fccj news ● Bulletin from the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan 在日フィンランド商工会議所ニュースレター Foreign Chambers Business Confidence Survey Volume 17 Issue 3 - June 2015 第27回外国商工会議所(FCIJ)ビジネス景況調査 Spring 2015 The Foreign Chambers in Japan (FCIJ) has been conducting Business Confidence surveys online twice a year since 2002 among foreignaffiliated companies in Japan. This, the 27th, survey was conducted between April 14 and 24, 2015, and received 316 valid responses (an increase of 6% from previous survey) from members of 15 foreign chambers of commerce and business organizations. Participating organizations included the ACCJ (American Chamber), ANZCCJ (Australian and New Zealand), BCCJ (British), BLCCJ (Belgian-Luxembourg), CCCJ (Canadian), DCCJ (Danish), FCCJ (Finnish), CCIFJ (French), DIHKJ (German), IJCC (Irish), ICCJ (Italian), NCCJ (Dutch), NoCCCJ (Norwegian), SACCJ (South African), SCCJ (Swedish) and SCCIJ (Swiss Chamber). The survey was run and processed on behalf of all the chambers by the FCCJ. Across the board, this survey shows further improved sentiments compared to the previous survey conducted in October 2014. The respondents remain more positive about the Japanese economy, for the next 6 months it is expected to continue to grow - the index, on a scale from +2 (strong improvement) to -2 (strong decline) - was now +0.69, compared to +0.33 in October. 67% of the respondents expect strong or some improvement while only 5 % see some decline (none strong decline). Looking 12 months ahead, the respondents see a further growth, and on a higher lower level forecasted in the previous survey. The index was now +0.74, compared to +0.42 in the previous survey. The reported performance of the companies continued to improve and on a somewhat higher level than in the October survey. The index for reported sales performance in the past six months was now +0.71 compared to +0.59 the previous survey. Also the profitability growth increased, now +0.50 now compared to +0.39 in October. In the sales forecast for the coming six months the respondents were slightly more optimistic than in October, the index was now +0.89 (previous survey +0.82). The forecast for profitability also grew slightly stronger than in the October survey, from +0.63 to +0.67. The optimism reflected in the company performance data also clearly show that the strategies of the foreign-affiliated companies in Japan continue to be bullish. 78% (79% in the October survey) are looking for further growth and 18% are expecting to sustain their current level. Only 2% is planning to downsize and also 2 % of the respondents are considering withdrawing from Japan. 在日外国商工会議所は、2002年から ビジネス景況アンケート調査を年2回実 施している。今回は第27回目の調査で あり、2015年4月14~24日に実施され、 16の在日外国商工会議所から316の有効 的返答を受け取った。 この調査はFCCJが全てを計画実施して いる。 日本経済に関しての見解は肯定的のま まであり、前回2014年の秋の調査結果 を30~40%上回った。また、報告され期 待された販売および利益に関しては肯定 的な結果であり、前回の10月の調査より 10~15%より高い結果となった。 次回の調 査は2015年10月に実施する予 Economy next 12 months 今後12ヶ月の日本経済の予測 定。全レポートに関してはこちら: www.fcc.or.jp/fcij/bcs.html Sales next 6 months 今後6ヶ月の売上げ Strategies in Japan 日本での企業戦略 This time the survey included two alternating questions. The first was regarding need for structural changes in Japan, where “Make Japanese economy more competitive” was selected by 33% of the respondents. “Change regulations for domestic & foreign firms” got 20% and “Change labor relationships between workers & firms” 18%. The second alternating question was on the views on optimal exchange rates that would profit both Japan and the foreign companies. The