高-1-1 第1回 英語 平成27年度 入学試験 京 華 女 子 高 等 学 校 注意 1 1. 2. 声を出さないで読むこと。 解答はすべて指示に従って解答用紙に記入すること。 次の文を読んで、下の問いに答えなさい。 When Jane was a girl, she was the best soccer player in her city. soccer player. She tried hard to (注 1) realize her dream. Her dream was to become a professional But she had to give up ア ( play ) in professional teams because she had a problem with her leg when she was 25. After that, she had to work hard in many cities for her family. When she was 33, she イ ( find ) work at a high school. They were not good soccer players. practiced hard every day. ( to A ① She [ ア better She began to teach soccer to the students there. イ how ウ play ) they couldn’t win any games. オ to ] to them. They They were very disappointed. She wanted encourage them. So she said to them, “I know you practice hard. (注 2) エ taught But you need one more thing. You need a dream. If you have a big dream, you will try harder. Believe in yourselves. You can do it!” Then one of the students said, “I know you wanted to become a professional soccer player. Another student said, “If we win the next game, you should happy to hear that, ( B (注 3) Why don’t you try it?” try out for a major league team.” Jane was ) they knew her dream and tried to encourage her. Three months later, there was a big game in the city. Jane was very ウ ( surprise ) and happy. ② The student tried hard enough to win the game. She said to the students, “It’s my turn. ③ I have learned I can do anything.” A few months later, she tried out for a professional team. students. She had no problem with her leg. This time she ④ ( ) ( ) ( She could play soccer really well and passed the test. ) for her After she was on the minor league teams for only three months, at last she could join the major leagues! When she became 37, she had a problem with her leg again. leagues. Do you think she was sad? ( C ) she couldn’t stay in the major No, she was happy because she realized her dream. Why could she realize it? This story told us ⑤ two important things to realize our dreams. We must believe in ourselves and we need people who encourage us. Let’s go for our dreams together! (注 1) 問1 問2 realize ~ を 実 現 す る encourage ~ を 励 ま す (注 3) try out for ~ の 入 団 テ ス ト を 受 け る 下線部①が「彼女は彼らにより良いプレーの仕方について教えた。」という意味になるよう に[ ]内 の 語 句 を 並 べ か え 、 記 号 で 答 え な さ い 。 下線部②とほぼ同じ意味になるように、下の文の( The students tried ( 問3 (注 2) ) hard ( )内 に 適 当 な 語 を 1 語 ず つ 入 れ な さ い 。 ) they could win the game at last. 下線部③の現在完了形の用法と同じ用法の文をア~ウから1つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 ア We have studied English for three years. イ I have just finished my homework. ウ He has been to Canada twice. 問4 下線部④が「彼女の全力を尽くした」という意味になるように、( ずつ入れなさい。 )内 に 適 当 な 語 を 1 語 高-1-2 問5 問6 下線部⑤の「2つの大切なこと」とは何か、それぞれ日本語で説明しなさい。 ( A )( B )( C )に 入 る 最 も 適 切 な 語 を 次 の ア ~ エ か ら 選 び 、 記 号 で 答 え な さ い 。 た だ し、語は全て小文字となっています。 ア because イ but ウ so エ though 問7 ア~ウの語を必要に応じて適当な形にしなさい。 問8 次の英文の中で本文の内容と合っているものを2つ選び、記号で答えなさい。 Jane was not as good as other soccer players in her city when she was young. High school students were very disappoited at Jane. Jane was encouraged to realize her dream by her students. Jane had a problem with her leg but she could pass the test for the professional team. At the age of 37, Jane could join the professional team. The writer wants us to go for our dreams. ア イ ウ エ オ カ 2 次の会話文の( 答えなさい。 Mary: Aya: Mary: Aya: Mary: Wow, London! ( Aya: Mary: Aya: 6 )に入れるのに最も適当な文を下のア~オから選び、記号で 1 Today is my first day at this school. ) It’s great. I really like the food. ( 2 ) I love sushi. Is there anything you miss about London? I miss my music. Aya: Mary: )~( Hello. I’m an international student from London. Aya: Mary: 1 ( 3 ) My favorite artist is a group called “One Direction”. Really? You like One Direction? Me too! You mean that you have One Direction music in Japan? Yes. ( 4 ) They are often on Japanese TV. They will also perform a concert in Saitama Super Arena this April. Mary: Aya: Mary: Aya: Mary: Aya: Wow! I didn’t know. You are so lucky. Actually I have some tickets. ( 5 ) Yes! That is the best news ever! Now we just have to wait a few months. ( 6 ) Would you like to talk with me while eating sushi? Sure. ア What kind of music do you listen to? イ How do you like Japan so far? ウ Would you like to come with me to see their concert? エ What Japanese food do you like the best? オ That’s OK. カ I listen to them every day. 高-1-3 3 次のそれぞれの2文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、( 1 2 I have never seen such a big cat. This is the ( ) cat that I have ( Don’t be late for school. You ( )( ) seen. ) be late for school. 3 Let’s go shopping in Harajuku. ( )( ) go shopping in Harajuku? 4 If you study hard, you will pass the exam. ( ) hard, ( ) you will pass the exam. 4 )内に適当な語を1語ずつ入れなさい。 次の日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえ、( を記号で答えなさい。(語句は全て小文字になっています) 1 私は窓のそばに座っている女の子を覚えています。 I ( ア by イ the girl ウ the window エ remember )の中で2番目と4番目にくる語 オ sitting ). 2 あなたはマイクがどこにいるか知っていますか。 Do ( ア Mike イ is ウ know エ you オ where )? 3 私は学校から家に帰る途中でこの本を買いました。 I bought ( ア home イ my ウ on エ this book 4 あなたの国では何語が話されていますか。 What ( ア your イ in ウ is エ language 5 次の各文が意味の通る英文になるように、( さい。 1 (E オ way ) from school. オ spoken ) country? )内に与えられた文字で始まる英単語を書きな ) me, but where is Hakusan station? 2 December is the ( t ) month of the year. 3 What time is it now? ----- It’s about eleven o’( c 4 The earth goes ( a 5 My brother was ( s ) the sun. ) in the pool then. 6 次の日本語を英語にしなさい。 1 私を助けてくれてありがとう。 2 地球温暖化は最も難しい問題のうちの一つです。 ). 高-1-4 平成27年度 入学試験 第1回 英語 解答用紙 京華女子高等学校 1(長文) 1 問1 問2 問3 問4 問5 ・ ・ 問6 A B C 問7 ア イ ウ 問8 2(会話文) 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 3(2文一致) 3 1 2 3 4 4(文整序) 4 1 2番目 4番目 2 2番目 4番目 3 2番目 4番目 5(単語) 4 2番目 4番目 5 1 2 4 5 6 (英作文) 3 6 1 2 区 市立 私 中学校
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