CURRICULUM VITAE Jordan Sand Professor of Japanese History Georgetown University [email protected] EDUCATION Ph.D., Columbia University, Modern Japanese History, 1995 M.E., Tokyo University, Architecture History, 1988 B.A., Columbia University, East Asian Languages and Cultures, 1984 EMPLOYMENT Georgetown University Assistant Professor of Japanese History and Culture, September 1996 - June, 2004 Associate Professor of Japanese History and Culture, July, 2004 – June, 2014 Professor of Japanese History (appointed January, 2014) Department and Program Affiliations Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures (Department Chair, 2009-2011) Department of History, joint appointment School of Foreign Service Asian Studies Program, associated faculty member School of Foreign Service Culture and Politics Program, associated faculty member Visiting Positions Distinguished Visiting Professor, Sophia University, Tokyo, May-July, 2014. Visiting Professor, Tokyo University Graduate School in Information Studies, 2012-13 Visiting Professor, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, May 2006 Visiting Research Fellow, Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, 2004-5 Toyota Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, 2001-2 Visiting Research Fellow, International Center for Japanese Studies, Kyoto, 1999 HONORS, GRANTS AND AWARDS SSRC Abe Fellowship, 2015-17 Tokyo University ITASIA graduate program teaching award, best teacher and mentor, 2013 John King Fairbank Prize, American Historical Association, for House and Home in Modern Japan, 2005 John Whitney Hall Prize, Association for Asian Studies, for House and Home in Modern Japan, 2005 Alice Davis Hitchcock Prize, Society of Architectural Historians, for House and Home in Modern Japan, 2005 Finalist, International Conference of Asian Scholars award for the best book in the humanities, for House and Home in Modern Japan, 2005 Fulbright Fellowship, 2008-9 (Visiting Scholar, Tokyo University Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies) German Historical Institute conference grant, Spring 2008 Northeast Asia Council conference grant, Fall, 2007 Donald Keene Center conference grant, Spring 2007 National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship, 2006 Postdoctoral Fellow, Reischauer Institute, Harvard University, 1996 Yokohama Fellowship (Yokohama Association for International Communications and Exchange), 1994-5. Visiting scholar, Yokohama City University. Japan Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship, 1992-3. Visiting scholar, Tokyo University. Georgetown University Competitive Grants: GSAS Summer Research Grant, 2015 GSAS Summer Research Grant, 2011 FLL Summer Research Grant, 2005 GSAS Summer Research Grant, 2002 GSAS Summer Research Grant, 1998 FLL Summer Research Grant, 1997 TEACHING Courses at Georgetown University Approaches to the Modern City, Fall 2013, Fall 2014 Modern Japan in Global Perspective (graduate), Spring 2001, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2014, Spring 2015 Megacity Edo-Tokyo (Japanese 351), Spring 2008, Fall 2010 Food in World History (History 405), Fall 2003, Fall 2005, Fall 2007 Cultures of Modernization in East Asia (undergraduate), Spring 2004, (graduate) Spring 2014 History of Japan I (History 124), Fall, 2005 History of Japan II (History 125, History 225), Spring 1997, Spring 1998, Spring 2001, Spring 2003, Spring 2004, Spring 2006, Spring 2008, Spring 2010, Spring 2011, Spring 2014, Spring 2015 Readings in Japanese History and Society (Japanese 333-334, Japanese 401), Spring 1997, Fall 1997, Spring 1998, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Spring 2001, Fall 2002, Spring 2003, Fall 2003 Senior Seminar in Japanese and Chinese (Japanese/Chinese 459), Fall 1997 Senior Seminar in Japanese (Japanese 459), Fall 2007, Fall 2008, Fall 2010, Fall 2011 Buildings and Cities in Japanese History (Japanese 351/History 224), Fall 1997, Fall 2002 Mass Society and Culture in Modern Japan (Japanese 352/History 321), Fall 1998, Fall 2000 East Asia: Texts and Contexts (Japanese/Chinese 024), Fall 2000, Spring 