman and Gary Pisano, "The Firm Specificity of Individual Per
formance: Evidence from Cardiac Surgery," Management Science 52 (2006): 473-488.
127 一流のアナリスト:Boris Groysberg, Linda-Eling Lee, and Ashish Nanda, "Can They Ta
ke It with Them? The Protability of Star Knowledge Workers' Performance," Management
Science 54 (2008): 1213-1230; and Boris Groysberg and Linda-Eling Lee, "The Effect of Coll
eague Quality on Top Performance: The Case of Security Analysts," Journal of Organizatio
nal Behavior 29 (2008): 1123-1144.
130 頼り合うことを弱さの 印 :MarYam G. Hamedani, Hazel R. Markus, and Alyssa S. Fu,
"My Nation, My Self: Divergent Framings of America Influence American Selves, " Persona
lity and Social Psychology Bulletin 37 (2011): 350-364.
132 グループ全体が恩恵を受ける:Nathan P. Podsakoff, Steven W.Whiting, Philip M. Podsak
off, and Brian D. Blume, "Individual- and Organizational-Level Consequences of Organizati
onal Citizenship Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis," Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (2009): 122
-141; and Philip M. Podsakoff, Scott B. MacKenzie, Julie B. Paine, and Daniel G. Bachrach,
"Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Critical Review of the Theoretical and Empirical
Literature and Suggestions for Future Reserch," Journal of Management 26 (2000): 513-563.
133 探検行動:ジェフ・アシュビーへの個人取材 (July 9, 2012) 、ジョン・カネンジーターへの個
人取材 (July 13, 2012)
134 もはや攻撃されることはない:Eugene Kim and Theresa M. Glomb, "Get Smarty Pants:
Cognitive Ability, Personality, and Victimization," Journal of Applied Psychology 95 (2010):
134 自分のスキルを証明した:Sabrina Deutsch Salamon and Yuval Deutsch, "OCB as a Ha
ndicap: An Evolutionary Psychological Perspective," Journal of Organizational Behavior 27
(2006): 185-199.
135 信用口座:Edwin P. Hollander, "Conformity, Status, and Idiosyncrasy Credit," Psycholo
gical Review 65 (1958): 117-127; また、Charlie L. Hardy and Mark Van Vugt, "Nice Guys
Finish First: The Competitive Altruism Hypothesis," Personality and Social Psychology Bull
etin 32 (2006): 1402-1413 も参照のこと。
136 まわりに特別に認められてしまう:Adam M. Grant, Sharon Parker, and Catherine Collin
s, "Getting Credit for Proactive Behavior: Supervisor Reactions Depend on What You Valu
e and How You Feel," Personnel Psychology 62 (2009):31-55.
137 ジョナス・ソーク:David Oshinsky, Polio: An American Story (New York: Oxford Univ
ersity Press, 2005), 205-206 and 208.
138 嫌なオヤジ:Douglas Heuck, "A Talk with Salk Sheds Wisdom," Pittsburgh Quarterly,
Winter 2006.
140 あの一件について触れた極めて少ないコメント:Academy of Achievement, "Jonas Salk int
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0int-4, and Paul Offit, The Cutter Incident: How America's First Polio Vaccine Led to the
Growing Vaccine Crisis (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005), 57.
140 ピーター・ソーク:Luis Fábregas, "Salk's Son Extends Olive Branch to Polio Team," Pi
ttsburgh Tribune, April 13, 2005.
141 責任のバイアス:Michael Ross and Fiore Sicoly, "Egocentric Biases in Availability and
Attribution," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 37 (1979): 322-336.
144 各メンバーがしてくれたことについて考えてもらう:Eugene M. Caruso, Nicholas Epley, a
nd Max H. Bazerman, "The Costs and Benefits of Undoing Egocentric Responsibility Assess
ments in Groups," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 17 (1995): 49-64.
144 ほかの人びとの業績を認めるよう:Michael McCall, "Orientation, Outcome, and Other-Ser
ving Attributions," Basic and Applied Social Psychology 17 (1995): 49-64.
145 安心感のある環境:Amy Edmondson, "Learning from Mistakes is Easier Said Than Don
e: Group and Organizational Influences on the Detection and Correction of Human Error,"
Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 32 (1996): 5-28; and "Psychological Safety and Learn
ing Behavior in Work Teams," Administrative Science Quarterly 44 (1999): 350-383.
