神戸大学 パリ西ナンテール・ラデファンス大学 オスナブリュック大学 日仏独・三大学共同研究会『国家と国境 —日仏独の比較研究』 KOBE UNIVERSITY PARIS OUEST - NANTERRE - LA DEFENSE UNIVERSITY OSNABRÜCK UNIVERSITY TRI-NATIONAL UNIVERSITY MEETING : « STATES AND BORDERS » Day 1 ( Monday 6 July 10:30 – 17:00 ) « States and Borders : Theoretical and Multidisciplinary Approaches » Day 2 ( Tuesday 7 July 10:00 – 18:00 ) « Toward Global Rules ? » Day 3 ( Wednesday 8 July 10:00 – 18:00 ) « The Interactions between International Law, European Law and National Laws in Japan and the European Union » ******** ① 7 月 6 日(月) 10:30 – 17:00 « 国家と国境 : 理論的・学際的視点 » ② 7 月 7 日(火)10:00 – 18:00 « グローバル・ルールの形成?» ③ 7 月 8 日(水) 10:00 – 18:00 « 国際法・EU 法・国内法の関係:EU と日本 » 使用言語:英語(6 日の一部・8 日につき日本語同時通訳) Kobe University Rokkodai Campus “La Cour” (next to the Faculty of Law http://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/en/access/rokko/campus.html contact: [email protected] PROGRAMME Day 1: Monday 06 July 2015 Morning : Opening ceremony 10:30 Welcome Speeches : N. Inoue, Kobe University (vice-president, International Affairs) C-H Brosseau, Consul General of France in Kyoto F. Jäger, Vice-Consul General of Germany in Kansai 12:00 Welcome Lunch Afternoon : States and Borders : Theoretical and Multidisciplinary Approaches Sub-Theme 1 : Theoretical Approach 理論的観点から 日本語同時通訳 Chair : Y. Sekine (Kobe University) 司会:関根由紀 13:30 - S. Kerneis, Paris Ouest - Nanterre University ケルネイス先生(パリ大) « States, Law and Borders in Ancient Rome » 『古代ローマにおける国家・法・国境』 14:00 - K. Ando, Kobe University 安藤先生(神戸大) « The Ethics of State Control over Immigration » 『国家による国境管理の倫理』 14:30 - E. Millard, Paris Ouest - Nanterre University ミラール先生(パリ大) « States, Borders and Law : Theoretical Outlook »『国家・国境・法:理論的視点』 15:00 Questions from the Audience and Discussion 質疑応答 15:20 Coffee Break Sub-Theme 2 : An Outlook from a « Law and Economics’ Point of View » 15:45 - H. Takahashi, Kobe University « Legal Outlook on State Authority over Border Control » 16:15 - A. Schrade, Kobe University « Economic Outlook on State Authority over Border Control » 16:45 Questions from the Audience and Discussion 17:00 End of Day 1 -2- Day 2 : Tuesday 07 July 2015 Toward Global Rules ? 9:30 Welcome Participants Sub-Theme 1 : The Hypothesis of a Global Legal Order Chair : M. Tirard (Paris Ouest - Nanterre University and New Caledonia University) 10:00 - C. Bories, Paris Ouest - Nanterre University « Global Administrative Law : Reality and Prospects » 10:30 - Y. Okitsu, Kobe University « Accountability as a Key Concept for Global Administrative Law : A Good Governance Mantra or a Globalized Legal Principle ? » 11:00 Coffee Break 11:20 - C. Gonzalez, Paris Ouest Nanterre University, and Centro de Altos Estudios Nacionales - CAEN (Peru) « Can the Rule of Law and Human Rights Models be Converted into All Systems ? » 11:50 Questions from the Audience and Discussion 12:30 Lunch Sub-Theme 2 : The Existence of a European Legal, Political and Cultural Order Chair : E. Millard (Paris Ouest - Nanterre University) 14:00 - O. Dörr, Osnabrück University « Is there a European Constitutional Order ? » 14:30 - M. Badowski, Osnabrück University « Freedom of Information in Europe – A Comparative Law Perspective » 15:00 - M. Conan, Paris Ouest - Nanterre University « Budgetary Integration in Europe » 15:30 Coffee Break 16:30 - K. Sakai, Kobe University « The Immigration Policy of the European Union » 17:00 - V. Kreck, Kobe University « Constructing European Identity : Lessons from the Past » 17:30 Questions from the Audience and Discussion 18:00 End of Day 2 -3- Day 3 : Wednesday 08 July 2015 日本語同時通訳(終日) The Interactions between International Law, European Law and National Laws in Japan and the European Union 国際法、EU 法および国内法の相互作用:日本と EU の比較 9:30 Welcome participants 受付 Sub-Theme 1 : International and Supranational Law Chair : O. Dörr (Osnabrück University) 国際法および超国家法 司会:ドーア先生(オスナブリュック大) 10:00 - LK. Mannefeld, Osnabrück University マンネフェルド先生(オスナブリュック大) « On the Role of Constitutional Courts in Supranational Integration » 『超国家的法秩序形成における憲法裁判所の役割』 10:30 - M. Athen, Osnabrück University アテン先生(オスナブリュック大) « The Limits of Interaction in International Law » 11:00 Coffee Break 『国際法の相互作用の限界』 コーヒーブレイク Sub-Theme 2 : Influence in Asia and Japan アジア・日本における作用 Chair : T. Hagiwara, Kobe University 司会:萩原先生(神戸大) 11:30 - D. Tamada, Kobe University 玉田先生(神戸大) « Investment Protection in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) » 『TPP における投資保護』 12:00 Lunch 昼食 14:00 - H. Kubo, Kobe University and Setsunan University 久保先生(神戸大・摂南大) « Toward a Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) » 『日・EU 経済連携協定(EPA)合意に向けて』 14:30 - Questions from the Audience and Discussion Sub-Theme 3 : Influence in the European Union Chair : O. Dörr, Osnabrück University 質疑応答 EU における作用 司会:ドーア先生(オスナブリュック大) 15:00 - S. Bonniord, Paris Ouest - Nanterre University ボニオール先生(パリ大) « Basic Economic Freedoms of the Internal Market : the Example of the Railways ». 『域内市場における基本的経済活動の自由の確保:鉄道の例』 15:30 - C. Nóbrega, Osnabrück University ノブレガ先生(オスナブリュック大) « The Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) – Contributions to Private Law in Europe and Beyond »『ヨーロッパ私法に関するモデル準則:欧州私法における影響力』 16:00 Questions from the Audience and Discussion and Coffee Break 質疑応答&コーヒーブレイク 17:00 - M. Riminucci, Kobe University リミヌッチ先生(神戸大) « A New Path to Integration : Re-thinking Citizenship in the European Union » 『統合への新たな道:EU 市民権の再構築』 17:45 Closing Remarks : T. Hagiwara (Director of the EJCE, Kobe University) 18:00 End of Day 3 -4- Organised by : Sponsored by : Supported by : Websites: http://run.u-paris10.fr/rencontre-universitaire-franco-germano-japonaise-560241.kjsp?RH=1413905498669 http://www.ejce.kobe-u.ac.jp/english/event/2015/06/23/307.html http://www.ejce.kobe-u.ac.jp/event/2015/06/22/305.html -5- MEMBERS : in alphabetical order... Paris-Ouest Nanterre University Sarah BONNIORDwas valedictorian of her graduating class at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University where she obtained her Master’s diploma in Law and Economics and currently works as a phD student. She also works for the French Railway System (SNCF Réseau) as a legal advisor, specialised in the field of Competition Law. Her research is focused on the development of competition in the railway sector from an infrastructure manager’s perspective. She studied in both France and Germany, and worked as an intern in both countries. Clémentine BORIES is an Associate Professor at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University, where she teaches Public International law and International and European Human Rights Law. She is specialised in the international protection of cultural heritage (see International Symposium, Paris: Européanisation et internationalisation du droit des musées, June 8, 2015) and in international and global administrative law (C. Bories eds., Un droit administratif global ? / A Global Administrative Law?, Pedone, 2012). Matthieu CONAN Professor of Public Law at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University and former Dean of the Law Faculty, Matthieu Conan is the current Director of the Institut de préparation à l’administration générale (IPAG) and the Centre de recherches sur le droit public (CRDP). He specialises in tax law and public finances and as such is member of the Conseil des Prélèvements Obligatoires (French Ministry of Finances), and works with the École nationale d’administration (ENA). Carlos GONZALES PALACIOS Lecturer at the Centro de Altos Estudios Nacionales (CAEN) in Lima, Peru, Carlos Gonzalez-Palacios graduated with a Master’s in Human Rights from the National University of Costa-Rica and a Master’s in Public Law from Evry - Val-d’Essonne University in France. He is currently a phD candidate in both France (Paris Ouest - Nanterre University) and Peru (PUCP, Lima). He founded an international symposium in Peru three years ago, and co-organizes the Kobe symposium. Soazick KERNEIS is Professor of the History of Roman Law at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University, and a Research Associate at the Maison Française d'Oxford. She is also the Director of the Centre d'Histoire et d'Anthropologie Juridique (CHAD, EA 4417). Her research focuses on the process of acculturation in the Roman Empire from a legal