European chamber members were asked about the JPY/ EUR rate, the others the JPY/USD rate. Interestingly, the respondents’ opinion was that the current JPY/EUR rate (127.3 - 129.4 in the survey period) was close to the optimal, average response was 124.9. As for JPY/USD the average response was 109.6 when the actual rate in the period was 119.2 - 120.3. The next survey will be conducted in October 2015. This survey was supported by: FINNAIR, MOS Tax Corporation and Asian Tigers Mobility For the full report, go to: www.fcc.or.jp/fcij/bcs.html from the boardroom Tokyo Olympics 2020 The Japan Olympic Committee (JOC) announced 8 events as the host country’s advantage top on the present Olympics event on 22 June. The 26 associations applied this occasion to be the honorable event however it was tough selection. This does not mean official however The International Olympic Committee (IOC) will decide the final events for Tokyo Olympic 2020 by August 2016. In the first selection, these sports passed: • Baseball & Soft Ball • Karate (Martial Srts) • Squash • Roller sports • Surfing • Bowling • Sports climbing and Taichi (Taikyoku ken) Sumo, Chess, Bridge (card game), Billiards and others were left out of the first selection. The associations and parties of the eight events will continue to promote to be included in final event much more actively and harder than before, no doubt. We still remember strongly the FIFA is in the middle of dirty water of bribery and are interested in who will be the next chairman. Every parties in the FIFA seems very rich and wear nice clothes with gentle smile... The royalty of sponsorship, TV broadcasting for Olympics and World Cup football are increasing time by time and thus influenced to offering bribe to the parties or specified persons. This means to increase royalty naturally. We hope to have fair play to get host country’s advantage event without any back door payments or under the table. There are still discussions regarding design and construction costs for new National stadium here in Tokyo. Tokyo Olympics 2020 will be held center of the heating pan. People can be patient to cheer athletes Indoor sports event however it must be tough and dangerous outside. Therefore we need new stadium with open-close roof for athletes and spectators from all over the world. Hiroaki Sugawara FCCJ Board Member Director, Sales & Marketing, Finn Corporation event reports Monday, 1 June - FCCJ Luncheon Meeting Roleff Kråkström, Managing Director, Moomin Characters Ltd. On Monday, 1 June we had Mr. Roleff Kråkström, Managing Director of Moomin Characters Ltd., as guest speaker at our luncheon meeting. The theme of Mr. Kråkström’s presentation was “The Moomin Story in Japan: A lot of hard work, but also some good luck”. Moomin Characters Ltd is the official body responsible for Moomin copyright supervision. Its operations are based on selling licenses and on finding partners that are number one in their field. Moomin has become a world-wide brand with more than 450 licensees world-wide. An astonishing 45% of the licensing business comes from Japan. The presentation was followed by a lively Q&A session and at the end, Robert Hirst, Chairman of FinTech Global Inc., the main investor in Moomin Monogatari, the company behind the theme park project, explained about the plans for the Moomin theme park in Japan. More details about the park, its location and the timetable for its construction are expected to be announced in the coming months. The event was attended by 36 members and guests. クロークストロム氏のスピーチのテーマは「日本でのムーミンス トーリー、多難と幸運」でした。 