2003, Spring 2006, Fall 2013 Courses at University of Michigan Historical Perspectives on Japanese Architecture and Space (Asian Studies 491/History 590), Fall 2001 Meiji Japan Through Material and Visual Culture (Asian Studies 600, graduate), Winter 2002 Courses at Tokyo University Approaches to the Modern City (graduate), Winter 2012 – Spring 2013 Invited seminars at EHESS, Paris and CJIS, Strassbourg PUBLICATIONS (* indicates non-refereed; all others refereed) Books 『 帝 国 日 本 の 生 活 空 間 』 (Everyday Life and Material Culture in Imperial Japan), translation by Amanai Daiki. Forthcoming, Iwanami shoten, 2015. A study of the Japanese empire through material culture, combining revised versions of three previously published essays with three new chapters and a new introduction and conclusion. Chinese translation forthcoming, Tsinghua University Press. Tokyo Vernacular: Common Spaces, Local Histories, Found Objects. University of California Press, 2013. A study of urban space and public memory in Tokyo from the late 1960s to the present. Chinese translation forthcoming, Tsinghua University Press. House and Home in Modern Japan: Architecture, Domestic Space and Bourgeois Culture, 1880-1930. Harvard University Press, 2004. Chinese translation forthcoming, Peking University Press, 2015. A social and cultural history of the Japanese home, reading the formation of ideologies of gender, class and nation in material culture and urban space. *『 佃 に 渡 し が あ っ た 』 [When There Was a Ferry-Crossing to Tsukuda]. Iwanami shoten, 1994; Photo collection with essays about Tokyo’s last fishing community, coauthored with Mori Mayumi. Journal Special Issues and Edited Volumes Imperial Japan and Colonial Sensibility: Object, Affect, Embodiment. Special issue of Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique. Edited contributors’ essays and authored introduction. 21:1, Winter 2012-13. Flammable Cities: Urban Conflagration in the Making of the Modern World. University of Wisconsin Press, 2012. Conceived and co-edited a volume of eighteen scholarly articles; coauthored introduction. Living with Uncertainty after March 11, 2011. Special issue of Journal of Asian Studies on the Japanese earthquake and tsunami; selected, co-translated and edited three contributors’ essays; authored introduction. May 2012. Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies. Collection of 13 essays on key terms in Japanese studies. Peer-reviewed and published in the UC Berkeley e-scholarship repository, 2012; also forthcoming as a special issue of the journal Review of Japanese Culture and Society. Edited and translated papers, co-authored introduction. *Hyperart Thomasson, by Akasegawa Genpei, translated by Matthew Fargo. Edited translation and authored afterword. Kaya Press, 2010. 「 モ ノ と し て の 美 術 : マ テ リ ア リ テ ィ ・ 物 質 性 」 [The Artwork as Thing: Materiality]. Special issue of Bijutsu Forum. Co-editor and contributor; co-authored introduction. Fall 2009. Pictures and Things: Between Visual and Material Culture in Japan. Co-editor and contributor, co-authored introduction. Impressions special issue, Spring 2009. Articles * “Global Warming and Network Think” Public Books (www.publicbooks. com), December 15, 2014 “Imperial Tokyo as a Contact Zone: The Metropolitan Tours of Taiwanese Aborigines, 18971941,” Asia-Pacific Journal, March 2014 (on-line). *“Watashi no mita Tōkyō: teisō kōmitsudo kyojū” (My View of Tokyo: Low-Rise, HighDensity Living), Toshi keikaku [Japanese Journal of Urban Planning], Spring 2014. “Subaltern Imperialism: the New Historiography of the Japanese Empire,” multi-book review essay, Past and Present, 2014. *「メタファーとしての式年遷宮」(Ise Shrine’s Periodic Reconstruction as Metaphor), six-part series in the journal Tosho, Iwanami shoten, 2013-14. “Japan’s Monument Problem: Ise Shrine as Metaphor,” Past and Present supplement, “Heritage in the Modern World,” edited by Paul Betts and Corey Ross. 2014. “How Tokyo Invented Sushi.” In Food and the City, edited by John Beardsley and Dorothée Imbert. Harvard University Press and Dumbarton Oaks, 2015. “Tropical Furniture and Bodily Comportment in Colonial Asia.” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique, 21:1, Winter 2012-13. French translation, Collège de France, 2013. “Governance, Arson, and Firefighting in Edo, 1600-1868,” with Steven Wills. In Flammable Cities: Urban Conflagration in the Making of the Modern World. University of Wisconsin Press, 2012. “Property in Two Fire Regimes: Edo-Tokyo in the Seventeenth through Twentieth Centuries.” In Carole Shammas, ed., Investing in the Early Modern Built Environment: Europeans, Asians, Settlers and Indigenous Societies. Brill, 2012. “Chūryū/中流/Middling.” In Working Words: New Approaches to Japanese Studies, edited by Jordan Sand, Alan Tansman and Dennis Washburn, 2012. (study of changing concepts of the middle class in modern Japan). Reprinted in Review of Japanese Culture and Society, Winter 2013. * “Diary: From Tokyo” London Review of Books, April 2011. Essay on the historical background to earthquake response in Japan. *「<谷根千>の想像」[Imagining Yanesen], afterword to Mori Mayumi, Dakishimeru Tōkyō『抱きしめる東京』 [Embracing Tokyo]. Popura bunko, 2010. *”Open Letter to Gary Thomasson,” afterword to Hyperart: Thomasson, by Akasegawa Genpei. Kaya Press, 2010. (interpretation of a popular art phenomenon of the 1980s through a historical survey of urban observation movements in Japan) 「ちゃぶ台論をひっくり返す-小寺家のちゃぶ台」 [Upsetting the Theory of the Family Dining Table: The Kodera Family Table], in 「モノとしての美術:マテリアリティ・物 質性」[The Artwork as Thing: Materiality], special issue of Bijutsu Forum. Fall 2009. (Translation of “The Kodera Family Table,” 2009) *「谷根千建築紀行」 [Yanesen Architectural Travelogue], 『地域雑誌:谷中、根津、千 駄木』[Community Journal: Yanaka, Nezu, Sendagi] no.94, summer 2009. Dialogue on Tokyo architecture and preservation with editor Mori Mayumi. 「都市観察の美学―考現学とその子孫」[The Aesthetics of Urban Observation: Modernology and Its Descendants].『建築雑誌』[Journal of Architecture and Building Science], Summer 2009. Essay in the journal of the Japanese Society of Architects. 「グルタミン酸ソーダの小史」. Translation of “A Short History of MSG,” Tokyo University Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies Annual (Jōhō gakkan kiyō), Spring 2009. *“Unlikely Art,” Australian Financial Review, February 20, 2009. “The Kodera Family Table,” Impressions 30, Spring 2009. (study of domestic practices and ideology in modern Japan through the life history of a dining table) “Landscape of Contradictions: the Bourgeois Mind and the Early Twentieth-Century Colonization of Tokyo’s Suburbs.” Japanese Studies, Summer 2009 「<文化住宅>というメディア文化の産物」[The Culture House as a Product of Media Culture], in 鈴木博之先生退官記念論文集 [Studies in Honor of Professor Suzuki Hiroyuki], Chūō kōron bijutsusha, 2009. “Gentlemen’s Agreement, 1908: Fragments for a Pacific History.” Representations, Summer 2009. “From Everyday Life to Print: On the Production of Two Modern Japanese Textual Genres.” Proceedings of the Association for Japanese Literary Studies, 2007. *「アメリカよりみた靖国問題:ドーク氏に反論する」 [The Yasukuni Problem from an American Perspective: a Response to Kevin Doak], ネチズンカレッジ学術論文データ ベース 12, May 2007. “Utopia of Fragments: Street Observation Science and the Tokyo Economic Bubble, 19861990.” In Spaces of the Modern City, edited by Gyan Prakash. Princeton University Press, 2007. *“Showa Nostalgia,” Weekend Australian Financial Review, April 5-9. 2007. “The Ambivalence of the New Breed: Nostalgic Consumerism in 1980’s and 1990’s Tokyo.” In The Ambivalent Consumer, edited by Sheldon Garon and Patricia MacLachlan, Cornell University Press, 2006. “A Short History of MSG: Good Science, Bad Science and Taste Cultures.” Gastronomica, 5:4, November, 2005. Reprinted in Critical Readings on Food in East Asia, edited by Katarzyna Cwiertka, Brill, 2012; reprinted in Best of Gastronomica, tenth anniversary commemorative issue, 2013. “Monumentalizing the Everyday: The Edo-Tokyo Museum.” Critical Asian Studies, Fall 2001. “Was Meiji Taste in Interiors ‘Orientalist’?” Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique, Winter 2000. “The Cultured Life as Contested Space: Dwelling and Discourse in the 1920’s.” In Being Modern in Japan: Culture and Society from the 1910s to the 1930s, edited by Elise Tipton and John Clark. Australian Humanities Research Foundation and University of Hawai‘i Press, 2000. “Historians and Public Memory in Japan: The ‘Comfort Women’ Controversy” (essay and translations). History and Memory, December 1999. “At Home in the Meiji Period: Inventing Japanese Domesticity.” In Mirror of Modernity: Invented Traditions in Modern Japan, edited by Stephen Vlastos. University of California Press, 1998. “Facade and Essence: Recent Writings on the History of Japanese Architecture.” Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, June, 1998. 「学会展望-米国における日本建築史研究」、『建築史学』 28 号, 1997 年. [“State of the Field Report: Research in the United States on Japanese Architectural History.” Journal of Architecture History (Japan), no. 28 (1997)] 「歴史的建造物保全の問題と対策―市民ビジョンの対比」,『大都市問題への挑戦―東 京とニューヨーク』 東京市政調査会、1992 年 [“Contrasting Civic Visions: Historic Preservation Issues and Policies in New York and Tokyo.” In The Challenge of Large Metropolises: Tokyo and New York, Tokyo: Tokyo Municipal Administration Research Society, 1992]. Conferences, Papers and Lectures (past five years) 2015: Bard Graduate Center, Duke, Columbia 2014: Vanderbilt, Harvard, Berkeley “Tokyo Bay as a Productive Landscape,” Conference on the Country and the City, Renmin University, Beijing, May 2014. “Constructing Deficiency: Nutrition and Expertise in Modern East Asia,” conference panel discussant, Association for Asian Studies annual conference, Philadelphia, March 28, 2014. “Atoms for Dream.” Commentator at a public presentation by Yoshimi Shun’ya, US-Japan Research Institute, Washington DC, February 24, 2014. “An Alternative History of Housing in the World’s First Megacity,” Tokyo: Infrastructure and Environment panel, American Historical Association Annual Conference, Washington, DC, January 3, 2014; University of North Carolina Triangle Japanese Studies Conference, March 2014; Harvard University Reischauer Institute, December 5, 2014. “Preservation in Tokyo: Questions of Scale,” Preservation in Asian Cities panel, American Institute of Architects NY, December 3, 2013. “Tokyo Vernacular: Common Spaces, Local Histories, Found Objects,” Harvard University, November 8, 2013; Columbia University, November 26, 2013; Sophia University, June 9, 2014. “What Can Early Modern Japan’s Capital of Edo Teach Us about Risk Management?” New Technologies and Work annual workshop, “The Illusion of Risk Control,” Toulouse, France, November 20, 2013. “Space, Performance and Text in the Shinjuku West Exit Underground Plaza Incident, 1969,” Association for Japanese Literary Studies keynote panel, Chicago, October 11, 2013. 「渋沢敬三:もうひとつの民間学」. Commentator at a symposium on the life and work of industrialist, collector and folklore scholar Shibusawa Keizo. Tokyo University, September 7, 2013. “In Search of Local Color: Tourism, Culture, and Place in Imperial Japan,” conference panel discussant, Association for Asian Studies annual conference, San Diego, March 22, 2013. “Tokyo Vernacular: Common Spaces, Local Histories, Found Objects,” Waseda University Global Studies Lecture, January 11, 2013. “How Tokyo Invented Sushi," Food and the City Conference, Dumbarton Oaks, May 2012; Sophia University, May 2013; Dickinson College, March 2014. "In What Ways Was Tokyo an Imperial City?” Global Modernity and Asian Urban History Conference, National University of Singapore, September 12-13, 2011; Bryn Mawr, February 2012; University of Southern California, March 2012; University of Tokyo, September 2012; University of Hawaii, November 2012; Tokyo University, May 2013; Kyoto Media Shop, June 2013 (in Japanese). “Understanding March 11, 2011 in Japanese History,” Washington and Jefferson College, March, 2012. “Thoughts on the State of East Asian Studies: the Importance of the Humanities.” Johns Hopkins University Futures Seminar, September 15th, 2011. “The Invention of Japanese Cuisine,” Donald Keene Center, Columbia University. Academic lecture and public dialogue with “Iron Chef” Morimoto Masaharu, October 4, 2011. “Before and After the Banquet; Culinary Discourse in Japan, 1500-1900.” Panel discussant, Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, Honolulu, March, 2011. “Architect Tange Kenzō and the Firebombing of Tokyo,” War and Its Representations Conference, UC Berkeley, March 3rd, 2011. “Commons and Community in Late Twentieth-Century Tokyo: the Case of ‘Yanesen.’” Oxford University, October 11th, 2010. 