perspective, the discrepancy between written rules, whether rational or perceived as such, and customary rules. This in turn leads to a wider scope of questioning with regard to the heritage of Roman law, the highlight of customary substrates in the construction of European laws. Eric MILLARD is Professor of Public Law at Paris Ouest - Nanterre University, where he co-heads the Bilingual Master Degree in French Law and Foreign Law, and is honorary member of the Institut Universitaire de France. His research focuses on legal theory. He is Vice-President of the International Association for The Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR), and Director of the research group TheorHis at the Center for Legal Theory and Analysis (Centre National de la recherche scientifique CNRS, École Normale Supérieure ENS Ulm, and Paris Ouest - Nanterre University). (https://www.u-paris10.fr/m-millard-eric-276383.kjsp) Manuel TIRARD Associate Professor of Public Law at both Paris Ouest - Nanterre University (CRDP) and the University of New Caledonia (LARJE), Manuel Tirard teaches comparative public (North-American) law, and public finance law. He also holds visiting Professorships in several Universities across Europe and Asia (Kobe, Istanbul). He founded an international symposium in Peru three years ago, and is the co-director of the Kobe symposium. Osnabrück University Marco ATHEN (Research Associate, University of Osnabrück) has studied law in Osnabrück (Germany) and Tartu (Estonia). In his doctoral thesis he examines the principle of non-intervention in international law. His main research interests include Constitutional, European and International Law. Mateusz BADOWSKI (Assistant Professor and Legal Researcher in Polish Law at the European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück) has studied Law in Poland and Germany. He is a Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Bielefeld University (Germany) and a Member of Centre for Interdisciplinary Polish Studies at the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt-Oder (Germany). Oliver DÖRR (Professor, University of Osnabrück) received his legal education in Berlin (Dr. iur. 1995) and London (LL.M. 1989) and qualified as professor of law at the Free University of Berlin (2002). Since 2004 he has been holding a chair of Public Law, European Law, International and Comparative Law at Osnabrück university (European Legal Studies Institute). In 2006 he was visiting professor at Andrássy University in Budapest and in 2015 at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw. He served as Dean of the law faculty in Osnabrück in 2009-10. Lisa-Karen MANNEFELD (Research Associate, University of Osnabrück) has studied law in Osnabrück (Germany). In her doctoral thesis she examines the role of the German and Italian Constitutional Court in European integration. Her main research interests include Constitutional, European and Comparative Law. Carlos NÓBREGA (Assistant Professor and Legal Researcher in Portuguese and Spanish Law at the European Legal Studies Institute, University of Osnabrück) has studied law in Brazil and Germany. He is a Member of the Study Group on a European Civil Code and as such academic contributor to the Draft Common Frame of Reference. Kobe University Kaoru ANDO (Associate Professor of Philosophy of Law, Kobe University) was an assistant professor at the University of Tokyo before joining Kobe University as an Assistant Professor in 2010. He writes on philosophy of law, metaethics and normative ethics. His academic interests include the semantics of legal discourse, the normativity of law and ethics, and contemporary utilitarianism. Taiji HAGIWARA (Professor, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University) specialises in innovation economics and input-output analysis. Prior to accepting his current position in 2013, his position at Faculty/Graduate School of Economics included lecturer, associate professor, professor and dean. He has also undertaken research at the University of Sussex and the University of Manchester as a visiting researcher. He is a former vice