関係代名詞 主格の who 基本文 a I have an American friend who studies Japanese. 私には日本語を勉強しているアメリカ人の友達がいます。 b I have some American friends who study Japanese. 私には日本語を勉強しているアメリカ人の友達が何人かいます。 関係代名詞……文中の名詞を別の文で修飾するときに使う。2つの文を結ぶ接続詞の働きと,代名詞の 働きをかねる。 I have an American friend. And he studies Japanese. 接続詞+代名詞 I have an American friend who studies Japanese. 日本語を勉強しているアメリカ人の友達 *関係代名詞節に修飾される(代)名詞(上の文では an American friend)を先行詞という。 主格の関係代名詞 who……who は,who ∼ の節の中で主語の働きをするので,主格の関係代名詞と呼 ばれる。先行詞が 人 I know the boys. I know the boys 先行詞 人 のときに使う。 +They are playing tennis over there. who are playing tennis over there. (私は向こうでテニスをしている少年たちを 知っています) 主語+動詞∼> *who のあとの動詞の形は,先行詞の人称・数に合わせる。 基本文 The girl who is playing the guitar is Emi. ギターを弾いている少女は絵美です。 who ∼ の節が の主語を修飾する場合……主語のすぐあとに who ∼ の節が続くので,文中に who ∼ の節 が挿入される形になる。 The girl is Emi. The girl +She is playing the guitar. who is playing the guitar is Emi. 主語=先行詞 長い主語 ギターを弾いている少女は *関係代名詞の文を読むとき, ふつうは関係代名詞の前で区切るが, 長い主語のときはそのあとで区切る。 I know the boys /who are playing tennis over there. The girl who is playing the guitar /is Emi. □ American アメリカ(人)の 116 □ over there 向こうで,あそこで Unit 14 関係代名詞 確 認 問 題 主格の関係代名詞 who 例にならい,次の2つの文を who を使って1つの文に書きかえるとき, に 適する語を書きなさい。また,できた文の意味も完成させなさい。 〔例〕 I have a friend. He likes tennis. → I have a friend who likes tennis. ⑴ I have an aunt. She lives in China. I have an aunt in China. 私には ⑵ がいます。 I have some friends. They speak English well. I have some friends English well. 私には ⑶ が何人かいます。 I know a boy. He can use computers. I know a boy use computers. 私は ⑷ を知っています。 Here are two girls. They come from Australia. Here are two girls from Australia. ここに ⑸ が2人います。 Do you know the woman ? She can cook Chinese dishes. Do you know the woman cook Chinese dishes? あなたは 主語を修飾する who ∼ を知っていますか。 例にならい,次の2つの文を who を使って1つの文に書きかえ,できた文の 意味も完成させなさい。 〔例〕 The girl is Rika. She has long hair. → The girl who has long hair is Rika. ⑴ The boy is my brother. He is swimming in the pool. 英文 日本文 ⑵ は私の弟です。 The girl is my sister. She is drawing a picture. 英文 日本文 は私の妹です。 ⑶ The man is M r. Okada. He teaches us science. 英文 日本文 ⑷ は岡田先生です。 The woman is my mother. She brought us tea. 英文 日本文 は私の母です。 ⑸ The man can play tennis very well. He is in front of the door. 英文 日本文 □ Chinese dishes 中華料理 はテニスがとても上手にできます。 □ pool プール □ in front of ∼ ∼の前に 117 次の文の に who と which の適するほうを書きなさい。また,できた英文を日本文になおしなさい。 ⑴ I know a boy ⑵ The cat ⑶ Do you have a watch ⑷ I saw a woman ⑸ The girl ▶ , is sleeping on the chair is Tama. was made in Japan ? was carrying a big bag yesterday. has black hair is Mari. ⑴ I have a friend. She can speak English and French. ⑵ M ary has a dog. It runs fast. ⑶ Please show me the picture. It was taken by your uncle. ⑷ Do you know the boy? He can play video games very well. ⑸ Look at that mountain. It is covered with snow. ⑹ We have a son. He works very hard. 次の文の適する位置に( )内の関係代名詞を入れ,全文を書きなさい。 ⑴ Here is a picture my brother painted. (which) ⑵ This is the car Mr. Smith bought last month. (that) ⑶ The story I read yesterday was very interesting. (that) ⑷ The tall building we see by the river is our school. (which) ⑸ M iss White is a teacher we all love. (that) 122 , is good at tennis. 次の2つの文を,who か which を使って1つの文に書きかえなさい。 □ carry 運ぶ,持っていく □ river 川 ▶ □ snow 雪 □ son 息子 □ paint (絵の具で絵を)描く ▶ □ by ∼のそばに Unit 14 関係代名詞 次の2つの文を,( )内の語を使って1つの文に書きかえなさい。 ▶ ⑴ I ll lend you the book. I bought it yesterday. (which) ⑵ I have lost the watch. Father gave it to me. (that) ⑶ I ll show you some pictures. I took them in Hokkaido. (which) ⑷ The building was built last year. You see it at the foot of the hill. (that) ⑸ The boy was very kind. We met him at the station yesterday. (that) 意味の通る英文になるように,( )内の語句を並べかえて全文を書きなさい。 ⑴ This is the notebook (my brother /which /gave to me). ⑵ I like the song (that /is singing /Nancy). ⑶ I know a boy (that /baseball /very much /likes). ⑷ Here is a girl (China /from /who /is). ⑸ Look at the dog (running /which /is /in the park). ⑹ The sport (can /I /well /play) is tennis. 次の日本文に合う英文になるように, ⑴ に適する語を書きなさい。 