1 稽 阿 在 無 J Tempel van het Licht van Mededogen Centrum voor Shin-Boeddhisme vzw Pretoriastraat 68 B-2600 Antwerpen (Belgium) www.jikoji.com [email protected] Junirai en blz 1 . 2 3 4 5 6 首 弥 彼 量 天 陀 微 佛 人 仙 妙 子 所 両 安 衆 恭敬 足尊 楽国 囲繞 1 kei shu ten nin sho ku gyō a mi da sen zai hi mi mu ryō bus- shi shu jō nyo sen nō ryō zoku son me-u an rak- koku i ne-u 金色身浄 奢摩他行 両目浄若 故我頂礼 如 山王 如 象歩 青蓮 華 弥陀 尊 2 kon jiki shin sha ma ta gyō nyo zō bu jō nyaku shō ren ge ga chō rai mi 面 威 声 故 善 光 如 我 円 猶 天 頂 浄 如 鼓 礼 如満 千日 倶翅 弥陀 月 月 羅 尊 3 men zen en jō nyo man gatsu 観 種 能 故 音 種 伏 我 頂 妙 外 頂 戴 相 道 礼 冠中 宝荘 魔僑 弥陀 住 厳 慢 尊 4 kan non chō 無 衆 所 故 比 徳 作 我 無 皎 利 頂 垢 潔 益 礼 広清 如虚 得自 弥陀 十 無 為 故 方 量 諸 我 名 諸 衆 頂 聞 魔 生 礼 菩薩 常讃 願力 弥陀 ryō moku ko da son kō yū nyo sen nichi gatsu shō nyo ten ku ku shi ko chō rai mi i shu ga ju da ra son dai kan chi-u ji-u me-u sō hō shō gon nō buku ge dō ma ke-u man ko ga chō rai mi 浄 空 在 尊 5 mu bi mu ku kō shō jō shu toku ke-u ketsu nyo ko kū sho sa ri zai ko ga chō 衆 嘆 住 尊 6 jip- pō myō mon bo sas- shu mu ryō sho ma i sho shu jō gan riki ji-u ko ga chō rai mi son da yaku toku ji rai mi da son son jō san dan da 1 With reverence I bow my head to Amida, the Sage, The Most Honored One, who is revered by humans and devas. You dwell in the wonderful Land of Peace and Bliss, Surrounded by innumerable children of the Buddhas. 2 Your spotless golden body is like Sumeru, the king of mountains; Your steps while you are absorbed in Shamatha are like an elephant's; Your eyes are as pure as blue lotus-flowers. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 3 Your face is in perfect shape and serene like the full moon; Your majestic light shines like a thousand suns and moons put together; Your voice sounds like a heavenly drum or a cuckoo. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 4 You reside in the crown which Kannon wears on his head; Your excellent features are adorned with jewelornaments; You destroy anti-Buddhist views, devilish thoughts and conceited ideas. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 5 Incomparable, spotless, broad and pure Is your virtue; it is serene and clear like space. You have attained freedom in giving benefit to beings. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 6 Bodhisattvas in your Land, renowned everywhere in the ten directions, Are always glorified even by innumerable maras; You dwell with the Vow-Power for the sake of all sentient beings. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 7 金 善 於 故 Junirai 10 v. 03 (04/2012) en blz 2 . 9 11 12 宝 所 座 頂 間 成 上 礼 池 妙 如 弥 7 In the jewel-pond strewn with gold sands grows a lotus; 生華 台座 山王 陀尊 7 kon 十方所莱 顕現神通 瞻仰尊顔 故我頂礼 諸 亦 為 故 有 如 衆 我 無 水 説 頂 彼 亦 衆 故 尊 無 人 我 彼 無 往 故 我 衆 所 回 J 8 底 根 彼 我 zen tai hō ken chi shō gon sho jō me-u dai za jō nyo sen nō son o hi ko ga chō rai mi 諸 佛子 至 安楽 常恭 敬 弥陀 尊 8 jip- pō sho rai sho bus- shi ken gen jin zu shi an raku sen gō son gen jō ku gyō ko ga chō rai mi da son 常 月 法 礼 無我 電影 無名 弥陀 等 露 字 尊 9 sho u mu mu ga tō sui gatsu den yō ro 佛 如 至 頂 刹 人 心 礼 無悪 悪道 敬彼 弥陀 名 怖 尊 尊 10 hi 尊 有 生 我 無 諸 不 頂 量 趣 退 礼 方便 悪知 至菩 弥陀 説 善 獲 施 彼 無 善 衆 尊 辺 根 生 功徳 如海 清浄 生彼 yaku nyo i ko za ke jō da shu sep- pō mu myō ga mi chō rai da ji son son bus- setsu mu aku myō yaku mu nyo nin aku dō shu nin shi shin kyō hi son ko ga chō rai mi da son 境 識 提 尊 11 hi son mu ryō hō ben kyō 事 水 者 国 12 ga setsu hi shu zen mu hen nyo kai mu u ō jō ko ga sho shu aku chi shiki fu tai shi bo dai chō rai mi da son son ku doku sho gyaku zen gon shō e se fu shu jō shō jō ji sui sha hi koku The excellent throne on its dais has been produced by your acts of merit; On the throne you are seated like the king of mountains. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 8 From the ten directions the Buddhas' children come in flocks; Manifesting supernatural powers, they reach the Land of Peace and Bliss. They look up at your august face adoringly and worship you without interruption. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 9 All things are impermanent and selfless, Like an image of the moon in the water, lightning or morning dew. Your sermons to the multitudes are, in reality, wordless. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 10 In the Revered Buddha's Land exist no evil names, Nor are there beings in the female form, nor fear of evil realms. All worship the Honored One in sincerity of heart. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 11 In the Buddha's Land accomplished with innumerable skillful devices, There are no samsaric realms, nor evil teachers; Upon attaining birth there, one reaches Bodhi without falling back. Hence, I prostrate myself to the ground and worship Amida, the Holy One. 12 I have extolled the Buddha's excellent virtue, Thereby acquiring boundless merit like the ocean. The roots of pure good I have thus acquired I wish to share with other beings, aspiring together to be born in his Land.
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