§21 塩でできたホテル【Red】

§21 塩でできたホテル【Red】
■ 文法的解析
□ [
□ 等位接続詞は
,同形の反復部は*, **, ***などで表現する
□ 関係代名詞節の欠けにはφをうつ
□ 代名詞の対応関係は# [ ~ ] で示す
a I have traveled to so many interesting places in the world.
However, this was one of the most exciting experiences for me ― I stayed in a hotel which was built of salt!
b The unique hotel stands alone on a huge salt desert in Bolivia.
It is about 3,700 meters above the sea and is probably the largest salt bed in the world with an area of about 12,000
square kilometers.
A long time ago, there was no salt desert, but later the ocean floor rose up and mountains were created.
So, a lot of seawater was left in the mountains.
It made a lake.
Then the lake became dry.
A salt desert was left.
c The salt hotel is very strange.
§21 塩でできたホテル【Red】
Beds, tables, chairs, everything is made from salt blocks.
There is no electricity ― the hotel uses the natural heat of the sun.
During the day, the sun makes the blocks of salt warm, and it still keeps the rooms warm and comfortable at night.
§21 塩でできたホテル【Red】
■ 注意事項
be built of ~「~で作られている」
about 3,700 meters above the sea「海抜およそ 3,700 メートル」
富士山の頂上(3,776 メートル)とほぼ同じ高さである。
the largest salt bed (in the world)
↑(with an area of about 12,000 square kilometers
「約 1 万 2,000 平方キロメートルの面積を持つ,世界最大の塩原」
with an area of ~ は「~の面積を持つ」。
ocean floor「海底」
became dry「乾燥した」
“ become +形容詞”で「…になる」。
be made from~「~から作られている」
keeps the rooms warm and comfortable「部屋を暖かく快適に保つ」
“ keep + A +形容詞”で,「Aを…の状態に保つ」。
■ 日本語訳
くわくする経験のうちの 1 つだった。私は塩で作られたホテルに滞在したのだ!
その珍しいホテルは,ボリビアの巨大な塩の砂漠に,ぽつんと建っている。その砂漠は,海抜およそ 3,700
メートルにあり,約 1 万 2,000 平方キロメートルの面積を持つ,おそらく世界最大の塩原だろう。遠い昔,