145 イノベーションにおいて主要な役割 :David Obstfeld, "Social Networks, the Tertius Iung
ens Orientation, and Involvement in Innovation," Administrative Science Quarterly 50 (200
5): 100-130.
147 視点のズレを見越す:Loran F. Nordgren, Mary-Hunter Morris McDonnell, and George L
oewenstein, "What Constitutes Torture? Psychological Impediments to an Objective Evaluati
on of Enhanced Interrogation Tactics," Psychological Science 22 (2011): 689-694.
148 サンフランシスコのある病院:Robert Burton, "Pathological Certitude," in Pathological Al
truism, ed. Barbara Oakley et al. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2011), 131-137; Nat
alie Angier, "The Pathological Altruist Gives Till Someone Hurts," New York Times, Octobe
r 3, 2011; and personal interview with Burton (February 23, 2012).
149 人の身になって考える方法:Adam M. Grant and James Berry, "The Necessity of Others
Is the Mother of Invention: Intrinsic and Prosocial Motivations, Perspective-Taking, and C
reativity," Academy of Management Journal 54 (2011): 73-96
151 独自の贈り物をしたがるのだろうか:Francesca Gino and Francis J. Flynn, "Give Them
What They Want: The Benefits of Explicitness in Gift Exchange," Journal of Experimental
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152 たいていの人は自分のものの考え方から出ることはなく:C. Daniel Batson, Shannon Early,
and Giovanni Salvarani, "Perspective Taking: Imagining How Another Feels Versus Imagi
ning How You Would Feel," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 23 (1997): 751-758.
153 ブロッコリーよりクラッカー:Betty Repacholi and Alison Gopnik, "Early Reasoning abo
ut Desires: Evidence from 14-and 18-Month-Olds," Developmental Psychology 33 (1997): 12
153(脚注) 下のきょうだい:Beatrice Whiting and John Whiting, Children of Six Cultures:
A Psycho-Cultural Analysis (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1975) 『六つの文
1978 年)、David Winter, "The Power Motive in Women--and Men," Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology 54 (1988): 510-519; Frank J. Sulloway, Born to Rebel: Birth Order,
Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives (New York: Vintage Books, 1997); and Paul A. M. V
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Prosocial, Individualistic, and Competitive Orientations: Theory and Preliminary Evidence,"
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73 (1997): 733-746.
155 驚くべきことだが:de St. Aubin, 405.
PART 4 荒野で“ダイヤモンド”を見つける法
158 レジー・ラブ:個人取材 (May 28, 2012)、and Peter Baker, "Education of a President,"
New York Times, October 12, 2010; David Picker, "Amazing Ride Nears End for 'First Brot
her' Reggie Love," ABC News, November 22, 2011; Jodi Kantor, "Leaving Obama's Shadow,
to Cast One of His Own," New York Times, November 10, 2011; and Noreen Malone, "Ob
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160 C・J・スケンダー:C・J・スケンダーへの個人取材 (January 16 and April 30, 2012),
ベス・トレインハムへの個人取材 (May 4, 2012)、マリー・アルクーリへの個人取材 (May 5, 201
2)、デビッド・モルツへの個人取材 (May 10, 2012)、また、Megan Tucker, "By the Book, Sort
of..." BusinessWeek, September 20, 2006; Kim Nielsen, "The Last Word: C. J. Skender, CP
A," Journal of Accountancy, April 2008; Patrick Adams, "The Entertainer," Duke Magazine,
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164 イスラエル国防軍:Dov Eden, "Pygmalion without Interpersonal Contrast Effects: Whole
Groups Gain from Raising Manager Expectations," Journal of Applied Psychology 75 (199
0): 394-398, and " Self-Fulfilling Prophecies in Organizations," in Organizational Behavior:
State of the Science, ed. J. Greenberg (Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum, 2003), 91-122.
165 知力面で才能を開花させる:Robert Rosenthal and Lenore Jacobson, "Teachers' Expectan
cies: Determinants of Pupils' IQ Gains," Psychological Reports 19 (1966): 115-118; and Pyg
malion in the Classroom: Teacher Expectation and Pupils' Intellectual Development (New
York: Crown, 2003).
166 自己成就予言:Lee Jussim and Kent Harber, "Teacher Expectations and Self-Fulfilling
Prophecies: Knowns and Unknowns, Resolved and Unresolved Controversies," Personality a
nd Social Psychology Review 9 (2005): 131-155.