私にはアメリカ合衆国出身の友達がいます。 I have a ⑵ おじが私にくれた犬をあなたに見せてあげましょう。 I ll show you the ⑶ the best. sports very much. 私はとても速く走る車を持っています。 I have a ⑹ to me. 光司はスポーツがとても好きな少年です。 Koji is a ⑸ my uncle これは私が一番好きな歌です。 This is the ⑷ from the United States. very fast. ニュージーランドは私たちが去年訪れた国です。 New Zealand is a last year. □ lost<lose(なくす)の過去形・過去分詞 □ at the foot of∼ ∼のふもとに □ kind 親切な □ United States (the ∼ で)アメリカ合衆国 □ New Zealand ニュージーランド 123 次の文の下線部の関係代名詞が省略できる場合は○を,省略できない場合は×を書きなさい。 ⑴ I know a man who likes singing very much. 〔 〕 ⑵ There s something that I want to show you. 〔 〕 ⑶ Look at the girls who are walking over there. 〔 〕 ⑷ The doll which she bought yesterday was pretty. 〔 〕 ⑸ She keeps a dog which has a long tail. 〔 〕 ⑹ This is the radio which my uncle gave to me. 〔 〕 ⑺ The plane that we saw yesterday was very big. 〔 〕 次の2つの文を,( )内の語を使って1つの文に書きかえなさい。 ⑴ I keep a dog. It swims very well. (that) ⑵ The mountain is called Mt. Fuji. It is the highest in Japan. (which) ⑶ The girl is a friend of mine. You see her over there. (that) ⑷ The bridge is very beautiful. It was built last year. (that) ⑸ Look at the baby. She has very big eyes. (who) ⑹ These books were very interesting. M r. Mori wrote them. (which) 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ に適する語を書きなさい。 This is a fish which was caught by Mr. Yamada. This is a fish Mr. Yamada . That picture was taken by Toshiki. That is a picture which Toshiki . I m looking for a man to help me. I m looking for a man will help me. The boys were playing basketball yesterday. I took pictures of them. I took pictures of the boys playing basketball yesterday. 明法> I visited an old man who was called Joe. I visited an old man Joe. China is a big country with a long history. China is a big country a long history. □ pretty かわいい □ tail しっぽ □ high 高い □ a friend of mine 私の友達 □ bridge 橋 □ look for ∼ ∼をさがす □ history 歴史 124 大阪教育大附・平野> Unit 14 関係代名詞 次の日本文に合う英文になるように,( )内の語を並べかえて全文を書きなさい。 ⑴ 私の姉が去年買ってくれたバッグをなくしてしまいました。 新潟> I (bag /bought /have /lost /my/sister /the) for me last year. ⑵ 何かわからないことがありますか。 (there /don t /anything /you /is /understand /?) ⑶ 髪の長い女の子は私の妹です。 駿台甲府> The (my/has /is /sister /girl /long /who /hair). ⑷ これは彼女を有名にした本です。 This (her /is /made /the /book /which) famous. ⑸ これは私が今までに見た中で,一番大きなりんごです。 This is the biggest apple (ever /I /that /seen /have). 次の日本文を,関係代名詞を使って英文になおしなさい。 ⑴ 私には名古屋に住んでいる姉が1人います。 ⑵ 私は漱石(Soseki)の書いた本を1冊買うつもりです。 ⑶ 8月は7月のあとにくる月です。 ⑷ 彼は私が会ってみたい科学者の一人です。 ⑸ 目の青いその少女はナンシー(Nancy)です。 桜美林> プラス・ワン 英語の授業で,自分が大切にしているものを紹介することになりました。あなたが紹介したいものを1 ,日本語で記入し,それについて説明する文を英語で関係代名詞を使って書きなさい。ただし,語数 0語以上とし,1文で書いても,2文以上で書いてもかまいません。 ( □ speech 演説 和歌山改 ) □ famous 有名な 125 演 習 問 題 次の文の 実 力 養 成 編 Unit 14 に,who,which のうちいずれか適するほうを書きなさい。 ⑴ This is the umbrella ⑵ The boy ⑶ Tell me about the song ⑷ She has a big dog ⑸ There s a boy ⑹ Sapporo is the city ⑺ The students I bought last week. sang very well is Jun. you like the best. is three years old. is waiting for you. I visited last summer. came to our school last year were Meg and Jane. 次の英文を日本文になおしなさい。 ⑴ Tom has a sister who goes to college. ⑵ Is this the camera which your father gave you ? ⑶ The subject I like the best is science. ⑷ Do you know the boy who broke the window? ⑸ There was no name on the notebook which I found. ⑹ Is there anything that I can do for you ? 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ内容を表すように, ⑴ ⑵ ⑶ ⑷ ⑸ ⑹ ⑺ 176 に適する語を書きなさい。 John has an uncle living in Africa. John has an uncle in Africa. The book was very interesting. I read it last month. The book last month was very interesting. Look at the girl with blue eyes. Look at the girl blue eyes. Bob drew the picture. I like it. I like the . Is this the bus for Shibuya ? Is this the bus to Shibuya ? M ary wants to read a book written by a Japanese writer. M ary wants to read a book a Japanese writer There are many poor children. They need our help. There are many poor children our help. .
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