president of EU Institute in Japan, Kansai. Hiromasa KUBO (Special Advisor, Kobe University and Professor at Setsunan University Faculty of Economics) has worked for Kobe University since 1999, studying and teaching the European Union. He is currently Kobe University’s Special Advisor in charge of the EU-Japan Academic collaborations, and professor at the Faculty of Economics, Setsunan University. He was awarded a Jean Monnet Chair Ad Personam and is a former chairperson of the EU Studies Association-Japan. Vladimir KRECK (Associate Professor of European Studies at Kobe University) obtained a Ph.D. in Social Science at the International Graduate School Zittau and an M.A. in Cultural Administration at Dresden University of Technology. His main research focus is ethnic conflicts and minority issues. He was a research fellow at the Institute for Cultural Infrastructure Saxony and an advisor for media policy and cultural affairs at government institutions of the State of Brandenburg. Yukio OKITSU (Associate Professor, Kobe University Graduate School of Law) has been researching administrative law from a comparative and global perspective. His current research projects include the relationship and interaction among different legal orders and the normative foundations for the (possible) existence of administrative law in a supranational context. He has been a visiting professor at the University of Paris 13 Nord and a Global Research Fellow at New York University School of Law. He has graduated from the University of Tokyo and the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas. Michela RIMINUCCI (Associate Lecturer of European Union law and comparative law, Kobe University) has a bachelor’s degree in East Asian studies (Japan and Korea) from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (2008) and a combined bachelor and master’s degree in law from Bocconi University of Milan (2013). Her academic interests range from international and comparative labour law to international cooperation studies in the field of social rights. She was also Editor-in-Chief of the law review Bocconi Legal Papers until 2013. Kazunari SAKAI (professor of International Relations at Kobe University) studied at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and Hitotsubashi University in Tokyo. His past positions include invited professor at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre and Université Paris Panthéon-Assas. His current research theme is the EU’s external relations from perspectives of security, migration and cultural conflict. Anna SCHRADE (Lecturer, Graduate School of Economics, Kobe University) was a PhD student and Japanese History tutor at the University of Oxford before joining Kobe University in 2013. While her main research focuses on social movements in post-war Japan, Anna also displays comprehensive knowledge of the history, politics and economics in the EU. Yuki SEKINE (Professor, Social Security Law, Kobe University Graduate School of Law) has studied Law at the Brussels Free University and the University of Tokyo. She has then worked for the ILO (Geneva and Tokyo) for six years before joining Kobe University. Her main research interests include the Social Security of foreign workers, minimum income protection and activation policies in the EU and Japan. Dai TAMADA (Professor of International Law at the Graduate School of Law, Kobe University) earned his B.A. (1998), LL.M (2000) and PhD (2014) from Kyoto University. His research areas are the ICJ (procedural law), international investment law and the law of State responsibility. Hiroshi TAKAHASHI (Professor, Socio-legal Studies, Kobe University Graduate School of Law) received Master’s degree in Laws from the University of Tokyo. His research focuses on the sociological analysis of ADR, legal profession, and historical development of socio-legal thoughts in Japan. His publications include “Toward an Understanding of the “Japanese” Way of Dispute Resolution (in D. Vanoverbeke (et al) (eds.) The Changing Role of Law in Japan (Edward Elger, 2014)).
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