Seminar on Advanced Energy Engineering Science No.16 (2016-vol. 2) 平成 28 年度 第2回 先端エネルギー理工学セミナーのお知らせ Seminar on Advanced Energy Engineering Science 下記のとおり、先端エネルギー理工セミナーを開催致します。通常通り単位取得の一環にな りますので、奮って参加いただきますよう、ご案内申し上げます。 記 対象:大学院学生(修士、博士)/ For master students and Ph.D. students 日時:2016 年 10 月 31 日(月)14:50-16:20 場所:総合理工学府 H 棟(先端エネルギー理工学専攻棟)2階講義室 Lecture Room on 2F in H building 講演者:Sadruddin Benkadda (Aix Marseille Université-CNRS Marseille, FRANCE) 講演題目:Nonlinear Dynamics of Turbulent Driven Magnetic Islands Abstract: Micro-scale turbulent fluctuations, zonal flows and MHD activity coexist in a plasma [1]. The study of the interaction between turbulence and magnetic island is becoming an active field of investigation in the plasma community [2,3,4,5]. However, there is still no clear experimental proof that both interact significantly together and that turbulence can be at the origin of a strong MHD activity. Recently [6], by means of numerical investigations it has been proposed a specific signature of turbulence driven magnetic islands which could be used to demonstrate experimentally that islands can be triggered by turbulence. Moreover, it has been shown that edge/interchange turbulence could also trigger, remotely, (2/1) magnetic islands located in an inner region. It is also found that the island size could be larger than the NTM onset threshold in ITER context [10]. Such turbulent driven seed island can be amplified by the bootstrap current and lead to the self-consistent generation of an NTM by turbulence [7]. These results will be reviewed in the context of tokamak physics. [1] B.J. Ding et al, Plasm. Phys. Control. Fusion, 46, 1467 (2004) [2] F.Waelbroeck et al, Plasma Phys. Controlled Fusion, 51, 015015 (2009) [3] M. Muraglia et al, Nucl. Fusion, 49, 055016 (2009) [4] M. Muraglia et al, Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 095003 (2011) [5] A. Ishizawa et al, lNucl. Fusion, 53, 053007 (2013) [6] O. Agullo et al, Phys. of Plasmas 21, 092303 (2014) DOI: 10.1063/1.4894699 [7] M. Muraglia et al, Annual APS Meeting, Plasma Physics Division, Vol. 56 (2014) DOI: 10.13140/2.1.1877.8565 問い合わせ先:[email protected] Seminar on Advanced Energy Engineering Science No.16 (2016-vol. 2) 【単位認定について】 先端エネルギー理工学特別講義 第二<M3902>または先端エネルギー理工学特別講義 第一<M3901>※の単位として認定さ れます。 先端エネルギー理工学セミナー Seminar on Advanced Energy Engineering Science は バウチャー制を採用しており、7 回 当セミナーを受講した学生には 1 単位が認定されることになっています。先端エネル ギー理工学専攻の学生はもちろん、先端エネルギー理工学専攻以外の学生諸君も是非聴講して下さい。 ※第一<M3901>の単位認定は英語による講義が対象 [Recognition of Credit] By attending this seminar, you can earn credit for Advanced Energy Engineering Science's Special Lecture 2nd <M3902> or Special Lecture 1st <M3901>.* Seminars on Advanced Energy Engineering Science are taking to the concept of voucher system, which awards one credit to the students who have attended the ones 7 times. Not only students for Department of Advanced Energy Engineering Science but other departments' students are also welcomed to audit the seminars. *Recognition of credit for the Special Lecture 1st<M3901> is only applicable for seminars conducted in English.
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