168 従業員は才能を開花させた:D. Brian McNatt, "Ancient Pygmalion Joins Contemporary
Management: A Meta-Analysis of the Result," Journal of Applied Psychology 85 (2000): 314
169 こうした人の可能性を信じようとしない態度は:Jennifer Carson Marr, Stefan Thau, Karl
Aquino, and Laurie J. Barclay, "Do I Want to Know? How the Motivation to Acquire Relat
ionship-Threatening Information in Groups Contributes to Paranoid Thought, Suspicion Beh
avior, and Social Rejection," Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 117 (2
012): 285-297; and Detlef Fetchenhauer and David Dunning, "Why So Cynical? Asymmetric
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hological Science 21 (2010): 189-193; また、Fabrizio Ferraro, Jeffrey Pfeffer, and Robert I.
Sutton, "Economics Language and Assumptions: How Theories Can Become Self-Fulfilling,"
Academy of Management Review 30 (2005): 8-24 も参照のこと。
171 新米会計検査官:D. Brian McNatt and Timothy A. Judge, "Boundary Conditions of the
Galatea Effect: A Field Experiment and Constructive Replication," Academy of Management
Journal 47 (2004): 550-565.
174 知力投資説:Raymond Cattell, Abilities: Their Structure, Growth, and Action (New Yor
k: Houghton Mifflin, 1971), and Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth, and Action (New York:
Elsevier, 1987); また、Frank Schmidt "A Theory of Sex Differences in Technical Aptitude
and Some Supporting Evidence," Perspectives on Psychological Scinece 6 (2011): 560-573
174 世界一流の音楽家、科学者、アスリートを対象に:Benjamin Bloom, Developing Talent in
Young People (New York: Ballantine Books, 1985), 173.
175 コツコツとした練習が延べ一万時間:Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success
(New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2008) 『天才!成功する人々の法則』(マルコム・グ
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177 やる気を甘く見てはいけない:George Anders, The Rare Find: Spotting Exceptional Tale
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181 スチュ・インマン:Wayne Thompson, Blazermania: This Is Our Story--The Official Hist
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PART 5 「パワーレス」の時代がはじまった
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PART 6 「与える人」が気をつけなければならないこと
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267(脚注)その人が書くものにまで表れる:James Pennebaker, The Secret Life of Pronouns:
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mb, "Employer-Supported Volunteering Benefits: Gift Exchange Among Employers, Employe
es, and Volunteer Organizations," Human Resource Management 48 (2009): 227-249.
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287 二十四歳以上のアメリカ人:Peggy A. Thoits and Lyndi N. Hewitt, "Volunteer Work and
Well-being," Journal of Health and Social Behavior 42 (2001): 115-131.
287 うつ病が減少した:Yunqing Li and Kenneth F. Ferraro, "Volunteering and Depression i
n Later Life: Social Benefit or Selection Processes?" Journal of Health and Social Behavior
46 (2005): 68-84.
287-288 実際、長生きすることが確認されている:Marc A. Musick, A. Regula Herzog, and Ja
mes S. House, "Volunteering and Mortality Among Older Adults: Findings from a National
Sample," Journal of Gerontology : Social Sciences 54B (1999): S173-S180; and Stephanie L.
Brown, Randolph M. Nesse, Amiram D. Vinokur, and Dylan M. Smith," Providing Social
Support May Be More Beneficial Than Receiving It: Results from a Prospective Study of M
ortality," Psychological Science 14 (2003): 320-327.
288 赤ん坊にメッセージ:Tiff any M. Field, Maria Hernandez-Reif, Olga Quintino, Saul Sch
anberg, and Cynthia Kuhn, "Elder Retired Volunteers Benefit from Giving Massage Therap
y to Infants," Journal of Applied Gerontology 17 (1998): 229-239.
288 幸福感が、人をより長時間がんばらせ:Sigal G. Barsade and Donald E. Gibson, "Why Do
es Affect Matter in Organizations?" Academy of Management Perspectives 21 (2007): 36-59;
Sonja Lyubomirsky, Laura King, and Ed Diener, "The Benefits of Frequent Positive Affect:
Does Happiness Lead to Success?" Phychological Bulletin 131 (6): 803-855; and Timothy A.