ムーミンキャラクター株式会社はムーミンコピーライトを公式に 管理しています。主にライセンスの販売や各地域でのナンバーワン のパートナーを見つけ出すことを業務としています。 ムーミンは現在では450以上のライセンスを持つ世界ブランド であります。驚くことに、そのライセンシングビジネスの45%が 日本からのものであります。 このプレゼンテーションの後には活発な質疑応答がありました。 最後に、テーマパークプロジェクトの背後にある会社、ムーミン物 語の主な投資家であるフィンテックグローバル社チェアマン、ロバ ート・ハースト氏が日本でのムーミンテーマパーク計画について説 明しました。このテーマパークの関しての詳細と建設予定表につき ましてはこの先数ヶ月中に発表されるということです。 今回の昼食会に36名のメンバーおよびゲストが参加。 Akemi Fukushima and Hitomi Kuwata from new FCCJ member company Kitamoc, Ltd. New FCCJ President Pekka Laitinen introduces the guest speaker. new members Kitamoc Ltd. Address: Phone: Fax: Contact: Email: URL: 924-1360, Kitakaruizawa, Naganohara-machi, Agatsuma-gun, GUNMA 377-1412 0279-84-6633 0279-84-3533 Ms. Akemi Fukushima, Representative Director [email protected] http://www.kitamoc.com 新メンバー 有限会社きたもっく 住所: 〒377-1412 群馬県吾妻郡長野原町北軽井沢1924-1360 電話: FAX: 代表: Email: URL: 0279-84-6633 0279-84-3533 福嶋 明美、代表取締役 [email protected] http://www.kitamoc.com Kitamoc Ltd., learns nature, follow nature, and tells the “Luomu” specific country style. Based on the origin of the natural environment of Asama foothills, we are a social business company that looks ahead from tourism to agriculture, and up to food in total. 有限会社きたもっくは、自然に学び、自然に従う、「ルオ ム」的カントリースタイルを伝えます。 浅間山麓の自然(環境)を原点に、観光から農業、そして食 までをトータルで見据えるソーシャルビジネス企業です。 Zava Holdings K.K. ザヴァ・ホールディングス株式会社 Address: Phone: Contact: Email: URL: La Tour Daikanyama # B501 13, Uguisudanicho, Shibuya-ku, TOKYO 159-0032 080-4634-1812 Ms. Barbara Zamora-Vaataja, President [email protected] http://www.scandihub.com Zava Holdings is owner of Scandinavian Center and Moomin International Kindergarten. Scandinavian Center is the first multi purpose space in Tokyo where we believe in the power of collaboration, the importance of advisory, the spirit of entrepreneurship and the paramount role of education as an investment in human capital. We promote innovation, creativity, education, design and business. member news UPM-Kymmene Japan KK UPM-Kymmene Japan KK will move on 17 July 2015. Their new contact information is: Address: Sanno Grand Building 4F 2-14-2 Nagatacho Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0014 Phone: 03-6205-8130 Fax: 03-6205-8132 Izumi Kosan Ltd. Izumi Kosan Ltd. will move on 1 July 2015. Their new contact information is: Address: THE PLAZA F-2F, 5-35-15, Narita-higashi Suginami-ku, TOKYO, 166-0015 Phone: 03-5349-8801 Fax: 03-5349-8803 event reports Thursday, 11 June - Joint Networking Event by CLIC 住所: 〒159-0032 東京都渋谷区鶯谷町13 ラ・トゥール代官山 #b501 電話: 代表: Email: URL: 080-4634-1812 バーバラ・ザモーラ=ヴァータヤ、代表取締役社長 [email protected] http://www.scandihub.com ムーミン・インターナショナル幼稚園は、フィンランドの早 期教育の原理や、北欧の伝統的教育法、クリエイティブ・シ ンキング、グローバル・マインドセットに基づいた世界トッ プレベルの早期幼児教育を東京で提供します。 フィンランドの教育システムは、世界の教育ランキングで常 にトップにあり続けてきました。その教育理念は素晴らしい 成功をおさめ、フィンランドの知識経済と社会的発展を支え るカギとしても、広く世界に知られています メンバーニュース UPMキュンメネ・ジャパン株式会社 UPMキュンメネジャパン株式会社は2015年7月17日に 移転いたします。新しい連絡先は: 住所: 〒100-0014 東京都千代田区永田町2-14-2 山王グランドビル4F 電話: 03-6205-8130 FAX: 03-6205-8132 泉興産株式会社 泉興産株式会社は2015年7月1日に移転いたします。 