「アジア植民地における家具と立ち居振る舞い」[Furniture and Bodily Comportment in Colonial Asia]. Representation, Distribution, Collection: Rethinking Visual and Material Culture in Modern Japan Conference, Dōshisha University, Kyoto, June 11, 2010. Tokyo University Cultural Resource Studies seminar, July 2012. “Organicism and the Vernacular City: Tokyo in the 1960s and 1970s.” Senses and the City Conference, University of Toronto, May 9, 2010. “The Invention of Japanese Cuisine.” Reischauer Institute for Japanese Studies Japan Forum lecture, Harvard University, April 9, 2010. “The Heritage of Everyday Life in Japanese Museums.” Cultural Heritage in East Asia Conference, Sainsbury Institute, University of East Anglia and University College London, March 12-13, 2010. “The Logic of the Burnable City: Fire and Property in Edo-Tokyo, 1600-1900.” Georgetown University Early Modern Global History Colloquium, October 18, 2009; University of Delaware History Department Faculty Colloquium, November 3, 2009; Dutch Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences Colloquium “Fire in Human Evolution, Human History, and Human Society,” Amsterdam, December 15, 2009. “Japanese Hybrid Gastronomy at the Beginning and End of the Twentieth Century: ‘The Gourmet’s Delight’ and ‘The Iron Chef.’” UC Berkeley Center for Japanese Studies 50th Anniversary Symposium, “History and Contemporary Forms of Japanese Food Culture,” November 8, 2009. “Hybridity and Modernity in Japanese Architecture.” panel commentator, Northeast U.S. Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, October 3, 2009. 「江戸の火事から学ぶ-比較近世史の試み」(Learning from Edo’s Fires: A Comparative Approach to Early Modern History). Public lecture at Tokyo University of Science, June 22, 2009. 「住まいの変遷より見た日本の近代か」 [Japanese Modernization from the Perspective of Changes in the Home], public lecture, Minato-ku, Tokyo, June 16, 2009. “Revisiting Postwar Japan” panel discussant, Sophia University, May 31, 2009. “Understanding the Historical Factors That Shape Tokyo Buildings,” lecture and workshop, University of Miami School of Architecture Summer Open Studio in Tokyo, May 21, 2009. “Modernization in Japan as Seen in the Changing Home,” public lecture, Minato-ku, Tokyo, May 16, 2009. “Yanesen kenchiku kikō” [Yanesen Tokyo Architectural Travelogue], public lecture, Tokyo, May 2, 2009. “Property in Two Fire Regimes: Edo-Tokyo in the Seventeenth through Nineteenth Centuries,” paper presented at the conference “Permanence and the Built Environment in the Pacific Basin,” University of Southern California, April 17-19, 2009. AFFILIATIONS AND SERVICE TO THE PROFESSION Professional Affiliations Association for Asian Studies, member since 1994 American Historical Association, member since 2004 Society of Architectural Historians, member since 2005 日本建築史学会 [Japan Society of Architecture History], member since 1988 家具室内史学会 [Society for the History of Furniture and Interiors], member since 2008 Northeast Asia Council grant committee, 2012-. Chair, 2014- Social Science Research Council/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science grant committee, 2011North American Coordinating Council for Japanese Libraries, 2013- Manuscripts Reviewed University of California Press, Harvard University Press, Columbia University Press, Princeton University Press, University of Hawaii Press, Blackwell, Palgrave, and other presses; Japan Forum, Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of Japanese Studies, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, Modern Asian Studies, Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique, and other journals. Editorial Positions Associate Editor for Japan, Journal of Asian Studies, March 2006-present Updated June 2015
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