Judge, Carl J. Thoresen, Joyce E. Bono, and Gregory K. Patton, "The Job Satisfaction--Job
Performance Relationship: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review," Psychological Bulletin
127 (2001): 376-407 を参照のこと。
PART 7 気づかいが報われる人、人に利用されるだけの人
290 冒頭のエピソード:ジェーソン・ゲラーへの個人取材 (December 14, 2011)、リリアン・バウ
アーへの個人取材 (January 15, 2012)、ピーター・オデットへの個人取材 (December 12, 2011,
and January 19, 2012)
291 大手コンサルティング企業に勤める三千六百人の:Diane M. Bergeron, Abbie J. Shipp, Ben
son Rosen, and Stacie A. Furst, "Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Career Outcome
s: The Cost of Being a Good Citizen," Journal of Management (forthcoming)
296 犯罪の被害者になりやすいかどうか:Robert Homant, "Risky Altruism as a Predictor of C
riminal Victimization," Criminal Justice and Behavior 37 (2010): 1195-1216.
297「瞬時の判断」:Malcolm Gladwell, Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (N
ew York: Back Bay Books, 2007)『第1感』(マルコム・グラッドウェル、光文社、2006 年)、
Nalini Ambady and Robert Rosenthal, "Half a Minute: Predicting Teacher Evaluations fro
m Thin Slices of Nonverbal Behavior and Physical Attractiveness," Journal of Personality a
nd Social Psychology 64 (1993): 431-441.
297「愛想のよさ」:Lauri A. Jensen-Campbell, Jennifer M. Knack, and Haylie L. Gomez, "
The Psychology of Nice People," Social and Personality Psychology Compass 4 (2010): 10421056.
297(脚注)脳をスキャンした:Colin G. DeYoung, Jacob B. Hirsh, Matthew S. Shane, Xenop
hon Papademetris, Nallakkandi Rajeevan, and Jeremy R. Gray, "Testing Predictions from P
ersonality Neuroscience: Brain Structure and the Big Five," Psychological Science 21 (2010):
298 その人の性格とは無関係:「思いやり」と「礼儀正しさ」の区別については、Colin G. DeYou
ng, Lena C. Quilty, and Jordan B. Peterson, "Between Facets and Domains: 10 Aspects of
the Big Five," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93 (2007): 880-896、「思いや
Michael C. Ashton and Kibeom Lee, "Empirical, Theoretical, and Practical Advantages of t
he HEXACO Model of Personality Structure," Personality and Social Psychology Review 11
(2007): 150-166、「愛想のよさ」と「ギバーの価値観」の違いについては、Sonia Roccas, Lilach
Sagiv, Shalom H. Schwartz, and Ariel Knafo, "The Big Five Personality Factors and Perso
nal Values," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (2002): 789-801 を参照のこと。
298 マイク・ホーマー:ダニー・シェーダーへの個人取材 (February 13, 2012)、グレッグ・サン
ズへの個人取材 (March 5, 2012)、匿名の教え子への個人取材(February 28, 2012).
299 他人を正確に判断できる:Dawne S. Vogt and C. Randall Colvin, "Interpersonal Orientat
ion and the Accuracy of Personality Judgments," Journal of Personality 71 (2003): 267-295.
299 ギバーもだんだんと、個人差や:Harold H. Kelley and Anthony J. Stahelski, "The Infere
nce of Intentions from Moves in the Prisoner's Dilemma Game," Journal of Experimental S
ocial Psychology 6 (1970): 401-419; また、Nancy L. Carter and J. Mark Weber, "Not Pollya
nnas: Higher Generalized Trust Predicts Lie Detection Ability," Social Psychological and Pe
rsonality Science 1 (2010): 274-279 も参照のこと。
303 ペアの半分は赤の他人で、残りの半分は交際中のカップル:William R. Fry, Ira J. Fireston
e, and David L. Williams, "Negotiation Process and Outcome of Stranger Dyads and Datin
g Couples: Do Lovers Lose?" Basic and Applied Social Psychology 4 (1983): 1-16.
304 リッチの考えていることを推察する:E. Gil Clary, Mark Snyder, Robert D. Ridge, Peter
K. Miene, and Julie A. Haugen, "Matching Messages to Motives in Persuasion: A Functio
nal Approach to Promoting Volunteerism," Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24 (1994):
1129-1149 を参照のこと。
306 求職者を思いやったせいで:Adam D. Galinsky, William W. Maddux, Debra Gilin, and
Judith B. White, "Why It Pays to Get Inside the Head of Your Opponent: The Differential
Effects of Perspective Taking and Empathy on Negotiation," Psychological Science 19 (200
8): 378-384.