新しい連絡先は: 住所: 〒166-0015 東京都杉並区成田東5-35-15 THE PLAZA F 2階 電話: 03-5349-8801 FAX: 03-5349-8803 イベント・リポート 6月11日(木)、合同ネットワーキングイベント Steen Kokkenborg, Lego Japan: LEGO - Conquering Japan, Brick by Brick スティーン・コッケンバーグ氏、レゴジャパン社 「日本征服、一つ一つ」 CLIC (Creative Linking of International Chambers) is a loose organization of 8 smaller European Chambers of Commerce in Japan created for the purpose of organizing innovative networking events to enable trading of ideas between the members of the participating chambers. CLIC consists of the Austrian Business Council, the BelgianLuxembourg, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish and Swiss Chambers. The third event was a joint Chambers’ Networking evening where we had Mr Steen Kokkenborg (Representative Director and Vice President) of Lego Japan, as our guest speaker. Mr Kokkenborg shared with us the LEGO Journey in the Japanese market. He noted that LEGO started business in Japan in 1962 with Bandai as distributor and opened their own sales company here in 1978. Japan is currently the fastest growing market in Asia for LEGO. His presentation ended with a very active Q&A session. The event was attended by 125 members and guests from 8 chambers. CLICは在日の8つの小規模なヨーロッパ商工会議所 からなる組織で、参加するメンバー商工会議所のメンバ ー間でビジネスアイデアの交流ができるように革新的ネッ トワーキングイベントを企画することを目的としています。 CLICは、オーストリア、ベルギー&ルクセンブルグ、デンマ ーク、フィンランド、アイスランド、ノルウェー、スウェーデンお よびスイスの商工会議所から成ります。 この3回目のイベントではスティーン・コッケンバー グ氏(レゴジャパン社の代表取締役)をゲストスピーカ ーに迎えました。コッケンバーグ氏は日本でのレゴの道 のりについて語り、レゴは1962年に日本で代理店の バンダイ社と共にビジネスをスタートし、1978年に は独自の販売会社をオープンしました。また、日本はレ ゴ社にとってアジアではもっとも成長している市場でも あります。最後、彼のスピーチは活発な質疑応答で終わりました。 このイベントに8つの商工会議所から125名のメンバーおよび ゲストが参加。 FCCJ理事会員吉田広邦氏に Finnish Decoration to FCCJ Board of Trustees Member Hirokuni Yoshida Mr. Hirokuni Yoshida, Board of Trustees Member and former Vice President of Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan (FCCJ) was bestowed the Insignia of the Knight, First Class, of the Order of the Lion of Finland by the President of the Republic of Finland, Mr. Sauli Niinistö, for his long-term contributions to strengthen business ties between Finland and Japan. On 16 June, 15 people including Mr. Yoshida’s wife Mari as his friends both Finnish and Japanese, attended the ceremony held at the Embassy of Finland in Tokyo and the dinner that followed it. Mr. Yoshida joined Outokumpu Japan in 1987 and was President of Outokumpu K.K. from 1992-2014 and was instrumental in diversifying and expand Outokupu’s business in Japan, and other parts of Asia. Since his retirement in June 2014 he still services as an advisor to the company. When FCCJ was founded in 1999 he played an important role and he served on the Board of Directors first from 1999 to 2003 and again from 2005 to 2014. Mr. Yoshida also served as FCCJ Vice President 19992003 and 2007-2014, and was elected to the Board of Trustees at the general assembly on 8 April 2015. FCCJ congratulates Hirokuni Yoshida for the welldeserved recognition for his long and active service of the chamber and Finnish business in Japan! Ambassador Manu Virtamo presents the Insignia to Hirokuni Yoshida. フィンランドから勲章 在日フィンランド商工会議所の元副会頭の吉田広 邦氏は、フィンランドと日本とのビジネス関係の強化 に長期にわたり貢献されたことに対してサウリ・ニーニ スト・フィンランド共和国大統領からフィンランド獅子 勲章騎士一級章を授与されました。 6月16日、東京の駐日フィンランド大使館で行なわ れた伝達式と夕食会には日本・フィンランドの知人が 招かれ、吉田氏の夫人など約15人が、温かな雰囲 気の中で吉田氏の功績を称え、受勲を共に祝いまし た。 吉田氏は1987年にオウトクンプジャパン社に入 社、1992年~2014年は代表取締役社長を務め、 多角的投資に力を入れ、日本さらにアジアにおける オウトクンプ事業を広げました。2014年6月に退職以 降、彼は会社の顧問を務めております。 1999年にFCCJが設立し、吉田氏は重要な役割 を務め1999年~2003年および再度2005年~20 14年に役員会メンバーでありました。さらに1999年 ~2003年および再度2007年~2014年には吉田 氏はFCCJ副会頭を務め、2015年度FCCJ年次総 会において理事会メンバーに選出されました。 FCCJは、商工会議所と日本におけるフィンランド ビジネスでの長期にわたる多大なる尽力に対して当 然であるこの受勲に吉田氏を祝福いたします。 