308 協力的なパートナーと働くときは協力的:Paul A. M. Van Lange, "The Pursuit of Joint O
utcomes and Equality in Outcomes: An Integrative Model of Social Value Orientation," Jou
rnal of Personality and Social Psychology 77 (1999): 337-349; また、Jennifer Chatman and
Sigal Barsade, "Personality, Organizational Culture, and Cooperation: Evidence from a Busi
ness Simulation," Administrative Science Quarterly 40 (1995): 423-443 も参照のこと。
308「しっぺ返し」:Martin A. Nowak and Roger Highfield, SuperCooperators: Altruism, Ev
olution, and Why We Need Each Other to Succeed (New York: Free Press, 2011), 36.
311 バブコックの大学の男性MBA卒業生:Linda Babcock and Sara Laschever, Women Don't
Ask: The High Cost of Avoiding Negotiation-and Positive Strategies for Change (New Yo
rk: Bantam, 2007) 『そのひとことが言えたら…』(リンダ・バブコック、サラ・ラシェーヴァー、
北大路書房、2005 年)、Deborah A. Small, Michele Gelfand, Linda Babcock, and Hilary Get
tman, "Who Goes to the Bergaining Table? The Influence of Gender and Framing on the I
nitiation of Negotiation," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 93 (2007): 600-613.
313 かなりの譲歩もいとわない:Emily T. Amanatullah, Michael W. Morris, and Jared R. Cu
rhan, "Negotiators Who Give Too Much: Unmitigated Communion, Relational Anxieties, an
d Economic Costs in Distributive and Integrative Bargaining," Journal of Personality and S
ocial Psychology 95 (2008): 723-738.
313-314 収入の不利益:Timothy A. Judge, Beth A. Livingston, and Charlice Hurst, "Do Nice
Guys-and Gals-Really Finish Last? The Joint Effects of Sex and Agreeableness on Inco
me," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 102 (2012): 390-407.
313(脚注)女性は男性よりギバーになりやすいのだろうか:Alice H. Eagly and Maureen Crow
ley , "Gender and Helping Behavior: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Social Psychological Li
terature," Psychological Bulletin 100 (1986): 283-308.
314 より管理の行き届いた状況下:Bruce Barry and Raymond A. Friedman, "Bargainer Char
acteristics in Distributive and Integrative Negotiation," Journal of Personality and Social Ps
ychology 74 (1998): 345-359.
314(脚注)第二の要因:Lilach Sagiv, "Vocational Interests and Basic Balues," Journal of C
areer Assessment 10 (2002): 233-257; Idit Ben-Shem and Tamara E. Avi-Itzhak, “On Work
Values and Career Choice in Freshmen Students: The Case of Helping vs. Other Professio
ns," Journal of Vocational Behavior 39 (1991): 369-379; Jeylan T. Mortimer and Jon Lorenc
e,"Work Experience and Occupational Value Socialization: A Longitudinal Study," American
Journal of Sociology 84 (1979): 1361-1385; and Robert H. Frank, "What Price the Moral H
igh Ground?" Southern Economic Journal 63 (1996): 1-17 を参照のこと。
314 サミア・ジャイン:個人取材 (December 16, 2011)
316 上級経営幹部百七十六人:Hannah Riley Bowles, Linda Babcock, and Kathleen L. McGin
n, "Constraints and Triggers: Situational Mechanics of Gender in Negotiation," Journal of P
ersonality and Social Psychology 89 (2005): 951-965.
317 本人に代わって交渉する責任を引き受けた友人:Emily T. Amanatullah and Michael W. M
orris, "Negotiating Gender Roles: Gender Differences in Assertive Negotiating Are Mediated
by Women's Fear of Backlash and Attenuated When Negotiating on Behalf of Others," Jo
urnal of Personality and Social Psychology 98 (2010): 256-267.
319「関係説明」:Hannah Riley Bowles and Linda Babcock, "Relational Accounts: A Strate
gy for Women Negotiating for Higher Compensation" (working paper, 2011).
325 二八の研究:Carsten K. W. De Dreu, Laurie R. Weingart, and Seungwoo Kwon, "Influe
nce of Social Motives on Integrative Negotiation: A Meta-Analytic Review and Test of Two
Theories," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 78 (2000): 889-905.
328 第二の天性:Brian R. Little, "Free Traits, Personal Projects and Idio Tapes: Three Tier
s for Personality Research," Psychological Inquiry 7 (1996): 340-344; and “Free Traits and
Personal Contexts: Expanding a Social Ecological Model of Well-Being," in Person-Environm
ent Psychology, 2nd ed., ed. W. Bruce Walsh, Kenneth H. Craik, and Richard H. Price (Ne
w York: Guilford Press, 2000): 87-116.
PART 8 人を動かし、夢をかなえる「ギブの輪」
329 扉の引用:Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Kila, MT: Kessinger Publishi
ng, 1759/2004), 3.
330「クレイグズリスト」:Jenna Lloyd and Sherry K. Gunter, craigslist 4 Everyone (New Y
ork: Pearson Education, 2008).
331「フリーサイクル」:デロン・ビールへの個人取材 (June 19, 2012)、Richard Jerome, "Free
for All," People, May 10, 2004; Deron Beal and S. James Snyder, "Power of One," Time,
November 30, 2009; and Carol Brennan, "Deron Beal," Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2
333 人びとが交換システムに参加する動機:Robb Willer, Francis J. Flynn, and Sonya Zak, "S
tructure, Identity, and Solidarity: A Comparative Field Study of Generalized and Direct Ex
change," Administrative Science Quarterly 57 (2012): 119-155.
337 純粋に利他的:C. Daniel Batson, "How Social an Animal? The Human Capacity for Car
ing," American Psychologist 45 (1990): 336-346; and C. Daniel Batson, Karen Sager, Eric G
arst, Misook Kang, Kostia Rubchinsky, and Karen Dawson, "Is Empathy-Induced Helping
Due to Self-Other Merging?" Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73 (1997): 495-50
338 人は根本的に利己的:Robert B. Cialdini, Stephanie L. Brown, Brian P. Lewis, Carol Lu
ce, and Steven L. Neuberg, "Reinterpreting the Empathy-Altruism Relationship: When One
into One Equals Oneness," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 73 (1997): 481-49
4; and Jon K. Maner, Carol L. Luce, Steven L. Neuberg, Robert B. Cialdini, Stephanie L.
Brown, and Brad J. Sagarin, "The Effects of Perspective Taking on Motivations for Helpin
g: Still No Evidence for Altruism," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (2002): 1
342 根本の問題から注意をそらす:Frans de Waal, The Age of Empathy (New York: Crown,
2009), 75『共感の時代へ』(フランス・ドゥ・ヴァール、紀伊國屋書店、2010 年)
342 ウィキペディアに執筆する:Oded Nov, "What Motivates Wikipedians?" Communications
of the ACM 50 (2007): 60-64; see also Joachim Schroer and Guido Hertel, "Voluntary Enga
gement in an Open Web-Based Encyclopedia: Wikipedians and Why They Do It," Media Ps
ychology 12 (2009): 96-120.
344 あるコンサルタント:フィリップへの個人取材 (January 24, 2012).
346 互いに共通点がありますから:Mark Levine, Amy Prosser, David Evans, and Stephen Re
icher, "Identity and Emergency Intervention: How Social Group Membership and Inclusiven
ess of Group Boundaries Shape Helping Behavior," Personality and Social Psychology Bulle
tin 64 (2005): 443-453.
347 共通のアイデンティティ:John F. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner, Ana Validzic, Kimberly
Matoka, Brenda Johnson, and Stacy Frazier, "Extending the Benefits of Recategorization: E
valuations, Self-Disclosure, and Helping," Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 33 (19
97): 401-420.
350 もう一人のアダム・リフキンという名の男:「パンダ」アダム・リフキンへの個人取材 (Janu
ary 28, 2012) 、「ハリウッド」アダム・リフキンへの個人取材 (February 2, 2012)。二人の出会
いについての詳細は、www.ifindkarma.com/attic/local/realadam.html および、www.ifindkarma.
com/attic/local/denial.html を参照のこと。
353 自分自身を連想させる:Brett W. Pelham, Matthew C. Mirenberg, and John T. Jones, "
Why Susie Sells Seashells by the Seashore: Implicit Egotism and Major Life Decisions," Jo
urnal of Personality and Social Psychology 82 (2002): 469-487; John T. Jones, Brett W. Pel
ham, Matthew C. Mirenberg, and John J. Hetts, "Name Letter Preferences Are Not Merely
Mere Exposure: Implicit Egotism as Self-Regulation," Journal of Experimental Social Psyc
hology 38 (2002): 170-177; Brett W. Pelham, Mauricio Carvallo, and John T. Jones, "Implic
it Egotism," Current Directions in Psychological Science 14 (2006): 106-110; and Ernest L.