JMEC is a program designed to foster the development of foreign business in Japan while strengthening the skills of young business executives. The program brings together highly-motivated participants willing to challenge themselves through a business plan competition with companies who want to enter or expand into the Japanese market. Founded in 1993, JMEC is supported by 18 foreign chambers of commerce in Japan. Over he past 21 years, JMEC has trained more than 1,000 young business people, many of whom have gone on to rise in their companies or start their own businesses. The Japan Market Expansion Competition (JMEC) announced the winners of the JMEC 21 program.JMEC Executive Committee Chairman Tom Whitson said: “JMEC 21 involved 54 highly motivated participants from 14 countries who overcame language barriers and other problems to cooperate in small teams to analyze market opportunities for JMEC Project Clients. They developed realistic business plans to crack the Japanese market. Office: Their commitment and energy made them fun to work with.” Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan A total of 12 Project Clients—including small and medium-sized Forest View Meguro 101 enterprises (SMEs), entrepreneurs and global companies— 5-11-17, Shimomeguro commissioned business plans tailored to their specific needs, Meguro-ku, TOKYO 153-0064 Team “Galileo”: First place for a very reasonable price. Some of Tokyo’s most successful Tel. 03-5725-9596, Fax. 03-5725-9597 Project Client: PINK GmbH Thermosysteme foreign managers and business professionals (incl. two FCCJ Executive Director: Clas G. Bystedt From left: JMEC Chair Tom Whitson; team members members, Timo Varhama and Jussi Salmela) trained, mentored Shingo Funahashi, Andrew Scott, Jenny Kwon, Jasmine Assistant: Yoko Marukawa (inand advised the teams as they developed their plans. This Li, and Thomas Appelkamp; Consultant Sid Feinleib; E-mail: [email protected] year FCCJ had no partcicpants nor project clients, but Finnair CEO Jonty Brunner of British Airways (prize sponsor); and ACCJ President Jay Ponazecki (prize sponsor). President: supported the Awards Ceremony. the chamber event calendar Thursday, 27 August イベント予定 8月27日(木) Pekka Laitinen, tel. 080-5172-5984 Vice Presidents: Masaoki Fujita, tel. 043-259-0151 Marko Saarelainen, tel. 03-3479-4169 FCCJ Yakatabune Cruise Finnair AY4159 - Honka HJ4169 Time: 18:30 - 21:00 Fee: Members 10,000 yen, others 12,000 yen FCCJ屋形船クルーズ Finnair AY4159 - Honka HJ4169 時間: 18:30~21:00 参加費:メンバー10,000円、メンバー以外 12,000円 Tuesday, 15 September 9月15日(火) Time: 12:00 - 14:00 Speaker: Hiroshi Kishino, President, Amer Sports Japan, Inc. Venue: Grand Hyatt Tokyo, Drawing Room 2F Fee: Members 6,000 yen, others 8,000 yen FCCJ昼食会 スピーカー: 岸野 博、代表取締役社長、 アメア・スポーツジャパン株式会社 時間: 12:00~14:00 会場: グランド ハイアット東京 ドローイングルー ム2F 参加費:メンバー 6,000円、メンバー以外 8,000円 Other Board Members: Henrik Eklund, tel. 03-5159-8700 Jan Grönblad, tel. 03-3266-9610 Tuomo Kuuppo, tel. 03-3239-5271 Hiroaki Nagahara, tel. 03-3222-1691 Petteri Niska, tel. 03-5449-8311 Marko Salonen, tel. 03-6859-6810 Yoshinori Sano, tel. 03-6420-3031 Hiroaki Sugawara, tel. 03-3456-3933 Tatsunosuke Tominaga, tel. 03-5778-2660 Mari Takaba, tel. 03-5474-6400 Friday, 9 October 10月9日(金) FCCJ Web Site address: FCCJ Luncheon Meeting The 13th Mercedes-Benz - Cole Haan Cup The North America - Europe Golf Challenge in Japan Venue: Atsugi Kokusai C.C. Kanagawa Prefecture Cost: 24,700 yen More info:www.dccgolf-japan.com 第13回メルセデスベンツ・コールハーンカップ 北米・ヨーロッパゴルフマッチ 場所: 厚木国際C.C.、神奈川県 参加費: 24,700円 詳細: www.dccgolf-japan.com For latest information, visit our web site. 最新のイベント情報に関してはウェブサイトをご覧下さい。 NOTE: FCCJ office will be closed from 29 June to 15 July. 注:FCCJオフィスは5月29日から7月15日までお休みいたします。 http://www.fcc.or.jp/ fccj news Published bimonthly by the Finnish Chamber of Commerce in Japan Edited and printed in-house. Editors: Clas G. Bystedt and Yoko Marukawa
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