Abel, "Influence of Names on Career Choices in Medicine," Names 58 (2010): 65-74.
353 相手に恋心を抱きがち:John T. Jones, Brett W. Pelham, Mauricio Carvallo, and Matthe
w C. Mirenberg, "How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Js: Implicit Egotism and Interp
ersonal Attraction," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87 (2004): 665-683.
353「キヴァ」:Jeff Galak, Deborah Small, and Andrew T. Stephen, "Microfinance Decision
Making: A Field Study of Prosocial Lending," Journal of Marketing Research XLVIII (201
1): S130-S137.
353(脚注)多くの解釈:Uri Simonsohn, "Spurious? Name Similarity Effects (Implicit Egotis
m) in Marriage, Job, and Moving Decisions," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
101 (2011): 1-24; Leif D. Nelson and Joseph P. Simmons, "Moniker Maladies: When Names
Sabotage Success," Psychological Science 18 (2007): 1106-1112; Ernest L. Abel and Michael
L. Kruger, "Symbolic Significance of Initials on Longevity," Perceptual and Motor Skills 10
4 (2007): 179-182; and "Athletes, Doctors, and Lawyers with First Names Beginning with `
D` Die Sooner," Death Studies 34 (2010): 71-81; and Nicholas Christenfeld, David P. Phillip
s, and Laura M. Glynn, "What's in a Name: Mortality and the Power of Symbols," Journal
of Psychosomatic Research 47 (1999): 241-254.
354 特異な共通性:Marilynn B. Brewer, "The Importance of Being We: Human Nature and
Intergroup Relations," American Psychologist 62 (2007): 728-738; and Kennon M. Sheldon
and B. Ann Bettencourt, "Psychological Need-Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being within
Social Groups," British Journal of Social Psychology 41 (2002): 25-38.
357 エネルギー消費:Jessica M. Nolan, P. Wesley Schultz, Robert B. Cialdini, Noah J. Gold
stein, and Vladas Griskevicius, "Normative Social Influence Is Underdetected," Personality
and Social Psychology Bulletin 34 (2008): 913-923; P. Wesley Shultz, Jessica M. Nolan, Rob
ert B. Cialdini, Noah J. Goldstein, and Vladas Griskevicius, "The Constructive, Destructive,
and Reconstructive Power of Social Norms," Psychological Science 18 (2007): 429-434; and
Hunt Alcott, "Social Norms and Energy Conservation," MIT Center for Energy and Environ
mental Policy Research (working paper, 2009).
361 常に助け合い:Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man and Selection in Relation to Sex
(London: Murray. 1871) 『人間の進化と性淘汰Ⅰ』(チャールズ・R・ダーウィン、文一総合出
版、1999 年)
363 ギバーを過小評価している:Francis J. Flynn and Vanessa K. B. Lake (now Bohns), "If
You Need Help, Just Ask: Underestimating Compliance with Direct Requests for Help," Jo
urnal of Personality and Social Psychology 95 (2008): 128-143.
365「助け合いの輪」:Wayne Baker and Adam M. Grant, "Values and Contributions in the
Reciprocity Ring" (working paper, 2007).
366 自分の評判が上がる:Dan Ariely, Anat Bracha, and Stephan Meier, "Doing Good or Doi
ng Well? Image Motivation and Monetary Incentives in Behaving Prosocially," American Ec
onomic Review 99 (2009): 544-555.
367 ほかの人に結果を見られる会議:Harry M. Wallace and Roy F. Baumeister, "The Perfor
mance of Narcissists Rises and Falls with Perceived Opportunity for Glory," Journal of Per
sonality and Social Psychology 82 (2002): 819-834.
367 人目があるところではあえてエコロジー製品を:Vladas Griskevicius, Joshua M. Tybur, an
d Bram Van den Bergh, "Going Green to Be Seen: Status, Reputation, and Conspicuous Co
nservation," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98 (2010): 392-404.
368 銀行の窓口係:Chun Hui, Simon S. K. Lam, and Kenneth K. S. Law, "Instrumental Va
lues of Organizational Citizenship Behavior for Promotion: A Field Quasi-Experiment," Jour
nal of Applied Psychology 85 (2000): 822-828.
369 悪い先例をつくる:Harry Lewis, "The Freshman Pledge," Blogspot, August 20, 2011, ht
369 アイデンティティに関する計画を他人に知らせたこと:Peter M. Gollwitzer, Paschal Sheer
an, Verena Michalski, and Andrea E. Seifert, "When Intentions Go Public: Does Social Real
ity Widen the Intention-Behavior Gap?" Psychological Science 20 (2009): 612-618.
370 逆効果である:Sonya Sachdeva, Rumen Iliev, and Douglas L. Medin, "Sinning Saints a
nd Saintly Sinners: The Paradox of Moral Self-Regulation," Psychological Science 20 (2009):
371 外的な理由のせいにできる場合:C. Daniel Batson, Jay S. Coke, M. L. Jasnoski, and Mic
hael Hanson, "Buying Kindness: Effect of an Extrinsic Incentive for Helping on Perceived
Altruism," Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 4 (1978): 86-91; and Ziva Kunda and
Shalom H. Schwartz, "Undermining Intrinsic Moral Motivation: External Reward and SelfPresentation," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 45 (1983): 763-771.
371 わかりやすくいいかえている:E. M. Forster, Aspects of the Novel (New York: Penguin
Classics, 1927/2005) 『小説の諸相』(E・M・フォースター、みすず書房、1994 年)
372 自分の重要な一部:Marcia A. Finkelstein, Louis A. Penner, and Michael T. Brannick, "
Motive, Role Identity, and Prosocial Personality as Predictors of Volunteer Activity," Social
Behavior and Peronality 33 (2005): 403-418; Adam M. Grant and Jane E. Dutton, "Benefici
ary or Benefactor: Are People More Prosocial When They Reflect on Receiving or Giving?"
Psychological Science 23 (2012): 1033-1039; and Adam M. Grant, "Giving Time, Time After
Time: Work Design and Sustained Employee Participation in Corporate Volunteering," Aca
demy of Management Review 37 (2012): 589-615.
372 脚注「フォーチュン 5
」の小売企業:Adam M. Grant, Jane E. Dutton, and Brent D. Ro
sso, "Giving Commitment: Employee Support Programs and the Prosocial Sensemaking Pro
cess," Academy of Management Journal 51 (2008): 898-918.
PART 9「成功への道」を切り拓く人たち
373 扉の引用:Marcus Aurelius, Meditations (New York: Random House, 2002), trans. Greg
ory Hays, 55 『自省録』(マルクス・アウレリウス)
374 デリク・ソレンソン:個人取材 (January 11, 2012)
377 知能の高い交渉者:Bruce Barry and Raymond A. Friedman, "Bargainer Characteristics
in Disributive and Integrative Negotiation," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 7
4 (1998): 345-359.
2 極秘任務:ジェイへの個人取材 (April 19 and May 10, 2012) 、ジェイのアシスタントへの個
人取材 (May 3, 2012)
2 ジョブ・クラフティング:Amy Wrzesniewski, Justin M. Berg, Adam M. Grant, Jennifer K
urkoski, and Brian Welle, "Job Crafting in Motion: Achieving Sustainable Gains in Happin
ess and Performance" (working paper, 2012).
4 調査によれば:Corporate Executive Board, "Creating an Effective Reward and Recognition
Program," March 2006, accessed May 12, 2012, www.performancesolutions.nc.gov/motivatio
4 センドラブ:クリス・コロシへの個人取材 (March 20, 2012)
5 人の話に耳を傾けたい:ジム・キグリーへの個人取材 (August 23, 2011)
5 ゲットレイズド:マット・ワラートへの個人取材(February 8, 2012)
5 サービススペース:ニプン・メータへの個人取材 (March 23, 2012)
6 人助けに奮闘する:「ザ・カインドネス・オフェンシブ」についての取材は、創設者のデビッ
ーレンス・ルメール、マット・スティーブンスによって行なわれた (March 3, 2012)。また、ライ
アン・ガルシアに対する取材は、バレンティノ・キムによって行なわれた (March 20, 2012)
6 BNI:アイバン・マイズナーへの個人取材 (January 31, 2012)
7 助け合いの輪をつくるきっかけ:Wayne Baker and Cheryl Baker, "Paying It Forward: How
Reciprocity Really Works and How You Can Create It in Your Organizaiton," University o
f Michigan, winter 2011, accessed May 14, 2012, http://www.bus.umich.edu/Positive/News/ne